#yoonjin zombie apocalypse au
giventae · 2 months
I'm with you
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A flesh-eating, brain rotting disease has infected every corner of the planet. Towns are abandoned, cities up in flames, and finding others who have not been contaminated is practically unimaginable.
With no electricity, sparse food and dwindling hope, Yoongi and Jin only have each other, but that's all they need to keep going.
“No matter what.” Jin held Yoongi’s hand, looking into his eyes. “We’re together, and we’ll keep fighting to survive.”
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
threw a punch in a bar | knj
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(or, nothing good happens when a man you’d accidentally knocked out in a bar fight tells you to run.)
→ pairing: namjoon x f. reader → genre: zombie!au | crack, smut → rating: explicit. minors dni. → warnings: swearing, alcohol, a guy gets pushy in a bar, this results in a bar fight (mentioned broken bones, but nothing is described in explicit detail), vague american setting in order to drag the us healthcare system, side vmin, taehyung has klepto tendencies but he steals from wal-mart so it’s fine, really mid smut including: kissing, very slight dom!joon, grinding/thigh riding, implied oral (f. receiving), fingering, reader drops a bryce harper quote during sex, namjoon’s dick is big but we knew that, this is cancelled out by his horrible dirty talk, unprotected sex, vmin’s dumpling fight but make it settlers of catan. this is technically a zombie fic, but the circumstances are 99% in the background. there is nothing gory here, just sort of found family vibes centered around an apocalypse. also when i said the smut is mid i meant it. everyone has himbo tendencies except yoonjin. → wordcount: 11k → a/n: started this forever ago after doing one of those twt pause games on who i’d be stuck with in the zombie apocalypse. my result was vmin & namjoon, which birthed the idea of vmin spending the entire apocalypse subtly trying to convince you to sacrifice yourself for them. i was going to publish the draft of this on halloween but decided to finish it, went into a trance, and added 9k words, so please accept my late and humble offering. → thank yous: lauren, bee, and jess as always for all of their help: beta’ing, general feedback, constructive criticism, telling me when my shit doesn’t make sense. @effortandmore​ / @hot-soop​ / @the-boy-meets-evil​
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Any bartender worth their salt knows you don’t mix tequila and brandy.
Jimin, apparently, is only worth enough salt to rim a margarita glass.
All because he’s chaos incarnate: an absolute hellion of a person who causes problems just because. The type of person who calls a drink something innocuous like Tipsy Meow because it sounds sweet and he knows it’ll get people to order it. Sometimes he even serves them in glasses with cats painted on them, which is really cute and endearing and gets people to order that drink in the cute cat glass despite the fact that that drink in the cute cat glass is tequila and brandy.
In any other bar, that drink would be called something appropriate and applicable, like a Knockout.
Because that’s what it does—starts bar fights.
Which Jimin knows, because he’s actually a very competent bartender, but he likes to cause problems on purpose, especially on Tuesday nights when there’s not much else going on.
“Why did you do that?” Yoongi asks, watching some poor, unsuspecting woman practically skip back to her table with two Tipsy Meows in hand.
Jimin just smiles and shrugs. “Because,” he answers, eyes twinkling with something underhanded, “that tall guy at the high-top? He’s been eyeing her all night. She wouldn’t go for it on a good day, but after one of those?” A low whistle under his breath.
Yoongi just stares. He’s known Jimin a long time, going on six years now, so he’s never truly surprised at how duplicitous he can be, but sometimes he pretends for appearance’s sake. “Evil.”
“Not evil,” Jimin retorts, eyes rolled, “just bored.”
Snorting, Yoongi whips the towel off his shoulder and starts wiping down the bar. “Then do a fucking crossword puzzle.”
Jimin waves him away. “I’m not good at them. I’m good at this.”
“Getting people to fight in our bar?” Yoongi clarifies. Jimin nods. They stare at each other for a minute before Yoongi shrugs and finds some menial task to busy himself with. “Whatever. You’re on clean-up duty, though. The last time you pulled this shit, I was sweeping up glass for three fuckin’ days.”
Because he’s chaos incarnate, Jimin’s response is a sarcastic salute, two fingers pressed to his forehead as Yoongi flips him off in return.
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Something is wrong.
You’ve been to this bar countless times, have always ordered the same thing. Always made sure to stick to your limits, because college had been both an exercise in adulting and maintaining a functioning liver.
Maybe it’s because the mint-haired guy didn’t make your drinks this time. Truthfully, you’ve been wary of him for a while, convinced he’s been watering them down just to get you to buy more. Not that you’re complaining. In all the years you’ve been coming here, you’ve never made a fool of yourself.
Now, though?
Now you’re very rapidly approaching find the nearest trashcan ASAP territory. I’m going to regret this in the morning territory. This hasn’t happened since that frat party sophomore year territory.
Yeah, that party. You’d drank something god-awful that night, too. Got roped into a game of strip poker in a seedy basement and walked away with $2,000, three nickels, and a half-used KFC gift card, only down a sock. Some douchebag frat bro hadn’t liked that very much, accused you of cheating and gave you a real hard time about it. Long story short, you’d been fueled by too many of the suspicious drinks and knocked him out.
This feels a lot like that.
Because you’re drunk, yes, but there’s something else lurking beneath the surface. Something that’s itching for a fight. Something that’s been dormant for a long time.
(This is a startling realization, because you’re not a violent person, despite all evidence to the contrary. You’ve only ever thrown one punch in your life. It’s really not your fault that it wound up being the punch heard ‘round the world.)
Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Your sixth grade history teacher had that quote hung on the wall and you haven’t thought about it until now. Because there’s a guy approaching your table—probably six-foot, wearing an expensive watch and polished shoes—and he’s been eyeing your friend all night. Had made a few crude comments to his buddies that you’d regretfully overheard, and you’re all out of sorts because the mint-haired bartender hadn’t made your drinks, so he’s nearly got his elbows on the table when you say—
“Fuck off, asshole.”
Both your friend and the guy look equally shocked. “Excuse me?” he says, looking back to the idiots at his table in disbelief.
You roll your eyes, blood beginning to boil. “I said fuck off. She’s not interested.”
“And she can’t speak for herself?” he retorts, all faux-chivalry now that everyone’s attention is on him, even though the bar is practically deserted at nine o’clock on a Tuesday. “Your friend’s a little uptight, huh?” he says, shifting his attention fully away from you.
God, you always do this—befriend the most wholesome people in the room. The ones who always assume the best in others; the ones who can’t say no; the ones who feel guilty speaking up. This friend is no different. Looks at you like a deer about to get rearranged by a car, all wide, panicked eyes and a tight-lipped smile, only polite out of obligation.
What happens next is shocking to everyone except Jimin and Yoongi. Safe behind the bar, the two of them watch as you tell the man to fuck off one more time. He refuses, his attention still laser-focused on your friend, reaching for her. Someone appears to his left—another stranger, this one taller and wider in all the right places and exuding far less scumbag energy—and places a large hand on his shoulder. Leans down to say something to him that you don’t catch. Whatever it is, you’re assuming it’s said in that brand of tense politeness men use with other men before they threaten to knock them out.
Regardless of what’s said, the original douchebag just snorts derisively, jutting his shoulder backwards to get the stranger’s hand off of him. This really bothers you, for all the obvious reasons. Why can’t this idiot take no for an answer? What’s his fucking deal?
Apparently you voice the latter out loud, and the bastard is laughing again, lips turned upwards in an ugly little sneer. Far too quickly, you go from bothered but mostly in control to seeing red and cocking back. All because the mint-haired bartender hadn’t mixed your drinks. Now you’re punching some pushy asshole in the jaw and are probably going to get arrested.
“Oh shit,” you hear, but it sounds like you’re underwater. It’s certainly not a voice you recognize, but you only know one person in this bar and you just punched someone to make sure she didn’t get harassed by some asshole who couldn’t take a fucking hint.
Pain erupts in your hand. There’s probably something broken, maybe multiple somethings, but you don’t have much time to dwell on it before someone’s grabbing you by the elbow and dragging you out of the bar.
A shame, you think; you’d really like to see how much of a pissbaby that guy turns into when he catches sight of his own blood.
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“I hope you’re proud of yourself.”
You groan. Whatever room you’re in is far too bright and far too loud, which means you’re probably at home already being lectured by Hoseok. You crack an eye open, and—yep, that’s Hoseok, usual human embodiment of sunshine who is now staring at you like a grumpy little rain cloud. “What’re you talking about?” you grumble, fingers flying to your temples to ease some of the throbbing pain.
Hoseok must be pretty pissed, because he just watches you clutch at your aching head and doesn’t say a word. Usually you can guilt trip him into making you coffee and buttered toast. Grabbing you some pain killers, at the very least, but he’s not budging. You swallow hard.
“Do you remember anything from last night?”
“Not really,” you answer. You’ve been awake for approximately three seconds and your two brain cells haven’t connected to form a rational thought yet, let alone conjure up whatever shenanigans you got into the night before. “I think I went out for drinks with the new hire from work, but that’s it.”
“Mehmehmeh but that’s it,” Hoseok mimics under his breath, voice pitched far too high to ever pass as yours, looking more and more incensed by the second. Everyone told you he’d be too neurotic to live with. You should’ve listened. “Do you remember drinking too much and punching a guy?”
Ah, that would explain why your hand is fifty shades of purple, you think. “Ah, that would explain why my hand is fifty shades of purple,” you say.
Hoseok looks like he’s ready to explode. “Can you fucking take this seriously,” he seethes. “You’re too old to be getting wasted and starting bar fights! What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? You broke a man’s nose, you fucking maniac! What if he calls the cops? God, what if he sues you? Do you have lawsuit money? Because I sure as fuck don’t, not that I would bail you out of jail for this, anyway, because you don’t deserve it—”
“I broke someone’s nose?” Far too late, you realize you should’ve kept that proud wonder out of your voice.
Hoseok’s up and screeching before you can plug your ears. “You are un-fucking-believable! I have to leave. I can’t sit here another second and listen to this.” He’s fussing over his clothes and hair as soon as he’s on his feet, distress seeping out of every pore. “There’s fresh coffee in the pot and I made sure to save you two slices of bread,” he grits out, as if it’s causing him immense pain to be nice to you right now, before adding, “and there’s also aspirin and water on your nightstand. I would not recommend taking it on an empty stomach.”
And then he’s gone.
You microwave the mug of coffee and choke down the toast that’s grown suspiciously hard. You swallow two aspirin with coffee even though you know better and should be drinking the water, but the water has been sitting out for god knows how long and probably has dust particles and other gross things in it. You take a long shower to wash away the bar grime and hangover remnants and nearly crumble to the floor in pain when you try to wash your hair.
Right, your hand.
It’d been easy enough to ignore when you were focusing on not vomiting and taking your painkillers, but not so much anymore. Even if Hoseok hadn’t told you you’d punched someone, you could’ve pieced that much together—the bruising is severe and the swelling even more so. Trying to bend your fingers feels like a fate worse than death, so you salvage your shower as best you can before getting dressed one-handed and ordering an Uber to the nearest urgent care.
Which, much to your horror, is packed.
Every seat is taken except for one next to a man with a baseball cap pulled low and a thawed-out ice pack in his hand. He doesn’t acknowledge you when you sit next to him, and you’re almost offended until you spot the AirPods in his ears. God, he must’ve been here forever if he’s brave enough to plug his ears in a place that unashamedly sends you to the back of the line if you don’t answer when your name is called.
You need to know what you’re getting into, so you tap him on the shoulder and ask, “Hey, how long have you been here?”
The man seems flustered. He reaches for his phone and sends it plummeting to the floor, and when he retrieves it you notice the screen is cracked to hell so this must be a common occurrence. “Oh, uh. I’m not sure,” he says, voice all nasally like he’s got a bad cold. “Maybe two hours or so?”
You groan. “Two hours? Are you for real?” He just nods, still not meeting your eye. You pull out your phone, too, then, and put in the web address for the hospital. “D’you think the wait times are less shitty at the ER?”
“You didn’t look? No offense, but you sound pretty awful. I figured you’d want to get whatever it is taken care of sooner rather than later.”
The man snorts. Sounds painful. “Yeah, well. I work at a shitty nonprofit and the only insurance tier I could afford had a two-thousand-dollar deductible, so I’ll take my chances here.”
You hum in sympathy. “Do you believe in karma and reincarnation and all that? Because I do, and I think I must’ve been pretty fucking terrible in a past life to be born in a country without free healthcare in this lifetime.” The man beside you grunts in agreement. “Like, shit. What if I was Norwegian in a past life? Or, like, Canadian?”
“Only worth being Canadian if you’re not Indigenous.”
“Hm, yeah, that’s true. What human rights violations have the Norwegians committed?”
“No clue.”
“I’m gonna Google it,” you decide. Then, a second later, “Not great being Indigenous in Norway, either.”
“Is everyone shitty?” the man asks, pressing the warm ice pack back to his face. You wince on his behalf.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watch him pause his music. An album cover you don’t recognize, because this guy definitely strikes you as the underground type: paid Spotify account with immaculate playlists full of artists no one else has heard of, either. Probably imports half of his own shit, too, so his playlists only work on his own phone and everyone yells at him when they try to play his playlists and get nothing but silence.
“What about you?” he asks, and it’s a question that should sound greasy but just sounds really sad with his clogged nose. “Are you shitty?”
“Yep,” you answer instantly, holding up your hand. You’d managed to wrangle an elastic bandage around it, but the bruising is obvious and not easily hidden.
The man whistles. “Damn, how’d you do that?”
“Punched a guy in a bar fight, apparently.”
In hindsight, it should be obvious, the cruel joke the universe is playing on you: you, with your mottled, probably-broken hand; the man next to you, with a black eye and an ice pack pressed to his nose. Right church, wrong pew, your mother always used to say about you, and you’d taken it then as a nod to your creativity and ingenuity, but now you’re thinking you might just be fucking stupid.
Because the atmosphere immediately shifts. The man goes stiff, pauses, tenses his shoulders. Then he asks, “Yeah? What bar? I might’ve heard about it.”
And you might be fucking stupid but you’re not dumb, so you just shrug. “Oh, I don’t know,” you reply, doing your best impression of a person with nothing between their ears. “My coworker dragged me out, and I like her fine, y’know, but if I’m being honest, I don’t know how long she’s gonna last. I think she’s too nice. Well, I thought she was too nice, but then she invited me out for drinks and invited me to this crazy bar with horrible, violent people—”
“And you punched someone,” the man finishes for you, cutting short your tirade.
“Supposedly punched someone,” you correct. “I have no recollection of it, but that’s what my roommate said. He was shrieking and used his Serious Mom Voice so I’m inclined to believe him, though.” You try to wiggle your fingers and have to suppress a scream. “Plus I can’t move my hand, so there’s that.”
This is the part where you get yelled at. You can feel it. The man beside you is about to blow up, demand your name and phone number so he can report you for assault, probably also demand some money because he’d just talked about his god-awful insurance and you’re the entire reason he’s here, but the universe may be cruel but it’s also fair, because—
“Nam…joon?” a bored medical assistant calls out. The man startles, curses under his breath that no one even attempts to pronounce his name correctly, drops his phone again, and if you weren’t glued to your chair in fear you might’ve picked it up for him.
Namjoon stands—he’s fucking massive, and if this is the guy you actually punched, you’ll spare a second later to marvel at yourself—and looks down at you. Sends you the meanest, most murderous glare he can muster, clenched jaw and all, and then he’s disappearing behind a door.
You… feel bad.
It’s not like you’d meant to punch him. You hadn’t wanted to punch anyone! And that has to count for something, so when he comes back out you’ll plead your case and offer to buy him a late lunch, because if he’d been waiting hours you’ll be waiting longer, and maybe he’ll find you just endearing enough to forget that you’d broken his nose and the two of you will become friends. You’ll do the Best Person speech at his wedding and laugh about the time you’d punched him, or maybe you’d be marrying him and—
Pump the brakes.
You love a good enemies-to-lovers, but maybe not so much in real life.
  The wait is torturous.
An hour ticks by. You text Hoseok, tell him about the man you’d met and ask if he thinks it’s The Guy, and Hoseok writes back with a very pointed, I fucking hope it is. You’re not sure what that means. Does he hope Namjoon is the guy so you can apologize? So you can make sure he’s okay? Surely he wouldn’t be hoping for Namjoon to even the score and break your nose, too, but he was really mad this morning so you wouldn’t put it past him.
Another half hour. If you’d been paying attention, you would’ve realized how eerily quiet the waiting room has grown. No idle chatter, no coughing, no pained groans. People seem to be going in but not coming out, and you’ve been paying attention to that much, at least, so you can catch Namjoon.
And then the door slams open.
Namjoon stands there, nose stuffed with a cartoonish amount of gauze and a large splint across the bridge. He’s breathing hard. Looks like he’d just ran a marathon, which doesn’t make sense because how large can the backend of an urgent care really be, but then his eyes found you and—
“Run,” is all he says.
Nothing good happens when a man you’d accidentally knocked out in a bar fight tells you to run. Fucking stupid but not dumb, though, so you’re up and out of your seat before he can repeat himself.
Although you’re not sure where you’re supposed to go. You’d taken an Uber, and you can’t really order an emergency one of those. Besides, all Namjoon had said was run but not why, so you’re also not sure if it even is an emergency.
So here you are, standing in the middle of the parking lot like a bozo while Namjoon fumbles with the keys to a pickup truck. “Hey!” you call out, stomping towards him. “Are you gonna tell me what the fuck’s going on?”
Namjoon looks up only long enough to catch your eye. “You need to get out of here,” is all he says. Which is supremely and deservedly unhelpful.
“Why? I ca—I took an Uber here, I don’t have a car. I don’t know where I’m supposed to go or why I had to run out of there or if this is DEFCON 5 or DEFCON 1—”
“One,” Namjoon answers. “It’s definitely DEFCON 1.” Door unlocked, Namjoon meets your gaze again, deadly serious. “I’m not fucking around. You need to get out of here. Right now.”
This has to be a joke. He’s mad you’d broken his nose and now he’s getting his revenge. Still, you’re not all that keen to pay hundreds of dollars in medical bills for them to tell you something you already know, so you’ll play along. “Fine. Can I get a ride, then?”
“So it’s an emergency but you won’t give me a ride.”
Namjoon glares at you. “You broke my fucking nose!”
“But I also broke my own hand, so we’re even.” It’s absolutely not a fair trade, but Namjoon seems to chew it over nonetheless. “Hey, c’mon, you wouldn’t leave me here! You’d feel too guilty.”
“How would you know?”
“Because you work at a nonprofit and care about human rights violations, and I am a human with rights, and it’d definitely be a violation to leave me here in a DEFCON 1-level emergency when I don’t even know what’s going on—”
Namjoon slaps a hand over your mouth. A large hand. A very, very large hand that easily covers half of your face. You’ll blame your pathetic whimper on fear. “I saw some shit in there, okay?”
“What kind of shit, though. Urgent cares are weird. Ominous little vortexes where reality is altered. You ever been in one at night? Like 28 Days Later vibes—”
“Yes!” Namjoon snaps his fingers. “Yes, that! Exactly like that!”
Your relief is palpable. You sag a little. “Oh! So it was just weird in there? What, did you get a creepy doctor or something?”
“No.” He groans. Runs his hands down his face. “Not the vibes part, the—”
“The zombie part?” you whisper.
Just then, the entrance slams open, people pouring into the parking lot. Most are screaming, which prompts you to scream in response, so Namjoon screams too and drops his keys. You’re picking them up before you can think twice, pulling the door open and pushing him inside of the truck. There’s something to be said about the way you manhandle him, how ripped his back feels through the thin fabric of his t-shirt and the view of his ass as he climbs over the center and into the passenger seat, but whatever weird shit is going on takes precedence.
You climb in behind him. Shut the door and lock it, and then you’re rolling down the window to adjust the side mirrors while Namjoon just shoots you an exasperated look. “We don’t have time for this!”
“Do you want us to crash and die? I’ve seen movies like this, okay, and someone always dies some stupid, avoidable death because they forget something obvious.”
“Yeah, it’s usually don’t read the weird Latin incantation in that book or don’t go outside to investigate weird noises, not checking your mirrors!” He pauses. “Hey, wait! They’re not even your mirrors! You’re fucking up all my shit!”
You roll your eyes. “Shut up. I’m getting us out of here.”
During Namjoon’s stunned silence, you turn the ignition and peel out of the parking lot as best you can with one good hand, tailspinning onto the main road, tires squealing. “That was… kind of hot.”
“What, me telling you to shut up or my driving?”
“I—yeah, that’s fair. You’re big, but you seem like the type to enjoy getting pushed around.” Namjoon stays quiet, and when you dare a glance over at him, his cheeks are red. “Did you get a boner when I punched you?”
That actually gets a laugh out of him. “Don’t go there.” You shrug.
The two of you drive for a while. There’s nothing in the rearview mirror. No one behind you. Really, the world around you seems normal, quiet, still. It almost has you second-guessing everything you’d seen, all the things Namjoon had said. And you don’t know him beyond breaking his nose, but everything in you is screaming to trust him.
So you do.
“Hey, do you mind if we swing by my place? It’s, like, two minutes away, and I should probably grab some stuff.”
Namjoon just shrugs.
Surprisingly, there’s very little time to panic. Namjoon sets about grabbing whatever he can from the kitchen and the bathroom while you shove clothes into a large duffel. You grab your laptop and chargers and Namjoon’s scoff is loud when you ask if you should bring your vibrator, too, but he doesn’t say no, so into the bag it goes.
Hoseok comes home in the midst of your ransacking. You meet him in the living room and, aside from the small look of confusion, he seems much happier to see you than he’d been this morning. “Hi,” he says. Sounds normal, too. Doesn’t sound like he’d seen some weird apocalypse shit outside. “Where is there a tall man in our kitchen shoving all our food into bags?”
“Ah, right, that.” You suck in a breath. “Hobi, go pack up whatever you care about and meet us back here in five minutes. There’s some Train to Busan shit going on and we’ve gotta get moving.”
“Yo, what the fuck!” Namjoon yells from the kitchen. “Are you just saying that because I’m Korean?”
Hoseok had looked dubious before, but seems to fall into blind trust upon hearing the strange, tall man in his kitchen is also Korean. “Hey, me too!” When Namjoon comes skittering into the living room, they shoot matching finger guns at one another and do a weird bro-dap. “Oh!” Hoseok says, recognition blooming. “Are you the guy? The nose guy?”
Namjoon just glares at you.
“That’s him,” you answer instead. “Go pack, please. I’m serious.”
Hoseok is scared of everything: spiders, his shadow, carousel animals, your neighbor’s dog because it’s fifteen years old and blind and lost half its fur. He once had nightmares for a week after you’d made him watch the first Goosebumps movie and insisted on sleeping in your room. Had nightmares again after he saw a particularly sinister Squishmallow at Wal-Mart. So, yeah. It’s imperative you convince him to come with you because he stands no chance on his own.
You don’t expect him to shrug and go off to pack.
“Hey, did one of you grab any ibuprofen?”
“Yeah, got it,” Namjoon replies.
“What about allergy medicine? I get really bad sinus headaches so I’ll be miserable without it, but if it’s too much I guess I could—”
“Pack it,” you shout back.
There’s a loud crash from his room. Another smaller one seconds later. “I’m fine!” he calls out. “Hey, cool! I found a bag of Twizzlers!”
“Bring the Twizzlers, please!” Namjoon says, cheeks warming again. “What? I like them.”
It’s your turn to glare. “If I get eaten over some goddamn Twizzlers.”
“At least you’d be strawberry flavored?” Namjoon offers, as unhelpful as ever. Then, before you can respond, “Hey, man, are you almost ready? I texted my roommate and he’s good to go but I still need to pack up all my shit, too.”
“One sec!”
Approximately fifteen seconds later, Hoseok reappears in your living room with a bookbag, a duffel bag, and an oversized rolling suitcase.
“This isn’t a vacation, Hobi,” you deadpan.
He looks at you like you’re a moron. Fucking stupid but not dumb, you remind yourself. “Okay, but I’m not leaving all my nice clothes here to get eaten by zombie moths or whatever. There’s Off-White in here.”
Namjoon nods in understanding. “Valid.”
It’s not worth the argument. The three of you pile back into Namjoon’s truck, you stuck in the middle of the bench seat this time while Namjoon drives. Hoseok babbles the entire way, seemingly unfazed by this bizarre situation in which you’ve found yourselves. He tells you about the cafe he’d met a friend at, the latte he ordered and didn’t like. You can only tell he’s starting to get nervous because he devolves into more and more unhinged chatter. One second he’s telling you about a dog he saw wearing a little sweater and the next he’s rattling off the digits to his social security number.
“Forget you heard that,” you say to Namjoon.
He looks pained as he replies, “Unfortunately I have a god-tier echoic memory so I am physically incapable of doing that.” He feels your stare. “I’m really sorry, I can’t help it! Tell me something else so I forget it!”
“Okay: I think you’re about to run over that guy.”
Namjoon jerks his eyes back to the road and gasps, hitting the brakes so hard Hobi nearly goes flying into the dashboard. He’s moaning, bitching about his seatbelt probably breaking a few ribs, and the tiny man standing in the road in front of you hasn’t budged an inch. Stared death right in the eye and dared it to take him.
“Fucking Jimin,” Namjoon curses. At both your and Hoseok’s blank stares, he clarifies, “My roommate.”
“Is that seriously your roommate?” Hoseok asks, still pressing against his ribs to check for fractures.
Namjoon, huffing and puffing and finally at a complete stop, just nods. “Yeah.”
Hoseok is finally silent. Then, “That tiny, terrifying little man is your roommate and you managed to get knocked out in a bar fight? What, was he busy that night?”
There’s an obvious reply on the tip of Namjoon’s tongue, but before he can spit it out the tiny man is banging his fist against the window. “I’m gonna fucking kill you!” he screams. “Open the door so I can kill you! Did you not see me? I told you I’d be waiting by the mailbox! I even packed all your shit for you and this is how you repay me, by almost hitting me with your stupid truck? You’re fucking cra—wait, who are these people?”
Hoseok, obviously scared shitless, grimaces as he waves hesitantly. “Hi!” you say, though Namjoon’s roommate probably can’t hear you through the thick glass. “I’m the person who broke his nose!”
Then the roommate is smiling. “Oh, that was you? You look different than I remember.”
When you look to Namjoon for answers, you find him slumped against the steering wheel. “Jimin’s a bartender,” is the only explanation you get.
You look out the window again. Small, but no mint-colored hair. “Ah, I had my suspicions about him. …I think.”
Namjoon cranks down the window just enough to tell Jimin he’ll have to hop in the bed with all the luggage, and then the four of you are off again. There’s one more stop, to Jimin’s boyfriend’s place to pick up him and his roommate, and all you can do is hope one of them has a larger vehicle.
Just like before, this drive is suspiciously unremarkable. You’ve long since resigned yourself to believing Namjoon and what little he’d told you, but you can tell Hoseok’s skeptical. Along for the ride, of course, because there’s always the small chance you hadn’t been lying and then he would’ve been knee-deep in shit, but skeptical nonetheless.
“Can I just ask—are you sure about this?” He’s looking out the window. Looking at all the normal cars and houses and businesses. Nothing about the outside world screams looming zombie apocalypse at all. “It seems pretty quiet.”
Namjoon sighs. Grips the steering wheel a little tighter, knuckles flashing white, but he seems okay. Adrenaline, maybe. It’ll hit later. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
“You saw something?” Hoseok prods.
“I—” He nudges you. “Did you notice how most of the people in the waiting room just seemed to have bad colds? Sneezing, coughing, all that?” You nod. “I didn’t really think anything of it since it’s still flu season, but once I got called back, everything just felt… off.”
He sucks in a breath. Keeps driving. Keeps talking. The nurse who’d taken his vitals seemed exhausted. Cracked some joke about being glad Namjoon was there for a broken nose and not whatever respiratory thing was going around. Told him a doctor would be in shortly to patch him up, and when she left his room she hadn’t shut the door all the way. Left enough of a crack for Namjoon to see what was going on: frazzled nurses and doctors and techs huddled around, panicking. Namjoon thinks someone called for an ambulance.
True to her word, a doctor did come in to pack and splint his nose. Then, in the middle of jotting down the name and phone number of his pharmacy, a scream.
“An old man came in. I saw him when they took me back. He was just sitting on a bed because it was so crowded, wasn’t in a room. I guess at some point he passed out. Didn’t have a pulse. I think he was who they called the ambulance for, but while I was waiting for the doctor I kept hearing this weird moaning.”
Hoseok shudders. “Yeah, I know where this is going.”
“Right. So the doctor comes in, fixes me up, and next thing I know, someone’s screaming. Guess that old dude wasn’t as dead as they thought he was.”
“Could they have been wrong?” you ask tentatively. It’s so quiet outside, maybe everyone had just—
“No,” Namjoon says, and he does it with so much conviction you don’t argue further. Jimin bangs on the back windshield, holding his phone up to it so you can see.
It’s all over Twitter. Not even Facebook, where you’d expect a zombie apocalypse conspiracy to begin. No, there are posts all over Twitter and Instagram and even the local news station’s website. Hoseok looks a little green.
“Okay, so it’s definitely real and this is definitely happening,” you mutter. “Does anyone have a plan?”
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There’s no plan.
Not even in a hyperbolic, we say we have no plan, but somehow we’ve conveniently got a small arsenal of weapons, kind of way. There’s simply no plan.
Jimin’s boyfriend is named Taehyung. They have a needlessly tearful reunion, and you wait in Taehyung’s tiny kitchen for twenty minutes while he packs. He’s roommates with the mint-haired bartender that you like. His name is Yoongi. He has all his stuff packed and waiting by the front door, and you like him so much more for it.
“Should I pack condoms?” Taehyung yells from his bedroom.
“Are you fucking ser—” Yoongi starts, then seems to come to a realization. “Yeah. Yes, you absolutely should.”
“‘Kay! Be out in a sec!”
Namjoon appears then, in the midst of shoving his battered phone in his pocket. He looks around the room, taking stock, and his eyebrows knit in confusion. Fuck, he’s so hot and you’re taking the express train to hell for thinking it. “Hey, has anyone seen Jimin?”
Jimin and Taehyung are gone. There are weird noises coming from the direction of Taehyung’s room. Yoongi looks positively haunted. “Sorry!” Jimin calls out. “Be out in a sec!”
“Tae said that exact thing five minutes ago!”
“Are you calling him a liar?” Jimin yells back. Sounds genuinely angry and genuinely prepared to defend Taehyung’s honor. You’ve never met a tinier, scarier person.
“I’m calling you both zombie food!”
Hoseok sidles up next to you. “Is it just me or is that other tiny man really hot?”
“His name’s Yoongi,” you tell him.
Hoseok just sighs, like he’s carrying all of the world’s burdens on his thin shoulders. “I’m learning a lot about myself.”
You watch him mentally tabulate through all the stages of grief while Namjoon and Yoongi think up a plan. Namjoon’s large but clumsy and mostly useless, and Yoongi is small and deadly. You can hold your own, they decide, so Yoongi adopts Hoseok and Namjoon becomes your problem.
“Wait a second,” Hoseok almost wails. “Why can’t I stay with her? She’s my roommate!”
Yoongi looks offended. Probably is. “You don’t think I can defend you?”
Hoseok flushes crimson. “I-I didn’t say that…”
He’s halfway through a stuttered, awkward apology when Jimin and Taehyung appear, not at all looking like they’d just been getting off together. Sure, Jimin’s hair is a little mussed, but Taehyung—
Taehyung is only holding a box.
Yoongi pinches the bridge of his nose. “Taehyung.”
“Please don’t use that tone of voice with me,” Taehyung whines. “You know this is my emotional support jigsaw puzzle.”
“All you’re bringing is a jigsaw puzzle?”
“And condoms!”
“You’re not bringing any clothes? Medicine? Food?” Namjoon asks, because he might not be the oldest but he has the most overworked single mother energy out of all of you. “Jimin, go help him pack a bag of clothes, at least. Yoongi, can you grab any extra house stuff and toiletries you have laying around? Laundry detergent, soap, shampoo.”
Taehyung scoffs, sound dissipating as he disappears back down the hallway. “We can just steal that stuff.”
Hoseok looks like he’s about to pass out. “I am not turning into a criminal!”
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He does.
You all do.
The six of you pile into two separate vehicles—you and Hoseok with Namjoon again in his truck, and Jimin and Taehyung behind you in Yoongi’s beater car. The plan is to drive to Namjoon’s cousin’s house in the middle of nowhere and bunker down there for a while. It’s plenty big—“His parents are politicians, so he’s got money,” was Namjoon’s explanation—and far enough outside of the city that it should buy you enough time to come up with something better.
Step one, though: Wal-Mart.
“Don’t worry, I steal from here all the time,” Taehyung says, breezing to the front of the pack like he’s leading the rest of you into war. Yoongi throws his hands up. Jimin looks lovestruck.
Hoseok hangs back by the cars, still traumatized from the Squishmallow experience, and you stay with him. You’ve seen Zombieland, and you won’t be able to do much fighting with a broken hand. At best you’d be able to fire a gun or whack someone with a pipe, but you’re not trying to go kamikaze mode on some innocent bastard in a Wal-Mart who’s also just trying to survive.
You’ve known Hoseok for a long time—since your sophomore year of college, when he was failing the stats class you shared and you took pity on him and offered some tutoring—so you’ve seen him in various states of distress. You know all of his tells, and the way he’s gnawing at his cuticles is a glaring one.
“Hobi, hey,” you say, moving to gently pull his hand away from his mouth. “Try to relax, okay? Don’t make yourself bleed.”
“I feel like I’m gonna be sick,” he replies. Anguish is clear on his face. “Everything feels fucking overwhelming and scary.”
“I know. I know it does, but if we’re gonna get through this we’re gonna need you, all right?” He nods but he’s shaking, still looking tormented and green around the edges. You pull him into a hug that has him nearly sagging in defeat.
Slowly, your shoulder grows wet and warm. Hoseok’s crying, body shaking from the weight of all his fear, and all you can do is hold him. “You’re my best friend, Hoseok,” you whisper into his hair. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You feel him nod. Then, in the smallest voice, “Yoongi too?”
Figures. Hoseok’s a horny little demon at the best of times—the thin walls of your apartment can attest to that—so it makes sense that impending doom would exacerbate it. “Sure, Hobi,” you assure him, scratching softly at his scalp.
You get him calmed down. Tucked into the backseat of Yoongi’s car so he can lay down. He’s asleep not long after, fatigue finally catching up, and you just stay. Park your ass at the edge of the seat, leave the door open, waiting. There’s a gentle, warm breeze, and you wish you could bottle it. Wish you could do more in this moment than just experience it, because it’s the last chance you’ll have at something resembling normalcy.
You might never be able to hug Hoseok in a parking lot again.
“We’re back!”
You look up, not at all surprised to see Taehyung skipping towards you, arms full of stolen goods. “I see that. What’d you get?”
“Oh, a lot of stuff,” he answers. Yoongi pops the trunk of his car and they set about shoving it all inside. “It was packed in there! Felt like Black Friday, except everyone was fighting over bread instead of ultra hi-def TVs.”
Wary, you look over your motley crew. “Are you all okay?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi answers, voice gruff. “It was mostly civilized. Don’t think people really realize what’s going on yet. Is Hoseok sleeping?”
You nod. “He, uh—had a moment? He got really upset, so he’s sleeping it off… if that’s okay?”
Yoongi just shrugs. “Yeah, whatever. Who’s riding with me?”
“Me,” Jimin says. “I’m not taking the bitch seat in the truck.” Taehyung immediately pouts, some unspoken bond clearly broken now, and Jimin scoffs. “Don’t pout at me. You know my ass requires a full seat.”
Namjoon pointedly slams Yoongi’s trunk closed. Hoseok doesn’t stir an inch. “Jin’s expecting us so we need to get moving. Taehyung, shut up and get in the truck.” Then, to you: “Guess you’re with me again.”
Fine by you, especially since Namjoon ripped the sleeves off his shirt.
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Not even Namjoon’s arms can salvage this drive.
Taehyung fiddles with the radio the whole time. Flips between radio stations that are all depressing carbon copies of one another. Complains that Namjoon’s truck is too old to have a CD player and that he doesn’t know how to work cassette tapes. Complains endlessly about Namjoon’s driving, too, although you can’t really blame him for that one.
“Hey,” he eventually says, elbowing you a little too hard in your side. “I don’t wanna be rude or anything, but—”
Namjoon tries to snort and immediately regrets it. “I don’t wanna be rude or anything, but I’m about to say something extremely rude.”
“I was not!” Taehyung defends, but when you quirk an eyebrow at him to continue, he says, “Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for me and Jimin in the unlikely event that the three of us are cornered by a zombie and are facing imminent death and only two will survive? Because I think you should be.”
You blink. “Um.”
“It just makes the most sense logically,” he continues, as if he hadn’t just volunteered you to be a zombie chew toy. “Jimin and I are soulmates. Platonic and romantic. And you’re—” He pauses. “Um. New. And Jimin might not look like it because he’s small, but he’s scrappy and can easily protect me, which means you’re redundant. Not to mention your hand is broken, so.”
You study him. “So, what are you bringing to the table?” you ask. Taehyung looks at you like you’re stupid. “I’m just saying, if Jimin and I can both defend ourselves, why wouldn’t we team up in the name of long-term survival and ditch the weakest link, which would be you?”
Namjoon laughs loudly beside you. His whole body shakes with it, a sound somewhere between a guffaw and a dog panting, and it’s a nice contrast to the death glare Taehyung’s sending you. “Jimin wouldn’t do that to me.”
“People are unpredictable when they’re staring death in the face.”
Taehyung’s silent the rest of the way.
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It hurts to admit it, but you’re rethinking your all-politicians-are-evil, eat-the-rich stance, because it starts like—
(Seokjin’s parents’ place is truly in the middle of nowhere and safeguarded to the nth degree, harder to get close to than Area 51. The house itself is deceptively large and modern, clapped in black-stained red cedar. Single-level. Expansive windows you’d thought were an oversight until you got closer and realized they were made of armored glass.
“Shit, is all of this really necessary?” you ask, stepping inside. There’s definitely insider trading going on here. “Are these people on the goddamn Supreme Court?”
“That’s not funny,” Namjoon says.
“Are you sure? Because I’m pretty sure that”—you point to a nondescript door with an ominous symbol on it—”is some kind of rich people bomb shelter and the only politicians I know that would require this level of security are the I just voted to strip half the country of the ability to make their own reproductive decisions kind.”
Namjoon chokes.
“Gross,” a voice chimes from behind you. “Please don’t debase and sully my parents’ good name by even joking that they’re conservatives.”
Jesus, is everyone in this family stupidly attractive? The man before you is shorter than Namjoon but still tall, legs as long as his shoulders are wide. Hair styled neat but dyed blond. Kind eyes and plush lips, and there’s the Kim family resemblance.
“Hi, I’m Seokjin,” he says, offering you his hand. Definitely raised in a family of politicians. “I hear you’re the one who broke my cousin’s nose.”
“I, uh, might’ve done that, yeah.”
Seokjin smiles. “Cool. Welcome. Please make yourself at home and we’ll chat strategy later.”)
Which becomes—
(Later turns into days.
For the most part, life proceeds normally. Seokjin gets periodic updates from his parents who have left the country entirely—(“Damn, they just left you here?” someone asks, and that’s how you meet Jungkook)—about the government response, or lack thereof, along with whatever useless psychobabble the CDC is sending out. None of it bodes well for the future, so you spend most of your time trying to stay in the present. Right now, you’re okay. Right now, you’re with a group of people hellbent on staying alive. Right now, you have enough food and shelter in a house in the middle of nowhere with armored glass windows and a bomb shelter.
The eight of you eat meals together and play games and talk about your Before lives. You already knew Namjoon worked at a nonprofit and that Jimin and Yoongi owned a bar, but you learn Taehyung was in grad school for art therapy. Hoseok, of course, split his time between the dance studio and the streetwear boutique his sister owned. Seokjin was some bigwig corporate attorney.
Jungkook, of all things, played minor league baseball.
Needless to say there won’t be any scientific breakthroughs from any of you.
“I was supposed to go pro this year,” Jungkook huffs, forcefully grabbing the microphone for the karaoke machine. He’s been singing “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor for four days.
All things considered, you somehow managed to fall into the best possible outcome, even if one of Taehyung or Jimin still tries to convince you to sacrifice yourself at least six times a day.)
Which culminates in the one possible downside—
“Yoongi wants Hoseok to move into my room,” Namjoon says, appearing in the doorway of your (now-solo, apparently) room. He takes up nearly the entire frame. It makes you feel a little lightheaded.
“Oh,” you reply stupidly. “Okay. Are you here for his stuff?”
“No, I’m here to ask if I can move in with you. I’m not really interested in spending the rest of the zombie apocalypse third-wheeling.”
Sarcasm seems like your best defense. “Wow, after all we’ve been through. We’ve got a real enemies to lovers vibe going on. I’m pretty into it.”
Namjoon flushes down to his toes. “Haaa, what? We’re—that’s not—we’re not even lovers yet.”
You give him a second, but he doesn’t seem to realize what he’s said, so you can’t help but smirk, to press on the bruise just to watch him squeal. “Yet?”
Now he turns full-on crimson. “That’s not what I meant.”
Somehow he’s still cute, even with the yellow-green bruising beneath his eyes and his sheepish, hunched posture. Namjoon is the kind of guy that makes you feel bold, makes you want to mess him up, but he’s also the kind of cute that has you relenting, easing off.
“Sure,” you finally say. “You can move your stuff in here.”
He smiles, dimples flashing, and he’s only gone a few minutes so you have no time to catch your breath before he’s back, dumping his clothes on the bed to put them in the dresser. He doesn’t mention sleeping arrangements because there’s no point: all of the bedrooms have single, queen-sized beds. Naturally, you and Hoseok had bunked together with little fuss, having fallen asleep in each other’s beds a million times after years spent living together. You assume it’d been the same for Namjoon and Yoongi and their decades of friendship.
You’d joked about being enemies to lovers; clearly you’d chosen the wrong trope.
“How’s your nose?” you ask, wordlessly moving to help sort and refold the t-shirts as best you can. They smell nice: something soft and clean and inherently Namjoon.
“Still sore,” he answers. Says a small thank you when you push a stack of black tees towards him. “Jungkook’s been helping me with the packing.”
“He’s had a lot of broken noses?”
“He’s had a lot of broken everything.”
It hits you, then, how much of an outsider you are. That the six of them are all connected, have history. And Namjoon must notice, because he grows serious. Gets shy all over again when he says, “Hey, we’re all glad you and Hoseok are here.”
You snort. “Yeah, as a sacrifice.”
Namjoon laughs a little, too. “Taehyung’s only so insistent because he’s useless. He accidentally stepped on a stink bug once and cried. He’s not really built for something like this.”
“Are any of us?”
“You are, I think,” he says immediately, no hesitation. “You’ve been really calm, haven’t panicked at all. It’s helped me a lot—all of us, really.”
Oh, you’re embarrassed. “I have to be, living with someone like Hobi.” Why are you embarrassed? “One time he saw the red light on the coffee machine and slept in my room for a week because he thought there was a demon in our apartment.”
Namjoon can’t help himself. “Was there?”
You sigh, over-dramatic and theatrical. “No, just me.”
He laughs, loud and unashamed, but it sounds a lot more like everything’s going to be fine.
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Hoseok had been a cuddler.
You’d always wake up with him wound around you like a snake, limbs akimbo as he snored quietly. But, like all things Hoseok did and does, there was grace in it. He kept a normal body temperature. He didn’t hog too much of the bed or the duvet. He didn’t kick you or elbow you in the side of the head. Aside from the cuddling, which has never really been your thing, Hoseok was a perfect bed-sharing partner.
The same cannot be said for Namjoon.
His broken nose has him snoring at obscene levels. It doesn’t lessen when you shove a pillow over your head, either, which is not the way you fantasized about going lightheaded in bed with him. Not to mention his stupidly large body is stupidly large and requires a lot of space. What had started as a clean split down the middle has you grasping to the edge, trying desperately not to fall off. Every time you try to inch closer to the center, Namjoon unconsciously protests and sends elbows flying, and arms that size can do a lot of damage. He sleeps so hot you always wake up in a thin sheen of sweat just from the proximity.
You’re not sure you sleep at all for the first three days.
And then things start to shift. Like your roommate, Namjoon is a cuddler too, but in vastly different ways. Hoseok’s would be subconscious—he never dared to touch you when he was awake out of respect for boundaries and personal space, but Namjoon doesn’t have those hangups. He climbs into bed one night and immediately fits himself to your back before asking if it’s okay, and yeah, of course it is. You couldn’t have waterboarded Hoseok into touching you purposely the way Namjoon does casually, so unthinking, just does what he wants.
It makes you ache.
So you become sleepless for other, new reasons.
His snoring lessens, gives way to these breathy little sounds that border on soft moans. Still obscene. He stops forcing you to the edge of the mattress and instead presses you into it, the weight of his massive body leaving you with nowhere else to go. Every time he touches you, either knowingly or not, he leaves trails of heat in his wake.
Even in sleep, Namjoon is a tease.
Sometimes his hands will drift—too close, too far, both simultaneously—and you feel your breath hitch, wondering if he’s awake, if he’s doing it on purpose. Sometimes you wake up with him wrapped around you, hard cock pressing into your ass, the small of your back. Sometimes he’ll rut once, twice, and come to and disappear to the opposite side of the bed in shame and embarrassment, leaving you frustrated and pretending to be asleep.
Because you’re not… sure.
You know you’re attracted to Namjoon. You know he’s some degree of attracted to you in return. But the outside world is so volatile, the situation you’re in so unstable, that you’re afraid to push. Afraid the delicate house of cards will come tumbling down, that you two will fuck to get it out of your systems and make things horribly awkward, ruin the good thing you’ve got going.
But you can only take so much, is the thing. There’s a very large man with a very large cock at your back and you’ve had enough of this game.
“Namjoon,” you say, rolling in his arms so you’re face to face. You poke him in the stomach when he doesn’t stir. “Namjoon.”
He jolts awake, hands immediately moving to you—checking that you’re still there, that you’re safe. “Wha’?” he slurs, voice thick with sleep, deeper than you’ve ever heard it. “Wha’ happened?”
Now you feel awkward. He’s concerned with your safety in the midst of a fucking apocalypse and you’re just horny. Still, sometimes the only way out is through, so you blurt out, “Do you want to fuck me?”
That grabs his attention. He’s fully awake now, propped up on one elbow, gazing down at you like you’ve completely lost your mind. Fucking stupid but not dumb, like a mantra. “Uh.” He pauses. Swallows. Pushes sweaty hair off his forehead. “Did—did you, uh, get bit? Are you feeling okay?”
You glare, though it’s useless in the dark. “I’m fine. How’s your dick?” You dare a glance downward. Still hard is the answer.
Namjoon embarrasses easily in a way that is both horribly endearing and horribly inconvenient, because instead of feeding you some greasy line like want to find out? he’s reaching down to adjust himself in his sleep shorts, stumbling over apologies as he goes. “Shit, fuck, I’m so sorry, this is so awkward, I’m sorry—”
“Can you answer my question, please?”
Namjoon stills. Puts that giant brain to use. “Um. Which one? You asked me two.”
“Well, I can clearly see that your dick is still very hard, so let’s start with the first one.”
There’s a sound that you think is meant to sound like a laugh. A pained a-haaa that sounds more like Namjoon begging for divine intervention in the form of death. “The, uh, doIwanttofuckyou question?”
“That would be the one, yes.”
“Is… is there a wrong answer?”
He nods, tongue darting out to wet his lips. It’s lewd, a cruel and unusual punishment for your fleeting moment of horny delirium. Gets even worse when he tugs the plush bottom one between his teeth, staring at you all the while. Sizing you up, it feels like. Deciding between what he wants to do and what he’s actually going to do.
Just like the last week of your life, everything goes from zero to one hundred in a split-second.
“Do you wanna talk about this first?” he asks. You’re just staring at one another and he already sounds fucked out. Obscene.
“What’s there to talk about?”
He reaches for you. Two fingers beneath your chin and a thumb on the hinge of your jaw to keep you where he wants you. “What you want.” Leans in, his lips so close to your ear. “What you don’t.”
Around you, the world narrows. Nothing exists outside of this bed. Not the weird house in the middle of the woods. Not the apocalypse. Not a goddamn thing except Namjoon and his big hands and the way he’s touching you. “Tell me what you want,” he says, words skimming along the column of your throat, “and I’ll do it.”
You wonder if he’s talking about big-picture shit or just sex. If he’s someone who needs something concrete to hold onto before he fucks or if it even matters anymore. Would he still want to sleep with you if you’d met under different circumstances that night at the bar, or is it just something to pass the time while you wait out the end of the world?
Although, you feel like the world might end if you don’t finally fuck this man, so maybe it doesn’t matter.
“I’m clean and I have an IUD I’ll have to figure out how to remove in three years if I live that long. I’m down for mostly anything as long as you ask first but I draw the line at most bodily fluids. Oh, also—don’t kiss me if your tongue goes anywhere near my ass. I think that’s it, though. What about you?”
Momentarily stunned, Namjoon’s hands stop moving. “I’ve never eaten ass before.”
“Oh. I mean, we totally can if you want to, but—really?”
“Why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because your lips are pornographic,” you admit, completely void of shame. “Like, you have the kind of mouth that looks like it’s done a lot of dirty things.”
Namjoon laughs. “You also said I look like I like getting pushed around.”
You cock an eyebrow. “Do you?”
He’s growing bold. His response is a low chuckle, more vibration than anything, and he reaches for you again. Seems like he can’t keep his hands off of you, needs to be touching you always, even before when it was harmless, and this time he goes for your hips. Fits his large hands to your waist, the tops of your thighs, presses his thumbs into your hip bones. “Most people don’t try.”
“Yeah, that tracks,” you reply dazedly.
His lips move to your neck, trace the neckline of your sleep shirt, dip below to nip at your collarbone. “Where’s your hand, baby?” he speaks into your skin. Finds what he’s looking for and pins your arm above your head, gently like you’ll break. You think you might. “You can push me around when you’re healed. Can I kiss you?”
You must nod, because Namjoon drags his lips from your throat to your jaw to the corner of your mouth, and then he’s pressing them to your own. This is gentle too, Namjoon careful with his own injury, and it’s not lost on you that this is your fault. You’re not going to get the filthy, primal fucking you want because you’d thrown a punch in a bar, but this isn’t a bad consolation prize, you think.
Because Namjoon is good at this. He’s easy to rile up but rock-solid once he pushes past it. And, sure, he kisses you gently, but he means it. Whimpers into your mouth like you’re doing him a favor, and you think you might be able to do this, just this, forever.
Your free hand fists the thin cotton of his shirt as he licks into your mouth. It should be gross, because it’s the middle of the night and you no longer have the luxury of your favorite toothpaste, but you find it hard to care when he drops his weight, that massive body of his pressing into you, against you in all the right ways. This time it’s you who whines, and it’s a small sound but it seems to drive Namjoon a little crazy.
“Wanna hear you,” he says, pulling back, and you’re about to ask him what that means, if he just wants you to start moaning like some bad porn, but then he’s grabbing your leg to wrap it around his waist and pressing his hips to you harder.
“Oh fuck,” you sigh. Even through his sleep shorts you can tell he’s big—big and really fucking hard. Forget a zombie apocalypse, you’re not sure you’ll survive this right here.
What Namjoon wants, Namjoon gets. You’re unabashed as he grinds his cock against your core, careless about your volume. You’ve suffered through almost everyone in this house either fucking or jerking off, and you can take a little ribbing, so you’re going to enjoy this. What’s the point in modesty if you’re all going to die, anyway?
So you just keep babbling, words spilling out of your mouth before you can filter them, writhing and whining all the while. “I know, baby,” Namjoon says, hands all over, mouth not far behind. “Keep going,” he urges, hands to your hips to move you the way he wants.
“Thigh,” you say, barely able to get the word out of your mouth with the way he’s moving against you. “Wan-wanna ride your thigh.”
He keens. “Shit, yeah, okay.”
Namjoon fucks like it’s the end of the world.
You get off on his thigh but he deems it not enough. Strips you bare and situates himself between your legs. Puts that sinful mouth to use and gets you off again. Asks you when the last time you had sex was and laughs at your answer, all condescending heat, and he uses the slick from you and his mouth to stretch you on three of his fingers.
You’re going to ruin this man’s hair once you have two working hands. Maybe just ruin him in general.
The build-up is dizzying. One second he’s slow and sensual, content to take you apart, continuously bring you to the edge just to yank you back—and the next is all feral urgency. He can’t make you come, can’t kick his shorts off, can’t peel his briefs down those thick thighs fast enough.
“Will you ride me?” he asks, so intent on taking your one rule to heart. As long as you ask first. But some things don’t need to be questioned, like when Hobi asks if you want to take an edible and watch the Spice Girls movie and will you sit on Namjoon’s massive dick.
You huff, already halfway in his lap. “Clown question, bro.”
As you sink down onto him, you understand why he’d laughed when you said it’d been awhile, why he got a little cocky. Three fingers hadn’t been anywhere near enough, but the stretch, the overwhelming fullness, is delicious.
“I was go—ah, fuck—gonna suggest you don’t ca-call me bro, but I don’t think I care when you feel this fucking good.”
“Yeah?” you stupidly ask, and you’re usually better at dirty talk, but there’s not much you can do when all of your brainpower is going towards riding the best cock you’ve ever had in your life. “Tell me.”
Namjoon moans, grips your hips to move you again. Back and forth at a steady, torturous pace. “Baby,” he whines. “Feels like one of those wa-water wiggler toys—”
Okay, so clearly neither of you are at your best right now.
And that’s how it goes. You brace yourself on Namjoon’s chest, nails of your good hand digging into his pec, your broken one held in his. Time seems to drag on forever and stop all at once, and you’re oversensitive and admittedly a little in pain and a lot exhausted so you’re probably not going to come again, but you find yourself dangerously close watching Namjoon chase his own orgasm.
Head tilted back, neck on display, mouth dropped open. You want to shove your fingers inside, so you do.
He comes immediately.
Namjoon kisses you as the two of you come down, whispering more praise in between each one. Tells you how good you are, how beautiful, that he’s glad you broke his nose. Then he realizes the dumb thing that has come out of his mouth and pauses, looking confused and delicate. He’s so cute you kiss him first this time.
And then you pull back and realize he’s got blood all over his face, gushing from the nose he’s so glad you broke, and he’s out of the bed and into the bathroom before you can blink.
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“You can’t do that, we’re soulmates!”
Jimin scoffs, placing the Robber on Taehyung’s hex tile anyway, ruthless as he watches his boyfriend miserably discard half his hand. “Your fault for building a city there. I’m coming for your ore tile next.”
You roll your lips to keep from laughing. You hadn’t expected the house’s sardonically-named Royal Couple to be on the brink of disaster twenty minutes into a game of Catan, but you’re safe for now in your small part of the world, surrounded by all of these people you’ve come to love, Namjoon especially, so you’ll take all the manufactured, external drama you can get.
“Told you he’d turn on you, Tae,” you chime. He gives you the finger. “You can’t trust Libra men.”
“What about virgins!” Jungkook calls from the kitchen, where Yoongi has convinced him to drink tequila and brandy to see if he can get him to punch Namjoon, too, and Seokjin laughs so hard he looks like he’s about to keel over and die.
Yeah, you think you’re going to be fine.
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longstoryoongi · 2 years
lost in paradise? ✧・゚:*
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welcome to romy’s bts fanfiction reading blog.
below you’ll find my chaotic library. feel free to browse through fics by member, pairing, reader type, genre, alternate universes and tropes. after you’ve read a fic, make sure to reblog it in order to support the writer. happy browsing, dear visitor!
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➳ by member.
kim namjoon kim seokjin min yoongi jung hoseok park jimin kim taehyung jeon jungkook
➳ by reader x pairing.
namjin • sope • taegi • jikook yoonmin • namseok • yoonkook • minimoni taekook • taejoon • 2seok • yoonjin vmin • taejin • vhope • jinkook • ot7 hyung line • maknae line vocal line • rap line
➳ by type.
drabble • one-shot • two-shot • series
➳ by reader-type.
gender-neutral reader • female reader
➳ by genre.
fluff • angst • smut • pwp • comedy • dark content slice of life • drama • mystery • horror supernatural • science fiction • fantasy dystopia • thriller • psychological
➳ by alternate universes.
idolverse!au • sugar daddy!au • racer!au • ceo!au college | university!au • soulmate!au • criminal!au vampire!au • werewolf!au • witch!au • demon!au angel!au • ghost!au • monster!au • fairy!au pirate!au • royal!au • apocalyptic!au zombie apocalypse!au • alien!au • space!au time travel!au • superhero!au • supervillain!au mythology!au • folklore!au • fairytale!au
➳ by tropes.
friends to lovers • rivals to lovers • enemies to lovers lovers to enemies • established relationship arranged marriage • fake dating • mutual pining
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➳ romy’s fic reviews.
#lsy_ficmarked: to be read
#lsy_bookshelf: currently reading
#lsy_romy reviews.txt: my comments on other people’s writing
#lys_romy hearts this fic: personal favourites
#jamais queue: my queued tag
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want me to read your fic? use the tag #useromy on your writing & i’ll be sure to check your creations out.
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© longstoryoongi / romy, 2023. — last updated: april 3rd, 2023
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bts-fic-collection · 5 years
Could you recommend any stories with zombies or werewolves?
Sure! For werewolves, you should check out my werewolf au tag :)
black indigo by 55cancrie
Rating: M
Pairings: Seokjin/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 15,291
Summary: It’s been eight months since the end of the world.
Hope by heyyyjude
Rating: T
Pairings: Taehyung/Yoongi
Status: Complete
Word count: 11,426
Summary: It’s been six months since the outbreak happened and tension between Yoongi and Taehyung has hit a peak. But when the usually subdued Taehyung fights back, Yoongi feels something inside of him change.
the path (a new beginning) by adamnparrishs
Rating: M
Pairings: Jungkook/Yoongi
Status: Incomplete
Word count: 13,273
Summary: If he was correct, it was March 18th, 2018. That meant it had been 2468 days since the infection took over, spreading across the world like an uncontrollable wildfire, destroying everything in its path.
It had been 2465 days since his dad was shot dead by an army general who had mistaken him for an infected, the bullet ripping through his flesh as his family had watched.
It had been 2390 days since the first quarantine zone was opened to the public, where survivors travelled across the states in order to feel safe. 2193 days since Kim Seokjin has taken his boyfriend Kim Namjoon and left for the wider world, promising that he would protect them now that he was a part of the Fireflies.
2003 days since his mum succumbed to the virus herself, slowly losing her mind and her will to live, and 2002 days since Min Yoongi decided he would stop at nothing to find a cure for this disease.
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biaswreckmepls · 6 years
Hi! I was wondering if you knew of any apocalypse fics with happy endings? I don't mind any ship except for yoonmin (no hate, it's just not my preference). No romantic ships is fine, too. Thank you so much! I love your blog :)
Hi Anon!
Hmmm so Apocalypse fics, i’m gonna take that in a really wide sense, so set during an apocalyptic setting, or a post-apocalypse dystopia, whatever I can find and reads well:
Apocalypse AU
home is where hyung is by lusterrdust (Taegi, One-shot, E, 16K, Zombie Apocalypse AU)
saturday night live. by taekookies_and_cream (Taekook, One-shot, G, 2.4K, Zombie Apocalypse AU)
i’d love it if we made it by hobal_hyung (Yoonseok, One-shot, E, 26K, Doomsday AU)
Anything For You by dearmochi (Yoonjin, One-shot, G, 2.2K, Zombie Apocalypse AU)
We got here together, and we are still here by heyhosam (Jikook, One-shot, T, 3.4K, Zombie Apocalypse AU)
Fumes by Hailbreeze (Jikook, One-shot, M, 1.9K, Zombie Apocalypse AU)
I’ll have you know that going through this tag was depressing as fuck, and now i’m sad and I blame you for it :((
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nikkastans · 3 years
⫸ fic recommendations: YOONGI
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♡ means it's a favorite | main menu
➥ Moonlit Throne ♡
smut, angst, fluff, joseon king!yoongi x reader
➥ Punch Drunk ♡
boxer au, smut, angst
➥ Casus Fortuitus
fluff, smut, pwp
➥ The Pact: Yoongi's Date ♡
OT7 BTS x reader (not poly), idol!BTS, best friend BTS
➥ Please Be Naked ♡♡
(semi) fuck buddies au, rebound au, unrequited feelings, angst, smut, romance, happy ending
➥ Slow
Crumbly sugar, powdered fluff
➥ Oh, You Know Him?
Fluff! (not quite)Strangers to Lovers? Vaguely college AU
➥ Budapest
Fluff, smut, secret agent!au
➥ Hanahaki III
angst. that's it. this crushed my heart.
➥ UGH F*CK (YoonJin)
m ; smut ; boxer au ; boxer!yoongi , ring girl!reader
➥ Damn the Charcuterie Board (ft. Jimin)
light crack, smut, pwp, min yoongi x reader x park jimin
➥ Nothing Lasts Forever (feat. KTH)
Taehyung x Yoongi, ex-husbands taegi, zombie apocalypse!au, trapped in elevator, with a dead body, science thriller, survival horror, body horror, blood and injury, angst
➥ Amor Vincit Omnia ♡
Arranged Marriage Gang! AU . BTS Suga /Min Yoongi and OC . The worst thing you can do to a guy? Marry him when he begs you not to. Worst thing you can do to yourself? Fall in love with him afterwards.
➥ Sweetener ♡
Summary: You used to know how he sounded when you were wrapped around him, but circumstances have pulled you apart and sent you scattering in opposite directions. Feelings shouldn’t reappear so easily by simple words, but when you find yourselves in the same place once again, this is exactly what happens.
➥ apricity
fluff, adventure, angst, atla!au, avatar the last airbender meets anastasia fic no one asked for
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nekumiko · 5 years
main masterlist
for now, this blog contains fics. will branch out to headcanons and drabbles when I get requests (yes, I am now mentally prepared to write for others)!
Diamond no Ace
Silence Speak Volumes (Kominato Ryousuke x Reader) 
Kagerou Project
Birthday fics:
Invisible but Not Forgotten - for Kido! it also has a comic by @kuredo164​
Overshadowed (Momo)
Greater Than the Gift (Seto)
Haruka’s Christmas (Haruka)
By occasion:
Hugs (KanoKido Day)
Too Good To Be True (SetoMarry Day)
As She Should Be (Mothers’ Day)
In Their Memories (Fathers’ Day)
- Jimin x reader, lots of fluff 
you never walk alone (zombie apocalypse AU) 
- mainly platonic yoonjin, jihope, and taekook/namkook
- tentative oneshot! still looking for collaborators, because I am deathly afraid of zombies. will make a notice asap. 
Multi-chaptered fics
For You, I Will (Seungkwan x reader) NEW!
Simple and clean, or so she wished (1 | 2) 
- set pre-WIngs era. on hiatus.
Singles complex 
- on hiatus, but I highly encourage you all to please request scenarios!
Tokyo Revengers
I Knead You (Mikey | Sano Manjirou x OC) 
Does Everything Grow Fruitfully for Kita? (Kita Shinsuke x Reader) 
Yu Yu Hakusho
The Untold Story (1 | 2)
actually completed, just republishing edited chapters. but if you really want to read until the end, you can check it out here!
Ace of Diamond
Colors (Ongoing, currently on chapter 7/?)
putting a sub-masterlist because we’re past five chapters! 
Akame ga Kill
An Unrequited Love for the Books (Ongoing, 1/?)
because the latter two only have one fic each for now, I’d put them here too. will update as I go.
Guess the Song
- placing a sub-masterlist here to save space!
- if you guess the songs, it’d be more fun
Fairytales, Twisted
- the classic twisting of classics
Stay Mythical
She Dreamt, She Wrote
- drabbles and ficlets that came from my literal dreams
Don’t Fall for Fiction
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btshcs · 7 years
Yoonjin-Zombie apocalypse au:
They die first.
The end.
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ao3feed-yoonjin · 7 years
make it snow
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2C4MYMW
by Aelii
Two zombies befriend each other, and try to remember Christmas.
or, finally, the yoonjin!zombie fic based on bts run ep 24.
 (rated teen and up for brief descriptions of icky zombies and dead things)
Words: 5900, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of the zombie apocalypse au
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin
Relationships: Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: Zombies, based on bts run ep 24, sort of graphic because description of decayed zombie bodies, zombie yoongi, zombie seokjin, Fluff, Post-Apocalypse, they walk a rail together, Happy Ending, Zombie Apocalypse, seokjin and yoongi are like dumb as hell, alternative universe, Alternate Universe - Zombies, Cute, Inspired by Warm Bodies, Memory Loss, Cute Min Yoongi | Suga, Cute Kim Seokjin | Jin, the briefest not-mention of taehyung, Dead People, Crying, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, except seokjin is too dumb to understand it but, yeah - Freeform, zombie!yoongi, zombie!seokjin
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2C4MYMW
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bangtan-bookclub · 7 years
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although summer has barely just begun, for our monthly recs, the world is coming to an end. not to worry though, we’ve got just the right fics for you to read to make the most of our last days.
this month’s theme is apocalypse.
smut ✗     |     angst ☁     |     fluff ♡     |     death/drugs/horror ⚠
i’m listening by resonae | ♡ ☁ | yoonjin
After the world is struck with a virus that robs people of their senses, Yoongi becomes Seokjin’s eyes and Seokjin becomes Yoongi’s voice.
last nite by @tayegi | ✗ 
This is a zombie apocalypse AU based on The Walking Dead, The Stand, World War Z, and elements of Attack of Titan (because hasn’t anyone noticed how much Yoongi resembles Captain Levi Ackerman? it’s uncanny).
i’m listening by resonae | ♡ ☁ | yoonjin
After the world is struck with a virus that robs people of their senses, Yoongi becomes Seokjin’s eyes and Seokjin becomes Yoongi’s voice.
glitch (not the end of the world) by popliar | ♡ ☁ | yoonseok
Yoongi's first clue that there's been another glitch in the multiverse is when he wakes up to the sound of Hoseok screaming.
(Hoseok is replaced by a version from an alternate timeline.)
x-44 land by @kiwiscript | ☁ ✗ ⚠
The times and trials of people trying to make it in a world that’s heading for ashes.
glitch (not the end of the world) by popliar | ♡ ☁ | yoonseok
Yoongi's first clue that there's been another glitch in the multiverse is when he wakes up to the sound of Hoseok screaming.
(Hoseok is replaced by a version from an alternate timeline.)
when insanity hits by taebak | ♡ ☁ ✗ ⚠ | minjoon
jimin didn’t expect a lot of things, one of them being an apocalypse, and another being what would happen during it.
wonder by wordcouture | ♡ | jikook
"You see, one loves the sunset when one is so sad." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
worlds don’t last (the stars and galaxies are fleeting, transient things) by baepsaeved | ♡ ☁ ✗ ⚠ | taekookmin
Amidst the world shattering to pieces, everything falls into place.
when insanity hits by taebak | ♡ ☁ ✗ ⚠ | minjoon
jimin didn’t expect a lot of things, one of them being an apocalypse, and another being what would happen during it.
hiraeth by @jungkxook | ♡ ☁ ✗ ⚠ | ft. jungkook
“I guess we’re not so different after all, huh? Brains, brawns – what does it matter when we’re all just scared of being left alone and stupidly hopeful?”
the last of us by @cosykims | ☁ ✗ ⚠
A trip gone wrong, and 2 lone survivors; the two who got left behind.
worlds don’t last (the stars and galaxies are fleeting, transient things) by baepsaeved | ♡ ☁ ✗ ⚠ | taekookmin
Amidst the world shattering to pieces, everything falls into place.
hiraeth by @jungkxook | ♡ ☁ ✗ ⚠ | ft. taehyung
“I guess we’re not so different after all, huh? Brains, brawns – what does it matter when we’re all just scared of being left alone and stupidly hopeful?”
fallout by @pantaemonium | ☁ ⚠
After the bombs fell, there was nothing on the world besides grey; grey skies, grey pastures, and grey people. The world had been devastated, and the sole motor of your every action was pure instinct because, deep inside, you only wished you had died with the majority of human kind. There was no good people left in that world, not even you, and when his dark figure hovered over you and brought you forcefully with him you confirmed it.
They were no good either.
written on the sky by @inktae | ☁ ♡
‘seeking a friend for the end of the world’ au
wonder by wordcouture | ♡ | jikook
"You see, one loves the sunset when one is so sad." -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
worlds don’t last (the stars and galaxies are fleeting, transient things) by baepsaeved | ♡ ☁ ✗ ⚠ | taekookmin
Amidst the world shattering to pieces, everything falls into place.
✎ OT7
underworld by @onlylovekpop | ☁ | ft. got7
The boys of GOT7 and BTS are rival gangs with a choke hold on the city of Seoul, but one girl forces them to unite in order to save her as life as they know it is torn at the seams.
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Tags Guide
Review Tags (General Overview)
Ship (pairing name) (Ships Masterlist Below)
Main Characters (#seokjin, #yoongi, #hoseok, #namjoon, #jimin, #taehyung, #jeongguk, #reader, #oc, etc) 
Rating (#pg, #pg13, #r, #nc17)
Fic Type (#drabble, #one shot, #novelette, #multi)
Fic Length (#length:drabble, #length:1kto3k, #length:3kto10k, #length:10kto20k, #length:20kto50k, #length:50kto100k, #length:100kup)
Fic Status (#wip, #completed)
Genre (#angst, #drama, #established, #comedy, #fantasy, #fluff, #horror, #platonic, #pre relationship, #pwp, #sci fi, #supernatural)
AU or Non-AU (#au, #dormlife) (AU Masterlist Below)
Host Site (#ao3, #aff, #lj, #tumblr)
Writer penname
Ships Masterlist
Member Pairings: - #yoonmin - #taekook - #vhope - #namjin - #jikook - #vmin - #yoonseok - #yoonjin - #sugamon - #minjoon - #sugakookie - #jihope - #taegi - #2seok - #taejin - #jinmin - #jinkook - #junghope - #kookiemonster - #namseok - #vmon
Member/Everyone Pairings (If it’s a member/everyone tag it as #[member] x everyone) - #seokjin x everyone - #yoongi x everyone - #hoseok x everyone - #namjoon x everyone - #jimin x everyone - #taehyung x everyone - #jeongguk x everyone
OT3 (If it’s an ot3 fic, tag it #ot3 plus the ot3′s shipname) - #suganamjin (Seokjin/Yoongi/Namjoon) - #namjinmin (Seokjin/Namjoon/Jimin) - #rapper line (Yoongi/Hoseok/Namjoon) - #yoonminseok (Yoongi/Hoseok/Jimin) - #yoonminkook (Yoongi/Jimin/Jeongguk) - #sunshine line (Hoseok/Jimin/Taehyung) - #maknae line (Jimin/Taehyung/Jeongguk) Crossover Pairings (If it’s a BTS member/another idol tag it #crosspair and the ship name) - #supremehope (Hoseok/Supreme Boi)
Reader Pairings (If it’s a BTS member/Reader tag it as #reader and #[member] reader) - #seokjin reader - #yoongi reader - #hoseok reader - #namjoon reader - #jimin reader - #taehyung reader - #jeongguk reader
OC Pairings (If it’s a BTS member/OC tag is as #oc and #[member] oc) - #seokjin oc - #yoongi oc - #hoseok oc - #namjoon oc - #jimin oc - #taehyung oc - #jeongguk oc
AUs Masterlist
Besides the #au tag, add the following AU-specific tags if applicable:
- Alpha/Beta/Omega AU (#au: abo) - Actor AU (#au: actor) - Androids AU (#au: androids) - Angels AU (#au: angels) - Anime Inspired AUs (#au: anime) - Apocalypse AU (#au: apocalypse) - Bakery AU (#au: bakery) - Cafe/Coffeshop AU (#au: cafe) - College AU (#au: college) - Demons AU (#au: demons) - Dystopia AU (#au: dystopia) - Fairy Tale AU (#au: fairy tale) - Fake Relationship AU (#fake relationship) - Famous AU (#au: famous) - Flower Shop AU (#au: flowershop) - Gang/Mafia AU (#au: gang) - Ghost AU (#au: ghost) - Grim Reaper AU (#au: grim reaper) - Hanahaki AU (#au: hanahaki) - High School AU (#au: high school) - Historical AU (#au: historical) - Hospital AU (#au: hospital) - Hybrid AU (#au: hybrid) - Idol AU (#au: idol) - Merpeople AU (#au: merpeople) - MV Inspired AUs (#au: inspired) - Office AU (#au: office) - Photography AU (#au: photography) - Reincarnation AU (#au: reincarnation) - Sex Industry AU, prostitutes, escorts, sex hotlines, porn stars, etc (#au: sex industry) - Single Parent AU (#au: single parent) - Social Media AU (#au: social media) - Soulmates AU (#au: soulmates) - Space AU (#au: space) - Spies AU (#au: spies) - Vampire AU (#au: vampire) - Video Game Inspired AUs (#au: video game) - Werewolves AU (#au: werewolves) - Witches AU (#au: witch) - Zombies AU (#au: zombies)
New Tags
Admins will add new tags as necessary. We also take suggestions for new tags.
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giventae · 10 months
My fics
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rated: Explicit
alternate universe - modern setting
hybrid taehyung/human jimin
multi-chaptered (ongoing)
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i hate you (to the moon and back)
rated: Explicit
alternate universe - high school football
enemies to lovers
rich jimin/poor taehyung
multi-chaptered (completed)
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Sk8er boi
rated: Explicit
alternate universe - high school
ballerino jimin/skater boy taehyung
grumpy x sunshine
multi-chaptered (ongoing)
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But...he's a cheerleader!
rated: Explicit
alternate universe - university
cheerleader Taehyung/football player Jimin
enemies to lovers
multi-chaptered (ongoing)
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Honeymoon in Hawaii (Explicit)
rated: Explicit
canon compliant
2017 Hawaii Bon Voyage
best friends to lovers
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rated: Explicit
royalty / omegaverse au
arranged marriage
enemies to lovers
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I'm with you
rated: Explicit
zombie apocalypse au
friends to lovers
enemies to lovers
one shot
smut and fluff and angst
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If you can't stand him, bend him over
rated: Explicit
college/university au
academic rivals
pure smut (with a pinch of fluff)
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You're my baby
rated: Explicit
canon compliant
bon voyage season 2
whipped boyfriends yoonjin
smut and fluff
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