yunhwailbo · 3 years
who do you think the town's most messiest residents are?
i think you’re asking the wrong questions here, my darling little birds. people here lead such pure and pristine lives, how could anyone in yunhwa be messy? is what you’re all made to think. but i’m lady m, and i’m here to shine light onto the truth. yunhwa isn’t perfect, and i have the receipts to prove it.  people always seem to think that moving to a new town, a small town especially, that they could leave their baggage behind and forget about the stuff that’s going on in their lives for a moment. it’s as if just by being next to nature that somehow they’re automatically healed. well i’m here to tell this naive soul that she is sadly very wrong. best selling author nari ( @yhnari ) seems to think that yunhwa could heal her, fix all her issues and help her write again. but it just looks to me like she’s being engulfed by her demons instead. inspiration is not going to come to you by spending your nights at the tavern, dear, and even it does you’ll forget them like how you’re forgetting your problems. unfortunately, unlike inspiration and ideas which when once they are forgotten they never come back... your problems still follow you everywhere, don’t they?  then there’s our mechanic yejoon ( @yhchoiyejoon ) who had taken up the post for his late father. the picture perfect image of a filial son, walking in his grown man’s footsteps. his vices, to the surprise of no one are the cigarettes sold in the convenience store located coincidentally in the gas station as well. i’m thinking he probably buys out the store’s supply himself most of the time, enough so that he forgets that he has his own key to get inside the shop. as with most people, he has dreams to leave this godforsaken town and do something with his life. newsflash, dearest yejoon, you’re nearing 30 now, if you haven’t left yet at this point, chances are you never will.  and of course, a list of messes would not be complete without the town’s darling seona ( @yhseona ). not only does she seem to be struggling in her romantic life, rumor has it that little miss promiscuous also has issues with illicit activity as well. careful where you smoke, dear. we wouldn’t want you getting caught and leaving your many admirers high and dry while you’re serving time in jail for your recreational choices. 
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yunhwailbo · 3 years
i noticed someone in a newly founded "relationship" flirting with someone else... 👁👁
if we’re thinking of the same person, i can’t say i’m surprised by this, i’m more surprised that the fact that she actually decided to settle... down. considering her ways before the relationship, it’s not a surprise that the trend continues even after seona ( @yhseona ) had found “the one.” though i’m saddened by her choice as i see more chemistry between her and the person she’s currently playing push and pull with than i see with her and juno ( @yhjuno ). if the two weren’t so vocal on social media about how happy they were, i would’ve assumed seona was dating eunbi ( @yheunbi ) instead. 
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yunhwailbo · 3 years
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As tradition prevails in Yunhwa, the peaceful woods nesting The Inn is once again bustling with change that didn’t exist before. Smells of fresh meals attract the hungry ones into the neighborhood, guests can see bold squirrels climbing the crowded picnic areas for a quick treat as music plays overhead. The faintest smell of Yunhwa flowers in the distant breeze is a pleasant reminder for anyone around why the event was occurring. Yunhwa’s beloved festival was always a hit with the locals and tourists alike, and this year wasn’t very much distinct. 
The stage set out contained no empty schedules as act after act chose to perform, filling the area with festival cheers. From foreign acts from bands, solos, and even comedy acts, the talent that arrived in the town was unbeatable. We had brave Yunhwa residents step up for their chance to shine. One such act was Jung Juno, who blew everyone away with his mesmerizing violin piece. The delicate sound travelled through the commemoration and touched multiple hearts. He earned that standing ovation he heard. Another act that took the spotlight was Lee Miso’s performance of Rollin’ who caught the recognition of many. It was a transition that guests were not expecting, but enjoyed. She supplied the show with passionate dancing and singing, and while the audience seemed to enjoy themselves, the performer appeared to have even more happiness.
Curious patrons also filled the grounds, while the productions received the most attention during the weekend with the many unique scenes. They are walking by booths crammed with delicious food and exceptional handmade merchandise. It was easy to catch Jiang Anran running around the booths assisting people. Han Seojun too, noted to be scattered about though they might have to be more careful with their drink choices next time. Festival goers spotted Na Sejun conversing with different friends, rushing to various booths and sneaking away to watch the flowers. It appears three days wasn’t enough for any of them, and they had to fit everything into their schedule before the end of the festival. We hope they had fun and made lots of memories. 
With the ending of the Yunhwa Spring Festival, the quiet falls upon Yunhwa, a return to before and normal life continues. The three-day festival always brought smiles to Yunhwa in the years past, and we are certain that it will continue to do so. Here’s to a great festival and the hopes of an even greater festival next year. 
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yunhwailbo · 3 years
tell me about the lover's spat and who is this sad boy you speak of, lady m? 👀
i thought i was being very direct in my last post when i mentioned that they were town favorites, but it seems i have to spell out everything for you children. though not to drop names as i think i’ve dropped their names plenty of times already, i’ll be nice this time and only provide hints. the lovers that i speak of is a very well adored pair of roommates, i’ve heard through the grapevines that white day didn’t go as planned for the two of them, such a shame. now, sad boy is also a well known name among these parts, my only hint for you is that he works at the tavern. misery loves alcohol, after all. 
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yunhwailbo · 3 years
lady m, you've been way too quiet... are you plotting something?
if there was anything to plot, i would, but there is nothing going on in town that i have been informed about. i thought that the festival would bring some excitement, but all i saw was a lover’s spat between the town’s favorite couple and the town’s favorite sad boy picking fights with people again. other than that, the rest of the town is too normal and it’s getting tiring to be constantly telling you how disappointed i am in all of you. perhaps my silence will speak louder than my words and some of you will start bringing me news again.  though maybe you shouldn’t be asking me why i’m so quiet. have you noticed that the mayor hasn’t said a single word since the welcome luncheon? he didn’t even show up to his first festival as mayor... if i had to guess, the one plotting something would be him and not me. 
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yunhwailbo · 3 years
lady m, do you happen to know inna's skincare routine. she's so pretty despite being an old hag. . . i heard that she's turning forty this year.
personally, i don’t know what she uses, but as an “old hag” myself, i take offence to one of my kin being referred to as such. i’ll tell you what i do, though, i bathe in the tears of disrespectful children such as yourself. learn to respect your elders, my dear. next time i hear you call someone else an old hag, i’ll be coming for you personally. 
though i think i’m the only one that does that. something tells me that our lovely teahouse owner ( @innayh ) actually bathes in her own tears. maybe you could try that too? 
ciao, my little bird. 
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yunhwailbo · 3 years
hashtag lady m for mayor!
although i’m honored that you think that i would be fit for mayor, my little bird. and it brings me immense joy thinking about how much this would bother our lovely mayor who lives for the attention. how livid he must feel knowing that people don’t think he’s fit for the job. as thrilling as it is to steal his life’s work from him, i don’t want to actually be mayor. it’s too much busy work and very little gratification. 
the public eye is a fickle beast and i’m sure dear jaerim is feeling that right now. how does it feel, dearest, to be sitting on a throne and watching your subjects worship another? oh how i pity you. the amount of work you put into bettering this town, and yet... how many actually know your name? 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
seems like there's trouble in paradise for seungho and mirae out there?
darling, seems to me like you’re very out of the loop if you think there was ever any paradise to begin with. from what i see, mirae ( @miraeyh ) and seungho ( @seunghoyh ) had parted ways years ago and may very well stay parted. not a big loss on her part, i don’t think. honestly, if you ask me, he sure has some guts to expect her to immediately accept him back into her life after leaving her to raise their child all by herself for four years. 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
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hello my little birds, it’s been awhile since you’ve woken up and seen this lovely letterhead sitting upon your doorsteps, hasn’t it? some of you have probably even wondered if i had gone completely online and i’m here to assure you that i will always prefer the old fashioned printing to the digitized world we find ourselves in. although running the blog is fun and i am amused by all the questions that you send in, my favorite form of writing is always going to be exposés such as this one where i am able to get into the nitty gritty little details. 
stay tuned, little birds, for i have a good one for you today. with the conclusion of white day there have been many new findings that i am anxious to share with you. perhaps love really is in bloom just in time for spring, or maybe everything will fall into disaster. we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we, dears? where will the wings of love take these pairings to now? 
it seems, ladies and gentlemen, that the schoolyard is not only reserved for young love anymore. with spring coming around it seems there will be a pair of teachers that will be walking hand in hand through the flower together. maybe the brownies that kahi ( @yhkahi ) had given seojun ( @yhseojun ) were laced with a love potion as a kiss is not the usual response one would normally give when receiving brownies. though i do warn against dating coworkers as it tends to get messy once things go south. 
another sweet moment was shared between best friend duo wooseok ( @wooseokyh ) and jiwon ( @yhjiwon ). perhaps they missed the memo, but the last time i checked white day was a romantic day. yet these two have taken it upon themselves to turn into a friendly day. i guess i can’t be too surprised when our dearest wooseok is as pure as the white rose that he gifted jiwon. but be careful, dear, lest you start giving people ideas and think you want more than just friendship. unless... you’re not as innocent as we think and that’s exactly what you want? 
continuing the “two best friends” trend is eunsang ( @yheunsang ) and sejun ( @yhsejun ) with yet again another gifting of a single rose. honestly, i get it, kids, we’re all struggling and broke, but is a whole bouquet that hard to buy? or maybe a whole bouquet too obvious? news flash, my dears, any sort of gifting of flowers on white day is obvious. you’re only fooling yourselves here. but since i did out sejun last time as a player, i will retract my words with this and congratulate him for being able to find someone who could put up with his whining. 
maybe there’s a magic to being roommates that has two people gravitating towards one another, or maybe it’s just a weird case of stockholm syndrome in which two people mistake the feelings of familiarity with romance. whichever it may be, we have finally found out who it was that our angry boy jiho ( @jihoyh ) was pining over, little birds, and it was none other than his roommate, anran ( @yhanran ). seems he put a lot of thought into his little plan, the gift basket something i never expected from mr. pissy pants. careful there, doll, lest they start using you for clout on their channel. 
while many are focusing on forming new loves on this fateful day, there are those pining over past loves and hoping that the spark has not disappeared with time. that’s what leads us to the lovely pair yunho ( @yhyunho ) and jihyun ( @yhjihyun ). i’m not sure what you thought you were trying to fix with a single bouquet though, yunho dearest. but i guess men really are just clueless to the way to a girl’s heart. next time if you want to fix years of heartbreak and betrayal, darling, the least you could do is treat her out for a nice dinner. 
we’ve been talking about all these success stories of blooming romance. but some just aren’t as successful in their attempts at romance. yes, yunhee ( @yunheeyh ) and keyu ( @keyuyh ), i am looking at you, my darlings. your blunders have not gone unnoticed. was it nerves or are the two of you just that messy? they always say that love is painful, but i’m starting to think that the two of you have taken that a little too far. i’m sure you’ll remember this for a long time though. especially since the scar will stay forever.
ciao, my little birds. 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
lady m im your biggest fan can you share one of your juiciest secrets with me
just because you claim to be my fan, dear, doesn’t mean i’ll give you special treatment. nothing in this world is ever free, i’m not here to do charity work. if you want some secrets from me, there’s a price to pay. give me something good first and perhaps i will consider. 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
you've talked about interesting pairs but who would you like to play matchmaker for if you could?
oh, darling, it’s adorable that you to think that any of you are worth the effort of playing matchmaker for. I’m not here to help anyone, i have my own life to live. i’m merely here as a source of information and nothing more than that. how about instead, why don’t you tell me who you think should be together? perhaps all they need is a little push to get their own issues figured out. i know a call-out would be the perfect thing. 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
lady m, i think this has been a long time coming. we've lived here for a while, most of our lives i dare say, and i can't believe i didn't do this sooner... not to point fingers... but... i mean... you did decide to hide for a while. anyway... what i'm trying to say is... would you marry me?
i’m sensing that i’m a punchline of a practical joke right now, but i suppose i can humor you for a bit. suppose we were to get married, dear... do you think you could even walk down the aisle in your state? i’m no longer as young as i used to be, unlike your dearest friends and family, i don’t have the time or energy to wait for you to get back on your feet again. 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
lady m... if i asked you to marry me right now. would you say yes?
i’m afraid, dear, that i will sadly have to decline. i’m already engaged to disappointment, i’d rather not to be married to another one as well. though i wonder why you would even want to marry me in the first place. i’d imagine it’d be very similar to being married to your dearest mother, wouldn’t you think? 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
I heard Jiho wanted to impress someone for White Day. Any bets on who, Lady M?
wish i had more news to give you, dear. but with the way in which jiho ( @jihoyh ) seems to flirt with everything on legs, it honestly could be anyone. however, if the rumors are true and there is in fact a special someone he’s thinking about, all i can say is i pity that poor person. 
i do admire him for his confidence though. seems he’s one of the only few to actually use the guise of white day to, as you say it, “shoot his shot.” 
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
hi everyone! we’re so glad to see that you’ve been enjoying your interactions with lady m and we’ve been having a lot of fun brainstorming responses. we noticed one tiny thing. some of our asks include characters who haven’t had the opportunity to interact ic yet and therefore us, the admin team, don’t know how to cater our replies to the muse. so sorry everyone but we’re going to have to spoil the fun just a little bit and add in a rule that the muse needs to have ongoing threads with three different muses. that way we can gain a better view of how your muse interacts with other people, a better understanding of their position in yunhwa and give better personalized replies! we will also be adding this to our pinned. as usual if you have any questions or concerns feel free to message us and we will do our best to assist.
- your admod team. ♡
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
any budding romances you’re keeping an eye on?
the only thing i’ve been noticing in yunhwa romance wise is how everyone is just acting like a bunch of children and not being honest with themselves. i honestly expected more from the adults, but even they are disappointing me just as much as the children are. while the adults are living in the past, holding onto memories of lost loves and lamenting about the youthful days, trying to recreate past love stories with old flames, all the children seem to be hiding behind the name of “friendship.” no one is willing to admit anything if there are feelings to speak of and i am getting tired of it all. 
i was hoping, so hopeful, that the white day event being held in town would be the push for people to confess and i’d actually have stuff to write home about, but alas the only romance i see is my engagement with disappointment. if this continues any longer, little birds, i will be sending you a wedding invitation for my union with my long standing fiance. then i’d have to change my name to lady d for disappointment. 
honestly, the only thing keeping me going right now are the occasional one night stands and quiet affairs, you know who you are, dears, i don’t think i need to drop any names.
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yunhwailbo · 4 years
lady m, i thought we were friends... how could you forget me when listing the hottest people 🙄✋🏼
need i remind you, dear, that i am no one’s friend. you’re all my little birds and i treat you as such. also, the list asked for the top three in yunhwa… perhaps you just didn’t cut the bill, sweetie.
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