#yoda's lineage
kurtssingh · 2 months
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Team High Republic and Team Seagulls xD
For the High Republic AU ideas, Qui-gon lost an arm during an attack. Anakin doesn't use much of the gold palette; instead, he prefers dull metal. He's like a pale knight among the crowd.
As for the team seagulls, well I just love the song and want to see everybody dance. Also Death Star maracas. Now run, run, run, jump! I can be your backpack while you run...
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gold-as-hera · 1 year
“I suppose you do come from a long line of ✨non-traditional✨ Jedi.
In that way, she fits right in,” -Huyang
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Yeah, that tracks.
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xxviolet · 2 years
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Disaster Lineage
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hedonistbyheart · 2 years
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Phew! This was an endeavour! But I’ve wanted to draw the twins talking to all the force ghosts we know of for a while now, so here they are.
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Every friend group Jedi Lineage should include:
A bimbo:
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A mean bisexual:
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An even meaner lesbian:
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A token straight that’s on thin ice:
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An astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth chart memorized:
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A short king:
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proship-jedi · 1 year
Got emotional thinking about jedi lineages. 
Like. Maybe Ahsoka ties her obis in double knots because that’s how Anakin taught her. He told her it helped them stay on better.
But Anakin does it because that’s how Obi-Wan helped him, the first time he wore the robes that seemed impossibly heavy, with the weight of his new life.
But Obi-Wan only tied it like that because he had seen Qui-Gon do the same, and had desperately wanted to be perfect, so copied his master.
But Qui-Gon only did it out of habit- of all the rules of decorum that Dooku taught him that he ignored, the obi knot had stuck.
But Dooku had been trained by the greatest master of them all, so assumed however Yoda tied his robes was the most correct.
But maybe that is all because, centuries ago, a master whose name the rest of them will never know, taught his tiny padawan to double knot his obis, because they just never fit right.
And Ahsoka will never know that she got this from a jedi who lived in a totally different world from her, who she never knew and would never know her, but the legacies are there, no matter how small. And I bet every lineage has a handful of them.
I just... the jedi leave behind their blood ancestors, but they still have things running in their families.
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saphronethaleph · 3 months
“I never wanted you dead,” Sheev said, smiling in a grandfatherly sort of way, which he was terrible at. “I wanted you here… Empress Palpatine.”
He gestured. “You will take the throne. It is your birthright to rule here. It is in your blood. Our blood.”
“I haven’t come to lead the Sith,” Rey replied, then there was a loud doom doom doom sound of someone knocking on a door.
“Who is that?” Palpatine asked.
Then Luke Skywalker entered the room, limned with blue light.
So did his father, Anakin Skywalker, and Leia Organa Solo. And Yoda, hovering along on a spectral hoverchair, and Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Count Dooku.
“...um,” Rey began. “Master…s?”
“Rey,” Luke replied, with a nod. “You were right, by the way.”
“What is this?” Palpatine asked, his voice hushed and touched with fear. “What are you doing?”
“You never heard the story of Master Qui-Gon the Insightful?” Anakin asked.
“I’m insightful?” Qui-Gon said, sounding pleased.
“You are certainly something,” Dooku said, as Yoda chuckled.
Palpatine looked like he might be about to have an aneurysm.
“It’s not a story the Sith would have told you,” Anakin went on, with a terrible glee in his tone. “You see, the Light Side is a path to many abilities some would consider to be… supernatural.”
“Got that out of your system?” Obi-Wan asked.
“For now,” Anakin shrugged.
“What-” Palpatine sputtered. “What are you – this isn’t possible! You are dead! It is the Sith who can defy death!”
“The evidence suggests otherwise,” Leia smiled, then cleared her throat. “Sheev Palpatine. We are formally accusing you of-”
“Um,” Rey said, a bit hesitantly. “Sorry to interrupt… I recognize most of you as Jedi, but what is Count Dooku doing here?”
“Probation,” Yoda stated. “Very nicely, he has asked.”
“We are formally,” Leia stressed, “accusing you of, among other assorted crimes, thirty-seven thousand, eight hundred and twenty-seven counts of murder by use of a blunt instrument – to whit, a Clone Army – counting only those who were members of the Jedi Order in good standing at the time of their respective deaths, though we acknowledge that the number murdered on your orders is beyond easy counting. You are accused of treason in times of war and peace alike, of enforced disappearances, of enslavement, of wilful torture, of assorted Crimes Against Sapience, and of Consorting With Ye Powers Of Darknesse, which to my surprise was still on the books of the Old Republic.”
“There are, as the Princess says, many other crimes,” Dooku added. “But we believe those should be enough to be getting on with. For a start.”
Palpatine stared, then laughed.
“You – you are trying me?” he asked. “In what court? By what authority? I am authority! I reject your powerless, toothless threats! I am above punishment!”
“I think we’ll consider that a plea of ‘guilty’, then,” Obi-Wan said. “Wouldn’t you say?”
“That sounds reasonable enough to me,” Qui-Gon agreed. “All right. Grandmaster, if you would do the honours?”
Yoda raised his gimmer stick, and a bolt of lightning hit Palpatine on the head.
The Sith half-stood half-fell out of his chair, trying to hide behind it, then scowled at his own reaction and shot lightning at one of the Force Ghosts.
It passed right through Leia without doing anything at all.
Rey raised her hand.
“Am I still needed here?” she asked.
“You know, I think we can handle this ourselves?” Count Dooku said, courteously, then turned to Palpatine. “Know this, Sidious. You destroyed the Jedi Order, and now the Order will destroy you. If you return, you will be destroyed again. And again. Forty thousand angry ghosts cry out for vengeance.”
Qui-Gon coughed.
“Terminology, Master,” he said.
“Forty thousand annoyed ghosts seek justice,” Count Dooku corrected, as more Force Ghosts began to enter the chamber – walking through the walls in ranks, their ghostly lightsabers held high. “Is that better?”
“It’ll do,” Obi-Wan decided. “We appreciate you making the effort.”
Palpatine did not appreciate him making the effort.
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kenobes · 1 month
The Disaster Lineage as Cursed Images That I Have Saved on My Phone
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This lineage is very aptly named, they're all stupid in their own special way and I love that for them.
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buengbee · 1 year
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i love the disaster lineage and i think luke deserves to be part of it
(everyone is looking respectable but ani & snips got into a tussle)
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tired-smartass · 2 months
YOU live in a society
I on the other hand live in a perfect au where the whole disaster lineage is alive and basically a big family.
Yoda is dead?
No he's not. He laughs at and makes really dark jokes and plays pranks on everyone.
Count dooku is dead and evil?
No he's not. He's discussing politics with padme and taking luke and leia on ridiculous vacations. He's morally grey at most.
Qui gon is dead?
No he's not. He's telling embarassing stories about obi wan and anakin and has a million plants and pets
Obi wan is dead?
No he's not. He's babysitting the twins and ahsoka is living with cody his best life
Anakin is dead and was evil?
No he's not. He's THE soccer dad of the universe. Luke and leia refuse to believe he was ever cool.
Ashoka is alone?
No she's not. She babysits the twins all the time. She's the best aunt ever
Padme is dead?
No she's not. She comes back from senate meetings and the twins run to see who hugs her first. (Also irrelevant but I love the head cannon that naboo is basically space India. padme 10/10, DESI padme 100000/10)
Rex is dead?
No he's not. He's the godfather of the twins and continus to help Anakin and padme in getting alone time. And the gar love the twins
Cody is dead?
No he's not. He's living with obi wan and meets up with all of his batch mates regularly to annoy and or embarrass them (middle child) (also irrelevant but the spelling of embarrass looks so fake to me) .
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daensa-fangirl · 10 months
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Disaster lineage indeed 😍😍
(Only master apprentice duo missing is Master Yoda and Count Dooku)
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kurtssingh · 2 years
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Team Republic or Team Empire? ;)
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appljuiceboxx · 4 months
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posting pride hc icons multiple times a week - day 3 - star wars prequel trilogy (+ a lil tcw)
ugh the quality is so bad guys sorry!! the bg remover thing got rid of the lightsabers and im too lazy to fix it sry :(((
no palpatine bcs he's homophobic
fandom checklist
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xxviolet · 1 year
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…and the legacy lives on.
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pencildragons · 3 months
disaster lineage all fall into one or more categories. i tried making a venn diagram but it was too hard so i gave up. anyway here they are
-most famous jedi who ever lived
-deeply fucking evil
-enemy of the state
-literally just some guy who's there
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disastertriowriting · 4 months
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