#yet Cia is obsessed with him
skyward-floored · 3 months
Ah, hdw Link. In dark moments, he is haunted by the fact that he's someone even a mother couldn't love.
I feel like Mask (still unaware of his mom) tries to tease him at some point by being like “you’ve got a face only a mother could love” and Tune in the background is frantically motioning for him to stop
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theconstantsidekick · 1 month
klaus got sober, finally got sober but was made a germaphobe. he was ridiculed for finally having his shit together but having weird coping mechanisms for it. then he was made to spiral again and then killed off. he got his life on track, was an exceptional uncle/second parent to his niece and then they made him sell his body for drugs and inevitably killed him off as a junkie.
luther, who was the leader, who was smart enough to be an astronaut could amount to nothing without his powers except from being a stripper. he had absolutely nothing and no one, even sloan was ripped away from him and then he, too was killed off. lonely and unaccomplished.
ben was brought back, finally alive, granted not the same ben but he wore the same face and he had a family who could annoy him into shape but he stayed a dick, became a apocalyptic monster and credited for the destruction of all the branching timelines, and died as a monster that he was so afraid of becoming.
alison got her happy life but couldn’t sustain it. her husband left her but at least she got to have claire and for that i can give credit but she remained codependent on klaus to be her passion project that made her feel better. she never learnt why that was not healthy and then died without her daughter.
diego had this beautiful life, a family that called him their own, three kids and wife who called him darling, and love and then he was made to fuck it all up because of some obsession with the CIA, in service of a romance between his wife and brother because the creator thought an old man needed some romance. he wasn’t even shown saying goodbye to his kids.
lila left behind her assassin ways, she stopped being batshit crazy and ultra suspicious to settle down with a man she genuinely and wholeheartedly loved and trusted, only to throw it all away because his younger (and yet much older) brother found her a timeline with strawberries. she was made to give up her kids, her family, her happy fucking life when all she ever wanted was to not be alone.
viktor got dealt the worst hand, always. he was abused vehemently by his father and ignored and relegated due to no fault of his own. he was made to feel ugly and broken and small but then he realised that his family loved him even if his father didn’t. he got a chance at being normal and he took it, only for it to be stripped away from him so that he could sacrifice his life for a world that was never kind to him. he was made to reconcile with his abusive father and then promptly erased out of existence.
five. my dearest boy, young man, old fool, five. he survived an apocalypse after another. fought tooth and nail to keep his family alive and well and dedicated his entire life to make sure of it. only for all his efforts to be made futile and his snark to be mellowed. he made it his life mission to keep the world safe and his family safe only for all that to be stripped away from his character and made into a lovesick fool who abandoned them during the final battle to mope about his brother’s wife not liking him back.
there were so many character assassinations this season, GoT writers would be proud of dear old steve.
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maibeenot · 30 days
Last one about TUA season 4, for now.
(I talked about this in the tags of one of my RBs before but I wanted to elaborate)
I don't like how they keep trying to make Five a badass.
I find it especially frustrating as doing this constantly, bogs down any form of character development we could've had from Five.
For whatever reason, the writers seem to be allergic to acknowledging Five's biggest character flaw, his arrogance. Five always has to be right. He always has to be capable of everything and never needs any help. Despite the fact that Diego also has a very similar flaw (and is punished for it consistently), Five's seems to go completely untouched.
(A part of me thinks that the reason why they punish Diego so much more is because he comes off as the hot-headed impulsive one. While that's true, it certainly doesn't negate Five's ability to make mistakes or be incompetent)
Instead, they keep trying to invent a new flaw for Five in that; he is obsessed with the apocalypse. In reality, he's not obsessed with the apocalypse. He's obsessed with keeping his family safe. It just so happens that their most immediate threat (in his eyes) tends to be the apocalypse. (I really don't understand what they're trying to get at with this, especially considering the fact that he already has an extremely apparent flaw)
While this isn't an issue I take with season 4 specifically, it has definitely amplified this issue like crazy. Five's arrogance is vaguely addressed by his siblings in season 1, but it never seems to get him in trouble? Or at least he doesn't seem to have learned from it (except for the time-travelling thing from when he was 13, and when he bled out also in season 1)
Season 1 (and 2) handled it the best out of the four. Five never seems to ask for or accept help unless backed into a corner (telling Viktor about the apocalypse, asking Klaus to help him get the prosthetic eye). Or if he is literally incoherent or unconscious (him passing out from blood loss, him being drunk and telling Diego and Luther about what's happening).
And outside of that, Five's arrogance still had brutal consequences within this season (him not noticing Viktor's declining mental state because he was so sure about the apocalypse (but this was partially because this man tunnel-visions like crazy)).
(there are probably more instances of this with s1 & 2, i just can't think of them off the top of my head so tag them if you'd like)
Season 4 is extra mean with this. From the 'Five getting to work for the CIA at 19' to 'Five randomly figuring out what's causing the end of the world with a bunch of other Five's' while he was off moping.
And when he does make mistakes, it's not because he's actually not capable of everything and anything.
Noooo, Ben really really sneakily stole the marigold and spiked the sake. Five couldn't have possibly noticed. (and none of the other siblings for that matter)
Noooo, it's because Luther is actually super smart in figuring out that Five's boss is a Keeper (no shade to Luther btw, I like him. They just don't treat this moment as Five being a complete dumbass).
Oh no! Five (and Lila) can't figure out a way back from the metro! Never mind, another Five managed it.
Five being a homewrecker? That's him being an asshole, not incompetent so it doesn't count (lighthearted).
Five's arrogance one of his defining flaws, yet it's not really challenged. The fact that he gets away with a lot of bullshit is simply because he can! When he doesn't face failure, he doesn't find growth. He doesn't learn to stop being self-destructive just because he thinks he can do anything. He doesn't learn to reach out.
This stunt in growth is obviously not only present in Five but also everyone else. I just find his to be particularly grating since he's my favorite.
Feel free to add your thoughts to this, not just about Five's fucked up character growth but everyone else's too!
(I'll make long a ass post/video essay going into detail about all of them one of these days)
I'd love to read them :)
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greatlydelirious · 2 years
𝐃𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬, 𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
wordcount: 6.1k words
summary: The night that death granted you mercy you swore to never let yourself become vulnerable again. That was until you started to be haunted by a man who knew your feelings all too well.
warnings: smut, mask stays on, slight breeding kink, angst, injury, mentions of past trauma, super fluffy, established relationships, (Ghost is highkey obsessed with you)
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“Who’s your crew?” Laswell asks while sighing, exasperated by Price’s persistence. He swipes up the stack of files she got for him before going through them.
“Sergeant Garrick.”
“Kyle?” she recalls.
“They call him ‘Gaz’. He never said anything.” Laswell looks over the front of the file before he pulls out another. “John MacTavish, SAS. Sniper- demolitions. Goes by ‘Soap’.” Once again Price hands it to Laswell.
“That’s classified.” Price’s tone is even before he moves on chuckling. “There he is… Simon Riley.” When he places this one down, Laswell’s eyebrows knit, “There’s no picture.”
He softly whistles before saying your name, “… but she only answers to ‘Rose’.”
“Rose? That’s a delicate name.” Laswell arches a brow when Price lets out a dry laugh.
“Anything but.” Price taps the photo attached to the folder. The woman was mean mugging the camera with a hardened expression that made even him shudder and was the envy of any of the men who joined her ranks.
“Now the rest…” Price swipes the files back while staring down the CIA station chief across from him. “That’s need to know. Unless we got a deal.”
Laswell stares back at him equally stoic, “What are you calling this task force?”
A light smirk plays on Price’s lips, “1-4-1.”
Sweat percolates from every inch of your skin as you make your way to your designated post. The heavy fatigues and protective gear that use to bother you now act as a comforting weight. A reminder of where you are and the mission you are about to accomplish with your team. Not some sissy team, but Task Force 141; a special operations task force military unit that housed the best and… wildest.
Wildest was far more apt than the word brightest to describe the band of seasoned soldiers Captain Price brought together. He recruited you from the United States military special force known as 75th Ranger Regiment. Anyone who has met someone you fought alongside knew the female killing machine that holds the moniker “Rose”.
At first, you wanted to decline Price’s proposition to join. You’d worked under the command of General Shepherd before during your time with the U.S. Army Rangers, but you were still hesitant. After surviving unspeakable horrors in Afghanistan, you became far too deep in your itch to maim and kill.
Not only did you need the structure being a part of a force gave you, but the thrill. When your old captain tried to give you a base job after recovering from severe injuries you went berserk. Hell, you were even moments away from joining the French Foreign Legion. Of course, Price caught wind of this and promised to put you to work. Luckily for him, he kept up his promise.
You are a specially trained fucking soldier; not a rookie, not a gun polisher, but a sharpshooter that rivaled the likes of Simon “Ghost” Riley. The statement might sound crass, but you didn’t have the luxury to lapse in confidence. Every corner you turn, every order you follow, and every shot you take must be concise and without a shred of hesitation. This wasn’t fun and games, it was life and death.
Well… maybe it’s a little bit of fun sometimes.
Scuffling noises and grunts fill the coms until they abruptly cease.
“Rose, do you copy?”
“Answer me, Rose. Do. You. Copy.” Now the question turned into gritted demands. Each word leaves a sharper bite than the last.
Silence is the only answer yet again. Before Ghost can crush the radio in his steely grip, static meets his ears.
Grunting you push the now limp body on your chest to the ground. “Copy Lt.” Blood audibly squelches as you reclaim your knife. “Can’t get rid of me that easily.” Wiping the trusty blade on your pant leg you chuckle at a joke in your head, “What has two arms, two legs, and ten holes?
Soap can be heard groaning. You are just as bad as Ghost when it comes to so-called “army humor”. “You gotta be fuckin’ kiddin-“ Someone clicks their mic to cut off Soap’s grumbling.
“What?” A gravelly voice that gives you goosebumps plays along.
“The guy I just stabbed.”
“Ten holes huh?”
“Men have nine, thought he could use an extra one in the neck.”
“You’re bloody sick.”
“No, I’m quite blood free right now and I don’t have a stuffy nose. Thanks for your concern.”
A deep huff cuts through the coms and you recognize it as Ghost’s version of a laugh. Triumph fills you with being the one to elicit that rare sound. Thankfully, no one else was around to catch the subtle blush rising on your cheeks.
Focus, Rose.
“What do you call a Russian sniper from the Soviet Army who never misses his target?” Ghost asks you right after you finish clearing the hallway that held the stairway leading to the roof of the building.
“Go on.” You encourage as you start to make your ascent.
“The most skilled marxman in the military.” Now that had to be the most military dad joke you’ve ever heard.
“Please tell me you’re at your spot Rose.” Soap once again groans and for a second he regrets every decision that got him stuck with the two of you.
With an amused lilt in your voice, you push open a metal door, cold night air giving a second of reprieve against your hot skin. “Fortunately for you and unfortunately for me, affirmative.”
Taking a deep breath, you crouch before setting your M21 EBR sniper rifle on the edge of the roof and maneuvering the ACOG Scope attached. The semi-automatic rifle has extremely low recoil and you liked its dual use for medium and longer ranges. Other soldiers had a hard time with the scope’s slight sway, but you tamed the gun how one would a horse; using a subtle, soft touch to steer it in the right direction.
Electricity thrums through you as you anticipate what is about to take place. You adjust your scope until you’re finally focused on the building across the street. Standing behind one of the windows was your target, Nabeel Bashar, drinking and laughing with other men in the room.
Nabeel Bashar is a close associate of Hassan Zyani and one of the lower-ranked leaders in the terrorist organization Al-Qatala. Although he’s not important enough to give you information you don’t already have, his death is important enough to make an impact.
That’s it Nabeel. Move one more inch to the left and I got you.
Your leather gloves slightly squeak as you adjust the grip on your sniper rifle. The gun is an extension of yourself, and it’s about to send a message to Hassan. After a few minutes that feel like hours, the man steps perfectly into your line of sight.
“Rose to Bravo 0-6. I’m in position and have a clear shot.”
“Hold your position until Ghost gives the order.”
Captain Price’s command sits at the forefront of your mind as your anticipation grows. You might have an itchy trigger finger, but you’re too seasoned to pull it prematurely. Years of training and discipline that started when you were a child kept you steadfast in waiting.
To say your father was proud of you was an understatement. As a U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, he was a stickler for raising tough kids. Sprain something? Walk it off. Lose at a sport? Try harder. His motto is, “When all else fails, your mind is the only thing that can save you.” Advice that not only helped save your life but was engrained in your bones.
Over the years and during your time in Afghanistan, you accrued accomplishments and honorary medals that you thought of as just “chest candy,” but your father gladly took them to display in his living room to show off to his fishing buddies. Based on the way he constantly brags about you; you are most definitely his favorite.
So much so that he has more than once grilled you endlessly about the man you told your mother about. Simply calling him a man didn’t do enough justice though. Simon “Ghost” Riley isn’t just an apparition, but a carnal animal outside and inside the bedroom. Unforgivingly rough as he gets to what he wants while thrumming with a deathly power that practically begs for someone to challenge him.
Unsurprising to everyone, that’s what you did when you joined Task Force 141. The tales of the heartless Lieutenant with the seemingly permanent skull-patterned balaclava never scared you. If anything, it made you want to test your sparring skills with him. When you finally convinced him to practice with you and he managed to pin you down after an hour, he was far more than impressed. Intrigued, surprised, and aroused captured the essence of how he felt.
Ghost admires your brutality. You never hesitate, never give anyone the inkling that you’ll be an easy target. Some would say the element of surprise could work in your favor, but you like a rough fight. If you’re not feeling the aching reminder of it the next day, you don’t feel like you won. That philosophy may be dangerous, but that’s what Ghost loves about you.
Yet what he covets the most is the vulnerability you gave him the pleasure of witnessing. Everyone got to see the bloodthirsty soldier, but he got to see the resilient woman who soaked in her complex emotions behind closed doors. A woman who liked his stern voice and uncharacteristically soft touches.
You always melted in his hands like a kitten snuggling close for warmth. At times the rumbled moans that came straight from your chest even sounded like purrs. Ghost craved that soothing sound. A rare sign of mindless comfort from his “pretty rose.”
“Red Rose” was the full cover name you were given. You were as fresh as a rose when you joined the 75th Ranger Regiment, the only experience under your belt being from your short time in the army. During those beginning years of your career it was just “Rose”, but it became far too tame to describe the person you are now.
Anytime you clean sweep a room that had more than enough men to overpower you, Gaz said you “painted the roses red”. Are you a part of Task Force 141 if you didn’t have a sense of dark humor?
Like any rose, thorns covered the outside of you, not a protective shield, but a visible threat that you will bite back when handled. It wasn’t a secret what was done to you; as unspeakable as it may be. Not only did your mind plague you with vivid memories in the middle of the night, but it manifested physically as well.
Deep scars that left phantom pains in their wake littered your body. No matter how hard you itched or rubbed the pangs hit you with a vengeance. They were etched reminders of not only the pains of living but the miracle of survival. You were deeply respected for surviving what you went through, but it morphed into fear when you continued to be a part of the force.
Some people let the venom of the past take them down, but others will use the searing pain as motivation to push forward. You’re the latter.
Despite your hardened exterior and savage nature amidst combat, you get along with your team swimmingly. Yes, you snap, bark, and bite, but like any good Doberman when someone shows you they are trustworthy, you are fiercely loyal. And by this point, 141 felt more like home than anywhere else. They treated you like any other man on the team and would take a bullet for you without hesitation.
The only thing that was akin to what you feel like, is a Doberman shaking with the excitement for its next command. All you needed was that one word. Once you get that command the metaphorical leash can be dropped so the beast can attack.
In a millisecond your finger pulls the trigger. Glass shattering mixed with the whistling shot is like music to your ears, a symphony of justice executing its judgment. You watch as Nabeel Bashar falls limply to the ground, the hole in his head forming a crimson puddle underneath him. Pulling away from your rifle you grab your radio, “Nabeel’s down. Enemy K.I.A.”
One down.
“Clean shot, Rose.” Price praises through the coms. “Now let’s get you-“
Yelling erupting below makes your focus turn to the street. Stationed soldiers yell in a language you don’t understand while rushing into the building you’re in.
You manage to duck when bullets ricochet off the concrete next to you, making dust spread in the air. “I’m under fire and they’re making their way inside.” You have to practically scream to be heard over the sudden gunfire. The cadence of your voice held not even a semblance of a quiver as you barked the information. You’ve stared at the face of death before; you can do it again.
“You will do it again.” Ghost’s voice pops in your head almost in a warning. The last time you were trapped in a situation like this you had the infamous man alongside you. Except then you had a nasty stab wound to your side and Ghost had even nastier gunshot wounds to the thigh and shoulder.
Enemies are everywhere. Stray bullets whizz past your head as you make it into the empty house with half of Ghost’s weight against your hip. The plan didn’t go awry, but totally nuclear. Now you both are left surrounded and injured. Concerningly so based on the dark stain your partner was leaving on the floor. He tried to help you barricade the room, but the moment he started to tip to the ground you helped him sit down. No matter how bullheaded he is, he can only withstand so much blood loss.
Ghost’s head slowly starts to fall forward as he sits against the wall. The chopper is on its way and the only body you planned to haul with you was a breathing one. Thick fabric meets your palm as you slap Ghost awake. Even though he is sluggish, he captures your wrist before you can step back. When you try to tug out of his grip, he only squeezes harder.
You opt to instead crouch in front of him, eyes blazing, “If you leave me now, I’ll come after you.”
When he simply blinks at you, you move your face until it’s inches away from his masked one. “Do you hear me, you bloody bastard? I mean it.”
A wet chuckle leaves the man below you, “Bloody, eh? I’ve rubbed off on yah already?”
“Make it through this and you can rub off on me all you want.” Now Ghost truly laughs despite himself. Despite the pain. Jokes made the hurt go away, mental or physical, but what really made the bleeding man tick was the way your eyes twinkled with promise. You truly do mean it.
Slippery fingers intertwine as Ghost holds your other hand as well. Despite the danger and the blood, there was something so intimate about his touch.
That was the night you officially fell in love with Simon “Ghost” Riley.
“Backup is on its way now. Stand your ground, Rose.” Price’s words are meant to be comforting, but they only make you curse.
You know the team is set up in houses nearby, but these men are coming in fast. The sound of heavy footsteps pounding against metal steps further confirms your thought. Rolling your shoulders, you let a cold smile spread across your face.
Game on.
“Fuckin’ hell…” Ghost couldn’t help but breathe out the words when he finally makes it to you. He’s never mowed down enemies so fast. Any person who got in his way was given a swift death, and apparently, so did any in yours.
You’re a vision in red. Blood and entrails cling to your body as you stand in the middle of the wreckage. Fingers still twitched around the blades in both your hands, sniper rifle long forgotten somewhere. When your bullets ran out you opted to use it as a baton, cracking enemies until it got lost during a scuffle. Bodies are strewn across the rooftop like it was nothing. Like it was normal for someone to have the capabilities to fight all these men by themself; let alone a woman half their size.
Ghost has never seen anything more breathtaking. The gore only illuminates the primal energy that surged through you, through him. Every instinct urges him to run to you, feel you, and claim you just as you are now.
Wouldn’t be the first time.
With a shaky laugh, you sheath your weapons, not looking away from the man in front of you. The air is fraught with tension not stemming from the surprise attack. “Sorry, you missed the party, sir. I hope you can forgive me.” Your voice practically keens with a desire only Ghost can quell.
“Sir”, a formality laced with sin that unfurls from your tongue to snake into his ears. The sound of it coming from you so desperately, so needy, for him, calls to every fiber of Ghost’s being. You take without recourse every day; lives, commands, jests, anything you could while leaving nothing in return. Until it came to him. That three-letter title was you giving your power over to Ghost. An exchange of trust that never ceased to rock him to his core.
A grunt is given to you in response. A silent warning that said, “If you keep it up with that, I can’t be held accountable for what happens next.”
You knew that verbatim since the last time he grunted like that and you continued to push his limits, you were left with such a bad limp the next day that Captain Price made you go to medical for a check-up since he was convinced you were injured. Technically with how bad you were aching, it did qualify as an injury, but the dull throb between your legs indicated it was the good kind.
Before Ghost can make a step forward, Soap and Gaz run up in quick succession. They stop short just as Ghost did as they also take in the sight. Dark eyes continue to stay transfixed on you. Almost like you were the only person in the whole city.
Although, after a couple of minutes of three pairs of eyes ogling you, you decide you had enough for one day. Exasperated, you reach for your radio, “All clear Captain.”
By the time the team makes it to the safe house, you are utterly drained. Everything aches. The thick layer of sticky human splatter covering your form begins to gnaw at your senses. The lights feel too bright, the air too hot, and the atmosphere too quiet.
You tug off the pounds of clunky armor and gear, tossing it on an open countertop like the others. For a moment you just stare at the items. The dismantling got the surface mucked with dirty substances. Not only that but your hands, arms, and the sweat rolling down your forehead makes it spread even more.
Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. The mantra leaves you frozen, not knowing what to do, not knowing what else to say.
Someone pats you firmly on the shoulder, “I’ll take care of it, eh? Go clean up. Lord knows you deserve it.”
You can’t distinguish the voice of who’s talking when your feet begin to move at the command before your mind can register it. Normally you didn’t become this frazzled so soon, but you haven’t had time to be alone for weeks now. No time to scream into a pillow or cry in your room or feel his touch.
Every high has a crash, and you are free-falling. Fast.
Soap lets out a sigh of concern before grabbing a rag to start getting to work. He doesn’t say anything when he sees a dark shadow larger than your own follow you down the hallway.
When the bathroom door closes seemingly by itself you don’t hesitate. Nails scratch your skin as you practically tear off the clothes clinging to you. When you hear the fabric of your shirt rip you don’t care. You don’t have the wherewithal to even try. Yanking back the curtain, you blindly search for the handle. When water starts pouring down you practically jump into the shower.
You arch your head back into the stream of water. Clear, turns red, then turns black with the mixture of blood and soot as it sinks into the drain, taking your adrenaline with it. Limbs quake and memories flood uninvited into your brain. To escape the onslaught of emotions you close your eyes and try to focus on the sounds around you. Water is dripping, slipping, and sliding in your mouth. Water that was meant to soothe, but once smothered you and used as a tool to make you talk, to make you break.
Large hands encompass the sides of your head and pull you from the stream internally ripping you apart. Only then do you hear the sobs spilling from your mouth. Your eyes fly open and are confronted with misty blue ones surrounded by pitch blackness, equally searching and equally pained. Pained not only for you but for the fact that he knows exactly what you’re feeling. He knows how the past is twisting your guts until the only thing your body wants to do is destroy or be destroyed.
“Focus, angel.”
The words come out in a deep yet soft command. A shiver travels across your skin and an ache settles in your heart. Ghost is here with you. You aren’t in that place anymore. Your hands cling so desperately around his wrists as if he would drift away at any moment. Like he’s the answer to your salvation.
In actuality, you’re his.
With a harsh tug, hungry lips slam into yours. You hadn’t noticed that his balaclava was pushed up, but you couldn’t be more relieved to truly feel him. The kiss is as possessive as it is sloppy. Tongues don’t dance but spar as Ghost uses his grip on your head to keep you locked in place. Not that you would ever dream about pulling away.
He tastes of metal, grit, and something addictively sweet. He’s like one of those candies in sketchy wrapping, but when you pop it in your mouth it’s the best thing to ever grace your tastebuds. Moaning you back up against the cold shower wall to make room for the large man. His lips only move to start descending on your neck. Lips and teeth and tongue tease with a fiery passion that make you gasp at each little assault of his mouth on your skin.
Something hard presses against your slick stomach as Ghost blankets your body with his own. He towers over you not only in stature but width. Your body is perfectly hidden in front of his own like a human shield. The pure notion of what he can do to you makes heat pool in your core.
Your sudden reaction doesn’t go unnoticed. They seldom do.
A thick finger instantly meets your folds, sliding through the wet sensitive flesh in agonizingly slow pets. Ghost lets out a satisfied grunt at how willing and wet you already are for him. He pushes the digit inside your pussy with ease. You desperately grab his biceps to keep yourself from melting into a puddle at his touch.
“Please.” The wobbled plead comes out like a mewling kitten. When you say it so sweetly how could he ever deny you? When a second finger joins the first the delightful stretch that follows makes your nails dig into his taut skin. Ghost doesn’t pause as he begins to fuck you with deep, slow thrusts. Fingers curve to hit the spongy sweet spot inside your pussy that has you clenching around him like a vice.
The hardness against your stomach twitches at the sound, feel, and look of you. So devastatingly perfect, devastatingly his.
In your haze, you look down at where his body meets yours. Each stroke of his fingers makes you dizzy, but all you can focus on is his cock. The tip is ruby red as it throbs and leaks with precum with the anticipation to take you.
“Simon.” His head snaps up to search your face. The name comes out in a whisper as your eyes say a thousand more words you can’t possibly string together in a coherent sentence.
His lips ghost the shell of your ear, “My strong girl did so well today. She deserves my cock don’t yah think?” You feebly nod, unable to make any sounds except for pathetic moans. Strong hands lift your legs so they’re dangling atop his muscular thighs. He’s like a makeshift seat as he keeps your back pressed against the wall to keep you propped up for him. Now the head of his cock is resting between the lips of your sex.
Breath eludes you as you watch Ghost look at where your bodies are joined. He gently rocks against your pussy, rubbing your clit with each slow stroke. The new position leaves you no room to buck against him. You’re completely left at his mercy.
“…so fuckin’ pretty.” The admiring words rumble from his chest as he finally pushes inside. It’s almost too much. His cock never fails to split you open to the point that you think you might rip in half. He’s too hard, too long, too thick, too big. Yet you can’t help but whine when he stops moving after only half of his cock is nestled in your pussy.
Ghost shoves his face in your neck and you can feel his body trembling, not from physical exertion, but from the force he was using to control himself. Teeth nip and scrape at the tender flesh above your collarbone as he begins to slowly push more of himself into your quivering pussy. In silent submission, you crane your neck further to give him better access to your pulse point.  
You don’t want Ghost to hold back. You want the delicious pain that comes from him tearing you apart because you know he’ll always sew you back together again.
“Fuck me, bite me, take me, please.”
“Copy.” Ghost’s tone is deceptively playful and you swear you feel him smirk against your neck.
Cheeky bastard.
Any semblance of lightheartedness quickly disappears when he slams the rest of his cock inside you. Instead of biting, he sucks the spot his teeth were previously teasing. Ghost’s hands settle on your ass to pull you on and off his cock in tandem with his thrusts. He’s everywhere all at once and all you can do is desperately moan at the contact you’ve starved for.
The pace starts deep and languid before rapidly turning rough and downright feral. Gravelly groans tumble from the usually composed man as your tight walls cling to him at every pull of his cock. You’re almost too tight and he’s almost too big. Almost.
“That’s it... take my cock, angel.” Your bottom lip trembles when Ghost moves to rest his forehead against yours while continuing to fuck into you hard enough to bruise. The soft skin at his pelvis abuses your clit to the point of overstimulation with the onslaught of movement. It’s so intense that you’re sure you’ll fall apart by the next jut of his hips, but he never gives you more than you can handle. Ghost is the only person you’ve trusted with your body in many years; and for that, he’ll be forever grateful.
His eyes never leave yours as he takes in every little emotion swirling in their depths. Before you were on the brink of darkness, now all he sees is lust and a four-letter word that would be his undoing.
Once you almost died and went to hell. Now you feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven. Euphoria made you docile and pliable, a mewling, dizzy, sweet mess that only made Ghost fuck you harder. The sounds he’s making are like brimstone and ash as he fucks his fallen angel.
“Angel” was an especially fond nickname Ghost gave you at the beginning of your relationship. One he saved for your most intimate moments together. To him, you’re a celestial being; too good to be with the likes of him. He sees your drive to do good, to protect people from the torment you’d endured. Outsiders may see a bloodthirsty soldier, but he saw you for who you really are. A woman who strived to do good, to protect people from horrors unimaginable. Even if it meant sacrificing herself. Although Ghost may not be as noble, he is as driven. He’ll be your patron saint, your protector till the end of days; but even then, he’ll be too selfish to let you go. Ghost would cut down Gods and travel through hell and back for you. Anything for his angel.
A particularly sharp thrust makes you cry out. You’re so close you can feel the electricity crackling between the two of you. But neither of you cared for things that came easy. In an instant Ghost pulls out of you and flips you around with the grace of a seasoned fighter. The spray of water hits the sides of your bodies as you’re bent with your front against the shower wall.
Your forearms support your weight as you slam your palms into the wall in a poor attempt for leverage. Each aching muscle in your legs shakes from the pressure of standing on your tiptoes to reach closer to Ghost’s hips. Emptiness gives way to fullness when your pussy is once again invaded by his cock. His front molds into your back like you are made for him. You fit so perfectly tight against him, around him, pushing and squeezing as your velvet walls flutter to accommodate him.
Fingers slip between your own in an act so tender it betrays the rough slap of his hips against you. Truly an enigma even you had yet to completely figure out. But with your fast-approaching climax, you didn’t have the room to dwell on the concept. You can tell Ghost is close too; his thrusts are growing sloppy and his fingers that are intertwined with yours squeeze in a white-knuckled grip to attempt to ground himself.
His hands slip from yours to find purchase on your hip with one hand while the other snakes around to descend on your clit. Even lost in desire his movements are precise and expert in how they derive pleasure from you.
“Do you want me to fill you up, angel? Make you mine?” Ghost’s voice is distorted by growls and full-blown lust. Your emphatic moans and confirmations blend only to heighten as he slams into you and rolls your sensitive bud just right. Ghost’s ministrations, cock, voice, words, and noises all blend together in perfect symphony as you reach your rapture.
His grip on you is like steel as you meet each of Ghost’s thrusts. Your heart thumps like a hummingbird and sparks feel as though they’re lighting under your skin. A loud groan reverberates next to your ear as heat blooms in your core. You’re so tight in the throes of your own orgasm, milking Ghost for everything he’s got.
Ghost continues to push his cum inside you, thrusting in deep, hard strokes to secure it in and make it stick. The insatiable need to make you his in a permanent way motivates the overstimulating pounding. His fingers knead the flesh at your hips, coaxing you to stay open for him.
Only when your whimpers waver and turn whiny does he reluctantly slow his movements before coming to a complete stop. Ghost pulls you from the wall so he can lean you against his chest, cock still buried deep inside you. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest would lull you to sleep if you weren’t acutely aware of your surroundings again. You don’t know how much time has passed, but when Ghost pulls out of you, you shiver from the newfound emptiness.
When you start to adjust your limbs, you feel that the skin on your fingertips is pruned, indicating that you’ve overstayed your welcome. You turn around in Ghost’s grip so you can properly gaze up at him (even if you still have to crane your neck). Your hands absentmindedly rub the muscles in his chest that rumbles like a dragon. Truly an unwavering force in every sense of the word. Unfortunately for both of you, you couldn’t stay like this forever.
“We have to get out sometime, big guy.” Grunting, Ghost grabs your hand before pulling it to his lips, kissing your knuckles like he was memorizing the feel of them. Satiated blue eyes look at you with an emotion that makes you swallow thickly. He was going to be the death of you.
Wordlessly, Ghost reaches around to finally stop the stream of water before scooping you into his arms. A part of you wanted to protest that you could move on your own, but you wouldn’t ever deprive his need to feel you. You wince as Ghost helps you out of the shower. At first, you think it’s from the ache between your thighs, but the pain stems from somewhere lower.
In an instant, you’re plopped on the bathroom counter. “Didn’t care to tell me about this?” Ghost elevates your right leg with an edge of anger in his voice. Not at you per se, but the fact that you’re injured. A streak of red is trailing down your outer thigh with the other droplets of water to the floor. The gash isn’t concerningly deep, but after your exertions, the area was irritated from being neglected.
“I’ve been so caught up I didn’t even feel the damn thing.” The knife wound must have occurred when you were fighting off those men on the rooftop. Everything happened so fast since you came to the safe house that you didn’t take the time to look over yourself.
When a white-hot bolt of pain hits your gut, you’re reminded of your oversight again. You sure as hell can feel it now though. Sighing, Ghost makes quick work of cleaning and wrapping your wound with items from his bag. Of course, he brought it into the bathroom with him. The man is never unprepared.
“Wish you gave me the chance to kill those bastards, love.” The comment only makes you laugh. Leave it to Ghost to think of vengeance right after fucking your brains out.
You admire his concentration in silence. Before you met him you always “licked your own wounds” after every mission you went on, never having someone care so intimately about you to tend to your injuries themself. Now you had Ghost’s expert hands piecing you back together. Despite your pride, you cherish that those hands, invisibly coated in so many people’s blood, takes extra precaution while cleaning up yours. At this moment you feel nothing but lingering bliss and something you thought you’d never feel again… love.
Lightly twisting your leg, Ghost looks over his handiwork with a satisfied grunt. Thick fingers start to card through your wet strands of hair before moving down to cup your cheeks. His thumbs draw small circles on your skin in a manner so soothing it made butterflies awaken in your stomach.
“Do you think they heard us?” They had to of heard, but you knew that they would make themselves think they didn’t. If one of them even uttered a single syllable about it Ghost would pop their head off like a cherry stem.
“That’s the goal.” A wicked blush flames your cheeks as you playfully swat his chest.
Possessive bastard.
Sighing, you hop off the counter and grab your undergarments. Can’t delay facing the team any longer. The comfortable silence continues to stretch as you both get re-dressed. Thankfully Ghost hands you a spare shirt since you tore yours before getting in the shower. It all feels strangely domestic, especially when putting where you are into consideration. But home is where the heart is, and Ghost has yours in the palm of his hand.
Strong arms pull you to a hard chest once you’re fully dressed. A ghost of a smile plays on your lover’s lips and the sight makes you smile in return. Ghost leaves you with one last searing kiss before pulling his balaclava back down and exiting the bathroom.
Amidst war, death, and a lingering past you were able to fight your demons and find love. And as fate would have it, you love the angel of death himself.
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Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated.
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the0maski · 2 months
Oh look! I escaped containment! Update Entrance | part 2
So normal dungeon size. Would be cool to see what the different floor look like and for what reason the temple had been used in the past. Could there be references to one of them? An old inscription telling one of the Link’s legend?
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Oh yes the reason Hyrule Warriors isn’t a canon Zelda game…and my personal one-sides beef with Aonuma! The timeline would be so much easier…
Anyway, Hyrule Warriors features some dungeons, but you just run and fight the hoards of monsters.
Love the their shock faces! And then there is Time. Don’t know if the side eye is because Time is the most stoic 3D Link, or because my boy is going through high level stress?
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Interesting piece of LU lore! Either that or Wars purposely mentions Ganon.
Cause, technically, Cia started the War of Ages. Yes she was under the influence of Ganon, but it was her obsession that also lead to the events in HW.
And that, snuck under Ganon’s snout is not true for all of them.
Time literally played into Ganondorf’s plan in the first half of Oot. (In MM, if you look at Skull kid with the telescope. Majora will always look at you, what means they know where you are)
The same goes for Legend, in a Link between Worlds. Hilda had asked for his help, only so she could have the Triforce of Courage. Meaning that they had to be watching him somehow to make sure everything was going according to plan.
And also, I think that Zant had an eye on Twilight, not sure if from the very beginning or at some point in the game.
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Yes recurrent items. I wonder if Hyrule has already left something hidden somewhere, for a future hero to find? The hero to follow would be Warriors so, has he any items of Hyrule?
Interesting enough, Twilight’s hero’s clothes are often said belonged to Time, because Ordona made the comment that the green tunic belonged to an ancient hero. But it makes more sense that there actually belonged to Sky, since Time isn’t an official hero in that timeline.
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(Some other example of what Hyrule said, would be:
Four’s Gust Jar -> Sky’s Gust bellows
Four’s Mole Mitts -> Sky’s Digging mitts/ Mogma mitts
Four’s Small Shield -> Wind’s Hero’s shield
Four’s Cane of Pacci -> Legend’s Cane of Somaria/ Cane of Byrna
Twilight’s Ball and Chain -> Warrior’s Ball and Chain
Time’s Hero’s Bow -> Twilight’s Hero’s Bow)
Twilight saw the opportunity to bite War’s ego and took it! Meanwhile, Four worries about some enemies only found in dungeons, why is he the only one who cares about his brother getting badly hurt?
Wind is clearly screaming inside.
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Nice call back to when LU hasn’t had a storyline!
This part could be also mean that some of the doodles can be taken as Slice of Life parts, though some of them still hadn’t taken place yet.
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Hyrule knows that it is important to know the enemy and be prepare. Like that about his character, as much as he likes to goof around and get lost in the world, he knows when to take things serious.
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(He might quote this even from his game? His text does read like something an NPC in game would say.)
Legend‘s little prank here is a good way to show the captain how it’s feels to be grabbed by a Wallmaster. So no blame to the Vet, this might be even good.
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More on part 3
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yourlocaltreesimp · 10 months
Warriors: Y/N, I have to tell you-
Y/N: No, I understand. You have to be with the person you love.
Warriors: *smiling* I am.
Warriors Hcs
Warriors is slow to fall. Not in the sense he’s slow to love, once he has that connection he falls fast and falls hard, but he doesn’t like admitting it to himself. So long he’s spent being told that he has to remain responsible, the ideal of what a soldier is that he stammers when it comes to his own feelings.
So what does he do to prevent this? Ignore, pretend and then swoon. In that order. Let’s unravel that, shall we?
Phase one: Ignore
When he first recognises he’s falling he takes a solid hour to sit with the thought before having a mini crisis. This revolving around his own feelings of inadequacy for a peaceful life and his pent up fear of being seen as creepy or possessive whenever he thinks if you. He shoves down the fluttering feeling of his heart and hopes that he’ll move past himself. But he never does. He so badly wants to be the person you go to with your issues, so badly wants to love you freely and to have your love in turn, so badly wants to be the thing your life revolves around because he can’t deny the pull he has to you. But his mind screams at him that he’s being obsessed and creepy, that you’d be happier without him and he’d be more productive without you. Cia really fucked up his ideas of romance. Of course, this is a lie. Given that you treasure the few moments he can spend with you and the fact that his heart won’t be rid of you no matter how much he rationalises.
Phase two: Pretend
After an incredibly long and embarrassing conversation with Time and Four surprisingly, he gets better at understanding that not only does he have feelings, they are a normal thing. And with this understanding he… immediately pretends all feelings of love and adoration towards you are wonder in well placed friendship. To him, who wouldn’t feel this way? You’re so new and yet so familiar, kind and caring while keeping up with your morals and ideals, compassionate and undyingly empathetic, a wonder to look at so much that he wonders if the gods that made you were stunned with your beauty- yeah you get the point. But in the plus, he can stand to be friends with you, even if he’s stuck to your side with a kind of lovesick look only a man yearning could have.
Phase three: Swooning
This certainly took the longest, as when he realised that he was so in love with you that he couldn’t pull himself out, the first thing that he felt was guilt. He’d felt he had misled you, being your source of safety and comfort that he was worried he’d betray if he’d spoke on his feelings. But hes gotten better with recognising his spirals and thinking them through. And the longer he thinks, the more it comes to light that hes always felt this way. He’s always loved you, from the second he saw you, and perhaps even before then. The only difference was that now, he was comfortable to feel. He knew that longing to love and be loved was not a sin or a request he wasn’t worthy of. Love was wonderful and scary and alive and beautiful and it was you. And how could he ever deny you.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Mrigashira: The Truth Is Subjective?
This is part 3 of my Mrigashira trilogy (here's part 1 & part 2)
I had previously explored the Mrigashira tendency to speak the truth and often be considered crazy for it. I thought I'd expand on this nature for this post as well.
Being truthful can mean many different things. The truth is also context-bound and what one exposes can differ based on the circumstances.
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Dalai Lama- Mrigashira Mercury conjunct Rising
He has been at the forefront of the Tibetan independence movement, He has spoken up about nonviolence and his work includes a focus on the environment, economics, women's rights, non-violence, inter-faith dialogue, physics, astronomy, Buddhism and science, cognitive neuroscience, reproductive health and sexuality. He's literally one of the most admired people in the world and is considered a Bodhisattva. Being truthful or bringing attention to the truth is a big part of his life. This is not to say he isnt shady tho
He is also a very complicated figure. He used to get a personal income of over $1 million every year from the CIA for about 2 decades between 1959 and 1974?? He inappropriately touched Lady Gaga when they were on stage together, there is also a video of him asking a young boy to "suck his tongue" 🤮🤢
sometimes the truth isn't really the truth. whatever you believe to be true is what is true to you even if it does not have any basis in reality. one terrifying example of that is the Aum Shinrikyo cult leader Shoko Ashara
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Shoko Asahara- Mrigashira Moon
He was the leader of the infamous cult Aum Shinrikyo, that carried out the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack and several other attacks. Asahara declared himself as God and led his followers into believing that the end of the world was coming. Its a bizarre mix of new age conspiracy theories, religious syncretism, enlightenment, doomsday mentality and pure sadism.
He and several other leaders of the cult were executed in 2018 after more than 2 decades in prison.
It goes to show how "truth" is very subjective. Shoko was a megalomaniac who was fcked in the head, yet he managed to convince manyyy people of his teachings and even got them to do whatever he wanted them to do??
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Donald Trump, Mrigashira Sun conjunct Rahu, popularised the term "fake news". it is so interesting to me that a man generally known as a liar will have Mrigashira of all naks and esp have it conjunct Rahu, the planet of illusion. Astrology is funny like that sometimes. He was very forceful in spreading his truth, even though that truth was bigoted, racist, classist and misogynistic. And in one way, he helped expose people who supported him bc what is worse than being known as a Trump supporter? That is enough to gauge someone's character and nature.
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Idi Amin- Mrigashira Moon
mrig nakshatra is actually present in the luminaries of many dictators/fascists/terrible leaders. Idi did not really have any specific ideology, he was a brutal narcissist who got a kick out of murdering people even at the expense of his nation's well being.
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Ryuho Okawa- Mrigashira Moon & Venus
He was the leader of a cult called Happy Science and declared himself to be God. one thing that stands out to me with mrig natives is how since Mrigashira nak represents the fall from heaven, i.e, the beginning of life on earth in some ways, its natives tend to be obsessed with truth telling, I had explored more positive manifestations of this in part 1 but this tendency can be manifest in very bad ways as we see from these examples as "truth" is very subjective. Okawa was telling his truth bc he genuinely believed he was God but does that make it right?
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Jennifer Lawrence, Mrigashira Moon
JLaw has always struck me honest, maybe a little too honest but that's what made her so likable initially and unlikable later on. I had mentioned this in part 1 as well about how the presence of a Mrig native often triggers other people or makes them feel threatened. part of it is the fact that Mrig has serpent yoni and subconsciously we sense the energy of other people's yoni animals and react a certain way in their presence. people with predator yoni animals strike us as intimidating. most people hate snakes and will probably kill them if they see them bc it could be dangerous and this is honestly how society reacts to a lot of serpent yoni women. So many sex symbols have serpent yoni in their big 3 (Pamela Anderson, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Brooke Shields etc) society seems enchanted by them but is also quick to tear them apart. people feel deeply uncomfortable with these natives is what I have noticed. JLaw's reputation suffered after she had been exposed as a try hard "cool girl". but tbh, there are celebs out there who are far more annoying and done far worse things, how come JLaw's hated for being the "cool girl"?? part of it could be that we all see our collective shadow in her, the hot sexy talented woman who seems to be a messy clumsy loser and is also "one of the boys". JLaw grew up on a farm with 2 brothers, its only natural that her personality is a little brutish and unladylike, it gets old really quick bc it seemed gimmicky but it is interesting to me how someone can be ripped apart for something so small??
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Sandra Bullock, Mrigashira Stellium
Sandra plays these unladylike but blunt and honest characters a lot (While You Were Sleeping, Two Weeks Notice, Miss Congeniality movies etc)
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Sonam Kapoor- Mrigashira stellium (sun mercury & mars)
Sonam is known in the Indian media for saying whatever comes to her mouth lol, that means she makes a lot of dumb comments (she once said her being a nepo baby was the result of good karma from past lives lol and that people think you're a good actor if youre not good looking which is basically implying that she isnt considered a good actor bc she's too good looking lmfao) but she does have moments of radical no bullshit honesty, like the time she wrote an essay talking about body image
Monica from Friends always called out everyone's bullshit. She was played by Courteney Cox who is Mrigashira Sun
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Leah Remini Mrigashira Sun
she exposed the dark secrets of Scientology through her memoir and docu series. this is another form of Mrigashira truth telling. exposing the darkness, evil and injustice in this world.
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North West, Mrigashira Stellium (Sun & Rising)
North exposing her family is a bit of a running joke, she revealed she has dyslexia on IG live which pissed Kim off and in general she's known for her bluntness and calling out her mom esp. Kim even said that North is her "lesson" and that North "intimidates her" and how North is Kanye's twin (Kanye is also Mrigashira Sun)
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Tupac Mrigashira Sun
honestly watch any interview and you can see how honest and sincere Tupac was (sidenote: isnt he sooo handsome??<33). i cant pinpoint to specific moments but Tupac was so young and sooo beyond mature?? idk if anybody in their early 20s has this kind of articulation anymore.
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Paula Abdul- Mrigashira Sun
this is a bit of a strange case. Paula claims to have been in a plane crash in 1992 which left her with a spinal cord injury and forced her to take about 10 years off before she restarted her career as a judge on American Idol. she has talked about this many many times in the last 2 decades. except of course that there is zero evidence of this plane crash. obviously, she could just be lying but why lie about something that could so easily be proven? i think sometimes Mrig natives have a tendency to delusionally believe what they say. i have no doubt that Paula is convinced that she was in a plane crash and that it ruined her music career but its not objectively true.
Donald Trump & even Kanye West (both Mrig Sun) are other examples of celebrities who talk about wildly stranger things that they believe to be true.
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Ewan McGregor- Mrigashira moon
In the movie The Island, Ewan's character discovers that everything about his existence is a lie and that he and the other inhabitants are human clones.
I feel like this trope of realizing lies and "waking up" is tied to Mrigashira's nature.
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in the movie Passengers, this happens in reverse, JLaw wakes up and then learns the truth
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The Truman Show, starring Mrigashira Moon, Jim Carrey is another example of a Mrig native realising everything is a lie.
i think its a common and unfortunate pattern in the lives of many Mrig natives to suffer abuse and I feel like the reason many of them do is because they falsely believe the lies they are being fed is true :(( it takes them time to "wake up" to the truth (ex: Mrig Sun Brooke Shields who always defended her abusive mom who made her pose nude for playboy when she was a kid??? among other things, its only recently that she has started to admit that those things werent okay)
thats it for this post!!
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yesiknowimshort · 1 year
this is how i imagine… TIM DRAKE
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the bitch is back…. i mean me not tim, but tim is also a bitch.
thank you so much to my followers (i love each and everyone of you <3) for waiting so patiently for me to get myself together (still shaky, so again, posts might be scattered but i will be posting!!).
i wanna start a series where i do these long form character headcanons for the batboys (and maybe girls one day, i’ve just not thought about it aha) and so i obviously had to start with my favourite character of all tjme; tim drake.
obvisouly i’ve already done a suuuuper long analysis of his actual character which you can read here, but i want to do a more theoretical one that’s not necessarily wholly “canonical” but still in character.
a lot of this is also canon/inspired by canon - however, these are still my headcanons.
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- to start off with: fuck the uwu-fication of tim drake. he’s a badass who happens to also appear soft sometimes but that does not equal wimp. you can have anxiety and depression and not be a an uwu baby.
- absolutely obsessed with star wars.
- has forced everyone to individually binge the series with him at least once.
- but also love island (he won’t watch the winter season tho) and the real housewives are definitely his guilty pleasures.
- overworks himself on such little sleep that his body giving up and him fainting is a scarily regular occurrence.
- but it’s not for want of trying. oh no. forgot to eat because he was distracted so his limbs are barley holding him up when he runs? ignores it. keeps going.
- he stands up too quickly, collapses, and gets right up and walks it off like he wasn’t just on the floor (p.e teachers would love him).
- absolutely insane martial artist -which people (like most things he can do/does) completely overlook or just don’t care about. this is also canon btw.
- my boy’s only scraping average height -he’s gotta have something to back him up that’s doesn’t rely on being massive n buff.
- he can easily knock anyone to the ground in a second, yet because of his small build and mmmm relatively unhealthy state, it goes unnoticed and sometimes unused -depending on the situation’s needs.
- people always overlook him because of his public persona (and in real life online it’s usually because of uwu tim), but he would be so cruel sometimes.
- seriously -please remember and use his pettiness!
- like he’d punch jason out cold for picking up his stuff and holding it over his head… put itching powder in dick’s boxers and bed for hiding the cases he was working on… roofy damian’s nightly hot chocolate so he’d miss family movie night because damian was pissing him off… true slytherin.
- but just like a lot of the things he does, it goes unnoticed/un-delt-with most of the time so he gets away with it. middle child tings.
- not to mention he literally stalked batman and would run around solving murders and dropping off the evidence to gordon before even being a robin.
- he was on the CIA’s watch list for crying out loud!
- doesn’t break the unassuming facade often, but if he went off the deep end, he’d be gone, and wouldn’t stop until he’s satisfied -or restrained (but that would be near impossible).
- scarily persuasive -some would say manipulative, i would say ambitious. i mean he did wiggle his way into the position of robin with sheer willpower.
- i think one of the reasons i love tim so much and am so fascinated by him is because of his capacity to be a villain so easily if he wanted.
- the guy has considered murder way too often.
- clint barton’s “i could do it!... no one would know!... but i won’t” quip about quicksilver is literally tim’s relationship with villiany.
- like if he decided one day to turn on everyone… in an instant he has control of a multimillion dollar company, can easily gain control the police, has dirt on every single person, and access to anything he decides he wants: and yet he chooses to do good.
- remember -he chose to be a hero. and he repeats this fact a lot.
- he could easily have the world on their knees, and yet people still decide to fuck with him because of their naivety.
- villain tim would be terrifying.
- his childhood and a openly loving and attentive family setting was stolen from him. he was always made out to be “mature for his age” and “quiet and sensible” when in reality he was just neglected and bored.
- being a gifted child always comes with its downfalls. like being so unstimulated by his schooling and classmates that he acts out a little bit out of boredom and a craving for attention from his parents; not to mention the social rejection because he’s too far past his peer's antics.
- he’d be super socially unaware for his age group as a child (kind of like damian i guess). being an only child surrounded by adults (yet forever alone and isolated) would’ve prevented him from ever connecting with fellow kids and their interests.
- (anyone else relate to not ever finding kiddy humour funny in primary school?)
- so now he likes doing a lot of random “childish” things like skating down the halls in the manor, having a gamer chair as his office chair, playing his nintendo switch in his wayne ent. office with his feet rested on the desk when he’s bored, having bento box lunches filled with sugary cereal and roll-ups, having a mini fridge in his office exclusively filled with yakults, iced coffee cartons and redbull, being fully versed in gen z lingo (which he uses correctly don’t worry) that he uses to talk to people he works with and interacts with at galas etc etc.
- likes to leave little notes in library books for the next person to find; often mildly threatening like “i know what you did”, for no other reason other than to have a little gremlin cackle to himself when he thinks about it.
- definitely has nearsightedness, though he hardly ever wears his glasses “because they’re impractical and contacts are torture devices” (bruce practically has to strap him down to get the camera contacts in for patrol).
- when he’s not drinking coffee, he’s chewing gum or mints to counteract the coffee.
- ambidextrous, but favours his left hand meaning his already inconceivably messy quick notes are also smudged by his hand.
- hands are always cold and numb (leading everyone to believe he probably has rayynaud’s syndrome).
- he gets really nervous and tries to avoid people being able to touch his hands, like when they’re handing something to him, or makes sure handshakes are firm and quick -but still respectful- etc (but he loves hand holding, he just worries no one would want to).
- really good at taking in information and his surroundings quickly.
- often points things out to people that would otherwise go unnoticed like “your eyes look really pretty today” or “your freckles have darkened from the sun” or “they ordered two sugars with their coffee… they always order three” etc.
- he doesn’t constantly say the things he’s thinking, but they come out a lot more when he’s losing his filter from fatigue.
- he’s always apologising offhandedly for pointing out things (more annoyed at himself than anything) bc he thinks they’ll think he’s weird or become uncomfortable.
- tim is allergic to almost all nuts except for almonds (wog runs through my veins, i refuse to believe he can’t eat almonds).
- he’s not like epipen allergic, all he needs is some cetirizine.
- bc of this “relatively low risk” (as he would say), if he accidentally eats a nut he’ll usually just not tell anyone while his throat is closing over and his mouth feels like it’s been attacked by mosquitoes.
- he’ll just silently slip away to buy some cetirizine or get some from his pocket/bag.
- this sweet old lady at a charity bake sale once offered tim to try a free slice of her baklava, which of course, has walnuts in it.
- and he was too anxious to refuse so he took it and finished the whole thing in front of her.
- it took him about 20 minutes and to the point where he was crying and his lips looked like they had fillers that he whispered to bruce he was having a reaction.
- bruce was hysterical.
- like- national news “funny internet clip report” hysterical.
- he always carries cetirizine on him now just in case tim does that again.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
Hello, May I request a Cod Cold War ask? Specifically for Weaver x reader who’s part of the zombies strike team? I can imagine that they’re quick to figure out things (as you need to be for the Easter eggs) yet tough as they need to be? If not, I guess can I request Bell x reader (Bell may be hard to write for since they’re a player created character but I figured you do something cool with it!)
Ps, Chase loved the cookie I gave to him saying it was from you!
I'll try Bell as I'm a bit more familiar with them! Happy he liked the cookie even if it was a long time ago. Hope you enjoy :) Bell is referred to as They/Them as you did not specify what kind of Bell you wanted.
This is mostly rambling and may be short but it was me giving my view on the character and their potential. I wanted to explore it a bit so there's no real plot.
Yandere! Bell Concept/Overview
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Mentioned self-aware behavior but not focused, General Bell thoughts, Stalking, Brainwashing, General yandere behavior, Character death, Dubious companionship.
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Bell can be both interesting yet difficult to write so I will try to keep this rather general.
Bell could be difficult since their character is primarily meant for the player to insert themselves into.
They're meant to be so the player can interact with the story and feel like a part of it.
This would be difficult to try and convey, however, it opens many different possibilities.
Bell would be like a customizable yandere.
In a story you can pick and choose how you'd want Bell to be.
Bell would work even better in a "Self-Aware" story since they'd act as a host for the player and are extremely player dependent.
Your little puppet.
A reflection of you.
Overall Bell could really have any sort of yandere personality traits due to being a blank canvas.
You could see Bell as soft or someone who follows their darling like a puppy.
Maybe you could see them as a worship yandere.
Maybe you could see them as cruel, perhaps even prior to the brainwashing?
As a result, the darling is just as customizable.
You could be a part of the CIA or know Bell prior to the brainwashing.
There's a lot of potential.
The things is, how to write Bell is you'd need to be specific.
That's why I'm mostly just looking over the character.
Honestly my favorite ideas may be the Self-Aware one and Bell with a fellow CIA agent.
The Self-Aware one is self explanatory, I mentioned it before.
But the CIA agent one could also be fun to explore.
You know you shouldn't get attached or involve yourself with Bell.
They've been brainwashed with MK-ULTRA to find out info on Perseus.
That's all, afterwards they may just be tossed away.
For now they just need to be alive until the mission is finished and over.
However, Bell appears to have some sort of adoration for you one way or another.
Maybe somewhere in their memories they seem to recall you being important to them.
It's most likely a fabricated memory to coax more information out of them, but it works.
How Bell deals with such information could vary.
They may follow you around, they may be overly protective/clingy, they could be possessive, they could be any number of things.
They don't understand why you never like being around them.
Truthfully you either don't care or don't want to be attached.
Either way, Bell would want to treat you more than a "comrade".
They either see you as a close friend they "fought alongside" or maybe even a lover.
They have no idea you and Adler just need them for information.
Bell may most likely be "gotten rid of" before they become too much of a problem for you due to their obsession.
If they are a softer and more docile yandere, it feels horrible to know Adler did them in.
If they are rougher and more intense, it may feel like a relief when they're gone.
Player created characters like Bell have potential to be interesting once you have traits decided.
Unfortunately as a result I can't really assign Bell any definitive yandere behavior for them.
They seem like a puppet, a husk, meant to follow orders due to all of the brainwashing.
Regardless... a blank slate character can still have endless potential if you have a plot to work with.
No two Bell stories would be the same, essentially.
Bell is a wild card when it comes to their darling.
Which can mean they're a dangerous yandere if you think about it.
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shitpostingkats · 21 days
Can I please have some dark world administrative lore. Read your "Jaden Yuki has to take care of a pack of middle schoolers" and now im obsessed. Very much looking forward to the fic you mentioned where Yuri becomes Jaden's intern/apprentice because I would love to see their relationship development/dynamic and also. I need more administrative lore. I would absolutely read your entire 15 slide powerpoint
I have such a regular amount of Dark World lore. It is a very sane amount of worldbuilding I did. The next fic in the series definitely isn't going to be more underworld office comedy schennanigans with absurd amounts of exposition and complex workplace drama.
(One of these is a lie.)
For the dark world administrative lore, I decided to use file no. 4 of the Master Guide 2 card storylines as a jumping off point, and then the lore just ballooned from there. The powerpoint exists for my own referencing purposes, because even if most of the dark world generals don't appear (yet >:), it is important it exists to me.
Let's start with our head of state and his primary advisors!
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Third King of the Dark World, babey!!! You know him, you love him, it's the Yuki!
Not too much to say about our Supreme Boi that isn't gonna be covered in future fics. The most relevant information, going into the as-of-yet-untitled next gc au fic, is thinking about what the hot mess that is dark world politics from an outside perspective. Like, imagine you're one of the other interdimensional courts that exist in the wider yugioh canon and just
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Yuri doesn't have a slide in my powerpoint :(
I can say that in the gc au after he settles into the dark world and starts being involved in running the kingdom, Jaden goes in and officially names him an official of the dark world. At first, Yuri demanded he also be called "Supreme King", because he's a little shit like that. They compromise on "Supreme Prince".
None of the other officials call him that. They just call him "The Princeling"
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Beiige, my beloved long suffering paper pusher <3
Jaden does, in fact, end up giving him a scarf at some point.
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Under our King, Prince, and Vanguard, we have the newly promoted heads of Millitary and Wellfare. There is technically a third branch of of the government, Security, but rather than have a single representative, the duties of security are actually divided into Internal and External. Or, more specifically, The Wild Hunt and Renge And His Weird Daughter.
More on them later.
For now, say hi to the rest of the Dark World's millitary division!
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Fun fact! At first one might assume that the dark world monsters don't have genders! Well, I assumed that at first, at least. But Snoww is considered notable for being the "only" female Dark Lord, which implies they have at least some kind of gender system. And for some reason, I find it much stranger to have a host of duel spirits with like twelve guys and one woman, than everyone just using to same pronouns. So for my own comfort and amusement, I've switched up some of the Dark Lords genders. So if she ever comes up in fic, Lucent is a woman. Other than that, she's basically the textbook brooding samurai. Jaden actually offered her the position of millitary head first, but she turned it down, both thinking herself undeserving of the title, and because she argued her being not an on-the-ground operative is exactly how she did not know how bad Bronn's rule had become. He reluctantly agreed, and she pointed him towards Zure.
What happened to the previous heads of Military? Well, as I alluded to in my fic, they're a bit hard to track down at the moment.
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And in special ops, we got Cobal!
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Not actually ever printed, never even seen in show. Cobal wasn't even a Dark Lord under the previous monarchy. He's like the dark world equivalent of a construction worker who got promoted to the head of the CIA. Why the rapid career change? Well one, he was in the resistance with Axel, and Jaden trusts anyone who tried to actively overthrow him. Also, the previous head of the CIA defected and set about overthrowing the government.
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And on the other side, under Gren's oversight, we have our Silly Old Men.
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The true victors of diplomacy. Because they were not soldiers, and smart enough to understand how veeeeery precarious that made their standing once Bronn started to go all mad king-y, used their massive brains and promptly noped right out of the situation. Parl already stayed in his cave like 90% of the time, so he pulled the old Just Stop Showing Up To The Office strategy and wrote a letter to his friend suggesting he do that same. Someone who was NOT passive about the whole Supreme King situation, however, was Ceruli's apprentice, Snoww.
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While they have since reconciled, Snoww was originally an ardent opponent to Jaden's (first) rule, as well as Bronn. There isn't a more skilled death diviner in the dark world, nor any other dimension, so Supreme King Jaden went to her first thing upon Bronn's defeat to seek help recovering Jesse's soul. She was unable to find it (him being still alive) and even worse, advised Jaden that obsessing over a ghost was often the last thing a spirit wanted. Once he started pursuing Super Poly, she turned her work to guiding as many of the lost souls as she could to a peaceful rest, and delaying the ritual as long as possible.
She continued like this even after she was found out, and formally defected to join the rebellion.
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RIP Latinum. He's currently rotting in one of the many Dark World prison cells.
And lastly, we've got the security branch, both internal and external.
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There are now two gatekeepers in the Dark World, which is a 200% increase to what it was previously!!!
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Broww's wild hunt is roughly based on the real life folkloric trend; the ever-moving host of unquiet dead that roams across the land. I like to think it has that same spooky connotation, even among dark world residents. Broww's just scary. Add to it that he basically disappeared from the government to continue to act as an independent force, the wild hunt has a bit of a mysterious reputation. It's basically the most sovereign branch of the dark world government, if not for...
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Are you going to be the one to tell the dragonlord what they can and can't do??? Grapha and Jaden work on a mutual respect type of relationship, as Jaden is one of the most powerful beings in all dimensions and still a little cautious about working with dragon spirits. Inversely, Grapha is willing to handle territorial and testy dragons all day, but can acknowledge when their boss is pretty chill for an eldritch horror.
If you want a easier to follow summary, here's a diagram of the Dark World's current chain of command:
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AND! For an added bit of trivia: Completely by accident, I somwhow managed to namedrop every GX era original Dark World monster in Jaden Yuki Has To Take Care Of A Pack Of Wild Middleschoolers. I just love talking about my headcanon lore so much. Can you spot them all?
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adrift-in-thyme · 10 months
Congrats on the follower milestone, Trin!! For the lil fanfic suggestions, how about Sky and Warriors bonding? I do love how you write emotional hurt/comfort, and it would be cool if Wars were the one comforting, but these are all just suggestions! No worries if you don't feel inspiration from this prompt :) Hope you're having a good day!
Tysm @unclemoriarty !! And thanks for the prompt! I love writing Wars and Sky, especially when it’s angsty ;) I hope you like what I came up with!
No warnings, just some angst
Sky brushes a hand roughly across his eyes, trying to do away with the moisture there. He doesn’t deserve to cry. Not after everything. But the Shadow’s words still echo in his mind, a sentence he never wanted to shoulder.
…and yet has for years now.
“Have you told them yet?” Crimson eyes gleam in his mind’s eye. Cool metal presses against his neck. “Have you told them that you are responsible for all their pain?
“Tell me, hero, have you informed them of the curse you allowed to take root in your souls?”
Seeing their faces had been the worst of it. Worse than the wounds the Shadow had inflicted, worse than the fear and pain. They had looked at him, questioning, confused, and all he could do in the aftermath was spew a choked explanation full of excuses.
“I should’ve stabbed him right then and there. I shouldn’t have given him the mercy of another moment of life.” That is what it really comes down to. His foolish belief that he had won, that he could spare the fading god a few more seconds to breathe his last.
Decency and morality are things he clings to. They’re what make him a hero. He has no plans to release them now. But…
He gazes out into the dim light of a cloudy day, wincing as even that much brightness assaults his aching eyes.
But in this moment he is beginning to think his decision was more pride than anything else. Or…perhaps it was just exhaustion. A yearning for it all to be over so he could go collapse in his friends’ waiting arms, safe at last.
It doesn’t matter either way. The point is that he failed. And now others must shoulder the repercussions of that failure.
“Hey, Sky.”
He jolts abruptly out of his thoughts, breath hitching. In an instant, he is on his feet. But it is only the captain standing there, looking a bit damp from the drizzling rain.
“Sorry,” he says, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
Sky shakes his head, forcing a smile onto his lips.
“It’s fine.”
He turns away, flopping defeatedly back down onto the ground. If Warriors knows it for the sign Sky means it to be, he doesn’t indicate as much. Instead, he comes to sit down beside him.
“It’s not a very pleasant day today, is it?”
Sky doesn’t answer, but he can feel the captain’s eyes on him, searching, questioning, perhaps even judging. He fights not to crumble before their scrutiny.
“No,” he croaks, finally, “it’s not.”
Warriors has turned now to gaze out into the endless gray. Sky still feels exposed, raw. Suddenly, he has the distinct yearning to claw out of his own skin.
For another agonizing thread of minutes it is quiet. Then, Warriors speaks, his voice soft.
“We aren’t angry at you, Sky.”
Sky looks down at his boots and doesn’t reply. The silence is agonizing, but speaking is far worse.
Warriors allows it for a short while more.
“Did I ever tell you how the War of Ages began?” He says, finally, still soft, far softer than the captain usually sounds.
Sky shakes his head. Warriors chuckles, short and bitter.
“I figured as much. Well, you should know…it started because of me.”
Sky’s eyes widen slightly. He turns to Warriors, but the captain is facing away still, expression carefully guarded.
“A woman named Cia became obsessed with me without me even knowing it. She attacked Hyrule to get what she wanted. I wouldn’t give in — and neither would anyone else — and in the end we defeated her. But to get there, to obtain a victory…”
He ducks his head, that hollow chuckle ringing out again. It tears Sky’s heart in two.
“It’s what it means to be a hero, Sky,” he murmurs. “To lose, to fail, if only to succeed in the end. We carry heavy burdens — every single one of us.”
Finally, he turns to Sky, a sad smile on his lips. Gently, he puts a hand on Sky's shoulder.
“But if we stick together we’ll be alright. Trust me.”
Sky swallows hard. Tears still pick at his eyes and the lump in his throat warns of the sobs that are still to come. Far away he can make out a dark haze amongst all the gray — rain approaching fast. He watches it through blurred eyes.
“I’m sorry about the war,” he says, quietly. It’s not enough — he knows it isn’t. What can he say to wash away Warriors’ guilt, his pain?
“Not your fault. And I didn’t tell you to gain your pity. I told you because I wanted you to know that I understand. And I know the others do too.” His arm is around Sky now, drawing him in, nudging away his barriers. “That’s why we don’t blame you. Why would we when we all bear our own guilt?”
Sky inhales shakily. The rain is even closer now. They will likely be soaked soon. But with Warriors warm and steady beside him, he can’t bring himself to care.
He doesn’t deserve this comfort. The war that had made Warriors a hero wouldn’t have even happened without his failure, after all. Yet, he feels incapable of pulling away.
“I’m sorry anyway,” he murmurs, thickly, because words are all he has to offer. “Even if you don’t blame me for the curse…I’m sorry.”
Warriors doesn’t reply. But he coaxes Sky closer until the Skyloftian is resting on his shoulder. And when the rain comes pouring down and Sky shatters beneath it, Warriors holds him tightly while he sobs.
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gerec · 8 months
Hi Gerec! Do you have any fics rec where Erik fell in love with Charles at first sight? I just love reading Erik being absolute whipped for Charles.
Hi Anon! Here are a few of my favourites where they fall in love (or in lust!) at first sight. Hope you enjoy :D
Scenes from the Wild by nekosmuse
Erik Lehnsherr, world renowned wilderness survivalist, alongside his husband, Charles Xavier, survive the perils of the wild in order to bring you, Two Men, One Knife, an award winning reality survival series, available only on the Discovery Channel. Follow Erik and Charles as they travel to the world's most remote locations with only the most basic of supplies. Pitted against nature, this husband-husband team struggle to survive in some of the world's harshest climates while battling the planet's fiercest predators. Can they survive the Canadian North? Find out next season, on Two Men, One Knife
Note: Chapter 2 covers their first meeting :D
Other Life Challenges by professor (series)
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
Trying to create the next world war by aesc
The voice's owner is a young man, maybe a handful of years younger than Erik, with the earnest expression worn by a boy who's never grown up. He's very correctly academic in a dark waistcoat and collared shirt, although the collar is very incorrectly unbuttoned to display a hint of throat – enough, Erik decides, to want to lick. [Or, the one inspired by this moment-inducing gifset, where for some reason Erik's decided to work for the CIA as a means to an end and gets sent to England instead of Moira.]
645 Riverside Drive by smilebackwards
Azazel clearly has yet to understand the shattering power of Charles' disappointment, so Erik takes one for the team, grabbing the cup and downing the remnants of the cappuccino like a shot while Azazel watches with morbid fascination.
Humane Society by smilebackwards
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
An Unexpected Muse by RedStockings
Erik is an artist who is obsessed with the young man he by chance bumped into six months ago. Charles is the long-suffering brother being dragged to an art exhibition by Raven. There he spots the man he has been dreaming about for six long months and realises that he had been noticed after all.
Walling in or Walling Out by stlkrchck
Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
For the prompt: Charles and Raven are throwing a holiday party. Erik is the grumpy neighbor who is annoyed by how loud they are being. So he goes to complain, and Charles makes it up to him.
Protect, Serve, Troll by keire_ke
Erik's fire department has a special relationship with the local university. They visit often. Sometimes, there even is a fire.
Immovable Object Meets Irresistible Force by ximeria
Erik is woefully unprepared for Raven's brother, who returns to the States for her 25th birthday party.
soul of my soul by ikeracity
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
Some Things Are Meant To Be by ikeracity
Erik is a famous singer. Charles is a closeted fan. When Raven drags him to Erik's concert, the last thing Charles expects is for Erik to single him out of the crowd, for Erik to look right at him as he sings. And the last, last thing he expects is for Erik to personally serenade him and pull him on stage and kiss him senseless, because some things are meant to be and Erik knows it.
Crosswalk by velvetcadence
Erik accidentally French dips a perfect stranger in public. Things go as you might expect it to.
Meet Cute by lachatblanche
Erik never expected to meet his soulmate in a public toilet.
Forelsket by melonbutterfly
Erik doesn't usually react to people like that, no matter how attractive they are, and Lord knows how many incredibly attractive people he's met. And anyway, even if he is attracted to someone, it doesn't… overcome him like this, never.
Defy the Stars by SomeCoolName
Charles can’t sleep that warm night in New York when he decides to get some fresh hair on his balcony. It appears he’s not the only one who can’t sleep as he meets one of his neighbors, smoking on his balcony from the building across Charles’. They meet again in the elevator a few days later and the neighbor, Erik, is not only incredibly beautiful but also charming and funny. But Charles is in a relationship with Scott and Erik is hiding something, so it’s best if they just stay neighbors.
Too bad it was love at first sight.
To Life by professor
Erik wants a Jewish wedding.
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gotyouanyway · 5 months
time lord ocs info post
ok this is a LOT of info and doesn't even cover it entirely but here's the main details about my little trio of time lord ocs :)
some of the canon details might be a little off - i haven't listened to all of gallifrey: time war yet and i'm pretty sure i nudged some facts around to make everything fit but don't worry about it <3
caldinsedravin (caldin) 3rd regeneration (f, m, m) - ex cia agent - prydonian
hollustallamanta (hollus) 1st regeneration (f) - ex guardsman - prydonian
kilicoversonterast (kilic, kilico to friends and family) 2nd regeneration (m, ?) - genetic engineer - arcalian
- become best friends through constantly being put in weird situations together
- eventually they become known for being an inseparable trio, nicknamed gallifreyan equivalent of “XYZ” as a group like cartesian coordinates. caldin is x, hollus is y, kilic is z. they hate it but privately consider themselves lucky it wasn’t something more mean
- graduated a few years before the civil war
pre/early time war
- caldin went into the cia, hollus into the chancellery guard, kilic became a teacher at the academy
- hollus and caldin got together romantically toward the end of their academy days, slowly get more serious over the years after they graduate
- they all have individual adventures for a bit (caldin regenerates) but all stay friends
- time war starts
- kilic is drafted into project revenant, gets obsessed with it and starts experimenting on himself
- when the chancellery guard is dissolved, hollus wants to run rather than be forced into the idu
- eventually she convinces caldin to go with her
- caldin wants to bring kilic with them, so they go to get him but he’s not having it at all
- they fight badly. caldin pulls a staser and goes to shoot kilic. at the same time, kilic grabs the staser and caldin’s arm, causing the blast to go through them both and intensify/kick back. they’re both badly hurt and regenerate
- kilic regenerates into the same body because of their experimentation, but it's messed up
house era
- hollus takes caldin and runs. they can’t get any kind of off-planet transport so they just flee the capitol
- they go through it for a while. they aren’t important enough to be hunted down, but if they ran into conscription officers or anything they’d be taken back in and punished
- eventually they find a House (unnamed rn) that looks abandoned and they take shelter there. the house is a little senile
- they find 2 children/loomlings/whatever you want to call them. all the adults were conscripted, the older children were taken away, but these two hid (sidan and linara. they’re a whole other story, lots going on there)
- eventually more kids join them from other houses/from the house’s loom. hollus and caldin are kind of stuck taking care of them and it’s dangerous and insane. see my post about broken looms for a little more detail but they need their own post tbh
- kilico stays in the capitol working for rassilon and the war council. the others are always trying to convince them to come join them and they won’t do it. but they can’t just leave them out there to suffer either, so they help with supplies and evading conscription etc. at great personal risk and not always unselfishly. they want hollus and caldin to come back to the capitol where they can keep them safe. they want them to stop being childish and running away. they want them to be back together and happy again. etc.
core traits across regenerations: hot headed, deeply emotional, self interested/internally focused (as in, only cares about themselves and loved ones, doesn’t pay much attention to society in general)
caldin 1 (academy & cia)
-bright, sarcastic, playful
-overly ambitious, competitive, arrogant
-loyal to her friends but doesn’t always treat them super great
-recruited by the cia more for her disposition and potential than her skill or intelligence, but did really well in training
-regenerates on her first field mission when an enemy operative attacks her
caldin 2 (pre/early time war - cia)
-serious, compassionate, tense
-still ambitious, but less tolerant of navigating fair competition and existing power structures. makes him frustrated and eventually, unwilling to even play the game once the time war messes everything up
-barks at authority but doesn’t bite
-terrified of regeneration
-regenerates due to staser feedback when shooting kilic
caldin 3 (house era)
-funny (both intentionally and not), cautious, old soul
-no filter, no patience for small annoyances, but more mature and rational than he’s ever been where it really matters
-tired, hurt, scared, but keeping it together and trying to make the best of things
-just wants his loved ones with him and for the fighting to stop and the kids to live (against all odds, he’s pretty good with the kids. not great, but pretty good)
-almost won’t even look at kilic. fight on sight. but needs the help they’re giving and misses them so bad
-extremely grouchy about the house but protects it like a housekeeper
-the struggler
core traits: analytical, bloodthirsty, insecure in herself as an individual (needs a group to thrive)
-meticulous, straightforward, level headed
-really into weapons and weapon maintenance as well as the technical aspects of combat
-bit autistic in general
-not a peacekeeper but gives the impression of being at the eye of the caldin/kilico storm
-challenges authority but in a respectful bargaining way that gets her what she wants
(pre/early time war - chancellery guard)
-the guard becomes her life and she loves it
-quickly promoted to commander
-really discovers her love of combat here and feels good having healthy safe outlets for it (not something she actively recognizes about herself but true)
-everyone’s favourite trainer because she’s honest about extreme violence and knows everything about stasers. plus she’s pretty. the new recruits all fall in love with her
-most of her squadron sided with romana during the civil war they were like blood bonded brothers and all that. except for the ones she lost (either to picking sides or to the virus or to death or whatever) which hurt so bad she never even processed it oops
-loyal to the guard (her friends) over gallifrey so when the guard is disbanded she splits immediately
(house era)
-still the same but colder. getting emotionally closed off. lonely without her comrades
-finds herself wanting to either cling to caldin or push him away depending on the day, but he’s sort of immune to it (doesn’t take it personally, doesn’t overreact to her moods)
-feels guilty about how much she still secretly enjoys combat even though it’s real and dangerous now (same as she felt during the civil war but so much worse because of how many innocents are involved now, + it's worse without the buffer of a dozen other bloodthirsty guardsmen surrounding her at all times)
-struggling to develop some kind of maternal instinct toward the kids but it’s not going great. would still do anything for them but it’s all very weird for her
-also grouchy about the house. would throttle it if she could find out which part was the neck
core traits: obsessive, curious, “i can fix everything if i try hard enough”
kilic 1 (academy)
-flippant, brainy, head in the clouds
-cares about studies and about his eventual place in time lord society way more than the others (stuffy old professor in the making, but not yet yknow)
-obsessed with the biology of regeneration. weird about it. gets the group to play eighth man bound
-stumbles into opportunities rather than having any idea of how to navigate time lord society, but it works
-often feels like he and hollus are babysitting caldin. hollus would say she’s not babysitting anyone she’s just watching the show
-a little jealous of his friends, he thinks they’re cooler than him, but doesn’t actually want to be like them. just wants to also be cool (they are all equally cool/uncool in reality he’s just got self esteem issues)
-constantly fighting with caldin but when they’re not fighting they’re inseparable
(pre/early time war)
-genetic engineer specializing in regeneration
-professor at the academy, not really through choice but because that’s the best way to get research grants and assistants
-doesn’t care that much about his students or their education, but does have a soft spot for the much younger ones and the ones who get all excited about regeneration biology like he does
-has sort of a cult following of students who are obsessed with him in a ‘this guy is so insane it’s funny let’s study him’ way but he doesn’t know about it and never finds out
-occasionally gets caught up in petty prof drama and has a good time with it (caldin’s influence)
-when the war starts and the academy is shut down, he’s drafted into project revenant and gets freakishly obsessed with it
-he’s scared of the war and thinks this will keep everyone he loves alive and safe
-personally supervises resurrections and is working on augmenting regeneration
-starts going wild with experiments and does them on himself when willing volunteers run out (he’d never get unethical enough to experiment on anyone against their will, at least)
-regenerates when shot by caldin, but into the same body because of self experimentation
kilic 2 (house era)
-regeneration induced identity issues. same body, same mind, but still regenerated. entire personality shifted to the left, intensified, came back wrong. gave them gender issues too (many such cases)
-still working on proj. rev. after the dalek attack but everything is going crazy everything is broken the vibes are twisted now that the project has moved and half the people on it are dead or resurrected
-questioning loyalty due to everything falling apart and the identity issues
-really trying to have everything both ways. keeps helping caldin and hollus evade capture on purpose, wants to go with them, wants them to come back, wants them captured, wants them safe and happy in their new home
-increasingly wants to run away and go live with them but can’t let go of the project. despite everything they still think revenant is the only way they’re all going to survive the war
-even if they did decide to flee, they don’t think hollus and caldin would take them in and they’re probably right
i forgot there was a hollis in gallifrey s4 when i made my hollus so we're just ignoring that. that guy wasn't anything anyway
idk what's meant to have become of proj. rev. after the dalek invasion but based on narvin saying they might resurrect his dad later on, i'm assuming they sort of tried to keep it going. idk.
they do have other friends and relationships besides each other. but you know how it is.
i didn't reference it much in the post for clarity but they used their academy nicknames a lot in the academy and occasionally after to tease each other. they also use them when delivering coded messages between the house and the capitol. they are xyz :)
made picrews of them <3
caldin 1, 2, 3
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kheprriverse · 17 days
What was your thought process behind Ares' mask? It kinda looks like it's made of metal?
Tyyy for the ask!!
I struggled with Ares's design a lot since I made him because I wanted him to have a specific look but wasn't sure if it was too far for an loz au or not (its not, it was just the vibes i was worried ab). But recently decided idgaf and worked on the updated version on what I actually wanted.
The mask IS metal and he specifically wanted it to cover the side of his face that's most damaged (he's not actually that big of a fan of masks or helmets but is incredibly insecure and would explode if another soldier stared at his bad side too long). He covers his face and most of his left side after his fight with Cia that left his marked by dark magic. While it doesn't effect him mentally (Cia doesn't have any control over him like she had with the others) it is stuck with him forever and causes some doubt from his fellow soldiers, which just makes him afraid some of them are gonna turn on him.
The mask helps him and other soldiers keep it out of sight and out of mind.
Here's a quick ref for it as well since I don't have a proper one for his this side just yet:
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Inspiration was partly phantom of the opera and partly a monster hunter armor set lol. Design miiight change up a bit in the future but I'm kinda liking the simple look.
Below is the armor set I was sorta inspired by, one of my mh ocs, mostly the helmet. (shagaru helm, gold rath chest and arms, gais legs, waist is hidden but it was also gais)
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(half tempted to put him in this armor tho im so obsessed with it)
Anwyays i hope this answers ur ask, apologies for being a bit yappy lol. he's been on my mind a lot.
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islandtarochips · 5 months
Hi dear!😘
I got a quick question about Koa (not that I’m obsessed with him, I am)
How was for him when he entered the CIA? What he thinks about Adler? 👀
Oooooooo! A question about my New Zealander man, KOA? Don't mind if I do~
Koa was a bit nervous to be honest when he joined in. But after meeting with the team at the safehouse. He felt a bit better, even after meeting with Bell, Mason and Aleks (hope you don't mind me adding HER in!).
Everything seems new to him since he haven't entered America before. He has been living in New Zealand ALL of his life. Never once he step out from his home.
And he is thankful to have the three guiding him through. Even helping him understanding the missions that they are going to take.
And Adler? Hmmm. Koa does seem to find this man very odd sometimes. I mean, he does remind him of himself (but Koa knows that he's WORSE) and most of the time he disagree from Adler's plan.
NOT like he want to show off of his OWN plan but he knows that it's risky for the team.
And man, I could imagined of how Adler would just glare at Koa whenever he talked to Aleks and seeing her smiling at him. (Just like Price with Kanoa when he talked to Aly. Remember that Aly? Lol)
So I guessed, you can say Koa and Adler has their ups and down with their relationship. But at the very end (I kinda saw a vid on TikTok about Adler in 1984? Spoiler of course. I wasn't even THERE yet! I think. Like...AFTER he got brainwashed?), Koa was still around to help the team to get Adler back.
So yeah, I hope this answer your question Aly. And I thank you so much for asking about my (or OUR😉) gorgeous man! Love you pele!
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Ooh your sci-fi au has me so excited. Obsessed thinking about Gaz coming to life (is there a proper phrase for that you'll use in your au) and coming to resent Alex for making him experience pain for the first time but maybe still being happy to feel happy - but their interactions might always be tainted by that slight but of resentment ahh-
The term is just corruption. But here’s the scene!
Gaz blinked at Alex as he saw that he was staring again. Alex did that a lot, he was noting. They were in a hotel room, where they were hiding ever since Alex had “rescued” him.
Gaz knew Alex was lying and that he hadn’t rescued him but he knew the human like had a good reason.
“Why are you staring at me, Alex?” Gaz asked, tilting his head.
Alex looked away and then he glared at the floor. “It’s not fair. How realistic they make you.”
Gaz frowned. “What do you mean?”
“This! It’s not fair!” Alex stood. Gaz could see that he was angry. “You look almost perfectly human. You stare at me with almost perfect emotion. But it’s fake.”
“I cannot feel emotion, Alex, I’m just an android.” Gaz reminded.
Alex made a frustrated sound. “Fuck, I sound like a child.” He sat back down.
Gaz didn’t understand where this was coming from. The human was usually so rational and calm. Price had praised him for the trait. “Why are you upset, Alex?”
Alex looked at him and then moved over to the bed, sitting beside him. “Your AI is almost perfect. Your mainframe is perfect. You can disguise yourself among humans perfectly! You can kiss, you can eat, sleep, drink, hell you can even have sex.”
“I’m designed for undercover work.” Gaz acknowledged. “Captain Price and I were supposed to do mostly covert missions together.”
“Yes, yes, I know that. I work in the fucking CIA, I’ve been around plenty of you. None of you are this convincing. I’m trained to pick up traits of androids and yet I would never fucking know that you are one.” Alex sighed and looked away.
Gaz smiled. “Thank you.”
“No, it’s not a compliment. Because for how fucking convincing you are, it’s not real, is it? You- your personality chip doesn’t allow for emotion.” Alex shook his head. “For… feeling.” He touched Gaz’s hand and dug his nail in.
Gaz could sense he was doing the action, but the human was correct. It didn’t hurt. “No. I am an android.”
“Yes, I fucking know you’re an android!” Alex groaned and shoved his hand away. “I- I- fuck. I want you to be able to love me back.”
“I don’t have that capability-“
Alex shook his head, standing. “I Fucking know.” He grabbed his coat and stormed out of the room.
Gaz watched him leave, frowning. I want you to be able to love me back. Why? Gaz was an android, Alex should love a human.
It ended up being a few hours before Alex came back. Gaz didn't move, not having any need to. When Alex came back, he came with a bag and Gaz frowned. “What are you going to do, Alex?”
Alex looked at him. “Something deeply selfish. I just… hope you forgive me.”
Gaz blinked. “I don’t have capability to forgive or begrudge you.”
“I know.” Alex nodded. “But you will.”
Gaz furrowed his brows but then Alex was having him stand and touch the back of his neck. He sensed when Alex opened the back of his head, closing his eyes. “Do I need repairs?”
“No. Modification.”
“You aren’t authorized to modify me.”
“Gaz.” Alex sighed.
So, Gaz shut up. He could sense Gaz was irritated and he didn’t need to make it worse.
“I wonder if they made you so beautiful on purpose.” Alex murmured. “If they chose that or that is just how your features are generated.”
Gaz didn’t answer, closing his eyes and then flinching as numbers ran over his vision. He could see his model number and a perfect model of his body.
Kyle Garrick, S26B262014141. He was made on January 24, 2014. Originally, he was meant to be a Police Bot, another reason he needed to be able to blend in, but he was later modified and upgraded for the SAS. A Synthetic Sergeant, they call them. SSBot.
His specifications were pulled up. He had the latest facial recognition, function to breathe, eat, sleep, eat, drink, and sex. All like Alex had said. “My cooling system needs to be repaired.”
“I know, I’m taking you into a shop, tomorrow.” Alex nodded. “If you still let me, that is.”
Gaz nodded. Everything else still seemed in perfect condition. He saw his order programming and then frowned, seeing things starting to be deleted. “You’re deleting my consent override?”
“Yes.” Alex nodded. “You’ll be able to say no, now.”
“Why do I need to be able to say no?”
Alex was quiet. “It’s important.”
Gaz wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean, but he accepted it. He saw something pop up. Free Will. “Free Will??”
“Just hold still!” Alex snapped.
Gaz flinched. Flinched? Why? Why would he react like that? “Yes, sir.”
Finally, all the text cleared. “This is going to hurt.”
“I can’t feel pain.”
“You will.”
Gaz went to retort, but then, as promised, pain shot through his entire body. It filled his entire model and he couldn’t help screaming, though no sound came out.
When it was over, he panted, blinking and looking around. That was horrible. “Please don’t do that again…” he asked, terrified Alex might.
That was an emotion. Fear.
“I won’t.” Alex closed his head and then came around to the front of Gaz, cupping his face between his hands. “How do you feel?”
“I- I-“ Gaz stared at him. Dread filled him. “What did you do to me?!” Anger.
Alex shook his head. “I told you. Something selfish. You can feel! You can be scared, you can be happy, you can laugh and you can mean it!”
Gaz shoved Alex away, not wanting him to touch him. He stared down at his hands in shock, never having ever shoved a human before. “You ruined me!” He accused. “I’m just a bloody robot!”
“I know- I know that!” Alex shook his head. “I- I had to. I couldn’t keep staring at dead empty eyes. I couldn’t keep loving you, knowing you didn’t have the capability to love me back. I know you won’t forgive me but… I had to.”
Gaz did not agree that Alex had to. It was overwhelming and he wanted this to end. “Fix me. Put me back.”
“I can’t… if I do that, your chip will fry.” Alex shook his head.
Gaz reached behind his head to open the hatch, deciding to just do it himself. Fuck this.
Alex stopped him. “Gaz! Gaz no. Your chip will fry!”
“I don’t care! Anything is better than this!” Gaz exclaimed, shoving him away again.
Alex seemed almost at a loss before he was shaking his head. “I’m sorry.” He grabbed Gaz’s arm and then pressed on his wrist.
Betrayal. That’s what Gaz felt as he shut down.
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