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heich0e · 11 months ago
tomura tries to sneak out of your apartment one morning before you wake up, because he has to get all the way back to his apartment before his dad shows up to take him to a 9AM yoga class.
god forbid he be forced to explain:
a) why he slept over at an apartment that was not his own to his father (toshinori would be calling wedding venues and asking his assistant to look into your ring size before they'd even made it to the yoga studio)
nor b) the fact that he was going to a fucking yoga class at 9 o'clock in god damn the morning with his dad, to you.
he slips out of your bed soundlessly, moving as carefully as possible not to wake you. it pains him to do it. really, it does. your sheets are warm, and soft, and smell like you. and you're still there resting so peacefully, tucked under them, breathing soundly with your face burrowed into the collar of his hoodie that you'd worn to bed the night before. you look so pretty like this, tomura had spent at least half an hour just staring at you while he was laying next to you in your treacherously comfortable bed, and would have happily spent another hour more doing it.
there are very few forces on earth that could tear tomura out of bed like this, but the mortifying prospect of having to explain to his over-enthusiastic father that he has a girlfriend is certainly one of them.
he creeps out of your room and into the bathroom, splashing some cool water on his face and using the lotion that you keep next to the sink that makes his skin feel so nice. you started buying a bigger bottle lately, now that the two of you are both using it, and you never mentioned it but tomura still noticed when the little tube was replaced by a larger version of the same product. next he reaches for the toothbrush that he's started keeping next to yours, double checking the hour on his phone to make sure he wasn't running out of time.
he contemplates stealing one last peek at you in bed before he leaves, but he knows that if he doesn't leave now he won't have time to change his clothes before his dad shows up outside his place, so he heads straight to your front door once he's done in the washroom.
you're standing in his path before he can get to it.
you've got a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, but he can still see the soft skin of your thighs where the hem of his hoodie hangs peeking out from underneath the edges of it. there's a little frown tugging the corners of your mouth down.
tomura freezes in his tracks.
"going somewhere?" you ask him, your voice quiet and a little bit hoarse from sleep.
oh, fuck.
"morning," he mumbles, a bit nervously, as you pin him in your stare.
"it is," you reply, as though agreeing with him. "early, even. so why are you sneaking out of my apartment like a burglar?"
tomura rakes a hand through his sleep-mussed hair. "i, uh, gotta be somewhere."
"you have to be somewhere?" you repeat, a bit incredulously—like the words don't quite compute. you don't seem mad at all, just thoroughly bewildered by the whole strange situation. "tomu, we went three rounds last night and you're awake before two PM on a weekend. are you okay?"
"'course i'm okay," he rushes to get out, tripping over his words.
"did I like... do something? or is there someone el—"
"are you kidding?" tomura's voice cracks and he wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole. he reaches out and grabs the edge of the blanket you have wrapped around you, his fingers twisting into it desperately. he knows you can't possibly—can't reasonably—think that he's seeing anybody else when the fact that he even landed someone like you is an honest to god miracle. the kind of underdog success story they make multi-part docuseries on.
tomura groans, shuffling forward and resting his forehead against your shoulder as he snakes his arms underneath the blanket around your frame to hold you close.
"you're being weird, tomu," you say quietly, brushing your fingers through his hair and letting your nails drag lightly against his scalp in that way that makes him want to shiver.
"fuck, I know, I know,"—he buries his face further into the crook of your neck, breathing in shakily—"'m not being sketchy or anything."
"you are," you remark lightly. "it's not that I don't trust you, I'm just confused."
tomura mumbles something, but the words are lost to the skin of your throat.
"what was that?" you ask.
tomura steels his nerve and takes one last long breath buried against your warmth. he pulls away and faces you.
"I have to go to a yoga class with my dad."
he loses his nerve about halfway through his admission, his eyes flickering away from yours to a point on the wall just above your front door, as a violent heat surges through his cheeks.
"a yoga class?"
he knows it sounds ridiculous. it is ridiculous. it may have been more believable to tell you he was going to hook up with someone el—
"why didn't you just say that?" your laughter cuts through his spiralling thoughts like a morning alarm.
his gaze snaps back to you, only to find you smiling softly.
"you... you're not...?" tomura isn't even sure what he's going to say. mad? surprised? convinced he's lying?
"i mean, i've noticed you've been looking kind of toned lately, but honestly i thought it's because we've been fucking so much," you scrunch your nose up a little. "yoga makes sense on both counts, though."
you turn and look across your apartment to the clock hanging on the wall.
"what time's your class?" you ask him, suddenly worried that this impromptu interrogation may have made him late. "i didn't mean to—"
tomura grabs either side of the blanket wrapped around your shoulders and tugs you forward, pressing his mouth to yours while your lips are still parted in speech.
(he doesn't make it to class that morning after all.)
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sugoi-and-spice · 6 days ago
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Chapter Thirty-Two - One Step Forward and Three Steps Back
Summary: Tomura Shigaraki was her dad’s boss’s son. He was the creep that stole girls’ underwear and tried to grope her in his room. But it’s not like he could get her Dad fired just because she wouldn’t sleep with him, right? …right?
CW: Quirkless!AU, Explicit Smut, Dub-Con, Coercion, Blackmail, Cheating, Sexual Guilt, Humiliation, Unhealthy Relationships, Power Play, Hate to Love, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Slow Burn, Racism (New, This Chapter) Suicidal Ideation, Psychiatric Wards, Forcible Sedation, Depiction of a Suicide Attempt
A/N: I'm alive!!! Thank you all for your patience during my bigger than usual gaps between chapters. As I've said in a few posts here (as few and far between as they've been) this has been a pretty crazy Winter that's left me with very little energy to write. I just had to take ANOTHER sudden trip to Florida only five days after I got back from Philly. Rip my sleep schedule TT_TT But I never stop thinking about Play Nice! So I hope this chapter was worth the wait, and thank you all again for your constant support. ❤️
Read Full Chapter on AO3
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She had to admit, Iguchi went above and beyond the call of duty as far as friends go. 
The rain had only gotten heavier by the end of their talk, but he still drove her home to Setagaya, stopping at a Uniqlo on the way there so that she wouldn’t be walking into her house wearing his oversized clothes. He even paid, since her wallet was trapped back with the rest of her possessions in Shigaraki’s room. It was definitely necessary, she could only imagine the ridiculous explanation she’d need to come up with for walking into her house this late at night, wearing some boy’s clothes without any shoes, after hours of missing her parents’, no doubt, countless calls. But it still felt like more kindness than she deserved at this point.
Never before had she felt so guilty over a knit sweater and yoga pants.
Luckily, she wasn’t in quite as deep of shit as either of them might’ve expected. Her dad was away on a business trip this week. And while her mom certainly wasn’t happy to be up so late waiting for her daughter, nursing a cup of tea at the dining table, she did at least take her explanation of “losing track of time at Shigaraki’s and losing her phone at school” at face value.
Or maybe she just noticed the puffiness of her daughter’s eyes and sunkenness of her shoulders, and decided to postpone the consequences to a day where she didn’t look so utterly broken.
Given the fact that she went straight to covering her with a blanket and pouring her a fresh cup of tea, she had a sneaking suspicion that it was the former.
They sat in silence as they sipped their tea, the same brand she’d just left cold at Iguchi’s, she noticed with a sad smile.
She looked up to her mom across the table. The woman was clearly bothered. She wanted to ask her daughter what the hell was going on. Why was she getting in so late? Why was she spending so much time away from home? Why was it that every other time she saw her, she was either crying or about to cry?
Why wasn’t she talking to them anymore? 
But she didn’t push. After all, she was a good mom, and an even better person. Understanding beyond belief when it came to isolation and hurt in particular. Because she’d gone through a world of it.
“People like you, like your father… They mean the world to those of us who’ve been broken.”
The similarity between her mom’s past and Shigaraki’s was definitely a line that she’d drawn before. They both came from foster care, both didn’t like to talk about it. Because of that latter part, it was something she never told either about.
She definitely considered telling Shigaraki, particularly the few times that he’d opened up about his past, but ultimately, it didn’t feel like it was her story to tell. Especially given the fact that she really didn’t know a lot about it. 
Regardless, there was definitely something similar about him that her mother had managed to pick up. Whether it was the exact shared experience or a worldview more nebulous, she wasn’t sure. But it was clear that she held a lot of sympathy for him. And an understanding that she just couldn’t fathom on her own.
An understanding she needed.
“Hey mom…”
Her mother looked up, unable to hide her eagerness to tackle whatever her daughter was struggling with.
“Yes sweetie?”
Her hands tightened around the mug, letting the warmth seep in, hoping that it could give her some strength.
“I… I need to ask you about something…”
Continue on AO3
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moog-rt · 8 months ago
ɪɴ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ [ch.3]
[Shigaraki Tomura x Fem!Reader]
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Beginning: Prologue
Previous: Chapter Two
➨ Chapter Three
Next: Chapter Four
The multiverse theory is the idea that there is not only one universe but, instead, an infinite number of universes, parallel to one another.
You and Tenko were heroes in your universe. The war came and went, and that left only you. When you are thrown into a universe parallel to yours, you find out the hard way just how similar and different it is from your own.
A/N: And the moment we've all been waiting for!!
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
You staggered down the hall as best you could. The majority of your joints had been encased in hardened clumps of clay from your last match. It turned what should have been a mindless task into quite the obstacle.
Carefully putting all of your weight onto one leg, you would swing the other in front of you before transitioning your weight to that one. It was tedious, as there were a couple times your balance was off and you’d wobble for a few seconds before regaining your footing.
You felt like you were practicing for the next Lego movie.
Every few minutes, you would pause to hammer at the clay deposits with a metal water bottle you’d found on a bench. You didn’t know whose it was, but you’d be sure to return it once you were done.
Part of you hoped it belonged to the bastard student that put you in this situation to begin with.
You understood that the UA Sports Festival was all about competing and whatnot, but the guy could have at least removed the clay once the round was over. Now, you were stuck being somewhat incapacitated until you got it all off.
You were barely making a dent with the water bottle, so you prayed that the nurse had something in her arsenal that could at least help you wiggle out.
You leaned down once more to start battering away at the large clump around your knee. By the time you realized your footing was off, it was too late as you slowly began falling forward. You yelped and waved your arms around in hope of regaining your balance, but it was all for naught.
Your body thudded to the floor, and you could hear metal ringing as the water bottle bounced and rolled out of reach. Groaning, you rolled onto your back and sat up as best you could. It took a moment before you concluded that you likely wouldn’t be able to get up without being able to bend your knees.
Maybe if you pushed yourself into a split, you could slowly inch your legs closer and closer together?
No. Even if you could get into the position, you would only be able to push yourself up as far as your arms could reach, then you’d be stuck again.
Finally, you rolled onto your belly, deciding that imitating an inch worm would be your best bet. You were able to make some progress as you pushed your butt into the air and walked backwards with your hands.
You were almost to a 90 degree angle before the clay plastered to the front of your shoes lost traction and began to slide away. Cursing under your breath, you quickened the movements of your arms, but rather than pushing you up, you were pushing your entire body backwards down the hall.
Until your feet caught onto something behind you.
Tilting your upper body around to look, you saw a pair of legs, and your feet were lined up perfectly with theirs. Immediately, you dropped back down to the ground and turned onto your butt to face the teenage boy. Your face was already burning up from being caught in such an awkward position, and when your eyes met the stranger’s, the heat flourished to your ears and neck.
“Oh, jeez. I’m sorry…” You adjusted your arms to better support you sitting up while you showed off a lopsided grin. “I just had the–uh–sudden urge to do some yoga. No one was around so I figured there was no better time than the present.”
The boy, no doubt an upperclassman, with crimson eyes and jet-black hair stared at you for a moment before kneeling down.
“Downward dog?” he asked as he reached forward to touch one of the massive clay chunks engulfing your knees. “I thought that pose was supposed to be stationary.”
“I took some creative liberty with it.” You looked away for a moment before you quickly jerked your leg away from him. “What are you doing?”
His eyes were harsh as they flickered up to your face. He grabbed hold of your leg and pulled it back toward him, causing you to fall back.
“Hey!” you yelped. Pushing yourself back up onto your elbows, you shot a glare at the stranger.
He paid you no mind and cupped one of your knees with his hand. “Helping. You were clearly struggling.”
“I think you and I have different definitions of help—"
The clay began crumbling away as if it were made of sand.
“Woah…” You stared as he freed you from your earthen shackles.
You bent your knees and elbows once all the clay was removed. Standing up never felt so good. You turned to thank your savior only to see he was already walking away.
“Uh, hey!” you shouted and trotted after him.
He looked at you from the corner of his eyes when you matched his pace.
“Thanks for that. I was gonna go to the nurse, but I don’t think she would have been much help,” you gleamed, watching him with a wide smile.
“It was no problem,” he said while keeping his gaze ahead of him as you trotted along at his side.
♡ ♡
Your footsteps echoed through the ominous hallway as you kept pace with Shigaraki. You were certain he thought you were out of your damn mind after you regaled him with all that had happened to you. He seemed the most interested when you expressed your detest for the ‘heroes’ of this society.
“So…when did you dye your hair?” you asked to break the painfully uncomfortable silence you’d fallen into.
He looked at you out of the corner of his eye but kept walking. “Never, why would I?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” you said and made a gesture towards your own head. “But your hair used to be black. What happened?”
“I don’t remember,” he grumbled, scrunching up his nose. “That was a long time ago.”
“Your hair’s supposed to be black.”
He made an exasperated noise and began walking faster. You had been bouncing questions off of him for the majority of your journey. He had been patient with you for the most part, but you knew you could only push him so far before he got fed up.
“Hey!” You quickened your pace to catch up. “Tenko, wait—”
You thudded into him when he stopped abruptly and spun around to face you.
“Don’t call me that,” he warned, piercing into you with his eyes. “I shouldn’t have to tell you again.”
Your gaze bounced between both of his eyes before you stepped back. The two of you stayed that way for a moment before he turned around with a huff and continued down the hall. You followed in silence.
Shortly after your public freak-out, he corrected you for calling him Tenko. He went by Shigaraki Tomura here. You weren’t sure why he took on the surname of your sensei, but that was the least of your concerns. He also insisted that the people who were heroes have always been heroes, and the same went for the villains.
You were beginning to come to terms with the fact you were most likely in some kind of alternate reality. It wasn’t comforting by any means, but it was the best explanation you’d come up with thus far.
\Your eyes bore into Shigaraki’s back. He was vague when you asked where he was taking you. However, the warehouse you were in now was the same one that filled the space your agency once occupied. It felt somewhat eerie. You were walking through the ghost of the building that should have been there with a person who should be dead.
In a weird way, it was also comforting.
He led you through another open corridor and stopped at a large set of double doors. He paused for a moment, trying to be subtle as he glanced back at you, before pushing one of the doors open for you to walk through.
You waited for him to go in first, but you quickly got the message he was waiting on you. He stared you down as you passed by him. You felt as though you were under a microscope, like he was analyzing even your slightest movements and expressions.
To be fair, you were staring, as well. He was clearly much different than the person you remembered, and you had yet to figure out just how much of him was the same. You loved Tenko, but you also knew he could be touchy at times, so it was best for you to test the waters before diving in.
Upon entering the dilapidated room, you froze.
You had dreamt more dreams of your old friends than you could count. And not even one could compare to what you were seeing right now. You never would have imagined you’d find yourself in a room with everyone all together again. But here they were.
Everyone looked a little different, but even so, the familiarity that rushed through your veins made your eyes prick with tears. Your heartrate was picking up as your eyes darted around the room.
Years. It had been years since you’d last seen half of the people standing before you. You’ve stood beside them countless times before, and you’d imagined it many times since. However, in this moment, you were at a loss for words.
How often is it that you get to be reunited with your late comrades?
You opened your mouth to say something—anything—when your eyes landed on Jin, and you choked on whatever words were about to come out. Your throat constricted. It felt like everything around you was fuzzy, but it was clear around Jin. He was all you could see.
His death was something you would never forgive yourself for. Had you been where you were supposed to be, it never would have happened. Instead, you were distracted and acting on impulse. By the time you’d finally gotten to his side, it was far too late. In the last few moments you had with him, he never blamed you, not once, but you knew. You knew that you could have changed that outcome.
The memory of the way he had clung to you and wept was haunting.
You took a shaky step forward, your bottom lip quivering. You would have embraced him, but he beat you to it. His arms were wrapped so tightly around your shoulders, and you had to stand on your tiptoes as you were raised above the ground.
He choked on a sob of his own. “I knew you couldn’t really be dead. Good riddance!” Suddenly, he dropped to his knees, dragging you down with him, and began rubbing his face against the top of your head.
“Jin…” you whispered.
“You really got us good. I totally fell for it! Worst prank ever!”
Another pair of arms grappled you from behind and their tear-soaked face pressed against the back of your neck.
“I couldn’t believe it at first…” you recognized the voice as Toga’s, “but you’re really here!”
“I don’t—What are you talking about?” you stuttered. Your body trembled under the weight of your friends, and your mind was reeling as you tried to comprehend what they were saying. “Why would you say that? Why would you think I died?”
“Because we buried you ourselves. That’s why.” You looked up to see Iguchi walking towards you, his face a blank slate you couldn’t read. “So that begs the question, how did you dig yourself out of your own grave?”
“You’ve never called me by my real name,” he cut in, raising his chin to look down his nose at you. “Who are you?”
Your confusion vanished, and all you could see was red. Your body grew impossibly tense, fists balled so tightly your nails would leave crescents on your palms.
“That’s such bullshit,” you spat as you pulled away from the arms of your friends to stand up abruptly. Your glare was booring through his thick skin. “What else would I have called you? Spinner? We’ve never used our hero names outside of work.”
He drew his head back as a scowl etched across his face.
Maybe he was like Shigaraki, and he created a new name for himself. Like Touya, too, now that you thought about it.
“Let’s not get too heated,” Atsuhiro spoke up with his hands raised as if to break apart a fight. “The circumstances may be out of the ordinary, but that doesn’t mean we should be jumping down each other’s throats.”
“You don’t even look the same,” Spinner added, ignoring Atsuhiro’s attempt at abating the growing conflict. “There’s no way you could pass as a teenager.”
“Okay, well, that’s just rude,” you bit back after taking a solid blow to your self-esteem.
“Can we go back for a second?”
You and Spinner both looked over to Shigaraki, mildly surprised after he seemed to have taken a backseat in this reunion of sorts. He pushed off the door frame where you entered the room and stalked towards you.
“To the part about using hero names,” he continued, stopping just a few feet away. “See, what you explained to me earlier gave me the impression that you felt the heroes’ actions were akin to a villain’s. What you’re implying now sounds a lot more like—”
“We’re heroes,” you cut in. The fire that had ignited inside you—the hope that everything wasn’t as warped as you initially perceived—was dwindling. “You’re all supposed to be heroes.”
Your eyes became softer, not out of sadness but of exhaustion. You were tired of all the mental hoops you were throwing yourself through trying to piece this new reality together. You certainly didn’t have the energy to force these people to believe in you.
Your spirit was crawling in on itself, and you wanted so badly to turn your back on everything that distressed you. It wouldn’t be impossible to walk away from your current engagement, but you’d still be forced to come to terms with the rest of this messed up society. You were surrounded by stressors with no place to hide.
“What on Earth would make you think that?” Shigaraki glowered at you.
“You mean, like, heroes to each other?” Toga chipped. She wrapped her body around you, resting her chin on your shoulder. “’Cause you’re totally my hero! You saved Jin and me from those nasty gangsters!”
“The Hassaikai?” you asked. You were pretty sure that’s what she was referring to. You remembered when the three of you had to face Mimic and the pillars he tried to crush you with. They would have killed both Jin and Toga had you not frozen them in time. “That did happen.”
“Of course it did. That’s the whole reason we thought you died!” Jin said as he threw his arms out for emphasis.
You shook your head. “No. I would have died if you two hadn’t saved me.”
“Ah, yes, just as I remember! That’s not how it went.” Jin waved his arms in denial. “We tried, but you were too far away.”
“I was far, yeah, but you guys were able to get me out of the way in time,” you corrected, “I was hospitalized because of the injuries, but I didn’t die.”
Jin didn’t respond. His hands fell to his sides and his shoulders dropped. You could feel Toga’s embrace tense before she slipped away from you. You glanced back at her, but her eyes were covered by her bangs.
“Look, I’m not the same person you know,” you sighed and walked back a few steps so you could face everyone, “But I remember dealing with Overhaul and his people. It was years ago, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same as what you’re talking about. I was in a coma for weeks following that fight, so it only makes sense that I—she would be in a hospital somewhere…”
Your voice fizzled away as you reflected on what Spinner had said earlier. They never lost your body. You weren’t considered missing to them. If they really did burry you, then there would be no doubt about your condition.
And if they hadn’t found your body, they wouldn’t be so quick to claim you were dead. Granted, you were assuming they had similar mindsets to the people you remembered them to be.
“I can’t be dead, that doesn’t make sense,” you murmured, shaking your head and backing away further.
You had thought that everyone’s roles within society were the only things different about this new timeline. Magne died here around the same time she did when you had lived through it. From what you read, the ambush on the Shie Hassaikai was conducted almost exactly the same as you remembered. Everything else was the same. Everyone was alive at the time they should be, but you were the outlier.
What happened differently here that resulted in your death rather than measly mutilation?
“The fact you’re standing here is what's really perplexing,” Shigaraki remarked, looking you up and down before his eyes settled on yours.
“I think…I’m pretty sure I was teleported,” you said with a new firmness in your voice. Subconsciously, you were pretty sure you had come to that conclusion a while ago. However, the lack of evidence that Dai Uchuu could teleport people and things across timelines made you hesitant to fully accept it.
You expected him to write off your theory as nonsense, possibly even laugh at your outlandish proposal. But Shigaraki’s gaze on you didn’t waver, didn’t so much as flinch. In fact, it seemed as though he could see right “By a quirk?” he asked. His arms unfolded, and he raised a hand to his neck, the tips of his fingers grazing along the scarred skin.
You nodded. “I had a run in with a villain whose quirk allows him to teleport objects. We never considered it could be anything more than that, but, before that point, everything was still normal.”
“Quirks have become more complex with each generation,” he remarked, looking off to the side. “It’s unlikely for such an overpowered one like that to exist, but it’s not impossible.”
He looked back at you with eyes that were no longer harsh. Your chest became light as all the stress that had accumulated over the past day withered away. You needed to sit, but before you could even consider finding somewhere to relax, there was a tug on your arm.
Toga was staring at you with wide eyes and a grin that felt all too familiar. “So, like, does that mean you’re from the future or something?”
Your eyebrows scrunched, and a corner of your lips tugged upwards. Of course that would be what caught her attention.
“I guess so. I’ve probably gone back almost three years,” you hummed.
“Ooh! Ooh! What happens between now and then?” she beamed, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “Do we win?”
Your stomach churned.
The question itself was simple and could easily be answered by a civilian or governmental figure. You defeated the villains and locked them away. Society was safe for the time being, and everyone could go on with their lives as usual.
Obviously, there were some exceptions.
“If she is from the future, telling you what happens could mess everything up,” Spinner pointed out, putting a hand on his hip. “In every movie and game where they deal with time travel, they always talk about the consequences of changing the past.”
“I’m just asking what happens. I never said I’d change anything,” Toga retorted before blowing a raspberry in his direction. “Besides, if we’re heroes where she’s from, I think things are already messed up.”
The two began to bicker over the topic. Eventually, Atsuhiro joined in, bringing up the issue of paradoxes, which favored Spinner’s side of the argument. Jin seemed to do his best to follow along, taking on a supporting role for everyone involved in the conversation.
Touya had kept silent for almost the entirety of your little reunion, but you glanced over in time to see him kick off the wall he had been leaning against. He walked towards you with a lopsided grin.
“You’ve grown up nicely,” he ribbed.
Your upper lip curled at his implication. “I’m not sure I can say the same for you.”
He cackled. “What, do I start going grey?”
“I’d be a little more concerned with skincare if I were you,” you snipped, crossing your arms and turning your torso away from him.
Shigaraki was mostly keeping to himself on the sidelines. He looked like he was listening in on the argument between Toga and Spinner, but his eyes squinted after your retort, giving away his mild amusement. Touya followed your gaze and scoffed.
“You say that as if I’m the only one with skin issues,” he said with a raised voice, still facing Shigaraki.
At that, Shigaraki’s eyes shot over to Touya and narrowed.
“Do you have a preference for what I call you?” you inquired with a raised brow. You were heckled by two people about names at this point, so you might as well make it customary to check before offending anyone else.
“Dabi,” he stated in a flat tone. His teasing demeanor dropped completely. “If you call me anything else, you’ll be joining the fucked up skin club.”
Your lips pursed. “Noted.”
“What’s your plan until you go back to wherever you came from?” he asked, crossing his arms and turning away to face the intensifying commotion the others were causing.
That was something you still needed to work out. You couldn’t stay here forever, nor did you want to. Seeing friends of old was wonderful and all, but you still had a life you needed to get back to. You had a job to do and bills to pay. You weren’t sure if time was actively passing back home, but you didn’t want to take any chances.
Finding Dai Uchuu shouldn’t be too difficult with the right amount of research and public records. It would be tedious work, but you didn’t have many other options. Roaming city streets with your fingers crossed that you’d run into him would be like finding a needle in a haystack. He could have even fled to another country for all you knew.
“I stayed at a hotel last night. I’ll probably keep the room until I find the guy that sent me here. I was out to buy clothes and toiletries before—”
“You’re staying with us,” Shigaraki stated, walking up to the two of you.
Dabi cackled. “You’re really not wasting any time now that she’s your age.”
Shigaraki stood taller and raised his chin before turning to face you, opting to cut his comrade out of the conversation. “You said it yourself. We don’t actually know you, and it would be stupid to let you go off on your own. You’re a hero, which means you put the public’s best interest before all else.”
“I’m not so sure the public’s interest aligns with me here. Still, I understand where you’re coming from,” you conceded.
“Dabi, tell the others we’re done. You, come,” he demanded. He didn’t wait for a response and walked out of the room.
You found yourself, once again, trailing behind him. He led you back through the corridor and down a staircase to the basement level of the sketchy old building. You looked around at the various pipes that protruded through the cracked concrete walls. Some of them dripped, creating murky puddles that you had to dodge or hop over.
You got a bad feeling you were going to end up in a cell of sorts.
He did say he didn’t want you wandering freely…
The two of you stopped in front of a rotting wooden door that likely led to a closet or electrical room. However, he opened it to reveal a much larger space that appeared finished with painted drywall and linoleum flooring. There were no pipes to be seen aside from beneath a faucet that helped make up a kitchenette.
The room was clearly lived in from the wrappers, takeout containers, and stray articles of clothing that littered the ground around a beaten-up pair of old sofas. The cabinet door beneath the sink was missing, and some of the others looked as though one good tug could take them off their hinges. The countertops were also overdue for a good wipe down.
“Have you all been living here?” you asked, doing your best to hide your displeasure.
The closest you’d gotten to living with roommates was when UA forced all its students into dorms. Even then, you were all expected to clean up after yourselves and upkeep the place. 
It at least looked like everyone got their own rooms judging by the hallway that branched off of the common area. You didn’t count, but there seemed to be enough doors for everybody. A few of them were open, allowing you to see a bedroom that was fairly put together. Right next to it was a room that looked as though a bomb went off inside.
“You’ll share a room with one of us until you figure out how to fix your whole…situation.” Shigaraki went over to one of the couches to pull a balled-up blanket from between the cushions and threw at you without warning. You only partially caught it, most ended up draped over your head.
After a moment of befuddlement, you slipped the blanket off to see him standing in front of you. Your heart pounded as you watched his eyes roam over your face before looking down at your chest. You could feel an embarrassed blush begin to bubble in your cheeks.
He reached forward and pulled at the shoulder of your shirt. “I still don’t get why you’d wear something like this.”
You scoffed, swatting his hand away. “I thought we already went over this. My options were limited.”
“And that was really the best thing you could find?” he rolled his eyes.
“You know I was actively trying to buy something else to wear instead when you jumped me,” you quipped, crossing your arms.
“Toga has too many clothes. Go put something of hers on,” he demanded before turning away from you to plop himself on one of the couches. The creaking of the wood and springs under his weight made you cringe. It was only a matter of time before that old thing gave out.
“Or I can go back to my hotel to get my stuff, and I can buy a thing or two while I’m out,” you bargained as you paced over to him and leaned against the arm of the sofa.
“I told you, you’re not leaving.”
“Just go with me if you’re really that concerned,” you proposed, tilting your head with and equally crooked grin. “You owe me a shopping trip.”
Shigaraki had been trying to appear busy by fiddling with a TV remote, but his eyes flew back to you. He just stared until you raised your eyebrows expectantly. His attention went back to the remote. “We can figure something out later.”
♡ ♡ ♡
➨ Chapter Four
taglist: @boogiemansbitch @multisstuff
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nonobadcat · 2 years ago
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For @oklolnoty
Down the Rabbit Hole - Five Chapters - 20k words - Yandere Shigaraki Tomura x Rabbit Quirk Female Reader
Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5 🐇 Ao3 Mirror
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Rating: 18+ readers only - Minors DNI
Whole story TW: Noncon, yandere with kidnapping, severe quirk based discrimination, binge drinking, canon typical threats of violence (reader directed), canon typical death (nonreader directed), oral (give/receive), PnV (doggie), breeding, and expensive designer clothing everywhere.
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Chapter 3: Choice - 4.1k words
TW: Oral (giving), mentions of quirk discrimination, non-con in entertainment media, and sexual harassment
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At exactly 1:56 PM, you turned the corner from the main street onto a wide, concrete alley. Low, overcast ceilings hovered down around tall, glossy buildings. Vermillion hues, a product of human smog more than mother nature, washed the bottom of the clouds. From below the eaves of a grey high rise, a pair of narrow eyes, the same color as the sky, glared at you.
Shigaraki kicked off the hard wall, scratching his neck. “Aren’t you supposed to say something like: ‘Sorry, did I keep you waiting?’”
You hiked your bow-studded messenger back over your shoulder and sauntered to his side. Wrapping your hands around his arm, you smirked at him. “Why? I’m not sorry and I didn’t keep you waiting.”
Tomura stiffened. “What are you doing?!” 
Huh… That reaction? At his age? Guess his mentor sent him to the hostess bar for a good reason.
You clamped down on him and sneered. “It’s 13°C and I’m in yoga pants. Shut up and be grateful for the view.”
Shigaraki’s gaze raked over your outfit. Tactically unzipped to the perfect level, the oversized hoodie gaped open to reveal a grey, ribbed tank almost as touchable as your ears. Its plunging neckline promised more cleavage than it delivered but the way it hugged your tits more than made up for the tease. The yoga pants in question smoothed your thighs and butt into sculpted perfection. Chunky, black sneakers with rhinestone accents added a girlish kick to the casual clothing. Taking a page from Lola Bunny, you wrapped your lop ears high on your head in a velvet bow.
“Hot, right?" you taunted. "It's too bad the club has a formal dress code. I think I causal-up really cute."
He scoffed.
You tugged his arm. "Third floor. Come on."
You dragged your date across the bland, grimey tile and past the money exchange service. A short ride up the cramped elevator carried you to the third floor. The bright, blue and red sign proclaimed “24 hours/365 days a year”. Beyond fingerprint-pocked glass doors lay the hidden depths of “MyStyle Manga Cafe”. You strolled in and dug your membership card out of your bag. 
“I have a reservation for the VIP flatbed pair suite.”
The balding middle age manager scanned your card before handing you a ticket. “Room ten, just next to the copier. Payment is due when you leave.”
You nodded, tugging your victim's arm. Cherry flavored lips brushed against his ear. “I got the one with the locking door. It costs a little more, but you don’t mind paying for the upgrade, right, Tomura?"
Your date inhaled as if he’d been shot in the leg. 
Oh. This was going to be fun.
Only about eight steps from the check-in desk, room ten was a cramped space, barely big enough for two adults. You flopped onto the thick, black floor pads and shoved the foam-stuffed pillow chair aside. The lock clicked from behind. New weight shifted the mat beside you. You rifled through your bag, humming the “item get” tune from Zelda as you produced a cheap USB drive. Within seconds, a pop colored menu burst to life on the computer screen.
“Animal Attraction: Tails of Love!” five different girls cried out from the crackling speakers.
Red eyes narrowed. “What is that?”
“You wanted the real me, right? Today, extra special for your royal pain-in-my-tail, I’m giving you the side I don’t show clients.” You held out a pair of cheap, padded headphones to him and flashed him a crooked smile. “Chase the cat girl, and I will claw your eyes out.”
A few hours later, a fluffy, white haired girl with blazing red eyes and tall rabbit ears stood at the back of an empty lecture hall. She picked at the heart shaped buttons of her pink sundress, refusing to look the player in the eye.
‘The truth is… the professor makes me feel uncomfortable,’ she explained, shifting nervously in her strappy sandals.' ‘Why? Did he do something?��� the player replied. She shook her head. ‘No. Not really. I mean, maybe I’m just imagining it but it just feels wrong. It makes my hair prickle and my stomach hurt when I’m around him.’ Fat tears welled at her pale lash line. ‘He asked me to go to his office hours today to discuss my grades but I... I just… I don’t know. I can’t put it into words.”
Calm down. You’re just imagining things.
Your grades are fine, right? Just skip the office hours.
If he makes you uncomfortable, I’ll go with you.
Tomura clicked option 3.
‘Oh no!’ she protested. ‘He hasn’t done anything. I swear.’ Chewing her soft lips, she began to shake. She forced a smile. ‘Anyway, I’m sure I’m just being stupid. I’m sorry to have worried you over nothing.’  As she turned to bolt, the player grabbed her arm. 'Don’t say that about yourself! You’re not stupid!' Hard teeth bit quivering lips. Her nostrils flared. All at once her beautiful face contorted into pure pain. The camera panned high. A detailed CG filled the screen. Crumpled into her thighs, the heroine wailed at the top of her lungs.  ‘I know I’m not! Everyone thinks I am just because I’m a bunny girl!’ she shrieked, grabbing at her ears. ‘I’m so sick of it. Day in, day out it’s ‘Smile for me sweetie. You’re so much prettier when you smile’ and ‘wow… isn’t a bachelor’s degree kinda hard for you?’ and ‘You want to join our club? No problem. Why don’t you grab us some drinks and you can sit here so everyone can see you?’' Twin fists slammed hard against the tile. ‘I’M A PERSON, NOT A MASCOT.’ The player kneeled beside her, their hand hovering for a moment before they pulled it away. “That sounds rough.” ‘It is rough,’ she agreed, fumbling for her abandoned purse. The player held out their hand towel. ‘Here.’ Watery eyes stared up at the player.  ‘Look,’ the player continued. ‘You really aren’t stupid. If you say something is wrong then something is wrong. Even if you don’t want me to come, don’t go by yourself.’ She took the towel with a bright smile and shook her head. ‘No. I want you.’ Red eyes slipped shut as she buried her nose in the terry cloth. ‘I trust you, Tomura.’
Beside you on the floor, the real Tomura sneered. “100% guarantee the professor is a perv.”
You hummed, resting your head on his shoulder. 
His body went rigid.
“Something wrong?”
He coughed, tilting his legs so that his lap remained hidden. “It’s a pretty lame plot device. She should just drop-kick him through a window. Problem solved.”
You clicked your tongue. “It’s not that easy. She’s a senior in college and he manages her internship. If she makes him mad, her chances for getting a reference go up in flames.”
Boney fingers raked his neck. “That’s a load of crap.”
“But realistic,” you argued with a finger wag. “Despite being an indie project, the game got really good reviews specifically because the bunny girl route was such a realistic portrayal of sexual harassment.” A dark shadow filled your face. “Though there were some complaints.”
“Such as?”
Your eye twitched. “Apparently, the bad end wasn’t bad enough. If the player tells her to calm down, she quits school and leaves town, never to contact them again. Several reviewers insisted the professor should have on-camera raped her to really drive the point home that sexual harassment is bad.”
“...so they wanted to watch her get raped so they could whine about how rape is bad?”
“Yup,” you explained, flipping down onto the mat.
“That’s stupid.”
You laughed. “I know, right?! You need to just own your kink at that point! Don’t pretend you don’t like it just to feel morally superior.” 
“You wrote this, didn’t you?”
“Oh no, no, no. I wrote AND coded it.” You slapped the computer and pointed to your head. “There’s more than good hair between these ears.”
“Good hair or good hare?”
“Hares are not the same as rabbits,” you reminded him.
Tomura snorted. “Okay. Okay. I got it.”
“You better!” You shoved his shoulder. “I have no interest in stupid guys.”
He stared down his nose at you. “So why play dumb yourself?”
“No matter what they claim, people have expectations based on appearances,” you muttered with a frown. “A hostess is selling a fantasy. Turns out customers don’t fantasize about smart bunny babes.”
“They should.”
You flashed him a coy grin. “Are you saying I’m not so boring now?”
He scoffed and turned his head, but you caught the pink tinge at the tip of his ears. You hummed knowingly. He scowled and pointed at the screen.
“Why even work as a hostess if you can do this? Was the pay crap or something?”
"No one wanted me."
Tomura raised a peeling brow. "Huh?"
"Well, not for my brains anyway," you huffed, crossing your arms. "One look at my bunny ears and suddenly everything on my resume might as well have read, 'S class whore'. Women whispered behind my back and men kept staring at my tits. No one bothered to hear what I had to say."
Tomura glanced back at the screen. Shining with tears, the bunny girl in the game peered at him from above her declaration of affection. His eyes rolled back to you. "So when did you make the game?"
"College, during my internship." You scowled. "Didn't go so well in the end either."
"The professor?"
You shook your head. "Two 'friends'. One kept demanding I write stuff about heat cycles in the bunny girl route to 'spice it up'. Bunnies don't have heat cycles. They have receptive periods. I tried to explain and he told me I was just being nit picky."
"Receptive periods?"
"Bunnies and cats are induced ovulators, meaning mating causes ovulation. Cats go through a period where they are super horny called a heat. They'd bang anything," you explained, jabbing a finger at the screen. "Female bunnies just become more tolerant of mating for a few days a month called a receptive period. They don’t crave it. It's totally different!"
"And outside that period they claw your eyes out?" he teased.
"Google it if you're so curious."
"So what happened with the other 'friend'?"
“He backed me… At least until I told he figured out I wasn’t just a pussy-machine that you put kindness coins in until it dispensed sex. Then he sided with the other guy.” You pulled your knees to your chin. “I don’t like shallow guys like that, so it wasn’t much of a loss.”
Dry lips pinched into a thin line. 
A mischievous glint sparked in your eye. “Aw… not going to ask me what type of guy I do like?”
He scratched his neck, turning back to the game. 
“Now who’s boring,” you muttered, pressing your cheek to his boney shoulder.
Mechanically, Tomura tapped through the dialogue line by line until the two characters reached the professor’s office. The love interest knocked twice and fixed her companion with a nervous smile before slipping inside. Listening at the door, the player was privy to only half the words shared between the two.
“...concerned for you… Your grades are...” “...doing my best!” “...under a lot of stress.”
Chapped lips quirked into a cruel smile. “Bad flag.”
“Professor! What are you doing!” “...calm down. Just let me—” “No!” THUD.
Tomura whistled. “That escalated quickly.”
You winced at the choices. “This is one of the parts where we got into a debate about the ‘true ending’.”
Open the door
Make some noise
Leave. This is not your job.
He tapped the quick save in the top corner. “Two arbitrary choices and an obvious bad end? Pretty typical to me.” He clicked the first option.
The door knob refused to budge.
He save-scummed and clicked the second option.
No one inside the room heard a word.
You crossed your arms. “The other developers thought the best way to win her heart was to go all ‘hero to the rescue’. However, if you were to do that, she won’t get a reference for a job.” 
Red eyes shifted from you to the screen. With two taps, he quick-loaded the choice again. “Don’t be heroic, huh?” He sneered. “I like it.” 
Tomura tapped the last box. 
The player headed down the hallway, and around the corner. One screen shake later, they found themselves face first in the Dean of Students’ chest. Armed with an authority figure and a set of skeleton keys, the player returned to the scene of the crime. “You lead me on, you little slut!” “No! I swear I didn’t—” “You want to pass this class, right?” “Please don’t!” “Shut up and just—” The Dean shoved his keys into the lock before throwing open the door. “What on earth is going on here?!” Within seconds, the love interest threw herself into the player’s chest. “T-Tomura. I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Work smarter, not harder,” you cheered.
“Chcc…” Brittle nails raked his scabbed neck as he clicked into the next scene. 
Down a long, winding side street, the player walked their love interest back to her home. When they reached the gate, she paused for a moment, digging her toe into the chipping sidewalk. Orange light streamed through the fluffy purple clouds. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, glancing at the player from under long lashes.  "You walked me so far just so I wouldn't be scared." A warm flush flittered over her button nose. "Would you… would you like to come in for a snack before you go home?"
I'm not hungry.
A manicured hand slapped Tomura on the back so hard he jolted forward. Your claws pointed to the second choice as you cheered. "GET SOME, PLAYER!"
Tomura stuck his pinky in his ear, jiggling it to clear out the ringing noise. "Could you be a little more loud?!" he muttered, selecting the latter option.
You hummed and rolled your eyes.
On screen, the player followed their love interest up a short flight of stairs to a violently feminine bedroom. Pink polka dots and chubby cartoon carrots splattered the bedspread like some sort of kawaii-pox. Impractically sheer curtains provided no privacy from the tall windows. Taking a seat on the heart-studded floor cushions, the player listened as nervous rambling poured from their love interest’s lips. “—could get you some tea if you want? You know, like green tea? You like green tea right? Oh, wait, you might prefer barley… Do you? I don’t know if I have barley but I could go get some really quick from the convenience stor— er… oh… but that’d be rude to leave you alone since there isn’t anyone here right now.” She flushed pink from head to toe, furiously waving her hands. “Not that I planned it like that or anything! I mean… well… maybe I did but it wasn’t for that reason, I swear! I just have something to tell you and it was too embarrassing to say in front of people. Oh crap! No wait! No! I mean, I’m not embarrassed by you or anything! I-I’m just not confident in myself!” She melted into her palms, steam pouring from her ears. “Ohmigosh what am I even saying?!” Confused silence was her only reply. A low thumping vibrated from the speakers. The girl quickly gripped her long leg, forcing it to stop tapping the ground. Red eyes looked everywhere but on the screen. Glossy lips trembled. “I… I’m in love with you!” she blurted out, clipping the old speakers.
I love you too
I prefer cat girls
The mouse hovered over the second option for a moment. 
“You’re horrible!” you laughed, elbowing him in the rib.
He sneered at you before clicking the first line.
“Tomura… Can I… Could I kiss you?”
A gentle pop smack popped from the speakers.
“M-maybe… just one more?”
Small tongue clicks matched with a well timed lip bite, kept the IRL Tomura’s eyes glued to the screen.You reached for your purse.
“One more?” she begged, her voice raspy with need.
Tomura shifted, tugging at his pants. The back of your hand grazed his thigh. He didn’t budge. Satisfaction filled your stomach. You leaned in for the kill.
On screen, an erotic CG filled the screen complete with a covert cleavage shot and animated drool pooling at the corner of plush lips. Wet sucking noises split the needy whining. “Ah… Tomura… I feel so hot.”
“Ah… Tomura… I feel so hot.”
Your prey jolted as dual bunny girls echoed in his ears. His head snapped to you. You smirked at him and cupped his thigh. 
His breath hitched. 
Peering at him from below your lashes, you shuffled to your knees.
“What—” he gulped, leaning away “—are you doing?”
Your moist tongue flicked out, tasting your cherry lip balm. “That depends.”
Red eyes flashed to your lips. “On what?”
You chuckled, angling your chest until your top gaped open. Manicured nails dragged down bare skin into the valley between your breasts. “How much do you want?”
“How much of what?”
A fake, high pitched giggle rapidly devolved into a sensual sigh. Your lips grazed his ear. Warm breath tickled his cheek. “Of the truth?”
The mouse hit the floor mat with a soft pap.
“Like all truths, there’s a pretty part and an ugly part.” Walking your fingers up his thigh, you pressed onward with your tease. “The pretty part is I always wanted to try something like this with my boyfriend.” With a nod to the computer screen, you nuzzled baby blue locks from the edge of his jaw. “But of all the guys I’ve dated, you're the only one I know is nasty enough to be down for it.”
You snapped the button on his jeans open. He groaned.
“Neh. Tomura. You know that hostesses can get fired if they sleep with their clients, right?” 
His zipper fell. Your hand slipped below his elastic band. Warm sweat beaded in the pile of wiry, pale curls. You combed lower. Something firm jumped at your touch.
“After all, men pay for the chase. If they catch you, they have no reason to come back. No club wants a hostess that loses clients.”
Tomura’s eyes lulled into his lids as you wormed your way down the shaft. More on instinct than rationale, he leaned into the cushion behind him and arched his hips. Little by little you wiggled him loose from the confines of stretch denim and into the cool air. Musky arousal left a sticky trail up your palm.
“But the ugly truth is I don’t want you to come back. You cause too much trouble, crusty boy.”
Crinkling foil caused his eyes to drift open. You wagged the pink rubber in front of his face, before lowering it to his weeping, red head. Gripping his thigh for balance, you leaned down and wrapped your mouth over the strawberry flavored plastic. You tongued it down his shaft. He gasped.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you, Tomura.”
He squinted down at you through watery eyes.
With a smirk, you nodded to the screen. “Keep going.”
“T-tomura… Ah! Wait! When you touch me like that I—!”
Keeping your lips tucked over your teeth, you teased down with pressure, making him fight you just enough to squeeze into your mouth. One hand cupped his shaft as your fingers made a firm ring. The other slipped lower, gently threading his balls between your rolling digits. 
He moaned, closing his eyes. 
You popped off his cock, giving him a long stroke. “Keep going.”
“Ah… Your tongue! Hah… so wet. **gulp** It’s so different from when I— ngnn!”
You tugged his shirt and caught his gaze. Your tongue fanned wide, taking a languid taste of artificial strawberry. Saliva pooled at the tip before dripping onto him. With rapt attention, he watched the droplet wind its way between every crease of the condom. When it bulged over the rolled rim, his cock throbbed against your mouth.
“—feels so hot.”
You plunged down over his length, sucking in your cheeks.
“M-my brain is kinda… ahhhhh… mu-shy…”
Angling him for mid-throat, you pressed on until coarse hair tickled your nose.
“Just like that! Ohmigosh Tomura I need—”
Who knew crusty boy was packing a good cock? Not some hentai-worthy pussy destroyer or anything but the curve would have been nice to ride. Too bad the girth made your jaw ache. 
“Tomura. Oh, Tomura. Right there! Please. Hah. S-so close.”
She wasn’t the only one. Half of Tomura’s hand clamped down on your skull. Sharp nails pricked your scalp as he curled most of his fingers into your hair. Insistent tugs set a punishing pace. Your neck burned. Salty snot dripped from your nose. A stream of garbled cuss words slipped from his lips.
“—gonna! Mmmm gonna—!”
As the screen flashed white, Tomura stuffed you into his crotch. His swollen head pressed hard into your tender throat. You gagged. He groaned. Cum-filled condom ballooned at the back of your tongue. You jerked your head to the side, trying to free yourself.
He ripped his hand away. “Don’t do that!” he snapped.
Hacking into your fist, you glared at him. “Then d-coughcough-n’t choke me, moron!”
Beady eyes narrowed. He grabbed your shoulder and wrapped his legs around your thigh. The world flipped. Your head collided with the hard mat. Vision spinning, you coughed again through painful tears. Tomura snatched up the torn wrapper, dangling it over your chest.
“Watch,” he commanded.
One at a time, he brought his fingers down onto the pink foil. After four exaggerated pinches, nothing appeared to change. You opened your mouth to tell him off just as all five fingers touched the packet. All at once, dry ash fluttered through the air. Your heart slammed against your ribs.
Welp, that explained why he seemed so touch starved.
“Understand now?!” His hard fist smacked  the padding beside your head. “I could have killed you, idiot!”
Between a tight throat and breathless lungs, no words could escape. Ice snaked through your veins. For the first time in a long time, terror rippled across your skin like a shock from a cattle prod. You swallowed, sniffing back tears.
With a deep breath, Tomura rolled off of you and shuffled away. He picked at the drooping plastic like a child picks at bell peppers. Cracking lips pouted. “How do I get this thing off?”
“O-oh…” You shoved off the mat and kneeled beside him. “Here. Let me—”
When your hand bumped his, every hair on your body prickled.
He pulled his arm away and averted his gaze. “Whatever. Don’t force yourself.
You grunted before lunging for his lap. One hand caught his jaw. The other circled his now drooping cock. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before turning him to watch.
“Not uh. Not until you understand.”
Centimeter by centimeter, you carefully dragged the condom free. Your fingers brushed his weeping tip. It jumped from the contact. The hand on his face trailed down his chest, following every dip until it bumped its twin. Three deft twists and a tight knot secured the payload. You swung it back and forth from your fingers and fixed him with a sultry grin.
“Don’t tell a professional how to do her job,” you warned. 
Tossing the condom over your shoulder, you wrenched his face to yours and locked him in a blazing kiss. His eyes bulged. Your knee slipped between his as your tongue dove through his defenses. Nip after nip, you coaxed him into your clutches. 
A low groan vibrated from his chest. His hands slid up your hips.The hair on your neck prickled. You ignored it, pressing slow, sensual affections deep into his skin. A whiff of your perfume slipped by your nose. Something twitched against your pants. Your toothy grin pricked his chapped lips. 
Got him.
Careful to peel away rather than pull, you scooped up your bag and the evidence of your little ploy. Through heaving pants, he shot you a pointed look. You nodded to the computer clock. It read a quarter to nine.
“I have another arrangement at nine thirty, so I have to get dressed. Make sure you clear out by midnight or they’ll charge you extra.” You nudged his now swollen cock with the tip of your toe. He shivered. Manicured nails clacked on the door handle. “Hope the rest of your night is less boring—” You flashed him a wink. “—Tomura. ❤”
You swung your hips and strutted away.
Violent curses chased you down the hall.
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Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5 🐇 Ao3 Mirror
Next Chapter Expected: July 30th, 2023
Expected Completion Date: Mid-Aug 2023
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Taglist: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @shig-a-shig-ah @castershellwrites @smilinghowever @krystalwithakay @iris-goddess @ss-syche @mortallysparklyfun @meameows @magnificentclodpiezonk @betterfettered @utena-akashiya @ventdavi154 @st4rrust @imaginedheroine @the-lady-writes-what @shiggysimp69 @toughbook @naughteehee @tampon-earrings @alotofpussy @derobsawiempleh @jadke-bean @saintvinny @cookiecrumblemoonster @curlyangelsblog @hurthermore @prehistoricfreak @insomniamoth22 @celesterdzc18 @sasuqahs @gloomysel @ohnoitsthatonekid @tracksuit-goth @cinnatwisted @anteabelle @unlikelytrio @meru-the-succubus @diawh0re @linastired @mikeyrights @headmastermephistopheles @omisdolly @nochedeodio @starstruckvega @laurelyna @shiggysimp69 @certainlygay @rxyno @ventdavi154 @patch-workk @paranormal-dude @grenosethino @fancylardbucket @utena-akashiya @toughbook @oklolnoty@zombiegr1 @shyyykat @ushi-uri @flamme-meuf2-shiggy @vampirec0w @perpetual-fangirl900 @nekolover93 @saskenma@betterfettered @thread-knight @st4rrust @sparrowwritesforop @aphorditeslust@pindelighted @tadokorochann @usaggii
@beeandtrees @justineangelrococo @aaangeliii
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satancopilotsmytardis · 9 months ago
Oki we're doing horny submission hcs for shigadabi right? Oki lemme see if I can pull out my filithest ones although I doubt it's anything impressive:
I like to think Tomu does a lot of yoga, helps keep him flexible bc of how he fights. Dabi seeing tomu's cock through the yoga pants and losing it everytime.
Tomu loves to see cum on Dabi's face- despite Dabi's preference to swallow and staples having to be cleaned out
Also dabi having a thigh kink + hand kink obvs
He regularly thinks about getting his head squeezed between Tomu's thighs and being fingered/fisted by Tomu's bare hands
those are some of my hcs- but I'm a huge switch + verse tomu and dabi vs sub bottom dabi and dom top tomu so most are related to switching and such :p
Tomura absolutely switched to exclusively gray sweats to fuck with Dabi even more
Tbh that's my headcanon too, nothing hotter than seeing his firefly completely claimed with his cum all over his face 💕
Dabi's danger kink coming out in full force on that one lol
And that's fair, it's just not for me!
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ariasfandom · 2 years ago
Title: Only one bed Pairing: Shigaraki/Dabi Rating: teen Word Count: 332 Warnings: none Summary: Shigaraki and Dabi stay at a hotel with only one bed A/N: Created for @anyfandomfluffbingo B5 Only one bed
Shigaraki and Dabi were traveling. Shiaraki just had to get a video game as soon as it launched, and Dabi was the poor sap that had to go along with him to make sure he didn’t get killed. Or draw attention to himself by killing someone else. Not that Dabi would stop him or do his own killing or anything.
They stayed in a regular hotel. A pod hotel would’ve been too crowded or compact, much more likely to draw attention to themselves.
They wordlessly paid for their room and went to it. Shigaraki threw his head back as soon as he entered the room.
“Fuck me,” Dabi groaned when he saw the single queen bed. 
“You’re disgusting.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, crusty, it’s just a saying.”
“Touch me and I’ll fucking dust you,” Shigaraki growled.
Dabi chuckled. “Yeah well touch me and I’ll cremate you.”
“Then we’re in agreement.”
“Just…” Dabi shook his head and sighed. “Put those gloves on so you don’t actually dust me, alright? And I’ll do my yoga bullshit or whatever so I don’t burn you.”
“I hate those stupid gloves.”
“Then sleep on the floor,” Dabi snapped. “I’m here because of you, you don’t want to do something as simple as not kill me in your sleep, you can take the floor.” Dabi laid down on the bed without another word, although he was far on the edge as he could in case Shigaraki changed his mind. He did, and put the gloves on with a string of complaints and obscenities as he got in bed with Dabi, also as far over as he could.
Dabi had the satisfaction of waking up first, because Shagaraki was desperately clinging to him in his sleep, and he was just glad he convinced Tomura to wear the gloves. He was a cruel sadist to his core, but he wasn’t stupid or heartless. He wanted to savor this no matter how short. For what reason, he didn’t know or really care.
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softer-ua · 4 years ago
Unpopular opinion time:
Katsukis kidnapping edition-
Katsuki not joining the villains had less to do with his inner hero and more to do with the fact that Shigi and the gang just suck at their jobs
I’m sorry but if you can’t get an insecure egotistical 15 year old boy with delusions of grandeur to join your gang it’s cause you’re bad at villainy
For one thing they didn’t know enough about their target. Fucken have compress peashoot toga into UA and follow the class at lunch or whatever, break into their old middle school files, put a gun to his moms head and make her talk. There were several easy options that they just didn’t take
They tried to play into his love of winning, but if they had known more about him than they’d have known that when he thinks of winning he thinks of hero’s.
They should have played to his fear of losing, his fear of mediocrity, his long standing beef with Izuku, All Mights favoritism towards Izuku
They could have gonna all Lion King 2 and brainwashed him into seeing himself as an avenging victim, he’s only like 15, that’s plenty of time to torture and traumatize him to remold his soft lil brain
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After such a long and influential career no one can really escape All Mights shadow, you’ll spend the rest of his life being AM2.
Everything you try All Mights already done, maybe you get it done faster younger but it’s always gonna come right back to how All Might did it first
And if you do it entirely differently? Some how break the mold?
Well it’ll too bad no one cares, All Mights already got a little favorite and he’s gonna grow up to be just like him isn’t he? Oh how the public will love it
A new All Might, publicly endorsed by the the original? What could be better? It’s all anyones going to be talking about for at least a decade
No one’s gonna care what little old Bakugo does, are better than him? Maybe but the public likes what it knows. They like familiarity.
All Might didn’t stay popular by wins and saves alone, he stayed popular because people wanted him to, he became a household name. There’s an indescribable power that comes from parasocial relationships Bakugo
If little blasty here takes the path of a hero he can either be just a new model of an old hat, or he can continually be ignored while everyone fawns of the newest Colgate smile and a head of green curls.
Kinda sad really 😔
Or he can be a first, a trail blazer!
The first Villain to really win, to get whatever he wants and prove unapologetically how much stronger he is.
You can erase All Mights legacy and carve your own name into the history books with nothing and no one able to compare to you
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Or they could ask him if he likes winning and yammer about how heros get fame and money for saving people(which at the time is one Bakugos main motivation to do any saving) because Shigi is kind of a total dipshit
Hell, could have just showed him a clip of his parents held at gun point singing like canary’s, or starved and beaten him into submission. It didn’t even have to be them, they got shape shifters on pay roll 🙄
Bunch of gd amateurs.
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pa-panda-heroes · 5 years ago
Ahhh I love your blog! May I ask for hc’s of the league figuring out that the female reader is very flexible and into yoga?(●’◡’●)
thank you very much!! I love seeing you in my notifications btw ( ◠‿◠ ) it means a lot to see you there.
LoV figuring out female reader is very flexible and into yoga!
Tomura would honestly find out accidentally. It would take either one of the other members telling him accidentally or his walking in on you while you’re in action.
He’s quite impressed at your balance and flexibility and admires it. He has to wonder if you put in a lot of time and effort to become so flexible.
If you try hard enough, you can convince him to join you and learn yoga himself, but he has to watch you a few times and see what it’s about before he decides to or not.
He’ll just sit and gawk silently, mostly in awe because woah, that looks uncomfortable and you’re so flexible. Throw a downward-facing dog his way and you’ll catch him moving his head to the side as if to track yours.
Tomura may look lanky and scrawny, but he’s pretty flexible himself, and he’s stronger than he looks. So anything really basic won’t be very troubling for him!
But his balance is... not great. You have to do more supervising than instructing when teaching him anything that involves balance. He’s just a tad clumsy!
He will frequently tell you that being so flexible and nimble can be useful in a fight, but at some point he’ll probably admit he loves it because it gives him a good opportunity to acceptably gawk in awe at your talent and focus - and commitment.
Tomura won’t be super quick to master the poses, you notice, and that may or may not be because he gets undivided, one-on-one attention from you!
Mr. Compress:
Mr. will absolutely appreciate yoga as an art. It’s good for physical and (supposedly) mental health, not to mention it requires a lot of practice, effort, and patience. Naturally he admires you for being into it!
You don’t have to offer to teach him - he’ll outright ask. It never hurts, right? It’s possible to teach an old dog new tricks! Especially when that old dog has such a great teacher!
Whenever he sees you in a particularly stretching pose or just how flexible you are, his instincts kick in and he has to look away for a moment because how is that not painful?
You’ll catch him researching and practicing poses that are too advanced for him or are generally difficult because he just has a curious mind and wants to do more.
His favourite thing about yoga is that it’s something you can enjoy in various ways together! Warm-ups, trying new poses, it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as he gets to marvel over your abilities.
He’s the most likely to push himself to improve, not to show off or in a rival-ish way of catching up to you, but just because he enjoys it so much.
Mr.’s balance is more than impressive, but if you compliment him on it, he’ll be a little more modest than you’d think and he’ll find a way to send a compliment your way instead.
If you manage to use that nimbleness and flexibility in combat, he’s going to gush with pride and stop for a moment and point at you like “that’s my y/n, that’s my y/n! Look at her go, the lithe little thing! Isn’t she incredible?”
Much like Mr., Twice is going to have that super proud attitude towards your abilities and will want to show you off to essentially everyone he meets. Inside of the League and out. All the time.
“Y/n, do the thing! Please!” he’ll say, holding his hands together with an imploring tone. He’s referring to a move that you can do to show off your flexibility.
Convincing him to join you will take a lot of effort, but considering it’s you, it will work and soon enough he’ll have his own mat (before you can even tell him to get one) and will be rearing to go.
He might not love the whole ordeal at first, but considering it is challenging for one’s physique and it’s more relaxing than slugging a hammer at a tire, he’ll learn to appreciate it.
Twice stays fit, we know this by looking at his costume - so he’s not going to totally shy from it. He can build muscle other ways and obtain flexibility this way.
He’s honestly enamored with how you move while you’re practicing (or in general honestly), so you’ll catch him staring a lot. It’s just relaxing to watch the slow and fluid movements.
Not great at yoga. Sitting still for periods of time and patience don’t really mix well with Twice.
Expect him to ask for your measurements so that he can make a clone of you to practice even when you’re busy!
Why didn’t you tell her sooner??? Omg y/n! Himiko loves yoga and she’s really good at it!
She’s like a kid in a candy shop when she finds out you’re into yoga and super flexibile - so is she! She learned it for combat, but still, that’s means girl bonding time!
Himiko is super flexible herself, so she’s totally going to try to compare your flexibility with hers to gage and see if one or possibly both of you can help each other improve.
And she’s 100% going to suck you in to doing it with her. She gets rather bored and lonely while she practices alone, so now that she has a yoga buddy? She’s so happy she vibrates in place!
She will literally want to buy matching or complimenting mats, yoga outfits, and even drink containers because it makes her so happy to be able to bond with you like this.
It’s probably not how you’re supposed to do it, but she likes to hum while she’s in pose. It helps her relax and sit still.
Sometimes it mindless humming to whatever she thinks sounds pretty, and sometimes it’s actual songs that she enjoys.
Give her the role of teacher and ask her to teach you a pose, and she’s totally up to the task. She’s actually a great teacher (and handsy if you’re comfortable with that). Give her the role of student and she learns really quickly.
He’s probably the only member for whom yoga is a no-go. He can’t help it. Stretching skin too much stretches his staples, and that’s a recipe for a literally bloody disaster.
He’d probably be willing to dabble with something that doesn’t involve stretching or balance, but it takes a whole load of convincing and demonstration on your part. He’s just really uneasy about it.
Dabi’s more than happy to watch, though, whether his dirty mind is kicking in or if he just wants to marvel at your talent and focus.
He can participate in that he can be on standby in the rare case you lose your balance, so that he can catch you and prevent you from falling on the floor if need be.
Prepare for stares and innuendos. Sometimes. Okay, maybe all the time. He’ll tease you constantly for your flexibility and what he “could do with it.” Sometimes he teases you just to tease you about it.
Prepare for every gift you get from him after he finds out to be yoga pants. Tight ones. And low-cut tops - bonus if the tops are baggy.
He will admire your abilities and he’s not afraid to tell you that. Dabi’s impressed with your progress and skill and you’re going to know it. He’ll even brag about to the others when you’re not around.
The more he sees you do yoga, the more he sort of wishes he could join you. You look so focused yet so at peace. He would like to experience that.
Not entirely sure how yoga works. He knows of it and all, but he’s never tried or went out of his way to learn about it.
So is he curious? Yes! Does he think it’s neat? Sure! Is he willing to try? Eeh..
Show him what you can do with your learnings from yoga, though, and he’s interested! He’s rather impressed by what the experience is given you, and he wants to see if he can benefit from it, too.
He’s in a bit of a rush, though, trying poses that are too advanced for him and sometimes hurting himself. You have to make sure he goes at a proper pace.
But he’s a quick learner, so that helps with his rush to catch up to you. You still have to keep him on a tight leash, though!
Spinner is the type to show you off anyway, but he’s really going to show you off for being into yoga. You’re doing what you can to take care of yourself, and he’s proud of that.
Literally won’t practice without you. You’re his second pair of eyes that makes sure he’s in the proper position, because he’s still a beginner. Plus it’s just not as fun without you.
His balance isn’t the best, so he’ll constantly ask you to help him improve because who better to ask? You’ve got it down pat! He knows you’re a great teacher.
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heich0e · 11 months ago
things i can't remember if i told u abt the yoga tomura au:
toshinori is his adopted dad
tomura and touya are both nepo babies but tomura kind of hates taking advantage of his dad's kindness (touya, in contrast, extorts his father for all he's worth)
spinner comes from a normal family (single mom, little sister) but touya and tomura don't make him pay rent. it wasn't ever a conversation or anything (too cringe) they just have never once discussed it.
tomura thinks you're so far out of his league that at least once a day he has a mini meltdown that he's not good enough for you. when you first started seeing eachother he texted toshinori and asked "dad how do you do laundry" and the next morning toshinori showed up at the boys' apartment in a full white outfit like mr clean and with a bucket full of cleaning supplies in tow
when tomura didn't answer toshinori's calls when he came to pick him up for yoga class, spinner eventually blew his cover bc he answered the door half-asleep and said "tomura? s'not here." toshinori was confused, but touya sealed his fate by walking up to the door behind toshinori (just getting home from a night out) and went "he's probably at his girlfriend's house again" as he steps past him through the doorway and then proceeds to give a SHOCKED papa toshi your full legal name, address, and phone number
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mushroommanstan · 2 years ago
How about this: Y/N likes to do yoga poses/stretches in the nude, Tomura wants to get in on that after observing *coughpervingcough* in her closet for so many days
When it first happened, it was an accident.
He was just snooping around your room for the discarded underwear he’d find all over the place when the door suddenly opened and the lights flicked on.
Panicking, he was fortunately right next to your closet, so he just hopped in. Maybe quietly searching for some of your bras in the mean time.
Anyways, you were always an unpredictable person, but he never could have believed that the first thing you did when entering into your room was take your clothes off.
The more you kept undressing, the harder it was to control himself. When you took your bra off it made your tits jiggle in a way that almost had him cumming in his pants, but he stopped himself immediately. No way is he going to blow his load before you even take your pants off.
When you do, all that’s left is your pretty pink panties, and from the slits in the closet door he can clearly see how you’ve soaked through them. He can only dream it was him making you feel that way and it was
You finally pulled your panties off, revealing the last of your perfect skin to him. He gripped his cock harder, strokes going faster and faster as your legs spread farther and farther as you performed the splits for him.
As he looked over your delicate form, your smooth body intentionally straining as you continued stretching, he couldn’t help but feel ashamed. Like he was defiling a work of art. Not that that stopped him, no, instead he pinched and pulled at his balls as punishment, occasionally squeaking from the delicious pain. As you went on, he could feel himself getting close. It had been a long, long time since he’s felt like this, oh god it was going to feel so good! Just a little more and-
You maneuvering into the downward dog position, ass perfectly on display was enough for him to finish. He came so hard his legs quaked, his eyes rolled back and his mouth hung open in a silent scream. He could see white spots from how hard he came, but they didn’t fade, they just got bigger and bigger until-
A loud thunk made you jump, it sounding like it was coming from your closet. You readied yourself as you pulled back the closet doors, figuring it was a raccoon or something, and color you surprised when you saw your passed out boss, dick still out and cum everywhere. Like, this guy jerks off like maybe once every 2 months, so imagine how backed up he was. All over your clothes.
You sighed, looks like you’ll have to redo your laundry. Other than that though, you didn’t really care. If anything, you were flattered. Maybe a little horny. I mean, all those nights of masturbating to him only to find him masturbating to you.
You smiled, picking up your discarded panties and stuffing them in his gaping mouth for when he woke up. Other than that, you just closed said doors and took a shower, business as usual.
Since then, it had become routine. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:45, he would scramble into your closet for the show to start. Of course you never told him you knew, that would take the fun out of it. For now, you’d wait for him to muster up the courage and plunge into your wet heat as you “unknowingly” presented it to him. Maybe you “accidentally” leave one of your vibrators in your closet for him to play with, the melodic buzz filling the room and making a shiver go down your spine as you touch yourself right in front of him.
For now, the mental image of him and the shameless noises of him going to town on all your clothes was enough.
Again, didn’t quite do what you asked, hope that’s ok. I stg I had to write this like twice because Tumblr wouldn’t save. Smh. Anyways, hope you liked it.
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Dabi's skin is regenerating for (insert whatever reason you want here honestly), but that doesn't mean there's not work ahead.
The new skin needs constant training in order for Dabi to feel comfortable, exactly the reason why he's now stuck in rehab with no more no less than Shigaraki Tomura himself, who apparently needs to slowly stretch and properly work out his body after all the abuse from AFO's possession.
Or as Dabi likes to explain it, he got sucked into hellborn yoga classes with his ex-boss and current crush, with no chance of avoiding the eventual catastrophe.
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droplet-dread-cat · 2 years ago
League of Hikikomori
AU where everyone in the League of Villains is a hikikomori.
Tomura doesn't want to meet people IRL, he just wants to game and casually leak society-changing governmental data to fulfil his villainy quota. (All for One can't even say anything against his pupil's methods because they turn out to be more successful than whatever he's been trying for the last 200 years lol)
Dabi stays at home despite (or maybe because) Endeavor hasn't changed at all. His vengeance is a little... more personal, so to speak. He reveals himself to his father in the most dramatic way possible (all bloody tears and "Why didn't you search for me?" and "You've easily replaced me with Shouto, haven't you?!" and screaming himself raw - all the fun things that are definitely not his actual real feelings... nu-uh) and makes Endeavor take care of him (financially, because that idiot doesn't know how else to take care of Dabi) as well as making him back off of Shouto by merely being in the boy's presence. Endeavor takes one look at a heavily scarred mentally ill Dabi for once peacefully sitting with the brother he wanted to kill and just walks out again. Dabi becomes an absolute menace btw, like he "accidentally" develops a convenient shopping addiction and online shops day and night with his father's credit card. He heads into online gaming and buys cosmetics with real life money all the time. (That man has every single unlockable Genshin Impact character despite only having played the game for two weeks.) Endeavor can’t even say anything because that’d mean having to sit down with his suicidal kid to have a heart-to-heart and that’d be majorly uncomfortable. So he just doesn’t do anything at all.
Himiko ends up meeting Jin before she can do anything drastic and both of them live in a decrepit cheap apartment because Himiko’s parents are shitty. They get money by becoming TikTokers and their fans send them cute outfits, which has both of them getting into cosplay because of that. Once Himiko’s done with middle school, she opts to go to online classes instead and then there’s practically no reason for either of them to leave the house. (Long story short: Jin and Himiko are anxiety-ridden cosplay dance nerds.)
Shuichi, just like Tomura, isn’t keen on meeting people IRL. He has a mutant quirk and is therefore no stranger to discrimination. In the streaming scene, he’s known as the chill guy who’s giving out advice to fellow mutant types and telling stories about his own experiences. Twitch streamer “Spinner2Winner” doesn’t feel the need to go out and spread the word of Stain, when he can do it more efficiently in front of the PC. (Though, because he’s been receiving so much positive feedback, he’s in a much more positive headspace to evaluate Stain’s ideology and ends up being pro Stain’s idea but anti Stain’s execution of his ideals.)
Magne is a transwoman living in a transphobic area. Hell no, she’s not going to go out more often than she needs to. She can do her small fashion business online as well, without having to worry about assholes treating her like shit for who she is. In the confines of her apartment, she’s starting to bloom and truly embrace herself – doing yoga, wearing whatever she wants to wear, applying make-up however much she wants to put on and realizing her dreams of becoming a recognized and respected fashion designer. She’s also been saving up money for a small house and with the steadily rising interest in her brand, it’s not looking as impossible as it once did.
Mr Compress is a magician on YouTube... the end. There’s really not much to say. He lost his job, he has no interest in unnecessarily endangering himself but he still wants to do magic tricks – so YouTube it is. He just has that flair of dramatics that people love and he isn’t afraid of buying expensive equipment and learning how to edit to make his videos an Experience instead of just a few neat tricks in a row. He’s able to live quite comfortably off of monetization.
And then they all meet on Twitter and the weirdest friendship group in human history is born.
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kittiestkat · 4 years ago
dark content | stepcest , psuedocest
i want nothing more to flirt with step dad shiggy.
i mean he'd egg you on too, sure he would!
touching your waist to move you.
eyes on your ass when you bend over.
stupid snide comments.
like last week for example, you were laughing with your friend doing yoga in the front room.
she said it was good for the soul.
tomura had come in to grab god knows what, an excuse probably. of course he couldn't miss seeing that tight ass in his face.
your friend left with a 'hi dad' to grab some water for you both.
shiggy stared.
"can i help you?" you teased, legs swinging off the table you had perched on.
looking you up and down. eyes glued to your plush thighs, too big for his daughters leggings.
"maybe you can help me, why don't you show us that downward dog again?" he would wink, walking out the room.
he would deny it of course. it was friendly banter, like you would a class mate.
tomura doesn't meddle round with silly little girls with silly ideals.
well not for the first month anyway.
so why are you spread eagle on the coach while his daughters at summer camp.
tomura's hips snap at yours, hip bones digging into the pudgy flesh of your ass.
"please." he laughs at your whimpers, god how long did you want this for. fucking slut.
you're lucky he's no longer married.
"please what, huh?" he kisses the lobe of your ear before dragging it in his mouth with his teeth.
"please daddy fuck me, maybe?" he teases once more. what a dumb little honorific for a dumb little whore.
slowing down, the man ground his hips into you; slow deep stokes, once, twice before thrusting in and out again.
were your even conscious at this point?
none of your silly little boyfriends could fuck you as good as old man tomura.
"please, daddy, god." you sounded so pathetic, the word making you cringe yet you couldn't seem to stop.
the way his cock was filling you up so good, his hand on that pretty throat and his thumb playing with your tongue.
he was clogging all your senses.
"please, fill me up tomura, please." now why would you say that? looks like daddy shiggy has to fuck a baby into you.
but look at you baby, you're not worried. in fact you want this don't you.
a silly little thing like you, in love with a silly old thing like him.
then you'll just have to take his seed like a good little girl.
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Yandere Tomura Shigaraki Headcannons| DANGER!!! A MINI BOSS HAS APPEARED
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🖐🏻💀He was back baby!!!
🖐🏻💀Growing his team, his database, and his actual plan to get back at those UA brats
🖐🏻💀AFO was pleased and allowed him to see you for only one week
🖐🏻💀Of course he didn't know he'd be getting his fill of you through his other means 👀
🖐🏻💀But now he could indulge in you all he liked without the secrecy
🖐🏻💀Since Dabi had become a 'friend of his' he was able to have a general idea of what you did in the confines of your home
🖐🏻💀A step, he had always been too embarrassed to take the leap but per his new friend's advice he was just going to 'do whatever I want, I'm my own boss'
🖐🏻💀So with close watching by Kurogiri Tomura had escalated to monitoring you from your windows
🖐🏻💀 Now thanks to Dabi's info he knew you you typically kept your windows closed he wasn't expecting to see you in an apron making cookies
🖐🏻💀You were so cute!!!
🖐🏻💀But you seemed to be calling out to someone
🖐🏻💀With likeness to a little devil your beloved youngest cousin launched himself into your side which you wrapped your arms around him lovingly
🖐🏻💀This was soooo unfair
🖐🏻💀How come this brat got to hug you and eat your food while he was stuck outside!
🖐🏻💀Returning home tomura is fuming and its impossible not to notice when dust is being kicked up everywhere
🖐🏻💀Dabi won't approach him and Twice is worried
🖐🏻💀"What's wrong? Not like I care, go die."
🖐🏻💀He almost told he really did but urinated he gritted his teeth stormed into his room
🖐🏻💀The only person who could calm him down now was you
🖐🏻💀 And he goes to the only place that has enough of your half-eaten food and jackets to hold him over
🖐🏻💀Dabi notes his irritation relating it to you and he figured he'll do some investigating for his 'dear friend'
🖐🏻💀He finds you after searching for awhile because this wasn't at all part of your routine
🖐🏻💀You were saddled on a swing with a little boy in your lap
🖐🏻💀At first you seemed to be happily swinging but stopped exchanging words as the air around you two became sad
🖐🏻💀 Dabi was mad he couldn't pick up what you were saying but he could tell by how the words your mouth moved was slow and how the boy turned around to be held
🖐🏻💀He was going to leave but full stopped when a similar blonde walks right up to you
🖐🏻💀"Hii (Y/n)- chan! Is this the little clot?"
🖐🏻💀"What did I say about the b-word talk?"
🖐🏻💀That was all Dabi could hear because you realized how loud you both were hushing her
🖐🏻💀He snapped picture before heading back to the bar
🖐🏻💀He didn't know what to do with this info
🖐🏻💀On one hand helping out his moody new 'friend' or endanger the crazy chic he got along with
🖐🏻💀Decisions Decisions
🖐🏻💀Lucky for him his lax sneaking around allowed for yoga to get back before him with a certain someone's hat
🖐🏻💀You had placed it on her head after she made such a point og you remembering her in her travels by giving you a scarf
🖐🏻💀Tomura in the mean time had gotten a little less angry and has rejoined the group even as he grumbled from time to time
🖐🏻💀The moment Toga walks in wearing your hat he'll practically declare WW4
🖐🏻💀He'll launch himself to snatch the hat off of her head but she's quick
🖐🏻💀Toga will suddenly become very serious
🖐🏻💀He'll accuse her of attacking someone she shouldn't have and she'll just angrily pull out her knives
🖐🏻💀"HOw DaRe YOu WEAR one of their hats!"
🖐🏻💀 "I don't take kindly for people who take butterfly's gift from me!"
🖐🏻💀"Geez you guys are so quick to have at each other. Especially when you could be bonding over someone else instead"
🖐🏻💀Coolly breaking up the fight had Kurogiri, Twice and the rest of the team quite thankful
🖐🏻💀"(Y/n) and stabby over here are really good friends." He says to Tomura sliding over the developed photo
🖐🏻💀"And your friend has been the apple of Shiggy's eye for awhile now."
🖐🏻💀"..." "...."
🖐🏻💀"So you know why they have that kid with them?"
🖐🏻💀"It's their cousin who survived an attack. He's staying until their cousins settle the issue."
🖐🏻💀"Oh ok then...have you seen them handle rowdy customers before?"
🖐🏻💀 The two would start bonding over you almost immediately
🖐🏻💀With Toga, happy that someone who was willing to protect you was interested
🖐🏻💀And Tomura, happy he has a leg up in actually getting to know you
🖐🏻💀Dabi thinks it's cool he probably won't be doing all the work now
🖐🏻💀besides helping his boss/friend fall in love seemed like a fun side quest
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years ago
anahata by panthocha
Rumi and Keigo start taking yoga classes to relieve their stress in college. And things get a little out of hand when Keigo finds out that his crush, Touya Todoroki, is the volunteer yoga instructor there. Especially when Touya was helping him with some positions.
Words: 2478, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, League of Villains
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Yoga, Alternate Universe - Yoga, Alternate Universe - College/University, College, Alternate Universe, Dabi is a Todoroki, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Bad at Feelings, Good Sibling Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess, POV Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya and Todoroki Fuyumi are Twins, Virgin Takami Keigo | Hawks, Demisexual Dabi | Todoroki Touya
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41870883
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plush-rabbit · 5 years ago
Don’t Tell Shigaraki
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TW: Menstrual Cycle, Blood, Cramps
A/N: Cramps suck and this is a lot of shameful cuddling and whatnot because I want a hug when I’m dying.
The dreaded time of the month is here and you’re currently dying. The cramps are painful and almost make you feel sick, but the thought of having to get up and find a toilet is tiresome so you beg your body to just relax for a second. The heating pad that you bought is cranked to the max and it still isn’t doing anything to help numb the pain. You really have no idea what else to do and the small stash of chocolate you have hidden is tempting but again, the thought of movement is much too painful. So you lay in bed and press the heating pad into your stomach hoping that something good will come out of it while you grind your teeth.
You could call Tomura but he isn’t exactly the most comforting person around and you doubt he knows how to even make you feel a bit better. You don’t even know how to feel better. You tried going to sleep but the pain is too unbearable to even focus on anything else. You could try to do yoga but then that would involve moving and right you’ve found a sweet spot where the pain is at least an eight out of ten.
No. You’re fine. You’ve had cramps before and you’ve survived them, all you have to do is go find pain killers and hope you don’t faint. You let out a breath, “Okay, on the count of three I get up,” you whisper to yourself, fisting the blanket in your hands. “One,” you flex your feet, “two,” you take a deep breath, “and three.” You’re still lying in bed. “Okay, so that was a failed attempt. One more time.” You count down and on three you rise from the bed and clutch your lower belly. “Okay, good job,” you say in a pained whisper.
The trek to the kitchen is a long and painful road where you have to lean against the wall and stop for a few seconds so you can just breathe. You don’t pass anyone on the way there, you hand cradling your lower belly makes you feel all too vulnerable. But that’s the thing, you are vulnerable right now. You’re in too much pain and you want to be sick and if you stand for any longer, you’re sure to see black spots in the corner of your vision. You don’t know why it’s so painful right now. Why everything feels too sore, like you’ve just ran a marathon and now your joints and muscles are begging for rest even if that’s just all you’ve been doing the past hours.
You slump into a kitchen chair, letting out a whine at the harsh surface of the chair. The pills are here somewhere, in a cabinet perhaps, maybe it was the bathroom. You groan and bury your face into your arms. You can’t get up again. Everything hurts too much and you can’t force yourself to get up again. You don’t know how long you’re slumped over for. Could be a minute, could be ten, and you didn’t bring your phone to help distract you. This was supposed to be a simple mission and here you are close to tears because your cramps haven’t dulled even a fraction.
“You look pathetic,” a voice drones out.
You look up, your eyes the only thing in view as you’re met with the icy gaze of Dabi who holds an unlit cigarette in his mouth. You roll your eyes and fit back another wave of nausea. “Don’t smoke in here. Go outside or something.”
He holds you gaze and hooks his foot around the leg of a chair, pulling it out and resting on the edge of it, the cigarette still hanging limply from his lips. “What’s wrong?”
You raise a brow. “You care?”
He shrugs, his expression bored but eyes never leaving yours. “If your little boyfriend finds out your sad, he’ll blow a fuse. And I’m not really in the mood to hear him scream,” he sighs, “so what’s up?”
You glower at him in suspicion and ultimately shrug and lean on the back of the chair, your hand coming back to cradle your lower belly. “Cramps.”
He lets out a low whistle. “Sucks to be you.” When you shoot him a look he chuckles and raises his hands in defense. Long, thin fingers wrap around the cigarette and he places it on the table. “You take any pain killers?”
You shake your head in response. Your tongue coming out to wet your lips, you speak, “Sat down before I could look.” Dabi throws his had forward and rises slowly, pulling on the handle of the cabinet harshly and shuffling around the items inside. “Don’t make a mess,” you tell him halfheartedly.
“Shut up,” he mutters. “Let me find the damn pills and then you can whine.”
Dabi isn’t all that bad. He’s rough around the edges but he really does care even if he acts like he doesn’t. He’ll help out in a pinch and god he’s insufferable but he’s still a friend. “Hey Dabi,” you drum your fingers on the table and he hums in response. “You’re hot... Right?”
He straightens his neck and turns to you, a hint of mischief in his wide eyes a roguish smirk takes over. “Gotta be more specific than that doll.”
“Like body temperature.” You shift your gaze from him and turn to the table.
“Yeah, why?” The cabinet closes.
“Okay, so this is super embarrassing and if you utter a word about this to anyone, I’ll like totally end you.” You swallow your pride and look at him with a raised chin. “Do you mind if I borrow your hand? Please? When I feel better, I’ll make you you’re favorite dish. I promise!”
“Pain’s that bad?” You nod and he sighs. “Ugh. Fine. But we’re going to my room. And you’re making it tomorrow. Got it?” He holds out his hand and you grasp it, giving him a firm handshake. You rise from the chair, fingers knotting into your shirt.
“You know if he finds you in his room, he’s going to blow a fuse right,” Himiko giggles, stepping into the kitchen with a sway.
You startle. “How long have you been here?” You crane your neck to see if anyone else is behind her but you’re pulled back by Dabi.
“That’s why you’re not telling,” Dabi says, shoulders rising as an eye twitches. “Listen, you don’t tell him and I don’t know,” he waves his hand in the air, “little Cramps over here will get you something.”
“Please don’t make “Cramps” my nickname,” you mumble.
“Can I come? I can massage your hands! There’s a pressure point to take away the pain somewhere there! Come on please?” Himiko bounces in her place, with hands pressed together in a pleading motion. “Please!”
Dabi looks at you.
“You know she’ll tell him if she doesn’t come along. And it’ll be your ass on the line, not mine,” you point out.
He throws his head back. “Ugh, fine. But only you two. And don’t touch my things,” he warns, pointing a finger at the both of you.
“Whose room are we going to?” Jin asks, peeking his head into the kitchen.
“No! No one else,” Dabi snarls, hands extended in front of him.
“We’ll tell Shigaraki,” Jin says in a deeper voice.
You’re in Dabi’s bed that smells heavily of cologne with a light scent of burnt wood. The fan above blows cool air and Jin is busying himself by having his legs thrown on top of yours as he reads a book, clicking his tongue in certain parts before flipping over the page. Himiko is busy massaging the webbed part of your hand while she compliments your hands, telling you how pretty you’d look with red nail polish. And Dabi is grumbling while he lays in an awkward position with a hand over the small of your belly.
“Listen, what happens here, stays here,” Dabi says, with a hand holding up his phone while he watches a show about office workers.
You peer over and place your hand above his. “You know, I didn’t take you for a fan of Agg—”
“Shut it or I kick you out.”
“Oh! After this I think we should watch a movie!” Himiko says cheerfully, giving you a toothy grin.
“I wouldn’t mind. There’s been a couple things I’ve been meaning to watch. Jin, Dabi, you guys in?”
“I’d love to!” Jin salutes. “We could order in and eat all sorts of things!” A hand is placed on your knee and fingers absentmindedly begin to tap on you.
“Dabi?” You ask.
“I hate all of you,” he murmurs, clicking out of the application and moving onto another one. “Look, just don’t mention any of this shit to the others.”
The three of you look at each other and give a matching grin. You pinch your fingers together and put them to corner of your lip, and with a quick movement, you swipe your fingers across your lips and mimic tossing something over your shoulder. The other two do the same and Dabi merely rolls his eyes accompanied by a scoff.
“We can watch something on the weekend or whatever,” Dabi rumbles, bringing a pillow to bury his chin into.
“You know,” you start off, throwing an arm over your eyes, “this is actually helping a lot. The pain isn’t as bad as it was before… Thanks. A lot.” You roll your lips and the hand that is held by Himiko jerks its fingers. You feel your hand be given a reassuring squeeze in return.
There’s a mixture of words all intertwined and muddles together as they each begin to respond to you. The door is opens slowly with a creak and all of you freeze, Dabi immediately pulling his hand back and shoving it under the pillow. You raise your arm and look at the door.
“Hey, have you seen—”
All of you freeze and crimson eyes scan over the room and land on you where your hand is placed over your belly.
“Tomura, hey,” you smile at him and rise onto your elbows.
His eyes are wide for a second before they narrow. “Whatever.” The door is slammed shut and you wince. A few seconds later, you hear another door slam shut.
“He’s not happy,” you groan.
“No shit,” Jin says quietly, hand squeezing your knee.
You sigh and pull your hand away from Himiko and bend your legs, causing Jin to stand up from the bed. “I’m gonna go check on him.”
“You’re all good now?” Dabi asks, turning his head to lay flat on the pillow.
The bed creaks from under your weight as you get off. You raise your arms above your head and flex your fingers towards the ceiling of the room. You turn to look at Dabi who stares at your through half lidded eyes. “Yeah, I’m all good. Thanks again Dabi.” You ruffle his hair and smile when he pushes your hand off of him. “Thanks again Himiko and Jin. If you guys need something later, just call.” You give them finger guns and walk out of the room closing it with a soft click.
The walk back to the room is slow and heavy, you can already feeling the brooding energy that emits from the shared room. You give a gentle knock on the door, announcing that you’re coming in and you thank the heavens that the door isn’t looked.
Tomura is on the bed, with his back facing you and blankets shoved off onto the floor of the room. You click your tongue. “Tomura, I told you not to let the blankets spill onto the floor,” you bend them and toss them back on the bed, “They’ll get dirty.” The bed squeaks as you sit down and he jerks when you touch his back. “Tomura, look at me please,” you coo, letting your hand run over his back.
“Why don’t you just go back to them,” he says in a nasally voice, the volume from his phone is raised to its peak.
“Because I want to be here with you.” You prop pillows against the bed frame and lean against them, your hand moving to grasp his shoulder. “There’s no need to get jealous.”
“Not jealous,” he growls.
“Then can I have a kiss,” you offer, shifting closer to him.
“Screw you.”
“Do you want to know why I was with them?” You pause for an answer and sigh when you don’t receive one. “Well I’m going to tell you anyway. I was with them because well… I’m on my period and the cramps were super bad. And coming to you just felt embarrassing—”
“And going to them wasn’t?” He pouts, and turns to face you, still on his side.
You shrug and a noise of confusion. “It’s different. I was in a lot of pain and I don’t know. Look I’m super sorry.” You bring your knees closer to your chest before you decide to let them fall once again. “Would you have known what to do?”
He’s silent and his face scrunches. “I could have figured it out,” he mutters.
You let out a breath. “I know you could have.” You push his hair out of his face. “I’m still in a bit of pain and I think cuddles might help.” You speak gently, twirling a strand of his hair around your finger. “Do you want to do the honors?” You ask with arms opened wide.
“Only because you owe me,” he says with a hoarse voice, arms immediately wrapping around you  as he nuzzles his nose into your side, hands immediately going underneath your shirt and digging his fingers into your soft skin, the metal brace cold against your skin making you flinch to which he apologizes with a kiss.
“Seems like I owe everyone these days,” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair and bringing one of his hands to cup your lower belly, mewling at the heat he gives off.
His arms are tight around you, his hand that cusps your belly, moves his fingers softly, petting the soft part of you, while his other hands moves and shifts until he’s deemed comfortable. He coos into your side, words muffled and quiet, never reaching your ears but hum in response, feeling your eyes begin to droop. You lower yourself on the bed, ignoring his whine of protest as he looks at you through half closed eyes. When you open your arm back up, he places himself back to his spot, hand returning to your plush stomach, and drags his lips lazily against you in a kiss.
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