#yes yes they have history together and she's also a folk hero background so
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abysskeeper ¡ 2 years ago
How about "stop distracting me" for your Tav and whatever character they're romancing?
*looks at my growing list of Tav's* Uh...yeah. Sure. Seriously though, thanks. I should break the dam for writing in this game.
Five Ten sentence prompts. I allowed it only because extensive dialogue tagging doesn't really count...does it? Anyways, on the road to Baldur's Gate, my half-drow bard, Fiona, and Wyll...who I'll probably wind up writing more for because poor Wyll has so little content and Fiona hasn't shut up since I started playing.
The evening air was crisp with a growing chill, but he hardly noticed despite sitting far from the night's fire, enthralled as he was watching her practice a performance. She moved gracefully, her feet gliding through thr steps of a well-known dance, fingers plucking the notes of imaginary strings, and her voice humming a lilting tune all while she wore a face that haunted his memories--one not quite her own.
"Stop distracting me, I can feel your stare like the point of your rapier," she said, sing-songing to the melody she hummed. A moment later and her feet stopped, a hand went to her hip, and those silvery blue eyes pierced him with a combination of false accusation and twinkling humor.
"That is hardly my intention, though it does not bode well if one adoring fan is enough to drive you to distraction," Wyll laughed, "Especially when I am merely wondering at the necessity."
"The necessity is in the fact I am the only one who remembers what having an actual job is like, and if we wish to not sleep in the cold for our entire duration at Baldur's Gate then we need coin," Fiona answered, "It's just...been a while since I've has to focus on so much during a performance."
"That is the necessity to which im referring," Wyll said and rose, moving to stand in front of her. He watched as her disguise spell dissipated the moment he reached out towards her, brushing her hair from obscuring her face and trailing his fingers down her jaw, urging those eyes he loved to look back at him--one silvery blue, and one drow red. "I understand, but for your sake I wish you did not feel the need to hide, that you could trust the world enough to show the heart I know."
Those eyes softened considerably as Fiona smiled, leaned up on her toes, and--just before closing the distance between them with a kiss--uttered, "If only the world had half the heart you did.
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thegreatelisamousy ¡ 5 years ago
Choose Your Character
The Host shuffled through the character sheets he’d made nervously. Having had much of his homework done in advance, and two of his classes cancelled, he’d had more than enough time to put them together.
A lot of them. Maybe twenty was a bit much...
He was just spreading them out on the coffee table when he heard Bing approach.
“Holy shit!” the android said. “Are those all character sheets?”
The Host nodded. “The Host thought he would make a variety, so that whoever ends up picking last isn’t stuck with the last one by default. But he... may have gone a bit overboard.
“You think?”
“Does Bing know if everyone has dice yet?” the Host asked. If his plan to choose the order of who picked a character fairly was going to work, everyone needed a set of dice.
“Yeah, Dr. Iplier took us all to get dice the other day,” he replied. “There’s a gaming store in town, huge variety.” He pulled out the small, plastic box D&D dice usually came in, housing seven semi-transparent, orange dice. The almost looked like candy.
It didn’t take long for everyone else to show up, all making some kind of comment on his sheer number of character sheets. Yes, he overdid it, he knew that. But it was just... way too much fun. And Dr. Iplier buying him Volo’s Guide to Monsters didn’t exactly help much, giving him even more races to play with.
When everyone was situated, the Host spoke. “First, everyone needs to take out their d20. They’re going to roll for initiative.”
“Roll for what?” Dr. Iplier asked.
“Initiative,” he repeated. “It determines the turn order in battle, the higher the number, the earlier the turn. In this case, each person’s initiative determines the order they choose.”
“You just... made us characters?” CJ asked.
“We don’t get to make our own?” RJ didn’t sound at all upset or disappointed, just curious, but the Host shrunk in on himself slightly all the same.
“The Host... didn’t want to throw everything about the game at everyone all at once,” he explained. “Creating a character can be complicated, and the first campaign is going to be a oneshot, so everyone can make their own characters next time. But... he just thought it would be easier...” He motioned to the papers strewn about on the table. “But he made a wide variety, so... he hopes everyone finds something they’ll like...”
“That was a good idea,” Illinois commented, and the Host relaxed a little. He reached for one of the sheets to read it, but his hand was batted away.
“Roll for initiative,” the Host told him again.
Everyone rolled, and Silver rolled the highest, and 18, while Bing rolled a 15, Illinois a 12, CJ a 10, RJ a 5, and Dr. Iplier rolled a nat 1, earning a snort from the Host.
He motioned to the sheets he’d provided. “As Silver rolled the highest, he gets first pick.”
Silver rifled through the sheets for a bit, glancing up and asking, “How much detail did you go into with making these?”
“The Host chose the name, sex, race, class, background, some of their background traits, their stats, skills, and equipment.”
“I’m not complaining,” Illinois began, “but is there anywhere we can go with making the character from there?”
“The Host said he chose a background and background traits. He did not, however, write their entire history. That is up to the player--they just need to clear it with the Host to make sure it fits into the world he’s creating.”
Silver finally produced a sheet, making his decision. “I think I like... Beiric?” He guessed on the pronunciation, but when he wasn’t corrected, he continued. “A high elf monk that was a soldier.”
The Host grinned, and no one was sure they liked the possible implications of that. “Bing’s turn.”
Bing was already looking through them, so he quickly picked up one of them. His eyes were rapidly flashing orange, indicating he was doing some kind of internet search. “I think I like this Zudronn guy.” He looked at the others. “He’s a bugbear paladin gladiator.”
“What the fuck is a bugbear?” Dr. Iplier blurted.
Bing laughed. “That’s what I was just looking up. I guess it’s some kind of creature distantly related to goblins? But he seems like a lot of fun to play.”
“My turn, then,” Illinois said, looking through them. He read each sheet carefully, flipping them over to read more of what the Host had for the character bio. “Hey Host?” he asked, continuing to read. “What’s a tabaxi?”
“Tabaxis are cat people,” he explained. “Not like... humans with cat ears and a tail. Actual cat people.”
“Huh. I think I like this Smoke character, then. A rogue hero sounds fun.” He grinned. “Especially an assassin hero.”
Dr. Iplier raised a brow. He looked at the Host. “You made an assassin hero?”
“The Host rolled the characters,” he explained. “Each race, class, and background got a number, the Host rolled for it. So... tabaxi assassin folk hero.”
Dr. Iplier just shook his head with a fond smile, watching as CJ rifled through the sheets before picking a seemingly random one.��“Zerissa, tiefling warlock pirate.” He looked at the Host. “Tieflings are those one that have demon heritage, right?”
The Host actually seemed surprise. “Yes, how did--?”
“We did some digging,” CJ replied.
“We wanted to know what might be coming so... we looked some stuff up,” RJ added, already picking his own character. “Mog the Barren, orc barbarian outlander.” He laughed. “This is gonna be fun. I am so the tank!”
Remembering the sheer number of axes he’d given Mog, the Host was inclined to agree.
Finally, it came time for Dr. Iplier to pick, and it didn’t take him long to find the one cleric the Host had rolled.
“The Host kind of figured Dr. Iplier would choose Iarra,” he replied. “Even though she is a criminal.”
“Hey, she’s also a wood elf and a cleric, so shut up,” he replied. “Besides, I kind of wanna see how much of an asshole I can turn her into.”
“Dr. Iplier, no!”
“Dr. Iplier, yes.”
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four-loose-screws ¡ 5 years ago
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation - Chapter 8 Part 2
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Chapter 8 - The Birth of the Second Generation
Part 2
With the welcoming of spring came signs of unrest from Lewyn’s uncles.
When Lewyn left Silesse, it had immediately brought the confrontation between Dakkar and Maios over the crown to a stalemate. Now, Lewyn’s return caused them to become enemies again just as quickly.
Crusader Ced’s Holy Mark had already appeared on Lewyn, so they no longer had good reason to argue against his ascension to the throne. However, both Dakkar and Maios had long since convinced themselves that the crown was theirs, and wanted it as if it was a treat dangling before their eyes.
Silesse’s landscape was divided in two sections, the north and the south, by a rugged central mountain range. Maios had already claimed the north, and Dakkar the south, and agreed that they were each the king of their respective region. Their plan was to have Maios take control of Lewyn’s Sailane Castle, and Dakkar take control of Queen Rahna’s Silesse Castle, though both of them were truly plotting to take out the survivor, and conquer all of Silesse.
Queen Rahna wrote a letter to the King of Grannvale expressing her wish to see Sigurd’s honor restored, attached a letter from Claud to it, and sent it to Balhalla.
However, the return letter demanded that she hand over the traitors immediately.
Queen Rahna and Claud’s letters had clearly been intercepted by Reptor.
Not only that, but Reptor had a secret agreement with Dakkar to send reinforcements to aid in the attack on Silesse. He also secretly sent a messenger to Maios, offering ten thousand gold coins for Sigurd’s head.
But while all of these events were happening in the background, there was still time before the conflict would take form.
Peace continued in Silesse through to the end of its short summer.
During that time, Sailane Castle experienced a baby boom.
First, Ayra gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. The elder twin, the boy, was named Ulster, after a hero of Dozel; and the girl was named Larcei, after the lover of a hero from an Isaachian folk tale.
Next, Aideen had a boy. He was named Lester, after the founding king of Verdane.
Lachesis also gave birth to a boy. He was the spitting image of his mother, and was named Diarmuid, after her grandfather.
Brigid also gave birth to a boy that looked just like her. Aideen was the one to suggest his name, Faval, after one of the past successors to Yewfelle.
Tailtiu was the last to give birth, and the child was yet another boy. He had the same silver-blond hair as his mother, but otherwise looked just like his father. He was named Arthur, after a king from a Grannvalian folk tale.
The summer winds from the southwest died down, and on the day that the cold winds from the northwest began to blow, Queen Rahna rode with Mahnya as her guard to Sailane Castle.
It had become normal for her to visit at least once a month, and talk to Sigurd.
They conversed freely about whatever came to mind, from negotiations with Grannvale, to news from all across Jugdral, to life at Sailene.
While there were times where they only talked about current events, Sigurd came to look forward to her visits. He’d lost his mother when he was a child, and Rahna’s kindness and warmth reminded him of her.
But on that day, after explaining that negotiations with Grannvale had still not progressed, Rahna warned Sigurd to be wary of Duke Maios’ movements at Torve Castle.
“Maios has always wanted this castle. According to the information I just received, he’s already well prepared for battle. He may attack at any time, so please be careful. If you do end up fighting, I am supposed to deploy reinforcements, but… Duke Dakkar of Zaxon is targeting Silesse, so I must bolster my own defenses.”
“Please do not worry, Queen Rahna. I will defeat the Torvian Army with my own forces.”
“You’re right. You are already a hero who will go down in history, after all. Oh, and by the way, some good news has come out of Grannvale.”
“Really? There’s some good news?”
“Yes. Prince Kurt actually had a daughter. She’s been found, and all the country is overjoyed about it.”
“What? ...Is that true?”
“When she was brought before King Azmur, he knew she was his granddaughter the moment he laid eyes on her. And when she revealed that she had Naga’s mark, there was no disputing that she is a direct descendant of the Balhallian royal family.”
“Wow… That is good news. It means that the royal bloodline continues on after all!”
“And she’s in love with Duke Arvis! The people are saying that he will become the king, and there will be a huge wedding for them soon!”
“She’s marrying Duke Arvis?”
“Those who have met her say she’s a very beautiful princess, and a perfect match for him. ...They must be so happy.”
Her final words made Sigurd wince.
“Oh, I apologize, Sigurd. ...I made you remember your wife, didn’t I?”
“You don’t have to be sorry. ...It’s already been over a year since my wife… Deirdre… disappeared. I have no idea where she is, but we love each other with all our hearts. Wherever she is, that is the one thing I know hasn’t changed.”
“You will find, her Prince Sigurd. I’m sure of it…”
“Yes, I believe so too. I will reunite with her. I know it.”
Just then, Lewyn poked his head into the room. Sigurd took the hint, said he had cleaning duty soon, then left the room.
“Then I should start heading home. It’s already pretty late.”
“You can’t go just yet, Mother! You spent hours talking to Prince Sigurd, so you can’t ignore your real son!”
“My son abandoned me and went far away three years ago. I don’t know who you are.”
“Ha ha ha, I deserve that. Are you still mad, Mother? I’ve already apologized many times…”
“Of course I am! You have no idea how much I worried about you! No son of mine would ever be that thoughtless!”
“If you are still angry, then I will apologize again. But I’ve come home for good, so please forgive me. I’ll fulfill all my duties to you as your son. I’ll get married and give you grandchildren. I’ll even massage your shoulders right now!”
“Don’t treat me like an old lady! I have a lot to discuss with you. Come to Silesse some time soon. And don’t forget!”
“So you’re going to take me away from my castle again? Oh well…”
“Only if you’re willing to listen to me.” Rahna said, then stood up and left.
When Lewyn tried to see her off, Mahnya came up to him, and whispered, “Prince Lewyn, Queen Rahna may speak like that to you, but she’s actually very happy. She has so much more energy now that she knows you’re safe.”
“I know. It runs in the family. None of us will show how happy we are if it means giving in to someone. ...Anyway, Mahnya, I want to thank you. Please continue to take care of her. Or at the very least, make fools out of these uncles of mine.”
“Yes. As the leader of her pegasus knights, I will guard her with my life. Please stay safe, Prince Lewyn.”
“I will. Oh, but I want Erinys stay here, if that’s okay with you.”
“My sister…? If that is what you’d like, then please be sure to keep her by your side. She…”
“You don’t have to say it. I understand.”
Mahnya stared at Lewyn in shock.
When she saw the look in his eyes, she felt both reassured and lonely at the same time. “Prince Lewyn… Please take care of her.” Mahnya said, then jogged to catch up with Rahna.
‘Whoops, I finally crossed that bridge.’ Lewyn thought. ‘I didn’t mean to say something like that to Mahnya. But I do have a tendency to just blurt things out…’
He climbed atop the castle wall, and watched the two women fly back towards Silesse.
Once they were no more than specks in the sky, he noticed Erinys flying back in from the south, having just finished her reconnaissance duty.
‘She works every day, from morning until night…’ He thought, and suddenly felt his heart well up with love for her. ‘When she comes home, I’ll confess to her. Her sister already knows everything, so I have no reason to keep holding things off any more.’
But now, he had to figure out just what to say.
‘“Marry me” is too plain. “I want you” sounds like something Sigurd would say, and “Let’s be together” sounds too vague. “I can’t live without you” is a bard cliché.  “Rule Silesse with me” is way too grandiose. ...Simple really is best, isn’t it? But which is better? “Marry me?” or “Let’s get married?”’
Erinys landed her pegasus next to him.
He smiled slightly and started to walk over towards her.
She dismounted her pegasus and blurted, “Prince Lewyn, we’re in trouble!”
“What’s wrong?!”
“The Torvian Army’s wind mage unit is moving towards the border!”
“Then I’ll alert Sigurd straight away.”
“Understood!” She rushed towards the stairs.
“I love you, Erinys.” He whispered, but she was already too far away to hear him.
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littlemisssquiggles ¡ 5 years ago
So, Squiggles :) What do you think of the newest episode?
Hey Mizu. I’m not sure if you’re asking me for an overall review of theepisode or one that’s more in depth which potentially goes into more spoiler territory. Just to be safe, I’m going to do it both ways. I’ll give my generalspoiler-free thoughts on the episode before I go into the specifics of somethings I liked and didn’t like about the episode. But undercut for obvious spoilers.Cool?
Overall, chapter 3 was another solid episode. Similar to how V6 started off, CRWBY Writers really aren’t giving any room for downtime with these episodes as we’re immediately chucked into the meat of the episode— the mission with the Aces. I figured we would have at least gotten to seeing our heroes settling into Atlas and adjusting to their new surroundings before the big mission but…NOPE! Mission time! So I’ll at least give you that bit about the episode since it was highlighted in the synopsis for this episode.
Overall, I enjoyed CH3. It was cool and it showed everyone in action. However there were some specific things that stood out to me that I wanted to give my opinion undercut.
[Spoilers Ahead! Nuff Said!]
First off, the brief conversation between Ruby and Oscar. With theway how the episode chucked us straight into the mission, ya girl was worriedthat Oscar wasn’t even going to be in this episode since his absence from themission has been highlighted since as early as the V7 Trailer. But thankfully,the little barn prince shared one scene with Ruby.
Turns out we were all right about Oscar confronting Ruby about her stunt in Ironwood’s office. It was a little shorter than I expected but… then again, it wasn’t the key focus of the episode so I gave it a pass.Still it is noteworthy that Ruby entrusted the Relic of Knowledge back to Oscar. This is interesting to me since it brings to light a point of concern I made in my very last theory post from this week. With Oscar now having the Relic back in his possession, I wonder if history will repeat itself with the roles reversed. 
Could this moment from the episode be a possible foreshadow to Oscar using the Relic to out Ruby in a similar fashion to how she used the Relic on Oz last season?
Could Oscar simply just threaten Ruby with the Relic leading to the two having a big fight or…could Oscar potentially end up using Jinn to show Ironwood the truth behind Ruby’s back? 
All of these are possibilities now to add to the table of events brought to you by this small exchange. It’s quite fascinating really. I don’t want Oscar to come tothis point. But for now, it’s definitely a probability with the Relic in his hands.
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The Ace Ops were all very, very cool in this episode. I loved their comradery with each other. I especially wanted to point out Vine and Elm’s dynamic. While I’m still unsure if they’re a legit couple, I did like how the chapter paired them off to work with JNR while Bunny Bites—Harriet and Marrow—worked with RWBY. 
Clover was also placed to work with Qrow and might I say this—I’m strangely fighting the urge to ship Qrow and Clover now. 
There is a moment in this episode where Qrow explains his semblance to Clover only for Clover to confirm what us RWBY theorists predicted. His semblance is good fortune which is excellent. 
Clover complements Qrow in a good way. Not to mention that look Qrow gives Clover after he told him his semblance while the camera literally lingers on him for a couple of frames made me wonder.
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I couldn’t help but feel as it this moment sparked Qrow potentially being infatuated with Clover or��it could just simply be a respectable man-crush. Y’know a bromance. Nothing really gay about. Not that there’s anything wrong with Qrow being gay (technically bisexual). For all we know, Qrow just loves Clover…in the very heterosexual way. If you caught the reference then y’know what I’m talking about.
Anyways as I was saying about Elm and Vine, this episode definitely highlighted their strong teamwork. These two complement each other so well and the way they bounce off of one another really shines in their pair dynamic. Love it and love these two. This is, however, the least I can say for our favourite little Flower Power pair. This unfortunately which brings to light one of the things I didn’t like so much about the episode.
Wilted Flower Power: 
Ren’s sudden change in attitude with Nora—what the f***?  I mean he isn’tbeing cold or rude to her. He just feels oddly closed off from her this episodewhich leaves me, as the viewer, asking the obvious question: Where is this coming from?
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Sure we caught a glimpse of it in the first episode when Ren suddenly took off in battle while Nora sulked in the background. And while I was correct in this development in their rapport returning in a later episode; regardless, where isRen’s sudden mood change with Nora coming from?
It’s not to say that it’s been built up since V6? I mean I got the feeling that the Writers might introduce some tension between Ren and Nora given that we’re supposed to be learning more about her. But this still doesn’t give any rationale to this behaviour. If the Writers plan to have Ren and Nora break up temporarily due to Ren acting differently with Nora only to have them learn a lesson through observing Elm and Vine and come back stronger than ever as both a couple and a team partnership then…. that’s fine. Ijust wished they had done a better job at introducing this ‘issue’ inthe Flower Power teamwork if you know what I mean. Cause it feels very out of the blue; at least in my opinion.
I just didn’t enjoy seeing Nora being her usual self with Ren only for him to reply in a way that feels so uncharacteristic for him. Yes, Ren has shown exasperation at times with Nora but it’s never been to a level where he comes off annoyed with her. In spite of Nora’s big animated personality, that might tire some people, Ren has always been very patient with Nora often finding her behaviour amusing which was a big reason why I fell in love with shipping Renora. 
In spite of their different personalities, the two have always complimented each other and worked well together. Having Ren be like this with her…I’m sorry. If this is how the Writers are going to do things with Renora then I’m already disliking the execution of it. It’s not terrible. Just seems a little forced to me.
Dem Bees: 
Another thing that occurred for this episode that I sadly did not care for was the moment between Yang and Blake in this episode where Yang complimented Blake’s new hairstyle.
Some context for the scene: Blake notices Yang staring at her from afar. Yang reacts awkwardly and says, “Sorry. Not used to the new hair yet.”
Blake then asks, while blushing, “Is it bad?” only for Yang to respond many times “No” while fumbling over her words.
This moment. Y’see this moment right here, folks. Do you know what this immediately reminded me of?
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It’s like the Legend of Korra Book 4, after Korra reunited with Mako and Asami. In that series, Asami and Korra shared a moment where Asami noticed that Korra had cut her hair and our Avatar blushed at this acknowledgement.
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It is literally the same energy. While admittedly an adorable exchange, as I said, I didn’t care for it. As a matter of fact, this moment confirmed my biggest concern for the development of the Bumblebee pair going forward. I was hoping the Writers would’ve taken the time to show these two’s friendship growing a bit more before introducing the potential of romance. Some fans complained about the blatant pandering in favour of actually showing Yang and Blake bettering their friendship last season and it seems like the Writers are adamant on continuing this trend.
Who would’ve expected the CRWBY Writers to take a page from Bryke—the two creative minds who practically created the first most shoehorned LGBT couple I’ve ever seen in an animated series while having the chops to puppet it around as ‘good representation’. While Bryke was praised for what they did with Korrasami since Korrasami was said to be the first LGBT couple in an animated series targeted at children, I didn’t buy into it and didn’t think Bryke deserved their praise at all since Korrasami, in my opinion, was weakly written from the start.  
As you can probably tell, this squiggle meister didn’t buy into the Korrasami romance. Not because it was LBGT (as I’ve said before—I have no issue with that at all) but purely because the showrunners didn’t develop the relationship between these two lead girls in a way that felt natural. 
Rather than watching a beautiful friendship that grew into a sweet romance over the course of the series runtime, culminating in the birth of a great couple by the show’s finale, instead I watched two characters who were barely friends for two full seasons since they were involved in a ridiculous love triangle only to suddenly become quick besties in the third season. Fast  forward 5 years for the show’s final season and now these two girls are in love with each other with their love not being apparent until the final shot of the very last episode. Good shit, right?
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Korrasami felt so forced to me in the end which was made even more apparent by the finale. It seems like Bumblebee will be heading in the same direction as Korrasami. 
I’m probably digging my own grave here by even talking about the Bees since it’s practically blasphemy now given all the discourse still surrounding this pair and I can only imagine how it is now after today’s episode. But still wanted to give my views on that moment given what it reminded me of.
 Marrow’s Semblance: 
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Getting back on track with things I liked from this episode—Marrow’s semblance man. As I said on Twitter, I really loved the take on Marrow’s unique skill. It’s perfect. He’s a wolf Faunus with a semblance that causes others to listen to his every command. A trained dog treating his opponents to be subservient to him. That is freaking neat as hell. Forget all the other Ace Ops, Marrow’s semblance is the most interesting to me.
What I’m curious about is what the extent of Marrow’s powers are? Does it only work on the Creatures of Grimm since they’re technically mindless monsters acting mostly on instinct or…can it work on people too?
Can Marrow use his semblance to get make another person obey his command? That’s what I want to know. I’m guessing that there is a limit to Marrow’s powers since, we see him using his semblance on the Sentinels earlier in the episode who were probably young Grimm given how easily the group took them down.
However I’m surprised Marrow didn’t use his power on the Geist Grimm. Clover did mention that the Geist they were targeting was an older Grimm. So I figured Marrow’s power wouldn’t work on it even if he tried.
Either way, this episode just made Marrow ten times cooler to me now. The Good Boy continues to impress and he’s definitely the one that stood out to me the most from the Aces.
No Run Forrest, Run: 
Whelp, if you saw the episode, y’know what this point means. Forrest, the dreadlocked Robyn supporter we met last episode died by the end of this episode. He was killed off by Tyrian so…RIP Forrest. 
I feel so sorry for MurderofBirds since in his last Livestream Discussion on YouTube, he said he was hoping to see more of Forrest.
But in spite of his short time in the story, Forrest’s murder did help me to realize something about Tyrian’s tactics. Since last episode, it was shown by the end that Tyrian has been killing certain people in Mantle. However I couldn’t quite put my finger on a possible pattern in Tyrian’s targets. Now I think I have an idea. I think Tyrian might be targeting Robyn Hill supporters specifically.
On orders from Watts, I think the Scorpion Fauns might be singling out those folks from Mantle who were known to be heavily involved in rallying support for Robyn as another means of turning votes away fromher. 
After all, if the supporters of Robyn are suddenly being found murdered thenit could force the People of Mantle from rallying behind Robyn and tank her chances of winning against Jacques. 
Now this is just a theory for now. Either way, it’s very, very interesting how the audience receives more and more pieces to the plot with Watts and Tyrian as the episodes go back and it’s only been three chapters.
Very interesting indeed and I’m looking forward to seeing what the next episode drops.
And yeah, those my thoughts on the episode. I hope I answered you well enough Mizu. Thank you for your question.
And as an added point, I pray that my honest thoughts on the Bumblebee scene from this episode didn’t upset or worst offend anyone. My opinion is NOT meant to insult the RWBY ship or anyone who likes it. It’s just my opinion. 
If you love the Bees and you were absolutely over the moon with that little scene from this episode, then that’s perfectly fine, fam. Just don’t mind me with where I stand on this pairing  and how the show continues to portray the development of their ‘potential romance’.
And please refrain from leaving any disrespectful comments in my post just for sharing my opinion. As I’ll say again, I mean no disrespect and will not tolerate any thrown at me.  With that said, that’s all folks! 
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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comicteaparty ¡ 5 years ago
March 14th-March 20th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from March 14th, 2020 to March 20th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How do you react to readers predicting your plot twists?
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Depends when they do. A page or two before it happens? Both of us get to feel clever. Yay! Months ahead? Well, obviously the thing I thought a a big twist ain't it, so I get to decide what other thing to focus on. I usually don't change the plot on reader predictions, but I can always change how a twist is presented from "Big surprise! Bet you didn't expect that" to "Well, ain't it neat to FINALLY have confirmation about that thing?"
Funnily, the best plottwist I ever wrote was in my now defunct comic. I thought it was obvious, but my few readers went "WOAH, didn't see THAT coming." So these days I try to just write the story and let the twists fall where they may.
ASDFPHIaewpf a friend of mine was reading my comic and he was making a lot of theories, a bunch of them was way off but he managed to be 100% accurate about one of his theories and I just started laughing nervously when he talked to me about it before it happened in the comic. This was years ago and the thing already happened and it's not a big deal anymore, but at the time I felt proud to write something that was obscure enough to not be on the reader's face but at the same time having someone figure it out after connecting the dots
I have little twists that happen in a more funny way, and it's usually used for comedy, and my readers seem to like it
but that's probably because of the expectations in humor coming from my writing style
which is usually bad puns and character reactions to absurd situations
and I agree witch chalcara, sometimes we can feel like we failed a plot twist when people see it from miles away
which is true, but sometimes even when they figure it out it's best to leave it as it is
I've seen a lot of writers fucking up their stories by changing plot twists that were stablished just because "people found out too early", and retconing a lot of the story in result
like, making a plot twist consists in creating some kind of foreshadowing
to make the twist not seem too forced and taken from nowhere
also to make it rewarding for those who searched deep for those clues
idk I love these little foreshadowing/clues we can leave for our readers
to make the twists even more powerful and meaningful
I want to second a lot of the above. A plot twist should not be completely unguessable. Because if nobody guesses it, it means to most readers it's gonna feel like it makes no sense and came out of nowhere. The goal of a true twist is to have as few people as possible guess it but then when it's revealed, the reader smacks their head going "how could I miss all these clues."
Deo101 [Millennium]
Readers predicting things usually makes me lead with "oh no, I'm predictable!!!" And then makes me thing "wait, no, it means they're picking up on the hints I've left behind." Though sometimes it's predictable, like if someone guesses the actions of the next few pages, that's less of the readers picking up on hints and more just guessing right. But guessing big plot things, j think, is a reflection that I'm making things as clear as I need to, and I'm rather fond of it
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
99% of the times I am delighted if they guess the plot twist. I like it when I feel like my readers are on the same page as me (pun ...maybe not intended?) and see where things are going. Since my stuff is character driven, it tells me they can read the characters and their personalities well enough. However there was this one time when I had intentionally depicted something that was not going to be the historical norm (namely the p-51 mustangs' coats of paint on a cruiser in the opening scene of my WWII webcomic Brave Resistance). A war history buff called me out on it IMMEDIATELY saying "wait, these aren't how they're supposed to be!" and nearly spoiled the entire plot on page 2! I had to DM him to tell him to tone it down, and explain to him why the planes where the way they were. He apologized and stopped, but I'd wanted to throttle him for a while there
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I agree with Rebel re: the purpose of a plot twist. In that sense, though, I don't think my story even has plot twists. There is no moment anywhere in the story where I want the readers to go "how could I have missed all the clues!!!" ... On the spectrum of brainy vs hearty, my story is very close to the extreme end of hearty. Like, think of stories like The Little Prince or My Sweet Orange Tree. Even when unexpected things happen, it's never about the brilliant reveal. The most shocking thing in My Sweet Orange Tree comes out of nowhere, and it works for that book. Heart of Keol is a lot like those two in this regard. Not exactly the same, but pretty dang similar!
So back to the question, honestly? I want people to be able to guess. The usual bane of my existence is the opposite problem: people not knowing wtf is going on. My story isn't supposed to draw its strength from its surprises, so guess away (edited)
eli [a winged tale]
I love it when the reader guesses the gist of the plot twist a few pages just before the reveal. I sort of follow the novel structure idea that the reader should see what’s coming next right before it hits them, hence rewarding their investment in the story. Wild speculations without the clues I’ve planted are interesting. It does make me wonder if I relied too much on tropes or left too big of the crumbs. That being said, I’m not too fussed by readers predicting the general directions of the plot because it’s all about the character reactions. Could they predict that too? Maybe, to a degree. But there are a lot of subtext I try to write in my characters that give some nuances that I feel may entertain even those who guess correctly how the story would go. TL;DR: guess away. Love reading theories. The story is set so I won’t be changing anything big but perhaps layer the reveal with subtleties.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I've actually never had readers guess what's coming next. I mean, unless you count obvious, broad stuff (such as "the MCs get together"). I mean, it IS a romance. But in regards to big plot events, no one has gotten remotely close with their predictions (which kind of surprises me, because I drop clues everywhere). To be fair, I'm only a chapter in, so I guess it makes sense. But I am excited for the day when people finally guess
eli [a winged tale]
Same Cronaj! The predictions I’m speaking of are from my betas reading the entire script I love it when then go—- “omg this [plot point] must mean [reveal!]” .... right before the reveal
Feather J. Fern
If anyone does pick out certian plot twists I will be like "Yesssss people do think like me, I am not crazy" XD because most of my twists are all shown from the start through hidden background things so if people found them I am excited they took time and effort to figure out twists
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I love it. I haven’t been disappointed about it yet, and I don’t think I will be. It doesn’t make me change the twists at all - in fact, I’ve even shifted some story elements around to give the readers even more confirmation that they’re right, earlier on in the plot. I want to reward them with a treat, and now they can revel in their cleverness a bit longer Hee hee.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I love it too, but I don't change things to make readers more right like LadyLazuli does. Sometimes I'm tempted to, though! My readers have good ideas!
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I like plot twists so I like to set a hint of them off early tbh (edited)
but I try not to make it too obivous :3c
tho for those who like to guess, I welcome it. I like hearing folks and their interpretations even if it's not what I'm going for too lol
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Admittedly, a lot of it is due to the nature of the medium. I know that webcomics take ages to get to major reveals or spoilers - I can wait to totally-confirm things, but I can't wait to... almost-confirm things? I don't want people to get tired or frustrated. I know I've gotten angry at anime shows that take 20 episodes to confirm something we guessed at episode 1, so I like when these things are all but confirmed early on. It can be really fun to know a secret that, maybe, the heroes don't know. It gives an extra layer of STOP, NO, DON'T GO IN THERE! in times of danger
But given my propensity to practically s c r e a m my spoilers to people who I can trust with the plot... a lot of it is just me bursting at the seams wanting to say YES YOU'RE CORRECT.
Patience and restraint. Essential things in webcomics
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed! So much patience needed I do love some excellent plot twists executed just chefs kiss
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Yes! I just want to tell readers, "Oh God, you're right! Good job!" But instead I usually respond with a ":)" or "I like this analysis!" Which I think is basically just confirming it. But if it's a real life friend? I cannot resist from telling them everything. I've even spilled spoilers in this chat before, trusting that most people here haven't read my comic. Kind of backfired when I reached a major plot point and someone commented, "She's been waiting to bust out this plot point for so long." Oops, guess someone did read my forum posts. But even if I did spoil things in the comments, is it really that big of a deal? I'm the kind of person where spoilers don't detract from my experience of things and sometimes even adds to it. But some people care about spoilers, so.(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Haha yeah it’s honestly so freeing to just tell someone about the spoilers
Here’s what I have planned that will wreak the readers muahaha
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Past me could super relate to that! But these days I don't really want to TELL people? I'm not sure if that's because I've changed as a person, or if it's because this story is different from my previous ones. That being said, my patience is not infinite. I am itching to SHOW people. Can't wait to get to those Big Scenes
"Big" is a weird adjective here because they're very small scenes in some ways. Very intimate/personal
But... you guys know what I mean. The scenes that every longform webcomicker is dying to get to
Oh gosh, I agree that plot twists shouldn't be entirely out of the blue, since it's nice to have the hints that give people the crumbs to follow a trail. But like, since I write a lot of these chapters way in advance, and if I had the chance I'd love for them to be readable in one go as opposed to a page per week, I fear that I'm boring people with a predictable punchline? That being said, I get so many comments that predict the end of the chapter or the punchline or the joke. And I'm always like "haha maybe????" but inside i'm like "oh my god, they got me, THEY GOT ME"
Ohh yeah keii I get what you mean
the scenes you're like, checking your watch, checking your current pagecount, and thinking "soon I'll get to draw it, and it will be marvellous"
eli [a winged tale]
Oh gosh those scenes for me are at the finale
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
TBH last time I got to one of those scenes (which was very recent), my anxiety skyrocketed because I was expecting someone to say something harsh. Because it happened in all of the previous ones. But this time it went well, so hopefully the future ones will, too?
eli [a winged tale]
Deo101 [Millennium]
I think for me, I worry more than anything that it will ruin things for other readers, rather than me worrying so much about someone guessing right or me sharing spoilers.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Someone DID say something harsh, but it was right before the actual scene and not about the scene and a lot of people got fed up with their attitude so I felt like it wasn't my fault, lol
eli [a winged tale]
Ruin things for other readers? Oh like someone predicting correctly in the comments?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also yay! I always get anxiety about those kinds of scenes
Yes, someone predicting Something
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Well thought-out predictions are a lot of fun to read though, as a reader going through the comment section
eli [a winged tale]
I guess I stopped minding it and now embrace it they could be wrong or right and who knows until we get there~
Oh totally!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Oh I don't mind so much, but that doesn't mean I don't worry a bit too!
J like reading them for me, but I still think "I wonder if this will ruin it for someone else"
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Occasionally there are problems with Korean webcomics that were originally webnovels? Because people who've read the novel version sometimes spoil things in the comic comment section, and that's not cool. They're not even theorizing, they're straight up spoiling.
Deo101 [Millennium]
eli [a winged tale]
Oh no that’s bad
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
But if people are theorizing, and the theories turn out to be right, that's all very fun IMO!
ugh when people spoil things it irritates me to no end. Let people enjooy it for what it is!
and yes!! that's one of my fave things too
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, every reader is different though. I have some people who explicitly have asked me not to share spoilers, and others who kinda beg for them! So I worry if some people don't like to see predictions (I know my dad doesn't like when I guess things in a movie)
theorising, discussing with other fans, just chatting about what you think may or may not happen
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Sometimes you even see comments like "Hurry up, Konans! I'm too tired to think, so post some good interpretations/theories!" lol (Konan as in the detective... in Korea, it's a term for hardcore theorizers in webcomic comment sections)
Oh, I think movies are different
I don't want any form of verbal remarks while I'm watching a movie
Or like, if I'm marathonning a show with my bro, we're entirely silent except between episodes.
But comment section is like, you have to actually go there.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Some people might be like that for comics, too. Idk. I'm not trying to say i don't like to see theories I'm just trying to think of everything that makes me worry about them is all.
And for me, the biggest worry would be that someone seeing a prediction would make them enjoy my comic less. It doesn't mean I necessarily think it's all that common, but I refuse to say it won't happen I think
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Personally, I think that's not an issue unless you confirm the commenter's theories
like I've seen theories for things online where my first reaction is "that's dumb, that would never happen" and then it happens
some people will latch onto another person's theory, others will reject it, but i don't think people will take it as a spoiler in advance
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, theories are just theories
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I mean I know some people don't even want to hear other readers' theories, but if they are that extreme, they need to avoid the comment section on their own IMO?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
like... cool, I respect your preferences, but you can't hold me responsible, pal!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Again I'm not trying to say I don't like theories or I don't want them I'm just trying to think of all potential issues with them
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Granted, I'm one of those people who will scroll through the comments and read theories because I like to see all the smart people reveal the clues to dumb people like me
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I can relate to that
@Deo101 [Millennium] Understandable! Just don't be too hard on yourself for things that you can't control
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Those geniuses that remember details from 30 chapters ago and somehow manage to connect the dots
Exactly! The comment section is there, but it's their choice to read it, and also like it's not your fault either? like they're not YOUR comments
haha in our RPG games sometimes people drop character plot hints way at the start of the campaign, and my friend will turn up, 7 months later, " remember when Character A said this? I remember"
and everyone's like "what the heck?!" some people are just detectives
they can see it, they see the matrix
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Anyway, I love when my readers theorize! I don't believe any reader has guessed any of the major plot twists in the first two books, despite there being enough evidence beforehand to make a guess (closest was "whatever zebugu's doing, it's not evil this time" but not the specifics of what he was doing). Though, if they had, I wouldn't mind, since that's max two years they gotta wait before the reveal (and that's assuming they guess it on the cover page lol). Book 3 is a different beast - strictly speaking, there's enough evidence for someone to predict both twists at the end of the book, right now. And... that may be an issue, given that this book will take over three years to reach those twists. So... we'll see if anyone guesses them. What's weirdest is when people guess things almost correctly with absolutely NO hints. And it's some super specific and minor thing like "Mizuki is secretly the reincarnation of a thousand-year-old dragon". Like... there haven't even been dragons mentioned in the comic up to this point. Nor any events from a thousand years ago. And like, that's not exactly the truth, but how do you get THAT close???(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
They see E V E R Y T H I N G
eli [a winged tale]
Sometimes it’s a trope thing? But yeah wild speculations can be so wild but so spot on
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
but there aren't any fantasy creatures in the comic, at all!
except a squid with feet!
eli [a winged tale]
Lol whaaaat then yea not sure where the dragon part came from then
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Sherlock Holmes readers lol
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah detective Conan lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
Joke gone awry
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Feather J. Fern
Well I mean I have crack theories about random people being random things too so...
I can see where they come from XD
tbh I think my comic is fairly easy to predict as it has a pretty straightforward narrative xD but I don't have that many readers yet so maybe in the future! I would have fun reading people's guesses and predictions :D
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
AAA my readers right now are so accurate. They're so smart. They make me want to post my entire buffer right now and prove them right.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I wonder if anyone would be able to predict the next things happening in joe is dead
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I at least have no idea what's going to happen next but am looking forward to it anyways(edited)
🌈ERROR404 🌈
i know that it's only because TH is still quite new, and I haven't gotten to the meat of the story yet, but i like reading some of the really out there predictions and worries i get in some of the comments lol
I will never tell someone if their guess is right or wrong, but if they do guess it, it probably means I'm foreshadowing well.
Then again I also find myself writing by the seat of my pants, so plans are subject to change.
The original question mentions “plot twists” but I’m never trying to make a plot twist personally. I may intentionally obfuscate things, but I don’t ever try to do wild twists and turns. So when a reader predicts what will happen, I actually don’t mind, and I’m pretty happy that it’s following a logical chain of events. On the other hand, when readers are totally off base, I think that’s REALLY fun.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Most of my readers feel that my comics are twisty and surprising, but I often get at least one reader who correctly guesses what will happen, even if sometimes they’re joking or think their theory is wild and out there. Honestly it feels pretty awesome to have a reader shrewd enough to puzzle out the clues, because that means they’re really paying attention. I don’t have a very big audience and most of the time they’re silent, so anytime someone leaves a comment that is carefully thought out, it makes me really happy. As for the times readers joke or wildly speculate but inadvertently hit the nail right on the head, I find those very amusing. I really love stories with well done twists and turns, and so I try very hard to execute good plot twists that have enough foreshadowing to be ‘Aha!’ moments rather than ‘Where did that even come from?’ moments. So I love when readers are both properly misdirected AND when they pick up on the clues and deduce the twist.(edited)
Does my comic have plot twists? I don't really think about it. People have correctly guessed things that will happen in a chapter, someone even guessed correctly on the climax when a character named Daniel was introduced... well, it was more like "I hope things don't turn out like -blank-!". I don't mind, just because they guessed something correctly doesn't mean they know how the story will go for sure, it just means that they're theorizing and that is something I always encourage. I don't think that means the story is boring or predictable either, some people are just really good at that stuff. Even though I don't think my comic is very mysterious/unpredictable it's still impressive when someone pays attention to all the little visual and dialogue details, then guessing correctly about a future event based on them. Nothing more flattering than someone enjoying your comic enough to analyze it.
Lmao! I can't tell you how many movies I've ruined for people because I guessed a plot twist correctly.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Haha, honestly same. I’m not allowed to make predictions during movies or TV shows anymore bc I almost always get it right. XD Webcomics I find a bit more unpredictable, though, because most of them aren’t nearly as formulaic as mainstream film.
Yeah! Even if it's not obvious most of the time movies go by a pattern or set of traits, once you learn how they go a film or TV show becomes a lot more easy to figure out right away. The only time I'm stumped is when the movie is really surreal or absolutely awful. That's the nice thing about webcomics in a way. I assume a lot of creators haven't had professional training, and we want to tell a story more than be entertaining to the masses, so stories are less predictable. They don't always go by a formula, which can be refreshing.
Capitania do Azar
Aw man I would love to have some theories, but for the time unfortunately I don't I'm always super curious about how readers interpret things given they don't have an inside view of things
1 note ¡ View note
apprenticemages ¡ 7 years ago
Hinamatsuri once again hits one out of the park…  I take a look at this week’s carrots…  and I try my hand at poetry!  All this and more after the jump! The shows that I am watching are in bold, shows my wife and I are watching together are in bold italics.  Question marks denote shows not watched yet (during the premiere weeks), and strikethrough marks dropped shows.
3D Kanojo / Real Girl Ep 8
What a mess…  Turns out that Iroha isn’t as cool as she thought with Tsutsui being anywhere near Ayado.  Even just holding her hand while he’s treating a burn sets her off.  And of course, from her point of view, it’s all Tsutsui’s fault…  There’s been hints all along, but I think this ep cements my thoughts that she’s got a streak of self centeredness.  She keeps expecting him to change – and while he’s trying hard to work things out, he honestly is socially inept.  And she just doesn’t get that, she isn’t even trying.
I did enjoy watching Takanashi stomp Ishino’s advances into the mud.  She has become something of a friend to Tsutsui & Co., but she’s also shamelessly using them for her own ends.  She deserved that.
Anyhow, cliffhanger time…  Iroha ran off into the woods after seeing Tsutsui trying to help Ayado, and now she appears to lost.
Comic Girls Ep 7
Poor Kaos-chan.  One step forward, one step back…  she just can’t catch a break.  Every time she makes progress, she discovers another flaw in herself.
Why did it take me so long to figure she’s a HUGE idol otaku?  I mean we’ve all seen her figure collection any number of times.  And if you look over the left, though you make have to look at full size, that grouping of three looks to me to be a Love Live homage.
Best Girl Tsubasa rocks her glasses…  And speaking of her, both she and Ruki outed themselves as otaku this episode.  That leaves only Koyume (and I guess Fura-senpai) not outed.  I guess I should have expected that.
Crossing Time Ep 7
This week…  a girl composes haiku while waiting at the crossing.  I spent most of the episode cringing for two reasons…  First, what she was composing was much closer to senryu than haiku.  Second because they were just so awful.  Though it’s hard to tell how much was the intention of the production staff, and how much was an artifact of translation.  That is, was it translated literally or poetically?  I suspect the former.
Though I did appreciate her frustration with not being able to produce a finished poem in one go.  It took  me a long time to appreciate just how much work goes into even a simple haiku.  Actually, I think any Creator can appreciate that.
If you’re wondering what she was going on about when she was talking about a seasonal word – that’s called a kigo, and is vitally important in classic haiku.
Her final poem…  I think there’s something good in there, but after fiddling with it for a couple of days I haven’t been able to find it with certainty.  What I ended up with was this:
Snow drifting A crossing gate bars love
It drops the sense of love than cannot be restrained…  But maybe brings in a sense of impatient waiting?  Or maybe not.  And yes, I know the syllable count is off, it’s a work in progress.  If anyone cares to take a swing in the comments, feel free!  I’d love to see what folks come up with.  (More information about haiku from a previous posting.)
Hinamatsuri Ep 7
Hina’s segment was laugh out loud funny…  I’m impressed as hell that they can keep returning the same schtick and still make it so engaging.  Nitta and Utako’s segment was…  I don’t know quite how to put it.  Happy and sad, but not bittersweet?  Nitta has certainly transitioned from player to seriously looking to build a family, but doesn’t quite grasp that it’s not quite that easy.
And someone on Twitter pointed out…  The end title card has changed.  On the left, the original – with Utako behind the bar.  On the right, she’s absent after this week’s events.  What’s going on here? will she still be in OP next week?
But once again…  Anzu steal the show.  Not a tearjerker like last week’s ep, but no less powerful.  OK, OK, when she was bathing the onion ninjas weren’t attacking in force but there were a few scouts sneaking around.
I’ve seen a name plaque on a kid’s door in plenty of anime…  But it was a real kick in the feels for Anzu’s to be the one from the shed she lived in at the homeless camp.
Worth reading:  Matt & Irina’s joint review of episodes 6 & 7.  Be sure and stick with it all the way to the end.
My Hero Academia 3 /  Boku no Hero Academia 3 Ep 7 (Ep 45)
It turns out that the League Of Villains has adopted a new strategy.  They’re not out to kill heroes (or at least that’s not now the whole of their strategy), they’re out to destroy them.  And by handing the pro Heroes a decisive defeat and kidnapping a student, they’ve succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.  The public is questioning and criticizing UA.  The teachers are UA are questioning and criticizing themselves.  Of course, discrediting heroes is an ancient trope in the comic book world, but I find myself curious to see MHA‘s take on it.
The split between the students is interesting…  It was pretty predictable that Lida would take the “let’s follow the rules” position, but the others appear to be wavering.  Deku of course won’t waver long – he’s never let the rules stand in the way of doing what is right.
And it’s very cool to see Yaoyorozu’s powers be used in interesting new ways.
Worth reading: Luminous Mongoose over at Anime Junk takes a look at the ‘edgy’ characters in MHA, and what makes them so:  Revelry in the Dark – The Refined Edginess of My Hero Academia.
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori Ep 6
As I said last week, I was about ready to give up…  But this week gave us a ton of history and backstory on Rokuhoudou, Kyousi, and Tokitaka.  We knew Sui had a business background, but I found it interesting that Tokitaka has been (still is?) an artisan (a potter) rather than a salaryman.  I don’t find it all surprising that he became Rokuhoudou’s cook, almost all of the talented artisans I know IRL are also very good cooks.  All the talented Makers I know love nothing better than the see stuff meant to be used actually being used…*  The fusion of seeing someone enjoy the food you cooked on plates you made?  That just has to be powerful as all hell.
A few years back our local SCA culinary group was the pastry/bread team for a feast and we all had to bring our own rolling pins.  Of the twelve pins, eleven of them had come from the hand of the same woodturner.  He was at the feast, and when I told him about this he had to come to kitchen and see…  and was grinning like an idiot the whole time.  Pleased as punch to see his stuff getting used.
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online Ep 6
OK, we knew Pito was messed up…  But who could imagine that messed up?  Though M-san (who we know have a name for – Asougi Goushi ) himself isn’t exactly a shining example of mental health.
Either way, now we know at least the basic plot for the remainder of the season.
Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai / Tada Never Falls in Love Ep 7 Tada-kun has reverted to its usual way of doing business…  All about the loves and emotions of everyone who isn’t the show’s main couple.  This week, a quadruple dose of unrequited love.  And while Nyanko Big can’t vocalize his feelings, there’s no damm reason why none of the three humans can’t do so.
Yata at For Great Justice dropped Tada this week, and I’m starting to get mighty tempted myself.  I listed it as a keeper mid-season because last week’s ep seemed to show they were going to start making progress, but this week blew it.
However, this is cool:
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Ep 9
This week’s carrots…  Being bet during a game of Blind Man’s Bluff.  And am I the only one who thinks that “This Week’s Carrots” would be a cool name for a band?
Anyhow, this week – another training camp ep.  (They’re really pounding the tropes in here, aren’t they?)  And finally Trainer-san gets off his dead ass and acts like a trainer with a clue.  Seeing that Spe-chan‘s consideration for Silence is holding them both back, he finally confronts them.  And they both realize that the other is not only their dearest friend, but their closest rival.  Both of them run their little horse girl asses off – and handily beat the others, even with their head start.
It’s kinda annoying sometimes…  Uma Musume seems to really badly want to be a proper sports anime, but doesn’t (or won’t) put in the work to sustain the tone.
Also, just now…  Arby’s (who has a history of anime references on Twitter) tweets about Uma Musume…
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku Ep 6
Honestly, this week’s ep seems to have been mostly forgettable…  When it came time to write this review,  I pretty much couldn’t remember anything other than the gift scene at the end.   Looking around the rest of the web, it becomes clear that I couldn’t remember because pretty much nothing happened.
I should be clear though…  In this kind of semi-anthology/slice-of-life romance series, that’s not actually a glaring flaw.  It’s pretty much par for the course in that genre.
I do sympathise with Nafuji though.  I’m the oldest of five, and there’s seven years between me and my original youngest brother and sixteen years between me and my actual youngest brother.  (Which sounds funny…  But the explanation is simple, my parents had an unexpected late life (by the standards of the day) child.)  I was in fourth or fifth grade when I grasped the truth about Santa – but my parents made it Very Clear that I was to keep my lips zipped for the sake of my younger siblings.
And that’s this week!  Remember, between the holiday weekend (which we traditionally spend geocaching) and preps for and recovering from the Kitsap Medieval Faire, there will be no weekly posts on the 30th and the 6th.  I may or may not get some editorial content out, that just depends on time and energy.
So, what did you think of this week?  Care to take a swing at poetry?  Drop a comment and let’s chat!
  Spring 2018 – Week 7 Hinamatsuri once again hits one out of the park...  I take a look at this week's carrots... 
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mamabearsaidso-blog ¡ 7 years ago
Possibly the easiest way to sum up 2017 is to say that it’s the worst year ever. And I’m sure a lot of folks would agree. It’s been a messy, divisive, violent, angry, painful, scary year. On a personal level, it’s been the year that my family has had to deal with, among other things, cancer and an unimaginable loss. It’s been a year of incredible highs and crippling lows. But in the end, it just leaves me hopeful that 2018 holds something truly magical for us all.
I started out 2017 with a joyous occasion – my daughter and son-in-law (well, son-in-law to be) got engaged on her 25th birthday on New Year’s Eve! It was a beautiful way to cap off what had been an incredibly difficult year and we were blessed to have been with them to witness the engagement.
Before the engagement surprise – she’s just the birthday girl at this point. 🙂 
I also started 2017 by officially promoting to leadership with KEEP, with a team that had grown to almost 20 designers. Being in leadership meant trips to Cleveland and Chicago, meeting a few of my heroes within the company’s management, and doing things I’d never imagined myself doing. But the year is ending with me as a lone designer, having resigned my team and somehow more content than I was before. Somewhere midyear I began to get really uneasy. At first I thought it was just that I had stepped so far out of my comfort zone, but I soon realized that it was that I was trying to live someone else’s dream, someone else’s goals. I had never really wanted to be a coach; it all happened rather unexpectedly. But I loved the girls that were on my team, and so I tried really hard to make it work and to be the best coach that I could be for them. In the end, I had to take a good hard look at myself and my life and I realized it wasn’t what I wanted for myself and certainly not for them. And then when my husband was diagnosed with cancer in August, it lit the fire under me and I knew it was time to take the plunge. I didn’t want to disappoint the girls and I didn’t want them to take it personally but in the end, I knew it would be best for everyone. And it has been. I’ve watched the team members who are still with KEEP soar to new heights, with me cheering them from the sidelines, and I’m happy with my business again.
And yes, the cancer diagnosis. Although everything turned out the best way that it possibly could having been given a diagnosis of bladder cancer, it is one of the scariest things I’ve ever been through in my life. I’m the kind of person who’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop, always waiting for the rug to get yanked out from under me, so I’ve lived for 30 years thinking that at any second, this man that I love beyond all reason is going to somehow disappear. And I don’t care what the prognosis is, what the tests say, what the surgeons tell you – when you hear the word “cancer” – it’s like a punch in the gut, and even worse, it’s every nightmare you’ve ever had coming to life right before your eyes. Thankfully, he came through surgery just fine, and didn’t need any treatment (just constant monitoring for the next few years at least), but it opened my eyes in a way that nothing else could. Life is just going to keep rolling on, and it’s up to me to make the most of it. Treading water, worrying over stupid things and spending my time doing things that don’t matter or don’t make me happy is just a waste. And it’s made me appreciate what I have right now, in this very moment, so much more. I know it’s not going to last forever, but there’s not much I can do about that, so I may as well enjoy what I have. (Also it makes those dumbass arguments about things like socks on the floor and such seem a LOT less important.)
I found out sometime during the spring that I was smack in the middle of menopause. I would have known earlier but I had a hysterectomy in 2008, so some of the signs weren’t there. I went through a weird period of mourning (not sure why – I haven’t been able to have kids since 1999), but somehow, I was convinced that it meant the end of the “young” me. It’s funny now, but it wasn’t at the time. Right about the same time, our youngest was graduating high school, so I was hitting some weird empty nest/menopause matrix that had me all caught up in self-pity and bittersweet sentimentality. And then on July 31st, we got the news that we were going to be grandparents, and suddenly getting older took on a whole different meaning, and I was thrilled beyond belief.
As many of you know, we lost little Ezra on November 24th, and I can honestly say it was the hardest day of my life. Having to watch my oldest son and his beautiful wife go through this kind of loss, knowing there was nothing any of us could do to help them, was agonizing. And it still is. But in the midst of this unthinkable loss, there were moments of unbelievable grace and beauty. Seeing these two beautiful people become parents to this perfect, sleeping boy and watching them support and care for one another, was the best illustration of unconditional, flawless love that I’ve ever seen in my life. In the week that we all spent together preparing to meet little Ezra, I saw unimaginable strength, love, grief, compassion, sadness and peace. And alongside the grief that I feel at the loss of that beautiful angel, I feel so incredibly blessed to have shared those moments with him and with his parents. I think that I was changed when we got the news that we’d become grandparents and changed again when I met him. And in spite of the heartache, he changed my life for the better.
In just 3 short weeks, I enter yet another phase of my life. I’ve taken a job at Wittenberg University that I am really excited about. I had been toying with the idea of going back to work for the past few years, but I was determined to find a job that was meaningful. And this one has felt like fate every step of the way. I accidentally stumbled on the job listing one night while I was searching job sites like I’ve done 1,000 other times and decided to go for it. I didn’t think I’d get a call back since I had such a long gap in my employment history, but I got called for an interview. I was so nervous through the whole thing I was sure I’d botched it, but a week or two later, I got through to the second part of the job process where they started calling references and doing background checks. And then the week before Thanksgiving, I found out I’d got the job!
And although some of the absolute worst things have happened in 2017, I’ve had some true bucket list moments, too. I finally made a pilgrimage to Paisley Park (I’m still in shock) and got to be closer to Prince than I could’ve ever imagined by taking the Ultimate tour. I finally got to see Lady Gaga in concert. I got to see a Broadway play and visit the Statue of Liberty and the Met Museum and the Museum of Natural History in NYC.
It’s been a year of incredible highs and lows, but I guess that’s how life goes, isn’t it? In the end, I’ve learned a ton about living in the moment and enjoying things as they are, not as you wish them to be, and about quieting the storm inside. I’ve learned that I’m not likely to ever get over my depression and anxiety or my grief, but they’re just pain in the ass roommates that I have to live with. They don’t define me and they are not badges or labels I’m going to wear anymore. I’m more than the challenges I’ve had or the abuse I’ve endured. And somehow, I’m more “okay” with myself than I’ve ever been before. I’m not sure if it’s a product of getting older, of changes I’ve made in my life or what, but it feels pretty good.
Here’s hoping we all have an amazing 2018.
Much love,
P.S. Stay tuned for some exciting changes in the new year involving a podcast. 🙂
  2017 – What a Year Possibly the easiest way to sum up 2017 is to say that it's the worst year ever.
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