feybeasts · 4 months
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I bear Zhis Burden of Responsibility, I suppose. Can't let people go around kickin' 'em when they're lookin' for shiny things and clams and what have ya.
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damazcuz · 5 months
I hate work I should be at the (remembers I don't want to go to the club) the imagination
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cosmos-kitty · 6 months
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Maybe the real treasure was the boops we made along the way
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undercovercannibal · 2 months
I think kids should be taught the joys of wearing headphones on public transport very early in their lives
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justcatposts · 5 months
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dee-the-red-witch · 6 months
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Oh look, just as fast and dirty as any other April 1st gag bit. Matt, Staff, Automattic, etc, FIX YOUR HEARTS. And do some work on the real problem on here.
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cometiny · 3 months
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you can shake him. he enjoys it
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turbles · 6 months
the only thing that bothers me about the booping is that I can see the paw pads which makes me feel like I'm backhanding peoples' blogs
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apollos-boyfriend · 6 months
“this is just facebook poking but with paws” okay AND???? get booped idiot
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daily--cats · 3 months
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babyanimalgifs · 5 months
Tiny paws, big adventures
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wolfsteax · 5 months
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their question was foreign, I could not understand
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canisalbus · 6 months
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Today's tumblr experience.
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so we are all just whacking each other with pool noodles on this fine april's day
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pangur-and-grim · 4 months
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Grim has decided the kitten is annoying, so I try to help the situation by slipping her treats whenever he's around.
unfortunately, the kitten also wants the treats.....
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