auro-cyanide · 7 years
Ritsu in 3D? :0
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Ritsu has a good older brother
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b4kuch1n · 7 years
Dahlia, gardenia, lily, water lily, rose, lilac: are you an outline then write, or free write then edit type of writer? Or if neither of those describe you, describe your process
dahlia: what time of day/night is best for you to write?
usually I start writing after lunch and then just transcend space and time as I sit there forcing myself to type and not leaving the chair even for nourishment. if its an oneshot its usually done by 2AM
time spent in a tube station/on a bus is also good for writing :3
gardenia: what is the setting in which you write best?
as long as I can sit unbothered with a keyboard Im comfortable with for an extended amount of time I can write. ambient music is optional but recommended
lily: do you listen to music when you write? if so, do you have a specific playlist for it?
I usually listen to something I can forget altogether as I write, so mostly ambient music, instrumental music, game soundtracks, the likes. anything with lyrics and/or lines that make sense is too distracting and so not ideal
recently I’ve been big on the Life is Strange soundtrack with volume on low and rainymood playing on another tab. very specific yes I know
water lily: what helps you get through writer’s block?
okay well. the truth is I always have a writers block. all time time. a motivation block to be exact. my writers life is one constant urgh sound with occasional breakthroughs. things only gets done when I feel strongly enough about an idea that I just say “fuck it lets jump in what does planning even mean” and start writing the damn fic. this is a big reason why Ive never written an actual, finished, well thought out series ever. all Ive ever accomplished is a tons of oneshots ranging from 500 to 5000 words. 
so the answer is love
rose: which of your works is your favorite? why?
blossom hills and the half cat are my favourite recent works, because theres a lot of effort put into them and I wrote them when I’ve become a lot more comfortable with the english language (not good tho, just comfortable). my all time favourite tho (only by a very fine margin) is a vnmese hetalia fic I wrote two years ago named Riversi. I paid for the creation of that fic with my terrible finals result for chem and physics. still cant decide if twas worth it 
lilac: are you an outline then write, or free write then edit type of writer? Or if neither of those describe you, describe your process
I, uh, its kinda hard to describe how I write, just because I never keep track of that….. I usually stock up on an idea, like scenarios, openings (very very important), pov, key events, how I wanna portray a certain character, etc., and then just mull over it until I either feel the urge to get it all out or let go of it. for those fics I just sit down and deal with problems that appear during the process on the way
with some more simple concepts I just jump in and see how it goes (twas how doppelgänger and my other ficlets are made). some become a joke/a comic/an illustration instead of a fic, and thats rly goddamn wasteful imo but rly I just dont have the energy to take the wheel. they gotta drive themselves to the point if they wanna get made is how I roll
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bnhaquirkzine · 7 years
Hi, I don't know if this has been asked before, but do you accept traditional artists?
It hasn’t been asked yet! We apologise we didn’t include it in the FAQ either. We shall update it later tonight. :)
Traditional artists can also apply and if selected, it will be required that they send us a high-resolution, nicely scanned and edited digital image of their artwork. We cannot edit traditional art as we don’t have the means to, plus we rather not risk ruining it. Therefore, it is 100% a traditional artist’s responsibility to get it nicely scanned and edited.
If traditional artists are selected, once they send us their scanned files, I’d be more than happy to get a test print done first and show it to them to see if they are satisfied with it or would like to make more changes. :) I can only help them with that. ^^;;
Thank you!
- mod aish
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ginkohs · 7 years
Hello fellow user with a mushishi url!!!!!! I just found your blog and I like it a lot :DDDD
hehe thank you! 
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ask-protoheroes · 8 years
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Y: I don't see why Midoriya-kun would need a protection squad. If there is one, I'm not sure if they are even aware of my existense. They wouldn't have to worry about me, though. I have no ill feelings towards Midoriya-kun.
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Y: If a protection squad does exist and this can somehow reach them, though, I'll only ask one thing.
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Y: He's the one you should be worried about.
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babypears · 7 years
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a quick aesthetic meme drawing. yoki2ginko requested glitch shigaraki tomura
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tsukishhhima · 7 years
So I was tagged to say five things I like about myself…… @haikyuu-smutrequests why’d you tag me I hate everything lmao.
Okay but for real: 1. I love how I am able to think that I am the best and worst person in the world, at the same time. While not coming off as arrogant or whiny, as in I don’t make that obvious, it’s just my inner monologue.
2. I used to be “quiet and shy” and now I’m “sarcastic and salty” and I think it’s a great improvement hehe
3. I can adapt to a lot of different places/people… it makes me super uncomfortable but it helps me get by in life
4. I like my hair. It’s taking forever to grow long again but it’s still nice when it chooses to behave.
5. I like how accepting I am. I’m glad I don’t judge people based on race/sexuality/disability… I have a pretty open mind and I prefer to judge based on actions :)
And I was supposed to tag ten people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @yoki2ginko and @yarethzia do this if you want :)
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@yoki2ginko replied to your post: Okay, something I’m really curious about...
!!!! I’m so glad you said this. How society views quirks (and how hastily the world had to adjust to the onset of quirks, most likely) is honestly one of the biggest themes in my own interpretation of this series. The way that quirks are viewed is really important to each of the characters’ development, backstory, and values. Especially for izuku and katsuki, as you’ll see, I think. 
The amazing character writing and careful handling of character development is one thing that stands out a lot in bnha (as you’ll soon see, I’m sure) and is talked about a lot in the fandom. But personally, I think how thoroughly and well thought out the world-building is is a seriously underappreciated aspect. If you look closely, theres evidence of how their society affects all the characters and their motivations, pretty much everywhere. 
Honestly, the sociological implications of the hero industry are really far-reaching and very well integrated into the background and characters. If that’s what you’re interested in, you might not always get straightforward answers, but the answers ARE there, and I’m sure they won’t disappoint.
(I’m so excited for you this is going to be great)
I think I’m really, really going to enjoy taking a closer look at that (as much as my bumbling ass can), alongside everything else. 
My last liveblog - Mob Psycho 100 - while fucking knocking pretty much everything out of the park - really didn’t focus so much on worldbuilding, because there really wasn’t a need to. ONE-sensei didn’t just half-ass it, but it wasn’t quite as important, to focus on things like that, rather than the morals and character building of the story.
But with a premise like this, unless you want things to fall apart quickly and wind up dealing with plot holes big enough to drive elephants through (beyond the suspension of disbelief that comes along with every anime, imo), you’ve got to put some serious effort into crafting a viable world and a viable society for that premise to occur in.
How it effects people and society - you’ve got to work that into the story itself, much less how it effects the characters you’re dealing with, otherwise it runs flat, and that’s just fascinating for me.
Honestly I’m really excited to see what I can find, and to piece together just the-the mindset behind the various people/characters/situations.
(who knew watching anime would teach me more about psychology than I’d ever learned in school?)
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I was tagged by @virtu-typhoon XD
rules: state five things you like about yourself, publicly, and send this to 10 of your favorite followers
1. I’m spontaneous and fun-loving/Go Absolutely Crazy over Everything I Love/Find Interesting! XD (Plus when I Share that with others!! *HOLY DANG DO I LOVE SHARING MY INTERESTS AND EXCITEMENT AND ENERGY!! XD* HOLY DANG DO I LOVE SCREAMING AT/WITH PEOPLE ABOUT THINGS!! //;D;//)
2. I’m Curious as heck/well delve for hours into interesting things and always learn something new/something I can use later XD
3. My Faith *Isn’t perfect or anything close to it but I Really like that it’s a Major/Central part of me* (Even if I don’t always live up to that ;D;’’’’) But Yeah I Really Like that about myself /u\ (Plus, you know, Who I am as a Daughter of God n’ Stuff *All that Sweet Awesomeness* gfdhgf That kinda connects to Everything, though ;D; (and that’s AWESOME OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THAT TOO!! XD))
sdfghj *Doesn’t have Favorites and Isn’t sure she knows 10 of her followers closely??* (I hate assuming/barging in ;D;’’) so I’ll just tag like Few or so people that I at least kinda know ~ <3
~ * Also!!! If you see this then I Officially Tag You, Too!! XD (TEN SHMEN - ALL OF YOU ARE TAGGED!! //o3o// NONE OF YOU ARE FREE FROM TAGS!!!! o3o////) * ~
@sukikobold @goldenpheonix5 @yoki2ginko @hereliestimothydrake @ruemilly
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yoki2ginko · 6 years
yoki2ginko --> manako-no-yami
art blog or, still at @yoki2ginko on twitter
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auro-cyanide · 7 years
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“Is it bad?”
Tome: Alien Infection.
God I’m so sorry if body horror squicks you out and this came out of the blue but it’s what came to mind. Why is it always fungi?
@yoki2ginko Also thank you Anon! I’m glad you like it :)
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b4kuch1n · 7 years
Do you think mob would give lamppost spirit his frog umbrella if in return he could request a temporary alteration in reality in which he doesn't have powers? (Or, alternatively, for muscles)
hi hello this exploded into a ficlet but like. a very vague one. Im sorry I did this to your ask I cant help it this is a very good idea
for anyone who dont know what this is referring to, it’s this post
the deal: 
you have twenty-four hours 
you will have all the memories needed
none will be the wiser
you just have to believe with all your might.
he was dropped at the five-to-six AM mark, just before Mom’s wake up call. it was the first time he woke up before she called for breakfast this semester. 
ritsu had already left for school. 
they had toast, steamed egg, and vegetable soup that morning. his hand was trembling a bit. probably because he hadn’t covered it properly with the blanket last night. the spoon was left near the cooker for a bit longer than usual - Mom had let the soup stew overnight - it was hot between his fingers. 
he ate quietly while Mom and Dad talked. he wanted to help Mom clean up, but she told him to go before he was late to school.
he went outside. 
the sky was clear. the streets were quiet.
he lost a beat of his steps when passing third street. he didn’t know why.
the biology teacher talked at length about bugs. 
before biology class there was math class (geometry). after biology class there was music class (records). that afternoon there was gym class. 
what’s the overall qualification for an insect, the teacher asked at the beginning of the class. 
an insect has six legs. 
they learned that the last time they had biology class. which was last week’s thursday. 
he didn’t remember where he left his record. he found it in the classroom where he had his music class yesterday.
an insect has six legs. 
the gym teacher made the class run three laps around the football course. he was out of breath when his three laps were finished. 
the body improvement club was as enthusiastic as ev—
he didn’t see them around the school much. 
—as ever. 
inugami talked to him about the telepathy club. the answers he had to give was, in order, yes, yes, no, yes, I have, yes, don’t worry, see you after class. which never actually happened. he never went to club meetings. he had something to do instead.
he was a filler member anyway. just to keep tokugawa off their hide. 
when the body improvement club came out of the course, he handed musashi a bottle of water. musashi seemed surprised, but accepted the bottle nonetheless. 
they sat a chair or two away from him. 
ritsu waited for him at the gate. they left school together. 
ritsu told him about the student council’s latest project. they had been at it for about a month. it’s going into application soon, ritsu said with enthusiasm, but by now we’re pretty sure it’ll work perfectly. 
thank you, ritsu told him. 
he had been staying up with ritsu, being a sounding board to his brother. that was the only way he could be of help to this. it was worth a thank-you. 
they parted way at the cross-road. I have something to do, he told ritsu.
ritsu didn’t ask for clarification. 
take care, ritsu said. come home before dinner, nii-san. 
ritsu didn’t ask for clarification. 
he listened to the cicadas on his way. 
he walked.
ritsu didn’t ask for clarification.
he walked.
ened to the cicadas on his w
itsu didn’t a
he waed to the cicadase care, ritsu said. come home ben’t ask for clarilked.
he walked. 
he walked.
the neon sign hadn’t lightened up yet. he knocked on the door nonetheless. aMas mrReigan answered the door. 
what’re ya doing here, kid, he asked. you need something?
he didn’t have the answer for that.
he didn’t have the answer for tha
in the end, he said oh, sorry, I got the wrong address, sorry I bothered you, and the mterRegieasnan closed the door with a grunt.
he went home. he went home
he went home
the spoon laid in the sink, twisted into a knot.
with a touch, he straightened it to its original shape.
“No, sorry kid, it’s not gonna work,” the spirit says with a sigh. Shigeo cocked his head.
“I don’t get it.”
“See,” the spirit waves its hand, “I can change your personal reality for a bit of time no problem, but the thing is you have to believe in it. You have to just trust me.”
“I  trust you,” Shigeo said.
“I get that, but it’s more complicated for you. Normal people I can just force their instinctive perception into believing my alterations, you see? I can’t do that for you. There are deep-rooted truths you believe in whole-heartedly in this reality, and my power can’t override yours.”
Shigeo blinks. “Oh.”
“So yeah, sorry I can’t do that for you,” the spirit concludes. Its hand reaches back behind the lamppost and pulled out the green umbrella. “Here, have this back. I can’t take a fee for a service I can’t provide.”
Shigeo takes the umbrella. He doesn’t know what to say.
“Have a good day,” the spirit waves. “And just saying, my service isn’t worth that umbrella. It’ll be more of use staying with you.”
Shigeo thinks about that for a bit, and in the end he just nods. “Thank you for the advice.”
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sonreiv · 7 years
Tagged by @yoki2ginko!
List ten of your favorite characters each from ten different fandoms and tag ten others!
I... don’t have ten active fandoms so from 5 onwards I had to think hard.
Boku no Hero Academia: Midoriya Izuku
Mob Psycho 100: Kageyama Shigeo
Steven Universe: all the Crystal Gems
Vocaloid: Kagamine Len
Marvel: Deadpool
Does. YouTube community count. I love Markiplier.
Harry Potter: nowadays I think I don’t have one. Like a bunch equally.
Haikyuu: not into it anymore, but it was Oikawa Tooru.
Voltron: didn’t even finish the first season yet, but Hunk.
How to train your dragon: MY BABY TOOTHLESS!
Tagging @chibichibisha @yukiko-chan13 @yukotsu @todoyamas @starredlion @irlnoe @yumoirail-art @a-moop @auspiciouswhiskers @spicemagic
No need to do it! If I didn’t tag you and you feel like doing it, feel free to tag me.
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pr-nxe · 8 years
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“...and just like a child; I craved your love. Even though I never gained.”
Merry Christmas, guys ! this is dedicated to the Soukoku Secret Santa and this is my gift to @yoki2ginko ! I hope you like it and have a merry christmas !!
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b4kuch1n · 7 years
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abstract pain time
I think the thing I kinda am rly fixed on in mp100 is that almost all characters have been wrong once and it shows. they’ve been wrong and the answer isn’t always their downfall. they learn instead of vanish along with their mistake. I feel like that gives way to a lot more in depth depiction of the journey of any character whatsoever from the series.
so heres a ritsu putting the blame on the wrong place
(thank you @yoki2ginko for requesting!!! this was a chance to determine what to go with starting from a very interesting prompt. I think it went a bit off course in term of theme but.......okay.............goddammit BnH)
also request post is here choo choo
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b4kuch1n · 7 years
Rules: Tag nine people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @yoki2ginko (hi ur v cool n ur prompts r super nice)
Relationship Status: me and my laundry
Favourite Colour: the whole blue spectrum from violet blue to teal
Lipstick or Chapstick?: neither Im still the trashpile grizzly yall know and probably loathe
Last song you listened to: Paranoid Doll by Gackt
Last movie you watched: wait shit lemme think of it... oh yeah its Mr Peabody and Sherman. gods that movie was rly good 
Top 3 Characters: its a seasonal thing. rn its Mob from Mob Psycho 100, Jonathan Lee from Rush Hours (2016), and Dr. Leonard McCoy from Star Trek: TOS (tho Im all for the AOS version too oh boy)
Top 3 Ships: also a seasonal thing. mostly feeling the terumob and ritshou, but otherwise not that much into romantic ships rn
Books and manga you are currently reading: The Lighthouse by P. D. James, Mob Psycho 100, One Piece, also planning to get my hand on a copy of Shutter Island. and reareading Universe in a Nutshell for about the 12th time of course. Im starting to understand what line 200 is talking about
Top 5 Musicals: Hamilton, Les Miserables, and thats about it haha Ive just actually gotten into musicals since hamilton and les mis is like obligatory french bilingual thing over here cut me a break pls
Tagging: nope Im a rebel 
and you can be one too, Today! Join in on the tagging game by answering to these questions and tag your friends if you want to! Get to know them better and join the anarchist army together! No Gods No Masters
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