#was like
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"no ones gonna like me, im never gonna get a s/o cause im ugly..."
first of all im sure youre super hot n sexy
but listen if i can fall in love with some random person on tumblr and have my only visual of this person be a profile picture of mike wheeler from stranger things with walter whites bald ass head edited on to him over a lesbian flag then looks aint SHIT
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flutt3rb4tz · 1 year ago
i hate when people who dont have marfans make/headcanon characters with marfans as some quirky trait. i really do, i've seen it a lot in my life as someone who was diagnosed at 3 with the condition and it honestly grinds my gears they always do the most stereotype-y traits, or ignore how much of a struggle it is to live with marfans, or how marfans can fuck up your body further by just how much shit it causes.
to put it into perspective, i got tagged like a fucking animal at school because they didnt want to take too much care into explaining that i needed extra care if something happened, or that people should be gentle with me because i could die on school grounds. ive sat cooped up in my home most of my life, i've only been on a fair ride once because getting on a roller coaster could harm me as well. i need help walking or getting around because my body cant always handle it, i have other problems due to marfans that have hurt me greatly for my entire life.
i'm slowly going blind from marfans and theres nothing a doctor can do that will stick. i risk aortic dissection simply by being hit in the chest, i used to be afraid of going to bed because if anything hit my chest too hard i could literally fucking die then and there, because my heart would fucking collapse on itself and theres a decent chance that i wouldnt make it to the emergency room.
it's not just some trait, it is a disability. and it's not quirky!! it was never fucking quirky!!! getting discriminated against for being disabled by the age of 4 wasnt fun! it wasnt silly! it was traumatizing!!!!
if you're going to make a character or headcanon a character with marfans take into account how much of a stereotype you're making them. there are short people with marfans, fat people with marfans (like myself), poc with marfans, there are people who cannot walk or function because of marfans, people with marfans arent scary or shy or weak all the time. we're human people! we vary!
talk to actual people with marfans. look up posts about the condition from people with the condition. dont confuse marfans with EDS. just have common sense!! its exhausting trying to look at content from people like me and either seeing headcanons, EDS posts, or people telling everyone with marfans that they have no hope (this ones common on reddit, but it applies).
people with marfans dont immediately die either, btw. i saw a post recently that was just "haha this character better have had amazing doctors or his marfans would kill him in 2 seconds!!!" and that's not how it works. of course it can be fatal thats with all things, but dont act like its an immediate death sentence, please. i'm sure a lot of us have heard it enough already
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damiandie · 2 years ago
How could he not hate me - Short Camp Here & There animation
Made by urs truly. Little Short project I was working on. Very messy and not the best quality(I forgot to change the pixel size) But considering that I haven't touched anything animation in like 4 years I think it's okayish
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katsu28 · 3 months ago
🏎️ - when did you first start watching f1?
the first race i watched was the 2024 chinese grand prix! it seems like literal ages ago now even though it hasn't even been a year yet, but looking back it was such a special race to start on for me.
f1 asks!
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salparadiselost · 1 year ago
It's literally so random that I'm getting back into Black Butler right now.
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kleinstar · 27 days ago
Eiden wondered if this was a hidden camera or something... The gun looked real but it's not like he's expert on them. Regardless.... He's out of his luck, as per usual. War's shift ended just two hours ago and Edgar was sent away not too long ago which left Eiden alone today.
Spare for the robber, the gun that's being waved around and his strange demands, that is.
Really? Not even money? Is it because the cash isn't used on the island? Does it make it more difficult or something. Eiden doesn't know but geez, it's so specific too. Should he be happy that his designs are being noticed?
" Hurry UP will you my boyfriend's waiting!! "
" Does he know you're-- "
" NEVER MIND THAT! GO get them-- "
" Yeah, yeah... Haah. "
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Eiden's not even sure which ones are the biggest one's, might as well just grab whatever and hope it works.
As he wanders to the aisle the bell on the door chimes - someone steps in ---
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littleseasalt · 1 year ago
everytime I see posts about getting the eggs back only in may 2024 because that's when school's over I wanna shake the person. richarlysons admin lives in the south hemisphere. I know they're the only one but it would be unfair if that was the case because may is like literally right at the beginning of the school year in brazil
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terrietont · 2 years ago
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Beach City grew a lot over time since Steven’s departure and it got a little too crowded for some of the more firey gems. Bismuth was forced to construct more and more homes for more and more gems and it grew a little stressful after a while. She adored the new era of peace, but sometimes she missed just hanging out with the gems alone.
The B Team (as Peridot called them) crystal gems of Lapis, Bismuth and Peridot decided to relocate their homes just a little bit away from Little Homeworld. The trio were close with their friends, but they still needed their own space especially with the population growing every day since the liberation of the gem empire.
Peridot often claimed the growing noise was “cluttering her work style” and Lapis was generally overwhelmed with so many gems in one place and found it especially hard to relax after a long day of mentoring and showing off her “meep Morps”
Bismuth couldn’t even lie about how much more peaceful the days have become since moving. Of course she loved her gem comrades, but even she; the ever confident metal worker needed personal time too.
Now she could have time to herself to think about certain… “problems” that had been on her mind for an annoyingly longer time than she’d hoped for.
That night out with Pearl, Steven and Connie was one of the best nights she ever had since her reformation. Seeing her once anxious and frustrated friend so happy, so relaxed and so contented warmed her up like the lava she bathed in, but it felt like there was a piece missing from her gem.
Ever since that night, she couldn’t stop thinking about Pearl. Getting closer to the ex-servant was making it harder to manage her feelings.
She really thought she could let go of those feelings after admitting them to Steven, but they only seemed to grow stronger since that night.
She became more and more flirtatious, trying not to show it to anyone. (Though she was sure Garnet was aware due to that little smirk the fusion kept giving her.) Stars, it made her so nervous to think about admitting to Pearl just the stuff she told Steven, let alone everything she felt entirely!
Of course what she said to him was true; she did want to catch up… but that wasn’t just it. She was really hoping her dumb feelings would dissipate once she told someone about them, but ever since Steven left beach city, she didn’t really have the courage to tell the gems about this and she almost knew without a doubt Amethyst would go blabbing the secret around town (even if it was by accident).
She just couldn’t shake the emotions out of her body.
It was like torture! She couldn’t just keep pretending like everything was okay with her and Pearl… she had to tell her. It was going to come out one way or another.
She’d prefer it came out by her own will and not her blurting it out in the middle of conversation.
Bismuth stared over at the lush trees in the open forest, feeling nothing but the cold wind on her body and the morning sunshine peaking through the white clouds.
The buildings behind her empty of her allied gems. Namely, Peridot’s tall green ‘peridot-shaped’ home and Lapis’s more lazily built blue tent-like structure right next door. Bismuth also had her own miniture forge and resting place for Peridot’s obnoxiously large room. (Something Peridot built for all of them so they could “sleep over” as the green gem put it). It was nice, and it felt like home.
Just peace and quiet, no other sounds to interrupt her thoughts-
‘Crackle, Crackle’.
The sound of a rustling bag caught her by surprise. She turned to see Lapis, standing there with what looked like a bag of chips. The gem was putting them in her mouth so casually, Bismuth almost thought she was Amethyst shapeshifted if it weren’t for the blatant blue hue.
“Oh! Didn’t see ya there, Blue!” Bismuth smiled nervously. “Hey, you going okay over there?” The blue gem asked, gently grabbing a chip and putting it in her mouth. “Oh uh yeah yeah… just thinking about things, that’s all.”
Bismuth stopped to look at Lapis with a curious smile. “I didn’t know you liked to eat!”
Lapis shrugged. “Yeah sometimes, I dunno it’s fun when it’s just something small.” She replied.
“Haha yeah, I mean I don’t really eat all that much, but I do like a good pizza every now and then.” Bismuth laughed.
“Tried it. Too cheesy and gooey” Lapis replied, swallowing her chips.
Bismuth chuckled then continued to stare back into the wilderness. “So… what are you day dreaming about?” Lapis asked, curious.
Bismuth stoped and turned, hiding her nervousness. “Uh well… you know lots of things and wait, where did you learn about day dreaming?”
Lapis snorted with a relaxed grin.
“When you nap as much as I do, you tend to drift off when you’re awake as well” she explained nonchalantly.
“That makes sense” Bismuth nodded.
The silence came again and Bismuth found herself lost in thought. “Who are you day dreaming about?” Lapis asked, smile getting a little wider.
“Huh? Who?” Bismuth’s face darkened… how on earth did the ocean gem catch on so quickly? ‘How did she know?’ Bismuth thought to herself.
“Yeah, who?” Lapis nudged playfully.
“Um well, I uh…” Bismuth sucked in a huge breath. There was no hiding it from Lapis at least “Was it that obvious?” She asked sheepishly.
“To someone who knows what it was like, yeah.” Lapis explained.
“Huh? Wait… you day dream about someone too?” Bismuth asked, curious and kind of desperate for some closure.
“Yeah I used to have these weird feelings around Peridot all the time, I had dreams we’d be I dunno a fusion at some point” Lapis laughed, blushing at the memory.
“But uh fusion kind of sucks for me and Peridot doesn’t want to fuse anyway which is fine. I guess what I’m trying to say is, yeah I kept day dreaming about her off and on, it was like torture” she shuddered, rubbing her arms together.
“That’s what this feels like!” Bismuth exclaimed in desperation. “But how did you tell her?”
Lapis turned her head to the side in confusion. “Tell her?”
“Yeah! You did tell her, right?” Bismuth asked. Lapis looked away. “Not really. I don’t really want to make her uncomfortable, she’s not the kind of gem to feel that way about anyone. I just kinda held it all in and then it went away I guess?” There was a hint of sadness in Lapis’ voice.
“I just- I don’t know how you could just hold it in all the time! I-I want to tell her how I feel about everything! I want to hold her and tell her how beautiful she is and how she makes me laugh and smile and she’s so strong and brave and… I could never amount to her bravery.” Bismuth vented, her hands turned into fists.
“Sounds like you got it bad” Lapis teased with a friendly smile. Bismuth forced a smile, but she was clearly embarrassed, her face being a much darker shade than her whole body.
“Maybe I just need to let it go. Not like I haven’t tried that!” She vented again, feelings compeltely mixed up.
Lapis pondered this for a moment. “Well… you could tell her and maybe she feels the same way? And if she doesn’t… then uh you guys can still be friends, right?” She shrugged.
Bismuth looked over for a moment, thinking long and hard. “I guess… I just, I feel like it would make things so tense between us for the rest of our lives.”
“Gonna be honest with you Bis.” Lapis began, looking at Bismuth directly. “It could be super weird at first but if you guys really get along, you can start over and just be friends again right? I mean I did some pretty dumb things and Peridot and Steven still hung out with me” She tried reassuring the nervous blacksmith, but it didn’t seem to be helping.
“Okay but what if she DOES feel the same way?!” Bismuth replied in panic.
“Then that’s good right?” Lapis shrugged
“Is it?” Bismuth replied, shaken for a moment thinking about Pearl ACTUALLY reciprocating the feelings.
“Oh stars… I just don’t know how to do it!” She exclaimed.
Lapis hummed in thought for a moment. “Hmmm… maybe you need to talk to a certain someone about it? Someone who knows about feelings and stuff way more” she suggested with a knowing grin.
Bismuth’s eyes lit up in realization. “Garnet! I know she’ll help me with this!”
“Yeah she um… she’s pretty good when it comes to this stuff” Lapis replied, looking away looking suddenly nervous.
“Okay! I-I think I can do it!” Bismuth puffed out her chest confidently and brushed off the dust from her outfit. “I just gotta go talk to Garnet!” She reminded herself.
She turned to face a slightly surprised Lapis with a grateful smile.
“Hey Lapis? Thanks, I needed to get that off my chest”
The blue gem blinked for a moment before snort-chuckling. “Well uh yeah sure anytime”
Bismuth warped into the temple where she found Garnet waiting for her on the couch, stroking Cat Steven’s head gently.
“Oh Garnet, you’re here!” Bismuth said in surprise.
Garnet had a small smile on her lips. It was pretty obvious she knew what Bismuth was coming to her for.
“I saw you coming here asking for my advice on an urgent matter” Garnet replied stoically. Bismuth laughed nervously, fidgeting with her fingers. “Oh yeah, future vision” she said under her breath.
“Come.” Garnet motioned for the buff gem to sit with her.
“So, Pearl then…” Garnet’s smile began to widen ever so slightly.
Alas, Bismuth’s face went dark again. “Oh. Is it that obvious?” She felt like she was repeating the same thing earlier that day, except feeling even more incompetent than before.
“Bismuth, whatever fate decides for you and Pearl, I know is going to be alright and all I can see is that you both end up being happy.” Garnet reassured.
“But… how did Ruby and Sapphire do it?” Asked Bismuth.
“How did they not crumble into little pieces when they admit their feelings for one another?”
Garnet laughed under her breath a little. “Ruby and Sapphire were a complete mess. They never once had a calm moment when they fell in love. They were completely love struck.”
“But… what if only one of them were love struck? What happened then?” Bismuth asked, becoming a little more desperate for a quick answer with each passing minute.
Garnet thought for a moment, touching her visor.
“Well… they both ended up dwelling on their feelings for a while until one of them made the decision to talk about it, otherwise they’d stay the same. Restless, tortured, longing.” The fusion explained, cringing at the past for a moment when Ruby and sapphire used to bottle up their feelings more often before they finally decided to stay perma fused.
“I mean it’s not like I want to fuse with her, it’s just… I want to be with her and make her happy and make her smile and just be there for her through the good and the bad, and just support her in anyway I can!” Bismuth sighed, day dreaming again.
Garnet could feel Ruby and Sapphire awing deep within her fusion.
“Bismuth, you need to tell her right away!”
The fusion’s voice suddenly perked up with excitement.
“Wha-huh?!” Bismuth looked startled for a moment and then looked to her side, sweating nervously.
“Uh I um, I dunno Garnet, it just seems like it’s too soon, you know?”
“Well if you don’t do it sooner, you’ll never get around to it and you’ll continue to suffer with deep longing” Garnet explained with harshness, reverting back to her stoic nature.
Bismuth sighed, clenching her fists. “I-“
“You’re right! You’re right!” She stood up, feeling more determined than ever, this time actually feeling like she could do it.
“I better think of something too, maybe prepare a monologue and get some fancy wearables!”
Garnet gave her a smile. “Show her you mean Bismuth” she joked.
The rainbow gem chuckled
“And you better come up with something soon because Pearl is about to use the warp in twelve seconds” Garnet added just as emotionless as before.
Bismuth tensed with panic.
“Oh shucks! Why didn’t you tell me that sooner?!” She whined, hands griping to her rainbow locks.
“You got this.” Garnet replied simply, giving her a thumbs up and a toothy smile before leaving towards her temple room.
“W-wait!” Bismuth tried, but failed to stop her.
That’s when the warp activated. The whooshing sound of the warp pad and the blue column flashing down shocked Bismuth into hurriedly straightening herself and her hair, brushing off her gem as nicely as she could; though she looked like a real
mess when she stood there waiting; sweating and twitching in anticipation.
Pearl was humming something as she returned from the warp pad, her face remaining neutral before she noticed the pale gem with rainbow hair standing there, almost startling her with her silent presence.
Pearl lit up with joy, clapping her hands together.
“Oh Bismuth! So good to see you again! Did you need something?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact.” Bismuth stood there trying to sound as stoic as possible but her posture said otherwise. She looked like she was imitating a wall.
“Oh… is there something wrong? If it’s about my criticisms of the wedding armour I-I I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything-“ she started rambling anxiously.
“What? No no no!” Bismuth shook her head. “It’s about… Us.”
Pearl’s eyes widened for a moment. “Us?” She repeated.
“Yes. Us.”
Pearl didn’t have internal organs, but it felt like she had a heart that just stopped beating for a second. She was worried, concerned, curious, flustered. She didn’t know why. Was it going to be what she thought it was?
Bismuth let out a deep sigh. “Pearl, I need to tell you something. Something that’s been on my mind for well… ever since I met you” she lowered herself to Pearl’s eye level, letting her face go warm without the worry of the reactions she might be getting.
Pearl’s irises went glossy for a moment. Something about the way Bismuth spoke so soflty felt so familar to her…
“Rose” Pearl swallowed, approaching her leader. Said leader turned around with a curious pout, her fluffy pink hair waving around the motion of her body. “Is something wrong, Pearl?” Rose asked worriedly. Pearl clenched her fists tightly. “Can I tell you something?”
Rose smiled warmly. “Of course Pearl, you can tell me anything!”
Pearl smiled slightly, a blush on her face. “Yes uhm.. well the thing is… I’ve been thinking about us..” Pearl admit, flustered.
“Us?” Rose asked, confused.
“Yes. Us.” Pearl continued to force her confidence, but was shaking on the inside. Rose sat down, looking at Pearl expectantly.
“I-I need to tell you s-something I’ve been m-meaning to tell you since we’ve been uhm… around” She gulped, blushing furiously.
Rose, moved, put her hands together, stars in her eyes.
“Yes Pearl?”
Pearl inhaled sharply and then finally let it out “I-I’ve always felt so close to you e-even more now and I-I want to be with you and I-I want to be your Pearl forever. Rose, I love you!”
Rose smiled widely with a giggle. “Aww Pearl I love you too! you’re such a funny gem! So loving and caring and you care about everyone so much!”
Pearl felt like her gem was cracking in two.
“Just the same way Greg-“ Rose suddenly perked up in realization. “Pearl! I need your advice on this! Greg has asked me to be his “Girl-friend?” I have no idea what that means, but he wants to see me tonight about it! What do you think I should go with for my attire? I want your opinion!” She squealed, bouncing up and down like an excited toddler.
“I-I see…” Pearl choked out, holding back tears.
“Pearl? What’s wrong?” Rose rested a hand on Pearl’s shoulder, looking into her eyes.”Oh-Oh it’s nothing!” Pearl forced a laugh, holding back tears as much as she possibly could.
“You mean the world to me, Pearl, you know that? So… black pants outfit or white flowing one?” Rose asked, showing off to her what looked like a tuxedo and a white dress similar to her own.
“Oh whatever you think looks best!” Pearl forced a smile. “Oh you’re right! I think the white one would make Greg really happy!” Rose sighed, blushing at the thought of seeing her human lover again.
“Y-yes I’m sure it would…”
“And Pearl?” Rose turned to her with a warm smile.
“Rose?” Pearl’s voice laced with longing and desperation.
“Don’t forget about our little outing tomorrow, just you me and Greg, my best friends in the whole world !” Rose chuckled warmly and went to hug Pearl. Rose was warm and soft, but Pearl only felt cold and broken.
“Well, wish me luck Pearl! Gotta go dress for the ocassion and impress Mr. universe! Hehe!” Rose got up almost immediately, running to her room.
Pearl stood there silent.
Eventually Rose said goodbye to her gems and left for her “date”, saying “don’t wait up!” Before disappearing into the night. When Garnet and Amethyst retreat to their rooms, all hell broke loose
Pearl fell to her knees and wept. She was angry. Angry at Greg, angry at Rose, angry at herself. What was she thinking confessing like that? She felt so useless and empty. Of course she chose Greg… she just wished deep down she hadn’t.
Everything hurt and it hurt for so long. She was so deeply in love with her Diamond, so deeply in love with Rose… but nothing ever really came of it. Rose made her choice, and she wasn’t it.
As the memory resurfaced, so did Pearl’s attention towards Bismuth who started rambling for a moment. “Pearl… that night we went out to the skating rink.” Bismuth swooned, blushing.
“That was one of best nights of my life”
Pearl’s cheeks went blue and she could not get a single word out.
Years and years of hiding her true feelings came bursting out of the rainbow gem.
“I’m going to honest with you, I always felt this way about you, even when you were falling for Rose. I had to hide eveything because I was afraid!” Bismuth explained, her voice becoming more and more emotional.
“I was afraid of what you would think of me and afraid of how you’d react. You don’t need anyone to be happy! I love that you are yourself and even more so that you’ve really come into your own” She continued causing Pearl to start tearing up, a happy smile on her face, her hands cupped together.
“Bismuth…” Pearl said, only finding enough courage for a soft gasp.
“What I’m trying to say is… I really like you Pearl, I always have and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out sometime, maybe for a walk or somethin’ I’ve been trying to get rid of these feelings but no matter how hard I try, they just keep comin’ back harder than ever!” Bismuth’s face was completely flushed by now, but it felt so good to finally let these feelings out.
Pearl’s face was bright blue and she looked like she was about to collapse from the confession. It was so familar, except this time… she was the recipient! She almost couldn’t believe it!
Bismuth had always valued her while she was chasing after an impossible dream. Bismuth was always right there, ready to catch her, to laugh with her, to help her. That was until Rose bubbled her in secret... How much pain she was in over this and how much she tried to hide everything she felt about Pearl for so long.
Pearl was moved to tears.
She felt valued, appreciated, loved, seen. The opposite of how Rose made her feel after she was rejected for Greg. She really thought for so long that Rose was her ultimate fate, her true love, her fantasy turned reality. She would go back in time and tell her past self everything that she so obliviously missed before, if she could!
Pearl’s hands flew to her lips, tears running down her cheeks and blue blush still covering them.
“Pearl… I want to be your rock and if you don’t want that, I understand completely. I’ll always be there to support you no matter what descision you make” Bismuth finished, looking straight into Pearl’s eyes, tearing up at the same time.
“Bismuth I…” Pearl was completely stunned, almost shaking in shock.
Somehow, she felt nauseous, despite not having a stomach. This was so new and so different.
The awkward silence broken as Bismuth began stammering.
“I-I’m really sorry I didn’t want to overwhelm you I um… f-forget I said anything!” She forced a chuckle backing away to give Pearl space, feeling completely embarrassed. “Bismuth.” Pearl stared lovingly at the blacksmith.
“Yeah?” Bismuth turned back, blushing still. “I would love to go for a walk with you” Pearl smiled, speaking soflty, blushing still.
Bismuth let out a half-laugh half sigh of relief. “Really? Where did you wanna go?”
“Anywhere” Pearl held Bismuth’s hands in hers, despite the hand size difference. She reached her head towards Bismuth’s cheek and gave a quick peck, avoiding poking her nose into the taller gem’s face.
Bismuth froze, eyes wide and cheeks still as dark as ever.
“You’re the most beautiful, wonderful, powerful rock in the cosmos, you know that?” Bismuth swooned, almost falling over from the surprise peck.
Pearl chuckled flirtatiously. “Oh Bismuth, don’t be silly. That title belongs to a certain Blacksmith”
Bismuth laughed and couldn’t stop herself from scooping the ex-servant into her arms. Pearl yelped in surprise but was smiling from cheek to cheek, laughing.
“Bismuth, you smooth stone!” She flirted back.
“Who are you calling the smooth one, doll?” Bismuth nicknamed, looking deep into Pearl’s eyes. Pearl couldn’t help but chuckle, swooning over her once more.
For what felt like eternity, they spun around, sharing eachother’s loving gazes, finally finding one another.
“You know” Pearl began, flirtatiously. “Humans usually plan weeks ahead for these things called ‘dates’ but I think we should start right now!” She expressed with a loving gleam in her eyes.
“The most important thing to do on these romantic escapades, is to dress for the occassion!” Pearl said ‘as a matter of fact’. “I know just the attire to dress for!” She popped out with excitement.
“Oh? Dress nicely huh? I think I have a lil’ somethin’ for that!” Bismuth winked and walked over to the warp pad. “I’ll be right back, in my you could say, dating material!” She chuckled lovingly.
“Oh Bismuth you haven’t even seen the REAL fancy suit!” Pearl replied sultry.
Pearl came out of her room wearing the deluxe black tuxedo from Empire City and Bismuth warped back with a white Tuxedo instead.
The rest of day the two did everything they wanted to do together for a long time. Pearl helped Bismuth with puzzles, Bismuth and Pearl began to cook together and both of them talked about old times.
Then as the sun began to set, they walked out still in their formal clothes onto the quiet beach.
There they stood, staring at the calm ocean as the sun started to set over it. Pearl rested her head on Bismuth’s shoulder, watching it with content. “I guess this was uh our first date huh?” Bismuth laughed.
“The first of many” Pearl replied back, eyes closing as she rested closer into her shoulders.
Bismuth’s smile grew so much it hurt and her eyes were so wide and teary. She felt so happy, so calm, so relaxed.
The future was looking bright and it all started with tonight.
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worldofgoo · 4 months ago
i guess i also stopped participating in the mutuals thing years ago (though obviously i do value any connections i still have thru tumblr) because of the stress of trying to get the approval of strangers / communicate an identity through blogging but i guess mostly because i dont have the time to keep up with so many people... so now i feel kind of selfish but i guess its not the end of the world
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satsuki-yumizuka · 1 year ago
oblivious idiots who pick up hints and then go "nahhhhhh that'd be a wild assumption" UNITE
with our powers combined, we can miss anything...
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starswirly · 2 years ago
I am turning pink
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putridpride · 1 year ago
finding out the mangaka for dragon ball gave Bubbles his name after Micheal Jackson's chimp is driving me insane
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lynxgirlpaws · 1 year ago
this girl is a machine that turns relatively obscure references to anime she hasn't watched into channel branding
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robbybirdy · 2 years ago
66. Baking therapy on a budget Ft. Genshin Characters: Tighnari
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Hello, every birdy. Today we are going to be making a recipe that I have always loved. And honestly, it just confirms the fact that my tastebuds are childish, haha. Even after saying that, these cookies are a bit sweet for my liking. If I make them again I am just going to make my normal peanut butter cookies. We are going to be making Peanut Butter Blossoms. 
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So… we are going to be talking about the Character known as Tignarhi. (tig-nar-e). He is one of the first characters the traveler (main character) meets when entering Sumeru. He is a Forest Watcher and he is a scholar. His favorite food is one of my least favorite food, mushrooms. They just have a weird mouth feel for me and just don’t taste good. 
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When I saw that his favorite food was mushrooms, I was a little apprehensive and unsure about what I should make. And then my oldest brother brought home a huge bag of Hershey kisses. And I knew that I would make Peanut Butter Blossoms. 
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The recipe and the measurements will be in the description down below. Feel free to check it out for yourself. 
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You will want to preheat your oven to 375 F and DO NOT grease your cookie sheets. The sugar on the outside of the cookies will caramelize and burn if you grease your cookie sheet. Unless you are like my dad and prefer your cookies like that, I suggest you not. 
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The ingredients that you will need are:
Hershey Kisses
Cream Peanut Butter
Granulated Sugar
Brown sugar
Vanilla extract
All purpose flour
Baking soda
Granulated sugar for rolling (optional)
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Using a large bowl you are going to cream together your butter and peanut butter until it is well blended. 
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Add in the granulated sugar and brown sugar. Beat the mixture until it is light and fluffy. This takes about 2-3 minutes. 
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Add in the egg, milk, and vanilla. Beat until they are all incorporated. 
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In a separate bowl, you are going to mix together your dry ingredients: Flour, baking soda, and salt. Gradually add this to your peanut butter mixture. 
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Now we are going to be working on the shape of the cookies. You want them to be about 1-inch balls. You can either do that with a cookie scoop or two spoons that are teaspoon sized. 
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Roll each cookie into granulated sugar, and place them on an ungreased cookie sheet. 
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Bake them at 375 F for somewhere between 8 to 10 minutes or until they are lightly browned. 
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Once they are out of the oven, immediately add in your chocolate to the center of the cookie. The cookies will crack around the edges. Let them cool completely before eating. Because you don’t want the Kiss to melt. 
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These cookies were so much fun to make. But one thing that I would recommend is removing the wrappers from the chocolates before you even start making the cookies. It will help with time management.
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I was a little nervous about these cookies because I brought some with me to my Volunteering I do every week at my local Food pantry. These were the first cookies that I had given people. And they loved them. I had put multiple signs on the Tupperware that was brought in that said that they had Peanut butter in them. 
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I hope that you liked this recipe. Feel free to check it out for yourself. See you in the next post. Thank you. 
Pinterest: Here
Recipe: Here
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dent-de-leon · 1 year ago
Thinking about how Trent ran into the Nein so early in the campaign and took a particular interest in Yasha after reading her mind.
How it’s only by sheer luck he didn’t meet Mollymauk instead. How it would be so easy to look into his lost memories and see that this colorful, happy little tiefling was the one who used to bring back powerful arcane relics for Vess—
Could you imagine the look on Caleb's face if he saw Trent refer to Molly as one of Vess' underlings? Someone foolish enough to cross a member of the Cerberus Assembly--someone who should still be dead and buried--
Anyway, what if animated Nein hinted at Molly's past being tied up in the Cerberus Assembly somehow, if we get just a glimpse of that--
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