#you can ‘hyperfixate on someone you consider to be your enemy’ and i was like damn i think i do that too lol
aliashowled · 2 years
haha i just found out that i do in fact, hyperfixate on things
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ace-touya · 4 months
As a fan for Dabi, Gojo, Uraraka and Himiko Toga, can I ask your thought on these ships : Dabi/Hawks, Gojo/Geto, & Toga/Ochaco?
YES OF COURSE I’d like to preface though that these are just my personal thoughts and opinions, I don’t want to start shipping wars. Whatever anyone else thinks of these ships I am totally on board with!
I don’t personally ship DabiHawks that much, but I really do see the appeal. For me, my favourite flavour of DabiHawks is Keigo falling head over heels for an oblivious Dabi who would freak out if Hawks ever confessed because he does not know the first thing about love. That’s chefs kiss. As someone who headcanons Touya as aroace I really like any unrequited!DabiHawks stuff. The angst potential for this ship is huge. I prefer it as a hero x villain thing than with hero!Touya aus, Just because I feel like DabiHawks loses a lot of depth when you take away the enemies to lovers element, but that’s just what I enjoy. So yeah, not something I ship personally but I do like it and the content people make of it!
Satosugu is my current hyperfixation I think. I ship this 100%. Friends to lovers to enemies who are still lovers. These two are a mess and they both need therapy. I want them to be happy, but also I don’t because they angst is delicious. They’re extremely tragic. Also, considering the theme songs Gege assigned them.. okay mr Satoru ‘shame on me’ Gojo. I know what you are. I like this ship because there’s so much you can do with it and it’ll still be in character depending on what part of their lives it’s set in. Like if you want fluffy stuff? Highschool, pre Toji. Hurt/comfort? Highschool, Post Toji. Lovers to enemies? KFC break up. Star-crossed lovers? them as adults. Secret relationship? Au where they continue meeting up after Geto leaves. Parenting? Au where nothing went wrong and they raise Megumi, Tsumiki, Nanako and Mimiko together. This ship has so many flavours. I live for it.
So with Togachaco, I’m not the biggest shipper of it but I think that’s going to change after season seven just based on the spoilers I have seen. But, even with what we currently have in the anime, I absolutely see it. I do ship it, but it’s not one of my otps, because I love Izuocha too much. But with Ochaco saying ‘follow your heart’ after thinking about Toga, and even way back when she was flustered by Camie!Toga. Like, Ochaco, you’re not subtle. Unlike with DabiHawks I do see the appeal of this being in a hero!toga au, but it’s great with the canon hero x villain thing too. I imagine these two in a relationship to be the most wholesome, affectionate little babies in the entire world. And everyone else watches on in horror that Ochaco found something to love in that girl. I also think it would be funny if 1A and the league all knew and just had this sort of silent pact that they don’t do anything about it. Let the girls have their fun.
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crystallizedday · 5 months
So I’ve been hyperfixating on both Demongo & Fusionfall as of late, & I wanted to put that energy to good use somehow.
But since I currently do not have the energy to draw anything as of late, I decided to do something
A little different.
Since Demongo is only ever canonically shown as an enemy/obstacle in Samurai Jack, Fusionfall had to make a few creative decisions to better flesh out his character so he could interact with players in an organic way.
This means that Fusionfall added QUITE a lot to his character, something that I have been keeping track of for quite some time now. While it is very unlikely that any additions to Demongo’s character line up with Genndy’s vision for the character…
I mean
Genndy doesn’t do shit with the character anyway. Y’all remember what happened in season 5?
Heartbreaking shit for any Demongo fans out there…
To show some appreciation for my boy
& also to talk about what exactly Fusionfall added to his character
I want to cover every single significant detail regarding Demongo’s character.
I will split this up into 3 sections: his NPC voice lines, his Nano voice lines, & his text box dialogue.
Let’s start with his
Because not only are the lines coming from the original Demongo, but they’re voiced by his og voice actor as well, so if any of these sections were to be considered the most “canon” depiction of him, it’s this one.
I have actually found & recorded all 15 different voice lines from him & packaged em all into a zip file… but I’m stupid & I don’t know how to insert that shit into Tumblr, or if that’s even a good idea considering zip files tend to be sus as fuck.
So uh
For now
Y’all just gotta take my word.
After thoroughly reviewing all the voice lines, there is ONE key addition to his character here that stands out right off the back.
This version of Demongo is the SASSIEST he’s ever been.
He literally will either greet you by sarcastically asking if you’re looking for a mission to do like an absolute smartass, or he’ll just talk down to you & refer to you as “another human child”.
Hell, referring to you as a child is something he commonly does in these lines.
Most of the time, he will speak to you in a way that emphasizes his own importance, especially when he talks to you via the nanocomm.
He definitely displays that classic huge ego his original character had, but he sometimes has a bit of a cheeky tone about it, like the sorta vibes you’d get from a rich & spoiled kid who thinks they’re the greatest thing to be put on this planet.
One of my favorite examples of this is when you accept a mission from him, & he’ll sometimes tell you “Do you think YOU can save the world?”
However, as much as he downplays your abilities, he also will sometimes find interest in your endeavors & even be impressed when you complete a mission.
One of his victory lines also has him actually openly celebrating your accomplishment, which is a cute detail that’ll come back later when we talk about his Nano lines.
While this isn’t exactly something that says a lot about his personality, I also wanted to point out how one of his victory lines has him remarking “Your soul BURNS with a warriors fire!” This remark actually attempts to connect Demongo’s fire theme in his design to his whole soul-collecting shtick, suggesting that to HIM, stronger & more determined souls will have a fiery aura to them… which is unsurprising considering that ONE Japanese legend about blue fire & souls &- I’m getting ahead of myself WKWWKSMSODMOM
No matter what Demongo says to the player, he always speaks in a manner where his tone of voice drastically shifts from word to word.
You know that whole bit where the fandom likes to call this guy a theater kid?
With how he says shit in such a dramatic, expressive, & ever-changing tone…
He kinda IS.
He SOUNDS like someone up on a stage, putting their heart into EVERY SINGLE line they say.
It’s honestly kinda adorable.
One last thing I found significant about his lines his how he fully admits that he often schemes in his downtime. However, while this may be interpreted as him scheming against the good guys, I don’t think this is the case, especially since we’ve never had a mission from him that either relates to Aku or gives him something powerful that HE could use against the heroes. I will talk more about this once we get to the text box section.
But before we do that, we need to move onto the
There are… a LOT of voice lines for his nano counterpart.
Thankfully, all of these lines are publicly available here!
So y’all can have a listen to them whenever you please!
I am unsure just HOW much of the original Demongo carries over in his Nano counterpart’s personality, so what I’ve done is cross-reference Nano Demongo’s lines with Nano Aku’s lines. After all, Aku is a rather interesting character since he’s both a terrifying threat while also being a lil bit of a fucking dork in the original show, & while HE isn’t present in Fusionfall, his nano IS.
So anything goofy Nano Demongo displays that Nano Aku doesn’t suggests that these lil quirks ARE things that originate from the original Demongo (the Fusionfall version, of course).
Imma list each of my individual findings numerically so they’re a bit more organized & easier to read.
1) Demongo enjoys dancing
Considering even Aku enjoys boogying a bit (at least in season 5), it isn't all that surprising that this trait carries over to Demongo.
However, comparing Nano Demongo's lines with Nano Aku's, Aku acts more so like he is forcing YOU to dance, & sounds like he does not enjoy having to dance himself.
This makes sense considering the very specific circumstances season 5 Aku was in, so I’m certain Aku wouldn’t typically be in the mood for that sort of nonsense.
On the other hand, Nano Demongo LOVES to dance. He ADORES it, & even though one of his lines is rather demanding, it isn't in a "you will dance or I will disintegrate you" kind of way like how Nano Aku’s lines would be like. Nano Demongo wants you to dance WITH him, not FOR him.
His lil “Go go DemONGO!!” as one of his lines is so fucking cute that it actually makes me a lil mad KWMWKWMWKDMEODMON
… ahem
Him loving to dance actually lines up pretty well with the theater kid energy he already has, so this trait actually fits for him.
I think he’d be pretty damn good at ballet KAMWKWMWKSMSODMDOM
2) Demongo can experience love
I know this sounds fanfictiony
When one of his lines is basically just “Demons need love too!” & like ACTUALLY DOING THE FUCKIN DREAMY SIGH THING in another line
Come on
How are you gonna disprove that?
& this isn’t something exclusive to the nano counterparts.
Nano Aku will just say shit like "love is for losers" & pushes the love narrative onto someone else, claiming THEY are infatuated with HIM.
So while Aku doesn’t give two shits about the subject (aromantic icon /j /j /j), Demongo's out here acting absolutely SMITTEN, one of his lines being him promising not to eat a person's soul purely out of infatuation.
Like Aku's canonically tried impressing literal children before so they adore & look up to him before, but Demongo really do be shaping up to be the bigger dork of the two KWMWKWMWOSMWO
It’s probably HARD to imagine even Fusionfall Demongo having the capacity to love, but since even Nano Aku is disinterested in that sort of shit, it’s hard to just excuse it as a nano-exclusive thing.
I think it’s cute. KAKWWKISDMOSXKOMK
Makes me wonder if FF Demongo has exes, cause that would be kinda funny to explore KAWNWODMWOMDOWDM
3) Demongo cries. Hard
Not only does Nano Demongo have TWO SEPARATE lines where he's just bawling his fuckin eyes out, like straight up whimpering & wailing, but Aku's lines in comparison are just "this is so sad" with the most fake fuckin crying I have ever heard KWNWKWMWKSNWOXKONWC
& when I say “fake crying”
I mean like
“Oh booo hoooo, lemme play a sad song for you on the world’s smallest violin…” kind of fake crying. There’s like NO effort behind it KWMWKWMWODKEON
Aku out here never expresses sadness to such a dramatic degree (& only ever gets like… emotionally depressed in season 5 where he just doesn’t feel like doing anything)
Meanwhile Demongo is bawling like SpongeBob during the dark ages of the show KWMWKWMWOSMSODMON
Im almost convinced FF Demongo has the ability to cry on command, just so other people will pity him so much that they’ll do shit for him.
It’s a good substitute for threatening them when uh
He can’t exactly live up to his threats
Since his powers got yoinked…
So what better way to get other people to do what you say than to make them feel like a piece of shit for NOT helping you?? OWMWKWMWODMWODM
4) Demongo can get overwhelmingly terrified
He’s helpless without his powers
So it makes sense that without them, he’d feel like anything could kill him at any minute.
But he straight up sounds like a cornered mouse in one of his lines. It sounds like he’s balled up in a corner, panicked for his well-being.
It’s actually kinda sad…
For all his talk of being the best there is, I can imagine that if he finds himself powerless, he just goes into panic-mode if he feels like he’s in danger.
& the fact that this is one of the more canon-accurate additions to his character breaks me wee lil heart…
… oh also
Nano Aku’s scared lines are like
Let’s just say they DON’T sound like he’s scared…
So that again isn’t a nano-exclusive part of Nano Demongo’s personality.
But this isn’t really a big claim, so :p KWMWKSMWODKS
5) Demongo laughs like a god damn dork when he genuinely finds something funny
Like we know he's got that gremlin laugh in the show & it's wacky as fuck, but according to his audio files, when bro is fuckin AMUSED, he displays some of the DORKIEST laughs l've ever heard out of a cartoon demon.
I’m not being biased.
Listen to the files yourself.
He like
Does the nerdiest lil “HEH!!” in one of them. It’s so fuckin GOOFY WOEMDODMDOSKDODK
Meanwhile, Nano Aku sounds like what you'd expect Aku to sound like when laughing.
Just evil laughs all around.
Not Demongo though, no no NO.
Bro laughs like how me or my own buds laugh.
Like a fucking nerd.
This is another cute addition to his character.
I dunno. I just like the idea of Demongo being such a sassy dork, but often puts up a tough & menacing front so people will take him seriously.
It’s that kind of characterization that inspired me to make the Duo of Doom AU, actually.
Speaking of the funni fella being a fuckin dork
6) Demongo is adorably ECSTATIC when victorious
Nano Aku's out here with his classic bellowing evil laugh & shit
It’s what you’d expect from Aku
& then there's Demongo
Who sounds like a god damn excited cheerleader when you & him win a fight (it’s in the “Battle Outcome” folder, if you’re following along with the audio files).
& then you have bro's cute lil "let us REJOICE!!"
Like that’s the kind of shit you’d hear an optimistic or comic relief character say at the end of an episode or animated movie where they’re like “Let’s PARTY!!” or something.
You don’t get that shit from Nano Aku, & especially his og counterpart.
I like to think that if FF Demongo did end up pulling off something cool or successfully accomplished something, he’d get so fuckin excited over it, maybe even doing a short celebratory dance cause he just feels like he NEEDS to with how excited he is KWMWKWMKWMWOSKOM
& then promptly panic when he realizes he’s not the only one in the area & fears that someone just saw him dancing like a fuckin dork OWMWKWMWOEKEODMSOXKSOCKOM
There’s so much you can do with his character in FusionFall that it pisses me off how no one in the FF fandom’s taken advantage of this shit…
Y’all keep writing him as this super serious character, & I’m just sitting here like
Naw, man
You don’t know him like I do /j /j /j KQMQKWMWKWMWKWMWOEMEOEM
Now we have ONE more section to cover before y’all can understand this character just as much as I do.
We now need to look at his
You can find all his dialogue on various wiki pages covering the missions he gives & missions that he just so happens to be a part of for one reason or another.
I recommend using the breezewiki Fusionfall pages since they actually showcase Demongo’s lil “emails” he gives you as you progress through the missions he gives you.
However, if that website doesn’t work for you for whatever reason (like how it is on my end), the fandom wiki will do just fine.
I’ll also provide SOME screenshots of my findings so I actually have some photo evidence for what I’m about to claim.
Before we do that, however…
Demongo DOES often speak in third person in the written dialogue.
I dunno why, since he doesn’t talk that way in his debut episode…
So I just like to ignore that trait of his
Or just say that he started talking like that cause Aku tends to refer to himself in the third person sometimes, so maybe he got it from the big guy himself…
Speaking of Aku
Hot take:
I don’t think Demongo’s working for Aku.
I know this doesn’t say much about FF Demongo’s personality, but it’s just something that I want to address cause I feel like I’m one of the few people that believe bro isn’t snitching on everyone to Aku.
There is a mission where you need to retrieve something for Demongo before a timer runs out. If it does, Demongo says this to you.
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Notice how Demongo refers to Aku here.
Isn’t it a little odd that he refers to Aku as his “lord” & not his “master”?
It COULD be an oversight
It could be that he currently sees Aku as his lord, much like a civilian to a king, rather than his master, someone he directly works under.
Isn’t it also odd that the only time he mentions Aku to you directly is when you fail him?
Sounds like SOMEBODY remembers that time he first failed Aku & got fucking crushed…
But considering Demongo gives you a second chance to fetch the thingie for him…
Seems kinda generous of him, don’t you think?
I like to see this as Demongo, having experienced that position before, not wanting to do the same thing to you (especially since… well, he can’t do shit to you while he’s weak like this).
He doesn’t wanna be the Aku in THAT situation…
& the only other time he mentions Aku is this line here, when you ask him about his allegiance on behalf of Jack.
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Yes. It IS shady that he doesn’t outright say that he’s working for Aku.
But like
If Aku is watching
Then why the fuck would he say that he ISN’T working for him?
He doesn’t wanna be offed for potential treason after all.
& if he was REALLY working for Aku, then he wouldn’t be in the position he’s in right now.
He’s powerless. He has to rely on others at the campsite to ensure his safety.
If he was working for Aku, then bro would be FINE. He wouldn’t be HERE, at the campsite.
If Aku is watching, then he doesn’t need a spy to keep an eye on Jack & the others for him.
THAT’s why I believe Demongo isn’t just fooling everyone to get info for Aku.
Hell, a friend of mine suggests that Demongo may not even KNOW if Aku still wants the fiery lil guy working for him, like he just pissed off his boss but never got that notice that he got fired. Maybe Demongo genuinely doesn’t even know.
Also, all of his missions are either about the master weapon or about himself & ensuring his reputation isn’t tarnished by his weakened state.
He doesn’t ask for anything suspicious.
Hell, when you DO get all the master weapons, he doesn’t get all giddy about having such powerful items at his disposal. No.
Because he too expects the player to use them to help win the fight against Fuse. He KNOWS their chances of winning are greatly enhanced by having the weapons in more capable & experienced hands…
& then Jack asks you to destroy them, but that’s a whole other story KWNWKWMWOSMWO
Demongo just never acts like he’s doing anything FOR Aku, & is just focusing on himself, probably because that’s the only thing he CAN focus on without his old master being there as a safety net.
Overall. I find this interpretation to be a FASCINATING way to better humanize his character a bit…
Speaking of humanizing him
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The entire “Infernal Racket” set of missions talk about how hard it is for Demongo to concentrate when a bunch of floating rock head guys across the campsite keep smashing into each other like football players, & he remarks how he’s losing sleep over the noise.
Meaning he actually sleeps.
& considering he resides at a campsite
I can only imagine that one of those tents is his.
I just find that fact cute KWMWKWMWODMW
This also makes me think that Demongo has trouble concentrating if the environment isn’t quiet enough.
As someone with ADHD…
It is ALSO this line of missions that reveals something adorable about him
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He has a favorite color.
& he doesn’t DEMAND blue ear muffs either.
He says it like he just asked you to get him a slushie, & he’s just like “I mean, I would LIKE a blue raspberry, but if they’re out, it’s fine. It’s whatever. I mean, I’s be a lil bummed out about it, but it’s no big deal, I guess.”
… which is also something I can relate to KWNWKWMWOWMWODKK
It’s like
One of the few times he acts so casual with you as the player.
It makes me think that he honestly WOULD act a lil more casually if he were to drop the whole “I’m super powerful” front & actually
Ya know
BE emotionally vulnerable for once.
& I think that’s a really sweet idea…
… Ah!!
I almost forgot!
Remember that “scheming” line from his NPC’s dialogue?
THIS is what I believe he is referring to when he says that.
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He seems to actually STUDY the master weapons you collect.
Even Jack admits that he had immense knowledge regarding this kind of magical weaponry, which appears to be quite useful.
Additionally, Demongo is also the one to initiate one of the final & direct attacks in Fuse’s territory, having planned to use Eduardo’s imaginary energy against Fuse’s forces.
I’m almost certain HE planned out this attack.
Him being a good strategizer (if that’s even a legit word) honestly fits with his whole “making souls fight for him” shtick.
Sure, he probably isn’t a genius (ESPECIALLY in comparison to Dexter or Mojo), but he KNOWS how to plan attacks, & thus probably spends a lot of his time doing THAT as well.
That’s probably what he means by “scheming”.
It’s honestly a shock that he doesn’t boast about this clear skill of his like he does with his “powers”.
JACK is the one to point out how knowledgeable he is about magic & strategy.
To me, it kinda feels like Demongo takes his knowledge on these subjects GENUINELY seriously. Maybe it’s cause these are things that take him time to flesh out & perfect & shit, & he’s just so focused on learning & executing what he can that he doesn’t even think of it being necessary to brag about this shit.
I dunno. I just found that lil detail interesting KWMWKSMWOSSMOD
… speaking of having to interpret shit
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This shit
Confused me
For the longest time
Until I eventually realized something:
They help him keep up a semi-menacing appearance.
I can imagine he uses them as discount fog machines, helping to make the atmosphere around him more mysterious & intimidating…
Which is SO fuckin dorky & also plays into his whole “theater kid” personality…
… which can ALSO be seen HERE.
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For the love of god
All we need now is confirmation that bro sings in his free time KWWMOWMWOSMSEODMEKN
Since we’re on the topic of Demongo’s goofy attributes
There is ONE more thing I wanted to share before I wrap up this post.
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The world is fucking ENDING in this universe
& Demongo is FAR TOO PETTY & butt-hurt to even talk to Jack directly.
He’s such a brat sometimes, but that’s what makes him such a fun character in my eyes KWMWOWMWOSM
That’s all I have for now.
If there’s anything I showcased here that you have a different interpretation for, POP OFF!!
I LOVE hearing people’s different takes on this kind of stuff!!
I love seeing how creative people can get OAMWKWMWKWMWOWMWOEOM
Uhhh anyway
I hope this post has opened some of your eyes about how much potential Demongo has as a character, inside & even outside of Fusionfall.
& ALSO makes you wish that Genndy treated him with just as much love & respect as the Fusionfall team did KWMWKWMWKDMEOFM
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Hello, hello!!
I wanted to request a m/n who is a new recruit in tast force 141 but he is disabled, well not physically but mentally and m/n was also born prematurely which causes m/n to be much skinneir and shorter then the rest of the tf141 (hes about 5ft 5, but still very strong, can lift up ghost like hes a bag of cotton). And when he joins tf141 he doesnt even know the basics and the team is like "how tf did he even pass the standard test??" And everyone in the base thinks that m/n is a lost cause and he will prob be transfered somewhere else and one of the tf141 members (maybe price or ghost) takes m/n under their wing and teach them the basics and they are SHOOCK by how fast m/n can learn, like you could leave m/n in a room with a rifle he's unfamiliar with for an hour and m/n would have mastered the rifle. M/n also takes advantage of his disabilities (such as: autism? Tricks himself to hyperfixate on military and survival things. Permanant little lines in his vision? Uses it as a sniper telescope and can get a clear headshot from 4000 meters with a pistol. His 5 senses are hypersensitive? Uses it to detect and locate enemies and pick up small changes in the wind which helps him be a good sniper. M/n also cant remember anything for the life of him but he creates a technique that lets him memorize pages upon pages of things in mere minutes, m/n also learns languages for fun (that includes sign language too), also knows body language very well so he is usually there during interrogations to confirm if the prisoner is lying or not. And in one scenario m/n and tf141 are cornered and the soldiers are giving up going "we are not gonna win this one" or "its over" and then m/n gives an inspirational speech which somehow works. M/n also just... refuses to die, like he could have multiple gun and stab wounds but still be fighting like a tank. And when off the battlefield m/n is just... so metally disabled, you could walk up to and tell him something ,he will stand there for a few seconds to understand what you said and then respond as if he didnt just stand🧍 completely still for a solid 10 seconds looking like he was re-loading, also bumps into things right infront of him, trips over everything, most likely dyslexic, does dangerous stunts for fun and bets.
And thank you very much!!♡♡
I’m disabled myself so M/N is so me 💪 love when people ask for disabled reader
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Reader is disabled/prematurely born, reader is 5,5 but strong asf, reader is a bit slow but also a walking book at the same time, reader knows multiple languages, please let me know if I got anything wrong as I am disabled but I’m only autistic, sorry I wasn’t feeling up to writing the speech, roach appears briefly
You had been born before 35 weeks
You had some seeing issues, which meant you needed glasses, not a problem apart from the fact that you where quite literally blind without them
You where also diagnosed as autistic at 9
You where heavily bullied throughout school so you decided to not only get strong but also join the military
When the 141 first saw you, how short you where, how skinny you where and your files listing your conditions they all silently agreed you wouldn’t make it through and either die on the field or be transferred
God they couldn’t be more wrong
Once during sparring, even with your short stature, you easily tackled Ghost down
He didn’t even have any time to react
Once the 141 was struggling on the field, you decided to give a motivational speech to cheer them up
It worked
A lot of the time when someone would tell a joke you didn’t understand, you took awhile to understand it but once you got it you usually always laughed
You where a sniper which concerned all of them considering you has seeing issues but Shepard was adamant that you where the best of the best
They only actually understood this when you got on the field
You where taking down the enemy from far away with no issues
They all thanked you for saving their asses out there, without you they would’ve all been dead
They asked you later how you managed to get so good at this stuff and you went on a 2 hour rant about how you forced yourself to hyper-fixate on the military so that’s how you got so good in such a short amount of time
Once they had a prisoner from the other side, you wouldn’t let up on being in there with Ghost
Eventually they agreed
First question you immediately pointed out how the prisoner was lying
How could you tell?
You explained his body language gave it away
Later on they asked you how you knew that and you revealed you knew multiple languages, including body language
You and Roach would regularly have conversations in sign language
Most of the time it was too fast for everyone else to read your hands
Honestly yes it did take some training from Price to get you to this skill level but that doesn’t mean you weren’t fucking terrifying
What confused them was you somehow managed to forget your own last name but you’re able to answer any question about the military
You where like an infinite pit of knowledge
Once you where out on the field and you got shot right next to your heart (later found that out when you where in the infirmary)
Even with blood spilling out and some other stab wounds here and there you went on
It’s like you weren’t even shot
What shocked them more was once you where on a stealth mission with them and you heard footsteps that no one would’ve been able to hear
You shot the guy with your silenced pistol as everyone quietly thanked you
They have major respect for you and honestly a few of them including the rookies look up to you
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hii ! any random headcanons for Darius from Sun haven?? honestly anything will do hehe- sorry i’m hyperfixing hard on Sun Haven and Darius is one of my favs ! thanks !
Absolutely!! Thanks for sending an ask, I always love writing things that people request!!
Rating: gen Type: headcanons Words: 444
He's pretty insecure under all the arrogance. That's why he takes his job so seriously. So, he requires a partner who can remind him that he's doing a good job every now and again. (Even if he'll brush it off with a "Of course I'm doing a great job! Why on earth do you think I'd need to hear what I already know?", it still positively impacts him.)
At the same time, he needs someone willing to challenge him. Too often do people just agree with him on the basis of him being the prince, and he needs a break from that. That's why he and Xyla are still friends, because she's never afraid to say when she disagrees with him. The willingness to challenge him might be what draws him to you in the first place. At the start, he probably views it as being annoying and because of you being uncultured, but he secretly really likes when people have the guts to say no to him, especially considering the fact that he carries around a giant sword made out of his Grandpa.
Omg the enemies to lovers with this man would be LEGENDARY. The insults you'd both come up with would be unmatched. Meanwhile, Xyla's sitting at the side enjoying the show because Darius doesn't usually get to have as much fun as when he insults you. This man needs his arrogance called out and stomped on in the most loving way possible.
He's also a workaholic. Please send this man to bed because he will not do it himself. Prepare to fight to get him to sleep, though. No need to make food for him, -although he'd appreciate it- just get him away from his work for a bit, he'll do the rest himself.
Really fond of trying out new hairstyles, even if he can't do it often. He also loves having his nails painted, but sucks at doing them himself.
Expanding on a previous headcanon about how he's not good at being bad at things: He beats himself up easily(internally) if he doesn't do things wonderfully at 1st shot. He never outwardly shows that he's upset with himself, instead opting to display all anger towards something else.
Often struggles with feelings of anxiety around friendships and relationships. Because of his status, a lot of people only want to be his friend or partner for clout or money, so he struggles with feeling like the few friends he has are using him.
He's a master at bottling stuff up, so be prepared to have to break down multiple sets of walls before he even thinks of telling you his thoughts.
I hope that was up to your expectations, and again, thanks for sending me an ask, this was a lot of fun. Hope you have a good day.
Likes, comments, and reblogs appreciated.
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Bewitching Fate/New Self-Insert?
So as y'all know I've been hyperfixated mainly on FF14 and FFSOP as of late. Y'all also know that my royal s/i is my ff14 s/i because I want all my loves together~! (Canon be damned, my worlds now!)
BEWARE: Spoilers for FFSOP and FF14 (mainly Shadowbringers)
So some of you also know that at the end of SOP Jack and his friends become the bringers of darkness Chaos and the Fiends of Chaos in order to create new Warriors of Light for the land they inhabit. Well, in FF14, Guess what your character becomes?
Ding Ding Ding If you guessed a Warrior of Light, you get a cookie and kisses from your f/o (the kisses were gonna happen regardless, but yeah)
Well, the organization that Thancred and all my friends/family are in -- the scions -- work with the Warrior of Light to bring light to Eorzea! And any beings of darkness are considered an enemy...
Well, Jack still has his 'day job' as my s/i's royal guard! So when she ventures off and ends up staying in Eorzea longer than planned, you know he and our friends aren't too far behind. The only problem on top of the internal cruel twist of fate of me being a WoL is that people in Eorzea can see others' aetherial balance...
So let's just say the first meeting between factions was very... tense to put it lightly. If it wasn't for me so excited to see Jack, Jed, Ash, Neon, and Sophia, then vouching for them to the point I said "I'm a princess and the only one who can slay primals! If you wanna fight these guys, I hope you found someone else who won't become a mindless slave to the primals 'cause I'll quit. Not my land so it really shouldn't be my problem BUT IT IS!"
Needless to say, everyone lowered their weapons but kept their eyes peeled for any sort of slip-up from the other side. Especially Thancred when it came to Jack... If anyone asked, he said it was simply because he couldn't risk such darkness corrupting their strongest ally further... But who knows why he'd spy in on softer moments..?
Now fast forward to ShadowBringers where I and the scions find ourselves in a situation to save a world overrun with Light. This place is so off-balance that the light has turned many of its inhabitants into angelic-looking monsters known as sin eaters who only live to consume aether!
So now it's my job to slay the mightiest sin eaters known as Light Wardens in order to bring darkness back to the realm and restore balance.
The only problem is I'm the only one who can take in their light without transforming immediately myself. But even then we don't know how much light I can take...
Fast forward EVEN MORE to the death of the final Light Warden and me taking in their light. That was the straw that broke my frail form's back and instilled the beginning of a transformation.
My daughter Ryne (A girl originally known as another Minfilia since she was bestowed powers to prevent a total flood of light) was powerful enough to halt the corruption but not cleanse it and no way is currently known!
SO with that said what if Jack and our friends were also with the scions. Therefore when they see the transformation and how some of my allies will be so quick to turn against me should I show any signs, they decide to join me in the enduring battles since who better to bring back the darkness then those who embody it?
Also cue a moment where I make Jack promise to kill me if and when I lose myself, much to our mutual dismay
But with that said: a whole sin-eater AU has been in my mind so I even have a design at behest of my bestie @floweringforgetfulness for biblically accurate Becca (I still lose myself to giggles with that) I have a design (THANK YOU BESTIE!!!!!!)
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The only thing is that as a Light Warden/Sin Eater they usually go by names like "Innocence" "Tesleen the Forgiven" "Eros" "Philia" so I kinda wanna keep that name so I was thinking something along the line of Paitence since the others are like greek forms of love/virtues
So any ideas would be appreciated!!
taglist: @jellyfish-ships @canongf !@hadesgoddess @nyandereneko @disneymarina @goldenworldsabound @singingdeepinme @violetsandmilk
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acourtcfmuses · 1 year
Honestly I have SO MANY muses and as a result I have so many OTP's that go along with that, both canon, crossover, crack and OC OTP's
This is gonna sound weird, but it depends on the species of the muses. If it's two human muses I probably wouldn't want to go maybe more than 20 years? And that's assuming the youngest muse is at least 21. The exception in regards to species is vampires and fae, any species with longevity spanning centuries and beyond. some of the age gaps with those muses can get excessive, but I would still say that physically in appearance they'd have to be within the around 20 years (if that makes sense). Of course ALL if this is with the assumption that all muses are over the age of 18. We ain't out here imprinting on babies. I'm side-eyeing Twilight hard at this one.
Uhm, likely clothes are coming off and touching is starting to happen.
Somewhat! I love the build up in a ship. And when it comes to my male muses, if you completely ignore my girls, I won't ship my male muses. I have seen it far to many times where people completely ignore someone's female muses and solely write with the male muses while constantly hinting at shippy things in the thread. It gets demotivating, so please don't ignore my female muses who would love even platonic interactions, or enemy interactions in favour or trying to force ships with my guys.
I will legit ship anything. I do have a spreadsheet (yes I'm that extra) with all my muses, their sexualities, their preferences and potential canon ships, who I won't ship them with and if shipping with them is open. You can find that here.
Generally as a rule of thumb, yeah, please talk to me about it. I'm very conscious in myself about trying to not force ships on people / making them feel like the have to ship with my muses. So I likely won't realise you want to ship otherwise; and honestly it will give me a chance to suggest more of a build up to a ship if I don't quite feel it yet myself.
I would love more ships, but I don't actively go out my way unless it's plotted with someone? Like if it happens, it happens?
We live for the multi's in this house - multifandom, multiverse, multimuse, multiship. I only have one muse, out of 249 that is a single ship and that's my Descendants OC Julia Darling and that's because she is completely and utterly besotted with @dreamingonthedaily's Paxton Pan
Well my current hyperfixations are The Witcher and Fear Street. I have a few in each honestly. The Witcher: Geralt/Yen, Geralt/Jaskier, Ciri/Happiness Fear Street: Ziggy/Nick (sue me), Sam/Deena, Cindy/Alice, Cindy/Tommy, Simon/Kate, Kurt/Joan
Talk to me? It's that simple honestly. I don't mind shippy meme's being sent my way if we don't have established ships as icebreakers, but I would prefer to go back and build them up once we see if they mesh. Even if it's solely in headcanons we talk about OOC. I have far to many ships that the bulk of them are headcanons.
tagged by: @fierceheartstagging: @reiignonme, @childrenofslumber, @isdeathlystill, @managedxmischief, @ofblackskies, @cursedvixens, @lcveblossomed, @cahroline, @bccksmarts, & whoever wants too!
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canonrpfinder · 11 months
🌿ABOUT ME: Howdy there~ The names Nova. I go by they/them pronouns and l'm twenty-seven years old, which I feel is vital for my roleplay partner to know. I've been writing/roleplaying for twelve, bordering thirteen years now and consider myself ADV-NOVELLA.
The Last of Us: My current hyperfixation right now and I’m not even sorry about it. As much as I love the first game, I have to say that the second one is my absolute favorite. The story premise of loss, friendships, romance, and revenge. I don’t know—there’s just something about it.
Ship choice: I want to do something with an enemies to lover type trope between Ellie and Abby. I don't know man, enemies to lovers has always been a trope that I'm a heavy sucker for. Especially when Angst is amidst it all.
Plot ideas: I prefer to work 1×1 with my roleplay partner to cook up a plot together. I want to go for something slow burn-ish, because obviously with these two characters in specific... slow burn is required. The roleplay would have a rating of (M+), I prefer dark roleplays. Helps with character development!
Muses: I could do Ellie or Abby, but as of right now? I want to muse as Ellie. So, I'm searching for someone to be my Abby Anderson!
Requirements: Please be above 18+ to commence a roleplay with me as I like to lean more towards darker, mature topics which does include spice. I ask that you be literate/novella or at least mirror me, as of recent my mind has been heavily “quality over quantity” just don’t want a response that I cannot work with. As we discuss a plot, I will ask you to share your rules and triggers—I do not wish to make anyone uncomfortable when we write together. As for me, I don’t have triggers!
Additional information: We can discuss further via private messages if this is something YOU MAY be interested in. Just leave a like, and I will message you to figured out what we want to do, and afterwards… gravitate to discord.
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Tagged by @palepinkycat to take this quiz for some of my OCs, thank you!
I've taken it many times, but for some of my characters it didn't fit that much or at all, so I'm going with only 3 characters who are close to the results.
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animal intuition
loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? bodyguard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
It's an interesting result because it sort of fits? I think it's closer to her leadership style during the class story and first expansions (before Fallen Empire), when she's loyal to the Republic and willing to go through any lengths to protect it from the Sith. It's true that Airistan are harsh even to allies, since she expects the best results. She definitely leads by example, but not everyone can keep up with her, and she tends to forget this. Also, her behavior and morals are definitely confusing to people around her.
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rippling sunset
you're the nicest person i'll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can't protect themselves. you're energetic and bubbly to a fault. it's cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you - out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone's aware of. this isn't something that you want attention for at all, and you'd really just rather forget it exists at all... even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
Hoo boy this is so accurate. Nevanor went through a lot before he could become a proper Jedi. He was a slave before a Jedi found him and agreed to teach him, but to do that he had to leave his closest friend behind. That decision always haunted him and caused a lot of emotional problems. The Jedi who found him was a Sith spy, and he recognized Nevanor's potential in the Force and used his guilt, insecurities and negative feelings to bring him closer to the Dark Side, planing in future to bring him to the Empire and turn him Sith. The spy got caught, and Nevanor had to do a lot to convince the Jedi that he wasn't a spy as well and wanted to be trained as a proper Jedi. His desire to use what power and possibilities he has to help and protect others ultimately convinced the Council to agree to train and help him.
It's just the basics of his character, but yeah, the result fits well.
(and if you're wondering when did I get a whole new Jedi Knight - he's not a new character, I've just barely mentioned him, but he ties closely with my next character whom I'm currently hyperfixated on)
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cauterizing rage
the house has burned around you, and you're the only one left standing. is it gratifying to be the survivor? fear and anger are weapons in your capable hands, used only to serve your agenda of fighting back when deemed necessary. you're a powerful person, built from the ashes of your despair and your family's mistakes. with time, you'll bloom into someone softer, like the full blossoms that grow each spring and wither away with the leaves in fall. they won't disappear if take your eyes off of them. you're enough
Not surprised I got this result for her character, it fits perfectly. All the trauma she went through - her mother considering her very existence a mistake, having to pretend to be nobody to her own father, life as a slave (and everything that comes with it), her friend leaving her there (it's a long story) - all that pain that she had to endure alone led to hatred that she was more than willing to use upon arriving to Korriban. Throughout the class story Imely has learned to use her anger and pain against her enemies while not being a complete jerk to everyone else. And as the story goes, she does become softer (in a good sense).
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kattythingz · 5 months
My beloved wife, I’d be honored if you answered 7, 12, 25/26, and 28 😩😩😩😩
Why, husband dearest, you flatter me! Of course!
7 - Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
One of my favorite projects isn't nearly as popular as my other ones, but I adore it to pieces, and it's my teen wolf stalia fic. Stalia is a ship that I hold very dear to my heart, and the fic I wrote for them was the first time I really breached "longfic" word count and felt proud about it. A lot of research went into it, and a lot more stress near the end of it. But it's so important to me still to this day. Scott and Malia's whole subplot and relationship development was particularly sth I was proud of back when I first wrote it, hence the chosen snippet:
“We can’t just kill every person that crosses us!” Scott yelled, his wound-up nerves finally snapping. “It’s one thing to kill in a fit of blind rage, but to do it just because you can? That sounds like something Peter would do, not us!”
“Yeah, well, maybe Peter’s right about something for once!” Malia shot back. “Maybe if you didn’t spend every moment making friends with your enemies and letting them walk away, your own pack wouldn’t feel unsafe despite the presence of an alpha!”
“This isn’t about safety anymore, Malia! This is about murder! This is about all the people that’ve died to similar methods that you’re seriously considering right now! How could you be okay with that?”
“Because it saved Stiles! Do you think Stiles would still be here if I hadn’t arrived when I did, Scott? Do you think Garett would’ve waited for instructions from Violet before tracking down Stiles again?” She swung her arm toward Stiles. “Stiles is still alive right now because I did what I had in order to protect him! And if you can’t be happy with that fact, then it’s no wonder he landed here in the first place!”
Malia didn’t know which one of them was the first to stand up in their rage, but she did know that Scott was the first to falter. The first to stagger like he was the one lying strangled and muted in a hospital cot.
12 - Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Hmmmm, this question's a little vague. For my current hyperfixation, ig, it would be ep44 from FMA 03. I love the dynamics between Ed and Team Mustang, and I love Ed's beef with Hohenheim, and I love the fact that we're spending a little time away from the plot to just let the characters (mostly Ed) ruminate on what's happened and just exist together. I go back to rewatch it pretty often.
25 - What do you look for in a beta?
Fishing for compliments I see. Subtle, Jinx. Real subtle. /j
Okay, so, genuinely: one of my first considerations is whether I'm friends with the person. Not because I'm looking for bias (I'm literally avoiding that with a beta?), but because there's a certain... comfort to it being a friend? If it's a complete stranger, no matter how nice they are, I'll always misread and/or overthink their tone in feedback. With a friend, however, I know for certain that they mean it well.
I also look for someone who knows the characters as well as or even better than me, because my insecurities about my writing aren't really in the technical aspect, but rather the characters. Consistency, OOCness, Would He Fucking Say That; that sort of stuff is the one thing I can't trust myself on.
It's a nice bonus if the person is also a good writer themselves, which I was very lucky to stumble on in my current beta <3
26 - Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
Often, yes! If my official beta is for character purposes, then I am the technical beta that dings myself on grammar and language bullshit. I used to post fics without proofreading them. Keyword: used to.
28 - Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oh, oh, first person that comes to mind is @shanastoryteller! Their Untamed fics are my EVERYTHING, from the headcanons to the characterization to the prose??? I can't even pick a favorite fic from them—actually, wait, I can. Rotten Work, easily. crust and sugar over too... but that's another fandom, oops. I've read basically all their stuff kjvnwjbw. Raberba_girl on ao3 too has SUCH amazing httyd content, dear god. The Dragon Queen of Berk is my everything. And uhhhh... I can't think of a third that's not you lol. GOOD 'NUFF
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Can you Taehyungs version of reader being shot cause of them?
I really like your Jimin and Namjoon Version that you’ve written🥰
Request from @dramaclub-thin: Mafia BTS where the reader is shot for/because of them.
A/N: It is so much longer than I meant for it to be. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading.
If anyone else wants to request, you can here.
Mafia Bangtan other parts:
Summary: When you agreed to help Bangtan take down one of their enemies, you never imagined it could go so wrong.
Trigger warning: Smut, violence, blood, murder.
Mafia! Taehyung
"Are you ready?" Namjoon asks, shutting off the car's engine and turning around in his seat.
"Yeah," you nod back, hoping the rocking pit of nerves in your stomach isn't visible on your face. Scanning back and forth between him in the front and Jin sat beside you, you're checking to see if they are showing any signs of worry either. Finding a bit of solace in their surety.
"We're gonna lag behind about 20 minutes to be cautious and stay out of sight. But we'll be close. Just do everything like we said, and you'll be fine." Namjoon summarizes once again. Jin offering you a kind, reassuring smile to accompany the leader's words.
You nod again, sucking your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Running your fingers through your hair to fluff it for the 30th time. Hyperfixated on the time, you see the dashboard clock tick over. 20:21.
"Okay, let's go." You exhale deeply.
It was three weeks ago that Namjoon came to you with a problem that Bangtan was facing. Their weapons dealer was forcefully put out of business, which was Namjoons gentle way of saying he was killed, cutting off their supply to automatics and other bigger guns. Leaving them vulnerable. The man who took over their previous partners supply was known to be working with some of the other, smaller local crews. It was also known that he was a rival of Namjoon's and due to this tension refused to work with Bangtan. Normally, a problem like this would be something that they could handle. However, as Namjoon explained it, this guy was backed and protected by foreign money and was too hot to touch without starting a bloody war.
So the plan was simple. Risky, but simple. The supplier had to die. And it needed to appear to be from natural causes, so it could never fall back on Bangtan. No one directly affiliated could be involved. That meant none of the members could risk doing it. It also meant that it was too high a priority to trust an associate or hired gun with this information. Not with the reach and money the opposition had. No, it had to be someone within the family that could handle this, but someone the supplier would never know.
Opportunely, the supplier was known to have a weakness for women, hence the logical conclusion for Namjoon was one of the member's girls. Trustworthy enough not to turn or rat, not likely to be noticed among the myriad of other women, and except a few of them, all had no record linking them to Bangtan, so they would be complete unknowns.
Jin said it, but you already knew it. Out of all of the girls, you were the one who was the most capable. Your difficult past left you with many emotional scars but made you the best person to handle the responsibility. You're not susceptible to intimidation. Have very few moral hangups. And most importantly Namjoon knows how much you love Taehyung. How you would do anything for him. To keep him safe and happy. He knows he can trust you, and that when the time comes, you wouldn't hesitate to do what they needed you to.
As for you, you knew that Taehyung trusted Namjoon irrefutably and you had seen countless times that he was a good leader. Furthermore, you could appreciate the gravity of the situation. Because you're sure that if Bangtan's brain had any other choice, he would not have asked for your help. But since he had, you were going to do what was necessary to keep your family and Taehyung safe.
The problem was that Namjoon had insisted on secrecy. The only ones to know about his plan were you, him, and Jin. A few years ago, sure, lying would not have been a problem for you, you hardly ever told the truth to anyone. But this changed when you met Taehyung. He was the first person you could be honest with, the first person you ever let love you. And lying to him was something you were genuinely struggling with.
However, you knew Namjoon and Jin were right. There was no way Tae would have been okay with you being put in harm's way and he wouldn't be able to separate his feelings from the urgency of the task.
Although, that justification doesn't make you feel less guilty for deceiving him. And to make matters worse, you expected this to be over with last week already. But on your first date with the supplier, he had left the club early to deal with work suddenly. Giving you no time to spike his drink.
So here you were, attempt number two.
While you were meant to meet the supplier at a fancy restaurant first, Namjoon's plan was to skip that and get to his house as quickly as possible. Before the valet could open the supplier's car door, you leant through the open window, teasingly licking your lips. "I just realized," you purr, noting his eyes drop to your mouth and back. "I'm actually not that hungry. So how about we skip to the end of the night, and then you can take me out for breakfast tomorrow morning."
Your blatant offer works like a charm. 20 minutes and a car ride later, he's pulling you down onto his couch. Hardly able to keep his hands or lips off of you.
Tearing at your blouse he rips the buttons apart, his mouth sucking and licking at your neck. One of his hands roaming and grabbing at anything he can, while the other starts to hike up your pencil skirt. He removes his vest and buttoned shirt, not once parting his lips from yours. His large, hard chest muscles pressing against you as he pins you in between his arms and the couch. Spreading your legs apart, he grinds his crotch into your core and you can feel what effect this is having on him. And you have to admit, despite your mind being focused elsewhere, physically it's having the same kind of arousing results on you.
But this isn't what's supposed to happen. He's moving too fast and it's quickly getting away from you. You only want to get him comfortable and distracted enough that he completely lets his guard down. You're trying to poison him, not fuck him.
Pushing his chest lightly, you spring upright. Slightly out of breath you pull your hair over your shoulder covering up a little and running your fingers through it, trying to regain some composure.
"I could use a drink." You pant, batting your eyes up at him.
"Sounds good." He nods, his gaze dark and ravenous. Suddenly haulting he leans back down to kiss you. His hands gripping your hips as he kisses you back into the sofa. Abruptly leaving you flat on the couch with flushed cheeks.
This is better. One or two drinks from now, you should be able to slip him the ricin. He drinks it, you fake a headache, and skip home.  24 hours from now he has a heart attack and dies from natural causes. Nothing tied to you. Nothing connected to Bangtan.
"I hope you like-"  The supplier calls out, only to be interrupted by a grating smack at the front of the house. You startle upright, sitting alert watching the hall entrance. He comes from the other side, coming back from the kitchen, a curious look on his face. Both of you staring at the same doorway as Taehyung suddenly comes in.
Your eyes go wide, half not able to believe he is actually here. He wasn't supposed to be!  Namjoon had arranged for Jimin to take him out tonight. And you had told him you were going to meet some of the other girls.
The thing you didn't know; a week ago when you met the supplier at the club, you had also said you were out with a few girls, including Jimin's girlfriend. But she was with Jimin at that time. And Jimin was with Taehyung. And she knew nothing about any plans to go out.
So when you said there was a movie night tonight, he asked around and found out that was also a lie. He wanted to trust you. To trust that it wouldn't be as bad as his worst fear. Still, the more he thought over how you lied to him, the more he worked himself up, getting himself into a paranoid and anxious state. Until he found himself tracking your phone, following you to an unknown house.
Seeing you half undressed and with someone he considers an enemy, his anger and jealously turns to pure rage. It only taking a second for the scene in front of him to confirm his worst suspicions.
Unleashing his gun he shoots wildly at the supplier. Reason slipping from him completely.
Barley able to avoid being hit, the supplier dives behind one of the sofa chairs. Nearly being riddled with the showering of bullets.
Wrapping your hands over your head, you cover your ears from the explosive sounds. Still firing, and keeping the supplier pinned, Taehyung storms at you.
"Tae-" you start. The gun empties, but Taehyung couldn't care less, tossing it aside. All of his attention focused on you.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" He growls through gritted teeth. His hand flying down smacking your cheek, slapping you back into the sofa. "How could you do this to me?!" He screams, his voice wavering from the emotion in his question.
"I can explain," You ignore the burn on your cheek, running your hands along your body, trying your best to cover and redress yourself.  You never wanted him to see you like this, and the look of betrayal in his eyes is stinging your heart more than any slap could.  "I-," you begin with no next word coming. There's nothing you can tell him. Not while the supplier is right here.
Taehyung's anger aside, you're terrified to think what him being here means. Namjoon's plan is completely derailed. And Taehyung attacked the supplier, creating an entirely new problem. You're not the smart one. You have no idea what to do or how to fix this.
Where the hell are Jin and Namjoon?
Taehyung is so fixated on you that he doesn't see the other man charging from the side.
"Look out!" You scream. Only it's a second too slow. Taehyung doesn't have time to react and the supplier swings a ceramic table ornament at his head. The shattered fragments raining over you, as your boyfriend is knocked to the ground. The shoe of the imposing man booting into Taehyung's torso.
You dive towards them, driving your body weight into the supplier to separate the two men. Pushing him away as his heel scarcely misses Taehyung's face.
He stumbles back a few steps and straightens up, nodding and pursing his lips with a look of revelation. Seeing you spring to Taehyungs defence revealed much more than you had intended.
While you're attempting to help Tae upright, he quickly shirks you off and lunges at the other man diving through him and dragging him to the floor. Fighting for dominance and survival, the two men break into a brutal fight trading blow after blow as they struggle to overpower the other.
While you're relieved to see that Taehyung is the more skilled of the two, and mostly has the upper hand, you're mainly sick with worry. The ramifications of this will play out beyond this simple fistfight.
All you can do is get Tae out of here for now, and hope that the supplier hasn't realised that this was an attempt to kill him. Maybe if you're really lucky he will only think of it at face value. A cheating girlfriend and her jealous boyfriend.
"Tae," you grab his arm, dragging him back with resistance. "We have to get out of here. Please,"
He drops the supplier's collar, who falls back limply. Turning to you he has blood pouring down his face from a cut on his cheek. Intensifying the cold look in his eye.
"We? What we? Don't you wanna stay here with this piece of shit." He snarls, standing up.
"I can explain after." You tug him again. He can hate you all he likes later. But first, you have to get out of here. "Please," you beg for his agreement.
Staring harshly, he retreats from you. A pained look in his eye that cuts you more than any blade could. Anger, hate, rage. You could handle all of it. But there's so much hurt and sadness on his face. It's nothing you ever wanted to be responsible for. It's more than you can bear.
"Tae," you hold your hand outreached, gingerly approaching him.  He doesn't withdraw further, allowing you to rest your hand on his cheek. Your heart breaking further as he leans into your touch. Resting in your palm for comfort like an injured puppy. "I promise, baby, this isn't what it looks like." you coo, "I love you so much,"
His eyes close, his face scrunching in anguish. He wants to believe you so badly. To forget everything he has seen. To take you home and never let you go. He may be the first person you let love you, but for him, you are the only person he ever let himself love.
Turning, you use his softening demeanour to lead him towards the door. But the supplier pulls your attention. Neither of you were paying him any mind and standing in the corner of the room he's pulled his own gun from hiding.
Reacting without a thought you shove your back into Taehyung, covering him. Guarding him.
At the same time, a shot rings out and the bullet hits you. A painful, sharp sensation piercing through your torso that makes you stumble back. Losing your footing you fall into Taehyung, your body never hitting the ground. Taehyung catching your weight, lowering with you. Resting you on his legs.
Taehyung grimaces in pain, his hand wrapping his own side momentarily. The bullet went clean through you and cut his side before flying into the wall behind the both of you. Dismissing his own injury, he leans over your body, ripping off his shirt and pressing it and his palms into your entrance wound. Trying to slow the bleeding.
Looking up at Taehyung with tear-filled eyes, you're in shock. Every breath you take is sore but other than that, your body is numb. Your hands clinging to his, all you can think is that you wished you knew what to say or do to lessen his panic. The sweat on his forehead rolls into the cut on his cheek causing the blood to drip further down his neck and chest. The fear and worry in his eyes exposing what you can't see or feel. That you're losing a lot of blood.
The supplier comes over the top of you both. He presses the barrel of the gun into the back of Taehyungs head, forcing him to crouch lower over you.
"I was searching for a reason to annihilate Namjoon and his pathetic crew. Thank you for giving me one." He digs the gun down harder. Taehyung growls, baring his teeth in frustration. "Too bad we didn't get to finish what we started though, Y/n. Oh well." He smirks, cocking the gun for additional effect.
"I love you," Taehyung whispers, the finality in his voice breaking your restraint, tears gushing down your face.
"I-," you can only begin.
Another blast rings out that makes both you and Taehyung jump. The supplier's body goes heavy and plummets to the ground, smashing through the glass coffee table beside you. Glass shatters everywhere as he falls down dead, blood pouring out of his head, collecting into a pool.
"Fuck sakes." Namjoon sighs from the living room entrance. Standing with Jin, both looking over the destruction with disbelief.
"Hyung," Taehyung calls out, his voice raspy and on the verge of tears. "Help." He looks down at you, your face pale, your limps drooping as the blood loss is starting to make you dizzy.
Namjoon opens his mouth readying to scold his brother, but he quickly stops himself. His own faults glaringly obvious at this moment. Jin removes his belt, wrapping it around your waist he fixes it tightly, making you whine in pain, keeping Taehyungs shirt pressed to both sides of your wound.
"Can you carry her?" Jin asks his younger brother.
Namjoon passes all of you, walking toward the lifeless body of his enemy, shooting another round into the back of his head with a frustrated look in his eye.
Taehyung nods at Jin with wide, panicked eyes.
"Then bring her." Namjoon turns with a flick of his head gesturing to follow him.
Jin supports Taehyung as he struggles to get himself and you to a standing position. Finding more strength once he is upright, lifting you into his arms as you whimper and moan weakly.
"Taehyung-" you start, your words sounding breathless and weak. "I'm sorry," you whisper.
"Shh baby." He hushes you. "Don't worry about that now."
He gets you into Namjoons truck, laying you down the length of the seat. As Namjoon speeds to the hospital, Taehyung sits in the back, his legs under your head. Holding firm against your bullet wound while petting your head.
Jin takes Tae's keys and follows you in his car. Already calling a cleanup crew to get rid of the supplier's body. Trying to salvage what he can of the bad situation.
"Namjoon," you call out. Even as your mind is starting to slip into unconsciousness your worry over the family is consuming your focus. "the plan. Can you fix the-" you breathe heavily running out of air.
He looks over his shoulder, guilt overtaking his expression. Nodding with an affirming grunt.
"Plan? What plan?" Taehyung muses, the shock steadily drifting away. "What is she talking about, Hyung?" One look at the blame on Namjoon's face and it clicks into place. "What did you do?"
"It wasn't supposed to happen like this." Namjoon reasons.
"Are you kidding me? You organized this?!" He snaps, "How the fuck could you risk her like that?!"
"It was supposed to be easy. She wasn't meant to get hurt-"
"Well, clearly she did!" Taehyung roars, his hands bunching into fists.
"I'm sorry, Tae. I wanted to help." You whine, lifting your arm up to touch his chest, trying to soothe him in any way.
"It's okay, baby. I know you did." He coos kissing your forehead, Taehyung's rage immediately subsiding towards you. He takes your blood-drenched hands in his and kisses them lovingly. Kissing down your forearms, pressing your hands to his head in agony and want to have you closer. Wishing he could absorb your pain and suffering.
Returning his wrath to the leader his voice lowers, coming out like ice. "We're gonna talk about this once she's okay." He snarls, "And know, I hold you personally responsible for every second she's in pain."
Looking in the rearview mirror, Namjoon nods solemnly. "Yeah, I do too."
Luckily for you, you recover quickly, and no permanent physical damage was done. But the damage that was done to Namjoon and Taehyungs relationship, the repercussions caused for Bangtan, and the fall out from the supplier's death... well that's another story entirely.
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cebwrites · 2 years
CEVVV buddy ol pal. this request might be a little odd, but may I request headcanons on how Katakuri and Law might interact with or think of each other?
(and to be clear, i dont mean in a shippy way. perhaps with Kirin/Rio as the reason they meet?)
*evilly responds to this*
MEWWW you're making my brain rattle!!! my silly little thinking cogs turning for our silly little scrunklies kissing maren on the cheek for your brain muah muah ily 💖💕
as an aside i also found out that locomotives are sometimes called iron horses while looking stuff up for this and that’s so 🥺😭😭💖
thoughts on each other (Katakuri and Law)
gen, he/they law, oc x canon word count: 0.9k
Ah yes, another worst gen supernova on Kat’s lawn askdnfkslhf
Rio talked about a lot of things in their little moments of peace together, about his time with the rev army, the people he met long his travels, his captain; Kata was one of the only people he could vent to in his little canary cage, after all - Law and his crew were thrown in here and there
So going into it, he has some idea of what kind of person Law is, even if through Rio’s (correct) dweeb accusations and vague threats of what he’d do to him if that “punk” hurt his captain while he was gone
Actually meeting though, given that they’re not in a life or dead situation, it might be a little awkward - namely because I’m not sure if they’d have that many overlaps in interests
Both their personalities, or at least what they pretend is their personalities to the general public, lean into the “cool, stoic” types that brood in the corner away from anything fun, so I’m thinking any early interaction they’d have would probably fall into that
Law doesn’t think much of Kata at first, or rather not a lot about him, like “oh, another one ally from Kiri-ya’s side, ok”
Is Law surprised at all that Luffy also had something to do with fundamentally helping changing the viewpoints of someone who could once be considered an enemy to them? No, are they still mildly amused and god forbid they’d ever admit it to anyone proud? Yeah, maybe a little 
They’re both powerful pirates in their own rites with fearsome reputations but aside from that what are they gonna talk about, the weather? Lmao with what social skills
Once they’re a little more comfortable around each other though, probably with Kirin to break the ice or Rio picking a fight with Law that gradually fizzles into a regular chat because they’re both great greasing the conversation I can see them having small talks here and there
It’s nothing big and never lasts too long but it’s a start, eventually they’d talk about just things on their mind, inconsequential stuff that doesn’t matter but it feels nice to air out anyway, and sometimes it’s just nice sitting in silence next to one another knowing that there’s no pressure to have to talk, that just each other’s company is enough
I’m thinking of when we talked about Katakuri building/running little model trains and god Law and Kata would go HARD for their hyperfixations
They take turns explaining things at first, but once something gets the ball rolling on Law’s Sora lore (literally just mentioning it) or Kat’s little steam engines (back and forth questions make him SO happy that someone’s listening in and taking note of his interests) - they kind of end up talking over each other at times and circling back to different branches of ideas because they’re going on so many tangents because they’re so excited to infodump to someone who’s actively and enthusiastically participating
You know they’re 100% combining interests and coming up with pages worth of additional Sora lore on how trains were actually a huge part of that lil comic world because they were funded by Germa to privately transport eeeevil supplies and now there’s an entire arc dedicated to it in Law’s canon for it
For a gift exchange once Kata gave Law a wooden model train painted with the Germa 66 colors and Law give Kat a teddy (Katakuri sized, so it was like as tall as them) dressed as a little train conductor, both handmade, they then both proceeded not to feel anything at all like “real, manly men” were supposed to
(Law was faced down on his bed for an hour and Katakuri was hesitant at first but once he held Mr. Walter Puffington III, Rio had to convince him to put the plush away after two consecutive nights in a row of being the third wheel to it when he went to bed)
Lastly I absolutely do not think that these two can smile on command, like if they’re put on the spot, leaning more to Kata’s end but also looking at Law’s first bounty poster?? Hello sir why do you look evil????
They try, they really do, but more often than not it kind of just looks a little stiff if not uncomfortable for them to hold their faces in that position; Kirin and Rio still absolutely adore them either way, Rio’s kissing all over Kata’s face and his teefies, and Kirin’s got Law in a vice, laughing and smooching all over his ‘adorable’ mushroom while Law tries to fight his way out, conveniently forgetting that he has the ability to shambles away
Plus, all this means is that when Kata and Law do smile without realizing that they are, and it’s sweet and endearing even if a little awkward sometimes and god damn it Kirin and Rio are on the floor (internally, for the latter, he has some reputation to keep up, after all Kirin’s just a gay bitch in love)
I think Law would (secretly) find Maren’s style cool and if those two had to do their own things in the same room together they’d be able to vibe in the silence for a while like he/they bitches do but for the love of god once Maren opens his mouth with teasing intent it’s all over Law’s spending at least an hour faced down in Kirin tiddy to decompress and recharge, no bully them he’s trying their best >:’c
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Why hello!! I hope I do this correctly, I kinda sucky at this pft
Call me Moon/Raccon/Alpha!
I am 27, so feel free to choose nsfw or not. Up to you!
I go be he/him and kinda consider myself sorta trans? Not 100% yet on that. I am 5’2, so kinda short. I usually have short hair or many colors. Usually blues or greens, but right now I have pink! I wear glasses as well or I’m blind as a bat. I also am more or less gay if I’m able to say that lol interested in men basically. I’m pretty open to the idea of Polyamorous relationships though depending on the dynamic.
I do selfship so if you see a sally face f/o on my list shhhh, you saw nothing. I’m very curious to see who I get actually hahaha
I draw a lot, so that’s my main hobby. I do craft at times though. I’m a huge gamer, and love music. I’m pretty easily interested in most things.
I do have ADHD, anxiety, and such. So I am kinda a hot mess at the best of times l
Personality wise, I like to say I am loyal to a fault, always putting others above me to help them. Once I get close to someone and become friends I become quite attached to them, not clingy though. I love attention of any positive kind, no matter what.
I can have strong emotions and have small outbursts at times. And hyperfixations rule me with a iron fist. I’m not exactly A social butterfly, but I do not mind chatting with people I like. Otherwise I’m a bit of a home body and would prefer to just not deal with people.
I adore the rain, and water but can’t swim. I love autumn and Halloween! I like to collect random things(think rocks, a weird random toy type, or just anything else that’s oddly specific)
I’m not much of a reader though, but I can happily focus on shows or movies and such. But I do prefer games over any of that.
I adore cats, but I like lost animals. Dogs, snakes, birds. You name it i probably like them. I’m just a animal person honestly.
I do like spooky things. I have a huge fascination with horror content, and have a pretty strong mind for horror so I don’t scare easily. Even if it’s irl spooky stuff. Though I may over think if it’s dark out. Imagination is my own worst enemy pft
I don’t really know how much this helps but have a random picture also
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I don’t know what you need completely cause I sorta suck at these, but if you need anything else please DM me! I’m happy to give anymore info if needed hahahah
Hihi! I absolutely adore your aesthetician!
Your new f/o is...
Travis Phelps
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(Art credit: Deviantart: @emporerimpress)
So this one is gonna have kind of an angsty start
It's a Travis matchup, what did you expect?
When Travis first saw you, you reminded him so much of Sal
The blue hair
Your height
The obvious lean towards everything spooky
If you had a mask instead of glasses, Travis would've have thought you were Sal
So of course, Travis was a little mean to you
He can't help it
This man never really learned how to deal with those kind of feelings
And they scare him quite a bit
So what do you do when you're afraid of something or someone?
You try to prove your dominance, even if you're not that dominant at all
So Travis acted like a third grader for a while
Luckily you noticed it for what it was, just like Sal did
And one day you just asked Travis out
You had to
It was glaringly obvious Travis wanted a relationship
But he just couldn't form the words
So he hesitantly said yes, thinking this was too good to be true
So even though Travis' initial attraction to you was due to your similarities to Sal
Travis quickly got to know you and fell hard
Slipped, tripped, busted his lip, and fell in love
You might be a hot mess.
But you're Travis' hot mess
Spoiler alert: I like to headcanon that Travis survived the fall when he pushed Kenneth into the pit by landing in Kenneth's body
After that, Travis wasn't as angry anymore
His main tormentor was gone
And Travis could finally be Travis, after all those years
He could finally be the Travis he showed you
Travis really appreciates your fidelity
He never really had a ton of people to rely on
So it means a lot to him that he can always rely on you
Travis actually puts a lot of work into making sure you can avoid your outbursts
While he doesn't mind them too much,
They tend to make Travis nervous
So he tries to prevent them if he can
Travis also loves discovering new things
He didn't really have a chance to actually be a kid
It was more about survival back then, so
Now Travis wants to experience as much as he can!
He cherishes all your little gremlin collections, especially if you give specific items to him as a gift
That rock?
It's more valuable to Travis than any diamond could be
It doesn't matter that you found it at the park
They'll have to pry that rock from his cold dead hands
Due to his childhood, Travis didn't get to have any gaming systems
Kenneth said they were from the Devil
Kenneth said a lot of things were from the Devil
So you're gonna have to teach Travie how to game
And yes, please, call him Travie 🥺
It makes him blush until his cheeks are a rich, dusty pink
I can see Travis also taking in strays and lost animals, too, from a very young age
So the two of you can be foster parents to the misfit animals of the area!
Even though Travis isn't huge into horror
He's a scaredy boy
He'll humor you with your movies, shows, and horror games
Just make sure to hold him close when he gets scared
Travis has a vivid imagination too
So be ready for lots of "I just had a nightmare" cuddles in the small hours of the night!
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
Let’s talk about zodiacs and TPN Part 1
This is largely inspired by the fact that I talk about the characters’ zodiacs nonstop in the fanfic I’m working on for my tpn witch au, and I’ve been chortling to myself the entire time about how well some of them fit their sign and how some of them just... don’t. I’m going to simply infodump about each character, their sign, element, and some attributes they fit to a t while others don’t make sense. I will also touch on compatibility for all you shippers out there, don’t worryyy. Now this isn’t at all a critique or review of the characters themselves— I know astrology is not the first thing authors consider when choosing character birthdays, if they even do at all, this is simply me rambling about my hyperfixation and projecting onto fictional characters like we all do.
A couple last notes— one character in particular (cough cough Ray) has a different “canon” birthdate from “actual” so I’ll discuss both. Also, while I will be doing surface level research to make sure I’m not talking out of my ass, im not a professional astrologist, I’m simply a witch with an enthusiasm for zodiacs. Well then, without further ado, let’s talk about the kiddos.
Birthdate: August 22nd
Sign: Leo
Element: Fire
An overview: The funniest thing to me about Emma is that she’s literally the epitome of a Leo. Fire signs are generally very outgoing and energetic—they talk a lot and tend to be the leaders of the packs. Leos in particular are incredibly admirable and truly know their way around a conversation. If I ever wanted to get stuck in an elevator for 48 hours with no wifi or connection to the outside world and only one random stranger to talk to for the entire duration, I would pick a Leo in a heartbeat. Emma is very much the leader-type, she’s someone everyone pauses and listens to when she calls for their attention, and she always prefers to talk her way out of conflict rather than fight—but not in an underhanded manipulative way, no, Leos are very genuine with their feelings and will be upfront about their reasons for their actions.
Take this scene between Emma and Leuvis for example— this to me is about the closest to perfect of a summary of what Leos are like, and how Emma fits her sign beautifully.
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She doesn’t want to fight, but she will if she has to—for the good of her friends and the good of humanity. She can stick to her ideals and yet extend a hand to the enemy anyway. This is what makes Leos such a force to be reckoned with in leadership roles.
Compatibility and ships: I know I know, this is the part you’re most excited about. I’m going to attempt to refrain from sharing my opinion on each ship itself, I will simply point out which have the highest compatibility levels. First of all, essentially all signs are most compatible with 1. Other signs of the same element and 2. Their compliment sign, their elemental opposite.
Since Emma is a fire sign, she’s generally compatible with other fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, and of course Leo) as well as Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra). So speaking broadly, she’s compatible of course with Norman as an Aries, as well as Ray IF he truly is an Aquarius. But if we narrow it down a little bit, I should mention that fire signs being fire signs can often clash with each other because both their energies are so high (personal experience lmao), and therefore their elemental opposite, air, are generally the way to go. Usually you’ll find on astrological charts and sites that Leos are most compatible with Geminis and Aquariuses, so Ray again if he is an Aquarius, and then we bring Violet into the picture because she’s a Gemini. (Uh, speaking as a Gemini, Leos are my favorite people to date, and I always seem to crush on them as well. I have a problem. A Leo problem.) I’m so sorry Gilemma shippers but fire and earth signs are like the worst combo, I don’t know how this happened because I love Gilemma with all my heart. The stars simply did not align for us this time
Birthdate: March 21st
Sign: Aries
Element: Fire
Overview: okay listen. I didn’t believe Norman was an Aries at first because he’s not as high energy as most fire signs, but then the more I thought about it, the more it just makes sense. The most key trait to an Aries is loyalty. They are so incredibly loyal and caring to the people they love that they often neglect themselves in the process. They can be very quick to anger if someone hurts or insults their friend, and are unafraid to start a fight or commit morally gray or even black actions in service of their loved ones. Point is you don’t mess with an Aries’ family or friends. You will get burned.
All the loyalty applies to Norman so incredibly well—the way that his plans and actions revolve entirely around Emma and Ray, and the way that he sacrifices himself for their escape even though he’s terrified of dying. But even more so this loyalty strikes you in the face when he returns as William Minerva, willing and committed to full on genocide all to keep his friends alive and safe. As I’ve said Aries are quick to anger, which seemingly isn’t very present in cool-headed, thoughtful Norman, but then you remember this:
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Look at his expression. Even if he doesn’t easily lose his cool, when he does it’s terrifying. So essentially Norman is a much more subtle Aries— he’s not in your face aggressive or full of energy, but he has all the hidden signs. So yeah, I honestly can’t think of any other sign that describes him better. Norman is an Aries.
Compatibility and ships: being a fire sign and all, Norman’s compatibility is actually very similar to Emma’s. He’s compatible with other Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries) as well as Air signs (Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini). Speaking broadly that makes him compatible with Emma and Ray again, but narrowing it down Aries are much better in general with Libras and Leos so congrats Noremma shippers you won.
“Canon” Birthdate: January 15th
“Actual” Birthdate: February 5th
“Canon” sign: Capricorn
“Actual” sign: Aquarius
“Canon” Element: Earth
“Actual” Element: Air
Overview: alright Ray is a bit of a mixed bag to unpack. Because it’s been stated that Ray’s January 15th birthday is not his actual birthday outside of the source material, then it’s reasonable for me to count both birthdays because people have different ideas of what’s canon and what’s not. Interestingly enough though, Ray does indeed fit well enough into both the Capricorn and Aquarius signs, however I personally believe one shows through him better than the other.
We’ve been talking about fire signs for Emma and Norman so it’s finally time to dive into two other elements! We’ll start with Capricorn then, the Earth sign. The most important thing to remember is that the Earth signs are the most grounded and practical. If you want someone who can give you logical and rational advice, your best bet would be the Earth signs (Air signs are also good at this but this ain’t about them. Although you will notice some overlap in traits between these two, particularly in Capricorns and Aquariuses).
We can already see the ‘practical’ side show through in Ray by the way he hyperfocuses on taking Norman and Emma to escape but insists on leaving the other kids behind. This isn’t to say he doesn’t feel for them, on the contrary, Earth signs are indeed very in tune with their emotions and empathy, but Capricorns really know how to set that part of them aside in favor of the calm and certain route. They like tangible solutions, things they can grasp with the least amount of risk, and they’re very resistant to changes—like giant rocks. This is also noticeable in how Ray gets so very flustered by Norman and Emma’s impulsivity. He clashes with both of them because Earth signs prefer to take things slow while Fire signs just like to make a leap and hope for the best.
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Note how Emma says “not that I mind...” meanwhile Ray is out here going “I MIND!!” Which we learn is because of his identity as the spy. He’s got his own plan and a tangible solution to shoot for, and Norman and his impulsivity and Emma going along with it is messing everything up. Thus, he forcibly retakes control of the situation via making a deal with Norman after the traitor is revealed. Very Capricorn stuff.
And if you want an image that just completely sums up the Capricorn in Ray, here you go:
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On the OTHER hand, if we’re to go off Ray’s “actual” birthdate, which was so lovingly calculated by Tempo, then we get Aquarius Ray, the Air sign. The most important things to note about the air signs is that they’re the thinkers—the farthest from impulsive, they’re the least in tune with their emotions, and they are oh so horribly indecisive. Where Earth signs will be able to give advice that adheres to both logic and emotion, Air signs stick purely to logic. Where Earth signs are able to make calm and rational decisions, Air signs will agonize over options and often find themselves lost, searching perpetually for a solution with no cracks in it. Hello. I’m an Air sign. :’))
I’m gonna come right out and say it. I hate Aquarius men. Aquarius women and enby folks, they’re great. But Aquarius men? I may, as a Gemini, get along with them in surface level casual conversation, but behind every Aquarius man’s back is a Mal waiting to strangle him the moment I am given the opportunity. I’m so sorry Ray my son but you are not an Aquarius okay. Alright. Well, let’s just talk about the parts of him that do fit Aquarius.
So from the very start Ray is obviously a thinker, someone who considers his options very carefully before he makes a decision, and someone who hates making choices based solely on emotion. In fact, he hates expressing emotions at all. Aquariuses are very good at repressing or hiding their emotions behind other emotions (most air signs are). The most common way to do this is to put up a wall of either numbness or full-on rage. We can see both in Ray.
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Instead of showing vulnerability in a healthy way, he would rather do that. Ok cool Ray.
Aquariuses can also be very quiet people, and Ray’s pretty dang quiet for most of the series too. They’re the intellectuals you know are intellectuals even though they aren’t up in your face about it. Their reserved nature makes them 10x scarier when they’re genuinely angry, because boy can an Aquarius rage.
The thing about Aquarius Ray for me here is that while Ray does indeed have Aquarius energy, it’s not the Core of Ray. To me he’s so much more of an Earth sign, so therefore I diagnose Ray with Capricorn.
Compatibility and ships: ok this is a mixed bag again. Now if you got Aquarius Ray then of course he’s compatible with other Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) and Fire signs (Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius), which would make him compatible with Norman and Emma for sure, as well as probably Ayshe for you Rayshe shippers because my personal HC is Aquarius Ayshe.
If you’ve got Capricorn Ray, then Capricorns are compatible with other earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and their compliment water signs (Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio), though they’re best with Cancers and Tauruses. So yes, Anna is a Taurus, which makes Rayanna a compatible pair. But guess who’s a Cancer. Don. ALL MY RAYDON SHIPPERS GET OUT HERE YOU COWARDS IM CALLING YOUR NAME. YOU WIN THE SHIP GAME.
Birthdate: May 13th
Sign: Taurus
Element: Earth
Overview: So again with the practical and grounded Earth signs. Tauruses now, are the most stubborn of them, which can be a little irritating at times, but it’s also a great asset when you consider how reliable they truly are. They’re bulls, which makes them solid and difficult to move, and you can always fall back on them when you’ve leapt too far ahead. Gilda is of course the epitome of reliable, and her stubbornness does show through at times—like when she’s the one person against Emma going out into danger all the time, constantly trying to talk her down into a more practical and certain solution. She’s also the first to attempt to bring Emma to see Ray’s side of the escape plan, which is very earth sign of both of them good job guys.
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Compatibility and ships: I know I know I’m still upset Gilemma isn’t compatible astrologically but we can talk about other Gilda ships! Tauruses are most compatible with other earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus) and water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) which makes her compatible with our other lovely Taurus, Anna! Gilanna shippers unite. But they’re best with Cancers and Scorpios, which means Gildon is is at highest compatibility.
Birthdate: July 4th
Sign: Cancer
Element: Water
Overview: HEY YALL ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY LEAST FAVORITE SIGNS: W A T E R. (I’m sorry my water friends, I’m sure you’re lovely, but as an air sign I am always extremely suspicious of water signs at first meeting because our compatibility is so low it might as well not exist) So the water signs are at the absolute highest emotional level. This can make them extraordinarily kind and nurturing, but it can also make them absolutely unreasonable and destructive. None is this more present than in Cancers, one of the most sensitive signs, but also one of the most empathetic. We can tell very clearly in Don that he wears his emotions on his sleeve—he’s unafraid to cry or show his anger, but he also takes very good care of his younger siblings and shows such an intense concern for them that it can become frightening.
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He’s such a good boy 🥺
Compatibility and ships: okay so same drill, Cancers are generally compatible with other Water signs (Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer) as well as Earth signs (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo) though their highest compatibility is with Tauruses and Capricorns. So again. GILDON AND RAYDON SHIPPERS R I S E.
God I’m so sorry if I cause a ship war. I rambled for too long and I’m very tired, so you only get these five characters for now. BUT! That’s why it’s a part 1. If you want more please feel free to harass me in my ask inbox about the characters you want me to overanalyze the signs of. Gemini out!
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hello, so i’ve written my very first fan fic!! an idea came to live in my head rent free while watching this scene in a cdrama and i just had to write it. its also posted to ao3 here! shoutout to my bestie & beta @thatweirdgirljess, your enthusiasm for my hyperfixations keeps me going~~~
fandom: ancient detective, pairing: jian buzhi x zhao wohuan (m/m), lengh: 2,883
title: you’re my warm heart in a cold world
As evening grew into proper night, Zhao and Jian had retired to their room in the Yiyuan Inn. After the chaotic events of the day the quiet and comfort of each other's company was most welcome. Zhao had stripped down to his black underclothes and settled into a light practice of some of Second Master Li’s sword techniques. As he swung his sword arm, without the actual sword in hand, through the various arcs the book depicted he could feel his freshly stitched wounds on his arms and thigh sting in protest. It was easily ignored though, and Zhao found he appreciated the reminder of why he needed to keep up with his training schedule. 
Being reminded of his wounds prompted Zhao to recall how he came to sustain them, the reason why he had fought so valiantly. The person he fought to protect.
Without stopping the motions of his empty handed sword arm, Zhao looked out of the corner of his eye across the room at Jian. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, also dressed down to his own white undershirt, and seemed to be engrossed with some reading. Gently clutching the book, Jian had his head bowed over the scripture. For all appearances he seemed to be reading deeply, however Zhao also saw that he was continuously fiddling with the corner of one of the pages between his fingers and had not appeared to turn the page in some time. Recognizing the posture as one of Jian’s thinking poses, Zhao leaves him to his thoughts and returns his focus back to his practice.
Pausing his swings and glancing back down at his own book, Zhao takes note of the formation he’s practicing one more time and adjusts himself back into the first pose of the sequence.
As he practiced he continued to think about his battle earlier that day. He could still remember the fear gripping him as the assailant dressed in black relentlessly took shots at Jian. After pulling several quick moves to keep Jian mostly out of harm’s way, Zhao could put the rest of his focus on attacking the masked assailant. At the time he hadn’t actually even felt the wounds being inflicted on him. It wasn’t until after the fight was over that he even registered the cuts and their pain, too focused on thoughts of “protect Jian-ge” and trying to recall his newly acquired sword skills.
Even though he was empty handed now, Zhao felt like he could still hear the clash of metal against metal as his short broadsword met the dual swords in the hands of their attacker. It took several quick maneuvers to both block the attacks and keep Jian out of the way. Every time one of those swords came close to Jian, Zhao felt something in his chest tighten. Too close, he remembers thinking more than once.
After dealing his opponent a well aimed blow, and the attacker finally fleeing with the assistance of his female partner, Zhao’s pain was still merely a second thought as Jian came out from his hiding place. He thinks back to those few moments of pride where he felt success at fending off the villain and protecting his damsel- companion! He means his companion, and sworn brother. 
“Zhao, when did you become so good?” Jian had exclaimed, rushing over from his hiding place behind the screen to the warrior who was still holding his final battle stance.
However, when this didn’t get any reaction out of Zhao, Jian called him again “Zhao?”
Thinking the silence was Zhao pulling his typical tricks into getting complimented on his increasing skills and finesse as a hero, Jian teases his companion. 
“Although you are great, you don’t need to pose for so long.” This finally prompts the swordsman to stand out of his pose, laughing as he replies “I’m enjoying being a hero!”
Smiling at his heroic, albeit silly, companion, Jian points out “You’re quite humble, Zhao.”
“I’m an expert, of course I have to be humble!” comes Zhao’s quick reply, striking a pose with his sword on display atop his shoulder to emphasize his point. His joy is short lived though as Jian suddenly says “Zhao, you’re bleeding!”
Disbelief fills Zhao, “An expert won’t bleed, Jian-ge!” But he looks down to the areas that Jian is pointing out across his body, and why yes there are indeed several spots where blood has seeped through his clothing. 
Zhao notes the rising panic in Jian’s voice just as his body finally registers the wounds and their pain. To cover up both the way his heart warms at the care apparent in Jian’s voice and the rising feeling of pain overcoming his body, Zhao begins laughing a little too loudly for the situation. The last thing he remembers is the feeling of Jian’s arms coming around his body as he falls forward into him and the awaiting darkness.
Zhao lingers in these thoughts, and the treatment he received after by the Wicked Woman, for a while longer letting the soothing atmosphere of the room and the repetitive motions of his sword practice try to settle his storming mind.
It’s some time later when Jain interrupts the quiet of the room. “Zhao, you’re still awake at this hour?”
“You’re not sleeping either” the young hero pointed out. “And besides” he continues “I want to stay with Second Master Li a while longer” holding his sword training book up towards Jian. While that was true, what he didn’t say was that he was still hesitant to go to sleep. He had a feeling that once he closed his eyes his mind would continue to replay the events of the day, but would most likely add sinister twists to the scenario. Where Zhao wasn’t strong enough, fast enough, skilled enough to protect Jian. And instead of Zhao receiving a handful of small wounds, Jian could have been… it could have been much worse.
“You haven’t recovered from your injury” Jian refutes, not looking up from his reading material. “I don’t want you to become crippled.”
Zhao pauses in the middle of his next stroke. He looks over at Jian again, takes in his tense shoulders and the ways his hands have begun gripping the book more tightly than necessary. He hears and sees the worry for what it is; despite accepting Zhao’s protection and the man as a sworn brother (and well, Zhao was still unpacking all of that and the way it made his stomach flutter to think about) Jian had trouble seeing Zhao hurt on his behalf. It wasn’t something they spoke about, but Zhao had seen the guilt in Jian’s intense eyes more than he wanted to. 
“The Wicked Woman has done her job well, Jian-ge, I am feeling well!” Zhao responds enthusiastically. “Besides,” Zhao continues as he puffs out his chest, filling his voice with bravado, “today’s victory shows that with my practicing I am becoming quite the hero!”
This elicited the reaction Zhao wanted out of his companion as Jian let out a soft huff of laughter. He continued, “The sooner I finish Second Master Li’s teaching the sooner I can be an even stronger hero!”
Letting out an obviously forced sigh, Jian replies “I advise you to learn slowly. I don’t have other sword manuals to give you. Take your time.”
Hearing Jian say this, Zhao begins swinging his sword arm more aggressively than necessary for the gentle practice he was doing. But what he heard upset him. “Take my time?” he growled. “Take my time?! For what?” He let out a few more aggressive swings. “For you to actually get hurt next time? No, thank you.” Slash, stab. “I won’t be letting that happen if I can help it,” he finishes as he lets out one last wide swipe of his arm, imagining his sword in hand, taking down his enemies. Jian-ge’s enemies, he thinks. 
Zhao didn’t realize how harshly he had let out his response until he turned and saw Jian looking at him from across the room, wide eyed, his hands having lowered the book into his lap. The two stare at each other from across the room, Zhao sword arm lowered to his side. Jian doesn’t hold the eye contact for long before turning his nose back into the pages of his book. 
Zhao continues to stare at his sworn brother. He thinks he sees a red flush rising on Jian’s neck and ears but he assumes it must be a trick of the light, the alternative too crazy to consider. Jian wouldn’t be blushing because of what Zhao had said, could he? Zhao shook his head lightly to try and clear the foggy feeling of his thoughts.
Sitting down on his own bed, he tries to focus on his training book once again but finds himself imagining what Jian would look like blushing while he could see his whole face. How his cheeks and ears would turn a cute and bright pink. How the colour might travel down his neck, to his chest, and lower still…
Abruptly Zhao brings his book up to cover the front of his face, blushing himself as he realizes where exactly his thoughts about Jian had started going. It wasn’t the first time he had thoughts like this but normally he was better at stopping himself, especially in the other man’s presence. He wasn’t trying to think of him in this way, Zhao just found himself curious about his companion and wanted to know everything about him. In order to protect him, of course. Not because Zhao was selfish and wanted to be someone Jian confided in most intimately. 
Realizing this was a particular spiral he did not feel like traveling down tonight, Zhao decided it was time to get ready for bed. He began to put his things away, stashing the book on his night table and leaning the sword against the headboard, and laid out his bedding. Jian had followed his lead and put his own book away and fluffed up his blanket.
Zhao blows out the last of the candles that light the room, leaving one lit on the centre table to allow some light to permeate the shadows should either need to get up in the middle of the night.
Both had been in bed for only a few moments before Zhao thought he could hear noises coming from Jian’s side of the room. Despite the large space, Zhao could hear a faint clicking noise. It was too dark to see Jian’s form huddled under the blanket, but Zhao imagined if he could he would see his companion’s shoulders shaking. The clicking noise was Jian’s teeth chattering as he shivered from the cold poison circulating through his body. Unfortunately, it was a sound Zhao was becoming more and more familiar with.
Shuffling quietly in bed, Zhao sits up. “Jian-ge?” he quietly asks the room, leaving room for Jian to pretend he did not hear him.
The chattering stops and after a beat he hears a faint “Mm?” coming from Jian’s bed.
“Are you cold, Jian-ge?”
“I’m fine.” 
“You don’t sound fine” Zaho refuted.
A pause. Then, “Just go to sleep, Zhao.”
“What’s wrong, Jian-ge? What can I do?” If Zhao didn’t know better, he’d say he was almost begging, the pleading in his voice clear even to him.
Jian sighs before saying, “It’s nothing, Zhao-shidi. I’m just a little chilly is all. It’ll pass. Just go to sleep. I’m sure we’ll have a busy day tomorrow.”
The resigned note in Jian’s voice has Zhao rising from his own bed and crossing the room. It has nothing to do with how soft Jian had called Zhao his shidi. Nothing at all with how that made Zhao’s stomach flutter and made the desire to protect and care for the man increase even more.
It took only a few strides before Zhao was at Jian’s bedside. “Please, Jian-ge.” Zhao said. He wasn’t even sure what he was asking for, he just wanted to be able to help. “Are you just cold?”
At first it didn’t seem like Jian would respond, but finally he rolled over slightly to look at Zhao looming over him. He nods into the semi-darkness, the candle on the table giving enough light to show his pale complexion and even paler lips. 
“Alright then. Move over.” Zhao begins lifting the outer corner of the blanket, intent on joining Jian in his bed. As a child Zhao had learned the best way to get and stay warm was to share body heat with another person. Growing up around the mountain of his hometown he had seen many wanderers injured from the colder temperatures higher up.
However, Jian didn’t budge, and instead gripped his side of the blanket tighter around himself. “What?” he all but hiccupped.
“Move over. If we share a bed I can help keep you warm. Surely Jian-ge must know that is a good way to warm up.” Zhao kept his face as neutral as possible, not revealing how nervous he actually was about sharing a bed with the older man. As much as this was his idea, and he was doing it to help Jian after all!, he couldn’t completely deny the part of him that wanted to hold the man close. He blamed it on his need to know his companion was safe.
Jian just keeps looking at Zhao, mouth opening and closing a few times as he seems to struggle to find words to reply. Eventually Jian seems to find what he wants to say, sitting up to reply, letting the blanket fall into his lap. “But it’ll be cold, Zhao, you won’t have a good night’s sleep if you sleep beside me.”
Zhao didn’t care about that, and he knew Jian knew this was a weak defence to present, but it seemed it was all the detective could come up with. Shaking his head and clenching his fists in order to keep his voice calm, Zhao decides for a moment of vulnerability, his patience for Jian’s rebuttals for help wearing thin as it gets later into the night. “Please, Jian-ge? It would help me sleep knowing you are safe.”
Jian stares up at him, eyes trailing over his face, the set of his shoulders, and finally down to his clenched fists. He pauses here for a moment before replying, “Okay”. A deep breath. Zhao pretends not to hear how Jian’s voice shakes just the littlest bit. He doesn't know if it's from his chills or something else. 
“Okay, you can join me.” He slides over in the bed to make room for the younger man.
Not wanting to waste anymore time, Zhao quickly jumps under the covers, tucking himself and Jian in under the blanket. At first they both lay on their backs, staring up at the ceiling. This way the bed is rather cramped, as it wasn’t really made to accommodate two fully grown men, let alone when one of them was as large as Zhao. 
At the first slight shiver Jian let’s out, he rolls over onto his side, his back facing Zhao. He curls in on himself slightly, clearly trying to keep warm and trying to stifle the shivers racking his body.
Without letting himself pause to think it through, Zhao rolls onto his side too and reaches an arm around Jian’s waist, pulling the smaller man into the front of Zhao’s chest. 
“Zhao! What-” Jian all but squeaks, however Zhao cuts him off. 
“I told you to let me help you. I’ll keep you warm, Jian-ge.” At this he adjusts his grip on his sleeping companion, ensuring Jian is tucked into the cage of his arms. To ensure he gets as much of my body heat as possible, Zhao reasons. Not because holding Jian in his arms made something deep within Zhao settle.
Zhao begins to worry he’s overstepped when Jian holds himself stiff inside the circle of his arms. Just when he thinks he should pull back and maybe even go back to his own bed, that he overstepped, Jian finally releases a breath and let’s his body relax into the younger man’s hold. 
It’s several moments later, and Zhao wonders if Jian has really started to drift off, when he hears a soft “Thank you, shidi” from the man in his arms.
Trying and failing to stop the smile that spreads across his face, Zhao decides to hide it by snuggling into the back of Jian’s neck, letting his nose come to rest in Jain’s hair, smelling the lightly scented soap that his companion favoured. So lost in his own dreamland, he almost, almost, misses the way Jian snuggles back into his embrace. Maybe he didn’t over step nearly as much as he thought he did.
As the two drift off to sleep, Zhao finds himself feeling a deep kind of peace. His last conscious thought before falling into darkness is that he thinks he could fall asleep every night like this. Holding his Jian-ge in his arms, allowed to protect and care for the man. He secretly hopes he’ll be able to do this again. Unbeknownst to him, Jian is having similar thoughts within the confines of his shidi’s arms.
end notes: i'm pretty sure i've gotten the relationship terms incorrect. i went with the closest terms i could think of (ge for older brother and shidi for younger sect brother) to try and highlight their new relationship after becoming sworn brothers in a previous episode. let me know what might be more correct!
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magnhild · 4 years
A Happy Review (kind of) of Ikenfell
Having ADHD means that I have a lot of trouble getting into new media if I’m hyperfixating on something else. As any follower of mine is no doubt aware, my current one is RWBY, and has been for a while. But with the show’s mid-volume hiatus underway, I ended up left in a void with nothing to fill it.
Two days ago, I had a friend reccomened to me a little indie RPG called Ikenfell. I’d never heard of it, but I was told it has a great number of LGBT+ characters, options to make gameplay easier, content warnings, and music composed by the great  Aivi & Surasshu, who you might know as the composers of Steven Universe. This grabbed my interest, but I found myself sketpical that it could be that good, and that the representation, in particular, was largely exaggerated and probably just mild implication. 
Nevertheless, I started the game the next day, intending to play for an hour or so before putting it down again, warning my friend that I was unlikely to get too invested in it.
Almost exactly 12 hours later, I found myself watching the epilogue play out with misty eyes, having finished the game and having gotten deeply pulled into it.
This game was everything it was promised to me and so much more. Between the representation, the accessibility options, and the overall charm of the game, Ikenfell ended up being laregly enjoyable and something truly special; a hidden gem in the plethora of video games released in 2020.
The game follows Maritte Hildegaard, a non-magical teenage girl, on the search for her yes-magical sister Safina, a witch attending the school of Ikenfell. A basic premise on the surface, but the story itself has a lot of neat little twists and turns that all come together for a satisfying story worthy of being animated someday. It probably won’t be, but hey, I can’t dream, right?
To begin with, I didn’t find myself too fond of the battle system, not because I found it flawed, but simply because I personally struggle with video game battles and they can also cause me a great deal of pain due to my connective tissue disorder and chronic shoulder pain. I was getting way too frustrated, even agaisnt smaller enemies, and was ready to put the game down after yet another failure agaisnt the same single boss. Tied alongside the fact you cannot see your enemy’s HP, making strategixing more difficult, I was ready to say that I wasn’t a huge fan of the game.
That is, until I found out about instant victory, an option in the settings that allows you to be given the chance to instantly skip literally any battle in the game, with no negative conequences and all of the rewards. For more avoid gamers, it might be tempting to mark this as a flaw that makes the game ‘too easy’, but is very much optional, and anyone who wants the challenge can play without it if they wish. But for disabled people like me, who also get easily stressed, it was an absolute Godsend that allowed me to focus more on the story and characters, which was what I really cared about.
On the note of characters, the representaion mentioned earlier is certianly no exxageration, with just about every named character being explicily LGBT+ in a way that I’ve never seen before in officially published media. I’m not just talking wlw and mlm characters, though there were plenty. No, the characters aren’t only diverse in sexuality, but in gender as well. Of the six playable characters, three- an entire half- of them are nonbinary. Several human nonbinary characters. And it goes even further- only one of these characters uses they/them pronouns. Why is that good? Because not all nonbinary people do. And that’s something that is severely overlooked by those with binary genders. One of them uses he/him pronouns, and the other uses ze/zir pronouns. You read that right. A main character in a video game, in media at all, that uses neopronouns. Now, I am fully aware that neopronouns have been used in media before; my own set were coined by a book, in fact. But in all of these cases that I’m aware of, they are used exclusively for non-human characters; aliens, bringing an implcation that neopronouns are nonhuman. This case, as far as I’m aware, is the first case that they are used to reflect and represent real human beings, and it is absolutely incredible. The LGBT+ representation in this game is amazing, but there is something very special and signifigant about a black, human, adult character, using neopronouns.
Even better yet is that this is all in the game completely casually, with no fanfare, no dramatic coming-out plotlines, no treatment as if it is anything but normal. Even the one instance of a character accidentally misgender another comes with a quick apology and correction with no big deal. Better yet is that terms like ‘gay’ and ‘nonbinary’ are explicitly used in-text as well, rather than avoiding the use of them as many other instances of LGBT+ characters in media do.
Aside from individual LGBT+ characters, the game also boasts five LGBT+ couples over the course of the story, though one is only sen in flashbacks and another is only mentioned between scenes. Nevertheless, it’s easy to become invested in the slight romantic aspects of the story.
One of these romances is between Ibn Oxley and Bax Twiford, and it’s the first one we see hinted at in the game. During the stoy’s climax, Bax is fatally wounded and I felt a heavy weight in the pit of my stomach, even tweeting an out-of-context ‘OH NO’ to confused and concerened followers. MLM couples in media are all-too-often doomed to fail, usually by way of having one half of the couple be killed off. I feared this would be the same case here, to the only MLM couple in the game, and resigned to it with a hevay heart.
Except, the game surprised me again, and saved Bax before he died, allowing for both characters to get their happy ending. In fact, all of the characters get at least somewhat of a happy ending, a refreshing detail for a sap like me. I was espeically pleased when I sat through the credits, praying for an epilogue that would confirm soemthing I was hoping for, being sure I wouldn’t get it, and then i got it. Every writing choice made felt like one of my own, albiet excuted better, with far more professionalism. It felt so utterly refreshing to have everything turn out the way I wanted it to.
Even decisons made outside of representaion satisified me, like Safina not being forgiven by Maritte after everything she’d done, including keeping Maritte’s entire existance from her friends. In many instances these days, it’s all-too-common for a character to do terrible things, only to be forgiven by everyone the moment they apologie, and it can be a bit frustrating if you’re someone who knows that nobody should ever feel obligated to forgive someone who hurt them, and that an apology is more than just saying ‘sorry’. It was yet another case of the story going exactly as I’d wanted it to.
Ikenfell feels just like a fanfiction, and I mean that in the best possible way. Not because it’s exceedingly trope-y, or because it feels amature in any way, but because it doesn’t feel like something that was written for pleasing the (cishet and white) masses when it comes to its representation. The large majority of creators looking to publish their work will avoid going all-out with representation in fear of the classic ‘it’s not realistic’ critisism, with only fanfiction authors usually having the guts to make all of their characters LGBT+, because they’re writing for themselves and a small audience of people who enjoy the same things as them. Ikenfell has this same feel; it wasn’t created to be a huge, wildly popular, chart-topping game, it was created to be something that the people it represented could enjoy. It is the purest kind of video game, not one made for profit or attention, but simply because the creators wanted to create it. The fanfiction vibe also makes a lot of sense, considering the fact that was inspired by them- which may explain why I, laregly a fanfiction writer, agree with so much of its choices.
The game may not be everyone’s thing, but if you’re disabled, LGBT+, a POC, of even just someone who ejoys cute fantasy RPGs, I implore you to buy and play the game, because even my words can’t fully capture what an incredible game it is. There’s stuff I haven’t even mentioned, like the beuatiful music, the great visuals, and the many, many cats, so please, go and check it out for yourself.
Thank you for reading, and thank you to every single person who worked on Ikenfell for crafting such a lovely and inclusive game.
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