#yes this is about logan jeans scott and morph
waywardwritesstuff · 26 days
A man who longs for a woman who knows will never be his.
Her heart belongs happily to another and his heart belongs to her.
He wants her and he can never have her.
And he wants him. He sees the longing he had for her and wants that longing to be his.
He wants to be wanted the way he wants for her.
But the unrequited love he fills will never be met.
Not if he keeps it hidden behind a different face that he never shows.
He wants her and he can't have her.
He wants him and doesn't think he deserves him.
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 months
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Marvel, X-Men, whoever - I'm begging you.
Let these two (Wolverine and Bishop) get together.
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cusimmrbrightside · 27 days
I have always liked the idea of the school for mutants being very literally a school, and I know yes it is but I mean in the sense of if you want to be an X-men, you have to be a teacher. They have exams at the end of years, they have Ofsted checks (for those who don’t know what they are, it’s essentially people coming to check that the school is good at being a school) and they have teachers for every subject, which brings me to my next point;
“I’m Right You’re Wrong, Here’s What The X-Men (‘97 specifically) Would Teach As Subjects”.
(Also this is based off of UK school system but I use American terms like “seniors” and “AP” and “Midterms”)
Maths Teacher Gambit is surprising, for a guy most assume to not being entirely smart, an idiot goof off who’s the comedic relief. But you need to know numbers to gamble, and that he does with being very well versed in mathematics way past an AP level. He’s made the promise for every senior class that he will teach them to play blackjack on the final day, and has only ever lost once. Which is when the rule of “no betting real money” came into place.
English teacher Jean reminds me of the kind of teacher who would let the social outcasts into her class for their lunch breaks. The kids more likely to be bullied and she will fight tooth and nail to make sure those kids bullies don’t come into that classroom. they’re loud and shout and shouldn’t really be in there but no one has to know and she certainly won’t be telling them to leave any time soon.
Physics teacher Magneto is very specific to my highschool experience I’ll be honest. I had a physics teacher who was an actual Dr with a PHD and he hated being there. His classroom has (well, had since the building was knocked down about 5 years ago now) this one cabinet that was never fully shut, it was always open just about an inch or two, and he’d stand with his foot hovering just above it and then slam down on it whenever we got too loud so the noise would shut us up. That’s very magneto coded. Erik Lehnsherr would purposefully make the cabinet always a little open so he can do that.
Biology teacher morph is just a funny concept, a person whose physical form and change and morph into just about anything. They are considered one of the “fun” teachers, you could easily convince them to let you watch a movie all class as long as it was biology centred, but with classics like Osmosis Jones, you’re not stuck watching a documentary about animals giving birth.
Chemistry teacher Storm does not fuck about with children’s education. She is not strict by any means whatsoever, she just will not bend to someone saying they want to watch a film or should do a practical instead of theory. She has a set curriculum. She knows what she will be doing by the first week of the summer holidays and already has the room set up all pretty and organised.
Geography teacher Scott has the unfortunate job of telling his students that, they just won’t be looking at memorising country flags and politics. But hey!! Rocks are cool!! Beach shores are cool! Lake formations are cool! He’s the vice principal and designated nerd teacher. He once beat the elite four for a student on their copy of Pokémon Red because the student promised they’d do well in their midterms. Yes, he was in his 30s when the game came out, he doesn’t care.
History teacher Logan is a walking fun facts book. He’s exhausted, goes on smoke breaks on every gap of time he has, dislikes his job and will randomly get passionate about one specific topic, and will then dedicate his next 4 classes to that topic. Having been through a lot of modern history with personal experiences, he’s able to bring a lot of souvenirs to show his classes. Bullets, helmets, clothes he once wore hundreds of years ago, his personal memories of basic inventions like the vaccine.
PE (physical education) teacher Rogue is full of fun sports games, you can join any kind of sports team you can imagine and if you ask nicely enough, she’ll put Just Dance on a projector in the sports hall so you can just play that instead of actually play an actual sport. As long as you leave her class exhausted and without time to have a shower before your next class then she’s succeeded in making whoever your next teacher is absolutely miserable (bonus points if it’s Logan with his enhanced sense of smell).
Art teacher jubilee does believe that there is a right way to critique art. And she can be a little in your face about it. She does think you can have wrong opinions especially when it comes to your own art. If she overhears you saying you didn’t something wrong, she’ll scream into a megaphone “adapt, improvise, overcome!”. There are no mistakes! She’s eccentric, bubbly, creative and brilliant, the only one suited for the job.
It wouldn’t be a school without budget cuts. That’s why Nightcrawler is both the languages and religions teacher and he’s beloved at both. He comes up with roleplay scenarios the students can play to help learn their chosen languages, he has varied religious texts in his room and when he says to the students “I’ll pray for toy during exam season” he’s not actually joking.
(I forgot about Hank I’m actually going to cry he’s one of my favourites and I forgot about him. He’ll be in pt two or smth.)
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cera-writes · 3 months
Nightcrawler admits he and (whoever) have finally agreed to tie the knot.
Pairing: Kurt Wagner x AFAB!Reader Tags: just pure fluff
Breaking the News
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You and Kurt had gathered all the X-Men in the living room, a buzz of anticipation hanging in the air.
Ororo, perched on the armrest of the worn-out sofa, arched an eyebrow at the two figures standing nervously in the doorway. Kurt fidgeted with a small blue box held tightly in his hand. Beside him, you stood, a shy smile gracing your lips, your hand resting possessively on his arm.
"Alright, lovebirds," Logan drawled, a hint of amusement in his gruff voice. "Spill the beans. What's with the fancy duds and the cryptic smiles?"
You shared a quick glance with Kurt, silently encouraging him. He took a deep breath, his yellow eyes flickering across the expectant faces.
"Well, you see," he began, his voice surprisingly steady for someone known for teleporting in and out of existence, "there's some exciting news (y/n) and I wanted to share it with everyone."
Jean, ever the empath, let out a delighted gasp. "You don't mean...?"
"A baby?!" Morph gawked. "No, no, no. Gosh, nothing like that." you smirked, shaking your head, hands held up in protest.
"Darn, thought we'd see some little fuzzy blue babies crawling around the X-Mansion." Rogue added. Remy hummed in response, a small smile playing at his lips.
"Lemme guess. You finally popped the question?" Remy asked, raising a brow.
Kurt grinned, the familiar mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "That's right, Freund! (y/n) said yes!" With a flourish, he popped open the small box, revealing a ring unlike any other the X-Men had seen. Its band was crafted from a swirling blue energy, reminiscent of Kurt's teleportation abilities, and cradled a single, dazzling diamond.
The room erupted in cheers. Ororo whooped with joy, throwing her arms around you in a congratulatory hug. Scott clapped Kurt on the back, a genuine smile splitting his face. Jean, her eyes shining, pulled you into a tight embrace.
Logan, ever the grumpy one, simply raised his fist in a silent toast. "Well, about damn time," he muttered, though a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Congratulations, you two!" Jubes exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "This is amazing! When's the big day?"
Kurt chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "We haven't set a date yet. But," he added, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "we both know we want to start this next chapter together, with all of you by our side."
You leaned into his side, squeezing his hand. The warmth of his affection and the supportive cheers of your friends filled you with a joy that rivaled even the dazzling diamond sparkling on your finger. This wasn't just about getting married; it was about building a future with the love of your life, surrounded by the chosen family you had found in the X-Men. The future, once a distant dream, now stretched before you, filled with the promise of love, laughter, and maybe even a few teleportation mishaps along the way.
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shadowuponstorm · 1 month
Mini Summers-Howlett
Reader just so happens to be Scott's younger sister, who came to the mansion the same year as him. Now, she assists Jean in the lab whenever she needs help. She's also pregnant from a one-night stand months ago, and when she least expected it, the father of her baby shows up after convincing herself she would never see him again.
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"Still kicking up a storm, huh?" Jean asked as I laughed and told her the baby was moving around, "I can't wait to be an auntie."
"I'm sure Scott would be excited too if he would stop focusing on the fact I had a one-night stand with a random stranger," I told my future sister-in-law as I thought back to Scott's reaction before asking, "You know he's still asking me to tell him who the father is?"
"Yes, he's even asking me to telepathically find it by going through your head," Jean responds as I looked at her in disbelief before she reassured me she has never done such a thing to me without permission.
"Hey, we have two incomings," Scott's voice comes through the coms as I pick up and ask for information, "A young girl and a man."
"Better get ready," I told Jean so she could start getting the necessities out, "I'll go meet Storm and Scott at the entrance."
I headed upstairs to the entrance just in time to see Ororo walking in with the young girl sticking close to her. Scott came up behind them, and I stopped in my tracks when I saw who he was carrying in.
"Oh my god, act normal," I told myself as I regained my composure and mentioned to Scott that Jean was waiting for him, "Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's okay, still shaken up," Storm said as I notice the girl fidgeting with her hands, "She won't let me touch her."
"Her mutation must have something to do with that," I respond as I reach into my pockets to pull out some leather gloves before I walk up to the girl, "Here, put these on."
"I-I couldn't," The girl stammered when I told her I insisted before explaining the gloves were too small for me, "Thank you. I'm Marie. You can call me Rouge."
"My name is Y/N Summers," I introduced myself before mentioning Scott is my older brother, "And my powers regard manipulation."
Rogue then looks down at my baby bump to ask, "What's their power?"
"Oh, they don't have one yet, or there's the chance they won't have a mutation. If they do, they'll either inherit mine or have their own," I explained as Rogue nodded before Storm asked if she wanted to see where she'd be staying.
After Rogue and Storm were out of sight, I sighed before I glanced back to the lab's stairs, where I saw Scott coming up and asked him what happened.
"Sabretooth is what happened. Magneto must've known the girl was an important mutant," Scott said as I asked about the guy, "Knocked out, but it looks like he has regenerative healing, so he'll be fine."
"I'll head back down. You're on your way to Charles?" I respond as Scott nods to leave in the direction he's heading in before I went back downstairs.
I approached the entrance, I asked Jean what she had done so far, and she told me she was about to draw some blood. Suddenly, I heard a crash and jerked my head in the direction to see Jean in a headlock.
"Woah, hey! Calm down," I said before I walk forward as Jean shook her head for me to not come farther, "Let her go."
"Not until you tell me what's going on," Logan grunted out; I explained to him what happened out there and why he was here.
"Logan, let her go," I said as I saw his grip loosen on Jean and his face contorted to confusion before it morphed into realization, "Y/N?"
"Wait," Jean said, looking between me and Logan while trying to connect the dots, "Is he the guy?"
"You cannot tell Scott. He already is going to want to kill him for putting you in that position. What do you think he's going to do when he finds out his little sister had sex with the man he just saved," I told Jean before gesturing for her to read my mind, "He doesn't know I'm pregnant."
"Jean!" I hear Scott shouting as I look to see him running towards us. Is everything okay? I heard a crash, and—look who's awake."
"Yeah, he just woke up," Jean said quickly before reassuring Scott she was okay when Charles wheels up in the lab.
"What is this place?" Logan asked as I grabbed a sweatshirt and tossed it to him so he could cover up. Charles told him all about the X-Mansion and what it means for all of the mutants in this world.
"So, what's your mutation?" Scott asked as Logan showed off his claws, making me and Jean look at each other in shock.
"Come on, we'll leave the ladies alone," Charles said while Scott and Logan followed behind him.
"I'm so screwed," I whispered as I paced the floor, and Jean tried to calm me down, "Jean, I had sex with a guy who has claws, which look to be indestructible. Oh god, there's a chance my child is going to impale me before they're even born."
"No, no, don't think like that," Jean responds before reminding me there's still the chance of the baby having its own mutation.
"Yeah, you're right," I said as I sat and asked if she had found out what metal was in his bones before the look on her face told me what it was. "I'm right, aren't I? Shit."
A few days passed, and I spent most of those days trying to avoid Logan. I can't raise Scott's suspicions about him by speaking to him, and then there's the chance Scott will complete the puzzle about who the father of my baby is. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat before I heard a gruff voice say, "Why are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you," I said as I took another bite of the granola bar into my mouth to avoid saying another word to him.
"Oh really? It's nearing the end of the day, and I've rarely seen you," Logan responded before walking up to stand next to me with his arms crossed.
"I can't be seen talking to you, Logan. Scott is already so protective of me," I respond as I try to walk away before I feel my back hit the counter with Logan caging me in, "Logan, let me out."
"Tell me what I've done to you, and I will," Logan said as I tried to avert my eyes somewhere else so I didn't have to make eye contact.
"What the hell is going on here?" I hear Scott's voice come through before Logan is pulled and pushed to the other side of the kitchen.
"Nothing of your concerns, bub," Logan responds as Scott scoffs and tells him, "Oh yeah? It looks like you were caging my sister against the counter and acting like you know-"
"No, no, don't connect the dots," I mentally begged as Scott's face morphed into anger, "Fuck."
"You motherfucker!" Scott shouted as he threw a punch in Logan's face, making me gasp, "My little sister, really?"
"Scott, get off of him!" I yelled before calling out for Jean, Storm, or anyone listening. Students started gathering in the doorway.
"Get off of me," Logan grunted as he pushed Scott off into the opposing wall, and I took that chance to get in between them, putting my hands on Scott's chest to keep him back, "What's your problem with me?"
"My problem with you is my little sister is pregnant because of you!" Scott shouted while he fights against my hands to go at Logan again.
"Scott!" I yelled in his face to grab his attention, "Logan didn't know."
"Wait, what?" Scott asked, his face turning pale, before I let my hands off before I rushed out of the kitchen to head to my bedroom.
I felt the tears start falling while I sat against the wall, "Stupid hormones!" I thought to myself as I took deep breaths to calm myself. A knock came on the door, and I shouted at Scott to leave me alone for a minute.
"It's not Scott," I hear Logan say through the door, "It's true then, you're pregnant because of me."
"Yes, I would've told you, but I didn't have a way to contact you since you were always moving," I said as Logan asked if he could come in, to which I opened the door in response, "I'm so sorry that all happened."
"Not your fault," Logan said, taking a seat in front of me, "You were right about Scott being overprotective, though."
I laughed before reminding him I had warned him; he just stayed for the result. I sighed before asking Logan, "Do you want to know the gender?"
"If you don't mind," Logan said as I told him the baby was a boy, which made him smile, "Also if it's okay, I want to be there for you and him. I don't want to miss anything else."
"I would love that," I respond as Logan pulls me into his arms before kissing me on the top of my head, “Are you nervous about becoming a parent all of a sudden?"
"Of course, but I know we'll have an army of mutants to support us through the journey," Logan respond as I smile and mentioned a lot of them are going to be battling for the title of favorite honorary aunt or uncle.
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a-roguish-gambit · 5 months
Oh goddddd. Something I reblogged earlier today has given me the best/worst x men brainrot
X-Men maid cafe.
It starts out simple enough with a need for money to help cover maintenance costs at the school. Shit gets blown up/destroyed all the time there. Tis expensive AF.
The queer community is the most mutant friendly out there and many of the X-Men are some flavor of not straight so Charles puts it up to Scott and the others to come up with a way to do a 50/50 split donation drive of sorts in combination with the local LGBT rights org for the school and the org at a local pride festival.
People are brainstorming shit and aren't coming up with anything and then morph jokes "lol what if we did that shit they do in all the super power school animes where they have a maid cafe"
The girls all roll their eyes. Most of the guys look unamused. Jean Grey telepathically flicks a paperclip at them. Then Gambit speaks up, suddenly very enthusiastic about the idea and tries to encourage the others to do the idea.
Storm immediately shuts him down. Jean grey tries to challenge him "sure we can do that...except in the spirit of pride it should be a drag cafe. Women as butlers, men as maids" hoping it would scare him off.
Gambit just looks more enthused. "PERFECT! GAMBIT LOVES DAT IDEA!"
The room is silent. Storm, jean, and rogue share surprised looks before shrugging their shoulders and voting yes. Kurt, Bobby, and morph are up for it too. With majority vote they go through with it.
Gambit and jean fight over the menu. Gambit wanting a full restaurant style menu going and Jean furiously reminding him that this is only going to be up for like a week and none of his choices are cafe food.
They some how manage to get Logan into the outfit and he looks like an angry cat some child played dress up with.
Jubilee working the kitchen and sending the items out with the gayest most sparkling presentation.
Bobby was declared the milkshake king by a group of LGBT gen Zers.
They have donation jars marked with each server's name labeled "tell us which server is your favorite" Hank and Kurt are tied for first place.
Hank is so confused people keep telling him he's amazing and wonderful and keeping asking him for hugs even if they are not attracted to him at all.
Local poetry lesbians have adopted him as their group guy friend.
Kurt: "vy do že keep calling me 'twink'? Pretty sure it's a compliment but I vish I knew vat it meant."
The bi community stanning rogue and gambit. The same group of 10 or so bi peeps coming in and stuffing their jars with ones.
They ended up coming up with x men themed treats. There's cupcakes with little red candy sunglasses on them for cyclops, and a midnight blue flan style pudding with strawberries for nightcrawler. And of course Remy beignet.
Charles is oblivious to this until they open up shop. Goes in to check out how stuff is going, sees just students in non X-Men costumes and just....processes for a few minutes before saying "good work. Have fun" and wheeling himself out the door.
Idk this is probably dumb but I love it ok let them do stupid stuff
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I had, a crazy fun idea: Let's combine X-Men Evolution, but add some dashes of X-Men The Animated Series, and make it some combined X-Men world/show/anime called X-Men: The Animated Evolution. Ye or no? Let me explain:
It would have the dynamics and ages of Evolution. The X-Men adults consist of Professor Xavier, Storm, Wolverine, Beast, and Morph, their teen wards/kids are Scott, Jean, Evan, Kitty, Kurt, Rogue, but I add Gambit to it, as well as Jubilee, but as teens, and with their Animated Series look. You have the Brotherhood and Acolytes, the adults being Magneto and Mystique (and Sabretooth a bit later down the line), their teens are Pietro, Wanda, Todd, Lance, Fred, with Pyro and Colossus too, but usually in the Acolyte group.
The plot is a bit of a mix between Evolution and The Animated Series, with everyone trying human school for a bit, trying to fit in or stand out, causing teenage mayhem and having teen problems, the occasional adult having a past come back to haunt them and teens ready to hug them, some Sentinels made that then get destroyed (for good this time), Apocalyose makes some of them Horsemen, and Sinister is a side villain defeated during like, season two, about midway through it. Then everyone ends up exposed, and now they're all having to try and atick it through- and then that gets too dangerous, so now they're all copped up in the Institute, because hey, time for their pseudo- parents to teach them!
Weapon X is a thing, Hydra wasn't involved, it's just Weapon X being f*cking jerks again, and there is a whole side story/adventure where some of the teens help bring them down, with Logan and Sabretooth possibly caught or on a separate mission to stop Weapon X, and oh, yeah, Laura helps, because she deserves to kick the scientists in the shin, with her claws.
Reader is the new kid, a few of the teens like them, and Reader is trying to wrap their head around the whole "Oh, my classmates are mutants, I like them, I want a normal life, and they won't leave me alone" as well as the "Oh sh*t they're following me, wait how did they know where I live wait is everyone in on it?!". Yep. Reader ain't escaping this.
So. Yeah. Just an idea.
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fandomzwriterk · 18 days
Stars in Your Eyes
Pair: Gambit/Remy Lebeau x Fem!Trailblazer!Vidyadhara!Reader
Warnings: canon lore of how “Trailblazer” works + the lore of Vidyadhara’s + canon character death + Semi-Amnesiac!Reader + yes Reader can shift paths and elements + slight Genshin inspiration too + love triangle (?) + Canon episodes of X-Men ‘97 + Rouge and Jean fight over Trailblazer’s life choices
Pt: 3/?
(Don’t worry the gif has nothing to do with the chapter😁 I just need one of Remy being hot as fuck😋)
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This chapter is brought to you by the song “Killer Queen” by, you guessed it, Queen!
The dream made you wake up, your body slowly coming back to reality as your eyes blinked over and over, trying to un-blur what you had seen. It was morning already, how much sleep had you gotten?
“I will never understand what that is.”
You’ve had this dream before, you’ve remembered those details though you wish you could forget. It was like you lived it a thousand times over, and you knew there would be no running from them, no matter how hard you tried.
“Ello there Blaze! Time to wake up! Everyone wants to meet you.” You heard the muffled voice of Jubilee say
You got up, walking to the bathroom to see yourself. The light bags under your eyes showed how tired you were and how much sleep you hadn’t gotten. Wait, when was the last time you slept? So, you begrudgingly went to the door and opened it, seeing Jubilee turn to face you, looking you up and down.
“Gee Blaze you okay? You like you haven’t slept at all.”
“I’m alright Jubilee. I just need something to eat.”
“Oh good! You’re gonna like Gambit’s cooking then!”
Gambit cooks? Well somebody has to in this house and between him and all the other X-Men… he looked like he was the only one who had any sort of cooking skills. Logan might as well have eaten an animal he hunted, Beast looks like he doesn’t eat all that much, and even Cyclops looked like he relied on Gambit to keep everyone fed.
“Hey everyone! Good morning!” Jubilee shouted as she walked into what looked like a living room
Everyone sat at a table, Scott and the woman named Jean sitting at the counter as you saw Gambit wearing a crop top and had his tied back, cooking something over what you believed like a stove.
“Hello there Blaze it’s nice to met ya.” A woman with dark hair and a couple strands of white hair said
“Oh um… hello.”
“Shy thing ain’t ya? Don’t worry sugar I don’t bite. A friend of the X-Men is a friend of mine.”
You nodded at the woman, using your one hand to grab the bicep of your other arm, showing a sign of confusion and worry while the woman guided you to a spot at the table.
“Anyways I’m Rogue.” She said as she put a hand on your shoulder
“N-nice to meet you Rogue. It’s nice to meet you all, on better terms.”
The man called Logan sighed, stabbing into the food that sat on his plate. An unfamiliar woman with white hair sat across from you, letting Rogue sit next to her.
“My name is Storm. It’s a pleasure to have you here at the manor Blaze.”
You nodded, waiting for something to happen.
“Bon Appetite!” You heard Gambit say next to you
He places a plate of some sort of bread-like food in front of you, the top covered in some sort of white fluffy powder. You tilted your head in confusion as you grabbed a fork to gently poke it. What was this thing? It sure looked good though.
“It’s just a beignet mon âme. It’s not gon’ jump at you.”
He’s standing right behind your chair, a hand gently patting your head as you stabbed into one with the fork. Brining it to your mouth, you saw the fluffy powder fall off a little. Once you tasted it, it felt like a sweet heavenly piece of bread. You had to have more, so you dove in to eat every single one… and there was 10 while everyone else had about two or three on their plates.
“Goodness gracious you sure are hungry ain’t ya?” Morph asked
You could only nod, the food filling your belly slowly like you hadn’t ate in years. You could feel every eye on you, seeing a tiny smile on Gambit’s face out of the corner of your eye.
“I guess somebody likes your cooking Remy.” Rogue replied
“Hey, ca c'est bon.”
Gulping down a full one, you looked around the room, every pair of eyes on you like you were someone foreign that they needed to study.
“What? Is something wrong with my face?”
Morph, Rogue, Jubilee, and Cyclops started laughing.
“We’re glad to have you Blaze.” Jean added as she walked up and put a hand on your shoulder
You turned to look behind you, catching the glance of Jean’s blueish eyes staring at you. One second you were in the kitchen… and now you sat at an empty table somewhere on the Express. About five feet away stood a different red haired woman, in a long dress that went down to the ground. Her eyes… you felt like you recognized those eyes.
“I know you…”
And you were back in a second, putting a hand to your head to stop the spinning that you could feel inside your body. Immediately, Scott and Jean held you up from slumping onto the table.
“Blaze? Blaze!” You heard Scott say as your eyes closed a little
“Blaze wake up. Come on I know you’re in there.” Jeans voice spoke inside your head
You opened your eyes, slowly sitting straight as you shook your head and felt the feeling of spinning go away. You blinked a few times, back in the kitchen with your plate still in front of you.
“You okay?” Jean asked
“Yeah… just peachy. Augh that hurt more than last nights.”
Your eyes opened wide, rendering yourself fully awake. You hadn’t realized you said that out loud after a few seconds until Rogue gave you a puzzling glance.
“I mean I’m fine. Just a bad dream. That’s all it is.” You added
“Are you sure?” Scott asked
“Mhm. I need a second outside.” You answered
You stood up, a hand still at the side of your head as you took a few steps outside the door, feeling the sun on your face as you let go of your head and letting your arm fall, closing your eyes as you stood in the sun and felt the light breeze around you. It was quiet, the silence calming you as you started to feel a little better.
“You okay there Blaze?” You heard Rogue’s voice say next to you
“Yeah… I think so. Just a bad dream I had last night.”
There was silence between you two, deciding to sit down on the grass where the two of you could oversee the woods from yesterday.
“I know what it’s like to hurt yourself… with your own powers. Mine relies on touch… so I can’t touch anyone unless I have the gloves on.”
“I just want to remember what I was before I came here. Where are my friends? Do I have a family?”
You looked up, your vision aimed at the sun. Your eyes became clearer, seeing and feeling the sun on your face as the feeling of warmth slowly came back to you. The sun felt… safe.
“I wish I could help you Blaze. It’s a shame, I know. If I was you, I’d do anythin I could to get home as well. Granted, I’m sure you will one day soon. Maybe for now you need to focus on yourself and slowly take time to get familiar with yourself.”
You could only nod at Rogues words, feeling the weight of your situation setting in. You were stuck… stuck in a place you had no idea about.
“I’ll let everyone know you’re-“
“No no. I’m okay. I just needed some air.” You said standing
Rogue stood up as well, following behind you as you walked back inside. Gambit, or Remy as you’ve learned so far, leaned up from his spot against the wall.
“I got it from ‘ere Rouge. Good ole Cyclops said maybe we should do a training exercise in the Training Room.”
“Is that wise? She just got here and it’s barely even been 24 hours. How sure are you that she’ll even live through one drill.”
“I have faith in ‘er. She can do this. Even Cyclops and Jean agree.”
Rogue sighed, turning to look at you as she stood by your side. She then looked to Gambit, walking past him as you felt more eyes stare at you. You turned your head, staring into Gambit’s crimson-black eyes, his eyes seeming to stare into yours, a sign he was looking for something in them, anything.
“Come on cher. Let’s get you there.”
Most of the walk consisted of you walking behind Gambit, staring at the walls and ceiling around you.
“Ain’t much to look at eh?”
“There’s not much to look at inside this mansion, unless you’re big blue furry man down the hall. Ain’t much here.”
You followed Gambit down some stairs, walking into a steel hallway with different doors around you both. He walked up to one, putting in some sort of code in what looked like a lock pad. Huh… that felt familiar to you.
“Oh come on Fille there ain’t anyone here.”
You looked at him up and down, trying to understand what he just said to you. His words didn’t sound normal every now and then. Gambit just grabbed your hand and pulled you in with him, your eyes quickly spotting Logan, Scott, Jean, Jubilee, and Storm.
“Good to see you’re alright Blaze. Do you know what this room is for?” Scott asked
You shook your head no. You felt anxious, your hands feeling shaky in this large metal room with only one way out, the way you came in.
“This is how we train. Don’t worry, Jean and I have something easy planned for you.”
“Alright! Come on Blaze over here!” Jubilee shouted as a fully destroyed city was built in seconds
You run, sprinting as fast as you can just before diving behind Jubilee and a mini wall, both of you sitting there.
“Alright Blaze it’s yo time to shine!” Gambit shouted
Jubilee pushed you, making you roll into an open area where a giant mechanical robot stood tall above you.
“Oh crap!” You shouted as it fired beams from its eyes, making you run around while your teammates hid
“This isn’t helping!” You shouted as you jumped on top of a train on its side, slightly broken as if it had seen war
“Storm!” Scott shouted, stretching out her name as a sort of warning
“Blaze! I can’t see you!” Jean shouted as you ran through the fire and smoke slowly clouding your vision
You ran, jumping over flaming objects and dodging the beams being shot at you. Why did it seem like you were getting targeted?
“Why are you running? You are stronger than it, so fight back.”
Your brain clicked off for a second, feeling your body turn as you closed your eyes, feeling your legs sprint for their life. As you opened your eyes, you noticed you were running up the robots long arms, about to cross the threshold of its made-up elbow. Ferocity filed your veins, a burning desire to fight back and destroy anything in your path was what drove you now. You jumped high into the air, feeling lighter than the air itself. Your veins burned as your fingers grew talon-like nails, the spark of a flame burning around your first as you struck the robot where its heart would’ve been. It wasn’t just the will to fight back… it was the desire to kill and destroy.
“Rise hidden-sun… world condemning dragon!”
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An echo was heard around you, booming off the robot itself and the half destroyed buildings as well. Wind kicked up around you, feeling every single ember, grain of dirt, and metal part hit you like how a meteor strikes a planet. Your strength felt amplified by a thousand percent, the single strike you made tearing apart the robot and reducing it to pieces on the ground. You barely had time to register what had happened as your body felt weak, falling to the ground from the air, landing into something much like steel. The strength was gone in a matter of seconds after the hit, now you were reduced limp trapped under tons of metal and cement.
Gambit pov
“Shit! Jean! You and I will go restart the program! Jubilee get out of here in case it gets worse! Logan, you and Gambit look for her! Storm see if you can calm the fire in any way!”
Scott took off, Jean flying right over him and through the metal door and off to the side of the frame, Jubilee going through in a rush to look for someone to get Blaze out while good ole Wolverine helped me scale the destruction.
“Crap. I can’t smell anything except ash and burning steel.”
“Come on Logan we can’t give up now. She needs help, and that’s what we X-Men do.”
Logan only sighed at my response, quickly scaling up the overturned buses as I went diving through windows to find her. The smell of ash and melted rubble filled my nose. Wherever she was, Blaze had destroyed every single thing around her. Heck I didn’t even get to see what she did. All I saw was the flame rise, the Sentinel burning from top to bottom as Blaze came falling from midair.
“Blaze!” I shouted through the rubble
Nothing. I hated that silence. Surely she couldn’t die that easy right? She survived a damn fire once before so surely she could do it again.
“Come on, come on Blaze where are ya?”
Through the smoke, I saw the crumpled form of a young woman, long grey hair covered in ash and slightly burned at the ends. Her form was motionless, trapped underneath iron pillars about a hundred times bigger than her. I couldn’t even see her breathing…
“Blaze!” I yelled as I ran up and over pillars and broken down walls
She was silent as I stopped by her side, pushing two fingers against her neck right below the jawline, feeling a faint pulse.
“Don’t you dare fucking die on me now Blaze!”
I quickly tried to pull her out from under the rubble, to no avail. I had two options, go find help and hope I found her in time or I wait this out and try to get her out myself.
“Fuck it. I have to-“
Blaze started to stand up, pushing off the rubble like it was mere paper, stopping as she used her hands to prevent herself from falling forward while she was on her hands and knees. She shook her head, long silver hair flowing as she came back from being unconscious.
“Gambit? That you?” She asked as she pushed off the rubble easily
“Yeah. It’s me. Scared me there for a second Blaze.”
“Oh. Did the thing go away?”
“It’s done. Let’s get ya out of ‘ere.”
She walked slowly up to, slowly climbing behind me as we scaled a large overturned bus. I could hear her behind me, faintly, but managing to keep up with my pace.
“Gambit! Blaze!” I heard ahead of me
Logan came rushing, Cyclops and Beast right behind him. It took a couple of seconds, but Logan was right next to Blaze and be a crutch for her. I could see the faint color in her eyes, but she was still hanging on.
“Sweet god how did she survive that?” Logan asked
“Don’t know. Was that a fluke Scott?” Jean asked
“No! I made it so it would stand still and just move a little!”
“Well CLEARLY it decided to otherwise.” I answered
“Enough. We have to get her to the lab.” Beast spoke up
We all walked down the hall, Scott walking behind us all as he closed the massive door to the room. He looked around in hesitation, something the great leader of the X-Men never does.
Some time later…
You sit at the table, holding some ice against your skull. Whatever you did, it hurt like all hell. Heaven forbid you even do it again, maybe that’ll hurt more than this one.
“Gee that looks awful. Do you need anything Blaze? I’ll get you whatever you need.”
Rouge’s kindness could be felt somewhere inside your heart. Although… did you have a heart? You felt lost, abandoned, forgotten, hell maybe even empty. It felt like something was missing from you… but you couldn’t remember what or why. Is this why couldn’t you feel anything from anyone else?
“Oh I’m okay Rogue. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’ll be okay in a little while.”
“Oh hey Rogue how’s the rookie?” You heard behind you as you turned in your seat
“Easy Remy. She’s had a rough couple of days. Scott doesn’t wanna strain her body and mind.”
“Gambit wasn’t gonna do that to the poor girl. Was just wonderin’ how she was feeling.”
Rogue sighed and crossed her arms, leaning against the table by your side as you both stared at Gambit.
“It’s da’ truth!”
Rogue took a few steps, pushing Remy out of your way as she ushered you forward go to bed and rest. Reluctantly, you decided to go up to bed. Would you even fall asleep tonight? Would those nightmares leave you alone at all?
“Maybe it can’t be helped…”
To be continued…
A/N: sorry this took so long I’m just starting the third week of college on Monday plus I’ve been going out to do things with my bf every now and then too. Hope you enjoyed!
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co-mixed · 4 months
X-Men '97: Beyond Expectations
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Let’s be honest, who was ready for this? 
Personally, I didn’t have many expectations. I knew it was X-men and I knew I’d love it probably no matter what. I had a fear it might be a little too clean and knowing full well what the comics are, making it child-appropriate wasn’t an ideal option. Should I even say the words “pleasantly surprised” at this point? They don’t cover it. 
X-Men ‘97 did something that’s been missing ever since the MCU started. It built the X-men fan community back up, brought in new fans, encouraged people to take a look at the X-titles again. We finally get to namedrop our favorite mutants, share ridiculous facts from their past, and yes, remember things like X-Men Evolution and Wolverine and the X-men. But then the show also showed us how heavily emotional and deep cartoons can be. 
Okay, enough vague statements, and no more avoiding spoilers.
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The show really relies on the previously established lore with Charles being taken off-world to Shi’ar and the X-men left under Scott’s leadership. Or so he thinks. Right off the bat in the first episode, we get an epic X-fight like we’ve never seen and a cliffhanger with Magneto showing up. Not much of a shocker and yet, we’ve never seen the movies dare to do that (or anything that strays too far from Phoenix). Whenever that happens, Magneto trying to abandon his murdery radical ways, it always comes down to his clash with Charles. They really manage to make their decades-long disagreement everybody else’s problem. X-men usually pay the price. 
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This time though, you finally see the creators working with the comics. We get so many storylines adapted in the span of 10 episodes, it’s unbelievable. That actually does follow the tradition set up by TAS. Only it’s been years, hence more stories and newer, harsher ones. 
To be honest, I never even imagined Genosha being adapted. Not just because it’s a heavy arc but because it’s just so obvious: when you mention Genosha you state the fact. We know what their goal is. It’s removing any ambiguity and allowing no misinterpretations of what the X-men are really and have always been about. So it’s a statement for sure. And I couldn’t be happier they finally made it. Correction, I could be happier if they hadn’t killed off Gambit. We’ll get back to that. 
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So yeah, we got Genosha, OZT, Inferno, and Lifedeath (aside from minor elements and arcs I can’t particularly point out at the moment). So this show went to the depth of what makes X-men X-men, they took the personal arcs like Lifedeath or Inferno, the ones that focused on character journeys, and really showed us who the people are behind these stories. That’s mostly  Claremont’s legacy since both stories were from his era and it was his thing to take mutants through their personal hell. Bot arcs were compressed, of course, but the essence remained the same. Which, again is the only goal of an adaptation anyway. So some metaphors had to be sacrificed but ultimately, they just give you a chance to relive it through comics if you’re into it.
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But then they hit us with big events like Genosha and OZT. They absolutely go as epic as any movie, because remember how you felt after ep.5? If you’re anything like me, you were devastated and if you’re a Gambit fan, you were shocked too. And this is one of the things that they didn’t just put aside and ignore, something that movies never focused on: the emotions. Throughout the show, the characters say several times that they’re a family. But we actually see that in the friendship between Storm and Jean (which come on, it’s been a long freaking time coming!), or Morph and Wolverine (that one resembles Wolverine’s friendship with Nightcrawler in the comics). But then in the love and drama between Scott and Jean (and Madelyne! And Logan! And probably Emma one day!), Storm and Forge, or Rogue and Gambit (and Magneto!).
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Love and friendship - the genuine connections that make you care about the characters and how someone’s death or disappearance or even inner turmoil affects you. We see these things through their reactions, so for them to feel true, we have to see those connections. And here we finally do. Just like we do in the comics. I hope the eventual movie screenwriters keep that in mind because that’s the only way to build an X-men story, brick by brick. 
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Look at the way Roro and Jean are cheering each other on, with mind and weather, and then when Phoenix shows up. 
X-men are a superhero soap opera and we all know that. And ffs let’s never again pretend like it isn’t. 
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The politics. Now if you’re one of those “keep the politics away from my comics/movies/cartoons” types, X-men are not for you. X-men ‘97 even more so, because this show is all politics. I mean hello, Genosha? OZT? Bastion, sentinels, hate groups? We are even finally calling out Shi’ar! Which I love. We’ve been looking at them through ally glasses since more often than not they play on the side of the X-men. But really, in terms of intergalactic politics, they are no better than Kree or Skrulls (not the cozy ones from the MCU). They can get pretty mean. In one of his finer moments, mainly because it allowed him to rest comfortably on his high horse, Charles points that out. Even explains the short and easy-to-understand version of what being an empire means. But as he does that, unfortunately, Genosha is under attack. 
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We give him shit for ditching his family like that but really, he just relied on his pal Magneto to keep it together. And he would’ve too, had his gloved hand not been forced by the likes of Val, Trask, and the evil droid that is Bastion. 
Here’s where X-men ‘97 do the absolute most – they mix and match stories, piling them on to absolutely overwhelm the heroes. To keep everyone preoccupied and focused on their piece of the drama cake to sneak in a shuttering final forte chord. 
And Genosha ain’t even that. 
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Let me be corny for a moment there, but it’s probably one of THE moments for every fan, when after episode 5 we were warned that the best is yet to come. And we kept asking how? How do you top that? And we saw today (5.15.) because holy shit, this show raised the bar. 
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We got teamwork. Really, one of the perfect elements of this show is the characters’ powers. The limitless force with which they jump into a battle. We knew it at “Give them the forecast” really. Because we’ve never before seen Storm at the height of her power, with all she can and has done in the comics. Right then and there we knew what we were in for. But then, the rest of that, or any other fight sequence was everything you could hope for. There wasn’t a single one you would wanna miss. Powers depicted as they were always meant to and amazing teamwork. That was one of the best elements borrowed from the recent comics. Recent because while they’ve been working as a team since forever, it was Krakoa that really emphasized how powerful mutant circuits can be.
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Thanks to that, we got to see a showcase of creative use of abilities. Beast using his knowledge to his advantage, Morph using their power to turn into everyone who’s anyone - I mean they gave us so many little fun cameos, even though every time you had to take a double look and ask wait, Warren’s here? Psylocke showed up? Or ehhh Hulk? That’s very X-men. The characters have fun with their powers too, with the team landing in the first episode or Ororo flying around when she got her powers back (this ain’t about Forge :D). And then there are devastating displays of power like Gambit charging the Wild Sentinel (still not over it) or Magneto turning off the lights. Of course, in any battle you have to keep things interesting, which is why they don’t just let the heroes use their ultimate ability from the get-go and be done with the whole thing. The baddies also have to surprise you with being harder and harder to defeat.
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Speaking of surprises, the fact that all the stories have been stitched together like a quilt makes every turn unexpected. I mean you can predict some things and chances are, the better you remember the comics, the more things you can get right. But what’s the fun in that? They don’t simply adapt arcs, they add and remove crucial elements that make it into something new. And that new is always unpredictable. Like take Genosha - Bastion was behind it instead of Cassandra. While Charles was in space, she wasn’t after him, the Shi’ar politicians, however, were. Or the whole ordeal with Maddie - Scott didn’t stand a chance there. Really, no matter how you spin that story, he can’t get out of it looking good. But they did their best and it worked. 
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Then again, these are the things that make adaptations work and this is what the MCU is so good with. Civil War was hella different from the comics and it’s still a fan favorite. 
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And as if all that was somehow not enough, the show is so quotable. It has all those little callbacks to previous episodes or TAS or even the movies, clever writing, and beautiful lines that stay with you for weeks and probably even forever. All the things about chosen family – tell me you didn’t tear up or straight up cry because that’s pretty much what I did. And yeah the first time you’re watching to find out what happens. The second — you really live through all the emotions. Along with the characters because they so do live them.  
There is so much X-men lore. You can read them like obsessed (which I often do) and still have so many stories to go through. Anyway, X-Men ‘97 finally flipped the page from the stories we know well and picked a new evil, building a new arc with him at the center. 
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And then, the details in general. How well the animation is done and how tiny elements you notice help them build the narrative. I’ve been thinking about it since the first episode when I saw the look between Storm and Rogue before the team landed. In that one look, they agreed on a landing strategy they probably trained time and time again in the Danger Room. Similarly, the sneaky sideyes and looks, just pay attention to them when you rewatch (and I know you will), cause the details just make the whole experience even better. All reactions are awesome in this show like Ororo hearing about Forge’s disastrous neutralizer technology and calling an epic thunder. That’s pretty much how the characters stop being 2d even when all they are meant to be is 2d.
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Did I mention the soundtrack? Pretty much a masterpiece, right? It feels epic and grandiose and in many ways, it’s because of the music. It’s obvious things it’s still so easy to simply forget to mention it. You pay attention to the story and the visuals but they are tied together by the sound. And it’s most noticeable in the Wolverine/Nightcrawler fight with Prime Sentinels or when Ororo flies around, or when Cable, Jean, and Scott jump into that epic family fight. Breathtaking. 
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A big part of this show is about family. The kind that supports you and stands by you. You know, the opposite of Nina DaCosta! It’s always touching too because no other team is like that. You don’t get this benefit of the doubt with the Avengers and FF are actually related. You only get that with the X-Men if you’re willing to share the dream. 
I’m not going into the dream though, been there, done that. But I do want to talk about the finale. 
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As many have predicted, we did get a cliffhanger. As if we wouldn’t have come back, pah-lease! But we’re obviously back to Apocalypse and this time he’s gonna mess up with several timelines at once. Now what exactly are we getting - I wouldn’t dare theorize. All I can think about right now is… okay, we’re probably getting some resurrections, some Stryfe, and once again, I’m hoping for New Mutants (even though the only new face I spotted was Dust and she’s from an entirely different team.)
Also, we see a wider universe: Cap and Iron Man, Black Panther (where again did Storm end up ;)), Cloak and Dagger, Daredevil, Strange, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man. If we ever have crossovers… 
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Still, it’s been amazing and it’s now forever with us. 
I might be biased, no, I am most certainly biased but it’s the best animated show I have ever seen and I am ecstatic that it’s about the team I’ve loved my entire life.
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autisticlegolas · 6 months
no you don’t understand they went insane in the writing room for x-men ‘97 first episode:
straight up talking about rogue yearning for physical touch they did that to make me cry first thing in the morning!
storm being recognized as a level 3 omega threat.. oh they know what they are talking about also her summoning the elements with a line yes exactly this is one of the important parts of what was missing from the movie
jean being pregnant with nathan <3 she felt like a supporting character for scott tho </3
first shot of gambit is him cooking breakfast in that crop top looking like a lesbian <3 i know what you are <3
jubilee being the social butterfly, the spark in the ocean, light in the dark that she is (jokes intended)
not a lot of logan but that’s okay he was still my babygirl with all his chest hair
the same for bishop
i can’t really say anything for morph tho i don’t know him much in the comics but he was fun
roberto da costa (always struggle to remember his hero name) was pretty cool also like morph idk him that much but more than morph and i don’t think there’s anything really wrong
(spoiler) magneto coming acting all dark and moody and evil being like surprise muties i’m your new boss bc charles is in love with me! honestly the funniest part
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fizzingwizard · 16 days
At last I caved and am watching new!Xmen 97. Two eps in so far.
The animation is good, it really is... They leaned into the retro style but cleaned up and it looks great. But so far there's next to no atmosphere (except for Storm's bits lol). Even in the middle of the night everyone's lit up bright as day lol. Pet peeve of mine.
Also I really wish western animators would learn a little about dynamic storyboarding from anime. Especially since the faces can be so unemotional, it's important to let body language, lighting, and framing convey what they won't use faces for so they won't look "unmanly"
When the voice actors are talking about normal stuff, they sound awesome. When they're talking about X-men stuff, they sound like they stepped out of the 90s yesterday. Lol. Makes me batty. That one scene where Jean's like "I remember when all of existence was on the brink of destruction and there was Scott" and then segues into some nice female support group with Ororo is a good example.
The jokes are funny. Like they are actually funny you guys x'D Wolvie vs Scott has me in stitches. Beast of course has the best lines. Gambit's pretty good too.
Scott makes a really good show these first couple episodes. I'm enjoying him. He's a lot like X-men Evo Scott. Animated Scotts are always so chipper compared to comics Scott, but at least he's not all burnt out like WatXM Scott or all one note like movie Scott.
They let Jean fight while pregnant! I mean... she was just sitting there using her psychic powers... but still. She fought while pregnant! lol.
When she went into labor I thought it was a missed opportunity for some peak humor. Like they got a good start with Wolvie being her only option for getting her to the hospital, and then the chaos on the ride over was funny. But they ruined it by making half the team just quit fighting and go to the hospital. Of course it's important for Scott to be there, but... Honestly I think it would've been funnier if Jean had no one but Logan. Also Rogue saying "what if I touch the baby by accident" kinda baffled me because no one should be touching a newborn, let alone the mother, without gloves...
Morph upsets me xD In a nice way, I guess. Like they're clearly a stand in for Deadpool. Yes, comics Morph is also like that, but still... they're here to be this universe's Wolverine's Deadpool. And they haven't even had that many good lines yet! I'm sure there'll be more as the season goes on but. Then they even cheer up Logan with not only a six pack of beer but a good old bout of wrestling? CMON THAT'S LOGAN AND KURT'S THING. lol. I'm so offended. No not really. But kinda. Anyway. Morph is sweet even though they've stolen Crawler's role with the beer and the friendly fisticuffs and the insecurity etc etc.
For a less extremely personal and subjective opinion on Morph... I actually am slightly bugged that they're here only because their power is morphing. So the X-men have got Rogue, who can imitate anyone's power once she absorbs it, and Morph, who can just imitate anyones power by morphing. If they have limits in this show it's not clear as of yet. So that is too much power on the X-men if you ask me. Can they not just morph into Juggernaut or something? It is really challenging to balance all X-men powers and use them logically. I feel like you shoot yourself in the foot by tossing in too many of the overpowered types.
On a very positive note, I'm thrilled that it's only two episodes in and almost everyone on the cast has stuff to do! Scott and Jean obvs - Magneto and Xavier - Jubilee and (potentially) Roberto - Rogue and Gambit (to be fair Gambit's not really happened yet but the seeds are planted with his crush on Rogue and her involvement with Magneto) - and of course Storm. I'm kinda nervous right now because 97!Storm is one of the best Storms ever, and if she's depowered and gone from the team for long the show will really miss her... But that was a great story arc for her in the comics and I'm really hoping it pans out well in this season too.
notice I didn't mention Wolverine. Well Wolverine's always involved in stuff. I don't have to worry about him lol. I'm happy to let someone else be more relevant to the story for a while.
So the hits keep coming and they don't stop coming, which is great, because everyone has something to do, but is also nuts, because boy the show moves fast. Take a breather ffs. It's EPISODE TWO lmao.
Overall I guess it's what I would have expected from a sequel to the old TAS series, but also rather better than what I would have expected. So that's pretty great.
0 notes
stachmousworld · 3 years
Avenge me tomorrow (Ch.10)
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Thanks to everyone who sent me messages and didn't despair to see another chapter. I have already two chapters fully written and I'm onto the 12th one. So, yeah. Sorry for the wait, my medication kind of made me numb and sucked all of my creativity.
Also, I have reached 400 followers! *cry profusely* Thanks so much to everyone who followed me.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
Préviously: Thea was attacked by Jean during the last test with Hank. Nemesis and Thea mentally travelled to somewhere to Vormir and followed a little girl who carried the soul stone. As she sacrificed herself and dropped it from the mountain, Nemesis seized, then Thea, who couldn't let them suffer in silence.
Words: 2400
TW: blood, mention of self harm
Hank wasn’t okay at all. He rubbed his temples and focused on his breathing.
Inhale. Exhale.
The buzzing noise coming from the machine next to him wasn’t soothing anymore. He felt each second go by and his heart strained to remain calm.
There had been times when he thought he’d give up. Times of uncertainties like this one. It was what the X-Men had to deal with every day. It was what the cape of hero and superhero meant for them. A burden getting heavier every time they fought a villain.
Were they going to make it? Would they able to save everyone? Was it worth it at the end?
Their powers meant a responsibility that none of them had wanted. Other normal civilians expected them to save them and use all their abilities for the good cause, but what about what they wanted. To live a normal life in a world where people would welcome them without judgement. Or at least they’d try to hide it.
Hank shook his head and rubbed his temples.
He dreaded the moment when the newest generation would have to choose too. To stay here with them and become a x-men or go outside, in the real world and hide what they truly were forever.
Many chose to stay. Now more than ever. The mutant representatives in Congress, besides him, had seen how sour the situation was turning. After Sokovia, general Ross has tried to rope the president into signing the Accords. A new way to control mutants and to rate them as animals from what they consider being the most powerful to the least.
There was no doubt that Ross wanted to gather as much intel as he could in order to use them. Like a Pokemon trainer, he’d have all of their personal information and powers in hand ready to single them out and use them as war machines.
“Are you okay?”
Hank repressed a sigh and smiled tiredly at Scott, who looked as exhausted as him.
“I could ask you the same.”
Scott shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. Although he couldn’t see his eyes, Hank could tell he was staring at Jean’s unconscious body.
“You can approach her if you want.”
Scott hesitated. He started moving forward before stopping himself as if there was an invisible wall in front of him. Hank looked at him quizzically.
“Logan told me what happened,” Scott whispered. He averted his eyes and uncrossed his arms.
Hank waited for him to continue.
“Is it true that she tried to kill the girl?”
Hank kept his silence.
“Fuck, Jean…” Scott shook his head and walked closer to her. This time he didn’t stop until he was next to her bed. He sat next to her and held her hand. “Is the girl, okay?”
“Physically, yes.”
“And mentally?”
Hank stood up slowly. He rearranged Xavier’s cover on his body and walked to the door.
“She came here looking for answers and a refuge. All she found was someone who attempted to kill her twice.”
Hank closed the door behind him and walked to Xavier’s personal office. It was by far the most comfortable place in the academy and the closest to the infirmary. He didn’t want to leave to his own quarter and miss if something happened.
He let his legs transport him to the couch near the French windows and he fell on his back. He groaned when his back cracked and tried his usual deep breathing exercise. He inhaled and exhaled trying to let his thought go and find his safe place.
As he was about to find his peace, a familiar fire-like cercle slowly appeared in the middle of the office.
Hank closed his eyes and counted to ten.
“Need some?”
Hank stretched his hand to where Dr. Strange would be and grabbed a box filled with chocolates. His favorites. Made in Swiss with hazelnut and salted caramel.
Hank opened the box and popped a chocolate. He groaned as the sugary flavor burst on his tongue. He also mentally thanked Strange for letting him enjoy his snack before getting to the reason of his visit. If Hank knew anything about Strange, whatever he had to say would be terrible, would demand probably more efforts and involvement than Hank liked and there will be no true gratification. Unless they had to save the world…
He chuckled at the thought.
No one went to the X-Men to save the world.
The Avengers maybe, but never the X-Men. They were relegated to earthly threats. And by earthly he meant the US, and if Ross had his way they’d be already on a leash as he’d send them overseas intruding into countries they had no business to be in and to spy on foreign government secrets.
“Lay it on me, Doc.” He said followed by a deep sigh.
When Strange left him, Hank fell easily asleep. A deep, perturbated sleep where a huge serpent roamed the universe, eating each and every single planets and stars until it got to the Earth.
Hank stood still, petrified. The dream repeated itself on a loop. It didn’t matter how many times he tried to escape, fight back…everything felt so real and vivid. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his skin, the fear bubbling in him ready to burst and the tension in his muscles as the invincible threat arrived. How could they defend their planet against this behemoth of a being?
No matter how many times he tried to control these dreams. Death. Destruction. Pain. All of these awaited them.
Unless…his last dream shifted into something new. Hank hoped it was something different. He only needed a hint of hope and he’d hold on tight. As tight as he could until the end. Because if there were a way for the Earth to be saved. He’d do anything.
Although Strange had sounded skeptical about any positive outcome, Hanks last dream anchored him.
The serpent hovered in front of the Earth mouth wide open. As it was to eat the planet, a feminine body appeared in a flash in front of him. Them. Anyone there to witness humanity’s doom.
The light surrounding her dimmed enough for Hank to recognize her. As he breathed out her name, the serpent stroke.
Thea, eyes stuck on Hank, raised one arm toward the serpent and batted it away. Just like that. As it was a mere insect. Its disappearance was sudden and without any commotion. Hank could hear screams of joy around him, but he didn’t care. All of his attention was on Thea.
She dropped her arm down, interlaced her fingers together and breathed into her two intertwined hands.
Hank swore he could hear her breath from within him. He felt the warm breath on his skin and his lungs something warm and delicious expanded in his chest. Hank felt tears coming down his cheeks. He let them roll as long as the felicity he felt could travel through him forever.
When he woke up, there were a few dried tears on his face and he wore a smile he didn’t remember having. First thing after checking on Jean and Xavier, Hank went to Thea’s room only to see her already awake. He stood at the door, feeling awkward. The dream contrary to his usual ones didn’t fade away as soon as his wake up and he felt a bit bad.
Thea was here for guidance, not for him to put all of his hope. He watched unsure as she examined her hands thoroughly. Like she’d never seen them before. Thea rose her hands in front of her face and turned them, eyes staring at each digit, intrigued.
The longer he watched her, the more he felt like an intruder. He stopped himself from fidgeting and put his hands in his pockets.
Then, Hank cleared his throat.
He didn’t expect Thea’s violent reaction. She jumped out of the bed and fell on the floor. Hank ran by her side only to be met by a strange scene. Thea was now staring at her legs like she didn’t know she had some before. She approached slowly her hand to her thigh and caressed her skin softly. The hand barely met her thigh that she flinched away.
“Thea?” Hank asked, worried. He watched her face carefully. The lack of oxygen in her brain may have cause amnesia. Something that didn’t appear in his thorough test. He cussed at himself. He should have seen it come. No one could live through that much trauma in one day and achieve a 100% recover.
Thea was still prone on the floor. She didn’t reply nor acknowledged his presence. Hank reached her slowly, trying not to make her jump and waved his hand in front of her eyes. The reaction was immediate. Thea looked at him quickly and stared at him, confused. Almost as confused as he was feeling. Only, she didn’t seem to recognize him at all.
“Thea? Do you know who I am?”
She looked at his lips, eyebrows furrowed. She opened her mouth to talk, which had Hank already sighing in relief. A small sound barely escaped her mouth before she pressed both of her hands on her mouth. Her entire face morphed from confusion to shock. She leaped to her feet. Or at least tried to. She seemed like a baby doe trying to walk for the first time. She wasn’t stable on her feet nor looked as if she understood the simple concept of walking.
Hank raised his arm to help her in case she fell but she managed to go to the bathroom alone. She stopped dead in her track in front of the mirror. She was half-way in the bathroom, standing still.
Hank stayed near her in case…in case…he didn’t know. She could have a meltdown, fall and hit her head on the floor or…
Hank pressed one of his hands on his chest and coached himself to breath deeply. Now wasn’t the moment for a panic attack. He could do it.
The seconds stretched to minutes. Thea was frozen, staring at her reflection straight at her reflection, hands balled next to her body, and Hank was on the verge of giving up and leading her back to her room. He walked closer to her. Thea surged forward, closer to the mirror and grabbed her hair pulling it tightly. She grumbled unintelligently. She touched, patted her cheeks, lips, eyelashes, making Hank cringe.
He rushed to her side and restrained her hands. As soon as he touched her, she went limp. He took a second to take his breath and pulled her closer.
Then everything went to shit. It all happened in a blur. Thea shrieked pushing Hank away. She used Hank momentary lack of reaction to get to the cabinet underneath the sink and grabbed a pair of scissors. She barely considered the tool before raising it to her neck.
“No! Wait!” He let out, unable to move.
She didn’t spare him a look and started slicing her neck. A small rivulet of blood traveled on her dark skin.
Hank made a move to stop her. A blue blur appeared next to Thea and teleported her. Hank swirled around when he heard Diablo reappearing behind him.
“Hank! Help me! I can’t restrain her alone.” He grunted under the effort. Diablo was kneeling on the bed and pining Thea by the hands, letting her legs totally free to jerk him away.
Hank didn’t move. He wasn’t sure he could.
“Fuck! What’s happening here?” Logan said as he ran into the room. He didn’t stop to take in the scene and went directly to help Diablo.
They restrained her in a matter of minutes.
Logan and Diablo discussed together over what to do while. Or that’s what Hank thought they discussed about. All he could hear was his heart and Thea’s shrieks. Everything else felt blur. He didn’t even dare move in case he’d faint or worse, have a meltdown in the middle of the room.
He didn’t even notice that Diablo and Logan led him outside the room and back to Xavier’s office. The silence in the corridor was deafening. He could still hear Thea’s scream and could still see her blood on her skin.
“Here? Drink this?” Hank grabbed the glass from Logan and drank everything in one go. The bitterness of the alcohol didn’t made him flinch. He barely could taste the liquid on his tongue, let alone feel its effect.
“I’ll…I’ll check on Xavier and Jean,” Diablo said quickly.
“Tell Hel’ and Malicia to check up on Thea.”
“Hel’ is the best when it comes to healing and combat, so she’ll be able to restrain Thea in case anything goes south. And Malicia would be able to take Thea’s powers, were they to manifest. Last thing we want is a powerful and traumatized enhanced running around.”
“But what…” Diablo swallowed. “Wha-what about their “animosity”?”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “animosity?”
“It has come to my attention that they had a lover spat and none of them wanted to work together. It never ends well.”
Logan raised his eyes to the ceiling. “I fucking hate these kids,” he muttered, then louder. “I don’t care Diablo. Tell them their asses are on the line and since Xavier and Jean are out, I’m the director here.”
Diablo nodded quickly. “Do I have to use your words specifically or…”
Logan growled, making Diablo squealed and disappear.
“Should have stayed in my forest.” He muttered to himself. “Lover spat, my ass. They love to fight as much as they love to make up…’ve to burn my eyes to forget…”
Logan shuddered and grimaced. “Argh, I think I need it more.” He said, taking a sip on from the bottle of rum. “This place is at that of becoming a brothel. I’m not paid enough.”
Hank huffed in agreement. The sound brought Logan’s attention to him. He crouched in front of the couch where they sat Hank down and peered into his eyes for a few seconds before nodding.
“Whenever you’re ready…” Logan muttered as he sat down on the floor and leaned back on his elbows, legs crossed.
Hank’s brain raked everything that happened for the past few hours and decided to start with Strange. It was the easiest that way.
When he opened his mouth, the sun was already high in the sky, Logan was now laying on the rug, awake, as if it was normal, and the screams were now faded in his mind.
“Dr. Strange came to see me today…”
Tags: @thedarkplume @jojodojo02 @the-weird-kid-on-the-block @kaileshay @jenahbell @allthingsuniquelybeautiful
​  @cobym @byb51097 @putinovertime @victoriastefanie04 @readermia @athickgirlsblog @simply-heaven @drsoundcloud @imkindanuts @t-bag2 @gigitheclown @candyloid @ravynnn-12 @deepmuffinspymaker @putinovertime
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Blue Kitty au (part?)
N/A: Don´t hold your breath for more chapters. It is all thanks to my inspiration. I want to do something here...why most men in the X-men are a bit of jerk? STRAIGHT WHITE DUDE wrote them...Is ok to a dude harassed a woman because said woman can destroy the planet with her finger...that´s their logic (and she wears little because comics) and I want to rectify this.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @everykurt @muninandhugin
The screen´s lights are dispensing blue, yellow and green lights as Kitty is typing furiously and tinkering Cerebro- Dr. MCcoy and Jean Grey let her give a try as Prof X announced some problems in the Cerebro and Forge is no longer here to help to fix much to Storm´s dismay- and so far, Kitty can testify nothing has gone awry yet. As the baby blue woman continues her work-and she´s focused on her task as if is a natural part of her being- she can hear Logan´s voice still along with some of his friends (Morph and Dr. MCcoy)
"I try to woo Jeanie, as you said" Logan speaks in his grumpy tone and Hank is quick to add he never incentive Logan to go after Jean, instead, he was merely talking about the word woo and how Logan doesn´t seem to fully understand it-if that was an insult or merely a way for Dr. MCcoy showing he understands the meaning of this word, all Logan did is wave his hand to prevent any more philosophical talk to begin- and continues to tell his tale of failure. "and she still rejected me. What I should do to make her choose me?"
And Kitty would laugh- a mirthless laugh with deadpan expression- if this wasn´t so painfully ordinary for some men and Kitty, in all her young years, take instance against prejudice. "I can think of a few reasons for her to reject you. 1) she said so, 2) she said so, and finally, 3) she said so" and looks at Logan who is looking at her in a mix of bemused and peeved.
"What are you? Scott´s fangirl?" his tone is rude and maybe Logan believes if you´re Scott´s fangirl that is equivalent to call one a dirty word- Kitty rolls her eyes and can say she´s not Scott´s fangirl but she is a big fangirl about no more harassment- and Logan took her line as if she´s offending him. "Harassing? Blue, you´re mistaken" his claws are popping now and Kitty is good in hiding her fear- she hears enough stories about Wolverine to fear her for life even if she can shot lasers- and the man growls as he continues. "I´m trying to woo, Jean, show her I´m the man she should be with...not harassing"
Kitty crosses her arms and looks unimpressed. "If a woman says no and you persist...it is harassment, just because you´re a hero or believe to be one...does not mean you´re above everything" Kitty´s toneless and Logan is not happy if that is possible.
Hank and Morph are saying something-either to Kitty stop for her security or to Logan to knock off, to be fair, Kitty isn´t paying much attention- and Logan is in fight instance. "Look, Jeannie is beautiful and powerful, things you´re not, Blue, and if she really didn´t want me...she could have killed me ages ago" and Logan believes to have found her weak spot.
(Alien Queen! Alien Queen! Alien Queen!)
Kitty could runaway- in fact, a part of her wants to run and cry and maybe she would cry if she was a bit younger- and could never again face Logan, yet, all she does is grin and replies. "So I´m two times powerful? Great" and asked in a calm tone- as calm as she can muster as Logan is still scary even if Kitty can use her lasers- "if you like Jean so much...tell me one thing about her aside from her beauty. Tell me what you know about Jean Grey that makes you feel you´re entitled to her"
"She´s beautiful and powerful" and Logan took this conversation over and thought the best response is to fight - his claws are itching to retribute the favor of what Kitty did last week- yet, a maelstrom hits him causing him to meet the wall, again.
Storm is hovering and graceful land on the floor looking not pleased in the slight- is easy to see as her eyes are sparkling and Kitty can see why people would immediately associate Storm with a goddess- and she speaks with regal tone-as expected of Storm- and a cold tone as well. "Beautiful and powerful? Why Logan that applies to every woman in the X-men...are you crushing on every woman?"
Logan leaves the crater charging at Storm or maybe Kitty- even him is not aware- when Psylocke arrives wearing her typical uniform- showing her skin and no shame- as she used her kinetic blades to perforate his arms stalling his movements. "I´m beautiful, I´m powerful and I´m saying no" Betsy adds looking coldly at him.
And finally, Jean Grey arrives - donning with a civil outfit for once- and speaks in a restrained tone. "I´m saying no and that´s the reason enough for you to leave me alone" she continues not giving him room to avoid this or to twist her words. "I didn´t pick you, as you love to call, because I love another man, I don´t pick you because I don´t want...Scott has nothing to do with my decision"
And Kitty can look at Jean´s eyes- green like emeralds and this feels like a cliche, but, her eyes are shimmering so strongly- as she concludes. "You´re in the X-men because of pity and mercy...but my pity and mercy is running thin" she adds in a sinister tone and Kitty can see her fire.
Logan´s injuries are healed- at least to the point he can walk without winced too much- and he ignores the others as he wordless leaves the room- Jean Grey states at Kitty and the gesture almost make her jump. She still can see the fire- and the woman replies in a kind tone. "If you want to take a break is ok...me and Ororo can continue the work"
She looks at Ororo who offers the same kind smile. "You´re working here for more time than it should be, go take a break, Kitty! Trust me, it will need more than that to stop us" Storm promised oozing confidence and Kitty nods-won´t ever admit she does want a break but will accept this chance as is offered- Kitty notices how the other men leave the room and how Jean and Betsy seem to be terse to the point while Jean seems to be more friendly with Ororo.
Rogue is humming one of the immortals '80s while she´s moving to the beats in her head- she was listening to the music in her iPod, but, she burrows to her brother for a moment, yet, the song is still strong and Rogue can attribute how happy it makes her be- and she stops her moves when she sees Dazzler looking at him unimpressed at her.
"Ah not a good dancer?" she asked smirking not phased by the glare.
"Rogue, are you that desperate to the point you would TRY to steal someone´s boyfriend?" Dazzler asked looking Rogue up and down. "What? If Magneto is available would go after him" and Rogue frowns as she takes her glove out.
"Careful, Alisson...one may think you´re scared"
"I trust Longshot...and if you use your hand on me...then you´ll see you can´t steal him"
Kitty Pryde is in her room playing her guitar and writing a few lyrics here and there as the song she´s crafting is unfinished and not in her tastes yet. "What rhymes with orange?" she asked to no one but herself. And yet, someone responds. "Well, there´s storage" and Kitty´s doe eyes look to see Kurt Wagner on her door-not daring to enter in her room, but, since the door is open he can see and speak with her. His tail is between his legs- and tries again. "Hello, Kitty Pryde"
Kitty remains still for a moment until she puts the guitar away. "if you´re here to talk about Logan...I don´t care for justification for harassment" Kitty states-Morph speak how Logan is not a bad guy. How in the end, he saved people and even an orphan kid, but, that does not justify going after a woman who rejects him several times- and Kurt is taken back by this(either is a shock by her tone and words or by what happened to Logan)
"No, I´m not here for that, well, more or less. I want to apologize for what I did or didn´t do it" Kurt begins still on his spot. "when Logan said those things and I remain silent...I was being a type of person I vow to never be, and I apologize for that"
Kitty nods gently. "Ok, why you have a problem with me?" and Kurt sighs as he is ready to confess- like any good catholic Kurt does confessions- and he speaks looking at her doe eyes (brown eyes contrasting greatly against his golden ones)
"Have you ever meet a woman named Raven Darkholme?" Kitty shakes her head never hearing of this name until now. "Well, she´s trash of person" and he smiles awkwardly. "I´m not one to think bad of women...but, she´s a trash person...she threw me out of the cliff when I was a baby, oh, yes...she´s my mother, my biological mother"
Kitty´s eyes are wide at this. Kurt didn´t let her speak as he continues.
"It was...my foster family who saved me" Kurt can´t consider them Roma for many reasons, but, they did save him and raised him well. He owns at least this. "And she is one of the X-men´s villains...she makes babies and leaves them. She´s also Rogue´s mother...and even though she raised her" Kitty saw his hands clench in a fist for a moment. "she was still a trash mother"
"Ok, what´s this has to do with me?" she asked politely as she can but still confused and not wanting to be anyone´s punching bag, even if emotionally.
"She was the only blue woman I ever saw in my entire life...until you"
Kitty rose from her spot and looks at him. "Kurt, I´m not throwing babies out cliffs. I´m not Mystique!"
"Intellectually I know, but, you´re the second blue woman I saw in my entire life...I don´t know what to do"
"Well, you can try knowing me before judging me?!" and adds. "I don´t throw babies away ...ask me something else, Kurt and I´ll answer"
Kurt was expecting a sneer or maybe blackmail- wasn´t something Mystique would love to do-and yet, here is Kitty offering friendship without hidden agendas or anything like that.
"I was listening to some of your songs on Rogue´s iPod...where did you get inspiration?"
"My first song is just how I imagined the void and Life would fall in love" and she chuckles. "yes, it is about tentacles sex!"
"I noticed...Katzchen, if you have any question about me...ask away"
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thorne93 · 6 years
Helping Hand (Part 12 - FINAL)
Prompt: You’ve got a crush on Bucky, and Loki can’t help but notice you’re striking out - so he offers a helping hand.
Word Count: 2479
Warnings: language, adult content? (not smut)
Notes: I loved writing it, it was a blast. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Thanks to my two amazing beta’s @carryonmyswansong @fanaticfanfiction
After a good old fashioned night of crying yourself to sleep, you got up early, got dressed in pants and a blouse, ignored your hair and makeup, and set out to the car. You waited fifteen minutes for Loki, even called his cell phone, but no answer. When you couldn’t wait any longer, you told the driver to take you back to Manhattan, alone.
As soon as you got to the tower, Steve was all over you.
“What the hell happened in Westchester?” he demanded in a low whisper.
“What do you mean?”
“Loki quit this morning, and Bucky is sulking.”
The news hit you like a ton of bricks. Loki’s gone? Fine. Fuck him. Your heartbreak and sorrow quickly turned to rage.
“I--I didn’t do anything to him. I told him to be at the car at seven, he never showed,” you explained.
“Well what the hell happened? The team is freaking out, Thor’s upset. I thought you had this in the bag.”
“I did. I don’t know what changed his mind,” you lied, gritting your teeth.
“Well it must’ve been something huge. He took the offer from X-Men. I told you how important it was to keep him here,” he pressed.
“Jesus, lay off, Steve,” you said. “We don’t need him. We worked just fine without his lying, manipulative ass on the team, we can do it again.”
With that, you pushed around him to get settled back in your room. Nat knocked on your open door as you were angrily tossing things out of your suitcase onto your bed.
“Hey, can I come in?”
“Free country,” you snapped, not looking up at her.
“I uh...I heard what happened with you and Bucky. I’m sorry,” she offered.
You stilled your motions, standing and pivoting to face her. “I’m so stupid, Nat. I actually let myself feel something for him. He’s just...he’ll always be who he is,” you said, dropping back onto you bed, your face in your hands as a new fresh wave of tears came.
“Yeah, I mean, he can be an ass. What happened? Did Bucky hurt you? I’ll kick his ass--”
“Not Bucky,” you said through a strangled sob. “Loki.”
Her face morphed into surprise. “Wow, that even slipped past me...Loki, huh?”
You nodded as she came over and sat beside you while you went through the entire thing. The bet, the lying, getting Bucky...all the way up to last night.
“We had this amazing moment. Unlike anything I’ve ever felt, and he just...bailed. He had a chance to say something, but instead he ran.”
She shrugged, responding, “That’s sort of Loki’s forte. Misdirection, misleading, and illusion. His whole persona is built on surviving a situation, and for him it usually means lies, tricks,and leaving.”
“But leaving me? Leaving us? I mean, he had a true chance to open up, to be real with me, and he shut me out.” You shook your head.
“I’m sorry,” was all she could offer as she took you in her arms and stroked your hair.
Two days later, a red alert came over the tower. Steve gathered you in the conference room, explaining that Charles, from the X-Men was asking for the Avengers’ help. Apparently, one of Magneto’s minions had gone rogue and was trying to acquire some strange biological weapon to kill all non-mutants. They requested that you meet them at the mansion to come up with strategy to find him and get the weapon from him.
News of this slammed into your gut like a battering ram. Trying to keep your composure, you followed your team to the helicarrier that zipped you up to the mansion. Only Nat knew the reason behind your unusual quietness. The rest of the team was focused, reading what they could on the target. Bucky, especially, avoided you like the plague.
The ride up to the mansion was torture. You weren’t sure you were ready to see his face again, the heartbreak still too fresh on your mind. Charles, Hank, Jean, Scott, and Logan all greeted you when you arrived. They led all of you into a conference room of sorts to talk about how to stop the rogue mutant and his crew.
At the very last second, Loki entered the room. At first, the sight of him sent you a wave of comfort, almost relief, to finally see him again. Within the blink of an eye though, it was replaced by disdain and heartache. You could barely look at him. He kept his eyes off of you, selecting a chair far away from you at the table.
You couldn’t concentrate throughout the entire meeting. Ideas and strategies flew back and forth, but all you could focus on was either not looking at Loki at all, or continually stealing glances at him. Every time you looked, he had his eyes cast down to the table, seemingly shut off from the world.
Finally, the meeting ended and Xavier and his team were showing you to their modified jets: the X-Men Blackbird.
“We’ll go in these. Hank’s equipped them to be virtually undetectable--”
“I can make them entirely undetectable if you want,” Tony offered, his ego inflating.
“I’d be happy to work with you,” Hank quietly responded.
“Fantastic!” Tony cheered. The two scientists walked off together to work on modifying the jet. Xavier instructed his team to suit up, as Steve pulled everyone in to go back over the plan once more.
“Okay, we need someone to stay with the plane, in case we need to get out fast,” Steve noted.
“Just make sure you have someone who’s reliable,” you remarked with an eyeroll as you crossed your arms.
At that moment, the X-Men rejoined the area.
“Okay…?” Steve said, dragging the word out.
“Like, maybe don’t give the job to a man, because we all know he’ll just bail when you need him most.”
Loki’s eyes flashed to yours, daggers flying from his gaze.
All of the others were eyeing you two as if you’d lost your minds.
“You think you can count on them. Count on your partner, your team mate. But when the moment is just right and it’s time for them to man up and make a move, they vanish,” you remarked as your eyes steeled on him.  
“Yes, Professor, I would advise you not to let a woman take the lead on this mission, as she could be a double agent and turn on you with any other team at any given moment,” Loki casually noted.
“Yeah, Cap, maybe don’t let certain men take control of the mission, because they’re weak and the slightest scare might cause them to start running.”
“Right, because women are always the victims, at least that’s what they want us to believe,” Loki said coolly.  “They like to live in a fantasy world that all men do is break their hearts, but in reality, all they want is a checklist.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed.
“Is he strong? Is he handsome? Does he have money? Does he have status?” Loki said, listing the things off on his fingers. “And for anyone who even makes the cut, don’t fool yourself into thinking it’s love. They don’t love you, they love the credentials you can provide.”
Again, you rolled your eyes.
“No gesture, no matter how real and romantic, will ever make up for a really good resume,” Loki stated, his eyes sliding to you.
“Yeah? You want a gesture? Well here’s a gesture!” you said, holding up your middle finger, to everyone’s shock and surprise. Gasps and murmurs flowed between the two teams before you finally crossed your arms and looked away from the jackass.
“Woah, okay then,” Cap uneasily said, unsure how to handle this. “We really need to get going. Maybe you two can do this some other time.”
“Fine by me,” you said, storming into one of the jets, getting ready to strap in when Hank came in, powering the jet up.
“Okay, give it just a second. I’m going to check with Stark and make sure it’s reporting correctly from his software,” Hank stated as he left the jet and you nodded, acknowledging what he’d said.
As soon as he was gone, Loki entered the jet, fuming. “What is your problem?” he demanded.
“My problem? You’re the one who ran off to join the X-Men! Nice suit by the way,” you remarked, eyeing the canary yellow outfit. “Blends in real nice.” You rolled your eyes.
Just then, some sort of turbulence hit the still jet, making the two of you lose your footing. You had to catch yourself on the wall, your hand hitting a button, but you hadn’t noticed it.
“Tony, what the hell?” you called out.
“Sorry, kid. Had to run a rough diagnostics.”
Unbeknownst to you though, the plane was activated to Auto-Run. Both of you were so enveloped in your argument you didn’t notice the door closing as the jet smoothly rose from its platform through the roof.
“I didn’t leave for the fashion choices,” he hissed.
“No, you left because you’re a coward,” you murmured as you looked away, crossing your arms.
Loki’s eyes narrowed on you. “I don’t leave because I’m scared,” he retorted in a low voice, anger saturating his tone. “But I am leaving now. Because I’m not going anywhere with you.” He walked over to the door and banged on it. “Alright, I need on a different jet,” he called out to what he thought was the X-Men.
You rolled your eyes. “Typical. Fleeing the scene as soon as the going get tough,” you snorted.
“Uh, guys,” Tony’s voice filled the jet. “You’re on autopilot,” he informed. “One of you goons hit the auto-run button.”
“What?!” you cried out, horrified at being stuck on this jet with Loki. “Turn us around!”
“No can do, kid. This isn’t one of my jets. We can’t remotely land it or turn its course around,” he informed. “Once it's set for the course, that’s where it goes. We’ll just have to catch up with you when you get there.”
“What? Tony! No! I can not be stuck on this plane with him!” you shouted.
“Sorry, kid. Nothing I can do. Might as well work out this little lover’s feud on the way,” he said before clicking off the communication system.
“Fantastic,” you groaned.
Loki sneered and sarcastically said, “Oh don’t worry, darling, I’m sure we can pass the time talking about all the carnal pleasures you and the soldier had.”
“I broke up with Bucky that night, you idiot!” you yelled.
Loki’s face morphed entirely from visceral anger to shock.
“Yeah, now that has your attention. You know, if you think we’re just going to pick up where we left off, you’ve got another thing coming, buddy,” you snorted, shaking your head. “That ship has long sailed.”
“Oh, right, as if I ever had a chance with you. You had eyes for the soldier for a long time and I could never compete with the Top 10 Things Y/N requires for a second date.”
“Oh fuck you,” you spat. “Maybe you would’ve had a chance if you weren’t so...you,” you informed.
“What does that even mean?” he asked exasperatedly.
Your eyes narrowed as they settled on him. “Oh, my name’s Loki. I’m a trickster god, who thinks all women should be walking robots, full of sexuality. Don’t fall in love because it’s too scary.”
“It is scary!” he shouted at you. “Especially when I’m in love with a neurotic, control freak like you! It’s fucking mortifying!”
You stood there, astounded. “I am not neurotic,” you replied through clenched teeth.
Loki threw his hands in the air. “For God’s sake. I just told you I’m in love with you and all you could take from that statement was ‘neurotic’.”
You remained silent. You weren’t sure what to say.
“How? I thought you said love didn’t exist,” you finally questioned after several moments, your voice volumes lower than it had been.
“I didn’t think it did,” he confessed. “Everyone I’ve ever loved has either abandoned me, betrayed me, or died. God forbid I let any of those things happen between us,” he stated, a flash of heartache in his eyes. “So yes, being in love with someone as amazing as you is terrifying, because you, out of anyone else, has the power to do any of those things and it would destroy me.”
“What do you mean?”
Loki frowned at you as if you’d asked the most stupid question with the most obvious answer.
“Because I’ve been in love with you, Y/N, for a long time. And I know I don’t deserve you. I lie, I cheat, I’m manipulative. I’m not good enough for you. I tried fooling myself once thinking I had a chance with you, but inevitably, I knew you’d see me for my true self, and you’d leave… Instead of putting myself through that, I denied my feelings.”
Standing, confused, with your mouth slightly agape, you had no idea how to respond.
“Why?” you breathed quietly. “Why did you set me and Bucky up then, if you loved me?”
He shrugged, a sad smile on his face. “Because I just wanted to see you happy. I didn’t think it could be with me. So to get my mind off of it, and put you with someone who might make you happy, someone you might deserve, I helped you seduce the soldier. I thought maybe if I at least saw you happy, it would ease my suffering. But of course, it didn’t.” It seemed as if he were fighting tears, just barely. “In fact, it made it worse. I spent time with you. I saw you transform into a regal lady...And I fell deeper in love,” he confessed, looking vulnerable. The sorrowful smile stayed planted on his face.
Your heart broke for the both of you as you stood there, gazing at him. Finally, you realized you needed to speak. Clearing your throat, you asked, “Why do you love me?”
“How could I not?” he mused with a crooked smile.
That’s all it took for you to launch yourself into his arms, your mouth finding his quickly. Soon after, you suddenly heard cheering over the comms, making the two of you break away, blushing.
“What the hell?” you rhetorically asked. “Were you listening the whole time?”
“No,” Steve said.
“Of course,” Tony informed at the exact same moment.
Loki and you held each other, giggling slightly at your friends.
“I think I won the bet, by the way,” you whispered.
“How so?”
“I got the guy, with nothing but my personality alone,” you reminded, prompting a giant grin from him before you held your arms around his neck, pulling him into another kiss.
Forever Tags: @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please   @superwholocked527   @missinstantgratification @thejemersoninferno @rda1989 @munlis @thefridgeismybestie @bubblyanarocks3 @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @igiveupicantthinkofausername @kaliforniacoastalteens @feelmyroarrrr @kaeling @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo @damalseer @heyitscam99 @yknott81 @sea040561
Bucky Barnes: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester @its-not-a-tulpa @esoltis280
Loki Tags:   @lostinspace33 @ultrarebelheart @lenawiinchester   @esoltis280 @tngrayson @wangdeasang
HH tag list: @sorryimacrapwriter   @harrymewmew @mackievanstan-384 @imarockstar45 @hellkat2 @naniky @thebadassbitchqueen @learisa @anamcg317 @lost-moon-child96 @christy-winchester @ultranikilove @xxqueenofisolationxx
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bam-monsterhospital · 4 years
90s xmen scott isn’t terrible.
fffffffff, i can’t find it. I swear i didn’t dream making a post about how annoying logan is in the 90s cartoon when kait and i first started binging it the other month, but i can’t fuckin find this post. anyways, i guess I’LL JUST PRETEND IT DOESNT’ EXIST and make the post again:
It must be fuckin popular to shit on scott and all the cool kids are doing it, but like, 90s xmen scott isn’t insufferable. He’s not the terrible asshole people loooooooove to pretend he is. He’s just a pretty bland guy with a fuckin rescue-heroes firefighter voice, being the ‘stereotypical superhero team leader trope™’.  Sure, he’s def not my fav scott, but he’s exactly what you expect from an 80s/90s superhero marvel cartoon.  It doesn’t help that the show quickly turns into the wolverine power hour with the writers being extremely transparent on how much they hate scott by making most scenes with him and jean awkward as fuck to watch, and then overwriting her love for him by inserting logan fanfiction-style up in to displace scott. (he had a few interesting moments like during the xmas ep where everyone around the tree was like ‘fuckinnnn, at least TRY to sing, scott, gawd’ and he’s like ‘mmm noope, i didn’t wanna do it anyways’, and then that ep where he’s stuck in a town without powers and he is PISSED TO THE MAX and having absolutely no one’s shit)
ahem, but ye. You know who IS insufferable? Wolverine.  Having come in expecting scott to be terrible and expecting nothing from wolverine thanks to all the LIES propagated by people over the years, boy HOWDY WAS I NOT PREPARED.  If you were a fan/watcher of the 90s xmen cartoon and you think logan was cool beans in it, duuuuuuude you need to go back and watch it again because WOOF. He is terrible. I hope my previous posts have made it clear how hilariously terrible he is, but like let’s list shit out:
he’s a leeroy jenkins which... well duh you expect that of logan that’s fine: but what’s not is his charging in when everyone else is like ‘fuck no we’re retreating, dumbass’ explicitly got morph KILLED. and then he PINS IT ALL ON SCOTT.
macho manlyman toxic posturing
knows no boundaries in his crush on jean. respects nothing about her and her choices.
working off that last point: makes everything about himself, STEALS a photo of scott and jean together and strokes it lovingly while yearning like he’s some lord byron protag.
spontaneously doesn’t show up to jean and scott’s weddding, doesn’t even fuckin tell anyone (everyone’s invited and EVERYONE else is there), making jean & everyone else worry and otherwise adding stress to this event rather than going and supporting the woman he supposedly loves.
leaves a note and also makes that previous point all about himself.
is antagonistic to everyone just for the sake of playing devil’s advocate and getting in screen time/the last word.
the show quickly becomes all about him and showing how ‘cool’ he is, this boring one-note angry animal-man who can’t interact with other characters without throwing a goddamn tantrum.
faces NO CONSEQUENCES for any of these or other actions.
and i’m not even finished watching the show ;__; just... how terrible wolverine is in this cartoon was hilarious at first because of how ridiculous it was. But it quickly devolved into just being frustrating and annoying when it got less ridiculous and more persistent with its misogyny and toxic masculinity.
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a-roguish-gambit · 2 months
Thinking about for turn of the century au in an instance where bishop/cable do go back in time and they are expecting the x men to be incredibly bigoted cause 1910s Jim Crow era. yes there are so many bigots in that period but the x men themselves? No not really. Maybe a bit ignorant but mostly from being literally unaware of issues going on in the world.
The kids aren't scared of bishop or treat him with any less respect than their own teachers, they are happy to hear about the future and the civil rights movement, down right excited about it actually; 18 yold Scott, unaware he's cable's father someday finds out that cable is gay and immediately wants to introduce him to Logan and Morph cause "our teachers are too! You should meet them. they always say how the community needs each other." And then the queer students....not sam nor rogue nor Remy parroting any lost cause mythos because "we knew people who actually lived through it, Union, former Confederate supporters, and former slaves, and none of what those damn 'history books' said was true to what things were actually like", sees the girls prepping for workers rights and suffrage rallies, kurt returning from after school volunteer work feeding the homeless, jean grey working on a speech for a local elite woman's club to convince them to set up college scholarship programs for native Americans, forge having a classes he teaches both on native American history and technology through the institute, and the general support and protectiveness they all have for kids like Evan, jubilee, and amara against any perceived threat.
Both men agree, this is a horrible time to be one of any minority, particularly any non white minority, but these kids are alright, and are gonna make the future brighter with their efforts.
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