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yami-no-kea · 8 years ago
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@ygotp week 5 with the prompt “celebration”. 
Thiefshipping forever ! ~ /o/
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distracteddream · 8 years ago
:3c 11-20 odd for thiefshipping 11-20 even for deathshipping? HSFBH
All answers refer to the “Happiness is a Long Shot” verse.
11. Do they celebrateholidays? Anniversaries?
They’ll participate in holiday celebrations with others, like ifRyou wants to do Christmas, but otherwise it’s not important to them. They don’tcelebrate their birthdays, of course. At Bakura’s suggestion, they starteddoing a small recognition for the Feast of Wag, mostly to honor Kul Elna andMarik’s mom. Bakura also gets really handsy around April and with a littleresearch, Marik realizes that’s probably his way of celebrating the Festival ofMin. He’s ready the next year and they celebrate properly, just them.
13. What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or dothey like to switch things up?
Individually, Marik will get lost for hours in a book while Bakuragrinds through a new game. Together, they take a lot of road trips, anything toget out. Millennia in a piece of gold and a childhood spent underground andthese two just want to get out and away. If they can go on Marik’s bike, theywill but sometimes they do go farther afield – and Marik usually rents amotorcycle when they get off the plane.
15. How adventurous are they?
Marik is more adventurous thanBakura, always wanting to try something new. Bakura, however, is more mischievousand will always come up with a new way for them to break the rules or otherwiserisk getting into trouble.
17. What would make them break up? Would it be permanent?
Marik’s dealbreaker is Bakura prioritizing his revenge over Marik.Marik has to feel like he’s important to his partner. Bakura might slip but he’drealize his mistake pretty quickly. Marik makes him happier than vengeance evercould. He has to grovel though to convince Marik he’s sorry. Bakura’sdealbreaker would be someone insulting the memory of Kul Elna or trivializinghis need for vengeance. Marik would never do either of those though.
19. What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How dothey make up?
They bicker and it’s basically foreplay. No one understands it andstrangers wonder if they even like each other. They simply like riling eachother up too much and the banter amuses them. Plus Bakura thinks Marik is hotwhen he gets frustrated and Marik loves the color the steals over Bakura’s facewhen he gets flustered.
12. Is there a wedding? What was theproposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
No wedding, but Ryou does take towearing a ring on his left hand that Ishtar gave him. It’s a simple platinumband and it’s enough to show he’s claimed without them making a fuss about it.A few months later, a gold band appears on Ishtar’s left hand and no onequestions it. He never takes it off.
14. Anything they both dread?
Not anymore. There was some fear atfirst that the Shadows would want to reclaim Ishtar. Ryou, however, has beenworking to strengthen his heka and once Ishtar controls the Shadows in myYGOTP2016 fic, there’s pretty much nothing they fear anymore.
16. Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?
Never. Not these two. Ryou seesIshtar’s flaws and accepts them so he has no reason to hide any portion of himself.And Ryou simply isn’t duplicitous.
18. What are their dates like? How longdo/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?
Their dates are quiet – coffee,movies, dinners, walks, just spending time with each other. They’re much louderat home. They’re pretty much a couple since Ryou offered Ishtar his virginity,but Ryou doesn’t really tell Yugi and company until after he moves back toEngland. Ishtar has a brief time where he wonders if he’s good for Ryou andRyou worries that Ishtar is only with him because Ryou’s all he’s known.Because they both communicate very well though, these worries are quicklyaddressed.
20. What does their home look like?Their room?
Their room is pretty simple. Most oftheir décor is the figurines Ryou’s made and the little zen corner he puttogether for Ishtar. The new flat is similar except that pictures of Marik,Bakura, and them fill the shelves. That was mostly Ishtar’s doing because hewould catch Ryou smiling at pictures of them on his phone. And he’d do anythingto see Ryou smile.
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murgleiss · 8 years ago
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@ygotp week 5: celebration
here’s some corniness no one asked for
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yusaku-nyan · 8 years ago
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Week 5: FUTURE
For @ygotp
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real-life-pine-tree · 8 years ago
YGOTP Prompts Week 5: Lost and Found (Atem/Mana)
When Atem crossed over to the afterlife, he was greeted by his family and friends. It was so nice to see everyone again. The ‘welcome back’ party they threw for him lasted for about a week, and needless to say, it was a lot of fun.
A few months have passed since then, and Atem had already settled down and readjusted to his new home. While there were times when he missed Yugi, he knew it was for the best. At least the world was at peace for years to come. He was no longer needed among the living.
At the moment, Atem was currently relaxing at the palace oasis. He was finally at peace. He regained his memories and he was sure Yugi and his friends were alright without him. But his relaxation was interrupted by small giggles. Curious, he walked over to the source of the laughter. Who he saw brought a smile to his face.
“Hello Mana,” Atem said, walking over to her. “What’s so amusing?”
Mana was currently looking at the oasis’ pond. “I’m watching your younger brother,” she explained.
“Brother?” Atem asked. “I never had a brother.”
“Yes you do,” Mana said. “That boy with the same hair as you.”
Atem quickly realized who Mana was talking about. “You’re spying on Yugi?” he asked, looking at the pond. Sure enough, Mana was using it as a mirror to the mortal world.
“Yep!” Mana happily replied. “And look! That Yugi kid is on a date!”
Atem watched the scene play out. To his delight, Yugi was on a date with Tea. They looked somewhat older, so he could tell that a lot of time had passed since he last saw them. He was delighted to see this, especially when the two shared their first kiss.
“Well done Yugi,” Atem said.
“That’s so cute!” Mana said as the image disappeared from the pond. “Love is quite a wonderful feeling.”
“Agreed,” Atem replied. As he and Mana walked around the oasis, his thoughts were focused on her. While he did see her as cute and adorable, he only saw her as a friend. Then he remembered what Yugi told him about the different types of relationships in the modern era, and he had an idea.
“Mana, did you have a crush on me when we were alive?” Atem asked.
Mana stopped walking. “What?” she asked.
Atem approached her, looking at her straight in the eye. “Did you have a crush on me when we were alive?” he repeated.
“I don’t really know,” Mana admitted. “I mean, we did grow up together, but I figured that you only saw me as a friend.”
“I thought so too,” Atem said. “But during my time with Yugi, he told me how relationships had varied by his time. While there are still typical relationships between a man and a woman, sometimes a person is attracted to someone of the same gender, or maybe even both genders. But there are times where a person is not attracted to anyone at all.
"Yugi also explained how there are two different types of attraction: romantic attraction and sexual attraction. After I explained to him that I don’t feel either of those things towards anyone, he said that meant I’m both asexual and aromantic.”
“Oh…” Mana said. “Then why did you ask me if I had a crush on you?”
“Because Yugi also explained that just because people are classified as 'ace’, it doesn’t mean they can’t experience relationships,” Atem continued. He held both of Mana’s hands. “They can experience love, but not feel any attraction towards the person they love.”
Mana quickly realized what Atem was trying to say. “Is this a love confession?” she asked.
“Perhaps it is,” Atem answered. “Mana, when I regained my memories of you, I remembered all the fun we had growing up. I care about you a lot, and we have all of eternity to be together. So are you okay with our friendship becoming something mo-”
Mana interrupted Atem by tackling him for a hug. “Of course!” she excitedly said. But then her eyes widened and she pulled back. “But I should probably keep my distance.”
Atem chuckled before he pulled Mana in for another hug. “Don’t worry,” he said. “Relationship stuff might be foreign to me, but like I said, we have all of eternity to figure this out.”
“So…is this okay?” Mana asked. She proceeded to give Atem a quick kiss on the lips, which she quickly realized was a mistake because he looked confused. “Atem?”
The former pharaoh quickly recovered. “Please forgive me,” he said. “Kissing is still a mystery to me.”
Mana giggled. She could tell that this was going to be quite an unusual relationship.
The End
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entamewitchlulu · 8 years ago
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YGOTP: Choir by starfireelf15
GUESS WHAT IT'S TIME FOR IT'S TIME TO REVIVE LUSTERSHIPPING The @ygotp prompt was choir and choir means music which means idols which means TIME TO GIVE THE GIRLS CUTE IDOL OUTFITS This has nothing to do with my idol au but they're fucking adorable and I need more Luster in my life forever and ever
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symphonicfantasia · 8 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Manjoume Jun | Chazz Princeton/Misawa Daichi | Bastion Misawa
It's been years since he's last seen or heard from Daichi. There are simple things that he missed about him. The way he held him, the way he kissed him, how he made him feel after years of abuse.
He'd do anything to have Daichi back.
For YGOTP Week 2 Prompt: Cast a Spell
I’m way before for @ygotp but I’m off all week so I’m gonna play catch up!
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imaginative-spirit · 8 years ago
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Foilshipping for the @ygotp challenge! I missed the 3 first weeks, but finally had time to do something for the 4th! The prompt was "sleep”!
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yliaster · 8 years ago
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Rating: T Pairing: Paradox/Z-one Words: 1418
Just what was that red mark on Paradox's face anyways?
For week 3 of the @ygotp challenge (prompt: into the dark).
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lily-liegh · 8 years ago
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: F/F Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Relationship: Kurosaki Ruri/Serena Characters: Kurosaki Ruri, Serena Additional Tags: ygotp2016, fluff
Summary: Ruri is a diehard fan of classic romance, and her favourite film has been out all week despite it needing to be returned seven days ago. Determined to find the culprit, Ruri heads to the movie store for answers. Taken from the au prompt: “which asshole hasn't returned the dvd i want yet”
for @ygotp week 3 - prompt: crossover (though i mixed this up and this is an au ><)
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yami-no-kea · 8 years ago
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@ygotp week 4 with the prompt “sleep”. Zzz...
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distracteddream · 8 years ago
YGOTP Week 5 Prompt: Lost & Found
(For @ygotp‘s December 2016 writing prompts; takes place in my “Save Me from the Dark” verse; continues after my Weeks 1-4 story)
All of them slept until the early evening as the sun was setting and the lights of the city were coming on. Marik awoke first, fixing tea and pulling together a light meal as Ishtar joined him in the kitchen. Ishtar leaned into his near-twin while he worked, grinning to hear Marik humming. "You're happy."
Marik kissed his cheek and nodded, reaching for the kettle as it started to whistle. "I am, thanks to you. And Ryou. And Bakura. But especially you after last night. First morning in ten years that my back didn't hurt when I woke up." He smiled at Ryou who fell into a seat at the table, only his manners keeping him from putting his head down on the table. Marik poured Ryou's tea and pushed it to Ishtar to fix with milk and sugar.
"Thanks," Ryou murmured as he took the mug from Ishtar. "It hasn't been morning for several hours, Marik." He sipped his tea, Ishtar pulling another chair closer to lean into Ryou now.
The Egyptian waved his hand. "You know what I mean."
"What do you mean?" Bakura rubbed at his face, propping his hip against the table. Marik beamed at him and poured a cup of coffee he'd prepared just for Bakura. He grunted his appreciation as he sat with the others.
"Ryou was pointing out that we're all lazy bitches." Ishtar's words were muffled in Ryou's hair, making the Brit twitch as his breath tickled against his neck. "I want to go on a walk."
Marik set plates down in front of them, going back to the kitchen for Bakura's and his. "It's almost night. You want to go now?" Ishtar nodded, poking at his plate with his fork. Bakura and Ryou tucked into the meal at least. "The snow probably didn't melt much today. If you want to, I'll go with you." Marik shrugged. "After I eat." Bakura and Ryou made general noises of agreement around their food, their plates quickly cleaned. Marik finished and frowned to see Ishtar hadn't eaten much. "I'll save this for you for later." He received a soft smile before Ishtar and Bakura disappeared to get dressed, Ryou helping Marik clean up. "Do you think he's okay?"
Ryou shook his head. "No, but I think he will be. He's really strong. He had to be." Marik sniffed and Ryou bumped his hip into him. "Worrying won't help things. Let's get changed or else they'll leave us behind."
The four men trudged down the slushy sidewalks to the park where they'd had their earlier snowball fight. To Ryou, the difference between the carefree fun and the weight of their spell and its effects felt like ages apart. His heka was drained and he prayed he wouldn't need to use it for awhile.
Marik held Bakura's hand as they walked, as though he was afraid to let him go. They had almost lost him to the shadows, so in a way his fear wasn't unreasonable. Bakura tolerated the clinging, even squeezing Marik's fingers in reassurance. He was still tired, his energy zapped from the spell for Marik and then stolen when the shadows left him. Bakura wrinkled his nose and pulled Marik's hand to his lips, brushing a thankful kiss over his knuckles.
Ishtar bounced between all of them, alternately leaning on them but always returning to the front of their group, only halting once he found a large patch of undisturbed snow. The streetlights gave everything a warm glow and he nodded to himself as he tugged off his scarf and coat.
Ryou scooped up the items, looking at Marik and Bakura. "Asadi? You'll catch a cold."
His shirt landed where the other pieces had been, leaving his torso bare. A small sound escaped Marik when he saw the darkened scars, Bakura turning his body as though he would protect Marik if needed. Ryou picked up the shirt as well. Ishtar turned to face them and spread his arms out. "I won't." With that, he dropped back into the snow, sighing in relief at the coldness against his burning scars.
His clothes fell from Ryou's arms as they all rushed forward only to find Ishtar with a peaceful smile on his face. "You ass," Bakura grumbled. "Scared us to death just to make fucking snow angels." He didn't notice as a shadow curled around his ankle until he was sent sprawling into the snow next to Ishtar. "Motherfucker!" Ishtar only chuckled, sending dark tendrils out to caress Ryou and Marik and coerce them into the snow as well.
"This is the stupidest..." Marik fussed as he stretched out in the snow. "Do we really have to do this? It's cold!" He rolled closer to Bakura, tucking himself against his side much as he'd wanted to do in bed before finding Bakura gone.
Ryou's fingers touched Ishtar's cheek, propping himself on his elbow to look down at him. "Is this how it's going to be now? You can use shadow magic without an Item?" The shadows moved around them, blanketing them from sight, the darkness playing with the light. Bakura's breath hissed over his teeth, but Ishtar kept the shadows from completely closing over them, ensuring Bakura would always have some light.
"I, I think so." Ishtar watched Ryou's hair fade from a light grey in the shadows to a warm orange in the street lights and back once more. "Does it bother you?" The Brit shook his head, dropping down to kiss him once before laying his cool cheek on Ishtar's warmer bare shoulder. Eventually even Marik's complaining stopped and Ryou rolled to his back, catching glimpses of starlight between the shadows and light pollution. His voice started soft, the tenor's half-remembered hymn drifting over them, Bakura's rougher baritone joining in the parts he knew from Ryou's memories. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I'm found. Was blind but now I see. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed."
Ishtar sighed as Ryou's last note faded. "That's what it feels like. Just like that. Like even through the shadows, I've been found. I found who I am, what I am." He pulled the shadows back into himself, the lights glowing brighter without them. Bakura nodded in agreement next to him. "I'm not lost anymore."
"None of us are," Marik offered. "But I'm going to freeze to death if we don't get out of this snow." They laughed at him, the noise light and happy in the city's snow-draped hush.
Ryou was the first to his feet again. "Come on." He held out his hands for them. "Let's go home. I'll fix hot cocoa for real this time."
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murgleiss · 8 years ago
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@ygotp week 4: sleep
I wanted to participate in the first three weeks, but due to finals I had no time haha
Holiday season is pretty busy too so I didn’t really get to clean this one up, but with what little time I had, here’s my contribution to this lovely event!
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yusaku-nyan · 8 years ago
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@ygotp Week 2: Where Are We Going? Sparkly gel pens were a must. I had to at least color in some of it, otherwise people might think Serena was actually Yuzu cuz of her side ponytail.
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real-life-pine-tree · 8 years ago
YGOTP Prompts Week 4: Sleep (Yusei/Akiza)
It was a rare peaceful evening in the town of Satellite. The moon was full and the night skies were clear, so one could easily see stars. Overall, it was a beautiful night. Yusei was currently enjoying this rare occasion. At the moment, he was right outside his home, relaxing on the grassy field. He smiled in content. After that whole time-travel fiasco where he got to duel alongside the great Yugi Moto and some clingy guy named Jaden, he felt that he deserved to enjoy this peaceful night. "Yusei?" The messy-haired teen opened his eyes, only to see Akiza approaching him. He smiled, glad to see her pretty face again. "Hey Akiza," he said. "Are you going to come back in soon?" Akiza asked. "It's getting late." Yusei was about to get back up when he had a sudden idea. "Sure," he said. He proceeded to reach his hand up. "But I'm still a bit exhausted from that duel I had." Rolling her eyes, Akiza proceeded to help Yusei get back up. But as soon as she grabbed his hand, he smirked and proceeded to pull her down to the ground next to him. He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You jerk," Akiza said in a playful tone. "Ah, come on, Akiza," Yusei said. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Can't a guy enjoy a peaceful night with a beautiful girl?" "You think I'm beautiful?" Akiza asked, smiling softly. "Yeah," Yusei replied. He gave her a quick kiss on the nose. "A beautiful girl with a pretty face." Akiza responded pulling Yusei in for a proper kiss, placing her hand on the back of his head and feeling his naturally messy hair between her fingers. He kissed back, tightening his grip on her waist. They parted after a few seconds, but the make-out session was enough to leave them both smiling. "I don't remember the last time we had a peaceful night," Akiza said, shifting her hand from Yusei's hair to his nicely-toned chest. "Me neither," Yusei said. "With all the crazy stuff we went through, we deserve to relax for tonight." Akiza snuggled closer to Yusei. "So what happened to you today?" she asked. "I met a guy named Jaden," Yusei explained. "He's nice and he's a good duelist, but he seemed to get awfully close with me. I think he might have been gay." Akiza let out a small laugh. "You actually attracted a gay guy?" "It's not funny," Yusei said, sounding a bit annoyed. "You know I'm not attracted to guys." "It kinda is a bit funny," Akiza pointed out. "Didn't you tell him you're straight?" "Only after the world was saved," Yusei answered. "Thankfully he respected my boundaries after that." "So that's all that happened?" Akiza asked. "You met a gay guy?" "No, I also met Yugi Moto," Yusei continued. Akiza's eyes widened. "You're joking," she said. "I'm serious," Yusei said. "And in order to save our home, I teamed up with Yugi and Jaden to stop a time traveler name Paradox. It was tough, but we won, and I got Stardust Dragon back." "I wish I could have come with you," Akiza said. "I bet it was an exciting duel." "It was," Yusei said. "Yugi even used Dark Magician." "No way!" Akiza exclaimed. "Was he as powerful as people said?" "Pretty much," Yusei answered. "At least things are back to normal now." "Until the next threat," Akiza jokingly said. Yusei let out an amused chuckle before he gave Akiza a quick kiss on the lips. They spent the rest of the night silently relaxing under the starry sky, happy for things to currently be at peace. The End
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entamewitchlulu · 8 years ago
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YGOTP: Where are We Going? by starfireelf15
I actually did do a few more things for @ygotp lol Anyway!!  Guiltshipping needs more love ASAP, so presenting the REAL yuri on ice I mean some cute girls having an ice skating date!! I know canonically Ruri doesn't really seem like the cool older girlfriend personality type but you know what canon is shit when it comes to Ruri Kurosaki and I reserve the right to substitute my own
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