#yinglets are a handful
feybeasts · 4 months
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I bear Zhis Burden of Responsibility, I suppose. Can't let people go around kickin' 'em when they're lookin' for shiny things and clams and what have ya.
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fluffykari · 1 year
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Sad again
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fenmere · 2 months
So, we have a system member who started out as a young toddler and has been aging almost normally.
For a yinglet.
Her name is Sweetie, and it's been a couple years, and by yinglet standards she's an adult now. But, she lives amongst humans (and us) and enjoys being perceived as a child still. Like, a skilled child, but still a child.
So, mostly what she's been doing is coming forward specifically to open straws.
She will verbally say, "Straw!" and hold out our left hand to take a straw, if she sees you have an unopened one.
She's gotten so good at opening straws that we collectively are better at it with our left hand now than with our right. (We're otherwise right handed.)
Anyway, our girlfriend gets to interact with Sweetie the most, and this is the exchange we just had:
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aviyinglet · 7 months
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Pixel Yinglets 0.975 is now out for PC!
Hello, everyone! Hefty update today with a bunch of changes and customization options, getting closer to making this presentable as a cloneable public avatar. The Quest version will be live in the next few hours; you can buy this model for $30 on my fascinating Gumroad page, as early-access pricing before it hits 1.0. Details and changelog after the jump!
I finished 0.96 thinking "Ah, time to relax!" and then it was made clear to me during a meeting with friends that the leg rigging couldn't wait any longer -- so I devoted the entire week of working hours (and then some) to releasing 0.97 -- and the following night of experiences made it clear to me that some bugs needed fixing and more work was needed to improve the new-user experience, so now we're at 0.975. The model now has full digitigrade leg rigging on PC, but also a whole bunch of customization options for character creation, including face/body sliders and separate hue sliders for the body and eyes. In retrospect I'm embarrassed as hell that I waited so long to rig the legs properly, but I like to think I went through my hard knocks fixing it.
Because this is now cloneable, I can confirm that this is very functional in six-point full-body tracking. Putting this in the hands of experienced FBT users (my life-partner and several good friends) was revelatory, and has convinced me to get a set of trackers myself right after Vancoufur. Body language changes a lot!
The next update will probably not come as quickly as this one, but it will feature retopologized hands/feet and toggleable clothing. We aren't done with body customization yet, but I consider this a pretty good start!
The public version of this is currently in the wild, but I'll be waiting till .98 to buy Furhub ad space for it. I'm committed to maintaining feature-parity between the free and paid versions of this, with greater customization through production files as the draw for the paid version. Any questions or concerns, please let me know. <3
02/28/2024 & 03/02/2024
(PC-only currently, will have Quest version added in less than 24 hours.)
Feature additions:
Radial menus for body characteristic customization:
Hue sliders! Only visible on PC, since it requires the Poiyomi shader. Body and eye colors can be customized independently.
Shelltooth length.
Snout length.
Snout width.
Snout roundness.
Ear roundness.
Ear length.
Belly size.
Chin height.
Hip width.
Underfluff density.
Digitigrade leg armature on PC version, using constraints. Your hip bones should no longer completely dislocate when you crouch! :D
Front and back fur patterns! In the "Base Fur" layer category in the .psd is a "Patterns" subcategory, with "Front Pattern" and "Back Pattern" subcategories that can be toggled, recolored, and customized as you please.
Credits page, accessible from the main circle menu! Tell all your friends!
"Read this first!" page, which summons a plane containing helpful tips for first-time users.
Geometry tweaks:
Raised feet slightly to prevent them from clipping into the ground.
Adjusted shelltooth angle to prevent it from clipping into the lower lip.
Retopologized legs! Now significantly less boxy, and they stick out less far in front of the body (I used Valsalia's "Anatomy of a Yinglet" as reference).
Retopologized ears. The inner part's concave now!
Added blendshapes for all the customization sliders.
Added a bit more volume to the breast size blendshape.
Tweaked waistline to be more yinglet-y.
Tailtip now tapers more to a point.
UV/texture tweaks:
Added front and back fur-pattern layers, toggleable in the PSD.
Repainted legs and ears.
Repainted the weird transparent pixels bordering the tops of the hard black sections of the legs.
Made eyebrow anti-aliasing pixels actual transparency instead of the default fur color.
Changed credits page to use pixelated fonts.
Condensed color legend on texture.
Added "Read this first!" UI elements to texture. (Will be cleaned up when I expand the texture canvas for clothing.)
Armature tweaks:
Re-weighted feet. Still not ideal, but hands and feet will be retopologized for the next update.
Constrained feet to plantigrade ankles.
Added glasses bone. This and the skirt bones will factor into the next major update.
Added bones for individual whiskers.
Other tweaks:
Assigned default values to most properties between 0 and 1.
Radial menus have been reorganized. All customization sliders are nested in a Customization submenu.
Fixed default lid minimizer not firing in eyelid animations.
Restored eye sparkles on Quest.
Known issues:
Feet rigging is passable but could be better; I'll throw myself at it after feet receive the hand retopology.
Can't yet toggle front and back fur-patterns. (There's an issue with decals that causes them to not retain the hard edges of the rest of the model's pixelated texture.) Will be fixed in a later update.
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lenoratheyinglet · 8 months
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Fey Blessing
Veezy asked Mhera for one of her feathers, just thinking the bird was "Oh so-pretty yes-yes, zhe feazhers are so nice" Mhera feeling quite flattered whisked Veezy off to the Fey Wild. Made sure she understood the gravity of what she asked. For she isn't just any regular bird. What Veezy knows about her is very little, so merely insisted that it didn't matter. Placing the feather delicately behind her ear. Bringing her talon down and around she lifted Veezy's chin... One little kiss from the so-pretty bird lady to drive that little yinglet brain wild! They say not to trust the Fey, but the magical birdy wouldn't do anything? Right? The amazing setting of Ramnus and Mhera is naturally by the best girl Grypha (She also helped me with the zygodactyle hands!)  Yinglets are of course by Valsalia
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mistakenot4892 · 4 months
Nebula vledbog May '24
This post was crossposted from cohost.
It has been a busy month on the dev branch. A lot of forward progress has been made on the Shaded Hills fantasy map, and several big rewrites have gone in and are under active adjustment and review.
Nebula SS13 is an open source project based on the Baystation 12 version of Space Station 13. SS13 is a topdown multiplayer simulation game where you play the crew of a ship, station, colony, etc. depending on your fork and map, with the Nebula and Bay forks having a focus on roleplaying and simulation interactions.
Notable changes
A big chunk of the work this month has been adding subtypes and variants for the fantasy map. You can now override things like loadout options, backpack types, survival box types, and starting cash options on a per-map basis. The fantasy map has also had a lot of aesthetic adjustments made to lighting and turf colouring to make things look really nice.
Penny has finished removing a billion unused procs and vars, cleaning up the code significantly.
Lots of clothing has been generalized. The /accessory subtype has been removed, and combining clothing items has been generalized. Shirts can be freely matched with pants, suit jackets no longer come with full business casual attached, and more.
Penny has also gotten the dev branch compiling on OpenDream, an open-source BYOND alternative with a lot of potential. The OD compiler is also included in the continuous integration testing for each merge to the dev branch, identifying problems that would be missed by the linter or the base BYOND DM compiler.
Penny has also resolved a really annoying issue with map edge lighting causing weird artifacting, making edge transitions much nicer visually.
The daycycle system has been gutted and reworked to take advantage of our much faster ambient lighting. Instead of crawling left to right across a single level, daycycles are now applied to entire z-level chunks, and can be customize with individual periods, lighting changes, and temperature. Dawn is bloody red, evening is dim.
Storage has been datumized! This is a bit of an arcane technical change, but in essence it means anything can have the ability to act as storage and hold items inside itself. Previously this was restricted to a single specific item subtype.
Supporting code for quadrupedal (or hexapodal, or n-podal) species has been merged, and immediately caused all simple animals to believe they had no legs and fall over. Working as intended. Grafadreka (reworked from the Polaris version) will be going in soon...
Bugs of note
C4 immediately melts at room temperature when spawned, making it very hard to attach it to doors or walls.
Taking the 'synthetic brain' aspect to fulfil your beep boop robot roleplay needs appeared to work fine, but five minutes after you spawned it would delete your brain and kill you.
You can use a lighter or welding torch to 'carefully heat' yourself, a mechanic intended for chemistry, but one that results in your hands becoming white-hot beacons that instantly melt anything you pick up.
Due to hairstyles defaulting to a human buzzcut when hidden by gear, neo-avians and yinglets manifested a floating buzzcut two feet above their head anytime they wore a hat.
Current priorities
r5 is very close to being ready to go. Once the robot bugs are sorted, we can finish off this staging period and start on r6.
The MVP TODO list for Shaded Hills is down to 10 or so items - getting through that before r6 staging would be ideal, since Shaded Hills being incomplete on staging/stable would suck.
I really want to completely dismantle the /under subtype and make all the various uniforms into component clothing items. It's much nicer for customizing your character and making outfits for jobs etc. than the current arrangement. As of my current PR, there's only ~200-odd uses of /under in the codebase, so we are closing on victory (act now).
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typhin-hoofbun · 1 year
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Modern Major Yinglet - Art by Koofins ( FurAffinity Profile ) No magic here, this one takes place purely on Earth. Martin “Mary” Shendale is a trans girl who’s body has been wrecked by disability, and one of the few pleasures she has is the comic “Out of Placers” by Valsalia (Seriously, it’s a great comic, you should really read it). Imagine her surprise when one day, a package is left on her doorstep with a replica of Zhat Zhing inside it. Imagine her even greater surprise when it bursts in her face, and when the burning agony stops, she’s now short, furry, bucktoothed, and walking on stick limbs with hands for feet. She never wanted to actually be one of the adorably awkward ratbird creatures known as Yinglets, but when do we ever get what we want in life? Now going by the name Vayryn, she has to navigate the world of modern-day Earth as the world’s only known yinglet. Dealing with confusion and fear from people not familiar with the comic, and stereotypes and expectations from people who are, Vayryn just wants to make it through each day and the challenges it brings. But as a silver lining, at least she doesn’t have to worry about her HRT, and even her disabling autoimmune condition is cured, thanks to being rebuilt at the cellular/genetic level! Now if only she could get people to take her seriously over the phone, with that high-pitched squeaky voice of hers that can’t even say “th” sounds…
This one is less about “themes”, at least intentionally, and is the most “unabashedly self-insert escapist fantasy” of the three. Vayryn finds new struggles at every turn, but as she gets the hang of dealing with them, she’s able to slowly claw her way up into a better life, bit by agonizing bit. So themes of adversity and perseverance, of racism and discrimination (though far, far less severe than the actual real-world Earth would be), and gratuitous fan-gushing over one of my favorite webcomics ever. She might not have wanted to be a yinglet, but as she gets used to it, it’s really not as bad as she had feared. Or it is, but friends make all the difference. Oh, and themes of interspecies relationship, since she gets a human boyfriend. (Sorry, the more physical parts of their relationship will be off-camera. ^_~ )
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itzybitzyritzzy · 2 years
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Wanna know more about me? Im Ritzzy and here are some of the many forms I come in! (some take aspects of my personality) Im a Trans online artist and overall trying to be friendly gal! The first image here is currently my main sona Ritzzy, she’s a outgoing yellow garden spider girl, and was the third ever OC I made into a fursona. (Ref By 8bitbeetle) 2024 Update added her new Ref! by Bug2Go on twitter! 
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This Dogs name is Dizzy! She was my first fursona and I still love her very much, lately I see her as the dog behind the spider, she’s a chocolate lab mutt and are more like a “1 to 1″ version of me currently, Ref Update :) by 8bitbeetle! Forgot to add her Shark form! (2024 update! updated Dizzy’s Shark form, by me, added Robo Dizzy! 
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This is Zoe my Boss monster sona! (Undertale goat monster) Zoe is basically my take on if my sona was boss monster, a lot older and wiser her name is short for Zoften Cozy, and she runs a night spa, in which she uses her hands to heal people when taking care of them, her magic flames are a deep green.  I like to think she represents my empathy and caring side, and I always wanted to be a guide friends and family (ref by @pawtism) Updated! new ref by me 
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And last my another one of my current fursonas, Mihaly (Me-high) They are my Enby yinglet! a intelligent but incompetent  sort of a mix of Ritzzy and Dizzy, and two souls inhabit their body.. they are curious, clumsy and a Archeologist by trade (Ref by a friend) Update 2024 Current Outfit and bodytype! 
I hope this lets everyone know what Im all about and if you dont.. Im posting more ways sonas lol
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yingletamiibo · 2 years
SIDE: Zelt
I am not an idiot.
In fact, for a yinglet, I'm rather smart.
For that reason, I should have realized sooner. That he never really loved me, that he was using me.
He was a rich and powerful man. He sympathized with my goals, to have yinglets seen as equal.
I loved him. I went everywhere with him. I did as I was told, knowing he only had my best interests in mind. And, of course, I would lay with him when he asked.
What a fool I was. The signs were all there. It took me months to see.
It was a year ago today.
He had an important meeting with city officials. Of course I wanted to join in, plead my point of view.
"Please, I have to argue my case to zhose officials, my dearest."
He looked at me the way one looks at a stray pup begging for food.
He placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Zelt. I have to do this alone. I mean... You're just a yinglet. They won't listen to you."
My heart shattered. I realized then that he never loved me as I loved him. This whole time, he saw me as nothing more than a pet.
I was stunned. All I could do was silently nod, waiting patiently for him to return from his meeting.
Now I sit across from him in his opulent dining room.
Forgery is a difficult skill to master for any human. Harder still when you don't have the same range of motion.
I spent my time wisely, learning exactly how the bastard writes.
As he gagged and choked on his wine, I couldn't help but smile, confident his money and estate would go to me.
I learned I could only rely on myself. And I knew no one would suspect me.
After all, I'm just a yinglet.
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loosf · 2 years
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making yet another character for myself robot kobold raptorcreature thingie
want to express neurodivergency with this one. Have not decided, maybe nonverbal? Unable to emote (like my robot), eye displays may be expressive.
Raptor hands, yeah. Awkward. Scuffed.
Trying to function, trying to be useful. Perhaps helper, assistant, companion to my robot sona? Different kind of expression.
Bitcrushed yips and yaps for sure
Images I have in mind, resting/basking on the induction charger, curled on itself. A headtilt, trying to recognize or identify Bing kinda clumsy, scuffed.
Perhaps capable of speech, but prefers not to? I do want to express some things, like how when I am exhausted my audio processing just doesn't really work. Speech becomes extremely hard to understand. It is just noise. English becomes unintelligible for me before Spanish does but both do end up being just that, noise. At those times I can still read and write but speech is nah
and yeah I now see raptorcreatures as being autistic coded and I blame all the dang yinglets for it
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mooot · 3 years
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tonight is silly doodle night apparently
just pick the bread off idiot. throw it in the bin
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official-megumin · 2 years
Reasons to accept my green stone gift.
Costs nozhing
Looks pretty
Possibly edible
Maybe magical
Totally definitely won’t turn you into a yinglet 100% definitely won’t I am not lying
Barnacles give it character
(Hands you another green, glowing, barnacle rock.)
I am not falling for it
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fenmere · 11 months
Groups or packs that we have in our system (besides our three subsystems):
a pack of wolves: Brenna and Ian (the parents), Artemis, Athena, Hera, Nimrod, Ajax, and Persephone. Plus a handful of others who have attached themselves to the family from time to time whose names we don't remember right now.
a bunch of yinglets, including: Zeramin, Ezhrez, Sweetie (who likes to open straws), and Alia
the kobolds
the Ks (all masc presenting enbies with K names that like to dress in big gray trenchcoats)
the Jonathans (all masc presenting enbies who mostly dress in Star Trek TOS red shirts as a joke)
some unknown number of rabbits and hares
The Toilets
the pseudophages (mundane copies of @ohthatphage who often don't know they are not it)
We are sure there are more, but these are the ones we've documented in the past, and that have visited our conscious headspaces regularly in recent years.
Yinglets were created and copyrighted by Valsalia, they are a fictive species for us.
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aviyinglet · 9 months
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Pixel Yinglets v0.95 for VRChat! Now available!
Hiya, folks! I've been hard at work the last few weeks making my own yinglet base for VRChat from scratch. Details after the jump!
You can buy it if you like, BUT bear these things in mind first!
1. My yinglets' arms are close to the limb proportions you find in the yinglets of Out-of-Placers, meaning forearms are 2x as long as biceps; it was very important to me that I not compromise on this. For rigging this uncommon setup on PC, controller position is mapped to a point halfway down the forearm instead of on the model's hand, and because of that the model's hands are further out than your own. However, there's a tradeoff: grabbed items snap to the forearm controller position instead of to the hand, and hands/fingers do not move on Quest (this is why I do not recommend Quest-only users buy it for themselves). I have not found a way around this that keeps the proportions and improved elbow IK intact, but I've personally used this solution on my main model for over a year and have grown used to it. A public try-out base will be made available in the next few weeks so you can make a more informed decision; if you're on the fence, my advice is to wait until then rather than risk disappointment.
2. I haven't tried this with full-body tracking, so I wouldn't be surprised if this broke under those circumstances, but I aim to use the revenues from this to get a set of trackers and tweak the rig in this into something that works. This is going to be my main avatar as I continue to use VRChat on a weekly basis, any improvements I make to my own base will roll into the paid version.
3. This is my first paid base, and so some things are rough around the edges. I've made it entirely from scratch with free software (aside from a little bit of time in Aseprite), point-to-point modeling in Blender and painting in Krita; I bring all this up to say, if you'd like to support me beyond purchasing the base, five-starring it afterward and sharing this around to any interested parties would mean a lot. -v-
The yinglet species was created and developed in detail by Valsalia; it's fair to say at this point I owe a lot to the concept. Thanks, everyone. <3
I think that's it for now! I want to add a bunch of stuff to it, and enable all sorts of yinglet bases in VR (among other species), but for now, I'm breaking for a week, after which I'll polish what's here beyond "shippable" status before adding new features. With that out of the way, here's the purchase link:
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lenoratheyinglet · 4 months
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WE Are Lenora
A fun little TF for AgentXY! Who is shifting into me~ Can't say I have ever done this before but hey I won't complain about an extra set of hands to help me out~ Yinglets were made by Valsalia!! 
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aviyinglet · 5 months
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(Edit for dialogue, and because Clover wasn't sitting cool enough) My origin story's long since been a closely-guarded secret. Here it is at last Patreon - Ko-fi The yinglet species (and its association with funny rocks that explode in-hand) was originally created by Valsalia
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