#yes this is my castiel and the pizza man moment
wuxianxkexing · 1 year
So I have a theory about sex pollen. There's all of these fan fictions about sex pollen and I never thought much of it until I became a fan of Mu Qing. When it comes to fucking or dying I'm pretty sure Mu Qing would rather die than break his cultivation path, just because he's a stubborn brat like that. Plus while I love him I respect his decision to keep his virginity because he really hates to lose. So how could Mu Qing be saved from deadly sex pollen?
Well we know in the real world that any time our bodies are infected with viruses or bacteria that our immune system tries to kill it or get rid of it. Fever, throwing up, feeling dizzy, etc... are all signs of our immune system fighting it. Sex pollen makes you feverish and gives you the almost unresistable urge to mate. Now why would a pollen have this effect on our body? And why is the only known cure to have sex?
Now we could look to the animal kingdom. There are in fact certain species that will go into heat and die if they don't mate. Perhaps the sex pollen reactivates long dormant genes in the human genome, but I do not believe this to be the case because as far as I'm aware only females can die from going into heat without mating. The fact that both males and females can be killed by sex pollen rules this theory out.
Another theory could be that the sperm/vaginal discharge is a cure but I don't think this is the answer. It doesn't seem to matter who you have sex with, you don't have to have sex with the opposite gender and you possess at least one of the two naturally in your own body. It's not like you have to seek out a certain type of person either. Literally anyone will do, unlike with blood donations or fecal transplants were someone has to be specifically selected for the donation based off of criteria.
It also probably isn't the mix of chemicals your brain releases when you have sex either, or else you could masturbate it away but you can't.
However everything in nature/the Supernatural exists for a reason. What is the purpose of a sex pollen ever coming into creation in the first place? Why is it not sexually transmissible? This question is what lead me to my theory. It was created to throw your spiritual energy out of balance and make the host weaker to drain their spiritual power more easily. The pollen itself is very aggressive and fast acting, it will weaken your spiritual power and demons can take your spiritual power like stealing candy from a baby. We don't really know where or how these sex pollen creatures come from so what if after absorbing all of the spiritual power from their victim they just grow from their corpse? That would make sense from a natural perspective since some fungi do the same thing to ants. They'll sprout from the body of their victim and release spores that the wind will carry away so the babies can grow and carry out the rest of their life cycle elsewhere. This would explain the motivation behind attacking humans in the first place. Humans probably have the most spiritual power out of any living creature and they need that spiritual power to procreate.
The cure for it is sex but only because sex is the fastest way to transmit spiritual power. Your body will naturally do whatever it takes to try to fight off invaders, and in this case your body knows that it is in so much trouble that it needs more spiritual power or else it's game over. There are two possibilities here. Either the other person's spiritual power keeps you alive long enough for your own spiritual power to recover after being so badly depleted so you don't die or the other person's spiritual power will help your own spiritual power fight off the sex pollen that it wasn't strong enough to handle on its own or maybe both?
So how could Mu Qing beat this without having sex? Well in the modern world I think a blood transfusion would work (though the amount of blood needed would have to be found out). You are literally putting someone else's spiritual power inside the effected body so it can use the spiritual power immediately. But Mu Qing isn't in the modern world. However a strong and skilled cultivator might be able to do this. Cut a deep wound on their hand and the hand of the effected. While holding hands the cultivator could send every bit of spiritual power they have to spare into the other person. This should in theory give the victim the boost that they need in order to fight off the sex pollen because the skin barrier has been removed and similar to sex the spiritual power is able to immediately go to work since it's inside the body. We have skin to keep things out of our body that aren't supposed to be there so I do not believe that basic touch alone would be enough, especially not for the average person. The spiritual power would decrease too much trying to fight its way inside to help. I do think that you could probably kiss your way out of it too, but because sex pollen causes the body to crave sex because it wants to get rid of the sex pollen ASAP it would be a risky move for Mu Qing because he might end up accidentally having sex and ruining his cultivation. So for Mu Qing the blood route is pretty much the only way to go.
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Puppy eyes- Castiel
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summary: at Bobby's house when Dean is trying to bribe you into going at and getting food, you not budging until Dean tells Cass to ask.
A/n: feel free to message me for any requests, I'll try my best for any character you wish.
You and the boys, including Cass, were all at Bobby's house, doing research. "Y/n come on please?" Dean asks you again. He's been practically begging you to go and and get him pie.
"Dean no I told you. We need to get this research done." You say for the thousandth time.
"Quit moaning Dean. If you want it so bad go get it yourself." Bobby says as he's pouring another glass of whiskey.
Dean groans something and goes back to reading his book. Suddenly Dean perks up and walks over to Castiel, whispering something in his ear.
"Y/n, will you please go to the store and get us some snacks?" Cass asks me, his eyes alone are so powerful, its like he's got puppy eyes.
Your heart flutters just my making eye contact.
"Yeah sure. Everyone write down what you want." You get up and walk to the kitchen to grab your wallet.
"That's all it took?" You hear Sam ask. "Whatever it takes." Dean says smiling and grabbing a pen and paper.
The paper goes around the room and soon enough you have your list. "Dean do you want homemade pie?" You ask him. His eyes light up. "Yes please." He smiles and you can't help but laugh.
"Cass wanna come with me?" you ask him hopefully.
"Yes." He says. "Ok come on then. We'll be back in a bit." You walk out the door looking over the list.
You climb into your truck and start it. On the way there Cass asks you a question you were not ready to answer.
"Why did you only ask me to come with you?" He asks. You look over at him and his head is tilted, with his signature confused look.
"You're my favorite Cass. That's why." It was true, but you weren't going to tell the angel the other half of it. A human falling for an angel? Ridiculous. He'd never return the feelings.
"I am sensing there is something more you're not telling me. " He says, his voice deepens a little bit.
"And what would that be Cass? I've got nothing to hide." Obviously you were lying.
"Tell me."
You sigh, not sure how to come about this.
"I love you Cass. And not just like friend wise, I love love you. More then friends." Your grip on the steering wheel tightens waiting for his reaction.
"I love you y/n." He then disappears. You're not quite sure how to take his reaction.
You pull up into the parking lot of a store. You open your door and step out, facing into the truck, collecting your things in your purse.
You turn around and Cass is standing right there behind you. "My god Cass you scared me." You place your hand on your heart, trying to calm yourself down.
He stares at you for a moment before placing his hand under your jaw and pulling you into a kiss. And mind you, it was a damn good one.
"Where'd you learn that?" you ask, slightly surprised.
"Pizza man." He smiles slightly and disappears again. You laugh and go an with shopping. You arrive home and walk in, still happy from the occurrence.
You set the stuff on the counter and get the stuff out to make Deans pie.
"What's got you so happy?" Sam asks when you hand him the snacks he requested.
"Watch this." You tell him, catching Deans and Bobby's attention. You walk over to Cass who's reading a random book he found.
Grabbing his jaw just as he did to you and pulling him into a kiss. You pull away and smile at him. "I love you." You say still smiling down as him. "I love you." He says back. You press. another quick kiss to his lips and look back at the boys and Bobby.
"Now if you'll excuse me I have a pie to make." And with that you walk off into the kitchen, radiating happiness.
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
do u have any favorite canon compliant / "missing scene" fics?
Hello there! Yes, here are a few suggestions with fics that include extra scenes like the 'fanfiction gap' and add something new to Cas and Dean's relationship.
a kiss for every season (literally) by sobsicles [Explicit, 22k words]
The first time Dean and Cas kiss, it's not really even a kiss at all. It is not, however, the last kiss that they share. ~~~ Dean doesn't think about it. Not about what it means, not about what it makes them, not about how it affects him. This life—that's not how things work. It's just this, these "in the moment" moments that always slip right out of his fingers because he lets them. He doesn't try to hold onto them, and neither does Cas, and maybe they shouldn't. Cas kisses him like no one else does, like no one else ever has. Dean absolutely does not think about it unless it's happening to him, and then he doesn't have the ability to think at all. What does it say about him that he occasionally kisses his best friend, who's a man? Dean doesn't know, and he doesn't really want to find out, either. 
All This Happened, More or Less by ceeainthereforthat [Mature, 88k words]
Dean had no idea that inheriting John Winchester's Impala was only the beginning of the destruction of his life. That Sam's dreams were more than just the consequences of late night pizza dinners. That angels looked like slightly rumpled tax accountants. And he's not ready for any of it.
Fracture Mechanics by Rend_Herring [Explicit, 43k words]
Admitting it won’t make Dean any more inconsolable than he already is, and he’ll never feel Cas’ absence any more or any less acutely than he does in this exact moment. “He’s gone,” Dean finally admits, because it seems like the only thing left to say. When the terrible, swollen vacancy of the room offers no recourse, Sam says, “I know.”
Home by FriendofCarlotta [General audiences, 2k words]
This is the story of a car, and the boy who loves it so fiercely, it becomes a home. As the boy grows into a man, his car is the one constant in his life. Until, one day, he meets an angel, and "home" takes on a new meaning.
If I Could Change One Thing by 2Minutes2Midnight [Explicit, 13k words]
Spoilers through Season 5 finale. When Dean gets sent into the future where he refuses Michael, he vows to change one thing, if nothing else. He must prevent Castiel from becoming human. No matter the cost.
Revisions by zeppazariel [Explicit, 127k words]
From the beginning, Dean and Cas continue to find their way together over and over. Chuck keeps erasing it.
That Wasn't Supposed to Fucking Happen! by anyrei, queerwerewolf [Explicit, 66k words]
What if it all wasn’t just subtext? Individual, subjective interpretation? What if we’re only seeing a fraction of what’s going on with the Winchesters? What would happen if we saw what was actually happening off-camera? Destiel might not technically “exist”, but that’s because the cameras haven’t captured it. Now that the fourth wall has been broken, subtext may become explicit text. Explicit being the operative word here. Season 12 Ongoing Fix It from 12x09 through 12x23.
The Sum Of My Regrets by LoveIsNotAVictoryMarch [Mature, 20k words]
“A quick trip to the past, that’s all. Look Cas, I know we can’t do anything about all the innocent people getting into the crossfire of our battles, but this I can do. Let me rescue this child and give Lily Sunder back her life. What can possibly go wrong?”  In which Dean Winchester travels through time, learns a thing or two about best laid plans and falls in love with an angel – all over again.
these masks we wear by deansnuggles [Mature, 24k words]
These are the things you hide, when you’re John Winchester’s oldest son: A feather Sammy found and gave you. A piece of satin you cut from a nightgown you swiped from the thrift store. You like to keep it in your pocket and rub it between your fingers. A romance novel left behind in a motel. You tape the cover of a Stephen King novel on the front. A picture of Robert Plant hidden under the fabric on the bottom of your toiletry bag. A cassette of Queen, a cassette of The Beatles. You like to draw. Knights and dragons and cowboys. A mockingbird. A lily. A boy in your class. You rip that one up and burn it. We follow Dean through important times in his life as he slowly learns to accept who he is and figures out what a happy ending means for him.
this ain't for the best (but i want you) by jewishdeanwinchester [Explicit, 8k words]
Five times Dean and Cas fucked, and one time they made love. Or, times Dean and Cas could've been but weren't. (Until they were.)
You can also check our coda tag for fics that follow along with specific episodes.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e14 plucky pennywhistle's magic menagerie (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
(from the recap) i love baby sam's "and apparently clowns kill!" response to dean's "planes crash" phobia justification
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oh is this a christmas episode? aired in february. ok
DEAN I hope he finds something quick. This whole protocol du jour thing's really creeping my cheese.
that's some kind of expression
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SAM So, we got dick on Dick? DEAN That's a vivid way of putting it.
SAM ...I might have found something over in Kansas. DEAN All right, well, let's do it. But, uh, a few simple rules, okay? No babies. SAM smiles. DEAN In fact, no baby mamas. No bars. No booze – no hot chicks of any kind. SAM Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say – DEAN Hey. You spawn a monster baby, see how quick you want to dive back in the pool.
no booze? yeah right, my dude. gotta sell that fake beer brand
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the sideburns heard me and staged a comeback
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DEAN Plucky's. Why does that sound familiar? NANNY Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie? Pizza chain for kids. Actually, more for lazy parents.
was that a, "ah yes now i remember dad dumping us there" moment or what. is this the clown phobia origin story?
yo, this reminds me of my favorite book when i was like, middle schoolish age, sphere by michael crichton. i wrote him a letter for a project asking about the ending of the book. sadly, did not get a response. anyway. manifested thoughts/fears after you went inside it. a giant squid was involved. childhood fear from 20,000 leagues under the sea. does entering the chuck e cheese knockoff do it
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oh, so it wasn't dad dumping them there, it was dean!
SAM (on phone) Uh, you would dump me and go trolling for chicks. DEAN (on phone) It's not like I left you in jail. I mean, those places are supposed to be fun. SAM (on phone) Fun? Uh, they're lame. And they smell like puke. And the ice cream is all grainy.
still ridiculous but cute. i will take lighthearted bickering and teasing any way i can get it. and padalecki's over the top acting seriously freaked out and nervous while also pretty nonsensical, i will take
alSO. retroactively irritated about calling a place like this for "lazy parents". i have 3 kids (they're 9, 7 and 5 years old) and hoo boy. non-parents being judgey about parenting lol
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here's a niche one, another because i've seen it so many times i remember person. very small part on the killing
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the killing s2e5 jennifer spence as eve
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insufferable perky child self, wouldn't think he was all "i don't know why i'm doing anything anymore" last episode
DEAN Cops have a theory? SAM Yeah, they think the ball washer did it. DEAN The what? SAM The... ball washer. DEAN [smiling] The what? SAM The ball – SAM holds up his hands in frustration.
DEAN "Shark Week," man. How do you not watch that? SAM walks away. DEAN Whole week of sharks.
shark week is another thing i've seen enough in fic and assumed it was fanon :) the canon is so plentiful, don't even need fanon
cringing my way through this over the top goofy plucky's employee interrogation sequence.
dean/jackles laughing is so sincere like he couldn't get out the line, adorable. terribly endearing this whole interaction. reminds me when dean was trying to convince himself he was having more fun being with cas and no sam
from s5e3 free to be you and me: CASTIEL What's so funny? DEAN Oh, nothing. Whoo. It's been a long time since I've laughed that hard. It's been more than a long time. Years.
lot of good brother moments this episode and mild to moderate cringing. i'll take it
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imbiowaresbitch · 1 year
My August Year of the OTP fic.
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Dean is a high school teacher, popular with the kids, and lucky enough to be able to be open about his bisexuality. He bumps into a new face at the local pizza parlour during his lunch break, and later discovers the gorgeous man is the owner of the new clothing shop near the school.
Dean is curious though, does the store's name, DTF, mean more than Denim and Tees, Finally?
Luckily, his new acquaintance, Cas, is able to answer that question.
"What's your name?" Smartass. I like it.
"Castiel. But you? You can call me Cas." Cas bit his lip, a little smile playing across his face, and Dean took half a step closer.
"Cas, huh?" Dean replied, wondering if he was reading signals right. Sure, he'd seen the guy's pan pride pin, but pan didn't mean he was single or interested. Dean glanced at the store and again saw the sign with the store's name. "Cas, you own this place?"
Cas pushed himself away from the post and smoothly stepped closer, and Dean felt his heart rate increase.
"Yes, I do. Why?"
Dean put on a flirtatious smile, catching the tip of his tongue between his teeth for a moment before he answered. As he'd hoped, Cas' gaze dropped to his mouth.
"Just not sure calling the place DTF was the right move, people might misinterpret it," he teased.
Cas prowled closer, and Dean found himself with his shoulders against the brickwork as he instinctively moved backwards. Cas leaned a hand against the building, next to Dean's head, and proceeded to give him the slowest elevator stare in history. By the time Cas' gaze returned to his, Dean felt stripped bare.
The heat in Cas' eyes led him to think Cas liked what he saw, though.
"On the other hand, someone might just be reading it right," Cas replied in a low tone.
Read it on AO3!
Many thanks to @cr-noble-writes for the beta. Love ya!
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marchiveeee · 2 years
I'm glad you are writing headcanon <33
Can I request 94 with Castiel? ;D I'm leaving n/sfw, pov parts to you (=^・ェ・^=)
It's my pleasure, really! Thank you for your ask 💗💗
This one got longer than I thought it would. So here it goes almost 2.5k words of... Something?
It was almost 1am, and Castiel had one dog and eight other people at his place. More specifically, the dog had been spared from the loud teenagers by staying in his master’s bedroom and the balcony attached to it. Castiel, on the other hand, was cramped with his friends in his living room; surprisingly, he didn’t mind it at all.
It all started when Armin convinced Nathaniel to go watch the newest Marvel movie with him at the mall. Surely, it didn’t take 5 minutes for Alexy to find out and starting calling more people to go with them. First, the boy invited Kentin, Candy and Rosalya. Then, Candy invited her boyfriend, Castiel, who also invited his best friend, Lysander; superheroes movies weren't Lys thing, but he still ended up accepting the invitation. As the group of six waited in front of the movies for the beginning of their session, they met Iris and Priya, who’d also been invited by Candy at some point.
The movie ended around 10pm and the majority of them were still hyped about it, sharing their thoughts and theories with excitement.
“The vilain is definetelly not dead!” Armin stated.
“You are the only person I know who cheers for a villain”, Nath said with amusement.
“Oh, believe me, you haven’t seen half of it…”. Armin’s brother patted the blond guy on the shoulder.
“I think Armin has a point, tho”, Iris interrupted, “the villain could easily teleport to somewhere else before being crushed by the falling walls!”
“That’s what I’m talking about! They can’t die that easily!”
“And what about the post-credits scenes? They were really intriguing. Does anyone know who that person was?” That was Castiel’s girlfriend, she was holding hands with him as the group walked towards the exit of the theater. Castiel thought he should tell her more often how much he appreciated these small demonstrations of affection.
“I also didn’t recognize that person at the very end… Armin?” Priya turned to ask the boy who was still throwing more and more inforations about the Marvel Universe to his new victim, the student body president, or should he put an “ex” before that title? Seeing that they had just graduated from high school.
“Yes! I will talk about that in a moment! But first, does anyone else want some pizza? I don’t work well with an empty stomach”.
“Armin, you barely let me touch the popcorn, there’s no way you’re hungry!” Kentin sent an incredulous look to his friend, receiving a shrug and a sheepish smile in return.
The group didn’t have time to think much about the idea before Castiel said something that surprised even himmself.
“I don’t live far from here. We can go to my place and order something if you guys are up to.” At that, he could feel his girlfriend squeezing his hand and sending him an amuzed look. Near him, Lysander looked at his friend with a questioning look. Castiel followed Armin’s example and shrugged before saying "It’s just an idea”.
"Aayy, we have our savior for the night! Thanks, man! Please, lead the way!"
Indeed, it was more than unusual for Castiel to make gatherings with friends at his place, so he understood the astonished looks he got. And moreover, who'd have believed he'd invite Nathaniel to his apartment? And that the blond would accept? Luck of their friends, the two of them seemed to be feeling pretty great lately, so why not enjoy that moment?
That's how they all ended up in Castiel's living room, with two family sized pizzas sitting on the coffee table between the couch and the TV. They had all finished eating - the remaining slices would probably be Catiel’s breakfast for the next morning. A soft rock music was playing in the background as they chatted. At some point they had changed the topic of the conversation from Marvel to their plans for vacation.
“I hope my family decides to travel to somewhere nice. I want to chill in a beautiful beach far from here, it would be a real vacation”, Iris dreamly said.
“Please, take me with you! I’m tired of the boys from this city, they are all boring!” Alexy whined throwing his head back.
“Sorry?” Kentin said with a frown making everyone laugh.
“I don’t think he’s talking about you, Kentin.” Priya blurted out.
“I’ll have to agree with Smurf hair, tho,” Castiel snickered and passed his arm around Candy’s shoulder, throwing his proudest smile in the process. “Candy here was smart enough to take the last remaining interesting guy in the city.”
The red-haired boy got some priceless reactions to that statement. Candy herself was as red as her boyfriend's hair, she face palmed and mumbled something like “I can’t believe you said that”; Rosalya, who was drinking her soda as he spoke, choked and started a mix of what he believed to be coughing and laughing, "not the best scene for Miss Perfect", he thought. Iris and Priya were also laughing, while trying to help their struggling friend. As for the boys, aside from Alexy who didn't seem offended by the comment about his hair, and was cracking up just as much as the other girls, each one had a different reaction…
“You say that because I’m careful not to expose all my charms at their fullest. You wouldn’t even have a chance!” Bragged Armin, not falling fot Castiel’s joke.
“You’re too confident for your own good” Nath grumbled with that usual expression he gets when he’s annoyed about something.
“That’s just Castiel being Castiel, guys. Don’t mind him, he’s just joking” Lysander stated with a calm smile before drinking some of his water.
"You don't have to ruin the moment!" Cas jokingly pushed his friend on the shoulder.
Kentin grumbled something while crossing his arms, not looking at their host for even a second. Castiel just laughed with humor.
“Oh my god that one was good,” Rosalya managed to speak between some coughs and while wiping some tears from her cheek.
“It’s been a while since I laughed this much. I’m sorry, but your reaction was priceless, Kentin. You should’ve seen yourself!” Iris said patting her friend on the back gently as the boy blushed even more.
“Whatever…” Kentin cleaned his thoat and straightened his back. “I should get going anyways, it’s getting too late.”
“Wait, already!?” Armin asked looking at the boy who was already standing.
“Didn’t you see the hour? It’s a lot past 1, my parents expected me to be at home before midnight!”
“I’m not making a joke about it. I’m not.” Armin held a laugh and started to get up as well, pulling his brother with him by the arm.
Iris had a concerned expression on her face as she searched for something in her purse, “Shoot! I hope my mother or Thomas are still awake… I forgot my keys!”
“Damn… It’s okay, we will walk you home and wait until someone opens the door for you, don’t worry!” Alexy took his friend by the arm.
“Won’t that be a bother? I can go by myself…”
“No way! It’s too late, let them walk you home, it's safer!” Candy said firmly and started cleaning the coffee table.
“Yes, your house is on the way to ours, anyways. Don’t worry.” It was Kentin speaking now.
“Priya, Rosa, are you going now too?”, Nathaniel asked, still sitting.
“Yes, I’m going now as well. But before going, do you need help cleaning, Cas?” Priya asked while standing up and straightening her clothes.
“No, I can do the cleaning. No problem.”
“I’ll go with Lysander to his house, mine is a bit far from here, so I'll sleep there and go home in the morning.” Rosa said and raised her arms to let herself be pulled by the white haired boy.
“Well, on that note, I’ll get going too. I can walk you home if you’d like, Pryia” The blond sent an inquiring look to the girl and received a nod in return. Then, he turned to Castiel offering his hand for a shake. “Thanks for inviting us to your place, the evening was great.” Castiel only pulled the guy for the quickest hug with a pat on the back, and left a frozen Nath right in the middle of his living room when they separated.
“Are you emotional right now, or…?” Rosa was staring at him with shock.
“Candy is affecting his heart, baby. He’s a whole new man now!” Alexy snickered as he crossed the living room towards the door still arm in arm with Iris.
“Okay, time to go! Everyone, out! I’ve been nice enough for the whole month” Castiel said while guiding everyone to the exit in a lighthearted manner.
“Bye, guys! Get home safely. Send a message when you get home!” Candy shouted and waved to her friends while they left waving back, some saying "Yes, mom!", "Don't worry, good night guys!", or just wishing a good night.
After they were gone, Castiel closed the door and gave a big sigh, he definitely wasn't used to those kinds of events. He passed his hand through his hair, and heard his girlfriend placing the used glasses in the sink. There were only the two of them left at his place. Oh, there was Demon too, we shall not forget.
When he entered the kitchen, Candy turned his way and smiled at him before asking "do I keep the pizza in the box or you prefer to keep it in something else?"
He just laughed at that, and got close until he could give her a back hug, tightening the embrace as he leaned to press a kiss on her cheek. It was really precious to see the gentle blush that spread Candy's face when she was happy.
"Don't worry about it, baby. I'll clean it all before going to bed." Candy then nodded and turned in his arms so she could properly hug her boyfriend.
"What a night", she giggled and lifted her head to look at Castiel. "I think this one is definitely going down to history," she continued.
"Hmm, why 's that?"
"I don't know, I guess I just didn't expect you to offer your place to a sudden gathering, and" she made sure to emphasize the last word, "acting like good friends with Nath. I really like that, you seemed happy all night long".
"I never said we weren't friends." Castiel argued sarcastically and received a look from his girlfriend. He held her face in his hands and guided her to a gentle chaste kiss. "But I was happy, in fact." The boy said as they broke the kiss, caressing her cheeks, he hoped that his eyes told her how her company was the reason for most of his happiness during the night.
"I'm happy to know that". She smiled fondly.
"Are you going home too?"
"I don't know…". She seemed to think about it for a moment.
"Well, you need a place to stay for the night. So it's either here or your place on the other side of the city, far away from here". He was clearly being dramatic, rolling his eyes and everything. But he did want her to stay more, that he couldn't deny.
At that, Candy emitted a loud laugh, "You're impossible, really! Just say you want me to stay!"
"Will your dad come here looking for my head if I ask you to stay?"
"That's in the past, Cas! Get over it, he's not coming for you!"
"You never know. I'm just making sure, I have plans for the future, you know?" He said and let her go from his hug so she could get her phone in the living room to tell her parents she was alright and would be there in the morning.
As she called her mother, who apparently was still awake watching some kind of drama that her aunt had recommended, Castiel went to his room to open the door for Demon, who could now walk freely around the house. After that he made himself busy by cleaning everything like he said he would. There wasn't much to do in the end, just a few things to throw in the trash and a few glasses to wash. About the pizza, he just decided to put it in the fridge inside the box, that would be more practical.
"Okay, mom. Yes, don't worry, I will. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you too! Bye." He heard as Candy finished the call. The girl joined him in the kitchen and watched while he finished washing the last glass.
"She sent a hello, and asked how are you doing."
"Your mother?" The girl just hummed in agreement. "When you go home, you can tell her I say hello too, and that I'm doing good. Ask her how she is doing for me."
"No, sir. I will bring you with me. You can tell her that," she snorted, and covered her face as she yawned.
"You can get some clothes in my closet if you're tired. You know where everything is, right? I'll join you in the bedroom in a second." Once again, she just hummed and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going to his room.
After he finished tidying up the living room, he went to his dog, who was laying on his favorite spot near the couch and patted him gently. "Night, boy. Don't make a mess, okay?"
He took a moment before turning off the speaker that'd been playing some random songs from his playlists. Right then, the one playing was Wonderwall, he really liked that one. He stopped there just listening to the lyrics.
Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my wonderwall...
Yes, that was one of his favorite songs.
In his room, Candy was already laying in his bed, wearing just one of his old t-shirts. She was scrolling through something on her phone, but stopped when she saw her boyfriend coming in. "Sorry I didn't help you much with the cleaning, I can do the dishes in the morning after breakfast." She said looking at him as he changed from his clothes, to just sweatpants, so he could sleep more comfortably.
"I told you not to worry about it, little girl!"
"I know, but I-"
"No excuses, I want to sleep right now." He pulled her towards him for a cuddle as he lay down by her side, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. "Night, girly."
"Good night, Cas." She pressed her body closer to his and fell asleep caressing his arm, while his hand ran lightly through her hair.
Ayyy, I hope guys liked it! I had a lot of fun thinking about the scenes while writing. I also got really soft at the end, they were being so domestic and in love 🥺🥺😭
Aaaaand, Dumbledore will give 10 points to who get right the movie they were talking about hehe
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clairenatural · 4 years
Shy Nerd | Dean
Punk | Castiel
[ the world needs more of this]
college au! this ran away from me and ended up 2.2k whoops :’) i hope you like it! (also note i have no idea how motors work i am not an engineer)
There’s an open textbook on his bed, but Dean is ignoring it; instead, he’s scrolling aimlessly through Instagram. He doesn’t really understand Instagram, but Charlie had looked so shocked and dismayed when she found out he didn’t have one that he’d given in. He doesn’t post much—doesn’t have much to post, really, besides his car and LARPing with Charlie—but it sure is a good distraction from his physics work. He sighs and flops down on his back as he taps through stories. It’s a Friday night, so there’s all the usual parties, and clubbing videos, and group dinner shots. He frowns as he taps through Charlie’s story of a few of their friends playing D&D—he’d be there, too, if it weren’t for his exam. His physics final, on Monday, that he should be studying for. Instead of being on Instagram.
Dean is about to close the app and begrudgingly turn his attention back to his notes when he clicks onto one last story.
HELP NEEDED ASAP, it says, white against a black background, in all caps. Someone who is good at engineering. Or building. Or even just welding things. I’ll pay you, it continues, and then in pizza and beer. Please, in smaller font, directly below.
Dean pauses. He likes beer. And pizza. And building things. He could help out this—who posted this, anyway? It’s a name he doesn’t recognize. casanova.k. He taps on the profile picture. His eyes go wide.
That guy. That guy from the hipster art party Charlie had dragged him to earlier in the semester, when she was still dating that art girl, and he’d ended up in a dark room thick with smoke, blurry with alcohol, talking to a guy about three levels of cool higher than him about…something he can’t remember. He just remembers hastily exchanging Instagrams as Charlie dragged him out of the party, ranting about her soon-to-be-ex.
And now he needs help.
Dean looks at his textbook. He looks back at the guy’s—Cas?—Instagram. He takes a deep breath and pulls up a message.
i like beer, pizza, and welding things
It’s smoother than usual, and Dean is proud of himself for about 2 seconds before he panics and ruins it: i’m an engineer, i mean. not just a rando with a thing for power tools, haha.
There’s an achingly long pause before Cas likes both messages.
This is how Dean Winchester ends up standing in the University’s metalwork studio, with 24 hours left until his final exam, staring at a multi-eyed, multi-winged, metal…thing.
It’s due next week, Cas had said. I know it’s last minute. The only studio space I could get was Sunday.
And Dean had said yes, like a fool, because he can never say no to boys in eyeliner with pretty eyes.
Now, staring up at the sculpture, Dean lets out a low whistle. Cas, next to him, groans and drags one hand down his face. “I know. It’s—this is why I need help, alright? I think I can still salvage it if I just—”
Dean, who has taken a few steps forward to admire the intricacies, looks up sharply. “What?”
Cas frowns back. “What?”
Dean shakes his head. “No, I mean—I’m not an art guy, but this metalwork is great, man.” He traces one of the welded seams. “You, uh. Obviously have good hands,” he continues, and then winces. Great compliment.
There’s a soft huff and Dean looks up to see Cas watching him, bemused. “My good hands,” he emphasizes it, and part of Dean wishes he could melt like solder. “Make me a good artist. They do not make me good at making things move.”
Dean blinks at him. “Excuse me?” Move?
Cas frowns again, but it’s more out of worry than confusion. His arms are crossed, and Dean tries very hard not to focus on the black ink swirling down his forearm. “I sent you the plans yesterday.” Now he’s chewing on his lip ring, too, and Dean rips his attention back to the steel structure to stop himself from focusing on that, either. He tries to think about these plans. He remembers getting the text, opening them……and immediately disregarding them in lieu of getting as much studying done as possible. Internally, he groans.
Externally, he nods, pretends to know exactly what these “plans” are. “Sure, yeah,” he covers, and hopes it’s convincing.
The metal…thing, because Dean still isn’t sure exactly what it is, has a cluster of wings in the middle—6, to be exact, and they’re poking up around 3 large rings. He reaches out for one of the rings, right between two of its welded eyes, and gives it an experimental push. It creaks, and sways, and Dean winces when he hears Cas suck in a breath behind him. “Sorry”, he mutters, but when he turns back around Cas is frowning at the art piece and not at him.
Dean is expecting to hear either it’s alright or, more likely, never touch my art again, but Cas just hums and steps up until he’s standing next to Dean. “What do you think this is?”
It’s the closest they’ve been since he arrived, and Dean takes a moment to observe the other student from this distance. He’s wearing black boots, black jeans. A t-shirt with a band on it that Dean has never heard of. His nails are black but the rings he’s wearing are silver, and so is the cross hanging around his neck. His hair looks like he either spent an hour on it or no time at all, and his eyes—like at that party, the one neither of them has mentioned yet—are rimmed in black. Dean, in his sneakers and second-hand jeans and faded Batman shirt, has never felt less cool.
“It’s an angel,” Cas continues, and Dean isn’t sure if he’s given up on waiting for a response or if he’d never expected one in the first place. “A biblical one. You know, the ‘be not afraid,’ kind.” He lowers his voice for the angel impression, which Dean didn’t think was possible. He doesn’t know what to do with the realization that it is.
“Don’t think this is what my mom meant when she used to say angels were watching over me,” Dean tries for a joke, and it’s half-hearted, but to his relief Cas chuckles anyway.
“Yes, well. The church preaches them as significantly more…cuddly.” Cas frowns. “It makes praying to them easier to sell.”
The cross around his neck is starting to get confusing.
“And these—these are gonna move,” Dean hazards a guess, reaching out to touch one of the rings again. “All of them?”
“They’re electrons,” Cas nods, which Dean supposes is an answer. “They should all circle the wings together, like the classic atom diagram. But I can’t—” Cas reaches out for the ring this time, hand landing directly above Dean’s. He pushes it, and it sways. Obviously frustrated, he pulls back. “I need it to be motorized, to look right. And I have the motor but don’t know how…to do it.”
And, well. That, Dean understands. He smiles and, in a burst of confidence, claps Cas on the shoulder. Cas looks up at him, startled, but his expression morphs into a soft smile at the look on Dean’s face.
“Let’s get her moving, then.”
He tries not to think about the time slipping away as Cas hauls out the motor, or when he hands Dean tools. He does not stare too long at Cas’ biceps when he’s screwing something in, or when they have to do last-minute welding. They get it hooked up, and it whirs to life, and Dean does not think about how late it is when Cas gives him a hug in his excitement, or when he promises to follow up on his beer and pizza promise at his apartment.
It’s there, back in Cas’ apartment, sitting on his living room floor, both a beer or two in, when Cas finally mentions it.
“You’re the one who gave me that idea, you know.”
Dean stops mid-chew and blinks at him. “Whg—” he swallows his bite of pizza and tries again. “What?”
Cas shrugs and doesn’t make eye contact. He picks at the beer label. “At the party we met at. The one we aren’t talking about, for some reason.”
Dean wants Cas’ ugly, blue, cigarette-smelling shag carpet to swallow him whole.
“You told me you don’t ‘get’ art,” he sets the beer bottle down to do air quotes, and Dean’s shame deepens. “Because you only ‘get’ science. And I told you they were the same thing. And you told me to prove it.”
Suddenly, it clicks, and Dean risks making eye contact. Cas catches his gaze and holds it steady, and he’s calm—not upset, Dean registers, which is a relief. “The atom,” he blurts out, and Cas grins. “Yeah.”
“Art and science.”
Dean is sitting up straighter now. “But, the angel—”
Cas sighs and pushes himself up from where he’d been leaning against the couch. He turns until he’s fully facing Dean. “Divinity,” he raises one hand, “and the core building blocks of humanity,” he raises the other. “Art,” he gestures with the first hand, “and science.” With the second.
Dean stares at him. “Are you calling art divine?”
“Art is an expression of divinity,” Cas shrugs. “Science is an explanation for it. But it’s—you know. The same thing.”
Dean wonders how he can say that so casually, so nonchalantly. He wonders what would happen if he crossed the pizza-box distance and kissed him.
“I’m sorry,” he blurts instead, and Cas raises his eyebrows. “The party, I didn’t think—I didn’t think you remembered.”
“I assumed you didn’t,” Cas counters. “But you did. You do. Why didn’t you text me?”
It’s exactly what he expected to hear and it still catches him off guard. “Um—” Dean stammers, trying to think of a good excuse. Cas is just watching him—not staring at, watching—brows furrowed.
With a heavy sigh, Dean settles on the truth. “Come on, man. Look at me,” he scoffs and stares down at his jeans, the already worn knees even worse after the day spent kneeling on concrete. “I’m an engineering dork who plays D&D on Fridays and you’re—” he waves vaguely in Cas’ direction. “You know.”
The frown has deepened. “I don’t.”
“Cool.” It sounds so juvenile to say it out loud.
Now, Cas looks taken aback. “Dean. We met at a party where I voluntarily listened to you talk about string theory for an hour and a half.”
Dean doesn’t know if that’s a compliment or not. He buries any possible blush with a swig of beer. “String theory’s cool,” he grumbles into the bottle.
“Yes.” Cas agrees. “And so are you. Although—” he pauses and tilts his head. “I could have sworn you were in physics, based on how much you talk—”
Dean is so caught up in Cas Novak calling him cool that it takes his brain a second to process the word “physics,” but when he does he nearly spits beer all over the ugly carpet. “Shit,” he swears, already starting to scramble up.
“What?” Cas is following him, frowning.
“Physics final. In—” he checks his watch, “—16 hours. I gotta—” he still has time to water down the beer, study, and get at least 7 hours of sleep before—
“…Why did you just spend all day helping me if you have a final tomorrow?” Dean pauses from where he’s trying to find his other shoe to glance back at Cas, who looks so genuinely baffled it shoots a warmness into Dean’s heart.
“You needed help,” Dean shrugs, finally locating the missing sneaker and pulling it on. “Good luck with the angel, though, okay? If it gives you any running issues, feel free to—”
He’s pulling on his jacket when he feels a touch on his arm and realizes that, sometime in the past 20 seconds, Cas has crossed the room to him. “Dean,”
Dean pauses, and Cas…looks nervous.
“I like D&D,” he offers, and Dean stares at him.
Cas levels his gaze. “There is nothing more punk than dragons,” he replies, incredibly seriously.
Dean’s brain short-circuits.
Maybe it’s the adrenaline from the exam panic, maybe it’s the 1.5 beers, maybe it’s Cas’ hand still warm on his arm, maybe he’s still caught up in Cas calling him cool and maybe his brain takes an extra second to load his self-consciousness on its reboot, but—he leans down and kisses him.
Cas makes a small noise but kisses him back almost immediately—but then he’s pulling back nearly as quickly, and he gently pushes Dean back by the shoulders when he tries to follow. Not far enough away to be a rejection, just…enough. “You have an exam in the morning,” he says this like an apology, and the warmth in Dean’s chest grows. “Text me after?”
Dean nods, then pauses, realizes what Cas just said, and nods again. “Yeah, I—yeah, I will.”
“There’s not enough alcohol here for you to pretend to forget this time,” he teases, but he’s smiling.
Dean flushes anyway. “I’m sorry.”
Cas shakes his head and pushes him a bit. “Apologize tomorrow. Go.”
“Okay.” Dean doesn’t move.
“Okay,” Cas replies.
“Okay,” Dean says, and leans down to kiss him again, a quick one, because he thinks maybe he can.
“Okay,” Cas repeats, but his tone is fond. “Go.”
“Okay,” Dean repeats back. But this time, he does.
The next day, after he aces his physics final, he doesn’t pretend to forget.
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Happy Birthday, Dean
I want to dedicate this short story to @navajolovesdestiel. You will be truly missed, my friend. Thank you for making so many people in this family feel loved and appreciated; and thank you for always supporting my writing. You were one of the special ones.
----------------- 🖤 🖤 🖤 -----------------
It was Jack’s idea, but Castiel knew how to truly cater it to Dean’s needs. It didn’t take much planning either. Dean is a simple man. He’s easy to please as long as your heart is in the right place, and Castiel’s heart is always in place for Dean. So, he got the pie—three different kinds, he got the decorations, and he got the angel grace to break into the building and set everything up without raising alarm.
And the moment Dean opened his eyes—momentarily frustrated by Jack just grabbing him and zapping him out of the bunker, his face broke into the brightest smile Cas had ever seen.
“Wh—what did you guys do?” Dean laughed, looking around the empty Arcade and Fun Zone, scanning across the “Happy Birthday, Dean!” banner and all the balloons.
“We threw you a party” Jack chirped, and Cas just smiled between the two of them.
Dean laughed some more before throwing his arm around Jack’s shoulders and yanking him into his side, hugging him close and tousling the boy’s hair. Jack has never looked so proud.
“It was Jack’s idea” Castiel beamed, and that made Dean hug the boy harder.
“Yeah? Thanks, kid! This is … this is great!” Dean finally let go and began to walk around, slowly taking stock of all the games and prizes behind the arcade counter. “So … it’s just gonna be us?”
Castiel’s smile softened, knowing somehow that that would be Dean’s next question. “No. Sam and Eileen are on their way, and Donna, Jody and the girls will be here in an hour. Charlie said she’ll swing by, and a few others will try to make it. Some were pretty far off on hunts.”
The man’s face shifted in a way that Castiel had rarely seen, but he knew that Dean was close to tears. Soon, he too was being wrapped in Dean’s arms, his chin over Dean’s shoulder, Dean’s heart—beating hard against his chest.
“Thank you, Cas” Dean choked, squeezing Castiel so hard, he’d bruise a rib if angels could bruise.
“Happy birthday, Dean” Castiel whispered back, holding Dean just as firmly, soaking in every bit of the man’s joy like a sponge.
-------- 🖤 ---------
Jack had to zap Dean back home again. They could have gotten a ride with Sam and Eileen, but considering Dean was passed out in the arcade booth, exhausted from four straight hours of competitive game play, plus devouring two and half pies and nearly a whole large pizza all by himself, his dead weight was too much for Sam to lift. Cas could have, but being the sensible angel he is, he opted for the easier route.
“Just take him directly to his room” Castiel instructed, and so Jack did—taking Castiel along with them so he could ensure Dean got safely tucked into bed.
“Need anything else?” Jack asked once they were back in the bunker, standing just inside the eldest Winchester’s door, watching as Castiel worked off Dean’s boots.
“No, Jack. Thank you … thank you for everything today. Dean really enjoyed playing all those games with you.”
“It was okay that I let him win most of them, right? I thought he’d be happier if he won.”
Castiel chuckled softly. “Yes. He is human after all, and his ego is fragile. Being beaten by a three-year-old might have sullied that a bit … even if that three-year-old does happen to be the new God.”
Jack nodded contentedly before closing the door, leaving Castiel and Dean alone.
“You really wore yourself out, didn’t you?” he whispered, pulling back the covers to maneuver Dean’s sleepy body beneath them.
Dean just grunted a little before snoring loudly in Castiel’s ear.
“Oh, Dean” Cas said fondly, finally looking over the man—warmth blooming in his chest. “What would I do without you?” And with one last smile, he turned to leave … only to be stopped by an earnest hand on his wrist.
“Stay” Dean groaned, pulling Castiel back to him.
“Stay” Dean said again, tugging on Castiel’s arm until the angel had to sit down on the bed. And then Dean wrapped around Castiel like a sweater, lying him back and cuddling up beside him. “Thank you” he mumbled, burying his face into Cas’s side.
“You’re welcome, Dean; but are you sure you want me to sta—"
“I love you” Dean said quietly, cutting Cas off and cutting all his thoughts short.
“You—you do?” Cas breathed, eyes wide as he watched the man curled around him in the dark; but all Dean did then was snore again, seeming wholly at peace lying in his bed, in his home, with his angel in his arms.
Castiel smiled brightly, eyes glowing with fondness. “I love you too, Dean” he whispered, scooting down to make Dean more comfortable. “Happy birthday.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
I Crave Annihilation
Title: I Crave Annihilation Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mafia!Dark Tony Stark. Tony works for the reader’s very influential politician father moving guns and drugs. She starts flirting with him and he is returning the vibes. She moves into her own place out of her parent’s house and texts him to come save her from a house party. Smut ensues. Words: 3,310 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, HUGE age difference, angst, violence, infidelity, possessive behavior Author’s Note: You know when things just pour out of you and you go with it? Yeah. Me too. This is that. I’m thinking this might just be a one shot like my Petal Castiel fic. Song inspo for this.
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Are you busy?
You pressed send on the text to Tony, leaning on the wall. Your eyes moved across the kitchen, wandering over everyone taking shots, playing beer pong. You spotted someone bringing in the pizza that had been ordered and you jumped to acting, coming right up to them. The girl smiled and put it on the counter. She was cute – her name was Rihanna, you thought -- but you knew she had a girlfriend here; you had talked to them earlier briefly out on the patio while you shared a cigarette.
“No, sorry,” she shook her head. “There’s cheese, pepperoni, and meat lovers. So, the complete opposite of what you’re looking for. Are you vegetarian?”
“No, I just was craving it. I’ll take pepperoni.”
She dug through the boxes, the crowd around the pair of you growing at all the other drunk party goers. She made an aha sound, finding it on the bottom and pushed the box towards you. You grabbed a piece and sunk your teeth into it.
You snuck your way through the group and leaned back against the counter, pulling out your phone. He had already texted back, much to your amusement.
Not particularly. Why?
So, he had saved your number. That was a great sign. Your heart was starting to beat faster with anticipation. Taking another big bite, you savored it and swallowed. You wanted something in your stomach instead of the jungle juice and multiple types of potato chips you had been ingesting for the last couple hours. You ate the piece quickly, eyeing the group, thinking you should have grabbed a second piece. But maybe you could convince Tony to stop somewhere if he could come get you. You had had a ride home, but she had started rifling shots when her crush showed up.
My DD isn’t a DD anymore.
You hoped he would show up with that invitation.
Tony and you had been flirting for a long while, playfully at first and had gotten more bold as time went on. But it had to be kept under wraps, nothing real or physical, since he worked for your dad. He had patched over from another part of the mafia when they had merged a years ago, coming closer to your city to work with the crew here.
The first time the new guys showed up at your dad’s house with the veterans of the area, it was relatively late at night. Your father was a politician, a powerful one. You had been swimming in the pool and they had come through the gate to go towards the guest house to have a meeting. You surfaced hearing voices as you did laps.
“Don’t mind us, keep going, sweetie,” your father had told you as he walked by.
“Hey, Y/N,” Christian, the president of their faction said as he passed you.
“Hi,” you told him in response, coming to the edge of the pool. “You still owe me that $10!”
He stopped and turned around, a wide smile on his face. You had challenged him to pool last weekend and he had been so drunk he had forgotten to pay you when you won. He walked back towards you as the other mafia walked in, pulling out his wallet.
“You’re just like your father. Won’t forget a cent.” You shrugged as he pulled out a ten. “Want me to leave it on your towel?”
“That works,” you said just as you caught sight of new faces following in.
They all were looking at you and you knew if they knew you were your father’s daughter, they would not be staring so abashedly to not offend him. You were only 19, your 20th coming up soon. One in particular though, he was not taking his eyes off of you as he walked by. You locked eyes with him, a small smirk playing on your lips. He was handsome, terribly so. You did not back away from his lascivious look, meeting him in intensity.
“Hey!” Christian snapped his fingers at the guys, noticing them all staring. “Show my niece some respect! You bunch of lechers!” He was not really your uncle, but he might as well be. He tossed the ten onto your towel and said, “Watch out for these assholes. They’re a bunch of pricks.”
“Will do,” you vowed, crossing your heart. “I’ve got you to protect me anyhow.”
“You’re damn right,” Christian responded, laughing before turning and walking off with the group.
The same man though looked back, finding you still looking. You blushed despite yourself before averting your eyes and moving back away from the wall to continue your laps.
After that, he had come to the house a handful of times and every time the two of you had shared flirtatious looks, sharing sparse words to introduce yourselves. He was far older than you, early forties. At least twice your age but you did not care. He was dangerous and you liked that. And he was single as far as you could tell.
At a late-night soiree, you had come home, finding them all drunk in the back yard, which was a risk for your father, but he was not one known to always heed caution by being tied to this mafia openly. Especially when he got a few drinks in him. There were card games going on, some of the mafia swimming in the pool.
Tony had looked up from the patio, sitting at one of the tables, seeing you inside speaking to one of his guys, Thor. Thor was a flirt, but he was harmless, holding out a shot to you. You had spotted Tony noticing you moments before and you shrugged, taking the shot from him. You were still underage, but your dad let you indulge, especially if it was at home. And around people he could trust, his mafia. No harm would come to you here, so you were not worried about him catching you.
The two of you took the shot and you did your best to not grimace because it was scotch.
“Took it like a champ,” Thor complimented, a wide smile on his face.
“You mind finding me a chaser?” you choked out.
He laughed in response and said, “Sure.”
Thor left you and you took a deep breath, trying to swallow the taste of the scotch. It really was nasty stuff. You turned your head and found Tony blatantly staring at you from outside on the porch.
You moved outside and came up to him, eyeing the cigarette in his hand, hanging by his side. He breathed out some smoke and you held out your hand expectantly.
His lips twitched in amusement and he held it up to you. You took it from him, wrapping your lips around it sensually, keeping eye contact. You took a deep breath in before pulling it out. Your lipstick was lining the cigarette. You exhaled slowly; eyes still locked. He looked damn good in the white button up he was wearing, tight black jeans.
“Does your dad know you smoke?” Tony inquired.
You shrugged, “It’s a social habit.”
Tony did smirk then, and you took another drag before handing it back to him. He wrapped his lips around it, and you smiled seeing your lipstick mark disappear into his mouth.
“And I’m sure you can keep it a secret,” you added, putting your hands behind your back, exposing your breasts more in your small tank top. He did not refrain from looking down briefly.
“Sure, precious,” he responded, and your stomach fluttered at the pet name. You loved his attention far too much for your own good.
You held out your hand and he went to hand you the cigarette again and you shook your head, causing him to stall. He narrowed his eyes curiously and you said, “Your phone.” He rose a brow now and you explained, “If I’m having a secret keeper, I might need to call them for help sometime, right?”
Tony ground his teeth for a moment, giving you a scrutinizing look. He looked hesitant; no doubt thinking about what your father would do if he knew how much the two of you were flirting. You flexed your fingers quickly, gesturing for him to hand it over. That broke him.
He sucked his bottom lip in, reaching into his pocket and handing his phone over to you. You flipped through it, finding his messages and sending yourself a text with a winky face.
“That’s naughty of you. What if your dad saw that?” Tony asked the moment he saw the text you had sent.
“Well, do what you just promised me. Keep secrets,” you responded, giving him a wink before turning away from him and walking back into the house, leaving him on the patio.
Things had not progressed far from then because you had moved out of the house after getting accepted into a nearby university quickly afterward. You just wanted to be away from the house, have some independence, and you were willing to take on the money needed to live in an apartment. You had not seen him because of this, you had roommates and how could you explain a forty some year-old man coming over. But you found yourself thinking about him a lot recently in the months since you had moved out. He had not texted you and you thought maybe he thought you were silly and had just been a small distraction for him. That hurt and you hated thinking about that. When your friends went for hookups, you turned down guys who had come onto you, not interested.
You wanted him. There was something about him that drew you like a moth to flame.
You need a ride?
Yes, please.
What’s the address?
He was being cordial, probably in case someone happened to see the text conversation. You hoped that would stop the moment you got in the car. You managed to swipe another piece of pizza – no stopping on the way home now – but also got pressured into drinking another cup of jungle juice., Thankfully, you were able to toss half of the cup into the sink and you left the empty cup on the counter. You were not going to risk leaving a half cup where any of the frat boys could come by and drug it, waiting for a poor girl to come pick it up.
When he texted he was outside, you told your friend you had a ride and she had protested, wanting you to stay. You told her she was too drunk and that your other roommate was going to hang out with her. She asked who was picking you up and you said a friend before pulling away from her.
You got into his Lexus, collapsing back into the seat. He was watching you closely and you turned your head to look at him, smiling. “Thank you so much. It was so loud in there.”
“You’re telling me,” he said eyeing the house. “I’ll be surprised if the cops don’t stop by before 11pm. You can hear it out here.”
Trying to pretend like you could not see him running his eyes over your body – you had worn a black lace top over a black bra and a burgundy bandage skirt – you sat up straighter, giving an even clearer view of your tits.
“Yeah, well, good thing I’m dipping out then. Don’t need an MIP on my record. Not right before my 21st birthday.”
Tony snorted as he pulled away from the curb, taking off down the street.
“Seriously, it’s next month.”
“I know,” Tony chuckled.
You smiled and giggled, “You know my birthday?”
It was his turn to smile over at you. “Of course. How could I forget that 20th birthday? You looked perfect in that dress. I couldn’t stop looking at those photos.”
Your stomach was in knots hearing that. He had been looking at your social media. And for how long? Apparently for a long while. You wondered how often he was looking at the photos… and what he had been doing while he was looking at them. You could not help your mind going to dirty places, thinking of his hand wrapped around his cock, jerking himself off to you. That is sure as hell what he was insinuating. Maybe this was not such a good idea…
Tony’s hand slid across over to your thigh, gripping, erasing any doubt about where the night was heading. You let him, relaxing into the seat as best as you could, listening to the music.
You had instigated this, what was happening right now. So, why did you feel so nervous? You tried to fight off the feelings of doubt that were incoming hard the closer the two of you got to your apartment – you had not given him the address. But he knew where to go. That was a huge red flag, only compounding your nervousness.
His phone rang and he looked down at the middle console where it was resting. You saw Steve’s name popping up and you asked, “Should you answer that?”
“No,” Tony shook his head.
The call went to voicemail.
A few minutes later, the phone started ringing again. This time it was Thor. You narrowed your eyes, shooting him a look. You saw he saw the phone and you were wondering why he was not reacting.
“Maybe they need to talk to you?” you said carefully.
Maybe distracting him with work would stop what was coming at you like a freight train. You had dreamed about this for months but now that it was happening, you were just teetering on panic. He was so much older than you and he worked for your dad. What would happen if it ever came to light the two of you had sex? And what happened past this?
“He can get anyone to help them. Not everyone gets to be here with you, precious. You actually wanna turn it off for me?” He asked, nodding at the phone that had gone silent now.
“Are you sure?” you asked, staring at him.
“Yes,” Tony said more firmly. You reached down, picking the phone up and turning it off against your better judgment. Maybe you should have pressed it more but that was passed now. You placed it back down in the middle console and he winked, “Thanks, doll.”
He was at your back as you walked into the dark apartment, and you flipped on the kitchen light before kicking your shoes off and then walked to the freezer. “Do you want a drink?”
When you turned around he was right there, ready to pounce. His lips were on yours immediately and he pressed you up against the counter, his hands roaming and digging in to hold you close.
“I’ll take that as a no,” you breathed out when he gave you the space to breathe.
“Where’s your room?” he husked, still kissing you, cupping your ass.
You were still having second thoughts about this, but it was already happening, him riled up. You guided him to your bedroom, his hands barely leaving you. Your clothes were stripped from you and he wasted no time undressing himself too in the process. You laid back down on the bed, him weighing you down. You kissed him back, matching his fervor. You had wanted this for so long and it was happening. You fell into that memory, thinking of how much he desired you. This powerful, handsome man wanted you. Yeah, you wanted that. You wanted his attention. You spread your legs for him, holding onto him as he entered.
His guttural moans as he pounded you into the mattress caused you to dig your nails into his back, trying to match the shallow pain he was inflicting on you to even the score. Tony was relentless, even as he slowed his thrusts, his teeth were digging in at the base of your neck, sucking roughly. His hand came down in between the two of you and he began circling your clit.
“Come for me, precious. Come on,” he encouraged roughly, leaving bruising kisses along your jaw.
You whimpered feeling the coil in your stomach tightening as he massaged you towards release. That was new; no boy you had been with had even given a shit about you getting off. But he did. You were enjoying this, his regard for your orgasm.
He was skilled that was for damn sure and sooner rather than later, your legs shook, sharp, broken cries leaving your lips. He groaned loudly, his hand leaving your clit and he resumed a brutal pace as you clenched around him.
He let go in warm spurts, coating your walls. You were limp there, letting him use you like a doll as he finished himself. His head fell limp as well, his breath hot on your neck.
Tony laid a soft kiss at the base of your neck and you flinched slightly at the contact. It was where there was sure going to be a hickey tomorrow. He chuckled lightly and laid another soft kiss on your jaw before meeting your lips, pulling you towards him.
“Sorry about that,” he whispered. “Got a little caught up.”
Licking your lips, you asked timidly, “It was okay?”
Tony pulled away, looking down at you, his brow stitched, taking in your bashful face.
“’Okay’? You did perfect. So good,” Tony purred, and you felt warmth at his praise. He leaned back down, kissing you again, harder this time. “So fucking good, precious. You are a marvel.”
Maybe it had not been a mistake, you thought to yourself. He was holding you close, pinning you against him protectively.
Tony got back in his car, pulling his phone out and turning it back on. He saw there were a lot of missed calls from Steve and Thor. Rolling his eyes, he pressed call back to Steve.
“What the fuck? Why weren’t you answering your phone?” Steve answered his phone, pissed off.
“I was busy,” Tony told him dryly.
“’Busy’. What the fuck are you playing at?”
Only hesitating for a moment before deciding eh could trust Steve, since Steve knew about their games, Tony answered, “Y/N. Picked her up from a party and gave her a ride home.”
Steve was quiet for a moment and Tony leaned back in the seat as he let that information settle in with him.
Steve finally scoffed, “Man, you better have been getting your dick sucked.”
“I got one better. If I could describe to you how tight she was, I would,” Tony said lewdly, looking back up at her dark bedroom window. He had left her in bed. She had been so cute, worried she had not done well. If he was not worried about all the phone calls he had been receiving before he turned his phone off to make sure he got to bury his dick in her tonight, he would have waited to go for round two. That would have to wait though. He was certainly coming back to collect on that. He could already tell he had her wrapped around his finger.
That actually drew a laugh from Steve, and he said more quietly, “You’re forgiven, you prick. But you’re gonna need to make up an excuse because Damien is going to want an answer. We had a shipment come in and you weren’t here.”
“You mean I can’t just tell him I was busy banging his daughter?” Tony asked sarcastically.
“I wouldn’t and I would advise you not to because I need your dumbass,” Steve retorted but Tony could tell he was smiling.
“Duly noted. I’ll think of something,” Tony said before hanging up the phone.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
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defenderrosetyler · 3 years
Advent Calendar
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Another Square Filled for @spnchristmasbingo​ Thank you to @wonder-cole​ for Betaing this for me :) Word Count: 445 Pairing: Sam Winchester x Alexa Doyle (OC) No warnings really; Mention of Porn but thats only on the calander, threatening someones demise... That kind of thing Off we go! ~~~~~~~~ “Dean Michael Winchester?! I am going to fucking kill you!!” Y/N shouted looking at the mail, slamming a calendar on the war room table, containing half-naked women on the front, arms crossed as her nostrils flared in anger and frustration. 
“I did not…order that.” 
“Oh dude you are so in trouble,” Sam chuckled under his breath as he grabbed his box that arrived in the mail. It was a simple advent calendar. One to count down the remaining days till Christmas. 
“Not only did you order a PORN magazine, but you also ordered it on MY card instead of the magic one from Charlie!” 
“Does this have to do with the pizza man?” Cas asks, grabbing the calendar and flipping through its pages. Y/N groaned in annoyance. Heading to her room, the door slammed and echoed throughout the bunker. 
“And to think, that may be my future sister-in-law,” Dean says with a sigh. 
“That's if I even ask her,” Sam sighs “The calendar I bought has all her favorite chocolates in them and the one on Christmas Eve leads her to the box with the ring in it.” 
“I just hope she says yes,” Dean nodded 
“It is nice seeing you happy,” Castiel added. 
“You better do something big to get her to forgive you,” Sam says, his eyes fixed on his brother. 
“But I didn't do anything!” 
Alexa glared as she came back, showing her credit card statement as proof. Wanting to defuse the tension, Sam pulls Alexa away as best he could from Dean. 
“Here, why don't you open this real calendar that I got for us,” he says gently. 
With an icy Elsa glare she sent to Dean, Alexa’s eyes were soft and warm as she faced the youngest of the Winchester siblings. “It's a calendar with flowers in it.” She whispered, eyes brimming with tears. This was such a thoughtful gift, and Alexa didn’t have anything in return to give Sam, not yet anyway. After a moment, Sam cleared his throat, placing his hands in the pockets of his faded denim jeans, “I know before when you and I talked, right when you first arrived, you said roses were your favorite so….” Sam’s voice trailed off, clearly, he’d changed her mood from Dean upsetting her over the calendar. Alexa gave Sam a soft smile kissing his cheek once again. “Thank you, Sam. It would appear I have flowers to open and get caught up.” She winked and rushed off to her room. “God I can’t wait to ask her to marry me,” Sam thought as he watched her leave. His thoughts heavy on these last days till Christmas Eve. 
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wuxianxkexing · 11 months
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight
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The End is Nigh
Davenport, Iowa
We begin this episode with Pestilence paying an ailing woman a visit. He’s riddled her with more diseases than she can handle. What an experiment!
One Day Earlier
At Bobby’s, Sam’s getting an earful from Dean about his plan to say yes to Lucifer. Dean gets a call from Cas. Dean wants to know where he is --they all thought he was dead. He’s in a hospital. He’s not one for conversation at the moment, but does tell Dean that he just woke up in the hospital. Dean tells him their next step: get Pestilence. 
For Hospital Bed Science:
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Cas groans in pain and tells Dean he can’t fly anywhere. He’s thirsty, and his head aches, and he has a bug bite, and he’s all so very... Dean finishes his thought with, “human”. Cas needs money for pain meds and travel expenses. 
Also, he stops Dean from hanging up and says that he owes him an apology. “You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be,” he confesses. Dean’s awkward about such a solemn apology. I’m soft about how soft this moment is. 
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The brothers head out to scope out the convalescent home where Pestilence chills. They knock out the security guard to watch video footage of the place. 
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Eventually Sam notices the camera flickering with one person. They head out to find him. 
As Pestilence is taking care of Cold Open Celeste, a demon comes in to warn him about the Winchesters. He’s upset over what they did to his brothers, and wants revenge. The demon reminds him he’s not supposed to hurt “the vessels”. He doesn’t care and starts hurting everyone in the building. 
Sam and Dean start coughing, and struggle to keep walking. They both collapse outside Pestilence’s door. They’re now riddled with disease, just like Celeste. While the boys struggle on the ground, Pestilence gets to monologue a bit about the frailty of humans. 
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Enter one VERY human-like angel. Yeah, poor Cas is just as affected as the Winchesters. Pestilence laughs, “There's not a speck of angel in you, is there?” Cas then lunges at him, and cuts his ring finger right off. “Maybe just a speck.” Oh Cas, you badass. Never change. 
The demon attacks, and he knifes her. Pestilence disappears, but not before ominously stating, “It’s too late.” 
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And now they have three rings. 
At Bobby’s, Dean asks for some good news. Bobby tells them that Chicago is about to get hit with the storm of the millennium. Three million people are going to die. 
GOOD NEWS, Bobby! Or as Cas deadpans, “I don’t understand your definition of ‘good news’.” 
Bobby points out that Death will be there. They still need his ring. 
Sam wonders how Bobby knows all this. Enter Crowley. 
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Bobby admits to selling his soul to Crowley. Dean demands that Crowley give it back. Sam wonders if Bobby had to kiss him. Bobby denies it --but Crowley’s got proof. Of course. 
Crowley won’t give back Bobby’s soul as insurance that the Winchesters won’t kill him. I mean, I kind of have to side with Crowley here. He’s being REALLY generous even considering giving back Bobby’s soul. Bobby sold it fair and square. He’s getting information from Crowley in return. 
Later, by the Impala, Dean and Sam talk. Sam admits that he has his doubts about his plan as much as the rest of them. “You, Bobby, Cas...I'm the least of any of you.” Like, OUCH, Samuel. We deep dive into Dean’s self-worth issues on the regular, but let’s just pause and reflect on the younger sibling right now. 
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Sam’s all they got though, so they have to try. 
Crowley interrupts the broment with news about the world. It seems that Pestilence was spreading Swine Flu, and Sam’s old buddy Brady’s company was cranking out the vaccine --only it was full of Croatoan virus not a cure. If this vaccine is distributed nationwide, it’ll all be over.
Cas and Bobby pack up the van. Cas is...moody. He mourns the loss of his angelic might. The only thing he has available to him now...is a shotgun. (Starts humming) Bobby tells him to quit whining and load the truck. 
The teams finish packing for their respective hunts. Sam waxes nostalgically about the simpler days of hunting monsters. Dean doesn’t think it was ever simple. Crowley interrupts and presents Dean with Death’s own scythe (in travel-sized form). 
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Crowley urges Bobby to stand up and get ready to fight. He reveals that he inserted a little healing clause into Bobby’s soul deal that healed Bobby’s paralysis. Bobby stands up triumphantly. 
Later, Sam, Bobby, and Cas drive towards the Croatoan virus operation. Cas reflects on Sam’s idea to toss himself into the pit along with Lucifer. He thinks it’s a solid plan. 
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Cas passes along some new intel about the archangel prize fight: Michael has taken Adam as a vessel. He warns Sam that failing to control Lucifer means that the apocalypse will happen, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Oh, and “there’s also the demon blood…” Sam will have to drink gallons of blood in order to be strong enough to contain Lucifer. BLEGH.
The next morning, they lurk at the distribution facility. A truck tries to leave and Cas takes out the driver and jams the gate controls. Sam and Bobby head into the warehouse, only to find that the demons have already infected some of the workers with Croatoan. Sam races off into the warehouse to save (uninfected) civilians. 
Dean and Crowley enjoy their first date, tracking Death to a little warehouse.
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There’s a lovely clip where Crowley mentions that the area is swarming with reapers, and we get a reveal…
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Crowley zaps into the warehouse, discovers that Death isn’t there, then meets Dean outside again. He suggests hightailing it out of Chicago and waiting for the next doomed city in order to find Death. That’s not good enough, though. Dean wants to find a way to save people, even if they can’t track down the Horseman. While Dean despairs, Crowley peers into a little pizza place and then heads back to Dean. He found Death! With his work done and not even a high five to show for it, Crowley zaps out of there.
Back at the warehouse, Sam’s finishes evacuating the uninfected civilians. Just as they think they’re home free, Sam gets attacked and Bobby’s gun jams. Enter Castiel, who shoots Sam’s attacker and says, “Actually these things can be useful.” 
For Angel with a Shotgun Science:
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Dean creeps through the pizza parlor, which is full of dead patrons and waitstaff. Death’s scythe heats up in his hand and, agonized by the red hot handle, Dean drops it. The next thing he knows, his Death super-weapon is safely by Death’s side. 
Death sits at a table savoring a piece of pizza, and invites Dean to join him.
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Dean wants to know if he’s about to die, but Death informs him that he has other plans for him. Death quietly reminds Dean that he’s as old and vast as the universe. No biggie though. Dean’s a bacterium, practically, but it’s fine. Death serves Dean a slice of pizza and I desperately long for some good Chicago deep dish. 
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Death says that he’s as old as God, and maybe older. “At the end, I’ll reap him too.” (And while I appreciate that they didn’t kill Chuck in the traditional stabby manner, I’ll always mourn that we didn’t get to see this line fulfilled in one of the finale’s endless montage sequences, and that Billie didn’t survive to do the job.) (Boris, huddled in the corner: Death didn’t reap Chuck because he won, and the story isn’t over yet...)
Anyway, Dean’s appropriately awed by Death’s power. “This is way above my pay grade,” Dean mutters. Death reveals that he’s been waiting for Dean to catch up to him - Lucifer’s spell has prevented him from directly seeking out the Winchesters. “I’m more powerful than you can process, and I’m enslaved to a bratty child having a tantrum,” Death spits. Preach! Death proposes depowering Lucifer’s Death weapon. He’ll hand Dean his ring willingly.
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“What about Chicago?” Dean asks, ever the hunter.
Oh, Chicago can survive. Death likes the pizza. He hands Dean his ring and tells him that he has to do whatever it takes to trap Lucifer. “You’re going to let your brother jump right into that fiery pit. Now, do I have your word?” Dean takes the ring as Death issues one final warning. “You know you can’t cheat Death.”
Back at Bobby’s, Dean looks at the rings. They’ve got all four of them and together, they form into a magic little bundle of rings. Bobby finds Dean for a little heart to heart. 
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Dean reveals that he lied to Death - he’s not okay with Sam tossing himself into the pit. However, Bobby thinks that Death may be right about Sam’s plan being their best option. Bobby watched Sam save all the civilians in the factory before they blew it up, and he thinks that Sam can handle it. “Sam will beat the Devil, or die trying. That’s the best we could ask for. What exactly are you afraid of? Losing? Or losing your brother?”
O, Quotes:
I don't understand your definition of good news
We'll catch Death in the next doomed city
Think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky. This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers. I'm old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s15e13 destiny's child (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
so was showing cas and the pizza man interlude just all part of pizza clips. not the pornducation of castiel the angel
all right, shakycam not good with the nausea (that's back for reasons unknown) so i guess tbc. ok, thank fuck, it was only one day. i had 5-6 days of nausea from presumed norovirus literally a week and a half ago and i Could Not Do That Again.
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ok while simultaneously dying a little inside i couldn't help but smile at the song choice. i had completely forgotten who savage garden was, but i want you is iconic. it's so cute and fluffy, what a sweet bop. and having the captions i'm realizing i didn't understand a number of words in this song 😂 pullin for jay on the music for the rare win, but it was christopher lennertz and alexander borstein :p
SAM The Occultum? Occultum, that's, uh, Latin for "hidden." Where do we find it? BILLIE I don't know, it's hidden.
glad to see billie getting some punchier moments. not glad to see yet another new random super powerful whatever thing pulled out of nowhere :p
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every time i hear danneel, all i can think is katie siegel. her face is sort of familiar and her voice is higher but i dunno, man.
SISTER JO An old friend of yours... Ruby. SAM Wait a second. Why would you give it to her?
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ok... so we could have both wives in an episode? all righty. i was thinking like what, ruby made it out of wherever she was (do dead demons go to the empty too? i can't remember) but alas no, i guess this flashback is to the year or whatever she was in this vessel
SISTER JO Stashed. By her. In Hell.
of course
JACK I used to feel things. In my bones. It was glorious, and sometimes unbearable. But I felt them. Now, I understand joy or sadness, but... I know those things aren't in me. I understand why Sam and Dean were angered by what happened to Mary... CASTIEL By what you did to Mary.
haha yes, no passive voice here. thank you, cas
JACK Yes. I see that I've caused them pain. And it's clear that things have changed. Especially with – with Dean. Will he ever forgive me? CASTIEL You know, Dean, he – he feels things more acutely than any human I've ever known. So it's possible he could work through this. One day, he may explode and let it all out and breathe deeply and move on.
what a weird thing to say. dean feels things more acutely than anyone else? how would you know? compared to who? lol
SAM Well, we have Rowena's notes for the spell so... DEAN Okay, "Samwitch."
did they take that from fandom? anyway, it's cute
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???? speaking of weird interactions. dean obviously knew they banged, sam gave him those details over that naked writhing flashback in 4x09, so i guess the stinkface is because of cas's phrasing/mentioning it??
CASTIEL I think we need to ask Ruby. JACK Who's dead. CASTIEL Yeah. In the Empty. I need your assistance. JACK Uh, sure. Anything. CASTIEL I need you to kill me. Almost.
go me for remembering something. this sounds like an excellent plan. but also they can just pop down to hell no muss no fuss so why not make a phone call to ruby in the empty
fill up the flask of castiel grace, ok
JACK Cas, I-I may not have a soul, but, uh, I know killing you is wrong. What if I screw up? CASTIEL Well, then I'll be lost forever. But I think you'll do fine. Oh, um, you need to feed the spell bowl to keep the rift open for Sam and Dean, or they'll be lost forever. Let's do it. JACK Are you sure? CASTIEL Not at all. Give me one hour. Then bring me back.
no pressure! but i imagine having no soul means no anxiety, so, that's a win
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i think i've seen some porn like this :p
jo making a deal with demons to kill sam and dean? ok. whatever
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meg!! boo, not meg. but still very happy to see rachel miner
RUBY I'll help you on one condition. That you get me the Hell out of here.
uh huh
RUBY Why do they call this place the Empty? This place is full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again, of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
ok, well. that seems like a really shitty place to send angels? that presumably god was cool with? sorry you're dead, now spend eternity in misery. but i can't remember whatever nonsense there is about the empty's history or why angels and demons ended up there after dying
CASTIEL Oh. You made it back. DEAN Yeah. And so did you. You're an idiot, by the way.
don't be an ass, dean, you have done similar idiotic things on numerous occasions
DEAN It's a "place"? So you saw Ruby. CASTIEL And I got the location. Am I still an idiot? DEAN Well, yeah.
fetch the squirt bottle
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having the au sam and dean cosplay this sam and dean in the case chuck checks in on them is the thinnest excuse to have this whole subplot but whatever :p
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SAM Wait, your dad is... still around? DEAN And he "spoils" you? ALT!SAM Well, he did. We don't know where he is now. Uh, we all went through the rift together, but, uh, guess we got separated. ALT!DEAN Mm. To Dad. ALT!SAM Best guy ever.
you know i'm here for the john shade
aha, i had seen huntercorp and never connected the dots that it was a s15 thing. all making sense now :p and that au!john started it lol
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all cozied up there. so what's the plan though, they surely can't stay alive on this earth?
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goofy ass da vinci code shit :p like that requires so much particular timing....
could they not fucking drop the busty asian beauty thing. i'm fine with making the dean has porn on his laptop joke, but do casa erotica or whatever else and not the asian fetishization, please
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this ugly ass highly fake looking set is the garden of eden, ok. contrasting with this...
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s5e16 dark side of the moon
SAM This is heaven’s Garden? DEAN It’s-it’s nice… ish. I guess. JOSHUA You see what you want to here. For some it’s God’s throne room; for others it’s Eden. You two, I believe it’s the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. You came here on a field trip.
shaking my head.
JACK I was told this place might change me somehow. THE GIRL Perhaps. If you were the one meant to find it. You'll know soon enough.
i have lost the plot yet again
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talking to the snake now too! okay!!
did he get his soul back?
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completely nonsensical. just sending them off to brazil
got the interstellar-ish music again now that jack's feeling things. which consists of plonk plink plonk plink. completely not noteworthy except the first time i heard it, it reminded me of interstellar cornfield chase, even though it's really not that similar 🤪
pov you've got 3 dads, you're having a major emotional breakdown and no one thinks to give you a goddamned hug
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angelswatchingover · 4 years
Carry On
Yes, it’s another 15x20 fix it fic because we deserved a conversation between Dean and Cas and they all deserved to live! Enjoy this much better ending and soft epilogue.  Read it on AO3
Dean is saying his last goodbye to Sam after being injured on that vampire hunt, but the story doesn't end there. Castiel will always come when Dean is in need.
Dean is fading quickly. It’s getting harder to keep his head up, there’s a ringing in his ears, and his vision is blurring. This is really it. What a way to go. He didn’t think this would be his last hunt, but he knows that ever since Cas, he’s been distracted and that makes for dangerous conditions even on the easiest of hunts. He thought he was starting to learn to deal with it, too.
It’s been a month since they beat Chuck and he’s only just stopped making excuses to go past Cas’ room in the bunker, standing in the doorway and staring in as if the angel will be there, sitting in his chair reading a book like usual. The hunts have been fewer, which sucks since at least they are a distraction from constantly remembering Cas being brave enough to say, “I love you,” and seeing the look of happiness on his face as that black sludge pulled him away. And he had finally stopped pulling the coat with Cas’ bloody handprint out of his closet each day and just holding it, the last thing that he had left of the angel.
He was going to try to start living, to make Cas’ sacrifice worth it. He was even getting a regular construction job to do between the occasional weekend hunts. And then this. Why the fuck didn’t he duck and grab his machete instead of charging the 400 pound linebacker vamp? He’s definitely wishing he had brought that throwing star right about now.
It doesn’t matter now, though. He can feel that this is it and at least he has had the time to tell Sam how proud of him he is and how much he loves him. Damn, he’s going to miss his baby brother so much! He hopes his heaven memory is the one with Sam and Jack and Cas in the bunker, safe and laughing over pizza and ice cold craft beer. That was the night that he and Cas were the last two awake and before he headed off to bed, he had pulled him into a hug, one that lasted a little longer than usual, the alcohol making him warm and a little uninhibited. He had kissed the crook of Cas’ neck while his face was buried there but thankfully the angel didn’t notice and that moment has lived in his mind since.
If he gets to re-live that night in heaven, well, he thinks maybe it won’t be so bad. But first he needs to make sure Sam will be OK. Damn, he hopes he calls Eileen as soon as he gets out of here and never looks back.
“Hey,” he manages out even though its getting harder to breathe. This is important. “I'm not leaving you. I'm gonna be with you... right here... every day. Every day you're out there and you're li... and you're living and you're fighting, 'cause you... you always keep fighting. You hear me? I'll be there every step. I love you so much. My baby brother. Oh, man. Well, I did not think this would be the day. But it is. It is, and that's... Man... that's okay. I need you to... I need you to promise me. I need you to... to... to tell me... that it's okay. I need you to tell me that it's okay.”
Through big wet tears, Sam struggles out, “You can-“
“Not yet,” comes a gravely and frankly angry voice from behind Sam, a voice he would recognize in the dark: Cas!
Sam’s head turns in shock and he rushes out, “Cas, oh my God, help Dean!”
Then Dean sees Cas, he’s blurry because Dean’s sight is getting fuzzy but he’d recognize that trench coat and those blue eyes full of power and fury anywhere. He brushes past Sam and takes Dean gently by the shoulders.
“Dean, I’m sorry this is going to hurt, but I must get you down to heal you.”
The moment Cas shifts him even the slightest bit, pain rips through him so sharp that he sees stars. “No, no, no, no, no. I can’t, Cas…”
“Trust me, Dean. I’ve got you. Put all of your weight on me.” Cas leans in close so their bodies are touching and Dean doesn’t have to hold himself up. His head falls forward onto Cas’ shoulder and he screams as he is quickly lifted off the rebar and brought to the ground and laid gently on the dirt floor of the barn.
“How are you-“ Dean begins but is cut off by Cas.
“I’ll answer your questions after I heal you.”
Cas cups Dean’s left cheek and he can see the glow and feel the icy cold jolt of grace pulsing into him. But its not like usual where everything heals in an instant. No, Cas has his eyes closed in concentration and is obviously straining to heal him. Dean feels slightly better, it’s actually possible to take a breath now but he knows that he isn’t healed. Everything feels wrong.
“No,” Cas shakes his head, frustrated, “this can’t be. Its not enough!” Cas growls and tries again, this time his hand on Dean’s chest, just over where the rebar would have exited.
“What’s going on?” Sam asks, sounding panicked.
“Its my grace. I don’t… I don’t have enough to heal a wound with this much damage.”
“Since when? You’ve always been able to heal everything before!”
“For a long time now, Sam. My grace has been waning.”
“You can’t let him die! What about Jack?!”
“Jack is how I got here. He is hand’s off but was willing to send me.” Cas looks around, panicked.
Dean knows he doesn’t have much more time and he puts his hand over Cas’, the one still on his chest. “It’s OK, Cas. You did your best. I can go.”
“No! You aren’t dying today, Dean Winchester. You are supposed to live a long life. You have earned it. And I gave everything for you to live.” And there are tears in Cas’ eyes again. He meets Dean’s eyes and freezes and Dean knows that look. A determined Castiel, badass angel, is an unstoppable force.
“Sam, give me a knife.” And of course Sam does immediately, trusting Cas with their lives as usual.
“I need… Dean, please hold on. I’m going to give you what’s left of my grace.”
And before Dean can protest, Cas has drawn the knife across his neck and put his hand over the cut but Dean can see the bright glow of grace piercing through his fingers. It only takes a moment for Cas to collect the stream of grace in his hand and press it into Dean’s chest, directly over his heart. Cas squeezes his eyes shut in concentration as the grace penetrates through Dean’s skin and spreads through his body, nearly instantly healing the wound in his back and insides. It feels like being dunked in an ice bath followed immediately by being wrapped in a toasty warm blanket, the sense of pure comfort and safety is palpable.
He is healed. This isn’t going to be his last day on earth. Holy shit! He’s got more time and he’s about to thank Cas when the angel collapses across his chest as Dean let’s out a grunt and closes his eyes.
Sam rushes over and grabs Dean’s face, “Dean, hey, hey, hey, hey. Are you OK? Look at me!”
“I’m OK, Sammy,” he nearly laughs. “I’m good… I’m good. What hap-”
“Cas… I think he took out his grace to heal you.”
It’s then that it starts to make sense that it feels like there’s a hundred pound weight on his chest. It’s Cas and he isn’t moving. “Help me with him, Sam,” Dean asks and tries to nudge the angel awake but he isn’t budging. Sam checks his pulse and nods to Dean and a wave of relief passes through him as he and Sam work to move Cas to the side. He is still out cold through the whole ordeal.
Dean gets to his feet, a bit wobbly and isn’t even steady yet when he finds his arms full of a crying moose. “Jesus, Dean, I thought that was it. I thought I lost you!”
“Me t- too,” Dean gets out, his voice catching as he realizes how close they came to losing each other.  And Dean finds that he can’t stop the tears that are now spilling over. “Maybe I’m getting too old and slow for this job.”
He can feel Sam laugh before he steps back a bit from the hug with his hands still on Dean’s shoulders. “We just took on 5 vampires, and one of them was the size of Gunner Lawless. Trust me, it has nothing to do with age.”
And a laugh bubbles up in Dean too. He can’t believe it. He just escaped death yet again. Maybe it is time to slow down a bit now that he doesn’t have Chuck’s plot armor anymore. But that’s a thought for later. Right now, they’ve got a barn full of headless corpses and a passed-out angel to deal with.
“What… what did Cas do?” He asks Sam as he kneels down over the angel and tries to rouse him with one hand tapping his cheek and the other his chest. But he gets nothing but a soft moan.
“I don’t know, Dean. It looked like, like he cut out his grace and shoved it into your chest. Do you think he’s still an angel?”
“Jesus, I don’t know man. I’m going to get him to the car. What do you say we just torch this whole barn and call it a night?”
“I’ll get the gasoline.”
Cas isn’t helping him at all so he has to lean down and grab an arm and a leg and fireman carry him to the car and fuck if he isn’t a lot heavier than he looks. He deposits him in the back seat and Cas’ head falls back against the seat. Dean checks that Sam isn’t watching and turns back to Cas.
“What did you do, you stupid son-of-a-bitch?” He whispers and lets himself indulge in touching the other man, gently brushing his hair off his forehead. This is the first chance he has had to actually look at Cas since he told him he loved him a few weeks ago then got sucked away by black goo. Dean didn’t think he would ever get to see him again and he’s been burying all of those feelings deep since then. But now, Cas to just turns up out of the blue and gives up his grace. Now what? He can barely think through today’s adrenaline rush, the fear, saying goodbye to Sammy, getting Cas back, and now he can’t even talk to the guy. “You better be OK, you hear me?”
“OK, let’s get out of here. That ambulance I called is going to be here any moment,” Sam says as he walks towards the Impala with an empty gas can in his hand and Dean snaps his hand back to his side. He stands up and sees orange flames licking up the sides of the barn behind him. They’ll call it in to 911 once they are far enough away and are sure the bodies are pretty well burned so the ambulance isn’t the only first responder to come.
On the drive back to the hotel, Sam’s pretty sure Dean is going to crash the Impala since he has spent more time looking in the rear view mirror at Cas than he has on the road. He’s quiet for a long time, but the white knuckles on the steering wheel give away that something is wrong. Not that Sam is much better. It’s been at least half an hour and he can still feel a tremble in his hands. He nearly watched Dean die… again. But this time felt different. This time felt like it. With Chuck and Billie out of the picture and Jack being hands off, he didn’t think there was anyone left to call, any power left that would help a Winchester.
He should have known even death itself couldn’t keep Castiel away when Dean is in danger.
Cas is back. His friend. His brother. And of course, Dean’s -- who knows – sometimes it feels like more than best friend. Those two have been through so much for each other and died for each other and Sam has never forgotten that Cas told him that he and Dean have a profound bond, whatever that means. Regardless, Cas did something he hadn’t seen before. It looked like he took out his own grace. Man, he hopes he’s OK. Dean doesn’t look like he’ll handle another loss well.
“OK, what the hell is going on?” Dean stage whispers, taking Sam out of his thoughts. “How the hell did he get back? I mean he said that the Empty was so powerful he was going to be stuck there forever.”
“I don’t know.”
“I mean really, how long has he even been out of there? You’d think he could at least give us a call and let us know he’s OK.”
“Yeah, I guess. But probably no cell service in heaven or wherever.”
Dean takes time out from staring at Cas to give Sam a death stare. “Dude just let us think he was gone forever. That’s not cool.”
“I wonder if he’s back for good.”
“Yeah… I wonder,” Dean answers quietly and goes back to focusing on the road.
They drive in silence for another few minutes before Sam interrupts the quiet. “Dean, that back there, in the barn… I’m… pretty shaken, you know? You almost died and I… I want us to live.”
“Not like I don’t want to live too, Sam. But I always figured I’d go out bloody.”
“But that’s just it, Dean. We don’t have to. You’ve seen what’s going on. The hunts, there are less of them. I mean, with angels and demons out of the mix, well, that was half our problems. I’m thinking… maybe we don’t have to just hunt.”
Dean looks at Sam with an expression he can’t read but after a few moments, it softens and he answers, “I was kind of thinking the same thing, actually. I mean I always want to hunt. You know, saving people, it’s… it’s what we do it’s the one thing I know I’m good at. But we know so many other hunters now and… and maybe it doesn’t need to always be us, you know?”
“Exactly! I’ve been thinking. With Eileen moving in next week and Cas back, what if we switch our focus? Like the Men of Letters, we can teach people the lore and help make hunting better and safer.” He’s actually excited about this. He was so broken after what happened to the hunters from the apocalypse world, but maybe it’s time to try again now that it’s just this universe and there are no pissed off archangels after them.
Dean huffs a laugh and smirks, “Sam, I haven’t told you yet but I applied for a job, a real one, leading a construction crew. I figured since things were getting slow I might try to live like a real person for a while. I’m not quitting hunting but yeah lets… lets live!”
Back at the hotel, they are greeted by Miracle, who immediately jumps into Dean’s arms as Dean mumbles into his fur, “Got someone for you to meet, buddy.” And once they get a still comatose Cas onto a bed with the dog curled up by his feet standing guard, Dean and Sam step outside with a couple of beers in each hand.
After a few silent sips, Sam ventures, “So… are you OK?”
Dean gives him a look. “What do you mean?”
“I mean Cas is back and maybe human and you seem… I don’t know… off.”
Dean makes a face like he’s thinking really hard then gulps down the rest of his beer. Finally, after a drawn-out silence he begins, “Sam, there’s something I didn’t tell you about when Cas… when he died… before.”
“What is it?”
“When Billie was coming for me she was- she was doing something to my heart. She was killing me but Cas, he… he got me to the storeroom and he made a sigil to hold her off. But Sam, we were done for. It was only a matter of time before she got through. And Cas said some shit and that’s what made the Empty come for him.”
“What did he say, Dean?”
After a long pause where Sam thinks Dean isn’t going to answer, he finally continues, “He said he couldn’t have what he wanted but he could be happy with just saying it. Like what the fuck does that even mean?”
“I don’t know, Dean. What did he say that made him happy?”
Dean just shakes his head and rubs his eyes but not before Sam notices them filling with tears ready to spill over.
Finally, Dean turns away from him to face the parking lot, the darkness hiding the emotion on his face. “He’s so stupid, man. Like he didn’t know what he was saying. How could he? I don’t even know what he meant.”
Sam wants to ask but he knows its best to let Dean work through this and be patient as he waits for him to be ready to talk.
“He said… Cas, he said I taught him how to care and that… that he loved me.”
“Of course he loves you, Dean. You’re his best friend and we’re his family.”
Dean shakes his head certainly. “No, Sam. I… I don’t think he meant it like that.”
Oh. Oh.
“Well that… that makes sense, actually.”
Turning on hid Dean growls, “How does that make any sense?”
“Remember what Chuck said? That this Cas was the only version of himself that rebelled, that helped us, and stayed with us and basically changed the course of history? Dean, that… that takes a lot of love.”
“But he’s an angel. Like, I don’t even know if their definition of… you know… is the same as ours.”
Sam huffs a small laugh, “Cas has never been like other angels though, has he? I think he knew exactly what he was saying. The question is, what do you think about it?”
Dean drags a hand down over his face, “I don’t know, man. He’s my best friend, you know?”
“He’s one of my best friends too, but I don’t think that’s what we’re talking about, here.”
“What if.. what if I’m reading into this whole thing and he just meant that he loves us like, like family?”
Sam shrugs, “Maybe, but I’m not sure that’s really enough to change our universe and rebel against Chuck’s writings and summon the Empty. I guess you’re going to have to have a conversation with him and find out.”
“Yeah… yeah,” Dean answers, distracted. It feels like the end of the conversation so Sam turns towards the motel room to go in and check on their friend before Dean grabs his arm. “What if… what if I might feel… that… about him?”
Sam smiles at his dumb brother, “Then I’d say both of you are very lucky and found something special. We don’t get a lot of wins in this life, Dean. That’s why I never gave up on Eileen. When you find something good and real, hold onto it. And I’d say both of you have earned some happiness.”
Dean just nods his head, looking thoughtful before finally looking away and quietly answering, “Thanks, Sammy.”
It’s then that they hear a groan from inside the room and they both briefly make eye contact before rushing in. Dean, of course immediately sits on the edge of the bed trying his best not to touch Cas while Sam stands beside him seeing if their friend will rouse.
When Castiel wakes up the first thing he notices is pain. He’s used to pain, but his grace always dulled the nerve endings so that all of this sensation was greatly muted. It takes him a moment to recall why his grace isn’t working and then he remembers that he used what was left of it to heal Dean. He’s human again and this time his grace isn’t just stored away in a vile in a library. No, the last of it was used up (except the small remnant that will always live with him, integrated into his vessel – no, not his vessel, his body). He concentrates for a moment to figure out where the pain is coming from and if there is any permanent damage that he needs to be concerned about.
All of his organs seem to be in working order but there is a dull ache through his entire body, like it had been thrown against a wall and all of his muscles are bruised. He realizes this is from extracting the grace out of every cell and concentrating it into one ball of cosmic energy that he drew out through his neck. He had to use every muscle in his body to focus and force the foreign grace into Dean. Dean! He lost consciousness before he saw if his friend was healed. He doesn’t even know if he is alive or dead. He immediately moves to open his eyes, to get up and find out and when he does he lets out a groan from the pain and the light shining into his eyes giving him a headache.
But within seconds he has his answer, and he feels a relief wash over him as Dean sits down next to him. Dean: alive, healthy, healed, and looking very concerned.
“Hey, hey, Cas. You with us?” He asks gently.
Castiel looks around the room quickly then back to Dean. “I… yes, I’m with you and you’re… it worked. You’re alive?” He finds his hand moving to touch Dean on its own, resting on his friend’s upper arm soliciting the slightest smile from Dean.
“Yeah, man I’m good as new. But what the hell happened back there? What did you do? Where did you even come from?”
Castiel shifts up to a sitting position, adjusts the pillows and lets himself sit back against them while something golden catches his eye, movement at the foot of the bed. He squints at the big ball of fur and asks, “Why is there a dog here?”
The dog in question walks up to Castiel and begins sniffing at him, tail wagging furiously and he cautiously reaches out and pets the animal behind it’s ears. When he looks back at Dean the man has a grin widening on his face, “Cas, meet Miracle. He’s ours and I think he likes you.”
The dog lets out a small whine and Sam answers, “And I also think he needs to go out. Guys, I’ll take him for a walk and be back shortly. Cas, I’m so glad you are back. I’ve missed you.”
He steps forward and wraps Castiel in a hug and he answers, “I’ve missed you too, Sam.” And Castiel can’t stop the smile on his face as he realizes how happy he is to see his good friend again. Sam then takes Miracle outside and leaves Dean and Castiel alone. He can’t bring himself to look into Dean’s eyes, so he sits in silence, staring at the stained brown and yellow patterned bedspread.
Dean clears his throat and begins, “Ok, man. Now I need some answers. What’s going on? How are you even here?”
“Jack. He pulled me and some of the other angels from the Empty and put the entity back to sleep. Many of my brethren chose to remain at rest but some were returned to heaven. Jack and I, we have been leading the rebuilding. We are changing it, Dean. Its no longer a place where each person re-lives their memories. It’s open and free, a place where souls can rest and seek greater fulfillment. I was building it with you in mind. I didn’t expect you to be arriving so soon, though.”
He says this last accusing, angry and finally makes eye contact with Dean.
“Hey, man, I wasn’t exactly planning to be taken out by vamp-mimes in Canton freaking Ohio today.”
“You need to be more careful.”
“Yeah, I guess maybe I do. But that still doesn’t answer the question. How did you get to me? Did you get your wings back?”
“No, our wings are… I think Jack wanted angels to stay in heaven and not interfere on earth so he didn’t restore our wings. Our work is now in heaven, restoring it, re-creating it, and protecting the souls there. But I could feel your distress so I asked him to send me to you. I knew I wouldn’t be able to return to heaven.”
“Son of a bitch,” Dean fumes.
“It’s alright, Dean. I would prefer to be here… if you will have me.”
“If I’ll have… of course you can stay, you dumbass. But I’m still pissed you left like you did.” Dean breaks eye contact, eyes drifting down to where their thighs are nearly touching, his right hand coming up to scratch the side of his neck before he suddenly leans forward and wraps Castiel in a hug. “I’ve missed you, you know?” Dean breathes into his neck.
“And I, you, Dean,” Castiel answers, wrapping his arms tightly around his friend.
The hug lasts just a bit longer than Dean’s usually do but Castiel isn’t complaining. He hasn’t felt this happy since he spoke his truth to the man several earth weeks ago. It’s been much longer in heaven, but time doesn’t exist there in a linear sense so it feels like a very long time to him. Dean takes a deep breath and separates them but keeps his hands on Castiel’s shoulders and looks him deep in his eyes. Castiel is lost for a moment in the beautiful sea of green, sparkling with unfallen tears.
“Cas, your grace. What did you do with it that saved me?”
“You were going to die, and I… I wasn’t powerful enough to heal you. My grace has been waning for a long time and I couldn’t… I couldn’t watch you die. I knew the only way was to give you directly what grace I had left.”
Dean is shaking his head looking stunned and sad and his mouth opens like he wants to protest.
“Dean, it was my choice, one that I don’t regret.”
“But I’m not-“
“Don’t tell me you aren’t worth it. There will never be a moment when you aren’t worth saving.”
Dean huffs, head shaking again. “Thanks, Cas. I know I don’t say it enough but thanks… for everything.”
They sit in silence for a moment, neither ready to break eye contact or the gravity of the moment. Finally, Dean looks away. “So, what does this mean. Are you human now?”
“Essentially. What residual grace I have left isn’t enough to give me any powers. I’ll live a human life and I’ll age and die.”
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. That was such a stupid way to get hurt and you gave up your grace for me? I’m… I’m so sorry, Cas.” Dean puts his hand over Castiel’s, an obvious plea for forgiveness.
Castiel is shocked for a moment. Hand holding isn’t something he knows Dean is comfortable with and even though he told Dean that he is in love with him, he doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable. He will be satisfied being the hunter’s friend since he knows that Dean could never love him back the same way.
“Cas, man, I need to say something here. It’s about what… what you said before the Empty.”
“That doesn’t need to change anything between us. I just needed you to know how I felt.”
“You were wrong, you know.” Castiel squints and tilts his head, trying to figure out what Dean means, what he was wrong about. And Dean smiles at him, fond and affectionate. “To think you can’t have what you want. How do you even know if you don’t try?”
“Dean, I guess I was too ambiguous. When I said that I loved you, I meant that I am in love with you and what I want is to be with you, always. Were it my choice, you would be my partner, my friend, my lover, and my soul mate. But I know that you don’t feel the same and that’s okay. I’m satisfied with just being able to tell you that.”
“Well, what if I’m not satisfied with that? What if you fucking off like that without even giving me a chance to respond was pretty messed up? Cause here’s the thing, Cas.” Dean swallows and takes a large breath, obviously gearing up to say something difficult and important. “You know how you said that I’m, you know, good? Well, man, you need to believe that you are too. Cas, half the time I was only able to stand up and fight because you and Sam believed in me. You, fighting with us and for us… for me, is what changed everything. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had and I lo… I love you too, Cas. So that thing that you think you can’t have… what if we give it a shot?”
Castiel can feel his eyes becoming misted over and he can barely believe what he is hearing, that Dean could possibly be in love with him too. He had never considered the possibility that Dean could love him, let alone love the male body that has become his own. But here he is, sitting close to Dean, with his hand warm under Dean’s and the hunter’s eyes looking at him with earnestness, fear, and a pleading.
Castiel slowly nods and watches a fond smile build on Dean’s face. “Yeah?” He asks, “Do you wanna try… a kiss?”
“Yes, please,” Castiel breathes out soft and solemn. And Dean brings a hand up to his cheek and softly caresses down to his neck and gently tilts his head and pulls him in until their lips meet. It’s short, just a soft caress but the thrill of it is nearly too much to bear.
Dean pulls back and rests their foreheads together. “I never thought this would be something we could have but, Cas, we beat God. We’re free now and I just wanna have a life that’s mine.” Dean pulls back a bit but stays close, their faces only inches apart. “And I don’t usually do the whole relationship thing so I don’t even know if I’m going to be any good at it, but I’ll try, for you.”
“We’ll figure it out together. But first, can we do that again?” He asks, the slightest smirk on his face.
And Dean growls, “Hell yeah,” and dives in for another kiss, this one a lot less innocent than their first. Dean deepens the kiss, one hand wrapping around Cas’ back and the other threading through the hair on the back of Castiel’s head, giving him better control to pour his feelings into the kiss. Cas lets Dean take the lead, he can feel the hunter’s desperation and wants to give him everything he needs. Dean makes a low, satisfied sound and Castiel’s insides do a flip because he never imagined that sound would be because of him.
Just as their hands begin groping at eachother, Sam returns.
“Oh… oh, man, sorry guys,” he says awkwardly standing in the doorway.
Dean pulls back but keeps his hands on Cas’ jaw and smiles, secretive and just for him.
“So… uh, it looks like you guys figured things out.”
Dean laughs, a free bubbly sound and tells his brother, “Yeah, Sammy, it took a while, but I think we finally both know what we want.”
Sam takes the whole thing in stride, barely even acting surprised and when Dean asks him why, Sam just rolls his eyes and says that he has watched his brother and his angel dance around this for years just waiting for them to figure it out. And when Dean protests that Cas is a dude, Sam gently reminds him of his crushes on Dr. Sexy and Gunner Lawless and his fling with Lee. Dean looks at him shocked, growling that Lee could have kept his mouth shut but Sam just tells him no one ever had to tell him because he had eyes. Dean shakes his head, tells him to shut up, and smirks at him over his beer bottle.
Life in the bunker with the four of them barely feels like an adjustment. It’s so easy for Cas to move into Dean’s room and fall into a routine. Dean gets that construction job and Sam, Cas, and Eileen go to work on solidifying the hunter network. Charlie and Stevie come by to help install a phone system so that they can dispatch and play FBI leaders when others need it. Dean jokes that they are becoming Hunter Corp and even gets some business advice from their counterparts who are still living it up in Brazil, which never won’t be weird.
They still pick up hunts themselves, sometimes just Sam and Dean, leaving Cas and Eileen to man the bunker. With Cas being fluent in ASL, they find themselves having secret conversations and making each other laugh, to the chagrin of their partners who just know it’s about them. Other times Dean will grab Cas and hit the road for a hunt, usually picked because it’s close to something he wants to see. They took care of a wendigo in Arizona so that they could stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon and the four of them killed a dragon living in a cave in California and spent the next week enjoying the ocean, toes in the sand, fingers entwined, and laughing at Miracle as he frolicks in the waves. Cas spens days kissing all of the new freckles that appear across Deans face and body from all that sun.
The Society of Letters, as they rename it at Charlie’s request, flourishes. Sam is a natural leader and they develop a rotation where different hunters will spend a week or two at a time in the bunker, manning the phones and dispatching cases. It also becomes a resting stop for hunters who, like Sam and Dean for so many years, don’t really have a home and just travel from case to case. The infirmary becomes well stocked and they hire Alex on full time to take care of injured hunters.
Dean loves it at first. He gets to see all of his friends. Claire and Kaia, Donna and Jodi, Caesar and Jesse, Garth and Bess. They all take shifts and his life is full of friends and family. Eventually, though, he is tired of not being able to roam around in his robe or not being able to pin Cas to map table and have his way with him. There are just always people coming and going in his home.
Two years in, he and Cas move out to a small craftsman on a lake about 10 miles from the bunker. It’s close enough that they can see Sam and Eileen whenever they want but far enough to be quiet and all theirs. It has a small pier for Dean to fish off of and a big yard for Miracle to chase squirrels. The garage is big enough for Dean to work on Baby and for Cas to park Dorothy’s bike, which has become his preferred method of transportation. Cas has beehives and a garden and Dean can’t stop watching him in his sun hat with his hands in the dirt and his heart still skips a beat sometimes just knowing that Cas is his. He gets a job teaching foreign languages at a local community college and damn if he isn’t the hottest professor Dean’s ever seen in his vests and sweaters.
One day he slips a ring on Cas’ finger after amazing adrenaline-filled post-hunt sex in a musty motel room outside of Des Moines. They get married in their back yard, fairy lights twinkling in the trees and the sun setting over the lake, bathing the scene in golden light. There is no priest or official, just Dean and Cas promising their lives to each other as they stare into each other’s misty eyes. The rest of the world seems to disappear. Afterwards, 20 or so guests hover around the picnic tables covered with pot luck dishes and dance to the tinny music coming from a table top speaker in the clearing surrounded by folding chairs. Dean sways slowly with Cas as he whispers, “I love you, Castiel Winchester,” in his ear.
Sam and Eileen move out a year later when she announces at Christmas dinner that they are having a baby. They too stay close, finding a home in an older suburban neighborhood with huge trees in the yard for the kids to climb and neighborhood children always blocking the road with their street hockey games. They sold some of the Men of Letters cars to buy the house and now the bunker’s garage is actually functional for the hunters coming and going. They both keep working in the bunker as leaders of the Society of Hunters, but they stop going on hunts and focus on raising the kids.
And so life goes on as it does, full of celebrations and tears, births and deaths, hunts and holidays, victories and losses. Dean and Cas still fight, bickering over things big and small. Cas will always be too stubborn and Dean too controlling. And when things get bad, Dean fumes as Cas takes off on Dorothy’s bike to get away from it all. But he learns that Cas will always return to him and they get better and making up, at talking, and at listening as the years roll by.
Dean dies on a Tuesday. It was the bacon that got him after all, a heart attack at the end of a long life. Sam smiles at the irony and they give him a hunter’s funeral. Sam is surrounded by his friends and his growing family that now includes four grandchildren. Led Zeppelin plays and everyone toasts Dean as the drinks and stories flow freely. There is laughter and joy as his life is celebrated and Sam thinks this is exactly what Dean would have wanted. Cas never leaves his seat by the fire until the last embers have burned away. Sam knows Cas won’t be far behind Dean, his health is ailing too and they never did do well without each other.
“Hey, Cas, how are you doing?” Sam asks, bringing a drink over to his brother-in-law.
“I’m OK, thank you,” he answers, adjusting the blanket that Claire had placed over his lap. “I know where Dean is and I promise you, he’s happy. He’ll be greeted by Bobby and Mary and Charlie and we even planned a reception for him at the Roadhouse. I think even Jack will be there.”
Cas closes his eyes and tips his face to the sky, breathing in and he looks peaceful.  Sam sits down next to him, groaning a bit at the arthritis that has set into his old joints.
“I’m so grateful for you, Cas. You made him happy for all these years and even prepared heaven for him.” Sam feels a tear trickle down his face. “I’m just going to miss him so much!”
“I miss him already, but we will all be together again soon. You and Dean are the best humans I have ever known. What we did together, we have earned eternal peace and fulfillment.” Cas finally turns to him, smiling. “We did it, Sam. We wrote our own story and it was good.”
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dcforts · 4 years
Sometimes, when he is at the bunker and things are quiet, Castiel goes out and ventures in town.
Some days he just feels like stretching his legs, so he takes off before dawn. It’s a long walk to the town center and back in time to see everyone get up for the day, but he likes the solid asphalt of the road under his shoes, the smell of the trees all around, the chirping of the birds nestled on their branches. He likes the clear air of the morning, the cold first light of the day. He enjoys how the landscape is both empty and full, quiet and rich.
It’s always too early to interact to anyone; the town is still sleeping and whoever is already around is too groggy or too busy to give you anything more than a curt nod. Cas appreciates that. Although at this point he feels pretty comfortable on Earth, there are times when he still feels like a fish out of water, so he relishes these morning walks that don’t require too much effort.
On one of those mornings, Dean wakes up while he is still out, and Cas’ phone rings in his pocket as he walks. On the other end Dean gruffly says, Where are you? and Cas looks around and reads out loud the first sign he sees. He says, Gallery Bistrò and Dean says, And where is that? and Cas says Lebanon, Kansas and Dean says Oh and, after a moment, I thought you’d taken off. Cas smiles, looking at the freshly baked croissant displayed in the windows of the bistrò and says I’m on my way and Would you like a croissant?
Some days, when he has errands to run, Cas takes his pick-up.
He always passes by the front windows of the post office and when the place is empty and she is not busy, Marta catches his eyes through the blinds and waves at him to come inside. He doesn’t mind spending a few minutes chatting with her. She is kind and nods understandingly and never makes him feel like he’s speaking in tongues. She always asks after Dean at some point, she says How’s Dean? and He should come by more often, will you tell him that? and Cas always says He’s fine and Of course, he’s very busy with work but he’d love to come by. He likes the way she lights up at that and how -  later, when he tells him - Dean snorts and brags about his charm.
But some other times when she talks about Dean she says He is such a gentleman and What a nice person and Cas nods and says He is and He is the best man I know and her face melts into a soft smile, she pats his hand and says I know, darling. Cas doesn’t know what she knows but he doesn’t ask. He doesn’t even tell Dean because he doesn’t know how to explain it. She shows him pictures of her grandson and he buys stamps with sea animals to give Jack as a present.
Then he stops at the liquor store. Jackson will have ready for him two or three cases of the usual beer. From the moment he sees him at the door he talks and talks about how happy he is that the Campbell brothers moved to town, because They know their stuff, he can tell, and he never had anyone like Dean with whom he could talk about booze for hours.
He motions to follow him out back and always insists on helping him carry the cases to his pick-up even if Cas says Thank you and There’s no need cause he can handle it of course, but Jackson is already grabbing one and cutting him off saying Believe me, give it a few years and you’ll feel it and You gotta be careful with your back so Cas lets him help and accepts the spare bottle of whatever new thing he has for Sam and Dean to try and promises him to tell the Campbells that they’re always welcome there.
When they are missing something from the bunker he stops at the mini mart. Fortunately, the young man he was rude to that one time doesn’t work there anymore. Stacy always greets him with a friendly Hello, unless it’s very early in the morning and she still has sleep fogging her eyes or late in the afternoon and she looks bored with her schoolbooks open on her lap.
The first few times, when he approaches her, she avoids his gaze, in a way that suggests that they both know the same secret, and it’s a truth that doesn’t exactly scare her but she would rather not know. Those first few times when he puts the basket on the counter, she says Everything alright? a little unsure, like she is asking about the shopping but also like she is worried that he is going to start talking about monsters. Cas says Yes and nothing else so as not to scare her.
One quiet afternoon though, she is clumsily trying to figure out how the brand new object scanner works and Cas sees her growing frustrated. She says I hate this thing under her breath. He extends one hand and says I can show you and, proudly, I’ve worked in a Gas n’ Sip. She doesn’t seem impressed by that, but lets him try and Cas teaches her. Now when she says Everything alright? she smiles and Cas says Yes and Thank you, Stacy.
If Max is perched on the counter next to her, flipping through a magazine, Stacy is even more relaxed. They exchange looks behind Cas’ back and Max watches him from under her eyelashes the whole time he wanders around in the shop. One time she sees him looking at the candy bars display for a long time and she heads over, points at one kind of chocolate bar and says Trust me. He buys three. He forgets them in the pocket of his coat and Dean eats them all one morning when they head out before he can have breakfast. After the first bite he turns towards Cas with his eyes wide and asks Where did you get these? And Cas says A friend recommended them.
As he drives by the small movie theater he makes sure to memorize the movies they are showing that week in case they decide to have a movie night out. One time they are giving an old movie whose title sounds familiar, so he stops the pick-up, fishes out his phone and sends Dean a picture of the posters, to which Dean texts back We’re going. Only, some case turns up later than night and they are gone all week and miss it.
When he comes back, Dean snoops in the bags he brings in, makes sure he got everything from Jackson, hears about his chats with Marta. Sometimes he jokes You’re gonna steal her from me, to which Cas responds earnestly, I don’t mean to, and Dean laughs and it echoes on the kitchen walls. And then Cas stops by Jack’s room and knocks lightly on the wooden door, usually ajar. As soon as Jack sees him slipping a hand in his coat’s pocket his face brightens. He stretches a hand out and Cas rests the stamp on his palm. It’s usually a little crumpled but Jack always smiles and says A sea lion! or A whale! or A shark! or A sea horse! and That’s so cool and Thank you Cas, like he just handed him a star. And Cas lingers a few moments by the door just to watch him place it in his little wooden box, together with the rest of his small collection.
Sometimes before going back to the bunker he visits the pizza place, where Max’s mum, Caitlin, works. He opens up Sam’s latest text message and lists off their order. During the weekend, a table far back in a corner is usually crowded with young familiar faces. He stands at the entrance waiting for his order to be ready, looking down at the checkered floor and twisting the receipt in his hands and he feels their eyes on him.
One time Eliot ventures to the counter to get a refill for his drink. He makes a poor attempt at covering the fact that he is watching him and Cas pretends not to notice to spare him the embarrassment, but Eliot surprises him, turns around and bravely asks You are Jack’s father right? Cas hesitates, then says, I am and Eliot smiles and nods enthusiastically, I figured, you look exactly the same. Cas is pleased to hear that. Eliot starts talking non-stop, about things he read and things he knows and asking about Jack without even giving him time to answer and Cas is only saved by Caitlin who hands him his pile of pizza boxes. Eliot follows him to the door and keeps it open for him and says Tell him to text me, okay? So we can hang out sometimes.
On the nights he gets pizza, he takes the boxes to the pick-up, places on the passenger seat and drives carefully back to the bunker. He parks, kills the engine, exits, gets to the passenger seat, takes out the pizza boxes and makes his way to the map room. Dean is usually there already, waiting, with an uncorked beer in one hand. He greets him widening his arms and saying Finally and Thank god I was starving before shouting for Sam to join them. Jack doesn’t need to be called, he comes stumbling immediately after Cas, drawn by the smell of food that fills the hallways.
Dean is on his second slice by the time Sam walks in and complains that Dean didn’t wait for him. Sometimes he comes in with a news or wants to talk about his latest research. And Dean rolls his eyes and points at the pizza, and with his mouth full says, Dude, pizza first, work later and Cas sits by Jack’s side and watches them and feels happy.
 One time Dean drives to meet him in town and they sit at the pizza place and Caitlin stops by the table to get their orders and says It’s nice to have you here for once and Max and Stacy wave at them from the corner table and keep sneaking glances at them and whispering and Dean notices but doesn’t mention it, just fiddles with the menu longer than he usually does and keeps his elbows off the table where he’s sure he can’t touch Cas’.
He says, This is weird and Is this weird? and Cas says, It’s not each time until Dean relaxes and jokes and forgets about whatever was bothering him and when Caitlin comes by asking if they have room for dessert he cheerfully says, We’ll take two slices of pie for the road and nudges Cas with his elbow, now very much in contact with his.
Dean walks beside him down the empty streets, swinging the bag with the pies with one hand and touching the back of Cas’ hand with the other, once, twice. Then he grabs it. He says This is weird and Is this weird? and Cas says It’s not each time and Dean squeezes his hand. He says, Who could’ve known? and Cas says Marta knew and Dean laughs and says Yeah, you’re probably right.
They get to the cars and Dean follows him to his pick-up and Cas lets him push him against it and press his body against his. Cas slips his hands under Dean’s jacket to rest them on his hips, and kisses him slowly and the bag swings and drops from Dean’s fingers.
A long time passes before a distance sound startles them apart. Dean pulls back and says, We should get home. Cas watches him stumbling backwards, picking up his bag, smiling. He says Uh, right and I’ll see you at home and he waves awkwardly. Cas smiles and gets into his pick-up and as he drives right behind the Impala, the town, quiet and empty, rolls by outside his windows and he thinks, I like it here.
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impala-dreamer · 3 years
Muddy Soul - Chapter 26
~ Life isn’t always as it seems and people aren’t who they say they are. Love isn’t always a good thing, and sometimes, finding out the hard way may just kill you. ~
Series Warnings/Characters/Pairings are all listed on the Muddy Soul Masterlist. Please read the warnings before proceeding.
Chapter 26 Word Count: 2,056
Muddy Soul Masterlist ~ My Masterlist ~ Become A Patreon ~ My Original Works on Amazon
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Days went by and Y/N found a little peace now and then. 
Castiel had been by to heal her new wounds, easily closing up the cuts and soothing the bruises. She smiled as he worked, closing her eyes as his Grace flowed through her. It felt so strange, like an echo of Christian’s magic, and she soaked it in, just a little taste, just a hit of the drug she needed.  
The withdrawal came and went. For long stretches, she was fine, almost back to her old self if not incredibly tired and depressed. She felt all right, until suddenly, she felt very wrong.
She helped out when she could, reorganizing the pantry with Dean, and passing him tools as he gave Baby a tune up. It was easy to do things that required her hands; moving was much better than not. 
When she sat with Sam in the Library, attempting to help him with some lore entries, she started to panic. The quiet was too quiet, the air was too still. Her fingernails flicked over the tiny ribs in her jeans, tugged at the seams on her shirt, dug into her palms. If she wasn’t moving, she was thinking, and thinking only led her down the darker paths. 
What had she done wrong? Why had she been so stupid? Why didn’t he want her? 
Over and over, she played out scenes in her head like horror movies as Christian’s phantom haunted the shadowy corners of the Bunker. She tried to ignore him at first, forcing her eyes to pass over him without a thought, but it was impossible. He was solid, lifelike, evil. And she wanted him still. 
Eventually, she learned to tune out his face, to push away his image from her mind. It wasn’t always easy, but the more she did it, the more she consciously told him to leave, the more she crossed out his picture in her mind, the stronger she felt. Perhaps, she could beat him. 
Some days she smiled. 
Some days she cried. 
Some days she screamed and fought with anyone who approached her. She drank until her stomach turned, cut until she needed help to staunch the bleeding. 
Some days she climbed into Dean’s bed with soft kisses and a plea for a hug. 
Some days she ran from him, afraid he would strike her down with a single blow. 
It was hard, but she was trying. 
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Thursday night was pizza night, and it was Dean’s turn to fly. He grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair and headed for the garage, boots clunking loudly against the floor. 
Y/N was alone in the kitchen, staring down into a cup of cold black coffee. 
He stopped in the doorway and whistled at her. “Hey. You gonna drink that or interrogate it?”
Y/N shivered and yanked her mind from a flashback, forcing a smile as she looked up at Dean. “Going somewhere?” 
She sounded sad, lost. His shoulders dropped. 
“Just running into town to grab dinner.” He twirled the car keys in his hand. “Come with me.” 
Y/N shook her head. “I don’t know-” 
Dipping his chin, Dean gave her the eye. “You’re coming. Let’s roll.” 
Reluctantly, she followed. It was hard to say no to him even in her darkest moments. Especially when he looked up at her through those thick lashes, green eyes bright with ideas. “You suck,” she mumbled. 
His chuckle rumbled off the tiles. “I know.” 
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Y/N hadn’t been outside in weeks and the early evening sun burned her eyes as the Impala drove out of the garage. The light rose on the windshield like sunrise on a beach and Y/N squinted at the brightness, not used to the feel of it against her eyes, her skin. 
When they hit the road, she rolled down her window an inch and Dean watched as she stuck her nose in the crack, cautiously sniffing the air. She inhaled deeply and the cool air filled her senses. 
“It’s almost fall,” she said, rolling down the window even more and sticking her hand out. She let her hand ride on the wave of the wind, smiling honestly for the first time in a long while.
Dean smiled. “Yeah. Almost.” 
Y/N closed her eyes and let the wind kiss her cheeks. It felt good to breathe again, to feel the air rush through her hair. The sun flickered like a strobe through the trees and she unbuckled her seatbelt, turning towards Dean. 
“Let’s go to Vincenzo’s,” she suggested with a soft smile. 
Dean raised a brow and shifted his hands on the wheel. “Vincenzo’s? That’s like thirty minutes away. We’re just popping into town.” 
Y/N pouted. “I just wanna… drive for a while.”
He nodded and stretched his arm out across the back of the long bench seat. “OK.” 
Y/N scooted over and settled against his side, head on his shoulder, hand on his chest. He bent his lips to kiss the top of her head; he hadn’t felt this good in forever. Maybe she was finally on the way back. 
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The pizzeria was crowded and Y/N clung to Dean’s hand as they walked inside. She hung back as he ordered; two pies and a side of wings. Y/N closed her eyes and tried to breathe, but the lights were too bright, the voices around her too loud. The walls began to tremble, ready to close in around her, and she dug her nails into her palms, begging her mind to slow. 
“You all right?” Dean asked, turning away from the counter. She was a step behind him, muscles in her arms and neck pulsing rapidly as the rest of her stood stone-still. “Y/N?” Concerned, he reached out to touch her arm and she jerked away, violently jumping back. 
“No!” She screamed at his touch, at the room, at the random strangers now turning to look at her. Their faces twisted and contorted into viscous sneers and evil laughter rang in her ears. She swung at Dean who tried to pull her close, knocking him off balance with a left hook he didn’t see coming. 
Christian loomed in the darkness behind the crowd that now turned to gawk and point at the crazy woman in their midst. He tipped the ashes from his cigarette onto a freshly baked pie and laughed. “You’re losing your mind, pretty girl.” 
Her vision blurred on everything but his smug face and she raged at him, shouting over the dense noise pounding in her skull. “Shut up!” 
Hands reached for her, faces rushed into her line of sight. Her skin began to crawl, her veins ached, her breath stopped. 
Y/N spun on her heel and rushed to the door, Christian’s booming laugh echoing behind her. 
“You can run all you want. I’m inside of you. You’re stuck with me. Forever.” 
Bells crashed above the door as Y/N pushed out into the night air. She took off down the street, not knowing or caring where she was going. 
Darkness settled around her, the cool air stung her cheeks. 
Boots thudded behind her; Dean called her name. 
Out of breath, she stopped, sneakers skidding on the asphalt. She closed her eyes and lifted her face to the sky, arms spread, soul open. She begged Heaven to strike her dead. Dared Hell to come take her. She’d had enough. 
“Smart girl.” Christian’s voice flew through her mind, carried by the wind that lifted the short hairs at the nape of her neck. “Death is the only way out of this.”
Y/N screamed. “Please!”
She felt the light hit her eyelids, burning them bright orange and red. She smiled, relieved that the angels were listening, and opened her eyes. 
Headlights blinded her and Y/N lifted her arms to shield her eyes. 
Dean slammed into her like a brick wall, knocking the breath from her lungs as he grabbed her up off of her feet, rushing her to the side of the road where they both fell in a heap on the grass, panting and terrified. 
“What the hell is wrong with you!” He screamed, rolling over her, pinning her to the cold ground. “You trying to get yourself killed?” 
Tears pushed out of her eyes, sliding down the corners, and she gasped for air, unable to control herself as he yelled. “Please...stop.” 
His face was red, nostrils flaring, jaw clenched. “Stop? I just fucking saved your life!” 
Y/N whimpered loudly as his voice crackled through her. Her bottom lip shook, her body trembling beneath him. 
Dean sat back on her legs and lifted a hand to scrub down his face. She saw the arm go up and cringed, turning away from him, afraid he was about to strike. 
“Jesus, Y/N/N,” he gasped, climbing off of her and lowering his hand. “What the hell did he do to you?” 
Still shaking, she rolled onto her side and popped up on all fours, scurrying away from him as fast as she could. She didn’t get far, collapsing into a pile of weak limbs and flowing tears. 
“Baby, come on… please.” Dean went to her, falling down next to her head, listening in pain as she cried. “I’m sorry I screamed at you. I just- I don’t know what’s going on half the time anymore and I- You were standing in the middle of the road, talking to yourself. For fuck’s sake, Y/N, this can’t go on. You can’t go on like this.” 
Tears calming but heart aching, Y/N pushed up and sat on her heels, wiping her cheek with her sleeve. “What are you saying? That you’re done with me?”
Dean startled. “What? No…”
“That I’m too much of a fucking burden and you’re over it?” Her voice grew with anger and resentment. “You don’t want to have to deal with the crazy girl anymore?”
Dean shook his head and sat forward, reaching for her. “Y/N, no. Stop it.” 
“Oh, I’ll stop it.” She jumped to her feet. “I’ll leave you to get on with your life, Dean Winchester. God forbid anyone else have a fucking trauma around here but you or Sam! I’ll just leave you two to it, then, shall I? The Righteous Man and the Boy With The Demon Blood, twin fucking assholes!” She turned, ready to run, but Dean’s cell phone rang, throwing her off track. 
He was frozen, staring at her as the ringtone blasted from his jacket pocket. 
“Well?” she yelled, one hand waving towards the sound. “You gonna answer it?” 
“I don’t know,” he said calmly. “You done yelling at me?” 
Y/N crossed her arms and sneered. “Yes.” 
Dean pulled the phone from his pocket and swiped, putting Sam on speaker. 
“Hey. Where are you guys?” 
Dean sighed. “Oh, just rolling around in a ditch by the side of the road. You?” 
“What? Just get back here. Rowena’s got something.” 
Y/N leaned in. “Rowena?” 
Sam cleared his throat. “Yeah. I asked her to look into a few things for us. She, uh- Just get home soon as you can.”
Dean nodded and pulled the phone closer. “OK. On our way.” 
As if he could sense her apprehension through the phone, Sam added, “Oh, Y/N? It’s a good thing.” 
She scoffed and looked away. “Yeah, yeah.” 
Dean ended the call and stuffed the phone back in his pocket. “You ready?” he asked, looking up at her. 
Y/N nodded gently and held out her hand to help him up. He mostly jumped, but she helped a little. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered. 
Dean licked his chapped lips and sighed. “Me too.”
After a glance that lasted a moment too long, Y/N turned and tried to start back for the car, but Dean refused to let her hand go. 
“What are you doing?” 
He turned his palm and pushed his fingers through hers, locking them together. “Not letting you go again,” he said, voice calm and sure. 
Y/N smiled and Dean blushed as she stared at him, an adorable laugh shaking her shoulders. “So much for no chick flick moments…” 
Dean gave her hand a tug as he walked off, pulling her behind him. “Yeah, shut up.” 
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‘21 Forever Tags:
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Muddy Soul:
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