jiyeonyh · 4 years
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closed starter for -`, @yhminsoo​ ,´- 
outside of work parties, jiyeon almost never drank. more often than not, she had enough liquid in her system (from the several cups of coffee she drank on the daily) and not enough time in her schedule to indulge in the activity. additionally, as many others would agree, jiyeon wasn’t a big fan of the inevitable hangover that would await her the following morning. however, long work weeks were an exception. while she had fallen into a comfortable work routine and had become accustomed to the mayor’s inability to meet a deadline,  all the frantic running around yunhwa still managed to get to her. she wasn’t super human. every now and then, jiyeon needed a break. and tonight, she found herself in mokjawon tavern, loosening up after a drink or two.
it wasn’t long after she kept the drinks coming that they were finally getting to her head. jiyeon’s cheeks burned a light pink, and she felt too lightheaded to stand up properly. jutting out her lips in a slight pout, she dialed the first contact number to come to mind.
“minnie, I can’t let grandma see me like this. can you come and get me?” jiyeon spoke as slowly as she could to avoid slurring her words, but it wasn’t without difficulty. “i’m all alone and people probably think i look weird.”
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sirayh · 4 years
⟡ .. @yhminsoo​ & unspoken histories
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she smiles at minsoo, still boyishly handsome like the last time she saw him. the words it’s been good, how have you been almost spill from her lips out of pure habit, but she stops herself, realizing just how loaded of a question it can be for someone who’s had to carry grief on his shoulders from such a young age.
instead, she decides to humor his question and takes the empty seat beside him. “well, actually,” she says, quirking an eyebrow for dramatic emphasis, “things were a little hectic just a few days ago. there was a... bug enthusiast who rented out one of the rooms, right? i didn’t think anything of it, and everything was fine...” she puts her elbow onto the table, resting her chin on her palm, heaves a tired sigh. “until i come back from the post office, and i hear a huge commotion from outside. i bust in, and what do you know, the entire reception area is crawling with bugs.”
she flops back and slouches into the chair, an exasperated grin on her face. “turns out the guy was collecting them in these boxes in his room, and somehow they got loose. me and the gang had to turn this whole place upside down to get them all out. if only you’d been there, minsoo—i would have asked you to help me move the furniture around.”
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sujinyh · 4 years
“Don’t bother, I’m busy.”
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“well sir,” she blows some air from her mouth to her bangs, making them fly up (and possibly trying to sound intimidating), “i don’t really care if you’re busy or not. i just needed you to hold this one thing for me for a second while i get something else.” her arms were full from all the snacks she had grabbed from the small store. it wasn’t her usual self to buy all these snacks but she knew she wanted to eat them as she was craving it.
“plus, wasn’t it you that invited me out? what do you mean you’re busy now?!” 
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yhanran · 4 years
incorrect quote with @yhminsoo
————— ˚。 ・゚゚ they might have set the hurdle too high. minsoo said he was the gym teacher, but since it involved the word teacher, anran took the risk of assuming it meant he might likewise be decent at arts and crafts. she promised she wouldn’t take offense if he wasn’t, since he volunteered to help her out in trying something new for her videos - but that was before he shredded the bojagi.
it’s fabric. the thought didn’t dawn on anran that people who didn’t rip a piece of cloth on purpose could still somehow do it. but not only did he split his square, he also ripped a straight line down their patchwork. she holds back her sigh, conceals the way her hands are shaking as they hold the frayed edges when she calls out his name and tries not to sound disappointed - but he figures the discontent out even though the way they attempt to put on a sympathetic smile.
❝ how did you figure out what note? did the music teacher tell y- actually nevermind. i mean. we spent an hour on it... so it’s sad all the hard work went to waste. but it’s okay! it’s a learning experience! ❞ anran trails off, laying out her reasoning to console both herself and him.  ❝ maybe we can patch up the tear and pretend it’s part of the result. nobody else will know, right? ❞
anran: minsoo... minsoo: oh no, ‘minsoo’ in b-flat minsoo: you’re disappointed 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
what's your opinion on the kwangsoo academy staff?
oh my, it’s been so long since i’ve thought about school and teachers. usually as an adult, when you get out of school, you tend to forget everything about school. it doesn’t do one good to dwell on the past, but i guess there are still those out there who peaked during their school days and want to reminisce upon it. however, as none of the current teachers are from the time when i was around, i guess i can speak on them without bias. 
when you picture a kindergarten teacher, you always picture someone with a bright smile on their face, and a love for children. yet somehow, i just don’t think that kahi ( @yhkahi ) fits into that mold very much. does he not look gloomy to you, little birds? seems to me like the children probably comfort him for crying during class more than he does for them. 
if there was one word i could use to describe seojun ( @yhseojun ) it would be “pushover.” for someone with such an intimidating face he sure doesn’t have a backbone. usually having a tattoo is considered badass, but is it really if you were coerced into it by others? i wouldn’t be surprised if he was the type to give his students a’s just because they said “please.” art used to be my favorite subject, but after seeing aika ( @yhaika ), i suddenly no longer feel that way. perhaps maybe if she was a bit more interesting, i wouldn’t be so negative, but honestly she seems very mundane. a normal life, normal family, normal job. some people look like they like that though, since she does seem to have a lot of friends. 
haesol ( @yhhaesol ) is, in my honest opinion, the poster child for what a music teacher should be. eccentric, aloof, clumsy, and a little bit of a nutcase. although i’ve seen him oogling cute men a lot more than i’ve seen him actually teaching class, i’m sure the children love him as he reminds them of themselves. sometimes i wonder if he was a squirrel in his past life. perhaps it’s good that minsoo ( @yhminsoo ) is a physical education teacher and not teaching something actually academic. sometimes i wonder if i knocked on his skull if it would vibrate. he seems to have adopted the “no thoughts head empty” thing very well and i applaud him for that ‘cause i could never. at least his looks make up for it. 
there are more teachers but i think they’re a bit quiet and i can’t quite get a read on them. but teachers are all created from the same mold so i don’t think there’s much to say about them anyways. they all love and adore children, just as long as it’s not their own.
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yhsomin · 4 years
“Do you need help with that?”
ice breaker starters // still accepting!
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somin’s not weak; she would never admit to take. she takes pilates, does yoga and weight training. although, she hasn’t really been up to shape ever since she got to yunhwa. but, these  big boxes of ingredients that come into the inn for her job have been proving to be way too heavy for her to carry on her own. taking a look up from the box that she’s been struggling to carry, somin lets out a huff. the last person she really wants help from is minsoo with all his chattering and blabbering, but she will admit that she’s having a difficult time trying to get the crate of unground beans onto the counter. thus, she stands up straight, dusts out her hands and nods. 
minsoo’s one of those customers that don’t seem to know when to shut up, but she has to give it to him for his perseverance. plus, he offers some entertainment during her long hours at the inn, and it’s free entertainment. hell, it’s even better than free entertainment since he’s a paying customer. “there’s also a box of milk if you’d like to help with that afterwards.” 
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