#yo cousin we got a situation
daysofyellowroses · 8 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 2.8k | 99% pure fluff nonsense | tw: pregnancy, very much implied smut, language
Being pregnant is stressful, a lot of the time. It's a natural feeling, it's not easy growing a literal human in your body.
However, you had thought that because you'd done the whole pregnancy/labor thing before, the second time around would be a breeze.
Honestly you didn't know what you were thinking, if anything the second time was even more stressful, mainly due to circumstances beyond your control.
Funnily enough, the second time was actually planned, well..in a way it was.
But to get to the second time, there has to be a first time, and that first time was..a lot. Certainly not planned. Not unwanted, but not planned. Kind of like your relationship.
You'd known Carmy for a long time, longer than you could really remember. He was just someone you knew, not necessarily a friend but not a stranger. Just someone who drifted in the same orbit as you.
It was only when he took over at the Beef that you got to know him properly. You had been working there for almost two years at that point, mainly working the counter with Richie, developing a sibling-like relationship with him. It wasn't the best job in the world, and you often felt yourself looking out the window and wondering if there was something more out there or if the grass was greener on the other side.
Then Carmy came back into your orbit, and at first it was curiosity that kept you there, wondering what he would do with the place. You didn't speak to him more or less than anyone else, but it was pretty basic chat or professional, depending.
Syd always says she saw a spark right away, and you like to believe it. You had always thought he was cute, and seeing him in his element, doing his thing..it did make him more attractive.
You weren't sure how a relationship even developed, there were always other people around, you didn't exactly flirt, and you weren't openly advertising your single status. But..things happen for a reason, right?
One night, you had to take a call after work, when you came back inside everyone but Carmy had left. You had offered to help him finish cleaning, he had insisted you didn't need to, but you could if you wanted.
Taking it as an invitation, you rolled up your sleeves and grabbed a sponge. God only knows what you had talked about, if you had talked at all, but you enjoyed his company. After that, it became common practice that you would stay after work to help clean. More and more you would sit on a counter and tell Carmy stories from your past while he cleaned, or as you later realized, pretended to keep cleaning if he finished before your story ended.
It took a while before you could get Carmy to tell you stories, he wasn't one to brag about himself or his accomplishments. Still, you managed to get the stories out of him slowly, and found yourself increasingly attracted to him. You noticed he didn't mention much about his family or friends, and you didn't push the matter.
Then, one night he mentioned Mikey in a story, then stopped himself like he'd said something wrong. You had encouraged him to keep talking, sharing some of your own memories of Mikey. He laughed when you told one story, and you desperately wanted to kiss him.
It took another two weeks before you finally plucked up the courage, figuring the worst thing that could happen was he wouldn't kiss you back, you would hand in your notice and forget the whole ordeal.
But it turned out your attraction was not one sided, as you found yourself pressed up against the fridge with Carmy's hands holding your arms up above your head as he gave you a kiss you still feel when you think about it.
After that, you tried to keep things on the down low, which lasted for approximately two days, when Richie walked in on you sitting on Carmy's desk, legs wrapped around the chef's waist as you made out like teenagers. It was a new record for gossip spreading, and despite some initial teasing everyone was happy for you both.
It wasn't the smoothest of sailing in the early weeks, or months, when the renovations started. Everyone was stressed, particularly Carmy and Syd. You understood that the weight was on their shoulders, and did what you could to be a support. If some of that support included being a taster for the chefs new dishes, that was just a bonus.
There were, of course, other ways you could relieve some of Carmy's stress. It makes you laugh now that you were trying to take away stress and pressure and gave yourselves even more, because of course you did.
It wasn't like you were going at it constantly, you were both often exhausted or crabby or fed up which didn't create the best atmosphere but when you were both in the mood..it was the best sex of your relationship, it could be in the car, against a half built wall in the restaurant, or occasionally, actually in your own bed.
You liked to think that was where your daughter was conceived, in her parents bed and not in the bathroom stall of some dingy bar (the beer was supposed to be the thing that blew off steam, but when you'd been washing your hands in the bathroom and spotted Carm in the mirror standing behind you with a slight smirk you'd pulled him into a stall and that was that)
It was inevitable really, with the stress of the restaurant making you forget to do basic shit like taking your contraception, and a partner constantly on the verge of a heart/panic attack at any moment wasn't exactly great at remembering to remind you.
So, after a couple of mornings of being unable to get out of bed from feeling so violently sick, you gave in and went to the doctor. It shouldn't have been a shock, but it was. It was something that you had thought about occasionally, had casually discussed with Carmy, but in a kind of ‘in the future, maybe’ way.
You didn't tell him right away. The restaurant was about to open, that needed to be properly celebrated. When the opening night finally came, it turned out to be exactly the right time.
Carmy getting locked in the walk-in had not been what you'd expected, but you just had to laugh at how absurd it was. When you were driving home, your head on his shoulder and his hand on your thigh, you told him. It came out before you could stop yourself, hanging in the air for a moment.
“You're serious?”
Not the response you'd expected.
“Of course I'm serious.”
The rest of the ride home was in silence, one that felt suffocating.
When you woke up the next morning, it was to Carmy's hand on your stomach.
“We're gonna be parents. Like..there's gonna be a kid running around and it's going to be ours.”
“Yeah,” You'd nodded, placing your hand on his and meeting his eyes. “Pretty fucking terrifying, right?”
He'd broken into a grin after a moment, and you felt a relief flood you.
That all seems so long ago now.
Your daughter, Gracie Natalie Berzatto, was already three, you couldn't believe it when you were picking out her birthday card. Her current obsession was Bluey, which had become a bit of an obsession for you and Carm too, it was so weirdly relaxing. Sometimes the two of you watched episodes after work, someone's head in the other's lap.
Sometimes it hit you, like standing in the supermarket with ten million different Bluey birthday cards in front of you and just trying to find one with a ‘3’ on it, that you had come so far from sitting in the car in suffocating silence.
From the moment she was born, Gracie and Carmy were inseparable. He was a natural at being a father, even if he always worried he was doing it wrong.
You always brought her to the restaurant after kindergarten when Carm had had a panic about forgetting the fruit in her lunch or not being able to plait her hair. Everyone doted on her, she would be glued to Tina’s hip while Richie made her laugh and Marcus got a special donut just for her.
You would have a coffee with Syd and watch hope Carmy could see what really mattered.
It was at, well..after Gracie’s 3rd birthday party that the whole thing would be set in motion again. The day had been amazing, much to your relief. Of course, the food was incredible, and you had cried when Marcus showed you the birthday cake, a perfect replica of Bluey in cake form. Of course, there were too many presents, but you were touched that people made such a fuss. When Jimmy had turned up with the biggest Barbie dream house you'd ever seen, you'd told him it was his fault if Gracie turned into a spoilt brat, giving him a tight hug.
When it was all over, and it was you and Carm laying on the couch surrounded by wrapping paper, crinkled paper plates and half full trash bags, you had felt a surge of love in your chest.
“We're alright at this, right?”
“Yeah, we're alright.”
You had turned to rest your head on his chest, looking up at him and knowing you couldn't imagine a better life. You didn't know what he was thinking, you never could read his mind. Whatever was in that bear cave, it caused him to smile and slowly tilt your head up for a kiss.
At first it was just a comfortable, lazy makeout session, hands slowly wandering. Then at some point it was like an unspoken question. You were taking a break from your current pill, looking into new options. There were condoms upstairs in the nightstand but neither of you went to get them.
So it wasn't a shock to discover it was round two.
Gracie seemed to understand what was happening when you explained it to her, excited that she would have her own Bingo to play with.
The pregnancy itself was relatively smooth, it had been much harder with Gracie. But then, labor with her has been weirdly smooth. Uncomfortable as hell but then they gave you the good stuff and next thing you knew there was a baby being placed in your arms.
It was the opposite with the second labor. You should have known, the pregnancy had been too smooth sailing. It was all planned, you had your due date, your hospital bag, an amazing midwife, it would be done properly.
Ah, the days when you still believed, even after having already had a baby, that labor could be perfect.
God bless delusion.
It was a week before your due date that everything went to shit.
Carmy had gone to sort out something or other for the restaurant, now that you were on maternity leave you had blocked out restaurant chat unless you were actually in the restaurant to see the staff/stuff your face. You had dropped by the Bear for a catch up, Gracie was at your mom's house and you were just having some time to yourself. It was a couple of hours before opening, a time you always enjoyed.
You were chatting to Syd and snacking on some carrot sticks she was cutting and sliding over to you when you felt a sharp pain in your stomach, brushing it off.
When it happened again, your stomach dropped as you looked down to the floor, a clear puddle pooling around your feet.
“That's..that's not hygienic,” Syd muttered, her eyes going wide as she looked back up at you. “Wait, shit, is this happening now?!”
You went to reply, letting out a groan as a contraction hit you, grabbing the side of the bench.
“Okay, we can do this,” Syd took your arm and led you into the office, helping you into the chair. “We can totally do this, we can do this.”
You took some deep breaths, gripping the arm of the chair. From outside you could hear Richie shouting something before he let out a yell.
“Fuck! I slipped in fucking piss!”
There was a burst of laughter and you gripped the chair harder, looking up and watching Syd pace back and forth, one hand on her forehead, the other on her waist.
“Richie, get in here!” You called, trying to stand up and being unable to. “Anyone, get in here, please!”
A moment later, Tina and a disgruntled Richie appeared at the door.
“Okay,” You breathed, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. “Can one of you help Syd calm down, and one of you..fuck!” You clutched your stomach, leaning forward. Tina rushed over to you, while Richie patted Syd on the back.
“Someone call Carm, please,” You muttered, taking Tina's hand. “And maybe an ambulance.”
There was a flurry of activity, and you found yourself alone in the office, wanting to cry.
“Hey, have you seen..”
You looked up as you heard Fak’s voice, wanting to cry with relief as he walked into the office with a confused look.
“Why does it smell like piss in here?”
Because life is ridiculous, it decided to conspire against you on that day. Richie couldn't get through to Carmy, the ambulance was going to be delayed because of a major collision, and your baby was starting to crown on the floor in the office in the fucking Bear.
You had managed to maneuver your way onto the floor with Fak's help, his panicked ramblings feeling oddly comforting. Syd had managed to calm down and came to hold your hand. Between her and Fak rambling about how everything was going to be fine, you wanted to believe.
Outside the office seemed to be just as chaotic, thanks to Richie leaving endless panicked voicemails for Carm, Tina yelling orders at everyone, and your broken waters just lingering on the floor.
“Okay,” Richie appeared in the doorway. “Cousin is either dead or his phone is, still no ambulance, and my suit is ruined.”
“Big picture, Richie,” Sydney gestured to you. “I don't think we have time for an ambulance..”
“How do you know? Did you..look?” Richie asked.
“Of course not,” Sydney frowned. “But..I presume. You've got a kid, you look.”
“I'm not looking, she's family,” Richie protested. “Tina, come check if the baby's coming out!”
“Oh my god,” You cried. “Will someone please just put their head between my fucking legs?”
There was a silence for a moment before laughter filled the air, yours included. It felt like everything would be okay in that moment, even when it was all going to shit.
Tina checked, and confirmed that it wasn't coming out, but it was close.
Closer than expected, it wasn't long after you were screaming and probably breaking Syd and Fak’s hands. By some stroke of luck, Carm got back to the restaurant just as your baby was coming out, which was a lot to process.
You didn't actually know who wrapped the baby in a towel and handed him to you but you didn't care, he was out.
You got the hospital eventually, everything was a blur once you had a baby in your arms. Vague memories of people coming in and out of the room, fussing over you and the baby.
The clearest memory is Carm bringing Gracie in to meet her brother. She didn't say much, just watched him with fascination. Carm asked her if the baby should be named Bingo, tickling her.
She laughed and shook her head, and you felt another surge of deep love.
When the time did come to sign the birth certificate, you put the suggestion out there, gently, to name your son after his uncle. You could tell Carm was touched but it felt too raw.
So you consulted the head of the family for her opinion, and Mackenzie Michael Berzatto it was.
“I can't believe you gave birth in the restaurant,” Carmen murmured softly, laying beside you on the bed, Gracie asleep on his chest, Mackenzie asleep on yours. “On the floor. Dirty hippy.”
“I can't believe you basically missed the birth of your first son. Call yourself Italian do you?”
“Did cousin really slip on your piss?”
“It was not piss,” You rolled your eyes with a grin, gently stroking Mackensie's head. “It was amniotic fluid.”
“Oh,” Carmen nodded. “Why..why does that sound more gross?”
“Because scientific terms are gross,” You yawned, leaning back on the pillow and looking over to Carmy. “I really love you, Carm.”
“I know,” Carmy nodded, looking over to you with a smile. “I really love you too. You've given me all this.”
“You helped, a little,” You smiled, sitting up a little and letting out a content sign when he leaned in to give you a kiss, pulling back with a smile.
“Now what?”
“Now..we don't fuck it up.”
“Yes chef.”
a couple of notes I had in my mind while writing this but didn't actually put into the story:
- Gracie is actually called Grace, but she will forever and always be called Gracie
- She also has everyone wrapped around her little finger
- Eva is basically her big sister
- Sugar was incredibly moved by the choice of middle name, insisted you didn't have to but loved it
- Syd and Tina are Gracie's godmothers. Tina had cried when you asked, Syd wasn't sure at first like..what does a godmother even do? But she loves it. Neither you or Carm are super religious but it just felt like a nice thing to do. Richie and Fak were chosen as godfathers. Yes, they were insufferable
- Sugar cried when you told her Mackensie's middle name, you told her it was Carm's choice, which you knew it was
- You're still working on who Mackensie's godparents should be, Richie and Fak are already fighting about being the only godfather. You and Carmy are leaning towards Marcus and Pete.
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hrts4carmy · 2 months
in tommy shelby’s words: “you belong to me, my property. no one touches my property,” please give us your take if this was carmy 🫢🫢🫢
omg friend. i so indulge in peaky blinders. obsessed!
ok tbh i feel like carmy would have trouble being so outright, but if u two already have a sort of developed relationship and he is confident (sexually too) with you then this is very him. thinking abt him having a lil jealous moment. (maybe ur fwb here, hmm)
thinking of you having an ex who shows up at the restaurant one day before open. playful laughter and innocent conversation turns into an uncomfortable situation fast. you don’t want things to escalate so you’re taking a gentle parenting approach and letting him down easy for the hundredth time. Richie sees all of this going down in front of house and can’t help himself but to stir the pot.
“Yo, Cousin. Some guy out here talking to your girl. Might wanna get on that.” He claps him on the shoulder.
Carmen looks up from his station, brows furrowing the slightest bit. “My- what? What’s going on?” He wipes his hands on a rag before his attention is taken entirely. He can’t focus on the dish anymore. What’s Richie talking about?
He peeks his head out the door to find none other than exactly what Richie said. You and some guy. Some skinny guy with shitty tattoos and brown hair. Some guy who is entirely too close to you, he thinks. As your voice starts to raise, said guy steps closer to you. Carmen watches as you take a step back, and he wonders when it’s appropriate to interrupt.
He makes the decision when the guy puts his hands on your waist, pulling you into him. Your hands fall to his chest and try to push him away, and Carmy can hear your voice all the way from the door of the kitchen.
“Jesse, get the fuck off of me.” You push harder, but to no avail. When you hear footsteps, you thank whatever God above. You almost curse yourself when you see who they belong to. Carmen’s face is cold, an expression only a little more intense than what you’ve all been on the receiving end of in the kitchen.
He pulls you back by your shoulder, positioning the two of you so he’s blocking your body. “We got a problem here or something?” The words come out of his mouth like venom, tilting his head as he asks. Your ex looks over Carmen’s shoulder to catch a glimpse of you, but is quickly intercepted by the broad shoulders covering you.
Jesse puts his hands up in surrender and shakes his head at the look on Carmen’s face. “Nah, man. You got that.” He nods. That almost makes him more mad. He balls his fists and presses his finger nails into his palms. A lame attempt to calm himself down. Don’t do anything stupid, you’re not even dating her. But the image floods his mind again, his hands on you where only Carmen’s should be.
“S’what I thought. Get the fuck out of my restaurant.” And he does, he makes quick work of it too. To say you’re thankful is an understatement, because Carmen really got him to go away without a fight. When he turns around, his face is slightly flushed. He runs a hand through his hair, exhaling through his nose. He almost looks more shaken up than you.
“Thanks for that. You good?” You raise an eyebrow at him, and he chuckles. A real chuckle as he throws his head back, and you feel like an outsider. Were you missing something? But when Carmen composes himself, you realize nothing is really funny at all. His hands find your waist, squeezing the same spot that Jesse had moments ago. Tighter, though, almost bruising.
“Meet in my office. 5 minutes.” Is all he says before letting go, walking back in the kitchen like nothing happened. You feel the whole situations given you whiplash, but of course you do what he says. Why wouldn’t you?
The 5 minutes you wait feels like an hour. You pick at the skin of your nails before you make it to his office door, turning the handle and stepping in. Your arm is immediately pulled in, as Carmy slams the door and pushes you up against it. You gasp, but it’s quickly swallowed from his mouth on yours.
Carmy kisses you like it’s the last time he’ll ever do it. Teeth scraping against eachother as his tongue slips in your mouth. Your hands come to his face as you pull him off to take a breath. You manage to speak between gasps of air. “Fuck is this for?”
He brings you in for another searing kiss before answering, foot knocking your knees apart. He brings his thigh between your legs, pressing it against you. You bite your lip to stifle a moan. “Fuckin’ idiot comes into my place and thinks he can just put his hands on you?” He scoffs, jolting his thigh between your legs again. “You’re mine, no one should touch you but me.” You find yourself deliriously nodding against him. Carmy coos at you, tone full of condescension.
“It’s okay. I’ll show you who you belong to. Remind you why he’s your ex and why I’m the one who fucks you.”
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lovesuhng · 2 months
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fake dating, strangers to lovers, fluff w.c: 4.5k
The college exams were really getting to Johnny, but another complicated situation was troubling his mind: his parents' pressure for him to seriously date someone. It was no secret that Johnny was focused on his studies, but he also didn't miss a chance to have fun with friends and even get involved with some people, yet he never started a serious relationship.
One of Johnny's cousins' wedding was approaching and his mother asked him to be there, once again bringing up the fact that he wasn’t dating anyone. In response, Johnny ended up saying he was in a relationship, which was a big lie.
“Why did you tell your parents that?” Jaehyun, Johnny's friend and classmate, asked him while they were in the cafeteria.
“To see if they would stop pressuring me so much, but now I have a week to find a girl to pretend to be my girlfriend.”
“But that’s easy, look at how many women you’ve hooked up with here.”
The fact was that Johnny was well-known and very desired at college. His charm, good humor, and his sculptural body attracted a lot of attention.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to and can’t just take anyone. It’s a wedding!”
So, Jaehyun started suggesting various possible candidates, but Johnny had very convincing excuses. Then Jaehyun looked around the cafeteria and spotted you.
“Why not talk to her?”
Johnny looked in your direction, seeing you laugh at something your friend was saying. You both were in the same major, but you started college after Johnny, making him your senior. You and Johnny had talked a few times, but you were far from being friends. You were known for being a dedicated and very reserved student, not fond of attending the college parties, which made contact with him rare.
“But how am I supposed to ask her? I can’t just go up to her and say ‘do you want to pretend to be my girlfriend for a few days?’”
“That’s not my problem. Think about it, maybe fate will bring her your way in the next few days.”
And it seemed fate was indeed on Johnny’s side. He had gone to talk to the professor of the subject he had been a teaching assistant for the previous semester to resolve some issues. Upon arriving at the office door, he found you talking to the professor, saying you had some questions and needed help to finalize the final project for the subject.
“Unfortunately, I can’t help you because I need to make a short trip to take care of some personal matters.” That’s when the professor noticed someone at the door, directed his gaze to Johnny and asked him to come in. “But it seems you’re in luck. I think you know Johnny. He was my TA last term, and I think he can help you.”
“Really?!” You said, quite excited and hopeful.
“I can help, we just need to figure out some days and times that work, so I can also study for the final exams.”
“Perfect. Are you free after classes tomorrow?”
And so, you arranged to meet in the library the next day for Johnny to help you with the project. He was already waiting for you and it didn’t take long for you to arrive, a bit flustered trying to balance your notebook and notes in your hands, which made Johnny chuckle.
“Sorry for the delay, but the professor wouldn’t stop talking.”
“It’s fine, I just got here.”
After organizing your things on the table and turning on the notebook, you started asking questions and sharing some ideas you were considering for the project. Johnny proved to be very helpful, definitely more than you expected. After some time in the library, you left together heading to the exit, when Johnny offered you a ride since he had a car and saw you were heading to the bus stop. Initially, you tried to refuse but ended up accepting with the condition that you would stop at a coffee shop near your house.
Once there, you placed your orders, which you insisted on paying for, and began talking about various topics, like the similarities of being only children, your tattoos and their meanings, the reasons for choosing that major, and so on. You were discovering more about each other's lives when suddenly Johnny heard someone call his name and recognized his mother’s voice.
“My dear! It’s so good to see you here.”
“You too, mom. What are you doing here?”
“I came to buy some things for your cousin’s wedding and decided to stop for a coffee.” She then looked at you with a very friendly smile. You stood up to greet Johnny’s mother.
“Mom, this is…”
“Don’t tell me she’s your girlfriend?!”
You were about to say you were just a university colleague when Johnny interrupted.
“Yes. My girlfriend.”
Confusion was written all over your face. While being pulled into a hug by Johnny’s mother, you looked at him, seeking an explanation, he just whispered, “I’ll explain later, but please help me.”
“I can’t believe Johnny is finally dating and with such a beautiful woman like you.”
“Ah, thank you…”
“I’m leaving now. It was a pleasure meeting you, dear. And I look forward to seeing you at the wedding.”
“Of course, mom.” Johnny hugged you by the shoulders, startling you a bit. “We’ll definitely be there.”
After saying goodbye to Johnny’s mom with fake smiles, you pulled away from him and demanded an explanation.
“Long story short: I lied to my mom saying I had a girlfriend and she wants me to bring her to my cousin’s wedding. I hadn’t said who it was yet and I was going to talk to you about it before, but then my mom showed up and all this happened. I’m sorry for putting you in this situation.”
“And you think this will work?”
Johnny held your hand and kept his gaze on your eyes. That gave you butterflies, something you didn’t understand why it was happening.
“They say desperate times call for desperate measures. Will you help me?”
You took a deep breath and said, bringing a smile to the man in front of you, “You helped me, so… we have a wedding to go to.”
Since you had only a few days before the wedding, your meetings became more frequent, both inside and outside the university. Johnny helped you finish the project, which you presented impeccably and you also studied together for exams, each for your respective subjects, keeping each other company, thus forming a friendship between you.
Already on vacation and on the eve of the wedding, some final details were decided: the wedding and the reception would be in a neighboring town, so Johnny asked you to bring comfortable clothes for the trip and you created a story about your relationship in case anyone asked (you studied at the same university, Johnny always saw you in the corridors and fell in love with you, asked you out, and you had been dating for 2 months).
On Saturday morning, the day of the wedding, Johnny was already at your doorstep, waiting by the car and laughed when he saw you walking towards him with curlers in your hair, holding the dress and a small suitcase.
“Why are you like that?” Johnny laughed as he helped you put your things in the car.
“To speed things up, of course. We would be late if I did this at the hotel and I hate being late. And this isn’t the way to greet your ‘girlfriend’ on a saturday morning.”
“You're right. Good morning, my dear.” Johnny said, putting his hands on your waist and then laughing at the face you made. So, you decided to be as affectionate as he was. Standing on tiptoe, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, leaving him very surprised.
“Good morning, honey. Now let’s go, the road is long.”
That little kiss, innocent as it was, significantly affected Johnny, who took a while to process everything and got into the car.
A little over two hours later, you were at the hotel, and since you were returning the same day, Johnny only booked one room for you to get ready for the wedding. You checked in, ate something, and started preparing. You had already showered and were now doing your makeup. Johnny was in the shower but soon came out, complaining that he couldn’t put on the tie.
“I have no idea how to do this, I think I’ll go without it.”
“Calm down, Johnny, I’ll–” You stopped talking when you saw him with wet, messy hair, the first four buttons of his shirt open, giving a glimpse of his chest, and pants perfectly fitted to his body. Even like that, you thought Johnny was the most attractive man in the world and didn’t want to imagine how he would look when fully ready. You approached him, hoping he wouldn’t notice your blushing face, started buttoning his shirt and tied his tie perfectly. Unlike you, who was very “focused,” Johnny looked at every detail of your face, how your eyelashes were long, how your eyes were mesmerizing, how your lips seemed so soft that he wanted to kiss you right there, but he was snapped out of his trance when you patted his shoulder.
“How do you know how to tie ties?”
“I had to wear one for an event and watched some tutorials online.” You said, smiling. “I’ll add the final touches to my makeup and put on the dress.”
It didn’t take long for Johnny to get ready, so he waited for you until he heard, “Johnny, can you help me?” from the bathroom. He entered the room, seeing you struggling to zip up the dress, and quickly positioned himself behind you. This was your moment to hold your breath at his proximity as he slowly zipped up the dress. You felt your arm hair stand up when his breath touched your neck and when his hands touched your waist. You looked at each other in the mirror, and a smile appeared on your lips.
“So, how do I look?”
Johnny, even nervous, tried to talk to you more casually. “You’re so beautiful we might end up going from a fake relationship to a fake marriage.” He laughed at what he said, knowing he was trying to give you confidence. Johnny turned you to face him and said in a more serious tone, giving you goosebumps for the second time that day, “But seriously, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
Arriving at the wedding venue, Johnny extended his hand to help you out of the car. You held his hand, intertwining your fingers with his, after all, you had to appear as a couple from the moment you stepped into the wedding. You started to get nervous about it, but when you looked into Johnny’s eyes, you felt calmer. As the wedding was about to start, you only waved to Johnny’s parents, who were radiant with the fact that their son was “dating.” The wedding proceeded wonderfully. Mark, Johnny’s cousin, and his bride were happy, and from a distance, it was clear they truly loved each other. His speech made most people cry, including you, which Johnny noticed. In an unthinkable act, he wiped your tears and held your hand, caressing it afterward. You were startled for a second but then gave a subtle smile.
After the ceremony, there was the reception, where you had to really act like a couple. Johnny’s parents greeted you right away. His mother kept talking about how beautiful you were as a couple, made for each other, while his father said he was delighted to see that you made Johnny very happy. A few minutes later, your “mother-in-law” took you to meet Johnny’s aunts, leaving him alone with his father.
“I’m so happy for you, son. It’s clear how happy this girl makes you.”
“Of course. Just by looking at you, it’s obvious you’re head over heels for her.”
Johnny didn’t respond to his father, unsure of what to say. He just looked at where you were, cheerfully chatting with his aunts, fitting in like family. Your eyes crinkled as you smiled, your contagious laugh making him smile unconsciously. You noticed his gaze, smiled genuinely, as if to say everything was fine, and it was then Johnny realized he was actually falling for his fake girlfriend.
The party continued. You had already had a lot of fun with Johnny's aunts, talked to the newlyweds and even danced a bit. Now you were sitting next to Johnny, just waiting for the right time to head back to the hotel, after all, the weather was turning and you would need to hit the road before it started raining. That’s when the bride announced that it was time for the much-anticipated bouquet toss. You weren’t planning to join the others, but your “mother-in-law” pulled you in, you gave Johnny a look pleading for help, but he just gave you a "can't do anything" expression.
There you were, in the middle of some women, trying to give polite smiles but clearly not wanting to be in that situation. Then, you heard the bride’s voice saying that the next one to catch the bouquet would have to get married and soon started the countdown.
And by the irony of fate, the bouquet came your way and you caught it before it hit your face. Your wide-eyed expression made Johnny laugh as he rushed towards you. He was about to speak when his very excited mother arrived, saying:
“I knew that bouquet was yours! Now I want a photo of you two.”
You approached Johnny and whispered for only him to hear: “You two are the same, love taking photos of everything!” In the days you spent more time together, you discovered that photography was one of Johnny’s passions and that he was incredible at it.
When you saw Johnny’s mother positioning the phone for a picture of the two of you, you felt Johnny’s hand on your waist, pulling you closer and you felt a kind of warmth there. You posed for the photo, but you didn’t look like a couple. That’s when Johnny’s mother, quite cleverly, said, “Son, kiss your girlfriend!”
Johnny’s eyes widened. Now what? He couldn’t make you do anything like that. He couldn’t keep up this act. He was about to tell his mother the whole truth when he felt your hand on the back of his neck. There was a brief exchange of looks and you said, “I’m sorry.”
He didn’t have time to respond as your lips on his prevented him from doing so. It would be cliché to say that “it seemed like everything around had disappeared and only you two were there,” but that’s what was really happening. The gentle touch you gave to the back of Johnny’s neck with the hand not holding the bouquet was reciprocated by the way he held your waist. Johnny knew he was in trouble but didn’t want to think about it at that moment. For him, it was like a dream, but he was “awakened” when you pulled away, only to see the man in front of you with his eyes closed. You couldn’t help but smile when he opened his eyes and you ended up wiping the gloss that had stayed on his lips.
After a while, you decided to return to the hotel and, just as you arrived, a heavy rain started.
“It’s like we predicted this would happen,” said Johnny. He asked you to go to the room to start organizing your things while he settled a few things at the reception. The time you spent alone in the room was enough for you to think about everything that had happened, how much you loved being near Johnny, how welcomed you felt by his family, how nervous you got when you had to pretend to be his girlfriend and how much you loved that kiss. But, did he feel anything for you? Did he feel something with that kiss?
Some time later, Johnny returned to the room, and he didn’t look very happy. “The rain is getting worse and some trees have fallen on the road, so we’ll have to spend the night here.”
“Oh, that’s fine then.”
“You don’t mind us sharing the room?”
“Of course not, John, it’s okay. I’ll sleep on that little sofa and you can take the bed,” you said, pointing to the small sofa in the corner of the room.
“Are you crazy? I’ll sleep on the sofa and YOU can have the bed.”
“I think you’re the crazy one. Look at your size and the size of the sofa.” You were right. The sofa was too small for him, so you thought of a simple solution that made you nervous. “If you don’t mind, we can share the bed.” Johnny looked at you as if to say, “Are you sure about this?” You understood his expression completely and said, “It’s fine. We’ll put some pillows in the middle and it’ll be perfect. The bed is huge.”
After showering, Johnny was arranging the bed while you were combing your hair.
“Did you enjoy the wedding?”
“What? So much! Seriously, Johnny, your family is so lively and funny. I talked for ages with your mom and aunts.”
“I noticed. You even danced with them. You spent more time with them than with your boyfriend.”
“What’s up with that? You should have pulled me to dance.”
“Oh really?”
Then, Johnny picked up his phone and selected a song, specifically “More Than Words” by Extreme and, in a very exaggerated manner, extended his hand to invite you to dance with him in the middle of the hotel room. You couldn’t help but smile, which he noticed, and took his hand, accepting the invitation. The dance continued, Johnny made some exaggerated moves, leading you along with him. With each twirl he made you do, your laughter increased. It was amazing how, even in such a short time, you felt light and happy around Johnny, as he didn’t have to make any effort to make you smile, he just was… himself. The “exaggerated dance” went on for a few more minutes until Johnny lifted you and spun around, but ended up tripping and falling onto the bed, taking you with him. Despite the scare, you both laughed at the situation. But the smiles faded as you realized how close your faces were. You had been this close before, after all, you had kissed earlier, but it was all part of a “show”, now you were alone. Your mouths were almost meeting when Johnny’s phone rang, bringing you back to reality for the second time that day. You got off Johnny and went straight to the bathroom to catch your breath. Meanwhile, Johnny answered the call, discovering it was his mother, just asking if everything was alright.
When you left the bathroom, Johnny was already lying on his side of the bed, ready to sleep, and you did the same, wishing him a good night.
Although Johnny’s mind was racing because of everything that had happened the day before and because of the new feelings in his heart, he had a great night’s sleep, except he felt some weight on him. Because of the sun rays entering through the curtain gaps, he slowly opened his eyes and realized that the “weight” was your leg over his, your head using his arm as a pillow and your arms hugging him like he was a giant teddy bear. Johnny noticed that the pillow barrier you had made to divide the bed had fallen and now you were in that situation. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw your squished face, sleeping so peacefully and comfortably in his arms. As much as he wanted to stay there, he had to get out of bed. He tried to do it in a way that wouldn’t wake you, but it didn’t work, and your eyes started to open.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. Is this pillow comfortable?”
“Good morning, sort of, it’s just a bit hard…” The next second, you realized you were clinging to him and jumped out of bed. “OH MY GOD, JOHNNY, I’M SORRY! You must have slept all crooked because of me. How embarrassing!” You said while running your hands over your face, while Johnny, still in bed, just laughed at your “panic.”
As the days went by, you exchanged messages with trivial updates about what was happening in your lives. With each message you received, you could feel your heart beat faster just thinking it was from Johnny. All your friends knew when you were talking to him because you always had a silly smile on your face, like a lovesick teenager. Missing him so much, you decided to ask him out and he accepted right away.
You arrived in front of the chosen place: a homemade food restaurant where you had once worked and were still friends with Joe, the elderly owner. A few minutes later, Johnny arrived and he couldn’t help but smile when he saw you, especially because of the sunflower-patterned dress you were wearing. He didn’t miss the chance to joke, “Is that dress in my honor?” knowing that he had a sunflower tattooed on his forearm.
Upon entering the restaurant, you took Johnny’s hand to introduce him to the owner.
“Mr. Joe, it’s been so long!”
“Hi, my dear, I’ve missed you.” With a friendly smile, he turned his attention to Johnny. “Did you come to introduce me to your boyfriend?”
Lately, you two were so often mistaken for a couple that Johnny didn’t mind what was said but couldn’t help but feel sad when you stated that you were just friends.
“I see, well, enjoy the evening and maybe things will change tonight.” The elderly man shook Johnny’s hand, winking at him. Was it that obvious that he was in love with you?
You took the lead, followed by Johnny, who found it strange that you were heading somewhere other than where the customers were eating. He was about to ask where you were going when he was surprised as you reached the restaurant’s terrace. It was a rarely used place but very well-decorated and had an incredible view at night.
“Wow, this place is amazing!”
“I think so too. It was one of my favorite spots. I used to stay here during my breaks and sometimes came here to study or just think about life. The owner doesn’t use it much, but I asked a friend who still works here to set it up, just in case I brought someone here.
“And do you often bring people here?”
“To be honest, you’re the first person I’ve brought here.” Johnny gave a restrained smile, feeling special for some reason.
After placing your orders, you talked about various things. It was incredible how you always had so much to talk about. Then, a cold breeze passed, making you shiver and complain about wearing a dress and forgetting your jacket. Within seconds, Johnny promptly got up, took off his jacket and put it on your shoulders, making you momentarily forget how to breathe due to his sudden closeness.
When he returned to his seat, Johnny found it odd that you started laughing for apparently no reason.
“Please don’t get me wrong, I just think it’s amazing how you can sometimes be so sweet despite being so...” You gestured to indicate his height.
“Tall? Handsome? Hot? No need to be at a loss for words to describe me. They say that’s my charm: being sweet to balance out the fact that I’m extremely attractive” Johnny said in a charming tone and you decided to play along.
“For sure, and very modest too.”
After dinner and more conversation, you suggested to Johnny that you go to an ice cream shop near your place.
“What? But weren’t you cold?”
“No cold can make me refuse a good ice cream.”
And that’s how you ended up on your street, heading to your building with your ice creams, you looking like a happy child finally eating your favorite dessert and Johnny laughing at everything you said.
“Well, I guess this is where we say goodbye,” you said, but deep down you didn’t want the night to end.
“The night was amazing. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”
“Oh! Before I forget.” You said while taking off the jacket and handing it back to Johnny. “I swear I’ll bring mine next time.”
“So, there will be a next time?” Johnny said provocatively while putting on his jacket. You pretended to be thoughtful for a second and replied, “Maybe… Wait a second.”
You stepped closer to Johnny to adjust his jacket collar, bringing you just inches apart. Your eyes locked, but this time in a more intense way. You could admire Johnny’s beautiful honey-colored eyes while he examined every detail of your face, which looked even more beautiful in the moonlight. You made a move to pull away, but Johnny placed his hands on your waist, preventing you from leaving. Your gaze dropped to his mouth as he said, “You’ve already kissed me once, what are you waiting for to do it again?”
“Now it’s your turn to take the initiative. Kiss me, John.”
Closing the minimal gap between you, Johnny kissed you. Unlike the first time, you felt the intensity of this kiss, and when Johnny’s tongue touched yours, you could swear you would explode with happiness, so much so that it made you smile in the middle of the kiss, causing Johnny to pull away, laughing. “Are you that happy to kiss me?”
“Of course. Because now we’re really kissing.” You kissed Johnny again, unable to believe he felt something for you too. “Hm, does this mean we’re really dating now?”
“Hmm, let’s see.” Johnny made a mock thoughtful face and listed what had already happened between you two. “I’ve introduced you to my family, we went to a wedding as a couple, we slept together… so I guess we are dating.”
“Good.” You threw yourself into Johnny’s arms, standing on tiptoe. “I won’t have to pretend anymore for your family because next week I’m going to play golf with your mom and your aunts.” You said, giving him a peck.
“That’s right, I’m going to spend some quality time with my mother-in-law and show her that I’m the best girlfriend her son could have.”
Johnny’s laughter made you smile even more, he couldn’t believe how quickly you had won over his mother. He hugged you tighter, lifting you off the ground.
“Get inside before I end up kissing you all night, girlfriend.”
“There’s nothing stopping you from doing that, boyfriend.”
You both smiled and kissed once more, savoring the moment that was more real than ever.
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urhoneycombwitch · 2 days
#17 from that prompt list about seeing the marks left on their partner and getting turned on has got me all kinds of 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 It feels roommate-eddie coded 👀 especially if they have their no-marks rule, but he just kinda loses control one night.
Then we torture him, walking around showing it off, telling him he can’t touch until he learns some self-control…okay, I’m gonna see myself out…
(most assuredly not @rebelfell sending two asks in a row)
foreword: Sarah I’m being so fr how are you literally in my brain… I had a blurb on this very topic set on the back burner bc I couldn’t find a place for it so here it is spruced up!!! (prompt 17 from this list)
cw: Reader has breasts, visible marks, no skin tone/color mentioned, a wee bit of choking kink, not full smut but mdni as always. oh yeah and biting 😈
You can feel the weight of Eddie’s eyes on your form, even as you pretend to be oblivious, leaning into the reflection of the standing mirror in the corner of his bedroom.
A few swipes of your pointer finger and your lipgloss is perfect; with a smack of your lips, you straighten up again, tugging the hem of your tee down to meet the band of your jeans. “Almost ready?”
The friendly smile you turn to give Eddie is met with a glower, his dark brows slanted, a death-grip on both knees where he sits simmering on his bed.
“Did you come in here solely to torture me, or do you have other plans up your vixen sleeves?”
Briefly, your eyes flick to the ceiling as you turn back to your reflection, fussing with your hair to keep your hands busy. “Only plan I got is attending our beloved friend’s barbecue. Which we should’ve left for, like, five minutes ago.”
Eddie huffs. In response, you sigh, landing just-left of condescending. “Not my fault you want to fuck me regardless of what I’m wearing. It’s jeans and a t-shirt, Eddie, I’m basically fit for a nunnery-”
There’s a whoosh of spiced air that wafts over first, chills cascading down your spine made worse as Eddie moves in. His left hand lands on your hip, rooting you to the carpet, while the other tracks up, skirting between the valley of your clothed breasts, your collarbone, your neck…
He takes your chin between thumb and forefinger, silver rings biting cold against your skin as your neck goes lax, baring a long, tantalizing stretch of it as Eddie tilts your face up and to the side.
His lips press to the sweet spot behind your ear, then follows the slope of your neck down, stopping at your shirt’s collar that hides the rest of your skin. From your hip, his hand lifts to pull the fabric aside, revealing a scattered canvas of suck marks and teeth imprints that grace the top of your shoulder.
“You really gonna show up with these? Make all our friends wonder who’s been marking you up?”
Eddie’s voice is low, but you’d be a fool to mistake it for softness.
Another shiver licks along the length of your body, and this time Eddie feels it; he presses in closer, hand sliding from your chin to hold just under your jaw as he meets your fluttering eyes in the mirror.
“What’re you gonna say, hm? If Robin asks where they came from? If Steve makes a jock-y comment? If you get teased?”
It’s not like you haven’t been in this situation before- attending events with mutual friends, having to act like your roommate hasn’t been the one checking all your boxes, making up excuses for being late or looking like someone had been using your body as their personal chew toy.
You’ve always made excuses- pretty seamless ones, if anyone’s counting. You don’t even try to squirm away when you respond, swallowing around the light pressure at your throat- “I’ll tell them what I always do. Blind date hookup, one night stand, my dentist’s cousin’s friend that I’ll never see again-”
Eddie bites into the soft flesh of your upper shoulder, hard, free arm wrapping around your midsection like a seatbelt while his other elbow digs into your chest, hand still wrapped around the column of your throat.
The air leaves your lungs in a rush, white-hot adrenaline surging with the sting of the bite, body stiffening against the restraints of Eddie’s arms as you grit out, “Asshole!”
It sounds too whiny and pleasure-soaked to cause any real alarm, Eddie grinning into the curve of your skin (bastard) before tsking, kissing over the thumping mark in partial apology. “Mm. I think you like it. I think you get off on parading our little secret around the poor folks who don’t know any better-”
“As if you don’t.” Eddie may be the one doing most of the biting but you’ve got the bark to match, glaring furiously at the reflection of his maddeningly-cool black-caramel gaze, even as the pressure on your windpipe increases with a minute flex of his palm.
“Yeah. Y’got me there, princess.” His eyes flit across your exposed skin, like he’s trying to memorize all the shades and colors of you combined with the wreckage of his handiwork. “Maybe you should cover up some more. So it’s just you ‘n me who knows what’s under here.”
The cotton collar snaps back into place, covering almost all the evidence (save for the tail end of a day-old scraped hickey). Eddie releases your jaw and takes a step back, the warmth leaving your body all at once, frozen where you stand until sense returns.
You clear your throat before speaking, irritation prickling as you set to fixing your hair again from where Eddie’s interruption had stalled. “Whatever. Fine. But I’m only changing because it’s gonna be cold later, and a long sleeve will be better- not because you told me to.”
“Fine.” Eddie adopts a neutral tone as he settles back onto the mattress with a bounce, tugging absently at the inseam of his dark jeans to relieve some of the mounting tightness. “Have it your way.”
“I will,” you snap back, turning from the mirror on a socked heel, pointing an accusatory finger at the boy on the bed. “And you better have your boots on by the time I’m changed.”
With that, you flounce from Eddie’s room in search of a more conservative neckline, while Eddie pouts and pretends to have the will to disobey you for all of five seconds.
And then he’s up, trudging to the bureau reluctantly to source a pair of socks while scheming for the perfect excuse to take you both on the extra-long route to the barbecue.
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
Hey Kaya!
Could you write something where there were already rumours of YN and Kenan dating, cause he followed her instagram with both of his accounts(public and private) and constantly put likes to her posts; but one night his cousin(cubanito, Idk if they’re actually cousins) called him while he was live on twitch and showed the camera where ,other than Kenan, YN could be seen too.
Thank youuu🌸
In which your relationship gets exposed
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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The evening had been perfect. Kenan and I were wrapped up in each other, enjoying a rare quiet night together at his place.
We had been cuddling on the couch, the low hum of the TV in the background, though neither of us was paying much attention to it.
Instead, we were caught up in our own little world, exchanging soft kisses and whispered words that only made us feel closer.
I was curled up against him, my head resting on his chest while his arm was draped around me.
His free hand was playing with my hair, the gentle motions lulling me into a state of blissful contentment.
Every now and then, he would tilt my chin up and press a kiss to my lips, and I would melt a little more into him.
“Can’t believe how lucky I am,” he murmured between kisses, his voice low and sincere.
I smiled, nuzzling closer. “I think I’m the lucky one.”
We shared another kiss, slow and sweet, but just as things were starting to heat up, Kenan’s phone buzzed on the coffee table.
We both ignored it at first, but it buzzed again, and Kenan let out a reluctant sigh as he pulled back.
“Let me just see who that is,” he said softly, reaching for his phone. I stayed cuddled up against him, not really wanting to move away from the warmth of his embrace.
“It’s Cubanito,” he said, showing me the screen before answering the call. “He’s probably on stream. I’ll just say hi and be quick.”
I nodded, a little disappointed that our moment was interrupted, but I understood. Kenan’s cousin was always up to something, and I figured it was probably just a quick call to check in.
Kenan’s voice was warm as he greeted Cubanito. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Kenan, my man! I’m live right now. The chat’s been asking about you, figured I’d give them a little surprise,” Cubanito’s voice boomed through the speaker, full of energy.
Kenan chuckled, “Sure, man. I’ll say hi.”
He held the phone up to his face, waving at the camera. I stayed close to him, still lost in the cozy moment we were sharing.
But then, out of the corner of my eye, I realized something: the camera wasn’t just on Kenan. It was angled in a way that showed a little more than just him.
My heart skipped a beat as I noticed that part of my head and shoulder were visible on the screen.
I wasn’t exactly hidden away, and with the way we were cuddling, it was clear I was right there with him.
“Yo, Kenan’s got company!” Cubanito teased, his voice full of mischief. But before I could even process what was happening, Kenan’s eyes widened in realization.
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, quickly turning the phone away and cutting the call short. The screen went dark, and for a moment, we both just sat there in stunned silence.
We looked at each other, our eyes wide with shock, and then our phones buzzed almost simultaneously.
Notifications were pouring in—messages, tags, and alerts from social media. The fans were already buzzing, and it was clear that the rumor mill had just exploded.
Kenan blinked at his phone, then back at me. “Did that just happen?”
I nodded, still processing the situation. “Yeah… I think we just got caught.”
For a second, we just stared at each other, the absurdity of the situation sinking in. Then, out of nowhere, Kenan let out a laugh—a deep, hearty laugh that was so infectious I couldn’t help but join in.
“Of all the ways to go public…” I giggled, shaking my head at the ridiculousness of it all.
Kenan grinned, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he pulled me closer. “Well, at least we don’t have to hide anymore, right?”
I laughed, leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around me. “Yeah, I guess not.”
Our phones continued to buzz, but neither of us paid them any mind. We were too caught up in the moment, too busy laughing at the absurd situation we had found ourselves in.
It wasn’t how we’d planned to go public, but in a weird way, it was perfectly us.
As we settled back into our comfortable spot on the couch, Kenan pressed a kiss to my forehead, still chuckling softly. “At least now, I can post about you without it being a big mystery.”
I smiled, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. “And I can stop pretending you’re just a friend whenever someone asks.”
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intothedysphoria · 2 months
It was expected that moving in together, there’d be some initial teething problems but Steve hadn’t quite thought that Billy was going to break his bubbe’s antique vase with a yo-yo.
Well, in fairness, Steve had seen Billy do far worse. Drop a baseball bat onto a car windshield from a third floor window, vandalising the mayors office, that one time he threatened to establish a nudist cult. Billy lived to shock people and now that they were in a relationship, Steve appeared to be the prime target.
Fucking hell.
The relationship wasn’t exactly public and the moving in wasn’t exactly official, which may have been causing some of the tension. Neil Hargrove would still rock up every night, screaming every word under the sun at Billy but never stepping a foot over the threshold. Because he was a coward, Billy said. But he was still spooked.
Thus, coming to the point where Billy had smashed his bubbe’s antique vase with a yo-yo. Breathing heavily with shards of pottery imbedded deep into his hand. Then he looked up at Steve, audibly gulped and ran for the bathroom.
It took a while to get Billy out. He’d point blank refuse if he was in one of his bad patches, seeming to prefer to simmer in isolation than to turn to help. But Steve was patient and always wore him down. He just had to sit and wait.
Eventually the bathroom door opened with a quiet flick of the lock. Billy’s face was unusually blank, apart from the red rimmed eyes that clearly denoted that he’d been crying. Steve cautiously tried to go in for a hug only to get a grunted “I’m fucking fine Harrington” and an angry teenager barrelling past him.
Which was not exactly ideal.
Steve cleared up the shattered vase on the floor, silently apologised to all his cousins who were still in Romania and knocked on Billy’s door. The groan of acknowledgment made Steve feel like he was good to come in.
What Billy had managed to do was bleed all over the floor and go through about ten cigarettes if the slowly growing pile on the floor was anything to go by. Steve’s offer to clean up his hands got an eye roll but no obvious resistance so he went ahead.
It wasn’t until Steve had managed to create a rudimentary bandage for Billy’s hands that Billy actually looked at him, now appearing more than slightly sheepish. There was a blush slowly rising over his cheeks that looked so genuinely adorable Steve just wanted to kiss it.
Instead he pulled back and asked “you doing ok Hargrove?”
Billy snapped “why the fuck wouldn’t I be” which didn’t exactly bode well for Steve’s plan to sort the situation out and put it to bed.
“Well you know, you seemed kind of upset earlier so I thought I’d ask” Steve had learned over the months of knowing Billy that it was best to not sound accusatory and instead act like it was no big deal.
Billy stayed silent for a few minutes while Steve just waited for him to be ready to form a response until he blurted out “it just pisses me off so much how he treats us. It’s bullshit!”
Steve didn’t need to ask who the “he” Billy referred to was. Instead he set a hand on Billy’s knee in a way that would hopefully be soothing, not annoying and rubbed small circles on Billy’s leg while he breathed.
“I know” Billy looked up quizzically, clearly wondering where Steve was going with this. “I know it’s bullshit and I wish it were different now but it will be in the future I promise. We’re gonna move you back to Cali, Neil’s sorry ass is gonna stay here and everyone who ever hurt you can get fucked. Ok?”
Billy sniffed loudly before nodding an affirmative, then wrapping Steve into his arms, doing what Steve knew he’d swear later wasn’t crying. He then leaned in to give Steve a surprisingly tender kiss on the lips and smacked his ass. Something Steve probably should have expected.
“Come on, let’s go watch Halloween before Munson holds us hostage because we haven’t watched a John Carpenter yet.”
Things weren’t perfect after that. Neil was still an ever looming presence in their lives, Billy still got pissed off and broke shit, they still fought pretty much weekly at least and Steve had expected that. It was what he’d signed up for in dating Billy. But Billy was still out to shock people.
Leaning across Billy’s chest, not dealing with a horror film nearly as well as Billy was but still having a hand gently squeezing his shoulder to make sure he was ok was the best shock Steve had ever been given.
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aemondapologistfrfr · 3 months
Dethrone - Chapter 5
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Warnings: swearing, a dagger, some blood, pleasure houses in flea bottom/street of silk, Aegon is warning in itself tbh Authors Note: Daemon being a shitty father again, we meet Alicent, emotions are everywhere, they share a kiss Word Count: 4.4k oops
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When Vhagar reaches Kings Landing it is well after sunset. We’re laughing at each others hair again as we walk out of the pits. Some of the wildflower’s made it back by knotting in our hair. When we exit the building there is a beautiful woman in a green dress waiting with a curt smile on her face.
“Mother.” Aemond says nodding his head to her.
“Why have you stolen our lovely guest?” she says walking over pursing her lips.
“I was only showing her around.” he hums.
“You must be Viktorya. I’m Alicent.” she smiles warmly engulfing me in a hug.
“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Your Grace.” I say returning her smile.
“I would’ve come to see you sooner, but you were no where to be found.” Alicent says looking to Aemond.
“Aemond was kind enough to show me around some. It was my fault we were gone. I asked to see Vhagar.” I say taking blame hoping she won’t be too mad at me.
“Nonsense. I want you to enjoy your time here. Did he treat you well?” she asks shooting her eyes to Aemond once again.
“He did. He was very kind and polite.” I smile warmly.
I start to think if my family has even noticed or cared I was gone. Here is Alicent making sure I was safe and she doesn’t even know me. I’m sure Jace and Luke told my father about the interaction in the training yard. I’m nervous to face him after being with Aemond all day because I want him to still allow me to be able to see Aemond.
“Good. Then he’ll be kind enough to show you to your chambers.” she smiles at us.
“It’d be my pleasure.” Aemond says stepping to my side.
We leisurely walk back to the Red Keep. He smoothly takes my hand in his and I can see his smile from the corner of my eye. It’s such an innocent gesture, but I can still feel the eyes on us as we walk. I squeeze his hand and smile at him as we enter the Red Keep. There’s not too many people still out in the halls at this hour and I’m thankful we get to simply enjoy each others company.
“Brother!” I hear a shout and hear Aemond sigh.
“Brace yourself.” Aemond whispers into my ear as we come to a stop.
When we turn around I see a short mess of white hair running towards us. I don’t know what I was expecting Aegon to look like but it wasn’t this. His white hair is shoulder length and unkept. I hate to admit it, but he is quite attractive, in a messy way. His piercing violet eyes stare past me to Aemond.
“Why have you stolen our lovely cousin away?” Aegon says ripping me away from Aemond into a suffocating hug. He smells of sweet wine.
“I didn’t steal her, she wanted to be with me Aegon.” Aemond says through his teeth.
“It’s because she didn’t know there was a better option.” Aegon says pulling me into his side making Aemond clench his jaw.
“A better option.” Aemond scoffs.
“You can’t just keep her all to yourself.” Aegon says rolling his eyes loosening his hold on me.
“I can and I will. If that’s what she wants.” Aemond says looking to me.
I have no idea when this situation got this intense. I never expected to be in the middle of two brothers but I’ve definitely been in worse situations. I can tell Aemond is getting angry and Aegon is smiling knowing it’s his doing. I know if we don’t leave soon this interaction won’t end well and will cause a scene in the halls regardless of how many ears are here or not.
“It was lovely to meet you Aegon.” I smile tenderly. “Aemond can you show me where I’m staying please?” I say moving back to his side and grabbing his hand.
“See?” Aemond says smirking.
“Whatever.” Aegon waves him off and walks away. “Those flowers suit you, brother.” he yells over his shoulder snickering making Aemond huff.
“I truly had a great time today and the flowers do look really good on you.” I turn and smile at him.
“Don’t you start teasing me too.” he smiles down at me.
“You call that teas-“ I’m cut off.
“Where the fuck have you been?” my father shouts storming over to us. “And why are you with him?” he spits out looking to Aemond.
“He’s been showing me around.” I say stepping in front of Aemond to block him from my father.
“Daemon.” I hear Aemond greet from behind me.
“Enough, let’s go.” my father says sternly.
He pulls me along the corridors by my arm. His grip is strong and his pace is fast. I try to pull my arm out of his grasp but he tightens his hand. I get frustrated and try to match his pace so I can get out of these halls quicker. I can feel his anger pouring off of him and I’m interested to see what he’ll have to say since he’s never bothered to be a father before.
“This is where you’ll be staying.” he says stopping in front of a large door.
“Ok.” I say waiting for him to start yelling.
“Why am I getting told you’re sneaking off with Aemond?” he asks escorting me into my chambers shutting my doors.
“I wasn’t sneaking off.” I roll my eyes walking around the room.
“Do you have no loyalty to us?” his voice booms and I whip around.
“How do you sound right now?” I laugh at his audacity. “All I did was explore, which mind you, we were told to do!” I yell back at him my temper rising to meet his.
“You run around Kings Landing with Aemond like it’s perfectly fine. You abandon Jace and Luke once you step foot here. You’re no where to be found for the entire day.” he throws his reply out with venom.
“Abandon them??” I laugh in his direction. “They grew up here! I wanted to look around and explore and they wanted to train. Why does it matter who I was with? What’s so wrong with Aemond?” my voice getting louder as I speak.
“The fact that you have to ask what’s wrong with Aemond tells all.” he says shocked and mumbles something under his breath that I can’t make out.
“What was that? Speak up.” I spit in his direction as he lets out a cold laugh.
“Some days I wish I would’ve left you in Runestone. Actually most days.” he glares over at me.
“Get the fuck out. NOW!” I scream and push his chest and he stumbles back. I’m so angry my vision starts to blur. I shove him out of my chambers and into the hall slamming the doors behind him. Once the door shuts I scream and slump to the ground. Tears stream down my face as I stare blankly out the balcony.
I’ve been waiting two years for him to finally admit that. I knew it and I could feel it. I feel so fucking alone all of the time. I don’t truly belong anywhere. I wish I would’ve just flown away on Vaelys when I was younger. I feel like a burden all the fucking time and like I’m unwanted.
I pick myself up and walk to the bed. I curl myself into a ball and hug myself to find some comfort. I can’t stop crying and I can’t catch my breath. My thoughts race around with what to do. Through my sobs I hear a soft knock on the door.
“Go away.” I choke out.
“May I come in Princess?” I hear Alicents soft voice.
Fuck. Of course this right now. I uncurl my body and drag myself off the bed. I quickly try to wipe my tears and fan my face. I know my face is red and it’s extremely apparent I’ve been crying. I smooth my dress and take a deep breath before opening the door.
“Your Grace, come in.” I smile moving to the side to allow her entrance.
“No, what’s wrong my child?” she coos shutting the door behind her looking to me concerned.
“I’m okay.” I try my best to lie and keep my voice steady.
“Is it your chambers? Are they not to your liking?” she probes.
“No, they’re perfect, thank you.” I say sweetly attempting another smile.
“Is it Aemond? Has he done something?” Alicent asks in a hushed tone searching my eyes for any signs.
“No, he’s been amazing. He’s done nothing wrong.” I’m quick to reply.
“I’m a mother, Viktorya. I can tell when something is wrong. Here.” she ushers me over to the couch so we can sit.
“Tell me.” she coaxes taking my hand in hers looking at me.
I’ve only heard the worst of Alicent. Rheanrya was always quick to stop such talk, but I still heard it. I feel like I shouldn’t be sharing my home life with her, but apparently I don’t have loyalties or any family that truly cares for me so what does it matter. I just need someone to be here for me right now and the only person who seems to care at this moment is Alicent.
“It’s my father.” I breathe out heavy.
“What did he do?” she asks.
“Come get me from Runestone two years ago and regret it everyday since.” I feel the tears falling down my face.
“Now why would you say that?” she asks reaching to wipe my tears.
“He just told me.” I cry and she draws me into a hug. “I always feel like such a burden wherever I am. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t trouble you with this.” I inhale deeply trying to calm my breathing.
She holds me as I cry and smooths my hair. I’m embarrassed to be holding on to her so tightly, but I really needed someone right now. Once I calm down and my breathing evens she pulls back and looks to me heart broken.
“I don’t know how he could say such hideous things to you and make you feel that way. I’m sorry my child.” she looks at me sadly.
“Thank you for being here.” I attempt a smile.
“Of course, Viktorya. I came here to check in on you and it seems it was the right timing. Know that you can come to me for anything.” Alicent says as she gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.
“Thank you, Your Grace. I appreciate it.” I smile kindly.
“Did you need me to get you anything before I leave?” she asks standing up.
“No, not at all. Thank you, again. I’m sorry I’m such a mess.” I sigh wiping my face.
“You’re not a mess. Try to rest and don’t refrain from asking for anything.” Alicent says bringing me into another hug before she departs.
She shuts the door softly behind her and I walk out to the balcony for some fresh air. I look below and see the streets still filled with people. The torches lighting the streets create a warm atmosphere. I haven’t been told I couldn’t leave so I decide I’m going down there.
I don’t care what the hour is or who will see me. I walk over to the wardrobe behind the changing screens and pick out a simple black dress. I quickly discard my dress and slip into the new one. I don’t even attempt to fix my hair I just brush it out of my face. I take a deep breath and walk over to the door.
“Where are you going?” I hear from my balcony.
“What the fuck Aemond.” I whisper shout grabbing my chest. “How long have you been here?” I walk over to him on the balcony.
“I followed you and your father to make sure he was actually bringing you to your correct chambers. Then I heard you both yelling and that’s when I made my way here. I wanted to comfort you, but my mother beat me here.” he looks down to me intently.
“Did you hear it all?” I ask in a hushed voice.
“I’m sorry.” he whispers and pulls me into a hug.
I cling to him tightly and try my best not to cry but I can’t help the tears that fall. He pulls back and cradles my face in his hands. He brushes my tears away with his thumbs and places a kiss to my forehead.
“Where were you headed?” Aemond asks softly.
“I want to go down there.” I say looking past him down to the streets.
“Well you’re in luck. I have to bring Aegon something. I do have to warn you, he doesn’t spend his nights in the cleanest parts.” he winces grabbing my hand.
“Anywhere is better than sitting in here alone.” I shrug following him to my door.
“If you wanted me to stay here with you I would. Tell me what you want to do and that’s what we’ll do. I promise.” he says tenderly.
“Let’s go down there.” I decide.
“We have to stop at my room. I need to get us some cloaks.” he says leading us out of the room.
“Why cloaks?” I question following him.
“Just to be more inconspicuous as we travel trough the streets.” he smiles down at me.
The hallways are silent besides the soft flickering of the torches. We walk in comfortable silence just basking in each others company. When we finally reach his chambers he ushers me inside quickly and shuts the door behind us.
His room is free of clutter and almost looks like no one is living in it. He has stacks of books sitting on a table surrounded by a couple of chairs. Across from his bed I see his vanity and the wildflowers from the beach are scattered all over it making me smile.
“Are you keeping these?” I smile walking over to pick up some of the flowers.
“Yes. You gave them to me.” he says watching me. I carefully take some of the flowers out of my hair placing them next to his.
“You can have some of mine too.” I say tenderly.
“Thank you, my love.” he says softly opening his wardrobe.
He throws on a cloak for himself and put his hood up. He gets out a second one and walks over to me. He gently placed it over my shoulders and ties a little bow by my neck. He lifts the hood to place it and laughs when it covers my face.
“Here.” he adjusts the hood so I can see and smiles down at me. “Are you ready to go?”
Aemond leads us out of the Red Keep making sure we’re not spotted. We shuffle through the people in the streets and avoid the guards. As we journey deeper into the city the bodies start to get closer.
“Stay close. This isn’t the most desirable part of Kings Landing.” Aemond says grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him.
He makes a path for us by pushing through all of the bodies. His pace slows and we stop in front a building on the corner. I can smell the alcohol pouring through the closed door.
“You’re going to see a lot of things you aren’t expecting.” he says lowly knocking on the door.
When the door opens a woman greets us and lets us in. His grip on my hand gets tighter and has me walk in front of him. The aroma of the room is heavy and dense. There are men and women completely naked walking around. There are people drinking and laughing and next to them there are people fucking. He was absolutely right, I was not expecting this.
“Is this where you spend your free time?” I turn to him raising an eyebrow as a smirk begins to form on my face.
“My beautiful cousin has come to join me!” I hear Aegons voice drown out the others followed by loud woops and cheers as I see him walking towards us.
“You don’t have to hide here.” Aegon says pulling my hood off and undoing the tie so the cloak falls to the ground.
“Can you control yourself?” Aemond scolds Aegon picking up the cloak.
“Brother, go get a drink and relax.” Aegon slaps Aemonds shoulder. “Actually why don’t you go get us a drink.” he says pulling me over to him.
“I would love a drink.” I say surprising them both. “Aegon, why don’t you go get us all a round?” I ask trying to calm everyone down.
“Oh you’re fun! Finally someone in this family who wants to drink with me!” Aegon grins down at me hungrily.
“Absolutely not.” Aemond says firmly.
“You’re going to deny her a drink? I would never deny you anything. You should’ve found me first yesterday and I could’ve-“
“Enough Aegon.” Aemond says sharply.
“For fucks sake Aemond, relax! I’ll go get us drinks while you throw your tantrum.” Aegon rolls his eyes and disappears into the sea of people.
“We should’ve just stayed in your room.” Aemond looks to me.
“No no, I wanted to go out.” I say looking up to him. “I definitely wasn’t expecting this but I’m not mad, I promise.” I try to soothe him as I stroke his cheek.
“I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve made your night even worse by bringing you here.” he looks down to me solemnly.
“You didn’t. I promise. Let’s have a drink. You can give Aegon whatever it is you need to give to him and we can go somewhere else.” I say giving his arm a reassuring squeeze.
Sure this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but it gets my mind off of what happened earlier. Honestly everyone in here is extremely happy so it’s not horrible. Definitely a culture shock, but I’ve wanted to see and experience everything that I’ve been denied my whole life.
“Whenever you want to leave just tell me.” he says pulling me into his side.
“I’ve got driiinks!” Aegon sing songs to us. “Are you done with your tantrum, baby brother?” he smirks at Aemond as he hands us cups.
“Thank you, Aegon.” I interject trying to change the tone of the conversation.
“And you have something for me?” Aegon holds his hand out to Aemond.
“Try not to run out. I won’t be coming back.” Aemond places a small bag of sour leaf into Aegons hand.
“You’re a life saver! Although this is the best gift you’ve brought me.” Aegon says pulling me back over to him. “Come to my table.” he breathes out in my ear and pulls me with him into the crowd.
I turn around and I can see Aemond close behind. He looks so fucking angry and I have no idea how to help this situation. I want to enjoy my drink, but I don’t want it to be at Aemonds expense. Aegon drags me down to sit on his lap just as Aemond catches up to us.
“Get up please.” Aemond says softly to me as he stares daggers at Aegon.
I get up quickly and stand back. I can feel the rage radiating off his body. I feel like us three are in our own bubble as the room is still filled with life and laughter. I’m looking around the room when familiar white hair catches my eye. You’re fucking kidding right?
I feel my temper bursting out of my body as start to enter the crowd. I leave Aegon and Aemond to deal with themselves. I know this won’t end well and I don’t care. I push the last of the people out of my way when I reach the table I seek.
“AND WHERE ARE YOUR LOYALTIES??” I scream throwing a drink on my father and the whore that is attached to him.
“Fuck.” he groans pushing the woman off of him as he stands up.
“Do you have no morals?” I ask sharply.
“And yet you’re here.” he purses his lips.
“We shouldn’t do this here.” I hear Aemond whisper into my ear from behind me.
“I think we should.” I turn quickly grabbing Aemonds dagger and pointing it at my father.
“You’re fucking insane.” my father laughs at me but I don’t fail to note the hint of panic there.
“I’m your daughter.” I say walking forward to him as he backs up.
“Barely.” he scoffs as his back hits the wall.
I lunge at him and Aemond grabs my arm to pull me back. I rip my arm out of his grasp and run to my father and place the blade of the dagger on his throat. I can see the genuine fear in my fathers eyes. It just takes one swift swipe.
“Save his death for a more opportune moment, Your Grace.” Aemond whispers barely audible in my ear making me realize how many people are actively watching.
“You fucking disgust me.” I growl as I quickly pull the blade back to me leaving a cut in its wake.
“That’s all you got?” my father laughs glaring at me as he brings a hand to his neck to staunch the bleeding.
“For now.” I hiss at my father.
My face finally softens as I turn to Aemond. The dagger feels like a thousand pounds in my hand as I drop it into his waiting palm. Aemond has us out of the pleasure house in seconds. He’s quickly pushing us through the crowd and we only start to slow when we reach the ending of the city streets.
I’m still so angry I can feel myself shaking. I wish I could say I was surprised, but nothing my father does surprises me anymore. I want to put his head on a spike. My heart hurts for Rheanrya. She doesn’t deserve this. I don’t even want to think about what type of story my father will come up with. Or how she’ll feel if rumors spread of her husband with another woman.
“I’m sorry.” Aemond looks at me concerned.
“It’s not your fault.” I shrug off his concern still lost in my thoughts over this situation.
“Is there anything I can do for you? Is there anything you want?” he asks grabbing my arms softly.
“I want my father dead.” I say anger still evident in my voice.
“Something a little more tangible for right now?” he tries to reason with me.
“I wanna see you.” I say grazing his eyepatch. “Please,” it comes out as more of a whine than I was expecting and he quickly obliges and places it in his pocket.
“Better?” he hums looking down to me.
Calmness finally washes over me when I look up to him. Aemond just saw me be an absolute monster and is still here with me offering me comfort. From the stories I’ve been told about him, I would think he would advocate for me to kill my father as soon as the moment arises. Yet, he was the one thinking ahead for the both of us and actually showing reason and restraint.
I reach my hands up to cup his face and pull him closer to me. I kiss along his scar and place one last kiss on his sapphire. When I pull back I see him tearing up looking down at me.
“I’m sorry.” I say thinking I’ve hurt him.
Aemond pulls me back to him and kisses me feverishly. My body melts into his as he slowly licks along my bottom lip. One of his hands snakes it’s way into my hair to pull me closer while his other stays firmly in the center of my back. The kiss feels like it’s sealing our souls together as one. It feels never ending as it binds us.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked.” he pulls us apart breathing heavily.
“The outcome would’ve been the same.” I look up to him with heavy lids.
“I’m scared you’re going to realize I’m hideous.” he says causing my heart to hurt.
“The more I look at you, the more attractive you get.” I say giving him a small kiss.
“You’re too kind to me, my love.” Aemond says stroking my jaw.
“You deserve it all and more.” I whisper leaning into his hand.
”Are you tired?” he asks looking at me lovingly.
I didn’t realize how exhausted I actually was until he said something. I’ve been through every single emotion in the span of 24 hours. I don’t want to go back to my chambers. I don’t want to risk any of my family coming in and trying to talk to me. I’ve done nothing wrong and I won’t be apologizing for anything.
“Can I stay with you?” I yawn.
“Anything you want.” he says softly.
He sneaks us back into the Red Keep and leads us back to his chambers. He has me sit by his vanity as he starts to delicately take my braids out. He places the remaining flowers next to his and massages my scalp once the braids are taken out.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have a night dress for you, but I have a long shirt.” he says softly kissing the top of my head.
He hands me the shirt and I go to the bathing chambers to change. I know what people will say if they find out I spent the night with Aemond. I don’t care anymore. It’s not like my family cares about me so why should I care what they think. When I exit the bathing chambers I see that Aemond has changed and is now sitting in a chair silently reading.
“Will you read to me?” I ask walking over to him.
“Of course. Come.” he says leading me over to the bed.
Aemond props himself up against the headboard and I curl into his side. He pulls me closer and then goes to find his place in the book. As he reads he’s slowly stroking my hair making it hard for me to stay awake. His voice is the perfect lullaby.
“Shh, you can sleep.” he whispers as he sees me struggling to keep my eyes open. He places a kiss to the top of my head and resumes his reading. I fall asleep feeling safe and prepared to deal with tomorrow as long as Aemond is with me.
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
isn’t she lovely?
eren x pregnant! black reader
— the birth of his daughter becomes one of the best days he’s ever lived.
second part of the bs from my notes: check out part one here! song inspo for this below
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— he’s in love
A few months had passed and everything had kicked in for him when he saw you dressed up for the gender reveal.
“Ah! You look so cute, girl!” Sasha squealed as she ran up to you. Even though it was a simple white outfit, you were glowing. You wanted a simple white dress and paired it with some sandals. You also blowed out your hair for such an occasion and applied a minimal amount of makeup so it wouldn’t spoil in the heat of an April saturday.
“Thank you, girl. I see you team boy?” You looked down at Sasha’s over the top blue outfit. Eren wasn’t even paying attention to who was team what.
“Oh most definitely— Eren what the fuck is that in your hair?” He walked over to the girls with a blue ribbon and a pink ribbon braided into his hair. Since you thought it’d be cute if the both of you match, you made him also wear a white outfit.
“Alright, not too much. My little cousins did it and I think it looks nice.”
You reached up to place a kiss on his cheek. “You look handsome, baby.” You smiled.
Eren gently pulled you into him. “And you look—“ Before he could finish his sentence, a couple of your family members had called you both over to look at the decorations.
Once it was announced that you’d be having a girl, you knew that beforehand. Your mother knew it too because she was a black mother herself and they always seemed to know everything. This made you think about how that would transfer to you. Soon you’d begin that life and that was starting to scare you and excite you at the same time. Everything your mother did for you, you’d do for your baby girl.
After the events of the gender reveal, it was decided that there wouldn’t be a baby shower because most people had brought in tons of gifts for the gender reveal. You two just made it available for anyone to send in things if they wanted to without the whole party aspect.
“Don’t you think we have enough pampers, babe?” Eren leaned over the shopping cart as he watched you examine pamper brands for the past ten minutes while you were on the phone with your mother.
You held up a finger. “You said what ma?… I already got a lot of size ones you seen the ones at the house…” You instructed him to get two more boxes of pampers off the shelf and put them in the cart along with a bunch of other baby stuff.
You talked to your mom for a little bit more until the conversation ended and you were now in the formula aisle.
“Did your mom breastfeed?” You asked Eren as he strolled along with the cart behind you.
He nodded. “For a bit, yeah. Then she switched over to formula.” All this was still weird to him. The fact that he was in here shopping with you for baby stuff and you were actually wearing his clothes in public because yours became too small overtime.
“You been quiet today. You okay?” You turned away from the formula for a second to look at your boyfriend.
He nodded. “I’m straight.” You raised a brow at him, knowing he was lying.
“Mhmmm,” You hummed. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m straight.” He said again but he knew he couldn’t say that too many times before you’d make it clear that you didn’t believe him.
“You nervous?”
“Very.” He said quickly and you laughed a bit, wondering why it took so long for him to just admit that. You were nervous too but one of you had to at least pretend to be calm about the situation. “You don’t seem like it though.”
You scoffed. “I’m scared outta my fuckin mind but,” He knew how much you didn’t like to admit it if you felt something other than content or tranquility, so he liked when you were vulnerable even if you made sure it wasn’t often. You held his hand and squeezed it. “We’ll be just fine.”
June 24. Two years ago he would not anticipate this being one of the most important days of his life. You couldn’t even pay him to believe that he’d be rushing to the hospital in the early hours of a tuesday morning to prepare for the birth of his first child.
“Fuck… this hurts..” You groaned in pain and hurt wasn’t even close enough to describe the strength of the pain the contractions were bringing you right now. All Eren could do was drive on even though it broke his heart to see you in pain that he couldn’t do anything for.
“I know, I know. I’m driving as fast as I can.”
Your painful cries makes him want to cry because he couldn’t do anything about it. All he could do was make sure you’re where you need to be all while making sure that he’s sane enough to calm himself down so he’s able to do that. Once your parents arrive, walking into the room where you’re kept, hooked up to tubes of pain medication with a nurse at your side helping you through contractions, his nerves settle down a bit.
But he doesn’t leave your bedside. His hand had been attached to yours since walking into the hospital and he made sure that it would stay that way because in his mind, there was no telling what would come after this. But everything would prove to be worth it when he finally hears those sweet little cries that’s he’s been waiting to hear for nine months. Eren had never been so happy to hear someone cry in his life.
“There she goes!” The doctor announces. “She’s absolutely beautiful.” And she was. She was beautiful. That’s all that ran through the both of your heads as the small child was placed in your arms.
Everyone in the room crowded around the new mother as you held your daughter in your arms for the first time. The moment you laid your eyes on your baby, you fell in love and you knew that you’d never be this in love with anyone or anything ever again. You couldn’t stop staring at her and you didn’t want to let her go. You didn’t even want to let her go to her father, who was fighting tears next to you.
“Not you crying.” You giggled as you handed the child over.
He sniffled. “I’m sorry…” That’s all he said for a couple minutes because he was too busy staring at what he had a hand in creating. He couldn’t believe it. He was holding a baby in his hands and he could say that this baby was his. She was his daughter. One look at her and he knew that he had to protect her with every fiber in his body. As long as he lived, no one was hurting her.
“Oh, he’s in love.” The doctor commented and everyone in the room laughed.
Your mother had tapped Eren on the shoulder. “You don’t mind giving mama a break, do you?”
Eren looked up at her and then back at his daughter, who slept soundly in his arms. “Not at all..” He slowly sat down in the chair in the corner of the room and everyone watching in amazement at how mesmerized he was by the child in front of him. Seeing how he was with your daughter made a tear roll down your cheek. He was so gentle and good with her and you’ve never really seen him that calm throughout your whole pregnancy. And to see him finally release all his nerves and fears when he gets to see his daughter, it pleased you. He was going to be an amazing father, you could tell.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 2 years
Ghosts of Our Pasts: 9
DP x DC Crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne Siblings AU
Masterpost Previous Next
Dani: Yo, what's with the massive group chat I just got dropped into?
Dani: I'm assuming you guys have to do with this
Tucker: ....did... did we forget to send you Danny’s new number? 
Dani: he has a NEW one? I just swapped his contact information like 2 weeks ago 
Tucker: it's actually the same number just backwards... present from the Backwards Day Ghost 
Dani: WOW
Tucker: it was miserable 
Dani: I'm sure
Dani: so about the group chat?
Tucker: Danny met his bio-sibling and he had a fraid too, so idk its like fraid inlaws or something? 
Dani: Bio-sibling? Danny's adopted? 
Tucker:Shouldn't you know this?
Dani: Why would I?
Tucker: You're his cousin....
Dani: Oh... I forgot I told you guys that...  
Tucker: ?
Dani: I'm his clone
Tucker: this is gonna be a wild story isn't it
* Dani started a call that lasted 31 minutes *
Jazz: Danny why did you just put me in a group chat with like 25 people in it?
Danny: Sibling groupchat 
Jazz: What? 
Jazz: Danny, I'm going to need a bit more explanation than that. 
Jazz: you didn't get cloned again?
Jazz: Did you???
Jazz: Danny?
* 1 missed call from Jazz *
* 2 missed calls from Jazz *
* 3 missed calls from Jazz *
Jazz: please tell me Danny lost his phone again and isn't in some kind of trouble. 
Tucker: Oh, it's in his bag... he's out rn...
Jazz: out where?
Jazz: I thought this was supposed to be a 'laying low' vacation? 
Sam: that was before he met his brother 
Jazz: his brother? 
Tucker: yeah! Apparently he's related to the Batman!
Jazz: you left him alone with his brother 
Sam: Yeah...?
Jazz: the brother that killed him?
* multiple people are typing *
So yeah, Danny was officially tasting emotions now. He realized as Damian looked him over. The flour-y taste of concern was replaced with a salty-savory pride as he confirmed that, no, Danny hadn't been shot. (Well, he would've been, if he hadn't decided to not be tangible.) Then Bio-dad dropped down, mugger dude gave off another milk-sour wave of fear. Then Bio-dad saw the gun and huh, he didn't think describe how disappointment tasted with human words. But maybe he should be focusing less on what flavors most accurately described his stupid new empath ability and focus more on the situation at hand.
Together Dami and Bio-dad explained the normal process of cuffing criminals in obvious places so the police can find them. It was simple, didn't really require Danny to do anything, so he disassembled the weapon while he listened. Which he probably shouldn't have done, because now he was being asked to hand it over as evidence...
"Uh..." Danny fished the larger pieces back out of his pocket, but their was a lot of little ones, because he might've phased the screws out to take apart the fun little inner bits and he ended up dropping tiny metal parts all over the sidewalk. 
There was a beat of silence, then Damian clicked his tongue with a little "Tt," and Danny flushed. 
"Sorry..." Danny started.
"It's fine," the Bat said. Amusement, it turned out, tasted like raspberries.
Danny, holding a deadly weapon: "is this a fidget toy?"
Somebody told me once that they didn't see any Canon evidence that Sam and Tucker knew Dani was a clone. And like, their lives are so crazy that peice of information falling into a crack, sure. Where did Danny's concerned about vlad cloning people came from. Like they didn't question it, vlad is weird. They could see him doing it... oh... he did do it? That makes more sense than a sudden semi rational fear.
Also Batman has absolutely noticed some weird things about Danny. But he also knows that Danny has "a weird conglomeration" of Lazarus put side effects, and that Danny said "mood" about being in other dimensions. It might be ooc for him to be patient with answers, but he's in my story so he's gotta play by my rules.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
"The Monkey King and the Infant" details Part 3 - and likely last for now before I go on Spoiler lockdown so I can write:
links to Part 1 and Part 2:
The Jade Emperor sees/is aware of the canon Monkie Kid series. He thinks the whole situation as a big waste of time. So... remove Monkie Kid = no Monkie Kid series, Monkey King stays retired, and less of a headache for the big man up top. Win win.
The Jade Emperor shows Sun Wukong visions of the worst parts on the series inc; LBD's return, the Samadhi fire being reignited, The Jade Emperor's death and the potential breakdown of the universe etc... This is also how SW learns on accident that Macaque is alive again.
Internally SW is very conflicted cus... the universe might end? But more importantly he might actually die? But also consider; Free Son and a return to his beloved.
Other characters occassionally get tormented by visions of canon events/death omens - likely a side effect of the altered timeline, or the Jade Emperor subtly trying to turn them against one another.
Erlang and various other mythos characters show up. Erlang is tasked with ensuring that SW destroyed MK's egg, but is knocked out by Moksha (on command of Guanyin) to give SW a chance to reconsider. In the egg's place, Erlang found a "shell" of obsidian. This isn't enough to convince Erlang... but it's enough to convince the Jade Emperor and the few members of the Celestial Court who knew about the Egg that the task had been completed. Erlang is sussing SW hard for this... but wants to see what the big deal is with the undercooked Stone Monkey before he says anything.
Moksha is acting as Sun Wukong's parole officer as a "Sorry I bonked you" favor to Erlang. Shows up in glamour at Pigsy's as customer to keep an eye on things. Big shipper under her no-crap cop attitude.
Guanyin herself is Very Against the idea of scrambling MK (Mercy personified yo). But she doesn't appear physically, meaning that not even the Jade Emperor knows that she techincally betrayed Heaven.
Nicknames/familial titles MK calls his fam through out the story:
Sun Wukong = "Dad" "Baba" "Baba Wu" Macaque = "Mom" "Bama" "Baba Mihou" "Mama" (when he was really young) Pigsy = "Dadsy" "Pops" "Boss" (at work) Tang = "Papa Tang" "Pama" (verbal slip as a toddler that stuck) Sandy = "Shúshu/Uncle" Mei = "Meimei" " (little sister - techically she's older but the title is also a pun on her name) Nezha = "Tánggē" "Gege" (grew up thinking Nezha was an older cousin)
When it comes to finally training MK when he comes of age; Sun pulls a "Lego Batman and Bruce Wayne" - hoping that by separating the personas, he'll be able to reach MK better as a teacher. And MK 100% falls for it. Cus "The Monkey King" and his dorky "Dad" are two completely different guys! Right?
Macaque meanwhile has a very different style of teaching:
Macaque, in his series outfit, manifesting from the shadows: "MK, we need to talk about-" MK, battlemode: "AH! THE SIX EARED MACAQUE!" Macaque: "I'M LITERALLY YOUR OWN MOTHER! YOU PUT THAT STAFF DOWN THIS INSTANT MISTER!" MK: "yes sir"
This leads to a funny misunderstanding later on when he sees Macaque and The Monkey King interact during training:
MK: "Wait... if my mom is the Six Eared Macaque... and I've got Monkey King's powers..." MK: *"GASP!"* MK: "MOM!? Did you you cheat on Dad with The Monkey King!?" Macaque: "...really???" SW: *laughing his ass off*
Ok imma punch out and try to finish the first chapter. Will probably post a spotify mix soon. Pls tag or reply, or ask if you got any thoughts/questions. I love feedback!
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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Welcome, everyone, to Unions In College: Targaryen edition! That's right, all my fears about the distant cousin dating situation are about to come true and as a sign of things to come, I originally started this update last weekend and then got food poisoning in the middle of it. We've finally reached the point where the Unions are making me actually vomit and not metaphorically! Because of the new pic limit, this is part 1 of the update and I'll post part 2 right after.
We have arrived at La Fiesta and everyone looks simply amazing, especially Barth in his cowboy look. As Felina and Meadow (Fedow??) immediately reconnect, we are greeted by some #MajorDormieDrama:
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Apparently a love triangle between Purple Hair Glasses, Awesomely Dressed Raver Dude and Former Blue Dog Shirt has formed right under my nose! It's so moving to see how between Gunther, Cyn and Sophito, we have used and discarded all 3 of these people multiple times over each generation❤️
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-Screw you, Former Blue Dog Shirt, I gave you my precious dormie heart and this is how you repay me?? -I'm sorry, Purple Hair Glasses, it's just that we know each other so well that things got stale!
Seriously when did you dormie losers even find the time to develop relationships?? Last few gens we've been staying at the dorms for about 20 seconds each run like wtf.
ANYWAY, let me go give the kids makeovers and definitely not deal with something that will make me think my hood is corrupted and cause me to have a mild heart attack!
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-There's some empty rooms so I'm moving in!
-Once a dormie always a dormie! Lakshmi is coming too!
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-Hi Mom! -Hi sweetie, I'm here to relive my youth!
I don't have any pics after this as I was FREAKING TF OUT. After Claire, Laksmhi aka Blue Meatballs aka ANOTHER 60 YO FORMER DORMIE WHOSE KID IS ATTENDING COLLEGE ALSO MOVED IN. I'm pretty sure if the dorm wasn't at capacity Stacy was also gonna move in, WTF.
Mercifully I resolved this shit by going to the main hood and having everyone's elder birthdays, they were only a few days away anyway, and once they turned into elders they fucked off and new dormies moved in. I think it was some unintended consequence of the no dormie regen mod??? No idea but it was SCARY.
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Moving on, I was worried whether Fedow's teen romance was gonna translate to college but I legit didn't even have time to give them makeovers, it's straight to Daniel's old room where all the CC is missing!
-Can you please read the undecorated room and fuck off?
Yes yes, let me catch up with the rest of our beloved dormies..
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Oh look, a newly-generated dormie is here, ok, we are safe from the crazed geriatrics!
-Hiiii I'm your new age-appropriate dormie friend :)
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-As am I!
I'm so happy to see you guys I'm not even gonna comment on the fact you're both Don clones, will this face template ever stop haunting me?? Well whatever, looks like no dormie marriages for us for a while..
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Omg Miss Havisham I didn't see you there in your bridal veil and underwear, of course we'll marry you!
-Really? You mean it??
Let's move on!
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Aww, Fedow is back in love! Note that this happened so fast I still have not been able to give them them their makeovers. Alright Meadow, falling back in love so quickly seals it, you're marrying in!
Now it's time to gaze upon your LTW panel and see what awaits me and I'm certain it won't shake me to my very core!
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Frankly I don't even feel bad for myself, this is what I deserve for violating the 'no family aspiration spouses' rule I instituted after Wyatt. So to recap, Felina wants 3 top-carreer kids and Meadow wants 6 married off ones!! Fml!!!
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-You know, Spice, the more I look at your nose the more I think you should invest in a good, wide-brim hat like your father. -The more I look at Meadow's LTW I think you should invest in some birth control.
VERY TRUE. Ok Felina, please fuck off so I can introduce the cousins.
-You're not gonna introduce ME?!
Ya I think people know both you and Bartholomew all too well if anything!
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We begin with Spice, Sugar and Claire's shockingly good-looking-until-you-look-at-him-from-the-side-and-see-the-Don-nose son. I gotta give it to Claire's gene's, they put up a heroic fight.
Neat: 10 Outgoing: 6 Active: 10 Playful: 3 Nice: 5 Aspiration: Knowledge  Secondary Aspiration: Fortune One True Hobby: Science LTW: Become Game Designer Major: Art
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Introducing this generation's punching bag aka Reginald and Half-Alien-Prof's son, Britannicus. Here he is being hit in the face by a baseball thrown by Barth.
Neat: 9 Outgoing: 9 Active: 7 Playful: 5 Nice: 3 Aspiration: Fortune Secondary Aspiration: Popularity One True Hobby: Fitness LTW: Become Hall of Famer Major: Poli-sci
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Julian and Stacy's daughter, Sunsent, whomst we've already met and I LOVE, I'm obsessed with her face.
Neat: 8 Outgoing: 8 Active: 1 Playful: 5 Nice: 7 Aspiration: Popularity  Secondary Aspiration: Pleasure One True Hobby: Cuisine LTW: Become Icon Major: Drama
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Meadow, whose teen outfit I actually sat down and converted to adult because none of the existing conversions of this iconic outfit were accurate enough for me!
Neat: 4 Outgoing: 4 Active: 4 Playful: 7 Nice: 6 Aspiration: Family Secondary Aspiration: Pleasure One True Hobby: Nature LTW: Not gonna type it Major: Art
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Last but certainly not least, June and Blue Meatball's daughter, Cyan, who is a super nice FREAK just like her mommy. She also has one of the iconic @lamare-sims custom LTWs, make 10k playing poker, I had a lot of fun giving her a stereotypical poker pro makeover huhu
Neat: 9 Outgoing: 3 Active: 8 Playful: 4 Nice: 10 Aspiration: Pleasure Secondary Aspiration: Fortune One True Hobby: Tinkering (she's a Tinker-Union, awww) LTW: Make 10k Playing Poker Major: Math
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Cousins aren't the only thing we brought to college with us, as someone also brought over this FUCKING COLD that's been ravaging the neighborhood this entire generation.
I've been tracing this thing and I'm pretty sure it originated in Claire's household where fucking Wilfred came home from work sick and he passed it to Spice, then Spice came over to visit his bum dad Sugar, passed it to the main house, then Sunset came over from school with Barth, got it from the main house and passed it to the June/Julian/Blue Meatballs/Stacy household who then passed it to Daniel's household. So basically the only unaffected house is Gunther and Melody! That's why never seeing your kids is the right call.
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We spend our first night skilling as everyone this generation is a complete moron with no skill points. I had both Barth and Felina choose the psychology major as I feel they will need those skills (for vastly different reasons) given their LTW's and Barth wastes no time putting his new charisma skill point to good use!
Bro I can't. This is the first LTW so far where I actually feel like I CAN'T DO IT. How tf am I gonna convince 20 sims to sleep with this freakshow?!?!
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-Did someone say chin filler??
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-Wooo mama, he can Roque my Gunnar if you know what I mean!!
ABSOLUTELY NOT. We've made some questionable choices in this legacy but Gunnar Roque is where I draw the line, that chin is not entering our gene pool.
-I'm not saying I'll marry him!
OH PLEASE BARTH BE FOR FUCKING REAL. It's been 5 generations of this bullshit, we all know if I let you date him you'll be rejecting every sim and forcing me to marry you to the ugliest and creepiest option. NOT HAPPENING
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-Don't worry, Gunnar, I will fight for us!!! -That's fire bro, let me know, I'm around. Peace. -Oh God, we're a match made in heaven! How can you stand in the way of true love??
What? Sorry I spaced out, I seriously can't believe this comparison between your chins. God.
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-Lalala, painting pretty pictures for one of my six nurseries🎵☀️
Meadow, I'm getting a distinct feeling that you might turn out to be my worst nightmare??
Anyway, time to invite over placeholder Jimmy Phoenix so we can start the arduous process of getting into our Greek House, Britannicus is up first-
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Boy, that escalated quickly and I think we have Sophito to thank for it. He dumped Jimmy and then forced him to stick around and watch him bang the entire campus, making him desperate enough to go for Britannicus! Family truly means helping each other out❤️
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Jimmy lingered here after Britannicus got in in record time, so I seized the opportunity to have everyone befriend him so we can leave this dump asap and move to our own dump.
-So, Jimmy, I'm a pleasure aspiration and if I were to get into the house I'd be constantly throwing parties and inviting all my family! ALL my family, like my uncle Sophito! -Nice try, Cyan, but you're way too late! 10 minutes too late, to be exact, since that's how long I've been an incredibly serious relationship with Britannicus!!
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-I will not!
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-So ya, that time with Sophito doesn't count so I can't wait to have my very first woohoo with my lover, Britannicus! -That's great, can I please join the Greek House now? -Oh is that why I'm here? Sure you can!
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Alright flops, pack it up, time to fuck off to the Greek House.
See you in part 2!
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Ep 46 Pt 2: Seto is Sad Now
I just want to take the time to fully appreciate Seto and Yami on the back of this horse.
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You can’t tell me that the image alone of them on horse back where Seto is just on the back like it’s a motorcycle or something? Two cousins trying not to be weird about this mode of transportation while the tall one sits in the tiny seat?
 (which by the way, I didn’t realize it at the time, but uh my condolences to the shippers of Yami and Seto, they are...damn! They sure are cousins, aren’t they? Like a reverse Sailor Uranus/Sailor Neptune situation right here. Well, you still got modern Seto, but...sooo many lost fanfics out there, I’m sure, who were...probably not happy with this revelation.)
So I had to look this up because I’m not a horse girl, regrettably, I do not know enough about horses to know if two grown men can fit on the back of a horse without busting that horse’s spine in half. But, what I found out is: you don’t do this to a horse. I mean you can, but you shouldn’t.
Thing is...Yami is technically a kid in size, if memory serves, Yugi is still less than 100 lbs.
Maybe this horse is OK? this horse they occasionally use to skate down mountainsides? It’s not a real horse anyway, and honestly, this whole idea of the two on a horse is very funny to me so who cares.
(read more under the cut)
Also speaking of scientifically incorrect things in Yugioh, this was also very funny,
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FAR BE IT FROM ME to get all technical and make some weird youtube video about all the historical inaccuracies in TV shows (which damn, I sure do hate those videos) but I can still laugh at it when it happens.
Bro just told me “bold of you to trust Google” and he’s correct. For all we know some AI just lied to me just now, so if you know some deep lore about trebuchets don’t be afraid to speak up.
Their horse pulls up to the line of out of touch trebuchets and warriors flanking the city, where we reunite as a cast minus Karim.
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Yami then dumps this on me and it was so outlandish I could not tell if this was canon to the manga/original translation or if the dub decided this would be OK to do.
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Just let the man die! He divorced his wife on horseback and then did not raise Seto, he abandoned this boy to kill thousands of people, just let Aknadin freakin die. Please, Yami, this is not up for debate, Yami. Let Aknadin freakin die he hella deserves it.
Agh, Dartz all over again, I swear this show didn’t used to feel the need to redeem it’s villains, youknow? Or maybe it was always like this but I forgot because of freakin long covid wiping a year of my life, I don’t freaking know. But if/when Aknadin comes back I genuinely can’t see how he and Seto could ever fix their relationship on this planet Earth.
Anyway, speaking of being tired beyond your ability, Yami remembers just how many fireballs he took to the chest today and decides to just keel over. Good thing he didn’t do this on the back of the horse.
Relatable, honestly, this is what I do nowadays when I have to stand too long because I decided to cook 2 things instead of 1. Yami just has long covid, he’ll be fine. Just find a couch and do a big sittie, Yami.
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Like damn, Yami, maybe should’ve let Seto at least drive the horse?
And so the trebuchets fire off with all this animation that a bunch of people looked at, and after them, these scenes passed over like 100 more people’s hands, and no one at any point said “yo they used sleds instead of wheels in Egyptian sands, right?” and they were...like they were from the wrong anime really, but please admire the wings on these “trebuchets”
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freakin nerf guns made out of logs hahaha.
Anyway, Bakura noticed.
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Sad Seto starts botching it so poorly that it, in fact, triggers the end of the world.
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Could’ve been Isis commanding the troops. Or Grandpa. Or Shad- no wait, no actually...
...probably shouldn’t be Shada.
But I think that Isis would not have needed that necklace to know throwing logs at the enemy would not work. Especially since this particular enemy is like...all log.
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Thanks for the America shout-out Yugioh, my warm and fuzzy patriotic vibes go off in my heart every time I see lady liberty in an apocalyptic setting, not gonna lie.
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I make fun, but it really did take Yami a while to figure out what the hell Bakura was implying here.
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Lets admire the guy in the very back who looks like he just lost his glasses so he’s just gonna sit it out directly on the ground.
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I will not revise the death count. They died. They died right in front of me. This is clearly a ghost.
They’re just back now. They’ve done this before where they magically come back to life, it’s never explained, and I’m used to it. Rex and Weevil are god tier and it’s never ever explained. I’m ready for them to die again every time I see them on this show. But this show will never let go of these bastards because like...well I don’t know, really, but it feels like the show runners REALLY like these two and I’ll let them have their comfort OCs.
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So I know I was going to put a towel on this boy’s enormous smiling dong, but it would, in fact, make it more obscene to put the towel on him in this particular scene than to go without the towel.
And yes, it did grow larger than the last time we saw it, and no... I don’t think we should analyze that.
Meanwhile we have run out of useless logs and their out of place trebuchets.
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Blue Eyes just sitting on the bleachers being like “no dawg, it’s fine! I’m fine, we’re all fine!”
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And then we uh, killed Shadi.
It happened so quickly I think the dub actually removed a scene where he gets hit. Like suddenly Yami’s in danger, then it cuts away, and then Shadi is just on the ground like “you get em buddy” and he kicks it.
What an unceremonious way for this creep to die.
And of all the times! He has been threatening to die this entire season! And I guess it’s better than getting bricked in the head by Aknadin, but still...a lightning bolt huh?
And in case you were like “so why is he this weird ghost that haunts us 5000 years later?” That’s apparently answered in like the movie, from what bro tells me. I forget which. I want to say it’s Dark Side of Dimensions, that movie I keep threatening to watch. He hasn’t seen it either, he doesn’t know.
Anyway, we made it through another episode, and yes, it was Shadi who died.
I cannot believe how long Grandpa has held out this season, can you? I can’t believe it at all.
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We’ll catch up again next episode, where...it feels like this is the finale guys. Wow. We’ve come so far. And again, I wish I was in a better state to write, because I feel like I used to be a lot more in depth and just...more analytical. 
But really, this season is just pretty freaking weird. Like there is stuff to analyze here. There are things to get out of it. But I spend so long being like “and then this weird thing happened, and that weird thing happened” that I’m still just stringing together the nonsense and I’m not really appreciating the forest for the trees.
But I’m sure those things will come to me in time, if they really are that important to glean from this season, even if it may be in some later episode or some sort of post-season essay I feel like writing (I probably won’t). But until then, we’ll just admire the dickface they convinced 4kids to put on TV.
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stonesparrow · 6 days
Puella Magi Yuzuriha Magica Ch. 1: Springtime of Youth
Yeeep, I'm finally (very, very slowly) writing out my Dr. Stone x Puella Magi Madoka Magica fic, which currently exists in a truncated summary form. @yimuno, this one's for you! I'll also be posting this on my ao3.
“There we go,” Yuzuriha said as she set down the dish of water on the Koizumis’ porch. “Maybe if that kitty you saw gets comfortable enough to come up and have a drink, we could eventually catch it and take it to the shelter.”
“That’d be great!” Suika nodded. “Suika feels so bad for it, sleeping out there in the cold and the rain…”
“Well, at least it’s getting warmer,” Yuzuriha said comfortingly, patting the little bespectacled girl on her head. “Come on, let’s go finish your homework, okay?”
Babysitting a nine year old on top of dealing with the hectic first few weeks of high school was definitely a challenge, but Yuzuriha was pretty content with how things were going, she thought to herself as she made her way home after Suika’s parents showed up. Besides, there was a lot to look forward to this year—making new friends, planning new projects, the possibilities were endless!
After dinner and finishing her own homework, Yuzuriha decided to pass the time by sketching out a dress inspired by the spring flowers she’d passed by. Something to represent new life and new opportunities, maybe…
At that moment, her phone pinged with a new message from Senku. 
Yo, you got a minute?
Yuzuriha set down her pencil. 
Sure, what’s up?
Ok, you remember how I said Dad and I have been helping Lillian’s brother-in-law and his family move to Tokyo because his older daughter is being moved to a hospital here?
Yeah? It was still kind of surreal that Senku’s stepmom was none other than global superstar Lillian Weinberg! 
Well I was wondering if you could help the younger daughter settle in. She’s going to enroll in Hirosue with us, but she’s never attended such a big school, and with her sister going through new treatment she could probably use some extra support.
Yuzuriha blinked. Wow yeah that does sound rough. Why me though? I mean, you know her better than I do.
Kohaku and I get along fine, but I don’t know her that well. Step-cousins isn’t a relationship that makes you super close with someone. And frankly, I’m not the best person to talk to about personal problems and junk. You’re ten billion percent better at that, and she’s also going to be in your class, so Taiju and I aren’t going to see as much of her throughout the day.
Yuzuriha hummed. I suppose that makes sense. The corner of her mouth turned up. It’s really sweet of you to think of her well being like this. 
Hey, I’m just being logical about this situation, it’s not like I thought about this a whole lot. 
Yuzuriha laughed. Right, of course. When is she coming to school?
Monday. She’ll be taking the train with us and Taiju, so I’ll introduce you then. 
Sounds good!
An hour later, as Yuzuriha was getting ready for bed, her phone pinged again.
Yuzuriha smiled. 
No problem. 
The weekend passed as normal, and on Monday Yuzuriha headed out to meet up with Senku and Taiju at the train station as she always did. With them was a blonde girl with her hair up in a ponytail, wearing a cool expression as Senku introduced them.
“There you are. Kohaku, this is the friend I was talking about.”
“Ogawa Yuzuriha-san, right?” she said. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh you don’t have to worry about that!” Yuzuriha exclaimed. “Feel free to call me Yuzuriha, I really don’t mind!”
All of a sudden, Kohaku’s shoulders relaxed. “Oh. Okay.” She grinned. “Then call me Kohaku!”
The ride to the train station gave them more of an opportunity to get to know each other, and Yuzuriha learned that Kohaku loved sports, action-packed manga, and volunteering at the daycare in her hometown.
“Oh!” Yuzuriha said. “I babysit this elementary schooler on Fridays, maybe you could help me out next time!”
Other than that one bit though, it seemed that Yuzuriha and Kohaku didn’t have a ton in common. That didn’t mean they didn’t get along though, and when they finally got to school Yuzuriha noticed that Kohaku stuck pretty closely to her throughout the day. Like Senku said, it seemed she wasn’t sure how to interact with so many strangers so quickly, and she relaxed a lot when they went up to the roof to eat with Senku and Taiju. Other than that, she was pretty energetic and greeted every new challenge and introduction with gusto. You wouldn’t really have noticed she was a little uneasy if you hadn’t been looking out for it, Yuzuriha thought. 
She did also conspicuously leave out any mention of a sick sister when asked why she moved to Tokyo, though. 
After school and clubs Taiju had to go help his grandmother move a new couch into their house (very exciting, the Okis hardly ever got anything new), and Senku had to talk to his dad about setting new boundaries around gasoline experiments, so Yuzuriha invited Kohaku over to her place so they could watch some anime together, which she readily agreed to.
“You know,” Kohaku said as they started walking to Yuzuriha’s place. “One thing I do like about the city is that there’s a lot more to see here than there is in the countryside. Some days I swore I’d die of boredom out there, running the same trails over and over and over, watching the same channels…it’s cool.”
“I’m glad,” Yuzuriha smiled. “Is your family enjoying the new scenery too?”
Kohaku was quiet for a moment. “...Yeah, I’d say so. Ruri says it’s nice to have a different window view than the one she’d been stuck with for ten years.”
Yuzuriha blinked. Oh, right. “I’m sorry, I—”
Kohaku put her hands behind her head. “Nah, it’s fine. You didn’t mean anything by it.” she sighed and looked out into the distance. “Honestly part of the reason I was glad to move here was because no one looks at me with pity. Everyone back home knows about Ruri’s illness, and it drove me insane with how they’d talk about her, about me. It’s refreshing to talk to people who don’t know.”
“Oh. Well…that’s good then,” Yuzuriha said awkwardly. 
“Yeah.” Kohaku smiled. “Anyway, tell me about that dress project you mentioned!”
“Ah, well!”
As Yuzuriha explained her plans for her latest spring project, the wind started to pick up, and the ribbon from Kohaku’s uniform unraveled. 
“Whoa!” Kohaku reached out for it as it started to blow away, but then suddenly a small white creature darted out from a bush and snatched it out of the air with its mouth. 
“What the—” Yuzuriha gasped as the creature landed and started running down the street. “What was that?!” 
“Whatever it is, it’s got some nerve stealing my stuff!” Kohaku said, dropping her bag and taking off after the creature
“Hey, wait!” Yuzuriha picked up Kohaku’s bag and ran after her. “Your bag!”
Keeping up with Kohaku proved to be rather difficult—Yuzuriha was totally out of breath by the time she caught up, the blonde girl standing firmly in front of the little thief in an alley, blocking its escape. “Geez, you sure are athletic, Kohaku-chan…”
“Gotcha,” Kohaku said, smacking her fist into her palm. “Drop the ribbon, little fella, and maybe I’ll let you go.”
“Wait…” Yuzuriha blinked. “What is it?” The creature was about the size of a cat, and had catlike ears…but it also had long floppy ribbon-like structures coming down from those ears, with rosy pink at the ends that matched its round, glassy eyes. There were also strange golden rings around the floppy tendrils that appeared to be floating midair. Its fluffy white tail flicked back and forth as it stared up at the girls, Kohaku’s ribbon still hanging from it’s mouth. It also did not appear to have a nose.
“...Huh.” Kohaku frowned. “It’s not like any cat I’ve ever seen before, that’s for sure.”
“I don’t think it’s even a cat,” Yuzuriha said, crouching down and squinting at the creature. “At least…I mean, it doesn’t have any whiskers.”
“Well it doesn’t matter what it is, it’s got my ribbon,” Kohaku said. “Come on now, you can’t eat that!”
The creature dropped the ribbon at Kohaku’s feet, then looked up at her and tilted its head. 
“Hello. Would you like to make a wish?”
Yuzuriha and Kohaku blinked. 
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deliciousmusiccoffee · 11 months
Portals and Cousins
It was not every day that Baxter just wakes up to a four year old mutant sitting on his chest and looking straight at him with adoring eyes, tail swishing and churring with his mouth agape. How did this happen?
~~Earlier that night in a different dimension~~
Randall was having a conversation with Mikey about their son. Mostly due to his enhanced mystic ability due to him being conssived via magic. Randall sighs as he leans against the box turtle, letting out a low rumble as he sighs, "We really have to keep an eye on him. He doesn't know what he is capable of and if he uses his ablities in a way he is not familiar, he might just hurt himself, he was already a handful with just flying alone!" Mikey pats the crocodile's hand with his own as he nods in understanding. Bo already knew how to fly, and his temper tantrums sent everything flying, literally. God forbid he learns or tries any of the advanced stuff that Mikey knew how to do, he just might hurt himself or get lost. Mikey smiled before pressing his snout to the side of Randall's face, "Well, we don't have to worry about him making portals any time soon!" He giggled as Randall groans at his husbands optimisum, but running his fingers through his hair anyway, "You're an idiot" Mikey leans into his touch with a smile as they forget their worries with a braiding session. Unfortunately for them, Bo is a really good listener.
The box croc's eyes lit up as he overhears his Mom and Dad talking. Portals? That sounded fun! He bounced in place before rushing to his room, flying past his terripin cousin who was on her way to grab her Papa from his lab. Bo skids yo a stop and closes his door behind him with his tail and let out an excited squeal. Portals! Just the thought of them got him excited. Uncle Leo always told him about the amazing things that his dad could do, but he almost forgot portals excited him. He jumped up and down multiple times, his short pony tail braid followef his motions as his glasses almost fell off of him. All of a sudden, a bright pink color blinded his eyes for a moment. He hissed as he fell back onto his shell, his glasses falling off. He sat up and quickly grabed them and placed them on his face again to see a pink circle in front if him. The same color of the bandana he wore around his neck. The box croc was mesmerized by the sight in front of him, he didn't even hear his door open before he stepped through the portal
"Bye-Bye Mama!"
Baxter didn't know what was worse, the fact he didn't introduce himself or the fact that he almost froze the mutant on top of him. Baxter would breath a sigh of relief as he realized he missed. Now to asses the situation. He had no idea who this kid was or were he came from. He had rough skin and a plastron, a smooth shell with the same markings as his Uncle Mikey, round glasses and a pink bandana. He looked a lot like Uncle Mikey, but he has a long tail, and it sure as hell didn't look like a turtle tail. He almost looked like what his Papa looked like when he was a kid. Baxter just stared back at the young mutant before the child started to float off his chest- WAIT FLOAT?!
"Hi! Who are you?"
"Um, hi? My name's Baxter. Who are you little one?"
Bo floats to the ground and fixes his glasses before pointing to himself with a grin, "Im Bocephus! But everyone calls me Bo! Unless Mommy is mad at me-" The mutant replies before he walks back over to Baxter, who was starting to get out of bed. The Zillaturtle was trying to wrap his head around it all at the moment. A kid, who looks strangely a lot like his Uncle, is in his room, can fly. Was he dreaming. But Baxter was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he realized he is now face to face with the kid, "You look a lot like my Uncle Raphie!" At this point, Baxter decided to play along as he got ready, he needs to het up anyway. He just answered all if Bo's questions as he got ready.
"What are you?"
"Zillamander Snapping turtle mix. I'm Baxter!"
"Wazza Zeemander?"
"Zillamander. And its a species."
"Whats that your putting on your face?"
"Face paint. Want some? I think I have a pink one you will like."
Baxter pretty much indulged the young mutant for a while. He even asked him about how he even got here.
"So how did you get here kid?"
"Mommy and Daddy were talking about something. Then they said I could fo portals! So I made one!"
Ok that tracks. Baxter was starting to put the peices together at this point. But he didn't really adress it much, especially now that he has to explain to his mom whats going on. "Hey kiddo? Do you want to meet my Mama? Im sure she would love you." Almost immediately, Bo's tail started wagging as he pulled on Baxters arm, the area around his eyes covered with bright pink face paint,"Yes please! Pretty please!" Baxter picked Bo up and placed him on his shoulders and began to run out of his room and into the living room while making airplane noises. Bo giggles and squeals the entire time before he is met with eyes on him. A purple Zillamander and his-
  Before Bo could be stopped, he flew off of Baxter's shoulders and into the arms of his Uncle. Raph caught the child, confused as Bo was nuzzling him. Both Sharron and Raph looked to there son for an explanation, " He sorta just....Showed up?" Baxter shrugged with a nervous look on his face. Bo turned his attention to Sharron and his jaw dropped, "OH MI GOSH! YOUR SO PRETTY MISS!!" Sharron was taken aback at first, but then she lifted Bo into the air and cooed over him, "Oh my gosh! Thank you so so much little one! You are very handsome yourself! And look at your face paint! You are just the cutest thing!" Bo giggled and laughed as Baxter explained to his father what was going on. More interdimentonal family antics.
Bo was welcomed with open arms. He got to meet all of Baxter's siblings and hang out with his whole family. Baxter showed him a family book full of photos, Had a tea party and watched spiderman movies. Currently, Bo was sitting in  Baxter's lap as he tied Bo's Bandana around his neck. Bo has been here for a while. Almost the whole day. It was dinner time around now. Baxter was having a blast having his cousin from another world, but he was wondering
"Hey Bo?"
"Yes Baxter?"
"Don't you have a family? Are they looking for you? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy having you here, but don't you miss your Mommy and Daddy?"
Baxter was met with silence. Baxter was starting to worry that he said the wrong thing. Did he upset him? But then he hears a sniffle from in front if him. He looked down to see the box croc looking up at him, tears full in his big eyes as he grips the bandana around his neck. His bottom lip quivers as he pushed up his glasses and wipes his tears as he begins to sob. Baxter's eyes soften as he moves back on the couch to give Bo some room if he needs, but Bo ended up stuffing his face into his plastron as he cried. Baxter put his arms around the small child as he wept. It would make sense why he was crying, he was separated from his family and by the looks of it he had no idea how ti get home. "Hey, I know you miss them. I can't imagine what you are going through right now but I can telk you love and miss them very much, and im sure they miss you too....but if you are anything like your dad, you will find a way home. And I'll help you!"
Bo sniffles as he looked up at Baxter, wiping the rest of his tears before he spoke
"Really? Why?"
Baxter chuckled before he squeezed Bo slightly, makeing Bo squeak a bit as he felt himself being pressed up against his interdimentonal cousin, "Because you are family! No matter were you come from, Ill love you all the same." Bo let out a chirp as he huged Baxter back, his tail thumping gently against the couch
"Should we wake em up?"
Sharron was trying hwr best to be quiet as she held onto Raph's hand. Baxyer and Bo had fallen asleep watching spiderman 2. Bo and Baxter's loud snores filling the room, Baxter had one arm over Bo's shell and Bo was clinging to the Zillaturtle. Peaceful and resting, and ir was just about the cutest thing that Sharron and Raph have seen in a while.
The next dsy rolled around as quickly as Bo came. Baxter was putting faxe paint on his eyes and arms in the living room when Raph came by with Mikey. Bo rushed over to Mikey and hugged his legs as he bounces a little, "Daddy! You came for me?" Oof, that hurt to hear. Mikey neals to his level as Baxter came up behind him. Mikey ended uo gently explaining that he was not Bo's dad, but he was going to send him home. At this news, Bo jumped around in delight and excitement, but he stopped and slumped his shoulders as he turned to Baxter with a sad look, " I won't see you again will I?" The mutant mumbled as he fiddked with his tail, "Oh Bo, c'mere." Bo rushed over to hug his cousin, clinging to him tightly, "While I don't know for sure if I will see you again, I believe it will happen."
"How do you know?"
Bo asked and Baxter pulled out a face paint pallet. Bo gasped as Baxter gave it to him, and pats his head before saying, "Because family always finds their way back to you. The world works in mysterious ways." Bo hugged him again, not noticing Baxters bittersweet look. Baxter didn't want Bo to go just yet, but he knew he needed to go home, the least he could fo was give him something to remember him by. Mikey opened up the portal, and through it, you could see Bo's room. Bo wagged his tail as he looked through gis ticket home. He rushed to it, but turned around to wave at Baxter.
"Bye-Bye bug cousin!"
"Later gator!"
"Eheheh! Thats funny!"
Bo smiled big as he stepped through, the portal closing behind him immediately. Bo was home, in his room. He couldn't wait to see his-
In a blink of an eye, he was taken into the arms of his Mom. Randall held his son close to him as Bo cried. Randall held up Bo in the air and weezes for a moment, "Please.. NEVER do that again. You father and I were worried sick about you!" Bo wipes his tears as he nods, Randall out his kid down and hds his hand as they waljed to the kitchen, Bo telling him alk about what he did yesterday with his cousin.
Mikey saw Bo just stareing at the face paint pallet in his hands with a smile. Mikey walked over to Bo and sat down next to him, ruffling his hair as he did so, "Is that what Baxter gave you?" Bo nodded as he showed it to his father, "I miss him already, he was super fun! But, Ilk see him again." Mikey raised a browbone at his kid with a smile, "Oh yeah? And why is that?" Bo just looked at him with a smile as he replied
"Because family always finds their way back to you! The world works on mysterious ways."
∆I had A lot of fun making this. I guess this is my first fabric post. I really enjoyed this and its just ahhhgh.
Baxter belongs to @zinzabee
Sharron belogs tk @zinzabee
Bo belongs to me
And Randall belongs to me.
Thanks to @zinzabee for giveing me permission for this(And the idea), your boyo was such an inspo and Bo had a wonderful time hanging out with his cousin!
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kokiwiouma · 10 months
OK so my Hajime, assigned female at birth just goes by he/him
i came up with this bc 1. i am a girl and we the player play danganronpa as Hajime 2. saw somebody draw hajime with a mullet and it came to me this way 3. his chest size, i know that's nothing but this is my au and if you wanna take up arms with me im not going to argue the issue if you don't like my ideas leave me be cause the first person who tries to come in here and argue with me is getting your ask deleted or blocked YES I CAN HIT THE BLOCK BUTTON
my Hajime is Izuru's sibling and Makoto's cousin, Nagito and Chiaki are his roomates but the house ironically is in Nagito's name and It was Nagito by himself until Hajime moved in and Chiaki soon came after. Later on at some point she got her own place but she doesn't live there she just kinda is here all the time and she's thinking of giving it to one of their friends.
Now we are going into other characters cause this was supposed to only be about Hajime but it turned into something else
Makoto,Byakuya and Kyoko are roomates but Makoto started dating Junko and Bya didn't really vibe with that so he told him if she's gonna stay here your gonna have to go and Kyoka got on him about it so now Makoto lives next door, they live in a apartment. Junko wants to own a house
Junko used to date Nagito when she was crazy but she slowly came to "yo, i need some help im wack" and they broke up
Nagito also dated Mikan but she was wack as well he also dated Ibuki and it's kinda hard to tell if he's dating either of them he doesn't make mention of his love life. Hajime wants the tea lowkey Chiaki already understands and refuses to let Hajime in cause that aint her business.
Chiaki and Junko are worsties
Chiaki is also always over at Maki's house.
Maki and Tenko are roomates they live in a actual house.
not sure about everyone elses situation but before Hajime moved int with Nagito he lived with Fuyuhiko i honestly might just move everyone in together cause why not?
Kazuichi,Fuyuhiko,Peko i guess Mahiru,Hiyoko, and Mikan live together Nagito can't really stand living with Mikan so he can't live with them cause they had a lovers to toxic relationship and he doesn't want to go back but he;s weak to her so he understands he can't put himself in that kind of situation where he's around her so he stays away.
Mikan doesn't give a crap i love her honestly i do
Kotoko is freshly adopted into Nagito's famliy he has a hard relationship with Leon who is also his brother and Rantaro is Nagito's step brother, Nagito,Kotoko and Leon got adopted into his family when Nagito was homeless he lived with Rantaro for a little bit before he got his own place with Kotoko
There is so much stuff about them in my head that is so random like im still including the ultimate stuff but like nobody killed anybody but i don't know how to incorporate that into the story like they aren't normal people the killing game happened? i guess? but it was like a simulation that is everyone is traumatized from the world did get destroyed a little bit i guess? i don't know i don't know how to fit the puzzles together yet
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thatcheeseycandle · 4 months
"As he should, this stupidity between the both of you has gone on long enough" LMAOAOAODJDHDHDH NAH NAH THAYS SO REAL OF TRURO NGL
"I don't think I could handle losing her and North." NO STOP- NEARLY FORGOT THAT FOR A MOMENT.
"Tell me, Cousin, is Bittern still afraid of birds?" OOOHOHJHAHSHZHX BOY OKAY IM LOOKING. IM LOOKING
Oh Truro I couldnt of had said it better knowing it too HGSHAHAHAHAHFHXHFKGNVLRKDMG
"You have lost the privilege to address any and all Great Western Engines!" YEAH YOU TELL HER! SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK RQ RQ
insert me rambling irl to a relative whos in the same room as me about yeah the current situation
You are just digging your stinger into silicone you itty bitty BRAIN-CELLED BUZZY LITTLE BITCH
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Thank GOSH I know how to pin messages on discord
"I see, like what has happened to you and Olivia" THE [REDACTED] YOU MEAN???????
Oh she wasnt human pala
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Obviously now building up to, what it says, an entirely new plot. But now while having bits of past plots mixed from wjat I can guess
Oh [REDACTED] here comes it all
Preparinh myself okay Im strapoing in Im gettibg my backside comfy on my pillows yeah Im just
I was right to be scared
Nono no Olivia no NO. OLIVIA.
"Why can't I do anything right!!"
insert current me typing out this cause past me had a long pause of silence staring at that line
Tearing up counter: 1
(Im not moving on)
"I was almost turned into ab exhibit piece because of him."
"Yet he was the reason Olivia sold you to Sodor."
Why was that bit from Arrow so relatable though like HEKDHSJSHDH
"I apologise, I get excited when I want to learn new things" REALEST. THING. SAID. EVER
Keeping that quote with me on a sticky note irl rq sec-
Oh Tydfil TYDFIL
“I can’t stand being alone with my thoughts. They go around in circles and drive me insane.” SAME HERE. SAME HERE TYDFIL DW.
Can we get some appreciation for all the characters we all relate to rq? LIKE GOOD GOSH- Im sorry its just Tydfil either has dialogue that hits me hard so much like deep DEEP deeper than ever or just is brutally honest HSGDHGSSHHSHD
I still love her though, still one of ny top five favs in YIAU
“Chin up, she’ll be out soon. Same can’t be said for Clun Castle.” Oh Arrow are you gonna love what Dotti has to say HAGHAHASHGD
“It’s not often that you piss off everyone on the mainland and believe me, I would know, I’m an expert at it.”
"There was an awkward pause."
New fav found family/squad ever
"Oh but they just started interacting now in this bit you can immediately like the-" OI. I LOVE THESE LOT, I ALREADY LIKED MOST OF THEM ON THEIR OWN AND NOW THEYRE INTERACTING MAKES ME LOVE THEM MORE
“You’re very welcome, Young Iron.” AY AY I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE HAHSGDHHXXJ
I just read that bit and to say Im bamboozled is an understatement.
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