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Untitled YA Novel Project Part One
Part One: The Silence Comes
The zlilfian people have many things in common with the average North American honey bee, from the gold and black hair patterns to the compound eyes and wings. One of the biggest things they have in common is not just the physical similarities, like how homo sapiens have commonalities with the great apes, but that of their social hierarchy. They have three tiers in their society, most similar to gender roles, that are that of the qiin, the political head of the Great Houses that run much of the zlilfian society, the jdargandins, the minders who watch over the internal operations of the Great Houses, and the shrar, the soldiers and laborers who do the work for the Great Houses.
Chapter 1: Adventure Missed It’s Wake Up Call
7:06 AM local time
Chicago, Algonquin State, United States of America
Justin hated waking up early for school, so it was no surprise when he rolled over in bed and saw that he had missed his alarm, sleeping through it. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, he had gotten somewhat used to the early mornings and only woke up fifteen minutes late. Mornings were the worst. Why hadn’t the administration realized that teenage students wanted nothing more than to sleep until ten, or even ten thirty.
He rolled over and just slapped at the alarm clock out of half asleep muscle memory. After stomping to the bathroom, Justin brushed his teeth with mechanical disinterest. He saw how bad his hair looked, the shaggy brown hair was all over the place from the night of restless sleep. The second he got downstairs he knew that his dad was going to tell him to comb it. Might as well get that done now. He rinsed out his mouth of the strange mint flavored toothpaste and watched the water drain slowly out of the sink before cupping his hands under the faucet and wetting down his hair.
There was something about the dreary, cold November weather, and the second year of high school that really didn’t work for Justin. He didn’t want to go to school today, and even if he was late, he couldn’t bring himself to rush. This strange liminal space between being new at high school, all eager and excited, and the stressful ‘have you decided what you are going to do with the rest of your life’ junior year, was extremely dull and not all that exciting.
He didn’t try that hard with his hair since it was a losing battle anyways, and what was really the point of caring what he looked like. He was an average high school boy. Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin tone that he got from his mom. Screw it, it didn’t matter, it was just high school.
After throwing on his clothes that were mostly clean, Justin went downstairs where he found his dad mechanically making some coffee and toast. They didn’t greet each other aside from a small nod. Alex, Justin’s father, wasn’t any more of a morning person than his son. He was off to work soon.
Luckily, Justin didn’t hear any comments from his dad about being late, or the state of his hair, or any of the usual complaints. Which was a small mercy.
The rushed breakfast was silent and still. Justin took some of the fresh made toast, liberally covered it in butter and then some cinnamon sugar, before taking it with him. He grabbed his backpack and left the house. He was going to be late for the bus, and if there was one thing he hated it was walking to school.
He must have told his dad goodbye, because that was what he always did, but he couldn’t hear himself say it.
Justin took a few bites of the toast, and chewed. He didn’t really have many thoughts in his head as he walked down the front walkway towards the bus stop. The only thing that was really there was the observation that the house was always so quiet and empty now that his mom had left.
“Justin! Hurry up! I will leave you behind!” yelled his only friend, Mike, from the bus window as the heavy truck lumbered to a squeaking halt a few houses down from Justin’s house.
This made him stop short.
The wall of sound, the shout of Mike, the rumble of the bus, the sounds of the traffic down the street. All of a sudden it was all there. The sound. It was utterly absent from within the house. Justin realized that his house was totally silent, but not in a way that was normal in any way.
“Justin! You’re going to miss the bus,” his dad called form the driveway as he left for work. The car chirping gently as he unlocked it with the remote.
“Yeah, the bus,” Justin muttered, his dad didn’t seem concerned, or he didn’t seem to notice. It’s just that he didn’t know which was worse.
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my kofi where i post everything
#my fiction#ya bee novel#i am actively soliciting opinions on this#the first couple of chapters are designed to be deeply confusing#i'm going to start writing draft 3 sometime next week#please tell me all of your feelings as you read#i'm desperate for feedback my dudes#untitled ya novel
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Lyric Analysis - It's a Crime
Ok, this reunion really messed with my head. It feels like a dream come true. I never imagined to experience this. I've been listening to Oasis non-stop since the 27th. I've been obsessing with these two fuckers in such a way that I haven't done since I was 16.
My current obsession has been It's A Crime. It's a demo from 1999, SOTSOG era. A few years later it was released as a single during the Don't Believe The Truth era as "Let There Be Love". Mind you that LTBL is the second song Liam and Noel sing together, the first being Acquiesce - yes, that one where Noel sings they need and believe in each other.
I always knew these lyrics were a huge piece of evidence, but for some reason, I never managed to understand what it meant. It was sort of an enigma to me.
Well, let's get into it. It won't be anything groundbreaking, just my thoughts on the lyrics as I need to vent with someone.
Disclaimer: I don't ship Liam and Noel, these are only thoughts and theories about their relationship, and this is all merely for entertainment purposes. Noel/Liam, if you're reading this, please don't sue me. I'm cool.
Before we start, I'd like to remind you of My version/timeline of Liam and Noel's relationship as this will help you understand my analysis:
Their thingy started around 1992, as Liam and Noel got closer to each other because of Oasis;
I firmly believe Noel was the starter, hence Lock All The Doors (1992) lyrics. Why did Liam agree with that? Fuck knows. I'd die to know that;
Noel was the one who showed more affection/was head over heels in love during 1992-1995. He was always writing about Liam and treating him like a God. Liam loved Noel too but I just think he had more important things to care about, he didn't really see how important Noel's love and public displays of affection were. He was too immature to realize that and value Noel's love. We know Noel is a cold person by nature so showing his vulnerable side to Liam was something important to him, but Liam couldn't understand that;
Then we have 1996. Boom. That was the first time their ""relationship"" was in crisis. I don't know if it was because of their wives or if a single episode we're unaware of led to a crisis. I sadly don't have that info. I also believe Noel went to Mustique Island as a way to cope with/escape this crisis. He recorded nearly all the demos for Be Here Now there, including If We Shadows and Untitled. Haha. The boy was depressed as hell;
Things seemed to get a lot better in 1997-1998;
1999-2001 is a strange period, it seems off - they seemed more distant, but at the same time, there are some hints Noel was still willing to give themselves one more try. I don't have many thoughts on that period;
2002: they seemed to be on pretty good terms, but guess what: from this year onwards, their roles switched - Liam started to be the one who's most affectionate, and more passionate and needy, while Noel was more distant, and cold. That was their dynamics until 2007-2008;
2009 was a terrible year for them so I won't even bother to comment on that.
Well, you can say what you want But you won't get a thing from me And if you don't understand That's it's not in your hands you need Let there be love
You'll notice that, throughout the song, Noel uses the words "want" and "feel"/"mean" in the first line of each verse, because there's a difference between what Liam wants to say and what Liam needs to say. We'll get into that later on.
I think this verse supports what I said about Noel being emotionally unavailable during the SOTSOG era and post-2002. I don't know what happened in 1996 but he seemed to be extremely bitter ever since (1997 being an exception). No matter how many times Liam told him he loved Noel, no matter how Liam showed his affection or begged for Noel's attention, he wouldn't get it. The old Noel was dead.
The last three lines, in my opinion, show that what Liam needs is Noel's love, something that's irreplaceable in his life: there's nothing Liam can do on his own that would replace what they have, and no one else on Earth could give Liam the same love - so it's really not in his hands. This also accentuates how Noel likes to be in charge/have power.
"Let there be love". Noel is telling Liam that he should let love take over him, and thus be more expressive. Noel always says how Liam is an angry man, etc, so this is just a message to remind him that he's still able to love.
But you can say what you feel And it might never steal from me And then you must understand That it's all in your hands what you need Let there be love
English is not my first language so I have no idea if the "steal from me" is an idiom that means anything other than the regular meaning of it. The first line shows that all Noel wanted was Liam to be more verbal about them i.e. show more affection.
Third and fourth lines show that Noel's way of loving solely depends on Liam's actions - if Liam shows his love, Noel's happy and will express his love too. By saying that, we must think: does that mean Noel's love is not unconditional? Does it mean a huge part of Noel's obsession with Liam was a need to feel approved and needed by Liam, which is (plot twist) basically the exact same way Liam felt about Noel during… his entire life? In the end, both wished for the same thing from each other but were poor communicators.
Again, Noel thinks his love is all Liam needs, but Liam is unaware of it.
And I never knew But all the things that you've done Are coming right back to you But everybody knows that it's no crime
1994 Noel would never have imagined that their relationship would be in shambles in 1996, or that they would go through such emotionally-distant periods, ever.
My understanding of this whole verse is that Noel was aware that Liam was getting his karma, not only regarding their relationship but with life in general, and Noel never imagined that would ever happen, as Liam always seemed to get away with absolutely everything when they were younger.
Although Liam and Patsy had Lennon in 1999, they got divorced in 2000, so we can suppose things were not very nice when this demo was recorded. Although Liam was sober around the SOTSOG recordings in 1999, he was Drunk™️ as hell on the second Wembley night in 2000. Liam didn't value Noel's love in the early years, and now he's paying for that "mistake". In Noel's mind, that's no crime. People reap what they sow, whether that's good or bad.
But does it make you feel ashamed? You never said what you've done And there's no need to blame But everybody knows Yeah, everybody knows Everybody knows that it's no crime It's no crime
These lines are sort of a mystery to me. "You never said what you've done". What does Noel mean by that? Is he talking about the 1ncest? Or is Liam not able to admit he failed to meet Noel's emotional needs? I believe it is the latter. In Noel's mind, that would be a reason for Liam to be ashamed, but at the same time, he can't blame him, since Noel was the one who started all of this.
For a second, while I was reading the lyrics, I realised the first three lines were kind of familiar to me. Then I had an epiphany and noticed that Noel has written something similar in Stay Young, released in 1997: They're making you feel so ashamed/Making you taking the blame. As I always say, guilt, blame, shame, being a sinner, and wanting to escape from people are recurrent themes in Noel's lyrics. I wonder why…………..
So you can say what you want But you'll not get a thought from me But if you say what you mean Then you might get a thing from me Let there be love
This just reflects what I said above: if Liam says whatever he pleases - or, in this case, if he's not verbal with Noel -, Noel will shut down. However, if Liam says what he really feels deep inside, Noel might be cool to him. That line shows me that despite Liam being immature and not valuing Noel in the past/present, he still knew Liam genuinely loved him the same way he did. Noel just had this (ego-guided?) desire to hear that. Clearly, Noel's language of love is words of affirmation (he's such a Gemini!!!), and Liam's is acts of service (he's such a Virgo!!!). That's it.
While I was writing the above paragraph, I thought, "Am I going nuts? What if everything I'm writing is pure bullshit?". So I refreshed my Tumblr timeline and saw THIS:
It's a Liam quote from 2006. It's literally what I've been saying throughout this whole analysis. Liam thinks words are not necessary. But Noel does. Do I think Noel complained about Liam's lack of communication with Liam himself? Probably not. Noel'd probably think that'd be humiliating. I think there's a high chance that Noel just vented about it in his lyrics and when he was face-to-face with Liam, they'd simply fight with each other as a way to express the frustration they felt inside caused by each of them not being able to act the way they expected, love-wise.
If I ever knew That all the things I've thought Are coming right back to you But everybody thinks that it's a crime
First things first: I love Noel's delivery of the word "Crime" in this verse. It's so agonizing, you can really feel his guilt/desperation.
To me, this verse shows how Noel knows the 1ncest and his own actions/way of treating Liam impacts Liam's life and way of being, and also their relationship in general. It all started with a thought in Noel's mind back in 1992. An intrusive one, most likely. But Noel wasn't able to brush it off and eventually gave in to his forbidden wishes. If he ever knew how that would affect them forever, he'd have never done that (no shit, Sherlock).
Obviously, everybody would think what they have is a crime. Because, luckily, people are sane. Alternatively, Noel might meant that even when Liam does something wrong or gets what he deserves, people still think it's a crime for him to be held accountable for his actions. As I mentioned above, Noel is convinced that Liam is the world's protegé, a kind of invincible human being who is never blamed by anyone.
It never makes you feel ashamed You sit around and you sold And you're passing the blame But everybody knows Yeah everybody knows Everybody knows that it's a crime It's a crime
Now, Noel is kind of blaming Liam for not doing anything to change his behaviour, being convinced that Noel's the reason why everything is shite and blaming him for it. Or maybe blaming other people/situations to justify his behaviour/lack of expression of feelings.
Either way, unless Noel would address his desires directly to Liam, it doesn't make a lot of sense in my head to be a bitch about it. I mean, get a grip. Stop writing songs about it and do something!!! Cry in public!!! Make a press conference to expose how Liam is non-verbal with you!!!
Last lines conclude that, in the end, 1ncest is still a crime. Who would've thought?
-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- That's it - hope you missed me and enjoyed this. Kiss Kiss JM
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YOUR OPINIONS: You're sure this is the way out? C. ENGLAND: Uh, yeah! Besides, I'm sick of walking through doors, why not try weird-looking holes? YOUR OPINIONS: I guess so, not much harm in trying. A.I.R: You follow the two in silence, not wanting to be left alone. It was lonely in the strange place you'd found yourself in.
Ah, new visitors!
Gigavolt zipped over to the three guests to welcome them.
Greetings, folks!
#the antimatter interloper and your host~ || g1g4v0l7#let's mix things up! || tumbling tourney crossovers#untitled document.
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Could I request Idia, Malleus, Rook, Azul, Jade, and Floyd reaction when mc/Yuu turns into a goose? I was thinking something like mc/Yuu turned into a goose from a potion class accident, and they act like the goose from Untitled Goose Game, but cuddlier. Like they are still a little menace, but also want to be pet and cuddled.
If you don’t want to do this request I completely understand as it is a bit odd. I hope you have a great day/night!

When MC get turned into a GOOSE?!!
With : idia, malleus, rook, Azul, jade and floyd
PT.1: idia, malleus, and rook
PT.2: azul, Jade, and Floyd
‼️⚠️ : gender-neutral MC/reader, swearing on the idia part, not proofread yet, maybe bad grammar( English r, not my 1st language guys)

" HOUSEWARDEN THERE IS A GOOSE IN OUR DORMS, PLEASE HELP " one of the ignihyde students shouted and banging on idia door
Idia sighed at the absurd information that he was given why in the world there is a goose inside this highly protected dorm campus...
" hey, tell ortho about the problem, he will fix it faster than I do." he told the student.
" AGRH!! IDIA HOUSEWARDEN HELP ME THE GEESE ARE STOMPING ON ME!!" the ignihyde student desperately shouted.
What the fuck.
He was to open the door but suddenly without wearing the goose were charging into the door and accidentally hitting his feet instead....
" GAHHH!!" idia screamed "Ugh... Ortho there is a goose in here..." The goose stood In front of him with a somehow worried face looking at Idia who was holding at his feet because of the pain...
" huh, eh why did you have that...?"
" HONK " the goose quacks in a somehow desperate tone..
" could it be... (name)-SHI???"
" EH AIN'T NO WAY RIGHT HUH??" he hold the geese holding it while maintaining eye contact with it.
'You have a new massage from Ace!!' his computer notify
" read it " he commands the computer
'Ace chats you "Idia-senpai, did you see (name) i- uh I mean DEUCE accidentally turned them into a goose on the potion class... Please return them so Professor Crewel could turn them back!!" end of the massage'
He look at you with with wide eyes....
" uh... So you're (name)-shi?" he asked
" Honk....."
" ah- I see... Uh " he puts you down
"Sorry... So why are you here? Oh wait you cannot speak... " he got up from the floor and started to search for something in his drawers.
The "Ah here it is, here (name)-shi use this" he equipped the device into you
" Now you can speak " he smiled and sat in front of you
" a a a.. Test test, IDIA!! " you scream at him
" HUH YES- did I do something wrong???!!" he mildly panicked
Idia gasped...oh I forgot about HIM
After that ortho takes the injured student to the infirmary and you guys are having a good time together before turning you back into a human with Professor Crewel's assistance...
"Idia, don't tell anyone that I'm the one who stomps on that person..."
" yes.... Of course" he sought

It was a normal night, he was about to visit the ramshackle dorms and have a small talk with you... And there he saw it
In front of a ramshackle dorm...
A goose? He asked to himself
No, not a goose it's child of man... Oh poor you how could this happen to you? He approaches you
"( name ) how could this happen?" he asked
You try to explain but only quack quack comes out from your goose mouth
" oh I see...so that happens, that we're a quite big mistake to happen in a potions class...how embarrassing of them..." he voiced his opinion with quite an angry tone
'Honk honk' you react
" of course, I do understand you child of man, what kind of magician do you think I'm?" he says with his iconic smirk
' honk...'
He picked you up carefully holding you close to him gah!! You can smell his perfume!!
' HONK ' you protest
" calm down I'm trying to find out what kind of potion they accidentally used to turn you like this.." he explains to you calmly
" HONK HOnk" you continued to protest while he were smirking turning the geese upside down spinning left and right
'oh, this is a simple potion spell, I can easily break it...but it would be a waste... If I turn them right away right?' he thought to himself
'Ho..nk HONK'
"Why am I smiling? Did I find something funny? No no child of man that was not the case" he chuckled and held you closer
' Honk....'
" I'm not lying, this potion that you are in right now is kinda hard to break I need some time to get to know it better...." he explains
' honk.....'
" oh don't be sad, I'll break it as soon as possible. Why don't we get inside I didn't want you to catch a cold" he smirked and hugged you inside
" I love you so much child of man"
It seems that Malleus had such a wonderful and memorable evening tonight with you <3

Oh dear, what is this mess... He was trying to get into his science club room and he saw a bubble coming up the door.....
He sighed, he just wanted to have a small experiment with you in the room but he might have to wait for another day according to how the looks of the room you guys going to have....
" aa~ what a waste me and my dear going to have a small experiment on here, what happen here Rose Chevalier? " he asked Trey with a disappointed manner
"HOMK" you try to hug him out of fright
" gah! a goose? " he embraces you
"HONK HONK HONK!!" you try to explain to him
" ah... Our junior got into a potion problem and (name) accidentally got into the mess. And uh- how can I say it... And get turn into a goose "Trey let out while rubbing his neck
"oh! (name) my dear how miserable...." he hugged you closer and buried his face into your feather dropping 1 streak of tears...
' ho.....'
" I'll turn you back okay! I promised my dear..." he raised his head and looked you in the eyes with a determined tone!
'honk honk!'
"we're not going to miss our date together I promise, now let's get started. I'll make the cure my dear don't worry!!"
After that, he makes you the cure and you guys are having a great date exploring the island together with him. Huh? What happens to the club junior who accidentally potions you? Uh... You might didn't want to know about that
I mean because of them you and Rook failed to get a cute lab date, ain't no way rook going to let them go so easily.....
lets just
pray for them...
More of my fics
A/N: sorry for not posting for a while the exams are coming up lol, and I'm going to make separate parts for the Octatrio (which will be uploaded in 2-3 days) this fic is really fun to make tbh
A/n PT.2 : www I sorry I thought goose quack but apparently they honk... Please tell me if I wrote it wrong once again 😭😭😭
#twst#twst x reader#idia shroud x reader#fanfic#twst idia#twisted wonderland idia#idia shroud#idia x reader#malleus draconia x reader#twst malleus#malleus x reader#malleus draconia#twisted wonderland malleus#rook hunt#twst rook#rook x reader#rook hunt x reader
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Draft: Untitled | BCJR x f!Reader
One: Viral
Warnings: ED joke on slide 6
ignore timestamps and tweet stats!
<<prev | m.list | next>>
When Barty dropped into his bed at four in the morning, he hadn’t anticipated waking up to hundred and thousands of notifications bombarding his phone. So much in fact, it startles him awake from his dreamless sleep. Through bleary eyes he checks the time, decidedly too early for him to be awake and he immediately falls back asleep.
The next time his eyes peel open, it’s a more acceptable waking time, for Barty standards at least. It’s almost two in the afternoon, and the last remnants of the previous night’s alcohol consumption trip are fading away, unlike the dull ache in his back. With a groan, he sits up, rubbing away the sleep from his eyes before blinking at his phone. The screen is lit up constantly, an onslaught of notifications covering his lock screen from various socials, most prominently Twitter.
Trying to open his phone proves to be a battle of wits, the device crashing every few seconds from the sheer amount of notifications arriving. By luck, he manages to swipe it open without throwing it against the wall, and it takes only a few minutes for him to realise what this is about.
His song is going viral.
He is going viral.
His music is gaining traction, rapidly and by the minute.
Of course, like any normal person, the first thing he does upon realising this is text his friends. Hey, everyone needs to have an audience for support, right?












Extra notes:
Barty and Dorcas always text eachother for random advice and opinions
they enable eachother to do random shit
after texting you that Barty threw his phone across the room for the drama
he spent 4 hours scrolling through your socials and he's absolutely in love with your video editing, your art and your general disposition in everything you post and create
getting the hang of this still, it's a pain BUT WERE GETTING SOMEWHERE OK
Tagging: @vun3r4b13xwrites @theynipulation @justtwotired
#barty crouch jr fic#barty crouch jr x reader#barty crouch imagine#barty crouch junior#barty crouch jr#barty crouch#barty crouch x reader#barty crouch x you#barty crouch x yn#barty crouch jr x you#barty crouch jr x yn#barty crouch junior x reader#barty crouch junior x yn#barty crouch junior x you#dorcas meadowes#regulus black#rosier twins#evan rosier#pandora rosier#slytherin skittles#marauders#hp socmed#marauders smau#marauders fic
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-> Toji Fushiguro x Reader (gender neutral)
characters: Toji Fushiguro
genre: fluff
summary: uni has been stressing you out and your boyfriend is as tired
warnings: established relationship, age gap, this was written while i was stressing over assessments and i just needed a big strong sexy man to make me take a break, might be ooc
network: @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
Toji thinks he might smash his head against the wall if he hears you sigh loudly one more time. He turns his body on the couch to peek at you, hunching over a bunch of papers at the kitchen table. He can see two word documents opened on your laptop, one full of words and the other still blank. Next to it, his laptop that you begged to use has google opened and he can vaguely see the numerous windows in the tab. You sigh again, like you have been in the past hour, and drop your head on your arms.
Toji has no idea what you’re doing. He guesses it must be some university project but the calendar displayed on the fridge doesn't have an exam coming up soon. He gets up from the couch and makes his way to you. He puts his hand on the back of the chair, leaning down a bit and squinting his eyes to look at the tiny words on the laptop. Toji feels a bit too dumb when he doesn't understand all of the fancy words you used but your boyfriend can tell you're writing your interpretation of a poem.
“You need to start wearing your glasses.” you murmur, looking at the older man, your head lazily resting on your hand, as he keeps squinting. He scoffs, Toji would never wear those ugly glasses he got. It makes him look stupid, even after the amount of times you denied it and no matter how many times you sloppily made out with him wherever he wore those horrible glasses, a fire suddenly lighting you up when you saw the frames on his face. “Don't come complaining when your head starts hurting again.”
“What you got there that got you stressing out so much?” He decides to ignore your comment, changing the subject to the reason for your stress.
You sigh once more, resting your head on his forearm. “Gotta start writing one of my assessments for one of my classes. The professor is making us write about everything we’ve learned in class with our opinions and academic research to support it. It absolutely sucks and I wanna drop out.” you ramble. Toji’s chuckle has you frowning, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing. How about you take a break?” As good as that sounds, you shake your head denying his proposal. “Take a break. Not asking. Sit on the couch with me and relax for a bit.” His tone suggests that you would probably regret your decision if you choose to go against him.
Reluctantly, you get up from the uncomfortable chair and stretch your arms above your head. You feel your back crack from being in the same position for so long and you just want to lay in bed and sleep. Toji places his hands on your hips where the shirt isn't covering, squeezing the flesh as he pulls you a bit closer to him and you throw your arms around his shoulders as you sway a bit from side to side. Toji smiles a little when he hears you giggling, happy that you stopped sighing and stressing for a little bit. “ Should I be an old man’s sugar baby? I’ll share the money with you.” You tease, planting a kiss on his cheek. Toji rolls his eyes at your teasing tone. You lean back a little to look at the man, his big hands placed on your back to support your weight. “I'm starting to think you have a type. Like old men that much, doll?”
“Only one.” You reply, playing with the soft ends of his hair that are almost reaching his shoulders. “Unfortunately my old man isn't a billionaire that will give me a yatch for my birthday.” You press a small kiss to his lips. “I can't complain much though, my boyfriend is really sexy.”
Your boyfriend arches a brow, smirking at your remarks. “Yeah? What can I do to steal you away from that grandpa?” You pretend to think for a bit, a small pout appearing on your lips that Toji wants to kiss away more than anything. “Cuddle with me on the couch and watch a few episodes of a crappy reality show before I start feeling bad and go back to my assessment?”
Toji thinks for a bit. He wants you to relax for a while before you (and himself) go crazy with the constant sighing but you have a gift for choosing horrible shows that have Toji wanting nothing more than to punch the TV. Your boyfriend knows he can’t deny your request when he looks at you and you’re staring right back at him. Even if he had it in him to refuse your proposal, your tired eyes and the way you’re looking at him with so much adoration is enough for Toji to pull you to the couch.
You sit as close to him as you can and pull his arm to wrap around your shoulders. You snuggle comfortably on his side while pressing a few kisses on his jaw and neck that make Toji get goosebumps. This time, he doesn't act all dramatic like he usually does when you’re this close to him. He doesn't tease you or calls you clingy while playfully pushing you away just to watch you crawl back to him. This time, Toji lets you push and pull him until you’re comfortable. He doesn't even complain when he sees you open netflix and select a reality show with a weird name and an obnoxious couple on the cover.
Toji thinks all of this is worth it when you place a small kiss on his cheek and whisper “I love you” before falling asleep five minutes after in his arms.
#kora posts!#toji fushiguro#toji x reader#toji fluff#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen fluff#toji fushiguro x reader#toji fushiguro fluff#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen x y/n
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(first | previous | #untitled shenhe game)
Your name is Shenhe. You are a normal human being.
It is late afternoon. Today's date is unimportant. In two and a half hours your friend Yun Jin will be coming over for dinner.
To make your “signature” noodle soup you must still acquire Mushrooms and Noodles. You have hunted what you can. Now you must go to a store and exchange money for goods.
Perhaps you were procrastinating on this part. You do not like crowds, after all.
> return to Liyue Harbour
You hear the city before you see it, with the clamour of voices and the clatter of footsteps on cobblestone and the clanking of tools.
Arriving at the public park to the north of the city, you make your way down to the pond at Feiyun Slope.
You glance at the steps outside Bubu Pharmacy. The child from earlier is gone.
There is a spectacled man on the steps. He wears loose flowy robes over a comfortable shirt. He is staring at one step in particular, upon which is a pool of dried pigeon blood.
He is frowning and massaging his temples. In your opinion, he seems dissatisfied.
The snake coiled around his neck whispers something into his ear. He turns his head and, spotting you, beckons you over.
“Miss Shenhe,” he calls out. “May I have a word?”
> walk away very quickly
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Stealing @the-golden-comet 's open tag!!! This will be fun AND challenging!!!
Rules: Find a sentence in your WIPs with each color of the rainbow.
Red: "Domovoy"
The moment the prongs slip into the outlet, every light in the house pulses. It's like a power surge, as if lightning has struck nearby. The bulbs buzz, intensifying in brightness. Then they flicker madly, and Solo stares up at the overhead light, confused and concerned. However, it stops as quickly as it began, and the house relaxes into normalcy again. The kitchen is still, the apprehension in the space palpable. Solo tentatively removes his hand from the plug and moves it to the switch. He holds his breath, turns his attention to the red bulb on its base, and flips it on.
Orange: "Children of The Discreet"
Trembling with the struggle of it, Solo pushes himself up on his sore hands and twists onto his hip to see how deeply the ground has swallowed him. The black mud comes up to just above his knee, and shows no sign of giving back its prey with any ease. He tries to wrench his leg free from the hole, but it doesn't budge. Shadowing his eyes with his hand, he looks up at the sky again. Its colors have shifted into ironically gentle shades of pink and orange, with blue encroaching more with every passing second. Solo takes a breath and grabs hold of his leg with hands covered in welts and boils, even charred in some places. He pulls with all of his remaining strength, clenching his jaw so tightly that he can hear the bones creaking. Inch by inch, he fights to free his leg from the iron grip of the bog.
Yellow: "Are You Afraid? (However Could You Not Be?)
Illya had begun counting time in sleeps, trusting his circadian rhythm to keep him in check. The woods were silent for three sleeps, and during that time, Illya had been able to half-drag himself to the small couch so filthy he couldn't tell what color it was meant to be. Red? Brown? Was it green, or maybe yellow? Worst of all, could it have once been white?These thoughts floated around his skull on the brink of the fourth sleep in the cabin, until he was shaken awake by that familiar, ravenous shriek. Hollow, like a cry bouncing off the walls of some unseen cavern, yet blood-curdling in its voracity. The wet sounds of agony and rending flesh was unmistakable.
Green: "Untitled Hostage Situation Gone Wrong"
Turning his attention back to the situation at hand, Solo locks eyes with the girl. She's been sobbing– her sea-green eyes red and puffy, and her nose raw. Her dark hair, nearly the same shade as Gaby's, is frazzled and tangled. Her teeth chatter and she stares at them pleadingly. She can't be more than six years old, but she is handling her position like a seasoned militant. Solo gets a sickening feeling that she's been here before. That she knows not to move, to speak, to even breathe or else.
Blue: "Waiting for 'Hello'"
The sharp retort Gaby clearly has prepared for him is stopped short by a woman placing two drinks in front of them. She gives Gaby a flirtatious smile before disappearing back into the evening flow. The White Mule is an unimpressive dive bar, with flickering fluorescent bulbs, a poor selection of liquor, and a single television in the high corner that is always broadcasting some fuzzy football game with subtitles so large they take up nearly the entire screen. On the right nights– or the wrong ones, in Illya's opinion–, one could find a dozen or so blue-collar men crowded around its humming glow, screaming in various stages of grief or joy. It's more a headache than a bar, and the faded, bucking creature painted on the window tells its age. But it is equidistant from both of their workplaces and happens to be the place they first met, so the bar became a sentimental thing. It also serves as an emergency rendezvous if one of them needed to speak to the other as soon as possible. For those reasons alone, Illya can ignore the hard water stains on the glasses and the mediocre drinks.
Indigo: "I Am Your Lover (I Am Your Jailor)"
(this part has technically already been posted but the work is still a WIP so I'm counting it lmao)
“Thank you,” he stood from the table and made for a side door, Illya in his wake. The sun had set, leaving the night air with a wet chill that seeped into your bones. The moon hung low in the sky, curved like a sneer in the vast indigo. A familiar hoo sound called from nearby, drawing Illya's attention up to a window ledge. An owl perched on the stone, its feathers ruffled by the wind. It was too dark to make out its breed, but its eyes flashed silver in the moonlight and Illya shivered.
Violet: "Children of The Discreet"
Because the pleasure-pain of it is addictive. Not to mention that past the blistering, Illya's blood tastes divine. It is ambrosial, a little floral in a woodsy, wildflower sort of way. Almost like the violets and henbit of a childhood memory yellowed at the edges. A shudder rolls over his body as the pool of magma settles in his stomach. He feels Illya squirm, his claws raking down his back and welling up trails of half-coagulated blood in their wake. But he doesn't care. It barely registers. Solo just hums a deep groan of pleasure and drinks deeper, drinks until the burn is almost too much, drinks until Illya gasps softly, “Cowboy.”
No pressure tagging @huggiebird @happybean17 @falling-into-peril @heytheredeann @pippinoftheshire
@bighandsforabigheart @kcscribbler @mybelovedillya @cha-melodius @thattripleabattery
@too-young-to-fall-in-love @times-up-alone-tonight @vnyu73 @nicijones @prettyboynapoleonsolo
And an Open Tag for anyone else who wants to join!!! 💕💕💕
#tmfu#the man from uncle#tmfu movie#illya kuryakin#napoleon solo#gaby teller#fanfiction#fanfic#ao3#roygbiv tag#tag game
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last lines!
fingerguns to @wayrad and @triggerlil
going thru major writing ADHD, so here's a few:
modern AU
Croz and Jean read their own vows, both of which are surprisingly well-written, heartfelt without verging on corny. The combination pushes Gale into a strange place of mourning. He'd sat at his desk once to try writing such vows; ended up blotting a bunch of paper with his pen and not much else.
"Hidden depths, that guy," Bucky mutters as the officiant takes back over. "He used to shove fistfuls of speed up his ass. Said it hit the bloodstream faster."
Gale elbows him with swiftness, though he coughs out a laugh at the same time. Bucky elbows him back. He's been sipping from his flask but stays mercifully quiet for the rest of the ceremony and even nods along at the appropriate parts. When everyone stands to clap and yell as the Crosbys head back down the aisle, he leans over again and stage whispers, "I don't think I know how to love."
"Cut it out, now," Gale whispers back. "We're celebrating their beautiful journey, aren't we?"
time loop
In his hand, the knife is a cold, heavy weight, its blade snapping into place with a hungry arc no matter how many times he pushes the release. He listens to the rhythmic click-thunk, letting the tangible sounds of cause-and-effect soothe him until there's a noise from below, soft enough not to acknowledge.
It comes again. "Buck."
Bucky is standing below him, neck craned, tie missing. He nods at Gale with a neutral expression. "What are you thinking about?"
"Then why don't you come down from there, huh?"
Gale snaps the knife. Click-thunk. Click-thunk. Realizes, Bucky thinks he's going to hurt himself again. He wants to laugh, but part of him also absorbs the thought without protest. He's the one up here, a hair's breadth away from falling, waving around a pocket knife like he's lost his mind.
new untitled john/marge (idk what i'm doing but i'm going with it)
At some point, Marge is reaching for her fourth cocktail and dimly realizes that she may have overindulged. Her needlepoint is sitting untouched next to her on the sofa cushion, stained with a spot of rust where she'd accidentally poked her index finger earlier in the night. The radio is on now, Jimmy Dorsey singing about green eyes and thirst to a house full of red-faced women, occasionally spitting static with the high notes. Sharon and Judith are back in the kitchen, Patricia is standing by the mantle to squint at a gold-framed photo of Richard, and Carol is somehow still sewing as if her life depended on it.
Thirst indeed, Marge thinks, and promptly forgets her worry about overindulging in favor of taking another sip. It nearly comes back up when Patricia turns her squint on Marge and says, "Do you think Richard pleases her? Physically, I mean?"
"Good grief, Patty," Marge coughs. "I almost choked."
"So your answer is no?"
"No! Not no, I mean. The alcohol, and the timing of the question -- "
"Right," Patricia cuts in. She has expressive chestnut eyebrows, ones that are currently raised into a perfect expression of doubt. "Carol? Any opinions?"
"Any you'd like to share out loud?"
Carol pauses, runs her thumbnail over her stitches, and then says, "No."
tagging @pinenutpbj and @soliloquy-dawn if you would like!
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Just wanted to make this more organized and show you what’s coming soon.

hi, hello, i’m em. just wanting to share my writing to get people’s opinion. feel free to share your thoughts but be gentle. and bear with me, i am new to tumblr and still trying to figure everything out. also, if you have a story idea –i can’t make any promises but– feel free to share with me. i could use some inspirations for some one-shots.
The Unwitting Hero – Tara Carpenter x Reader
untitled – Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Lighthouse – Mabel (FinestKind) x Fem!Reader
#jenna ortega#scream vi#scream 6#tara carpenter#tara carpenter x reader#jenna ortega x reader#the unwitting hero#mabel (finestkind)#finestkind#mabel (finestkind) x reader#lighthouse#masterlist
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Oh, doesn't he just look perfect? And funnily enough, I had an idea for a Bucky AU floating around in my head, and this gif gave me the perfect push to write it. So thank you for the gif, love!
An Intriguing Stranger
Plot: Despite how poorly Y/N's night at the Gallery of Contemporary Art is going, it soon starts to look up when she meets a handsome stranger. However, he has a secret of his own. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Some swearing and a mention of alcohol. Also Bucky and reader mocking some art. If I miss any triggers, please let me know!
"Care for a drink, ma'am?" A waiter asks, and Y/N grabs a glass off his tray with a smile, following it up with an hors d'oeuvre a moment later. She glances down at the tiny morsel of food in her hand.
"Fucking rich people portions." She hisses. Although, considering where she currently is, the small portions are not too surprising.
Right now, Y/N is standing in the entrance foyer of the Brooklyn Gallery of Contemporary Art. For the longest time, she's wanted to challenge herself, to learn more about the world around her. And what better way to seem cultured than to go to an event hosted at said art gallery?
The only problem is that the second she stepped through the door, Y/N immediately realised that she doesn't like most of the art on display. Unfortunately, though, the ticket cost her a lot of money, and it'll look weird if she leaves so soon after arriving. But mainly, Y/N doesn't want to go because she spent so much time getting ready that she doesn't want her efforts to be wasted. Even if she's not enjoying herself, she'll be damned if she doesn't let everyone see how good she looks.
And besides... not all the art is awful.
Grabbing another filled glass off of the waiter's tray, Y/N stops in front of another painting. The colours are bright, too bright for her liking. She wrinkles her nose disapprovingly.
"Like what you see?" a voice sounds, and Y/N looks up to see a man standing beside her. He runs a hand through his shoulder length brunette hair, smiling at her.
Damn, he's cute. A lot better looking than the art, anyway.
And oh crap, he's staring.
"Well. I don't, really." She admits. The man raises a brow, smirking.
"Oh, really? How so?"
"It's just so bright, and in your face. It looks like the artist just dumped a load of paint on the canvas with no thought of how it would look, or to make something with it. It looks like blobs." A part of her is confused by why she's suddenly unloading her negative opinion on this complete, albeit handsome, stranger, but somehow she already feels comfortable enough around him to do so.
Thankfully, though, the stranger doesn't seem to mind. "I agree. It's chaotic, but I'm not sure if it's in a good way." He nods, tilting his head and nibbling on his finger, as if deep in thought. "It's as if the artist was drunk, and had no care for the complexities of art. He just wanted to make some kind of statement, a 'fuck you', to the expectations of the modern art world."
Damn, this guy really knows his stuff.
Y/N nods, leaning closer to see who the offending artist is. A small plaque reads:
Untitled. James Buchanan Barnes. 2021
"He didn't even title it! Do you think that's part of his 'fuck you' statement?" The man's laughter rings through the air, and soon Y/N's joins it.
"Oh, I know it was." The man clears his throat, grinning once more. "If I may say ma'am, you look wonderful tonight." Heat settles on Y/N's cheeks, and she feels her stomach fluttering. Despite knowing how good she looks tonight, the handsome stranger actually mentioning it is making her go all weak at the knees.
"Thank you." She smiles. But before either of them can say anything else,
"There you are!" another person calls, and Y/N notices an immaculately dressed woman striding over to them. A badge pinned to her chest says 'Gallery Director.' Immediately, fear and guilt fill her veins, and Y/N wonders if she's about to be thrown out of the gallery for her cheek towards the paintings, her chance to seem cultured over before it even began. However, the woman breezes past her, the scent of her undoubtedly expensive perfume intoxicating, and instead, she focuses on the man standing beside her. She takes his hand, shaking it tightly. "My dear friend, it's so wonderful to see you! I'm so glad you could make it."
"It's a pleasure to be here, Natasha." He grins.
"There's a champagne reception for all the guests of honour upstairs. I'd love to see you there." Y/N raises a brow. Her new friend seems to have a lot more influence than she originally thought. Perhaps he's a friend of the gallery? Or a news reporter ready to cover the event?
"I'd like that." As the woman departs, Y/N smirks.
"You didn't tell me you were famous around here." Now, though, it's the man's turn to smirk.
"Allow me to introduce myself." He takes her hand, shaking it. "James Buchanan Barnes. Pleasure to meet you."
James Buchanan Barnes. Huh, that's funny, that's the same name as...
And then, the rudest awakening Y/N's ever experienced hits her, raining down like a tonne of bricks.
Oh shit.
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x y/n#bucky barnes x you#bucky x y/n#bucky x reader#bucky x you#bucky x female reader#marvel fanfiction#marvel fanfic#marvel cinematic universe#marvel oneshot#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes fic#bucky barnes oneshot#holacia3
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What fandom should I focus on writing for during the month of March?
Hey everyone! My birthday is on Friday - which I am really excited about. I'm going out for my birthday and I'm probably gonna take a few days off after that just to relax and hang out, so I won't be working on fics for a few days, but - when I come back, I want to be working on some fun stuff. And that means I have posted my last fic of February.
However, lately, I have had a really hard time choosing between what WIPs I want to work on. I had more focus during the month of February because I was rewatching The Walking Dead and only working on WIPs related to that fandom, so I have decided that this is something new I am gonna try. Every month (or so), I am gonna post a poll to decide which fandom I am gonna work on. And then, whatever the winner of the poll is, I am gonna rewatch the source material and focus my energy on only working on WIPs from that fandom.
So, if you have really wanted to see me work on something from one of these fandoms, now is your time to speak up. I will weight the results of the poll - but I will also more heavily weigh the opinions of people who comment on this poll and tell me if there's a particular WIP you're excited about or if you send me an anon message saying so. I was slightly considering putting Stranger Things and/or Criminal Minds on this list, but I don't quite think I'm ready to get back to writing for those fandoms yet. But whatever the winner of this poll is won't be on next month's poll. So I might need another fandom to fill that slot.
Anyway, please read through this list or consult my general list of WIPs for 2025, and please let me know what you think!
Examples of WIPs From Each Fandom:
(Fics that I'm really excited about potentially working on, so that you guys know what you're voting for)
DC Titans
My main priority for this fandom would be the second part of The Jaws of Life - Jason Todd x GN!Reader. Which, so far, nobody has asked about and the original comment goal has not been met. You can read the first part here if you have not read it, or read the original 'first part' of the series - Emergency Contact.
I would also potentially like to work on a third part to the series:
Death of An Executioner - Jason Todd x GN!Reader. Lovers Fighting. Hurt and Comfort, Extreme Angst, Happy Ending. Set during Season 3. Sequel to the above fic. You and Jason are standing on rocky ground. He feels like he owes Crane his life because the man literally brought him back from the dead, but you don't care about that - you just want to ditch Gotham and run away to chase peace somewhere else. Things get a lot more complicated when Crane realises he can use you to his advantage, and Jason finally has to go crawling back to the Titans, begging for their help. (10,000 words est.) (This will be the sequel to The Jaws of Life, ending out the story as a perfect trilogy. It is my ultimate goal to write this story sometime during 2025, finishing out the arc of the trilogy with my ideal perfect ending.)
Also, I really want to work more on the 'One Moment Per Episode With Dick Grayson' Series. I really want to write more of these. It's a lot of fun and I really want to make more progress on it!
Teen Wolf
Bark Like You Want It aka The Isaac Closet Rut Fic - Sub!Isaac Lahey x Fem!Thick!Reader. Acquaintances/Friends to Lovers. Smut. Set during Season 3. You and Isaac get stuck restocking the janitor's closet together during a detention punishment, and being in tight closed space with you, being drowned in your scent accidentally sends Isaac into a rut. (8,000 words est.)
Untitled - Sequel to Blood In The Water - Void!Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader. Extreme Angst, Horror, Gore. Set during Season 3. You are rudely awoken in the hospital after narrowly surviving a stabbing that Void intended to kill you. But he ensures you that now, he has a greater, grander purpose for you. (10,000 words est.)
Harry Potter
Untitled aka 'The One Where Fred is Obsessed With Your Ass' (aka Punishment Anal with Fred) - Fred Weasley x Fem!Ravenclaw!Reader. Annoyances/Enemies to 'Lovers'. Smut/PWP. Hogwarts Era. One day in class, Fred chases his impulsive mischief and boldly grabs your ass - in response, you smack him with a paper that you're holding. Naturally, McGonagall doesn't see what he did, and only sees your retaliation. Being forced to apologise to the prankster makes you determined to get him caught in the act, which gets you caught in a loop of wearing short skirts in front of him and bending over around him and eventually, screaming and yelling at him when he grabs your ass and smacks it and nobody else ever catches him doing it. And the whole cat and mouse game comes to a head when you get caught in the Gryffindor common room late one night and he catches you alone, finally tired of your teasing and ready to show you a darker side of his mischievous personality. (8,000 words est.)
Untitled aka 'The One Where George Handcuffs Himself To You As A Prank' - George Weasley x Fem!Reader. Annoyances/'Enemies' to Lovers. Smut with Plot. Set Post War. What it says on the tin - George is fed up with the fact that you don't seem to like him very much, and he is determined to get you to like him. One day he finds a pair of handcuffs on Harry's desk and (not knowing that they are enchanted to keep criminals from escaping with basic spells) he takes them and conveniently forgets to take the key, and handcuffs himself to you so that you will be forced to like him by spending time with him. After you demand to be let go, and several failed attempts to escape the cuffs with basic magic that grow increasingly dangerous (and with Harry out of the country on a topic secret mission and a Ministry curse breaker delayed with other business) you two are stuck together for a full day, and oddly enough, George's theory is right. It helps that you are pulled close by his body weight while he sleeps and accidentally sit on his boner, forcing you to face the fact that annoyance and lust are two very similar emotions. (10,000 words est.)
The Maze Runner
(Note: most of the fics I have for this fandom are already finished and just need to be edited, but I would love to write new stuff for this fandom if it's chosen.)
Some Kind Of Disaster - Gally (TMR) x Fem!Reader. Best Friends to Lovers/Lovers Reunited. Emotional Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Smut. Set during The Death Cure. You had every reason to believe Gally was dead, so when a mysterious stranger pulls off his mask and reveals himself to be the one person you had been missing so badly - you are shocked. And then you show him just how badly you had been missing him. (6,800 words est.) - PREVIEW HERE
English Blood // American Heartache - Gally (TMR) x Fem!Reader x Newt (TMR). Established Monogamous Relationship to Polyamory. (Very slight) Emotional Angst and Smut. Set post Death Cure/Safe Haven Era. Newt Lives AU. (Sequel to the above fic.) When you get to the Safe Haven, you believe that you have everything you ever wanted, everything you ever needed. So why do you have a nagging feeling that something is missing? Turns out, that 'missing’ thing was the addition of your best friend Newt to your bed, which your boyfriend Gally is more than happy to provide. (20,300 words est.)
Random/Misc. Characters/One Off Movies (And Shows)
(On my Masterlist, this is listed as "Horror Characters", but I do want to write for more than just characters from Horror Movies, and I have a Grey's Anatomy WIP and I don't know where else to put it)
Heartbeat - Eggsy Unwin x Fem!Thick!Reader. Childhood Friends to Lovers. Smut/PWP. Set between the two films. You know it's so incredibly cliche - falling for your childhood best friend. But he grew up to be too fit, and the whole 'friends with benefits' thing didn't benefit you when you started falling in love with him. Too bad for you, he broke your heart when he rudely snubbed you and then disappeared for months, only to show up out of the blue wearing an expensive bespoke suit and talking about - loving you back? (10,000 words est.)
In Too Deep - Nick Jones (House of Wax) x Fem!Reader. Exes to Lovers. Smut, Emotional Angst, and Horror/Gore. Hurt No Comfort. When you are invited on a trip to see a football game out of state, you end up thinking it's a big mistake when your ex is also on the trip, and he spends the entire car ride glaring at you. It seems like an even worse idea when you're stuck sharing a tent with him. But after some feelings and a cigarette are shared, you find out - the trip wasn't such a bad idea after all. (10,000 words est.)
Untitled aka ‘The One That Came To Me In A Dream’ - Alex Karev x Surgical Intern Fem!Reader. Strangers to Friends With Benefits to Lovers. Smut, Emotional Angst. Set during Season 3. Partway through the MAGIC intern year, you are ‘transferred’ to Seattle Grace from another hospital in another state, and nobody seems to know anything about your background. Because Bailey is your resident, her other interns are incredibly curious about where you’re from and why you’re transferring so suddenly - Alex is the only one who doesn’t seem to care, especially when the two of you start having mindless crazy animal sex with absolutely no strings attached. However, he starts to care very much when Cristina discovers a bomb in the hospital in the patient room where all of you hang out, and somehow - you know how to defuse it. (10,000 words est, or more. Will likely be a multi-part arc.)
#sundrop speaks#polls#I'm not gonna put larger fandom tags on this because I want this poll to be JUST FOR MY FOLLOWERS#I genuinely want to know what you guys think
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just a little preface to the naomi angst fic
it’s untitled rn but here’s y’all’s juice
Untitled Angst Fic - Preface
Naomi Mcpherson (MUNA) x reader (soft!gf coded)
(also im sure naomi is a great partner this is RPF don't come for meeeee)
“Naomi?” you call out, wrapping the bow on the baby shower present, smoothing your outfit out gently as you walk down the stairs not wanting to be late.
Naomi sits at their desk in the studio, still in the sweatpants they wore to bed, headphones on one ear working on a track.
“Naomi?” you say, wide eyes and jaw slacked, they’re not even remotely ready to leave the house. If you weren’t so annoyed, you’d kiss up their back to watch their muscles flex, or bite their bicep. But honestly, you wish you could throw something at the back of their head.
“What?” they ask turning around. They barely look at you before hitting you with a half-assed, “Oh, you look nice,” dismissively before turning back to the computer.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you mutter, having had enough with their dismissiveness and forgetfulness. You know that MUNA has a deadline, in some twisted way you’re appreciative that Naomi is working at home. But for the last month, it’s been you talking and them not listening, worries getting dismissed, events being missed, showing up for them when they don’t show up for you… it’s all getting old. The ring on your finger feels heavy, like there’s something deeper happening.
“Where are you… hey? What’s wrong? Why’re you all pissy?” Naomi says, following you out of the office, frown on their face, annoyance laced on their features. “Why are you dressed up?” they ask dumbly.
Because of fucking course they forgot about the baby shower.
“Why aren’t you dressed?”
“Because I’m working?” Naomi responds, tone frustrated. “I’m working in my house, why do I need to be dressed?” they ask, tone starting to get mean.
“Your house?” you ask, crossing your arms, you can’t stop the hurt from crawling onto your features.
“Yeah, actually, my house… why do I need to get dressed to work in my house?” they say venomously.
This is how all of your conversations have been going recently, if you talk at all.
“You know what never mind, have a good day,” you say, grabbing a sweater and the gift, bidding farewell to the your sweet dog and cat.
“Why’re you being so sensitive? You’re mad because I said it’s my house? You moved in here with me?” they ask, hounding you as the follow you to the door, grabbing the edge when you open it to move towards the driveway. “What’s in the box?” they ask, holding the door open, the breeze from outside putting goosebumps on their bare torso.
You roll your eyes, getting into the car. As the engine turns over you see Naomi shut the door and jog out to your drivers side, motioning for you to roll the window down. “What?” you hiss, Naomi eyes widen, taken aback by your attitude.
“Woah babe, if you’re gonna be nasty I’ll just go inside.”
“Then go inside,” you say, finally done with this behavior, sick of feeling like you’re running laps around Naomi.
They glare at you gently, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Text me when you get to wherever the fuck you’re going safely, yeah?” they say, almost like it’s a chore.
The kiss burns your cheek, and not in a good way. Naomi is staring at your face, waiting for your cheeks to flush, the best part about kissing your cheeks in their opinion.
Their eyebrows furrow when your cheeks don’t flush, in fact, your face doesn’t even change. They stand back from your window, crossing their arms to cover their bare chest and watch you pull out of the driveway.
#sooooooo#how are yall#tee fucking hee#out of character naomi#mean!naomi x reader#naomi mcpherson x soft!gf#naomi mcpherson angst#naomi mcpherson x reader#maybe I AM THE DRAMA
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Round Robin Chapter 1: Welcome
This is still untitled and with no mood board because I have no idea where it's going lol.
Word Count: 448
Next writer: @christina-stark-skarlet-stileto

Bertrand Beaumont stepped up to the podium and surveyed the conference room full of malcontents with equal parts excitement and trepidation. This was the most ambitious project of his career.
They were in an undisclosed location. He had a full production team and camera crew on standby. He was acutely aware that the results of this endeavor would make or break his PR firm. But he had complete confidence in his staff.
Tapping on the microphone, he began. “Settle down, please. I understand that everyone in this room is powerful in some way. You’re royalty, celebrities, and top performers in your field. Doctors, CEO’s, etc. You’re not used to being told what to do. I get it. However…”
He waited for the grumbling to die down before continuing. “You’re all here for the same reason. You’ve become a liability for your family, your agency, your recent movie. You’re a PR nightmare for whoever and whatever you’re attached to.”
This time the grumbles were less angry and more conceding.
Bertrand smiled reassuringly. “We’re here to change that. We’re here to help you. I know none of you are accustomed to taking much direction however, for many of you, this is your last chance before you’re fired, blacklisted from Hollywood, or exiled by your families.”
The former crown prince of Dravokia exchanged a sidelong glance with the former crown prince of Cordonia as he mouthed, “Too late!”
Tobias Carrick rose from his chair to demand, “And how, exactly, are you going to do that?”
Bertrand smiled, “I’m glad you asked! This program will not only teach you the skills you need to spin public opinion but will put you in situations to showcase those skills. Publicly.”
“Publicly?” Came a question from the back.
“Yes, publicly. First, you’ll receive instructions on how to conduct yourselves and then you’ll put what you’ve learned by attending a series of public appearances where you will behave properly. You will rehabilitate your images with the support of our staff and your partner.”
A murmur broke out as several people asked, “What partner?”
“Oh, we have taken the liberty of pairing each of you up with a mentor. Someone who already has a stellar public image. Just being seen with them in public will help you. This person will be your shadow for the duration of the program.”
“How long are we stuck here?” Leo Rys spoke up. He hadn’t abdicated a throne to have his life micro-managed by a PR firm.
“Until your approval ratings are acceptable.”
“Great.” He huffed as he slumped back into his seat. “Just fucking dandy.”
“Everyone get a good night’s sleep,” Bertrand told them brightly. “We start in the morning!”
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Sup! My name is Vex or Untitled, but you can call me Luigi as well
Im plural, and that has a big effect on my alterhumanity
I use they/it/void/flower and im transmasc xenoflux
Im also aromantic, aplatonic, and acespec
Currently into FNaF, Kirby, Gravity Falls, the Mario Brothers (specifically SPM & LM), Deltarune, and the alterhuman community
DNI if your post/blog has any sort of politics mentioned. I dont care about your political opinion and i am triggered by that topic. I have a block button and I'll use it, but dont follow or intreact with me if you have politics anywhere in your blog. (This includes blogs with "pro Palestine" or Palestine flags in their profile or posts. Politics is politics.)
[#luigisaves is my save tag! I don't have a tagging system]
@sunsnpacis - my headmates' agere blog
@dimention-l - Dimentio & Mr. L ask blog
@dimentioshouldntbehere - my headmate's kin blog
@in-ruins-au - Deltarune AU ask blog
@marx-n-mag - Marx & Magolor blog (mostly an ask blog)
@traitors-trust - Kirby AU ask blog
@i-couldve-mimed-it - Shoot From The Hip fanblog
#fictionkin#alterhuman#otherkin#luigi's mansion#luigi nintendo#minecraft#luigis mansion#luigis mansion 3#super paper mario#plurality#pluralgang#luigi#luigi mario#actually plural
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Hello~ I really enjoy your fics and wanted to request a Wonho one. Maybe something where he is more submissive x gn/male reader- only if u feel comfortable. Thank you in advance 🩷🫶
Untitled (for now)

Pairing: Lee Wonho x GN Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Genre: Idol AU, Established Relationship
Warnings: smut, mature language/cursing, reader slut shames wonho (ITS SEXY), reader calls fans whores, aftercare because it's important!!
Smut Warnings: Degradation, reader uses wonho, face slapping once, dumbification, objectification, overstimulation, anal sex
a/n-i am so sorry that this took as long as it did. but here it is! i hope the wait was at least semi-worth it. i truly did some research so i didn't make my writing too feminine, (IT SHOWS I CARE!) unfortunately i'm not too proud of this work but it may be bc this is my first time intentionally writing gn reader or bc it actually ass sucks lolz. AGAIN, I AM SO SORRY!!!!!
Awaiting his arrival, you sat on the plush couch in your shared apartment. Fuming, you tapped your foot on the floor, reminding yourself to calm down. It really wasn’t that big of a deal, he was yours, they were just fans behind screens. But still, them thirsting over your lover, was something that tested your patience.
From the photo he posted you could tell he was almost done. His muscles bulged from use, sweat dripped down his face and neck, and the towel wrapped around the back of his neck. It shouldn’t take him too long until he was back where he belonged, with you.
whorerat: OMG HIS THIGHS
jenosslut: nah, i can make him sweat
(s)creamingg: my manssssssssss
They were harmless and you knew that. He himself had reminded you. But as you scrolled through the comments of fans lusting after Wonho, your anger grew.
Your eyes snapped from your phone and to the door once you heard his car pull into the driveway. Getting up, you walked to the door, unlocking it and having your hand on the knob. Hearing the storm door open, you turned the handle and swung the door open, scaring him.
Ignoring his shrill shout and wide eyes, you jabbed your pointer finger at his broad, sweaty chest.
“You’re such a slut!” Wonho’s ears burned at your accusation and he caught on quickly but the color remained.
“Oh! You liked my post?” He threw you a lopsided smile and walked towards, lightly pushing past you and inside the house.
“Of course, I liked it! You’re my boyfriend! But it seems like I wasn’t the only one who liked it.” Wonho didn’t take your annoyance to heart, he found it endearing.
“You know…your opinion is the only one I care about.”
“Hmph.” Still, his answer didn’t satisfy you.
“Seems like I’m going to have to remind you who you belong to.��
Wonho was taken back by your voice, which had turned dark, husky almost. He turned around to question your intentions but was given an answer immediately when you pushed him backwards and onto the couch.
“Now, what was your motive with this? What made you decide to post a photo of you shirtless, legs spread in front of a mirror, with sweat dripping down your entire body? You’re telling me that you didn’t post that because the attention makes your dick drip?”
“I did it, because I wanted you to do this…”
Instead of even addressing his confession, you just laughed, causing the color in his ears to deepen.
Stepping closer to his figure on the couch, you bent down to plant a sweet kiss on his lips to let him know that you weren’t actually mad at him. You could feel his once tense body release said tension, and he was able to truly enjoy what was coming next.
Without interrupting your kiss, you swung your leg around his thigh before repeating the action on the other side.
“Please, please, just touch me. Do something, please.” Wonho hid his face in your neck. He was too embarrassed to look at you but still knew what he wanted, you.
Teasing your fingers up the inside of his thigh, you could feel the muscles hidden underneath his skin tense at your touch.
“How am I supposed to help you if I can’t even touch you properly?” Faking ignorance, you moved your head, forcing Wonho to look at you.
The color in his face has yet to drain but eagerly, he nodded and lifted his hips. Once his ass was lifted off the couch, he grabbed the hem of his shorts and boxers, pulling both off his hips all in one go.
Sitting back down, Wonho looked at you, anticipating your next move.
“Hard already? I haven’t even done anything yet. Maybe slutting yourself out just gets you off, huh?” HIs eyes widened and he was quick to deny your allegation.
“M-no! Just you, I wanted you to see!” It was pathetic really. How nervous he was, was absolutely pathetic. When he walked through the door, his sweat from his work out had chilled into his skin, but now, new beads were forming at his hairline from the sheer nervousness that was coursing through his veins.
“Aw, how sweet. Wonho got all hard at the thought of slutting himself out to me.” Words dripped with a sweet poison from your lips and he wanted nothing more to catch the drops before they fell too far.
“It would be such a shame if I were to leave you like this, but I guess not, you have all your whores in your comment sections thirsting after you.” Wonho knew you’d give him what he wanted, you always did, but not before making him suffer first, but the fear in the back of his head that today may be the day you make him take care of himself still nipped at his thoughts.
“No, I just want you please! No one else can touch me like you!”
“No one else can touch you period!”
“Yeah, no one else!” He was slurring his words at this point/ Saliva was overflowing from his mouth, causing him to drool all over himself.
“But, because of what you did, I’m gonna treat you like what you truly are. Just a useless dildo made for my pleasure.:
Wonho held no objections, he spread his thighs apart so you could use him to his full potential. That fear of you leaving him untouched lodged in his throat once more as you walked away suddenly towards your shared room. Now with you out of his sight and him knowing better than to get up without your permission, he relied on his hearing for any hints on what you were doing. It didn’t help much as he just heard you rummaging through what he assumed to be a drawer.
Soon the noise stopped and you entered his sight, trying to see what had changed, Wonho looked at you up and down only to be met with confusion. Your clothes were still as you left them but your right hand was clutched around something, hiding it from his view.
“Oh don’t worry, I just got some lube so it’s easier for me to use that stupid cock. Maybe that’s why it’s so big, because you’re so dumb…gotta make up for your flaws somewhere I suppose.”
So lost in desperation, Wonho blindly nodded. You doubted he actually knew what you were talking about which caused you to laugh at him.
“Please, just touch me, I need you. Just use me!”
”At least you know exactly what I’m going to do.” Hooking your fingers in the waistband of your sweats and briefs, you pulled them down in one go and stalked towards the giant trembling man at your use.
Without exchanging any words, you popped the cap of the lube off and squeezed a dollop out onto two of your fingers. Moving those fingers back to your rim, you fingered your hole on top of Wonho, letting out exaggerated moans to get the point of you not needing him across. When his whimpers picked up from you rolling your hips into his, you stopped your little show and decided to get the real attraction going.
Pulling your fingers out of yourself you squeezed another dollop of lube onto them, this time you used it on Wonho, wrapping your hand around his cock, you moved the lube up and down, squeezing his dick harder than necessary. When Wonho jerked up in your hand, rushing your pace, you used your free hand and brought it across his cheek harshly.
“Quit thinking with your fucking dick.” Shocked by your slap, Wonho nodded without making eye contact, as this was uncharacteristic of him, you were slightly worried, that was until you felt his dick throb in your hand.
“You’re a little pain slut, aren’t you?” He nodded more confidently which made you think he wanted you to hit him again, but you didn’t give him that satisfaction and instead of that sharp stinging feeling, he was granted the feeling of you sinking down onto his dick.
Tightly closing his eyes, Wonho gasped at the sudden feeling. You could see him fist the couch fabric and try to adjust to you.
Like the good boy he is, Wonho kept his hands to himself, keeping those hands at his sides, he let you use him like you wanted.
Bouncing up and down on his dick, you changed your pace when you could feel him start to buck up into you. There were several times that you had to actually lift off of him as he got too close to the edge before you allowed him to. Looking down at his cock, it strained, trying to find some friction that would allow him to finish.
“I didn’t say you could cum Wonho…”
Closing his eyes in what you could only assume as concentration, he nodded and you slid back down onto him. But before you could even move, you felt your hole fill with his cum.
“Are you serious? You were being so good?”
Not even letting him respond, you went ahead and started going again. Ignoring his whimpers and pleas to stop, you giggled and tweaked his nipples.
“I told you I was going to use you; it isn’t my fault that you didn’t listen to me or wait. This is just what you get.”
Moans continued to roll off his tongue, and with how loud he was getting, you were worried the neighbors would hear and complain. Connecting your lips as one, you swallowed all of Wonho’s moans as your own since you were the cause.
When Wonho’s hands moved from his sides to yours, you didn’t complain. He pulled you closer to his chest, needing something to secure him as he was getting close again.
“Please, I need to cum again.”
“Wait so we can finish together.” Finally, he listened for once.
His grip tightened drastically, you knew that in the morning, there would be Wonho finger shaped bruises decorating your skin. Clenching down on him, you moved faster, trying to catch up with Wonho so you could make good of your suggestion.
“Fuck, almost there Wonho, hold it.”
Your movements were sloppy, quick and with a purpose. It took only a couple more rolls of your hips before the both of you were coming undone.
You felt your cum shoot out and when you looked at its landing place, it was all over Wonho’s abs. And his cum just added another layer to your walls.
Heavy breathing and sweaty skin sliding together was the only thing you could pay attention to. The feeling and sounds of Wonho fogged your mind and when you looked at him, it was obvious he felt a similar way.
“You did so well. Let’s get you cleaned up okay?” Wonho nodded and allowed you to pull him up and off the couch. He followed your lead to the bathroom and watched you set up a bath for him, even adding bath salt to help with his post workout muscles.
“Alright Wonho, it’s warm enough, let’s get in okay?” Your voice was back to its soft and quiet nature.
“You’re not actually mad at me right? By posting the picture and everything?”
“Of course, I’m not mad! You’re hot and I love that you know that I just gotta show you who you belong to every now and then.”
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