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fabuloustrash05 · 9 months ago
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Splinter and Raph had more in common than the fandom and even the show itself wants to think
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fyeahcindie · 1 year ago
This is a beauty, a brand new single from singer-songwriter 持修 Chih Siou =D
*Deepest Apologies to ChihSiou and Big Thank You to @zhuhongs for the heads up!
Producer: 鍾濰宇 Yu / Everydaze aka 王宥盛 Yoshen Wang Arrangement: Everydaze Guitar: 羅紹恩 Shaoen Lo Bass: 王育嘉 Yu-Chia Wang Drums: 林子祈 Benny Lin
Links:  YouTube,  StreetVoice,  Instagram,  Official site,  Spotify
Let's have a listen to another gorgeous tune, from her *his !!!! album that came out in at the very end of 2021:
Arranger: 持修 Chih Siou / 羅紹恩 Shaoen Lo Acoustic Guitar: 羅紹恩 Shaoen Lo Backing Vocals Arranger: 持修 ChihSiou / 鍾濰宇 Yu
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angelsdevils · 2 years ago
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key:  ♡ sfw //  ☆ nsfw //  ♤ suggestive //  ☁ angst//🖤depression mentions
♡Friend Zoned Unintentionally
♡Choose Us: Ft. Kise
♤3 Types of Snacks: Chubby Reader
♡Man Child
♡Mine!: Older Sister Reader
♡Stealing His Hoodie: Headcannon
♡Valentine’s day
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted, etc. I do not own the character or the fanart, but I own the plots of these stories. All fanart goes to their appropriate owners.
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444names · 9 months ago
Names generated from USAmerican, Dutch, French, German, Icelandic, Indian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish forenames, including the letter "H" and excluding the letter "J"
Abhaffabel Abhina Abhleiður Adhad Adharý Adhath Adhesane Adhna Adhnath Ainhir Akich Akiyosh Albhgheiko Aleachola Amhína Ancheira Aodórathi Aoibhrafor Aromoshino Arrynhana Aríetth Ashirō Athiro Atsuhi...
Bailinnhar Balbeth Barodh Basuhistamh Batathy Behitoshi Benchi Benindurbha Bershi Bhanup Bighrel Bobuhiko Breimheliro Brierihi Bráðhizō Catanokihi Cheódóra Chido Chihiacio Childur Chindrún Chirfi Chito Chitéaoddur Chleinnihir Chtný Chuna Claughnarli Cliolch Cobhóg Corlodhi Cúchi Damherle Danath Daðinehad Dheake Dhellia Dimmichir Domiehi Dvingith Dúlrósith Ebháinezel Edetsukehar Edghsepa Eglachild Elínóthiste Emilmarishi Enstoichi Ereseph Erihi Erthath Eshar Eshidhennán Eshilína Eshitomina Eushis Eushisakik Eyasath Fachi Fachit Finachi Finachira Frandh Frichonar Frieschill Frishi Friðlavichi Frímharka Féishiko Fónarnath Geinfrihade Geninhie Geshi Gibhían Gishūicher Gnvicheiður Gormabhi Gundhaley Gursh Guðbeachi Hacena Haffaber Hafgendia Hafla Hagaldur Haindur Haitar Halby Haldett Haldu Haldur Haldóra Hallucynhir Halota Halvan Halís Handur Hantopo Harda Haride Haritný Haritsylaya Harnesta Harnán Harram Harrann Harva Hatsý Haudeadhirō Hauglór Haviðlexany Hawam Heacho Heanz Heatro Hedís Heifin Heifráskít Heifur Heigoth Heigutsu Heiich Heikkaga Heinda Heinný Heiriancesa Heiro Heisteb Heiðarigur Heiði Heiðla Helfa Heliseinna Hellinto Helmo Helía Hemíólfur Hendi Hendur Henirokur Hentaki Hergha Herie Herin Herna Hertur Hervealdur Herður Hewing Hidhghura Higen Higur Higþóra Hihotohnný Hiico Hiiessuko Hikolgh Hikta Hikto Hilildur Hilla Hillaud Hilocedana Hinadh Hineormendi Hinever Hingibhatsu Hista Histeta Hisólbranir Hitaki Hizuy Hlaitrafn Hlaumi Hlaundrino Hlordís Hrafre Hraka Hrallía Hrana Hrannimur Hrapomon Hraya Hrekena Hremeliveir Hretiro Hreyamaty Hrinika Hrishie Hréta Hrósbete Hrósmur Hröðvensta Hubra Humari Humataki Hunes Huniedi Hunón Hupronóra Hvard Háresla Hárná Hávaleif Hérèse Hólbersti Hólfus Hólheinedís Hólmas Hólín Högný Húberður Ichildísa Ichtna Inzenth Isadha Karchard Karramah Katakichio Kathyl Kathí Kayoshil Kehar Kelhellavva Kihitako Kiyoshra Klach Kohirola Kraumitsuhi Krichi Krihirō Krishid Krishiki Kukiho Kōzōaachar Lahie Lancecha Levíbrimhne Liliðurah Liochara Lishunnía Lixtosha Lochitlan Lordhg Loshilíang Luchrenkar Lucidhán Líshaldur Líunnbernho Mahilbrahna Malhemi Mankahall Manthna Marnichi Marnichilm Mathrearne Meabhar Meggellhes Melldhbhiya Michra Mihir Mihitsunne Mitoshi Mitoshild Miyoshi Miyoshin Mohimhna Mohna Motosenushi Muthiha Nashiko Nashiy Neashiko Nibhlaki Nichillý Nihiroir Nobuyokich Nomeachinée Norichirō Norlasahug Oddathiko Odhaleán Odheivía Odhnarc Oshan Oshualín Panth Perezhdís Peruyosh Phiovy Pimihikar Pollheir Pálmash Péthelta Rachi Radeshisa Randhna Reighi Reshi Richeaniet Rihir Rohae Roshelmunna Roshi Roshidezia Rushild Ryasushaldi Ryūtachiko Róileergh Rósimhína Rökkioshis Rúðveighu Sachikh Sakazuhiko Sakumichi Samichitur Satoshild Seachi Shalda Shareki Sharva Shatomur Sheiðurnann Shelía Shengerghna Sheru Shide Shigur Shihirler Shika Shikaëlley Shiko Shilavia Shildurtín Shile Shiliv Shill Shimh Shina Shindisue Shint Shiro Shirō Shitra Shmaria Shnayya Shundís Shusa Shwishigtro Shōicia Sighen Sighubhéði Simhnaya Sishinn Snæhifildís Snæhiya Speanharg Stakoyansh Sthana Suhidehalo Sumichisa Svarahi Sveiichika Sverbhi Sæmun'ichi Sævanchi Símarich Taddhna Tadha Tadhug Tahoríður Tathfherbha Theette Themitsunn Therður Tomhóg Tomichiste Tomishi Toncashne Toshigur Toshob Toshrá Tsuha Tsuhairien Valínath Varthéaleik Vathyl Vichirō Vichit Vichunóild Vithólfur Viðbenthí Vébharad Wakehi Wilskúricha Wolaukihik Yashō Yoshacian Yosharður Yoshen Yoshil Yoshileiro Yoshipomuir Yoshishi Yoshoni Yoshugur Yukathi Yukihan Yūtaldómhi Áiroshna Árlauthí Ármíchik Ásþórmhar Éthúna Ólfhiko Órhara Ölveidhya Öskústh Þorghseshō Þórshi
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lazylogic · 6 years ago
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The Yoshen are back for a cute print, I hope everyone likes it \o/
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waddle-dee-unmasked · 3 years ago
The yoshening
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In Super Mario World, if Mario dismounts Yoshi underneath this moving yellow wall in Donut Plains 2, Yoshi will be absorbed into the wall and rapidly ascend offscreen. He will not come back down.
Main Blog | Twitter | Patreon | Source: twitter.com user  “TanookiKuribo”
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fabuloustrash05 · 10 months ago
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Lyrics are from Epic: The Musical. Song name “No Longer You” from The Underworld Saga
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fyeahcindie · 1 year ago
This sweet tune is from last Christmas, a December 2022 single from 黃玠瑋 Zooey Wonder =D
Music/Lyrics: 黃玠瑋 Zooey Wonder Produced/Arranged by: Everydaze / 黃玠瑋 Zooey Wonder Guitar/Whistle: Everydaze Bass: 程杰 Jay Cheng Piano: 張少瑜 Charles Chang (Chang Shao-Yu) / 黃玠瑋 Zooey Wonder Synth: Everydaze / 張少瑜 Charles Chang Backing Vocal & Arrangement: 黃玠瑋 Zooey Wonder
Full a/v credits and lyrics back at YT
Links: YouTube,  Spotify,  Instagram,  Weibo,  Bandcamp,  StreetVoice,  SoundCloud,  Official Site,  玠·樂 Zooeytopia fb group
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fyeahcindie · 2 years ago
Ease into Sunday with this one from Everydaze recorded for semi's ROOM SERVICE series. =D
I don't recall featuring him, but I think we mentioned him playing bass gtr/bass on The Dinosaur's Skin 恐龍的皮 ep? I think his name is 王宥盛 Yoshen Wang, and he also plays in the band Indoor Trip.
His old fb is 宥盛王 Daniel Wang, but now he links to Everydaze.
His self description is ‘Bedroom-Pop, Indie-Pop, R&B’. He's got 2 singles out, and the song above is on his 2020 Room247 single.
Links: StreetVoice, Spotify,  Instagram, YouTube,  SoundCloud,  Bandcamp
Let's hear his excellent 2021 single, I really like this song and arrangement:
And here is the title track from the 2020 single from Indoor Trip band, it's also top-notch:
Producer: 莊鈞智 Thomas Chuang Music/Lyrics/Vocal/Synth: 王宥盛 Yoshen Wang Arranger: Indoor Trip Guitar: 沈亦峯 E-Phone Shen / 王宥盛 Yoshen Wang Bass: 吳秉和 Ping Ho Wu (BingBing Wu) Drums/Percussion/Programming: 彭胡傑 WhoJ Peng Sax: 廖莊廷 Justin Liao Background Vocals: 葉穎 Leaf Yeh Producer Assistant: 黃渝傑 UJ Huang Recording Engineer: 莊鈞智 Thomas Chuang / 黃渝傑 UJ Huang
Links:  Instagram,  YouTube,  Bandcamp,  Spotify
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fyeahcindie · 8 months ago
Vast & Hazy with the opening number off of their new album, 五常法則 (5S). =D
整理整頓清潔中 (Apple) begins with a slightly subdued arrangement, but the song has all of their customary urgency. I really love this!
Lyrics & Lead Vocal: 咖咖 顏靜萱 Ka Ka Yen Music: 林易祺 LNiCH, 王宥盛 Yoshen Wang Producer: 韓立康 Likang Han HLK, 林易祺 LNiCH Music Arranger: 林易祺 LNiCH, 李思嘉 Alice Lee Vocal Producer: 咖咖 KAKA. Y Background Voc Arranger: 黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han (aka 黃宇寒 Han) Background Vocals: Everydaze, 王昭權 Chuan Wang, 高真 TRU, 黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han, 羅莎莎 Sabrina Lo (以上按姓名筆畫排序), 咖咖 KAKA. Y, 林易祺 LNiCH Guitar: 林易祺 LNiCH, 韓立康 HLK Bass: 羅晧宇 Lo Hao Yu Drums: 潘維瀚 Pan Wei Han Brass Arranger: 韓立康 HLK Trombone: 宋光清 Qinbone Sung Trumpet: Danny Deysher
Links: YouTube,  添翼音樂 TEAM EAR MUSIC YT,  Spotify,  Weibo,  Instagram,  咖咖 KaKa Instagram
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angelsdevils · 3 years ago
Okamura x Reader
Title: Valentines Day
No Warning
Okamura stared at you, surprised; he couldn't believe such a cute, and outgoing girl like you liked him. He looked around, confused to make sure you talked to him, before slowly taking your letter. You smiled widely when he took it and bowed slightly to him.
"I hope you accept my confession Okamura~san."
"Is this a joke? Are you messing with me?" You quickly looked up at him, and he looked confused and hurt.
"I am sorry~?" You tilted your head confused, and he looked around again. He was expecting to see a camera or his team hiding somewhere laughing.
"I don't think I understand Okamura~san."
"Did my team put you up to this?"
"What are you talking about? Of course not; I am coming to you of my own free will."
"I am sorry, I find it hard that someone so pretty, so popular, and so smart like me."
"So… that's a no?" You asked; still confused, you bit your lip. Okamura glanced around again before at you, then at the letter.
"No, it's not. I just… I-"
You suddenly pulled his tie downward, bringing his head down to your height. You pressed your lips to his shyly. You aren't sure exactly where the confidence came from, but you were desperate for him to know that you were serious.
Okamura was confused and shocked, but it only lasted a few moments before he wrapped his arms around your waist. You both parted after a few moments, only leaving a few centimeters between your lips.
"Please accept me. I like you so much."
"I should be begging you to be serious. If you are, of course, I accept your feelings," he said. You looked up to meet his eyes, and he stared at you. He felt his heart fill with warmth as he realized that you meant every word you said.
"Of course, I am serious. I don't have the heart to be mean like that. I have feelings for you; I have since the beginning of last year. I was just too nervous about confessing," you admitted. You felt a blush rise your cheeks, and the gravity of the situation fell on you. You had kissed him without asking. You went to pull away quickly, but he held your body close to his.
"Be my girlfriend, please. I accept your feelings!"
You laughed softly as he picked you up, and you held him tightly so you didn't fall.
"Alright, alright. Place me down before I fall."
"I won't let you fall," he said. Holding you to him and you shook your head, looking up. You could see the happiness on his face, and you couldn't help but cup his face and place your lips against his gently.
"Do you have basketball today?" You asked as he finally set you down, and he shook his head.
"The coach gave us the day off because of Valentine's Day, and she had plans."
"I see; well, maybe we can make plans too?" You asked, shifting, and he held your hand in his.
"Yeah, I want to show you off to my team too." He said, gently pulling you along. Words couldn't explain how happy Okamura was as he proudly walked through the hallways. Everyone stopped and stared confused, and you couldn't help but laugh softly. Once he got to his group of friends, they looked at you than him.
"Don't tell us, you forced her to be your Valentine Okamura," Fukui asked. Several of them were about to protect you, but you clung to Okamura.
"Of course, I didn't force her. She confessed on her own, and we are now dating," he said in a smug tone. Everyone looked at you, expecting you to call him a liar, scream for help, and fight him off. Instead, you leaned up and kissed his cheek, and stepped closer to him. Despite being popular, you were still pretty shy around people you weren't close with.
"Are you serious? Someone as cute as her? Confessed to a big oaf like you? That has to be a mistake. I don't believe it." Fukui said, and everyone slowly nodded their heads.
"Be honest, he threatened you, didn't he?" Liu asked. You shook your head and grabbed the letter from Okamura.
"I wrote him a letter; I am the one who confessed." Your cheeks heated up even more.
"So that is why you rejected me; you had your eyes on someone else. Makes sense now," Himuro mumbled to himself. Okamura blinked several times before looking down at you.
"You rejected Himuro?"
"Uh, yeah. C-Can we go now? This is embarrassing. I wanted to do something for Valentine's Day."
"Right, let's go." Okamura had a new sense of pride fill him. He led you away from his teammates, and Himuro only smiled.
"Doesn't that bother you? That she chose Okamura over you? How are you so calm about it?" Fukui asked.
"I think it's a cute couple, honestly. As long as she is happy, that's all that matters."
"Wow, a romantic." Fukui rolled his eyes.
Okamura felt warmth fill him again as you laced your fingers with his. He placed a small kiss on your hand, and you looked up at him, confused.
"I promise you won't regret your decision choosing me."
"I know I won't… after all, you are my first love Okamura~san."
"Please call me Kenichi."
"Okay, then call me (Y/N)."
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angelsdevils · 3 years ago
Okamura x Reader
A/N: Cause he needs love too, and I will shower him in it.
Title: Honesty Fluff Warning: Low Self-Esteem
You were currently cuddling with your best friend, Okamura. He had the weekend off for practice so that you could spend time together. These were your favorite moments because you guys would normally just stay inside. On top of everything, your family loved Okamura to death and trusted him with you.
Right now, his arms were wrapped around your waist, and your head was on his chest. He had his face buried in your hair, and you both just stayed like that in silence. That was until he broke it.
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"What's up?" You looked up at him, and he had a small blush on his cheeks. You blinked, slightly confused, and he took a deep breath.
"I want your honest opinion, don't be nice about it. I want your god honest opinion, okay?"
"Okay... what have you so bothered?"
"Am I that ugly and unloveable?"
You blinked once. Twice. Three times before, his question registered through your head.
"What are you talking about? Of course not. Who said that?"
"Are you just saying that because you are my best friend?" He asked, and you sat up, and he followed your actions.
"Of course not; I mean it. You are not ugly or unloveable," you cupped his cheeks. You knew his self-esteem was low, but here lately, you realized it had gotten worst.
Okamura avoided your gaze, and you made him look up at you. You had a secret you never told anyone, but you figured now would be the best time to tell him. He had to know; you just hoped he didn't make things weird afterward.
"Why is it girls don't like me then? Even you, I mean we are best friends. But that is all I will ever be, right? There is no hope in me dating you, or anyone for that matter."
"What? Where is this coming from?" He chewed on his bottom lip, and you were so tempted to kiss him.
"Truth is (Y/N), I realized maybe a couple of months ago that I was in love with my best friend. So I went to my basketball team, and they all pretty much said the same thing as always: I have no chance with you, that I will always be just the best friends. Nothing more. It makes sense, though. I mean, you are gorgeous and can have any guy. I mean, even Himuro likes you. Why would you want me when you can have him."
"Kenichi, can you shut up for a moment? I hate it when you talk bad about yourself. That is all negative things coming from your mouth. Why would you go to them? They don't know me or my type. The truth is I do like you; I have for a long time. For the past few years. Middle School even. I was just scared I would end up ruining our friendship. So I kept it to myself, especially since you were looking for girlfriends outside of me. So I figured you only saw me as a family member. I love you, okay. I always have, and always will," you said. His eyes widen at your confession. You took it one step further and pressed your lips to his, and wrapped your arms around his neck. He instantly held you tightly to his chest but was careful not to hurt you.
You both let a small sigh escape your lips, and you parted just enough to whisper the words again.
"I love you so much, Kenichi."
"(Y/N)... I-I do love you too," he met your eyes. You smiled, and he sat you in his lap before kissing you again. You returned the kiss, and your hands ran through his hair slightly. He nibbled on your bottom lip gently before you allowed entrance. He took his time exploring your warm and wet cavern. You let a small moan escape, and you both parted quickly, having a blush cover your cheeks.
"It's okay; I just wasn't expecting it. I like the sound, though," Okamura said. He pressed small kisses to your neck before nuzzling you.
"So we are dating, right, Kenichi?"
"Yeah, if you want to," he said. You showered his face in small pecks giggling nonstop.
"Of course, I want to. You dork..."
He laid back on the bed and kissed your head, and you curled into him. You both were content with everything, and it was by far the best lazy day ever.
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angelsdevils · 4 years ago
Kagami x Reader
Title: Crushing on your Best Friend Fluff No Warning
You, Taiga and Tatsuya had been friends for a long time. So when they left for Japan at different times, you felt alone. it had been a long while since you had seen them. So when your school offered you a chance to move to Japan as a transfer student, you instantly agreed. Now, here you were making your way to the basketball tournament. You knew it was today because Taiga and Tatsuya would always tell you when they had games. You had every intention of surprising him, but you didn’t expect to see Tatsuya there. But it made sense, since they were brothers and what not.
Tatsuya must have felt you staring at him because he turned his head to you. His eyes widen as he broke out into a smile. A tall guy with purple hair looked at him confused before looking over at you. 
“(Y/N)….” He picked you up and hugged you tightly, serveral other people turned and stared at you. 
“Man she is hot.”
“Look at her rack.” 
“Is Tatsuya her boyfriend.” You blushed a bright red, and began to get nervous. Tatsuya shot them a glare and shook his head slightly.
“She is like my younger sister, now shut up.” Everyone shuddered at the glare before and got quiet before he turned back to you. 
“What are you doing here in Japan?” 
“Well, my school offered me a chance to be a transfer student. Since I felt so alone after you and Taiga left, I instantly accepted.” You looked down and Tatsuya nodded his head in understanding.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to make you feel alone.” He said patting your head and you smiled up.
“It’s okay.” 
“What school will you be attending?” 
“Darn I was hoping you would say Yoshen. Does Taiga know?”
“No, not yet. I was going to surprise him and sorry Tatsuya I didn’t get a choice…”
“I know and it’s not your fault so don’t apologize. Plus you will be with Taiga.” He smirked at you, and your face turned a bright red that it almost glowed.
“Dude, Tatsuya I think you broke her.” The purple hair guy said and Tatsuya only laugh.
“Don’t go there Tatsuya!” You huffed hiding your face and Tatsuya laughed softly.
“Sorry, I had to tease you. It’s been so long. By the way this is Murasakibara, Murasakibara this is (Y/N) a long time friend of mine adn Taiga’s.” 
“It’s nice to meet you… do you have any snacks?” He asked and you blinked and Tatsuya sighed softly but you nodded reaching in your suit case and handed him a bag of chips.
“I don’t need them.” 
“Thanks, you are officially my best friend.” He said and you smiled slightly.
“It’s no problem.” 
“Anyway, the game is almost over. When it’s over I can take you to Taiga.” 
“Yes please, I almost got lost in here.” 
“Alright.” He smiled softly and the three of you went back to watching the game with Seirin winning the game. When it was over, Tatsuya gently took your hand and led you to the back where Taiga would be. When you guys got close enough, Tatsuya put you behind him before calling out to Taiga and the team.
“Taiga…” Taiga turned around and saw Tatsuya .
“Yeah, what’s up?” He had his head tilted, confused as to why Tatsuya called him like this.
“I have someone for you.”
“A transfer student to your school.” The entire team got curious as they stared and Taiga looked even more confused. Tatsuya pushed you gently in front of him, and Taiga’s eyes widen in shock.
“She is really cute.”
“Does Kagami know her?” 
“Why is it that Kuroko and Kagami both know hot people?” You began to get flustered at the comments, but Kagami ignored them. He walked to you calmly before picking you up in the air and spun you around. You let a small squeak out as you clung to him laughing softly.
“I missed you so much Taiga.” You said with a small blush and he buried his face in your hair. Neither one of you minded that he was sweaty, just glad to be together again like old times.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” 
“I wanted it to be a surprise to be fair, Tatsuya didn’t know either I saw him when I arrived.”
“I see… do you have a place to stay?”
“Well right now, a hotel because the apartment they had for me wasn’t cleared out.”
“You can stay with me… tell them you have a friend or family that you can stay with.” He said and you blushed but nodded.
“Idiot, she can’t stay with you.” Junpei said and you looked at him confused.
“Why not?”
“You are a girl and he is a male…”
“We had done it before…” You said and Taiga nodded his head and everyone’s faces turned red. Kagami soon realized what they were thinking.
“God, get your minds out of the gutter.” He yelled at his team, thats when you caught on and almost past out from embarrassment. 
“(Y/N) is too innocent for that.” Tatsuya said shaking his head sighing softly.
“Hey I gotta go change, and what not. So, just wait for me here okay?” He said to you and you nodded your head.
“Okay, I don’t have to go to the hotel, since I came straight here after landing.” You said and he nodded with a smile. When he left to go change Tatsuya wrapped his arms around you hugging you tightly.
“Taiga will take good care of you, so you don’t have to worry.” 
“I know, we will be able to hang out too right?”
“Of course, when we aren’t studying or basketball we can.” He ruffled your hair and you sighed softly with a wide smile.
“I have to go with the team, Taiga won’t take long.”
“Okay, thank you.” You said hugging him tightly and he returned the hug. He then left and you sat down on the bench, holding the suitcase. 
It wasn’t long before Taiga came out, and stood in front of you. 
“Shall we go?” 
“Mhmm.” You nodded and he took your suitcase from you before taking your hand. You both walked behind the basketball team.
“I should warn you, they are going to invade my house wanting me to cook.” 
“That’s okay, I can help you cook.” You said with a small smile and Taiga smiled as well.
“Thanks, I miss your cooking.” He said and you smiled looking up at him.
“Well, I can take over it.” 
“No need, we can rotate. Or cook together.” 
“I like cooking together with you Taiga.” He had a small blush on his cheeks as he realized he missed hearing you call his name. 
“I can’t wait to get to your home.” You said and he looked at you confused and you blinked.
“(Y/N) it’s our home.” He said leaning down to kiss your cheek, you blushed a bright red hiding your face with your hair. 
“I am happy you are here (Y/N).” 
“I am too Taiga. I missed you so much.” Taiga stopped walking for a moment blushing as he turned to you.
“I love you so much, I don’t think you realize that.” He said, his hands were starting to sweat and you could tell he was nervous. Your face was red but you took it to the next step, leaning on your tippy toes, and pressed your lips to his. Kagami was shocked but he slowly began to kiss back. You pulled away and had a wide smile on your face.
“I love you too Taiga.” 
“So does this mean we are dating?”
“If you want us too…”
“Well I do, so you are my girlfriend now.” 
“Okay love birds, lets go.” Hyuga said and Kagami shot him a glare for destroying the moment.
“We are coming.” He said before lacing your fingers together and you both began to walk again.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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thefiercest · 8 months ago
The name Splinter Jr belongs to Raphael, not Leo
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Splinter and Raph had more in common than the fandom and even the show itself wants to think
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ravioliravioliravioli · 10 months ago
Holy shit
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Lyrics are from Epic: The Musical. Song name “No Longer You” from The Underworld Saga
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