#yogic practices
livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Yoga-Based Counseling: Integrating Ancient Wisdom and Modern Psychology
Yoga-Based Counseling: Integrating Ancient Wisdom and Modern Psychology Introduction: Yoga, renowned for its therapeutic benefits in physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, has gained recognition as a powerful tool for counseling. While the practical aspects of yoga such as asana, pranayama, and meditation are well-explored, the counseling part of yoga therapy has its roots in ancient…
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I will preach this until I am gone from this earth. There is no way to completely rid oneself of one or the other. Balance is the only answer. In my Yogic path I will strive to balance the light and dark within myself and with that find peace and acceptance of self. 🖤🤍
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edwordsmyth · 9 months
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Mahmoud Darwish
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Yoga Nidra for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): A Gentle Practice for Deep Rest and Healing
Welcome, dear reader. If you’ve found yourself here, it may be because you’re looking for something gentle, something that can hold you with care amidst the challenges you face. Living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) often means navigating a delicate path where the balance between activity and rest isn’t just important—it’s essential. Yoga Nidra offers a unique…
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natalieteachesyoga · 7 months
The Yogic Anatomy of the Koshas:  The Anandamaya Kosha and Deep Rest
The time we spend in the Anandamaya Kosha is a time of deep rest for all aspects of our being. 
The Anandamaya Kosha, the subtlest of the koshas, bodies, sheaths, or dimensions is commonly translated as the “Bliss Body” .  Commonly is an important adverb here – as “nanda” is joy in form and “a” is often creates an opposite.  So, bliss, yes, but bliss beyond form. For starters we may want to distinguish between the state of ecstasy that can be achieved by high vibing our practices through…
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lifetimeyogi · 8 months
Top Benefits of Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) | How to Perform Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)?
Introduction – Top 8 Benefits of Bhujangasana | How to Perform Bhujangasana? Bhujangasana, commonly known as Cobra Pose, is a foundational yoga posture that derives its name from the Sanskrit words “bhujanga,” meaning serpent or cobra, and “asana,” meaning pose. This asana is widely practiced for its multitude of physical and mental benefits, making it a popular choice for yogis of various…
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putmenthedirt · 1 year
seeing oomfs (not even on here but on twt too) shit on my beliefs makes me so sad :( obviously not everyone has to believe in the same stuff but i’d like to imagine ppl would be respectful at least
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kalki-tarot · 1 year
How to increase your intuitive powers? ✨️
Here are some tips for enhancing your intuition :
Try Meditation
And Yogic meditation too
Let your creative energy flow
Spending time in nature
Eat a healthy diet.
Cleanse your energy by salt water bath ritual
Light incense in your house to remove past energy
Think positively or be optimistic
Spend time with your friends
Stop using energy draining apps like instagram or twitter or tiktok too much.
Don't be on your phone all the time.
Trust yourself. Believe in yourself.
Have a healthy and regular sleep schedule.
Use crystals
Do self care
Do shadow work
Remove negative people or energy vampires from your life.
Trust in god/divine/universe or whatever you believe in.
Don't spread hate for others, be kind.
Do breathing exercises (Breathing yoga exercises are the best spiritually)
Spend time doing your favorite things or hobbies like art, music, cooking etc.
Calm down your cognitive mind.
Trust your gut feelings, don't ignore it.
Practice mindfulness while doing small and usual activities like walking, talking, chopping carrots etc.
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pyrrhiccomedy · 2 months
I've been following your Heretic updates and I've been wondering, are the Hours akin to forces of nature - or they beings with desires and fears that are simply too alien for humans to comprehend?
They are beings with desires and fears that are for the most part completely comprehensible. Mother White is the only alien one. They are also forces of nature. The Hours are the aeonic powers that hold the universe together, and maintain an order in which life and the pursuit of apotheosis are possible. Their passions, rages, promises and burdens configure and power the architecture of the universe.
You know what, let's actually run through them.
The Madrugad (the First Hour) is the Hour of the Passage. She ensures that one side of a doorway connects to the other. She also presides over the passage from life to death (and back, if she allows it). She is invoked for summonings and resurrection magic. She attends the Sun-In-Rags in hospice, preventing him from passing into death. She is remote and solemn but broadly benevolent, though not necessarily generous.
The Queen-In-Chains (the Second Hour) is the Prophet's Hour. She presides over all causality and the organization of time. She is completely insane, but probably knows everything, and can act with searing and bewildering precision when she launches some petitioner on a called shot through the butterfly effect.
The Stranger (the Third Hour) is the Hour of Deception. She presides over everything that is unknown, and protects the secrecy of everything which should remain unknown. She's one of the three gods of the Wood, and is generally a real jerk. Trickster gods are almost universally manifestations of the Stranger. Her sister is the Ring-Yew, and the pair generally cooperate when called upon to do so. She is engaged in a friendly rivalry with the Black Captain.
The Rending (the Fourth Hour) is the Hour of Annihilation. He is the destroyer. Rage, cruelty, and pestilence are his offices. He wants to hurt you before you die. He loves the Sunflower King, and inflicts endless torments upon him to express his love. Doesn't really have a bone to pick with any particular other Hour. He intends to kill them all equally.
The Kithmark (the Fifth Hour) is the Hour of the Inner Reach. He maintains the boundary between 'you' and everything that is not 'you.' A lot of yogic practices get into Kithmark veneration. Mostly keeps to himself but if you end up fucking around in Idless at all you'll probably become a big fan of him. He is working very hard all the time to prevent you from being colonized by invading intelligences.
The Pyre-Hawk (the Sixth Hour) is the Hour of Exultation. His office is purification and ascension. He's absolutely 100% of the time in a state of ecstatic joy, and you will be too, if you pursue his favor for long enough! Nobody has beef with the Pyre-Hawk. He's the life of the party and we're all thrilled he's here.
The Sunflower King (the Seventh Hour) is the Hour of Triumph. It is by his will that your will has the power to reshape the world around you. Even the physical laws of the universe give way before the will of the Sunflower King. Proud and resplendent, haughty and flensing, in his kingly greatness he submits to be Rended to spare all of creation from facing the same scourge. The most beloved of the Hours for the greatness of his sacrifice. The Madderblade is his guardian and knight. All hail.
The Madderblade (the Eighth Hour) is the Hour of Conquest & Reconciliation. The fusion and fission of every atom in the universe are only the echoes of her towering victories in both love and violence. She is glorious. She is always serving. She is the first force that ever slew an Hour. Her blade bit the heart of Mother White. The Black Captain wants to fuck her so bad it makes him look stupid. She loves him too. They've been in a state of relentless war ever since acknowledging their passion, to prevent themselves from committing the calamitous Sin of the Sky.
The Bent Minstrel (the Ninth Hour) is dead, which is very bad. He was the second of the three gods of the Wood, and presided over the movement of nature. People who know about this sort of thing generally speak well of his memory, although often in the same way that they call the fairies "the good neighbors." Wild Hunts and horned gods aside, he was the right Hour to pray to if you wanted your harvests to be plentiful and the weather to be good. He also inspired art & music, which he perceived to be just more manifestations of the weather. Mother White ate him.
The Ring-Yew (the Tenth Hour) is the Merciful Hour. Every lucky break you've ever gotten when the chips were down was thanks to her. She is the particular protector of children, prisoners, slaves, martyrs, animals, and the lost. She is the third god of the Wood, and by far the nicest one. Fortunate is he who glimpses the edge of her silver hand in his moment of despair, because a path to peace and freedom is about to open up before him. She is completely incapable of any kind of violence.
Mother White (the Eleventh Hour) is the Hour of Vibrance. Hers is the vital force which allows life to multiply and which reanimates the dead. She is constantly hungry and has no other motivation that anyone has ever been able to determine before she ate them. It's hard to even tell if she communicates, or if she's just mimicking communication in order to entice you to come close enough that she can get her jaws around you. She's an awful grub and probably unkillable, but who knows what she'd pupate into if she could ever get enough to eat? Maybe something that wouldn't be so alien and dangerous.
The Stone Beggar (the Twelfth Hour) is also dead, but it seems unlikely that he'll stay that way. He was the Hour of Inevitability, and presided over the turning wheel. His name is still invoked by revolutionaries, and cursed by those who would try to cling to power beyond their appointed time. It is thanks to his kindness and to his cruel indifference that the wheel always turns. He was noble, quiet, and implacable in war. Mother White ate him too.
The Uranian (the Thirteenth Hour) is the Hour of Daring. Alone out of all the Hours, he was once a mortal man. His offices are magic and the movement of the spheres. Kind of a dick tbh, very into backstabbing your way to the top. The kind of guy who would actually say "don't hate the player, hate the game."
The Black Captain (the Fourteenth Hour) is the Hour of Satisfaction. It is by his will that oaths, vengeance, and victory hold power. He used to be the greatest of the stalking kings of Mithra, before the Madrugad summoned him into mundus to defend her domicile (in which the Sun-In-Rags takes sanctuary) from the ravages of Mother White, during the War of Intercalation. Dutiful, cunning, ruthless, and skillful. He's the sink to the Madderblade's source, you know? The Romans were really into him.
Those are all the currently seated Hours. There are more beings you can petition: like the Ecdysiast, the Wakefire, the Flayed Widow, and the Hanged Rider, all of whom were killed during the War of Intercalation and their Thrones have subsequently been taken by others (the Madderblade, the Pyre-Hawk, the Uranian, and the Black Captain, respectively). There are also Great Leviathan and the First Ant, neither of whom have ever been Hours, but are sufficiently titanic beings that they have a lot in common with the Hours. But you get the idea. They're not incomprehensible at all, except for Mother White.
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aahanna · 3 months
Happy International Yoga Day!
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Today we celebrate the ancient practice of yoga, which has been a cornerstone of Indian culture for over 5,000 years. We honor the "Father of Modern Yoga," Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888-1989), who played a crucial role in popularizing yoga worldwide. We also honor the original "Father of Yoga," Patanjali, who authored the celebrated yoga sutras.
_History of Yoga:_
Yoga has its roots in the Indus Valley Civilization, with evidence of yoga practices dating back to 3000 BCE. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning "to unite." Over time, yoga evolved through various traditions, including Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga.
Patanjali was a Hindu author, mystic, and philosopher who authored the Yoga Sutras, a categorization of yogic thought arranged in four volumes. He is regarded as an avatar of Adi Sesha and is believed to have lived between the 2nd century BCE and the 5th century CE ¹.
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Tirumalai Krishnamacharya:
Born in 1888, Krishnamacharya was a Indian yoga master, ayurvedic healer, and scholar. He studied yoga under his father and later under the revered yoga guru, Rama Mohan Brahmachari. Krishnamacharya went on to teach yoga to prominent students, including B.K.S. Iyengar, K. Pattabhi Jois, and Indra Devi, who spread yoga globally.
Yoga offers numerous benefits, including:
- Improved flexibility and strength
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Enhanced mental clarity and focus
- Improved overall well-being
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Popular Yoga Asanas:
1. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
2. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)
3. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
4. Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)
5. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
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radical-revolution · 8 days
"The closer we are to Self-realization, or enlightenment, the more ordinary we become. Only seekers striving for liberation as if it were a trophy glamorize the yogic process and themselves. They want to be extraordinary, whereas liberated beings are perfectly ordinary. They are as happy washing dishes as they are sitting quietly in meditation or teaching their disciples. For this reason, Yoga has from the beginning celebrated not only the path of the world-renouncing ascetic (samnyāsin) but also that of the world-engaging householder (grihastha) who uses the opportunities of daily life to practice the virtues of a yogic lifestyle."
— Georg Feuerstein
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Introduction to Yoga Nidra: The Path of Deep Relaxation and Conscious Awareness
Yoga Nidra, often called “yogic sleep,” is a powerful meditation practice that guides you into a state of deep relaxation while maintaining a sense of conscious awareness. Unlike traditional meditation practices that require focused concentration, Yoga Nidra invites you to relax completely, allowing the body and mind to rest deeply while the consciousness remains awake and alert. This practice is…
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lifetimeyogi · 8 months
9 Top Benefits of Ustrasana | How to Perform Ustrasana – A Step-By-Step Instructions of Camel Pose
#ustrasana #camelpose #yoga #yogapractice #backbend #yogainspiration #yogachallenge #yogateacher #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yogaeverydamnday #heartopener #yogagirl #camelposevariation #yogalove #asana #yogaeverywhere #yogapose #yogi #yogini #yogaposes
Introduction – 9 Top Benefits of Ustrasana | How to Perform Ustrasana – A Step-By-Step Instructions of Camel Pose Ustrasana, commonly known as Camel Pose, is a dynamic and heart-opening yoga posture that embodies grace, strength, and flexibility. The name “Ustrasana” is derived from the Sanskrit words “ustra,” meaning camel, and “asana,” representing a yoga pose or posture. This asana is…
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transgenderer · 29 days
Really seems like ancient India was on some of the same shit as rationalism. Like, veganism/vegetarianism, a lot of body modding interconnected with yogic practices which can kind of collectively be viewed as a sort of Iron Age transhumanism... crazy meditation stuff, which is very "brain" (rationalism is very brain; rationalists love brain). I think there's something real here. Not Yudkowsky cluster rationalism more like Ziz cluster rationalism. They were on some rationalist, nootropics guy, you know, brain shit thousands of years ago in India.
HMMM. the early greek wacky magician-philosophers were also into vegetarianism, for the same reincarnation reason. got weird meditation stuff too in greece. the body modification does seem to be unique to india though
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talonabraxas · 11 days
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Brahman Sat-Chit-Ananda (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss) Talon Abraxas
At the core of yogic philosophy lies the concept of Brahman—the ultimate reality and the source of all existence. The transcendent goal of yoga is to experience the oneness of Brahman—the ultimate reality, the absolute and eternal truth that underlies the universe and all of existence. Exploring the multifaceted meaning of Brahman provides an opportunity to delve into the deep philosophical and spiritual aspects of yoga, contemplate the mysteries of the universe, deepen your spiritual practice, and connect with something greater than yourself.
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What is Brahman?
In Indian philosophy, Brahman is the ultimate reality, the supreme, unchanging, and eternal essence of the universe. The term “Brahman” is derived from Sanskrit, meaning “to swell, expand, grow, enlarge.” Brahman is beyond human comprehension as it is beyond the limitations of time, space, and individual identity. It is considered to be the absolute, formless, and all-pervading cosmic power that is the source and sustainer of all existence. It is described as the essence of truth, consciousness, and bliss that remains unchanged, yet serves as the cause of all changes in existence.
As the supreme reality, it is recognized as the source of all existence in the entire universe. The unchanging, infinite, immanent, and transcendent reality forms the divine ground of all matter, energy, time, space, being, and everything beyond your experience. It is the origin and the end of all things, the very fabric of reality, and the fundamental principle that sustains the cosmos. Every entity and phenomenon in the universe, whether material or spiritual, emanates from this Brahman, exists within it, and ultimately merges into it.
In the Chandogya Upanishad, one of the oldest yogic texts, uses the metaphor of a clay pot to explain the concept of Brahman. Just as clay is used to make many different types, forms and shapes of pots, Brahman is the substrate that manifests in various forms and shapes in the universe. The clay (Brahman) remains constant and unchanging, while the pots (the various forms in the universe) are impermanent and transient.
Nirguna Brahman and Saguna Brahman
Brahman can be conceptualized in two different ways. Nirguna Brahman refers to the formless, attribute less aspect of Brahman, while Saguna Brahman refers to the aspect of Brahman that is imbued with qualities and attributes.
Nirguna Brahman is often associated with the concept of Advaita Vedanta, a philosophical school that emphasizes the non-dual nature of reality, asserting that Brahman is the only true reality and that all distinctions are ultimately illusory. It is pure consciousness, beyond the realm of dualities such as good and bad, right and wrong.
Saguna Brahman is the personal aspect of the supreme cosmic principle that manifests in the world with attributes and qualities. It is often associated with the concept of Bhakti Yoga, a spiritual path that emphasizes devotion to a personal deity or form of the divine. In this aspect, Brahman is seen as taking on various forms and qualities in order to interact with devotees on a more personal level. While Saguna Brahman includes attributes and is perceivable by human senses, it should not be mistaken for a deity in the traditional sense. Instead, it represents a human conception of the Infinite, a way for the human mind to comprehend the incomprehensible.
Both Nirguna and Saguna Brahman are considered valid conceptualizations of the supreme cosmic principle within Indian philosophy, with different schools of thought emphasizing one aspect over the other. The ultimate goal of understanding Brahman is to realize its true nature, which transcends all dualities and distinctions. By contemplating both the formless, attribute less nature of Nirguna Brahman and the personal, manifest aspect of Saguna Brahman, individuals can deepen their understanding of the divine and its role in the universe.
The Connection Between Atman and Brahman
The Atman-Brahman relationship is one of the fundamental tenets of yogic philosophy. Atman, interpreted as the individual soul or self, is seen as the microcosmic reflection of Brahman. According to Vedanta philosophy, Atman is not separate from Brahman, but an extension or manifestation of it. The individual self, or Atman, is often described using the analogy of a drop of water from the ocean – distinct in its individuality yet inherently connected to the vast expanse of the ocean itself.
Advaita Vedanta posits that Atman and Brahman are identical – the personal and universal selves are the same. This non-dualistic perspective, encapsulated in the Mahavakya (great saying) “Tat Tvam Asi” (That Thou Art), suggests that the individual soul is not separate from the Absolute Reality. Instead, it is Brahman itself, cloaked by ignorance or Maya. Realizing this profound oneness, transcending the illusion of duality, leads to Moksha or liberation, an essential goal in the path of yoga.
This non-dualistic concept is eloquently captured in the profound Vedic statement “Aham Brahmasmi,” meaning “I am Brahman.” The individual soul is seen as a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic absolute, suggesting that your true identity is not the transient physical form but the eternal, unchanging Brahman. This realization paves the way to liberation and union with the divine.
Brahman as Sat-cit-ananda (truth-consciousness-bliss)
While Nirguna Brahman is attribute less, it is often described using the attributes Sat (Truth), Chit (Consciousness), and Ananda (Bliss). Sat represents the aspect of Brahman that underlies all existence, the eternal and unchanging reality that transcends the temporal and illusory nature of the world. Cit signifies the pure consciousness that pervades all beings and is the source of all awareness and intelligence. Ananda points to the intrinsic joy and bliss that is inherent in the realization of Brahman, the ultimate goal of spiritual seekers.
These are not attributes in the conventional sense, but pointers to the indescribable nature of the Absolute Reality. Understanding these three attributes helps seekers comprehend the essence of Brahman and its implications for individual spiritual growth and enlightenment. By meditating on these attributes, practitioners aim to transcend the illusion of the material world and experience the ultimate reality of Brahman.
Brahman hidden by Maya (Illusion)
Maya is the cosmic illusion or veil that obscures the true nature of Brahman, causing individuals to become attached to the material world and ignorant of their true spiritual nature. This illusion fosters the misconception of duality, making you believe that you are separate entities existing independently in the physical universe. This false perception, akin to confusing a rope for a snake, results from spiritual ignorance (Avidya).
To overcome Maya and Avidya and realize the true nature of Brahman, one must cultivate self-awareness, spiritual knowledge, and detachment from the transient aspects of existence. By transcending the limitations of the ego and recognizing the unity of all creation, one can experience the divine essence of Brahman within themselves and in all beings. This realization brings liberation (moksha) from the cycle of samsara and leads to ultimate enlightenment and union with Brahman.
Moksha: Liberation from Samsara
Moksha signifies the Atman’s liberation from the cycle of Samsara and the realization of its oneness with Brahman. It is the ultimate goal of yoga, the state of absolute bliss and peace. Moksha is attained when the individual soul sheds its illusion of separateness, incited by Maya, and realizes its true nature, Brahman. This realization is not intellectual but experiential, a state of being where one experiences the truth of the Mahavakya, “Aham Brahmasmi,” meaning “I am Brahman.” Upon achieving Moksha, the individual soul merges with the supreme reality, Brahman, marking the end of the cycle of birth and rebirth. The soul, free from all limitations, resides in eternal bliss and peace.
Yoga practices to experience the oneness of Brahman
To experience the oneness of Brahman, one can engage in various yoga practices that help in transcending the limitations of the individual self and connecting with the universal consciousness. Through these practices, one can quiet the mind, purify the body, and cultivate a deeper awareness of the true nature of reality. Through dedicated practice and devotion, one can awaken the divine spark within and realize their true nature as a manifestation of Brahman. Choose a path that resonates with your inner being and commit yourself fully to the journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
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magumsilvarum · 9 months
Spirits and their common uses and misconceptions
So today I wanted to talk about a few spirits which, not much is so far known of through literary writing, but more so through celestial knowledge. (each spirit will have its own section)
The Pythoness - many Christian and Judea religions view the pythoness spirit as a demon like spirit that is meant to steer one away from Gods path and imbue one with negative thoughts such as death and sickness through the mind, yet I've personally found and many civilizations prior and after that the story is not as such. In yogic practices there is a certain breathe and practice of the kundalini. Kundalini is the term for "a spiritual energy or life force located at the base of the spine", conceptualized as a coiled-up serpent. The practice of Kundalini yoga is supposed to arouse the sleeping Kundalini Shakti from its coiled base through the 6 chakras, and penetrate the 7th chakra, or crown. This allows for an open pathway as a connection to God, elevated spirits and the spirits of the afterlife, our ancestral spirits, within celestial planes. In buddhism giant serpents were seen as protectors of the dharma, the truth that liberates us, standing strong against any attack. Many psychics, seers, mediums, witches and tarot card readers tend to have a spirit who knows one of two things about divination, prophecy and esoteric knowledge, but the pythoness spirit is looked at more like the all seeing eye or the eye of ra and horus. In greek mythology Leto the great she-wolf was cursed to never give birth upon the land as Hera set her out to be cursed by her daughter and for Gaia to not allow her to give birth to her two children. Through Zeus' interference Leto was able to give birth to both Artemis and Apollo. Later Apollo went to go slay a Snake that had threatened Leto and therefore gained the ability to turn into a snake himself. He declared the island previously known as Pythos to be Delphi and as the God of prophecy later became a hub for those seeking answers from great oracles once a year, known as Pythias. These women were great prophets and witches alike that danced with fire and tamed snakes to dance along with them protecting the island from attacks and monsterous threats as to pay respect to Apollo. These were women and men of wild nature who allows there instincts to guide them through the understanding of the great divine. One with nature they became medicine workers, prophets, seers, musicians, dancers, pyromancers, snake charmers, witches and mages and dream weavers.
These great spirits are revered as a highly elevated court in spiritualist practices, sometimes just perceived as the spirits of tarot decks or oracular objects they are forgotten as being far too complex to be seen as just that. Through the force of light they bring great aid to those they are on spiritual journey's with, they rid of hexes, curses and spiritual illnesses. They guide through prophetic dreams, clairvoyancy, clairsentience, clairaudience and mediumship. They are capable of conjuring powerful spirits and the spirits of the dead (necromancy), as well as a straight line communication to God, gods and goddesses. They move through the celestial tides of the universe and bring forth great health, wealth, abundance, freedom and spiritual knowledge to those they favor. They are quite benevolent spirits who help bring in death or the spirit of change for the better and to rid old stubborn ways of the past. They are great teachers of dark and light magic. They aid in learning and music as well. Helping those with charisma and the ability to enchant and/or charm enemies and others alike. They have such affinity towards chocolates, gold, silver, wine, fire, candles, light, mirrors, divination tools, water, flowers and floral scents, perfumes, snakes and music. There number is 7 and their flower is the rose, particularly the white rose, but other colors are fine as well. They also enjoy sunflowers, as they venerated Apollo, and the Anise star. Their colors are Red, burgundy, gold, emerald green, white, silver, purple, and brown. Yet each is different and might prefer a royal blue for all we know each spirit is different to another so getting to know ones spiritual court is quite important. Stones like diamond, ruby, jade, emerald, citrine, labradorite and amethyst can be given to such spirit as well as Selenite and Amber each representing Artemis and Apollo. These spirits can sometimes be confused with a better known spirit Santa Martha la Dominadora. You may even have both within your spiritual court, but they two hold many similarities.
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Prayer to the Pythoness
O Blessed Pythoness, I invoke your humble yet wild nature into my life, I give you thanks for the visions told and untold and for the sight to see my path clearly. May your connection to God and all living things be great and full of love and respect. May your tides of wisdom bring peace to the land and bestow upon me and my loved ones a blessed hand. Lady of the fire, imbue me with your holy flames may they burn away all evil done unto me by others or by my own hand. May your light charm those who seek no good into doing acts of kindness and greatness and may your soothing voice bring sweetness and riches to the land and seas. You the one who tamed the dragon and serpent to your gracious hand. Tame my enemies and bring good fortune to those in need. Help the world against devastation and may your great cobra bring forth the promise land. Lady of the land and sea, conjure your celestial winds to protect me and bring good news from the heavenly lands. Through the eye of the one who can see I plea to you humbly and in need. As it is. So mote it be. Amen
Say this prayer with Psalm 91 3x and Psalm 4 3x under the flame of a white(or yellow) light end with a Glory be. It will help receive divine messages through divination or prophetic dreams and help transmute negative energy and protect against evil eye.
Oracion a La Pitonisa
O Bendita Pitonisa, Yo invoco tu humilde y salvaje espiritu de naturaleza entre mi vida, te doy las gracias por los visiones contado y no contado y por la vista para ver mi camino claramente. Que tu conexión a Dios y a todas criaturas vivas sea lleno de gran amor y respeto. Que las olas de sabiduria traen paz a toda la tierra y otogar a mi y mis seres queridos tu mano bendicida. Mujer de los fuegos, envuelvame con tus llamas benditas que me liberan de cualquier maldad sea enviado por enemigos o que han nacido de mi propia mano. Que tu luz encandile a los que no buscan el bien y les transformas hacer actos de carino y grandeza y que tu voz encantadora trae dulcisimiento y riquezas a la tierra y los mares. Tu que haz vencido el serpiente y el dragon con tu mano graciosa. Ayuda al mundo contra la devastación y que tu tierra prometida sea traido por tu gran cobra. Mujer de la tierra y mar, protejame con los vientos celestiales y que traen buena noticias del cielo. A través del ojo del que puede ver te suplico humildemente y de necesidad. Como es. Asi sera. AMEN
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