#ygo sevens spoiler
starrycyberse · 1 year
Call me Sebastian the way I’d literally die for Neil Saionji
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 6 months
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[Are you a stray? Are you lonely? Do you need company?]
[*pet pet*]
[…you aren’t like me, right?]
Yuga is going to be so normal about any cat he sees thanks to Go Rush. So normal.
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Okay so y'all know how for Sevens we all talk about how "Yuga duelled a massage chair."?
Can we all agree the Go Rush equivalent to that is "Yudias duelled curry bread."?
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icyspy64 · 5 months
i made an animatic because I can't get this show out of my head. it's only been a month :( I miss yuga and luke. please give them therapy (this isn't great btw)
if u see this and u know me .... no u dont
(it's under the keep reading)
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gedascrown5768 · 6 months
We all pretend to be the hero on the good side.....but what if we're the villain on the other?
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No words just wow....
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harevutai · 1 year
The Brilliant Foreshadowing of YuGiOh Go Rush
"Never do I deceive you, Hastings. I only permit you to deceive yourself."
~The Mysterious Affair at Styles, Agatha Christie
This line spoken by the famous Belgian investigator Hercule Poirot- probably the most famous of Agatha Christie's fictional creations- may seem out of place in a post about Bridge-era YuGiOh. 
But more than for any other season, YuGiOh: Go Rush has employed this technique of misdirection from its very first episode. And all of course in order to pull off one reveal in the end of its third arc, that flipped everything we'd assumed about it on its head. This is where I shall place a "Read More", so as to not spoil what it is. If you've been keeping up with Go Rush, it should be obvious; but if you haven't, or haven't reached the end of its third arc yet, then I ask you read no further. You'll enjoy the experience more without knowing.
With that being said, of course this misdirection refers to the twist that the season (mostly) takes place in the past of Sevens' setting, and not the future, as we had first assumed. As we'd been told? No, in fact. We were never told directly that it was the future. And that's why I find it so brilliant. We see spaceships, we see aliens, so obviously we think that this has to be the future. After all, spaceships and aliens and all that stuff belong squarely in the sci-fi genre, and that is a genre that is on 99.9% of occasions set in the future, which of course the writers at Studio Bridge know. And that's the brilliant misdirection that leads us, as an audience, to make an assumption that they never actually stated.
Now, if this was all there was to it, it would already be pretty good. But I argue- and this post is made to show- that not only did they allow us to deceive ourselves, they also gave us a lot of foreshadowing and clues to the fact this was the past and not the future.
Let's start with the most obvious. Firstly, the setting is "Mutsuba Town", and not "Goha City"- in fact, Goha Corporation is a small office like any other! And indeed as we know from Sevens, the city that would eventually become 'Goha City' was founded by the Mutsuba family, and their heavy machinery was what was most predominant until Goha-made drones took over. Also, compared to Sevens', the town the show is set in is much less high-tech. No drones around, the radio and VHS still exist, and so on. The level of technology is noticeably lower that Sevens' super high-tech city where you could just casually go to an holographic sushi restaurant almost entirely ran by drones. Compare any of Yuuga's Roads to any of Yuuhi's creations. But because we see space travel and aliens coming to Earth- with technology that is of course much more developed than ours- we sort of push these details to the side. Even though we know that in Sevens things that would be considered 'aliens' exist as a matter of course! (Think of the -ko girls for instance, which are just accepted with no question!)
In fact, on the topic of space travel, it is shown to already have existed in Sevens. In Episode 90, we are directly shown a spaceship as something 'old' that already existed for a while.
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Not only that, in fact, we are told that it was 'developed by Mutsuba Heavy Machinery' when they were still at their prime. We know from Asaka's grandfather that this was at least two generations ago. Perhaps contact with the Velgearians is what caused this? Further, remember that the Goha Presidential Siblings have lived in a spaceship (the Sixross) and apparently 'played among the space debris' and went to school somewhere in outer space. This strongly hints that, at least to some extent, space travel is already very much developed.
For another interesting contrast, we also see the Sougetsu-style is even more aggressive and invokes even more a feeling of military tradition in Go Rush's setting when compared to Sevens'. Think of when people trained in martial arts to even survive as opposed to now. Gakuto's Sougetsu-style is a lot less harsh and brutal than what we see Manabu was subjected to in his flashbacks (think especially of the duel against Bochi). We also know that Gakuto would eventually innovate and bring the Sougetsu-style to new heights and to modernity (I do want to analyze this part of Sevens too...), so we can be reasonably sure that what Manabu went through would not have happened. But because of our above-mentioned assumptions, we are led to ask ourselves 'what could have happened between these two series to lead to this?'- and that's when we deceive ourselves further.
But there are even subtler details that hint towards this twist! Specifically the decks human characters play, compared to their ancestors or even by themselves! To wit-
Yuuhi's deck follows Yuuga's 'machines' in the Jointech archetype: but where Yuuga's has cool and futuristic machines made out of cutting-edge technology (both Magnum Over Road's, Mirror Innovator, even Vast Vulcan is defined as a 'Hyper Engine'), Yuuhi's machines are a lot more 'mechanical'' and rudimentary, made out of parts screwed together, in comparison.
Yuamu's high-tech dragons would then seem a bit odd, but this one is actually one of the biggest clues. Because while they are called High-Tech, what really is the first of her ace monsters? "Bluetooth Burst Dragon"! Now correct me if I'm wrong, but when was the last time you heard bluetooth being called 'high-tech'? The rest of her monsters follow the same theme of 'being excited for this new cool technology!' that used to be the prevalent feeling back when these new things were first being developed (as opposed to today's attitude of this being more the norm than the exception)
Rovian compared to Romin shows a significant "de-evolution" in terms of their respective themes. Rovian's monsters use instruments that are much more classical- Prima Guitarna's electric guitar is contrasted by Battle Bandijo's string instrument; and generally, Rovian's instruments and designs are much more shamanistic and their instruments much more classical compared to Romin's superstar pop rock cards.
London and Roa have a very similar contrast- London's deck aesthetic is entirely based on cassette tapes. Try bringing the subject up to Roa's hard rock demons and see if they even know what you're talking about!
Manya and Mimi are a very interesting example as well, since they are a much more 'direct' example of this. Mimi's ace is Dian Keto, a grown woman who explores and expresses herself through different occupations. Manya's ace is... Dian Keto, a child actress who takes on many roles in her career. Quite literally, a past version of the one we eventually get to know in Sevens!
Gakuto and Manabu are... interesting cases. As I mentioned, the role and form the Sougetsu-style takes in each series is very different. The two deck themes don't immediately contrast in any way. Gakuto's is about tradition and employs almost mythical (or, with his fusions, literally mythical) warriors and beasts. Manabu instead deals with alchemy, experimentation, and the scientific method. Alchemy is however a very early form of 'science' (or well, an attempt at it)- once again hinting at the 'past'.
Finally, while I did say that I would focus on the human characters, it is also interesting to look at The⭐Lugh versus Luke- specifically because they use (almost) the same monster and make it do essentially the same thing. Looking at it in a 'past-and-future' way, wouldn't it be easy to say that The⭐Dragias (a normal monster who needs outside support and an equip card to attack twice) would eventually evolve into Multistrike Dragon Dragias (an effect monster who, by itself, can attack twice)?
There are probably more that are not coming to me right now. If anyone has more to add, by all means! Feel free to do so. But I hope this goes to show two things- one, that it was indeed ourselves who had made the wrong assumption despite plentiful clues being given. And two, that Bridge Era YuGiOh is just as 'deep' and 'smart' (if not more so) than Gallop Era YuGiOh. Boundary builds creativity as they say, and I genuinely believe that by making a show catering to a younger audience but deciding to make one that even an older audience would enjoy, they managed to write a very interesting and nuanced story and setting with a lot of meaning 'hidden' under the comedic overtone of it- which I really love and love analyzing.
And that's all for today! See you around in the next post, which I promise will come sooner than in ten thousand years (I apologize for that I've just been super busy with university and other things...)
Hope you enjoyed reading this, and see you around!
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nightshadow2518 · 4 days
hot take
Yudias/Kaidoul (I'll explain why later) being Otes is actually interesting and not bad to me.
Yudias doesn't really have a future in Sevens as far as we know. His kind had "exceeded" their purpose. He's been kinda sidelined for a while and the cast hasn't been that much on his side after this Arc. He's selfless but the people around him aren't and now giving up who he is, He isn't gonna be the same anymore. Now there is a loophole to Yudias = Otes is that Otes is was immune to Monster Reborn. Yudias being affected could disprove him as Otes was affected because he was the creator Monster Reborn.
But a friend told me Kaidoul made Monster Reborn in Go Rush which would mean...🤔💥
Edited: I got some screenshots!
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Yes it would be easier to assume Asaka because she made the physical card but he created the data and did he research. Without him, Asaka wouldn't have anything to work with
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yamislittleangel55 · 10 months
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Back when I first saw the episode, I did have a hunch. But that’s not good if you’re tone deaf and playing a guitar. You can only do one strum…and how do you know for sure (apart from using a tuner, cause I don’t like those things) that your guitar is in tune? And without help from anyone else? I know there are and have been talented musicians with disabilities now and in the past, but Romin’s case confuses me…
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shinkoxyagami · 1 year
Okay, I've been just thinking....
Yuna Goha is close with Yuga ohdo in Go Rush, as we know Yuga is from the future and.... well I'll just leave these pictures here:
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What if Yuhi ohdo and Yuna Goha got married and had kids? How would their kid look like?
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Yuga, has green eyes like Yuna and we clearly know Yuga is Yuhi's kid or decendant. It's just a theory, I thought maybe Yuna and Yuhi would get together. (Since Yuna is the one who is most concerned about Yuga in the Go Rush. And honestly the way she worries about him gave me *mom* vibes. Anyway it just pumped into my head that Yuga resembles these 2.)
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creepermilktea · 8 months
I totally "love" what GO RUSH has to serve recently, especially in 96
<ALERT>negative and long content of GO RUSH rant ahead
Ah yes, another Manabu episode that Manabu will probably serve as the stepping stone for yUnA's character. Usually there's a high probability that the used-loser will win against the former winer, which means Manabu is very likely to lose to yUnA just to make yUnA the GREAT and POWERFUL Yuga simp that everyone totally loves. Manabu? Nah, who cares? He has acted terribly TWICE so no one is gonna support him. yUnA? EVERYONE LOVES HER! People totally enjoy her tragic love for Yuga, along with her violent behavior, shouting nonstop, bad mouth, self-centered mind and so on. She already has at least 5 episodes just for her to develop nothing but her LOVE FOR YUGA, so why not make more? Not to mention yUnA never felt bad for beating Sky's ass, yelling at Dudi Nissaw, calling UTS a wrecked house, literally robbing Yuga's deck to beat Yudias and consider herself a strong duelist then the list keeps going on. No one wants examine her wrongdoing while Manabu is reviewed with hypercritical standard by everyone, really? Both the worst of Manabu's episode(58 and 67) could have been written as Manabu broke down and went mad because of the constant and overwhelming stress of Phaser's surveillance and Myuda's bullying. At least that's more understandable. But no, they decided that making Manabu be "what he is supposed to be " and had him doing shit stuff around is more funny. Now Manabu's character is completely destroyed and basically everyone outside MIK just look down on him.
And 96 is here, with yUnA determined to fight Manabu just to demonstrate her love for Yuga. Sound similar? because that's basically what happened in 54, where yUnA dueled Manabu and lost. I can already guess how the duel is going to be like and I can say that I am not looking forward to it. I know I usually just post art or reblog cool stuff but I am really MAD at how GO RUSH has been going recently, which affects my motivation for making fanarts. I have been watching the story that is non-plot-relevant(Velgearian disappearing) and only serves for SEVENS references for episodes, now they have decided to serve this ultimate recipe they can think of. Good, the SEVENS invasion has been going for 6 episodes. if this keeps going for nearly a whole arc, I will dump this show soon.
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starrycyberse · 1 year
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What if Yuga’s hair grew during the two years he was in the monster world
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aliothbuzzsawshark · 1 year
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[UGLY CAT purr baby]
[this is my new cat. If anything happens to him, I’m killing everyone in this room and then myself.]
So uhhhh Sevens am I right
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You know what? A part of me is starting to want Yuga to keep appearing in Go Rush constantly just to piss off the people who don't like him and/or Sevens. You go, my son. Piss off the haters with your mere existence. Make your father proud.
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gedascrown5768 · 7 months
I will become Otes..
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Maybe I'm just kidding myself but I for real think that when Yuga said he says he will become Otes, that was just a metaphor
Like, he thinks he has to become like Otes and deep down that hurts him because Otes isn't a "great" guy.. but I think it's Yuga's way of saying that all of this is his fault
First rush duels were stolen from kids, then rush duels are literally draining energy from the Velgearians which makes them die faster, now he has to save them with the card that ruined him
I guess being Yu-gi-oh is suffering after all
But I could be wrong and Bridge is just gonna ass pull us again
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wanna-sleep-all-day · 6 months
Because at this point everyone can be Otes. It isn't impossible though.
So, Yuga and Otes were sent to go rush world in a future rush duel (which happened in the ending of sevens)
We know Yuga is sent to earth and we see him throughout the story so it isn't a big deal.
However, it has been specifically pointed out that Otes' earthdama is sent to a long, long time ago world and become the valgearians' creator, while Otes himself is nowhere to see. Which will lead us to 3 possibility: 1)Otes himself is sent to the ancient time with his earthdama and is naturally d3ad now 2)Otes himself is just hiding in somewhere and hasn't showed up yet 3) Otes himself IS a earthdama
In first scenario, Otes no longer exists by the time go rush starts, so there's no point talking about him unless he left something important or undone, which we have not known yet and may potentially be third year plot.
In second scenario, the consequences may be the same as the first scenario, but we may see an living Otes from sevens jumping around in the future. However, I think Yuga would have known about this and won't talk like he does not exist anymore. In 100, Yuga said "I...am going to become Otes" (This is not an narrative sentence, but his resolution to decide to become Otes), as if Otes does not exist anymore and someone else has to take Otes' place.
In third scenario, this will mean that Otes is an earthdama all along, whether in sevens or in go rush. And his ending is to be absorbed by his own creation, Kuaidul(Not blaming Kuaidul though the poor bunny kid just wanted some love). Though we never see Otes uses superpower directly in sevens, it can be simply explained that Otes need to hide his power or he'll become Goha city's no.1 lab rat or something.
If Otes is a human himself, then there will be too many people as candicates. Yuga, Yuhi or Yuamu can all be him(I am not sure if Yuamu would change her voice or something, though)
However, if Otes is an earthdama, we have only one already-known character here: Damamu.
I know this sounds crazy, but think about it: Otes has to live long enough to know every secrets and everyone in Goha city from the ground. Otes has to be intellegent enough to be working in Goha incorporation or at least know someone working for Goha company. Otes is shown to be mischievous and values "joy and happiness" a lot. Most of all, he has to know where and when to show up to lead Yuga to start the events of sevens. The only person that can meet the "live long enough" condition is Damamu. Damamu is an individual himself so he may not be dead like Yuhi will. Yudias may also meet this condition, but we see neither of them are in UTS list that is shown in 62. Other aliens like Chupataro or Mitsuko also do not show up in sevens, so I think we can say that sevens world don't have alien, only assumed descendents. But Damamu is also missing, who should also be counted as UTS gang. Unless Damamu went out and left UTS for something else...
Though Damamu isn't shown to be a technology nerd, he may pick these up later in the future. Or he just brainwashes someone to do the actual work for him-
There are still some loose end, though. Why would Damamu want to go and start the events of sevens? This will cause a closed loop between sevens and go rush, and everything we have seen so far would be destined and Damamu will remember all of this, including him being absorbed by Kuaidul. But Dmamu stated that he doesn't want to diasspear as in the S1 final duel.
And how would Damamu know exact how to act in sevens? He doesn't share Yuga's memory like Yuhi or Yuamu does. Any of them can tell him but again, why would they do it? Yuhi won't want Damamu to become Otes for you know reasons, and Yuga and Yuamu would rather become Otes themselves.
Furthermore, won't Damamu do something beforehand for the valgearian disappearance? Damamu likes to play with people and rush duel, I don't think Damamu will do nothing to prevent valgearians from disappearing, not when he already knows Yudias.
I would like to type more but this is already too much for me. Anyways, thanks for watching these nonsense if you actually read through it.
Remember, it's just a theory, AN ANIME THEORY!
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art-ember · 2 years
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