#yoga tutorials
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renoblu · 9 months ago
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yogadaily · 1 year ago
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(via 5 Yoga Moves To Fix Your Posture | Yoga for beginners, Yoga tips, Yoga help  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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yourstrulyjasmine · 8 months ago
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S U P E R W I C K E D 🌟 🤩 ⭐️ 🌠 💫 🌃
@❤️sincerelyjasminexo❤️ IG
I am trying to make time to text all my friends :)))🔴🟥❌️❤️🆘️🍁💄👄🌷🍒👄🌹🍎
Dance Covers, music videos 📹 ✨️ 😍 💕 ♥️ ❤️
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homoangel · 2 years ago
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fucking when sam?
[sam smoothly avoiding being made fun of for doing yoga]
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ann-light · 9 months ago
My favourite skill which I know how to do well.🧘‍♀️
Today I would tell you about my yoga class and how I do exercises well. This is not easy to learn to do yoga exercises. Every day for several years you need practise to be a professional. Advanced people exercise two or even three times a day.💪🏻 Many asanas(this is the name of yoga exercises) are unwonted for body and people, especially in Russia, don't understand how to do it right. You need control your breath, attention, balance of your body. Also you need focus on sensations in the body and control your mind. уWhen you do yoga your thoughts need immerse only in practise and you don't get distract by something else. When you start to practise another thoughts must be turned off. The difficulty is that people don’t know how to turn off their heads and they cannot focus on meditation yoga and therefore they cannot get more pleasure from it. Also some asanas, for example, handstand is one of the most difficult asanas in yoga and for many people it seems uncomfortable and complicated to do. Yoga, of course, is famous for your static asanas. There is no a dynamic moving, you need do one move in several intervals and it is more difficult than, for example, cardio workout.
To be a professional you need:✅
find a teacher or school there you can give a soft start;
visit 2 or 3 times a week;
watch video on youtube or by electronic course there teacher explain how to do asanas correctly without hurt to you health because yoga can be traumatic;
practice yoga on your own at home for 30-40 minutes every day;
practise meditate every evening and monitor your body and condition;
practise breathing technique and monitor your thoughts.
I think my recommendation can be useful for beginners only if this is done regularly.🙌🏻
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dreamsmachine · 3 months ago
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brosis-medical · 6 months ago
National Yoga Month Feiern: So Verbessern Sie Ihre Praxis mit Den Richtigen Hilfsmitteln
Zum Nationalen Yoga-Monat haben wir die perfekte Gelegenheit, über die transformative Kraft des Yoga nachzudenken und zu erkunden, wie diese alte Praxis unser Leben bereichern kann. Yoga ist weit mehr als nur körperliche Übungen; es ist ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden, der Körper, Geist und Seele umfasst. Nutzen wir diesen Monat, um unsere Praxis zu vertiefen und neue…
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kidstuttoo8 · 7 months ago
Learn Java with an Expert Programming Tutor - Kidstuttoo
Master Java programming with a dedicated Java programming tutor from Kidstuttoo. Receive personalized guidance and hands-on practice to advance your coding skills. Our experienced tutors provide tailored lessons to help you understand complex concepts and develop practical programming expertise. Start your journey to becoming a proficient Java developer today!
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fitnessmantram · 7 months ago
Nauli Yoga Kriya for Abdominal Churning#yoga #naulikriya #bellyfatloss #...
Nauli Kriya is an advanced abdominal yoga technique that involves contracting and isolating the abdominal muscles. It improves digestion, stimulates internal organs, strengthens core muscles, and enhances overall well-being. Regular practice can lead to a flatter abdomen and better posture.
Click Here To  Learn How to do Nauli Kriya Yoga 
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writtenbyfionaapple · 8 months ago
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reallycreative · 9 months ago
Step-by-Step Guide: Designing an International Yoga Day Poster in Canva ...
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tabileaks · 11 months ago
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yogadaily · 1 year ago
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(via Prasarita Padottanasana | Yoga guide, Yoga techniques, Yoga tips  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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ayin-me-yesh · 1 year ago
If anyone's looking for really gentle or disability friendly exercise...
Doctor Jo on YouTube is a physical therapist who offers lots of therapeutic stretching and exercise videos for specific conditions and pain relief. [x]
Leap Services is a Canadian physical therapy group that has a YouTube playlist of gentle exercise routines. All of these exercises are done in a chair (except for one which is done on the floor) and are intentionally adaptable to different bodies and needs. [x]
Yoga with Zelinda on YouTube has yoga that's adapted to a large number of conditions, for instance, providing a playlist of routines that don't require kneeling and another of chair yoga. She also offers yoga for specific health challenges, like fibromyalgia and mobility issues. There's a playlist of yoga routines for people with bigger bodies as well. [x]
Santosha Spirit on YouTube has yoga routines for people with chronic fatigue, chronic pain, POTS, and EDS. [x]
Yoga with Shaunneka on YouTube has a playlist of slow seated yoga, including chair yoga, as well as a playlist of gentle yoga. [x]
Qinergy on YouTube has tai chi sets broken down into easy tutorials. There is a seated version of her shibashi set. [x]
Perth Tai Chi Academy on YouTube is similar to Qinergy. It provides a seated version of daoyin yangshen qigong. [x]
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genderqueerpoetry · 1 year ago
Yoga Bag Tutorial
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jojojoy1 · 4 months ago
Obsessed - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x reader
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As soon as Lando entered your shared apartment he froze in awe. You were in the living room following a yoga tutorial on your TV. And Lando loved it.
Lando always said he loves each part of you equally, because he really does love every part of you, but you knew there was one part of you that he found irresistible. He would never admit it, but Lando's an ass man. He loved how it filled his hands perfectly, he loved to slap it any chance he got. If his hands weren't on your hips they were on your ass.
And he couldn't take his eyes off you as you bent over into a new pose, your ass wiggling slightly.
You hadn't heard him enter the apartment, so when you heard a loud groan from behind you, you jumped. You spun around quickly, making eye contact with your boyfriend.
"Baby, don't stop. I was enjoying watching you. Keep going." Lando said, clearly disappointed that you'd stopped your actions.
"Why? So you can keep staring at my ass?" You chuckle.
"Me? Staring at your ass? I would never! I just merely would like to observe your form?"
"Really? So you're a yoga expert now?"
"Of course," He places his keys and wallet down and starts making his way over to you, "I know that my favourite position is the one where you're on your hands and knees." His hands reach out to hold your waist, his lips getting dangerously close to your own.
"Great view of my ass in that position." You tease. Lando's lips continue to ghost over your skin, so close but yet so far away. The way he lingered, teasing you in the most simple way, made you hot in want of the man in front of you.
His eyes met yours, swimming with desire. Suddenly, he captured your lips with his own in a hungry kiss. A kiss so full of love and passion, rough but sweet all at the same time. Caressing your skin softly, his hands slowly travelled down from your hips to Lando's favourite spot. His hands gripped your ass as though if he let go it would disappear and be gone forever.
You could feel his need in the kiss, and a little lower as his used his grip on your ass to roughly pull you into him. Hips moving together in an attempt to get much needed friction. "Lando.." His name floats from your lips, letting him know with just one word how much you needed him. But you weren't about to let him get his way after he interrupted your workout. He was going to have to wait.
Gently, you push your boyfriend away from you. Confusion evident on his face.
"Baby..." His hands reach out to grab your waist again, but you turn around and return to your yoga, ignoring his attempt.
"Be patient and let me finish my yoga, and I promise I will let you have your way with me." Your voice sensual and seductive.
"But baby..." He whines.
"No 'buts' or you definitely won't be getting this butt."
"How long will you be?"
"As long as it takes."
Lando places a sweet kiss on your cheek as he reluctantly walks to your shared bedroom.
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