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loveisonlyforthebrave8 · 7 years ago
yotb0ka replied to your post: I can’t believe I have to wait till fucking...
but are you sure about uk? I saw an instagram post by Gemma Chan saying it moved to september 14th…
Yesss, I just heard. I don't use twitter so I'm clueless. I can't wait to see this movie!!!
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hellzz-on-earth · 8 years ago
Thank you Kachica. I miss Chlollie something fierce.
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poetgirl925 · 8 years ago
Smallville, Chloe Sullivan and Oliver Queen (Chlollie) - Soulmate fanvid by Yotb0ka 
I love this video so much. It has everything that made this couple OTP-worthy 
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sarcasticfina · 8 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes:
purple-moon123 (6%)
piggiesaregreen (4%)
mastanikideewani (4%)
lancedinah (4%)
bjorkshirepudding (4%)
yotb0ka (4%)
imaginationisveryrapid (3%)
absentlyabbie (3%)
dust2dust34 (3%)
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eastvalley · 7 years ago
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- O que o amor e o universo uniram, ninguém separa!
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For the ask meme: Smallville
Hello! Thanks for the ask....
Tagging @frostysfrenzy and @julianarsantos-blog for asking!
favorite male character:
Clark Kent (DUH!)
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favorite female character:
Lois Lane (DUH!)
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least favorite character:
Um...nothing against her fanbase but I somehow couldn't bring myself to actually like Alicia (maybe it's that whole storyline but... yeah whatevs)
prettiest character:
LOIS! (I would be blind if I didn't..)
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(And honorable mention : Lana Lang: she's absolutely pretty)
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funniest character:
I'll take a turn from Lois and Clark now...and go for Ollie (him in that fortune girl show costume is enough to make me break into hysterics)
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^ G.I.F via @yotb0ka
favorite season:
SEASON 10. (Honorable mentions- Seasons 9, 8 and 4)
favorite episode:
HOMECOMING (Honorable mention : Pandora)
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favorite romantic ship:
Clark Kent/ Lois Lane (hope everyone recovered from the shock)
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favorite family ship:
Martha/ Clark (ALWAYS : coz he's such a momma's boy) Even Jonno takes after him on that lol. Like father, Like son
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favorite friend ship:
Lois Lane / Chloe Sullivan (Also Clark and Chloe, Clark and Ollie (BROSHIP)..but I'm always a sucker for gal-pals of Lois)
worst ship:
Meh to everything other than Clois, Chlollie and Jonathan/ Martha (Oh- totally fine with Jason/Lana somehow- they had potential and Tess/ Emil)
Once again- thanks for the ask!!
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eccleston · 6 years ago
Answer 21, Tag 21
I was tagged by @pinchtheprincess and @shinigabi-tan
Nickname/s: none
Zodiac sign: cancer
Height: 5′3″
Hogwarts House: slytherin 🐍
Last thing I Googled: when the last GOT book was released
Favorite musician/s: The Beatles, Hozier, Adele, lots of classic rock bands. 
Song Stuck in my head: bette davis eyes by kim carnes
Following now: 52...I just went on a mass unfollow & need more blogs to follow tbh. I’ve never followed many blogs before though. I don’t think I’ve ever gone over 80 blogs.
Followers: 7,701 lost souls
Do I get asks: rarely & when I do it’s the same ppl usually ♥︎
Amount of sleep: 6-7 hours usually
Lucky number: number 9
What I’m wearing: gray sweat pants & blue tank top
Dream job: honestly no idea
Dream trip: anywhere with solitude, a gorgeous view, a book, & coffee.
Favourite food: potatoes of all kinds. particularly fries.
Instruments: none
Languages: I took 4 years of Spanish and can mangle through if I’m lucky. I read it better than I hear or speak it. I wish I would have taken it more seriously during school.
Favorite song/s: Of all time? No idea. Never get tired of Mr. Brightside by The Killers or Maybe I’m Amazed by Paul McCartney. First two that came to mind. 
Random fact: my mom let me skip school to see LOTR FOTR on opening day and I always thought that was cool of her. I hope to do the same for my daughter some day with whatever nerd thing she can’t wait for.
Aesthetic: blankets, baggy sweaters, coffee, fairy lights, books, cats
tagging 21 people in my notifications: @forestelfin | @bluesatellites | @robbosugdens | @leksakrv | @acreasy1 | @everlongfortheinfinitesadness | @icbarightnow | @21gaysoftheseas | @yotb0ka | @letsstartfromthebeginning | @mariaasofiaa | @jemandtherobots | @lecompanion | @waywardprentiss | @feriferfer | @ginger-lemontea | @impossibly-perfect | @smolmexicangirl | @daisuv | @bitchisfierce | @realityn
don’t feel obligated to play along. ♥︎♥︎
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al2verse · 6 years ago
Família Pricelli
             Que me desculpem os Benedito, os Williamson, os Tibúrcio, os Cavalcante e os Bittencourt, mas é sobre os Pricelli que eu quero falar hoje.
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Fonte: @giordanobecheleni
            Muito pouco nos foi dado sobre o backstory dos Pricelli, especialmente a história de Virgílio. E eu tenho muitos sentimentos a respeito dessa família.
                                                                   Apesar de desaprovar as ações de Virgílio, Fani é a única dos irmãos que pode entender a sua lealdade cega a Xavier. Ela mesma estivera nesse caminho sombrio certa vez, e teve a sorte de ter pessoas ao seu redor que lhe mostraram os seus enganos e a ajudaram a encontrar o caminho de volta.
           Houve um tempo, quando Fani era menina, que ela costumava ler para Virgílio. Sua Mamma trabalhava para os Tibúrcio todas as manhãs, exceto aos domingos, e a tarde cuidava das tarefas domésticas e de pequenos afazeres em outras casas de família. Quando Fani fizera 6 anos, Dona Josephine se oferecera para dar-lhes lições, ela iria ficar na Mansão quando sua Mama fosse embora, até que Virgílio fosse buscá-la. Fani era uma aprendiz rápida e em pouco tempo estava lendo com desenvoltura. Um dia, ao caminharem para casa, Virgílio lhe perguntara o que havia de tão interessante naqueles livros, e foi assim que Fani começara a ler para ele, eles iriam parar durante alguns minutos, se sentariam embaixo de uma jabuticabeira escondida da estrada e ele ouviria em silencio enquanto ela lhe contava histórias. Fani nunca dissera isso para ninguém, instintivamente sentia que não era algo que Virgílio gostaria que os outros soubessem. Ele sempre lhe parecera uma mistura de seus outros dois irmãos, era quieto a maior parte do tempo, quase tímido, como Luccino, mas tinha um temperamento explosivo como o de Ernesto, e algo que era essencialmente Virgílio.
            Quando Fani fizera 12 anos, passara a viver na Mansão permanentemente, e nunca mais teve contato com seu irmão, que nessa época já era um jovem rapaz. Ainda gostava de ouvir histórias? Fani percebeu com tristeza que realmente não o conhecia, ela perdera tanto, de todos eles, mas estava determinada a recuperar o tempo perdido.
           Luccino nunca conseguiu se conectar com o seu irmão, a diferença de idade era grande o suficiente que enquanto Luccino corria ao redor da barra da saia da sua Mamma, Virgílio saia para ajudar o seu Papa no lavoro. Quando Luccino pensa em Virgílio, ele o via como um estranho, um estranho que o ignorava a maior parte do tempo, um estranho que o bateu em portas e paredes, e o ameaçou e a Otávio com uma arma, que ajudou a sequestrar sua melhor amiga e tentou machucar aqueles que ele conhecia e amava, um estranho que matara seu pai, um estranho que era seu irmão.
           Quanto a Ernesto, desde que Luccino se lembra, ele e Virgílio nunca se deram bem, estavam sempre brigando e batendo cabeças como dois touros bravos. Quando Luccino perguntava a Ernesto sobre isso, ele sempre dizia "Não se preocupe com isso, fratellino" e sorria daquele jeito dele,  que sempre fizera Luccino se sentir cuidado e amado. Mas às vezes Luccino se perguntava o que havia acontecido para que eles se odiassem tanto.   
              O que ficou claro na conversa entre Gaetano e Virgílio, antes da chegada de Ernesto, é que havia muita mágoa e ressentimento entre eles, e por um momento lá, Virgílio pareceu considerar o pedido de seu pai. Em cada cena do personagem na reta final da novela, a fachada de indiferença caiu e ele parecia estar em dor física, um nível de sofrimento e angústia muito grande. Como um homem em uma missão, um homem que já foi muito longe para recuar agora.  E aqui eu parabenizo as habilidades de atuação de Giordano Becheleni.
            Eu preciso da história completa dessa família, por favor, me ajudem a preencher as lacunas. Estou marcando algumas pessoas que eu sei que acompanharam a novela, pelo menos em parte:  @yotb0ka​, @crazy-cat--lover​, @trickztr​, @lutavio​, @kisameanslight​, @sparkly-angell​. Sintam-se livres para me marcar em qualquer coisa relacionada a família Pricelli, seus headcanons, fics, prompts, whatever.
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yotb0ka · 6 years ago
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loveisonlyforthebrave8 · 7 years ago
Happy Birthday, Lauren!!! Hope you have great one! 🎂🍾😘
EEEEEEEEEP, thank you so much Keiko
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rupertograves · 7 years ago
dudemilio22 replied to your photoset “yotb0ka: Luccino: I’m in peace. Otávio: In peace? Luccino: Yes, for...”
What is this from I need to watch now
@dudemilio22 it’s from a brazilian soap opera called “Orgulho e Paixão” (Pride and Passion)
https://rico-santos.tumblr.com/post/178030918478 in this link there’s their history subtitled in english
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pesticine · 7 years ago
20 Q’s
Tagged by lovely @ butterfly-and-hurricanes ♥♥♥
rules: answer the 20 questions so your followers can get to know you better, and tag 20 people you would like to get to know better.
1. name: Noëlle
2. nickname: On the internet, people I speak usually call me Lydzi. Irl, I have pupuce which is an endearing french nickname. Babbu sometimes :3
3. zodiac sign: Virgo (sun) scorpio (rising)
4. height: 165cm
5. languages spoken: French. My english is not too bad I guess. I speak it better than I write it somehow. Portuguese quite well. I do understand spanish and italian but I have a hard time speaking it tbh.
6. nationality: French
7. favorite fruit: Coconut and watermelon
8. favorite season: Autumn
9. favorite scent: Hazelnut
10. favorite color: green, the emerald shade
11. favorite animal: I’m having a huge love for elephants right now. They are insanely cute!!
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the absolute cutest!!
12. favorite fictional character: I have so many ... all Dumas and Austen’s characters, Ron Weasley, Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe, Zuko from atla, Yami Yugi (don’t judge), Davos Seaworth, Victarion Greyjoy, Nikolaï Lantsov, Scarlett O’Hara, Aurora, Indiana Jones, Katow, Alina Starkov... the list goes on and on ^^
13. coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: I drink everything (mostly tea) but if there was an apocalypse and only one of those three could be saved, I would go for the chocolate. It feeds you so, yeah.
14. number of blankets you sleep with: Well these days : None. It’s summer and it’s quite warm.
15. when was your blog created: around the Big Bang era.
16. favorite subject: Litterature
17. currently watching: I watch too many shows and in a very random niche way. I go from The Americans, to Dance Academy, to Into the Badlands, Gotham etc. I’m currently watching Meteor Garden 2018 and Neal’s Cosmos serie so... yeah.
18. favorite band: I don’t have favorites per se. That being said, I really dig Led Zeppelin and Infinite.
19. instruments played: None whatsoever.
20. favorite book: Laurent Gaudé’s House of the Scorta - Deathless from Catherynne Valente - Man’s Fate d’André Malraux. These are the first three that come to my mind.
So I’m tagging:  @yotb0ka, @Pi-Ouh, @greengargouille, @genny-qc, @clayray3290 , @moonaskingtostay , @rubyseauxheaux , @tearsofpierrot , @wearehappiness and finally my lovely @little-chacal !! ♥
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escapist90 · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @feychannel Thank you!
Color(s): Purple and Green
Last band t-shirt I bought: Don’t have any
Last band I saw live: Lacuna Coil
Last song I listened to: Forward Momentum by Dark Tranquillity
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
Last movie I watched: Wonder Woman
Last three TV shows I watched: I can’t even remember
Three characters I identify with: good question
Book I’m currently reading: Not reading any at the moment.
I’m tagging @yotb0ka @tessagraey @leiaamidala @queencanaries
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comic-khan · 8 years ago
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yo so like I was tagged by @spidereyhes to post my lock screen, last song I listened to, and the last selfie I took. I hate myself a lot so I never take pictures of myself (this was taken in December lol) but my cat is cute as hell and it's one of the more recent pictures with my face in it. Also Birds pt 1 is one of my top 5 favourite Weeknd songs imma tag @protectkatebishopatallcosts @the-keeping-of-bees @pygmypuffgonebonkers and @yotb0ka (y'all don't have to do it if ya don't want!)
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taitanique · 8 years ago
Lol thank you @yotb0ka No @pressxtodavid "we're" not getting old, I am fuuuuuuck
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yotb0ka · 6 years ago
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Legolas Greenleaf "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)" | Arya Stark "Game of Thrones: 8.03 - The Long Night"
requested by @fuckyeahartlife 
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