jiyeonyh · 3 years
970401 / Happy Jiyeon day!
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
            he’s made a slip of tongue, only noticing after she repeats what he’s said that he’s confessed to her he’s woken up late and procrastinated on dining. he’s ready to pull up another excuse, go on some blabber. this is brunch. he’d proceed with some exaggerated bullshit to divert the subject, but she does it for him. so he pretends he didn’t hear her seconds away from scolding him for his bad life habits and instead latches onto her rebuttal.
          “  look i may not have been smart shit in high school but. “     his style of calling himself a failure without using the word or diving into the fact he’s a high school dropout with a flimsy certificate to his name.     “  isn’t it a bad idea to use coffee for hydration?  “      he also remembers in vagueness on the television the other day, someone saying they looked more gaunt in the face because of caffeine and something to do with absorbing water. eh, fuck the details. he hated science through all his years of learning with reasonable rights. when it says things work, it works.
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             there’s no need to press further. her words leap him over to another subject. food. there’s one thing he believes is a stereotype for good reason and that’s that, the way to a man is through his stomach. or something like that.     “  a second meal already? are you paying for the growing boy?  “     he asks with deceitful sweetness even though he knows he’s not advancing in height any longer. nor that he needs to he’s tall enough, and he’s only met few other person who’s gained the upper-hand round him. nor does he lack the money, but being spoiled for little details like this brings him small delight.     “  are we eating here or going elsewhere?  “
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she lets out a small chuckle as her words appeared to have betrayed her, turning back around to bite her. “tomato, tomato.” jiyeon shooed away the younger’s words with her hand. she knew well that his words rang true, but she wasn’t about to out herself as a hypocrite, preaching about self-care without following through with her own advice. jiyeon stifled a small cough to clear her throat and change the topic before speaking up once more.
“anyway, we were talking about you, not me. so let’s stay on topic, shall we?” a slight huff followed her words, stubbornly, as she crossed her arms against her chest. “why, of course i am. it wouldn’t be very responsible of me to allow my little dongsaeng to pay when i brought it up in the first place.” jiyeon resisted the urge to ruffle the younger’s hair playfully, knowing that they were short on time and any potential reason for bickering would set them back (but it wasn’t without difficulty). 
“seeing as i’ve already gotten my coffee fix in for the day, i would prefer going somewhere else for a real meal to fill me up, wouldn’t you agree?” as she thought aloud, jiyeon began making her way out in slow steps with the intention for the other to trail along behind her. “i was thinking maru’s, probably.” jiyeon paused, peeking back towards the other. “unless sura is more to your liking— of course, it’s up to you where you’d like to eat.”
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
❀ open starter.
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maybe it was a little embarrassing getting lost in a town that she should still know like the back of her hand– and mirae could swear she did! but.. she could also swear that this path or location, or wherever the hell she’d found herself in, was not here five years ago. if it was then.. then well she’d never come across it and this was just plain stupid. and there, that was her predicament now when all she wanted to do was go and get a coffee and sit down for a while ( the amount of walking she’d done was starting to kill her back anyway ). 
mind drifted everywhere but where she was walking though, was probably how she’d managed to walk smack bang into the back of someone though. 
“shit. fuck– fucking.. sorry. that was my fault.“ and maybe the words were a little huffed out, but last thing she needed was to end up being screamed at. and well.. that was her fucking fault, she’d admit that.
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one would think that by now, jiyeon would be used to going on wild goose chases around town. but sadly, that wasn’t the case, finding herself frustrated by her lack of direction. she was surely too proud to admit that she was lost, but without reception to guide her out of the woods, there wasn’t much that she could do to get herself out.
her irritation only spiked as she felt a nudge from behind, instinctively turning around with a fixed scowl on her lips. “ya—” she readied her fierce words with a deep breath, but stopped herself quickly at the sight of a familiar face.
“oh? what are you doing here?” jiyeon questioned, raising her brow with curiosity. she hadn’t seen mirae since high school, before she’d suddenly left yunhwa without a trace. back then, they were never on the best of terms, so she hadn’t paid much mind to it. but seeing her again now, the surprise was inevitable. 
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
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 jiyeon’s playlist
TRACK 001: Rose // Lee Hi
❝ My love is like a red rose It may be beautiful now But my sharp thorns will hurt you ❞
jiyeon’s lack of stability in a household prior to moving to yunhwa has left her feeling unworthy of receiving love. she’s sheltered and guarded, requiring a lot of time and effort to really get on intimate terms with her. at times, jiyeon will allow you to get close, but her insecurities and thoughts of self-doubt end up eating away at her and push you away again. 
TRACK 002: I Miss You // SOYOU
❝ Even if I’m born again Wherever you are hiding I will find you ❞
she was a fan of the drama, but mostly resonates with the powerful feelings that the song evokes. even if she can’t feel much of a personal connection, jiyeon admires the idea of having such a strong bong with a loved one and vowing to find them again, even in another life. 
TRACK 003: Hate Everything // GSoul
❝ Hate that I'm singing this song I hate that I have to be strong Hate that you're gone ❞
at a young age, jiyeon felt a lot of negative emotions. mixed in with the grief of losing her parents and feeling rejected by her other relatives, it was difficult for her to see any light at the end of the tunnel. to be blunt, she hated everyone and everything. she was a child— why did she have to deal with these things all on her own?
TRACK 004: Fine // Taeyeon
❝ Not me It won’t be easy for me Still, you fill up my days ❞
it’s been many, many years since then. jiyeon is a grown adult now and has grown past that stage of her life. however, every now and then she still gets hit with a wave of emotions. as she’s matured, jiyeon has learned to allow time for herself to be sad before jumping back into the hustle and bustle of her work.  
TRACK 005: Wish You Were Here // CL
❝ Can't believe you went from mother to angel in the space of a day ❞
there are times that she thinks about the what ifs. what if they never left that day? what if she were here? what if i never came to yunhwa? jiyeon can’t help but wonder how different her life may have been as she reminisces on memories with her mother that she was never actually able to experience. 
TRACK 006: If There's Nothing Left... // NIKI
❝ If there's nothing left, I have you If there's nothing left If there's nothing left, you have me too ❞
she knows how it feels to be alone in the world and she never wants her loved ones to go through that. this is for all of those that she holds dear, to let them know that she will always be there for them, by their side, no matter what. 
TRACK 007: pov // Ariana Grande
❝ I'm gеtting used to receiving Still gеtting good at not leaving I'ma love you even though I'm scared Learnin' to be grateful for myself ❞
there is no one in this world that she loves more than her grandmother. jiyeon is eternally grateful for the love that she was shown by grandma han even when her younger self had given up on the world around her. because of her, jiyeon strives to be a better person every day and work hard to become a granddaughter than she can be proud of loving. although it can still be difficult, jiyeon is still learning every day with her help. 
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
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“oh, c’mon. that nickname’s so outdated.” and it felt like some kind of oblivious rejection — her reaction to his words  &  the resurfacing of a long-lived nickname acted as a reminder that she had always been just a little bit out of reach and always would be. “you know that i’m twenty, right?” he asked, immature whine in his voice betraying the point that he was trying to make. “and i’m so much taller than i used to be…” in the end, it didn’t matter. it was just a cute nickname and he had better things to focus on, like the minuscule victory and the newfound knowledge that he’d get a prize for popping a single balloon. it never seemed that easy in the movies he watched.
“i get to pick a prize already? my day’s taking a turn for the best,” he declared, glazing over the age-old idea that he could be jinxing himself. “hmm. you know, i actually didn’t even really look? why don’t you pick for me? with your touch, it’ll be a real lucky charm.” he grinned, sparing a quick glance towards the seemingly impatient line of kids waiting for their turns. “and if you have the time, we could jump back in line and you could give it a go. if you win, i’ll pick your prize. it’ll be fun!”
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her face was met with a small frown as she looked endearingly at the younger. “of course, little one, but i just can’t help it! you’re just sooo cute!” jiyeon continued to tease, giving his cheek a light pinch. even as he continued to argue against her words, she simply couldn’t help but awww in response, smiling sweetly as she rested the palm of her hands on each side of her face. it was strange to think about all the kids she’d grown up with being adults in their own right when she looked at them and could only think back on the memories they’d shared together as kids. “is that you trying to remind me what a grown up you are? so cute! yes, yes. you’re big and tall now, it’s a miracle!” her words remained light despite doing her best to humor the younger’s words.
“i’m far too old for any of these prizes, but for you, i’ll try to pick out something nice!” she insisted, making her way behind the counter. “hmm, let’s see.” jiyeon could only spot one prize in particular: the big stuffed bear. reaching for it, excitedly, she turned back to the younger, offering it with an encouraging smile. “why don’t you woo someone lucky over with this cute doll!”
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
Youngmi glances back at the town hall before returning back to her clothing, eyes squinting as she examines the pieces further and half-listens to Jiyeon speak. Deciding was hard. So very hard. It wasn’t fun to decide. It was almost like a burden for her. She wasn’t used to it, if she had to be honest. Sure, she was asked of things on occasion, but Youngmi was mostly used to people deciding for her, from her parents to her siblings to her other friends… so why should she suddenly begin saying yes or no now?  She was still her own person despite it all. She would just… rather have people tell her what to do in most situations. A follower, if you will. That… oooorrrr it might be the unfortunate placements of her astrological chart she likes to keep hidden as to why she could never decide… people did not need know how much of a mess she was on the daily ( otherwise known as: Youngmi liked to entertain this excuse often to avoid any semblance of accountability ).
Her wandering thoughts, however, are stopped in their tracks as she feels a tap on her shoulder, and with a screech does the younger nearly jump out of her shoes and just barely manage to catch her phone from falling from her grasp. She had not been listening to Jiyeon announcing her arrival; something Youngmi wishes she had bothered to make note of.  “ Oh my god. Please, a warning next time!  ”   There’s a small pout on her lips as she straightens herself up, though it’s quickly replaced with a smile as she properly nods to her friend in greeting once settled.  “ Thank you for coming out here… you really didn’t have to, like I said. Sorry if you were busy. Buuuuut…. since you’re here, help!  ”
Youngmi grins as she holds out the two items in her hands, hoping that Jiyeon could see them without much of a problem as her arms were only so big.  “ Sorry to jump right into it. But I doooo think your fashion style is pretty good?  I like what you’re wearing today, so!  ”  She beams.  “ Which sweater? I’ll be in my black pants for Sura… so I suppose both match, right? They’re both pale enough by comparison to the jet black of the pants. Right…? Oh god, don’t tell me I have to choose something else entirely actually – ”
"well, i thought my countdown was a warning.” she chuckled, teasing the other with a small grin. almost expectantly, jiyeon shifted her weight over to one side as she listened patiently to the other’s words, allowing her to finish before voicing her opinion. “there’s really no need to apologize, youngmi. helping out the people of yunhwa is my job.” jiyeon made the simple reminder with a shrug of her shoulders, waving off the other’s apologies before looking down at her own attire. “i’m not too sure about that...” she hummed aloud, frowning slightly at her day-to-day business casual pencil skirt and blouse. “but thank you for the compliment, youngmi. you may proceed.”
she studied the two options carefully as presented to her, nodding along as the other spoke when she felt it appropriate to. but besides that, her face was as blank and unrevealing as a newly bought canvas. allowing the silence to grow between them, jiyeon took a few moments to ponder the options carefully before offering a reply.
“go with the brown cardigan. it suits the black pants better.” as always, she kept her answers simple and straight to the point, preferring to not allow any room for discussion. the last think jiyeon wanted to do was add more options and choices to the pile, which would probably, inevitably, end up flustering youngmi even more. “you’ll look great!”
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
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happy birthday to forever ending fairy jung chaeyeon ♡
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶🦶 post it i dare u
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stay away from town hall during business hours, thanks.
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
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          minsoo stood for only a moment longer before dropping into the chair across the table from jiyeon, elbows leaning against the flat surface. an uncontrolled breath of air resembling a laugh escaped his lips. i don’t want you here anyway. if he had a ten won note for every time he heard that… he gave her time to huff and puff and settle her own grievances, an ear to simply listen. he could keep his comments to himself, mostly because he wanted to hurry her home and finish his night off.
          “lucky for my future girlfriend—you’re such a good babysitter she won’t even have to bother.” grinning, the server dropped off two small glasses filled with… something. whatever liquid was in the cups, min downed all of it, offering the poor worker an apologetic smile. if it wasn’t for the town’s love for grandma han, minsoo wondered if jiyeon would’ve been kicked out by now. 
          “okay, i’m bringing you home. i have to finish my grading by the morning, so your grandma can take care of the rest,” he sighed, nudging jiyeon’s thigh with his knee, hands firmly in his sweatshirt pockets. “you can at least walk, right?”
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jiyeon felt all too comfortable scowling and rolling her eyes in response to his words. “if she were lucky, she wouldn’t end up with you, right?” she responded, sticking out her tongue like a child. of course, she didn’t mean all that she said. but when it came to minsoo, the words came out all too naturally. he got on her nerves more than anyone else she’d known, yet (believe it or not) he was one of the people in her life she valued most. 
after being so preoccupied with her childish insults, jiyeon had barely noticed her next round being brought to the table until minsoo drank them in their entirety. speechless and upset, she could only gape her mouth open in shock, barely able to keep up with processing the events. 
her mind had barely taken in his words when she felt the nudge at her thigh, eyes widening in desperation. “no! you can’t! please, minnie!” she pleaded, catching his hand in a firm grip in an attempt to stop the other in his tracks. “you can’t take me home and let her see me like this. i don’t want to inconvenience her...” jiyeon’s words trailed off as she pouted sadly to the floor. “minnie...”
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
                                                                                                   ( with @jiyeonyh )
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     town hall, to kitae at the very east, seemed to be the core generator for yunhwa’s infamous sleepy energy. there couldn’t be much to manage, after all, its boundaries were small and self sustaining in its own right. he could have sworn he’d heard snoring when passing by the mayor’s office last week when the air conditioning broke, but he figured it might have been the churn of all the ancient machinery in the cramped building echoing through its out dated ventilation system. most of the computers there were still running windows vista, much to his own horror. the amount of times he had to help the prehistoric receptionist who refused to retire how to copy and paste was enough to drive him absolutely mad. 
     he was here, again, because of the true bane of his existence: the god damn copy machine. it was intimidatingly large, and he was half convinced it’s presence in the town preceded even the first settlers. it had to have been forged from some form of indestructible material, what with its refusal to kick the bucket. it still churned out copies, but on its own schedule, the temperamental machine dictating when it wanted to cooperate and when it wanted to make the town hall employee’s ( and his ) lives a living hell. 
     today it chose violence. no matter what kitae did, it simply refused to sputter to life. the unholy screen remained a frightening blue, one that did not reassure its revival any time soon. he resorted to disassembling the motor, trying to make sense of its outdated pieces before a set of hurried footsteps met his ear. he knew without having to turn around who it was. 
     “i already told you,” he groaned out. “i’m working as fast as i can but i think this thing is dead. ask the mayor to get a new one.” 
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jiyeon was self-aware enough to admit that she was probably one of the most stubborn of citizens in yunhwa. she was a strong believer in the idea that if it isn’t broken, there’s no need to fix it. however, she would also admit that this was mostly due to being too busy to bother with learning new mechanics and methods that could possibly disrupt her perfectly laid out work plan. on most days, the copy machine worked just fine— it got the work done! for a while, that was all that mattered to jiyeon. but today, one or two hard taps on the side didn’t seem to cut it. 
“you’ve fixed it for us before, i’m sure you can do it again! work your magic and do whatever it takes!” she didn’t bother hiding the stress intertwined in her exasperated tone. part of her knew that he was right— it was a professional opinion, afterall. however, jiyeon’s mind was far too clouded with the concern of failing to meet the day’s deadlines to think logically. 
even with lee jaerim officially taking up the mantle as yunhwa’s new mayor, the presence of his predecessor still lingered in town hall. there was still a pile of transitional paperwork to process and file that she hadn’t even heard of prior. but she could still manage to finish on time so long as the copier did it’s job!
she sighed, running a frustrated hand through her hair before turning back to the handyman. while the look on her face was weary, jiyeon’s stance remained firm as she shifted her weight to rest on her left leg, hands resting on her waist. 
“please, i am begging you to do whatever it takes to get this machine fixed by today. and at the end of it all, i will owe you my life.”
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
“  you should never buy heels you can’t run in.  ”  yuna sagely nods, and while the advice given is rather sound, yuna currently seems anything but. lifting up a foot to show off her cute and sensible wedges, she beams proudly at jiyeon.  “  see! i dressed up for this!  ”  it’s really the only part of her carefully curated outfit that’s still vaguely visible– yuna’s wrapped her arms in tinfoil and her body in a picnic blanket.  “  you could take the stockings off! aren’t they stuffy, anyway? it’s so warm out!  ”  like she’s not baking her arms in the tinfoil. the kids’d asked her to be ‘ it ’, though, and yuna was fully committed to the role of the alien overlord intent on tagging all the children of yunhwa.
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"i wasn’t planning on running.” her words were a mixture of a whine and a mumble in response to the other. each time the pair met up with one another, jiyeon was in awe of yuna’s fervent personality. while they’d bonded over the ability to quietly work aside one another in comfortable silence, it was times like these that she felt at a loss for words. “i cannot just take my stockings off in public!” jiyeon could feel her cheeks warm up, brushing a faint red blush against them as she spoke. “i still can’t believe you actually agreed to put that on. please go easy on me, there is still so much to do today.” 
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
✂︎ …
sejun’s bored; there’s an art block going on inside his head, it’s not late enough to sit at mokjawon, and he can’t just sleep the entire day away. well he could but his insomnia is acting up so it would be rather pointless to try. there is something that he’s been dying to check out and it takes him days to work up the courage, mostly because he hasn’t found anyone to go with him into the forest, and of course he’s not going alone. 
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“it is an emergency,” he says. “the thought hasn’t left my brain since i heard the rumor. you do want me to get a good night’s sleep, right?” sejun tugs on her arm a little for her to continue walking. “are you scared or something?” sejun asks, giving her a smirk and pulling her along. “all rumors are based in some truth, so i don’t believe you. besides, if there isn’t then you can say you told me so.”
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another reluctant sigh left her lips as she continued to be led down the forest path. “i am not scared.” jiyeon huffed out, doing her best to refrain from rolling her eyes. yes, she constantly reassured her assistance to the citizens and visitors of yunhwa, but she wouldn’t have imagined anyone past the age of twelve actually asking her to accompany them on this infamous journey out into the woods. “i just feel sorry for the family is all.” jiyeon muttered under breath, silently cursing the gossipers of the town for allowing the rumor to grow as big as it has over the years. 
“and when we inevitably discover that this is just a mere shack, then what shall we do? make a bet on it? just being able to say ‘i told you so’ feels lackluster.” 
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
@jiyeonyh​ sent:  “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
let’s break the ice with these memes! / accepting!
the moment she sees her, she swears she feels her heart stop. 
it feels like years since she had the chance to talk to that woman. even if she moved out for the benefit of her mental health, she couldn’t help but feel guilt over the situation. she’s tried to avoid her family every chance she gets, even if she’s aware that wasn’t the best solution to ease this discomfort. but she didn’t need to face the reminder of the grave mistake she’s done to her family. the grave mistake she’s done to her. 
was it apparent on her face? she wouldn’t be surprised if it was. jaehee was never the type to mask her emotions anyways. but she couldn’t help but be frightened over seeing her mother of all people in the city hall. but she doesn’t want to act like a freak to jiyeon about it. it’s not like the girl is aware of her family issues. 
“what are you talking about? i am absolutely fine!” she says as she shifts herself so that the other girl could be directly in front of her. “but would you mind uh… staying where you are? i’m trying to make sure someone doesn’t see me when i’m not dressed to the best.”
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at the younger’s reaction, jiyeon couldn’t help but return a suspicious glance. her excuse was a rather obvious lie, but it wasn’t clear to the secretary why she’d felt the need to do so. while jiyeon had attempted to peek into the window’s reflection for the source of the problem, it was to no avail. however, she didn’t linger on the subject, understanding that there were some things that people wished to keep to themselves. even if she hadn’t been in a similar position all those years ago, jiyeon preferred to steer away from gossip, not wanting to pry into the personal lives of others unless invited.
“jaehee, you look fine. actually, i don’t think there’s ever a day where you don’t look camera ready.” she lightly teased with a shake of her head. “but i suppose i can do you the favor of standing here for a few moments— but i do have a schedule to follow. speaking of which, what brought you down to town hall today? certainly you didn’t come all this way just to stand and stare at me.”
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
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Black Swan (2010) dir. Darren Aronofsky
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
“oh-? here?” caught off-guard, he flounders for a moment before eyes fix onto the nearby stall - selling what look like small flower-shaped cakes. he may not have been here long, but one thing he’s discovered about yunhwa is that they do like their blossoms, and surrounded with the cozy festivity of the ongoing events, he’s been infected with the spirit. “i guess i have to try it, then.”
he hums and disappears momentarily in the hustle of people before emerging again, triumphantly brandishing his collected snacks (one of which he passes over to the unfamiliar woman, insistent). “here. wah - it smells good… hey, does this sort of thing happen with every new mayor?”
jiyeon smiled at the other’s agreement, watching with eager anticipation as she nodded her head excitedly. “yes! right here! you won’t regret it, i promise.” were anyone to be listening in on their conversation, they would have thought that jiyeon had been the one to bake the cakes herself. alas, she was merely a taste tester of each of the delicacies offered. although, as she had a hand in selecting the menus, part of her felt quite attached to them. 
“oh, thank you!” she exclaimed, suddenly being handed a treat for herself. however, rather than digging in immediately, jiyeon’s eyes remained fixated on the visitor. “i don’t believe i was here in yunhwa when the previous mayor was inaugurated. but knowing the town people and their deeply rooted traditions, i could imagine that they celebrated similarly.”
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jiyeonyh · 4 years
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closed starter for -`, @yhyunho​​​ ,´-
when she’d heard of yunho’s birthday approaching through the grapevine, jiyeon’s mind was quick to think up a small gift for the other. during their occasional lunch outings, he often gifted her with beautiful flower arrangements that brightened up her desk for weeks. she thought it to be fitting to try her hand at putting a small bouquet together for the birthday boy, hoping that sentiments would come across well. as she waited at their agreed meeting place, jiyeon hid the bouquet behind her petite frame, keeping a careful eye out for the other’s arrival before managing to catch sight of his familiar face. 
“happy birthday, flower boy!” she greeted with a bright smile, holding the flowers out towards him. “i admit that i’m a bit nervous about presenting this arrangement to a professional, but i hope you like them.”
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