#yoongi angts
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bangtaninborderland · 2 years ago
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Summary: you know it isn't healthy, you know you should leave, but you can't and neither can he.
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, kind of toxic relationship.
A/N: there was a slight demand to see jungkooks pov and I thought I’d indulge it! I will be updating all other stories in the next month please bare with me! Once again be kind, I tried to write this as best as I could I tried to think how my ex would be.
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He’d been stuck on this song for weeks, and what had started as a moment of inspiration to create fizzled out into nothing more than an unfinished track giving him a headache.
He felt his phone buzz and he knew even before checking that it was you,
Baby 🖤: I’m home, will you be here for dinner?
He sighs, leaning back in his chair. Realistically he could go home, relax and eat a home-cooked meal with you but then he would have to come back here tomorrow and he really didn’t want to do that. Of course, he felt like an asshole always being at work but that wasn’t something he could control and he knew that you knew that.
He shook his head as he typed his response.
Him: No. Working late, don’t wait up.
Baby🖤: Okay, Love You
Him: Lo- “Jungkook?”
Jungkook was startled at the sight of Yoongi leaning against the door, closing his phone before answering him. “What’s wrong Hyung?”
“Mingyu is here asking for you.”
Jungkook frowned, the other hadn’t called him to let him know he would be coming by. “Why?”
Yoongi shrugged holding the door open for him. “I don’t know, just said it was important.”
“Oh, thanks Hyung.” Jungkook smiled at him before they went their separate ways,
Yoongi turns off into his studio and Jungkook to the waiting area.
“Jungkookie” he was met with the sighs of a sniffling Mingyu, he had clearly been crying.
“What’s wrong?”
“Can we get a drink?”
Jungkook sat next to him, shaking his head. “I’m supposed to be working, I told YN I wouldn’t be home so I can finish the song today. You can talk to me if something is bothering you, I have a little time.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it right now I just don’t want to be alone.” He paused, eyeing Jungkook before continuing. “If you’re busy I understand.”
He should go back to the studio, he should tell Mingyu he has to work but he doesn’t. He doesn’t because he has to be a good friend, he can come back tomorrow and work because he has to be a good employee and then he can work late to complete his weekend work so he can take the weekend off so he could be a good boyfriend. Jungkook always had to just be good, he had to do everything perfectly.
“It’s okay we can, let me just get my jacket and shut everything off.” Jungkook smiled, patting Mingyus's leg before going to finish up.
It doesn’t take him long and soon enough he is in the passenger seat of Mingyus's car on the way to whatever restaurant the other had chosen.
“How are things between you and your girlfriend?” Mingyu questions.
“It’s good I guess.” Jungkook sighs, not really wanting to open that can of worms. “I’m not giving her enough.”
“What do you mean?” Mingyus eyes flicker to Jungkook before focusing back on the road.
Jungkook leans his head on the window, sighing. “She needs so much attention and reassurance. I know I’m supposed to be the one who gives that to her but I can’t, I don’t even have the time to reassure myself everything is going to be okay. I keep thinking about how easy it would be to break it off and just go back to focusing on work with no distractions.”
“You seem pretty set on that idea.” Mingyu responded. “Have you spoken to her about it?”
“No.” Jungkook huffed. “I can’t, if I do she will just shut down her own needs to try and support me. It makes me feel worse knowing she ignores the things she wants, needs and deserves just to keep me happy. I don’t fucking know what to do.”
“Why don’t you ask for a break?” Mingyu suggests, pulling into the carpark of their usual hangout. “I’m sure she would understand.”
“I can’t do that if I want to leave then I can’t keep her hanging on to hope that may never come. She deserves the world, I just can’t be the one to give it to her.”
The car turns off and it falls silent before Mingyu clears his throat, leaning a little closer to Jungkook. “If you know you can’t give her what she wants then let her go.”
Jungkook didn’t reply, he couldn't. Mingyu was fucking right and he hated it more than anything in the world because she deserved better, deserved the fucking noon and the stars but he couldn’t fulfil that but he also couldn’t leave because as much as he could talk shit about whatever issues they have he loved her to his core, depended on her in so many ways he didn’t know who he would be without her.
Even if he should let her go he won’t, because he can’t stomach the thought he of being alone without the love of his life. He can’t stand the idea of someone else loving her, touching her, being the reason for her smile.
The time flew once they were inside the restaurant come bar, drink going down with a burn enough to make him forget about his inner torment regarding his relationship. Mingyu dropped him home with the promise of seeing him again soon.
Jungkook fumbled with the keypad a few times before getting it right, he wasn’t drunk just a little buzzed.
He was taken aback by how dark everything was, usually, you’d still have at least the kitchen light on. He frowned slipping his shoes off and heading straight the the bedroom. Maybe she had gone to sleep? He frowned again seeing the sheets untouched.
“Marco?” He called out, knowing if you were in the apartment it would get your attention.
He couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his chest and the memory of teaching you the child’s game. “Polo” he heard you call back.
“I thought you were working late?” She frowned, holding out a hand to him.
Jungkook groaned, not ready for a scolding as he slouched against the couch. “Yeah, well we finished around 7 so Mingyu asked if I wanted to get drinks.” He shrugged. “Don’t get all mad.”
“I’m not mad kook.” She was quick to reassure but Jungkook knew her better than that, she wasn’t mad she was upset and that was far worse. “I just missed you.”
And just like that he was sober, the fuzziness shrouding his brain courtesy of the alcohol he had ingested cleared up instantly. “Fuck I know okay, I know but I don’t need you putting pressure on me too I’m already working hard twenty-four seven, you want me to come home and be the perfect boyfriend to you but where is my time? Where is the time for me? It’s selfish of you to always put your wants first.” He knew he should shut up, knew none of that was true but he couldn’t stop himself.
“No I just meant that I missed you I didn’t-“ she sighed, the argument dying on her tongue. “I’m sorry.”
“You always say that. You just ruined a good day…god” he huffed, a hand running through his hair.
The second the words were out of his mouth he felt a twinge of guilt pang through him. Everything had come out wrong he should have been apologising but all he could feel was anger, anger at himself for being a fucking awful partner even though she had only ever been good to him and for whatever reason he still hadn’t figured out himself he found it all too easy to take it out on her.
“I’m going to shower and then I’ll sleep.” He knew walking away wasn’t right, they should talk, and he should apologise but he couldn’t look at her when she had that glimmer of hurt in her eyes, especially because he’s the one that put it there.
He stepped under the water, his head thrown forward as he let it wash away his worries. As much as he tries to focus on the sound of water pelting off the glass he can’t stop thinking about what just unfolded.
He should walk away, he should let her go so she can find someone who makes her happy but he won’t, and he knows deep inside she won’t leave either, no matter how much of an asshole he is.
He’s sad, although not surprised, to see the bed empty. On days like this, he knew you chose to wait up until he slept and he wasn’t going to interrupt that so he slid under the covers, bordering on that space of awake and sleep until he felt you slide in beside him. He pulled her closer to him, needing your touch before whispering an “I love you.” Placing a soft kiss on your head.
There was so much more he could say, so much he should say but he settled for the three words.
The next morning Jungkook woke up first which was a surprising occurrence but he decided to make the best of it. He quickly showered and got dressed before setting off for the kitchen. Making breakfast although a small act of love was where he decided to start making amends.
He flicked on a playlist of songs Taehyung had made him before letting himself be carried away by the copious chopping and frying.
He noticed her hovering in the doorway. “Good morning baby.”
Jungkook swore his heart grew at the sight of her smile. “Good morning.”
“Come here.” He called out, turning down the stove before opening his arms. He felt himself relax once his body was pressed against her as though it was made to be there. “I’m sorry for last night.”
“It’s okay.” She whispers but he knows it isn’t, regardless of what she says it isn’t okay, and it will never be okay.
Jungkook pushes her back a little, taking in her forced smile before asking “Is it really? Do you forgive me?”
“I’ll always forgive you.” She responded without any hesitation, that was a true answer as unhealthy as it was he knew she meant it with her entirety.
He knew he wasn’t worthy of you, knew that you loved and cared for him far beyond that which he deserved so he promised, he promised himself he would try, he would try to be better, be a fraction of the person she deserved and even if he couldn’t he knew it would be okay because they would always be there, needing one another.
“I’m in love with you.” Jungkook breathed, shifting his head and tilting her chin up to kiss her.
“I’ll love you for the rest of my life.” She mumbled back, a bright smile on her face.
And just like that everything fell back into their normal.
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casperki · 5 years ago
Trust Me • Chapter 1
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Summary: I led a quiet little life, surrounded by wonderful people. My daily life consisted of taking care of others. I was happy to lead a simple life, until I became the prisoner of the most powerful man in the kingdom.
Theme: Fluff, Romance, Angst, Policy, Power, Adventure, Middle Age, Soldiers
Pairing: Warrior! Min Yoongi x Caregiver! Original Character
Word count: 1,7k
Warning: language, violence, aggressivity
Disclaimer: Storyline, events and characters are fictitious, I only borrow BTS’ members name and physical appearance. Some events may be inspired by historical ones, but they aren’t accurate. Please keep in mind English isn’t my first language, I still lack vocabulary, I do some mistakes and my sentences may not be as pretty as natives’ speaker ones. Don’t hesitate to correct me and give me some advice, I would be more than happy to improve!
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My eyelids are so heavy. However, I cannot sleep. I must stay awake. My back hurts against the strong bars behind me. Every parts of my body hurts. At least it is a proof I am still alive. But for how long? It has been days, maybe weeks or months I have not eaten nor drunk correctly.
My eyelids are becoming heavier. I cannot take a nap now, not now everyone is supposedly sleeping. As days before, the convoy we are stopped for the night to get some rest.
I am exhausted, dehydrated and starving. My brain cannot even think properly nor remember how I managed to get there, with these men. I can only focus on surviving, on staying awake when they are all asleep. I could sleep when the sun rise, when we get back on the road so they will be busy finding their way.
My legs and knees hurt but I cannot expend them. The cage is too small. At least I do not have to walk miles a day into the mud like other prisoners. My crime is to be the only woman of the convoy and probably the last one those prisoners see before a long time. The first night of our journey, I remember falling asleep on the grass, my head resting on the root of a tree, when I felt wandering hands trying to open my dress. I opened my eyes with fear to see a prisoner so closed to me with his hands ripping off my petticoat. This vison terrified me so much that my screams woke up the entire regiment. The closest soldier came in hurry, quickly followed by another one to repel the prisoner and to beat me for being too loud. That was the reason why I ended up being lock into this wooden cage. “you make them hungry” a soldier explained with a look of disgust towards me, acting like prisoners were the only threat for me, like soldiers were not also looking for some fresh meet.
I am freezing even more since the sun is rising. I put my knees closer to my chest and blow on my dirty hands to feel some warm. My wrists hurt because of the tight strings. I can feel the strings encrusted into my flesh.
Daybreak slowly woke the convoy up. Prisoners are allowed to drink some water from the river close by before we get back on the road. A soldier approached the cage with a small bowl-like full of water. This stupid one poured more than the half on my dress trying to give me drink through the bars. I savoured the so rare water, knowing I would not get any sooner. Once the horses are harnessed, we resumed our interminable journey.
The sun was on the zenith when I reopened my eyes. I cannot recognise the landscape around us. I have never been this far from wherever I was coming from. We may have even left the country; I could not tell. The convoy stopped again to drink a bit. A soldier, the one with smalls eyes and an authoritative tone, their leader, told us -more like he yelled at us- we would not stop again until we reach our destination. He didn’t mention our destination before and yet remained silence about where we were going. Finally, I know that we aren’t travelling aimlessly. However, I still don’t know why I am here and who these men are. Thanks to their habits I deduced they are soldiers for the most of them. The others, the prisoners, were poorly dressed, chained to each other.
An aggressive yell woke me up. I could not understand what it says. A sharp pain onto my arm made me open my eyes. The dumb soldier was pulling my arm to get me out of the cage. I complied and managed myself to get out of the cage. Looking around I cannot see anything else than darkness. Only few torches light up the convoy and some small buildings. It seemed like we reached a city.
The dumb soldier still holding strongly my arm, an other soldier, taller, places a cloth on my eyes to keep them close. I could hear the leader ordering his soldiers to wait for us here before I hear him going ahead me. The dumb soldier pushed my arm forward, ordering me to walk.
My blindfolded eyes and my exhausted body made me stumble and fall few times. My legs, bent for days in that small cage, forgot how to walk properly, making the soldiers yell at me to get up. After long minutes, I supposed we reached the destination. I could feel a tough floor under my feet and hear footsteps clearly, a paved alley. My body should have guessed we were arrived, my legs gave way to fall on my knees. I could actually feel how exhausted I was. My whole body was heavy and hurt. Every part of myself was painful: my skull tightening my brain, my dried mouth and throat, my heavy rib cage seemed to small to breath properly, my empty stomach and my bruised wrist and knees. It was so hard to breath and to stay up, I desperately wanted to meet the ground to get some rest.
“Ya! Stand correctly!” a soldier yelled at me.
Weariness preventing me to stand on my feet, I tried to push myself back on my knees. I heard what I guess being doors opening and steps drawing near. Was my executioner approaching us? After these hardships, being locked in a cage for days with the minimum of water and food, my dead would be the logical end of this horrible trip. What crime had I committed to deserve the death penalty? Did I even commit a crime? There had to be a reason for that. I should deserve it after all.  My end was near. We are supposed to see our life pass before our eyes before dying. But I could not remember anything. Who am I? Where am I from? Do I have any relatives? I had no response. I could only think about how exhausted, dirty, and suffering I was. My only wish is to end this moment, quickly.
“Bow your head whore!!” The leader yelled at me.
I was already struggling keeping myself up due to fatigue and dizziness, bowing my head down would make me fall on the ground.
“Ya! Seriously!” Since I did not obey, the leader slapped me, what made me meet the floor.
“Hey! What is that?” A strong and deep voice came from above me.
I tried my best to sit up back and the soldier on my left pulled my arm up after doing from what I could hear was a military salute.
“My General” The leader spoke. “We just arrived. Here is the prisoner you asked for, my General.”
A general? For my execution? I should have committed a horrible crime, against the royal family to deserve this privilege.
“Prisoner?” The said General asked. “You blindfolded her eyes??” through his tone, the General seemed to disapprove what he was observing.
“Well… That’s what we usually do to bring you slaves, my General.” The leader explained.
“Slaves? I really hope for your wife you treat her better!” The General spoke curtly. By the unknown fragrance reaching my nose, I guessed the General came closer to my face. I felt the cloth being untie. I slowly opened my eyes, but my vision was blurred, I could not distinguish the said General face. I could only see a bright blond hair.
“Why does she look so dirty? Don’t tell me you made her walk the entire journey!” The General’s tone was strict and threatening.
“At first, we chained her with the others prisoners, but we quickly had to lock her-“
“You what?” The leader could not even finish his sentence, the General looked at him with a black gaze.
“M-my General” the leader’s tone became less insured “Prisoners were crazy because of her! They were untenable, they only wanted to touch her and-” Whined the leader.
“Seriously?” The General’s tone indicated how furious he was.
My eyes wide open, I could clearly see the man in front of me. His black gaze contrasted with his pretty and pale face. He was well dressed in expensive clothes, no wonder he was the General of the royal army. I contemplated his face, half fascinated, half scared. I was confused. The most respected and powerful man of the kingdom, after the king himself, was kneeling in front of me, taking my hands into his to cut the rope. So many questions jostled in my head. Why was he so gentle with me? Wasn’t he supposed to behead me? He took his time to look at my dirty hands and bruised wrists. Yet I felt so soil, humiliated and dishonoured in front of the General, in my dirty torn dress, covered in mud. He looked back at me, but I couldn’t handle his gaze because of the shame. Yet I felt a soft warm on each side of my face, I guessed it was his hands.
“Damn it! My poor damsel.” He said calmly. I haven’t known kindness and care since so long time. I felt considered as human again. I couldn’t handle it anymore, I closed my eyes and let my tears rolling down my cheeks.
“You’re lucky I have a debt to your father otherwise you’d be already beheaded.” The General’s tone was firm, threatening the leader.
My tears were unstoppable. I was frozen, starving, dehydrated, covered in mud and this man, this General, was hugging me so warmly to reassure me.
“M-my General I had no clue-“ The leader was freaking out.
“Enough!” The General ordered firmly what made a contrast with his nice but tight hugging. “Park JinSung! Bring them to the dungeon and make sure they don’t come out for a week.”
“But my General-“ The leader spoke again.
“Don’t discuss my order or you’ll be lock there for a month.” The General tone was low but firm.
I tried to calm down while I eared the three soldiers and the guard leaving. The General was gently rubbing my back. All this kindness seemed so weird after what I endured, yet so much appreciated.
“Damsel, everything is ok now.” He whispered calmly. “They won’t hurt you anymore, I promise.”
                                                                                               Next chapter >>
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becomingbts · 3 years ago
Pairings: You x Hoseok (mention of taekookmin soulmates)
460 words
GENRE: Supernatural (y/n can see the future), Angst.
Warnings: none, but it does not end well lol.
NOTE: It has been sitting on my draft for like forever and I just edited it, I’m like hmmm it’s okay ! Sounds good ! So here we go (it’s a little sorry for Moonchild and Time heals taking forever to be updated lol). Take care everyone !! I’m trying to finish both Moonchild and Time Heals’ chapters asap and since I’m in a good mood to write (and I have time whooohooo!!) it should go well hehe ! I’m excited to write suddenly, so I’ll go back to Moonchild’s chap uwu love you lots everyone! Sorry for breaking hearts with this one lol
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Maybe seeing the future was a gift. That’s what you had always believed, at least.
You saw your best friend Namjoon succeeding in getting his dream job; his smile was blinding in your vision, and you saw yourself next to him on the pictures of the celebration diner. It made you smile as brightly as him.
You laughed when you saw Jimin and Jungkook, in their thirties, opening their own dance studio and finally meeting their last soulmate, the infamous Taehyung. A name that had been inked on both of their arms, leaving them waiting and hopeful to meet their third soulmate. The Jimin and Jungkook from your timeline were still hopefully waiting to meet their last person. Little did you know that their last boy would shyly come out to ask if he could register for the hip-hop dance class before falling head over heels for your two friends. 
You applauded as loudly as you could when you saw Yoongi’s first piano recital. He looked so bashful under the applause, but you saw your group of friends, close to the stage, yelling congratulations, and it’s all you could ever ask for when you see someone taking a picture of the seven of you (Taehyung was not there apparently, it must have been before Jimin and Jungkook met him). 
You almost cried when you saw Seokjin’s baby for the first time. It made you shiver a bit when you realized that it wouldn’t be much longer before he would drop the news of him finally adopting (in your own timeline) because the Seokjin you saw in your vision didn’t look much older than the one of your own timeline. You were happy nonetheless to see him with the prettiest daughter laughing in his arms. He would be the most dotting dad ever, yet probably the best. She’d be a happy child with Seokjin as her dad, you knew that for sure.
Sometimes your gift spoiled surprises and it made you believe that it might be a curse instead, especially when you saw your boyfriend, Hoseok, with the brightest eyes you’d ever seen while glancing at a ring. He looked so happy, so nervous, so fragile in your vision, that you had almost wanted to interfere and tell him that you would always say yes to him. Tomorrow, in two years, in twenty. It didn’t matter. You’d always been in love with your childhood friend, there was no one to deny that, not even your shy self. 
But you’ll never get to do that, never get to tell him because, in your vision, it’s not you who he kneels in front of. It’s not you who says yes to your boyfriend.
And maybe you truly believe that your gift is a curse.
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secretbangtnn · 4 years ago
BTS fic poll | Version 2
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Important!Okay so i decided to make another poll, this time it's going to be about one shot. I have a lot of ideas - as you probably have already seen, but i know there are a lot of people that prefer one shots, or one shots series then a whole big fan fiction with chapters that leave you unsatisfied with the suddenly ending plot. Also im still thinking of taking requests so if a lot of people would be interested I could do some kind of post where everything would be described with rules.
Anyway down there im gonna write some of my ideas that were firstly were normal fics ideas that could be one shot or one shots series - with drabbles to them.
You yourself can decide if you prefer it as a one shot or a normal fanfic with chapters +decide which one i should start first (ou can send me ask with your choices or comment )
Ps. All of those fics will have smut in it
Incredible creation | Taehyung (ft. Jungkook)
Greek God au, yandere au, age gap au, slightly incest (they are grek gods you know what crazy shit there is, Zeus do be wildin)
Short summary.
Apollo the God of beauty is sended to earth to get rid of a human that is suppose to be more beautiful than goddess itself. However what if Apollo falls in love with his own creation, gaining an obsession.
Just Us | Jungkook
werewolf au, aplha au, mates au, humanxwerewolf, yandere or not, maybe
(tbh I'm thinking about this more as a series with super long chapters but only a few of them, because there will be heavy plot)
short summary
You lived as an only human in a pack of wolves, knowing that as an alpha daughter you brung only shame. Beaten, degraded daily you accepted that you were worth nothing more than a piece of dirt, so when the strongest alpha announces his visit, you can do nothing but hide in your room. But what happens when you see an opportunity to start a new life, to leave this place while people are distracted - sadly the plan did not go as you wanted, but maybe that's better and the mysterious alfa will show you how much you mean.
Don’t know what to do | Min Yoongi
stalker au, stockholm syndrome au, kidnapping au, age gap au
(I took a little bit of inspiration from the manga”Sachi-iro no One room” but the plot is going to be different.
short summary:
Knowing that getting kidnapped than being abused everyday, you go with a masked man, agreeing with staying in a room while getting taken care of by him. And maybe just maybe, the silent boy is not as scary as he seems.
Love Lies | Kim Taehyung
CEO au, Prostitution au, Hostess au, soft yandere au
short summary:
Making a decision about selling your body was definitely something you did not think you would have ever done. However knowing that fees won’t just disappear you decide to take your friends' offer, and try in this industry. Oh how wrong you were thinking that this job was going to be easy, not when your client is Kim Taehyung, who just loves to lie.
Write to me | Park Jimin
angst, school au, suicide themes, texting (writing on a school deskt)
short summary:
You were tired, just tired, not only from living but existing, you started to count - second, days, weeks, hoping that maybe someone will save you. So you tried scribbling on an old school desk, you wrote the message with a mind that no one would see it. What if this one boy does, what if he is the first one to see you. But what if he will be too late to save you?
Artificial love | Jeon Jungkook
android au, social anxiety themes, angst, fluff
short summary:
So what if your only friend left, and so what if you yourself know that without him you won’t leave your apartment. Crying over your friends departure you suddenly see funny commercial - thinking its only a stupid game where you make your perfect bboyfriend, you give it a try. Oh how wrong you were, when a big box is delivered right outside your doorstep, and an overprotective android that is programmed to baby you is waiting just inside it, you can’t believe it you just got a whole artificial boyfriend for your awkward ass.
Sea’s Secrets | Jeon Jungkook
Pirate au, slavery au, yandere au, blood and gore
short summary:
You were just a little girl when a pirate invaded your small village, seeking revenge from your father who was a proud captain of your kingdom. Being one of the people who survived your life turned upside down, now living as a toy, constantly bought from hand to hand. So How surprised you were when a legendary pirate, dominating all of the seas, bought you wanting just your love.
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jungshookz · 6 years ago
the one where yoongi finds the scrapbook you didn’t have the chance to give him
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☁ pairing: min yoongi x reader  
☁ genre: android!yoongi universe, heartwrenching angst, sad hours!! 
☁ summary: yoongi misses you more than you could ever know. 
☁ wordcount: 2.4k 
☁ trigger warnings: mentions of character death
☁ note: sUPER!!!!! important that you listen to this while you read the drabble to set the mood! i tried to keep the drabble short so that you’d be able to finish reading it just as the song wraps up buT once again this was a baby drabble that spun out of control so i suppose you could always play it on repeat til ya finish reading lol // this drabble honestly came out of nowhere buT it was really gloomy out today so i wrote a drabble inspired by the movie ‘up’
(gif isn’t mine!)
yoongi first stumbles upon the scrapbook when going through the closet to choose an outfit for you (he ended up choosing that dark blue floral dress you liked so much)
he thought it was one of your old notebooks from university but… it’s not
it was tucked underneath a whole bunch of old shoe boxes filled with extra nuts and bolts and wires
‘𝓼𝓽𝓾𝓯𝓯 𝔀𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓭’
yoongi furrows his brows as he brushes his fingers over the foam letters that have obviously been hot glued onto the front of the faded leather journal
he opens the book to a random page and his eyes immediately start watering when he sees your handwriting
you always did have the prettiest handwriting
‘remember when-‘
yoongi slaps the book shut and shakes his head before tucking it away and getting back up onto his creaky knees 
(namjoon’s starting to lose his touch) ((yoongi noticed his frail fingers trembling the other day when he was tightening a screw in his leg))
he’s not going to read the book
yoongi shuts the closet door quietly
he’s not going to even open the book
the thing is
yoongi still hasn’t touched the book but he’s thought about it every single day
he hasn’t touched it because he knows that if he opens it up and looks through it the realisation that you’re no longer with him will finally start to sink in
he knows it’s been two months since you passed
he knows it’s been two months since he last held your hand and kissed you and told you how much he loved you
he knows it’s been two months since he last woke up to the sight of you curled up next to him
he knows it’s been two months since he’s started coming back to a cold and dark apartment instead of a warm and bright one where you greet him at the door and smother him in kisses before starting to blab about your day
it’s just
it’s weird not having you around
it’s weird not hearing you tinker around in the kitchen at three in the morning snacking on some animal crackers or going hAm on a tub of ice cream (even after all these years he still thinks it’s funny how you always seem to think you can get away with your midnight snacking) 
it’s weird having to wash and dry the dishes all by himself because you were always the designated dryer and he’s caught himself holding out a freshly washed plate next to him on more than one occasion
he’s used to you standing right next to him and now there’s no one there
it’s weird doing all the chores alone 
you were awful at folding the laundry but yoongi liked having you next to him struggling to fold up a pair of jeans 
it’s weird not seeing you vacuum the living room while humming a song to yourself and bopping around all over the place 
it’s weird when he cooks dinner now because he doesn’t have you peeking over his shoulder and begging him to give you a little taste of the spaghetti sauce before he plates dinner 
it’s weird watching tv alone
it’s weird not turning his head and seeing you all snuggled up on your sofa chair because you fell asleep halfway through a movie of yoongi’s choice (you were never really an action movie person)
it’s weird not having to pull the covers aggressively over him halfway through the night because you were always a blanket hogger
it’s weird not making faces with you in the mirror every morning when the two of you are brushing your teeth
he hasn’t touched any of your things
your toothbrush is still sitting next to his
the right side of the bed still belongs to you
the framed picture of you and namjoon from university days still sits on your bedside counter (right next to the framed picture of you and yoongi at that pottery place you took him to for his birthday) ((the two of you are sitting across from each other and your clay-stained hands are squishing yoongi’s cheeks together while yoongi’s face is all scrunched up)) (((jungkook took the photo)))
the right side of the closet still belongs to you
all your old cardigans and sweaters and t-shirts (some borrowed aka stolen from yoongi) are still hanging there
the knitted blanket that he made for you still hangs over the arm of your chair in the living room 
he hasn’t even touched the jar of soft caramel chews that sit on the coffee table (it took a loT of convincing for yoongi to let you fill an entire jar up with candy)
the apartment is far too quiet
the only thing that can be heard right now is the soft pitter patter of the rain against the windows and the occasional rumble of thunder
yoongi glances out the window for a brief second and watches as a flash of lightning lights up the sky for a moment
it’s been raining a lot as of late
you always thought that rainy days were perfect for staying inside to snuggle up together and read a book
yoongi perks up slightly and looks down the hallway to where the bedroom is
…a book.
“You were never really an arts and crafts person, so this is a surprise to me.” yoongi says aloud as he sits back down on his chair with the leather scrapbook on his lap
he smooths a hand over the front cover and raises a brow when he notices one of the foam letters coming loose “You have the crafting abilities of a child, you know that?”
he can practically feel you slapping his arm and letting out a whine at how hard he’s ripping into your crafting abilities
he gives it a quick flip through as to prepare himself for all the things he’s about to see
the book is practically bursting considering it seems like you tried to shove as much stuff in here as possible
also the pages smell like the perfume you like to wear 
very sweet and flowery 
you’ve taped polaroid pictures in there along with other little mementoes like movie tickets and a copy of your work ID from bangtan laboratories and even a copy of yoongi’s blueprints that you stole from namjoon and a couple dried petals from the bouquet of roses yoongi gave to you on one valentine’s day aND of course the bracelets you got from when yoongi took you to the winter carnival
there are even the photobooth pictures that you guys took at the carnival
yoongi proposed to you halfway through posing for pictures because he wanted to be able to capture the exact moment he asked you to marry him
the first picture is of you mimicking yoongi’s poker face (he always thought your poker face was shiT) ((and he was right)) with yoongi rolling his eyes next to you
the second picture is of you with your tongue sticking out and your eyes crossed as yoongi is faced away from the camera rummaging through his jacket pocket
the third picture is of you suddenly being aware of the purple velvet box yoongi has in his hand and the look of pure shock on your face aLways makes him laugh
the fourth picture is of you with watery eyes and a gaPing mouth because yoongi just asked you to marry him
and the last picture is of you practically tackling yoongi in the cramped booth
all that can be seen is one of yoongi’s legs and arms in the air because you did actually tackle him strAight out of the booth
he flips to the next page and purses his lips when he sees that there’s nothing on the page besides a hastily written note
‘flip to page 6’
yoongi can’t help but snort lightly when he sees the note you left for him on page 6
‘made you look, you gullible-ass android - you were always so easy to prank! still love you though xoxoxoxoxo’
it looks like you left a kiss mark next to the note even though it’s kind of faded now
he always liked it when you wore that wine-red lipstick
‘remember when you got mad at me for breaking my bracelet that one time? …i kind of did it again.’  
you took your bracelet apart and pulled out the wires and then glued them into the shape of a heart for the sake of sticking it into your scrapbook and yoongi laughs lightly at the memory of him taking care of you all night after he picked you up from that club and you were practically stumbling all over the damn place
he remembers how you asked him to stay with you that night after he tucked you into bed
and he did
he stayed with you
you told him he was warm and he said it was because of his generator
he only said that because he was nervous!!!!
there’s a handwritten recipe for chocolate chip zucchini bread taped to this page
he smiles and dusts his fingers over the spot on the page that’s been stained with chocolate
he remembers how he insisted on making zucchini bread for your birthday instead of a traditional birthday cake because it was his way of sneaking more vegetables into your diet and aLso it has less sugar and is less fattening so!!!!
also zucchini bread is vEry good and you can’t even taste the zucchini so it’s a win-win situation
and somehow you had snuck into the kitchen while he left to go dig through the pantry for some sugar and you had sprinkled a handful of chocolate chips into the batter before quickly getting the heCk out of there
yoongi hadn’t noticed the chocolate chips until he cut a slice for you and noticed that his knife had streaks of melted chocolate and-
“You didn’t.” yoongi gawks and watches as you rip a chunk off and pop it into your mouth
you swallow your bite and hum happily “oh, but i did!”
yoongi sighs and reaches over to dot a bit of melted chocolate onto the tip of your nose “You drive me absolutely crazy, you know that?”
“i’ve been told.”
and on this page you made a little pocket and slipped the CD from your wedding into it
‘side a has our wedding video; side b has all the songs we danced to.’
yoongi recalls the night you came home with a whole list of songs that you wanted to dance to at the wedding
yoongi wasn’t programmed to be a dancing android so he was ready to download some software and become a professional waltzer in five seconds flat but you stopped him because you said you wanted to teach him how to dance
“Learning is hard.” yoongi grumbles as he tries to figure out the footwork of the waltz “Also, shouldn’t I be leading this dance?”
“i’m going to lose my toes if you lead the dance.” you snort and hit the play button on your phone “now, c’mon!”
yoongi lets out a sigh as you place your hand on his shoulder and he reaches out to grip at your waist
you take his other hand in yours and take a step forward
yoongi takes a step back at the same time
this is boring
yoongi’s not doing this
“I do not want to waltz.” 
you let out a gasp when yoongi suddenly spins you around in a circle before pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your waist
“Can we dance like this?” he grabs your arms before hanging them loosely around his neck
you let out a soft giggle and lean in to press your forehead against his as the two of you sway back and forth “you’re lucky i love you so much.”
“That is one of the reasons as to why you are marrying me, yes?”
“…you got me there.”
as he continues to flip through the book and look through all the memories that he shared with you, yoongi feels a lump growing in his throat and a twinge of pain blossom in his chest when he reaches the last page and sees that you’ve left a note for him
he brushes his fingers across each word
‘to my favourite human mind model adaptive super android, m1n y00ng1: thank you for giving me the best years of my life. thank you for being my best friend. thank you for the adventure of a lifetime. i love you. yours forever, y/n.’
the note is fairly short and sweet but it still manages to make yoongi let out a choked sob
thank you for giving me the best years of my life.
you were the best thing to ever happen to him
thank you for being my best friend. thank you for the adventure of a lifetime.
you made him so immensely happy and he’s enjoyed spending his life with you because you really were the love of his life
i love you.
he loves you now and he’ll love you forever.  
he misses you.
he misses you so much it hurts
he misses the sound of your laugh and the feeling of your skin and the smell of your hair
he misses hearing you call for him when you need help with something and he misses having you scold him for not charging up overnight and instead playing video games with jungkook (it took more than a couple years but he eventually warmed up to the goofball)
yoongi’s vision is completely blurred from how many tears keep leaking out of his eyes
he reaches up to cover his face with his hands after a droplet drips down from his chin and bleeds into the paper
this is the first time he’s properly sobbed since your funeral
he kept it together for the most part but as soon as he got home and shut the door behind him he collapsed to his knees and began to cry his heart out
but of course
he knew that you always hated seeing him cry so he forced himself to get a hold of himself for as long as possible
but looking through this scrapbook that you made detailing your guys’ life together is just too much for him to bear
he holds the book to his chest and shuts his eyes before leaning his head back against the plush chair
a single tear rolls down the side of his face
yoongi misses you every day
but on your guys’ anniversary?
he can’t help but miss you a little more than usual.
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bighitnoona · 6 years ago
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➴  social media au wherein (y/n) works as a secretary of jeon jungkook, and founds herself a new friends which leads to very complicated things. no #1 rule is no relationship between secretary and the CEO, fuck that, you say.
pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: office/au! fluff, angst
length: 1/???
updates: depends on the mood o’clock
a/n: hey i came up with this au when i was writing a different genre and plot, ig i like this better. I HOPE YOU WILL LIKE THIS!!
current status: ✎(ongoing)
part 1- you have been accepted
part 2- tweets and profiles
part 3- banana milk
part 4- what the actual fuck
part 5- w.p
part 6- he blackmailed me :)
part 7-no.1 rule & wasted genes
part 8- old but gold friends
part 9- headline for today’s article
part 10- he has connections
part 11- i like you, but
part 12- who r u? im jungoo
part 13- memes & mission
part 14- courage
part 15- push & pull journey
part 16- hit and run
part 17- they get the wrong house
part 18- SUS
part 19- to my secret admirer
part 20- my universe
part 21- my girlfriend
part 22- beautiful
part 23- im not busy rn
part 24- domestic wife
part 25- menstrual kit
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bts-haikyu-imagines · 6 years ago
☁️ Fluff
👀slight smut
🐍 angst
Falling in love ☁️
Fangirling over text🔥: Maknae Line👀 hyung line🔥
Teasing him in texts/ making fun: Maknae line ☁️ Hyung Line ☁️
Pleasant Surprise 🔥
What he really thinks of you/break up☁️ 🔥
Pt.1 Pt.2
Daddy’s babyboy 🔥 (jikook smut)
Obvious yet unknown (Taekook) ☁️🔥
Newspaper boy🗞 (jikook) ☁️👀
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worldslover · 6 years ago
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Kill For You
“The Heir is known by many names; Consort of the Damned, Offspring of Chaos, Eternal Night. He’s been called the Light of Seoul by some and the Heir of Darkness by others. The title as Traitor hurts, it digs deep into his bones and drags him down with the weight of the accusation. If only they knew why. And even then... the name he hates most is The Heir of Scars, the boy who left his mark.”
Coming Soon~
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taesbetch · 6 years ago
03| Murderous;
Pairings: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst Murder!AU
Summary: People can be deceiving; People lie every day. When murder is the new talk of the town and everyone seems like a suspect; the truth seems to slip further and further away every second. Everyones on edge, as they should be. Wrong things happen when you trust the wrong people.
Word Count: 2.5k +
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Previous | Next 
“it doesn’t make any sense” Jimin sighed as the four of you sat in your living room, pieces of paper all around the room as you tried to compartmentalise your theories. There had been numerous murders, but you were convinced that there were two different killers.  
Jimin shifted his weight as he stood by your fireplace, hana lying where your table was until the four of you had pushed it out the way and taehyung and yourself sat comfortably on the couch.
“The two first kills were after school, clean and planned. The next string of killing were all a complete disaster” You stated as you picked up your notes from the floor. The four of you had been talking for hours, your living room floor had turned white from all the ripped up notes and thrown wastes of paper.
“has anyone found any connections between the daehyun and the boy from the music room?” You asked your brain not functioning to its full potential. Looking at the clicking clock in the corner of your room your fear of your dad coming home was debunked as you remembered he was doing an overnight shift.
“I’m certain the first killer is a high school student” Hana said as you passed taehyung the piece of paper you were holding. “the only thing I could find is both of them were in a club called er what –“ Hana said as she turned to jimin expecting him to finish her sentence.
“errr” He said as he scrambled around trying to organise his notes while trying to find one in particular. “extra credit” He stated.
You furrowed your brows in confusion, unsure as to why daehyun would be in extra credit when she was one of the smartest kids in your grade.
“i…I don’t know why she’s was there either, to be honest” jimin said as he re-read the paper, his forehead wrinkling in confusion.
“but anyway,I agree, these don’t look like they were done for the same reason. It seems like our first killer is taking a break from his murders in order for the blame to be pushed onto Namjoon” he added as he placed the piece of paper down.
You bite your lip as you thought about the extra credit class, you would usually look past it but it was odd that both daehyun and the kid from a lower class were in it and both ended up being murdered. It was almost
“I think I should join the club to see if anything is going on” You stated as you looked at taehyung for approval of your idea.
“maybe I should join too? Just for safety precautions” he answered. You nodded to his suggestion making sure to peep the others reactions as you readjusted in your seat.
“I took an office position at school so maybe I'll find something there” hana said as she tried to keep her eyes open. It was almost 3am, you had spent the whole night tidying jimins suspect board.
“Mmm, that’s a good idea…lets clean up and head to bed. Taehyung and I will go back to jungkooks house tomorrow to see if we can find anything” you sighed, running a hand through your greasy hair.
Every mumbled in agreement, moving their limbs sloppily as you stretched your arms letting out a yawn.
As the steam of the hot water aided your headache you closed your eyes and let your head lay back letting your mind wander to wherever it pleaded. Flashes of jungkooks home appeared in your head, memories of when you were young and the home was full of life and happiness. But such a warm memory of jungkook and yourself running through the halls had such a dark undertone. There was something not right as the two of you laughed and played with one another. The bruises on his skin, his untouched room…the slight look of disgust in his mothers’ eyes that no fake smile could cover.
Tilting your head forward so you could open your eyes you couldn’t help but shiver at the bittersweet taste the memory left in your mouth.
The two of you approached the house cautiously, the tape was still up however there was no one guarding the house. Though it was midday and the two of you had only had an hour or two of sleep you were sure no one was around. The two of you gave each other a glance before you spoke. "Let's go" you said to taehyung before swiftly moving towards the door.
"So, what do you think about the case so far?" Taehyung asked as he clutched the jeon file in his hands as the two of you moved around the house. The stains of blood leading your mouth to drop in distant naturally.
"Forced entry. Major damage to the victims...it was hella personal..." you stated as you dragged your fingers along a broken cupboard. Picking up a smashed family portrait. the smiles picture perfect but the eyes of your friend dark and sad.
"Sounds like kim namjoon did it to me" taehyung stated, his hands working through each piece of paper as he scanned through them all.
You hummed in disagreement as you stared at the door."It's not hard to frame someone, especially someone like him...there's something fishy going on" you said as you stood and continued to move around.
"The files said that his mother had tried to hid in a secret cabinet under her office" taehyung said watching your reaction as he did so.  
"Does that mean anything to you?" He asked, noticing how your body stopped in its tracks.
"Taehyung can you tell me who in jungkooks family was in town?" You asked curiously.
Taehyung took a minute as he flipped through pages of the files. He dragged his tongue between his teeth as he narrowed his eyes in concentration.
"So, his mother, his two sisters, his father, his grandmother, his uncle and two cousins and his older brother who flew in a week before and apparently plans to fly out in three days" he replied.
Your brain was flying around at the new information you had just received.
"I know that face...your thinking" taehyung stated as he folded his arms over his chest.
"The mother was killed in her little-hidden office. This means the killer would have had to of known it existed. They would have had to know the house" you said slowly.
"So namjoon, it makes sense," taehyung said cutting you short and jumping to conclusions.
"...mmm...no. they didn't approve of namjoon, and I know the jeons personally. I know they wouldn't allow him into their home if they didn't like him...and it was a secret cabinet...this person would have had to know exactly where everything is" you stated.
"Maybe not, maybe he had enough time to explore the house to find it" taehyung suggested as you turned your attention to the door.
You thought about this theory for a brief moment before concluding that it wasn’t the case. The night of the murder, everything happened too quickly...there would be no time to explore, they had to of known...
"We need to speak to jungkook, subtly ask him about his relatives," you said as your eyes trailed over the now clear of death house.
"The jeons...are these the same jeons that run that big ass company on the way into town?" Taehyung asked intrigued.
you nodded your head in confirmation.
the jeon family was known worldwide for their production of IT equipment, you wouldn't think it when first setting sights on the lot of them, but it was true. They were all incredibly smart. You knew jungkook was more interested in the arts but every member of the family ended up working for the company, it was just how they did things.
"If they die, who does the money go too?" Taehyung asked curiously.
The room was silent as all the new theories and possibilities filled your brain. "...we need to talk to jungkook" you stated.
"Are you sure that's a good idea? Ya know...won't that just stress him out even more?" He asked leaning over to rest his body against the wall, his eyes scanning for blood stains as even though the house had been cleaned, the murder of a family still lingered.
You pondered his thought for a minute before slowly groaning in frustration. The last thing you wanted was to stress your friend out.
"So what do we do now? We just figured out that someone in jungkooks family may be responsible for the murdering of his immediate family, the money is now going to his grandma and then him, who by the way are living underneath the same roof. We can’t tell my dad without telling him kim namjoon came to see me, which thus just gives him more motive to imprison him. Oh, and to top it off we might risk the ties between these murdering and the other ones, therefore bringing you back into the picture" you explained hurriedly.
Taehyungs eyes travelled to the floor before his eyebrows clenched in frustration, joining you in your brain muddle as you tried to figure out the plan.
"We need to tell him...if someone in his family is willing to kill for power. He'd know" you added softly.
"Are you sure?" He asked uncertainly.
His gaze was soft, but you could see the confusion and lack of confidence in his eyes.
"Positive, it makes so much sense. That's why the killing was so passionate and emotional. It wasn't for love it was for power" you explained as the realisation of what was going on hit both of you.
"Okay...maybe you should speak to Jungkook" Taehyung confirmed.
The night was cold and the eriee feeling of darkness loomed over grandma jeons house.
jungkook had offered you a blanket but you knew your visit wouldn't be a long one. "By your expression, I'm guessing this isn't a social visit" jungkook chuckled nervously. You chuckled with him as your eyes diverted his, feeling your heart clench as you gulped nervously trying to figure out how to phrase what you needed to say.
you quickly gave him an apologetic smile before taking a deep breath. "is your grandma home?" you asked as you tapped your legs nervously.
"no, she's playing bingo with the other elders in the village" he answered smoothly before sighing sadly.
you were going to ask what was wrong but the news you were going to break him overpowered the feeling of worry.
"Jungkook...eh...well" you struggled as you tried to sentence your thoughts. 
“I don’t really know how to put this so I’m just gonna spit it out” You mumbled as you uncomfortably shuffled in your seat, jungkook’s eyes wide and attentive. “Jungkook do you know anyone in your family who would kill you to gain the money from the company?” You asked quickly.
Jungkook sat, flabbergasted at your question but he quickly adjusted, sending you a small smile before answering your question. “Yes well…all of them” He chuckled “I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. My whole family loves the idea of owning the fortune, but my parents were very adamant on keeping it in the bloodline, even if that meant giving it to me.”
Your brain flashed at the last sentence, but you were more focused on who might target the young boy and old woman.
“Jungkook, after you…who gets the fortune?” You asked. Jungkook pondered your question for a second before humming softly.
“well I guess my brother would, he was disowned but like I said they wanted to keep it in the family so, him” He answered with a shrug.
“The one who is supposedly leaving town in a few days” You spat quickly eyes wide at the time span you had. If he was indeed the killer you wouldn’t have long, he would kill jungkook and flee – it would be a perfect escape.
“…hes…in town?” jungkook asked, his head tilting to the side as he looked at you questioningly. You looked at him shocked, how did he not know his brother was in town, did his mother not inform the rest of the family of his arrival?
“Um…I should head off now but ill come check on you later, please stay safe” You said as you got up, your eyebrows knitting together as you hoped the next time you would see your friend, he would be alive.
“I will, thanks y/n” he chuckled.
Looking at his bunny smile you remember one time you visited the jeon house. You watched in shock as the boys laugh immediately stopped as his elder sister entered the room. Her arms bruised just like his.
“Be careful, you know mum doesn’t like loud noises” She had whispered, her eyes were circled with a dark shadow as she stared at the young jungkook. He hadn’t replied, you simply remember his body shaking as he nodded, his eyes connected with the floor.
“Jungkook” You said as you opened his front door. Looking back, you watched him hum and nod his head at you. your words got caught in your throat knowing it was none of your business. You didn’t want to accuse his family of abuse, but you couldn’t help the red flags popping up in your mind that you were not aware could have problems when you were younger.
“I…I’m sorry. Just for everything” You spoke as your hand dropped from the doorknob. Jungkook’s eyes softened before he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.
“don’t worry, its okay. I’ll be okay” He smiled comfortingly. You left the house, closing the door behind you. strolling back down to the street you sighed as you watched the sun start to set. Though the day was over the night was when you and your grouped thrived. You knew you were going to have to go back to the crime scene. There was something you were missing and time was running out.
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violetjeno · 7 years ago
This is BTS rap line
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littlepurplethings · 6 years ago
Part One
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» » masterlist
Genre: Mafia/Agent!au, Action, Gore, Angst
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Word Count: 7.6k
Summary: Crossed paths of an agent and an innocent woman who had nothing in common in their lives but their attitudes against this cruel world. They both had experienced hell in heaven still been in love with this fiddling world when the sun shone upon their darkness and illuminated their holes they had been hiding in their chests for the sake of the ones they lost. Maybe that was the reason they somehow feel bonded when they came eye to eye. They saw the same loneliness in another and they realized they were sharing the same looks.
Y/N’s POV:
You drove your car restlessly as always you did. You didn't care about the traffic rules. Actually, you had already exceeded the speed limit, but who cared. You were heading to the office of that you accepted the decoration project. But before deciding what you would do for the plans, you wanted to see the office first. And the owner invited you today. The owner, you did not know much about him but your manager said he was a businessman and had lots of money. And the manager added, "You have to accept this offer Y/N." And you were going to do what the manager said.
You parked your car and took a look at the building. Took your glasses off and looked at it again. "It works." nodded softly with an affirmative voice. Then you walked slowly and entered the building as your high heels' sounds were echoed with every step you took. The men in suits greeted you and led you to the owner's office. You bowed him slightly and took a seat at his table. His men stood still behind you. You had to confess, you felt a bit insecure. The scene looked like they just come out from an action movie as if they were doing dirty jobs. But you brushed off those thoughts and focused on the business.
"Let me see what you have on your mind. I will reunite your thoughts and mines as well. I will try my best to gladden you."
"Dear Y/N,” the old man called the owner addressed on you, “My assistant will show you our plans." The owner was an old man who upheld your action movie scene. He did a hand move to have the plans and his assistant spred the papers on to the table that you two were sitting at. At that brief moment, you peeked that the assistant carried a gun on his belt which caused you to frown your brows slightly, now you were more cautious. You turned your looks onto the plans. The owner kept talking,
"But there is another thing that you have to keep it as a secret.” He spoke with his deep voice again his eyes brushing on your face to read your reaction. “I want a huge case room. But it has to be hidden." He added as leaning back on his chair now looking more like a boss.
"Okay." You nodded slowly to not protract it. "I will work on it." But you lied. Your plan was once you would leave the place you would call your manager and reject the project. That was your strict thought after being sure they were not the usual businessmen. But there was a feeling that things were not going well. You were uneasy.
Yoongi’s POV:
Morning, oh how Yoongi hated mornings, but there was never anything to do about it. He did his morning routine, showering, breakfast, a strong cup of coffee to wake up, and reading the news. The morning routine was the same even if he was away from home, well what he called home. He was living in Busan, but he ended up in Seoul for a mission. He was specially chosen for this as he was known to be as valuable as a team. After a long time of looking for this Yakuza men, he finally found him, the boss. It could be said he wasn't a real Yakuza man, he wasn't that scary but he traded drugs, so Yoongi’s mission was to end him. Dead or alive, his bosses didn't really care.
As everything was ready, he stepped out of the apartment and made his way to the parking lot. He opened the car door and sat down, looking at the files on the passenger seat next to him. He started the engine and drove off to the address that was written in the file. Some sort of apartment in the middle of an alley, a quiet alley. This was a perfect place for people like them. He parked his car and took out the handgun which laid on the seat next to him. A small grinning smile brushed Yoongi’s lips as fun was about to start.
Once he entered the building aiming his gun towards the guards, two men ran to him. He was never afraid of killing someone, definitely not that kind of people. When you worked as a police you were never really able to shoot someone, but as a secret agent it never really was a problem to kill. That would be covered up somehow.
Two men were already dead, their corps were laying on the ground as the red liquid was pooling around their torsos. He then opened the door to the hallway of the building. He shot a man in the head who was standing in front of a door, probably the door which would lead him to the boss. He kicked the door to open as he held the gun in from of him, eyeing the room quickly to see how many people were in the room. Three men, one woman. A woman?!
You pretended to pursue the plans but the truth was you were thinking a way to leave that place as soon as possible. You checked your watch and sighed.
"Oh, I am sorry. I have another meeting to catch." You started to gather your papers. "I will inform you about the plans." You said without looking at the owner's face.
"Okay dear Y/N, I know you will give me what I want. I know you are the best architect in the town."
"Best? How'd you know that I am the best?" But you covered your mouth immediately, you were taken unaware and spoke to him informally. "I am sorry, that escaped from my mouth." You sighed. You had a cozy personality that was right but you had to be careful while speaking, you reminded yourself.
The owner laughed in a fatherly manner as his the well-known godfather voice echoed in the room "That is okay Y/N, you can even call me father if you want. There is no need to be formal."
You gritted your teeth as soon as you heard ‘father’  word. "There is no need for that." Your voice was sounded rude but you didn't care about it. "So I will get in touch with your assistant about the project." was your last sentence. You were about to walk and leave but your instinct came true. The day was not going well.
Before the door was kicked, a few gunshots were sounded. You turned your looks but soon after a young man in suits with hair undercut entered the room. You caught his eyes and stayed still for a while but the eye contact then was broken because a man in the room ran through him.
Yoongi definitely didn't expect a woman to be there, hence he got a little shock. He saw a man running to him with a knife, he was able to dodge it and shot the man in both his knees, the man fell down, whining in pain. He looked like he was from an action movie. You blinked a few times to get the situation. 'Is this really happening? Or am I dreaming?' You thought when two more gunshots were heard, the young man shot the owner's security on his knees. Your eyes caught the red body fluid that was running and making a small lake on the ground. Blood. You started to breathe quickly and scenes from your past appeared in front of your eyes. Blood. Your hands covered with it. With that warm and sticky fluid. You turned your head away from him who was laying on the floor not to see it more and held your breath to not smell its disgusting scent. Even it was not close to you, you felt like you had already smelled the blood. Maybe it was just a psychological thing but you got nausea. These thoughts ran through your mind so quickly. Like within two or three seconds.
The big boss stood up and hurried his way out of an escape door, behind his table. The men who helped the big boss started his fire at him. You were just in the middle of a gunfire and were just standing there as not moving an inch. But the gun that you saw on assistant's belt was already shot through the young man.
Yoongi’s mind went back to the woman as he ran to her, he had to get her out of this place. Why did he choose to do this job alone, if he was with someone else they would have helped, he was in a big trouble as the plan was already changed.
He held up his gun and tried to shoot back, but at the same time, he was making sure the woman was not wounded. Once she was in a reachable distance, he pushed the woman close to his chest and made a shield out of himself. You couldn't help yourself but stuck to his body. 'Is he a good man?' You thought after assuming the young man was also from a mafia. But he was protecting you that meant he was a police or something, right? It had to be like this.
Yoongi kneeled down behind a desk and fired a few more shots. You embedded your head onto his chest and covered your ears. Even you didn't see anything, but you could feel how many times he shot because of his muscles twitching. When you and the young man kneeled on the floor, he was still pushing you to his body. You didn't know how long it took, but it was too late, the men and the boss ran away.
"Tch..." Yoongi sighed.
You didn't know how long it took but in the end, the owner had escaped. Maybe that young man couldn't get him because of you. Or maybe the young man would be dead if you were not there. Who knew. He let you go off of himself as he felt a pain in his arm. He was shot as trying to guard the woman. He wasn't happy at all, those bastards got away and he even got shot.
After he let you go, you lifted your head to see him clearly. A frowning face. You could say he was not pleased with the result he had. Then you realized his wound. He was shot on his arm. He touched his arm gently and whined and his hand got smeared with blood. Blood. Red sticky fluid. You held your breath again. And scenes reappeared. Blood. Bathroom. Mirror. Funeral. Your hands smeared with blood. You barely stood up, your knees were shaking but you didn't want to stay there and see that view. You walked with the support from the wall. Maybe you had to thank him or asked his name. Maybe you had to treat him a meal for saving your life. But you couldn't do that. Because your memories didn't let you do. You kept walking away as much as you could but the truth was you just left the room. Soon after you crunched on the ground as your body was trembling.
And during that moment, Yoongi just let you go and looked at his arm that was bleeding. It hurt but he still was able to move a bit around, not too much and he had to move slowly. The bullet was still in it and had to be removed soon. He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a phone number, a colleague from his work. He was trying to reach his friend as he felt the girl slowly trying to get up. He didn't help you, his mind was too busy with himself and the person that escaped.
"Yo, they escaped... and I have been shoot. So get your ass here." Yoongi spoke huskily.
Yoongi then directly hang the phone up and laid it back in his pocket. He stood up and put his handgun back at the back of his belt. He took a deep breath as he walked out of the room to the hallway where he saw you again. He rolled his eyes, not really used to seeing someone overreacting like this. But maybe he just didn't understand what was happening to you. He was used to seeing blood and hearing gunshots because it was his job, but not everyone was ready for that kind of things.
PTSD. Posttraumatic stress disorder. That was what your doctor said to you after your mother’s decease. You couldn’t stand seeing the blood anymore. Even if it was not that big deal, and as small as a scratch, you couldn’t handle your emotions. Every time you saw the blood, same things repeated themselves. Your memories belonged to your mother’s death were revived in your mind. And that happened again, as soon as you saw that young man’s wound. And this time you had just not seen the blood, but your hands were also smeared with it.
Yoongi walked close to you as he saw you were trembling, you sure were scared of what happened. He kneeled down next to you without saying anything or giving any sign, he curled his arms around you and lifted you up, holding you in his arms. But before that, you didn’t realize his coming. You came back to reality when he lifted you up. You were still trembling and breathing irregularly but that scenes were disappeared at least.
‘Do I have to be this nice’ Yoongi thought, he stood up again and walked through the hallway of the building, making his way out.
As he was outside of the building with you, he looked up at the sky to see the blue color to calm himself, then walked to his car which was nearby and opened the front door of the car. Yoongi put you down in his car, on the passenger seat and walked to the back side of his car and opened the door, looking for something to put around his arm to stop the bleeding.
Sirens were now echoing in the streets. As you were placed on to car seat, you started to understand the situation. Your brain started to work again. Just like the movies, they were surrounded by the police and vehicles that special forces were written.
Soon as Yoongi found something, he wrapped it around his left arm. He then found a shirt which was laying in his car, he took it and walked back you kneeling down and grabbing one of your hands that was smeared with blood and started to clean it. At that moment, you turned your looks on to him. You avoided looking at his shoulder but it was obvious that he had already taken care of his wound. You tried to say something, thanked him or asked him if he was okay or not but you couldn’t open your mouth. Your hands were shaking as he was cleaning them for you.
Some police cars came into the alley with a speed and stopped. Few men walked out and ran into the apartment. A black car stopped next to Yoongi’s car, a man stepped out and walked his way towards the car you were sitting in. Yoongi let your hand go when he realized the man and left the shirt on your hands as letting you do the rest. He stood up and walked to the man. 'Jorge' was his name, a person Yoongi worked with a few times and somehow became friends with him. Jorge checked Yoongi’s wound quickly and frowned some as listening to the story about what happened and how he found you. Yoongi didn't even know your name nor what you were doing there, but you somehow looked in shock so they let you be and Jorge just kept listening. You at least weren't a bad person, they both trusted you enough to think that you were not a member of those guys.  
There was no more actually blood on your hands when you sat alone in the car. But you grabbed the shirt and you tried to clean your hands more as if there was more blood on. You wiped your hands roughly and you did not realize that you were crying until a few teardrops dropped on your hand. You threw away the shirt and wiped your tears as trying to hold your sobs. Yoongi was far away from you talking to another man in suits. You gulped and took a deep breath, “You are fine Y/N. You are fine.” You talked to yourself on your mind and you started to regulate your breaths as well.
He was picking an eye on you from time to time as talking to his friend. He frowned some when he realized you were crying and he had to admit, he was not pleased with the situation. ‘Troublesome’ he thought.
After Yoongi was done talking, he walked back to you, kneeled down in front of you once again and tilted his eyes up as searching for yours in return.
"How about we go to the hospital? Checking if everything is okay with us." He offered friendly, as his voice sounded soft, trying to be as nice as possible. He was aware that you were fragile at that moment, and tried his best to not hurt you. You nodded softly to confirm him.
Yoongi stood up once again as he heard that Jorge was going to drive you to the hospital. Yoongi whose name you still did not know stepped in the backseat of the car and closed the door. While you were heading to the hospital, you rolled down the window and a light wind brushed your hair. You closed your eyes and took another deep breath as letting the wind take your aches away.
There was a deep silence in the car and you were feeling tired as the tingling sensation was moving across your body. You just stared blankly at the outside and didn’t think much as just being there.
Once they got in the parking lot of the hospital, Jorge parked the car. And two men got out of the car while you were still sitting in the car. Yoongi’s arm had stopped bleeding but it was still hurting because of the bullet, it had to be getting it out.
Yoongi asked if you would come with them or not. You darted your eyes to him and finally could speak, “I am not going in /that/ building. I’ll wait for you here.” Since you avoided seeing the blood, entering the emergency was not a good idea for you. You did not want to have another attack as still having the effects of the final one.
As he heard you saying you were not planning to go in the hospital the only thing he did was nodding his head. ‘Woman and their ego, always doing their own thing.’ The thought passed through his mind. He didn’t resist and started to walk in the hospital with Jorge.
"Do you already know something about her?" Yoongi asked and looked at Jorge waiting for some information. Jorge already knew what your name was, where you were living, what you did for a living and why you were there. He even talked to your work about what happened, so they should understand why you didn't come back to work, for a few days maybe.
Once they were inside the hospital, a doctor and a few nurses ran to them. The doctor already knew they would come and escorted Yoongi to a room as Jorge was waiting at the door. Everything went way too fast, Yoongi took off his jacket and his shirt. There were so many scratches and healed wounds since he was doing this job for a few years, so it was quite normal to have them.
After a while, you got out of the car as waiting for them. And suddenly a hand covered your mouth and dragged you through the end of the parking lot. Because you were being dragged, one of your high heels was left at your waiting spot, next to Yoongi’s car. You tried to save yourself but you couldn’t even see the face of the person.
When you were dragged next to a truck, you were pinned against it. And at that time, you saw the face, it was the owner’s assistant and now he was jumping down on your throat.
“That was you, right? You snitched about us to the police, you little slut.” The assistant hissed at you as anger was coming out from his eyes.
During that time, “I don’t want narcotization,” Yoongi uttered and the doctor nodded as knowing there was no need for trying to convince him. Yoongi gritted his teeth together as they took out the bullet, even if it wasn't the first time, it still was a painful feeling. He took a deep breath once they were done, and wrapped in his arm. The doctor said Yoongi to come back in a few days for the wound care. He nodded a few times and walked out of the room back to Jorge who stood up immediately.  
"It's nothing, I am fine," Yoongi said to Jorge, giving him a reassuring expression. Jorge was a nice guy, but he attached himself too fast to people as caring for them immediately. But Yoongi wasn't like that at all, he never minded being alone and wasn't afraid of dying as well, he had nothing to lose anyway.
Once Yoongi and Jorge were outside the hospital and walking to the parking lot, they figured out you were not at the place you had to stay. Yoongi put a finger against his lips, telling Jorge to keep quiet. Something wasn't right, they looked around but weren't able to see you, but Jorge soon enough noticed the heel which was laying nearby the car. Jorge took the shoe and showed it to Yoongi. At that time, they heard something, not a female like voice, more a man, an angry man. That was it, that was the sign they were searching for. They moved their steps fast to the noise the man was making, moving around the trunk, not to get caught.
You were holding on assistant’s hand to move it away and to be able to breathe but he was squeezing too hard that you were barely breathing. Your voice scarcely heard “N-No. It was n-not m-me.”
He hit his other hand on the truck just next to your head, “I will kill you. Boss has already said the word to kill you.”
“I-It was not m-me, douchebag.” You coughed.
And when Yoongi was able to make an eye contact with you, you realized that Yoongi made a sign behind of the assistant as the meaning of ‘hush.’ You mumbled, “Come closer.” And the assistant approached his ear to your mouth.
“Douchebag.” You whispered.
Yoongi saw how the man came closer to you with his face, and that was the perfect moment. Jorge and Yoongi fasted their way to the man, Yoongi took his gun out. He wasn't going to shoot him, he still remembered how you would react from seeing blood. As he was close enough he used to the handgun to hit the man at the back of his neck, and that move made the man collapse. Jorge put him in handcuffs.
And as soon as Yoongi took care of the owner’s assistant, your body fell on the ground. You coughed a few times to regulate your breath and rubbed your neck. “Tch.. that bastard.” You cursed silently as eyeing the assistant. He squeezed your neck tight enough that you were sure that it would get bruised.
Yoongi took the heel from Jorge, kneeled down. His slender fingers wrapped around your fragile ankle and he put it on you as trying to be gentle. "You okay?" he asked as feeling sort of pity for you, that this all happened. You were the one that faced all the trouble that came this day. But Yoongi felt a bit relief to at least catch one of those guys, somehow happy as well. And this guy was way better than those other guys Yoongi had shot.
As Yoongi was putting your heel on, you had a chance to see his face clearly at that moment. Cold but a smooth face. And now his mimics showed that he was a lot happier than before. Because at least he was able to catch the assistant even the owner escaped. You were sure the assistant had enough information for them because he was the right hand of the owner. He was the one who was fulfilling the duties. And you were sure that he was doing the whole dirty works. You examined Yoongi’s face as much as you could. He tried to look irrelevant but you saw his eyes. You knew that eyes well because you also had them. He had that ‘I don’t give a shit’ attitude but, deep down, he cared, you saw that in the same eyes.
You answered his question “I am okay. He must have followed us. They thought that I was the one informed you about their location.” Your voice cracked sometimes because your throat was hurt. Your voice sounded somehow hurtful. As Yoongi looked at you, he saw how red your neck was. You cleared your throat to make it sound better. “He told me that, the owner had already said the word to kill me.” You shrugged and sighed as not wanting to deal with them currently.
This person was probably not the only one after you then, Yoongi thought. And Jorge was making a phone call to the police, and told them he was going to wait for them as eyeing and nodding Yoongi about the danger.
"Can you walk?" Yoongi asked when he started to look back at you.
“Yeah.” You stood up and patted your clothes to get rid of the dust. Yoongi was glad you were able to stand. The day started bad and it was not going well. “I wonder what will happen next. Maybe they will kidnap us and want ransom, huh?” you grouched in a low tone. You were making jokes and to be honest, not paying mind to the seriousness of the topic. You ran your hand through your hair and took a deep breath. “I want to go home.” You talked to the young man calmly.
Of course, you wanted to go home, even did Yoongi and Jorge, no one would want to stay in a day like this when nothing went as planned. He nodded his head a few times, as reacting the things you said. There wasn't much left to say about this, not for today.  He wanted to go back to the car to give you a ride home. You needed some rest, the police would probably come the next day, to ask you the side of the story.
“Jorge,” Yoongi addressed on him and reached his hand out to Jorge as wanting the keys. Jorge threw the keys towards him and Yoongi caught them in the air with his fast reflexes. And at that moment, you understood that he wouldn’t let you go to the home by yourself.
Yoongi walked with you to the car and left Jorge behind, it wouldn't take long before the police were there to pick up the guy as the sirens were heard. He looked at you walking beside him, you walked good enough, no need any helps. He opened the car door for you, so you were able to get inside the car. You gave your home address to him before getting in the car. As you stepped in, he closed it and walked around the car, to the other side. He looked once back at Jorge, who was doing fine by himself and opened the door and sat down in the car. Putting in the car keys as he closed the car door and started the engine, filling in your address in the navigator. He turned on the navigator on, a soft yet low voice came up that he was still able to hear. He started the engine and drove to your house.
Yoongi focused himself on the road which made it silence in the car, not that he hated it, he never really was much of a talker. He opened the window on your side a little bit, to let the fresh air inside the car. There was silence between you but you broke it. Maybe it was the first time for them to talk. “Thank you, for saving me. Twice. I hope your arm is better now.” you mumbled. “And I am Y/N, what is your name?” His pupils moved towards the corner of his eyes, looking you sitting beside him as you started to talk.
"I got shot, of course, it isn't better now. It needs a rest for almost two weeks" He said, not in a rude or mean voice, maybe a little bit annoyed. But he sure was annoyed of the shot, now he wasn't able to do a mission for about two or three weeks. But he also knew it wasn't your fault. As he kept quiet for a while he was thinking if he wasn't a bit too rude to you, he didn't want to give you the feeling that it was your fault.
You smiled against his arrogant answer. And it was obvious that he was upset because he would have to stay away from the field for a while. He was not sad about getting a shot. The corners of your mouth slightly curled up. You more felt like yourself now, as getting rid of the effects of the attack. You wore your reckless attitude, “Calm down, I am sure other can’t pass your records when you are not around. And you should also leave the field for the others, you know.” you answered him. You understood that he was a perfectionist. It was clear because of his behaviors. You checked him to see how he reacted at you but as expected from him, he didn’t show any emotions on his face.
Silly, Yoongi thought about you, trying to make fun when there was nothing to laugh about. At least not for him, but maybe a rest was good for him. Well a rest away from the field, he still had to make reports and those things. But it was nice you tried to make a conversation with him, even if he didn't answer you, him being more focused on the road and his ears more on the radio.
In reality, Yoongi was more relieved that you were getting over the events that you had experienced that day. That meant he wouldn’t have to babysit you. He acted as if he didn’t hear your cynic expressions and answered your previous question. "Y/N, you can call me Agent Min." He never really gave away his first name, he still needed to get to know you a little bit more.
“Agent Min,” you repeated after him. “Nice to meet you.” You nodded your head. “Okay, we can talk formally each other. I don’t mind.” And you didn’t ask more. You knew that you would have enough time to talk, maybe, now was not the perfect time. And he didn't focus on you anymore, but on the road.
You rubbed your throat again and whined. It hurt. You looked at your reflection on the little mirror that is above your head in the car. It looked already red and some bruises started to appear. You grumbled “Tch…” Yoongi didn't want to look at you, but he had already found out how many times you looked at his way. He wasn't planning to, but once you touched your neck, he turned his head towards you. "Don't touch it, it will only hurt more like that." He said gently and laid his eyes back to the road. You already had enough pain and you were only making it worse with touching it. You nodded then started to listen to the music that was playing on the background. He looked at your neck again, it sure was red and irritated.
After a while of silence again he stopped the car as he had driven into an alley. "Is it here? Your house?" He turned his head to you waiting for an answer.
You confirmed him “It is there, Agent Kim. That one.” You pointed to a private house with a garden. Its walls were covered with red bricks. You were the one who drew your own house’s plan. And you were proud of yourself. Because it was your dream house. And a well-known architect like you had to have a house like beautiful, right? Otherwise, it would be awkward.
He stopped the engine as he looked around first, before stepping out of the car. The house you lived in looked amazingly nice and wasn't seen much in a country like this, it was different in a good way. He closed the car door behind him as he once again looked around the alley you were living in. It looked like a good neighborhood, it was peaceful enough and the houses were clean.
As he stopped the engine, you stepped on the ground from the car as well and closed the door gently. You were aware that he didn’t want to talk much but you couldn’t hold yourself back and asked another question again. “Have you already done your research about me, Agent Min?” You headed through your house.
"I had no time to read your file yet, but that will come soon enough." He looked at you, not knowing if you were joking or not. He didn't have any time alone yet, so how was he even able to know all your information, he didn't have a computer in his brain. He took a deep breath as he walked behind you, to the house.
You smiled at his passive-aggressive answer again. But because you were walking in front of him, he couldn't see your face. "Oh, you are right Agent Min. In the end, you don't have a computer in your brain. Just for a moment, I forgot about that." You teased him. Maybe, you shouldn't have done this but sarcasm was your way to handle the things. And today a lot of things happened to be handled. But maybe you must explain yourself to him because you didn't want to be misunderstood. "I am sorry about my sarcastic attitude. You will get used it soon, don't worry." You uttered softly. "Oh, but if you think that you can't get used to it, I will try my best and won't talk to you in a vitriolic way."
You arrived at the door of your house. And unlocked it, but before you entered the house, he stopped you from entering and pushed you behind of himself. He made you a sign not to move and you did what he said. He took out his gun and walked into the hallway of the house. Signing your to stay where you were, Yoongi looked around the house if everything was safe. He checked the rooms and came back to you, and put his gun back. "It's safe, come inside." He spoke calmly.
You walked in the house when he told you everything was okay and the house was safe. "I don't think that they will come to my house, Agent Min.” You said but you didn't know about them enough, maybe that was why you were talking couragely. You had to be more careful. They were the real bad men. You took a quick look around the house "everything is as I left." You said and led Agent Kim to the living room. More than your sarcastic attitude, he just wanted some peace. He was all tired because of the day and wanted to take a long well-needed rest, but there was still so many things to do today. He wanted to react on you, to shut your mouth, but he held himself back and didn't say anything, as if he was ignoring you.
He walked after you to the living room, the house was really amazing for his eyes. Big enough for a few more people than just one, it was obvious you did something with furniture. He walked to the window and looked out of it, into the alley. This street sure was peaceful, a nice place for older people to live or families.
And, despite the appearance of the building, inside of it was designed more modernly. And the white was the main color that was used with the furniture. Your house was tidy and everything was organized. And everything looked there was nothing as excess. There was nothing wrong within the house, everything looked fine and there were not any sign of someone 'bad', at least he thought so.
You walked through the kitchen to drink some water, your throat was still dry. Your kitchen was an open kitchen. So you could see him clearly from its view. And as you walked to the kitchen, he followed you with his eyes, he also would need some water, after all those problems, but he didn’t say anything about it. His eyes then glanced back over your house.
You took a glass and poured water in it. “They know I am with you." You spoke softly as Yoongi looked back at you as you started to talk again, he shook his head a bit.
"They don't care." He uttered and looked around the room. Those didn't care about anyone, as if they were afraid of a man named Yoongi. He was only an agent after all, not a god.
As you lifted the glass through your mouth you realized something. Your knife set on the counter had a missing piece. One knife was missing. "Everything is /not/ as I left." You said and started to think about what you did with that knife last. But you were sure you placed the knife in its place. You felt Agent Min's eyes on you. He started to pay attention to you as soon as he heard you. As he caught your eyes, he felt something was wrong, you somehow looked stressed, and as if something was going to happen. Yoongi was still looking at you but felt it was more because of your neck, that it was hurting while drinking, he didn't think much of it. So he took his eyes off of you and looked back around the room once again.
You gulped, something was wrong, you started to feel uneasy. And at that moment, a reflection on your fridge which was one side of you budged. You did not move your body but looked at the shiny hatchway of the fridge. There was someone behind of you and he was holding the missing knife. That bright knife can be seen clearly on the reflection.
He had already lifted the knife and walked towards you silently. Your heart started to beat faster, you tried to think. How should you call Agent Kim? Should you throw the glass that you were holding? But whatever you would do, you had to be quick, there was no more time left.
Suddenly, that man yelled and ran to you. You spun around yourself to escape and you did. The knife was stuck on the counter, as the man tried to free it but he couldn't. Yoongi’s peace got disturbed and his eyes widened by the yell of the man. He turned his head in speed to the kitchen again, seeing how the man was trying to get the knife out of the kitchen counter.
You grabbed a pan which was on the stove and hit his head with the pan. But as soon as you hit, he stole the pan and threw it to the floor. You screamed and ran to the other kitchen door which led you to your backyard. He chased after you and tried to catch you. Yoongi saw how you ran away from the man, and how the man followed you. Why did you have to run to the other way and not to Yoongi, this only caused more trouble. He took out his gun once again, he never had touched it some many times in a day. He ran after the two, through the door to the backyard. This place sure was big, maybe a bit too big.
But because you were wearing high heels, you couldn't run fast. The man grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards himself before jumping on to your throat. You tried to run away but you were weak against him. You then lost your balance and fell into your pool with him. Despite you two were under the water, he was still squeezing your throat, and that was why you were about to lose your breath.
Once Yoongi was standing in the backyard, he saw how both of you and the man were in the pool. He focused on the man who was trying the take away the breath of you. He hadn't much time to think, you two were squirming too much, hence it was difficult to make a clear shot. But he had to, jumping into the pool wasn't a good idea.
Your vision started to be blurred. You moved your lips with the last energy you had. You were not heard in the water, but you mumbled anyway "A-Agent Ki-Kim."
Only a few seconds passed as a loud gunshot was heard in the backyard, birds flew away and started whistling in panic. The pool started to be covered with red as the grip of the man became looser around your neck. "How many more of them are there?!" Yoongi howled in anger as getting that the situation was more serious than it seemed. You were in danger, and it was because of Yoongi. He put you in danger starting the operation without knowing that you were in the building and, now all of this was happening to you.
It was not clear hence you were not sure if you really heard the shot or it was just an illusion that your brain made. But soon after, the pressure on your throat was gone. You opened your eyes slightly. Red. You couldn't see anything but red. Was it your death? Was death something like that? But it was always told that you would see some white light when you were dead. Was that a lie? You felt like you were suspended in the space. But the truth, your body was collapsing through the depth of the pool. You couldn't move your body at all. Because your body was trying to use its last bit of energy to stay yourself awake, moving your limbs was not the priority for the moment.
Yoongi threw the gun a bit away from himself and jumped into the water. He saw you were not moving and knotted his brows for a second as trying to get you. He then managed to grab you close to himself under the water.
Your time sense was failed. You perceived the seconds as like they were hours. You got the situation. You were really dead. So it was all like this. Did your mother feel the same way, see the same color? Red. Tchh... Did it have to be really red? Your least favorite color. My lord, do you really like this color that much? Your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of being dragged by a grasp. That was it, you were really leaving the earth and going through the other side. Maybe through the nothingness.
Yoongi swam up with you, inhaling a deep breath and being sure that your face was staying above the surface. Your lungs filled with the air suddenly. You felt pain because of the running air through your trachea. Oxygen was burning all the way down. You coughed a few times but couldn't open your eyes at first, and let Yoongi carry you. It was too bright to look at.
Yoongi got close to the edge of the swimming pool with you in between his arms then first laid you on the edge, and he got out of the pool.
His white shirt had turned in the color between red and pink, his hair was all wet, falling over his face and some was sticking on his forehead as some of the water was dripping from his bangs. He first checked your breathing and once he was sure you caught your breath, he laid on his back, next to you. He sighed and with his hand, he wiped most of the water out of his face as closing his eyes for a brief moment of time then opened them again.
As your eyes got used to the brightness of the sky, you started to feel the wet ground you were laying on. You remembered what happened. How much time has passed, you had no idea. But you heard another breath sounds next to your ear.
He looked at you and he found himself examining your face from a close view for the first time that day. He was glad that you were alive. He didn’t even want to imagine carrying your dead body in his arms than laying next to your tired body. He saw how your chest was going up and down as you were trying to regulate your breath. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief then opened them again.
"It's Yoongi." He uttered softly than ever before and he looked back at the sky, the blue. The man sure was dead, Yoongi had shot him in the heart and his dead body was pending in the pool. A few birds flew over the sky. It was a good day. Too good to have these kinds of shitty events.
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casperki · 5 years ago
Trust Me • Chapter 2
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Summary: I led a quiet little life, surrounded by wonderful people. My daily life consisted of taking care of others. I was happy to lead a simple life, until I became the prisoner of the most powerful man in the kingdom.
Theme: Fluff, Romance, Angst, Policy, Power, Adventure, Middle Age, Soldiers
Pairing: Warrior! Min Yoongi x Caregiver! Original Character
Word count: 1,3k
Warning: language, violence, aggressivity
Disclaimer: Storyline, events and characters are fictitious, I only borrow BTS’ members name and physical appearance. Some events may be inspired by historical ones, but they aren’t accurate. Please keep in mind English isn’t my first language, I still lack vocabulary, I do some mistakes and my sentences may not be as pretty as natives’ speaker ones. Don’t hesitate to correct me and give me some advice, I would be more than happy to improve!
<< Previous chapter 
He kept me in his arms for few minutes, until I calmed down. My head resting on his torso, I could feel the soft fabric of his tunic against my cheek and appreciate his fragrance. Then he asked me if I was able to walk. Thinking about how miserable I looked like, I gathered what little dignity I had left to stand up and walk by myself.
His hand around my waist to help me to walk, we climbed the stairs and entered a huge room. Everything was so bright it dazzled me.
“Mina! SooJin!” In an instant, two young girls appeared and bowed at us. “Take care of her. Give her a bath, comb her hair and find a pretty dress for her.”
The girl with braided hair took the place of the General and the smaller girl came on my right side to take my arm and help me to walk. As soon as he was certain I was in good hands, the General left the room.
Mina and SooJin led me to a bathroom. A huge metal bathtub enthroned in the center of the room, candles made a cozy and reassuring atmosphere. Another lady, a bit older than SooJin and Mina, was already busy filling up the bathtub with hot water. The feeling of my dress being untied stopped me analyzing the room and made me step back, looking horrified at the two girls.
“I’m sorry Miss, I didn’t want to scare you.” The smaller girl bowed at me.
I kept my arms close to my chest to protect myself. The lady came slowly in front of me and bowed.
“Miss don’t be afraid. You are safe here.” These women spoke so formally to me it made me confused. “Let me introduce myself, I’m HyeRin.” Then she showed off the girl with braided hair. “Here is SooJin.” And the smaller one “and here is Mina. We are the General’s servants, and yours as well.”
Her tone was so calm and reassuring I let SooJin to delicately untie my corset and Mina to remove the remains of my thorn petticoat. Their gestures were slow, making me feel like being in porcelain. Mina cut the tie that was supposed to keep my hair up.
Once undressed, the girls took my hands to help me to get into the bathtub. The water was hot, at the perfect temperature. I curled up to feel the water on my shoulders and closed my eyes for a while. It felt good and comforting, like a nice gentle and warm hug.
“Miss, I’ll start by soaping your back.” I reopened my eyes at Mina’s voice and lift my back.
They were so polite and formal with me, calling me Miss, even though we were probably the same age. The sight of my arms caught my attention. Except the mud, they were covered by bruises, blue, green, and red spots. Then my wrist, bruised and lacerated. I looked pitiful. Examining my hands, I saw more wounds, earth, and sand under my broken nails. I did not even want to imagine what my face should look like. While SooJin was washing my legs and Mina my arms, I let my mind wander. I tried to remember what and how it happened, how I ended up here.
That face, this long bright blond hair, this dark gaze, I have already met that General before. “No Sir, he won’t go anywhere, he still needs care to recover properly!” I remembered saying this, but I cannot tell in which circumstances. I forced my brain to remember my name and where I was from, in vain. “Here is the prisoner you asked for.” That was what the leader said, the man who ordered to lock me in a cage. The General asked for me then. He was the one who claimed me. He was responsible for my horrible trip through the country, and now he asked his servants to take care of me. I was looking for the meaning of it all.
“Miss, which fragrance do you prefer?”
HyeRin’s question brought me back to the present time. I was standing up, in front of a mirror, wrapped in a towel, HyeRin on my right holding two perfume bottles, while Mina and SooJin were arranging a dress. I looked at the pitiful girl facing the mirror: me. Palpating the face that was supposed to be mine, hollow cheeks, a purple bruise on the chin, a red mark on the left cheekbone, dried lips. I was unrecognisable. I held back my tears.
“I think the floral one will suit you the most.” Said HyeRin with a kind smile.
Once the chiffon dress put on, my hair combed, the floral perfume sprayed on me and my wrists bandaged, SooJin led me to another room, a dining room. The table was set with delicious dishes. SooJin invited me to take a seat before wishing me a good appetite. I stared at the food in front of me. Japchae, kimchi, kimbap, vegetables, even kimchi-jigae and fruits woke up my hunger. The sight and the smell of those delicious dishes remembered me how empty my stomach was. However, I did not move a bit. It was suspicious. What was the aim of this? From taking me across the country in inhuman conditions to giving me a bath, a beautiful dress, a decent appearance and now a sumptuous meal. The General wasn’t known to be a gentle and attentive man but more as an amazing ruthless warrior and fine strategist. What was his strategy then? What did he plan to do with me?
“So, someone told me you were not eating.” I haven’t heard him entering. “I won’t believe you if you tell me you’re not hungry.”
I didn’t look at him, staring at the food and sparkling tableware.
“SooJin! Haven't you found anything better?”
I lifted my eyes to see the General standing before me, pointing at me with his hand holding a glass full of an unknown liquid, probably alcohol. Apparently, I was not to his liking.
“My General, I’m sorry, it was the only dress left.” SooJin answered and bowed.
“Alright, I see, thank you SooJin.” Then she left the room.
“Usually I am the one who fears being poisoned.” The General explained while taking a seat in front of me. “See.” He took chopsticks to show me. “Silver.” He took a radish from a plate to put it in his mouth. “Silver reacts when it comes in contact with a poison.”
I didn’t answer nor move a bit, staring at the kimchi-jigae bowl. The smell through my nostrils made my stomach gurgling. The General chuckled a bit to that sound.
“Moreover, I wouldn’t use poison to kill you. I’m not a coward, I have my honour, I look at the death in the eyes of my opponent.” He calmly said with a smirk.
His last words froze my blood, here I recognised the merciless warrior described by gossips. He also had in his mind the idea to kill me then, I was right.
“You were way more talkative and virulent last time we met!”
To these words I looked at him into his eyes. So, it was not an impression, I have already met him before.
“Wow, what is that furious gaze for?” He laughed and took another sip from his glass.
I have not said a word since I arrived here. What could I tell him? Thank him for his hospitality and curse him for making me go through hell?
“Perhaps, you don’t remember me, don’t you?” He looked at me with a serious face, raising an eyebrow. Everything I knew about him were from the gossips and stories about his battles. This man was already a legend. Half admired; half feared. However, I could not judge by myself yet nor remember what impression he left on me last time we met.
“Alright…” He finished his drink and got up. “Try to eat something and to get some rest, at least. SooJin will show you your bedroom.” He spoke calmly, pausing between his sentences. He took few steps away before stopping and turning back at me. “Also, there is a guard at your door, so you are safe here. Good night damsel.” He tilted his head slightly before leaving.
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btssmutandfluff · 7 years ago
Curtain Call
Member: Suga (Min Yoongi)
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word Count: 4,252
*Admin Sinnabun*
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Original Request: Can i request a suga one where the reader gets hurt while he's in a show? Like the reader has to be taken to the hospital? And how he reacts?
“Good luck tonight! I hope you have a great show, as always <3” you typed, a smile crossing your face at the thought of your boyfriend hard at work on stage.
It was the second to last show of the tour and everyone was exhausted. You could hardly remember the last time you saw Yoongi so drained. Even when he was up late in his studio, he at least seemed refreshed in the morning, knowing he made progress. But now… Now he just seemed.. different; like he wasn’t always all there.
You were jolted out of your worried haze by your phone buzzing in your pocket.
“Thanks love <3 I’ll be home soon, just wait for me. Be careful walking home tonight and call me so I know you made it home safe.”
You sighed, tucking your phone back into your pocket, knowing you probably wouldn’t hear from him again tonight. You told yourself over and over again that he’d be home before you knew it, but before you knew it, you missed him all the same. Since the group was gaining popularity so quickly, almost every city on the tour had extra shows added at the last minute. The tour was supposed to have ended over a week ago. You missed Yoongi more than anything, but nevertheless, you were always unbelievably proud of him. Seeing how hard he worked for his fans and to be able to do what he loved all over the world made you love him even more.
You missed the way he’d groan whenever you wanted to go out instead of stay in and relax, or watching him brighten up after his first meal of the day. You even missed waking up to him still snoring and even his tendency to take up the entire bed.
Your head was clouded as you walked through the streets on your way home from work with Yoongi this, Yoongi that. Every so often you’d walk past a window or catch your reflection in a puddle and realize you’d been smiling at the mere thought of him. Even the tiniest things like when he’d yell for you to come see him in the studio so he could ask your opinion about his new tracks or just to have you sit on his lap while he worked, though the working never lasted long in those situations.
You took the same route home every day. Saw the same people, cars, vendors, even the same squirrel in the same tree every single day since the day you started your job. But today was special. Today, you knew that Yoongi would be home tomorrow.
As you walked, you couldn’t help yourself from imagining what it would be like to have him home again; to have him be there waiting for you after a long work day or to hear him running lyrics in the shower. He’d be home for a while this time. At least, longer than usual. The group was taking a break after this tour to relax and get ready for the next round of insanity.
You wanted to do something special for Yoongi when he got home tomorrow. Most of your walk was spent trying to think what he’d like the most. You knew him well enough to know that once he was home, he wasn’t going to want to go anywhere for the next few days, so planning dates was out. You could buy something to spice up his first night home, but then again, he’d been away for so long that “spicing up” probably wouldn’t be very necessary. Suddenly, you were snapped out of your own thoughts by the most amazing smell coming from a few streets over. Immediately you knew what you were going to do for Yoongi. His favorite bakery was just a few blocks off your normal route home from work and he always ranted and raved about how amazing their cakes were, so why not stop and pick him up one?
You headed towards the smell, excitement bubbling in your stomach. He’d be here tomorrow. Just a few more hours. You heard indistinct shouting as you stepped off the curb to cross the street, but were so absorbed in your own thoughts to care. A split second later, you heard nothing at all.
Yoongi had you on his mind, as always. He put every ounce of effort he had into the show, knowing he could see you as soon as it was over, but for some reason, the staff still seemed uneasy. Whenever he was backstage, everyone avoided eye-contact with him and only spoke in hurried whispers to one another. As far as he could tell, the show was running as smoothly as ever, possibly even the best it had run the whole tour. So what was the problem?
During another member’s solo, he took a moment to rush over to their manager and ask what the hell was going on. Why was everyone so on-edge?
“It’s nothing for you to worry about. The show is running fine, people are just worried because it’s the last show of the tour. Come see me after the show.”
He tried to press for more information, but before he had the chance, he was called back out on stage. The whole show, something was bothering him. He felt like there was something people weren’t telling him; something important that he should know. The thought of you kept him going. Knowing the better he performed the prouder of him you’d be and the sooner he could come home to you helped him to put his mind at ease.
The show ran flawlessly from start to finish, with not a single thing out of place, which only put Yoongi more on-edge. Something wasn’t right; something important, and they weren’t telling him.
As soon as the curtain fell and the boys ran backstage, he pulled Namjoon aside.
“Did you notice anything weird during the show? Like people were nervous?”
Namjoon’s smile faded and he nodded.
“I noticed. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m sure they’d tell us if it was something important. If they’re not telling us, then there’s probably nothing we can do about it.” he reassured him.
“I don’t know, I feel like there’s something they don’t want us to find out about. Something’s up and I want to know what.”
Namjoon nodded in agreement and touched Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Then let’s go find out.”
The two of them turned and marched over to the tour manager, demanding an explanation.
He dismissed them with a wave of the hand and told them they’d talk about it after the photo session. A half-hearted smile played across his face, a thinly veiled attempt at distraction.
Yoongi huffed and stalked off to find his phone, knowing he should have a voicemail from you telling him that you made it home safe. Hearing your voice always calmed his nerves, even if it was just a recording. He rustled through his belongings to get to you, only to find his phone was missing. Panicked, he ran to their manager, asking if he knew where it went.
“I have it. I knew you’d be looking for it and I need you to be focused for at least another hour. You can have it back when the photos are done.”
Yoongi’s hands started to shake as the anger welled up inside him.
“Give me my phone. I’ve been expecting a call and it’s very important that I know I got it.”
The manager slipped Yoongi’s phone back in his pocket.
“You got lots of calls. I told them you were busy. I’ll tell you what they said later. Now go get ready for the fan photos or you won’t be getting it back at all.”
Furious, he clenched his fists in an effort to hold himself back, but upon feeling a reassuring hand on his shoulder, he relaxed, turning to see Namjoon and the rest at his back. They knew how important your call was to him. Checking his phone after a show for it was never a problem before tonight and everyone was starting to worry.
“The tour is over, so your services are no longer required.” Namjoon stated curtly, smiling ever so sweetly at the tour manager. “Oh, and you can return his personal property now or get reported for stealing.”
The manager stood there, dumbfounded, before smirking and assuring them that the tour wasn’t over until the fan photos were done.
Surprisingly, Jin quickly came to the rescue. “The tour is over when we say it’s over. We are the artists and we control our own time. The fan photos will go on as planned, but as we said, your services are no longer necessary. How do you think your bosses will like it when we tell them that you blackmailed us with our own property to do what you want? Or that you’ve neglected to tell us whatever it is that’s so obviously wrong that even the makeup noonas are worried?”
Everyone stood in shock at Jin’s sudden boldness. Sighing, the manager went to hand Yoongi his phone, pulling it away just before he was able to grab it.
“I’m going to give this to you, but only after you swear to me that you’ll handle the consequences.. Whether you like it or not, I’m still the tour manager. If anything goes wrong before you’re back in Seoul, it’s my ass on the line.”
Yoongi nodded and snatched the phone out of the manager’s hand, pushing his way through the other members and stalking away.
The others started to follow him, but Namjoon held out his arm to stop them. “Give him some space. Whatever’s going on he doesn’t need us all butting in. Let him come to us when he’s ready.”
Yoongi unlocked his phone and checked his notifications. Nothing. Nothing on his SNS, no new texts, everything was normal. He shook his head and ran his hands through his hair before pulling himself up and heading over to join the other members.
Everyone was quiet as Yoongi rejoined them. “So? What’s the big news?” Jimin finally asked.
Yoongi just shrugged. “I’m not sure. There were no notifications or anything, so I don’t know what that guy’s problem was.” He pushed the bad feelings from his head, chalking it up to having a bad tour manager who just had a problem with him.
The fan photos and hi-touch seemed to take forever. While he may have been able to calm his nerves after finally getting his phone back, Yoongi couldn’t push the thought of you from his mind. He was constantly thinking about you. He wondered what you were doing, if you missed him, what it would be like to see you again after so long, even things as simple as whether or not you had dinner and if you ate all of his kimchi again.
The rest of the tour activities flew by in a you fueled haze and before he knew it, he was in the van on the way back to the hotel. Usually the van was loud and made it hard to focus, but everyone had a long, stressful day, so hardly a word was said. Yoongi couldn’t wait any longer. He usually liked to wait until he was back at that hotel to call you, but something about today made his need to hear your voice that much stronger.
He pulled out his phone and clicked the phone icon. For some reason, his recent calls were completely full with at least ten from an unknown number and about the same number from you. His blood turned icy and his hands felt like lead. Something was definitely wrong. It took him a long while of staring at the screen and trying desperately to prepare himself mentally for whatever he was about to hear.
Namjoon looked over at Yoongi and knew immediately that something was up. He craned his neck to look over at the screen and saw the multitude of missed calls. Namjoon placed a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder and asked him if he needed a minute. Yoongi nodded hesitantly as Namjoon asked the driver to pull into a nearby parking lot for a moment. By now the rest of the boys knew something was up and were preparing themselves to do whatever they could to help.
The driver pulled into a parking lot and parked, the boys all scrambling out of the back seats, leaving Yoongi alone in the van. They all assured him that whatever it was, they’d help him through it and closed the door.
Yoongi’s hands were trembling and his breath hitched as he dialed your number. With every ring, his heart rate increased, eventually getting to the point that he could feel a pain in his chest. It felt like it rang forever before someone finally picked up. Yoongi couldn’t help but to feel a wave of relief wash over him when the ringing finally stopped.
“Y/n! Y/n what’s going on is everything alright? I’m so sorry, the manager wouldn’t give me my phone after the show and he must have gone through and cleared my notifications so I didn’t even see your calls until just now. Are you okay?”
There was a moment of silence before a deep, husky voice came through the other end. “Is this Min Yoongi?”
Yoongi’s heart went from racing a mile a minute to stopped completely in that instant. Why would a man have y/n’s phone? “Yes this is Yoongi who the hell are you??” Every possible scenario ran through his mind. Had you been cheating on him? No, he thought. You’d never do that to him. Maybe kidnapped by insane fans? There wasn’t enough time for him to even think through all the possible scenarios before the voice came through again.
“My name is Dr. Kim and I’m the head of surgery at Seoul Municipal Hospital.”
Immediately tears sprung to his eyes. Hospital. That was the one word he was hoping not to hear. Something had happened and you had been hurt and he didn’t even know about it. You were hurt and he hadn’t been there to protect you.
“You were the emergency contact for a Ms. y/n, does that sound right?”
Yoongi rubbed his eyes and held his head in his hand. “Yes, she’s my girlfriend. What happened, is she okay?”
“Well, there’s good news and there’s some bad news. It’s up to you which one you want first.”
“Bad news. Give me the worst of it first.” He figured he’d need some good news afterwards just so he wouldn’t break down completely.
“Well, the bad news is, y/n was in a pretty severe accident. She was hit by a speeding driver as she crossed the street.”
Yoongi’s vision started to blur as tears stung at his eyes and he started to feel light headed. None of this would have happened if they hadn’t added extra shows and extended the tour. If only he had been home with you, he thought. Then he would have been able to protect you and this never would have happened.
Finally Yoongi composed himself enough to ask for the good news.
“Well, the good news is, she’s out of surgery and in recovery. She was pretty seriously injured, but she’ll pull through. The worst of it is over, now it’s just a long road of recovery ahead of her. Since you were the emergency contact, you should probably get here as soon as possible. It’ll be good for her to have a familiar face here when she wakes up.”
Yoongi wiped the tears from his face and tried to calm his nerves. You were okay, and that’s all that mattered. “I understand. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Please, take good care of y/n… I don’t know what I’d do without her, I can’t lose her..” he pleaded.
“Of course. She’s not totally out of the woods yet, but we’re going to do everything in our power to make her better, please just trust us and get here as soon as you can.”
Yoongi hung up and held his head in his hands as he sobbed. He wasn’t sure if he was sad, or just angry with himself for not being there when you needed him. Just then, the van door slid open and the boys looked at him with eyes wide, no one daring to say a word.
Yoongi looked at them with determination in his gaze. “Get me to the airport. Now.”
You felt warm. The only sensation you could recognize was warmth. Not a physical warmth, but the kind you feel in your chest when you see a loved one after a long time apart, or when you smell something that reminds you of a fond and distant memory. All you could think of was Yoongi’s smile beaming down at you as he watched you rubbing the sleep from your eyes, slanted rays of sun trickling in from between your bedroom curtains. You reached out to touch his face, only to find your hand passed right through it. His smile began to fade as you reached for him again, the image of him slipping farther and farther from your reach. The warmth in your chest began to fade to a dull ache, then a stabbing pain with each breath, a different kind of heat manifesting itself. The kind of searing heat you feel when you get a paper cut or have a bad sunburn. You gasped for air, but it felt as though someone had stretched a hundred rubber bands around your lungs, making it nearly impossible to draw breath.
You forced your eyes open if only for a moment, and all you could see was red and blue lights flashing over head. You heard shouting and frantic footsteps all around you. There must have been some kind of accident, you thought. You wanted to run. You wanted to be able to pick yourself up and get yourself out of there, but you couldn’t move. It wasn’t until you saw the crowd of people gathered around you and felt the cold metal of the stethoscope pressed to your chest that you realized what was happening. There had been an accident. You had been in an accident.
The man standing over you yelled something to his colleagues, then turned to face you again. He said something to you, but you didn’t know what it was. You weren’t even worried about yourself, at that point. All you could think was “Where is Yoongi?” Your mind raced with thoughts of your boyfriend. Where was he? How would he react when he found out you were hurt? Who would be there for him through it all? God forbid, even what he would do if you didn’t make it. Your worry faded away slowly along with your consciousness.
You slowly regained consciousness, one sense at a time what felt like only moments later. You regained feeling first. You felt a deep soreness all over your body. You felt like you hadn’t moved in god knows how long. You next noticed the pain in your chest and the annoyance of the wires and tubes taped and poked and secured all over your body. Next was smell. The air around you smelled sharp; like someone had used too many cleaning products in too small of a space. It was nothing like the place you thought you had just been. The air stung your nostrils and felt cold in your aching lungs. You noticed a light, rhythmic tapping that wouldn’t stop no matter how much you wished it would. Beeps and hisses and commotion somewhere far away.
You forced your eyes open just enough to see blindingly bright lights above you. After a few seconds, the light became bearable and you were able to open your eyes enough to see more clearly. You blinked the sleep from our eyes and looked around. Your hands had tubes and wires attached to them and your leg was elevated in a sling in front of you. You knew you must have been in a hospital. You looked to your left and saw a long list of medications and details of injuries written on a whiteboard. Was that all just for you? “Broken leg, shattered pelvis, cracked ribs/internal bleeding, cracked sternum, etc.” the board read. How long had you been asleep? Did Yoongi make it home alright?
Your mind stopped after that. Yoongi. Where was he? Had he finished the tour alright? Had he made it home safely? Had anyone even told him what had happened to you? You started to panic and breathe more heavily, causing a sharp pain in your chest. You winced from the stabbing feeling.
There was a rustling on the other side of the room as Yoongi sat up from the recliner he had been napping in at your bedside. His hair was a mess and you could tell that he hadn’t slept much lately, judging by the gaunt look of his face and the puffiness of his eyes. As soon as you saw him, your eyes welled with tears. He stretched, rubbing his face to wake himself up.
“Yoongi..” you whispered, tears spilling down your cheeks.
He stopped, his hands still covering his face. Slowly he moved his hands away from his eyes to see you smiling at him from your hospital bed. As soon as he saw your eyes he rushed to your bedside, almost tripping over an IV stand in the process, any semblance of exhaustion he had now long gone in his excitement. “Y/N! I can’t believe you’re awake they said it’d probably be a few more days before you woke up! How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Water? Should I get a nurse, are you in pain?” He frantically checked over every piece of you Before you finally got his attention long enough for him to stop talking.
“Yoongi, what happened? How long was I out?”
“You really don’t remember what happened?”
You shook your head before realizing that was a bad idea from the stabbing pain that shot through your neck and down your back with each movement. “The last thing I remember is that I decided to stop by that bakery you like so much before going  home from work to get you something for when you came home. After that, everything is blank.
Tears spilled over Yoongi’s face and you heard him sniffle. “I shouldn’t have gone on tour again. Or I should have taken you with me. If I’d fought them harder to bring you with us none of this would have happened..”
“That’s not true and you know it. You love what you do and I would never ask you to stop touring for me. And I couldn’t go on tour with you even if they had allowed it. I have a job and a life here, I can’t just drop it all and come on the road for months at a time. I knew what I was getting myself into when I said yes to you. I don’t blame you for this and you shouldn’t blame yourself either, okay?”
He nodded and wiped the tears from his face, kissing your hand softly, like you were some kind of doll that might crack and fall apart at the slightest touch.
“So what happened to me?”
He sighed and climbed into the bed next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your head into his chest. “They told me that you were hit by a speeding driver on your way to the bakery. Apparently they were going way over the speed limit and not paying attention to the stop sign when you were crossing the street. You’ve been knocked out for twelve days…” His voice cracked, then trailed off. “They weren’t sure when or even if you’d wake up again.. I was so afraid y/n.. I was so scared that I was going to lose you and there’d be nothing I could do about it.” You felt his shaky breaths as he let out a sob and gripped you like you were at risk of fading away.
You pulled away from his chest and cupped his cheek in your hand. “But you didn’t lose me. I’m here, aren’t I? I’m here and I’m getting better and nothing is going to take me away from you, so no more tears, okay? It’s gonna take more than one bad driver to get rid of me.” you assured him.
“I love you so much, y/n. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you like that.”
“I love you too, Yoongi. I’m not going anywhere, I promise. You’re my forever, remember?” You felt sleep beginning to take over again as your eyelids started to droop. You let out a yawn and snuggled in closer to your boyfriend.
He smiled as he watched you drift off back to sleep, suddenly hyper-aware of not only your breathing and the feeling of having you in his arms, but also the small lump he’s had in his pocket, waiting for you to wake up and claim it. He opened the small box and set it on the bedside table for when you finally woke.  “That’s right y/n. You’re my forever.”
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textupontext-kpop · 6 years ago
Hello pumpkins💜
I'm asking you for a favour lol
If you want to and have some BTS requests leave them on my other blog @typingnow because I need to separate BTS posts from other groups posts lmao
This blog is going to be for other groups, but if this other blog won't get enough attention I'll move BTS requests to this blog back lmao
I bet no one's going to read it anyway so I'll just say...
🙋🏻‍♀️Go follow my other blog @typingnow 🙋🏻‍♀️
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tiny-memes · 7 years ago
“I wanna big house, big cars & big rings”
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dnkaus · 7 years ago
Fateful Visions | Ch. 2 Old Relationships, New Acquaintances
Namjoon x Reader (OC)
Summary: Idol Namjoon meets a grad student, Maya, but he experiences strange visions each time their eyes meet and they touch one another. Fate plays a magnetic role, & keeps bringing them together. Are these visions a sign that they should stay away or stay together?
Genre: Angst, Fluff (eventually)
Warnings: Indirect mentions of emotional abuse
Previous Part: Chapter one Next Part: Chapter Three
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2017 - 8 Months Later
Time flies when you are busy, when you are numb, and when you are a grad student. It had been 8 months since Namjoon and Maya met. It had been 8 months and Caleb and Maya were still together.
Nothing in their relationship had changed within these last 8 months. Caleb’s careless tendencies, and Maya’s apathetic attitude towards Caleb’s behavior continued.
Truth be told, Maya didn’t really have time for Caleb anymore. She didn’t have time to fight with him or care about how many terrible things he did and said to her. She merely continued the relationship because it was all she knew.  For Maya, it was as if she had forgotten what it was like to not have Caleb around. There was still love hidden within Maya for Caleb, and that love kept holding her back from cutting ties with him. She was really just waiting for the final straw to drop, but there was no catalyst for that straw.
At least not until  Maya received a strange email from Dr. Kelly. Maya was having the usual afternoon slump after her Women in Literature class, and so she decided to go get a chai latte from her campus cafe. She had just sat down with her chai, when she received the email notification on her phone. When she saw Dr. Kelly’s name initially she frowned. Getting an email from your advisor is not something most grad students look forward to, and Maya didn’t either. However, when she read the subject line her mind became more confused.  The subject line read “BTS says thanks” . Maya was taking a sip of her chai when she saw the notification, but she immediately put her cup down and opened the email after she read the subject line.
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Maya stopped breathing for a second as she read the email. She was confused, surprised, excited, in shock, all of those things at the same time. She kept reading and re-reading the email as she couldn’t believe what she was reading.
For the past 8 months, Maya had fallen down the BTS wormhole. She was pretty certain she had watched every BTS video there was, even though she knew that was really impossible. To Maya, the day when she met BTS seemed like a far away dream, rather than the reality. Over the past 8 months she had seen the BTS mania grow and had witnessed her first comeback with the Wings album release.
Maya didn’t want to admit she was now a full on ARMY, the name that BTS had lovingly given to their fans, but after listening to each member’s solo song in the Wings album, she felt pathetic trying to deny her truth.
After reading the email, Maya’s excitement was through the roof. She couldn’t believe she had just received tickets to a BTS concert. How in the world was she getting so lucky? And, she received not one but two tickets! She must have saved a few countries in her past life.
Maya finished her chai while she thought about who she would bring to the concert. No one in her life was a Kpop listener and neither were they interested in concerts and such. Such a boring life they all lived. Maya sighed and decided she would ask Caleb if he wanted to go.  After all, he was her boyfriend. Shouldn’t he be the first person she thinks of in times like these?
Surprisingly when Maya brought up the idea of going to the concert, Caleb was intrigued. He had no idea that Maya had actually met BTS and neither did he care to ask about how she got the tickets. When Maya told him that she wanted to go to the concert, he thought it would be good for them to go on a trip together to Chicago.
Therefore, Maya put the date on her calendar and internally began looking forward to the day. It hit her a week after she received the tickets that the day of the concert was also Hoseok’s birthday. She knew this because, even though she was not an ARMY, she just happened to Google each member’s age and birthday. It’s totally normal, she swore to herself. The realization that Hoseok’s birthday was on the same as the concert, created a dilemma for Maya. She didn’t know BTS  or Hoseok very well, but at the same time she felt weird going to the concert empty handed. She remembered that day when she had met BTS. She remembered Hoseok was the one who was insisting Namjoon to take Maya’s offer about giving them a ride. She needed to say thanks to him for trusting her that day.
Maya often found herself thinking that in some other universe, she might have even ended up as friends with some of them. Again she kept telling herself  these were definitely not signs of being ARMY.
When Maya went to buy gifts for Hoseok, she ended up finding gifts for all the members. She figured that if this was her last chance to meet Hoseok, it was also her last chance to meet the rest of them. She really didn’t know why she was doing this or why she even cared enough to buy things  for the 7 strangers. She just felt like she had to say thanks for inviting her. These gifts weren’t anything expensive, just small things she thought they would enjoy based on the little she knew about them.
She bought a plain white t-shirt for Jungkook, as that’s what she remembered him wearing when she saw them the first time. She bought a simple necklace for Jimin, as she had noticed him fixing it when he was getting out of the minivan the day Maya had given them a ride. She bought a set of sketching pencils for Taehyung, because she had read an article about how Taehyung likes to draw. Maya bought Yoongi a beanie, as she had seen countless airport pictures of Yoongi with a beanie (even though she still doesn’t admit she is an ARMY).  For Seokjin, she had bought a really nice pair of travelling chopsticks, as she had heard the members talking about how he carries chopsticks with him when he travels. Maya had found a  pair of sunglasses for Hoseok and she also decided to buy him a bag that matched his eccentric yet fashionable style. She bought Hoseok two things since he was after all the birthday boy. She hoped the other members wouldn’t be offended by that.
The only person she was hesitant to buy a gift for was Namjoon. Even though it  had been 8 months, the images from Maya’s vision were still lingering in her head. A part of her was genuinely worried about meeting BTS. She was worried Namjoon didn’t like her, so when it came to buying gift for Namjoon it felt strange. What would she even buy for him? He probably wouldn't like anything she bought him anyways. What was the point?  She tried to convince herself  she was overthinking, but due to the images in her dreamlike vision, she couldn’t help but feel a weird energy about him.
Nonetheless, she settled on a gift idea for Namjoon after extensive deliberation. She decided she would buy him a small leather bound notebook, as she knew he did a lot of the writing for BTS’s songs. This notebook was the exact same type as she carried for her story ideas and other doodles. She figured if nothing else Namjoon can write about how he doesn’t like her in that notebook.
1 month later - Day of the concert
Soon the day had arrived when Caleb and Maya were supposed to go to Chicago for the concert. Maya was worried till the last second that Caleb wouldn’t show up for their road trip and she would end up having to go alone. She really didn’t mind it as much, but she felt like if she went alone her ticket would be wasted. But surprisingly, Caleb showed up right on time for their trip. Maya and Caleb had decided that Maya would drive since Caleb’s road rage was a bit scary at times and Maya did not want Caleb to get into a bad mood. Besides, what better and iconic way to go to a BTS concert than taking the same minivan that she used to drive them to their Kpop event? It felt right.
Maya and Caleb left for their trip at 10am  in the morning, because the drive to the concert venue was at least 5 hours , and they had decided they would get some lunch along the way and also they figured if they get there early, they can always do some sight seeing. Maya had been to Chicago plenty of times before, but Caleb had never been, so he was more interested in the sight seeing portion of their trip than the actual concert. To be perfectly honest, Caleb had no clue which concert they were going to. He knew it was some Korean group, but Caleb had no interest in getting to know the group. He decided to tag along, since he wanted to go to Chicago, and spending time with Maya didn’t seem like the worst thing either.  
Halfway towards Chicago, Maya stopped the van at a gas (petrol) station to fill up the tank. Caleb got out of the car as well to get something to eat from the gas station’s convenience store. Meanwhile, as Maya waited for the tank to get filled, she suddenly felt the urge to write a little poem that was lingering in her head. She quickly opened the back door to the van and got out her black leather notebook she carried around, and started scribbling her thoughts. However, before she could finish she saw Caleb walking out of the convenience store, so she quickly threw the notebook in the bag with all the presents for BTS. You see, Maya did not like to share her poems and stories with others, especially not Caleb. She had somehow managed to keep that notebook hidden from everyone so far. As Caleb came towards the car he noticed Maya closing the back door to the minivan.
“What was that?” Caleb asked as he got back to the van.
“What was what?” Maya responded as if she didn’t know what he was referring to. At this point the tank was filled and Maya had finished getting her receipt and got inside the car.
“I just saw you get something from the back seat, so I was just wondering what it was.” Caleb said as he got into the van and closed the door.
“Oh that...I...I was just getting a kleenex from my purse, but then I realized there were already kleenexes in the front by your seat, so I felt stupid…” Maya responded as she laughed awkwardly.
“You are pretty stupid aren’t you. I am glad you also notice how little you use your brain. ” Caleb said as he shook his head and laughed. He thought what he said was hilarious. To an outsider, this would initially seem like a joke, but unfortunately it wasn’t.
That was unnecessary, Maya thought. But then again, she was used to hearing Caleb say things like that. He never missed an opportunity to make Maya feel small. One way or another he always slid in a comment in their conversation that would somehow make Maya feel like a complete idiot, even if she wasn’t.  
Maya didn’t respond. What was she to say? Getting Caleb mad was the last thing she wanted today. She definitely did not want to create a scene when they were at the concert. She knew she just had to swallow the words.
Many people had asked Maya why she was still with Caleb, if he was so insensitive and straight up mean. However, Maya never really had a good response to that question. Logically, she knew being with him was the terrible idea. She knew that maybe if she broke up with him, she would find someone else. But she was used to having him around. She was used to feeling small. Us humans tend to stick to what’s familiar. Even if that familiar thing is toxic.
The road trip continued and so did the conversation. At one point, Caleb turned around and saw the bag in the back with gifts. “Who are those for?” Caleb asked.  It hit Maya at that point that she had never explained to Caleb how she had managed to get the tickets and how she had backstage passes to meet the boy group they were going to go see. She knew if she told him the truth, he would get upset, so she had to find a way to make him the least mad. Caleb had temper issues and Maya was well aware of that from her previous experiences, so she took caution about each word she said around him. This is because she feared that even her slightest mistake would end up in some terrible consequence.
Maya was driving, but she  took a few seconds and pretended to mess with the navigation app on her phone to buy some time to come with an appropriate excuse for Caleb’s question.
“Umm, those...those are from Dr. Kelly. Ummm, I don’t know if I told you this but actually these guys that are performing tonight were at UCA some months ago for one of Dr. Kelly’s events, and that’s why she is sending these gifts to say thanks to them for attending her cultural event. She gave them to me since she can’t go.” Maya said hesitatingly.
Caleb was a quiet for a second, which scared Maya so she turned to look towards him, but he was just on his phone texting someone.
“I am sorry, did you say something?” Caleb answered after a few moments.
Maya debated whether to repeat her sentence since he was obviously not interested in listening. She decided she would since they were going to meet BTS anyways, so it would look bad if he didn’t know anything.
“Uh, yeah, I was just saying those gifts are from Dr. Kelly. She sent them for the boy group we will be seeing tonight because they attended one of her cultural events.”
“Oh, okay. Well, have you met these guys before?” Caleb asked.
Great! Now Maya was having another dilemma. Should she mention the whole story about BTS getting lost and then her driving them there? Nope, that’s a terrible idea, she thought.
“Umm, yeah I met them briefly the day of the event.”
“-- Just briefly though.” Maya emphasized.
“Okay, well they better have some good music. Otherwise, I am gonna be so bored at  the concert.” Caleb responded.
“Oh I am sure it’s good.” Maya said nervously.
Caleb and Maya arrived in Chicago around 4pm, since they had stopped for lunch at a restaurant on their way to Chicago. As soon as they arrived to Chicago, Caleb insisted he wanted to go to Millennium Park and as their first sightseeing destination.  Maya had been there multiple times, but she went along with what Caleb wanted.
“Alright, but after Millenium Park, we should get dinner and head to the venue. I am sure it’s going to be really crowded and I don’t want to miss any part of the concert.” Maya said with enthusiasm.
“Wow, you seem really excited for this thing..huh?” Caleb was beginning to think Maya was a fan of this boy group from the way she talked about them, and he didn’t like it.
Maya hesitated before responding. “Uh- no! I am just saying, it would look bad if we didn’t get there on time.”
“I doubt they will notice if you don’t show up, Maya. It’s not like they know you. I think we should just explore Chicago while we are here and skip the concert!” Caleb broke Maya’s little illusion and said exactly what Maya was worried he would say. Why did she bring him here again? Maya thought to herself. This was a bad idea and she was starting to get a feeling it was only going to get worse from here
“True, I-I guess I just don’t want to let down Dr. Kelly. We can go to the Millenium Park, but we have to go to the concert after that.”
“Ugh, fine.” Caleb somehow gave into the idea, which surprised Maya.
As expected, when the Millennium park tour and dinner were over, Caleb tried once again to convince Maya to skip the concert. However, Maya kept insisting this was what Dr. Kelly had wanted, and somehow managed to take him to the concert venue without his full blown tantrum. By now, Maya knew what she should not do to get on his bad side.
Once they arrived at the venue, Caleb fully understood how big this group, BTS really was. He had thought they were some small scale underground band, but when he looked at the line outside the concert he realized this was a mania. Maya was also taken aback by the amount of people she saw waiting to go inside. Even though she had expected a lot of people to be here considering the growth in popularity in the past year. Maya’s adrenaline began to rise as the line that they were waiting in to go inside, finally started moving after they had waited for 20 minutes.
“Are you excited?”asked one of the other girls in front of Maya and Caleb.
“Yes! You have no idea! I can’t believe we are finally here. I had been counting down the days since I got the tickets. ” Maya couldn’t hold back her enthusiasm.
Caleb cleared his throat, indicating his disapproval of Maya’s excitement. Busted! Maya thought, as soon as she looked over at Caleb and realized her cover had been blown and he had probably guessed that she was not just here for Dr. Kelly.
“What I mean is, it’s really great that Kpop is crossing over in America. I am excited to see Americans embrace a different culture.” Maya said softly.
The girl that had asked the question, just smiled politely and turned away after she noticed Caleb’s frown.
Maya sighed as she realized she wasn’t going to be able to show any excitement the rest of the night.
As Caleb sat down in his seat he noticed the ARMY bombs/ light sticks the people around him were holding.
“What are these light thingy everyone is holding? Did we forget to get one from the front?” Caleb whispered in Maya’s ear.
Maya laughed. “Uh no, those ‘thingies are called ARMY bombs, it’s a BTS exclusive light stick you have to buy. They are definitely not free.” Maya sounded a bit enthusiastic and maybe a little snarky when she said it, and that suddenly made Caleb mad.
“Wow, you are so obsessed. I think you need to get some help, Maya. This type of behavior isn’t good for your health.”  Caleb retorted out of insecurity. This was Caleb’s usual way of processing things he doesn’t know.
“I am not obsessed, Caleb. I was just telling you since you asked a question. I am sorry I didn’t mean to sound..”
“Sorry doesn’t solve everything does it, Maya? Your fan girl side is just getting annoying.”
Maya was irritated. She had controlled herself the entire day, but her patience was wearing out.
“Caleb if you don’t want to be here get out.” Maya said with the most serious tone.
Caleb was speechless. Maya rarely ever used this tone. She never dared say anything to Caleb that would possibly trigger his temper when they were alone, but right now they were in a public space. Maya knew he couldn’t do anything right now.
“What did you just say to me?” Caleb hissed towards Maya.
Maya responded without missing a beat. “I said, if you don’t want to be here get out. I feel terrible. Your ticket could have been used by someone who would have actually enjoyed the show.”
“You better stop your talking right now, Maya. What did I say to you last time when you were being snarky? I am being really patient right now, but if you don’t stop I am going to drag you out of here.”
Maya didn’t respond as the concert was starting. She wanted to enjoy the concert. She wanted to see the guys perform again. She remembered how great their previous performance was, when she saw them at that Kpop event. Maya felt excited to be in the crowd this time instead of backstage. Maya had zoned out whatever rubbish Caleb was talking as the boys walked on to the stage.
She noticed their hair were completely different colors than the last time she saw them. “Rainbow. Army’s rainbow.” Maya smiled and mumbled under her breath. Caleb saw her smile and felt his anger growing.
“What? What are you saying?” Caleb screamed in Maya’s ear. However, Maya completely ignored him as her attention was only towards the guys on the stage. She found herself especially looking at Namjoon, whose hair was purple this time. She thought back to the hallway and the images she saw when they shook hands. She had never imagined his hair being purple. Strange.
The performances began and the fanchants started. Caleb was dumbfounded by the amount of enthusiasm the audience had towards the guys on the stage. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Maya just silently admired the audience and the guys on the stage. She knew about the fanchants, but she was just too much in awe to participate. All of this just felt surreal.
After the first several songs, Caleb finally managed to get Maya’s attention when the boys went to change for their solo performances. “Are you listening to me?” Caleb shouted into Maya’s ear again. Maya finally looked over.
“What? What do you want, Caleb?” Maya was annoyed by him.
“Why were you looking at them like that?” Caleb asked as he had noticed the smile that was permanently glued on Maya’s face when the boys were on stage.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Maya asked, even though she knew exactly what he meant.
“Okay, that’s it. I can’t stand this smug look on your face, Maya.” Caleb grabbed Maya’s hand and started dragging her outside.
“Let me go” Maya yelled. Caleb grabbed onto Maya’s wrist even more tightly. “--Let me go Caleb. It hurts” he continued to drag her out of the main arena. “Please just let me go…”
By this time, they were already outside and were standing almost in the alley behind the arena, where there wouldn’t be as many people. Once they were outside, Caleb made her face him and aggressively let go of her hand.
Maya softly put her other hand around the hand Caleb was holding and pulled it near her chest. Her excitement was depleted and her heart was now filled with fear and embarrassment.
“What did I say earlier?” Caleb said with his grave serious tone.
Maya said nothing.
“Maya...answer my question. What did I say earlier?”
“About what?” Maya asked hesitatingly. She did not want to disturb the beast more than she already had, but for some odd reason, she was just more tired than usual with Caleb’s nonsense.
Caleb sighed. “Just answer one thing. You know those guys don’t you?” Caleb said changing the topic, but just slightly.
“I...I just happened to meet them at the event. I don’t really know them.” Maya answered
“Oh really?! Well, why were you acting like a 12 year old in there? Huh? You were being such a fangirl back there. That’s not you Maya. You are supposed to be a book nerd or be into some weird underground stuff. That’s what I thought you liked.”  Caleb was sounding more calm, but really he was just disguising his anger in a form of indirect insults.
Maya had tears welling up inside her eyes, but after hearing Caleb’s comment, she rolled her eyes.
“Caleb you don’t know anything about me, so just stop pretending.” Maya snapped back.
“Woah, woah, what’s with the attitude, huh? Ever since we stepped in Chicago, you act like you are better than me or something. I really don’t like that Maya.”
As much as Maya was afraid of the consequences of her actions, she suddenly had a weird feeling take over her as a thought popped into her head. Caleb was still waiting for her response. He was looking towards the road outside the alley when Maya suddenly started speaking.
“...hmm, I can’t remember the exact lyrics. It goes something like ‘the tomorrow we’ve been waiting for becomes the name of yesterday at some point...Tomorrow becomes today, today becomes yesterday, tomorrow becomes yesterday and is behind me...life isn’t about living along but living through...as you live through, you’ll disappear someday”
Maya was mumbling in Korean at this point as she smiled at the ground and looked as if she was in her own little world. Caleb was just plain confused by Maya’s strange behavior.
“What are you saying?” Caleb asked. His irritation slowly reaching its peak.
Maya didn’t answer. She tried to remember all the times she had spent with him. The reasons she was choosing to stay with him were few, and as the days were passing,  Caleb was losing even the few redeeming qualities that kept Maya from leaving. She remembered the song ‘Tomorrow’ she had heard from BTS. Those lyrics has stuck with her for a while because they made her uncomfortable.
Those lyrics made her uncomfortable because she was waiting this entire time for a catalyst. A catalyst that would influence her to break up with Caleb. She kept telling herself, she would break up with him when the right opportunity arose.  But the more she was waiting, the more days were passing by when she couldn’t be herself. The “todays” were becoming “yesterdays” and now she was standing in a back alley of an arena with a man who had hurt her in more ways than one.
Maya took a deep breath. The deepest breath she could possibly take. She then looked up towards Caleb, trying to muster her courage and also preparing for whatever consequences that would follow next.
“Caleb, I am breaking up with you.” Maya said in the most assertive tone she could manage.
Caleb was astounded. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What?” He asked.
“Let’s break up. This is just stupid. I have been waiting to break up with for a long time, and I kept waiting for the right opportunity, but it seems like the right opportunity will always be when I make it one. So I am choosing now. We need to break up.”
“Huh, you think this is that simple, Maya? All these years. You can’t just break up with me.”
“I know. All these years. It’s a lot. I shouldn't have taken this long to say this. I am sorry.”
Caleb suddenly grabbed on to Maya’s wrist again. This time even more tightly than before.
“You think I am some toy? Do you think you can just throw me away when you are done?” Caleb yelled.
“Let go of me, Caleb.” Maya tried to be calm, even though she was in pain.
“No, you can’t get rid of me so easily, Maya.”
“I can. I can get rid of you and I will. Let go of my hand.” Maya shouted back.
In response, Caleb raised his other hand, which was not holding on to Maya and was ready to slap her face. Maya closed her eyes as she saw the hand coming towards her. However, nothing happened. She kept waiting for what seemed like an eternity, and finally had enough courage to open her eyes.
When Maya opened her eyes, she saw that there was another hand that was holding back Caleb’s hand. She was surprised so she looked over at the owner of the hand. Maya saw a person with a black hoodie and a black face mask on. She couldn’t see their eyes nor any other features. All she saw was the person’s hand.
She looked back at Caleb, who for the first time showed a hint of fear with his anger.
“Who are you?” Caleb asked to the person that was holding on to his hand much more tightly than Caleb was holding on to Maya’s hand.
The person let go of Caleb’s hand by swinging it back, and they pushed him back against the wall of the arena and whispered something in his ear. Maya couldn’t hear anything as another song started inside the venue and the speakers blasted, which created a vibration sound even outside the arena.
Maya was still in shock at everything that was happening. She wanted the person to stop, but at the same time she didn’t. All of the sudden, the person let go of Caleb and pushed him back away from Maya and themself.
All of this was making Maya dizzy. She couldn’t understand what the person had said to to Caleb, but now she was seeing Caleb running away out from the alley.
“Caleb” Maya found herself shouting. But Caleb was gone by the time she finished saying his name. She didn’t know Caleb could run this fast until today. What had this person said to him to make him run this quickly?
“Where is he going?” Maya asked the person. She just realized that now that Caleb was gone, she was alone with the strange hooded person. She began to get scared.
It also didn’t help that the person started walking towards her. Maya started taking steps back one at a time as they took steps forward.
“Who are you?” Maya asked.
The person didn’t answer.
“I said who are you?” Maya’s voice was quivering more as she asked the second time.
Still no response.
Suddenly the person reached out towards her, so she closed her eyes again. But it turned out the person was just reaching for the door that was behind her to get inside. Maya realized this as she heard the squeak of the door, when the person opened the door, and by the time she opened her eyes the person was already inside.
Maya just stood there for the next few moments. Trying to absorb everything that had just happened. She was shaking and terrified, but also somewhat relieved. Maya’s heart was pounding, but she slowly brought herself back to reality.
Then it finally hit her. She was free. She was finally free from the trap of the guy that had prevented her from truly living her life these past few years. Now that he was gone, she was free to be as “stupid,” “idiotic, “mindless,”  and all the other worse things he called her before. Maya took another deep breath and looked at the full moon in the sky. It had a bluish tint to it. Wan blue.
Maya eventually went back inside the venue from the front entrance again and returned back for the rest of the concert. It turned out she had missed Namjoon’s, Seokjin’s, and Yoongi’s solo performances. She internally thanked her luck that she didn’t miss Jimin’s Lie performance, because it was truly magical.
After the concert everyone started piling out the arena to head home. Maya grabbed her bag of gifts, which were thankfully hidden under her seat the entire time the chaos took place outside and started debating how she should get backstage. She decided to ask the security person in the lobby who talked to 5 other people through their walkie-talkie  about her backstage pass to ensure she really did had backstage access.
After her security clearance, Maya managed to get backstage which was almost more chaotic than the lobby. The staff and crew were running around trying to clean up the place and getting ready to go home. Maya wasn’t sure where she would find the boys. She felt like a lost kid at a hardware store, as she really did not know how the show business worked.
Suddenly someone tapped on her shoulder as she was reading a sign of a room, and she flinched back and turned around. Maya’s adrenaline was still high from everything that happened earlier, and she was not sure what she was doing here at this point. She finally turned around and realized it was Seokjin. Seokjin also flinched back when he saw Maya flinching.
“Oh my gosh, you scared me” Maya said in English, out of habit.
“You scared me more” Seokjin responded in English. His English sounds much better than last time, Maya thought.
“I am so sorry, I just have sensitive reflexes” Maya finally began speaking in Korean and bowed.
Seokjin laughed. “Don’t worry, I do too.”
“Anyways, it’s nice to see you again” Seokjin continued
Maya felt herself becoming nervous. Crap, she was meeting BTS again! Was this really happening?
“Ah, it’s really nice to see you again too! Where is everyone else?” Maya asked.
“I think they must be in the dressing room. Let’s go find them.”
Maya followed Seokjin’s lead towards the dressing room. However, on her way there something caught her attention. There was a hoodie lying at one of the couches by the food section. She remembered this hoodie, as this was the hoodie that the mysterious person that helped her was wearing earlier. Maya gulped at the thought of who that hoodie could possibly belong to? Maya also noticed the door that probably led them outside. One thing was confirmed, it was definitely someone who had access to the backstage, because they entered through the door which led them directly to the room with all the food.
By this time Seokjin had led Maya to the dressing room.  He opened the door slightly and before Maya could go in he blocked it.
“Just give me a second. I need to make sure...you know...that they all look presentable before I take you inside.” Seokjin smiled. Maya’s face became red as she realized she can’t just barge into their dressing room without warning.
Seokjin went inside, and then opened the door completely to let her in. “C’mon in!” Seokjin welcomed her in.
When Maya walked inside she saw most of the members were on their phone or were wiping their hair with their towels. They must have just gotten dressed after taking a shower. Then she looked towards the couch and found Yoongi sleeping and Namjoon was eating a banana while reading a book. As soon as they saw her, they all looked up from their phones and such.
“Hey, it’s Maya-ssi!” Taehyung shouted, as if he was the only one who had seen her. Maya felt strange seeing him after all this time. If it wasn’t for Taehyung that day helping Maya with the paper, she wouldn’t even have been standing in that room.
“Hey, guys!” Maya responded. Namjoon silently shook Yoongi, so he would wake up. Yoongi flicked him off, turned around and went back to sleep.
Before Maya talked to anyone, she walked over to Hoseok who was sitting in a chair where he probably had gotten his makeup done before the concert. Maya pulled out a small gift bag from within her giant bag and handed it to Hoseok. Hoseok just took the bag and smiled.
“Happy Birthday, Hoseok! This is for you.” Maya said with a smile in response.
“Oh wow, you didn’t need to get me anything. You came all the way here from Arkansas, that’s special enough, Maya-ssi.”
“Are you kidding? You guys were amazing and you sent me free tickets and I got to see you on your birthday!! I can’t just come here empty handed. ” Maya said while laughing.
“Well, thank you so much! This is awesome!” Hoseok gestured at the bag as he responded.
“No problem. Hope you had a good birthday!”
“I did, actually. Chicago is nice!”
“Yeah, it is, isn’t it” Maya softly responded.
Maya then turned around and found most of them staring at her bag. Yoongi was even awake by this time and was also intrigued by the giant bag. Maya saw their expressions and laughed.
“Guys, don’t worry, I brought stuff for all of you. These things are probably nothing compared to what you guys get from your fans. I just felt like even though I don’t know you very well, I still had to come say ‘hi’ when I had the chance.”
Jungkook was the first one to grab the bag from Maya’s hand and start looking inside. Taehyung also started seeing what was in there with Jungkook. All of the sudden she saw Namjoon get up from his seat and Maya felt nervous again for some reason. She initially thought he was walking out of the room, but instead he started walking towards her.
“How are you?” Namjoon said as he put his hands in his side pockets and stood in front of Maya.
“Uh...I...I am okay. You?” Maya stuttered as she talked for some reason. It was probably because of the images she saw  last time when she shook hands, she later thought.
“I am good. Please take care.” Namjoon said in return.
“Oh okay, yeah...you too!” Maya managed to make a somewhat coherent response. Why was he being nice all of the sudden?
Their conversation was interrupted as Taehyung came over to show her his new sketch pencils.
“These are awesome! I love this company. Thank you!” Taehyung said.
“Aww, I am glad you like them.” Maya smiled.
“You know what, I am gonna send you my drawings when I use them. Okay?” Taehyung asked.
Maya was surprised by Taehyung’s enthusiasm. “Yeah that sounds awesome!”
“Can I have your phone?” Taehyung asked suddenly.
“What?” Maya was confused.
“Oh, I thought I can give you my second phone number, so I can send them to you using that.” Taehyung said.
Maya was shocked. Was this really happening? Was Kim Taehyung giving her his phone number?
“It’s his second phone, not his personal one. Don’t worry.” Jimin came over and clarified.
“Oh okay.” Was all Maya could say as she handed over her phone to Taehyung.
Taehyung quickly handed her back her phone after entering his number.
Then Maya suddenly heard  two voices talk at the same time  “no food?” Maya turned around to find Jungkook and Seokjin both looking at the bag and then looking up at her.
Maya felt flustered. “Oh ummm...yeah I didn’t bring any food. I am so sorry! Did you guys want anything specific? I can go get something right now!” Maya said trying to resolve their disappointment.
Hoseok came over and stood next to Maya. “No, don’t worry about it! They are just being silly. We have plenty of food  outside anyways.” He said.
“Uh okay. Well if for some odd reason, if I run into any of you again, I will be sure to give you guys food!” Maya laughed.
“No, no it’s okay. We were just joking, Maya-ssi!” Seokjin responded.
“How is your thesis going by the way?” Jimin asked from across the room as he shuffled through the bag to find his present.
“Oh, umm...it’s going well, actually. I am applying for internships and study abroad opportunities, so it’s exciting.” Maya said.
“So, you are meeting us again then?” Yoongi answered from the couch. He was still laying on the couch.
“What do you mean?” Maya asked.
“Well, aren’t you going to apply to study in Korea?”
“Oh, yeah...well I am applying, but let’s see if I can get enough funds to actually go there.”
“Good. Travelling to culture of interest is the best way to learn about the culture. Otherwise, classrooms are not meant for learning.” Yoongi said in his elderly man wisdom voice.
Maya laughed. “You are right. It really isn’t.”
“How are you guys though? You guys are getting so popular since the last time we met. It feels surreal.”
“Yeah, it kind of is.” Jimin responded this time.
The security guard came and interrupted the strange and surreal moment. “Ma’am, you need to start heading out. We need to get the boys back to the hotel soon.” He said.
“Oh, okay.” Maya softly responded.  For a second Maya had forgotten that this is not her world. This was BTS’s s world. She was merely a girl that happened to meet them once or twice.
“I guess I will see you guys later” Maya said and looked around the room.
All the guys stood up and came over towards her. “Have a safe trip back,” Namjoon said again with his professional leader voice.
“You too. Bye guys! Thanks for the tickets!” Maya nodded.
Maya shook hands with Jungkook and Jimin as they extended their hands  and waved at everyone else before leaving the room and returning back to her own little reality.
With this reality came the realization that she had just broken up with her boyfriend of several years who was about to hit her but was saved by a stranger, who she still doesn’t know anything about.
Maya found her way back to the parking lot and started driving back. This day was definitely far from ordinary. She felt both sad and happy. She felt tears in her eyes but she was also relieved. Maya felt a hodgepodge of emotions on her way back to Arkansas.
After Maya left, Namjoon saw the bag that she had left for them with presents for each member. By the time Namjoon got around to looking at the bag, it was practically empty, except there were two things left. One item was packed in a nice box with a post-it note, and other was a worn out leather notebook. Namjoon read the post-it note on the nicely packed box, which was written in Korean.  
“To: Namjoon
This is  for all your good, bad, and the ugly thoughts. Use it well. Enjoy!
Namjoon smirked just slightly, and opened the box to find the same black notebook as the other one. Except this one was brand new. Namjoon picked up the other black notebook from the bag and compared the two. They were exactly the same, he thought.
First, he opened the brand new notebook and flipped through the pages. It was completely empty. Second, he decided to open the worn out notebook. As soon as he opened the notebook, he realized it was Maya’s personal notebook and closed it immediately, took it with him and put it in his bag before anyone else found it.
Namjoon thought about whether he should return the notebook somehow, or just let it be. He realized if he contacted her again, it would mean their paths would cross again, which he did not want after experiencing those images last time when they shook hands.
However, if he didn’t contact her, would she notice her notebook was gone? He decided he would just keep it. She is a writer, she probably has so many notebooks, he thought.
He ended up keeping the notebook in his personal bag the entire plane ride back to Korea. He didn’t open it or try to read what’s inside. He just kept it with him.
It wasn’t until a month later, when Namjoon finally couldn’t resist opening the notebook. It was the same day he found out the truth about his girlfriend, Choi Ji Hyu.
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