wonsoir · 1 year
✿ yoongi and jimin bios & long locs. ! ☆
page. 01 — loving you for 𝒔͟𝒆͟𝒗͟𝒆͟𝒏 days is too little. ★̲  ( 𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌 )
i can describe all the love letters in the world to them ✍️ @ 𝘆𝗼𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗺𝗶𝗻 ♡
✿. 윤기, 지민 ! spring afternoons, picnics in the park, a good book and your perfume on my clothes.
𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴 : loving someone unconditionally / in fact you're the only person i've ever loved so hard in my life. ❀⵰ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚 & 𝐦𝐢𝐧
୭ 🧷 ♡ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚 & 𝐦𝐢𝐧 ; i wanted to wake you up with a thousand kisses every morning and make you feel special and extremely loved.
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like or reblog if u use/save.
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dearweirdme · 11 months
I have concrete evidence--not even concrete, more like steel reinforced BRICKwork with scaffolding support level of evidence that Taekook isn't real. Okay, like I promise I'm not a Kookminer. I'm really not. My bias is actually Suga and I used to like Yoongmin so I have no dog in this fight BUT---
I accidentally watched five Kookjiminie videos on YouTube and I saw something that now has me questioning; was Taekook ever real !?? In these videos (I wish I could find them but I can't sorry and they seem to have disappeared from my YouTube history) but I noticed a disturbing pattern. In one of these video clips, I noticed that Jimin's husband, Jungkook, blinked three times in a row at Jimin and only two times in a row at Taehyung and that's when I knew, Taekook was over. This might surprise some people who don't know me but I actually studied Body Language Language to an FBI level and I specialised specifically in Blinkage and Morse Code of The Eye. I have attended every YouTube tutorial video in that free online course so I can assure you my skills are legit.
Don't get me wrong. I do think Taekook dated when they were like 17 or something but then I also think Taehyung's soulmate and Tae's boyfriend fell in love with each other and just couldn't help but have an affair or maybe Tae and Jimin's lover, Jungkook, broke up and then Jimin decided to swoop in then and steal his soulmate + best friend's ex boyfriend because hoes before bros and dates before soulmates, right?
I know it might seem like I ship Jiminie❤️Kookie but I swear on my mother's grave that I don't. I'm actually more of a Jihopie shipper but listen, I grew up in an orphanage since birth and I've never had any family but myself so even before I became an expert Body Language expert, I knew better than anyone how to observe people's intentions and I hate (honestly I HATE) to say this but I think the real ship might be JiminKook4eva. I really do. I swear on my father's life that I don't ship it but I can't deny it that there's a LOT of evidence that they got married in Japan.
They were both in Japan for a start.
I know I probably won't convince you and I'm honestly not here to try to but I've got five more essays lined up about why you should listen to me and believe what I'm saying and stop shipping Taekook because let's be real, Taehyung has literally said that he hates it--and I know some people think he was talking about the fan fantasising about Jimin's life partner, Jungkook, but that's only one interpretation so he literally hates it.
Please, please listen to me for some reason. I don't really know what that reason is because I swear I'm not a J+M+RingFinger=JikookieMarried shipper at all!!
Just listen to me because you're going to be sorry and crying if you don't when you read my 10900 word dissertation of PURE concrete evidence with compiled pictures, videos, fanart and fan theory that I have attached to this ask. I used an AI program to help me put this portfolio together so obviously, you know that it's legit and 100% correct (Hopefully the attachment shows up but if not then I think it sadly might have disappeared with the YouTube videos)
Lots of love from ~Turn the V upside down and you get A for ARMY~ xx
Omg anon… you totally opened my eyes!
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flouwerry · 3 years
my boys !!
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yoobikook · 4 years
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Shit...I can't stop laughing 😂
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milkis-yah · 4 years
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YoongMin + Cats commissiom complete! 💜
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bangtan-probably · 6 years
jimin : you remind me of the ocean
yoongi : explain
jimin : you’re so salty all the time
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hopper310 · 6 years
“I don’t think happiness is a word which you can simply define. You have to experience it to know if you were happy or not.”
- Min Yoongi
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jiminvbias · 7 years
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amojinph-blog · 7 years
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LY : Photocard
Redone my Yoonmin brothers. Going to finish the other 5 members and sell this in the upcoming cons im going to participate in :3
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sugalaxys · 7 years
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If you want a Love Yourself themed Bts member in your inbox with a cute message for you
Reblog this post and keep your inbox open!
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superiortechnology · 7 years
casting such a thin shadow
“Oi, Chimchim, you alright?”
Jimin ran his hand through his hair, glancing behind him to where the voice came from. It was Taehyung. “Wha?”
“You’re staggering around like you’re drunk.”
“What? No. I’m good,” Jimin said. It was true… well, sort of anyway. He felt a bit dizzy, but he was fully in the zone, his mind on autopilot. It happened a lot when he was dancing. He didn’t allow it to happen a lot in performances, but rehearsals were fine. When he knew a routine well enough he could simply shut off his mind and let the music carry his body. It was nice for days like today, when he felt particularly exhausted.
He could feel his best friend’s eyes burning holes into the back of his skull, so he forced himself out of his mental state and attempted to refine his movements, making sure his steps were sharp and precise. Taehyung worried too much, and while Jimin knew it was because he cared, it could get annoying.
“Time’s up, guys,” their manager called from slightly off the stage. “Head to hair and makeup.”
“Didn’t sleep well again?” His makeup artist was brushing foundation into his skin with a practiced hand. A part of him liked her; they typically got along well and she was fantastic, generating admiration for his smokey eye among thousands of fans, but sometimes she dug a bit too deep into his personal life.
“I’m nervous,” he said, staring straight forward at the mirror.
“Liar. You don’t get nervous on stage,” she said with a grin. “Close your eyes.”
He did, letting her brush the light liquid makeup into the bags under his eyes which had no doubt been the origin of her original comment.
“I do so. And I’m always nervous the day before a show,” he insisted, forcing his lips into an over dramatic pout.
“Jimin, if that were true, you’d be nervous half your life. Save your breath, we both know it’s not true,” again her tone was light, but he was becoming annoyed.
“Fine, I didn’t sleep well. What do you want me to say?” He knew he was coming off rough, but he couldn’t help it. It was the truth; he was exhausted. He’d been up all night practicing in the studio. When his body finally gave out on him, he’d moved into the vocal closet, as he liked to call it. What was the point in trying to sleep when you knew it wasn’t going to happen?
“I’m just concerned about you, hun,” she said. “These circles under your eyes seem to be getting worse by the week.”
“Well it’ll probably just get worse as the promotions go on. Then as soon as we’re done here, we’re finishing the next album and heading off on tour.”
“Sometimes I think the schedules they put you kids through are cruel.”
He chose not to respond. He was done. Even if he agreed, how was it going to help?
It wasn’t. There was no point.
The tension between them drained after a short time, and he let his mind drift as he sat in the chair while his hair was styled. She was going for straight locks today with less volume. It looked classy and would match his outfit well, but it made him feel a bit deflated. He typically liked the way straight hair narrowed his face, but lately he felt like it just made him look gaunt and half dead.
He’d lost weight in the past months. A lot of it.
And he couldn’t be prouder.
He’d been relentlessly dieting since spring, and with Christmas quickly approaching, he could almost call it a year’s worth of the most effort he’d ever put forth. It was hard; he was always hungry and he had less energy, though a part of him wanted to attribute that to his age as well. He looked thinner than he ever had. His short limbs were starting to appear less so when paired with a narrow torso. He couldn’t chop his bone structure down, but he could minimize the tissue attached to it. And he had. He’d lost nearly 15kg since he’d started.
It had been a struggle. But the hardest part hadn’t been the hunger or lack of energy. He was too close with the other members for them to not notice his eating habits, not that they didn’t have their own restrictions, but they mom’d him far worse than his makeup team. Taehyung was probably the worst, followed closely by Namjoon and Yoongi . He knew they cared, but they just couldn’t understand.
“Yo Jimin! You ready?”
He looked up, knowing the voice before he made eye contact with his leader. Namjoon’s strawberry blonde hair was parted on the side and fluffed up off his face, a section of it clipped back making him look extraordinarily pretty. Namjoon was always gorgeous, but it wasn’t usually a role he typically played. Usually he went from the lead aggressive rapper to aegyo with the flip of a switch, much like Yoongi and J-hope.
It left him feeling less than adequate; but instead, flat and dull. He would never place the blame on Namjoon. God knew that their leader would both sell his soul and take a bullet at the same time for any of his members, but it didn’t make it any easier being next to someone so beautiful. But as it wasn’t Namjoon or any of the other members’ fault, Jimin could only do one thing.
He could keep trying to be better.
Tonight however, he wasn’t succeeding and he knew it. All that was left was for him to go out and perform to the best of his ability and hope that he’d be able to round out the group. If nothing else, he could make the others look better physically, right? It was always easier to see someone’s beauty when comparing them to a toad, right?
“Good to go, hun,” his makeup artist said, patting him on the shoulders.
Jimin glanced in the mirror at her, hating how far apart her hands were on his frame. It made him feel huge.
But now wasn’t the time, so he buried the thought.
“Thanks,” he said, sounding as grateful as he possibly could in his current headspace, hopping off the chair.
“Did you eat?” Namjoon asked.
“Yeah, earlier,” he lied.
If there was one thing he hated more than the act of eating itself, it was eating before a show. It made him feel bloated and heavy, not to mention guilty. The hunger pangs that burned through his abdomen felt good while performing. It was motivating and made him feel better. He’d resisted the urge, and by keeping his stomach empty, he’d done absolutely everything he could to minimize his waistline. It was something to be proud of.
He felt his brother’s eyes linger on him like they so often did, but he knew better than to say anything right now. He’d made the mistake before and Jimin had ending up having a meltdown, ruining his make up, his motivation, and his focus. It had not been a good music show, and Namjoon hadn’t brought anything up before a show since. In fact, none of the other members had. He had a sneaking suspicion that Namjoon had told the other members to keep their thoughts to themselves until after the shows.
Jimin appreciated it. He had enough on his mind as it was.
The stage lights felt brighter than usual.
That was the first thing Jimin noticed when they filed onto the stage as the music started playing.
The second was that the fog machine seemed to be on overdrive.
Between the two observations, he was surprised he was able to see at all. To make matters worse, his contacts were bothering his eyes.  
No one else seemed bothered though, as Jungkook sang the opening line, his powerful vocals filling the stadium, the fluidity of his voice radiating into every fiber of Jimin’s being. Damn was he ever on point tonight.
If only Jimin could say the same.
His head spun slightly, aching from the crown of his head. Between that and the brightness around him it made him feel like he was hungover. He’d made that mistake once, with Taehyung’s 19th birthday being the day before the major year end show. He’d never gotten drunk again the night before a show. It had been a brutal lesson, and one he’d heard about quite vocally from their manager.
His first line approached, and he’d never been so grateful for the backup vocals in all his life. He’d managed to get the sound out, but it felt hollow and almost transparent. What was going on?
He took several deep breaths as he danced, forcing his second line out with more power, this time a harmony with Taehyung, and it felt better.
As the song went on, he settled in, but he still didn’t feel right. The extra effort it was taking to sing was taking a toll on his body, and he was starting to feel light headed, a bit like he had earlier that day when his best friend had asked him if he was alright.
He breathed hard at the end of the song as the lights went down, but then snapped himself back into focus, quickly getting into position for the second song. This one had much more demanding choreography and he was front and center. He shook his head hard and quickly before the lights came back up, forcing himself not to squint as the light burned his eyes. His head began to pound, but he pressed on. He’d had headaches before while performing.
Two more songs.
He could do this.
But then he remembered the flip toward the end of this song and he started to worry. Was he going to be able to safely pull that off? He wouldn’t be quite as concerned if he wasn’t flipping over top of J-Hope.
And then he was falling.
And everything went black.
read on ao3
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jungwooswift · 7 years
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High school YoonMin for anon (◕ ◡ ◕)
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dianev95-blog · 7 years
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[171022] BTS TWITTER UPDATE #YOONGI💜💜💜 - - - #LoveYourself #Her #DNA #BTS #bangtan #BAngtanboys #Btsarmy #Bts4ever #suga4ever #Yoongmin #Suga #Yoongi #minyoongi
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monstur-x · 7 years
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When will I ever
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bangtan-probably · 6 years
jimin : i don't know how to tell you all this, so i'm just going to whisper it into hoseok's ear causing him to shout it out in astonishment.
jimin : *whispers*
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