#yes you have to wear a mask and yes i understand that this is supposedly bc everyone's vaccinated now but like
stormstruck-angel · 10 months
does anyone else think it's absolutely insane that you can just. go to work with covid now? like hi I work front-line customer service and I can just go to work if i feel up to it? even though I tested positive YESTERDAY? and hey if you test positive but don't have symptoms you can just go in anyway? like hi what the fuck??
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
(Apologizes if an incomplete ask sent through, I was asking a question but the Internet cut off :<)
My question was though, how much can you analyze about the English lyrics of No. 7 (anime intro)? The lyrics supposedly explain some of the story and you're the best theorist I know who can put this in an organized post XD
(Sorry if you've been asked this before haha feel free to ignore if so and have a great day!)
I looked at the Japanese and English versions, and well, to better organize the meaning of the song, I'm going to write it here in a more objective way, it will be easy to understand the meaning as you read the lyrics.
This is because the Japanese version has a lot of wordplay and puns, the English version translated it literally and in the same way as the Japanese, which made some passages confusing.
Let's get started (this is the full version of the song)
So now let me tell you the story of number 7
1 Huh? Eh? Instantly happy and sad, even the past and the future 2 Two shadows appear within the rumors (the passion turned into nothing, it's just a story) 3 A sweet fruit mixed with the unreal 4 Yes, yes, even if I tell you repeatedly 5 Look, look, you're not listening properly (passion turned into nothing, an endless story) 6 After all, the boring thing is the ugly reality 7 Morning, day and night, like ten winds and five rains, rumors circulate 8 Without becoming pure in heart, turning my back against the unchanging mirror 9 I Want Some Magic, Say Seven Mysteries, That's Not Perfect 10 But We Are Struggling Because We Are Incomplete
11 Swinging the blade, words, too far 12 Wearing the smiling mask of lies (you in that place) 13 They Were Hurt Because Of Someone Else 14 Between sin and punishment, in that place where no one exists 15 Surely He Is There So now let me tell you the story of number 7
A secret history I heard from somewhere
16 It's a secret just between you and me 17 I will not lose to you, memory nor the brittle truth 18 Let's catch up, it's a reality like a rumor from some time ago 19 Every night and morning seems stupid 20 The dance of the second, the third morning, the fourth twilight 21 First, second, third, fourth 22 Mirai, Misaki, the mirror that doesn't see, the silent solitude 23 Is it the first? the eighth? Wait, there's no eighth 24 Until the four o'clock stands, if you repent, 25 It becomes four pains, eight pains 26 Trouble Towing in Seven Rounds 27 Hits, punishment 28 Come, come strange mystery 29 My body's habits, everything, are never perfect, so We are struggling because we are incomplete
Swinging the blade, words, far away 30 Please reach out, the laughter, the overlapping lies 31 (he is still there continuously) 32 I blurred the details while pretending to be fine 33 Between sin and punishment 34 Alone, placed in that place 35 Surely he exists
36 Hiding the past, blinding the eyes in front of the destiny that is coming to an end 37 I changed once, so I will change again The answer is clear
Swinging the blade, words, far away Wearing the smiling mask of lies (You alone) Were hurt because of someone else Between sin and punishment In that place where no one exists Today it also exists
So now let me tell you the story of number 7 Hey tell me about the continued story
Let's use numbers to better analyze the excerpts
1 = could mean that Hanako is happy now to be having fun with Nene and Kou, but at the same time sad about having to deal with the past and the future (Nene's future death)
2 = This excerpt is very emblematic, but "within the rumors two shadows appear" could refer to the twins "the passion turned into nothing, it's just a story" they would be in love with each other and what remained of that story would be murder. There is also the possibility that he is referring to Nene, since Hanako-san now has an assistant. Two shadows, and the passion that turned into nothing, an impossible love.
3 = A metaphor about the contrast between reality and a distant desire
4 and 5 = Hanako's story is being told little by little and someone (it could be Nene) is not realizing the details between the lines.
6 to 10 = Complaints about how reality is terrible and he wants to experience something unreal, not just him, but the other mysteries, everyone feels incomplete and is looking for something that reality cannot offer, something that they cannot achieve but they really want it. And specifically about the mirror, he says it is unchanging, confirming that no matter what he does, nothing will change.
11 to 15 = reference to Tsukasa's death, the murder. About how Hanako lied while creating a fake smile. He hurt Tsukasa, and he went to the place where nothing exists "Surely he is there" and the verses mention the sin and punishment that Hanako has to take responsibility for.
16 to 18 = Probably Hanako talking about his past with Nene. He says he will "reach him" that is, he will tell her the whole truth.
19 to 29 = references the other mysteries and how they are all fighting to create a better version of themselves, even though they are imperfect. In addition to, of course, mentioning a little about their feelings.
30 to 35 = reference to Tsukasa, he wants Hanako to show what he really feels, at the same time that Tsukasa "blurs" the way he feels "I blurred the details while pretending to be fine" "Alone, placed in that place" "he is still there continuously" reference that Tsukasa was left on Hanako's boundary and hides that he feels sad about it.
36 and 37 = it's a little difficult to know if the speaker is Hanako or Tsukasa, the excerpts fit for both, but it's probably more linked to Hanako, since he's the one hiding the past.
Place where nothing exists = boundary, Hanako says that when he enters a boundary, the person ceases to exist in the human world while there.
Swinging the blade = stabbing, direct reference to murder.
In that place where no one exists, he is certainly there = clear reference that Hanako believed that Tsukasa was on the boundary
In that place where no one exists, today he also exists = reference to Tsukasa's return.
Hey tell me about the continued story = about the story we are following now
Basically it's Hanako talking about himself, about the mysteries and about Tsukasa. We also see many parts where he talks about how he feels, but in short, that's it.
The lyrics of this song change subtly according to the translation you are looking for, but the general meaning is this.
That's the way I interpreted the opening lyrics, other people may have different ways of seeing how they work, but for me that's it.
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sounds-of-some-day · 2 months
A lot of people are really upset about this Marvel/RDJ news. And I know a lot of people are just upset with the MCU in general right now.
And like, I wouldn't say that I'm upset with it, but I had definitely gotten to a place where I just didn't care about new MCU. I was in it for the OG6 and once the core of that was gone, I just didn't care anymore.
But this news actually makes me cautiously optimistic, so I'll go ahead and lay out why. This is just me, putting my thoughts out there as someone who once studied screenwriting and very much wanted to go into it. So this is where I think they are potentially going with this, because to me, this is both narratively logical (based on this latest news and rumors) and narratively compelling.
Obviously I don't have any actual inside knowledge and I'm just building this off of scraps of information I've picked up on the internet over the past day/few months. And everything I say here could end up being completely wrong. Or not. Who knows.
Caveat, I feel like I'm very rarely right about these things, but I just can't see any other reason for this casting choice, so here you go:
1. Okay, so the people saying he won't/shouldn't ever take off the mask, sorry that's just not happening. Disney isn't paying rdj-money for RDJ to wear a mask the whole movie*. This idea is absurd. If they were going to do this, they could have literally any actor playing the body and just have RDJ do voiceover work for much cheaper. Not that they would do that anyway, because again, this idea is just not how Hollywood works. It's not happening. The mask is coming off.
*There's a small chance it doesn't come off in the first movie if RDJ ends up being in Secret Wars. I don't actually know much about the plot of Secret Wars, but my very vague understanding is this is what collapsed 616 and 1610, so this is thought to be working as a soft reboot of the MCU. I don't think any of this conflicts with my thoughts, but look, again I have no inside knowledge.
2. The people saying this is going to be a new character not in any way related to Tony Stark are wrong (or in the case of Marvel and Kevin Feige, playing loose with the truth to mislead the audience). We're not talking about Gemma Chan or Alfre Woodard or Laura Haddock being cast in two roles, where one of these roles was so minor it could have been played by anyone. We're talking about RDJ/Iron Man, the cornerstone of the MCU. Yes, I know they said he's playing Victor von Doom - not just Doom. I know that. And yes, RDJ is a great actor, but there is literally zero reason to cast him if it doesn't tie back Tony. Again, Disney isn't paying rdj-money for this to not relate in some way to the most iconic and beloved character of the MCU. If it was just a Victor von Doom casting, then yes, this would be a ridiculous and stupid, and *stupidly expensive* casting choice. It's not.
So what do I think is happening? I think Marvel are *technically* telling the truth about the casting, but they are holding back a lot.
The only way this particular casting makes sense is if it has weight on the narrative, meaning of it relates back to Tony in some way.
Now there is apparently some universe where Doom body swaps with that universe's Tony. There's also a (616?) plot where Doom animates Tony's dead body <- I don't think they'll go this route because this is pretty bleak. Also, while the MCU draws inspiration from the comics, it's not beholden to them.
If they go this route, then technically they didn't lie when they said they cast RDJ as Victor von Doom, since it will be von Doom's brain in Tony's body. But they're also not telling the complete truth.
Because the thing that makes this casting choice interesting from a narrative standpoint is having the heroes (like, say Peter who's supposedly playing a large part in leading the Avengers moving forward) that loved and respected** Tony, having to fight someone who looks like/is in some way Tony Stark.
So I think that this is von Doom in Tony Stark's body from another universe. And I think that either Doomsday or Secret Wars ends with that universe's Tony back in his own body, and the universes collapse into one, and honestly I'm not really sure where they take Tony's story from there.
This also leaves room for an actual future Doom casting that's a different actor. Because I have no doubt that Doom has a very big role to play.
**Potential unverified rumors/leaks, do not continue reading of you don't want to know.
It's long been rumoured that Chris Evans has already signed on to play Steve Rogers in Secret Wars. And look, I'm obviously both a Steve fan and a Tony fan, so you can call me biased, but I don't think I am. I think a lot of MCU fans would agree that Steve and Tony were the heart of the Avengers and the MCU, and that losing both of them hurt the franchise.
I can absolutely see Marvel setting up a showdown between Steve and a villain that looks just like Tony. I can't imagine how that would fuck with Steve, having to, in a way, relive something he probably deeply regrets.
This is what I think is potentially really narratively interesting and compelling with this casting choice.
But hey, I might be completely wrong about all of this, and that casting rumor could be complete bullshit. 🤷‍♀️
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Dominic in "Rain Code" - As both representation and bizarrely unused potential red herring.
As a follow-up to this post I made weeks ago about Servan from Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, I wanted to note a couple of things in regards to Dominic Fulltank.
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Until @gunthatshootsennui (great name btw) said this, I literally didn't realize that Dominic was a black man. Because he looks So heavily artificial and covered in bullshit that I legit thought he was wearing some kind of full-face leather mask instead of having any visible skin???
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"Dominic Fulltank" sounds like an early-development WIP name for Dom from Fast & Furious. Dom Fulltank, a criminal street racer being investigated by undercover cop Brian Gaspedal.
Yeah, idk wtf I was smoking there. Maybe the big logo stamped on his head threw me off. But... yeah, he's clearly just a black guy. And @gunthatshootsennui is 100% right that Dominic makes for pretty shitty representation seeing as he's a near-mute big dumb hulk of a man. :( Servan is far better, frankly — yes, even considering his donut lips.
However, there's something ELSE about Dominic that really bothered me: Why the hell didn't Yuma ever look into or even ASK what the hell Dominic's deal was??
I have to get into RAIN CODE STORY SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT to explain what I mean and why it drives me so crazy.
By the time our hero meets Dominic in the game, he's mostly trying to learn more about "homunculi." But by this point, Yuma knows nothing about them EXCEPT:
Homunculi are artificially made people.
Amaterasu Corporation has supposedly/maybe secretly created some of them in Kanai Ward.
And it is in THAT fucking context when suddenly Yuma is introduced to a super-strong cybernetic Darth Vader-lookin' motherfucker who obediently follows the orders of an Amaterasu Corporation peacekeeper.
....do you see what I'm getting at here? Is it obvious enough??
I was absolutely SCREAMING at Yuma at this point. He should 100% be like "Hey wait — is that dude one of the 'homunculi'?! Because like, he's an artificial man? Who works for Amaterasu and seems to be controlled by them?!?!"
Based on the knowledge he has, that is THE MOST LOGICAL CONCLUSION ANYONE WOULD REACH upon seeing this fucking freak for the first time. And I know what you're thinking: Dominic is hardly what one would envision when one things of the mythical concept of a homunculus as WE understand it. WE'D never immediately expect a homunculus to be some kind of part-robot creature, right? But remember: When "homunculi" are first brought up, Yuma acts as though he's never heard the term (or perhaps he just has no memory of it due to his amnesia). He is given a very limited definition at that point. And by that definition, he should ABSOLUTELY mention the possibility here... right?
This is the ONE time I can remember feeling clearly disappointed by the writing in MDA.
Of course, in reality, Dominic's "artificial-ness" wasn't supposed to ever be any kind of hint towards the homunculi, because the writing team had an entirely different vision of what "homunculus" meant to them in this universe. And their definition would ultimately be much more based on our existing mythological meaning of the term. And because of that, maybe it never occurred to them how well our crabby Fulltank-Kun fit the provided clues. But it sure seems like it should've been noticed by some member of the dev team at SOME point. You feel?
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crookedfandomquill · 8 months
"Hotel King" Rewatch: Episode 2
Mo Ne’s little hat is… fascinating
Lol I forgot about her bird phobia
Ah yes, Jae Wan’s ex… I can’t remember how I felt about her the first time around but she didn’t annoy me too much so let’s see how my impression forms this time around. She's written to be abrasive for sure, but beyond that I'm not sure
Mo Ne being an entire menace to everyone in her vicinity is so fun. It’s partly to cover for her Mission: Impossible-style activities, but partly because she’s a fish out of water and clearly overwhelmed by her situation
I get the sense that Jae Wan is so good at buttering up his superiors not just because of his job, but because he’s been dealing with an abusive parental figure for two decades
And the dynamic between Jae Wan and Mo Ne gains steam… I love the scene where he finds her in the media room causing trouble, and you can see the chaos of emotions in him throughout the confrontation: the anger at Mo Ne for sabotaging him, the weight of the secrets he’s grown up keeping, the budding tenderness toward the woman he thinks is his little sister as she starts crying and he lets her go. DELICIOUS
Mo Ne walking into the shareholders meeting, baby-talking English, and plopping herself down in her dad’s super comfy chair to the horror of all present: iconic
That one shareholder: “…She’s lived internationally for too long, this isn’t entirely her fault”
Mo Ne: “You’re just doing this to be petty!” Jae Wan: “Yeah, obviously.”
Mo Ne going to see her dad’s memorial… run me over, it would hurt less
Jae Wan immediately trying to defend Mo Ne/tone down her actions to the Vice Chairman… I don’t think he even knows he’s being protective
And then the Vice Chairman comparing Jae Wan to his dog… and highlighting the main reason he’s been able to control Jae Wan so completely. He has him convinced that he’s innately broken and destructive, all because he supposedly killed that guy when he was a kid, and the only way to keep himself in line is to bend to the Vice Chairman’s will. He outright calls himself Jae Wan’s owner. It’s so fucked up (I say with a sadistic writer-smile)
God, the wistfulness on Jae Wan’s face watching the Vice Chairman treat his daughter like family, like an actual person… my heart can’t take this
Woo Hyun texting Jae Wan and telling him to go easy on Mo Ne because she’s grieving… have I mentioned I love Woo Hyun? He’s not the most interesting or angsty character, but he’s a nice, gentle counterbalance to the drama’s more intense characters
And now I think Jae Wan does realize he feels protective toward her. He understands that her behavior is a mask over her vulnerabilities, and he’s more than a little familiar with wearing masks
Meanwhile, she’s swearing revenge against him in the bathroom mirror. Nothing better than a rageful pep-talk before bed
The way he looks at her cowering in her bedroom and sees himself as a child… then kneels down to comfort her… it’s not just the first sweet moment for the lead couple, it’s the moment I realized he could heal from his trauma. Because he saw his inner child and his first reaction was to extend help and compassion
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kyogre-blue · 6 months
Read chapter 11-20 of Disaster Class Hero. (2% completion lol)
There's a lot of interesting points in general, but worth noting is that novel vs manhwa definitely has a difference in tone due to the things that got dropped or toned down. The novel has some comedy from Lee Geon being kind of absurd, but the manhwa is more humorous in general, especially since they remove some of the bloodier violence, a lot of mentions about how oppressive the temples are, and how wildly incompetent the saints are without Lee Geon.
My biggest other takeaways:
Lee Geon is mentioned as being 25 before the Tower, but looking 50-60 due to speeding up his aging from burning his life energy to fight. Post Tower, he looks like he's about 18 and repeatedly compared to a high schooler. I thought the art for the novel and the promo chapter was twink Lee Geon, but it's actually true. Tbh I'm gonna quietly scrub that from my brain, I can't deal with it.
Hugo is stated to look late 30s, early 40s (so barely younger than his actual age??), and thinking about them side by side is hilarious.
When mentioning how he doesn't know what smartphones are initially, Lee Geon thinks he's from 2005, which would be only five years after the calamity invasion started. The manhwa dated his and Hugo's first meeting as 30 years ago, so something mysterious going on with the timeline.
Hugo has a photo that shows Yooha and Sungjae, ages supposedly 9 and 5 respectively. Sungjae is 16 in present day and turns 17 partway in. So that would mean Yooha has to be 20 at minimum. Given that Hugo and Jiwoo were supposed to have met after the tower (iirc?)... I suppose everyone might be rounding down when talking about how the tower was twenty years ago. Otherwise, I do recall that Koreans sometimes count age differently, and you basically need to reduce it by one, so maybe it's that?
Novel does explain why Hugo mistook a random person for Lee Geon. He specifically expected Lee Geon to look even older than before the tower, like in his 70s, so he singles out an old man who also happens to be a tourist wearing a replica of Lee Geon's mask and even makeup to mimic his scars. So it's extremely understandable that he doesn't get it. Actually, even the divine gods who don't distinguish people based on their faces don't recognize Lee Geon, so he's basically entirely different from his previous self.
Worth noting is that Lee Geon seems to genuinely not understand how different he is from everyone else and what he can expect from others, to the point that I'm kind of surprised he hasn't killed someone accidentally by misjudging his strength. (my fanfic brain: bodyswap shenanigans with a touch of angst, yes??)
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skiplo-wave · 1 year
Sorry this is gonna be long one!
I have my doubts that they are truly going to get justice for Abby and Libby. They haven't even solved the Flora Fire case either. I do believe Richard Allen is involved in the mix but based off his charges there has to be more.
There was more probable cause to arrest Ron Logan, the owner of that property they found the girls on. He was caught making an alibi BEFORE THE GIRLS WENT MISSING. If that's not a red flag, I don't know what is and that's not the only thing either. I can be fair and say that maybe he went out on his property that day and discovered them and maybe he panicked, thinking he would get blamed? We won't get a real answer to that because Ron has now passed. But it took them about a month to search his property. They thought because of his age, that he couldn't do anything like that. The investigators had to of been newbies at the time.
Then you have Kegan Kline who was the last person (supposedly) that had contact with the girls right before they was killed. He was suppose to meet them. That's probable cause right there. There was an incident with the account again when they was suppose to meetup with an underage girl and a guy in a mask showed up looking through the window. According to the transcript, they believe someone else had control of that account too. But it's worth mentioning that investigators can lie. so they could be thinking it was him the whole time.
There is a lot of negligence when they was handling this case. Richard Allen came to them and told them he was there. He told them what he was wearing. However, we got two different descriptions of two males and what they was wearing from what was filmed on the bridge. This officer, his name is Dan Dulin, interviewed this mf. They had this the whole fucking time and somehow missed it all these years. And not only that, he put Richard Allen's name in the system as "Rick Allen Whiteman"..... They had his name wrong. WTF!? This is unacceptable. Now you got this Sons of Odin biker gang stuff which is bizarre and shocking because this was discussed over a year ago before Richard was arrested. I have never seen such a crazy defense filing like this. I guess there was an investigation a while back but one of the guys is dead now. I don't know what they found in regards to the Odin ritual stuff. They better hope they got the right person, which I believe they do, because if Richard Allen turns out to be innocent and just a guy who struggles with mental health issues whom happen to be there wearing the same thing as bridge guy in the video, it was just coincidence like maybe all this Kegan Kline stuff... They are gonna have a serious lawsuit on their hands and it's going to throw a wrench in the case if they ever do catch the real person. And to be fair again, a lot of guys in the Midwest wears navy blue jackets, blue jeans and boots like that. Even the very first news interview they did with Ron Logan... He was wearing a navy blue jacket and blue jeans. Again, I believe it is Richard Allen but something just not right. Unless it comes out, I cannot accept that this dude did it by himself.
Here's where it all comes down too.
From what we got in yesterdays filing, they don't have DNA to link him to the crime far as we know. A bullet is not enough. You can link a bullet to a gun but from my understanding if the bullet had NOTHING to do with how they died, he can't be charged for that. The question is how did it get there but they can't hold him. He doesn't have to say anything. They can't use "Well, he admitted he was there at the bridge", yes, but Kegan or who ever had control of that account also admitted that he was suppose to meet them. Then you have another guy creating an alibi before it ever even came out that the girls was missing. What are the odds of these coincidences.
Something ain't right.
The whole case is wild
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madamemachikonew · 1 year
A Coconut Contract - (Baizhu & Qiqi platonic, 2k)
So, I posted this on AO3 waaaaay back in September 2022, only my third ever fic. But sharing it here because it still holds up quite well even now with his canon lore.
Wherein Baizhu reflects on his relationship with Qiqi as her custodian. Kind of fluffy and introspective I guess.
Herbalist Gui was perplexed by the masked stranger at the counter, bearing a small ornate box in his gloved hands.
“A payment? For Doctor Baizhu?” he said.
“Just fetch him, idiot, he knows what it’s about.” the stranger replied dismissively.
“Qiqi, can you take over a moment please?”
Qiqi looked up at Herbalist Gui with wide doe-like eyes and nodded compliantly. She took up her station with the same determined sense of purpose as a Millelith officer assuming duty. Herbalist Gui felt apprehensive about leaving her alone in the stranger’s company, but he had no choice. He didn’t want to start an argument with the man.
Herbalist Gui went into the back and gingerly knocked on the door of Dr Baizhu’s study.
“Yes?” came the muffled reply from within.
Herbalist Gui cracked the door ajar and said apologetically, “I’m sorry to disturb you, but there’s a gentleman who absolutely insists on seeing you personally. He said it’s something about a payment.”
Baizhu was seated at his desk and looked up from his notes.
“A payment? Did he say what it was for?”
“No. He wouldn’t give a name either. He doesn’t look local though. He’s wearing a carnival mask…”
“Oh! Yes, of course. I know who it is. Tell him I’ll be right out.” Herbalist Gui nodded, closed the door and returned to the shop floor.
“Dr Baizhu will be with you momentarily.” he said.
The Fatuus harrumphed and waited silently, his eyes scanning the surroundings and shelves full of earthenware jars. He didn’t want to contemplate too much on the contents; he’d heard all about Liyue traditional ‘medicine’ and it turned his stomach. Using powdered slimes? Ground up hilichurl horn? What next? He shuddered. Archon forbid he should ever fall sick while on mission here. He didn’t care how great this doctor supposedly was. He surely couldn’t compare to the illustrious Fatui medic.
“Good morning.” said Baizhu, sweetly, “I understand you’re here to settle your benefactor’s account.”
“Yes. It’s all there.” He proffered the box unceremoniously.
“I have no doubt. I shan’t insult you by verifying the contents. I shall prepare a receipt.”
Baizhu went back behind the counter and pulled out a large leather-bound ledger, into which he recorded the payment. Then he meticulously copied out a receipt with a fine writing brush, stamped it with his seal, and handed it to the Fatuus, who took it without so much as a word.
“Please tell your benefactor that I look forward to receiving our first delivery.” Baizhu eyes squinted above an elapine smile.
Mirroring the same discourteous condescension the Fatuus had addressed to Herbalist Gui, Baizhu said serenely, “He’ll know. Now if you’ll kindly excuse me, I must get back to work. I bid you good day.”
He bowed slightly and, bearing the box, glided back behind the counter to return to his study.
He set the box down on the desk and opened the contents. Rolls of mora had been reverently wrapped in translucent paper and bound with fine ribbon in equal denominations. Whoever was responsible at the Northland Bank clearly treated currency with an admirable amount of respect. And yet at the end of the day, such trinkets were nothing more than shining metal. It was made of the same atoms as the rest of us, just in a different combination. Thanks to Rex Lapis, it was human society that had attributed transactional value to them.
Baizhu had had no regrets about demanding such an astronomical sum for the Everlasting Incense. Firstly, the item in question was extremely scarce and was produced via a convoluted process in very small batches. It was worth every penny in terms of the quality of the materials and the craftsmanship required to make it; it was supposed to be fit for the interment of a divine entity after all. It so followed that it was a requirement for a very special occasion and had a price tag to match. Such was the rarity of adepti funerals that Baizhu had never anticipated selling one in his own lifetime. Secondly, with the sum he’d received he’d been able to continue to subsidise the cost of prescriptions for the less privileged members of Liyue society; while incense was a luxury item, he did not feel that way about medication. For him, the ability to be healed should not be the exclusive preserve of the rich. Rather, those who worked hardest often had to sacrifice their health just for a meagre wage. And in turn, they stood to lose what little they had if they were unable to continue to support their families. Lastly, he saw it as a small act of revenge against the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour for Hu Tao’s harassment of Qiqi. As much as Baizhu admired Zhongli on an intellectual level, Ms Hu’s outward personality left a lot to be desired. That said, when it came to practising her art, he conceded that she was unparalleled and took her duties and ceremonies very seriously indeed.
Qiqi’s presence in Baizhu’s life was a strange and uncategorisable one. It was not quite that of an adopted daughter, for Baizhu did not feel particularly paternal towards her and he’d never had any plans to ever have children, especially after receiving his diagnosis. However, she was not a mere curiosity either. Perhaps the closest approximation was…a pet? He certainly cared for her welfare and her best interests, both in terms of providing safety and shelter. But he also sincerely cared for her emotional wellbeing too and was not without some affection for her. Nevertheless, his scientist’s curiosity could not help but remark the benefit of doing so. He found her predicament genuinely interesting on both a human and medical level. So, for as long as she was willing to stay with him (and he made sure she knew that she could leave at any time), he would study her as closely as possible. Perhaps study was too clinical a word; Baizhu certainly did not subject her to any cruelty. Any ‘experiments’ were purely with a view to trying to understand and improve her condition. They often took the form of playing games to improve her memory, tasting foods, or trying a new medicine or salve he had formulated to ease the stiffness in her limbs or preserve her skin condition. In observing these exercises and her daily interactions, he was sure to note any points of interest, lest they shed any light on the nature of her life essence and how she came to be. He saw it a mutually beneficial arrangement. He would protect her and provide for her every need. He would help her try to make progress so that she could become increasingly independent and functional in the world. She would provide data, just by existing. That was their contract. And contracts in Liyue were law. That was the way of Rex Lapis. Plus, he had to admit that she was actually a rather helpful assistant for the pharmacy. Her ability to find and gather herbs and medicinal components in the wild was incomparable, even if she was less useful in the shop. She had been a genuinely fine addition to the team. That said, as much as Baizhu told himself that their arrangement was one of convenience, he would have been surprised to see the look of unconditional adoration in his eye every time he smiled at her.
Part of Baizhu also couldn’t help but feel sorry for Qiqi. As much as his own affliction haunted him, he couldn’t even begin to reflect on what it was like to look at the world through Qiqi’s eyes. That said, he was ever so slightly envious of her ability to forget. How peaceful it must be to wake in the morning unhaunted by the events of one's life. But then, one must confront reality anew every day. Perhaps it wasn't so idyllic after all. It also saddened him that though she was a zombie and had lived for centuries, at heart she was a child suspended in stasis. Baizhu reflected on how her distraught parents must have scoured the mountain landscape for days or weeks, desperately searching for their precious child. Bearing lanterns, inconsolably screaming whatever her name had previously been into the dark wilderness until they were hoarse. He envisioned a weeping mother collapsing into her husband’s arms as they had to take a decision that it was their final search party outing. Eternally bearing the weight of the delusional hope of reuniting must have been agony to their dying day. It hurt him to think of their heartbreak that they never knew what happened to her for their whole lives. They must have been tortured by imagining what had arisen, their minds speeding in all manner of horrific directions about their child spending her last moments shivering with cold and fear. They had had no closure, since they had never even found a corpse. On one level, Baizhu wished there could have been a way to tell them that she was not dead. But at the same time, Qiqi was no longer the vibrant, colourful girl she had been in mortal life. Any free-spirited vigour had long since returned to the elements. So in that respect, the girl they knew and loved had very much died in that cave so many centuries before. It was probably better that they had not found her after all. He dreaded to think what could have happened to Qiqi in those unenlightened days if they had found her. Would they have rejected her? Attempted to exorcise her? Or worse…? Yes, it was definitely for the best that she was with him now.
Once the pharmacy had closed, Baizhu prepared an evening meal for them both. With the autumn came cooler temperatures and mushroom season. He had prepared some mountain delicacies with some steaming hot rice, plus a side soup to stave out the cold weather. She didn't need food for sustenance but the mealtime ritual was good rehabilitation. As he watched her eat neatly in tiny mouthfuls, he sadly contemplated the fact that, facing his own mortality, he could not protect her forever. Who would take Qiqi into their care once his own time came? Qiqi tidily laid down her chopsticks next to her soup spoon on the ebony tray with a soft clack. Baizhu smiled inwardly at her quiet accomplishment.
“Qiqi.” he called softly.
She looked up at him, expressionless as ever.
“I have a surprise for you.” he said, with a gentle smile.
“A surprise?”
“Yes. Do you remember the Snezhnayan gentleman who promised you coconut milk?”
Her eyes lit up. “Coconut milk?”
“Yes, your favourite. Do you remember him? His hair looked like carrots.”
She scrunched up her little nose with a frown as she tried to remember. Then shook her head slowly.
“No matter. Did you write it down in your book?” he asked, patiently.
She took the book out from her messenger bag and he helped find the page corresponding to the date. Yes, she had recorded it. He pointed to the line.
She nodded enthusiastically.
“Come with me.”
They left their seats at the dining table, the chair legs dragging with a squeak against the wooden floor. Baizhu took her tiny chubby hand in his and led her back into the main pharmacy. Both their fingers were cold as ice. Then he pulled out the large leather ledger from the counter and riffled through the pages. He turned the open book to face her and pointed to a line. He tapped his finger lightly against the page.
“Now, see there? I wrote the promise down too.”
She looked up at him with amazement. He crouched down to her level and, holding her upper arms gently, he looked intensely into her eyes.
“Listen very carefully. No matter what happens to me, that promise is there, Qiqi. I have told Herbalist Gui and Consultant Zhongli will remember too, as a witness. The Fatui will have to honour that for as long as they exist.”
The weight of his words didn’t register with her. She blinked her wide amethyst eyes slowly and nodded.
“Qiqi will get coconut milk forever.” Her monotone voice had a hint of brightness to it.
Baizhu chuckled. He had a feeling Qiqi would far outlive the Fatui.
“Let’s write it in your book as well, so you can remember where to find the contract.” She nodded again then prepared a brush so that she could write it herself. He loved watching the concentration on her face as she did these little tasks.
Baizhu observed that her handwriting had improved and couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. The daily practice was doing her good; but he’d have to delve further to see whether this was a neurological improvement or a muscular one. He made a mental note to add this to his research notes.
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bossbutch · 1 month
umineko- end of chapter 1
as i post this i'm actually halfway through chapter 2 (idk if you've heard but, umineko is Good) but these were my original thoughts, i'll save revised theories for next time. main takeaway: LOVE a mystery with aftercare
the thing that made me decide "this is a sign it's time to read umineko" was jasmine streaming the fighting game the other day, so i've been exposed to some very out of context spoilers. but i do know battler saying "will some weird people wearing goat masks show up and dance" as an absurd hypothetical is. setup.
eva seems to "read the narration" when battler is trying to keep a secret from her, or maybe he's just that unsubtle? George also seems to read the narration, but it's possibly just implying dialogue that wasn't directly written out.
Sometime after natsuhi gets the gun and before "if you commit another crime, do it in a way no human would" i wrote "sickos yes haha yes" and idk what i was hyped about specifically but i still feel it!
My Wild Theory is that scenes not from battler's POV are unreliable. Not outright lies, but there might be different "rules" for them. Like i think it's notable that he never saw butterflies.
I know everyone's supposedly dead at the end but somehow I'm believing less in a 19th person. someone could put on the right mannerisms and maria would understand them as "being beatrice now". there's probably multiple "beatrices" with a little help from maria and kinzo (without them intending to help/knowing the full picture)
for now i'm not tasking myself with determining "who did it" as much as "how could it have been done". as for specific puzzles:
six in the shed: could have been killed by anyone, including arguably most of the six themselves. that's a who puzzle not a how puzzle
eva and hideyoshi: the crack in the door could give you enough space to undo and redo the chain with a proper specialized tool? a stake "launcher" seems likely for kanon's death, which raises the possibility of stake launchers in the ceiling and walls of eva's room? i don't have any other theories for kanon and kumasawa's deaths.
the design on their door: "beatrice" has ample time to paint the other sacrificial circles but not this one. was it there already and hidden somehow? it would be a lot quicker to remove a cover on the door than to stencil-spraypaint it on. i'm attributing a lot of hardware to beatrice i know
grandpa: the polydactyly is awfully convenient. wonder how difficult it'd be to fake on a corpse? either way he definitely left his room. i don't think the receipt is as airtight as they claim, but kinzo escaping through the window seems pretty in character even if it requires genji or somebody to lock it afterwards
the servants with maria and the phonecall: this is another one that's more Who than How. assuming beatrice is one of the 18, these are probably the easiest deaths to fake, they were checked in a rush. but beatrice is positioned in the hallway right afterwards... the first six and grandpa are the easiest to Obscure but that'd require either a 19th person to be a victim or Saw 1 faking-being-a-corpse shenanigans
hashtag natushi didn't kill herself. the end was inevitable
as previously mentioned the tea party is so good, love that sort of thing
i don't have any theories about bernie, the witch in the secret tea party. my eyes glaze over when they talk about their magic specialties and matchups. i do like that she equates 'your opponent, beatrice' with 'a personification of the rules of the game', that's basically how i already thought of her and it's nice to get it directly
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tentacledtherapist · 7 months
I find it so interesting that humans can grow hair in entirely different colors! Without having any sort of unusual coloration otherwise! It reminds me of how when animals get domesticated the three first things to show up are piebald or multicolor coloration, curly tails and floppy ears. Likely because the opposite of these things evolved for survival. Coats for camouflage, pointy or big ears to hear better, straight controlled tails for emoting and pheromone release. When they don't need these things to survive, of course they're easy to shed.
I mainly collect old books, though I do dabble in bookbinding myself. I am too anxious currently to try and repair any books myself without prior practice, despite knowing how to do so cover to cover. My oldest book is a bible from 1823. You'll find a lot of bibles survived because family records are often kept inside them. But honestly most of my books either hold personal significance or are fiction. My favorite... could it be a genre in a way? My favorite subject is everyday educational texts. I have old school books, books on cooking and sewing, flower meanings and gardening, tea parties and Ladies Etiquette. Books about how they used to live life. My current favorite, which I intend to read and reread, is a book on how to mourn your child from 1871. Each chapter is a question about grief and pain and love. It's sad, beautiful and sad, and a rare find.
As for poetry, I'm not a fan of one poet over another, really, though the romantics were like the first Goths so I have to give them credit. I tend to have the most impactful poems find me on their own, rather than by searching for them. I just find that poetry books hold a sort of emotional weight to them though, so I like to skim through them.
As for symbolism, I think I sort of understand the symbolism in it, beyond the obvious of "Trip to the Moon". You get the Frankenstein Bride hair which also emulates that of the animated woman at the beginning of the movie that Creature originally fell in love with. The Pabst dress probably is about how her experience that night was coated with alcohol and drugs. The scene mirrors the previous scene with Douchebag Doug, except shes with someone she actually wants to be with (the bust of Creature).They hold hands, differently to how Doug treated her by taking advantage of her weakness, where the gum is meant to be Creature taking care of her. The gum is because she threw up, and her accepting the gum is her accepting his affections.
The murderer under the bed was the same as the masked killer who killed her mom (I think?) It may be a sort of "I can't have nice things" feeling, mixed with "if he's already dead you can't kill him so I'm not afraid" hence why she has no reaction.
But this is just my thoughts.
- Creature
my white streak is a birthmark, i’m pretty sure. i’ve had it as long as i can remember? but it’s wild that these things just Happen sometimes. supposedly we do have stripes like a tiger or some other form of patterning, but it only shows up under uv light? i read that a while ago though, so take it with a grain of salt
yes yes yes on your analysis! i like hearing your thoughts about what all of it means. it’s nice to have more thoughts on it than just the ones inside my own head
it’s a scene that feels out of place at first and it’s so full of symbolism? i genuinely love it. the man under her bed is wearing the same mask as the man who killed her mom, and with the way he grabbed at their feet i always read lisa’s expression more as a “he’s here again/already?” for a split second, before swiftly being followed by “oh well. death is going to come eventually. at least i have this while it happens.” lisa does talk about her lack of fear of death later?
i like your thoughts on the gum. its the biggest thing i couldn’t quite figure out what i think it wanted to say, what i wanted it to say, ya know? i’m still pondering why it melted between their hands. maybe having something to do with the actual melty-sticky thing being a sort of ‘physical’ representation of their bond?
i like it. i like picking it apart. i notice new things every time i watch the movie, it’s great
on that same sort of thread: i think my favorite poet is probably john donne, because of how much you can dig into his poetry and peel it all apart at the seams. i like digging into things like that, though i don’t think there’s been any particular poem that’s fully rocked me to my core from him, though. like you said, it’s the poems you stumble into that really affect you
i think my oldest book is a worn down copy of ‘Les Mis’? i’m not sure of it’s exact print date off the top of my head, but it’s a favorite of mine. i dunno if it’s my favorite book of all time point blank period, but it’s up there! a lot of people get turned off of the book when i tell them there’s like 10 pages of ramblings about the parisian sewer system, but i genuinely like long winding prose. i like an author with a lot to say and a mind to do it. it’s in dire need of repair, but i sort of want to leather bind it, and i don’t currently have the skillset to do that
i’d call educational texts a genre! it’s got it’s own category at bookstores, so it’s genre enough for me. wild that it’s your favorite though. like a good wild. it’s not typical, but those books probably give the best insight into what life was like then. sort of like a window into, or back into, the past
- Lisa
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shijiujun · 4 years
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Hi guys, so I know this has gotten some traction but I don’t think enough people are watching this because this is the gayest serious historical china drama ever to breathe in public without censorship slapping it in the face, so y’all get to enjoy full on with me - it’s really rare because they’re not even like stuffing a het. romance, they WENT IN FULL ON KNOWING THAT THIS WOULD BE GAY AF OKAY THEY ARE REALLY FOLLOWING THE BOOK
In fact, they made the show even gayer than the book, I don’t even know what to say. It’s naturally comedic without being absolutely cringey and adheres to the original novel really well so far (with added tinge of gayness). Gong Jun smiles a bit too much but it’s still really enjoyable to watch, and Zhang Zhehan carried the first episode on his own pretty well. Main leads honestly have huge chemistry on screen at the very least, and if you can get past Zhang Zhehan’s sadass hobo look as disguised Zhou Zishu for like I think at least... 10 eps maybe, you will enjoy this a lot. The set looks a bit cheap and the filming doesn’t look as sophisticated or crisp as some of the ones you’ve seen before definitely, but I don’t think this impacts the content much.
SO here goes friends, at this point you should just go and watch it to understand why this is the show being called “HOW THE FUCK DID THIS EVER GET TO AIR” because there is no way anyone made it through Episode 3 going like NO HOMO because it was SO HOMO
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Okay so this is based on Priest’s danmei/BL novel called Tian Ya Ke / Faraway Wanderers, which was what it was originally called for the show until they changed the name like last month out of nowhere to Word of Honor / Shan He Ling. It’s relatively shorter and less complex as most of Priest’s other novels are, which makes it a really, really good read.
You can check out the carrd here but basically Zhou Zishu is an the leader of an assassins’ guild/sect of sorts, and he’s basically about to die soon in another few years (less than three). His background is a bit complex so I won’t get into it, but he disguises himself as a beggar/hobo of sorts and just starts to hobo around literally, drinking alcohol day in and out as he awaits death. He meets Wen Kexing, who is the leader of a demonic cult/sect and he’s looking for a particular item that was stolen from him - an item that would supposedly help others to gain immense power immediately, so a lot of supposed righteous sects are fighting over the item right now, but that’s not the point.
The point is, this entire story is about infatuated Wen Kexing, who literally falls in love with Zhou Zishu at first sight and he meets him while ZZS is in his beggar disguise. WKX can tell from ZZS’s bone structure and outline of his back that he’s a handsome man, and insists that he’s wearing a disguise. The disguise that ZZS uses is special, because the mask feels real so WKX can’t tell why it such a man with excellent bone and facial features would look so ugly. Insists basically that ZZS is handsome and then follows him from then on, while serving out his own agenda and dealing with the righteous sect people.
ZZS on the other hand has to deal with his impending death, and also still is put to work because of WKX’s involvement and a larger scheme happening behind the scenes. Along the way ZZS falls back in love with WKX subtly hahahaha (anything is subtle compared to WKX’s grand gestures dammit)
*A continuation to Qi Ye / Seventh Lord but not necessary to read that first if you wanna start with Tian Ya Ke - the characters from Qi Ye turn up but no need to know their backstory basically.
Where to Watch:
Eng subs available on Youku official channel (1-2 episode everyday exlcuding weekends)
On Youku officially with access to advanced episodes (no subs)
Schedule: One episode every day starting 1 March 2021 onwards (unlocked one ep every Sat, and will reach the milestone of one ep every Sun by end first week of March)
What You Are Missing Out On in the Live Action:
Immense gay, basically. Gosh I don’t even know how to put this, but Wen Kexing is such an infatuated, lovely man. You basically get him waxing poetic 24/7 about meeting ZZS and that it’s fate that they meet (WKX literally follows him around), literally that’s the entire damn show. A lot of frickin innuendo as well?!!!
1. WKX praising ZZS’s handsome look while ZZS is in his ugly disguise - At this point, ZZS’ face hasn’t been actually revealed (there’s way more, WKX goes like “you’re so handsome” at that face like a few times every episode)
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2. Get someone who looks at you like WKX looks at frickin ZZS
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3. ZZS deadpanning and rolling his eyes whenever WKX turns up ‘coincidentally’
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4. Found family where WKX and ZZS co-parent two kids (Son & two dads, and daughter below) - SEE HOW HAPPY ZISHU IS?!!! AND HOW HANDSOME HE IS WITHOUT THAT HOBO LOOK? It’s a miracle WKX saw through his disguise
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6. ZZS calling WKX ‘Lao Wen’ and WKX calling ZZS ‘Ah Xu’ like over and over again
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7. WKX acting cute (hiding behind his future husband and a fan while delirious from poison)
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8. WKX deadly and gorgeous and when he holding a fan
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Of course a disclaimer - all jokes and astonishment aside at what we’ve gotten so far, this is definitely not going to be an outright BL ending because honestly that will never happen with a China production, so don’t expect this to be like confirmed BL, but the shots hint at it very well a lot of hand touching, even hugs etc. and this is all we can ask for XD This is even more in your face than MRIAD which is saying a lot
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sugarcubetikki · 3 years
After Truth and Lies, the meanings behind Luka and Kagami’s names are starting to make much more sense.
Luka means light.
I know that light is the universal symbol for goodness. But that’s not what we’re looking for here...
Light represents visibility. Without light, you wouldn’t be able to see. Light uncovers the darkness, it makes things visible. 
From this idea, light also symbolically represents truth. As both light and truth share the essence of clear perception and awareness.  
We spent an entire episode that focused on the aspect of how important the truth is for Luka: like the truth about his father and the truth that Marinette was hiding from him.
Linking this back to Luka’s personality, he’s very intuitive and is capable of reading his surroundings quite easily. He can see things others can’t see and he’s much more mature than most teenagers. 
The idea here is that Luka likes to be able to see and understand things. He wants to know the big picture. He wants to be able to see it. But he can’t understand it if it’s kept in the darkness. Coming back to the idea of truth...
Since his character is largely intuitive and focused on understanding his surroundings, he needs to be able to see the truth to understand it. But when he can’t see the truth, when other people are keeping it in the darkness from him...that affects his need for clear perception...
Mostly why he was super hurt by Marinette telling him that she couldn’t share the truth. He can’t see the big picture here. He can’t understand her position or problem here. He’s not able to clearly percieve it. And since he’s so used to using the big picture to help/support the people around him, the problem his that he can’t do anything if a large chunk of the picture is being hidden from him. 
Luka’s ability to consider the big picture and his need for clear perception is what makes him inclined to seek the absolute truth in a situation. 
That’s why “light ” associates with Luka’s personality quite well. It’s linked with visibility and his own need for clear perception and seeking the truth.
In fact, he literally uses light to seek the truth:
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Totally intentional. 
Moving onto Kagami...
Kagami means mirror in Japanese.
The writers’ did an amazing job with this one. I’ve done a crazy amount of research on different mirror symbolism today and it’s spot-on. 
In literature, mirrors are carriers of truth and reflect what one’s truth is. Psychology describes mirrors to be a barrier between the conscious and unconscious and thus, by looking deep into a mirror, we’re looking deep inside ourselves in a conscious manner.
We can link this back to Kagami’s interest in art. One of the first things she tells Adrien is:
“Art never lies, the poses people do always reflects their personalities.”
The fact that this is the first thing Kagami says about her hobby is important. It clearly suggests that she likes it that art doesn’t lie. She likes seeing the “real” versions of people. Not the masks they wear. But for their rawest self inside. 
Her own life has been filled with so many lies and facades that she doesn’t want to wear them anymore. Like a mirror, she’s aware of the cloud of pretense and ambiguity that surrounds her. What she wants to do is pierce through that and see the true reflections of her surroundings. 
That’s why she’s eager to see the real side to Adrien. She wants him to let her in. But he won’t. She’s trying to pierce through to his real reflection, but he keeps wearing numerous masks of lies that clouds her own vision. 
Kagami wants to act as Adrien’s mirror. She wants him to be the rawest version of himself around her. But he doesn’t want to look deeper into the mirror. More like he doesn’t know how to look in deeper.
Creating a little sub-section here to mention something about Adrien’s characterization, it’s interesting to note that mirrors are used a lot in women’s literature.
“In women’s literature, the mirror has often served the sole purpose of reflecting a man. As the woman discovers in the mirror the reflection of the man she is supposed to love and serve, she leaves her identity on the side and accepts a subconscious idea of masculinity’s needs.“
What has Adrien’s characterization have to do with the interpretation of mirrors in women’s literature?
An aspect towards Adrien’s character is that he’s very feminine-coded. 
The traditional image of a woman is the idea that she acts as nurturing support to a masculine figure. Her own identity is usually abandoned for familial and household needs. It’s a societal expectation here. 
I’m going to say that Adrien has a very weak sense of his own identity. Even as Chat Noir. His supposedly “true” self. 
Chat Noir devotes most of his time into loving and serving Ladybug, acting as her nurturing support. Is he leaving his identity and accepting his own idea of her needs? Yes. He is. 
Whilst he enjoys being CN very much, most of the pleasure behind it comes from the fact that he’s alongside Ladybug. May I remind you we spent a good couple of minutes in Lies exploring how being Chat Noir without LB wasn’t any fun for him? The entire time, he craved an excuse to see her. 
His sacrificial tendencies, his flirtations, and his over-the-top humor have become a large part of his personality as Chat Noir. Everything. Everything he does to appease and protect her. This mask he wears is the one that he wants her to see him in.
I’m not saying his humour or his personality as Chat Noir is fake. But it’s not the deepest possible version of himself either. It doesn’t build up his entire identity. It’s the image of what he wants Ladybug to see him in. 
Coming back on track, when Kagami realises that Adrien isn’t letting her see his deepest self. She’s hurt. She’s hurt that he has to lie to her when she’s made it clear that she’d accept him for who he is. 
She can’t see the real reflection of him when he wears too many masks. 
So she literally transforms into a mirror...
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She’s all transparent and see-through. What do transparent things have to hide? Nothing.
Jokes aside.
Kagami and Luka’s core desires clashing with Marinette and Adrien’s own problem is the real reason why Lukanette and Adrigami broke up.
Luka wants to see things clearly. He’s seeking the truth. Marinette has to conceal the truth, hide it in the darkness, and he can’t see it.
Kagami wants to see the real reflections of her surroundings. Pierce through all the masks and lies. Adrien keeps wearing different shades of masks and burying his deepest self with lies. She can’t reach it. 
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ichirukilover · 2 years
I got called a hypocrite because I said “Kagome is 15 and doesn’t know how relationships work or the real world works.” and they were like “That is basically what we have been saying about Orihime yet you hate Orihime and bash her. Orihime is 15 and doesn’t know how the world works or relationships work, Orihime tries her hardest,”
I’m like huh??? Since when did Orihime ever try? Did she try in the beginning yes, but still Orihime and Kagome are absolutely nothing I mean nothing alike.
Kagome was never afraid of Inuyasha. Orihime was afraid if Ichigo. Now I understand she would be scared because she saw her brother the exact same way, but girl. This is man you supposedly love. At least Rukia was afraid for him, not afraid of him.
I just don’t understand why people try their hardest to get me to feel sorry for Orihime.
Because there is not else other than try and make us pity her? Oh poor baby she is just 15, like the rest of the cast wasn't the same age? Or even younger? I didn't see Karin or Yuzu scream for help to a dead Ichigo or whoever else? Ichigo's classmate get followed around by freaking Aizen and they still did a way better job than her? There is things a character is allowed to do, fail is one of them, you fail and you grow and develop but Ino*ue? Getting scared of Ichigo because he is wearing a hollow mask? When he is getting the shit beat out of him while she just stands there? She has 0 reason to be afraid of him but she still does. Also screaming at a dead Ichigo for help? Really? In what freaking manga world is that normal lol Not to mention her using the fact that no one can see her to intrude in his room and is way too comfortable at touching and trying to kiss him, while she believes he has feelings for another girl.
This character doesn't do one normal thing, she is 15 my ass, she should know the basics at least. I'll do this, I'll do that and she just sits there and waits to be resqued and she even has the nerve to be disappointed Ichigo going to HM to save her isn't his top priority like...girl get a grip even a arrancar kid had to lecture her, she is 15 yes, but her age is not the problem, all the rest is. I didn't see her not react when Tatsuki was in danger and she was 15, I didn't see her not hug and reach her brother and she was still 15, I didn't see her being scared of Ulquiorra and she was still 15, so... if you get it, you get it.
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𝐼 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒴𝑜𝓊
Pairing: ATEEZ Park Seong-Hwa & Reader
Warnings: It Is Very Long, I Curse At The End, And It’s Suggestive So . > . 
Inspiration: This Was Actually Requested! (But I Added Some Of My Braincells So Some Of Them Were Sacrificed)
Requested By: @bonbonhwa​ -- Thank You So Much!~
Basic Idea: Anniversary!~~ Established Couple, First Time Having It. 
Type: Fluff & Suggestive (First Time Doing A Combo!)
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“Hmm? Hyung, what are you doing?” Yun-Ho asked as he peaked and saw Seong-Hwa entering a few websites. He didn’t see them clearly but his eyes were able to catch the silhouettes of notes, hearts, chocolates, hotel bedrooms, and flowers.
Seong-Hwa flinched and turned off his phone, placing it in his pocket while clearing his throat. His cheeks softly flushed with a shade of pink as Yun-Ho chuckled. “I see~ Is something special going on?” he asks as the elder nods.
“(Y/N) and I are going to celebrate our anniversary next week..” he responded while smiling softly, remembering the first time you both met. It was sort of anti climatic but it is definitely a good time to remember.
To summarize it, you guys get back in 2019. You were a foreign University Student studying in Japan and Seong-Hwa was there because of KCON. You both met accidentally when you bumped into him in a hotel -- he was staying there while you were there for a conference.
You guys were then friends for a very long time -- maybe three to four years. It proceeded until the day that he couldn’t take it anymore and kissed you. 
Unfortunately, you were still unprepared as you believed that he already had some crush on another girl who was an idol. Plus, you were finishing your Bachelor’s Degree.
You did like him. A lot. He also did, which is why he was a bit discouraged by your reaction after the kiss -- shy and worried. You then expressed your worries and ended it with a joke; “Ask me to be your girlfriend on Christmas Day”. And he did so, taking your joke seriously. But that is how you both started dating.
“Interesting~~” Woo-Young hummed as the eldest sighed out, knowing that the youngers were going to tease him. “Does Manager already know about this?” Yun-Ho asked as Seong-Hwa nodded, “He does, I’m a bit sad that I won’t be able to celebrate Christmas with you guys and ATINY though..” he trailed off as Hong-Joong entered the room and patted his back.
“It’s ok, we all understand why Christmas is such an important date for you,” he comforted as the older smiled…
At Incheon Airport, Seong-Hwa was waiting for you. He was a bit impatient, looking around sporadically to see if he could spot you before you spot him. He looked down at the watch that you gave him the first time you celebrated his birthday.
He then looked up and saw you walking out, looking at the opposite side, seemingly looking for him too. He quickly walked over to you, and tapped your shoulder. You turned around, beamed and hugged him tightly as he chuckled at your reaction.
“Hwa!” you squeal as he hugs you back. Your head was leaning on his chest, making you hear his heart softly thump. He then petted your hair softly, wanting to kiss you but being unable to because of the mask that you both were wearing. “I missed you,” you coo as you look up to him, he then gives you a sweet eye smile -- the same eye smile that made you fall in love with him. “I missed you too, babygirl,” he whispers, making you feel butterflies in your stomach.
You guys then reached an amusement park, Seong-Hwa’s Manager leaving your suitcases at the hotel. “C’mon,” Seong-Hwa called as he held your hand tightly, “I know you wanted to reminisce about your childhood and to have fun after your stressful exams,” he smiles as you fake cry. Your cry sounded real, making Seong-Hwa get worried, turning around to see you.
“Hwa!~~” you cried out, hugging him, making him notice how you were acting. He sighed in relief, flicking the top of your head softly, “Don’t scare me,” he chuckled as you laughed. “Thank you, Seong-Hwa,. I didn’t know what to get you..” you looked down as he looked at you with soft eyes.
“Baby.. Look at me,” he said while lifting your face up by your chin, “You being my side is already a gift,” finished, making you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him. He softly gasped, as you caught him off guard. However, he quickly kissed you back, and later you pulled away -- holding his hand again. “Let’s go!~” you said excitedly as it had been a long time since you’ve had fun.
You guys went on a carousel, ate cotton candy, took a quick break while visiting an aquarium and even drank some hot chocolate in the cafe that was in it. As sunset came by, Seong-Hwa basically became a cuddle bear. He walked behind you while wrapping his long coat around you. Supposedly it was “too cold” for you, and even though you were fine with the cold, you didn’t say anything as you missed his hugs.
The last ride that you guys took was the Ferris Wheel. You knew about Seong-Hwa’s fear of heights, which is why you asked him if he really wanted to. “I want to, because I want you to be happy.” he said firmly, which made your heart skip a beat. You smiled at him as he rubbed your head softly.
In the Ferris Wheel, you sat beside Seong-Hwa, holding his hand all the time. As the capsule that you guys were in reached the very top, the sun shone right into you guys. You then took this chance to calm him down by kissing him sweetly.
He immediately responded, kissing you back with the same softness and passion, holding your hand ever so slightly tighter. You then used one hand to cup his cheek, the warmth of your hand making his heart burst in joy. You both then leaned on each other’s forehead, breathing out softly as the capsule slowly descended.
At the hotel room, you walked out of the bathroom, seeing Seong-Hwa in the bathrobe, drying his hair with a towel while the bed was covered with the petals of your favorite flower. “Hwa?” you asked as he smiled at you, “Do you like it?” he asked while patting the spot beside him.
You nodded, sitting behind him. “Let me dry your hair,” you said as he hummed. You then grabbed onto the towel, softly rubbing the water droplets off his hair. It was a silent and sweet moment, which was cut off shortly when Seong-Hwa turned around.
“.. You know I love you a lot.. Right?” he whispered as you nodded, slowly, fear creeping and engulfing your body. He then kissed your forehead, his left hand cupping your left cheek while his right hand guided your left hand to his heart. You felt it beating, quickly and strongly. You felt his aura go confident yet soft and fiery. You were confused.
He then smiled, “Is it ok.. If I make you mine.. Tonight?” he asked as it caught you off guard, making your cheeks feel heated. “H-Huh?” you questioned as he smiled, “Like this,” he whispered -- his lips connecting to yours like magnets. Fireworks went off in your hearts, the heat slowly rising as your lips danced like a waltz, in sync and gracefully.
He slowly pushed you back to the bed, pinning both of your hands with one of his. Kissing your neck and nibbling on it softly, making you gasp at the new feeling. He kept on kissing, trying to find your sweet spot. After a small second, he found it, making you moan out, feeling more fireworks burst in your heart.
He smiled against your neck, sucking on the spot to create a mark on you. “Seong-Hwa!~” you moaned out as he then pulled away, looking down at the bright red mark. “Are you okay?” he asked as you nodded. He then freed your hands from his grasp, ready to sit back up, feeling that you were unprepared.
However, you caught him before he left, wrapping your arms around his neck. You then looked away, a bit scared yet prepared. “Seong-Hwa.. Please?..” you whispered out, catching his attention. “Yes?” he teased as your cheeks felt heated. You closed your eyes, being unable to answer him. “So, I have your permission?” he whispered in your ear as you shivered from his breath.
“Yes..” you answered as he smiled. “Thank you for trusting me, babygirl,” he said, kissing your forehead softly while he untied your bathrobe’s ribbon. You squeaked, covering yourself before he parted the bathrobe. He chuckled at your reaction, “Don’t worry.. I won’t bite.. Do you want a safety word?” he asked as you gulped. “I.. I think I will be fine..” you whispered out as you slowly moved your hands away.
Seong-Hwa then cupped your left cheek, caressing your cheek and proceeding to kiss you again. His other hand massaged your tummy, making you feel the tingles. He then pulled away, his black marbles showcasing multiple emotions -- love, happiness, lust, and passion.
He untied his bathrobe, as you sat up, slipping out of yours. “I.. Want you,” you said confidently as he smiled.
“Babygirl, there aren’t enough words for me to express how much I love you.. This is only our second anniversary -- our second year of being a couple but I am sure that in the future, I want to be the man that puts that ring on your finger and call you my wife.. Are you ready, my love?..” ..
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello~~ I am finally back momentarily lol.
I had a rough two weeks because of Quarter Exams and I had multiple mental and emotional breakdowns but I was able to push myself back up so it’s all good.
For the person that requested it, I hope you enjoyed it! It was a bit hard to combine both the Fluff and Suggestive -- I tried my best! 
(Please also bear in mind that school has fucked me up so I ain’t doing too well but I’ll slowly recuperate and bring back more stuff for you guys!)
HOWEVER -- I was also able to get better because ATEEZ CAMEBACK
Like holy shit. 
They chose violence. 
All in all they all fucken crushed it. It was amazing to see ‘em perform and it was great to hear Min-Gi in it. I hope that he is still resting and getting better! I’m sure he’ll be back with the boys soon. 
San brought back his demon, so did Seong-Hwa (these two fellas killed me with their facial expressions and vocals). Yun-Ho in all black was a blessing. Center and Black Hair Yeo-Sang was supreme. Hong-Joong’s new hairstyle in the MV was cool. Jong-Ho’s vocals!~ Woo-Young and his sexiness. Like. Violence. They chose Violence. 
Overall, I loved everything about this comeback. Take Me Home is beautiful as fuck and I love this entire album. 
Hopefully y’all have been taking care of yourselves, take breaks when you need them, drink water and I hope y’all have a good day, afternoon, or evening!~
Use your imagination!~~
Thank you for the support, leave requests, and have a great day!
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chibinekochan · 3 years
Loving you- ft Asmo
Asmo with an asexual reader
They are not aromantic. 
So everything goes except doing the do. 
They aren't sex-repulsed either but it's a super rare occasion option for them. 
If I got anything wrong I gladly fix it. I'm not ace or aro. Maybe a bit demisexual but that's neither here nor there. 
Gender-neutral reader insert.
  Words 2k
Falling for you was certainly something new. Completely unexpected. 
Of course, Asmo has his fair share of crushes and romances. 
Love on the other hand? Well, he thought that he experienced love. At least until he met you. Until he fell for you. 
He didn't see it coming at all. All it needed was a little human with empathy, just the right amount of flirting and care. 
Asmo can only chuckle about how fast and hard you made him fall for you. 
Even now, where he is about to confess his feelings for you, he is uncharacteristically nervous. Some might even say insecure.
  Asmo can only shake his head at himself. 
Finally, you knock on his door, much like a little boy. He nervously opens the door.
  You probably would never even be able to tell how much his heart is beating for you. "Welcome to my humble room. Please come in and feel all at home." Asmo looks at you with a wide smile, practically beaming at you. 
"Thank you Asmo. You look great today by the way." You smile at him, admiring his new outfit. 
Asmo smiles at you. "Thank you very much. I see you wear the outfit we got together last time we went out." His heart fills with a great sense of pride. 
Your cheeks grow a bit hot. "I dressed it thinking it would make you happy." It's very cute to him how you can act so shy sometimes. 
"It really does." Asmo closes his door behind you. You don't know how truly happy he is seeing you in this outfit. Especially since it's only the two of you today. "Sit wherever you want."
Asmo knows you like to sit in random places, depending on your mood.
  "I see you redecorated, it looks very nice. I love the fairy lights." You admire the small changes in his room. 
"I'm glad you like it. I did it thinking of you. When Satan was here the other day he didn't even notice. Can you believe that?" Asmo shakes his head.
"That's very sweet of you and I guess Satan just has not the eye for such things." You shrug and find yourself sitting on Asmos bed. 
It's pretty comfortable.
"Oh, I got some new products we just have to try today." Asmo spots the small basket of things he put aside to try with you. It's funny how many of these he collects. Within days the basket is always filled. 
Asmo brings the basket over. With great interest, you look at the products. "Wow, I can't even recognize any of these brands. How did you even find these?" Your eyes sparkle when you see the unfamiliar items with funny demon names. 
"Hehe, that's a secret but it wasn't easy. Now the question is what should we use first?" Asmo somehow always finds himself thinking more and more about what kind of products would boost your natural beauty or health. 
Funny how being in love changed his way of thinking completely. 
You look at the items."I don't even know where to start. They all sound interesting. Like this bath bomb that is supposed to smell like a strawberry field and makes your skin smooth." 
Asmo nods in agreement. "I agree. There are face masks too. They are made from mineral earth only found in volcanoes in the devildom. They will make any demon look at least a thousand years younger. Not that we need that, but it's supposedly best to revitalize your skin." Asmo proudly shows you the package. 
"I wonder if that works for humans too but it sounds great. You know I had this bit of dry skin on my arm the other day. Do you have anything for that?" You always happily ask Asmo for advice. 
"Of course. I got a great moisturizer just the other day. Let me get it for you." Asmo is glad he picked it up. He grabs the bottle for you and sits down right next to you. 
"I will apply it for you if you don't mind." Asmo uses every chance he can to be physically closer to you. 
"Sure, go right ahead." You completely trust Asmo, you don't see him as just a friend but you know how important sex is for him. So you have never broached the topic of a relationship with him. Being mostly content with being just friends. Even when it hurts.
  Asmo rolls up your sleeve up and sees a small spot of dry skin on your upper arm. "Looks like someone has not applied an equal amount of moisturizer everywhere." He playfully scolds you and then uses some of the moisturizer on your arm. He slowly and carefully applies the cream to your skin. He enjoys having physical contact with you. Getting lost in the sensation of being so close to you. It's somehow very intimate, despite it being just applying the cream. 
You notice that Asmo is slowly but surely using the moisturizer on your entire arm. His touch feels very good but it also makes you a bit nervous. 
You tried and failed before coming out as asexual to Asmo. It scares you, knowing how much he loves doing sexual acts. You don't want Asmo to judge you or make fun of your feelings. Mainly you fear that he won't understand you or even worse that he will take a huge step back from you. 
It's pretty clear to you that Asmo is sexually interested in you. He has asked you to sleep with him before. Asmo is always alright when you decline. He honestly doesn't seem to mind and isn't pushy about it at all either.
  "Asmo there is something I want to tell you." At this moment the words start to pour out of your mind. It's unfair not to tell him. He is very important to you as a friend and as someone you have a crush on. 
Asmo crocks his head. He wonders what you might want to say, you seem to be rather nervous. Could it possibly be that you might like him too? Asmo doubts that it's something like that, but he can always hope. Asmo braces himself for whatever it might be. "You know you can tell me everything." He is a bit wary of what you might want to confess.
"I hope this won't change anything between us but the truth is that I'm asexual." You feel great tension when you finally tell him. Asmo is surprised. 
He truly didn't expect this at all. "Wait so when you said no to sleeping with me that was because of that?" Somehow this is the first question on his mind. 
Your cheeks instantly heat up. "Yeah, I'm just not interested in that."
Asmo seems to just realize a few things. "So it wasn't because you weren't attracted to me?" He thought this was the actual reason why you weren't interested. Even when his own feelings were not changing. 
"You are certainly attractive to me. I mean we are flirting all the time after all." It's slightly embarrassing to admit but somehow it also feels nice to say it out loud. 
"That's true but I thought you were just being playful." Asmos head is racing with many different thoughts. "I have to confess something too and I hope this doesn't scare you away but I really really like you. I mean romantically." Asmo finally says what he wanted to tell you today. 
Now it's your turn to be surprised. "I had no idea. But with me being ace will a relationship between us even work out?" You feel happy but also afraid at the same time. 
'I've never had a purely romantic relationship before. I mean, you know me, I like doing these things. I like to flirt and I like the attention of others. I can't really pinpoint the reason why but with you it's different. Maybe it's because I have never felt this way before or it's because we are such close friends. I've never even been in a truly committed relationship before. All I know is that I want to be with you." Asmo seems open to it at least. 
"Even when I'm ace it doesn't mean we can't do many things together. I love to cuddle and I love all kinds of attention. I can still feel sexual attraction but it's extremely rare that I want to do it at all. If you think you can't live like this it's fine. I won't hold it against you. You are so important to me and I don't want to lose my best friend." You aren't sure how to say it right but your heart breaks by the thought of hurting Asmo. 
Asmo nods seemingly lost in thought. "I would never want to hurt you either." Suddenly he gently puts his hand on yours.
  You look at him with curious eyes. 
Then he gently looks you into your eyes. "Do you like me back?" 
"I do. I really like you." You say without a hint of doubt. 
Asmo smiles gently. "Do you want to be in a relationship with me?" 
"Yes but…" You start but Asmo interrupts you. 
"No buts about your sexuality." Asmo seems to know what you want to say. "Just answer yes or no."
You hesitate for a moment. "Yes." It surely will be difficult but it is also what you truly want. 
"Despite you knowing how I am?" Asmo can't seem to hold a giggle back. 
"Of course. I love even your bad sides." You smile at him teasingly. 
"Bad sides? I have no such thing." Asmo pouts playfully. 
You giggle. "Will you still be in relationships with other people?" This is an important question for you. 
'Honesty, I'm not sure if I will miss sleeping with someone. I never went without for a long time. I'm pretty content, just flirting for the most part. I mean, to be honest, I wasn't fooling around for a while now. I think you are to blame for that one." Asmo puts a lot of thought into his words.
  It makes you smile to see how much he truly cares about you. 
"I'm very sorry for making you fall for me." You giggle and act wounded. 
Asmo grins at you. "I forgive you."
"So does that mean you want to try a serious relationship with me? One where we cuddle, kiss, and maybe even hold hands?" Of course, there are many more things you can and will do together. 
"Holding hands? How scandalous!" Asmo laughs out loud. Then he takes your other hand and holds them both tightly. "It honestly sounds great to me. It won't be easy. We probably have to have some conversations about things. Maybe we will argue and make up. Maybe I will break your heart but maybe I will make you very happy. I have no guarantee that it will work out. Despite that, I want to be with you. I want to call you mine, and I want to be yours." Asmos words are very heartfelt. 
"Somehow this is crazy but it sounds pretty great to me." You can't help but smile at him. Even as friends you sometimes had some fights but always managed to come out stronger in the end. "I think we can make this work." 
"You are right, we can. How about a kiss now to celebrate?" Asmo is practically beaming. 
The atmosphere seems to be just right for this. "Yes." Suddenly you feel a bit nervous. It's not even your first kiss with Asmo. Your heart beats wildly.
  Asmo feels equally nervous. He doesn't even know why.
  He leans in, slightly parting his shaking lips. Your heart keeps beating faster, suddenly your lips feel strangely dry. 
Then your lips meet. Somehow the world suddenly feels right.
  It's natural and special at the same time. It lasts a few moments. A bit longer than a typical first kiss. 
When you lean in to kiss Asmo, your heads almost bump together. Causing both of you to chuckle. 
Asmo then hugs you. This also feels so right. Much more than either of you could ever expect. 
This first step into your relationship with Asmo is a good reflection of your future together. 
Sometimes you have a few bumps in the road, but there is also a lot of fun and love.
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jayeray-hq · 4 years
Sakusa : You Know We’re Meant to Be
JayeRay’s fluff prompts
Post Time Skip/Manga Spoilers!
Warnings: A little but of Hurt/Comfort and bullying but lots of Fluff after
If you like this, please check out the Character Masterlist!
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This is part of a collaboration I’m doing with @lilolpotato​ some fluff to counter some of the hate from the Sakusa Hate Night thing that was going around 😊💖 Also a huge huge thank you to the amazingly talented @yuujiscurse​ for the banner! Their work is amazing! 😊💖
You weren’t sure if they simply didn’t know you could hear them whispering or if they simply didn’t care, as you stood waiting for your boyfriend to emerge from the locker rooms. Hopefully you wouldn’t have to wait long, Sakusa was usually the first out due to insisting on showering before the others of the team could infect the space with their germs. Still today you hoped he would hurry, even faster than usual, so you could leave the receptionist and the woman she was talking to, likely someone who worked in the building, far behind you.
“What does he even see in her?” the woman who’d greeted you almost every time you’d entered the building with a saccharine smile that was apparently hiding a mouthful of venom whispered to her blond coworker.
             “I certainly don’t see anything special,” the other woman, a pretty brunette agreed giving you a clear once over a blatantly dismissive look on her face, “She’s probably absolutely hideous behind that mask she wears all the time.”
             Your hands balled into fists in your jacket, as you tried to ignore them, reminding yourself that you wore the mask for a reason. It was for both your comfort, and your boyfriends. Sakusa’s germaphobia was a very real fear, and frankly you didn’t mind doing a few things to accommodate his fear, or make him feel more comfortable where you could, especially since you knew he would and had done the same for you before.
 Wearing a mask out in public was a simple thing, and frankly considering the pollution in Japan, not all that uncommon. The women were clearly being deliberately petty and you sank deeper into the jacket burrowing into it, and taking comfort in the familiar smell and feel of it. It was one of Sakusa’s old Itachiyama jackets, one he’d gifted to you when the two of you had first started dating.
 It was warm and comfortable, and a blatant reminder of how very much your boyfriend cared about you. After all very few people were allowed to touch his things, and even fewer were given gifts, especially sentimental gifts. Komori had teased the two of you for days when Sakusa had first given it to you, exclaiming every time he saw you wearing it that even he had never been allowed to touch Sakusa’s Itachiyama jackets and he was his cousin.
 It smelled like him, clean and crisp from the detergent he preferred to use for all of your clothing, one you’d become quite fond of yourself, and that you associated solely with him. It took your mind off the cruel women in front of you, at least for a little while.
 “Can you believe just the other day he dropped his towel on accident, I tried to hand it to him, and he gave me the most disgusted look and just walked away,” the brunette told the receptionist clearly deeply offended by the incident, “As if I were something dirty he’d found on the bottom of his shoe.”
 “I’ve tried to give him pens to use before,” the receptionist admitted equally huffy as she explained, “He won’t touch them, not until he disinfects them with a wipe first, and even then he’ll only hold them if he’s wearing gloves.”
 You sighed quietly to yourself, a part of you wanting to storm over there and defend your boyfriend and an equal part understanding, just a bit where they were coming from. Sakusa had a fear, one that was very real to him, even if it seemed silly to others, and he had extreme ways of reacting when forced to face that fear. Still even you could admit sometimes his inability to properly interpret social cues could leave him coming off cold, or even cruel even if he didn’t mean to be that way.
 “I bet she’s not even his girlfriend,” the spiteful brunette hissed, “Just an obsessed groupie who follows him around.”
 “He probably treats her like trash,” the receptionist added in a cruel enjoyment to her unkind speculations, “Which is really no less than she deserves honestly.”
 The women were clearly lashing out, and on the only target the had readily available, but that didn’t stop you from feeling hurt or furious on behalf of your boyfriend. How dare they insinuate he treated you badly? The idea was infuriating especially when you knew how very hard he tried for you.
 Sure, your relationship wasn’t all smooth sailing, but then what relationship was? Yes, you’d had to exercise a lot of patience as Sakusa slowly worked himself up to touching you, but it had been completely and utterly worth it. The feeling of being held in his arms, knowing he desperately wanted you to be there, so much so that he fought off his worst fears in order to do so was indescribable. You’d honestly never felt as loved as you did when your germophobic boyfriend reached his hand out to you, assuring you that he wanted to be able to touch you.
 Even several years in you still couldn’t cuddle without a thorough shower beforehand, and some aspects of physical intimacy, including public displays of affection were especially hard, but it was worth it. You were so proud, both of your boyfriend and how very far the two of you had come as a couple, and it infuriated you that these two women, who knew absolutely nothing of his struggles would dare to insinuate such awful things about him.
 Oh, you knew they probably didn’t actually believe them. You’d dealt with jealousy from other women before. Your boyfriend was undeniably incredibly good looking, stunning even, and for some reason a lot of people found his supposedly aloof and cold demeanor cool and enticing. He’d had fans for as long as you’d known him.
 Still it didn’t stop you from wanting to march right up to the women and force them to take it back. They could say what they wanted about you, but in no way shape or form would you allow them to badmouth your secretly dorky and completely socially inept boyfriend. Honestly one more word from them and you might’ve done just that, fortunately or unfortunately your furious thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of your boyfriend.
 “Hey,” the sound of his voice pulled you from your murderous thoughts and turned your attention to Sakusa who had emerged from the locker rooms at last. His hair was still a little damp from his shower, the dark curls not quite as springy as they usually were as they fell across his forehead, and he was fully zipped into his Black Jackals jacket, hands in his pockets the traditional mask covering half his face, “let’s get going before the others come out.”
  “Sure,” you agreed trying to keep your tone as upbeat and normal as possible ready to fall into step with him and head to the store, which was the whole reason you’d agreed to meet him at the Black Jackals usual practice gym in the first place.
 However it seemed you hadn’t done a very good job of concealing the lingering upset from overhearing the women’s gossip session. That or your boyfriend was getting better at reading you, though both honestly were possibilities. He stopped in his tracks, forcing you to come to a halt as well, his brows sitting heavily over his dark eyes as he peered at you intently, clear concern visible in them.
 “What’s wrong?” he asked, his voice taking on the clipped edge that let you know he was deeply concerned. Apparently, you’d been more obvious than you’d thought.
 “Nothing,” you tried to assure him, forcing your tone to be upbeat, not wanting to drag him down, “Why would something be wrong?”
 “Don’t lie to me,” he ordered, the words blunt, but the clear care in his tone taking any sting out of them. Honestly he had very little in the way of tact at times like these, something you should probably be annoyed by, but could only find strangely endearing.
 “It really is nothing,” you assured him, your own tone softening at his clear concern for you, “Just overheard people gossiping about us again.”
 “Were you upset by them?” he asked hesitantly, clearly peering into your eyes, his whole body fidgeting with restless energy, a tension to him that reminded you of a rubber band stretched and ready to snap. For all that many read him as uncaring you knew that Sakusa was extremely protective of the few people he allowed close to him, and that you were one of the privileged few. He was clearly ready and willing to tear verbal strips off anyone who’d dared upset you.
 “Yes,” you told him, figuring honesty was probably the best policy at this point, “But only because they were saying untrue things about you, about how you treat me.”
 Some of the tension in his shoulders relaxed at that, and his eyes softened. You couldn’t see his mouth because of the mask, but long familiarity let you know the corners would be curling up in relief,. He clearly didn’t care a bit what people said about him, an attitude you wished rather desperately that you could emulate.
 “Let them say what they want,” he told you firmly, “It’s not something that bothers me, so don’t let it bother you.”
 “If only it were that easy,” you told him your own lips curling into a wry smile.
 Your eyes widened in surprise as he pulled one of his hands from his jacket pockets and gently took hold of your face, the warmth of his shockingly bare fingers on your skin making your heart flip over in your chest  his thumb gently swiping across your cheekbone rendering you completely and utterly speechless.
 “The only opinions about my person that I care about are opinions from people who matter to me,” he told you sincerity dripping from very word, “And the only opinion I care about when it comes to our relationship is yours.”
 Your heart was beating a rapid tattoo against your ribs at his fervent declaration, especially since you knew he meant every word. Your boyfriend was nothing if not completely and utterly honest when it came to you, even brutal at times. He was never one who’d spare your feelings, which was how you knew moments like these were as raw and honest as it was possible to be.
 “I love you Kiyoomi,” you told him a little helplessly, the words falling out of your mouth before you’d had a chance to really think about them.
 “I love you too,” he responded without missing a beat, even if you could see the faintest of pink blushes decorating the tops of his cheekbones over the mask, “And I don’t like seeing you upset. What people say about me doesn’t bother me, so please don’t let it bother you.”
 “But wouldn’t you be upset if people were saying things about me?” you pointed out reasonably, well aware he would be, as he’d proven many times over in the past.
 He clearly couldn’t think of an argument to that and so instead remained silent, so you continued, “You mean so much to me Kiyoomi and it hurts to hear anyone might think poorly of you or insinuate cruel things about you and how you treat me that are blatantly untrue.”
 He watched you with soft eyes, his thumb still gently tracing your cheek as he explained, “So long as those things don’t cause you to doubt me I could care less.”
 “Never,” you assured him fervently, “I like to think that by now I know you pretty well Kiyoomi and I don’t think there’s anything ridiculous petty gossipers could to make me doubt you, to doubt us. Despite the fact that we’ve had our challenges I always felt like we fit well together. Like two pieces of a puzzle.”
 “I’m glad,” he admitted freely, “I’ve always hoped that you’d felt the way I do.”
 “The way you do?” you repeated curiously.
 “Like you know you’re meant to be,” he told you the words stealing the breath from your lungs and you were fairly sure you forgot how to breathe entirely as he leaned forward to press a gentle masked kiss to your forehead.
 Fortunately, or unfortunately you were pulled from your thoughts by raucous sounds from behind the two of you. It turned out you’d been so wrapped up in your conversation with your boyfriend you hadn’t noticed you were blocking the hallway and keeping the rest of the team as a captive audience of sorts. Apparently the private, intimate moment wasn’t nearly as private as you’d thought, and you were suddenly incredibly grateful the mask helped cover your cherry red cheeks.
 Apparently Bokuto was the one who’d interrupted your moment, too moved by it to stay quiet any longer, and now the former Fukurodani Ace was fervently congratulating your poor boyfriend about how smooth he was. Sakusa looked incredibly put upon as the team swept you up with them as they left the building in a small herd, all of them gently teasing or congratulating the two of you on how very cute your relationship was.
 In the midst of all the chaos your boyfriend managed to sneak his hand into yours, his fingers twining together to keep you close and connected to him. You accepted the gesture, feeling warm, and secure and completely and utterly loved, enough to shoot the poisonous receptionist and her bitter friend a blinding smile on your way out the door.
 Sakusa was right. Their opinions, especially on your relationship, shouldn’t matter to you, at the end of the day you knew he loved you and that was more than enough.
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