#the descriptions.......are actually just me rambling v badly so dont mind
jiyeonyh · 4 years
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 jiyeon’s playlist
TRACK 001: Rose // Lee Hi
❝ My love is like a red rose It may be beautiful now But my sharp thorns will hurt you ❞
jiyeon’s lack of stability in a household prior to moving to yunhwa has left her feeling unworthy of receiving love. she’s sheltered and guarded, requiring a lot of time and effort to really get on intimate terms with her. at times, jiyeon will allow you to get close, but her insecurities and thoughts of self-doubt end up eating away at her and push you away again. 
TRACK 002: I Miss You // SOYOU
❝ Even if I’m born again Wherever you are hiding I will find you ❞
she was a fan of the drama, but mostly resonates with the powerful feelings that the song evokes. even if she can’t feel much of a personal connection, jiyeon admires the idea of having such a strong bong with a loved one and vowing to find them again, even in another life. 
TRACK 003: Hate Everything // GSoul
❝ Hate that I'm singing this song I hate that I have to be strong Hate that you're gone ❞
at a young age, jiyeon felt a lot of negative emotions. mixed in with the grief of losing her parents and feeling rejected by her other relatives, it was difficult for her to see any light at the end of the tunnel. to be blunt, she hated everyone and everything. she was a child— why did she have to deal with these things all on her own?
TRACK 004: Fine // Taeyeon
❝ Not me It won’t be easy for me Still, you fill up my days ❞
it’s been many, many years since then. jiyeon is a grown adult now and has grown past that stage of her life. however, every now and then she still gets hit with a wave of emotions. as she’s matured, jiyeon has learned to allow time for herself to be sad before jumping back into the hustle and bustle of her work.  
TRACK 005: Wish You Were Here // CL
❝ Can't believe you went from mother to angel in the space of a day ❞
there are times that she thinks about the what ifs. what if they never left that day? what if she were here? what if i never came to yunhwa? jiyeon can’t help but wonder how different her life may have been as she reminisces on memories with her mother that she was never actually able to experience. 
TRACK 006: If There's Nothing Left... // NIKI
❝ If there's nothing left, I have you If there's nothing left If there's nothing left, you have me too ❞
she knows how it feels to be alone in the world and she never wants her loved ones to go through that. this is for all of those that she holds dear, to let them know that she will always be there for them, by their side, no matter what. 
TRACK 007: pov // Ariana Grande
❝ I'm gеtting used to receiving Still gеtting good at not leaving I'ma love you even though I'm scared Learnin' to be grateful for myself ❞
there is no one in this world that she loves more than her grandmother. jiyeon is eternally grateful for the love that she was shown by grandma han even when her younger self had given up on the world around her. because of her, jiyeon strives to be a better person every day and work hard to become a granddaughter than she can be proud of loving. although it can still be difficult, jiyeon is still learning every day with her help. 
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