#you can imagine the discomfort he had to hide from everyone when he was living on a fucking boat constantly salty
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lumiilys · 9 months ago
my random hyperspecific headcanon is that Ed has eczema so he has to be careful about which soaps he uses cause some of them can really irritate his skin :(
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year ago
Hey do you think Sephiroth just. Stops talking. Sometimes. When he’s upset. I do that every once in a while, I get so overwhelmed that my feelings travel from my heart to my stomach and up to my throat where they block words and breath. Do you think he gets that crushing sensation where his lungs and his lips are so coated in emotion he cannot speak, or if he can, only in monotone monosyllabic sentences? Do you think Sephiroth experiences autistic shutdowns too?
He definitely does, which is difficult considering his revered position. He's expected to be flawless, seen as a hero, even exalted as a god amongst men by some. Yet Sephiroth experiences human moments that could rival anyone else's. It often begins when he struggles to get out of bed in the morning, his body feeling too heavy, too burdensome to manage. On those days, he wishes he could liberate his soul, free from his corporeal form and the responsibilities tying him to the planet. Nevertheless he drags himself out of bed. There's work to be done, expectations to fulfill, leaving no time to dwell on his discomfort, no matter how intense his stomach churns, demanding that he eat something, anything. Sephiroth's appetite is the second to go—not because the food is unappealing, but because his appetite, along with his sense of self-preservation, has vanished. He'd rather endure hunger than force-feed himself to maintain a body he's unsure even belongs to him anymore, if it ever did. Self-loathing follows, as he questions his purpose, why he's still here, and why he hasn't succumbed to the pressure of his existence. It's akin to a machine becoming aware of how much its gears hurt the human hands trying to repair it.
That's when speaking to his friends becomes unbearable. Despite knowing their good intentions and feeling fortunate to have friends in his position, he can't bring himself to engage with them. When Angeal speaks, the words feel trapped in Sephiroth's throat, as if a miniature version of himself is hiding in his throat, holding them back, fearing he'll vomit if he speaks. So he remains silent, finding comfort in his own silence, much like his empty stomach. When Genesis asks if he's okay, Sephiroth anticipates the volatile reaction that follows his silence, yet he turns away anyway. Sephiroth walks away, ignoring Genesis's protests, making a mental note to silence his phone when he returns to bed. Fortunately, Angeal and eventually Genesis come to understand that he needs to be alone. And alone he is, each time this cycle repeats. He lies on his bed, feeling numb, yearning to feel his heartbeat race to confirm his existence, to reassure himself that this temporary paralysis is just that—temporary. As he gazes at the ceiling, he imagines the bliss of nonexistence, of simply fading away whenever he wishes, to be free from everyone and everything, if only for a moment, to experience true freedom.
However, Sephiroth is a human, and is set to experience this type of paralysis many times over the years. Yet, like all human lives, endings are inevitable, and perhaps the final instance of Sephiroth feeling paralyzed had been promised to him from the start. So he sits there, hunched over a book, paralyzed by what he sees on the pages.
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edenityy · 2 months ago
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( chapter twenty-seven ! )
"This turned into something unpleasant."
An unsettling chill hangs in the air as the news sinks into everyone's brains. Sebastian's words don't help the revelation either. The prospect of impending death isn't something anyone would enjoy, especially when it's at the hands of animated corpses that want to sink their teeth into your flesh.
Toward the back of the commotion with Ryan Stoker, Leah, and Elizabeth stand with their sides pressed together. Their hands are intertwined as they watch everything with resigned expressions.
"Do you think 'unpleasant' covers it?!" Ciel snaps back and turns his head to view the bodies lying behind them. "Even one of those monsters is a hassle. Just imagine ten times this!"
The room's mood dims even more if that can be deemed possible. To know that escape will be rough, if achievable at all, hurts to think about.
With a sigh, Ciel turns his head back around. "Sebastian. Go ahead and take my aunt and the others to a safe place."
"What are you going to do?" asks Sebastian.
"We'd just be a burden. I also have a gun, we'll be alright for a while," Ciel swiftly reloads the firearm. "Come back as soon as you're sure they are safe!"
Beginning to take off at the order, Sebastian runs towards the nearest exit. "Certainly."
Leah stands with conflicted thoughts, her hand on Elizabeth's arm in comfort and an attempt to calm her shaking. It feels as though something is squeezing her head, the thoughts inside are slow. But despite the conflict, one thing in her mind is clear.
"Do lock my parents in a room if you get the chance!" she calls out after Sebastian, gleefully ignoring the horrible implications of her request.
A gasp escapes Elizabeth. "That's rather rude to say.." her voice is uncharacteristically quiet.
Face contorting in annoyance, Leah scowls and looks away in disdain. "You would say the same thing if you had to live with them."
Ciel tries to shake off the shock of Leah's words. "Well then.." he turns around and aims his gun at the side of Stoker's head. "How about telling me everything? And be brief because I'm not very patient. First of all, how should we deal with them?"
For a mere moment, silence fills the room. Stoker's face has drained of color. It looks as though he doesn't have an answer to the question, but he's also distracted by the snake restricting him and the gun pointed at his head.
"Eh?" he makes a noise of question.
Leah cocks her head. "Are you serious?" she asks incredulously, irritated by his lack of a real response.
"There is no way you decided to transport something so dangerous without any kind of insurance," with furrowed brows, Ciel sharpens his gaze as he looks down at Stoker. "Isn't there another way to stop them aside from smashing their heads?"
"We.. Well, there is one.." Stoker diverts his gaze to the floor in discomfort. "There is a device that allows you to render patients subjected to complete salvation inactive again by exposing them to special supersonic waves."
"That sounds ridiculous."
"And where is it?"
Leah and Ciel's words come flying out at the same time, overlapping each other. The girl is unimpressed by the concept of such a device, blatantly showing her skepticism. There is no way such a thing exists.
Trying to hide the annoyance on his face, Stoker focuses on Leah first. "It's true!" his voice has a subtle shake to it as he now turns to Ciel. "In my room, in first class."
The gun presses further against Stoker's head. "Take me there," demands Ciel.
"A.. All right!" Stoker glances towards the looming darkness in the distance. "There is a freight elevator in the boiler room. We can use that to go upstairs."
Little pondering is done before everyone slowly files out of the room, reluctantly following Stoker. They walk single file in an uncomfortable silence. Leah can feel Elizabeth's hand curled onto the fabric of her dress, and ahead of her, she can see Ciel with his gun pressed against Stoker's back as he leads the way.
"I have another question," there is a small pause as Ciel breaks the silence. "How can corpses move?"
Stoker clears his throat. "We implant a special device into the dead's brain that generates a weak electric current. This way, we can send signals to the various parts of the body, and they recover the healthy physique of when they were alive, basically—"
"That's enough. Do you really think that you can resuscitate people?" Ciel interrupts Stoker's spiel.
A scowl overtakes Leah's usually impassive features. "It is insanity that you expect us to believe something like that!" she crosses her arms tightly.
Preventing Stoker from speaking once more, Ciel shifts his gaze past the man's shoulder and pushes him to walk faster. "I'll change my question. What is the purpose of carrying all these guinea pigs to America?"
There is a pregnant pause.
"I can't.. tell you that," says Stoker with a strained voice.
"I see."
"Do not jest during a time like this!"
The betrothed pair's voices overlap for a second time. Leah has long forgotten Elizabeth and Snake walking just a few steps behind her, taking no issue with raising her voice at the doctor. It has been one too many answers that Leah perceives as a joke, and she's beginning to believe that he isn't taking this as seriously as he should.
She almost considers snatching the gun from Ciel's hand. Pulling the trigger and firing it herself. But she knows it's dangerous. It's loaded, and she could startle Ciel, and the loud noise of the gunshot hurts her ears. Shooting in such close proximity will only bring later regret.
'I'm beginning to get very sick of this man,' she grumbles in her head.
"I reckon you want me to pierce your ears," Ciel's voice is rough as he draws the gun up to point it just beside Stoker's ear.
"Wha..?!" Turning his head, Stoker sweats profusely and begins to shout. "Wait, wait! If you shoot me, you won't be able to use that device!"
Leah raises a brow. "You mean the device that absolutely exists and will work?" her voice is laced with sarcasm, and a biting smile paints her face.
In front of her, Ciel dramatically sighs and shakes his head as he plays along. "It's annoying, but I guess we will just stick to smashing their heads," his finger adds a bit of pressure onto the trigger.
"A.." Stoker's voice immediately booms. "A certain company bought our complete salvation technology!"
Grimacing at the sudden loudness, Leah brings her hands up to cover her ears. She hates loud noises, and she hates loud people even more.
For a while, she ignores what is being said as she walks, mostly due to her covered ears making it harder to hear. However, she can make out one thing. The word "Osiris." Leah's brows furrow. 'That sounds a bit familiar..?'
She doesn't get to think for long as the group stops before a sturdy door. Obnoxious noises sound from behind it, muffled by the thickness of the door.
"It's in here," says Stoker.
Snake is the one to step up to the door, prying it open and making way for a large gust of wind to hit them all in the face. The door leads to the Campania's turbine engine room, a room that's even louder than Stoker is. It's filled with a sound similar to a 'whoosh' and seems to power over the voices of the men working inside.
"Snake, take your snake off of Ryan," Ciel orders as he straightens out his clothes. "It will go smoother if we pretend to be his comrades."
While the butler is busy complying, Leah is fixing her tussled hair with a huff. "I don't want to associate with him!" her occasional bratty side is beginning to show itself after some time of being dormant.
Ciel fights the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose as he forces himself beside Leah. "Just pretend," his whisper is nearly pointless because of how loud it is.
Opening her mouth to retort, Leah doesn't have a chance due to Elizabeth loudly whining and a man suddenly approaching them.
"Hey! Passengers shouldn't come here!" he bellows.
A small smirk spreads on Stoker's face. "The complete flame in our chests!" he chants.
"Shall not be extinguished by anyone," the man quickly finishes for Stoker, pushing past the surprise on his face as he moves his limbs. "We are.."
"The Phoenix!"
They say in unison as they bring their hands and legs up to form a pose. What they seem proud of immediately makes Leah grimace of secondhand embarrassment.
"You cannot be serious.." she whispers in horror, a hand covering her open mouth as though she has just heard the ultimate scandal.
"Would you let me use the elevator, my friend?"
"Alright.. Who are they?"
Stoker moves his arm to gesture towards the rest of the group behind him. "They're comrades as well! Right?"
Pushing past the embarrassment, Ciel, Elizabeth, and Snake all copy the pose they previously saw before Ciel turns around to double over with a flushed face. Leah, however, is relentless in her defiance and stands with her arms crossed.
The defiance from the girl only heightens when she notices Stoker and the other man looking at her expectantly. "I won't do it."
No amount of urging from anyone seems to work. "I refuse!" she raises her voice.
Ciel rises from his bent-over state to force a smile on his face and place a hand on Leah's back, "Please excuse my fiancé. It appears she is in a rather bad mood today, nothing personal," his lie passes through his lips, and he's nearly given away by his tomato red face.
The man seems satisfied with this, though, and turns around with a grin. "Here in the back!" he starts to walk off, leading the way.
Begrudgingly following along, Leah grumbles as she drags her feet. "You do not have to speak for me."
"I do if we want to live," Ciel sighs.
Now, in the Campania's second boiler room, it is barely less hectic than the previous one. More men stand around and continue to do their jobs, ignoring the guests.
Everything is moving smoothly.
Until it isn't.
A strange sound rings out against the walls, a sound that doesn't seem normal.
"What was that shock just now?" asks Ciel, wide-eyed as he glances around the room.
Not even a moment later, water crashes through the walls, quickly flooding the room. Screams mix in with water as it throws itself into people, soaking or pushing them around. To make matters worse, an ear-piercing alarm begins to go off.
It is all too overwhelming for Leah, who covers her ears with her wet gloves and shuts her eyes tightly. She can hardly hear herself think and doesn't even notice that the water is moving her on its own until she opens her eyes to catch a glimpse of it rising.
"This alarm means.." the man from earlier looks behind him in horror as he shouts. "The water-tight doors are closing!"
Leah tries to take a step, but her dress skirts add so many extra pounds that it's harder to move efficiently. This doesn't stop her, though, and she attempts to trudge along, pushing Elizabeth forward in the process.
"Hurry up! We'll be locked in!" the man shouts again, busying himself with helping others.
When Ciel glances behind him and notices that Leah is multiple feet behind him, his shoulders tense. "Leah!" he shouts above the noise of the water.
"Shut up," Leah closes her eyes and gives Elizabeth one final kick to her back to ensure that she makes it beyond the door. "Just shut up!" she yells while she comes to a stop, no longer bothering to move.
The metal slowly lowers, and the last thing she can see is Ciel being held back, calling her name.
Shaking her head, the girl takes in a deep breath. 'This is it..?' she asks herself. Her mind flashes to unwanted memories of her past attempt to take her life. 'Drowning can't be so bad,' Leah attempts to reassure herself. However, it is hard to listen to those thoughts when the water has risen well past her thighs, and she knows she can't swim.
The metal door shuts with a muffled thud beneath the water, solidifying her fate. Or so she thought.
Ciel, ever the savior, finds himself steadily approaching his fiancé.
"Why?!" Leah asks in exasperation, trying to hide the annoyance and anger that threatens to surface.
"I promised to protect you at all costs!" closing the distance between them, Ciel grabs ahold of Leah's hand and squeezes it tight.
Masking her emotions, Leah shakes her head quickly. "I do not care what you promised!"
Choosing to ignore what he just heard, Ciel turns around to shout at the door. "Snake! You guys go on ahead!"
"I can't leave you behind! Says Emily," Snake shouts from behind the door, banging his fists on it.
Ciel clenches his jaw and drags his eyes around the room, looking for a way out. Eventually, they land on a small duct above them.
"Don't worry, we'll escape via the duct!" Ciel calls out. "Your 'friends' can't be soaked in water for too long, right? Go!" he orders.
There is no time to think before Ciel drags Leah up the nearby stairs, going back and forth with Snake beyond the door. Having to move through the water makes everything harder, and the girl internally thanks Ciel for doing most of the work.
The freezing water surges around their legs, rising faster than Leah thought possible. She stumbles up the stairs as her velvet gown clings heavily to her frame, dragging her down with every movement. Behind them, the groaning of metal and the distant rush of water is unrelenting, a reminder that the ship is succumbing to its fate.
Starting to climb the pipes, Ciel speaks up. "Leah."
"Yes..?" she asks quietly.
"Take off those clothes!" barks Ciel.
Leah's eyes widen. "I won't!" her voice is sharper than intended, but her resolve is firm. "I'll manage."
"You can't manage—look at yourself!" he snaps, gesturing to her soaked dress. "It's too heavy. You'll drown if you keep it on."
"Then let me drown!" she shouts, her voice breaking.
Ciel freezes for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he studies her face. There is no fire in her gaze, no fear—just cold resignation. It is the same expression she had worn moments earlier when the door had nearly closed between them, and she'd stood there, unmoving, resigned to her fate.
He clenches his jaw, stepping down the pipes and toward her. "Don't be ridiculous," he says, his voice quieter now but no less commanding.
"I'm not being ridiculous," Leah retorts, though her voice wavers. "You should've left me behind when you had the chance. I don't care if—"
"Enough!" Ciel interrupts, cutting her off. Without another word, he grabs the bodice of her gown and pulls sharply, the sound of ripping fabric cutting through the chaos.
"Ciel, stop!" Leah protests, her hands flying up to push him away, but he is relentless.
The velvet tears away in his hands, leaving her standing in her corset and chemise, the thin, soaked fabric clinging to her skin. Leah gasps, her arms instinctively wrapping around herself as her cheeks burned with humiliation.
A few stray tears slip down Leah's already-soaked cheeks. "That was my favorite dress," she forces her voice to be steady.
Ciel's entire demeanor softens when he realizes she is crying.
"I will buy you a thousand dresses when we get out of here. So please.." Ciel gently wraps his coat around Leah's shoulders, "I'm sorry I was so rough with you."
The girl's breath hitches at his words, but she quickly shakes her head, clutching her chemise tighter as she tries to cover her décolletage. "You don't understand," she mutters, her voice cracking. "It doesn't matter if I—"
"It matters to me," Ciel interrupts again, his tone both tender and firm. "Now move before we both end up dead because of your stubbornness."
Leah stares at him, stunned into silence for a moment. Despite her mortification, something in his gaze—a flicker of desperation masked by his usual sharpness—compels her to listen.
Swallowing her pride and pushing down the flood of emotions rising within her, she nods stiffly. "Fine," she mutters, her voice barely audible.
Wasting no more time, Leah moves toward the pipes, lifting herself up one by one despite the struggle. She has doubts that she will fit through the duct, at least not easily, but she tries nonetheless. Now she must. Letting Ciel's effort go to waste feels wrong.
"Well, let's hu—" Ciel doesn't finish his sentence before he begins to cough roughly.
The sudden sound startles Leah and prompts her to whip her head around. "Ciel?" she asks in worry.
Ciel clears his throat and glances up, a gloved hand covering his mouth.
"I just choked on some water.. Hurry and climb!”
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grizzcore · 2 months ago
It’s a terrible time to be someone with cannibalism trauma
CMBYN was a huge comfort movie to me when I was younger and when the stuff originally came out about Armie hammer I literally had a breakdown
Now it’s being discussed heavily in the media and all over tiktok again because he did an interview and flubbed questions and acted like a didk- because he’s literally insane and needs out of the public eye desperately and everyone is making incredibly insensitive jokes about it . Like about his threats. Not about him. But about the things he was threatening to do to real women who are online and will see that you think their trauma is so absurd that it’s okay to make it funny
I know I’m one human who survived a cannibal / cannibal fetishist and this isn’t like a common trauma
But part of me wishes any of these people would remember he had actual victims and just because he didn’t /to our knowledge/ ‘actually’ cannibalize anyones flesh doesn’t mean his victims are okay.
threats of cannibalism are traumatic especially in a sexual context and affect you for many years and can have insanely difficult to describe impacts on your relationship to food, to love, to sexuality ; to your body ; to blood and meat.
I still have horrific nightmares about my abuser and it’s been a decade since the two years he held me
I couldn’t eat red meat for three years and couldn’t look at it while eating it for longer
I can still vomit if I see any amount of blood irl especially my own
My abuser only ever drank my blood and repeatedly threatened that he was going to cannibalize me, my family and/or my friends as a way to keep me from leaving and to make himself seem more imposing , to scare me more during times he’d rape me, and to make me feel guilty about ‘tempting’ him and blame my own abuse on me- to my adult knowledge he never actually succeeded in eating human flesh or cannibalizing anyone but me in any way and that he was simply lying when he said he had. (I know he went on to sexually abuse another younger trans boy after me, I have no idea what their abuse entailed or any other relationships he’s ever had)
I know I was a child and my abuser was an adult (14 to 16 while he was holding me)
But adults can still be traumatized? These women are still victims of threats of cannibalistic sexual violence? These women deserve respect? Making fun of a horrific threat that will likely haunt these women for years isn’t okay? You wouldn’t make fun of the act of rape so why is it okay suddenly to be making jokes about cannibalistic rape?
I get that I’m overly sensitive to this. I know I have CPTSD about this specifically
But these women also likely will ?? they shouldn’t have to get online and see droves of people laughing about cannibalism after they had their lives turned upside down because of it?
It took me a long time to find even mental health professionals who were equipped to hear about such “absurd” acts of abuse and remain professional.
I always thought a lot of why my abuse wasn’t taken very seriously was because my abuser was also AFAB and the violence wasn’t what you’d expect from someone female. It’s insane to me to now be an adult watching a cis man get away with the same kind of things against adult women.
I hope he fucking dies. I hope his victims heal and find actual support.
I hope every other victim of cannibals who survive to tell their story know that their abuse isn’t some absurdist horror novel. Youre not unbelievable just because something uncommon happened to you. You deserve the same respect as all other victims and the way that other people react to cannibalism as if it’s just this fictitious concept that never affects of lives of real people are acting from a place of personal discomfort because they could not imagine something so horrific, and would rather hide from it than address the real victims who’ve experienced it.
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I would not be surprised that at some point someone starts to compare how weak Volnutt is to his siblings who are stronger and more experienced than him. It’s no secret that the guardians are pretty much the best at what they do, even better than Volnutt.
At first he shrugs it off, not thinking much of it. Cause well they were generals in the past so it makes sense why they are good at what they do. Plus he’s their little brother sure as shit they love him to bits….
But slowly it started to get to him, seeing them getting more praise of their abilities than him. Getting sidelined on certain jobs over his more capable siblings. Some dipshits really had the audacity to talk down on Volnutt’s skill and abilities. He’s small and scrawny compared to them…he bottles it up hiding his discomfort and shame no one would notice right…?
He one day asked his father if he ever disappointed him as his youngest son not living up to his legacy. He knows that they all love him to bits no matter what but feels like he’s there not contributing anything significant…he apologizes for the saying cause the comments in certain folks are getting him it’s probably the stress so no worries right….?
X had to reassure him and tell him that HE is the most important person in their lives!! No matter what he’s not weak, inferior or pathetic!!! He’s unique; everyone has their strengths and weaknesses regardless of what others say. The hung that made Volnutt special is his heart, determination and his sense of aid. He’s loved and respected, granted yes he can be naive at times (No shit who he got it from) and there are things that he is not ready to hear until he’s old enough. He's a one of a kind soul for everyone as he helps others around him directly or not.
Never letting anyone make him think otherwise.
Volnutt felt comforted and took his Father’s words to heart. Feeling a little better…
When the guardians learned about the comments of their little brother. They ain’t fuckinh happy about it not a single bit nah they were livid
Phantom knows your location and is approaching very fast RUN.
As for X? Well…a A war vet’s fury is scary but a Father’s Wrath? You’ll never survive it.
Volnutt has no idea how much he means so much for them…
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frozenjokes · 2 years ago
Signing Back In, Apparently - 8
There were a couple things Scar noticed when he woke up face down on the floor. One, Mumbo was gone. Not a huge surprise. Two, everything hurt so much less! Hurray! Three; amendment to number two. His back actually hurt quite a lot, but this time, he was pretty sure that it was from sleeping funny. Exciting! Maybe he could actually get some drugs to take the edge off!
It wasn’t until he stood, gathering his things, that his mood dampened. Ah yes, today he would have to deal with the aftermath of yesterday. Well, he really didn’t have much to his name as of now, perhaps he could just pack the little he had and sail away, never to be seen again. Ah, a glory that would be. Unfortunately, nothing to his name also meant no food, water, and other necessary supplies. Plus, due to recent developments in his health , Scar wasn’t sure if he would make it alone on the sea. Too unpredictable. Although, perhaps ironically, he was feeling better today than he had in months.
Scar hadn’t had much time at all to explain to the Kestrels what was happening before his back and abdomen started spasming, quickly followed by immense discomfort in his eye and throat. Not that he intended to go into detail, but he couldn’t even stand, much less speak. He remembered saying something along the lines of ‘they’re fighting,’ which, in hindsight, was probably terrifying and cinematic.
But they knew. And now they would ask questions. Suddenly, taking his chances out in the ocean seemed like quite the appealing idea. He could put all his important stuff in a bag, maybe grab some canned food from the dining hall…
Scar opened his bedroom door, only to be nose to nose with Sausage. He screamed, falling backwards and dropping literally all of his belongings, which Sausage seemed to interpret as an invitation to come inside. The longer Scar spent here, the more threatening he found Sausage’s smile. Was that how other people felt about him? Oh, he hoped so.
“Scar! Good morning, or, rather, good afternoon! You slept in quite late today!”
“Yup! You know me..”
“Aha, yes. How about we sit, hm?”
Well, there was no escaping this afterall. Scar could fight, but he wasn’t sure he trusted his body right now, and getting supplies would be a far more difficult task. So he sat.
“Scar, I need to have an honest conversation with you, because right now, with the way you’ve been acting, the rest of us have been losing our patience. You’re a different man than you were six months ago when you joined us, and I don’t mean in a good way. You’re deteriorating. Everyone can see it, even in the other factions. Now, I can’t imagine what it’s like to live in your situation, with pain you can’t manage, and how frustrating that is, but,” Sausage sighed, sitting down beside Scar, “This has turned into something you can’t deal with alone anymore. It’s going to kill you, Scar, and by the time you’re dead, no one will care to mourn you, because you’re a fucking asshole.”
Scar wasn’t sure how to react to that. Sausage wasn’t wrong. He had been losing his grip. Quips and jokes that once came easily only soured on his tongue now. While he had never sailed quite as much as the other Kestrels, as months passed, he could leave his room less and less. This past month.. well.. when he did leave, it was safe to say he was snappy at best. He narrowed his eyes at the ground. It bothered him . He was falling apart, and everyone knew , and he didn’t have the ability to hide it anymore.
“It’s their fault,” he growled, voice low, “They came back. They were supposed to be dead.”
“No Scar, it’s your fault,” Sausage sighed, leaning back on his hands, “You never told anyone, in fact, you only got aggressive whenever the subject was brought up. You sat in your room by yourself, letting it get worse.”
“Well there’s nothing you can do.”
“You don’t know that. Listen, I don’t care what happened to you in your past; that’s your own business, but you can’t just deflect and attack everyone who offers their hand. It’s okay to be weak.”
“It’s not okay.”
Sausage paused, shooting Scar a calculating glare. Scar returned it. “Alright, Scar. Well let me skip to the point then. This is your last chance, or I’m going to ask you to leave the Kestrels. I’m extending an olive branch because I don’t want to see you die this way, so it’s your choice what you do with it. Tell me about your ghosts. They’re related to your pain, right?”
Scar closed his eyes. A choice indeed. “Do you really think you can get rid of them?”
“I don’t know. But I’ll try. We’ll all try, if you shape up.”
Scar shook his head, releasing a small, breathy laugh. “Well, why not then. Yes, they’re related to my pain. I’ve got four parts of my body that you could say are cursed, and the pain fluctuates with the corresponding ghosts’ mood. The longer I’m alive I think, the angrier they get. It must be something like that, because it’s been getting progressively worse. All you need to know is that they’d really like me to keel over.”
“Do you treat them well?”
Scar choked on his own laughter, falling back into his bed and shaking the entire frame, “Uh, no offense, but that is the dumbest question anyone has ever asked me.”
“I’m gonna take that as a no, then.”
“Well there’s a reason I got my eardrums blown out. Little bastard was trying to wreck my stuff. For the record, I did not know he could do that. Unfortunate, because he makes the best faces when you make fun of him. You know when-”
“Scar , you taunt your ghosts? When you know their moods directly correlate to your pain? What are you thinking?”
“In my defense, I don’t do that very much,” Scar shrugged.
Sausage put his head in his hands. “ Noted. Well to start, you need to be nicer to them. Even if they’re trying to kill you. You probably deserve it, anyway. But I’m also going to have you speak with Cleo.”
“Cleo? They’re a Heron, right?”
“Yes. Scott tells me they’ve got quite the affinity for ghosts. Apparently there’s this haunted island she visits often? If anyone can help you out, it’s probably her. Actually, if you want, I can ask Scott to go and grab her now.”
“Scott- is he here?” Scar bristled, turning wide eyes to his doorway.
“Hi, Scar!” Scott waved, looking mildly pleased with himself.
Scar stared, taking a deep breath before laying back down across his bed. “I guess this might as well happen.”
“That’s the spirit!” Sausage leapt to his feet, trotting to the door, “She’ll meet you in the tavern, so be ready!
“Yeah, great, I’ll be waiting then,” Scar mumbled, reaching for a pillow to crush over his face. Well. If he wanted to scrape together any amount of dignity, it was time to get it together. He washed up, ran a brush through his hair, and stared at himself for an inexplicably long time in the mirror. Surely there was something he could do about the bags under his eyes. Well, his good eye; the bad one was too far gone to be saved. Hm… but on second thought, it didn’t look as egregious as usual today… Unfortunately, before he could go and dig around for concealer in Oli’s room, he heard his name being called. Ah! But he hadn’t shaved!
Scar ran for his hats, stacking them with great care before balancing them precariously on his head and skipping downstairs.
“Well hello there! Sorry about that, I just got a little distracted, you know,” Scar waved his hand in a vague gesture, heading over to the bar where Cleo was already serving themself a drink. She turned, looking Scar up and down with a small smile.
“You look like shit.”
“You’re not so bad yourself!”
Cleo chuckled, leaning back against the bar. “It’s been a long time, I heard you’ve been sick. So it’s really ghosts that have been giving you trouble? I would have visited earlier, but I heard you were touchy, and I don’t have much patience for bullshit. Finally caved, huh?”
“I guess you could say that. And I damn well paid for it too, so no need to pry.”
“Looks like you’ve been paying for it for a long time, and not because you finally said something. You’ve had that black eye since I met you! I must say, it looks worse than I remember.”
“No need to flatter me. Can you get rid of my ghosts?”
“Oh, probably not, but I heard from Sausage that you’re hurting because they’re unhappy, and I know a place that’ll brighten them right up!”
Scar paused, staring blankly. Cleo stared back with an unassuming smile.
“You want to take my ghosts on a VACATION?”
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theskeletonprior · 5 months ago
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The Third: Oh, Right. My Mood Disorder.
This is a casual little writing challenge to get myself into a habit, perhaps, or if not, to get some words from the meat of my brain to the pulp of the page. All of my stories for this challenge are set in the world of RAVENOT, and if you're curious, you can take a look at my WIP intro right here. And if you're really keen, you can read the first chapter (sort of a pilot as I toil) right here! Now onto the daily ramble.
Yesterday was pretty tough! I didn't write very much at all, though I'll count it a win because I did eke out a couple hundred words. One of the obstacles to my writing is my good old mood disorder. I experience some pretty gnarly anhedonia, which sometimes interferes with my ability to write, because pleasure is something often centred in the act of writing. And I do enjoy it, some of the time, but on occasion I get hit with a wave of perfect indifference, and nothing feels good. It's difficult on days like that to do things anyway, especially when they aren't work-related, and even when they are work-related, the thought that this is work sometimes tangles me up. There's a tendency, I think, to associate work with discomfort, and this is kind of contrary to the idea that writing should also be a passion, a pleasure. Am I a writer even when I don't enjoy it? Is my work important when I do? Is it work, then? These silly little ideas can slow me down considerably. But I wrote anyway, so I'll take that for the victory it is. Today, I feel a bit more motivated. I had a very nice chat with my husband, who listened patiently to my ramblings and asked some very good questions about the worldbuilding and character motives and whatnot. And while I struggle to tell myself that this is an endeavor worth undertaking, it's easier to imagine that it will be fun. I have some Dungeon Master business to attend to today, in preparation for my very first birthday-party session (I am, indeed, a birthday clown, but instead of balloon animals, I bring dragons). This might interfere with my writing, but I hope to make short work of it. Anyway, behold yesterday's excerpt.
Ravenot stood in the dark. Even with the word given, the rush of sentries to open the gate to admit him, he kept his hands raised to show that they were empty. It was well that the town's young guardian had been so reluctant to grant them passage. The Dead could sow deceit when they wished it, take on disguises, or other such cunning, to go amongst the living. Some did so harmlessly, but not all, and not everyone knew what made Ravenot unlike them. Or perhaps the sentry had merely forgotten. Ravenot passed through the gates, flimsy though they were. This town lacked the wealth of the larger cities, and though their wall was well-maintained, it would not have kept him out for long. He kept his hands in front of him, as though he had forgotten to lower them, well aware of the anxious looks from the sentries, roused in the dead of night to let him pass. They parted like a murmuration of birds to clear the way for their elder, who dragged the archer from the wall along by the elbow. "I'm Yarrowling. This here's Hadan," she said. "He's the one who shot at you. Has something to say about it, if you'll hear. And…" Her wrinkled mouth pulled into a crooked grin. "You can put your hands down, now, unless you find you like them better up there." Ravenot did lower his hands, at last, and turned the stillness of his mask on Hadan, who looked as if he might be happier hiding behind Yarrowling. "I'm-sorry-I-shot-at-you-I-didn't-know-who-you-were!" Ravenot canted their head. "You were brave," he said. "It was no harm, though I hope not all thy guests are welcomed thus."
Until next time! Taglist: @rosieartsie @void-botanist @carmillasboywife
As always, let me know if you'd like to join or leave the taglist, and I'll act accordingly.
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dthroned-sameurl · 10 months ago
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“  nothing you can say will surprise me.  ”   ➾      𝐜𝐡   .   𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐚   𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞
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         thoughts   are   swirling   around   her   head      ,      she   is   sure   that   is   Luciel   had   looked   close   enough   he   would   be   able   to   see   every   thought   that   swirled   behind   her   icy   gaze      &      that   made   her   want   to   curl   into   herself   and   hide      .      but   she   trusted   him      ,      she   trusted   Luci   more   than   she   thought   she   ever   would      &      while   the   vulnerability   terrified   her      ---      how   she   felt   around   him   outweighed   any   ounce   of   discomfort   that   she   may   be   feeling   in   this   moment      .      she's   focused   on   the   ground      ,      arms   wrapped   around   herself   in   a   stance   where   she   is   self   soothing      ,      rocking   on   her   heels   as   she   exhales   deeply      .      nights   were   becoming   more   difficult      ,      nightmares   either   keeping   her   up   at   night      ,      or   shaking   her   awake   from   a   deep   sleep      ,      it   was   becoming   more   suffocating   as   the   days   pass   without   any   sort   of   remedy      .
         '      i've   died   a   couple   of   times      .      '      her   hands   clasp   a   little   tighter   around   her   arms   as   she   shakes   her   head      ,      pushing   hair   from   her   face   before   fingers   move   to   tuck   hair   behind   her   ear      .      '      the   last   time      ,      well      ,      it   wasn't   exactly   the   easiest   experience      &      i   think   i   may   be   broken      ...      well   breaking   more   than   I   already   am      .      '      the   witch   was   a   body   with   scattered   fragments   of   who   she   once   was      ,      her   experience   with   la   gemme   vitale   had   taken   more   from   her   than   she   could   ever   imagine      ,      her   soul   having   been   completely   shredded      ,      leaving   her   to   feel   like   she   was   a   monster   ready   to   pounce   at   any   moment   she   lost   control      .
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      her   hand   moves   to   her   forehead      ,      fingers   brushing   over   the   skin   where   the   mark   was   magically   engraved      ,      damned   for   the   rest   of   eternity      .      '      i   wasn't   supposed   to   come   back   he   last   time   i   did      ,      somehow   I   was   brought   back   by   this   entity      &      it   left   pieces   of   me   behind   in   a   realm   where   my   ancestors   reside      .      I   am   worried   about   everyone   around   me      ...      how   am   I   supposed   to   hide   that   I   am   losing   my   mind   when   we   live   in   the   spotlight      ?      '
@mrchare . prompt
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mserm · 1 year ago
What Avengers line up (existing or selected by you) would you send to Greendale Community College for max hijinx and personal journeys? They can be 1-1 stand ins for the Community cast or just a general, “it would be funny/entertaining/sexy if this character had to deal with going to a bananas community college in Colorado with these other characters”. Or if you want! send an Avenger or 2 too spend a semester with the canon Community gang, MCU Tony hanging out with Troy&Abed, maybe Ults Steve talking the Shirley about god and their discomfort around The Gays™ or befriending Pierce and then punching him in the face after a while, Any!Carol and Britta NotDating but being put up on the blog “Sibling or Dating” then actually dating to Prove A Point and the messy break up
(Tony would make a good Jeff tbh, and canon or AU, I’d like to see Tony have to go take the general classes at a normal pace amongst the general populous OR other Avengers. I can see the Dean (or like say Nick Fury sr/jr) forcing him to not get any accelerated courses or special treatment so he has to attend every class and do the homework one week at a time, no doing it all in one day and just handing it in throughout! He in fact gets special treatment to not get special treatment cus the assignments are planned out for everyone else to see but Tony as special assignments he can’t pre-write lol.)
(( Why Tony needs to get a college degree and why THIS school? Maybe when he got into MIT as a teen he wanted to skip the general undergraduate year and bribed someone to let him just go straight to Engineering and the press found out and to save face his dad is making him get an undergraduate year one level amount of general credits the slow way at a not so prestigious school or he gets cut off publicly and Tony is like “pshaw, easy old man” and then there is much learning (emotional). But near of the academic year there has maybe not been much learning (academic) as Tony would crave (and also the “professors are often factually incorrect and the textbooks are from 1985) so he starts teaching his own classes in the library on a lark one episode and he gets in trouble with the teacher's union for teaching without being part of the union, this somehow leading to a strike and oops Tony's shut down the school right near exams (also there was a fire in the server room and all the marks and academic history got destroyed thanks to so,e whacky strike breaking attempts or something!) and now he’s gotta stay for another year cus NO ONE got their credits!!! And when they get back for season 2 I mean the next semester everyone is PISSED at Tony, who has to prove he DIDN’T cause the fire in order to stay an extra year because he’s attached to everyone and wanted to stay!))
(((Also, which Avengers is it? 616, Ults, MCU, a devilish mix of characters from different universes etc and what are they trying to achieve being at college? I assume Steve is trying to get used to the future/connect with the common man, Jan wants to take management or HR courses cus the Avengers NEED IT and SOMEONE has to learn how to do it properly, Myabe Jennifer is the Jeff/MC and Steve&Tony are her Troy&Abed (tho let’s be real they’re her Britta&Annie haha) etc)))
OMG thank you for this ask, there isn't an idea here that I wouldn't drop everything to read. In general this is a concept that would work really well with the Avengers because it allows everyone to be at different points in their lives and still connect with each other. Just imagine them all around the study table. It makes me Feel Things.
If I was doing a Community AU for the Avengers, I wouldn't do a one-for-one substitution but instead try to capture some of the dynamics. I also stuck with just Avengers characters and not Marvel characters in general. For the study group I'd do Ults!Tony as the too-cool-for-school type who is hiding a desperate need for human connection and quickly becomes overly invested in his friends lives. He's in community college because he was ordered to attend by a judge (seems just as possible as getting a law degree without an undergraduate). He chose Greendale because he wanted to take the Who's The Boss class. It would be a running gag that at least one member of the study group doesn't know he's one of the most famous people in the world.
MCU!Steve would be next. My favorite AU trope is when everything's different but Steve's still Captain America, except, like, it's a secret. I'm going with the MCU version because I think he's the most isolated Steve and I like the idea of him being defrosted and having nobody and then moving halfway across the country to restart his life. He never went to college and this feels like the 'normal' thing to do. He's prone to speechifying enough that he's regularly called 'the worst' (affectionate).
Then I'd add 616!Kate Bishop as my third member. She never went to college because she was too busy having an evil dad, a codependent friendship with Clint, and solving mysteries in LA. She enrolls in Greendale while hunting down a lead and then solves the mystery two episodes in, but by then she's committed to figuring out who the fuck this mysterious Steve is. She's too precocious for her own good and regularly volunteers the group for things.
616!America has transferred from Sotomayor University after a particularly messy breakup with an ex-girlfriend. After spending her life hopping between dimensions settling down at Greendale is kind of strange. She likes to threaten to punch people but really she's the most protective in the bunch.
Then let's go with 616!Pietro because you need an asshole that frusterated everyone but he is also well meaning. He's estranged from his daughter and is trying to better himself so that she might want to have a relationship with him. Constantly talks about his twin sister who's never seen throughout the show.
I chose MCU!Clint because you need someone with a real life outside of Greendale. In this AU he's actually trying to be undercover with his family and Colorado is far away from whatever villain is trying to hunt him down.
616!Riri is my last member because I wanted someone who's smart but unlike Tony, also sincere. While Kate and America are also pretty young, Riri's the one that makes everyone feel old. She's the hardest to make up a reason for why she's at Greendale. Maybe she's very close to completing a graduate degree but it turns out some of her undergrad credits were invalid so she needs to take a class and...I dunno. I'm still thinking about it.
Other characters who should show up are Ults!Thor (more righteous than Steve), 616!Sam (the reasonable one), 616!Jennifer (just having a good time), MCU!Carol (just because seeing Brie Larson would be meta), 616!Gwenpool (need someone genre aware), and MCU!Scott (obsessed with Steve.)
The whole thing starts when Tony spots Steve in a physics class he's taking because he thinks it's hilarious. He sells Steve on the idea of being his tutor but Steve invites everyone else. Hijinks ensue. No one figures out who Steve is until paintball.
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theskybluesky · 8 months ago
I really enjoy watching self-improvement videos nowadays. It’s common to hear advice like ‘love yourself’ or ‘be true to yourself’ but I think insufficient focus is placed on how we can become a person worthy to be loved by ourselves. Truthfully, we are not perfect and thinking that we deserve all things good in life without exerting effort is a rather delusional mindset.
In the past, whenever I faced hiccups in my relationships, whether with friends or partners, it was the norm to automatically start the ‘blame game’ where both parties get lost in translation trying to determine who was ‘right’. In reality, there is no black and white in such situations, only greys. The important element of sustaining healthy relationships is actually self-reflection. The ability to recognise our own internal conflicts, triggers and bad habits before somebody else has to point them out to us.
However, we can’t expect everyone to have the same values and standards as us, so how would we reach common ground? Before starting an argument, we have to ask ourselves, why does he or she behave in this manner? Behind every choice hides influences from life experiences, families and childhood. Just because we like things a certain way doesn’t give us the right to force other people to like the same things.
In my current relationship, our backgrounds and lifestyles have many differences which I’ve never encountered before. Differences which I didn’t know could exist. When I first realised these differences, I went into mini panic attacks. I didn’t understand why I was like this because I’m usually pretty secure and the more ‘indifferent’ person in a relationship. Not to say I’m not affectionate, but I’m usually the one that determines the ‘flow’ of a relationship. I guess I was fortunate that my past partners have always been quite accommodating to my schedule and need for personal time.
This was the first relationship where I felt out of control at times. My current partner is quite an assertive person who spent most of his childhood on his own. I realised that after growing up by himself, he formed a coping mechanism of always wanting to be in the pilot’s seat. I guess it was out of self protection since he had to make many difficult decisions himself.
I learnt that I have to live according to his schedule and his rules. At first, I bent myself in all the wrong ways trying to adjust to him since I’m a very conflict-averse person. I would never voice out my discomfort until it reached a boiling point when I had a breakdown after holding my emotions in for too long. I realised I had the unhealthy habit of conditioning myself to either ‘be okay with it or leave it’.
This manifested in the worst way as I would just burst and tell him ‘I can’t be with you anymore because of XXXX’ and proceeded to tell him 20 things which bothered me all in one go.
Of course, imagine how shocked he was when we first had an argument cause he hadn’t the slightest clue that I was unhappy. I just appeared to be okay one day and then suddenly wanting to end everything the next day.
I remember his first response was, “let’s talk about this step by step, before we decide if this can be fixed or not.” I was quite taken aback by how rational he sounded. Honestly, maybe I’m a horrible person cause I expected him to fear losing me more than that. I didn’t know how he could be so calm when I was just a crying mess. We talked through each point like adults. The biggest takeaway I had from that day was that he was never going to leave me neither would he have stopped me if I wanted to leave.
He has never guilt tripped me for anything. I’ve always been free to eat with whoever I want, wear whatever clothes I want, diet however I want, listen to whichever songs I want. He believes a relationship is just a meeting ground for two free souls. Hence, he would have freed me from himself too if that was what I wanted. During our talk, he acknowledged my emotions and our circumstances. There were many things that were systemically unchangeable, at least in the short term, such as him having to spend more time with his little brother than me as his brother is still in primary school. He didn’t give me unrealistic promises, he knew his priorities couldn’t change for me yet, but he promised to give me emotional support in other ways.
In that moment, I realised that I’ve always known all of this, the unchangeable, yet for me the only option in my head was to let him go. His mindset was constructive, forward thinking and much more mature than mine. I hated myself for having regressed to the mindset of a child out of my own insecurities and trauma. What I hated the most out of that whole episode was that I effectively reduced my own value as a partner by behaving in such an immature, impulsive manner.
For us to attract and retain a high value partner, we must first become high value individuals ourselves. Though I’ve always prided myself on having my own individuality when it comes to exploring hobbies and interests, I was so fixated on the loss of control in a relationship that it consumed me. I was worrying day in and day out about whether my partner cared for me since he had so many other priorities.
I realise now that being with someone whose life is filled with a spectrum of colours is better than being with someone who has an empty canvas for us to paint on. There are so many more colour combinations we can make when we let each other live our own lives instead of wanting to monopolise 24/7 of our partner’s attention.
Of course, this change in mindset didn’t happen overnight. For the past few months, I have been occupying my pre-bedtimes with videos which help me to reframe my train of thoughts. A lot of times anxiety in a relationship comes from the fear that the worst will happen. In those moments, we have to remember to not only trust our partners, but to trust ourselves. We wouldn’t have chosen this person to be our partner if they didn’t have the loyalty and ability to prevent the worst from happening. And if they really do breach that trust, we must trust ourselves to be strong enough to walk away.
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you-are-my-joy · 4 years ago
The Return of an Empress | 07
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Title: The Return of an Empress
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Isekai, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Smut (Later on), Slow burn
Characters: Empress!Reader, Advisor!Jin, Advisor!Yoongi, General!Hoseok, Advisor!Namjoon, Assassin!Jimin, Knight!Taehyung, Knight!Jungkook
Word count: ~9k
Summary: After one fateful night, you find yourself transmigrated into your favorite novel as the Empress that shares the same name as you. As a bookworm, most would think you’d be happy, but how could you be happy when the Empress you’ve become is expected to be killed in three months. The only thing on your mind now is to learn how to survive.
Warning: May contain depictions of violence and mentions of abuse throughout the story.
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In the 380th imperial year, on June 9th, two days after the nobles were caught red-handed and thus apprehended, was the day of the largest massacre of high nobility in the history of the empire. 
At 8 am in the morning, a total of 18 of some of the most well-known and influential nobles of the empire were executed by the city plaza.
With tired steps, you trudge inside your bedroom, immediately falling onto the comfort of your bed. You let out an exasperated sigh, tossing your head back until it rests on a nearby pillow. Despite getting rid of the duke and the rest of the nobles, you can’t help but still feel a sense of unease and tension. Would the original empress make the same decision? You don’t know the answer, but what you do know, is that you’ll most likely be haunted by the cries and screams of those who lost their lives today for the rest of your life.
It’s one thing to actually read of the graphic murders and deaths that occurred in the novel, it’s a whole different story when you actually experience and see first hand how gruesome the public executions truly were. Back in your world, you’ve never witnessed anyone’s death before, as it was the 21st century, public executions were prohibited decades ago. But suddenly you had to endure an entire morning witnessing the horrifying deaths of 18 people as their heads detached from their body, a large pool of blood staining the once clean pavement. 
You weren’t keen on torturing people, so you were merciful in the sense that you chose to execute them through a beheading, with a fresh and sharpened axe to be exact. In this world, beheadings, although gruesome and bloody, were seen as the most ‘humane’ form of execution as the deed would be done in one swift motion, a painless execution to some extent. 
You remember hearing many of the nobles and commoners who attended the public executions express their disappointment at your choice, thinking you were being much too kind considering the heinous crime they committed. Despite their disappointment, they were slightly relieved over your choice, many were still skeptical over the empress’s supposed changed behavior, but seeing you wince and grimace at each beheading finally convinced them otherwise. 
News spread like wildfire around the empire about what had occurred at the party, news articles being published nearly a day later. The most popular topic of course being the Grand Duke himself drugging the empress, and so countless of nobles all around the empire scurried to watch the spectacle. Thus, the grand finale of the execution came when former Grand Duke, Lee Joong-Gu finally stepped forward. 
Many people had looked at him in disgust, throwing rotten fruits and vegetables his way and cursed out his name. The entire time, he wore a solemn expression as he kneels down without complaint unlike the rest of the criminals who wailed pathetically until their last breath. 
You remember that in the midst of it all, he had looked up at you, your eyes instantly locking with one another, and you swear from where you stood, you saw a hint of remorse and guilt in his face. Your mind reeling as he tearfully mouths ‘I’m sorry’ to you, but before you could even react any further, the axe gets raised in the air and in the next second is swung down with much force. His head rolling down the pavement as the cheers of the crowd rang out excitedly at the gruesome sight. 
However, the cheers seem to fade from your ears as all you can focus on is the dukes rolling head. And somehow it stops, facing in your direction, empty eyes that were once so full of life, ingraining themselves in your memory forever. You blink away the tears forming in your eyes, confused as to why your body was reacting like this. You flinch as you stare at his body slumped over, but your view gets blocked when Jungkook steps in front of you.
The entire morning, Jungkook and Taehyung have been right beside you, acting as your escorts as you had requested. Always attempting to block your view when they noticed your grim and disgusted expressions at each beheading. Jin and Namjoon were also present, but they stood a few meters away from you, ensuring that the executions ran as quickly and smoothly as possible. Hoseok was present as well, but as the general, he was in charge of security and surveying the city plaza, prioritizing your safety over everything else.
The only ones who hadn’t shown up were Yoongi and Jimin. Yoongi, you had expected, though you had a glimmer of hope that he would make an appearance, but Jimin? You thought he would come to greet you after the party, but you haven’t seen him since he left you by the ballroom doors. You were extremely worried, thinking something bad had happened to him, but Namjoon reassured you that he was fine as he had ran into him the other day. He further informs you that Jimin wasn’t feeling good, which explains his sudden absence. Though you remained unconvinced, you choose to give Jimin his needed space, thinking it would be better for him to come to you when he was ready.
When the executions were over you stood up from your seat, ready to leave the area in a hurry as the overwhelming stench of blood nearly made you puke on the spot. But suddenly you heard loud cheers as everyone directed their attention to you, “All Hail Empress Y/n!” many of them yelled out, grinning at you as they praised your actions. 
You hadn’t expected to be well received so quickly, since less than a week ago, some of these same people trembled in fear over your presence. You send them a charming smile to express your gratitude, but this only seemed to ignite something in them as they seemingly cheered your name even more.
Despite the cheering, all you wanted to do was go back to the palace and rest. So here you are, groaning as you lay flat on the spacious bed. You feel the bed dip slightly to your left, prompting you to open your eyes to see Jungkook looking down at you with a small smile. “How are you feeling?” he reaches his hand out to gently brush a strand of hair in front of your face. 
“Absolutely exhausted,” you let out a groan, closing your eyes once more. And you weren’t only talking about the past few days. It seemed that you were never truly able to catch a break the moment you arrived in this world. You can’t even imagine the amount of work the past empress had to endure. 
Taehyung, having found comfort in your couch situated in the middle of your grand bedroom, hums at that, “Mentally or physically exhausted?”
You scoff before letting out a yawn, “Both.” 
Jungkook nods as he moves his hand away from your face to lazily trace shapes on the palm of your hand, “I'm sorry to hear that your majesty,” he replies, sending you a pitiful look, as he notices traces of stress and exhaustion written on your face.
Still with your eyes closed, you rest for a moment, “It’s fine. This is my duty as the empress.”
Jungkook nods, “I understand, but before you’re an empress, you’re a human. You need to rest, your majesty,” he says, concern laced in his voice as he continues tracing odd shapes on your palm. 
Though after a while, you’ve come to the realization that rather than shapes, he was actually tracing your name on your skin.
You open your eyes to stare at Jungkook who was too distracted writing your name to pay attention to your gaze. You just stare when a sudden thought crosses your mind, “Hey Jungkook, can you try calling me by my name?”
Jungkook seems to freeze in his spot, his hand stopping right above yours as he stares at you with wide eyes, “Pardon?” this seems to gain Taehyung's attention as well when you see him from the corner of your eye snap his head instantly in your direction.
You shrug, sitting straight up now facing him. Both your faces nearly inches apart that Jungkook instantly blushes and shifts a bit further away from you to calm his racing heart, though you take that gesture as discomfort instead, “What’s wrong? You don’t want to?”
Jungkook stutters as he waves his arms in front of his face in an ‘X’ shape motion, “N-No, It’s not that I don't want to… but why are you suddenly asking that of me?” Both Jungkook and Taehyung stare at you in a mixture of confusion and interest since they haven’t addressed the empress by her name in nearly 3 years. Not after she had scolded the both of them until they complied to her wishes. 
“I figured we might as well go back to our old ways you know?” you suggest, but after taking in their shocked reactions you quickly add, “Of course if you’re uncomfortable with my request then I don’t want to force you to do anything. But I do give you permission to call me by my name when it’s just us.”
Jungkook turns his head to Taehyung as they look at each other wearily, as if doubting your words and thinking this was all just one big test. He hesitantly turns back to you, “Is that truly alright?” he asks while fidgeting nervously with his hand. 
“Of course it is,” you smile reassuringly, your eyes staring at him in anticipation, “will you?” You ask, you try to hide your excitement in order to not pressure him, but who were you kidding, it’s practically written on your face.
Jungkook’s lips curve upward slightly as he couldn’t deny your request, especially when your golden eyes shined brightly at him, “Yes…. Y/n…” though he had said it in a shy whisper, you still heard him loud and clear. You didn’t think hearing your name come out of his mouth would affect you so much but you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling widely. It’s times like these that you’re extremely grateful for sharing the same name as the old empress. 
“Woah that’s not fair,” you turn your head to find Taehyung with his arms crossed, playfully glaring at you both, “why does he get special treatment and I don't?” 
You chuckle as Taehyung's pout reminds you of a child who got their toy taken away and wants it back. Your amusement grows even more as you sit back and watch Jungkook be equally as childish when he sticks his tongue out at the older knight. And Taehyung, the ever mature knight, mimics his actions in return. 
You grin at the older knight, wanting nothing more than to ruffle his hair, “this applies to you as well Taehyung.” 
Taehyung finally turns to you after seemingly having a contest with Jungkook on who can contort their face in a mocking way better, “thank you… Y/n,” he replies softly with a gentle smile now on his face. 
They’ll admit, addressing you by your name sounded strange coming out their mouth, but they couldn’t deny the nostalgic and warm feeling in their chest when they finally did. And your smile definitely brightened their day even more.
“Y/n.” you hear Jungkook call out softly, though he flinches when he gains your attention. 
You furrow your eyes in confusion at his odd reaction, “Yes?”
You notice his cheeks glow with a tint of red, “Sorry, it’s nothing. I just wanted to say your name in front of you,” the ending of his sentence becoming a soft whisper as he was embarrassed to have been caught by you. But he should’ve known better than to believe your ears wouldn’t catch him. 
You have to mentally slap yourself to stay calm and composed as to not squeal in delight to embarrass him further. So to spare him, you fight back a giggle as you beam back at him, “you’re more than welcome to call me by my name anytime you want Jungkook.” Gaining a wide smile from him in return.
“Y/n?” Taehyung suddenly calls out, causing you to face him now. Though he chuckles at your raised brow, “I’m not just calling out your name, I genuinely have a question.” You chuckle right back, nodding your head, gesturing to him to ask his question. “Are you still feeling sick?” You understand he wasn’t referring to earlier, rather he was talking about your symptoms from withdrawal. 
Thankfully after properly taking medication daily or as suggested by the royal physician, you’ve been experiencing a lot less symptoms as the days go by. Joy reminding and ensuring that you actually took them definitely helped with the process. 
You nod sending him a soft smile, “no, I’ve been feeling a lot better nowadays. Though, I’ll admit I kind of want to throw up. But I’m pretty sure the main perpetrator to that is the blood.” Despite having left the plaza awhile ago, you seemingly couldn’t get rid of the stench of blood in your nose. Even just the thought of it makes you involuntarily gag. 
Jungkook softly chuckles, “from being in countless battles, you’d think you’d get used to the sight of blood,” he jokes with a teasing glint in his eyes as he grew bold enough to hold your hand after tracing on it for so long.
You stare down at your joined hands, his large ones nearly covering yours completely. You feel him squeeze your hand lightly prompting you to look up at his mischievous grin as he caught you staring. You playfully roll your eyes, “it’s been awhile, alright, I forgot,” you grumble.
Though Taehyung hums at that as leans his head back on the soft cushions of the couch, “you seem to be using that excuse quite often,” he mutters, not looking you in the eye, but instead choosing to stare out your window.
At his statement, you gulp nervously. You immediately take note from the corner of your eyes the prying look of Jungkook as his hold on your hand seems to tighten. 
But before you could come up with yet another excuse, you hear a knock at your door. Someone was definitely looking out for you as you had no idea how to respond without you being even more suspicious than before. 
You sit up straight, briefly glancing at your knights who refuse to look you in the eye before calling out, “come in.” You quickly let go of Jungkook’s hand causing the boy to snap his head in your direction before his shoulders seemingly drop. Though he doesn’t say anything more as the doors to your bedroom open wide.
Soon enough, the double doors reveal Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin. They bow out of respect before briefly making eye contact with Jungkook and Taehyung, to which they send a curt nod, acknowledging each other’s presence.  
For some reason, you felt a shift in the air as the three men stepped into the room. As if they were... hostile? But that doesn’t make sense, you question. Shouldn't they be on good terms with each other? You thought, but you were so wrong when you could feel the tension around you. Something unspoken between the five males. 
You understand that you haven’t known these men for long, but even you could tell that there was a sudden shift in their relationship. You saw it in the ballroom and now your suspicions are confirmed when you observe their body language in front of you.
After many moments of silence, Namjoon finally turns his attention to you, “more of those journalists keep requesting for your time your majesty,” he reports, only now do you notice his tired eyes. He must’ve been dealing with those journalists since he got back, and from what you know, they’re almost as ruthless as those in high society. 
But before you could respond, you hear Taehyung let out an annoyed groan from where he sat, “They bombarded her all throughout the morning, can’t they give her a break?” he scowls when turning his head out the window as he caught a glimpse of those pesky reporters from the border of the palace walls. Their cameras steadily aimed at the palace, hoping to capture a lucky shot of the empress. 
“It’s alright, I can handle them,” you reply, having already mentally and physically prepared yourself for this since you knew this would be a hot topic in the empire. A topic that the reporters wouldn’t let go of until they were satisfied. But just as you were about to stand from the comfort of your bed, you feel a hand gently rest on your shoulder, prompting you to turn and find Jungkook staring at you in concern. 
“Y/n, you need to rest,” Jungkook says softly, “you truly did look sick early, maybe it's from withdrawals or maybe it's from the blood, who knows, but I think it’s best you rest for the day.” You knew it would be hard to go against Jungkook, especially when he had that determined look in his eyes. Though that wasn’t what everyone else was thinking as his statement piqued their interest. 
“Y/n?” Jin questions loudly. He had thought he was hearing things, but by the looks on Namjoons and Hoseok's faces, he indeed did hear correctly. Jungkook had addressed you by your name. 
The boy blushes, not having realized he had blurted out your name in front of them. But before he could explain himself, Taehyung beat him to it.
“Y/n gave us permission to call her by her name,” he boasts with his head held high as if he was bragging about some great achievement he got. Which in a way, it kind of was. 
Hoseok raises his brow as he turns to look at you now, “may I know why?”
You clear your throat, “well, when I got rid of the alcohol and drugs in my system, I wanted to make things right and go back to how they were before. So I gave them permission to address me by my name like old times,” you reply confidently, having already prepared an answer for this question long ago. 
Though after some time, Hoseok’s blank face shifts, “I see,” he replies with a smile, but you knew better than to trust that, you knew hidden in that expression was a man that still had doubts despite witnessing the downfall of the nobles before his own eyes. You had thought Namjoon would be the one you needed to be careful of, but it seems you were wrong in that sense as you become anxious at Hoseok’s judging stare. 
Jin clears his throat, an attempt to get rid of the growing tension in the room, “we also came to discuss plans regarding the property of the nobles as well as what's to come with their families and who would be the ones to take their positions,” he pauses before nodding his head in Hoseok’s direction, “we brought along Hoseok in case military services were needed.”
You nod, though you couldn’t help but wonder, “Where’s Yoongi?” 
Jin stills for a moment before tilting his head, visibly confused from your question, “why are you suddenly asking for him?”
Now it’s your turn to be confused as you furrow your eyebrows, “Because he’s also one of my advisors,” you answer as if it was obvious. 
As if sensing your confusion, Namjoon responds, “pardon our rudeness, your majesty. You just don’t normally call on him for these types of things.”
Now you’re even more confused than before, “I don’t?”
Namjoon nods his head in confirmation, “I believe it’s because he’s not from nobility, that it may hinder and influence his judgment on these types of cases,” he explains in the nicest way possible. 
Dumbfounded, you remain seated on your bed, “I see,” is all you could utter. You knew that out of the 8 of you, the only ones who came from nobility were Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok. Their families were one of the few nobles who secretly opposed the former emperor, which made it easy for the main character to gain their support in the rebellion. There’s no doubt that Hoseok’s military family, Namjoon’s intelligence, and Jin’s abundant wealth, had an immense influence on the success of the rebellion. 
Of course that’s not to say that the others are any less important. Jungkook and Taehyung were among the best of the best in terms of strength and fighting, not to mention Jimin being an ace when it came to agility and swiftness. They had the skills to go against opponents 10 times their size, and yet somehow win. The three were known to be the best fighters in the empire, after the empress herself of course. Afterall, they learned everything they knew from her. 
Yoongi on the other hand, proved himself to be worthy to stand by the empress’s side as an advisor due to the fact that when it came to forming tactics, he always had the perfect plan to go along with every scenario. Much of the rebellion's success was derived from the various attack plans that Yoongi came up with.
He also knows how to handle her the best out of them all. He knows how to approach her when she gets mad or upset. And he is one of the few people who isn’t afraid to go against her if he needs to, only with her and the empire’s best intentions in his mind. 
But when it came to politics, Yoongi had a harder time due to the fact that he was just a village boy who didn’t receive the same amount of education as Namjoon or Jin. Granted neither did Y/n, having been born from the same village, but she was so determined to become the empress that she worked strenuously day in and day out in order to fit the role. Having Namjoon as her teacher definitely helped the process run smoothly. 
Sure Yoongi isn’t as book smart as Namjoon, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t smart at all. You know that despite things being said about him, his words and inputs at national council meetings have proven to be of great help to the empress and the empire in the past. 
And so without another word, you stand up from your bed with a newfound determination. 
Jungkook and Taehyung eye you in concern. “Y/n?” Jungkook asks, reaching out to hold your hand, causing you to stop in your tracks. 
“I’m going to go and personally find Yoongi. Regardless of our differences, he’s still my advisor, and his presence is just as important as every single one of you.” You feel Jungkook loosen his grip on you, allowing you to slip away from his grasp. 
“Shall we escort you there?” Jungkook asks tentatively, while Taehyung had already stood up, prepared to follow you on your command. 
But instead, you shake your head, “Considering what transpired last time, I don’t think it’d be wise to bring either one of you two along,” Jungkook rubs the back of his neck while Taehyung turns away as they’re both suddenly reminded of the way they had behaved towards Yoongi. Although they were opposed to the idea of you going alone, they couldn’t argue with your statement, since even they don’t know how they would react if they were in each other's presence again. 
“I’ll accompany her majesty,” Hoseok suddenly speaks up with a raised hand, resulting in everyone turning their heads in his direction, “I think it should only be fair after all,” he pouts, lowering his hand to cross both his arms across his chest. 
Namjoon raises a brow at his claim, “Fair?”
Hoseok nods as he accusingly points at every man in the room other than himself, “Every single one of you have spent more time with her than me, that's why I think it’s only fair if I escort her,” he declares with a puff of his chest. 
Taehyung scoffs at him, “Can you blame us? We’re her escorts, of course we’re going to spend more time with her,” he fights back a roll of his eyes due to Hoseok being of a higher rank than him. 
“Exactly, so I hope you don’t mind me stealing your ‘Y/n’ for the time being,” and before you could even utter a word, Hoseok strides towards you, reaching for your arm and practically begins dragging you out the room, “see you boys later!” 
Jin shakes his head disapprovingly as he watches Hoseok roughly pull you, “would you be more careful with her majesty!” 
Hoseok scoffs, “She’s not weak,” he responds as he turns around abruptly, your chest nearly colliding with his if it weren’t for his arms steadying you. 
“I agree, but she’s also not a ragdoll that you could just push around as you please,” Jin snaps back at him, eyes narrowing at the grip on your arm.
Namjoon nods his head at this, “Indeed. Be more gentle Hoseok,” he warns sternly as he shifts his body towards the both of you intimidatingly. 
And you don’t even need to turn around to know Jungkook and Taehyung were both shooting daggers at the general. 
Hoseok sighs and finally lets go of you with his arms raised above his head in defeat, “alright alright I get it. I’ll keep my hands to myself.” Though the men in the room only stare at him with unconvinced expressions as he smiles innocently right back.
You stifle a laugh at their reactions and begin to turn to leave, “we’ll be leaving then,” at this you turn to stare at each one of them, “while I’m gone. Behave.”
Taehyung scoffs, crossing his arms as he plops back down on your couch, “We’re not children Y/n.” But his pout tells you otherwise.
The corners of your lips quirk upward in amusement, “could’ve fooled me.”
He turns to you with an offended expression, mouth wide open and before he could give you a piece of his mind, you scurry out the door with Hoseok tailing right behind you. 
“Y/n!” You hear Taehyung’s voice yells out as he appears by the doorway in a matter of seconds. 
You turn around and almost laugh at his dumbfounded expression. Though, you nearly trip over your own two feet if it weren’t for Hoseok skillfully reaching out and steadying you. You quickly thank him before looking back towards your door to now find the rest of the men staring back at you. 
“We’ll set up a proper meeting tomorrow! See you boys then!” You call out before you’re reaching for Hoseok’s hand. He widens his eyes for a moment staring down at your joined hands before he feels you pull on him in the direction you were running to. 
You could still hear their protests coming from your bedroom as both you and Hoseok run away. But Hoseok can’t help but be more focused on your angelic laughter over everything else. 
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“So what did the general want to talk to me about so badly that he wanted us to be alone?” you say finally after creating a fair enough distance from your bedroom.
From the corner of your eye, you see him smirk, “What makes her majesty think I had ulterior motives?” he asks innocently, his pace matching with yours as you both walk down the quiet halls.
You shake your head with a smile, “because you’re Hoseok,” you reply with a teasing glint in your eye. 
Hoseok lets out an offended noise as he dramatically brings his hand to his chest, “That hurts your majesty,” he pouts, “couldn’t I have just wanted to spend some time with you?”
You laugh at this, “Sure, but you and I both know that that’s not the case,” your mouth forming a smile, an attempt to show him you meant no harm. 
Hoseok finally lets the innocent facade fall as a smirk begins to form on his face, “Our empress sure has a sharp mind,” you hum in reply, prompting him to continue speaking,  “you’re right, I did want to talk to you.”
Though after some time walking in silence, he speaks up again, “But I had nothing in particular to talk to you about, I just wanted to see for myself whether you had truly changed or not,” he responds bluntly. 
“Your verdict?” you question with your arms behind your back, a carefree aura surrounding you. 
“Hard to tell for now,” he teases with a wink in your direction, “however, something tells me it won’t be long before I give you my answer your majesty.”
“Well let’s hope it’s an answer we both will like,” a wide optimistic grin now on your face.
Hoseok stares down at you, giving you a small smile in return, “Yes, let’s hope.” 
You two don’t speak for a while, though you can’t say it was awkward. There was a comfortable air between the two of you that you actually didn’t mind walking together in silence. You took this moment to look around the scenery, admiring the window view as you don’t really have much time to do that since Taehyung, Jungkook and even Jimin would often preoccupy your attention, not that you were complaining about their company, you rather enjoyed talking to them. But you can’t help but be grateful for this moment to yourself. So for the time being, you just look out the window, little did you know, Hoseok was staring right at you. 
Hoseok couldn’t help but admire the way the sunlight glows on your skin as if you were an ethereal being. Even the slight quirk of your lips mesmerizes him as he watches you bask in the sunlight. A picture perfect moment that he desperately tries to ingrain in his mind. 
“You know, you’re more than welcome to address me by my name as well Hoseok,” you suddenly speak out, turning your head causing the male to widen his eyes momentarily at your abrupt attention. 
But Hoseok’s eyes soften, giving you a small smile before turning his head straight in front of him yet again, “I’ll keep that in mind... thank you.” 
Neither of you speak again after that, just enjoying each other's company in silence. And after everything that you’ve been through, you didn’t realize that this was exactly what you needed. 
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“Hey Yoongs”
The man hums, his eyes closed as he lays comfortably against the grass right beside Y/n.
“You’ll be with me forever right?” the young girl speaks up after some time.
At this, Yoongi opens his eyes as he stares at the far away look in her eyes, “Of course Y/n, where else would I go?” he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “why do you ask?”
She shrugs looking straight up at the passing clouds, “just making sure,” the wind softly breezing against her hair.
Yoongi nervously laughs as he turns away from her, “Sorry, but it’s gonna take a lot more for you to get rid of me,” Y/n chuckles at this causing the corners of his lips to curve upward at the sound. “Unless I got it all wrong. You’re not trying to run away from me once you become empress are you?” he questions with a teasing tone. Though he had a smile on his face, he couldn’t deny the feeling of anxiety at the possibility of her leaving him.
She scoffs before turning away, “Of course not, what would I do without you nagging me all the time, you’re practically my brother at this point.”
Yoongi feels a pang go across his heart as he faces away from her, “... right… you just see me as a brother huh,” he mumbles, more so to himself but she could still slightly hear him.
She tilts her head in his direction, “hm?”
Though he just shakes his head, “Nevermind,” now sporting a more cheerful expression as he nudges her shoulder playfully, “so suddenly I’m your brother huh?”
She nods her head, turning away from him, focusing her attention back to the sky, “Of course you are, what else would you be?” she genuinely asks.
Yoongi stills for a moment before responding with a long sigh, “Nothing,” he pauses, watching the clouds pass by both him and her as they lay on the grass in peace, “absolutely nothing.”
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“Her majesty told me about it and left the job to me,” Jin responds in a tired voice as he lets out a sigh. If he had known accepting the empress’s orders would lead to this, he would’ve never done so in the first place. Because not only does he need to deal with a pile of work, but also a very pissed off Yoongi. 
“Why would she give you all the work and not me?” Yoongi asks, tone slightly offended and irritated. 
“I don’t know Yoongi, why don’t you just ask her yourself,” Jin replies tiredly as he massages his temple at his growing headache. It’s not that he wanted to get rid of Yoongi, but because he himself couldn’t provide him an answer to his question. He too couldn't understand why Y/n would give him all the work instead of him, frankly he wishes she would divide up the work evenly but alas, that doesn’t seem to be the case as every inch of his desk is nearly covered in piles of documents. 
Yoongi lets out a huff of air before standing abruptly. Jin stares at him and widens his eyes when he notices that he’s about to leave. Nervously he stands from his seat as well, “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to ask her myself,” Yoongi replies as if it was the most obvious answer, his hand reaching for the door handle.
Jin gasps, “I wasn’t being serious!” he moves around his desk to grab hold of the advisor.
But Yoongi shakes his head, stepping back from his reach, “I know you weren’t, but you’re right. If I want change to happen, I need to go to her myself,” he watches concern wash over the older male before placing a hand on his shoulder, “don’t worry, I won’t lose my cool,” he says in an attempt to reassure him.
Though both Yoongi and Jin knew he was lying. He was just telling him what he wanted to hear. Jin wanted to stop him, but in the end, he lets it go since he knows that once Yoongi’s got his mind set on something, it was nearly impossible to get him out of it, ”fine, but I don’t want to hear about you getting sent to the dungeons again Yoongi.”
Though Yoongi only chuckles, “I won’t get angry, don’t stress about.”
And boy was he wrong, because it hasn’t even been 10 minutes that he walked into her office until hell broke loose. 
“Just let them handle it Yoongi, why are you so upset, I’ve given you plenty of work before,” she barks angrily.
“I’m upset, because you never give me the same amount of work as them!” He snaps back at her, tone equally as harsh. 
She nearly growls at his attitude, “Would you relax Yoongi, it’s just pieces of paper! If I had known you’d get so fucking irritated over it I would’ve sent the entire pile to you if that’s what you really wanted!”
That’s not what he wanted. He wanted her attention, her trust, he wanted to be the first person she sought out when she needed help.
He wanted her. 
“Y/n-” he gets interrupted when Y/n grabs a pile of documents and throws it in the air in front of him. He watches as the pieces of paper float down everywhere in the room, making it look as if a tornado wrecked havoc in the area. 
“Here! Just do it all for all I care, they’re just damn pieces of papers anyway,” Y/n growls tiredly. Yoongi could not have come at the worst time. Not only did she have to deal with a raging headache, but now her own advisor was yelling in her face far too early in the morning for it to be tolerable. 
She could feel her head ringing at the volume of his voice, but when she told him to leave as she wasn’t in the best mood to argue, he kept refusing stubbornly, insisting she listen to his complaints because apparently what he needed to say was so important to go against her orders. And so when she realized his important reasoning was because he was upset over his workload, her anger only rose from there. 
With her already sour mood, him snapping back at her surely didn’t help his case either.
“I have way too much shit to deal with right now, don’t add onto it Yoongi,” she spats loudly, the piles of paper covering nearly the entirety of the floor around them. 
His shoulder drops, finally coming to terms with everything as he stared into the once cheerful eyes narrow dangerously into tiny slits.
The girl before him, was never and will never be his. 
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For the past few days, Yoongi had been actively avoiding not only you, but everyone else. No matter how hard they tried, neither Namjoon or Jin could reach out to him. It was almost as if Yoongi somehow knew just when and where everyone would be to successfully avoid them. 
In the beginning of the empresses reign, no one took him seriously because he wasn’t from noble descent like Namjoon and Jin. when they would attend national council meetings, no one spoke directly to him as if his previous status of a commoner was still intact. And so he had to put on this whole ruthless persona for people to show an ounce of respect for him. He had to exert more effort to prove to everyone that he was equally as worthy as the other two advisors. That he was capable of doing the same amount of work, even if he didn't receive the same strenuous education as them.
And because of the comparison between him and the other two advisors, insecurities were born and shattered his mind. 
So seeing you put your trust in Jin and Namjoon hurt him a lot more than he would like to admit. The fact that they both knew and yet you hadn’t brought it up with him once was like a shot to his heart. 
And yet throughout his time spent alone, Taehyung's voice echoes in his mind.
“When was the last time you ever treated her as one of her advisors? When have you ever truly cared for her majesty?”
He groans out of frustration at the entire situation. Because as much as he hated to admit it, he was right. When was the last time he treated her with respect. Even though the rest of the boys joined the rebellion with him, never once did they blatantly disrespect the empress the way he did. 
And with the current situation, he doesn’t even think he deserves his position of advisor anymore. Never in his life did he imagine that someone was drugging the empress. All this time, he’s been bitterly blaming the empress about the current condition of the empire when in reality, it wasn’t even her fault. He pushed her away when she needed him the most. When she was suffering he unknowingly made things worse. And because of that, he doesn’t even know if he has the courage to face the empress ever again. 
Yoongi freezes when he hears a tentative knock at his door. Slowly, he raises his head from his hands before responding in a loud tired voice, “who is it?” ready to curse out the person on the other side of the door.
“It’s me hyung.” 
Yoongi widens his eyes at the familiar voice that he can’t help but rise from his seat. He carefully walks over and finally opens the door to reveal Jimin’s figure standing before him. For a moment, the two men stand opposite of each other in silence. 
“I need to talk to you,” Jimin finally says. Yoongi nods and steps aside for him to enter, still in complete disbelief that he wanted to speak to him after everything that’s been said between the two in the past month.
As if reading his mind, Jimin turns to him with an uncertain smile, “You’re probably wondering why I'm here,” Yoongi only nods, unable to produce words at this point. Jimin stops at the center of his office before continuing, “I know we’re going through a rough patch right now, but at the end of the day, you’re still someone that I deeply care about. You’re my brother and I’m just worried about how you’re taking the situation,” he explains with a nervous expression. 
Yoongi’s eyes soften, of course they weren’t on good terms at the moment, but Jimin was right, at the end of the day, they’re brothers. He could never truly hate or get mad at him, or any of them for that matter unless they truly betrayed him. 
Jimin wasn’t certain this would be a good idea, unsure how the older male would react to his presence. And so when he hears Yoongi let out a chuckle, although not so enthusiastically, that alone causes Jimin to visibly relax.
Just then, Yoongi lets out a long sigh, “I’ll be honest, I feel like shit. But I know she’s probably going through it way harder than I am,” he finally replies as he rolls his neck.
Jimin nods, “I’m sure she is,” he mutters looking away.
Though Yoongi raises a brow, Jimim’s tone almost hinting at the fact that he doesn’t know about your feelings which was surprising to Yoongi since he knows how close he is to you. At that realization he furrowed his brows, “you haven’t spoken to her, have you?”
Jimin seems to stiffen at his claim, he contemplated lying but knew the older male would see right through him anyway, and so he just shakes his head, “no I haven’t.”
“Why not?”
Jimin lets out a low chuckle, “I wasn’t able to keep a promise with her,” he answers softly, running his fingers through his hair.
Now Yoongi was even more confused than before, he wanted to ask more questions but felt like now wouldn’t be the right time based on the downcasted look on the younger man's face. And so he only nods in return. Though Jimin’s lips quirk up, grateful that he doesn’t push the topic further.
Jimin leans against the back of his couch, crossing his arms, “I saw you that day,” he added, wanting to change the subject. “The day at the ball,” he clarifies when he saw the puzzled look on Yoongi’s face. 
“You attended the ball?”
Jimin shakes his head, “no I was watching from above, her majesty wanted me to be her ‘eyes in the sky’, or something like that,” he pauses before chuckling, “she’s been saying some strange things recently.”
Rather than laughing along with him, Yoongi can’t help but feel annoyed, “Of course you fucking knew about it, too,” he mutters furiously under his breath.
Jimin widens his eyes at his sudden harsh tone, “Pardon?” 
Yoongi scoffs, now stomping his way to his desk, “The empress told you of her plans,” Yoongi uttered with resentment, “everyone but me.” 
And as if the world wanted to continue mocking him, here you appear through the open door, with Hoseok right beside you. You freeze in your spot, when you realize Jimin, who was now staring at you like a deer in headlights, was also present in the room. Despite his surprise, he bows out of respect. Though you can’t say the same about Yoongi.
“What are you doing here,” Yoongi curses at himself, he didn’t mean to take his anger out on you. You just happened to arrive at a bad time. 
Though his cold icy tone doesn’t deter you in the slightest, “I came to inform you that we’ll be holding a meeting tomorrow,” you explain hesitantly, careful not to say the wrong thing to aggravate him even more.
He raises a brow in doubt, “you came here to personally tell me?”
You nod, “the rest of the men wanted to have a meeting regarding the situation, but I didn’t want to attend if you weren’t present.”
Yoongi scoffs, “I'm not some charity case.” Although, Yoongi can’t deny the warm feeling in his chest from what you said.
You stop, taken aback from his words, “Is that what you think you are?” you pause before continuing, “Why do you think you became one of the empress’s advisors?”
Yoongi rolls his eyes at this, “Because you think of me as a brother,” he spats bitterly. 
“No, it’s because you’re one of the few people I trust most in this world, I know we had a bumpy road getting here, but you have to believe me when I say that I trust you,” you insist as you take a step closer into the room.
Though your statement seemed to have ignited a fire in him as he snaps his head to you with narrowed eyes, “If you trust me so much then why didn’t you let me know about this entire situation?!” You jump back at his tone, surprised by how angry he got.
Hoseok steps forward in an instant, “Hyung I had no idea about the drugs either,” he blurts out, trying to dissipate the tension in the room as he moves to stand in between you and Yoongi. 
Jimin nods in confirmation, shifting his body to stand protectively in front of you as well, “he’s right hyung, Hoseok also had no idea what was going on.”
“That may be true, but she still sought your help, no? She needed military strength, she needed someone to hide in the shadows and she went to you two,” he snaps at them. Hoseok shuts his mouth, unable to form words to counter his claim. 
Though it’s not like Yoongi was going to let anyone else speak, not until he was finished, “Where do I come into play? Jin hyung and Namjoon helped with the plan, Jimin looked out for you from above, Hoseok provided the military strength, Jungkook and Taehyung came as your escorts. But what about me?” At this point, Yoongi paces around the room frantically, you try to reach out to him but he jumps back as if your touch would burn him. 
“Why am I always in last place!” He yells at the top of his lungs, “Is it because I wasn’t born into high nobility like Jin hyung? Is it cause I’m not some fucking genius like Namjoon? Or as handsome as Jungkook and Taehyung. Or as confident as Jimin. Or as reliable as Hoseok?” He continues his rant when everyone is too stunned to react.
“Why am I never good enough for you!” He shouts, slamming his fist hard on his desk. The room becomes silenced in an instant. The only sounds coming from the broken advisor standing before you. 
“Am I not enough?” He sniffles, his voice cracking as he stumbles, grabbing hold of the corner of the table to stabilize himself. He bows his head low, an attempt to hide the tears forming in his eyes.
You turn to look at Jimin and Hoseok, giving them a solemn look as you nod your head in the direction of the door, wanting to speak to him privately. 
They seem to understand your gesture as they begin to silently make their way out of the room. Although Jimin hesitates for a moment standing by the doorway. He takes one last look at Yoongi and back to you, his expression unreadable before finally closing the door behind him. 
At the click of the door, you turn your head back to Yoongi, your eyes focused solely on him. Carefully, you take slow steps towards him, you don't know if he notices but if he did he didn’t take any further steps away from you. “Yoongi, you are more than enough for me, you have to believe me,” you urge as you stop a few feet away from him. Careful to not overwhelm and crowd around his space. 
His silence urges you to continue, “I just felt like you didn’t want anything to do with me so I gave you your space,” you explain softly, “But you’re still one of my advisors, I should’ve communicated with you better on the situation. I'm sorry.” 
You take a few experimental steps towards him, assessing his reaction carefully because if you saw any indication that he was uncomfortable by the distance, you would step away immediately. But he gave you none. Even when you were now standing in front of him, he didn’t make an effort to move away. Instead, he finally lifts his head, holding your stare as his tears now running down his face. 
You don’t know what got over you, but at the sight of his tears, you find yourself reaching your hand out until they cup his face gingerly. His breath hitches when your hand caresses his cheek, your fingers wiping away the seemingly never-ending tears.
“Yoongi, you’re more than enough for me,” you repeat softly as you stare into his eyes. Almost mesmerized as his glossy eyes shined back at you making it look as though you were staring at the night sky.
You lean your body forward until your arms wrap around his shoulders, bringing him into a tight hug, “I’ll always need you,” you say in a soft whisper. But no matter how quiet you were, he heard you loud and clear.
He sucks in a breath as a sob escapes his mouth. He doesn’t try to fight you, instead, he wraps his arms around your waist instantly, tightening his grip around your body.
But instead of calming down, his sobs grow louder at the feel of your body against his.
Concerned, you try to pull away but Yoongi only tightens his grip around you as he shakes his head. 
“Don’t,” he whimpers softly, clutching onto you tighter as if you would slip away forever, “please don’t leave me. Not yet,” he cries out. Your heart nearly shattering at the sound of his voice cracking. 
Your eyes soften as you once again relax in his arm, your hands rubbing his back reassuringly as he continues to cry, his tears falling onto the nape of your neck. “I won’t,” you soothe gently, “I won’t leave you Yoongi.”
He sniffles once more, “You’re really back?”
You don’t have it in you to respond with a straight answer. You just couldn’t bring yourself to lie to him like that, especially in his current state. Lying to his face knowing that the empress he knew was no longer the owner of this body. That you were a completely different person, but who in their right mind would believe you. 
So instead, you nod softly, reaching a hand to run through his hair. His tears stream down his face as he chokes back a cry at the feel of your nod. 
You smile bitterly, as you have to keep reminding yourself, the girl he loves isn’t you, it’s the empress. He’s not crying for you, he’s crying for her. 
You had seen this coming, but it still hurt a lot more than you had expected. The world for some reason just wouldn’t stop being cruel to you. 
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A young man approaches the darkly lit room slowly, the only source of light being the fireplace that’s barely holding onto life as it seems as though it’s about to die out at any moment.
“Master, I’ve come with urgent news,” the boy announced, news so important he fidgets in his spot nervously as he anticipates his reaction. It’s silent in the room, the only sound coming from the crackling of the fire as the wood burns. 
There, sat in front of a large window was the boy’s master, he had not turned around to face him, instead, opting to stare up at the moon as it shines brightly down on him, “Speak,” he commands in a dominating voice.
The boy nods his head, “We received a report confirming the death of Grand Duke Lee Joong-gu as well as Sir Taehyung, Sir Jungkook, and Sir Jimin stepping down from the rebellion.”
The man hums, immensely intrigued by the sudden news, “and the others?”
The boy shakes his head, “there have been no reports being made of the others stepping down as of this moment master, though many speculate it’s just a matter of time at this point.”
The man bellows loudly at that, as he leans back comfortably in his chair, his eyes shining with mirth, “I told that damn duke not to get too greedy and look what happened. He got caught,” he scoffs as he turns fully around, hands crossed on his desk as he traces the letter he had received from the late grand duke a mere few weeks ago in a bored manner, “Seems what that fool said was of concern after all, her majesty has truly changed.”
The boy nods, “What do you suggest we do now?”
He turns back around, admiring the night sky, “tell my men to continue keeping an eye on her majesty. And report everything to me.”
The boy bows, “yes master,” he responds before turning away, ready to inform those of the new orders. 
“Well I’ll be damned,” the man whistles as he leans back on his chair, “so you truly did succeed in changing the story,” he chuckles and with a dangerous glint he stares up at the moon, “I can’t wait to meet you, new empress.”
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A/N: Hey guys!! I’m so sorry for taking so long to upload this chapter, I had to focus on my final exams and all the assignments my professors piled on me at the end of the semester. So I tried to finish this chapter as fast as I could!
I hope you’re all happy with how things went in this chapter. Also sorry for all the drama, I just felt like it would be better for the reader and Yoongi to make up instead of making more chapters of them avoiding each other when they could just communicate about their feelings. 
Thank you everyone for supporting and reading my story! I also love receiving all your kind messages so thank you so much for that!
And as always, I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Tagslist: (those in bold, I’m not sure if it worked for you, I’m really sorry, I’m not sure how to fix it) (I also apologize if I forgot to add someone, just comment again and I promise to add you in the next one!!)
@reallysparklychaos, @unknownsageking, @casspirit0705, @fangirl125reader, @silscintilla, @serefara29, @chimtaesty-main, @xxqueenwxtchxx, @diamonddia-mond, @vishakhas-world, @purelyecstacy, @resticou, @woopetals, @magicsweetener, @splaterparty0-0, @daydreambrliever, @strangeobjectmaker, @luna-xial, @m0chilattae, @celaenaelentiyavox, @lindsayjoy444, @layzfeelit, @kimsaerom, @songtiddies, @untamedgrape, @sonnymii, @moonssuga​, @kassandravictoria, @galaxyflab, @blank-et-noir, @nynhope , @midnight1199, @yessii-i, @protontippens, @gguktings, @borahebangtan, @katkrusade, @handsupanddropthepotato, @missseoulite, @cellula-staminale, @red-bow-tie3, @whateveritis616, @ggukkieland, @sbroces, @nnessworls, @yoonieebear
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amistytown · 4 years ago
Power Over Me (Leviathan x GN!MC)
Leviathan x GN!MC as Lord of Shadow and Henry; MC is referred to as Henry but remains gender-neutral. I enjoy the TSL lore in Obey Me and wanted to write a bit for it. I initially had an alternate ending in mind, but I decided to save it for another idea I might write at some point. Tried to keep Levi in character while giving him and the story a slightly different feel since it takes place in a fantasy world. Also listened to Power Over Me by Dermot Kennedy on repeat while I wrote this so chose to title it accordingly. Hopefully, it turned out all right. Trigger warning for mentions of blood and self-deprecating thoughts. Mostly some angst with fluff. As always, sorry for the typos that I may have missed, and thank you to everyone who takes the time to read. I appreciate it!
Lightning illuminates the throne room, the Lord of Shadow watching the rain batter the windows, gaze sullen. A storm rages outside, mirroring the flood of emotion bursting forth to drown him in misery. Though he can only hold himself accountable, allowing his envy to fester and take possession of his heart in a moment of weakness. He regrets the letters he frantically wrote in his jealously, the heated words exchanged between you, and your pain forever engrained into the parchment, the ink smudged by your tears, which now lay in pieces at his feet. He considered to make the journey to you, begging for your forgiveness, but he knows he’s undeserving. Instead, he mourns the loss of your friendship, the loneliness left in its wake burning him from the inside out as he cries into his hands, his tortured sobs lost to the thunder roaring above.
The doors swing open, light spilling in from the hall. He recoils at the intrusion, anger welling and threatening to spill over, his patience worn thin. A growl dies in his throat, eyes widening at the vision before him, so beautiful and precious his entire being aches with longing. Slowly, he takes in the sight of you, engraving every detail into his memory. Your windswept hair and the raindrops trickling down your face, clinging to your lashes and following the curve of your lips as you smile sweetly at him, staggering into his arms.
“Henry,” he whispers into the nape of your neck, daring to embrace you and revel in the feel of your body against his; your skin cool and soft, and your scent rich, intoxicating him. He’s certain he’s not worthy of your compassion, yet he can’t bear to turn you away, selfishly clinging to you and delighting in the fact you lean into him, your arms winding around his waist to pull him closer. My Henry, he thinks, tightening his grip, afraid he’ll lose you again if he’s not careful. “I’m sorry. I’m so so—”
You grow limp, legs buckling under your weight.
Fear engulfs him, heart lurching as he supports you, catching your hand in his. “Henry?” he whimpers, noticing how your chest heaves with each breath, and the way your brows knit in discomfort, a low groan slipping past clenched teeth. “Henry! What’s wrong? Tell me, please.”
“I ran into a bit of trouble on the way here,” you manage, laughing pitifully. “I didn’t realize . . .” Your fingers fumble to unclasp your cloak, and he swallows thickly at way lay beneath. Blood soaks your blouse—a sickening shade of red—the fabric sticking to your back.
“You didn’t realize?” he cries, incredulous. “Henry—”
“I just wanted to see you.” Your voice wavers, head lolling to the side. He calls to you, shaking you by the shoulders, desperate to keep you beside him. However, your eyes close, grief overtaking him when they don’t reopen.
“You’ll be okay,” he reassures, robes billowing around his ankles as he rushes down the corridor, gently cradling you to him. Guilt plagues him, reminding him how pathetic he is, especially for hurting you and putting your life at risk; how could he act so recklessly. You’re the light to his darkness, breathing life into his world, and he can’t accept losing you—his happiness—your love dispelling the shadows that once consumed him. He never knew a truer friend, and he’s positive there’s no one else who could play such an important role—you’re irreplaceable. There’s plenty of time to atone for his sins, tonight he needs to make sure you live to see the morning.
“I’ll take care of you, Henry. I promise.”
Time comes to an agonizing standstill.
The Lord of Shadow remains at your side, hoping and praying you don’t succumb to your wounds. He watches you closely, frequently checking your pulse and finding comfort in the steady beat of your heart while you sleep, looking deceivingly peaceful in his bed. His focus is on you, never straying from his true friend’s wellbeing despite his inner turmoil, which threatens to tear him apart at the seams. You keep him together, and again he’s at your mercy, owing you his life for all you’ve given him—his hero—his Henry. He hurt you, but you came to him and offered him forgiveness, willing to sacrifice yourself to save your friendship. How can you care about him with such ferocity, a brooding reclusive lord who’s unworthy of his title? No matter the days spent apart, you return to him, accepting him into your life without hesitance, and he can’t help welcoming you back with open arms.
“I’m so sorry,” he mutters. “I’m terrible. A worthless—”
“You’re not.”
For an excruciating second, he wonders if he imagined the glorious sound of your voice, and an anguished sob escapes him, tears clouding his vision. You stare up at him, eyes heavy with sleep, and a lazy smile on your lips. He’s dreaming, he reasons, shaking his head in disbelief. Then your hand is in his, familiar and warm; he shivers at your touch.
Gasping, he pulls away. “Y-you . . .”
“Forgive me,” you say, so understanding—so sweet—your kindness unfathomable. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“N-no,” he stammers, head spinning. “I’m sorry.” Tentatively, he reaches for your hand, fingers quivering as he entwines them with yours. “I’m sorry.” His tears come faster and harder, shamefully hot on his cheeks. He’s unable to articulate how sorry he is or how his very soul painfully throbs at the thought of hurting you—losing you—wishing he could turn back the clock. “For everything.”
You give his hand a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay,” you soothe. “I’m sorry, too.” Sitting upright, the blanket bunches at your waist, and he can see where the bandages peek out from beneath your shirt, the skin bruised, making him wince. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“I’m the reason you’re hurt,” he chokes out, averting his gaze. “It’s the least I can do.”
“It’s not your fault.”
You’re wrong, he wants to say; however, he refrains.
“I don’t blame you,” you continue. “Look at me, please?”
He shouldn’t. Surely, he looks foolish, a mere hostage to his emotions. Nevertheless, he spares you a glance, wondering why you regard him so kindly—lovingly even—causing his heart to flutter.
“It’s not your fault.”
Not his fault? His mind tells him differently; it’s a sea of dread and uncertainty that washes over him in waves, dragging him under. The sincerity of your words is difficult to ignore, and, in that instance, he decides to trust you, finally breaking the surface. “Henry,” he murmurs, hugging you to him, arms wrapping around you protectively as if to shield you from the world. His tears wet your hair, body trembling, and you hold him, letting him come undone in your embrace.
“I wanted to see you,” you say, setting him alight. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you suffering on your own.”
“I know you’re struggling. It’s okay. I’m here.” You rub his back, resting your head on his chest. “I’ll always come when you call.”
“You’re the truest of friends, Henry. I fear I’m not worthy . . .”
“Of course, you are. I’ve never known a truer friend than you, my lord.”
“I can’t help worrying someone will steal you away. It’s selfish of me, I know. Though I feel so inferior in comparison. Sometimes I think you’re better off without me.” When he learned you met with the Lord of Corruption, his insecurities grew, fanning the flames of his envy. Why choose him over his brother? The Lord of Corruption could provide you with more than he can give. The rest of his brothers, too; they could care for you—protect you—unlike him. You’re here with him though, leaving his brother behind at a moment’s notice, and you did come when he called, eager to please. He wants to return the sentiment. “I can’t articulate how important you are to me. I . . . you’re so special, Henry.”
“No. No one compares to you.” Your praise captivates him. “All I ask is for you to trust me. Talk to me so I can help you. I accept you, all of you, and that’s not going to change. I love you as you are.”
“Love me?” he breathes.
“Yes, I love you.”
A simple but genuine vow of love. He stills, terrified he’ll faint in your arms as he hides his face, heart racing. The cynical part of him says it’s too good to be true, but he knows better—he knows you. He’s envisioned this moment, and it’s far sweeter than his fantasies, your love a beautiful feeling that sweeps him off his feet.
“Have you slept?”
He sighs, mouth unbearably dry. “No.”
“Come to bed. You should rest.”
“Henry! W-with you?”
“You say that as if it’s the first time we’ve shared a bed,” you tease.
“You’ll be the death of me.” Although he complains, the bed dips beneath his weight as he settles beside you, reaching for your hand. “Is this, okay?”
“It is.” Shifting onto your side, your hand tightens around his, a flicker of pain twisting your features.
He tenses, frowning. “Are you okay?”
“I’m all right. Better, thanks to you.”
He can see the exhaustion in your eyes, the dark circles beneath them, and the stiffness of your movements, betraying the smile you wear for him.
“Who hurt you?” he asks.
“No one you need to worry about. Not now.”
Unsurprising. You’re his Henry, besting him and his brothers on multiple occasions; anyone who chose to challenge you is a fool. Yet, your blood flowing freely, covering his hands—the ungodly stench—stayed with him. He clearly recalls your lifeless body, and how the color drained from your face, the heaviness of his heart breaking when he believed he lost you twice in one day. You looked so fragile then and do now, trusting him at your most vulnerable. Hatred for the one who dared to harm you runs deep and for himself for not protecting the one he loves.
“I thought I lost you,” he admits, inhaling sharply. “I-I . . .”
“You didn’t. You won’t.” You catch his tears as they fall. “I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere.”
“I love you, too.” His declaration is quick and clumsy but true; he’s loved you for so long.
Caging you in his arms, he hovers over you, peering down at you shyly. His body shakes with every beat of his heart, ears ringing, but he admires you, gaze affectionate and a light blush dusting your cheeks. He’s scared. He’s scared of losing you most of all, trying to muster half the courage he knows you possess. “I love you, Henry,” he says softly, clutching your hand, his lifeline. Closing the distance between you, he catches your lips in a tender kiss, the magnificence of it sending a rush of blood to his head. He forgets how to breathe, dizzy on the taste of your love, and collapses next to you, questioning if he died and ascended to the heavens. With you by his side the future is much brighter, and, for once, he looks forward to what it brings.
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tripleaxeldiaz · 4 years ago
you’re my living proof my love is alive
for @eddiediaz HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY <33
read on ao3
“Did you ever think we’d get here?”
Eddie opens his eyes, the shade of the tree they’re under saving him from an assault of sunlight. He’d been dozing off and on, lulled by the warm day and the soft breeze and Buck’s fingers raking through his hair where his head rested on his lap. But something about Buck’s voice — not a sadness, not an edge, but something — wakes him up fully, and he rolls onto his back to look up at Buck’s face. He follows where Buck’s eyes have landed — on their family, spread out around them, absorbed in their own conversations while kids flit in and around them like over excited butterflies. He’s looking at them wistfully and in some sort of awe, and Eddie waits for him to elaborate.
“To the park?” he asks slowly when it looks like an explanation isn’t coming. “It’s like a 10 minute drive from our house.”
Buck tugs his ear, fighting and losing to the smile spreading on his face. “No, asshole. I mean all of this. Our family. You and me. Did you ever imagine we’d get a life like this?”
The breeze seems to blow a little cooler as Eddie takes that in, because honestly? No. All of this, the joy that he’s found here, is brighter and better than anything he ever let himself dream about.
And it’s not that he never thought he’d be happy or filled with some kind of lightness. It just wasn’t a priority — not when he had a team to lead or a marriage to try and fail to fix or a kid to take care of on his own. Everything and everyone else came first because those were things he could handle, tangible things with some kind of concrete solutions, the direct opposite of the amorphous, unreachable discomfort that always seemed to sit right at the base of his skull. And there were moments of joy, especially with Christopher — his smile, his laugh, the way he lit up at any opportunity to learn something new. Those were good moments, great moments, and Eddie treasured all of them, locking them up tight in his heart because they were sometimes the only things that got him through the day.
But still. No matter what, at the end of the day, he’d find himself in bed, surrounded by silence, fighting off the aching loneliness that grew stronger as the sun went down. Only then would he let himself indulge — he’d imagine a dip in the mattress next to him, warm skin begging for his touch, craving that feeling of being wanted by someone else despite the demons and nightmares that still haunted him.
He doesn’t really know if it made the loneliness better or worse.
Moving to LA helped — a fresh start for both of them, more opportunities, no one hovering over his every move waiting to swoop in the minute he made a mistake. He felt lighter, excited even, like maybe now things would actually turn around for him, like maybe he was ready to fill that space that sat in his heart. Maybe Shannon coming back was a sign that she was supposed to fill it the whole time, just like he thought when they were 19.
But then she left, permanently, just as quickly as she came, and suddenly he wasn’t sure of anything his heart or soul was telling him anymore.
So he threw himself back into what he knew best — being there for everyone else. Whether at work or with Chris, his focus was solely on the outside, ignoring any pangs of longing or indulgences because they didn’t matter. A person could only survive so many broken hearts in their lives, and he’s certain that watching the life fade out of Shannon’s eyes with no way of stopping it was the last one he’d be able to handle. It wasn’t a waste, this focusing on other people, and he wasn’t unhappy — how could he be when he had the best kid, the best friend, the best family that he’d cobbled together for himself, that had saved him time and again without even knowing it?
The loneliness lingered, though. It wrestled with the fear he felt so hard sometimes it blew the breath right out of his lungs. He thought he did an okay job of hiding it until Bobby sat him down and told him it was okay to move on, that it was okay to want to let someone in, to not carry the burdens on his own anymore. And he knew that, rationally, but that wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that in the moments when his resolve cracked, his indulgences were no longer faceless. They had broad shoulders and strong arms, a halo of curls and eyes so blue they put the ocean to shame. 
The problem was that this person was real and solid, an unshakeable presence in his and Chris’ world who smoothed out creases and stitched up tears in a way that was helpful, not in a way that made Eddie feel guilty for letting things get creased in the first place.
The problem was that the person his stupid, lonely heart had let in, without his consent, without him even noticing, was the person he knew would shatter his heart into a billion, unrepairable pieces if he ever lost him. 
So he settled instead. 
He found someone who was nice and low maintenance and good with Chris and it was enough. Or almost enough. Or as close to enough as he felt he deserved.
He feels another tug at his ear. “Did I lose you? Pretty sure your eyes just glazed over for like two minutes.”
Nothing he does gets past Buck, that’s for sure, and the knowledge of that warms him better than the sunshine. He reaches up and threads their fingers together, kissing the back of Buck’s hand before resting both on his chest, over his heart. He sighs, eyes slipping closed again. “Sorry. Zoned out for a second.”
“And forgot my question,” Buck says, squeezing his hand. “So did you? Imagine this? Or something like it, I guess.”
He’s better with words than he used to be, can be straightforward with his feelings without breaking out into a cold sweat. But still, these words stick, because years and countless therapy sessions later, he knows exactly how deep the darkness went back then, and he hates thinking about it. Hates remembering the full body ache of loneliness, how dull and bleak it made everything seem.
But also, he can’t — won’t — lie to Buck, and he’s warm enough now, surrounded by sunlight and laughter and Buck’s hand on his chest, that he’s not worried about being pulled under again.
“No,” he finally says. “I didn’t let myself think about anything like this for a really long time. But when I finally did, it was never as good as the real thing.”
Buck hums but doesn’t say anything else. He traces carefully over Eddie’s knuckles and the back of his hand, and Eddie almost falls asleep again. 
“What changed your mind?” Eddie opens his eyes and Buck’s looking down at him now, an intense curiosity in his eyes, like he was just cycling through everything he knows about Eddie trying to figure out what made him believe in love again.
Knowing Buck, he probably was.
Eddie’s happy to save him the trouble. “I got shot,” he says simply, and Buck’s hand finally stills. Eddie reaches up, cupping Buck’s cheek, relishing in the way he automatically leans into his palm.
“I got shot,” he says again, “and you saved me, in every way you possibly could.”
It’s true — it wasn’t the first time a bullet had found a path through him, or even the first time he’d seen his life flash before his eyes. But as he lay there in the street, hot asphalt underneath him, weaker by the second, the only things running through his head were Chris and Buck and ChrisandBuck, and his only regret was that Buck didn’t know — about his guardianship of Chris, about how he made Eddie feel something like hopeful for the first time in years, any of it.
As his vision blacked out, Buck’s face streaked with blood and panic was the last thing he saw, and he vowed to make sure Buck knew everything if he made it out of this.
Of course, nothing is ever that easy. 
After he woke up, with Buck’s name on his lips but Ana’s hand in his, everything became a waiting game. 
He waited for Buck to show up at the hospital, out of breath but still so dazzling, his very presence making Eddie feel like he could run a marathon right then. 
He waited for them to finally be alone so they could talk, but only got through telling him about the guardianship before Buck got a text from Taylor that made him smile so softly the rest of Eddie’s speech died in his throat. 
He waited to break it off with Ana long enough that he didn’t seem like a jackass, waited as Buck and Taylor flew higher and higher before crashing, waited for days and weeks and months, waited, waited, waited. 
But it didn’t hurt. All that time, it wasn’t excruciating, it didn't feel like a waste, because he knew from the minute he woke up that he was waiting for something. He could feel the anticipation burning up inside him, and it wasn’t going to be for nothing this time. 
Finally, finally, just as naturally as they had fallen into each other’s lives the first time, they fell together again — in the dim light of Eddie’s kitchen, empty beer bottles and raw, unfiltered words between them, reliving the day they hadn’t been able to talk to each other about for the past nine months. Eddie’s hands shook and Buck took them in his and Eddie knew this was his moment. 
He looked Buck dead in the eye and said, “You’re the reason I’m sitting here right now, and I’m in love with you.”
The evening air crackled in the silence, and neither of them moved. Eddie was pretty sure even his blood had stopped flowing as he waited, until suddenly everything snapped. 
Suddenly they were both leaning in, suddenly they were kissing and whispering I love yous soft and desperate across each other’s skin.
Suddenly everything began.
He shakes his head a bit as he comes back to the present. Buck doesn’t say anything this time, just smiles and kisses the center of Eddie’s palm where it’s still resting on his cheek, tangles their fingers together again before placing them back on Eddie’s chest. 
“You saved me too, you know,” Buck says quietly. “I wasn’t the one who got shot, but still, you did. You always do.”
“Always will,” Eddie says, because it’s true, and the easiest promise he’s ever made. Buck is his hope, his light in the dark, every other cheesy cliche, and Eddie will work for the rest of his life to make sure Buck feels safe and loved. It’s the least he could do for all that Buck has given him.
They lapse back into quiet, enjoying the sounds of the park and their family, and Eddie feels something he's been too afraid to name until now, a holdout from years of guarding himself.
He’s happy. Truly, with no caveats or strings attached, unbelievably happy. 
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sehunniepotwrites · 4 years ago
sakura kiss | n.yt
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🌸 synopsis—the four times you noticed yuta’s love for flowers and the one time you realized it was not the flowers he was in love with
🌸 genre—  would you be so kind? universe ; hanahaki!au, university!au, flower shop!au, angst, romance, slight fluff, mutual pining, strangers to lovers!au 🌸 pairing— art student/florist!yuta x art student!reader (f) 🌸 word count— 9000+
🌸 warnings — cursing; mentions of coughing, vomiting, hospital visits, death (no one dies!!), two idiots in love
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🌸 author’s note—so i finished a fic with my favorite trope in time for my birthday today (dec 11th) and i’m posting to celebrate! it all started with this tweet that said yuta used to work at a flower shop and enjoyed drawing the plants during his free time! 
this was a fun write and it takes place in the same verse as wybsk, which is linked above! you can read sakura kiss as a stand alone or after wybsk to get a better understanding of two scenes! to those you came from my mark fic, i gave yn a name (kira)!
but here she is! enjoy and be sure to tell me what you think!! i love feedback uwu
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Nakamoto Yuta, you noticed, was an unusual fellow. He was your senior in the art department, a fourth-year preparing for his graduation while you were a couple of semesters behind him. Other than his small circle of friends, the foreign exchange student kept to himself, burying his handsome face in his sketchbook. You had classes together before but those were large lectures with over fifty students in the room— this was the first time you shared a small studio lab with him.
Barely interacting with him in the past, you were determined to change that no matter how intimidating Yuta was.
Were you intimidated by his extremely good looks or his unmatched talents in the fine arts? Both. Definitely both. He turned heads without fail and when he smiled, oh my god, you thought he was the sun. Yuta was pretty, beyond pretty even, with his striking face, brown eyes, and perfect body proportions. 
To add on top of his perfection, his art style was immaculate. The artist never failed to steal your breath away with a couple of strokes and a swipe of his blessed hand. Anything he touched turned to gold. Never sharing those thoughts with him in the past, you made a firm decision to tell your senior this coming semester.
Yuta sat at the easel next to you, barely two feet away from your station. His sketchbook and drawing utensils were already splayed out on the holder. He was fiddling with his phone to pass the time, his painted nails rapidly hitting his touchscreen. How did Yuta make something so mundane as checking his phone look so ethereal? The inner most thoughts in your head cursed whatever beings lived in the beyond for not endowing you with such looks. 
You gulped, gathering up the courage to talk to him. “Hey,” you greeted shyly. 
Hey? That was the best you could do?
Yuta turned towards you, gaze shifting away from his phone. “Hey,” he said back with a slight curve of the lip. 
“I don’t know if you remember me but we had a couple of classes together last semester,” you forced yourself to say with an awkward smile.
He grinned and his teeth sunk into his bottom lip, almost like he was holding back a laugh. “Yeah, no, of course, I remember you.” Your name slips from his mouth, causing your awkward smile to turn into a genuine one. His tone is kind and his voice is low, sending shivers down your spine.
You tried your best to keep the conversation going, wanting to finally compliment him on his work but your professor entered the room and called for everyone’s attention. He handed out the syllabus to a student upfront and around the papers went, signifying the start of your first class. Yuta shot you an apologetic look, conveying that you could always continue the conversation later. 
The overview of the course’s syllabus was always the boring part of the first days. Your eyes glazed over, still not fully awake from rising early, and you tried to shake the sleepiness away. Stealing a glance at Yuta, you almost laughed at how his easel was angled in a way to hide that he wasn’t paying any attention. His syllabus outline was discarded off to the side and Yuta’s hands were moving rapidly, sketching out a large tree in full bloom in a page of his notebook.
It looked like flower petals raining from the branches and a person leaning against the tree trunk, hiding underneath the shade. His sketching speed and quality amazed you— how exactly did he sketch that fast and that beautifully?
You made sure your professor wasn’t looking in your direction before nudging Yuta’s side to grab his attention. He snapped out of his drawing daze and turned to you with widened eyes. A red seeped into his ears and pale cheeks, but you missed it completely, eyes zoned in on his quick draw.
“That’s really good,” you whispered.
He rubbed the back of his neck at your compliment. “It’s just a quick sketch,” Yuta tried to play it off. He was never one to take compliments so well.
You leaned over to get a closer look. Noticing you almost falling off your stool, Yuta shifted his easel slightly closer to yours. “Is that a cherry blossom tree?”
He nodded, “Yeah, they’ve been on my mind a lot.”
“Do they remind you of home?” you asked. You couldn’t imagine being an exchange student in a foreign country— you would miss home too much.
“Yeah but that’s not really the reason why I’m drawing them,” he replied. His eyes shifted to a look of pain or discomfort as if he was reminded of a scarring memory. You watched him closely to make sure he was okay. He cleared his throat before letting out a couple of concealed coughs, face digging into his shoulder. 
“You alright, Nakamoto?” You were too embarrassed to call him by his first name.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just a little cough.” Yuta gave you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “And you can just call me Yuta, you know?”
“Right, noted,” the name felt so foreign on your tongue. 
“I have cough drops in my bag if you want some,” you offered, already reaching down to grab your backpack. He quickly dismissed you, telling you it wasn’t necessary. 
Continuing to watch him sketch, you admired the way Yuta fussed over the smallest details— the lining, the shading, etc. It was nothing more than a simple sketch but if it was gifted to you, it would be framed and hung for the world to see. 
He really was an artistic genius. 
“Cherry blossoms are my favorite flowers,” you said.
You were too absorbed in his drawing to hear him mutter, “I know.”
“You say something?” 
Yuta cleared his throat again with a pained expression. His hand held his neck for a second before shaking his head. “I said, they used to be mine too.”
Huh, you never really picked him as the flower loving type. 
This was the third time Nakamoto Yuta had flowers growing in his chest and he hated it. 
It was less painful the first two times around, probably because they were nothing more than fleeting crushes. He was in high school then, wholly infatuated with two different students during those years. Yuta followed them around like a lovesick puppy, all smiles and waiting on their hands and feet. He coughed a couple of petals out and it caused some uneasiness, but after being rejected harshly, Yuta pushed himself to move on. 
The pain of high school rejection could never compare to the dull ache he was feeling as he looked at you. There you were, the person he secretly admired for the past two semesters, merely two feet away at your own easel. 
You looked so in your element, eyebrows knitted and pencil in hand as you sketched away. A sight so captivating, Yuta almost forgot to breathe. Being an artist himself, he wanted to preserve that image on a canvas but he didn’t think his hand could do you justice. No pencil sketch, no painted canvas, no marble or clay sculpture could even compare to you. 
This was more than puppy love. More than infatuation. Yuta was sure of it but how was he to let you know? You barely knew each other and a confession out of nowhere wouldn’t be the best way to get acquainted. 
Perhaps another time, he thought to himself, before turning back to his sketch. 
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You would’ve never guessed that Yuta Nakamoto had a thing for flowers but he did.
Then again, you didn’t really know what he had a thing for to begin with— your friendship just started to bloom. It was like a bud barely opening under the sunlight; with each interaction, there was something new you learned about the quiet yet charismatic art major. 
You knew he was a Japanese exchange student that majored in art, that was a given. You recently learned he loved cherry blossoms and that watercolor was his favorite art medium yet you still wanted to learn more. 
The first time you ran into him outside of class was in the university library. Yuta sat at one of the tables, his space surrounded by books on flowers. There were books on the language, arrangements, and gardening tips. His face was deep into his sketchbook once again, back bent over the desk but his focused eyes darted back and forth between his drawing and his page of reference. 
Yuta didn’t even notice as you hovered over him, debating on whether you should say hi. Even with your shadow casting over his body, his deep concentration never faltered. 
His page was filled with various plants and flowers, little notes in a messy scrawl right under their pictures. He was currently drawing cherry blossoms, the page he was referring to showcasing the anatomy of the famous flower.
“Cherry blossoms again, Yuta?” you broke the silence.
Your voice startled him, causing his pencil to slip from the artist’s grip. It made an accidental mark and you whispered an apology as he clicked his tongue. 
“Don’t worry about it, nothing an eraser can’t fix,” Yuta reassured you as he rid his paper of the unwanted mark. He blew the eraser bits of his page, hand sweeping his surface clean. He offered you the seat next to him and you gladly took it.
“So, why are you always sketching flowers?” you posed as your hand gestured to all the books he had on his person. 
“They’re beautiful, don’t you think?” he answered with another question. He gave you a cheeky little grin, his lips widening to show off his beautiful pearly whites.
“Well, yeah.”
“It’s a shame they die so easily,” Yuta said, fingers running over his sketches. “Beautiful but fleeting.”
“But that’s life, isn’t it?”
“I guess it is.”
You hummed at his answer. “You’re really passionate about flowers, aren’t you?” 
“Something like that. I actually work at a flower shop nearby, maybe you’ve seen it?” Yuta fiddled with the front pocket of his backpack to pull out a business card. “I like learning about the meanings to help the customers in the shop, amongst other things.”
You took the card from his grip, examining it. For You in Full Bloom was printed largely on the thin piece of cardboard. Staring at the name, you wondered why it sounded so familiar until it hit you.
“Oh, I pass by it everyday while walking to campus! I live two blocks away from the shop.” Your smile grew wider and he smiled back for a second before his face contorted into one that conveyed pain.
Yuta turned away from you to cough into his hand, his free one hastily digging into his pocket. He pulled out a handkerchief and began to cough into that. Shocked by his sudden sick fit, you quickly patted him on the back, hoping it would help him hack out whatever was lodged in his throat.
You saw him peek into the small square of fabric and wince at whatever it caught. He cleared his throat before turning back to you. “Sorry,” Yuta muttered, rubbing the front of his neck to soothe it. Placing a cough drop in his hand, he took it without complaint and popped it in his mouth. The relieved sigh he let out made you feel slightly less worried. 
“You’re still sick?” you frowned. “You should really get that checked out, you know?”
He waved you off, “It’s nothing serious, I swear. What were we talking about again?”
“Cherry blossoms?”
“Your favorite flower.”
“And yours,” you added.
He hummed, “And mine.” There was a solemn tone behind his words but before you could press on the subject, he coughed again.
“Did you know that they’re also a symbol of renewal?”
Shaking your head, you urged your classmate to continue.
“Cherry blossoms hold the bittersweet meaning of life and death but they also bring the message of new beginnings.”
Yuta just wished when it came to you and him, the flowers meant the start of something new but no— instead, they just reminded him of the ache in his chest. 
They reminded Yuta of how alive he was but also how he was one step closer to his grave. 
Yes, you were merely classmates but he felt like he knew you solely from all the stories that were shared by your mutual friends in the art department. Ten and Taeyong sang praises on how thoughtful you were, always helping professors clean their studios after hours. Sicheng brought up how passionate you were about your major— Yuta himself bore witness to this many times during lectures and he wanted to know more about you. 
A lot of charm filled your figure and it was enchanting, it really wasn’t that hard for him to fall. 
Yuta fell for you much like the blossoms from the cherry trees. 
And just like the blossoms, his time was fleeting but you were so completely unaware.
You left the library first, having forgotten that you had office hours with a professor. He watched you leave, eyes fixed onto your back.
Someone once said that you become miserable if you love someone too much. Yuta believed that to be true. There was a pang in his chest, heart racing against his rib cage as a stronger nausea attack hit him. 
He gasped for air as his weakened stomach turned with sickness. Something was rising, working its way up his body. Yuta quickly slapped his hand over his lips as he hurled. Instead of bile, cherry blossom petals rained out of his mouth and into his palm.
He chuckled under his breath. Was it sad that he found beauty in his suffering? 
Yuta thought himself to be crazy as he quickly shoved away the pain to begin sketching the petals in his hand.
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For You in Full Bloom— what a nice name, you thought to yourself as you entered the shop with your friend Sicheng right behind you. The light ringing of the bell attached to the front entrance alerted the people at the counter of your presence. You picked up on harsh whispers before the tall male worker rushed to the back, forcing the young girl to assist you.
“Hi, welcome in!” the girl smiled brightly at you. “How can I help you today?”
Before you could reply, Sicheng stepped forward to answer, “Kira, we’re looking for Yuta— is he here?”
“Oh, Sicheng, hey! I didn’t even see you,” Kira exclaimed. “He’s, uh, not here right now.” Kira shot Sicheng a frustrated look, eyes darting to the back. Your companion sighed, done with his friend’s stupidity. You missed the quiet interaction, being too preoccupied with your surroundings. 
“We’ll catch him another time then,” you answered her.
The small and quaint store was filled to the brim with flowers and your hands ghosted against the magnificent displays in the front window. The petals felt soft and the pleasing smells overwhelmed your senses in a good way. There was beauty all around you— there was no wonder why people loved visiting flower shops.
Various watercolor pieces were framed on the wall and you examined every artwork displayed. They were simple paintings of the plants that found a temporary home in the store. Some pieces were the flowers by themselves and others were of the many arrangements offered. They were vibrant, bright, and so incredibly detailed.
“I’ll tell him you stopped by,” she paused to ask for your name. You replied with a smile before turning back to take in the art. 
“The paintings are a nice touch,” you commented, finally turning to look at her. 
“Oh those? Yuta painted them,” Kira grinned, her body straightening up with pride. “He paints a lot when the shop is slow and my mom, the owner, loves to hang them up.”
“I should’ve known.” You took a closer look and spotted Yuta’s signature at the bottom of every picture.
“He’s very talented, isn’t he?” Kira hummed. Sicheng snorted for some unknown reason and you slapped his shoulder in response. There was nothing funny about Yuta’s skills and he knew that.
“Yeah, his skill is unmatched. I admire him for that.” 
“Have you ever told him that?”
“God, no!”
“Why not?” Kira pressed. Sicheng joined in on the pressing and you moaned, an embarrassing heat creeping up your face,
“I don’t know. We talk but I find him to be a little intimidating,” you leaned against Sicheng’s shoulder and looped your arm through his. “I can’t just go up to him and fangirl over his work, can I?”
“But you want to,” he groaned. “And I’m tired of hearing you go on about it. Just tell him.” 
A whine left your lips and you pinched your friend’s arm at the comment. He yelped and Kira just watched as the bickering continued. 
“Yuta looks intimidating, yeah, but it’s just his resting bitch face, I promise. He’s just a softie,” Kira laughed and Sicheng agreed. “You should definitely tell him. He would love hearing it, especially from you.”
There was this knowing smile on both of their lips and it just seemed like they knew something you didn’t. You tugged on Sicheng’s arm as an attempt to ask him the florist meant by the last bit of her sentence and he tried to shrug you away.  You just clung on tighter to your friend with a playful smile with Kira keeping a close eye on you.
You heard a cough come from the back of the store, causing both Sicheng and Kira to look up with concern. The coughing fit grew louder and louder, leaving Kira to excuse herself for a bit. 
“If the other florist is sick, they should be at home resting,” you tutted with a frown. 
“Some people are stubborn,” Sicheng threw back with a bit of distaste. Picking up on your friend’s bitterness, you wondered why he felt so strongly about it. You waved it off when a small display of sunflowers and red roses together captured your attention. Holding it in your hands, you admired how the two vibrant colors compliment each other.
Kira swung her way around the counter, “You like that bouquet?”
“It would be really pretty to paint,” you say, still spinning it around in awe. 
“Yuta put it together himself yesterday, he’s pretty good at arrangements,” the florist beamed.
“What can’t he do?” you scoffed.
“Apparently, open his mouth and say what he needs to say,” Sicheng muttered beside you. Kira elbowed his stomach and he lurched over in pain. 
“What was that?” 
“Nothing,” Kira laughed nervously. She worked her way to you and gestured towards the flowers, “It’s yours, on the house.”
You rejected the offer right away. “Oh no, I couldn’t,” is what you reply, attempting to shove the arrangement into her hands. With a kind grin, she persisted for you to take it and just asked you to buy from them the next time you visited. “I’m sure Yuta would love it if you took this one off our hands.”
With a promise, you hesitantly accepted the bouquet. Sicheng was snickering in the background and you had to hold yourself back from whacking him with the flowers. Thinking you’d taken too much of the florist’s time, you quickly said your thanks and headed out the door with a coy Sicheng trailing behind you.
“They’re gone,” Kira yelled towards the back of the shop. Yuta made his way back to his spot at the cash register while wiping at his mouth with his uniform sleeve. He quickly pulled out his art supplies from underneath the counter, setting everything up to resume his painting. Taking a seat on the stool, his body was slumped over his makeshift desk as he messed with his pencils. 
His coworker rolled her eyes at him as she began to work on a bouquet of blue cornflowers and daisies— good fortune and new beginnings. Her nimble hands hastily worked their magic with ease as if she’s done it a million times before. Yuta observed her, quickly sketching her hands at work. 
“You’re ridiculous, I don’t get why you had to hide.” 
“I didn’t want her to see me like this,” Yuta said, his pained eyes covered by the long bangs that drooped down over his sketchbook. 
“Like what?” Her hands went to her hips. “Sick and hopelessly in love?”
“Yeah, let’s put it that way.”
“There’s a solution to this, you know,” Kira pressed with furrowed brows. “You don’t have to keep suffering.”
This. Hanahaki is what she meant— the disease of unrequited love.
“I’m fine, Kira,” Yuta hissed with a bit more annoyance than he intended to. She flinched at the tone but still pushed on when he coughed again. He felt the discomfort of something being lodged in his throat and his body had the urge to hack it out. Suddenly, he was leaning over the counter with cherry blossom petals littering the cash register. 
Yuta practically hacked up a storm, body curling in pain. One hand was clutching his stomach while the other had a death grip on the edge of the counter. The dizziness returned and he felt lightheaded as the retching subsided. A weakness took over his athletic body and Kira rushed to assist him back onto the stool. There was a bottle of soothing eucalyptus oil sitting right on the counter and she scrambled to open it before shoving it under his nose. 
“You’re obviously not fine. You need to go to the hospital to get checked,” she said as Yuta took the small bottle from her grip. He dabbed a couple of drops onto his hands and rubbed it on his nose and throat. “Why won’t you accept any help that’s offered to you at the hospital?”
“I’ve gone through this before, Kira. Don’t worry about me.”
“Sometimes you forget I’ve gone through this, too!” she yelled. “I don’t want you to end up on your deathbed like I was at one point.” 
Yuta couldn’t argue with that. He was hired back when she was in the hospital recovering from the final stage of the dreaded disease. 
“We’re all worried about you here. Mom, Jongin, Mark? And your friends— Sicheng, Ten, and Taeyong? We all hate seeing you like this!” her voice grew louder and louder with each word, causing him to flinch at the shrill tone. Deafening noises plus nausea and headaches never meshed well with him.
“You don’t see how much it hurts seeing someone you care about suffer like this, Yuta. It hurts even more when we can’t do anything to help you go through this.”
Silence filled the room.
“Have you seen Dr. Kim lately?” Dr. Junmyeon Kim was the Hanahaki specialist that Kira recommended. He eased her back into normalcy after her scare.
“I will soon, I promise,” he said through haggard breaths. She guided him through a couple of breathing exercises and it calmed his racing heart down. 
Kira sighed. With a quieter tone, she said, “It’s a shame the world made us experience heartbreak this way, isn’t it?”
Yuta smiled sadly at her— it was a shame.
The front door of the shop opened and the bell rang. They both turned to see Kira’s boyfriend Mark walk in with a cute grin. He clumsily hopped over the counter to plant a sweet kiss on her cheek. “Well, at least you got your happy ending,” he muttered too low for his coworker to hear. 
Yuta knew there was a chance of having it too, he was just too afraid to speak. 
If one were to look at him at that moment, his features hid nothing. Nakamoto Yuta was slowly ripping at the seams with the sakura branches poking their way out of his built figure and although multiple options were given to him, he still felt so unbelievably helpless.
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It was the middle of the semester when you caught Yuta wandering the halls of the main art building. A grin found its way to your lips as you saw him with his messenger bag and a tubed container slung over his shoulder. Running to catch up with him, you slipped your arm into his free one. Your classmate yelped at the sudden contact and you let out a loud giggled that echoed in the empty hallway.
You finally felt close enough to initiate contact after sharing supplies with him during one studio session. That being said, it didn’t mean you were comfortable with revealing the feelings you harbored towards him— you wanted to keep that a secret for a little bit longer. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t have classes in here today,” you asked.
“Oh, it’s just you,” Yuta sighed. You felt your heart drop at his words but you played it off with a scrunch of the nose and a teasing tone. 
“Were you expecting someone else, Nakamoto?” you nudged his stomach and he avoided it, already predicting your actions. Yuta held back another series of coughs, quick turning away from you to cough into the handkerchief always kept on hand. He looked in pain as he continued to hack into the small piece of cloth and you brought a comforting hand to rub at his back.
“Every time I see you, you’re coughing,” you frowned. “You really need to get yourself checked, it’s been months.”
“No, no, I promise you I’m fine,” he replied with the shake of the head, his dark hair moving along with him. Even when ruffled and out of sorts, he looked good. He attempted to clear his throat by downing some water. 
Your lips pursed at his words, not satisfied with his dismissive answer. “If you say so. Promise me you’ll see someone if it gets worse though.”
He agreed but you suspected it was to stop you from nagging. “To answer your question before you went all mom on me, I was here to talk to the department about my senior project.”
“Have you decided on your theme for your exhibit yet?” 
Yuta smiled wistfully, “Flowers.” 
“Should’ve known— it’s always flowers with you. It’s like you’re in love with them or something.” 
He let out a scoff at your words. When you shot him a questioning look, he dismissed the act completely. 
Time spent with Yuta always passed so quickly; one moment you were on the top floor of the building and the next, you were already at the bottom of the staircase. Ever the gentleman, he held the front door open for you and you thanked him with a smile. His brown eyes shrunk into little slits and whiskers appeared at the corners as he grinned back with a little chuckle.
How you longed to sketch that image.
A strong breeze blew through, causing a couple of leaves and fallen petals to fly around your figures. You crossed your arms around your front to keep the cold from seeping in and shut your eyes to keep debris out. Peeking at Yuta, you saw him cover his eyes with a calloused hand and he gently pushed you behind him to use his body as a makeshift shield. As soon as the breeze stopped, his grip on your arm loosened but the grip he had on your heart was still as strong as ever.
He whirled around to make sure you were alright and next thing you knew, his hand was lingering above your head. “You have something in your hair, do you want me to take it out?” 
Yuta looked down at you with cautious eyes and you just noticed how close you were. Heat radiated off his body and your cheeks as you nod in approval. One dry hand moved to delicately clutch the side of your head as the other plucked a leaf out of your hair. 
Your breath hitched as his fingers ran against your skin and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. There was a sudden pounding in your ears that matched the drumming rhythm of your heart.
“There,” he whispered as he let you go. With a smile, Yuta added, “good as new and pretty as a picture.” 
“Pretty enough to paint?” you fired back with sarcasm.
“Definitely worthy of being displayed for the world to see,” he winked.
Was he flirting? It seemed like he was. 
Maybe, Sicheng was right— Yuta could have feelings for you. But it could also just be wishful thinking.
Were you flirting? Is this how flirting works? 
“Speaking of displays,” Yuta started nervously as he walked you to your car. He slowed down his walking pace and you easily matched it, your steps moving in time with his. The main walkway on campus was devoid of people, seeing how it was later in the school day. The path from the art building to the lot you parked in was short and you wished there was some way to extend it so you could spend more time with him.
“Will you, uh, come to my show?” he asked, his hand scratching the back of his head. His hair flopped with the wind and his unsure grin made him look so incredibly endearing. “I know it’s still too early to give you a set date but I’d love to see you there.”
“What? Of course I’ll come!” you said, stopping to slap his arm. 
He winced at the contact. “Ow?”
“I would’ve gone even if you didn’t ask me,” you proceeded on the path with a smile. “I have to go and support my friends.”
There was a coughing fit coming from behind you and you whirled around to see Yuta hacking into his handkerchief again. It looked more painful than the last attack he had a few minutes ago. His breathing was shallow and he clutched his chest as the coughs continued. 
“Oh my god, Yuta!” You were pretty sure you heard him gag as you rubbed his back. “Okay, I’m taking you to the hospital. You’re clearly not alright.”
He lifted a hand to tell you to stop. “No, no. I’m fine. I just—I gotta go,” was all he said with his hoarse voice before jolting away.
Staring at his strong back as grew smaller and smaller, you almost missed the fallen piece of cloth on the ground. Keyword: almost.
“Wait, Yuta!” you shouted, bending down to pick it up. “You dropped your hanke—” As soon as you lifted the handkerchief, perfectly preserved cherry blossom petals fell out of its hold. They rained towards the ground, decorating the sidewalk with the prettiest shade of pink.
Yuta was long forgotten. You were too lost in your confusion of the flowers. 
“Cherry blossoms?” you asked yourself. “They’re not in season yet.”
Yuta heard you calling for him but he refused to turn around. He pushed himself to keep running despite the tight pain in his chest. Pulling out his phone, he sent quick text messages to Sicheng and Kira with his location, asking them to stop by and help him. The disorientation hit faster this time, causing him to tumble into a bench. He gripped the iron lining as he hurled and for the first time, it was so painful that it brought tears to his eyes. His mouth trembled as he let out a cry.
Yuta tasted the bit of blood that poured out of his lips. 
Wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket, Yuta ignored how the crimson stained the fabric. A butter chuckle escaped him. 
“Pink goes good with red,” he whispered to himself as another stinging pain made its way up his body. 
He felt the branches slowly poking his lungs, climbing a path up his chest. It was just as Kira described— it was piercing like a sharp arrow to the heart. The arrow pressed and pressed and pressed until he was exploding with petals, blood, sweat, and tears.  It was aimed to kill. He thought arrows to the heart were supposed to fill him with love, not a heart-wrenching pain that tempted him to rip the beating organ out of his chest.
This was all too much to bear.
The full flowers and the scratching of wood tickling his throat. 
The lack of oxygen and struggle for air.
He felt it all. He wished he didn’t. 
Yuta wished he was one of the people that found their soulmate with that ridiculous red string of fate tied to the end of his pinky. They were blessed with a lifetime of happiness while he was cursed with what felt like an eternity of agony that his weakening body could no longer withstand. 
Yuta knew you didn’t love him but he adored you anyway. 
This wasn’t a shoujo manga, Yuta knew that. This was real life. No one was going to kiss, kiss, fall in love with the blink of an eye.
Picking petals off of flowers wouldn’t solve his problem. He wished it did, though.
If only it was that easy.
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The rest of the semester flew by quickly with midterms and mid-semester projects keeping you at bay. You barely saw Yuta, yet alone the rest of your friends, if not for your classes. All of you shared the same appearance: dark circles, eye bags, sunken cheeks, hunched backs, and glazed over eyes. Your group survived the weeks with a crazy amount of caffeine and not enough food.
 With the school year finally over and graduation season starting, that meant one thing for the college of fine arts at your university— exhibitions. The music and dance departments already had their concerts and showcases. Final showings of the theatre department’s newest production just wrapped up yesterday; the only thing left were the senior art exhibits.
Dressed to the nines and not at all like a struggling artist, you paced back and forth at the entrance of the student art gallery with a bouquet of irises in your hand. Sicheng, your emotional support for the day, stood as you walked the same path with annoyance. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint why you felt nervous— it wasn’t even your exhibit, it was Yuta’s. 
Ten and Taeyong wrapped up their exhibits the week prior; Yuta’s was the last one.
“Are you done freaking out? Can we go in now?” Sicheng cocked a brow at you with his phone in hand. “The others are already inside.”
Wringing your hands together, you took in a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do this.” 
Sicheng rolled his eyes before opening the doors to the gallery. Stepping inside, you were immediately welcomed by paper flowers of all sorts hanging from the ceiling and the quiet chatter of the gallery’s visitors. To the right, you saw a sign displaying the exhibit’s name: Efflorescence. A brief description of the exhibit was placed below it and you took the time to read it before stepping further in.
Snapshots of his life told through the appearance and language of flowers.
Ten and Taeyong, your seniors and close friends, were waiting for you off to the side. 
“Sorry for the wait, you guys.”
Sicheng grumbled, “Took her long enough to calm down.”
Ten laughed, “Were you nervous for him? You weren’t like this for our final exhibits.”
“Oh, leave her alone,” Taeyong hushed the other two. Wrapping an arm around you, he pulled you close, “She’s nervous because this is her crush we’re talking about.”
“For heaven’s sake, say that any louder and he’ll hear you!” you screeched. The boys chuckled at your embarrassed state as you went ahead of them, ready to walk your way through the large room. From the corner of your eye, you saw Yuta smiling by the exit, surrounded by people singing praises about his work.
You weren’t in a rush— you wanted to take the time to appreciate every piece before talking to him about why he chose to display each work. Talking to the object of your affection could wait.
The first few paintings were of his childhood and the flowers that accompanied each scene all had similar meanings— innocence, purity, etc. You noticed that most of his paintings were done with watercolor, which made complete sense. 
It seemed like he was always prepared to paint something, brush and paint always at the ready. The genius basically carried his foldable watercolor palette and pad everywhere he went, not wanting to miss an opportunity to paint a beautiful picture if he were to pass by one. That was another thing you admire about him— Nakamoto Yuta saw beauty in everything.
Deeper into the gallery, you found more familiar scenes and faces. There was a landscape of the fine arts department, with daffodil petals scattered across the canvas and it was titled New Beginnings. You passed various portraits of your friends, their beauty rivaling that of their birth flowers that shared the same space. Marveling at how realistic his paintings looked, you made a note in your brain to relay that thought to the artist later. He captured the essence of each person perfectly in a painting, breathing life into it, and you honestly couldn’t understand how one could do that. 
Spotting Kira’s familiar face admiring a painting up ahead, you quickened your pace to catch up to her. Feeling the light tap you placed on her shoulder, she turned around with a surprised look that turned into a genuine smile upon seeing your face. She released her hold on her companion, a cute boy with doe eyes and bright smile, before giving you a hug. 
“You’re here!” she squealed. Taking notice of the flowers in your hand, she winked, “Irises, huh? Nice touch.” 
“I stopped by your shop beforehand looking for you and an older guy wrapped them up for me,” you smiled sheepishly. “Should’ve known you would be here and not working.”
“My brother, Jongin,” Kira said. “And of course, I wouldn't miss Yuta’s exhibit for the world. He’s done a lot for me and my family.” She shared a fond look with the boy next to her and he squeezed her hand in return.
“This is my boyfriend, Mark, by the way,” Kira gestured to the boy next to her. 
“Yo, nice to meet you, dude,” Mark extended his arm out towards you and you gladly took in your hands to give it a shake. You laughed at his casual greeting; it was charming. 
“Back at you, dude,” you giggled back. 
Turning to take a peek at the picture they were admiring, you couldn’t help but break out into a wide grin. It was the two of them with the flower shop as their background. Yuta had painted Kira seated on top on the counter, eyes closed with glee and hands clutching a small bouquet of blue flowers. Mark, on the other hand, leaned towards her with fingers gripping the table top and looking at her with a loving smile. 
You could feel the love pouring out of it and it warmed your lonely heart. “Wow,” you whispered.
Kira leaned her head on Mark’s shoulder and he placed a tiny kiss to her temple. “I’m buying it from him once this is all over,” she said.
Knowing each flower played a part in Yuta’s paintings, you tried to distinguish what flowers she clutched in her hand. “They’re cornflowers,” Mark answered the question that lingered in your head.
“Why cornflowers?”
“Oh those things put us through a lot— a little pain sprinkled in with their beauty,” Kira smiled, leaving Mark to chuckle lovingly at her comment. It felt like a secret between the two of them and you were invading in their space. “They were what got us together in the first place.”
Her  sentence made you cock a brow. How could flowers be painful? That was awfully cryptic, even a little unsettling but it sounded a little familiar to you; it was on the tip of your tongue. 
“Yeah, they’re pretty special,” the boy grinned, gaze still glued to the person wrapped under his arm. “Cornflowers are my favorite.”
“They’re starting to become one of mine, too,” she returned the look. 
Mark’s bright brown eyes were shining with the love you wish someone had for you. It was a sweet sight, to see such a young couple in love. A part of you was jealous that they found a love like that so early in their lives while you pined after an artist that was so infatuated with flowers and their meanings. 
Wanting to leave them in their moment, you excused yourself with a smile. There were only four paintings left to see.
The first was a design you recognized. It was a more detailed painting of the sketch you had seen Yuta draw on the first day of the semester. A girl was seated on the grass, leaning her back on a trunk of a cherry blossom tree. Her hands were outstretched to the sky, trying to catch the falling petals in her hand. Stealing a glance at the title, Yuta titled the piece, Wishful Thinking. 
Moving to the next piece, it was a close up of Yuta’s hands. His palms were pressed together, cupping cherry blossoms in his hand. Petals and full flowers were scattered around the canvas, filling out all the empty spaces. The bright pink stood out against the color of his skin. You admired the amount of detail this piece had— the wrinkles on his skin, the gradient found on the petals. It held your interest, leaving you to wonder what this piece titled Inside meant to him. 
Yuta’s self-portrait was showstopping. He borrowed the flower shop’s name, calling this piece For You in Full Bloom. The painting brilliantly depicted him in all white, his eyes closed with pain and hands clutching at his throat. The blossoms were spilling out of his mouth, the petals tainted with a blood red. You could feel the sadness and the suffering emitting from the picture and it pained you to see such a vulnerable depiction of him. 
Putting two and two together, you figured it out. 
Hanahaki. You had read about the disease before, one of the artists you admired had it. They created art as a way to tell their story. It was their escape from the suffering, a way to ease their pain, and the one course of action they took to be remembered after their death.
The only piece of information you lacked was who made him tolerate such pain.
Skipping the last painting of the exhibit, you made your way through the crowd to find Yuta. He stood at the end with a polite smile, thanking everyone who attended his exhibit. Onlookers were showering him with compliments, leaving you to wait until the small crowd cleared out.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” you breathed out with a concerned look. You couldn’t even spit out the name of the disease.
His smile widened into a genuine one, eyes gone soft at the sight of you. “You made it.”
Spotting the irises in your hand, he gestured towards the bouquet. “Are those for me?”
Still in shock that the person you were in love with was suffering all this time, you handed them to him without a word.
“Irises mean ‘congratulations,’ nice choice,” he laughed, trying to steer the topic away from his illness.
“Who?” you asked. “Who is it?”
Cocking his head, he answered you with another question. “You didn’t see the last one, did you?”
Shaking your head negatively, Yuta took you by the hand and the feeling made fireworks explode in your chest. Your heart was beating rapidly as he led you a few steps away. Nodding his head towards the last frame, he whispered, “Take a look.” 
You felt his hand break out into a sweat and you wondered why this last one made him so nervous. Glancing at the title, you read the words Love Me Now. 
Taking a deep breath, you mentally prepared yourself to see the person who had a hold on Yuta’s heart. Unlike him, you thought yourself strong enough to take the heartbreak— after all, you weren’t the one with flowers blooming inside you. Shifting your eyes over, you gasped as soon as you spotted whose face was framed on the wall. 
Staring back at you was the most beautiful painting of yourself. It was a you that you had never seen before. He painted you in flourishing pastels to match the happy look on your face. He captured your smile lines, the curve of your eyes, and the scrunch of your nose in such detail; it amazed you beyond belief. 
There was movement in your hair, the strands swaying in the wind along with the petals behind you. Your hands held a branch of your favorite flowers, half of them covering part of your face.
Captivated by seeing yourself through someone else’s eyes, you couldn’t tear your gaze away.
“Your smile makes flowers grow in my chest,” Yuta’s voice came from your side. You turned to see him wear a strained smile. Yuta’s huge eyes that were usually filled with kindness were taken over by something else— pain. 
There was pain in his words and you hear the ache in his voice. His tone is hoarse, like his throat is unbelievably dry or irritated. 
“I— I don’t know what to say.” 
Everything was extremely overwhelming. 
He shook his head to tell you that it was okay; he just needed to get the words off his chest. “It’s so beautiful and enchanting and it makes my heart clench and flowers take over my lungs.”
“Cherry blossoms,” you found yourself saying. You couldn’t believe this was happening. There were words you wanted to say but you were struggling to find them.
“Sakura,” he repeated in his native language.
“My favorite flowers.”
“Your favorite flowers.” 
“You were never in love with flowers,” you stated, still in a state of shock. 
Yuta released this low, almost bitter sounding chuckle that comes from deep within his chest. “Never.”
“Then, you’re in love with—”
Just like the artist you admired, Yuta painted his way through his pain of loving you. 
Nakamoto Yuta felt like he had been in love with you for the longest time. He had loved you before he could even muster the guts to let you know it, to invite you to this exhibit that displayed art dedicated to you.
He really hoped that you would show so he could take the chance to confess. Sure, you had promised but sometimes, people never intended to keep them. If he didn’t get it off his chest, he would never be able to breathe and Yuta desperately wanted to.
Yuta wanted to fill his lungs with breaths of fresh air and just breathe you in. That was all he longed for. 
“Oh,” was all you could breathe out.
“It’s okay that you don’t feel the same,” Yuta tried to comfort you, getting the wrong idea from your lack of words. “I just needed to let you know.”
The sharpening ache that became so familiar to him was building up in his chest again, preparing him for the worst. Yuta swallowed thickly, already feeling the petals working their way to his mouth. His airways began restricting, his breaths growing more haggard by the second. He had so many things to say and he was determined to let it out before the petals escaped. The words spilled out his mouth, his lips running like a motor, “I used to be afraid of being in love and being happy with a person that I loved because it hurts.”
He stopped you with a lifted palm. 
“Happiness never lasted with me, the flowers always ripped it away,” he explained, his trembling eyes focusing on your portrait and not the real person beside him. 
“But then I met you and felt things I have never experienced before. So, I pushed my way through the pain just to be with you because I felt like I reached for the stars and touched the sky when we were together.”
His words brought tears to your eyes. You couldn’t believe someone would sit through the pain just to spend time with you nor thought you were worth it but here Yuta was, proving you wrong.
“There were times I wanted to beg you to love me, just so the hurting and the bleeding—just everything— could stop but I was too much of a coward and it led me to this.”
Here he was, pouring his heart out to you with his images and words, and you couldn’t let out a single noise. You forced yourself to move forward, to slip your hand into his. The sensation of your fingers intertwining with his brought Yuta out of his daze to look at you.
“Yuta,” you said with trembling lips. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
“It’s not your fault,” he replied with a sullen tone. You squeezed his palm and he gave you a light one in return. “If I don’t get this off my chest now, I’ll never be able to breathe and I really want to.”
“There’s no reason for you to lose your breath over me.” A sniffle escaped you and Yuta turned to see you crying. He bent down to wipe your tears away, his finger swiping against your skin ever so gently. 
“Why are you crying?” 
“Because you suffered because of me and you didn’t have to,” you shot back with a whimper.
“You couldn’t have known, it’s okay,” he tried to reassure you.
“No, no,” you interrupted him to his confusion. “It’s not that.”
Your voice was so soft under your quivers, he could barely hear you over the loud chattering of the other guests in the room. Yuta guided you just outside his exhibit to a bench and dried your eyes with the sleeve of his sweater. 
“What’s wrong?”
Yuta’s question made you laugh through your tears and at all the time wasted. He had been in pain for so long because he was yearning for you just as you were for him. The mutual yet silent pining took you down this route and it could have been avoided if you had just stopped being a coward and spoken up like Sicheng pushed you to.
“There’s nothing wrong,” you said with the dismissing wave. You willed yourself to look him in the eyes and bring a hand to his cheek. “It’s just that I think I’ve been in love with you as long as you have been in love with me.”
Your confession caused him to freeze in his seat. His brown eyes were blown out wide and mouth dropping in shock. Giggling as more tears fell, you quickly slide the hand cupping his cheek down to his jaw to shut his mouth closed. Running a thumb against his lips, you felt his pulse quickening at your touch. 
“You’re in love with me?” he asked, voice as gentle as the breeze. There was uncertainty and disbelief behind it. Yuta wanted to hear you say it again.
“I’ve been in love with you for a while now.” Your earnest words were music to his ears. 
He felt this comforting rush take over this body and it sent tingles down his spine, traveling all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes. Your confession worked like magic, spelling him with this high that made him soar to the skies. 
Yuta thought you were a witch, entrancing him with a love charm so strong that it brought instant relief to his pain. His heart was trying to fight its way out of his chest and the ache of his airways dulled. The muscle was pounding so loudly against his ribcage, he could hear it in his ears, and he swore you could hear it too. 
His lips upturned into the biggest grin, he felt like his cheeks were about to burst. 
Was this how a requited love felt? If it was, he never wanted to go without it again. 
Yuta rushed to pull you in his arms and sighed when you nuzzled your head into his neck. He shivered when he felt them whisper the three words he longed to hear into his skin. His body shook with laughter as he placed a lingering kiss at the crown of your head, reveling at the feeling of you encased in his hold. 
You tried to fight your way out of his grip but he only tightened his arms, not wanting to let you go. The action left you giggling into his neck, causing him to squirm until his hold loosened. Your hands trailed their way from his waist up to cup his face and suddenly, his eyes were locked onto yours. Just as you were getting lost in the deep sea of brown, his gaze flickered to your lips before looking back at you. His lips quirked up as you did the same. 
He felt your breath hitch as he leaned in to slot his lips against yours and the overwhelming rush returned. It seemed like his heart was racing against time, beating erratically as you kissed him so tenderly. Your lips were so soft and they tasted like the vanilla flavoring of your color, leaving him to chase after you every time you pulled away for a breath. 
Yuta fought the strain in his airways as he pursued your lips again and again, loving the way you felt and tasted. He picked up the smell of your cherry blossom shampoo and laughed into the kiss. The feeling of having you was so addicting— your love was his drug and he was forever hooked on you. He would devote himself to nothing else but you.
The sensation of Yuta kissing you and smiling against your lips sent you into overdrive. There were butterflies in your stomach, fireworks going off in your head, tingles down your spine and you loved it all. 
In the past, you only noticed Nakamoto Yuta’s undying love and admiration for flowers but this was the first time you finally noticed his love for you and it was nothing short of wonderful. 
It was the start of something new. 
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🌸 author’s note— that’s it! it came out a bit more angst than i intended, definitely lacked the fluff i was expecting but i’m still satisfied with the ending uwu  i loved writing my little markie and kira in the fic, i’ve missed them! but yes!! that’s the end of my little bday present to myself! i hope y’all loved it! please leave some feedback; i would love to hear what you thought of it!! i think i literally fell in love with yuta while writing this.
🌸 taglist— @danishmiilk​ @hyunjins--laugh​ @littleflowercrown13​ @orange-nimon-cross​ @radiorenjun​ @ncteaxhoe​ @chancrispy​
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thisissirius · 4 years ago
spoilers for 4x04.
five people who love buck unconditionally and the one to whom love can’t describe everything buck is firefam + buck (buck/eddie)
. protection
“I wanted her to tell you.”
Buck’s tried being mad at Chim. He’s been mad at Maddie and his parents, Chim, Eddie. Everyone and everything, even when they didn’t deserve it. “I know.”
If Buck remembers anything from the past few days it’s this; Chim batting for him, a solid barrier doing his best to stand by his girlfriend and Buck all at once.
“Can I ask you a question?” At Chim’s nod, Buck stares at his hands. “How did it feel when—Albert arrived and you knew your father loved him in ways he never could you?”
It’s an unfair question and Buck knows it. Chims expression shifts into discomfort and then something that Buck doesn’t wanna name.
“I’m sorry. That’s not fair.”
“Hey, no,” Chim says, reaching over and taking Buck’s arm. “I’m not offended that you asked. I can’t imagine—okay maybe I can a bit. It’s not a great feeling. I felt unloved. So not so different.”
Buck smiles, but there’s no humour in it. “Yeah. It sucks.”
“Except,” Chim continues, catching Buck’s eye and holding it. “That I’m not unloved. And neither are you.”
Hen keeps watching him.
It’s fair. Buck keeps scaring everyone; not that he means to. Maybe he’s just that fucked that things will keep happening to him. Buck hopes not. He’s not sure there’s much left of him to take.
“You can ask.”
Hen raises her eyebrows. “Ask what?”
Buck waves a hand. “Whatever it is you wanna ask.”
“Buckaroo,” Hen says, and that name hurts. He ducks his head, feels an invisible hand squeeze his heart. Hen touches his thigh, squeezes. “Is it the name?”
“My mom doesn’t like nicknames,” Buck says, looking away. “She’s never liked that I call myself Buck. Chim had to call himself Howard just because he didn’t wanna put them out!”
Hen nods. She doesn’t move her hand. “I heard. Do you like the nickname?”
Buck nods. “I wouldn’t tell people that’s my name otherwise. I just feel—if I let everyone call me Evan, maybe she’d look at me for once and—“
“Love you?” Hen asks, her voice quiet.
Throat tight, Buck doesn’t know how to answer. He nods, feels his eyes burn with tears.
Hen shifts, sits on the couch next to him. “You’re my Buckaroo.”
Buck cries then, feels like it’s bursting out of him and through it all, Hen holds him.
Going into Bobby’s office never means anything good, but Buck finds some measure of comfort in it this time as he knocks on the door.
“Buck,” Bobby says with a smile. “I thought your first shift back wasn’t until—“
“It’s not,” Buck says, dropping into the chair opposite Bobby. “I wanted to talk to you. Well you and Athena but I didn’t wanna just turn up on your doorstep—“
Bobby raises an eyebrow. “That’s never bothered you before.”
“I haven’t doubted myself so much more,” Buck says before he can stop himself. At Bobby’s expression, he wipes a hand over his face. “Sorry that wasn’t meant to come out.”
“I’m glad it did.” Bobby pulls out his phone and Buck freezes, holds out a hand to stop him calling. The last thing Buck needs is to worry Eddie some more.
“You can’t call—“
“I’m calling Athena,” Bobby explains, but he smiles, amused. “Should I call someone else?”
Buck flushes, stares out of the glass to where he knows Hen and Chim are somewhere. To where Eddie is. “No.”
“Hmm.” Thankfully Bobby doesn’t say anything else. Buck waits, not even sure what Bobby’s calling Athena for, when the phone rings.
“Hey Baby,” Athena says.
“I have company,” Bobby says quickly, and Buck’s glad because no. He doesn’t wanna think about that.
“Hey Athena,” Buck says, waving a hand even though she can’t see.
A pause. “Buckaroo! Where have you been?”
“Uh,” Buck starts.
“Bobby and I haven’t disappeared and I know you know where I live.”
Buck finds himself smiling, dropping his head. “I do.”
“Then I expect you on Saturday, you hear me?”
“I can’t,” Buck says. Before she can object, he continues, “I’m having dinner with Eddie and Chris.”
Athena makes a noise that Bobby shares. Buck deliberately doesn’t think about it. “Friday then. No objections.”
Buck meets Bobby’s eyes and smiles. “I don’t have any. I’ll see you Friday.”
“You better.” Athena’s tone is softer when she adds, “we love you, Buck, you know that right?”
Bobby holds his eyes and Buck feels warmth blossom up through him.
“I know.”
And he does.
Buck takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. It takes a while, but then Maddie’s pulling it open. She looks upset, tired, and Buck feels awful. “I’m sorry.”
Maddie’s face crumples and Buck pushes into the apartment, taking her into his arms even as he shuts the door.
“I’m so sorry,” he says again, kissing the top of her head. “I said united front and left.”
Maddie shakes her head, pulling back. “You had every right.”
“Maybe,” Buck allows. “But I should have talked to you instead of ghosting you. I know how that feels after all.”
There’s a hint of a smile on Maddie’s face as they sit down. Neither of them knows quite what to say, but Buck reaches out, takes Maddie’s hand in his.
“You were nine,” he says slowly, squeezing her fingers. “What they asked you to do—you didn’t do anything wrong.” It’s taken a long time for him to be aware of that; a long time and people talking to him, letting him get everything out. Buck’s learning his support network is bigger than he thought.
Maddie nods, pressing a hand to her mouth.
“You’ve always had my back. You left,” he says, but shakes his head when she tries to talk. “I don’t mean—you left because you had to and I won’t hold that against you. I wish you had come to me sooner but I know why you didn’t, why you were scared.”
Looking hopeful, Maddie says, “if I could have taken you with me.”
“I know.” Buck smiles, less sadness in him than he’s had since their parents showed up. “You’ve always done what’s best for me, Maddie. I believe that. I love you.”
Again, Maddie starts to cry. “I do love you,” she says, pushing forward. The hug is awkward but Buck hangs on, kisses Maddie’s head. “I love you so much.”
.the gift
The Diaz kitchen is a mess when Buck enters. “Is this the right house?”
“No!” Chris pokes his head around the door. “You’re early!”
Over Chris’ head, Eddie looks—Buck wants to laugh. He’s got flour on one cheek, mixture on the other, and his hair is slick with—is that milk?
“Eddie,” Buck says around a laugh. Then, to Chris, he says, “what’s this for?”
Chris looks at his dad, then back to Buck. “You were sad the other day. I heard you crying but Dad was helping.” Buck’s chest seizes. Oh god. He never meant— “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I don’t know why your parents didn’t get you birthday cakes, Bucky! I asked Dad to help me make one.”
Buck’s speechless. He looks up at Eddie, who’s smiling softly at Chris—and at Buck? Buck nods, reaches out for Chris’ shoulder. “That makes me really happy.”
“Good,” Chris says. “Because Dad says you have to show people you love them when they can’t hear it. Or don’t want to.”
Buck feels burning behind his eyes. How many times is he gonna cry this week? “Thanks, Christopher.”
His voice breaks, but he doesn’t have time to hide because Chris hugs him tightly. “I love you, Buck.”
Buck squeezes his eyes shut, breathes in Chris and says, “I love you too.”
Later, when they’re full of dinner and cake, Buck’s got a Diaz boy either side. Eddie’s been asleep for about a half hour, tipping closer to Buck with every movie scene. Chris is still wide awake, tucked under Buck’s arm.
“Did the cake make you happy?”
Buck smiles. “It did. Your dad can bake!”
“Abuela had to talk to him because he was going crazy!”
Buck can imagine it. Eddie flitting about the kitchen in a mood because he fails at anything oven related. “Well I’m glad she did.”
Chris laughs, hugs himself closer to Buck. “Were you sad because your parents are mean?”
Buck closes his eyes. To see the world through a child’s lens. “Yeah. They just—didn’t love me as much as your mom and dad loved you.”
Chris looks up at him and Buck hates that he’s gonna find out things that can hurt. Things like absence and disinterest. That he already has. “I can share Dad.”
“Chris,” Buck says, overcome., and kisses the top of his head. “You’re such a good kid, you know that?”
“Not always,” Chris complains, and Buck laughs.
“Most of the time.”
Eddie’s raised a good kid. Kindness that Eddie’s got buried deep, and despite his own parental issues, manages to bring his kid up that way. When he turns, Eddie’s looking at him. Buck’s stomach swoops. Eddie leans in, hugs Buck awkwardly. “We’ll talk when he’s in bed.”
It should be terrifying; Buck’s never liked those words, but while Eddie’s expression is intense, there’s more love and affection staring him in the face than he knows what to do with.
Buck feels calm despite what he knows is coming. Chris begs for a story from both of them, then Buck needs to leave the room. He tells them he needs the toilet but really he’s overwhelmed. Calm, but overwhelmed. Can you be both?
“Hey,” Eddie says, hovering in the doorway. “How was dinner with Bobby and Athena?”
Buck thinks back to the meal, to Bobby and Athena being themselves while still showing Buck he’s not alone. It’s a tough thing they’ve all decided to do, convincing Buck he’s loved. It’ll take time, but he doesn’t doubt them. He trusts them. “It was a lot. But I’m glad I went.”
Eddie nods, crosses the room to sit next to him. “And you? Any urge to punch things?”
Buck laughs, tips his head back against the couch. “No. Your advice was taken with enthusiasm.”
“Good.” Eddie’s quiet. He sits back, stares at his hands. “And you? What’s going on in that head?”
“Too much,” Buck admits. He sighs. “I feel better? Everyone’s being great. I know I’m loved.”
Buck huffs. “Sometimes I hate that you know me so well.”
“No you don’t,” Eddie says, certain of himself.
Buck shakes his head, smiling. “No, I guess I don’t.” He looks at Eddie’s who’s staring back at him, closer than he was. “My whole life they’ve lied to me. Had me for one reason and then—forgot about me when I wasn’t what they wanted.”
“I know.”
“I just wanted them to love me,” Buck says.
“I know.”
They’ve had this conversation before and Buck hates that he’s still going over it, but he can’t make the thoughts stop. “How do I stop thinking about it?”
Eddie sighs, shifts closer so their arms are touching. “I don’t think you can. Maybe you try,” he amends. “But it’s always there, ready to take hold when you don’t want it to.”
“So what do I do?” Buck doesn’t know why he’s so desperate for Eddie to tell him.
“You deal with it,” Eddie says. “But you also give yourself other things; surround yourself with people who care, who love you. Find things you enjoy. Just—realise you’re more than your parents’ child.”
Buck nods, even though it’s hard to imagine he can ever do that. Eddie touches his face, bringing Buck’s head up.
“You’re so much more. The kindness you think I gave Chris? You have to know so much of it is from you as well. You have so much goodness in you, Buck, and I know it didn’t come from them. Which means it’s all you. Down to here.” Eddie presses a hand to his heart.
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Buck says, voice tight. “Sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing. Or who I am.”
“You’re Buck. A friend. A brother. An uncle,” Buck smiles. “A father.”
Buck freezes. “What?”
Eddie looks serious. “You’re everything I could hope for in anyone I choose to love, Buck. For Chris, I mean.” There’s a touch of red to Eddie’s face and ears. “If they could give him everything you give him, I’d be lucky.”
Buck swallows, suddenly nervous, and presses into Eddie’s hand against his cheek. “I’m messed up.”
“Yeah,” Eddie breathes. “But you’ve always been this,” he says, tapping Buck’s chest. “And I love you anyway.”
Oh. Buck hardly dares breathe. “I love you too.”
“The forever kind,” Eddie admits quietly. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”
“Okay,” Buck says. “Because I’d really like not to be alone.”
“Never,” Eddie promises.
Buck wonders later why they didn’t kiss, but in the moment, as Eddie holds him, nose nestled in his curls, everything feels as it should.
Right, for the first time—ever.
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sunlight-moonrise · 4 years ago
The Law of Attraction (Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Reader cannot understand how Spencer is in a relationship with someone who is his complete opposite. 
A/N: Hello Everyone!!! Here’s another story from the secret-fic-swap in the Discord server. I tried my hand at a new genre and I like how it came out. A big thank you to @imagining-in-the-margins​ for helping me make this real nice for y’all (this story was also written to her). Enjoy!
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Content Warnings: If you’re a fan of Max or Maxcer, this may not be the story for you. Sacrifices needed to be made for this story to be told. 
Word Count: 4.2K
The thought that the concept of ‘opposites attract’ was only true when it comes to physics. After all, the comparison of people to magnets doesn’t make any sense. If two people are together, there should be some similarities to build an established relationship, right? Without that foundation, the structure will surely crumble back into the fragmented pieces that created it, leaving them cracked and weaker for it.
Compatibility is necessary, yet there is none whenever I look at them. This is the fourth function that he has brought her to, and with each event, I find it harder to look their way. But when I do find them among the crowd, I can’t look away. Like a car crash or thunderstorm ripping tree roots from the ground.
It doesn’t make sense to me, why on earth would Spencer Reid be with a girl like her.
“If you keep staring at her, she might drop dead,” said a sarcastic voice, breaking me out of my reverie. I turned to see Tara with an amused smile occupying her face.
“I just don’t get it,” I mumbled, focusing my attention on the drink in my hand.
“What’s not to get?” she asked, glancing over at the couple in question. “They seem cute together.”
“They have nothing in common. He might as well be talking to some random person in this bar.”
I chugged the remainder of my beverage with desperate hope that the alcohol will somehow make things better in this situation. It didn’t.
“You sound bitter.”
“I am not bitter,” I bit back.
“I didn’t say you were, I said you sound.”
I didn’t respond to her because deep down I knew she was right. I just fiddled with the straw in my now empty glass as Tara continued, “Look, they both like coffee and going to the park, that’s something.”
I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped my throat at the thought.
“So do half the people on the administration floor, he might as well have a harem if those are the main qualifications.”
“So what type of person should Spencer Reid have?” she asked, an eyebrow arching up as she focused her attention on me.
“I don’t know. Someone who is family-oriented and loves kids. Someone who doesn’t judge him for his idiosyncrasies. Someone who listens to his rambles and actually responds to them. Someone who he can escape to when things get too tough. Someone who understands when to give him space but will continue to support him unconditionally. Someone who can challenge him and make each day exciting and interesting. Someone who can ke—”
“Whoa there, I didn’t think you were going to give me a whole novel.” If she thought that was a novel, then the rest of what I wanted to say would be considered an encyclopedia. The only one that Spencer would never read.  
“I just want him to be happy,” I relented.
It was the simple truth. Everyone deserves some sort of contentment in their life, but with everything that Spencer has gone through in the past, his happiness should be at the forefront. He always put others before himself. It was time that someone prioritizes his wants and needs for a change.
“And she doesn’t make him happy?”
Not in the slightest. 
But I didn’t want to say that. I was sure half of the team already thought, or knew, that I was infatuated with him. But I didn’t need to give them the satisfaction of a confirmation by talking about this any further. The looks that Tara had been giving me the past few minutes validated my belief that I didn’t need to dig myself into a deeper hole.
“Maybe,” I said, hoping to put an end to the topic.
But just then, I heard a laugh despite how noisy the place was. I knew without a doubt that was Spencer’s laugh – it was the only sound that would demand my attention that quickly. It was the one he used when he felt uncomfortable.
“Excuse me, Tara.”
I didn’t give her a chance to reply before I hopped off the barstool and made my way to where Spencer and his girl were as casually as possible. Jennifer and Penelope were also with them, and it seems as if the three ladies were doing most of the talking.
“….like kids someday?” I heard Pen say. I didn’t need to hear the beginning of the sentence to know what it was about.
“Ehh, certainly not. My nephew is a handful as is, I don’t think I need any more than that one in my life,” she laughed. She, of course, being the ever loving, ever annoying, Max. A quick glance at Spencer's face confirmed that he was bothered by the subject being discussed. If the rest of the ladies were a bit more sober, they’d probably have seen it too.
“Hey guys,” I interrupted, taking my previous seat next to JJ, “I ordered some water for us and some appetizers. Tara is going to bring it over when it is ready.”
Cheers and thank you were shouted across the small table, but there was only one face I cared to pay attention to. Spencer’s mouth was quirked in a sad smile that was meant to hide the discomfort that had already taken root in his heart like an invasive vine.
“Did you place my fries order?” Max asked, garnering my attention. As much as I wanted to ignore her, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t openly be a bitch to her, no matter how much she irked me. She hadn’t done anything wrong. Other than stealing the affections of a man I’d never actually pursued, that is. But I couldn’t really blame her for that one, right? I should’ve jumped on the opportunity before. It was my fault.
“Yup,” I answered quickly with a small fake smile before focusing on the wooden décor of the bar.
“So any plans for Halloween? Assuming we don’t get called in for a case of course,” JJ asked the table.
“There is this pop-up haunted house coming that weekend.” Spencer said, his voice laced with that childlike excitement that made my heart race, “It is near the annual fair, so I’m going to try and do both.”
“Awww, that’s a cute date idea.”
The table was silent for a moment before Max announced, “I probably won’t go. I am not a big fan of anything spooky or… horror. I’ll leave all of that to this guy.”
The table shared an awkward laugh in a poor attempt to lighten the mood.
“Anyway,” I coughed out, attempting to save this poor conversation, “you guys need to hear this terrible joke the bartender told me. So basically, this screwdriver walks into a bar….” and just like that, the topic had been changed.
Tara joined us shortly after and the conversation remained lighthearted for the remainder of the evening. We later said our farewells and readied ourselves to go back home. While I should’ve been sad to leave him, I couldn’t help but feel a bitter joy from the fact that Spencer and Max didn’t talk directly to each other for the rest of the night.
It’s been a couple of weeks since the last team outing. Rossi must’ve missed us, because he decided to host a dinner at his place to celebrate the ending of a long and tough case. No one was going to pass up the opportunity of free food and wine, especially after dealing with a bunch of cops and detectives with entire tree trunks up their asses.
I was the last to arrive, which was not surprising since I live the furthest away from Rossi. Krystall welcomed and settled me in while informing me where everyone was. What I assumed was a team gathering turned out to be a whole party. There were definitely more than two dozen people occupying the space.
Good god. 
“What’s all this?” I asked as I greeted Rossi in the, thankfully, empty kitchen. Because, of course, Rossi wouldn’t be Rossi if he didn’t take care of all the hors d'oeuvres himself.
“Krystall wanted to celebrate our anniversary,” he sighed, as if this ordeal was somehow troublesome. I had to roll my eyes; he wasn’t fooling anyone. We all knew that Rossi would move mountains for his wife.
Their love was pure and genuine, a perfect example of two people meeting again at the right time and sharing something wonderful with one another. As I reminisced on their beautiful wedding day, a thought came to my head.
“Isn’t your first anniversary coming up in a few months?”
“That’s for our second marriage, this is for the first.” Rossi simply stated with a proud smirk, as if it was standard to celebrate any and all anniversaries in life. I supposed that for him, it was.
“Why do I get the feeling that this was more your idea than Krystall’s?”
Classic. Well, I wasn’t going to tell a man what he should celebrate nor how to do so. I wasn’t going to ruin any opportunities to eat some fresh crostini.
Once I made my way back out into the main room, I was able to find my team within seconds. My eyes instantly landed on Spencer’s tall and lanky form. And I would’ve been excited for that, if it weren’t for the familiar woman standing beside him.
Max was there. Hooray.
Usually, I was able to properly prepare myself for seeing her. It actually, unfortunately, took a lot of effort to not be openly hostile to someone I dislike. It wasn’t something I was proud of, but it was true. Typically in a situation like this, I’d avoid the person all night. However, I wasn’t going to allow her presence to influence the night, much less stop me from spending time with one of my closest friends.
“Hey guys.”
“Ahh, you’re finally here,” squealed Penelope, “I already grabbed your favorite drink!” She stepped aside to make room for me in the small gathered circle before handing me the glass.
“So what did I miss?”
They all caught me up on the harmless gossip circulating around the office and the new happenings emerging in everyone’s lives. Everything was going well until I heard the next words from Max, words that felt like a bucket of ice water and lead being poured over my head.
“Well, Spencer and I are moving in together.”
Time slowed down, I was sure it had. Because I was able to gauge everything in a matter of seconds. Tara’s concerning glance my way, her hand reaching out and retreating as if to hold me. Penelope’s joyful appearance over the news, her arms rising quickly causing her wine to slightly spill on Rossi’s floor. Matt expressing congratulations as he roughly patted Spencer on the back.
And Spencer….
Spencer looked like he rather be anywhere but here. His lips were drawn in a too tight smile that I knew was far from authentic. He was tapping his heel against the floor and wringing his hands together.
If this was merry news from the two of them, why did he look like he swallowed a spiked fruit?
The loud clanging of metal against glass brought everyone’s attention to the noisy source. Time returned back to its normal pace at Rossi’s call, thanking everyone for joining in on the celebration and announcing that the food was ready in the dining room.
While everyone cheered and made their way towards the ornate display, I headed to the balcony. It was too hot, too stuffy, too loud inside the house. There was one too many people there.
As soon as I passed through the double doors, I took a deep breath of cool, refreshing air. Everything around me felt muffled. Like I had stumbled into a small pocket universe that only differed from ours by a few notches on the volume knob.
I was thinking too many things, and none of them adding up or making sense in my head. How do you move in with someone you’ve only known for such a short amount of time? What was he going to do with his apartment? With his personal belongings that were scattered and settled on crowded shelves? Why did he look so uncomfortable when she announced it? Did he not want us to know? Did he want to say it himself?
“What are you doing out here?”
As if being brought back to reality by the very same hypnotist who enchanted me in the first place, I became aware that I was not the only one on the balcony. I turned to look at Spencer, taking in his disheveled and tired appearance.
“I just needed some space. I was feeling a bit crowded.” It wasn’t a lie, but my companion and I both knew there was a lot more than just that. Trying to keep the attention off me, I asked, “What are you doing here?”
“Checking on you. I saw you come out here dressed like that and wondered what would drag you out into the freezing cold.”
Now that he mentioned it, the breeze was hitting hard. I didn’t notice my body trembling until now. It is funny how you can’t feel much when lost in your own thoughts. The pain was a welcome distraction, I supposed.
Spencer stood next to me and shrugged off the suit jacket he was wearing. I opened my mouth to refuse, but he gave me a pointed look before I could. Instead, I accepted the warm jacket over my body. The scent of cinnamon and spice immediately enveloped my form and I tried to hide the way my inhales grew deeper. Trying to keep him as close as I could for however long he would allow. He kept his hands on my arms, rubbing them up and down the sleeves of the jacket to instill some heat in me.  
“So whatever happened to taking it slow?” I asked bluntly, keeping my eyes on the interesting speck of dirt that had ended up on my shoe. I didn’t feel bad about getting to the point -- There was no way I could subtly ask him what the deal was, and I’d rather not beat around the bush.
“Well, after the whole situation that happened, sh— we decided to pick up the pace of things,” he spoke lowly, as if he was unsure of the words coming out of his mouth.
“Has she even met Diana? Or know about her?” I instantly regretted asking, the angry look he shot my way had me feeling remorseful. But it also answered my question.
Max only knew the surface level of Spencer. She wasn’t aware of all the good, bad, beautiful, and ugly layers that comes with a man like him. She wasn’t the only one to blame, but I wondered how a profiler couldn’t tell that he was hiding those parts from her because he didn’t want to share them with her. He didn’t want her to know, because the knowing made it real.
“I just want the best for you.”
His irritated expression dissolved into a defeated one as he released the breath he was holding.
“I know, I know. It’s just…”
He stopped talking, appearing scared to share his opinions and feelings with me before he remembered that, unlike Max, he never had to hide things from me. He didn’t want to.
“It’s just…” I prodded, hoping he would continue with what he was going to say.
But he just stayed stuck there, opening and closing his mouth multiple times. I could practically see the cogs in his brain whirling as he properly tried to explain. “Well, the thing is that Ma—”
We sharply turned our heads to see Max and Tara staring at us. It wasn’t until that moment that I remembered our position. With Spencer’s hands rubbing tenderness heat onto my arms, his jacket over my shoulders and our bodies pressed together to keep warm.
It would be one thing if everything was settled, but this situation was anything but. Max had every reason to be angry. This wasn’t a new thing to her. So when she turned around, she stomped away fueled by the belief that she’d nearly caught her boyfriend committing adultery. Again.
“Fuck,” I heard the man in front of me whisper as he released me back into the cold night.
Still, as he left, he looked back at me. His eyes burned into mine up until he tore them away, making his final decision and hastily running from the balcony. Away from me. Towards her.
Tara and I shared the silence, but she looked at me with those inquisitive eyes, as if I was a client seeking out therapy from her.  
“What?” I hissed, “We were just talking.” I refused to feel guilty over something that I didn’t do. If anyone had done anything, it was Spencer. But at the same time, I didn’t think he was entirely wrong, either.  
“I didn’t say anything,” she muttered, holding her hands up high as a sign of surrender.
“You didn’t have to, I can feel the judgment from here.”
“Look, I’m not judging you. But I do want you to put yourself in Max’s shoes. You guys were gone for a while and she finds you two all over each other.”
“What are you talking about, Tara? Christ, it’s not like I was fucking him on the balcony!”
Although I didn’t intend for my words to be humorous, Tara laughed. I was conflicted on whether it was at me or with me, but it ended up amounting to nothing, anyway.
“Look, the night is young and you need to relax. Come back inside, enjoy the party, and don’t let them bring you down. At least for the next few hours.”
She was right, as she usually was. It was why I usually sought her out as the voice of reason; I knew that despite everything, she would always have my best interest at heart.
“Okay,” I agreed before following her back into the chaotic fray.
I heeded her advice and avoided the couple for the remainder of the night. Shockingly, it was pretty easy, but I was sure it was because they were avoiding me too. There were times, lots of times, where Spencer and I made eye contact, but we’d just as quickly look away, as if we were ashamed of what we have done.
All we did was talk. So why did it feel like something more?
There were also times when I made eye contact with Max, but instead of shame, there was anger and contempt. If looks could kill, like Tara had suggested, I was sure my heart would have given out.
It wasn’t until later in the evening that I saw Max take a cab home while Spencer was still inside the house. No one else but me noticed that they didn’t leave the party together.
I hadn’t seen Spencer since the incident at Rossi’s a few weeks ago. He had to take his mandatory sabbatical leave and I had to take an abrupt trip back home. What used to be almost daily texts between us became nonexistent in a matter of hours. It was a terrible predicament that I was hoping to fix soon.
As I arrived, I spotted him at his desk. For a long time, I stood there staring at him. If he wasn’t nose deep in a bunch of files, I was sure he would’ve seen me, too. I contemplated on how I should go up to him, but nothing I could think of was good enough to say. 
Hey, I have your jacket, I took it to the dry cleaner’s, so it is all clean. Rid of me like you wanted to be. 
Hi, how were the lectures this time around? Still have a bunch of teens crushing on you?
What’s up, it’s been a while, do you want to get lunch during the break?
I hated that things were awkward, even though I was pretty sure that I was the only one that was making it so. I should have just gone up to him, greeted him, and acted like everything was normal, because everything was normal. Right?
Just when I was about to do so, Emily called us in for a meeting. Impeccable timing.
We had a serial killer case in Louisville, Kentucky. My situation with Spencer was going to the backburner.
During our stay in Louisville, Spencer and I barely interacted. We exchanged notes and passed long messages, but that’s pretty much it. I wasn’t surprised. Our specialties don’t really correlate when we are working on a case. Anytime I did catch some free time, I’d look his way, longing for the opportunity to speak to him. He didn’t look back.
Then, just as the case ended, another chance presented itself. After five days of hardly any proper rest, we finally found the unsub. Everyone was in their respective room catching up on some much needed sleep. Except for Spencer, whose gangly body was tucked away at the bar by himself, a glass of what appeared to be soda in front of him.
Silently, I took the seat next to him, and for a few minutes, everything was quiet. But unlike the usual, comfortable quiet, it was torturous.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
I stared at him, letting the silent communication denote the fact that I knew he was lying to me. Spencer released a sigh and looked at me with eyes more intoxicating than any whiskey that shared their color.
“Actually, no, I’m not okay.”
I was going to ask him what was wrong or if there was anything I could do to help, but before I had the chance to do so, he hastily answered the question I hadn’t asked.
“Max and I broke up.”
I stared at him, my face and mind blank as I tried to comprehend what he’d said. That Max and Spencer broke up. They were no longer together. Spencer was single.
I thought that if this ever happened, I would be happy, elated, jumping at the chance to take her place by his side. But I felt none of those things.
“What happened?” I didn’t want to appear nosy or meddlesome, but I needed to know.
“We were fighting a lot, and I couldn’t take it.”
“We were… actually fighting about you.”
I sharply turned my head at him, both intrigued and disturbed by the implication that I had anything to do with the failure of their relationship.
“What? What about me?”
“She thought I liked you,” he said while staring straight back at me, daring me to scan through each fleck of gold and green to ensure that he was telling the truth. But his hazel eyes expressed nothing but honesty as he continued, “and she was right. I do.”
“Y-you do?”
All he could do was nod his head, lifting his hand and catching a loose strand of hair before tucking it behind my ear.
“Can I try something?” Spencer shyly requested.
Once again, the universe felt different. I held my breath, trying to wake from the dream. Although he didn’t say it, I had an idea of what he wanted. If the hand on the side of my face and the staring at my lips were anything to go by, I knew what was going to happen next.
I nodded back and closed my eyes. A few seconds passed, the sweetest kind of anticipation. But then I felt the gentle pressure of his lips against my own, sweet and tender. He moved his head to get a better angle while I brought my hands up to cup his face. The roughness of his stubble against the tip of my fingers was a perfect contrast to the softness of him. I could taste the soda he was drinking on his tongue and breathed in the cinnamon scent that seemed sunken into his skin.
When we pulled away, it was full of hesitation. All it took was one look for us to know we couldn’t do this. Not now, not yet. He was still healing from the recent break up and I didn’t want to be a rebound. I didn’t want us to resent one another for jumping into a relationship so soon. We weren’t ready.
We sat there in relative silence, taking in everything that has happened.
“Maybe one day,” he paused “one day we can give it a chance.”
“Yes. I’d like that.” I beamed at him, “And I look forward to that day. Until then, we remain as friends.”
He returned my smile and I realized that it had been a while since I’ve seen his real smile. I missed it so much.
“Friends,” he confirmed.
And for the first time in a long time, I felt relief and comfort. Because I knew everything was going to be okay. I had hope that someday Spencer will get the happily ever after he deserves and he’ll get it with me by his side. One day.
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