#you butthead
floral-hex · 10 months
me, sitting on the corner of my bed in just a tshirt, eating cold lo mein: i’m in a good place 😬 mentally
#it’s fine. it’s cool. everything is whatever forever 👍👍👍#winnie the poohing it on this lovely wednesday night#I’ve been drinking a lot of shitty tea and burning a lot of candles so I guess you could say I’m pretty zen#zen stands for… zvery eeehhhhh not(great)… right?#it’s whatever. whatever. it’s cool. just everyone hates me and I’m gonna be alone forever. but it’s cool.#I’ve had bad brain all week. just absolute shit brain. just total absolute absolutely total bad bad and sad sad bad bad bad brain#just feeling like everyone hates me and my family ignores me or yells at me and I feel so lost and alone#feels good. feels natural. feels a little sexy I gotta say#oh shit I left a drink in the freezer hours ago#you gotta get ‘em to that nice slush consistency then it’s like a little treat#but too long and they become an ice cube and then they never thaw out right#I’ve had ice cream in the freezer for a week and I haven’t touched it#what does this have to do with anything?#nothing sorry just talking. I got no where else to talk so I talk here 🤷🏻‍♂️#no I’ve got therapy tomorrow so I could talk there#yeah but it’s like… not REAL talking. I mean it’s real talking but it’s not really casual chit chat bullshit real talking#well I mean it is a little bullshit. but not like shooting the shit bullshit more like say bullshit to avoid deeper shit. it’s all shit.#I’m in a good place#yeah… my bed#you butthead#I love you if you read this but also that was pretty stupid and a waste of your time so maybe I dunno… maybe we’re both dumb here#jk you’re smart and beautiful and you’re gonna live forever. thanks for existing.#this isn’t important#goodbye forever#text
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wombywoo · 10 months
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piñata boy 💀
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philip-the-nickel · 26 days
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Dustin posts to his Tiktok account like, “Guys, I hear you. I’m getting your messages. I know Eddie hasn’t posted in a while but him and Steve recovering from an illness. They’re still sick but they’re getting better. I’m at their house right now and they’re-“
You can hear from the next room Steve say ‘get off’ and Eddie say ‘you want me to get off? You perv’ followed by a loud thump of Eddie being pushed off the couch and then both of them yelling, “DUSTIN!” Dustin just sighs and tells the camera, “They’re dead, actually. I’m going to kill them.”
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wheels-of-despair · 4 months
Boys Are Idiots Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Evil Woman gets partnered up with Steve Harrington for a science project. Which means she has to TALK to him? And be NEAR him? Eddie Munson is NOT a fan. Contains: Jealous Eddie, Oblivious Steve, Annoyed Evil Woman, Terrified Hellfire. Words: 1.6k
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"Alright, see ya," you say with an awkward smile, going the opposite direction of your new project partner outside the classroom door.
You head for your locker, spin the dial, and pop it open. A Polaroid of you and Eddie falls out. You scramble to pick it up off the floor before someone can step on it and ruin his pretty face. When you stand upright, the boy himself is in front of you… but he's not looking as happy as he is in the picture you've just rescued.
"Why were you talking to Steve Harrington?"
"And hello to you too, Edward," you say brightly. "Hold this." You hand him the picture and start searching your backpack for tape. "We're doing a science project together."
"Because he's smart and popular and I thought maybe some of his extreme coolness would rub off on me," you deadpan.
You take the picture from Eddie and tape it back where it belongs, on the inside of your locker door, and glance at him. He is not happy.
"Or because we got randomly paired up, take your pick."
Eddie crosses his arms and leans against the wall of lockers as you swap out books for your next class. You're not sure why this bothers him so much, but you see a storm brewing on his face.
"We're just partners in a high school science class, we're not engaged, calm down."
He rolls his eyes, and you slam the door.
"K, gotta go, see you at lunch," you say quickly while leaning over for a peck. Your lips meet his, and the issue is forgotten.
Until the next morning, in the parking lot where you always loiter by Eddie's van until the bell, when Steve Harrington gives you a little wave on his way inside. You return it - just a single wave and a half-hearted smile to your classmate and his girlfriend - and Eddie turns to see who you're waving at. His body tenses.
"Relax," you grumble, giving him a playful shove. It catches him off-guard, and he bounces against the side of his van before stabilizing himself.
"He's an asshole," he says simply.
"He's been nothing but nice to me," you counter.
"He's just another rich prick who thinks he's hot shit because he gets to drive Daddy's BMW around town."
"I'm sorry it's not as cool as your trash-filled van," you tease. Eddie's face turns red. That may not have been as funny as you intended. You wrap your arms around his waist and look up mischievously, in hopes of de-escalating your insult. "But I bet him and Wheeler couldn't achieve what we did in here last weekend, in that puny little thing."
Eddie smirks at the memory. Saved by the--
The bell rings. You peck Eddie's cheek and drag him into the building, and that's that.
Until you're spotted talking to Steve on your way out of science class a few hours later. Eddie is waiting at your locker when you get there, glowering in Steve's direction.
You roll your eyes and spin the combination dial on your locker. This is getting old.
"Can you not be a dick, please?"
"How am I being a dick?"
"You know exactly how you're being a dick." You trade out your books with a little more force than necessary. "Now quit. It's not cute."
"It's not cute that Harrington's trying to make a move on somebody that doesn't belong to him."
You turn to him with raised eyebrows and bubbling rage.
"Oh, I belong to you now? Am I your property? Do you have papers confirming your alleged ownership?"
Eddie doesn't respond, so you slam your locker door and head to your next class without looking back.
He's still tense at lunch, but he didn't hide out in the woods to avoid you, so he must not be too upset.
Until you have to break it to him that you and Steve need to hit the library this evening.
"Wanna stop by Family Video on the way home?" Eddie asks, sliding his bag of pretzels toward you. A peace offering.
"Uh… can't today," you smile apologetically as you take a pretzel. "I have to go to the public library."
"Okay," he crunches… suspiciously. "Want me to drive you?"
The boys start to protest, because this change will surely impact their afternoon plans, but Eddie silences them with a wave of his hand and awaits your answer.
"Uh…" you nibble a side off the pretzel. "I'm going with Steve, actually."
His face hardens.
"Don't start," you ask of him. "It's just a stupid science project. I would much rather be watching movies with you, than scouring encyclopedias and cutting construction paper with him."
"I bet that's not what he wants," Eddie scoffs.
"Seriously?" you ask. Are you really doing this? Eddie fixes you with his best glare, and you instinctively match it. You're doing this. "He's with Nancy. I'm with you. And up until very recently, I was quite happy with that arrangement."
Eddie seethes. You finally break eye contact and turn back to your lunch, although you've lost your appetite. Is this about Steve making a move, or Eddie not trusting you?
"What are you even doing with him in the public library that can't be done here?" The way he says it makes you clench your fists.
"You caught me, Eddie. We're actually going to his house to test the effectiveness of various condom brands. Wanna come watch?"
A hush falls over the Hellfire table. You and Eddie glare at each other. And then, in the blink of an eye, he's out of his chair and storming through the cafeteria doors. You close your eyes and breathe out heavily, trying to calm yourself. When you open them again, the whole table is staring at you.
"Shut up," you snap at no one in particular, and begin cramming your - and Eddie's - stuff into your respective backpacks. He'd left everything behind; his lunchbox, his backpack, his jacket.
Loaded down with an overfilled backpack on each shoulder, you head toward the door without another word. You could've sworn you heard somebody mumble "I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight" behind your back, but you don't have time to murder anyone today, so you decide to let it slide. For now.
You have a list of places you plan on looking for him, but he's at your first stop: the van, in its usual spot in the back parking lot. He's perched on the bumper, facing the road; cheeks red, arms crossed, glaring at the ground. You reach into the pocket of the jacket that he'd left behind.
"Forget something?" you tease, jingling his keys to get his attention.
"Fuck you," Eddie grumbles without even looking up.
You're not mad. You don't have a snarky response. You just want things to be okay. You wish you hadn't teased him about Steve Harrington. You wish you'd never been partnered up with him. You wish you didn't even know his stupid rich-boy name.
"I'm sorry."
He glances at you, then drops his gaze back to the ground.
"I'm sorry I snapped at you," you clarify. You let the backpacks slide onto the pavement. "Not a fan of this jealousy thing, Eddie."
You put his keys back in his jacket pocket and hold it out to him, but he doesn't take it. You take a cautious step closer, drape it over his shoulders, and retreat.
"You've gotta stop acting like I'm gonna leave you for the first jock that learns my name."
"Everybody else would," he mumbles at the ground.
"Everybody else is a cunt."
He smirks a tiny smirk, and finally looks up at you.
"Really, though," you assure him as you take a step closer. "You've got nothing to worry about. With him, or with anybody." You take another step toward him, and he parts his legs so you can stand between them. You close the distance. You're so close you can feel the heat radiating off his body. You want desperately to wrap your arms around him, but you hold back. Not yet. "Why would I want a Steve Harrington when I've got an Eddie Munson?" You cup his face with your hands, and his eyes close.
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. You have nothing to worry about. Say it with me." You squish his cheeks together.
"I've got nothing to worry about," he mumbles with you, through his squished cheeks.
"Good boy," you praise, leaning down to peck his still-puckered lips. When you stand, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hold him close. He buries his face in your chest, but doesn't hug you back.
"You still mad?" you ask, stroking his hair. One day, you'd probably laugh about the condom comment. Today was not that day.
"Not at my girls," he mumbles into your breasts.
"What about the rest of me?"
He shrugs.
You reach for his hands and bring one to rest on each of your back pockets. "How 'bout now?"
"Hmmm…" he hums into your chest, thinking about it. He gives your ass a squeeze, then he lifts his hands and smacks you on both sides. "Yes."
"What can I do to make it up to you?" you smile, knowing he's almost over it.
"Tell me you want me," he mumbles.
"Of course I want you, you idiot."
He looks up at you and bats those beautiful eyelashes. "Only me?"
"Only you." You kiss the top of his head, then move to sit on the bumper beside him. "I don't want any of those idiots. You're my idiot, and I'm keeping you."
"What if you find someone who's not an idiot?" he asks quietly.
"Impossible," you grin. "All boys are idiots."
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skeletood · 1 year
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The boys go to hot topic
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people talk about how they could have so easily made troy and abed the typical nerd x jock relationship dynamic friend duo and they didn’t, which made it better. which is all true but I think we forget that they didn’t start with really any dynamic in mind for them at all. troy and abed weren’t even originally supposed to be especially close. they built the characters, seperately, then as the show came together they realized how much chemistry the two had (troy and abed AND danny and donald.) their dynamic wrote itself, with almost no pretense or planning, and that’s what makes it so special and unique. that’s why there’s not really any other duo quite like them in any other sitcom, or even any other show/movie. it’s a really strange realization but some of the best things we create are completely unplanned
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sadtimbitz · 2 months
the world is theirs, we just live in it
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repurposedmeatlocker · 3 months
This has to be one of the funniest slapstick scenes put to animation.
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princessmo · 18 days
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mothoscope · 2 months
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Whatever makes you sleep at night, man.
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temunade · 1 year
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ok this is all i got sorry
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horrorsequel · 11 months
guys, when I was in highschool, my sister was training to become a youth pastor, and one of the things she did for it was she was going to do a wednesday night service at my youth group, only she didn't know how to make powerpoints and didn't know what pics to put in it, so my mom made me do it for her...... well, i was looking at it tonight cos I found it on an old hard drive, and this fucking MADE ME SCREAM
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
Sunshine for the ask game? o:
"Depression? Nah, I don't have that, that would be silly, all I need is sunshine!" Wild cried happily with an exaggerated smile, hands over his heart.
"Wild, what the hell are you doing?" Twilight asked, completely bewildered.
"Rehearsing," Wild answered easily. "I'm pretending to be Sky for some dramatizations."
Sky shot Wild a withering glare from where he was sitting at the table.
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skeletood · 1 year
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Big fan of the too small PJ's they look so silly
It was such a good season I'm so glad I could be here for it :] can't wait for more, thank you BnBH crew!!!
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barfemoji · 8 months
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