#you are such an angel OMG. you just made my day at least ten times as better with this message alone and i appreciate you-
mad-hunts · 3 months
💐🌷spread the love to the people you’re glad you’ve found in this corner of the internet 💐🌷
GAHHH how are all of you so freaking sweet?! i don't know how much longer my heart is going to be able to take it FR 😭 i'm so honored that you're glad you've found me, because i'm glad that i found you, too! i hope you're having a great day and that you've been taking care of yourself because if you haven't... i'm coming over there 🏃‍♀️ / j NAH i kid, i kid, but i really do value you as a mutual / friend and love seeing you on the dash just so you know <33
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ereardon · 1 year
For your celebration, are there any situations you could share with Jake and Mini involving Will’s wedding?
Congrats on the milestone!! 🎉
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Thank you, Tay!!
Omg Will and Hannah's wedding!!!
In my head, it's at Hannah's family's estate somewhere like St. Michaels, MD or Old Greenwich, CT. Hope you enjoy!
Jake stands at the front with Will, the two of them wearing matching tuxes, a few other Dartmouth brothers also part of the bridal party.
Meredith is the second last to go down the aisle as maid of honor. Hannah opted to have each girl walk down the aisle solo instead of arm-in-arm with a groomsman.
She rounds the corner in the white silk dress that Hannah chose for her – slightly untraditional, and the choice to have the bridesmaids also wear white sent at least one great aunt into a frenzy.
Her hair is swept up in a loose bun, hands gripping a bundle of peonies. Jake's breath catches in his throat when he spots her at the edge of the aisle, the sunlight illuminating her from behind.
Will turns around at an angle. He sees the way Jake is looking at Meredith. Like he's watching an angel. And perhaps for the first time he realizes what they mean to each other. When he turns back, Meredith is at the end of the aisle. She grins, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Finally," Meredith whispers. "Doing a smart thing for once in your life."
Will grins. "Best decision I've ever made."
Over his shoulder, Jake smiles. He catches Meredith's eye and winks. She knows what that means. It's why she's naked underneath her silky bridesmaid dress. It's also how the two of them end up with her dress bunched up around her hips and his tux pants unzipped, pressed against the door of Hannah's parent's guest room, trying to be as quiet as they can with the rest of the wedding party milling around the cocktail hour only ten feet away in the living room and spilling out onto the back patio.
After, Jake zips his pants, running one hand over Meredith's hair, pushing it back from her face.
"Maybe one day that'll be us out there," Jake whispers.
Meredith shakes her head. "I don't need some big frilly wedding. I love Hannah, but God if Over The Moon doesn't cover this on their IG page she'll have a fit."
Jake laughs. "But a wedding, maybe? Some day?"
Meredith shakes her head again and Jake feels a lump grow in his throat. He needs a stiff drink. Then Meredith opens her mouth. "You and me, and Will and Han can come, too. Just a boat on open water, a really late dinner after. Maybe off the coast of Portugal in the summer. You can wear tan pants and a white linen shirt and I'll wear a slinky little dress that you'll no doubt rip off the second we get back to our room." Jake chuckles. "Just you and a bottle of good wine. That's all I need."
Jake pulls her in, presses a kiss to the top of her head. "Sounds perfect, honey."
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 272
Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell/Smile
“Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”
Plot Description: The Winchesters must unravel a complicated case of a demonic deal one wrong when an invisible hellhound claims a soul at a campsite
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: yes because I wouldn’t be camping. Too many people on supernatural die while camping for me to ever go
Aw man, they were (maybe) gonna get engaged
Deeeeeean being interested and still grossed out in how many monster parts are…all over him
Why is Sam’s……….Sam named his monster hunting algorithm Frodo. That’s so unbelievably cute. Sam has a Frodo he takes along to defeat evil 🥹
What….what is Cas even investigating?? I forgot that this came out before last year for a second and I really thought this guy believed the queen was killed by aliens and not that she was one
I hate this restaurant owner. Even Castiel can see through his bullshit
Unfortunately, there IS something, but it’s not aliens, it’s angels and demons
Literally though, I am ON Crowley’s side but in the way I’m terrified for him. He’s been so much about self preservation this WHOLE TIME, why would you fuck up and do to Lucifer what he did to you?? Are you out of your goddamn mind?? He is AWFULLY sure of himself and i don’t think he should be
Has he been spending ALL his time taunting Lucifer instead of his Hell responsibilities??
I get so tickled when normal ass people get dragged into conversations they shouldn’t around the Winchesters. This woman doesn’t NEED to know the whole backstory of the hellhound that tried to kill her straight from Crowley’s mouth, but she’s getting it and she’s taking it surprisingly well
Omg did these demons double cross Crowley and purposely let out the hellhound that’s only loyal to Lucifer?? It’s really that simple? Look, I love Crowley as a character but the simplicity of Lucifer’s plans is so fucking good
Ok nope, they did this on their own (probably…maybe?). They planned all that out of loyalty to Lucifer, but Lucifer had nothing to do with it (maybe). Crowley really needs to get his house in order
Do you really WANT to be back under Heaven’s thumb, Cas?? You know better…you know who your family is.
Lucifer is gonna kill these demons IMMEDIATELY after getting freed. He doesn’t have the bureaucratic heart Crowley does….he doesn’t care about the deal he just made. HE’S THE ACTUAL FUCKING DEVIL FROM THE BIBLE
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I get it, girl. I, too, would like to give Crowley a hug. He’s gonna need it
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Sorry not sorry for loving characters that sit like this, especially on a throne
Oh holy shit. How…how did Crowley turn off Lucifer’s ARCHANGEL POWERS?!?! How’s he absolutely kicking Lucifer’s entire ass? I’m not attracted to Crowley but this is doing something for me. So much for Crowley getting soft over the years
I know that name from Good Omens! Dagon was not as powerful in that…
Castiel. I can’t believe you’re going back to heaven…
SAMUEL I-DONT-KNOW-YOUR-MIDDLE-NAME WINCHESTER!!! I don’t know how I didn’t see it. I’m feeling a little dumb that I got fooled. To be fair, there was a lot that went on between when I watched yesterday’s episode and now. Of course “Frodo” is actually the BMoL. I’m so mad at him and me
Oh Dean. Dean. Deeeeeeeeean…you shouldn’t have had to find out this way. More people need to be honest with him forever and always. How can you look at his betrayed face and ever want to see that again??
He’s taking it way better than I expected. Is it practice? From feeling betrayed so often? And so recently? He’s still hurt though….
Plot Description: The Doctor takes Bill to a spectacular city--but where are the colonists?
Ahaha! I've wised up since last time! Now, WHY does my tv like to occasionally not show the video and only give me the audio? I don't know, but at least now I know better than to think they're gonna serve me up a blank screen for ten minutes.
As a mode of transportation, the TARDIS is a funny thing. It CAN take you anywhere, but hearing that you don't steer it, you negotiate with it...maybe I've been a driver too long. Even though driving is basically second nature, hearing about having to actually negotiate with your mode of transportation....like....we haven't had to do that since horses.
Why...why is the Doctor not supposed to go off-world? Like, I'm glad we're finally finding a balance between the Moffat- and RTD-esque seasons, but I do want to know now, please and thank you. Also, why doesn't Nardole like Bill?? Bill's great!!!!
Oh...I don't like this place they're going. It is literal toxic positivity central. If you get too sad you get basically vaporized??? Boooooo
Oh good, the explanation (so far) is he did a thing, something happened, he made an oath to not leave Earth. Thanks, Doctor.
I know there's a difference between hieroglyphs and memes and emojis when it comes to communication, but i do love that a form of picture communication has survived millions of years onto humanity's first colony. Did it have to be emojis though?
Omg, the little emoji badge the Doctor has and it's puzzled face is adorable. However...the reasoning behind it is less cute. Oh, when he said skeleton crew...he...he meant the crew sent here to set everything up has been turned to skeletons
I doubt you'll be safe outside of the city precisely because you said you would be. However, in the TARDIS seems pretty safe.
It's so funny that this "have to appear happy" story was given to Twelve. The only one who could possibly also have such a funny time doing this is Nine. Ten and Eleven could appear genuinely happy at any moment if they needed. Twelve needs to convince these robots, and he still doesn't SOUND happy
Billllllll, don't let the TARDIS hear you call this a proper spaceshippp please. I like you too much
Actually, Bill, I'm so sorry I said that to you. This is like a Star Wars spaceship...the interior makes no sense and OSHA would have a FIT if they could see the lack of railings on these bridges. You were right
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Someone, anyone, George Lucas, explain to me why very important technology is always kept in the middle of four walkways over the gaping maw you’re generously calling a room and there are no railings, pleasenowtellmeyes?
Coolcoolcool. All the work the Doctor did just now is for nought and he may have egregiously fucked up…I KNOW they’ll save humanity, they always do, but HOW? Yeah. So he was TRYING to blow up this whole city…….until the people who were cryogenically frozen started waking up.
Oh. Fun. I mean, it does make a certain amount of sense that these robots would start to learn and expand their knowledge, wrong as it may be, that grief is the enemy of happiness and that to eradicate anything that doesn’t bring happiness, you actually have to kill the very people you’re there to help keep alive…which just causes more and more grief. Yikes
Don’t vaporize the kidddddddddddddd. Please don’t do that
Ok ok ok. You hit the reset button, you turned it off and turned it on again, you wiped the robots’ memories, but did you disable the function that allowed them to do what they did? Did you keep them from killing everyone again somewhere down the line??
What a weird solution. Like, sure, the Vardi (spelling optional) became sentient and are therefore pseudo-indigenous to this planet (brought here not sentient, gained sentience while here), but to then make them basically the humans’ landlords and potentially force the human race to only exhibit ‘positive’ emotions for the rest of their time on this planet is A WEIRD SOLUTION, DOCTOR
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The Old Photo Album
It's hard to believe it was eight years ago...
My first love, my first date, my first kiss; you'll always hold a special place in my heart.
So, here's a special story about you.
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"Luc! For goodness’ sake, it's already six, so get up and go. Chop chop! Today’s your first day of eleventh grade class. Don't miss your class!" Mom shouted.
I was startled awake by the screams of my mother.
Me? A morning person? I hate mornings. Getting ready for school in the morning and sitting on my bed without a shirt for ten minutes, thinking about how much I hate school.
"Argh! You don't have to scream."
“What has changed since I was a tenth grader? It's not even half-past six, mom." I murmured, hiding my face in the pillow.
I looked up a few minutes later to see my mum exiting my room. The cold weather in this city made it much more difficult for me to get out of bed. I hurriedly left this secluded spot for the bathroom. I rode my bike through the city to get to school quickly.
A few of my classmates were already waiting for me at the school gate. What a significant figure.
"What's up, Luc? We haven't seen each other in three weeks, it feels like a whole year has passed!" Jane gave me a bear embrace as I was still toting my bike around.
“We were just talking the other day at the cafe, right? Lemme park my bike first." I uttered those words as I hurried to get to the parking lot.
“Our class is about to start," said someone greeting me from a distance.
“OMG. Aidan! When did you come? It’s good to see you again.”
Aidan frowned, "Yeah, Luc, I was behind you. Can't you see it?"
It's not my fault if I didn't get to see him. I was in a hurry to get to the parking lot; he looked disappointed, yet I can't blame myself for that.
"I'm so sorry. Alright, let's go to class."
The class started with art lessons. My classmate was surprised when she heard a boy's voice greet her from the far corner of our window class. I halted what I was doing to pay attention to what they were saying.
            "Psst!" I whispered to her, “Is that Shaen?” I muttered it once again as I kept my gaze fixed on the view outside.
"Yes, Luc. Why? Do you secretly have a crush on him?"
I was confused by her question; I'm baffled as to how she came to that conclusion about me liking him. "Ehh, not really, but is it possible if I can get to know him?"
"Luc, he's already got someone. There must be a better option out there for you!" She bursted out laughing.
I got up from my damn chair where I was painting. I still looked at Shaen, who was talking to my friend Claire.
"Hey, Luc! C'mere! I want to introduce you to Shaen!" She waved at me.
Shit shit shit.
I look at his face from a distance. His hair was pitch black, but his pupils were something eyes couldn't trust. His face was like an angel when he smiled at me. I greeted him and shook his hand as we approached one another.
"Hey, you're Luc, right? I'm Shaen, nice to meet you." He curled a sweet smile on his lips.
My voice stuttered, "Oh yeah, I'm Luc. It's good to see you."
"Can I have your contact?" Shaen asked. 
I laughed at the question that came out of his mouth. What century on earth is he still asking me about a phone number; he could possibly have asked me about my Twitter account.
            “Uh, sorry? Do you mean my phone number?”
            I couldn't believe what I was hearing and couldn't help but wonder if this was the start of our get-together.
"Sure thing, give me your hand!"
I grabbed his right hand and carefully wrote my phone number on the back of his hand. I was aware that his hand had the texture of smooth silk. It has always been a source of my weakness.
My night has been one of my favorite parts of my day ever since we first met. That is odd, to say the least. Indeed the night is so dark that it obscures everything. The times we spent together were some of my favorites. My nights have always been accompanied by our nightly phone calls and text messages, which have drawn feelings that are difficult to escape. Rumor has it that he broke up with his girlfriend. I was in a state of disbelief. I despise my gloomy notions about what's to come.
The next morning, Shaen stood outside the school's front gate, waiting for someone. I let my mind wander to him while standing by myself in the center of the basketball court.
My thoughts were immediately shattered when he called me,
"Hey, Luc!" He ran toward me.
"What's the matter?" I asked, looking at his slightly sweaty face.
"We have the day off tomorrow; you know... let's have some fun together." He seized my hand I'd hidden in my jacket and pulled it out.
"Are you asking me out?" I teased him with a smile and pushed his shoulder.
"No!" He shouted.
My heart breaks a little at his rejection.
"I mean…" He trailed as if he was still trying to figure out what to say
"Hangout.. yeah."
I was still entirely confused, but I was compelled to say the following words.
"Yeah, sure, why not." A small smile spreads across both my faces.
"Hang out? Where to go? Don't go to a weird place, okay? I don't like it."
"How about a forest park or a library date?" With his breath still out, he asked, "Okay, tomorrow at nine?"
"Where do you want to pick me up?"
"Just shut up, I know your place is. I asked Jane yesterday. Ugh, tomorrow at ten, get prepared. I'll be waiting in front of your house."
A young boy in a rasta beanie and sunglasses showed up at my doorstep the following morning. I just know he smelled so good.
            “C’mon!” I slugged him in the arm.
If you ask me what I did last night I would say, “I was busy smiling like a mad woman while staring at the ceiling as if his face was there. Yeah … I'm insane.”
Now, he looked at me with sparkling eyes. I even dared to say that his eyes are much warmer than spring. "Did you sleep well last night?" He asked.
I smiled and immediately replied, "Of course," I replied that it was definitely a lie.
To the main goal, which was a hangout even though he previously said 'museum date'. But why was he still in denial? I don't know... the man who was riding the motorbike kinda held his ego. There was a warm conversation when we were on the motorbike until finally, we arrived at a famous museum in this city.
"Do you like art?" I asked him who was busy photographing a statue.
“My body is composed of art. My mother is a painter and my father is a sculptor,” Shaen answered and it amazed me.
"Then what about you?" I kept asking—being with this man made me like the Dora who likes to ask questions. But to be honest, everything about him was surprising and interesting.
"I just enjoy it, I can't paint or make sculptures, just be a connoisseur because my expertise is in music," he replied, which made me even more amazed.
"Music? Who is your favorite singer?”
He was silent, he seemed hesitant to answer my question. “Hm … The 1975.”
Again, I was surprised and suddenly hit his shoulder. “How come, I like them too! Robbers, you have to sing that song for me, it's proof that you really are their fan."
He smiled and nodded slowly. "I thought you didn't have the same taste as me, but actually you are."
I made him chuckle and then he started busy taking pictures of the various kinds of art on display at the museum. I was busy staring at the picture until when I turned around, I saw Shaen taking a picture of me with his analog camera. Suddenly I asked, "What are you doing?"
“Taking the best art in this museum.”
I made a chuckle and lied if at that time my heart condition was fine. Her lips lifted to form a crescent moon, plump lips that captivated anyone who saw her. I didn’t know, who was crazy, basically Shaen really made me like a strange woman because I smiled all day.
After making my heart ruffled, he suddenly asked. "After this stop at the mall to eat, do you want it?"
I just nodded because I had given up on where to take this man. In essence, I just wanted to linger by his side. Then, sure enough, coming home from the museum he went straight to the mall in this city.
"What do you want to eat?" asked Shaen.
You could all guess what I'm going to say, that's for sure. "Up to you."
Amazingly, he was able to catch the meaning of the word ‘up to you’. He took me to an Asian restaurant that had absolutely no seafood there. I didn’t know if it was a coincidence or he knew I am allergic to seafood.
"Jane said you're allergic to seafood." That sentence immediately answered the question that was in my mind.
I didn't have time to answer his question because now our food had arrived. Food that definitely makes my stomach rebel to be filled. The food was really tantalizing and made me and Shaen more focused on eating our food.
After filling our stomachs, we chose to go to a cafe and there was live music. I ordered greentea with him who ordered americano. Don't laugh at the menu I ordered because my stomach really can't take the caffeine from coffee.
"Luc, I'm going to the toilet first, okay?" he asked.
I obviously just nodded letting him go to the toilet with me now sipping greentea. Don't expect me to update on Instagram because at that time, Twitter was much more dominant, so at that time I was busy making tweets on Twitter.
It was a moment of silence and suddenly I heard a song from my favorite singer. The 1975' song Robbers echoes in the café and look, who was singing that song, it was Shaen. His handsomeness was multiplied when he sang while played the guitar. A beautiful voice with a handsome face is a perfect combination. Until the end of the song, he said. “Hi Luc, I wanna be yours, do you wanna be mine?”
At that time, I immediately nodded and he walked over to me, took me in his warmest embrace, he kissed my forehead until the kiss moved to my lips. Everything about him is beautiful and he is the best first love that God gave me.
I chuckled as I closed the photo album. Nine years on, a very beautiful story of teenagers named Luc and Shaen. My story that can only be remembered, the right story at the wrong time.
"Hi, Shaen. Where are you now?" I muttered before closing the old photo album.
            “—I hope you are fine with your current love, my first love.”
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Falcon and the Winter Soldier Ep. 6 Takeaway
First let me say that I really truly enjoyed this show. I was so nervous at the beginning and I was so nervous for the end, and though there are things that I didn’t like (as to be expected with pretty much any media) my overall excitement was rewarded. I definitely give the show an A and can only hope that we keep getting things like this and WandaVision with their next shows.
Sam and Bucky (and Sharon) coordinating from their different spots. I always like seeing the tactical side of working together in addition to the badass fighting together stuff. 
The officer not questioning Bucky’s presence and calling him Sargent Barnes made me SO happy.
The facial mask thing-y that Natasha had in Cap 2 making a reappearance. Idk why I like that but it’s nice to know that these things are still being utilized.
Sam’s new costume is perfect like the comics!! It’s so often changed that it’s so great to see it on screen! 
“I’m sorry, wait. Who are you?” “I’m Captain America.” The parallel between this is Steve’s “Um...Captain America.” in the First Avenger. 
The subtitles saying “Captain America” now whenever Sam in uniform talks.
Bucky trying to talk Karli down, approaching from a different angle than Sam because it’s what he knows and honestly does want to stop her without it coming to a fight. Especially when he realizes it’s a trap and is all “oh fuck me” and needs to haul ass lol. That is Bucky Barnes to a T. 
“Seriously, Bucky, you had one job.” Omg, Sharon. lmao
Sam’s fight with Batroc was so cool. No serum. Just straight up ass kicking plus the au revoir at the end. Yes please and thank you.
Redwing!!!! Yaaaay!!!! (”a little birdie told me” lmao, Sam.)
Seeing the Vibranium wings in ACTION. Bouncing a freaking helicopter off them! FUCK!!!!! SO COOL!!!
I can watch Bucky Barnes throwing himself off a motorcycle all day long. 
Bucky stopping his fight to save everyone.
John Walker and his stupid Walmart Shield arriving just in time to add fire to fire. Thanks, bro. 
Bucky specifically being thanked for rescuing them. He’s spent so much time with so much guilt that having just one person say “thank you for rescuing us” actually made him pause. He’s spent so much time as the “villain” that he’s forgotten he can be the hero and it’s so good to see that finally hit him. 
The metal arm scraping across the ground. Good god. 
Sam popping out of the water and “Boy, you earned this ass whooping!”
That helicopter scene holy SHIT is Sam amazing. 
And some applause for Ayla, too!!!! 
John Walker ultimately choosing to save people instead of going on with his vendetta. Very comic book in character. 
Bucky watching in horror as the van is slowly going over the edge and then smiling in wonder and awe as Captain America saves them all. 
“That’s the Black Falcon there! I tell you!” “Nah. That’s Captain America!” Tears. Actual tears. SO MANY TEARS. Sam Wilson IS CAPTAIN AMERICA, baby!!!
Uh, yeah, so Bucky stopping weapons mid-air is one of my favorite things ever.
Okay, Batroc, go the fuck away now, we’re done with you. 
I do like that when push comes to shove, the mission outweighed their personal grudges and Sam and Bucky “teamed up” with Walker. Not that it was 100% trust on their side. I think Bucky followed Walker bc “eeeeh....can we really trust him?” and since he has no doubt Sam can handle himself, but also, we’re fighting the same thing right as of this moment so lets just keep our heads and do it. 
I am absolutely not thrilled with the direction they took Sharon. Like. Not at all. I’m...reserving full judgement for what I’m assuming will come in the future but like. No. Nuh-ah. Not happy with it.
Sam trying so hard to help Karli. The fact that he legit refused to fight her and she tried so hard to get him to fight back and he just wouldn’t. So beautiful and poignant. Sam’s fighting style. Sam perseverance. Just. Everything about that.
As good as the scene was (and I think it was great. The set up. How it all went down. The raw emotion) I’m kinda bummed they killed Karli. I was hoping Sam could at least talk her down first. However, the emotion and symbolism of her dying in his arms, and whispering “i’m sorry” was so heartbreaking. 
The way Bucky and Walker got the rest of the Flag Smashers was hilarious.
Sam carrying Karli’s body cradled in his arms and flying down with her like a literal angel? I mean. Just rip my heart out. 
“You have to stop calling them terrorists.” and “Your peacekeeping troops carrying weapons are forcing millions of people into settlements around the world, right? What do you think those people call you.” These first few lines of Sam’s speech. God, thank you.
Sam’s Captain America Speech. No fuck’s given. I’m so glad they didn’t hold back and just let him really give that powerful speech. Unabashedly saying “I’m a Black man carrying the stars and stripes. What don’t I get?”. Admitting the weight that comes with it and the judgement he feels. Not backing down. Telling the world he is Captain America “no super serum, no blond hair or blue eyes”. Defending Karli and trying to get them to understand what she was trying to do and why she was trying to do it. Sam was 100% born to be Captain America. 
Everyone watching Captain America’s speech. Bucky. Walker. Isaiah and Eli. Joaquin. Sarah. The world. Beautiful watching Captain America deliver his first speech. 
“Sorry I was texting so all I heard was Black guy in stars and stripes...nice job, Cap.” That back clap Bucky gives Sam there? ((#boyfriends))
“Can you help?” “Always.” 
Very happy that Zemo had another villain move up his sleeve. Didn’t really dig the whole “i’m so graceful feel sorry for me” thing. 
John Walker becoming US Agent.  
Oh and, excuse me while I geek out over Valentina, Walker, Zemo...@marvel, I see where this might be headed. Please don’t let me down!
Bucky making his amends with Nakajima. The overwhelming emotions. The fear of admitting it. I kinda wish we saw a little more but I’m also okay with the ambiguity of it and knowing that Bucky knows that he at least gave him closure and is coming to accept that his role as the winter soldier was not his fault. 
Also liked Bucky giving the book to his therapist. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I take no issues with her and I do think that Bucky felt she helped him.
Eli Bradley is fucking adorable. 
Sam’s conversation with Isaiah. All that hope he represents while not erasing the pain that Isiah and generations before them suffered. Still wanting to fight for what’s right just because it’s the right thing to do. Isaiah not condemning Sam’s choice. Beautiful and poignant. 
Um. The museum scene? Yeah, I had to pause for a good ten minutes before I could actually continue with the show. Isaiah Bradley and all his men deserved that ((and so much more)) for so long. The catharsis so visible when Isaiah hugs Sam so tight. The zoom in on the statue. Okay, I’m crying again. 
Yeah, so when Bucky’s boyfriend has a BBQ he shows up like dancing like a dork with a cake and plays with all the kids.
Honestly, happiness looks so good on him. It’s so nice to see that again. 
They really ended it with Sam and Bucky embracing and walking off together in the sunset. 
Again, still not thrilled with what’s going on with Sharon but clearly they’re setting up for something so...I’m putting a bookmark in to hold my judgement. 
Bc honestly, my biggest focus is:
Seriously though, overall, I think this was one of the best things Marvel has put out there in a while and I know I’ll come back to it again and again. Here’s hoping to more Cap to come!!!! 
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
My nieces are fanders
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Summary: When you meet a super cute guy and land a date with him, you definitively want to gush about him with someone. In Nico’s case that someone is his oldest sister. The visit holds a surprise for him though.
This is part of a bigger story which starts here
Nico was humming to himself as he walked up the driveway to his older sister’s house.
“I can’t wait to tell Marcia all about Thomas!” Félix gushed. It’d been a week since they met him and while they had yet to look him up, deciding it was cheating a little to watch his content and maybe accidentally see more than Thomas wanted to share before they even went on their first date. Ràmon, his morally flexible, deceptive facet, still thought they should at least just check his accounts to make sure he didn’t oversell himself. “I’m sort of known on youtube” might just have been an exaggeration to impress him. Léon, his fury, was already working himself up over being misled when the others came to Thomas’ defense. He seemed rather humble about all his accomplishments. He deserved the benefit of the doubt. “She’ll be so excited for us!” Fabio, his heart, gushed. “Hope mom and dad won’t be too upset that they aren’t the first we told…” Alejo worried as he bit his lip. “We will tell them about Thomas if we come to a stage where we are ‘officially’ dating him,” Diego, his logic, reminds him. It was how they did things. His parents were a bit too supportive sometimes. If he mentioned Thomas, mom would start insisting he come over for dinner no matter how Nico insisted they weren’t that serious yet. His father would ask questions he didn’t have answers for and he would feel entirely too pressured… Best to tell them after he and Thomas got a bit farther. And he really hoped he would get to tell them about him soon. He rang the bell and soon the door opened to reveal a beaming Marcia. “You smelled my cooking didn’t you?” she asked. Nico chuckled. “You caught me,” he confessed as he threw his hands up in surrender while letting her embrace him. “It’s good to see you again hermanito,” she sighed before letting him go and leading him inside. “Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. Yi will be home soon and he’ll entertain the kids afterwards so you can tell me what’s got you sparkling like the fourth of July.” Marcia looked back at him and quirked a brow curiously. Nico blushed a little. He was that obvious huh? His sisters eyes lit up and she was grinning like th cat that got the cream. Well he just confirmed her suspicion. “Okay, sounds good,” he muttered casually. Luckily Marcia let it go for now. “Can I get you something to drink?” she asked. “Just a glass of water is fine,” Nico assured her while he leaned against the kitchen counter to watch her work. “Tio Nico!” Nico looked up and saw Marcia’s oldest, his 15 year old niece Carla run up towards him to give him a hug. He embraced his niece with a smile and ruffled her hair. “How are you kids doing?” he asked as the teen girl let go. “Fine. Felicia hasn’t finished her homework yet, but she will be down in a minute.” Nico nodded taking note of cousin’s pronouns for today. It had been an adjustment for everyone when Fabien came out of his room wearing a skirt for the first time and asked to be called Felicia on days she felt more feminine, but they hardly slipped up anymore. “We have something awesome to show you!” Carla continued her eyes sparking with excitement. “Oh?” he asked curiously. “What is it?” “Don’t start without me!” Felicia exclaimed as she rushed through the door and hugged Nico as well. “Now I’m getting nervous,” Nico chuckled as he let his nieces push him into a chair and sit down next to him. Carla was looking something up on her phone while Felicia seemed to be using hers to film him. “Tio Nico. Have you ever been serenaded by a stranger?” Felicia asked. The general confusion in Nico’s head left him with no other response other than cocking his head. “Um… no…?” he replied. His nieces giggled. And then Carla pushed her phone in front of him and they shoved earbuds into his ears. She pressed play and before he knew it he was faced with…. “Thomas!!!!” Félix  screeched in his head. It was unfair of him to look so handsome. And then he started singing! “Nico, radiant and pure. Always so, accepting and secure. Never knew anyone so kind. So funny and sharp of mind. All this to say… Have a nice day.” And then he winked! Nico’s nieces were giggling at his flustered face. Alejo inspected the screen and found a description in the corner. “This week’s #shout out Sunday goes to all the nice Nico’s of the world” he read out as he slowly relaxed. Nothing that insinuated Thomas was thinking of a particular Nico. His nieces had probably just thought it was fun to show him the video. Perhaps they thought he’d be enchanted by the handsome stranger with the voice of an angel seemingly singing for him. They weren’t entirely wrong. “That’s Thomas Sanders. He’s our favorite youtuber,” Felicia explained. Nico nodded a little dumbfounded. “He’s a singer?” he guessed, though he knew he was more than that. But he was not ready to tell his nieces he’d met this man and was going on a date with him next week. “And an actor, and the nicest person alive!” Clara explained. “He lives in Florida and he is gay…” Félicia added not too subtle, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Stop teasing your uncle girls. Set the table. We’ll be eating soon.” Nico was relieved. The rest of the evening he struggled to pay attention to the conversations at the dinner table. His mind was absolute chaos “He serenaded us! Actually serenaded us!” Felix gushed dancing around unable to contain his elation. “And it does sound like he is somewhat successful in entertaining his audience. He was telling the truth it seems,” Ràmon allowed. Leon nodded, calming down significantly. Leon had been part of the deeper recesses of Nico’s mind for a long time. Until one day he was called by a panicked Carla who was hiding from bigots with her sister. Nico had hurried over and gotten them out. But he’d been so close to hitting one of those kids. It had been Alejo who, in his worry for the girls’ well-being, had managed to hold Leon back enough to allow Fabio to reason with him. His writings had taken a much angrier tone for a few days after. Ever since that day,  Nico was aware that he could get violent when angry and he’d been working on managing Leon without pushing him away. Like Alejo he was mostly overprotective of the others and Nico’s loved ones. He just jumped more on Alejo’s fight aspect than the flight part. “He was so nice!” Fabio gushed. “Does he really think all that about us?” Alejo wondered flustered. “It seems quite likely that he does,” Diego concluded. “Just as we have made some observations about him that may or may not be accurate,” he added, soothing Alejo’s worry a bit. Shifting him more to the excited side of his spectrum. “Well? Spill!” Marcia insisted when they found themselves alone on the patio after dinner. Nico sipped from his glass and didn’t look at his sister while he just spilled the truth. “I met a really cute guy at the mall this week, and we’re going out for lunch in two days.” Marcia barely contained her squealing. “Finally! Tell me everything!” she demanded. And just like that, his excitement at being able to gush about the whole meeting returned. Marcia was a good listener. She knew the story ended well but she acted like she actually thought he might miss his shot with his determination to get some work done and not to bother the mysterious stranger. When he got to Thomas’ confession she was vibrating with excitement. “He sounds so adorable!” Nico flushed. “Yeah… He’s an actor and singer…” “Ooooh, someone to sing your songs!” she exclaimed. “And his name is Thomas Sanders…” Maricia’s eyes widened as understanding dawned on her. “Now that explains the look on your face when you saw that video…Wait that was for you? If mama ever sees it then she’ll insist you marry him you know that right?” she laughed. So not only did she know of Thomas, she had seen the video in question. “Yeah… She probably will. Have you seen anything else of his?” “I try to be aware of what my kids are watching online. He has two channels and about 3,4 million ‘Fanders’ last I checked.” “Oh my god!!!!” Felix gushed. Overwhelmed by both the cute fandom name and the dazzling number of fans. “Definitely not a liar,” Ràmon breathed in relief. He had been reluctant to get his hopes up until now. He was cautious, wary of things that were too good to be true. Just like Alejo. But their anxious look out was, in his eyes at least, compromised on the subject due to his close tie to the butterflies clouding all their feelings and thoughts. Now however, it seemed that his biggest doubts were adressed, he felt free to look forwrad to the date like everyone else. “He is a good guy, going by his content. And he is really cute.” Nico chuckled. “Yeah he is,” he agreed.
When he got home he was actually planning to freak out a bit more and debate over whether or not to watch some video’s. If for no other reason than to just see him do something he loved. Was that stalkerish? Luckily his phone alerted him to a text. Thomas. It was a cute dog picture. Nico smiled. He did that sometimes. Sent him things just to make him smile. N: You are such a dork. TS: I refuse to apologize for that! TS: I can’t wait until our lunch date! Nico hesitated for a moment. But then he went all in. N: Missing my radiant presence that much? God that was cheesy. Was it too cheesy? He is not like this! Not usually. Or maybe he was and Thomas just brought it out of him. TS: OMG you saw!!!!? N: My nieces thought it would be funny to see how I’d react when a ‘stranger’ serenades me. TS: Fanders!? Oh my goodness that is amazing! TS: You weren’t bothered? I get that it might seem a bit weird. “He is so precious!!!!” Fabio squealed. “I know right? This is not healthy for us! It can’t be,” Félix exclaimed clutching his heart and leaning on Alejo for support. Who promptly stepped away and let him fall to the floor with a grin. “Not a couch,” he reminded his friend who was pouting for a bout two seconds before his excitement overpowered his annoyance. N: It was awesome, don’t worry. I was very flattered. Your singing voice is amazing. TS: Thanks. Should he ask? If Thomas says it’s okay then it’s fine right? N: Okay if I watch some more of your singing? There he asked. No backing out. TS: Of course! Fair warning, if you find vines, some are cringy and sometimes I play a straight man. Vines huh? Wow, that felt like ages ago. Thomas had mentioned his misleading complements when they talked. N: Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. Goodnight. TS: Goodnight. “Are we really doing this?” Alejo wondered as Nico typed in ‘Thomas Sanders Vines’ in the search bar of Youtube. One look at the results had Nico in stitches. “He’s such a goofball!” Fabio squealed clapping his hands as he saw Thomas’ smiling face on every thumbnail in various goofy situations. How was he supposed to choose? “Oooh! That one is him reacting!” Félix exclaimed pointing at a three year old video.  Nico nodded in agreement and clicked on the video. First this and then see if he could find some more videos of Thomas singing. He didn’t know it. But he was in for a wild ride.
I might write one more chapter, but then it’s over until Thomas posts his next video in three years. I want to stick to the canon as much as possible. You’ll hear from me if that changes though! Enjoy!
@rich-flower-17 @maryann-draws @selenechris @meowthefluffy @chibibunnis @whatishappeningrightnow @floofyconfusednerd @destinyiscallingus  @98prilla @catsarebestest @falpiancaraxus @queer-mattress-king @verysharkbakerydeputy​ @sarenicide @kitcatgirl600 @stariimayplayz @queer-devil @celestialviper @hennehennehennehoo​ @1americaninapool @firstorderfilms @xxmoonmorquanxx @naturallyunstablegamer @ciannathegiver58 @reeaninenine @pdvzh2 @rubixcubes-and-crowbars @not-a-possum-i-swear @nadja-chamack16 @ayidakira @theclassyghost @such-as-we-are-made-such-we-be @theblackveilinreverse @lucasdrawblog @erinriver5 @theshortgothicpunk @titheinironside @shipsarebeautiful @hoppe-ideas @i-died-50-years-ago @just-a-thing-to-do @the-magicalpotato @ rosethevoid @justfinsworld @supanxietysworld @kay-is-kid @devoteddeceit @friskthefallenmonster @liveonmercury @impalasquiptyseven @frida0043 @meow-face @baguettewoman2020 @sing-it-for-the-gays @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @snowcatwhiteangel @to-many-hotpockets @greenlasagagramfel @elliwashere @errors-in-my-heart @xxstill-i-risexx @ontheground15 @stubbornness-and-spite @potatiowatchingyoutube @nina-maee @sablesides @alias290 @s0n-of-a-peach @starlightnyx @idrawdumbstffsometime @shadowqueen88 @stars656 @lets-go-emma-of-the-100-fandoms @avocados26 @hanna10hanna10 @astrozei @thunderboldt1312 @galaxy-girl1999 @toknowaliar @musicobsessed1505 @tired-yeetling @athenashipsthings @firegirl156 @pomegranate-ghost @jerasings @strangest-loser @kittylikesflowers @pollyparrot8 @atdffpetra @altheaudaku @amberpeltsstuff @smallwaffle224 @cdragontogacotar @angelic-cali @fandoms1reality0 @contemplativespectrum @hedgiehoggles @alicethetrueunicorn @disasterlesbon @marguii-14 @emo-nightmare-without-the-emo @onecannotbebrave @confused-bi-and-ready-to-die @aelingalathynius6 @hetacon @booksfoodmusic-minion @maya-custodios-dionach @iwispkid @virgofoxy @simplification @emoghost-boy @hickledickle @crackedcurse @softballobsessed @hi-fellow-demons @mygenderisbees @lavenderchaitea @greekgeekgoddess @kuroyurishion @pauleyester
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blackidyll · 3 years
New neotwewy trailer dropped!! Neku glitching thru the streets oh no D: he better be ok!!! Also the new twewy anime ep made my whole day, Neku's fanboying over CAT was SO wholesome how's this cuteness even legal
i finally had some time after work hell deadlines to look this up and it’s the opening movie right?? for a two minute clip it packed in so much i’m kind of still breathless after watching it. two of my favourite things about the original game was the super distinct artstyle and the unique soundtrack and literally this trailer/movie had ALL OF THAT DIALED UP TO THE MAX and it just makes me smile so so much omg. and that ten second sneak of twister. and the lyrics 
neku neku neku they’re just going to keep slipping us glimpses of him huh? so i’ve absolutely missed this memo somewhere but is it true that neo is set three years after twewy??? (i know a lot of japanese gaming mags + the ntwewy japanese twitter release snippets/trivia but i can’t keep up). so it’s true then that neku does seem older than fifteen here. the glitch effects and the fact that he’s been in (and surviving) the freaking game/UG for three years is convincing me more than ever that he’s playing a secret report/acting behind the scenes type of role for this game. like at this point, has he even managed to reach some unique form of noise, kind of like minamimoto in his taboo form? the original game has always emphasized how unique neku’s abilities were (the fact that he can use all the psychs, and can even call on rhyme’s noise form from a pin despite not being a reaper) so it won’t surprise me at all if he’s managed to transcend the frequencies and become a new unique kind of entity in the UG............. especially if the composer and the producer are actively backing him behind the scenes. or even if they aren’t, I mean, aren’t noise/players/UG/alive people in the RG/all the way to the angels all just a matter of tuning to different frequencies? gosh who knows maybe even shinjuku’s destruction has messed up the frequencies so much that neku is able to take advantage of it on his own (but i like the idea that he’s supported by at least someone, whether that’s the composer/producer or whoever, since twewy was all about -trust your partner- and opening up to others, so i like to think neo!neku is living that principle loud and clear, and not lone-wolfing it). 
(i am dying to know what is going on with the composer and the producer. i know we’re not going to see any hint of them at all in the neo trailers, because spoilers! but ahhhhhhhhhhh) 
i haven’t had time to catch up with the latest anime episodes (i watched all of shiki’s episodes up to the end of week one!) so once work hell improves (i’ve been dying since labour’s day which IRONICALLY I HAD TO WORK ON) and hopefully deadlines will end by next week I can binge watch all of joshua’s episodes! i’m really excited for those and your previous message about them having ice cream makes me all \(*u*)/ because i love them and having more little moments between the characters will be excellent (i love the little hangout sessions we saw of shiki/rhyme/beat/neku in the anime that we didn’t really get in the game ahaha) 
thank you as always for keeping me updated with twewy news!! and letting me hype about the series as a whole!!!!!! 
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aspenflower17 · 4 years
Finding You (Part Ten of ??)
Aha! Finally it is done!
Hey everyone! It’s been one Monday of a week, but I finally had today (Saturday) off so I finally got to work on this update. I also thought I’d give you guys an update on my scheduling. One of the supervisor’s at work is done with her semester at college, so I’m probably not going to have a set schedule for awhile. That means the only day I know I will have off is Sunday. I usually work on writing on my day off, so updates are probably going to vary wildly from week to week. If I don’t get one out the rest of the week, you should see an update from me on Sunday (though it might be at a late hour, like this week).
Anywho, I hope you’re all doing alright and that you’re staying safe. I know I have some readers who recently had Finals Week (or whatever the equivalent of that is for you). I want to congratulate you on finishing your semester (because it is a big accomplishment), and that I hope you got high marks on your respective tests/projects/ect.
So, as always, if you’re new here, here is the link to Part One. You can also find the links to all the parts on my Master List if you’ve missed any of the other updates :)
This update was brought to you by the support of the following: @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed @magi-minminxiii @rensphilia @a-dream-at-night @chloelikesobeyme @getbehindme-satan @theuglypugling (Seriously, thanks so much for the support you guys! I love each and every one of you!) If you’d like to be on the tags list for any future updates, please just drop a comment below or send me a message!
Word Count: 4,144
Trigger warnings: There might be some language in this one, Satan gets PISSED
“Will you just sit down Satan? You’re making me nervous,” Asmo complained, watching his brother with concern.
“Yeah. You’re totally breaking my concentration here,” Levi chimed in, not looking up from his game.
“Well, you can take your complaints to Lucifer,” Satan stated, starting what had to be his 200th pass on the same stretch of the ballroom, “I don’t know why we had to be here so early.”
“We got here ten minutes ago,” Belphie sighed, leaning on Beel, “You’re just nervous.”
“And what if I am?” Satan asked, his anxiety adding bite to the question.
“We’re all nervous,” Beel gently reminded Satan, “We’ve all missed our favorite human.”
“Not human anymore,” Mammon muttered, glaring at some undefined point in front of him, leg shaking anxiously. He had been uncharacteristically quiet ever since the night of the art show, gone most of the day, and retreating to his room when he was home.
An awkward hush fell across the group at his words, everyone’s thoughts turning inward. Satan sighed and sat down, the feathers on his boa trying their hardest to enter his mouth. The lacing on his shirt threatened to strangle him along with the collar, and his tail kept flexing around his leg. He was a bundle of nerves, and he couldn’t seem to relax. He had wanted to wear a simple suit or tuxedo, but the invitation from Diavolo had explicitly said demon forms were to be used.
A strangled but disgusted gasp escaped Asmo’s mouth, “What the hell is he doing here?!”
“Another jilted lover Asmo?” Belphie asked, rolling his eyes.
“No! It’s Michael!” Everyone’s head whipped up at that, even Levi.
“OMG! WFT?” Levi exclaimed, eyes large and worried.
“Bro, why is he here?” Mammon nearly growled, glaring at the man in question.
“I don’t know, but I want him to leave!” Asmo’s voice was getting more shrill as time went on.
“Is tha’ Lord Diavolo with ‘im?” Mammon asked, still glaring, though he wasn’t growling anymore.
“OMG, you’re right. They're laughing together too!” Levi narrated.
Beel had joined Mammon in glaring at Michael, as his twin smiled smugly, “Oh, you guys didn’t know?” Everyone looked over at that and you could tell Belphie was relishing in the shock, “Mc came with some angels. I hear Luke’s here too.”
“How can you possibly be happy about this?”
“What are you all gawking at? You all look like you’ve-” Lucifer cut off, finally seeing what his brothers were looking at. If he hadn’t already been in his demon form, Satan was fairly sure he would’ve burst into it immediately, though he didn’t look as surprised as Satan would expect him to.
The absolute contempt and disgust that dripped from that single word had all the brothers sharing looks, most very concerned. Belphie caught Satan’s eye, shooting him a sly, wicked grin. Satan wanted to share in Belphie’s enjoyment, but his mind was taking this new roadblock into account, trying to figure out how this was going to factor into his plan.
Satan didn’t really have an opinion on Michael. He had never really met the angel, his only knowledge of him coming from his shared memories with Lucifer, the little he’d heard from his brothers, and what he’d gleaned from Luke and Simeon’s conversations, not that he really cared. He simply wasn’t someone who mattered. That is, until now.
“Did you know Lucifer?” Asmo asked.
“Diavolo had told me Mc had come with two angels, though he didn’t mention names. I just assumed it was Simeon and Luke,” Lucifer was still watching Diavolo and Michael talking, though he had taken on a frigid demeanor, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. You didn’t have to be the Avatar of Wrath to sense the boiling anger underneath the frosty exterior.
Barbatos walked over to Diavolo and whispered something. The Demon Prince nodded and stood up, the congregation quieting, “Hello and welcome, each and every one of you! I’m so glad you could make it!” he voice boomed out into the 
Levi scoffed, “As if we had a choice.”
“Shaddup. Ya wanted to come jus’as much as the rest of us,” Mammon hissed.
“As most of you know, this ball is in honor of Jane Doe,”
“Wait.. Who’s that?” Beel asked, confused.
“That’s her pseudonym,” Belphie explained softly, Beel nodding his understanding.
“We have other guest’s as well, who came with Jane. Michael, the archangel,” Diavolo gestured to Michael who raised his hand in greeting with a smile, “And Luke, Jane’s older brother. You may all remember him when he was here as one of our first exchange students,” A blonde male who had been sitting by Michael inclined his head.
“Oh my gosh, that’s Luke?!” Asmo said loudly enough some nearby demons looked over.
“I didn’t even recognize him,” Levi murmured.
“Did he say brother?” Mammon asked.
“Shhhh!” Lucifer hissed as Diavolo continued.
“Now for the person you’ve all been waiting for, Jane Doe,” all the brothers held their breath as Mc walked over to Diavolo, an absolute vision. All of the brothers were transfixed, their own personal feelings overcoming everything else. Lucifer, having already seen Mc at the palace was the first to recover, looked over to Satan to see how he was doing. He was encouraged by what he saw. Satan was subconsciously touching his pocket where he knew he letter was at. Though he seemed a bit nervous, the fierce resolve in his eyes made him smile proudly, before looking back to Diavolo.
“I hope you all treat our guests with the same respect and kindness they’ll give to you. With the introductions done, let the party commence!”
“So, what’s the plan Satan?” Asmo asked, bringing the fourth born out of his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you need to talk with Mc right?” at the nod he continued, “Well, how about we help you?”
“We?” Belphie sighed, grabbing a lock of his hair.
“Yes we,” Asmo sighed, rolling his eyes.
Belphie sighed, but turned to look at Satan anyways, “Well, if I have to help, what do you need?”
“I just need to give her a letter,” Satan explained, about to tell everyone they didn’t need to bother, but he didn’t get the chance.
“Don’t you want to talk to her though?” Levi asked.
“Well, I need her to read this first. I didn’t make the best impression last time, and I don’t think I’ll be much better this time around,” Satan admitted, looking chagrined. He hadn’t told any of the brothers the entirety of what happened.
“Easy enough,” Mammon announced, getting up, “We just need to walk over and give it to her then.”
“Not so fast Mammon,” Lucifer said, motioning for him to sit, “She’s probably going to be flanked by those two angels all evening. I don’t know if they’d take well to one of us handing Lillith’s descendant a letter. Luke at least, is aware of Satan’s attachment to Mc, and last time I checked, he’s not a fan of ours. As for the other…” Lucifer trailed off, irritation twisting his features, “Who knows how that may go.”
“So we need to make sure to separate them all,” Levi mused.
“Do you have any ideas on how to do that? Like, anything from one of your anime’s?” Asmo asked.
“I mean, there’s the ‘trying to get the main character and love interest alone’, but it doesn’t always work, though it’s entertaining to watch.”
“Well, we want this to go well,” Asmo sighed, rolling his eyes.
“What about you then? Where’s your grand idea?” Levi scoffed.
“Actually, I do have an idea,” Asmo giggled.
“I really should’ve just done this myself,” Satan sighed, Asmo standing next to him.
“Oh, shush! This will turn out great, just wait.”
“When’s it supposed to work then? I mean, we’ve been standing here for an hour and we haven't caught a glimpse of Mc.”
“Patience, patience. Beel and Belphie… Well, Beel already has Luke distracted with food talk, and Lucifer’s doing a good job of keeping Michael… On his toes, I guess?”
“I do have to admit watching him run away from Michael is amusing,” Satan chuckled, his eyes darting to Lucifer from their perch on the balcony above the dancefloor. He was obviously fighting his pride, knowing he was running away from Michael, but unable to stay and deal with the angel who wouldn’t stop trying to find him, partially due to his pride as well. Looking back to Michael, Satan grinned, “Gotcha!”
“Wha… Oh! There she is! Told you!” Asmo nearly shouted.
“That was my ear.”
“Oop. Sorry.”
Satan watched Mc speak with Michael, noting all the small changes in her behavior. There was a level of refinement that hadn’t been there before, which made perfect sense seeing as how she had been raised in the Celestial Realm by Simeon. She was more graceful for one thing, and seemed more calm and at ease than he remembered her. She did seem more reserved and closed off than before, though that could just because she was talking with a superior. She was fairly open with me until I screwed it up, so hopefully she retained that part of herself, and hopefully I didn’t screw it up.
Asmo sighed, “Lucifer isn’t doing his job.”
“Did you really expect him to? He did say he didn’t want to be part of whatever you were planning.”
“Well, Michael chose to follow him. He was chosen. It’s fate.”
“Still doesn’t mean he’s going to actively participate.”
“Fine. Looks like I’m going to have to have Mammon and Levi do some work for us.”
“You really don’t have to do this. I can handle it.”
“Yeah, but that’s no fun. I also want to mess with Michael as much as possible.”
“Fine. What do we do next?”
“We have to get down onto the dance floor. I’m calling Mammon right now.”
They found the staircase closest to Mc and Michael and made their way down, Asmo on his DDD the whole time, “Yes… Do you see us? Oh, there you are. Do you see them? No, left… Left! Your other left! Mammon, how are you this stupid?... I’m not the one who can’t see-... No, you listen! I can’t stand that you-... How dare you! I- Ugh, fine… Yup, just distract him…” Asmo laughed, “No, though I would pay to see that. Maybe, walk past and see if he takes the bait?... Well, you’re just going to have to deal with it Levi… Look, the sooner we get this done, the sooner you can get back to your game… Wow, I thought you wanted Mc back, but I guess not. I’ll just have to make sure she doesn’t spend anytime with you… Then get your act together! Okay, Mammon, we’re close enough now. Alright, take it away.”
Satan watched as Mammon and Levi stepped out of the crowd, Mammon talking loudly enough to turn a lot of heads. Unfortunately, Michael was not one of these, though Mc seemed interested in what was going on. She seemed to ask Michael about it, but he just brushed it off, continuing to talk.
“Why does Mammon think he’s such hot stuff?” Asmo asked, rubbing his forehead.
“Don’t frown too much. You’ll get wrinkles,” Satan gently chided.
“You’re right,” Asmo sighed, “I just don’t know how to… Whoa. Look at that.”
Satan looked to find Diavolo talking with Mc and Michael. He also spied Lucifer keeping his distance, but frowning so intensely he was surprised Diavolo couldn't feel it. Michael said something and Diavolo laughed delightedly, motioning for Mc and Michael to join him.
“She’s alone now. I’ll cover you!” Asmo hissed, pushing Satan forward.
Mc was sitting on a bench, on the outskirts of the room. She was watching the crowd with interest, eyes bright and curious. Satan hesitated, before steeling himself and walking forward, letter in hand. He was almost close enough to her to call out, when some demon approached her. Satan turned on his heel, and concealed himself in the crowd. He watched the demon extend their hand, heart sinking as he realized what that meant. She smiled and nodded her head, taking their hand as she was escorted out onto the dancefloor.
“What happened? Where’d she go?” Asmo asked, joining his brother.
“Someone asked her to dance before I got there,” Satan muttered irritably.
Satan looked at the time on his DDD. There was only two hours left of the ball, and he still had the letter. The past hour had been spent trying to figure out how to get Luke to leave Mc’s side without much luck. Beel had apparently gone to raid the food table and then the palace kitchen, and Belphie had fallen asleep, so Luke had found his way back to his sister and hadn’t left her side since. Worse yet, it seemed his opinion on demons was unchanged, keeping most of those that came over to talk to the artist at bay with a single look.
“He needs to leave so we can get on with this.” Asmo huffed, upset his plan was failing.
“Well, he is a chihuahua,” Levi said distractedly, “I can’t… say for certain, but he’s probably… Trying to keep her out of trouble… Woot! Got it!”
“Levi, could you stop gaming for five seconds?” Asmo sighed.
“Well, I have bad ideas, so no. You’re lucky I decided to stick around at all,” Levi huffed, eyebrows furrowed, though from the game or Asmo, Satan didn’t know.
“Oh come on! Are you really that upset by my comment?” When Levi didn’t answer, Asmo rolled his eyes and scoffed.
“Do you have any ideas then Levi?” Satan asked
“Not really.”
“Yo, yo, yo! Luke! What’s happenin’ my man?”
Both Mc, Luke and all three brother’s  looked over at Mammon strolling toward the duo through the crowd.
“Is he seriously…?” Levi asked.
“I think so…” Satan answered, shocked.
“How’ve ya’ been?” Mammon asked, grinning at the blonde angel.
“Fine I suppose,” Luke answered, suspicion lacing his words.
“Nice, nice. So, this is your sister?” The emphasis on the word left no interpretation of what he thought of the title.
“Yup. Of course, you can understand an angel’s definition of sibling though, don’t you Mammon?” Luke shot back.
“Oh! You’re Mammon!” Mc said suddenly, turning her full attention to Mammon “I’ve heard a lot about you!”
Mammon turned bright red, “Oh, you’ve heard of the Great Mammon?”
“Of course!” Mc beamed at him.
Mammon started stuttering, “W-W-Well, o-of course ya’ have.”
Mc giggled a bit at that, smiling at the second born, “I was actually hoping you might have some time you could spare to answer some of my questions.”
Satan was sure Mammon was going to combust, but Mc wrapped her arm around his anyways, “We’ll be back Luke.”
The blonde angel seemed like he wanted to argue, but something was holding him back, “I’ll be waiting then.” Mc nodded at him, and then walked off with Mammon.
“Wh… What just happened?” Levi nearly squealed.
“I hear Mammon got to talk to Mc before you did.”
“Shut up Lucifer,” Satan muttered.
“Where are they?” Lucifer asked, and Satan pointed to a bench where Mc and Mammon were sitting. They seemed deep in a conversation.
“Interesting. I had to see it to believe it.”
“What’ve you been doing this whole time?”
“I’ve been… walking around…”
“Hiding from Michael.”
“That would imply I’m scared of him.”
“I do not fear Michael.”
“Good to hear, since he’s coming this way.”
Lucifer instantly started walking forward, stopping by some random succubus, “Hello, Jezebel. Would you like to dance?” Lucifer asked, barely waiting for a response before dragging her out onto the dance floor.
Satan was still chuckling, Lucifer’s discomfort making his misfortune seem better, when a male voice he remembered from memory but had never actually heard addressed him, “Are you Satan, Lucifer’s… son?”
Satan blinked a couple times, “Excuse me?”
“That is you right? Or do you prefer something different? Spawn of Lucifer?” Michael cocked his head a bit, seeming a little confused.
Some rational part of Satan’s brain was the only thing keeping him from jumping on the angel and ripping him to shreds. He couldn’t keep the growl from his voice as he responded, “I am Satan, THE Avatar of WRATH.”
“Oh, I seem to have hit a nerve. My apologies,” Michael said, actually bowing. Satan narrowed his eyes, tail flexing around his leg. Has he always been this stupid? Or is he mocking me?
“I was wondering if we could speak. Privately,” Michael said, his smile showing he knew he’d said something wrong.
“Anything you want to say you can say here, Michael.”
“I do think it would be better for us to speak privately,” Satan could feel Michael’s irritation building a bit.
“Why? So you can try to hurt my brother’s again by killing another of their siblings?”
The shock on Michael’s face satiated Satan’s anger enough that he almost laughed at it. Michael quickly put on a blank look, but Satan could hear the sorrow in his voice, “Though it is always unfortunate when an angel dies, I do not regret any of my actions. When someone goes against what they know to be right, there will always be consequences.”
“Of course. Always the errand boy, blindly doing whatever it is you’re told to do.”
“How would you know? You weren’t even around to know her. I’m not sure what lies you’ve been fed-”
“I was there, you imbecile,” Satan seethed, “I saw how your actions helped push Lucifer towards rebellion, knowingly or not, and how you stabbed him in the back once he was finally there. I remember them, and I find your actions to be deplorable.”
“Now listen here, you demon-”
“Oh, I’m the demon here?! Shall I describe, in detail, how you-”
“Everythin’ cool here?” Mammon came up next to Satan, putting a calming hand on his shoulder.
Satan whipped his head to look at Mammon, confirming that, yes, Mammon had heard what Michael had said.
“Ah, Mammon. It’s been awhile.”
Mammon looked over at Michael, his disgust thinly veiled, “Yeah, sure.”
“I would like to talk with your… brother, but he doesn’t seem to want to.”
“Good fer him. Tah be honest with ya’, I don’ trust ya’ Michael. I didn’ up in the Celestial Realm, and I don’ now. If ya’ wanna’ talk with Satan, I suggest ya’ do it where we can all see ya’.”
Satan felt two hands on his shoulders, and looked back to see both Beel and Belphie standing behind him. Neither one of them looked very happy, but Beel’s look was a lot more intense than Belphie’s.
Michael sighed, especially after seeing the twins, “If you’re not going to allow me to explain, I can only tell you this: It is imperative she not remember her past. It will hurt both of you more than you could ever know. Now, I have things to do, if you’ll excuse me,” and with that, he left.
“I really don’ like that guy,” Mammon shook his head, “Oh, Satan, hol’ on a sec. Imma be right back,” and with that, he took off.
“You okay Satan?” Beel asked, still frowning after Michael.
“Yeah, things just got a bit intense there for a second. Thanks.”
“I don’t think your thanks is going to stop here. We’re going to leave you now. Have fun,” Belphie smirked before wandering off with Beel.
Satan shook his head at all the weirdness happening around him, before resuming his place along the wall. He didn’t know how things had escalated that quickly with Michael, especially considering the guy had never done anything to him personally. Yeah, he had all the memories of Lucifer being angry at him, and he had hurt his brother’s, but he had never had any personal problems with him. Well, a lot of Lucifer’s anger started because of Michael, and that’s what I was born from… The small voice in the back of his head started acting up, though he often tried to keep it quiet, You’re more like Lucifer then you want to admit.
He growled a bit at the voice, before starting to wander around. People watching always helped calm him down. It was one of the things he had done in his early life to help him learn how to interact with others, at Asmo’s suggestion. He always found something new to store away in his brain, and the problem solving helped calm his brain.
“There ya’ are! We’ve been lookin’ for ya’.”
We? Satan turned to Mammon to see Mc standing next to him. Satan froze, having not prepared himself to talk to her.
“She asked me ta dance, but cha know I’m more of a solo dancer myself, so I was wondering if you would for me?”
“I… Uhhh… Yes, if she would like,” Satan finally managed to get out, watching Mc for any negative reactions.
“I have no problems with it,” Mc answered cryptically, nothing in her tone or mannerisms betraying how she actually felt about the suggested change.
“Uh… Perfect, I guess. Have fun you two,” Mammon announced before walking off.
I could both hug him and punch him, Satan thought, though what came out of his mouth was, “Well, may I have this dance?” while extending his hand to her.
A smile graced her lips, “You certain may.”
He led her out onto the dance floor, still lightly holding her hand. He was still nervous, but not like he was the last time they’d met. He let his mask start to slip when he faced her, “I’m very glad you accepted my invitation to dance,” he slipped his hand to its proper place for the waltz as the music started.
“It’s my pleasure,” She smiled, though not as warmly as he would’ve hoped. They started dancing effortlessly, Satan extremely happy they were still in sync. If only the conversation flowed as easily. Satan spent the first full minute of the dance just trying to figure out what to say to her, also trying not to think about how beautiful she looked.
Finally, he figured out something neutral to say, “Have you been enjoying the Devildom?”
“Yes, I have, thank you for asking.”
“What’s been your favorite part?”
Mc took a minute to think, “I would have to say… Sightseeing. There’s a lot here I could have never imagined existing in the Celestial Realm.”
“Ah. Have you visited the Royal Library yet?”
“I have actually. I’ve been researching for my next art project.”
“You’re working on a new art project?”
“Yes. I feel rather inspired here.”
“I look forward to seeing it. Are you planning on showing it in the Devildom?”
“Quite possibly.”
“Good. We need new art down here,” Satan said before the conversation lapsed back into silence. It was towards the end of the song that Satan decided to bring up the elephant in the room, “I’ve ummm… Been hoping I would see you again.”
“As have I.”
“You have?” he asked, extremely surprised.
“Yes. I’ve been trying to figure out why you acted the way you did.”
“I apologize for that. I… Well, I actually wrote you a letter to explain it. I know my behavior was… off to say the least. I’ve been going through a lot lately, and I apologize that it negatively affected my behavior towards you.”
“You wrote me a letter?”
“Yes. I find I can express myself far better and with far more accuracy by writing than by talking.”
“Ah. Do… Do you have that letter with you?” Her voice was small when she asked.
“I do. I was planning to give it to you tonight anyways.”
“You were?”
“Oh, I said that out loud didn’t I?” Mc giggled at that and Satan felt better, the mask slipping even more, “I’ve been trying to find a good time to give it to you all night actually.”
“Really?” Her smile was curious and a bit teasing.
“Er, yeah. I hope you’re okay with that.”
“I think that’s alright,” Mc smiled, finally seeming at ease around him.
The song ended then, and Satan reached into his back pocket to produce the letter, “Here it is.”
“I’ll make sure to read it,” Mc promised, reaching for the letter. Their fingers brushed when she went to grab it, and they both blushed at the contact, “Well, I’m going to go find Luke. Thank you for the dance.”
“No, thank you,” Satan said sincerely, smiling softly.
She smiled back, and with that she was gone.
“Heh. You owe me don’ cha’,” Mammon’s voice came from behind him, sounding pretty smug.
“I’d say you’ve made up for not telling me she was in town.”
“I’ll take it.”
Hey you guys, a couple more things:
First off, I have passed the 100 follower mark, and I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do anything for it.
Second: I was wondering how you guys ran across this fic. If you wanna comment down below and just let me know. I’m really wondering how my work’s being spread, so if you could do that, I’d appreciate it!
~As always, likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated (I always read everything you guys write in the comments and reblogs)
Part Eleven
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gaarasgirlfriend · 4 years
gaara confessing to his crush hcs
i accidentally deleted the ask i’m so sorry omg !! also i give up on making the heart edits so i made this bad boy!! let’s see how soon i get tired of trying to find it in my images lol. hope u enjoy!!
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gaara isn’t one to fall in love easily, so you would def be friends were quite a while before gaara realized his feelings
he’s very lowkey about his feelings towards you, it’s not very obvious that he likes you. but his siblings would definitely know and tease him constantly
i could definitely see him as the type to just put his chin on his hand as you watched you talk about whatever really animatedly with a small smile on his voice
this boy would do anything for you tbh!! ofc before he was kazekage he would take you out for some ice cream whenever you were upset!! as kazekage i could def see him going over to your place afterwards to spend some time with you!! or you come over to his place waiting in his room to hang out. you’re intrusive like that, but he thinks it’s cute.
he’s very thankful for you. you were one of his first friends, you looked past him being a jinchuriki and saw him. he loves and appreciates you so much and realized he had to tell you of his feelings soon.
okay so he comes home from all the meetings he was in all day. he managed to finish all of the paperwork for that day so he planned to just rest when he got home!!
he opens the door of his house and looks down to see that your shoes were near the front door and he smiles to himself.
he walks over to the living room to see you sleeping on his couch. it was around ten when he came home, you were probably waiting for him for a while.
he shakes his head and chuckles to himself as he takes in your peaceful face while sleeping. you looked so angelic while you slept. you were truly the most beautiful person gaara has laid his eyes on.
he notices a piece of hair that fell in front of your face and moves it away. this causes you to stir awake as you slowly blinked away the sleep in your eyes.
he watched you as you fixated your gaze onto him, your face braking out in a tired smile. he felt his heart skip a beat when he saw you look at him like that.
“gaara, you’re back! how was your day?” you asked as you sat up, patting the seat beside you for him.
he sat down next to you, “you know how it is y/n, just doing paperwork and being in meetings...”
he smiled when he heard you laugh, “yeah, yeah i know... but i still have to ask! i care about you, you know...”
there was a pregnant pause after those words were uttered, with gaara’s heart bursting with love as he heard you say those words
“i care about you too y/n.” he softly said while looking over to you. he watched as your face broke out with a pale blush.
‘cute’ he thought.
he stood up, offering his hand to you, “let’s go up to the balcony, it’s nice outside.”
you smiled as you took his hand, gaara pulling you to a stand. his hand left your grasp as you followed him up to the balcony. his hand felt so right in yours... it was soft than you thought it would be.
when you made it to the balcony you stared in awe at the night sky that was littered with stars.
“woah...” you said as you walked over to the leg, sitting down so your feet dangled over the side of the building.
“woah indeed,” he said , “you’re so reckless y/n, what if you fall from there?” he shook his head as he took his seat next to you.
“i have you to save me.” you said as you grinned.
“you’re putting an awful lot of trust in me.” he said.
“you’re the kazekage! you’re like legally obligated to help me out.”
he rolls his eyes, a smile still painted on his face, “thank god you’re not on the council.”
you pout, “hey! i would make an excellent council member!”
“how would implementing free ice cream on fridays make one an excellent council member!” he shook his head.
“hey! i know that would certainly win over the children at least! and since they are are future, they are all i need.” you councluded confidently.
gaara chuckled at this, which only made you laugh.
once the laughter subsided you both took the time to admire the night sky.
“wow, it’s so pretty.” you said, your eyes twinkling as they reflected the image of the stars above.
“i agree...” he mumbled, admiring the look of awe on your face as the moonlight illuminated your face in an ethereal way.
you look over at him to see him looking at you, “yes?”
“i’m in love with you.” he would say, looking earnestly in your eyes as he took your hand in his.
“you’ve always been there for me when i was younger, and you’re always there for me now. you even choose to wait for me for hours while i’m at work. you’re so caring and selfless... how am i not supposed to fall in love with you? you are everything to me, y/n. you’re everything that i want... everything that i would ever need.” he finished.
your lips were parted in surprise, your eyes were wide. gaara would dawn over the cute look on your face if he hadn’t just spilled his deepest secret to you. he could feel his heart thump against his chest as he awaited your reply.
“y-you love me?” you whispered.
he nodded, “for quite a while.”
you blinked as you took in this information before you gripped his hand harder, “i can’t believe it! you love me back!”
gaara felt his eyes widen when he heard this, “you mean you-?”
your eyes were clenched shut as tears gathered, your head nodding vigorously, “yes! i love you too gaara! so so much...”
he froze while hearing those words before giving you a smile. his pulled your body towards his, encasing you in a tight hug. he breathed in your sweet scent before whispering into your ear, “thank you... for loving me back. your love is all i’ll ever need y/n.”
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thelittlestcheshire · 3 years
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even if you have to cry, don't let your crown fall
a love letter to luxor’s ches elswood
Well, it’s finally time that I feel ready to post this, and while I’m aware it may be bittersweet with my upcoming departure, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. Today I present to you a three hour Ches playlist, divided into sections and covering her entire time at Luxor, from when I first picked her up in June of 2019 all the way to now. There’s quite a few plot references, and small (and not as small) references to other muses throughout, especially when it comes to Elliot, so keep an eye out for those as well!
I’d like to thank Lex for giving me the idea to make these, and her support throughout the process because without her, these playlists wouldn’t even exist. And thank you to everyone who has gone on this journey with us, while I’m sorry I need to dip out early after this event to focus on my health, I love y’all so much.
The standard Ches tws apply (poor mental health, alcoholism, etc etc), and anything I think may be a bit abnormal / section exclusive is noted on the sections.
twist me like a key, then you open the lock | pre-luxor:
the section of time before I played Ches at Luxor, very James heavy. additional tws: Death (Sign of the Times), Toxic relationships (nothing explicit tho)
Sign of the Times (Jasmine Thompson) [ Remember everything will be alright. We can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here. ] // Sweet Ophelia (Zella Day) [ Singing like it's a full moon, careless now that he has you. Turns you on to the right songs, promises that you're hooked on. ] // Couple of Kids (Maggie Lindemann) [ Now I'm fallin' heavily, recklessly, trying not to lose my sensibility; but gravity, it pulls me into you. ] // Glowstick (Sofia Karlberg) [ You play me like a line-up; long con, you make me wise up. ] // Crying in the Club (Camila Cabello) [ Ain't no crying in the club, hey, hey, let the beat carry away, your tears as they fall, baby. Ain't no crying in the club, hey, hey, with a little faith, your tears turn to ecstasy. ] // Ember (Katherine McNamara) [ Reignite; you lost your grip on me, and now I blaze wild and free. ]
nobody shows up unless i'm paying, have a drink on me cheers to the failing | summer & fall 2019:
the first time I was at Luxor playing ches, from June - October 2019
7 rings (Ariana Grande) [ Been through some bad shit, I should be a sad bitch. Who woulda thought it'd turn me to a savage? ] // I'm a Mess (Bebe Rexha) [ “It's gonna be a good, good life;” that's what my therapists say. ] // OMG (Little Mix) [ Oh my gosh, I did it again. He said I broke his heart, it keeps happening. ] // Only Angel (Harry Styles) [ Couldn't take you home to mother in a skirt that short, but I think that's what I like about it. ] // LA Devotee (Panic! At The Disco) [ Drinking white wine in the blushing light, just another LA Devotee. ] // Woman Like Me (Little Mix feat. Nicki Minaj) [ I made a few mistakes, I regret it nightly. I broke a couple hearts that I wear on my sleeve. ]
all of this emptiness i've been sharing, it never comes when i want it to | winter 2019:
the period of time Ches went home to be with her family and was away from luxor additional tws: vomiting (Habits (Stay High))
Carmen (Lana Del Rey) [ Darlin’, darlin’, doesn't have a problem lyin’ to herself ‘cause her liquor’s top shelf ] // How You Remind Me (Avril Lavigne) [ And I've been wrong, I've been down, been to the bottom of every bottle. These five words in my head scream, "Are we havin' fun yet?" ] // Playing God (Paramore) [ This is the last second chance (I'll point you to the mirror). I'm half as good as it gets (I'll point you to the mirror). I'm on both sides of the fence (I'll point you to the mirror). Without a hint of regret, I'll hold you to it ] // Habits {Stay High} (Tove Lo) [ Staying in my play pretend, where the fun ain't got no end. Oh, can't go home alone again, need someone to numb the pain. ] // Bedroom Window (The Pretty Reckless) [ As I look out of my bedroom window; is it all real or just fantasy? I have lost touch with what makes me human, I have lost touch with reality. ] // Impossible Year (Panic! At The Disco) [ There's no sunshine, this impossible year; only black days and sky grey and clouds full of fear. ]
i wouldn't say you got the best of me, i'd say you got me somewhere in between | spring 2020:
Ches’s return to Luxor, and the months following leading up to her mass text about Leo’s dad following the Lake Bash
3 O'Clock Things (AJR) [ Would you go running if you saw the real me? Maybe you'd love 'em, yeah, maybe you'd feel me. ] // Wild Heart (Bleachers) [ Well, everything has changed and now I can't tell what matters. I will find any way to your wild heart. ] // Rise (Katy Perry) [ When the fire's at my feet again and the vultures all start circling. They're whispering, “you're out of time.” But still, I rise. ] // Don't Stop Me Now (Queen) [ I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars on a collision course. I am a satellite, I'm out of control. ] // Princesses Don't Cry (CARYS) [ Girls, so pretty and poised and soft to the touch, but God made me rough. Girls, so heavy the crown, they carry it tall, but it's weighing me down. ] // Save Rock And Roll (Fall Out Boy feat. Elton John) [ You are what you love, not who loves you. In a world full of the word 'yes', I'm here to scream... no, no (no, no). ] // Making a Monster out of Me (Katherine McNamara) [ And I don't know how to recollect the morals that I always did possess. Don't know where its leading me. ] // We Don't Have To Dance (Andy Black) [ You're never gonna get it, I'm a hazard to myself. I'll break it to you easy. This is hell, this is hell. ]
tonight it's alright, i can see the tunnel at the end of these lights | summer 2020:
summer camp and the months leading up to a new school year
Night Owls Early Birds (Foxes) [ A wild fire inside me burns. Why do I look like I'm wear for worse? Save me, save me, go underneath the ground. ] // Too Much (Carly Rae Jepsen) [ When I party, then I party too much. When I feel it, then I feel it too much. When I'm thinking, then I'm thinking too much. When I'm drinking, then I'm drinking too much. ] // Royal Blue (Alberto Rosende) [ My regrets are a shade around my neck I know. It's torturous, and there's a burden that I can't let go. ] // Who You Selling For (The Pretty Reckless) [ And when Roger showed me I was building a wall. I've been waiting a long time, waiting a long time, waiting a long time, waiting for it to fall. ] // Heavy (Linkin Park feat. Kiiara) [ You say that I'm paranoid, but I’m pretty sure the world is out to get me. It’s not like I make the choice to let my mind stay so fucking messy. ] // The Archer (Taylor Swift) [ I've been the archer, I've been the prey; screaming, “who could ever leave me,” darling. But who could stay? ] // Everybody Lost Somebody (Bleachers) [ And there's a reason I wake up alone in strange places, a reason I see myself in a million faces, a reason I can't stop it all from changing. So come on, motherfucker, you survive, you gotta give yourself a break. ]
no cameras catch my muffled cries. i counted days, i counted miles | fall and winter 2020(/21):
a new school year, from the start of the semester right until the aftermath of the kings’ party
So It Goes (Guards) [ I don't know who I am but I do know who I'm not. I'm just looking for a friend, I'm still searching for the plot. ] // Wasabi (Little Mix) [ Love to hate me, praise me, shame me; either way, you talk about me. ] // Think Before I Talk (Astrid S) [ Maybe I should think before I talk; I get emotional and words come out all wrong. Sometimes I'm more honest than I want. ] // Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince (Taylor Swift) [ No cameras catch my muffled cries. I counted days, I counted miles to see you there, to see you there. And now the storm is coming, but... ] // Sober Up (AJR feat. Rivers Cuomo) [ Won't you help me sober up? Growin' up, it made me numb, and I wanna feel somethin' again. ] // The Show Must Go On (Queen) [ Empty spaces, what are we living for? Abandoned places, I guess we know the score, on and on. Does anybody know what we are looking for? ] // Waiting For A Friend (The Pretty Reckless) [ My head is like a prison cell, I'm all by myself. I'm waiting for my friend to come and break me out. ] // Sober (Demi Lovato) [ I'm sorry that I'm here again, I promise I'll get help. It wasn't my intention, I'm sorry to myself. ] // Eight (Sleeping At Last) [ I'm just a kid who grew up scared enough to hold the door shut, and bury my innocence. But here's a map, here's a shovel, here's my Achilles' heel. ]
i got this handled, i don't need rescuing | spring and early summer 2021:
ches’s progress from the end of march until now
The Man (Taylor Swift) [ I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man. And I'm so sick of them coming at me again, 'cause if I was a man, then I'd be the man. ] // Princess (FLETCHER) [ But we're all going through it, so why do we do it? Why do we hide? ] // Humpty Dumpty (AJR) [ If I can't breathe, then you can't see, but aren't you excited that I'm giving you the best me? ] // My Mistake (Gabrielle Aplin) [ Am I jaded? Am I meant to feel this way?  I'm a loser, getting beat by my own game. But if I falter, well, at least it was my mistake. ] // The Climb (Miley Cyrus) [ The struggles I'm facing, the chances I'm taking; sometimes might knock me down, but no, I'm not breaking. ] // breathin (Ariana Grande) [ Some days, things just take way too much of my energy. I look up and the whole room's spinning. You take my cares away. ] // Clean (Taylor Swift) [ Ten months sober, I must admit just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it. Ten months older, I won't give in, now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it. ] // Not a Pop Song (Little Mix) [ A hamster on a wheel that's how it feels tryna be real. These unrealistic expectations said we'll make it if we fake it. ] // Queen (Loren Gray) [ Eyes on me like I'm a prize but you better recognize I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to me. ] // The Cure (Little Mix) [ This happiness was always inside me but Lord, it took a minute to find me. ]
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softhourtxt · 4 years
danger | choi soobin
× pairing: guardian angel!soobin x reader (beomgyu x reader) × genre: fluff (probably angst in later parts) × warnings: none? yet × word count: 2k × synopsis: after living most of your life thinking you were never going to meet your guardian angel, you’re suddenly put into a situation where he is the only one that could save you from oncoming danger. the plot twist? no one knows what kind of danger
part 1 | part 2
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you live in a world where you get a guardian angel if you're a good person and about to run into danger
well, everyone has a guardian angel by default, but isn't able to sense them in any way
only if something extremely dangerous might happen to you, you can see your guardian angel's physical form
the catch is, only you can see your own guardian angel
they appear without warning and also without knowing what kind of danger you're in
so, obviously the guardian angels job is to keep their human safe from whatever danger their human might be in
you had always heard stories of people meeting their guardian angels and wondered what yours might be like
until one rainy morning those wonders turned into reality
"y/n wake up already! your alarm has been going off for minutes, jeez"
you're confused, eyes still closed, barely woken up
but who does this unfamiliar, but still strangely familiar voice belong to..?
“i can’t believe you’re gonna be late again”
you squint your eyes open and slowly focus on the figure right in front of you
vision still blurry, you realize they're right, your alarm is going off
letting out a groan you rub your eyes with the back of your hand and sit up
"what the hell?" you reply crankily to the mystery person
the figure, still in front of you, waves his hands in front of your face, too close for your liking
and once he stops, your eyes finally focus on him and your whole body freezes
"who the hell are you?" you blurt out
the boy squints his eyebrows, draws back from you and looks around him as if searching for someone
you take this opportunity and grab your phone, silencing the alarm but quickly backing up to a corner with it
"huh? there's no one here" the boy quietly notes
he turns back to you and is surprised to see you scared, huddling your pillow to your chest and phone i hand
"don't come any closer! i'll call the police!"
the boys eyes widen and his jaw pretty much hits the floor
"wha- me? don't come any closer me?" he points a finger at his chest
"yes you! how did you get into my apartment? are you my stalker?"
the boy is in absolute shock at the accusations you're yelling at him
still in disbelief, he checks behind him one more time to confirm; you are indeed talking to him
"you can see me?"
"what? i- i'm calling the police"
shaking your head you quickly start typing 911 on your phone
meanwhile the figure, boy, starts panicking, but out of a completely different reason than what you'd expect
"omg omg y/n you can see me! you're in danger!!! wait no don't call the cops-"
he quickly snatches the phone away from you just as you were about to press call
you scream and as the only instinct left, pull your cover over your head to hide under it and scream "please don't hurt me"
you're waiting for him to grab you or smack you but nothing happens
it's absolutely silent again and you begin to wonder if you were imagining the whole situation
even though you're the person always screaming at the characters in horror movies for being stupid for coming out of their hiding places too early, you can't help but do the same mistake
you peek from underneath your blanket, only to realize the boy is still there, holding your phone and looking like a deer caught in headlights
you scream bloody murder again and duck back into the safety of your duvet
"hey okay! y/n, i'm not gonna hurt you okay? i know you don't trust me so i'm gonna back away."
you're super confused about what he's saying, but you hear him actually step away from you
"i'm sorry, i'm in a little shock that you can actually see me, but i'm your guardian angel"
you whisper "what?" to yourself as you listen to this strange boy in your bedroom blabber
"this sounds a little creepy, but i've been watching you for your entire life and i got kinda used to the fact that you can't see or hear me. i think you might be in danger now that you can"
when you don't answer him, he takes the initiative to leave your room
"this is probably a lot to take in since i know how slowly you wake up. i'm gonna be waiting outside your door i guess"
you hear the door to your bedroom open and close right after, but it takes you a few minutes of silence before you're brave enough to check if the coast is clear
surprisingly enough, your bedroom seems empty and you let yourself to carefully crawl out of bed
you press your ear against your door to try and listen
there are faint footsteps pacing around, confirming he left your room
you quickly twist the lock and run back into your bed, hand reaching for your phone on the bedside table
much to your horror, your hand only comes in contact with the wooden surface of the table
oh yeah, he took your phone with him
"shit" you whisper under your breath
a brief thought of escaping through your window comes to mind but the idea is quickly abandoned after realizing you wouldn't survive a drop from the fourth floor
grabbing your thinking pillow (yes, a thinking pillow) you hug it to your chest as you go over what your intruder had said to you
everything that was thought to you about guardian angels comes to mind as you try to process what was going on
it takes you a long while to come to it, but eventually you abandon thinking pillow and make your way back to your door
soobin, your guardian angel who is now sitting on the floor leaning against your door and chewing on his finger nails, hears your soft voice call out to him
"hey uhh,,,, guardian angel?"
"hm? a-ah yes?"
"what's my most priced posession?" you ask unsurely
you must be testing him, soobin realizes
the corner of his mouth twitches up. he knows
it was something you had treasured since a very young age and he knew this, because he had listened to you talk to it every night before going to sleep for years. it warms his heart as much as it breaks it
"the picture of your mom on your night stand. it's the only one left because everything else burned. you tell her about your day every night." he answers softly
you're quiet and soobin begins to wonder if he accidentally made you sad. he didn't mean to
"are you sure you're not just my stalker?"
soobin smiles to himself
"been stalking you my whole life."
you realize he's joking, because for some odd reason your gut feeling is telling you to trust him, like you've known him your entire life
and maybe in a way you have, you just haven't seen him
"what's your name?"
"i'm soobin. at least i think that's my name"
"soobin" you repeat, smiling to yourself
"soobin, can i have my phone back? i won't call the police"
"you promise?"
you jump in your place when he suddenly walks in front of you
"oh right, i can walk through walls. thought you should know" he shrugs casually and offers you your phone back with a soft smile
"you're telling me this now??"
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you're walking with your headphones on, head spinning after a good few hours going through things with soobin, your guardian angel
you keep peering behind you, feeling extra paranoid now that the information is finally sinking in
you might be in danger
maybe someone wants to murder you? you don't know
your mind is occupied thinking over the options that could possibly put you in a dangerous situation
did you make enemies with someone? most guardian angel cases had the victim targeted by an enemy
had you angered someone? seemed unlikely since you barely had a social life-
someone rips out your left ear bud
"there you are"
"oh. beomgyu, hi"
you totally did not shit yourself thinking your best friend was a murderer
"you're late again" your friend deadpans as his walking pace matches with yours
"this time is different" you shake your head and peek behind your shoulder; he's still there
"don't you say that every time you're late?"
"what? no i don't!"
"i'm pretty sure you do but whatever. how is it different today?"
just one more time you take a look behind your shoulder
just to make sure he's still there, walking ten meters away from you like he promised to and each time, he is
beomgyu, your very observant best friend, of course, notices your weird behavior
"what? is someone following you?"
you're taken aback by his question
"no... well i mean yes!"
cue beomgyu coming to a halt and grabbing your shoulder
"some creep is following you? do i need to punch a man?" he quirks up an eyebrow, but you catch the humor behind his words
"well technically you can't" you whisper under your breath but before he can ask what you just said, you grab his forearm and pull him behind to an empty hallway
"okay y/n you're acting really weird. what kinda drugs are you on i want some to-"
you shush him by putting a finger over his lips and it works
but unbeknownst to you it's making beomgyu's heart go boom boom
you make sure no one is around to hear before you lean into his ear and whisper;
"i have a guardian angel"
beomgyu draws back with a bewildered expression
"so? nice job dumbass everyone has a-"
"mine showed up"
when beomgyu doesn't say anything, just keeps staring at you dumbfounded, you nod your head as encouragement
"it did?"
"it's a he. soobin. i think i'm in danger"
"soobin, huh? so where is he? what did he say?"
you peek around the corner and find him leaning against the wall near the entrance to the lecture hall
"he's over there waiting. he was as surprised as i was"
"huh. what kind of life threatening danger could you be in? you barely leave your house."
you would have thrown back a comment about his social habits if it weren't for the fact that your head was a jumbled mess after the events of the morning
instead, you keep on peering at soobin, who is patiently waiting for you to finish talking while reading a book, as if he was trying to blend in
how unnecessary that was, no one could even see him, you thought to yourself
"are you sure you're not high? let me see your pupils"
beomgyu grabs your face but you immediately slap his hands away
"i'm not high beom!"
you might have screamed? a couple students looked your way, you definitely yelled
like the asshole he is, choi beomgyu laughs at your embarrassed face as you cringe into oblivion
you hit his shoulder
"yeah, i'm not buying it. if you want to prank me you've got to act more convincingly" beomgyu shrugs and starts walking towards the lecture hall
"beomgyu i'm serious!" you throw your hands in the air ou of frustration
"tell soobin i said hi!" he waves at you with that damn dumb smirk on his face
rubbing your temples you wait until he's out of sight to talk to your guardian angel
"he's such a pain in the ass." you express your frustration to him
soobin scoffs
"yeah i know. i'm sure it'll take him time to understand"
"thanks. you're the worst at comfort." you try to speak quietly in order to not to look like a total madman talking to themselves
"my specialty" he shrugs "and let me guess, you're gonna let him sit by himself this lecture?"
you heave your backpack off your shoulder and drop it on a desk far far away from choi beomgyu's
"you guessed absolutely right."
letting out a chuckle, soobin watches as your professor arrives right as you sit down
"oh hey by they way, i always wanted to tell you this." he whispers in your ear
you watch from the corner of your eye as soobin takes the vacant seat right behind yours
"you're literally the only person on campus that doesn't know this yet, but beomgyu's had a crush on you since forever"
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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↪︎ firstly, i’d like to say that i have already cleared out my inbox because of the new rules i’ve set. don’t worry because i left out a few of the ones i’m working on and i promise to post them during january. i’ll be closing my requests for a bit but they’ll be re-opened by next year.
↪︎ second, i’d like to say thank you. there are many people whom i’ve met here that are so kind and sweet. all of you deserves praise for spreading such positivity and motivating me to stay here,
↪︎ but thirdly, i’d announce that i will be on a short break on tumblr, probably a few days of refreshing my mind again, hang out with my grandparents. be me. i realized just how tired i keep getting whenever i don’t see any notifications, interactions and when i do, i just am so tired to answer them. it’s unfair to all of you. to the anons who keep calling me out for the smallest things, i don’t blame you. i know i’m an imperfect person, but they just come at the times that i am so down and everything gets messed up. my mind is such a messy place that i start to realize; i am losing who i am. i can write, but i lost the passion to run this blog anymore. if i keep going up to people’s standards without standing up for myself, isn’t that such a cruel life? i wanted to deactivate, but it would just mean i’ve given up. i’m not giving up on myself, and i hope you guys won’t too.
↪︎ lastly, i’d like to thank all the people tagged under this line. you guys made me want to always log in here and do what i have always been passionate about ever since i was ten. even with this pandemic and distance, you made my days.
@/all my character anons — each one of you made me smile at least once in my lifetime and i really really appreciate you all. even if you only came here once, twice or more, thank you. thank you so so much. i will forever be grateful of each and every one of you.
@liliannyah — nia, honey, baby, my soulmate, my sister from another mother, even if we only met a month ago (wait was it a month or two?), talking to you had always made me smile. you have no idea how thankful i am that i met you and how i always look forward in chatting you. i love you with my whole heart. if we ever meet each other in japan, i’ll let you meet my future spouse and treat you sjsjns
@kuroolongtea — hi jin! i never call you any endearments bc i saw in one of your about me’s that you’d rather be called your name hehe i always take note of that :D also, i’d like to thank you for being really really kind to me and acted like an older irl friend tho you’re indeed older than me ahhaha. you, jin, are one of the most treasured friends in this app. thank you for listening to my rants and even when i broke down. i’ll always be grateful of you. i love you so much, i wish you always the best, miss jin!
@brinthie — hi brin bb!! we haven’t been talking lately but remember that i am always here for you and that i will forever remain in debt of you. because of you, i am here on tumblr. your comments on my ao3? it really pushed me to write here, and ohgod i am still surprised that you, the writer of the ao3 collection i literally binged for a lot of days, was the one who i’ve talked to almost everyday? it’s fate honey haha. let’s see each other when we can irl :D i love you forever, have a great 2021!
@deephasoceanmagic — deep baby honestly i was so shy to interact at first but omg you’re like so so so sweet and kind and i just love you so so much! let us only child’s stick together ok?? also, i’m sorry i haven’t been checking up on you for awhile but i’m always here for you ok?? if you’re feeling lonely, i’m just one chat away!
@elysianslove — sal!! you are my favorite author here and i am so glad to have been talking to you aaaa i love you so much and this is to more interactions & convos with you in the future <3 love you so much honey !!
@minibobabottle @tinytravelerkitten @giyuus-wife — you guys have my gratefulness and my heart. thank you thank you thank you always for checking up on me and making me feel special🥺🥺 kieran, ai, wifey mia, i am touched that you always check up on me daily !!!!! you guys have no idea how thankful i am for that. i promise to be good to you guys🥺🥺🥺 i love you <3
@olsenholic @animatedarchives @basketofgoldie @owlywrites @ushi-please @bokoutoe @solstxces @mrs-kuroojinguji @todominica @oikaw-ugh @kawaiinishii @tsuhika @amoroushero @hajimine — hello lovelies !! you guys are probably one of those whom i interact the most in here and i would like to say: you guys are SPECIAL and i am so happy to have the opportunity to meet all of you. i hope we could be closer and i promise to have your backs always <3 i’m here for all of you, i’m literally just one chat/ask away !! i love you all~
@osamuskitten @xxacatalepsy @lyssors — hey babies thanks so much for checking up on me and for the character anon interactions🥺 im so honored that you chose to be a character anon for me and i hope you had fun rp-ing with me👉🏼👈🏼 til next time !! ilysm~
@unlasting @sunakissses @flairlust @yamagucji @katsukichu @gg9183 @prettysetterbaby @bimbobabeyy @paradise-creator @necr0misis @bokutosworld @ordinary-ace @iwas-angel @oikawasbliss @iwaisa @unloviing — hello!!! even if we just met like almost recently and it’s really nice to meet you all!! my asks/dms are always always welcome! plus, don’t mind me stopping by your asks too because i do that often esp if i see you on my dash hehe
(part two here but they have the same content anyway so there’s no need to see it.)
also, for any of you who’s reading this, I LOVE YOU. always stay safe, hydrated, and having a decent meal daily <3 wishing you all to have a lovely day/week/year! for anyone who’d like to know my discord, it’s kengela#1783 !! do tell me thru dm’s tho if you’re sending a request so that i’ll know who you are hahah
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straykats · 5 years
guardian angel // fake dating au
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader wordcount: ... 4.7k a/n: requested // when i said i was getting carried away i thought i meant like. 2k. not 4k. this was almost +5k omg.
“So the guys - my friends, that is - are betting $20 that I won't be able to ask you out, and a further $10 that even if I do, you won’t say yes.”
You stare at the boy, blinking in disbelief. “Sorry, what now?”
The bell rings, and people rush past the two of you to get to lunch. Hyunjin stays standing in front of you, arms crossed with a steady gaze holding your eyes. His tongue flicks out to lick his bottom lip, and you make a fist under the desk. Did he really think he had the right to even suggest such an idea-
“You heard me. You can say no, but it’d be a waste of $30.” He sighs. “Look, all you need to do is spend a day with me. It can be one hour. Just once, and then we’re done. I’ll buy you whatever you want with that money. Actually, I’ll just give you the money.”
You glare at him and stand up abruptly. He doesn’t move, his eyes watching as you gather your stuff. “What’s in it for you, then? Just here for the sake of teasing me again?”
You see his jaw clench in frustration, his eyes flashing with unnamed emotions. You turn to walk out of the classroom but Hyunjin reaches the door before you do, shutting it.
“Hyunjin, I’m not going to deal with this shit again-”
“Neither am I, okay? If I say no - heck, if you say no, then everyone’s going to keep making up rumours, so just say yes.” Hyunjin’s features suddenly change, a mischievous light in his eyes. “Say yes, and let’s really give them something to talk about.”
And that’s how, three hours later, you found yourself walking side by side with Hyunjin down the streets.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. High school was supposed to go smoothly, and Hyunjin was supposed to be some unreachable star that you could only watch. You had been friends (well, more than acquaintances, but you weren’t sure if ‘friends’ was the right word) for a year, sharing a chemistry class, and then drifted apart.
You had thought that that had been it - he was someone you had sat next to for a year, someone you associated with only because of a seating plan… but of course not.
You weren’t sure how it started, but the following year saw rumours arise. Rumours that you had feelings for him, and he for you, and you were both going out in secret. Most of the school knew it was just stupid rumours to fluster the two of you, but Hyunjin had laughed and gone along with it. Even when you’d asked him to stop.
“Geesh, it’s just a joke, y/n,” he had said, but he hadn’t known about the comments that you had received. Sexual things, all of them. Comments about why your hair was messy, clothes rumpled. Comments about your body. You hated those the most, because you couldn’t change anything. 
“So, turns out the guys aren’t going to give me the $10 unless there’s photographic proof that we went on a date.”
You let out a groan. “Walking next to you makes me anxious enough… and now you want to take a photo with me?”
“Anxious? Why would I- never mind that. Yes. I’ll send it to Seungmin. He’s the least likely to make such a big deal out of it… and then I’ll delete it.” He says the last bit with a sigh, and you thought he almost sounded sad. 
You’re grumbling under your breath, hands crossed in front of your chest. Hyunjin looks across at you and scoffs. You glare at him.
“Look, if you want to take a photo, hurry up and let’s get it over and done with.”
“But this is boring. Let’s-”
He grabs you by the wrist, dragging you towards a store. You can only let out a sigh, wrenching your arm away and following him grudgingly. 
You walk out ten minutes later, a cup of bubble tea in your hand. Hyunjin had ordered for you, and you didn't hate the flavour… but you wouldn't tell him that. 
"Okay, say cheese!"
"That's so cringey," you say, but you look at the phone anyways, holding your cup of bubble tea up.
Hyunjin leans in, and he's awfully close, his hair brushing the tip of your ear. It tickles, and you try not to laugh as he snaps a few shots. You feign a glare at him when he tried to move in closer.
"Bit close there, buddy."
"Stop moving- hey, this one's pretty cute."
You look at his phone, and he shows you a picture of you half turned away. Your brows are furrowed, but your cheeks are raised and lips between your teeth in an attempt at stop smiling. It was a weird face, in your opinion. How was that a cute photo?
You grab the phone from him and swipe. He's leaning in close again, cheek close to yours as you both examine the pictures.
"Why do you look good in all of them?"
"Natural talent, y/n."
You frown at him. "I hope you know how much of a dick you just sounded like."
He shrugs, snatching the phone back. "Well, I'll be sending a pic now, so if you don’t mind…"
He clicks around, and you notice him type a message. It takes him less than half a minute before he pockets his phone.
“So, now that the necessary part is over, shall we continue?”
“... Continue? I’ve spent at least half an hour with you. We have our photo - which you said you’d delete, so please do - and you even bought me a drink.” You nod your head slowly, thoughts clicking together before you turn to look at Hyunjin. “If I’m not mistaken, we could leave now and this would still be considered a date. Besides, we need to train back together.”
You give him a smile, but even you could tell it was more like a stretch of the lips. You were eager to go home already, to be in the safety of your bedroom. Alone. Without Hyunjin next to you. To be in your room, where no one could find something to whisper about.
Hyunjin stays staring at you. He’s relaxed, but his jaw is clenched, and you can almost see the cogs in his eyes running… but for what?  To find a reason to spend more time with you? No. To find something to say that isn’t rude or snappy? Probably. 
“Okay. Let’s go home then.”
He throws you a lopsided smirk before taking off. His hands are pocketed and his shoulders pulled back. He was tall, you remembered, and his legs unbelievably long. As always, he walked around like he was walking the red carpet.
You wordlessly catch up to him and walk by his side. 
The train ride home was also quiet. There was a tension in the air that you couldn't quite… name. It felt like any word you spoke was a risk, but you weren't sure why. Hyunjin seemed fine, whistling a tune like he was strolling through the park. 
You barely say a word, a soft goodbye the last thing the two of you exchange before heading your separate ways. 
“Did you hear? Hyunjin and y/n actually went on a date-”
“Shh! She’s right there!”
The fabric of your shirt was going to be incredibly stretched from the intense hold you had on it. You storm through the school, head bowed low. People were whispering already, and it was almost mortifying to hear their words. It was starting again, you could feel it. The rumours and the whispers. It wouldn’t be too long before the whole school new, and by then, you wouldn’t be speaking to Hyunjin again.
Which, if you were honest, was the last thing you wanted to happen.
You’re doing the one thing you never thought you would ever do - you’re looking for Hyunjin, and you knew where he would be.
Barging into his homeroom, you spot Hyunjin at the back, his head tilted back in a laugh. He was surrounded by two others - Jisung and Seungmin. Jisung spots you, eyes widening and hand reaching out to get Hyunjin’s attention. By the time Hyunjin sees you, you’re already reaching for the sleeve of his hoodie and pulling him out into the corridor.
It takes a few seconds to find a semi-empty area. You yank Hyunjin after you and finally twirl around to face him.
“Before you say anything, no, I don’t know how everyone already knows we went out. But I do have a genius idea."
Your foot is tapping the ground at a fast pace, and you feel like a character in Happy Feet.
Only, you weren’t so happy.
“Well, then you better find out how, because I already told you I’m not putting up with all of this again.”
He sighs, digging around in his pocket. “Well, here’s the $10 anyways.”
"That had better not be your genius idea."
"It's not. But it's the promised money."
“I don’t want the money.”
His hand stays hanging between you for a few more seconds before he shrugs and pushes the note into his pocket again.
“Look, I can ask Seungmin, but you can’t blame me for everyone talking about us.”
Talking about us.
The words hit some chord in you that you that made your entire body buzz with both anger and anxiety. Why were you the only one so affected by all this? Was Hyunjin not bothered? Were you just being dramatic?
You move to turn around, but Hyunjin calls for you.
“You know, people only talk and spread rumours about things they aren’t sure about. Things they don’t know.”
With gritted teeth, you pause. “What are you suggesting, Hwang Hyunjin?”
It takes less than a second for the corner of his mouth to shoot up in a self-satisfied smirk. “Date me. Go out with me. If you hate all of… the talk about ‘us’ so much, then let’s make it official, and then there won’t be any fun in making up rumours and teasing anymore.”
The world seems to slow down for a second, like a scene from a movie where everything blurs and fades out before suddenly coming crashing back. You’re not sure if you should yell at him for being so stupid or just walk away. 
“You’re kidding, right? This is your genius idea?”
He stays silent, his features falling lax again and shrugs, earning a scoff from you.
“Look, give it some thought. You know there’s some truth to what I’m proposing.”
Without another word, you shake your head at him and walk off.
The bell rings, and you join the stream of people heading towards their respective homeroom classes.
Hyunjin: there’s a party this weekend, so if you wanna take me up on the offer, tell me asap and we can go together
You throw your phone onto your bed with a frustrated sigh. You had avoided Hyunjin for the rest of the day, which wasn’t too hard, seeing that you only shared maths class together, and he sat on the opposite side. You’d found yourself sitting under the trees during lunch and recess, away from most of the student populace. Your friends had offered to come with you, but you had wanted to be alone.
Alone made it easier to think through everything.
You and Hyunjin got along rather well. Infact, had the rumours not started, you might have been rather good friends. You’d like to think that it was because of the rumours that you couldn’t talk to him properly anymore. You felt the need to be pushy, to shove him away - that was safe. Keep him at a distance, keep the rumours at a distance. 
But somewhere deep down, you knew you were just scared that you would prove the rumours right.
You were working on that, though. Not actually catching feelings for him. Which was going to prove hard. His proposal that morning did make sense - if you guys were to go out, then break up… there wouldn’t be any problems, right? No more rumours? Because why would people keep talking about something that actually happened?
Another ping comes from your phone, and you warily pick it up.
Hyunjin: when she leaves u on read :(
You: how did you even get my number?
Hyunjin: You gave me your number in chem??
Hyunjin: I missed a whole week and you said you’d help me if i needed
You: oh
You: i can't believe it's still saved on ur phone
Hyunjin: so what’s your reply to my offer and the party?
A curse slips past your lips, and your fingers move before you can think through everything.
You: fine.
Regret immediately fills your entire being, and you let out a groan. 
Hyunjin: Okay, see you tomorrow, honey ;)
You: say that again and i’ll puke
Hyunjin: h o n e y ;)
Getting up the next morning had been a hell of an ordeal. It was Friday; you only had to deal with Hyunjin for one more day, and then the party tomorrow night, and then you guys could stage some break up. 
You could do this.
Or, you thought you could, but by the time lunch came around, you weren’t too sure.
The morning had gone by breezily - Hyunjin had approached you on the way to period one - maths. 
“Couples walk together to class, honey.” He grins sideways at you as the pet name leaves his mouth.
While a part of you wanted to push him away, you reminded yourself that this was part of the act. The final act to end it all. You give in to the small, hopeful part of you from a few years ago - the part that wished Hyunjin was more a friend than a threat, and you let out a tch.
“Honestly, I think you can come up with something better than ‘honey’.” His hand snakes around your waist and he pulls you closer to him, avoiding the traffic of people running the other way. “Also, we need to set some rules.”
He gives you a look that reads “Are you serious? Rules?” but he doesn’t say anything. Reaching the classroom, you take a seat, trying not to stare as Hyunjin takes a seat next to you.
“I can’t believe this is the only class I share with my sugarplum… I better start sitting next to her more!” He says rather loudly, causing heads to turn.
You ignore the whispers that start, and shake your head at him. “Sugarplum is also a no.”
“Honey bear?”
“We already said no to honey.”
“You’re certainly no prince.”
“Hey, that’s just mean!”
You crack a smile at him, and you’re both about to burst into laughter when the teacher enters. Class isn’t much different for the first twenty minutes or so. You’re looking at the board while the teacher talks, and you’re writing down notes and pointers she gives. The only difference was when you were told to get to individual work. 
“How do you like ‘kitten’?”
“I like kittens, but maybe don’t call me ‘kitten;.”
“I’m gonna assume ‘bunny’ is a no, too?”
“We’re getting somewhere, but you can do better.”
You take a deep, shuddering breath. The word left his lips like sunlight, making your insides feel warm. “Yeah. I like that.”
“Okay, angel.” He pulls your notebook towards him and starts to doodle. “Just so you know, I don’t do work in class. I end up teaching myself at home half the time.”
“Well, I hope you know i do do my work, so don’t bother me.”
Hyunjin finds you at lunch by your locker.
“Y/n, Hyunjin’s coming this way-”
Your friends are worried, and they move to block you from view. It was a habit they had fallen into after you had voiced your concern about the whole ordeal. With a sigh, you shake your head.
“I know, it’s fine.”
“But if you guys are next to each other, the rumours- You heard the rumours too, right? That you went on a date?”
You push a tired smile on your face. “It’s true, we did.”
“You what-”
“Y/n, my angel! Let’s eat together!” Hyunjin bounces through the barrier your friends had created and throws an arm around your shoulders. “Hello, friends, I’m going to steal y/n today! We’re going to have a lunch-time date!”
Your friends can only stare, incredulous, as you reassure them that you were okay and you had agreed to this (which, honestly, you hadn’t. But you’d expected it to be happening, anyways).
His arm stays around your shoulders as he walks you outside the building. Passing by the basketball courts, a group of guys call out Hyunjin’s name. 
“Sorry, I’m hanging out with y/n!” He points at you as if to emphasise his point.
“You know, you’re making it very obvious you want everyone to know we’re dating, Hyunjin.”
“But isn’t that the point?” He cocks an eyebrow at you and grins.
“Wow, you guys are actually dating?” One of the guys let out a wolf whistle. “Good catch, man!”
It was starting again. You knew that it wasn’t like you would be left alone straight away, but this was stressful. It made you anxious.
You hear Hyunjin scoff, and you almost curl into him, hugging yourself. “Come on, let’s go.”
Picking up your pace, his arm falls from your shoulder. “Y/n, wait up!” 
Finding a bench under the tree, you quickly sit down. “Hey, I actually need to go to the library soon, so I can’t stay with you too long.”
“Library? I’ll come with you-”
“And then I need to see a teacher.”
The lies leave your lips quickly. It’s obvious to you that Hyunjin knows something isn’t right. He nods and doesn’t try to press on. 
“Okay, so why’d you come with me all this way then?”
You pull a peice of paper out of your pocket. You had written on it during your last class. Sliding it across the bench to Hyunjin, you watch his features scrunch up in confusion. He takes it into his hands and unfolds it.
Real rules for a fake relationship. (everything here stays confidential between us)
1. no sexual touching 2. no sexual remarks 3. do not say we’ve done it 4. no kissing on the lips. cheek kisses are permitted, but not in abundance.
“Anything you want to add?”
He reads the rules you have written, and then pulls a pen from his pocket.
Every bit of ink that left the tip seemed to taunt you, weighing you down.
5. no catching feelings.
“You write that like you’re that easy to fall for,” you whisper, moving to stand up. The words slip out quietly, and they almost seemed to be covered by the sound of the rustling leaves as the wind blows. You can't bring yourself to look at him right now.
“Well, it’d defeat the purpose of the whole fake dating concept, if you did.”
He wasn’t wrong, but the truth did little to conceal the strange bittersweetness in his voice. It did even less to ease the discomfort growing in your chest as you walked away.
Hyunjin: meet me here
Hyunjin: location attached.
It was after school now, and the ideal thing would be to go home and wallow in your discomfort and anxiety… but ignoring Hyunjin’s message would be an invitation for him to further question you. Besides, you could guess what this was all about, and it was probably only fair for you to explain.
You find him sitting in the corner of a cafe, thumb brushing across his screen as he aimlessly scrolls through his social media. You don’t greet him as you take a seat in front of him, placing your bag in your lap, and he doesn’t greet you either.
“I ordered some desert. It should be out soon.”
“Oh. That’s great.”
Gosh, you sounded so empty.
“So, do you… want to talk about it?”
You fiddle with the straps of your bag. “About what? Why should I?”
Hyunjin shrugs. “I mean… I know I make you uncomfortable, that much is obvious. But we were doing fine until lunch. You didn’t even see me for the rest of the day. Was it the whistling?”
A breath leaves your body faster than normal, and your jaw clenches. The desert arrives just as you start talking. 
You explain to him about the teasing - or, your side of it anyways - and all the remarks and comments you had gotten. It had been hard, and it was still hard, but he was right, it was getting better now. He stays silent the whole time, and you’re too scared to look at his face - did he think you were overthinking? Were you making it out worse than it actually was?
“... so I’m sorry, I guess.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know, but I’m sorry I let it get to me and then avoided you for months on end, and now we’re “dating” and I still get thrown off.”
The desert - a slice of cake - sat uneaten between the two of you.
“Well, how about this,” Hyunjin straightens up. His voice is soft and gentle. He taps the table in front of you, catching your attention, and you look up at him. “After this, after we break up, let’s make up for the time we could have been friends. It’s not like I don’t want to be friends or anything, y/n.”
He offers you a smile that makes his eyes disappear, and you let out a shaky laugh. “Okay. Thank you.”
Shaking his head, he picks up a fork. “No need to thank me. Being friends again sounds nice. Now, eat, angel. You can’t expect me to finish this by myself.”
It was unplanned and you never thought you would have done it, but you spend the rest of the afternoon with Hyunjin. He (conveniently) needed to buy a new shirt and insisted on dragging you along. 
“Couples go on dates, y/n. Besides, you can help choose something that will match what you’re wearing tomorrow!”
His idea threw you off guard, but you laugh and go along with it. 
It was easy, hanging out with Hyunjin outside of school. You were free from the anxiety of being  caught together, or whispers and rumours and for a while - just a while - you wished that it could always be like this. 
“Try a size smaller.”
“But this is the style, y/n. Baggy shirts-”
“Just try a size smaller! It’ll look better with what I’m wearing.”
Hyunjin is skeptical, but he goes and tries the same shirt on in a smaller size. He walks out, and your jaw drops.
“Shut up, you look like a model.”
“Don’t I always?” His words come out half hearted, and you’re too in shock to see the tips of his ears go red. “Y/n, stop staring. I know I look good, but I can’t look that good.”
“Sorry, I just- dude, you look so hot right now!” Half of your brain was yelling at you to shut up, but the other half was so amazed by Hyunjin.
The shirt hung from his body like it was tailored to his size. It would look formal if he buttoned it up all the way, but you watched as he unbuttoned it half way and tucked half of the shirt in. It gave the outfit a new, messy but elegant look.
“If you rock up like that tomorrow, everyone’s going to be all over you.”
“Then you be my guardian angel,” He grins and looks at your reflection in the mirror. “I’m yours, aren’t I?”
Your heart lurches, and you remember that oh, right. You’re dating - fake dating, and it was all going to end tomorrow.
“Whatever.” You force a smile onto your face. “Hurry up and pay, ‘Jin. I need to get home before dinner.”
Hyunjin’s eyebrows are raised, and he points a finger at you. “I like that. ‘Jin.”
“Go pay then, ‘Jin.”
“Okay, okay, miss bossy pants!”
The next few hours are spent with hazy thoughts of Hyunjin in your head. He’s walking next to you, and you’re tempted to hold his hand. He’s sitting next to you on the train, and gosh, you just wanted to lean over and rest your head on his shoulder. He turns to walk to his street, and you feel the desire to hug him goodbye. You’re eating dinner, surrounded by your family, and you’re wondering what they would think if you introduced Hyunjin to them.
You’re laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and you’re wondering what it would be like to have him next to you, to sleep with his chest to your back, to dream next to him.
But you know you can’t. This just can’t happen.
You dream of him - of kissing him and holding him. Of laughing next to him and intertwining your legs, of sitting in the car while he drives.
You wake up with a strange feeling in your chest, his words from yesterday lingering in your head.
“I’m yours, aren’t I?”
You try to go about your morning without giving thought to the message he had sent you at some early hour.
Hyunjin: hey, we need to talk tomorrow.
The booming music does little to help calm your nerves as Hyunjin drags you through the house. You’re aware of the eyes following the two of you - Hyunjin and y/n, dating at last, and now on their way to find a quiet room. You could pretty much guess what they’d be saying tomorrow. There had already been plenty of jokes and comments made about the two of you, although more of them were praise and shock rather than sexual and discomforting.
You finally find a spare room - it must have been a storage room of some sort, for there were boxes against the walls and a dusty bookshelf with almost everything but books on it.
Hyunjin pulls you to face him, and you get your first proper look at him (for the whole night, you had been standing anxiously at his side with his arm around your waist.
The shirt you had chosen for him paired with simple black jeans. His ears were adorned with silver jewellery, and you’re not sure if his lips always looked that pretty or if he had put something on them.
“We need to talk.”
“Yes, you said that this morning.”
“I think I’ve broken a rule.”
It takes you a moment to figure out what he was saying. Your mind flashes to the list of rules you had written, and you let out a groan.
“You told everyone that we had sex?!”
He blinks at you rapidly, his mouth opening and closing in shock. “I- No! I didn’t mean that rule! I meant the one that I added.”
No sexual touching… No sexual remarks…. Do not say we’ve done it… No kissing on the lips…. No catching feelings.
“And I really, really want to break another one right now.”
It takes all your willpower not to step away from him and cave in on yourself. 
The idea of breaking up was easier when you thought he didn’t like you. It was easier to keep your feelings at bay when you thought it was one sided.
“Hey, Hyunjin?”
His eyes seem almost glazed over. “Mhmm?”
“At what point is this all… real?” You sneak a glance up at him, holding his eyes when he meets yours.
“What- What do you mean?”
“If you kiss me now, would this be real? Or was it real from the moment we- you caught feelings for me?” 
It was him who caught feelings, not you. You had told yourself not to let it get too far.
“It’s… Do you not… You don’t…?”
Do you not like me back?
You swallow thickly, pulling your eyes away. “I can’t.”
It’s Hyunjin who steps away. It’s Hyunjin who grabs a random cup someone had left in the room and pours it on himself. It’s for “staging” he says, to make it seem like you guys had had an argument.
He’s walking away, and his words from yesterday resonates in your head like a metal ball with too much momentum.
“Being friends again sounds nice.”
That didn’t seem too likely, after all this.
an alternative ending has been written!
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agataroman · 3 years
One Moment Changes Everything (Part 2)
A/N: Okay, part 2, enjoy
Pairing: Jackson (GOT7) x Reader
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When you must wake up for breakfast because it ends at ten o’clock. After a concert… Never imagined it like this. How I didn’t want to get out of bed.
But then again, I will have breakfast, will return to my room and sleep all day long.
That woke me up a little bit, so I got up and prepared. Almost nobody was having a breakfast (it was 9:30). I had time to order my thoughts. I still couldn’t believe that I saw them. Like… OMG!!!
And I even talked to Jackson Wang. Maybe for less than five minutes, but even that counts. I am happy that I got tickets for fansign too. I felt like I could fly, like gravitation wasn’t working on me.
I decided to stay whole day in my room. I can go explore LA tomorrow, the only free day I have, before I have to go back to my country. When I got back, I just fell on bed fully clothed. I even fell asleep for a moment.
When I woke up I still had some time, so I looked at my Got7Amino. The concert was yesterday, not even 24 hours ago and there were blogs about me and Jackson. My photo was nowhere and I sighed with relieve.
The messages where almost the same. Mostly speculated about us. „How do they know each other?“ „Was that only a fan or someone Jackson knows more?“ And more similar sentences. Luckily nobody knew. I think that after today, someone will know my face. I was little scared about that. What would other ahgases think about me? What if someone found me on SNS?
All those thoughts crossed my mind. But then I thought of Jackson. If he can endure it, so can I. Even if it will take long to get used to it.
I really had nothing to do. Again I played games on phone, because I didn’t want to take my laptop with me… What if I lost it somewhere? Rather not. So I was mostly playing games. Or reading some fanfics. I won’t even tell what fanfics… I would be so embarrassed if anyone knew.
Finally it was time for me to go on fansign. I’ve never been there, so I don’t know how it will go. I dressed and checked if I didn’t forget the ticket and went. It was held near the stadium so I already knew the way.
I didn’t want to come on time, because I wanted to talk to Jackson again and I thought I could do that only after it ends. But I got there only an hour after the start and I had another hour and half. So I found myself a place to sit and I waited. The members didn’t notice me but that didn’t matter.
It was kind of fun. Sometimes it was little under because Got7 had to sign someone the album and didn’t have time to pay us attention. But those funny times, I can’t. One of the cutest things there was when Jackson gave Bambam a piggyback. Also Jaebum put on this silly headband with big leopard ears. Kyaa!!! I couldn’t. When you see it on picture it’s not as powerful as when you see it up-close.
I am telling you. Why does it always end so soon. Like 15 minutes from now, but still. So I stepped up and went for my signing. First I went to Yugyeom. He was in all black and had flowers in his hair. How can such devil look so angelic? Tell me!
„Hello,“ I said.
„Annyeong,“ he replied. I put album on table and he signed it.  He didn’t recognize me. Lucky. I wanted to be recognized only by Jackson. And maybe Mark as he saw me already.
„The flowers are pretty,“ I said. He smiled at me.
„Thank you.“ I bowed and went to next person.
Bambam. He is fashion killer! Come on, he is always so perfectly clothed, fully in black like Yugyeom. And he had black cat‘s ears!
Instead of greeting I dabbed… I couldn’t help it. And he dabbed back. Both of us laughed.
„Where you yesterday on concert?“ he asked me.
„Sure thing Bam-oppa,“ I smiled wider.
„I’m really your oppa?“ he couldn’t believe it.
„I’m two years younger.“ He just nodded and signed my album. When I went to next member, Bambam sent me a hand heart!
The next person was Jinyoung. I knew that he heard my conversation with Bambam, he was judging me with his eyes. I just put my finger on my lips, I didn’t want anyone know… yet. We didn’t talk, he just signed album and on the way he gave me high-five.
The forth person in row was Youngjae.
„What’s up!“ his usual greeting.
„Hi,“ I waved. I really couldn’t do anything more. With the flower in his hair he looked so innocent! He smiled at me wide and we handshaked.
The next one was tougher. Im „Chic & Sexy“ Jaebum. And why did he have to have expression like that! I really wanted to fan myself. What a pity he didn’t have the ears anymore. But we know how he is with these kinds of things. He simply waved at me.
„Hi,” I managed weak hello. As I said, I am usually shy in front of people, more likely people I don’t know (personally).
I felt little better with the next person. Our cute visual Mark.
„Hey, you’re the girl from yesterday,” he said. I knew he would recognize me.
„Yep, that’s me.” I smiled.
„How did you even meet?“ Suddenly someone put their arm around my shoulders. I jumped in fear and scremed a little bit. When I turned to see the person, it was Jackson.
„Dammit Jackson, don’t do that! I am even worse than you when scared.”
,,Hey what do you mean by that?“
,,Nothing,“ I said while trying to look innocent.
,,Au, you hurt my feelings,“ he pretended to be hurt.
,,Oh don't cry my little baby,“ I made childish noises. Suddenly Mark started laughing.
,,Be quiet Mark.“
,,Sorry but it was kind of funny. So how did you meet?“
,,Now that's funny story. I was coming for concert when I saw this little lost child. I went to help him and what didn't I saw… It was Jackson,“ I said with laugher.
,,(Y/N),“ Jackson said with dangerous voice. I started to run around the table and Jackson was right behind me. Everyone was definitely watching us now. I looked back to confirm he way still behind me. When I turned back Mark was standing there and I had to stop.
Suddenly Jackson was next to me and he kissed me!! It was on cheek near lips but I froze and no thoughts where coming. I was blank. I couldn’t think! Standing there looking who knows where. Someone was waving their hand in front of my face, but I didn’t pay attention to that.
,,I think we broke her,“ said Jackson. That woke me up.
,,Jackson!“ I shouted. I advanced on him and he was going back. Suddenly he put a mic in front of my mouth.
,,Sing,“ he said. Yeah sure, I thought sarcastically.
,,But I can't sing! Plus I am tone-deaf!“
,,So what?“ OK now I wanted to kill him.
,,Do you want her to sing?“ he asked the audience. Everyone started to shout. Wow thanks guys. Maybe it was the kiss or I don't know, but I thought whatever and took the mic.
,,OK guys I'm gonna try it, but I am telling you, you will be wishing you said no.“ So I decided to sing this one song Genie in a bottle by Dove Cameron. So I started singing.
When I finished everyone started clapping.
,,Wasn't so bad,“ commented Jackson. I blushed. I knew that I sing bad even if I like singing and I sing all the time, but…
,,I am not that good.“
,,You were brilliant!“ Jackson was jumping around me and others where noding.
,,Well thanks guys.“ At this moment a woman came on stage and said GOT7 should say goodbye. Everyone was sad. Again it had to end. Jackson gestured to stay there so I went to the background to wait. I really couldn’t think anymore. So many things happened today that… oh never mind. Suddenly someone was hugging me.
,,I don’t want you to go,“ said Jackson. I think he felt same as me. I was so sad to go away and probably never meeting again. At least not anytime soon. He released me and I saw hope.
,,Give me your phone.“ I took my phone out of a pocket and gave it to him. I didn’t know what he was doing. But he explained it.
,,I will call you as soon as we arrive home.“ My eyes wide-opened. Did he said what he said?
,,OK,“ I said still trying to figure it out. He returned my phone to me and hugged me again. This time Mark came too and other came closer.
,,We're going to miss you,“ said Jackson.
,,Definitely. Yesterday he wouldn't shut up about you,“ said this time Mark.
,,Be quiet Mark.“ Now they really had to go. I released them.
,,I am going to miss you too.“ Tears where coming down my face. Jackson leaned closer and kissed me again on cheek. They than turned and went backstage.
I knew most ahgases stayed there so it will definitely end up on net, but I didn’t care. Right now I was trying not to cry and fall on my knees. To hotel I came like in a dream. Didn’t know how I got into my room. But I didn’t care. I fell on bed and cried myself into sleep.
A/N: part 2 is done, next and last part 3 coming up
Part 1
Part 3
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yandere-sins · 5 years
A Father’s Care
Part 2 [Part 3]
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««
Rating: Explicit Characters: Fem!Reader, Endeavor / Enji Todoroki, The rest of the Todoroki-Family, minus Rei Word-Count: 4906
Warnings: Dub-Con, Actions that could be seen as Cheating, Molesting, Lemon, Violence against the Reader
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««
a/n: So I wrote another ten pages and told my self I had to split this even though I am not at the end yet. There’s... another part coming (and hopefully it’s the last omg...) For what it’s worth, please enjoy and proceed with caution, I added another Violence warning just to be sure!
»»————-———— ♡ ————————-««
After all this tension, you melted into your pillow, ready to crash.
Next to you, Shoto let out a few last heavy breaths, the tension falling off him too. Sitting up once more and peeling off your socks, you smiled, feeling his hand on your back, rubbing over it attentively. "I think it was fun," you noted, and he chuckled sadly, waiting for you to lie down again. Prompted by his open arm, you closed up the distance between you two, resting your head on his shoulder, looking up at him patiently. "Did you not have fun?" you asked, teasingly, and poked his cheek with your pointer finger.
"Well, you made it fun," he admitted, kissing your forehead while you giggled. "Come on, you did enjoy the food too! And the presents!"
"Oh, yeah. I really enjoy the-" lifting his head from the ground, he looked into the back of the room, with you sitting up too to see, reading one of the packages of his presents. "-’Super Trainer 5000'," he cited, and you laughed awkwardly. "Now, with more weight for the real experience." Wiggling an eyebrow at you, you could not hold your laughter over his presentation, giving him a soft punch to the chest.
"I am sure your dad put a lot of thought into it!" you scolded him, but he only grinned as he saw you not holding back your smile either. "Of course, he did." Leaning down, you kissed him tenderly, letting your hand drive over his cheeks, down to his shoulders. Flashbacks occurred to that very morning when you two had gone back to take a nap but didn't sleep as much as you thought you would. You had been just this close, only this time, his shirt was in the way of you being able to feel his defined muscles.
And there, the thoughts were again. With how loose-fitting his sleeping shirt was, you could barely make out your husband's prominent muscle lines. It was so different from when you had accidentally touched Endeavor's chest. Not that you didn't like it, but it left you… seeking more. Subconsciously, your hand drove beneath his shirt's collar, feeling up the comfortable, warm skin, which changed midway to ice cold. It too was lacking. Nothing like the raging warmth that enveloped you in Enji's presence.
But before you could even dig deeper, he shifted beneath you, his hand gripping your wrist and stopping you from going further. "I… would rather sleep now. This is all very tiresome to me. Sorry, [Name]," Shoto mumbled, apologetic, shooting you an almost sad gaze. But beneath everything, you could see the truth, his exhaustion, shimmering up in his eyes, and you felt bad for even initiating something without consideration. "Yeah, of course. I am tired, too, no worries!"
Smiling at him, you waited until Shoto reciprocated before lying down again, resting against his warm side and snug in his arm. Sure, it had been quite a special Christmas. Still, nonetheless, now that you were where you belonged again, it felt so far away already, the happy and funny times weighing heavily on your mind. Even with all the tension and weirdness, you could still proudly say that you enjoyed your time with his family, already looking forward to next year. With these thoughts in mind, you adjusted to Shoto switched off the light, sinking into the sheets with you, and you fell asleep in his hold, safe and secure.
It was just a matter of time for these good feelings to turn into a reason to never come back - or never leave at all.
For you, it was rare to have wet dreams. Ever since you married, you never really had a reason to, your husband satisfying you fully. Undeniable, there had been days you didn't have an orgasm, but you always thought that was just how life was. Today had been one of those.
You blamed it on Shoto not having managed to push you over the edge as you dreamed about big, bulky fingers gently caressing your lips. Their tips ever so often pushed against them, asking to be let in, and so you did, parting your lips just enough for two of them to slip in. It got agonizingly hard to breathe, but it wasn't like this was a big turn off for you. Eagerly, you worked your tongue, letting the fingers push, pinch, and pull at the muscle. They pushed in further, tapping at your throat before moving out - and your tongue willingly followed them wherever they went, humoring them.
A moan escaped your vocal cords as you felt another big hand drive down your body, easily holding it and letting it nails run down your skin. You couldn't help but sigh in disappointment as it passed by your breast, only for the hand to stop, bringing a finger up again. With your hand reaching up, you helped it massage the tender area, the skin of the fingers so rough in comparison to the angelic moves they made. It reacted so perfectly to your pushes and nudges, building a perfect team with your wishes.
Your top busy, the fingers playing with your mouth retracted, and disappeared, leaving you wanting more as you flailed lightly, restless for it to return, humming quiet pleas to whoever stimulated you in that conscience of yours. "Eager, are we?" it echoed all around you, a presence so far, yet so close but undeterminable where it was exactly. "Yes, please," you muttered, lips barely parting in this dream of yours.
Immediately, you got hit with a seething warm all around you, as if your skin was on fire, and the hand reappeared - this time, between your legs. "You want that?" the voice asked, and you nodded, whimpering in its grip while fingers seemed to burn into your body with how tightly clasped they were all around you. "Then, earn it."
And all of a sudden, everything was gone.
A thud tore you out of your dream, sending you straight back to the real world as you brought up a hand to feel the back of your head. It was like hitting the headboard at night, though impossible, as the pain was located more on the back- than upper side of your skull. Slowly, confused, you started to blink a few times, the darkness ever prominent all around you, making it hard to see. All you knew was that there was a resistance on your wrists, one, you did not know had been there before.
"Huh?" you mumbled, shaking a little in the hold as you felt a hand came down over your mouth, holding it shut. A hush grumbled down from above you, and instantly, a panic hit you. This was the Todoroki Family home, they surely had some enemies that would love to break in and cause havoc. That was - at least - what you thought was happening.
Instantly, you tried to wind yourself out of the grip, to scream and to flail, kicking your legs. But with a very cunning move, the fiend waited for you to open your mouth to scream, sticking two big, salty fingers inside instead, deeply enough to keep you from making another sound aside from gurgles. With the rest of the hand wrapping below your head, enveloping your throat tightly, you felt the shortcoming of air, only small breaths managing to get through with how panicked you were.
Precisely enough, the resistance on your hands stopped while you tried to reach out to Shoto, tap him awake if necessary, but the force used to lift you by only your head was enough to make you pleadingly put your hands on top of the one around your neck, patting it and letting out some whines.  You were concerned that Shoto didn't notice the ruckus, but who-knows-what had happened to him already.
"Let's see," a voice mumbled from behind you, deep and growly, much like the one from your dream. You had difficulties remembering who's it was. Still, there was a small idea already in your head as you felt how the free hand traveled down to your leg, gripping it tightly. That feeling was what you remembered, no matter how cruel it seemed to you now. "Sir-" you tried to splutter out, only receiving a further shove of the fingers down your throat, silencing you despite your whines.
"I told you not to take too much time to come for the decorations," he scolded, and you nodded your head as good as you could despite the pain it caused. "But you never came, so I thought I'd catch you myself."
One of your hands slipped off the one on your neck, your legs struggling to find halt on the ground and lifting your body so it wouldn't just be supported by his grip. With all the strength you had, you pushed down on the hand on your thigh, trying to keep it were it was - even if it was futile, his strength much greater than yours. "I'm sorry!" you tried to press out of your throat despite the restrictions. "I will go and-"
A shook to your body made you squeal and shut your eyes, fear rising with any second that you endured this harassment of your body. "Now's not the right time for that anymore, [Name]."
Brushing your hand to the side, you even tried to shut your legs close, but he was already between them, embedding his hand tightly against your most vulnerable place and clasping around your leg easily. "There was something very important I needed from you, and I will take you somewhere more quiet to get it now. Understood?" he asked - as if he needed your agreement despite everything. "Ple- Please-" you mumbled against his fingers, hoping to appeal to his rationality, but to no avail. A deep chuckle escaped his throat as he shook his head.
"No delay anymore, [Name]. Be good."
Another shook hit your body, this time though you could barely struggle as Enji lifted you up easily. Gravitation was a nightmarish helper in all of this, pulling you downwards despite you not wanting to sit on the hand buried between your thighs. But the more you tried to lift yourself up on your head or with your hands grasping for anything really, the less success you had escaping the hard bones of his fingers, digging into your slit like the wooden horse torture you had read about in a magazine before.
You couldn't help but weep as you noticed your situation growing even worse from the sensation on your clit, the rubs, and pushes hard to ignore when they were so prominent and sudden over and over again. You heard the sliding door open, suspecting him to have opened it with his foot while he transported you irritatingly calmly out of the room. You tried calling out for your husband again, but to no avail, your voice barely sounding into the night as you were carried out and into the back of the house, somewhere, no one would hear you anymore.
How he managed to roam the halls so quietly was a mystery to you. His footsteps were barely audible anymore, unlike how he usually walked through the house. All you could figure by the way he played with your tongue, letting it slip all over his fingers as he carried you like a porcelain doll rather than a heavy, human being, was that he seemed to be aiming somewhere special in delight. However, you lacked the proper knowledge about the floor plan of the house to determine where.
It wasn't like you didn't try to struggle in his grip, doing your best to ram your own nails into the skin of his hands and to scream if your throat allowed it, but even when you passed the rooms you assumed to be your siblings-in-law's, it didn't get anyone's attention as you hoped. "Endea-" you tried to call out to him, frantically patting his hand to which he gave your body a simple shake as if he was reprimanding a dog. That only caused you more uncomfortableness as it made you feel every joint of his fingers against your vulva, every muscle of his heated body against your back and reminded you of the sheer strength he harbored, effortlessly carrying you through the whole house without even a loud breath.
Only by the time you reached your destination was when you gave up your struggles, tears sullying your face in disgust regarding what you were going through. This was not a way to treat someone, not even family or ESPECIALLY not family, but he still pulled through with it. "There we go…" he mumbled, shutting another sliding door behind you with his foot, slowly approaching the middle of the room. From what you could make out, it was a large room, and the air was dense inside, complicating your breathing even more.
When he reached where he wanted, he slowly glided to the ground, finally groaning a little as he kneeled down. With the hand between your legs, he managed to prop them forward, not giving you a choice on how to sit on the floor with him, but you summoned some determination up to run the moment he let go of you.
"You're sloppy," he noted, pulling out from beneath you, making your body pulse with the sudden desire as there wasn't something close to your sex anymore. You did not see it, but he dried off his hands on your nightdress, making you guess just what had made it so wet. And by the feeling you had down below, it was exactly what you were thinking about.
"I will pull out my hand now, keep calm and still for me, alright?" he instructed, and you nodded slowly, his fingers mercifully going with your motions. Horridly slow, he took them from your mouth as you parted your lips willingly as far as you could for him, despite the struggle it caused you. Enji reveled in the momentary bliss of having your tongue work against him, but his fingers still getting another lick from it - if you wanted or not, until he slowed down over your lips, dragging the sensitive skin with him for a few inches before it snapped back and in place.
And the moment you were freed, you did what anyone would have done.
You screamed.
As long as you could, you let your voice ring out while you imagined all the people you would wake, everyone who would come running to see what kind of monstrosity had occurred. And you screamed until your lungs gave out, first vibrating and eventually forcing shut, urging you to breathe instead. From one moment to the next, it got so quiet, so terrible, terrible quiet with only your own heartbeat in your ears. Until there was a sigh, and only that.
"Finished?" he asked, and you could barely keep yourself from laughing at that, if not for your complete lack of air in the first place. "No, and I will continue-"
The sting of pain that followed after the initial crack of bones was all there was to your sentence. At the same time, you felt yourself collapsing to the floor, head hitting the hard ground that barely gave away beneath you. "A pathetic scream. I heard my boys scream louder in this room before - and you are a girl."
Enji's presence faded as you slowly regained a grip on yourself, the ringing in your ears subsiding as you brought a hand up to your cheek, feeling the burning slap as you touched it. Hot tears breached over the corners of your eyelids, though you couldn't give them much thought at that moment while you tried to understand what just happened. You flinched as the light suddenly went on, flooding the vast room in brightness, and you blinked rapidly to adjust. With a lot of strength, you managed to support you on your elbow, allowing you to look around you if just a little.
"I trained them here all day, all night, from the sun to moon and back again. Eventually, I just had to install some sound-proof mechanics so my wife wouldn't come running because of every little scream and squeal," Endeavor explained, knocking on the walls. "You can try to scream as much as you want."
Speechless, you locked eyes with him, looking like a scared deer on the ground at best. What would you do now that no one could hear you? Make a run for it? Worth a try. But when you tried to jump up and get yourself into motion, you were hit with a sudden shakiness, your body not moving one inch while Enji casually prowled closer. Were you… afraid? So much, you couldn't move even if you wanted to? Even if you screamed and shouted while the man you were scared off watched you with an icy, but indifferent stare. As if he was expecting you to do something…
"Not going to run?" he asked, kneeling down in front of you again. Even with how hard you found it to move, you still flinched as his hand reached out, your eyes closing as the only thing doing anything. His hand reached behind your head, cupping it in its palm easily and burying his fingers in your hair. Squealing, you endured the yank as he pulled you upwards, whimpering in his hold while he adjusted you to look directly up to him.
"I'll let the matter of your manners slide. I guess you simply forgot about the decorations as you were fucking my son for your pleasure this morning. Still, we have some urgent matters to discuss."
Shocked, your mouth opened, but the words got stuck in your throat. You wanted to protest and insult him, but to save you, your body decided it was not the time for that. "W-What?" you stammered, helplessly trying to support your lifted body by stemming your hands into the ground. And finally, your limbs listened to you, working as they should.
But instead of an answer, you were met with painfully long seconds of silence while you could watch his eyes roam your body. Ever so often, they would stop and take in what they were seeing. Your lips, your shoulders, your breasts perking from your nightgown, your legs - you could watch them like a movie in the reflection of his eyes. "I was a little disappointed that you were never really introduced to me before the wedding," he mused, a sorrowful expression on his face.
"I-I'm sorry- We just didn't have time to-" You were harshly interrupted as his free hand came down to your hips again, gripping them tightly and helping him to move you around like a doll he was inspecting.
"I can see you are a pretty thing, but I would have liked to have a real talk to you first. I am Shoto's father. I need to take care everyone is making good choices and is well, after all."
Even more, confusion rose in you. Endeavor's words made sense, but they didn't explain why he would treat you like this. If he had wanted to know something, he could have just asked or invited you two over… For this right here, there was no reason at all. "I-It must have been a misunderstanding, Sir! We can just talk if you want that…"
"No," he said, shutting you down immediately. "That's not all."
Enji took a deep breath, a gleam of fire playing around his ear and disappearing as fast as it came up. Still, it reminded you of his quirk and how much of a power he could use if he wanted to. Hell, he could incinerate you with these flames until there was nothing left. Wide-eyed, you stared at him, shivering as you waited for him to talk again.
"[Name], do you understand?" he asked, and you mumbled a forced 'no' from your lips, holding back sobs. "I need to make sure that you are suitable for my Shoto. That you can help him on his way to the top, that you will support him and make him happy. It's my duty to make sure he marries someone fit for him, and yet, he went and married you without my consent."
His eyes went from you back to your legs, and you yelped as he suddenly yanked at your nightgown, tearing off the fabric from one of your shoulders. You struggled to keep everything covered and in place, but his hand was faster in securing a spot between your legs again, forcing them apart even with you trying to free yourself from him. "I would have needed to make sure you were a good fit, that you would make him happy in all and every way possible."
The next thing you knew was that your panties got torn off by a finger breaching the barrier the fabric held up. You screamed in surprise, clasping a hand over your shamelessly exposed parts, but your wrist got caught by his hand, tearing forcefully at it. "Most importantly, I really needed to make sure you'd be able to satisfy him. What about children, [Name]? Do you know how important it is that Shoto will get healthy, promising children?"
Pulling you back by your hair, he made your arch your back, and your eyes look up at him, when suddenly, without preparation or announcement, a thick finger pushed into you, leaving you to gasp in surprise and horror. No matter how horrible it was, you were glad for every bit of wetness you had emitted before, saving you from the bloody hell that could have been. "That's what I mean," he growled as he pulled out again, his fingers coming into sight, coated by your slick liquid and pulling threads as he rubbed them against each other and pulled them apart.
"You're nothing but a slut, getting wet from whatever happens to you!"
"That's not true! It's a natural reaction to protect me!" you protested, already regretting it as you looked back at him, meeting his unwavering, overwhelming gaze. "Protect you from what? Your own father-in-law? Don't make me laugh, you whore!"
The sudden release of your head made you tumble to the ground again, and you could barely keep up with the number of times you had hit your head by now. All you knew was that a big headache was incoming. It took you a bit to gather the strength to lift yourself from the ground this time, Enji having stood up by then and starting to make rounds around you. "This is worrisome," he revealed, and you found yourself close to tears again, barely able to know what exactly you were feeling by now.
"You would fuck anyone who touches you a little bit. You probably get off on doing it when Shoto doesn't expect anything and disgrace the family because you couldn't keep your panties on. Even more, you'd bring shame on my poor son, who wouldn't let me evaluate you before he took you as his terrible wife. You understand I have to take care that won't happen, right?"
"No," you sobbed, shaking your head slowly. "I would never do that! I love Shoto, I could never do something so terrible to him!"
"Of course you'd say that," he sighed, shaking his head sadly, while you still struggled with understanding what was going on. Another heavy sigh heaved off his chest before he came to a halt at your side, inspecting you for a second. "It's my duty as his father to make sure you don't bring anything bad over him."
For the next few seconds, time didn't pass you as fast as usually. The only thing you could think about was, 'What is he going to do... Will he hurt me? Dispose of me?' and in retrospect, you might have preferred that over what was coming. With a thin plead, you reached out to him, clawing your fingers tightly into his pants, muttering your words so quietly, you couldn't guarantee he would hear it. But when you weren't looking, a smile spread over his lips, and he was almost admiring you.
"P-Please…" Your body shook as you tried to speak, unable to look up at him, the person who was threatening you. And yet, all you could think of was Shoto, the love of your life and how much pain it would bring him if anything happened to you just because you didn't follow the proper etiquette and paid your respect to his father.
"W-What if we do the evaluation now?" you stammered, feeling ashamed right to your bones.
"Hm. It's quite late for this now. Say, [Name]..." he mumbled, squatting down to see eye to eye with you. With an almost gentle finger under your chin, he lifted your head up to meet his eyes, your gazed filled with a million sparkles as the tears streamed down your face. "Is it really so important for you to be with my son?"
"More than anything," you sobbed, biting your lips to keep yourself as composed as possible. "I'd go through every necessary step to be with him properly. I am sorry if I was rude before, but I- we can go through everything you need to evaluate me if it means I can stay with Shoto."
With a thoughtful hum, he brought a thumb to your shivering lips, driving over the line they formed while he thought. "I admire that… determination. Maybe if my children had more of it, they really would have become the hero's I wanted them to be." His eyes hesitantly loosened from your lips to meet yours, the tears slowly drying out. Something in his words was calming you, even if you did not wanted to. "I already learned the basics about you. I had every person I know search for information concerning you, so I know about you, [Name]. We don't have the time to go through all of this again, but there is still the family aspect… that bothers me."
Enji seemed to need a minute to tear himself out of his own trance as he got lost in your eyes, searching for a moment of wavering emotions, just a second of hesitations as he brought you the news. It was unsettling, knowing someone had done a background check on you. But it was not as bad as this situation now. You were ashamed to even think about it, but you recounted your last visit to your gynecologist, trying to remember if there had been anything relevant to confess now.
"I-I am fertile and Shoto and I were trying to perceive already."
"Do you think you can?" he asked and you cocked your head to the side for a second, thinking about what he could mean.
"Get pregnant? Y-Yes, of course, Sir!"
His brows furrowed with a wave of disappointment, washing over you. "No, satisfy. You think you can satisfy my son enough so he will give you a child even?"
Admittedly, that had not been your first thought on how babies were perceived, but gulping, you decided to roll with it. By this point, there was barely anything you wouldn't have done if it meant getting away from your father-in-law. "I-I am sure, I can! And I swear I will do my best!"
He gave you an appreciating grunt, and you could only figure it was from showing him more determination. But a small part of you celebrated inside of your head, knowing you had just gained his approval as little as it was. Letting go of you, Endeavor stood up, leaving you to scramble to a seat while he announced, "I will need to get a better picture of that."
Confused, you shook your head as you watched him slowly pulling off his shirt, a small squeal escaping you as you turned your head away when he stood there bare-chested. You could only hear the clanking of his belt as he undid it, pulling it out from his trousers. "What are you waiting for?" he asked, and you could feel the air make way for his pants as they fell straight to the ground, making you flinch.
"Pardon?" you asked weakly, not even wanting to hear what he had to say. A sigh escaped him, and with it, more disappointment that you so desperately wanted to keep at bay. "That irritating piece of fabric," he explained, and you gripped your already torn-up nightgown tightly, slowly looking up again to him with the intention to refuse.
All you found, however, was the words stuck in your throat, watching that massive, twitching cock erected right next to you, while Enji's massive form towered over you. He did not ask for your opinion on this, and it suddenly got all the more clear to you that there was no choice to refuse what you had started.
"If you don't take it off, I will," he offered, and you could only meet his eyes in shock, watching the triumphant gleam he got from your small, submissive body beneath him.
And suddenly, you weren't sure if you even wanted to live long enough to have him rip off your nightgown, while you could not move one muscle to save yourself.
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alicedoessurveys · 4 years
Doctor Who Tag
yes im a nerd...
1. Did you like DW as a child?
I was 10 when it came back on telly with Eccleston and the first episode with the autons scared me so much my mom wouldn't let me watch it again until a couple years later, but yeah my teens I was obsessed with DW... still am at age 25
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I still have the eleventh doctor’s screwdriver... I used to have some of the figures but there in storage now somewhere
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
didn't play it on the playground
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
all of them! the ones that still scare me now are the Cybermen and the Autons... genuinely cant walk past a shop mannequin without being suspicious 
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
as a kid, any of the innuendo type jokes
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
idk I think I still have the same opinions
9. Who introduced you to DW?
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
I LOVED SJA!! I miss that show, and Elizabeth Slade :(
11. Who is your Doctor?
Ten was the doctor that made me fall in love with Doctor Who 
12. Your favourite Doctor?
omg why not just ask me who my favourite child is... (I don't have kids but you know what I mean) if I had to chose my top three are ten, eleven and thirteen
13. Least favourite Doctor?
purely just because he doesn't have enough episodes... nine...
14. Best regeneration?
none of them I hate regenerations :( they make me sad, im too emotionally invested in every single one
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
they're not my faves
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
I think nine maybe? or twelve?
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
the 50th anniversary special 
18. Best Doctor monologue?
“Hello Stonehenge! who takes the pandorica, takes the universe. but bad news everyone, cause guess who? HA! You lot you're all whizzing about- its really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute because I AM TALKING. Question of the hour is, who's got the pandorica? Answer, I do. Next question, who's coming to take it from me? Come on, look at me! No plan. No backup. No weapons worth a damn. oh and something else, I don't have anything to lose. So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceship with all your silly little guns and you've got any plans on taking the pandorica tonight... just remember who's standing in your way. remember ever black day I ever stopped you and then- AND THEN- do the smart thing... let somebody else try first.”
not copied and pasted, remember that from the top of my head... its always there waiting in my mind incase I ever need an epic monologue :’)
19, What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
hopefully living his best life with Rose
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
ten and donna 
21. Favourite companion?
Donna, Clara, Amy
22. Favourite secondary companion?
is Mickey classed as secondary? idk
23. Least favourite companion?
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Doctor, Amy and Rory
25. Most underrated companion?
Graham, but that may just be cause I love Bradders
26. Most overrated companion?
Rose... I like her but idk, I think she gets more hype than she deserves.. don't @ me
27. Favourite companion’s family?
Rose’s mom
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
idk I cant think of anyone
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
Amy and Rory
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
wasn't keen on Bill at first but by the end I really liked her, same with Rory
31. Favourite episode ever?
girl in the fireplace
32. Least favourite episode?
most of Chibnall’s episodes tbh sorry not sorry 
33. Which episodes do you skip?
the regeneration episodes
34. Best two-parter?
Human Nature - Family of Blood
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
I like them all in there own way but I think present is fave, then historical, then future
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
all of them
37. Episode that will always make you cry?
Rory and Amy’s last episode :’(
38. Best run of episodes?
ugh I cant answer this theres too many 
39. Best cliffhanger?
the end of Spyfall part one when the Master reveals who he is... I was SHOOK
40. Favourite Christmas special?
Voyage of the Damned
41. Classic Who or New Who?
new who
42. Favourite series?
four or five
43. Least favourite series?
eleven, I just cant with the writing
44. Which series do you skip?
45. Favourite series opening?
eleventh hour
46. Favourite series finale?
47. Best series arc?
Bad Wolf
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I adore Jodie Whittaker and her doctor, and although I think 3 companions is too many I do love Yaz and Graham (Ryan is hit & miss). I just think theyve been massively let down by the stories/writing... they’ve tried to hard to tick certain boxes and completely missed what Doctor Who is about for a lot of people.. an escape from the real world into these outrageous unbelievable but lovable fun alien adventures 
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
not a lot
50. Who should have had another series?
51. Favourite monster/villain?
the master 
52. Most creative monster?
Weeping Angels, whoever came up with monsters that look like statues and only move when you're not looking at them is genius 
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
Autons, Cybermen, the creepy dolls from Night Terrors, the ones from Waters of Mars, Weeping Angels
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
56. Monster you want to return?
The Master, I really hope that isn't the last we see of Dhawan
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
being genuinely scary, 
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
Weeping Angels
59. Best Dalek story?
Daleks in Manhatten
60. Best one time villain/monster?
my brain has gone blank I cant think of an answer right now 
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
I haven't watched it all so I couldn't say 
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
again, not watched it all 
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
Sarah Jane
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
71. Favourite piece of alien tech?
the sonic, I love how it is so multipurpose except for when it comes to wood 
72. Favourite piece of Murray Gold music?
I am the Doctor - gets me pumped every time 
73. Favourite TARDIS design?
Ten’s Tardis 
74. Has the 2005 era CGI aged well?
actually yeah, I was rewatching the ‘are you my mummy’ episodes the other day and my God when the gas masks emerged from the faces... ooooooof I was like omg how 
75. Favourite Doctor outfit?
eleven or thirteen
76. Monster with the best design?
not really a design more of a costume.. I live Dhawan master’s costume. that shade of purple, oof he so stylish 
77. Best show runner?
78. Best writer?
79. Best opening titles?
eleven’s titles where the Tardis is flying and being zapped is cool but thirteens music hits different 
80. Will DW age well/stay popular in the future?
I hope so, I feel like its lasted this long surely it can last forever.. if the writers don't fuck it up... 
81. Time period you’d want to go with the Doctor?
whatever time means Id get to wear the most beautiful costumes
82. Planet/place you’d want to go with the Doctor?
Galifrey, pre-desctruction
83. Doctor you’d most like to travel with?
any of them, please and thank you
84. Companion you’d most like to travel with?
donna, sceso a good laugh but also I feel like she’d look after me 
85. Monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
The Master 
86. If you could go back on your own history (like Father’s Day), where would you go?
back to when I was a toddler, I wanna see what I was like 
87. If you could ask the Doctor anything, what would you ask?
theres too many to ask 
88. Historical figure you’d like to meet?
89. How do you think you’d meet the Doctor?
id probably be rescued from doing something stupid and then the doc would be like you know what the bitch clearly needs supervision she's coming with me 
90. Would you travel forwards or backwards in time first?
91. Historical event would you like to see in DW?
92. Issue you’d like to see addressed in DW?
93. Who would you completely erase from the DW universe?
94. One unanswered DW question you’d love to know the answer to?
where is Clara now?
95. Actor/actress you’d like to see play the Doctor?
Phoebe Waller Bridge (or Lin Manuel Miranda)
96. Actor/actress you’d like to see play a companion?
Andrew Scott (yes I did just basically recast fleabag and hot priest)
97. Is DW “too political”?
series 11 got a bit like that 
98. Which characters fate would you changed?
Danny Pink
99. What about DW could be improved?
I think ive made my options about Chibnall pretty clear... 
100. If you could write an episode of DW, any ideas for what you’d do
bring back Jenny, the Doctor / Daughter adventures they would have. I’m actually writing a fic about it if you wanna read.... here
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