#yes this is about a callback to a previous movie
Absolutely can’t even get into the headspace of a person who would willing sit down at a movie they themselves paid to go see, then hop onto twitter afterwards just to bitch about other audience members laughing and enjoying a moment they didn’t
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kaythefloppa · 6 months
Wild Kratts - Our Blue and Green World: Part 1: Review [Spoilers]
Welp, here it is, the Wild Kratts TV movie (not to be confused with the feature film they've been teasing us with since 2021). There's been a lot of hype around this special and season, especially with how much the latter was being hyped up during the hiatus. Let's see if the blue and green bros were able to deliver: Spoilers under the cut
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Well, this is certainly an attention grabber!
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This entire live action intro is shot and edited like an animated Wild Kratts episode, it's glorious.
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Woah, intro change!
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They said the thing! They said the thing!
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Lmao I don't think they do it very often, but using animals/nature in their insults is very creative.
Also, whooping crane episode when?
This entire song is mercifully short. Like most character sung songs in Wild Kratts, it's not good, but this at least is clever in its lyrics and its visuals. It feels like a Disney reference at best and I am content with that. I also ADORED seeing the Draco and Walrus Suit return again. It's arguably the best musical number in the series. No, that is not saying a lot.
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When I first saw the clip, I thought that they were going somewhere with this, like they'd activate Peacock Powers at the end when they recognized the compatibility and blue and green. But nope. Wasted potential is an understatement.
Also, where the fuck are they right now? In a previous shot there was Target the Chameleon, implying that they've been to Madagascar, but that is an Indian peafowl, and as far as I'm concerned, they don't live in Madagascar. Were they just having an off-day? These animals have little to nothing to do with the plot when they really shouldn't have, so I don't see why they couldn't have just shown a projector image or something.
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Remember when I joked about the Wild Pony Power Suit returning in S7.... fuck you Apollo.
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Man, they are eating it up with the animation here. It's hard to tell with screengrabs but man, is it fluid.
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The first half of this episode is mixed. While it feels like the brothers are incredibly stubborn, it also does make sense for them to be this fixated on their favorites. So I can totally buy this. It could've been insufferable to watch, but it wasn't.
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As if YOU haven't spied on them since the first time your dorito-headed ass showed up on screen
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Did you find that funny? Because not only do they do a similar joke like that later on, but they follow through on that joke in the most unexpected way you will shit your pants when you first ingest it.
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Oh my god if they make a Creature Power Suit off of that bird, I will take back any diss I've made, that is so beautiful.
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Good to know that Aviva put the button near the chest and not near the back.
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Maybe it's just me but this is kinda pushing it. Chris is literally getting his organs crushed, I think that should matter more than A) being right or B) trying to get 2 people to stop fighting.
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I'm loving the callback and what this leads up to but ew, all this does is remind me about how ugly bright the color pallatte in S6. Really glad they fixed it in S7.
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This episode finds really unique ways of showing how the two different biomes are interconnected. It's like Rainforest Stew's (very brilliantly handled) message only to a larger degree. Kids can learn a lot from this.
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I fucking love this episode, man.
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Honestly, the way they write Paisley in the first half of the episode is very in-line with her character. Most shows that do what this episode does has them be out-of-character as a set-up, but here, she's just roasting the fuck out of Zach. Once again, recontextualized entirely in the climax.
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Also, INDRIS!!!!! :D
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I was frankly expecting this to horribly backfire but spoilers, it doesn't. This actually winds up working. Common Aviva W.
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To be continued.... will the blue and green rivalry end? Will one prove superior over another? And will they be able to stop Zach and Paisley and save the planet earth? And will this change the adventures of the Wild Kratts team forever? Stay tuned for part 2!
The live action segments.
The animation of the earth's model.
The musical number not being ass.
Paisely's catty behavior.
The Anaconda Suit.
The inventive ways they show how the stability of the Earth is complex. There are a lot of ways it functions and thus a lot of ways it needs to survive
The comedy.
The villains do not do anything until the second half of this episode. In fact, they're left completely in the backdrop. I expected them to make their prescence known and for Aviva to invent the discs to get them together for the SAKE of fighting the villains. But no. It makes the stakes feel hollow, which is the opposite of what they should be gunning for in an hour long special that they hype the shit out of.
It was an "okay" set-up. It did live up to some of the hype it had, but not all of it. Honestly if it wasn't for the second half of this episode, this movie would be mediocre or slightly above average, but no. They do pick themselves off the ground and... they do jump the shark. But we'll get to that next time
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epickiya722 · 11 months
At this point, he's trying to change the narrative to shift it to his favor which it just disrespectful to Horikoshi and his team.
Ain't it funny that out of all the lines, it's just that one line? The very last line? Yet, all the other lines seem to still keep their meanings. Hm...
Like, every time there's a line that shows just how far Bakugou and his relationship with Midoriya has developed, the "official" translation is a total different line with a totally different meaning.
He would not say "OFA couldn't keep you on the ground...", he would not start that line like that because he has grown. Saying that just makes him sound like he's kinda boasting about his own quirk and downplaying OFA aka Midoriya’s quirk.
Now him saying "we'll finish the job" sounds less... bad given that bit could be interpret ss him saying "him and Midoriya". But... it also makes no sense because the fan translation also alludes to the fact that he and Midoriya could win together. Him saying that he'll take up what Midoriya can't is him saying "I got his back, we got this together, they're a duo". The previous chapters and the second movie show as such.
So why change the line though? Hm? So couldn't there be a line that was similar to the fan translation instead of that whole line change?
See the problem! The fan translation worked out a way better translation with Bakugou saying he'll take up what Midoriya can't because it's a callback to his apology, one of his biggest moments within his character development. Also, Horikoshi often makes callbacks.
And that said callback refers to Bakugou's growth. He still will be there so they can win together.
I know some people will be like "here's the BkDks complaining again".
Forget it being about shipping! The "official" translation just didn't do Bakugou as a character justice here. Yes, his development does involve Midoriya. But even without shipping goggles, one could see how that last line isn't fair to Bakugou's development.
Actually, you know what?
The thing I find funny about this is antis will see everyone's reactions to this and say "BkDks are making it about shipping" even though they're just as bad, even worse.
This is an example.
Let's be honest. The reason why that translation changed is probably because a certain translator feels some kind of way towards Bakugou and Midoriya. Probably why we gets "mistakes" like this constantly.
If I was translating the manga and I didn't care about BkDk, I still wouldn't be mistranslating for the simple fact I wouldn't want to change the narrative that Horikoshi wants to give. It's his story, after all. I damn sure don't want anyone doing that to me.
Especially over some damn ship they want to be salty about.
Which a lot of people who hate on BkDk do. They like to shift the story into what they want just for a chance to shit on a ship and its shippers.
Now, how can anyone be that pressed, how can anyone be so in their feelings that they would change the narrative of a story that is not even theirs by even translating wrong, I do not know!
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dcrewatch · 10 months
Detective Conan Rewatch: Episode 1105-1106
Episode 1105-1106: "Kid vs. Amuro: Queen's Bang”
Before watching this episode, on a scale of 1-10, how much are you looking forward to seeing it again?
Favorite screencap:
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Kid: "Why yes, it *is* time for me to take over the manga and anime again. Thanks for noticing!"
Favorite Moment:
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The whole confrontation between Amuro and Kid on the roof. Loved Kid's disbelief face. xD
Least Favorite Moment:
Nothing this time!
What’s one thing you noticed/realized about this episode that you hadn’t before?
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Poor Azusa has to go out of her way to try to not get the Amuro obsessed population of Beika after her. ^^;
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Ah, after all this time, Yoko still has headband merchandise. ...Of course I say this, but it's been like, 6 months in the actual timeline. @_@;; (The design isn't identical to the one in the linked case, but I have a feeling it might be meant to be a callback.)
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"You're aware Queen Selizabeth of the Duchy of Ingram, who will be visiting in three days"
Hm, I wonder if this is meant to take place before or after the events of Crystal Mother? Kid must be very busy if it's before. ^^;
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Amuro seems to be wearing Fusae brand clothing.
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The staff likely used textured photographs for the art in the museum, but unfortunately my art history is failing me and I'm unable to identify the pieces.
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Kid checking for Pandora while Amuro continues talking like nothing is going on is still hilarious to me.
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate this episode?
WOOOOOO! 9! Can't wait for (hopefully!) a massive influx of Kid stuff this year with the next movie. ♥ The most recent manga case was the cherry on top.
Celebrate it!
Here’s a (not exactly) summary haiku:
Another Kid heist
Amuro is determined
A showdown with Kid
Next Episode: Episode 1107
Previous Episode: Episode 1104
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kittyball23 · 1 year
Trolls Soundtrack Prediction?
Idk if anyone else has made a post like this, but nevertheless wanted to talk regarding the soundtrack for Trolls Band Together.
My bro and I were discussing the possibilities the other day and we made a rough outline of how we think it’s going to go, so here it is :3
Opening Melody (We Are Family + something else)
Both Trolls movies have started with opening melodies, part 1 being Move Your Feet/D.A.N.C.E/Sunshine Day and part 2 being Trolls Wanna Have Good Times. From the trailer we know that We Are Family is one of those songs that they’re going to mashup with another one or two songs.
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2) BroZone Flashback Song
Yes, I know the trailer had Staying Alive, but let’s remember that Zim Zallah Bim was used as a trailer song for the K-Pop Trolls in Trolls World Tour, whereas the movie instead had Russian Roulette. My bet is on Staying Alive maybe mashed up with something else :3
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3) John Dory Song
I think it’s quite possible each brother will have their own solo song at some point. Their profiles on the BroZone website stated their tastes in music, with JD’s being listed as Top 100 Pop/Rock
4) Spruce Song
There’s definitely gotta be one for this guy. Tropical Rock is listed as his preferred taste in music, another clue leading me to believe he’s found on Vacay Island
5) Clay Song
Not a whole lot of info that I could find yet on this brother aside from what’s on the BroZone website, but as he’s voiced by Kid Cudi, I’d imagine he’d have a song too. BroZone site lists his preferred taste in music as Alternative Rock.
6) Floyd Song
He’s the one being kidnapped. Whether it’s for his talent or not, I still believe he’s going to sing a solo. Soft Rock n’ Roll is what he likes according to the site.
7) Villain Song
Original or not, Velvet and Venir will likely have songs. It might not even necessarily be ‘villainous’ per say (like Barb’s songs in Trolls World Tour) but still something
8) Viva Song
She’s voiced by Camila Cabello, so yeah, she’s gotta have a song XD
9) Sad/Slow Song
Trolls and Trolls World Tour had their glum moments and a song to accompany it.
10) Reprise of a song from a previous movie
This one might be a stretch, but I really like callbacks to previous movies when they are musicals to be in song. Disney’s Z-O-M-B-I-E-S series had the song Someday in each movie of their trilogy, and I remember getting real happy when I was younger when We’re All in This Together was brought back in HSM 3.
11) BroZone Reunion Song
My guess is that the brothers are going to have their tiff but come to reconcile, whether it is an original song or a boy band song that already exists. If they shoot for original, the example that I could think of off the top of my head would be something along the lines of Cheetah Sisters from The Cheetah Girls 2003 (starts off slow and uncertain before hitting the beat, singing about being brothers and a family, each one gets a solo part before singing all together, echoing off of one another)
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12) Poppy and Branch Song
It’s been implied that Branch and Poppy are going to get at the very least engaged by the end of the movie. They’ve gotta have a song, whether it’s fun and bouncy or slow and loving (or even a combination of both!)
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13) Finale
A musical movie has got to have a musical number at the end, no doubt about that
14) Original Song 1
Most likely something with Justin Timberlake + someone else. In Trolls it was Justin + Gwen Stefani What Cha Workin’ With, Trolls World Tour featured Justin + SZA The Other Side as well as Justin + Anderson .Paak for Don’t Slack. My bro thinks it’s going to be Justin and Camila Cabello in this one
15) Original Song 2
Trolls had Get Back Up Again, They Don’t Know, and What Cha Workin’ With. Trolls World Tour had It’s All Love, Leaving Lonesome Flats, Don’t Slack, Just Sing and Rock N’ Roll Rules. Trolls Band Together is sure to have more than one original song
16) Another Version of a song already listed
Trolls soundtrack had two different versions of True Colors and Can’t Stop the Feeling. Trolls World Tour had two different versions of It’s All Love
17) Snippets of songs that were extended to a full version
Rock You Like a Hurricane from Trolls World Tour was only in the movie for like 2 seconds and it got a full 3 minute track. Just about the same thing with Crazy Train and Atomic Dog. On a side note, I do think that there will be little snippets of songs maybe throughout the movie that did not get onto the soundtrack, like how Celebration was very briefly sung in Trolls, and how Can’t Touch This, Russian Roulette, and Mi Gente were all featured real quick in Trolls World Tour
Aaand, that’s about it for now! I might get more ideas when more trailers, merch, and TV spots come out. With this outline and the knowledge that the Trolls movies are primarily a jukebox musical, what other songs do you think will find their way onto the soundtrack?
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shittyelfwriter · 10 months
ALRIGHTY here we are at weeks three and four for the santa clauses series! I did not rewatch a second time because genuinely, these melted my brain. anyway, lets get into it below the cut!
So apparently according to the tsc tag, episode 3 that I missed last week is a sort of filler episode? OH BROTHER REALLY
Normally I would not complain bc I miss old format, 20-23 episode series but because I know this Isn't That? DREAD. how are you going to plot well and good in 7-8eps if some are filler? that is just SO condensed, my guy
Counterpoint to people who were sad about it but: I thought the teen romance was annoying and I'm GLAD they ended it even JUST for a bit (it will come back to haunt again, trust. It’s a disney series ffs.) Whoever is writing this needs to ask a teen about how they talk nowadays. This is not it.
I also think we're driving the whole "Buddy is terrible at everything" punchline WAY past its breaking point. Which I would argue was last season entirely, but. At the very latest, last episode with how heavy on cringe it was. Yes, EVEN for kids/teens.
Again, they are not antagonizing Magnus Antas enough for me to hate him. waaaaay too funny to be a villain. I can't take him seriously and DON'T want to
The way that Noel keeps sideyeing the Betty cutout as if to say "do you see this shit?" during his brunch with the Clauses SENT me tbh. That's bernelle coded and I love it
I do not know why Disney gets OFF on the Clauses being absolutely inept parents but I wish they would stop
LOVING the exterior shots of the workshop and Elfsburg. As someone who has POURED over all available screenshots from the movies of those I am LIVING for new angles (even though I do NOT think bernelle would live that close to the Workshop, but it doesn't seem like Betty and Noel can POOF like Bman and Elle can (and do))
I don't know why there are TWO instances of a "misspoken turn of phrase" in this episode but neither were funny and TWO OF THEM was REALLY bad
Crossing guard callback? For what? (okay, shrug I GUESS dot meme)
Why does this specific franchise always have to make EB SO WEIRD. WHY. Nothing about this is funny it's just off-putting. Just like the previous EB flirting with Carol's MARRIED MOM in tsc3
This Carol and La Befana scene was actually very good. LOVE it when they actually just let the characters be HONEST with each other. Women supporting women core. Even if Carol's reason for being mad at her was really shallow and obviously stems form Carol's lack of identity as Mrs. Claus because they just cannot wrap that plot point from last season up.
THE LETTERS DEPARTMENT. It looks dope but HATE the explanation for it. Half assed as hell. WARNING! Rant incoming: like from what I know a LOT of postal services have little lore stories about how they get the letters to Santa. WHY COULDNT WE JUST SAY THERE ARE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN SANTA AND OTHER ADULT PEOPLE WHO KEEP THE SPIRIT ALIVE FOR OTHERS AS WELL? Why is this series so obsessed with making everything only powered by magic and never by others (yes, humans) who want to keep the spirit alive as well? It feels like magic is being used as an "explain it all away" crutch narratively. Even in season 1, the "solution" to mass consumerism wasn't for people to be kind to each other and do little things to keep the magical parts of Christmas alive, it was to show the world that magic was real. Season 2 so far, the answer to everything is also just magic. I'm hoping that maybe the B plot with Kris will touch on this. Because as it stands right now, it feels like the writers are talking out of both sides of their mouth. Commercial Christmas is bad, but Kris is a loser for having a Santa theme park. Like?? Homogenization of Christmas is the Big Bad at large, but also up at the Pole they are trying to find ways to do the same thing to be "current". CHRISTMAS IS MULTIFACTED. It is both secular and religious! That is OKAY, I don't even think "woke" people are arguing about that. Sheesh.
Can't believe I'm micro rambling IN my ramble post. New achievement unlocked omg
The way Magnus Antas picks up on modern slang so quickly practically puts Scott to shame. Good for him
AGAIN, the misturn of phrase jokes. DEAD. Not funny. STOP
If they are going to make Sandra so op that she can just Wanda Maximoff chaos magic "I just say something when I'm mad and it happens, anything I want with no negative impact on me" I will not find that swag. That is in fact Mary Sue territory, lads
Sandra's little outburst @ La Befana was giving magical nepo baby for a moment there. Oof. "Too bad I'm just naturally more skilled than you even though I'm new and you've been a witch forever" girl SHUT. UP. You are like a little baby. Also that is so mad disrespectful like no WONDER La Befana is wanting you to slow tf down. You fly off the handle WAY to easily and we ALL know you lose control when you do! Okay loose cannon! Werk!
Riley. Girl. "we never see each other" you were just up at the Pole?? Like. OFTEN?? This is so stupid of a breakup but they are teenagers so go off kids, be dysfunctional or what have you. Rah rah, as Jack would say
Episode four now, lord help us. God has cursed me for my (loving this one Christmas movie series) hubris and my work (watching it's hellish series spin off) is never finished
"Reversing a transformation is never a guarantee" what is this La Befana? the Sims? Sounds like transformation ray odds. Magic is not THAT unpredictable, even by in-universe logic
ARE YOU SO FUCKING FR RN. SO BERNARD IS MARRIED TO A SENIOR CITIZEN AND CURTIS. FUCKIN VAPORIZED?? FROM STRESS? WHAT'S NEXT? Lemme guess, Judy joined the circus. Quintin is a crypto investor or works for Tesla. WHAT ARE WE D O I N G
Not Scott moving the scissors like he's afraid Buddy will shank him or others?? SIR
So they just con him? As though that's a long term solutio-- OH MY GOD NOT SCOTT USING SANDMAN'S SAND ON SANDMAN HIMSELF?? that's ILLEGALE?? According to tsc3 lore: "We legendaries can't use magic on each other?" I am so bewildered by the level of retcon occurring before my very eyes at BREAKNECK speed
Sandra doesn't need magic she needs THERAPY for her ANGER ISSUES bruh. Damn. She doesn't need a rage room (in someone's house too I might add? okayyyy) she needs to learn to process like a normal human being wtf
Scott being able to look like his normal self whenever he wants and they just didn't tell him? For like. 25 years? Like its clear that by the series standards, the elves think he's a total moron. But it pendulums hard and fast between "haha funny joke" and "damn they really think he ain't shit, huh"
Edie being a fashion diva is such a serve she's grown on me this season ngl
"I had to teach him how to do all the Legendaries jobs" Scott I know you're waffling, absolutely FUMBLING but what the FUCKKKKK is that excuse??? What's Cal going to do? Be EVERY Legendary? TERRIBLE AWFUL HATE IT UNINSPIRED. Not to mention, SOME OF THE OTHER LEGENDARIES MIGHT NOT TAKE THAT NEWS WELL. Some might even feel THREATENED
"The man I die for in my sleep every night" UM? Noel? You okay there bud? Holy heck
Do you guys think according to this new lore Edie made Jack's suit? because me thinks PERHAPS
Magnus Antas is kind of popping off, damn. Like I think if the gnomes hadn’t given him MAJOR delusions of grandeur and an ego trip, he could have stayed totally a vibe. But stop giving the Santas snow powers and reconning Jack holy SHIT dude. First Scott now him? HATE IT
The way they made Scott and Cal look when "invisible" is Not a Good Look heck. Its like a bad picsart filter
These Scott visions. I get why, its through the Santa magic, right? But dang its corny
So Scott knows Magnus Antas is back now. Okay. They got away from him. Lost visual on Olga, have a bad feeling she somehow sneaked into the sleigh. Weird cliffhanger but EVERY episode has been like that so far
Final thoughts: I feel like they're definitely trying to make this season take itself less seriously, but I feel like the trade off is that the writers are taking too many liberties for diversions from source material and are therefore, losing the plot entirely and retconning movie lore at will and convenience. Tl;dr, it's messy. Concepts are fun until things just become so irreverent they fall apart or lean into entirely unfunny territory. Which is just a hallmark of T*m All*n brand humor, tee em, but you know.
It feels like this series is doing everything and nothing. It wants woke points, but immediately doubles back and makes fun of those same things. It wants us to feel empathy for these characters, and immediately makes them insufferable. I am so confused as to what the takeaway is supposed to be. It all feels so poorly executed--the series retcons itself constantly, not to mention the movies. I want it to be fun, and to take it at surface value, but if you know literally anything about the movies, that becomes a challenge to do. I'm just so confused dude.
I will be shocked if this gets a third season. Truly.
Also, I miss Betty too, Noel. Wish this whole season was about HER shenanigans, instead.
So. See you all next week then?
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beauty-and-passion · 10 months
FSS3 Episode 13: Brainstorming together
There has always been a missing something in the creative process.
Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
What is FFS3 - Introduction - Season 2 finale - previous episode - next episode
AO3 link for this episode
DISCLAIMER: As said in the introductory post, Fanders Sides Season 3 (season 2 finale included) could have triggering themes/scenes. Please keep that in mind before reading.
Thomas is in his living room when he gets a phone call: it’s the production team of the hero’s movie. Thomas’ performance has been very appreciated and they would love to see it again. Would Thomas be available for a callback at the end of the month?
Thomas barely makes them finish the sentence, because his answer is yes. He will definitely be there.
The phone call ends, Thomas turns around: all of his Sides are already there, Roman and Remus can barely contain their enthusiasm.
Thomas tells everyone what happened and that he has a callback. Then, he asks Logan to please remember it. And, this time, no other event will be more important than this.
Logan confirms and, with a wave of his hand, makes a planner appear and writes down the callback. He says it’s wonderful news and Thomas should be very proud of himself.
Only after Logan showed his appreciation, both Roman and Remus show their enthusiasm with loud cheers.
Since they are all hyped up, Thomas invites his Sides to do a little brainstorming session. All together, no obligations. Just for the sake of having fun.
Remus is immediately on board, but Roman hesitates a bit. He says that maybe there is something else Thomas should do, maybe he has other plans and that’s not what everyone wants… but as soon as Logan says it’s okay, it will be a nice exercise, then Roman agrees as well - and so does everyone else.
Remus starts throwing suggestions, concepts and thoughts. When he mentions marine creatures, Logan reminds him some animals live only in ultra-deep waters, so Remus switches from a killer whale to an ultra-deep marine predator. When he mentions a serial killer escaping from prison, Logan asks which prison is he thinking about, so Remus replies “Alcatraz!” and changes the escaping plan to include a boat to cross the sea. When he suggests a man dealing with his past lovers, Logan asks why, so Remus says that the man went on a rampage and killed them all.
Every time Logan asks a question, Remus’ eyes shine, he looks happier and more excited. He’s clearly enjoying this back-and-forth and every question, instead of discouraging him, makes him even more creative.
Roman, who was pondering Remus’ ideas, says that the one about the man and his past lovers is interesting. But maybe they need a different approach… maybe the man isn’t just a murderous killer… maybe he’s just thinking about his past relationships.
Is he questioning why they ended?, Logan asks.
Maybe, Roman replies. And maybe he realizes that it has always been his fault. He has never been a good enough partner.
Logan thinks about it. Okay, then what happens? What does it lead to?
Murder!, Remus says.
Anxiety?, Roman says.
Virgil jolts: he looks surprised and confused. Remus immediately jumps on the idea. Yes, that’s interesting! Virgil can help them!
Logan agrees: an accurate representation of anxiety coming from the embodiment of anxiety himself would only be beneficial for their little story.
Virgil fiddles with the hem of his hoodie and avoids everyone’s gaze, but he still nods and tries very hard to list as many symptoms of anxiety as possible: feeling nervous and tense, sweating, trembling, feeling weak and tired, trouble sleeping and so on. Even though he doesn’t look at them, sometimes Virgil’s eyes wander toward Logan: when he notices Logan listening carefully, he keeps going.
Roman, who is carefully listening as well, asks Virgil if all these symptoms can lead to something even worse than sweating or trouble sleeping. Something they could use.
Virgil stiffens. He lowers his eyes and keeps fidgeting. He takes longer to talk but, in the end, he admits it: a very heightened anxiety can lead to phobias, mutism, panic and - in the worst cases, paranoia.
As soon as he mentions this, Patton blurts out that maybe the man isn’t anxious at all.
Logan and Roman both look at him, surprised by the sudden intervention. Before Patton can add anything, Janus intervenes: maybe, he says, what Patton meant is that when the man looks back at his past relationships, he tries to understand what went wrong, knowing full well he did his best to be happy with his past lovers.
What went wrong, then?, Logan asks.
He did things the wrong way, Roman replies, looking down. He forced his lovers to do what he wanted to do. He thought they all shared the same passions. He never thought they would love something different. That’s what led to him feeling sad and realizing he wasn’t a good partner.
Roman lifts his head again. He keeps going, by saying that everything changes when the man realizes his mistake: he wasn’t thinking logically. He wasn’t using his brain. He let his emotions overcome him. And with that new understanding, he can finally leave his past behind and move on with his life.
Logan blinks, taken aback by the sudden resolution. So… that’s it? All the man had to do was “use his brain”? And the problem is now solved?
Sure?, Roman replies. The man thought about it and found the solution. This is the best thing to do, after all: It makes no sense to be overly emotional and dramatic when everything can be solved with the help of a little logic.
Logan looks at Roman and his nervousness, at how he tries to sound convincing even though he clearly doesn’t believe his own words. He looks at Virgil, who is still fidgeting, trying to ease the nervousness to be useful. He looks at Janus and Patton, both stiff and still, their mouths shut closed.
He exchanges a glance with Anger: unlike the others, he’s more relaxed and he has no issues holding Logan’s gaze. He even lifts both eyebrows, as if to say: “You can see it by yourself”.
And Logan does. So, he sighs.
He says that he understands what they’re trying to do: they want to make him feel important. And that’s very nice coming from them, he’s very thankful for their concern. But it’s not necessary, not like this. He’s good now: he and Thomas had a long conversation and things are better.
Are they?, Patton asks and he both looks and sounds extremely worried. He doesn’t want Logan to feel alone ever again. He doesn’t want to force his own thoughts and ideas or steal Logan’s voice again. Logan has every right to say what he thinks and Patton is more than happy to stay on the sidelines and let him do whatever…
Logan stops him. It’s okay, he confirms. Sure, his ideas might be more similar to the ones the Instinctual Sides share, but that doesn’t mean Patton isn’t his friend anymore. They are still friends. His emotional morals are as important as cold, logical thinking. They are both useful.
No, they are all useful, he says, looking at each of them. He always knew. And he should’ve said it long ago.
Logan takes a long breath. Thomas made a mistake in the past by hiding some Sides and that led to a one-way vision of the world. That stifled his Creativity, heightened his Anxiety, radicalized his Morality. And forced Logan to become more logical and less spontaneous, to “fill the void” left by a missing, more cynical mentality.
(Logan turns towards the Instinctual Sides)
But now they are all there, he says. They are together, all seven in the same room. And Thomas knows about the existence and role of every single one of them. There is no need to take up the role of someone else. They can make their contributions by being themselves. And thanks to them, to all of them, Thomas can learn more about the world around him.
Thomas looks at him with a soft smile and says he really, really missed his logical thinking. Logan smiles in turn and gives him a little bow of the head, a silent “My pleasure”.
For a moment, everyone is silent, just accepting Logan’s words and the reality of being all seven together.
Then, Janus breaks the silence and asks: why should the man think he is not enough, when he can think his lovers are not enough?
Maybe he made some mistakes in the past, Patton replies and his voice looks a lot more lively and relaxed now. Maybe he did wrong and he’s now reflecting upon his mistakes and trying to do better.
Virgil joins the brainstorming and he looks much more relaxed too. Maybe, he adds, first the man is angry at his lovers, then he gets angry at himself. And in the end, he realizes they were both at fault.
And a murder sentence in Florida results in life in prison without parole, so he has a lot of time to think about it, Remus adds. (He too looks brighter, happier and more excited.)
And maybe all this time in jail helps him, Logan adds. If this story takes place in another state, he can serve a few years and get out of prison. But all the time he spent thinking about his life in jail, will turn him into a better man. Once he will be free again, he will be another person. He will know his worth and his flaws.
And he will embrace them both, Roman continues. He will be ready to face everything, even without a new lover waiting for him.
Logan nods: this looks like a much more fitting conclusion. Both he and Roman look at each other and smile.
And then, Roman has a little jolt: oh. This. This is what he was missing!
Logan looks confused, as well as Thomas. Roman explains: during Thomas’ birthday (ref. episode 8), he told them there was something he couldn’t understand that was missing. This is what he was missing! This! A voice of reason, someone who would question his work, analyze it, find the weak parts, and help him improve. The best possible judge.
Roman extends a hand to Logan. Would he like to do that? To help him and Remus improve the creative process?
Logan looks at both Roman and Remus. He asks if they’re truly sure about it.
It wouldn’t be worse than dealing with my brother, Roman jokes.
I already told you that you play a role in the creative process, Remus says. (ref. to end card episode 2)
Logan accepts Roman’s hand. He will gladly offer them all the help they need.
So let’s do something even better!, Roman suggests, turning to Thomas. Thomas already got him and picks up his laptop: what should they do, to turn all of this into a story?
It’s late in the evening, Thomas is still on the couch. Logan is the only Side still with him, he’s helping Thomas list the last points of their story.
Thomas closes the laptop with a satisfied smile and thanks Logan for his help: he couldn’t have done it all by himself.
Logan says it’s not a problem, he’s happy to help. Then, his smile fades into a worried expression. Thomas notices and immediately asks what’s wrong.
It’s been a week since their conversation, Logan says. And the first days, everything was quite good. So, considering how quickly things were improving, Logan thought he would’ve improved quickly too.
However, after one week, he still feels uneasy. He still can’t fully accept to loosen up and let his curiosity flow. Even though he was having fun planning with the others (and even if he offered his help to Creativity in the creative process), in the back of his mind Logan still felt he was wasting time. For the entire day, he kept thinking that, instead of doing all of this, Thomas should’ve worked or cleaned his house.
And it’s not fair to think that. They need this too, they need to be curious and creative. He needs it.
Thomas reassures him: that’s okay, it takes time to loosen up after years of being too rigid. But if these thoughts are so pressing, he and Logan can plan a schedule together. So when Thomas has some free time, Logan wouldn’t feel like they are lazing around. Could this help?
Logan confirms that yes, it would be very helpful indeed. He would relax a lot more and, maybe, he would improve faster as well.
Thomas repeats that it’s okay, he can take all the time he needs. No need to hurry.
But Logan feels like he should: the other Sides are trying so hard to cheer him up, to be nicer, to make him feel better. And he doesn’t want them to feel guilty forever or to try so hard to please him. He doesn’t want them to look at him as if he’s a weak, frail Side. He should improve faster, so he can show them everything’s fine.
There’s no need to show that, Thomas replies. Everyone knows how strong Logan is and they know things will get better. They got better after Roman’s breakdown, they will get better after this too.
We went through a lot of shit, Thomas says. We can get up together. You and me.
Logan nods. You and me, he repeats and smiles.
Before Logan’s breakdown, he refused to even think he played a role in the creative process. See the end card of episode 2: Remus literally told him “You play a role in this” and Logan refused to acknowledge it.
Hence why his breakdown was necessary: because only after admitting his love for art and reaching out for his own curiosity, Logan can finally play a role in the creative process as he should. Only after opening up a little, he can accept that yes, he doesn’t have to be just logical, but he can work along with Creativity too.
However, I also wanted to point out how Logan’s breakdown is a long process. Just like it was for Virgil and Roman, Logan isn’t a new Side already. It will take time for him to become the Side he was always supposed to be, both logical and curious. And this is also why I focused on Thomas reassuring Logan. Logan needs his support more than anyone else’s.
But still, I also wanted to show how all the other Sides are doing their best to support him. Even if the conversation leads to something they do not want to talk about (Virgil), even if they do not feel they should put the attention on themselves (Roman), even just by keeping their mouth as close as possible to not force their ideas (Patton and Janus). Just think about five episodes ago: they were ready to jump at each other’s throats. But things are changing, the alliances they made are finally paying off. The Sides are coming together.
(and the little story has a bit of each of them and their growth because… that’s how a creative process works? You put a little bit of every part of yourself and tie everything with the help of a little logic)
Also, for the first time I introduced an “official” name for the Others. By now, they’ve been called “Dark Sides” by Roman/Thomas and “Others” by Virgil. Since neither of these names truly represents what they are like “Core Sides” does for Roman, Logan and Patton, I chose the name “Instinctual Sides”, because that’s a better representation of who they are. I hope you will like it too <3
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 month
Spoilers for today’s scarlet witch: the whole thing really did feel like Wanda fighting her evil mcu counterpart, like you suggested. Lore taunting Wanda with the Phoenix felt like a direct response to the idea that MCU Wanda is just discount jean grey (which. She definitely is in many respects)
I would really love to see a team up/crossover with Wanda and the actual Phoenix (and Storm as well, separately or together). Fingers crossed in one of their solos
That's not really what I suggested, and it's not how the issue reads to me. I noted that Lore's resemblance to M C U Wanda feels intentionally ironic, and I've also previously compared the plot of Multiverse of Madness to Scarlet Witch (1994), with Olsen's corrupted Wanda playing a role very similar to Lore's. But the characterization, motives, and magical worldbuilding are very different in those two stories, and this issue, in 2024, has little in common with either. Both Lore and 616-Wanda are more compelling and well-realized characters than anything the movies have to offer, and I would never want comics to become a shadow play of the M C U, even for the sake of criticism. I get more than enough mileage out of winking nods, such as Lore's design, or Wanda's faceoff with the Corruptor in the previous volume of Scarlet Witch.
I could be wrong, but I believe that that the Phoenix's appearance was likely an homage to this scene, from Vision & the Scarlet Witch (1985)-- Wanda is traversing the Land of the Dead and is confronted by a specter of the Dark Phoenix. In hindsight, it would make a lot of sense if this was an illusion, too-- Jean wasn't really dead, and even if she was, this isn't where she would have wound up.
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Yes, people compare M C U Wanda to Jean, but the bulk of the fandom rivalry is based on comics. I don't think most of those people actually read the comics they post about, but that's another conversation. Here, though, Orlando is comparing Jean's past as the Dark Phoenix to, presumably, the Decimation-- a common comparison, but not one that holds up well when you revisit the text. Still, the points that Lore and Wanda are making do stand, and it was a fun callback. I just wish it hadn't ignited such a firestorm on twitter.
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kolbisneat · 1 year
The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling | ContraPointsOkay big movie month! And excited to keep going in May. Are movies back? Did they ever leave? Here’s all the stuff I watched, read, heard, and played this month!
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Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023) Yes my brain lit up every time I recognized something. I can’t come into this without bias but maybe that’s okay. As a fan of D&D, this worked! Does it work if you’re not a fan? I have no idea. But the story was compelling with some clever callbacks and something I always appreciate: a platonic friendship between a man and a woman! Love to see it. My only hope is that the inevitable sequel has the same actors playing different characters in a different setting. Strahd spooky vampire movie COME ON IT'S RIGHT THERE.
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John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023) Incredibly beautiful both in fight choreography and cinematography. I really want more movies to be...heightened again, you know? I’d need to go back and watch the previous ones but this was the first time I felt like the fights (and nearly every one) went on for like...30 seconds too long. With that said I really can’t complain about a good movie having too much in it.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) It looked great and moved along at a good clip. I was really stoked by the “commercial” at the beginning and thought “oh wow they sound great!” and then that turned out to be a misdirect. What else could this movie have been?
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Renfield (2023) Everything I loved about this and everything I didn’t love can boil down to this: the movie felt like a student film with a bigger budget. It was fun and seemed to really enjoy the stunts and gore, but ho boy was the plot and script secondary to all of that. Really enjoyed it.
The Last Waltz (1978) Knowing very little about the Band going into this, they seemed like cool cats. Joni Mitchell really stood out as a bright, weird light and you can really feel Robbie Robertson’s sadness/melancholy in the interviews. 
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Taylor Tomlinson: Quarter-Life Crisis (2020) and Taylor Tomlinson: Look At You (2022) Hey both very good. Watching these specials after knowing my parents had already seen (and enjoyed) them gave me a new perspective. Did I laugh? Sure. Did I think “Oh I’m glad she’s talking about this and I hope my parents took note”? Absolutely. She has a bit where she talks about how she does well with moms so why not use that skill to talk about mental health, therapy, and why “sex worker” is the preferred term? 
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Ted Lasso (Episode 3.04 to 3.07) These last few episodes have really given me comedic whiplash. The bike-training stuff was great, but then the next episode the team has their junk tied together? What is happening? The saving grace, for me, is the consistent character growth that the show pushes. Really great actors in really great roles that rise above some questionable premises.
BEEF (Episode 1.01 to 1.10) Stressful to watch but after the first couple of episodes, I found the stress was overshadowed by the joy of watching these complex characters further tighten their tangle of knots. Incredible writing and acting and it all really left a lasting impression. 
Severance (Episode 1.01 to 1.09) Started strong, had a brief dip in pacing, and then really ended strong. Though I won’t go into details, I found the nature of the finale to be deeply unsatisfying. Too much cliffhanger not enough resolution. Sure the series builds great tension and I loved the stress throughout, but you gotta give us something at the end, you know? Some sort of reward for making it through. Still highly recommend.
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Music Supervision by Karsten Runquist A light introduction into why some licensed music just doesn’t click in movies. VIDEO
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How This Woman Creates God of War’s Sound Effects | Obsessed | WIRED by WIRED I love foley and seeing it all come together at the end of the video was very satisfying. VIDEO
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The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling | ContraPoints by ContraPoints I understand not everyone is online, but it seems like even the most luddite of millennials can’t ignore Rowling’s politics. Great framing and full of undeniable evidence that confirms just how much harm the author is actively doing. Hey I loved the books as a kid but when supporting something is directly benefiting a bigot, you gotta let thing go. Go pick up a Discworld novel.  VIDEO
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Hogfather by Terry Pratchett (Page 366 of 445) Pratchett’s writing is so good that reading a “Christmas” story in April doesn’t feel out of place at all. There’s a genuinely terrifying assassin named Teatime that gives me real chaotic and evil vibes and I always enjoy reading Death-related stories. Such a fantastic world.
Ultimate Spider-Man - Volume 7 Hardcover by Brian Michael Bendis & Mark Bagley (Complete) You know I never liked the designs for the Ultimate version of Green Goblin and Hobgoblin. I’m fine with bulky but I like the pointed hats. Into The Spider-Verse really nailed the balance of the two. Anyway the two collected stories in Volume 7 never really worked for me but that’s the beauty of ongoing serieses...something good might just be around the corner!
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Cosmic Ghost Rider: Baby Thanos Must Die by Donny Cates, Dylan Burnett, & Antonio Fabela (Complete) Another reread and I really love how much this just goes for it. I didn’t realize there was more story before and after this so I think I’m going to pick up the omnibus! I don’t assume it’ll maintain this level of momentum but if it hits the same highs at least once more during the run, it’ll be worth it.
Doctor Strange: The Oath by Brian K. Vaughn and Marcos Martin (Complete) I remember not loving this the first time I read it and I have no idea why. It’s tightly-paced and does something I rarely see Doctor Strange comics do: lean into his life as a surgeon. Really great story and just enough mystical stuff to satisfy. Really glad I reread it.
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10,000 Gecs by 100 Gecs (2023) This feels like music I’m not supposed to be listening to but I sure do love it. I liked maybe...half the songs on my first listen but each one is growing on me to the point where I think Billy Knows Jamie is the only track I don’t mind skipping.
60 Songs that Explain the 90s (Podcast) I’ve only listened to a handful of episodes but they’ve all been great! The beginning always feels a little padded and I prefer the episodes with interviews, but I recommend just finding eps about songs you like and going from there. 
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Oz: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) Both of my groups are back in Oz! My Tuesday group is busy exploring tunnels and fighting rock creatures to save a castle (campaign diary is here), and the Mof1 crew is actively escaping the crew that was about to bury them alive. We have fun.
Anyway that’s it. See you in May!
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ragdoll665 · 7 months
How I would “fix the sequel trilogy”.
Episode 1: The fix begins.
No changes to ep 7, for a few main reasons. Firstly, its actually pretty good, most people liked it when it came out, yes It plays it very safe and yes, it’s a lot of what we’ve seen before, (ep 4) BUT it nicely sets up our main cast of characters, builds some nice intrigue and mystery, who is snoke, what’s up with Luke etc etc etc. Its not perfect but its easily the best of the movies we got for numerous reasons, its only made worse because so much of what this set up was worsened by the lack of planning of what the overarching story of the trilogy was going to be, which I mean is going to happen when 3 different directors are hired to make 3 different movies all building off each other and no one though to make them go into a room together and actually discuss what they wanted to do.
The second reason is simplicity, a lot of my “fixes” are tweaks to the story structure of what we got, especially ep 8 which had a lot of good ideas it just didn’t really develop that well, and because of that keeping the baseline of ep 7 the same helps create a strong base to build on.
OK, with that out of the way lets get on to my changes.
Episode 2: the last retcon.
So this movie has a lot of good ideas and sets up some interesting things, I like Rey and Kylo’s dynamic each trying to convince the other one to change sides (this is a surprise tool that will help us later) fin still feeling like wanting to run but also not wanting to abandon his friends and kind of needing to find a purpose, and Poe advancing into a leadership position and having to learn that he cant do everything himself, he has to rely on others.
So, the movie would start in a similar way, a big space battle with the rebellion, sorry, resistance fighting the new order in space, cut a few of the marvel jokes, not that there can’t be funny moment or comedy in this movie but some of the humour in the movie really messed with the tone. Poe leads a good strike on a first order ship led by Kylo ren and snoke same as the movie they do a good job but lose some fighters and are forced to retreat again very much what the movie sets up.
Now the main changes, in this we have 3-4 main story’s going on at the same time, each of our main characters has a story that they are the hero of that build towards the overall lesson. Like ep 5 and ep 2 the movie will end on a loss for our heroes but will help them develop the skills necessary to win in the end.
So the resistance are on the run the new order are somehow tracking them and preventing them for resupplying, hoping to destroy home one and cut of most of the resistances leadership to cripple them, major difference here is that instead of being able to track them through hyperspace, something that I would argue goes against literally all of previous star wars cannon, there is a spy on board, sabotaging home one and reporting there location to the new orders, eventually due to the size of the new order fleet, being far from the core world were the new republic is running stuff the new order will eventually catch home one and destroy it.
Poe’s story is similar to what it is in the movie, keeping things simple here, it’s about leadership, Poe leads from the front, he sees others die and wants to prevent it which leads to him trying to do everything himself, which he obviously cant do, his story is, with the guidance of admiral Ackbar, and Mon Mothra, our mentor characters he has to learn to rely more on others. Poe’s does everything he can to try  and catch the spy but at every turn he is just one step behind, the spy is sabotaging the ship, he’s getting frustrated eventually he walks into a trap and something bad happens, people are hurt and he gets really depressed, he is again reminded that he cant do everything alone, they reference how the rebellion is built from the hopes and dreams of thousands of worlds, callback to how the destruction of both death stars were team efforts, getting the plans destroying shield generators and actually fighting in space. Poe reflects on this, then he bumps into Rose, who was introduced earlier on and is still the sister of a pilot killed in the opening battle, of which po feels responsible for, rose doesn’t blame him maybe talks about how she wants to blame her self as a mechanic she should have seen any issues with the ship maybe if she had done more her sister would be alive, poe says that isn’t fair on her and basically gives the mentor lecture to rose which is how he finally realises he is in the same place, he asks rose for her help and the two hatch a plan. It turns out one of Poe’s friends, a pilot on his team is the spy someone who he never would have suspected or been able to catch because she always knows were he is and what he’s up to due to being on his team, but she doesn’t account for the background characters, the no named engineers working hard like rose who go unnoticed but who’s work is critical, its them who noticed the sabotage and suspicious log activity. Poe and crew confront them and they as a final act sabotage the ship, only partially, because they didn’t have time to finish, but enough because po spent so long trying to do it himself, destroys a part of the ship, Ackbar and Mon Mothra sacrifice themselves to save Poe and gang, in a heroic manner, pass on the message they trust them to keep the spirit of the resistance alive.
Poe is set up to be the new person in charge, Poe still takes an active role but is now ready to assume the mantle of being in charge, relying on other and live up to the expectations of the mentor characters we knew and loved.
This is the main theme of this movie in my rewrite, the conflict between Fascism and Democracy, fascism sets up everyone as trampling over everyone else to benefit themselves whereas our heroes benefit from mentors who seek to help them be better than they were, to make a stronger world for others not themselves. This point will be very apparent in the Rey arc but well get their eventually.
Finn: Finn’s arc is about discovering his purpose and doing something with his stormtrooper background, he’s not super in the rebellion at this point but is willing to help to save Po and Rey, he sneaks aboard the enemy flagship and uses his skills as a stormtrooper to try and find a way to sabotage the ship or fleet to help the good guys get away. He is eventually caught by captain Phasma who in a twist is also in the process of building a rebellion, yea the reason she was so willing to give up the shield on star killer base was because she was also questioning her loyalty, maybe in part because of Finns actions. She reveals she’s been building a team of “dysfunctional” stormtroopers who would be killed or imprisoned for being to out of the norm of the stormtrooper brainwashing, we get a cool cast of wierdos with fun quirks, maybe one dude loves flamethrowers another like fighting in melee with batons basically just people who have a personality. A “bad batch” of troopers if you will. This is where fin learns his purpose, he wants to help other stormtroopers escape, obviously not all stormtroopers will be good people but within them will be some and it’s those people he wants to help, to give them a chance to live their own lives. The are the cool elite team that damages the star destroyer enough to let the good guy’s escape (barely) during the climax.
Again, leaning into the individuality is good, and how fascism crushes people’s personalities to just be cogs in a machine for the benefits of a few, it’s the actions of individuals which is why the rebellion won the war with the empire and why the resistance will eventually win against the first order.
Rey: Rey jedi training arc time, this parallels very similarly to Luke in episode 5, she wants to be trained quickly so she can go back and help her friends, Luke who better than anyone understands this and understands that it’s the wrong decision, again the idea of learning to rely on others, and realise you cannot do everything yourself. Luke pulls a Yoda and acts senile and drags out lessons and points trying to teach Rey patience, she still has her talks with Kylo and the two continue to try and convince the other to swap sides (foreshadowing). eventually Rey makes the same decision Luke makes in episode 5 and runs off before completing her training to try and help her friend, Luke follows her. She gets to the flagship and confronts Kylo and snoke, they argue, fight etc. This is were snoke pulls a palps, and try’s to convince Rey to become his apprentice, talking shit about Kylo, how she has only had a small mount of training but can compete with him, who has “super blood” bloodline from the Skywalkers. Very eugenics reasoning from snoke which makes sense cause he’s a fascist dictator. Using his dark side powers and through manipulation he convinces Rey to fall to the dark side, before she can kill Kylo and take her place as his new apprentice (very rule of 2) Luke shows up and saves Kylo, forgives him for everything, apologies for failing him as a teacher and tells him to leave and warn the rebellion. In this moment Kylo and Rey have flipped teams, are enemies still but are now on different sides, Kylo returns to the light, early enough to take steps toward redemption.
Kylo flees the ship taking Fin, Phasma and the “bad batch” with them. Luke stays behind to confront snoke, and by time for our heroes to escape (very episode 4 obi-wan) it’s a fight he cannot win but he doesn’t have to, after an epic fight between him and snoke, with crazy lightsabre swings and force powers, they have a finally dialogue, snoke talks about how Luke is weaker than him and got the weaker of the two apprentices, how he fails to understand true strength, snoke is very much a use things so they can get further again everyone is a tool for them to use, Luke on the other hand counters with the idea that no, Rey and Kylo will both end up being stronger than he was, because that’s the whole point, to help people, to teach so that those who come after become better than those who came before the. Then he is struck down in a similar fashion to obi-wan.
I Think this is particularly important for Reys character, I think, more so in getting the audience to accept how strong she gets to be, same for Kylo, instead of just making her super strong which led to her being disliked (although a lot, and I mean A LOT, of that was just sexism from the SW fanbase tbh). Rather she and Kylo are stronger than Luke because the audience believe Luke is capable of training people to be better than him, think that Gurran lagan line.
Believe in the me, that believes in you.
Make the audience want Rey and Kylo to be cool as heck because doing so Honours the legacy of Luke and all the characters that came before them, not just to replace them.
Thus, ends episode 8, the good guys are on the run, Rey has fallen to the Darkside, Kylo and Phasma are on team good guy and while things seem dire, the characters are resolved to keep fighting, to win, to rescue Rey and stop the new order.
Episode 9: Rise of a good ending.
I won’t go into as much detail as I did for episode 8, mostly because due to the changes I would have made ep 9 looks very different and is much more a wholly different movie than ep 8 was. But I’ll hit the main points that build to the conclusion.
Time has passed since the last movie the resistance and new republic are putting up a fight against the new order, but things are still bad, Kylo and crew are still not wholly accepted by many in the resistance because of their previous actions but Poe, now helping lead and coordinate the resistance, trusts Tin and is willing to accept Kylo’s help. The major plot of the movie is about snoke.
Snoke is a very old very powerful Sith lord, he does an emperor from the old republic and every few hundred years kidnaps and tricks a bunch of force sensitive individuals and uses them in a ritual to make himself more powerful and extend his life spam. The good guys learn he is planning to do this again, soon on Rey and some of the jedi from Lukes old jedi school, including the knights of ren. The good guys realise they don’t have long before they lose Rey, and Kylo isn’t convinced he can beat Rey, let alone snoke alone. IF you wanted this is where you have fin be revealed to have been force sensitive and Kylo must teach him to be a jedi to help rescue Rey, and by teaching he learns, which is a common thing for jedi through all of Star Wars, like with Kanin teaching Ezra. Poe leads a big space battle to challenge the new order and by time for Kylo and Fin to sneak into snokes citadel and try to stop his ritual.
This is the plan to rescue Rey and kill snoke, like the empire snoke is the sole leader of the new order, everything comes from him (again fascist dictator) if they kill him infighting and power struggles should cripple the first order, like the empire after Palpatine is killed.
Poe leaves Kylo and Fin to rescue Rey, and kill snoke, he leads the fight in space, to buy them the time they need. When things get dire, he hops into his x-wing to kick ass while still coordinating the new republic forces in his custom 2-seater x-win with rose as his co-pilot.
Kylo and Fin fight through some punks to get to snoke and they fight Rey and “lose” because they are trying to convince her to rejoin them, Kylo and Rey could still have been having force conversations like the last movie throughout. Eventually just before snoke can kill them they manage to convince Rey who breaks through and saves them, they have a short heart to heart moment and turn to challenge snoke. Snoke is annoyed but he’s still in the middle of his ritual and if he wins, he can still use their energy. The three of them fight a big epic fight while the space battle rages on, each using a different lightsabre style, Rey with a double because she had a staff in movie 7, come on Disney it just makes sense, Kylo with his Cross guard but fighting more defensively and supporting his two friends, and Finn with the single, and give him a cool force power, he deserves it and the other 2 got one. The trio eventually end in a force blast clash with snoke, dragon ball z style, snoke boasts about how weak they are, how feeble their forces are how there are nothing to him, but they stand united and the force ghosts of previous mentors appear as the ritual is about to conclude, the extend hands in support of our heroes, again reinforcing the idea of building a better future, and standing together for the benefit of all rather than selfish power grabbing and being alone. With force ghosts at their back the win the struggle and kill snoke permanently, without snoke the new order predictably ends up infighting and power struggling which cause them to lose the battle even though they out gun the new republic.
Each character has their arc concluded, Kylo gets to be redeemed from being a villain and continue to teach to honour Lukes’s legacy.
Finn concludes his arc by helping convince Rey to switch sides, to rejoin the good guys, the power of friendship and acceptance, and gets to be a jedi, who spends his time helping other get out of bad situations.
Rey realises that the circumstance of birth doesn’t define you, she helped to convince Kylo to change sides, which was her main goal in the last movie to honour Leia and Han, gets to be a jedi and help people.
Poe is helping organise the new republic, not just in military efforts but has expanded to be in a similar position to Leia and carries on her legacy, as the surrogate son he always was to her.
Thus ends the sequel trilogy, which told the story of standing against fascism and how we build a better world by supporting each other and teaching the next generation to be better than we were. It passes on the mantle to new characters while honouring and respecting those who came before and for fans of the original series.
A couple optional things.
 I didn’t mention Leia much because I feel weird about how I would use her in the story given carry fishers tragic passing, you could potential have her be the main mentor of Po in episode 8 and sacrifice herself to save him, which I think would be the best way to do it, but also she obviously passed before the movie was fully shot so this might have been impossible and also killing of her character as she passed may come across as disrespectful to the actor, it’s just something I wasn’t completely sure how to handle.
If you wanted to set Rey and Kylo up I think this would give you more chemistry and time to see them bond, but that’s up to you I’m not a Reylo shipper, and I don’t particularly care one way or another.
I didn’t mention our little droid friend, their still here being comedic relief and sad when Rey joins bad guys, teams up with Kylo reluctantly because of Finn and does some cool stuff, at least that’s how I would envision it, but I didn’t feel this was critical to the changes in the story, so I didn’t mention it.
Finally, I just want to mention.
I’m not a good writer, I watch a lot of cartoons and some shows and have a lot of ideas that I think would be good, but I’m not a professional writer, I haven’t written any big blockbuster movies and most of my changes come from seeing a completed story, something the actual directors didn’t have, and hey maybe you even hate my changes or disagree with how characters should have ended up, that’s cool. This was just a very late frustration project from my experience of the trilogy. I really liked the characters of Po, Finn, Kylo and Rey and had my own hopes of the direction the movies would take.
Anyways hopefully you liked some of this ramble, maybe you have your own interpretation about how you’d have like to see the sequels go which I’d love to hear.
Live long and prosper all you SW jizz fans.
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rookie-critic · 1 year
Fast X (2023, dir. Louis Leterrier) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Here we are... at the beginning of the end of the road. This, for better and for worse, might be the fastest and most furious of the films to date in the sense that you are being constantly bombarded with cameos, callbacks, crazy action, and cars for the entire 2-1/2 hour runtime. This means that anyone who isn't already familiar with the intricacies of the character relations of the franchise at this point will most assuredly be lost during a good portion of the film. Which isn't necessarily a knock against it, what do you expect from the tenth (eleventh if you count Hobbs & Shaw, which you should) installment in a franchise. We're neck deep and sinking at this point. Chances are if you're still with it this deep into the story, you know what you're getting yourself into and you're in it for the long haul, and I most certainly am. As a new convert into the Fast & Furious cult, I love these things. They're dumb, largely nonsensical, and overly sentimental to a fault, but those are all pieces of this messy web of a puzzle that endear the fans to it, myself included. Fast X is no different, it gives you everything you've come to love about and expect from the franchise, but as far as where it ranks amongst everything, I'd put it more towards the middle of the pack. Yes, it is very fun and I will talk about the things that I liked in a bit, but it also has a lot of issues that are impossible to ignore.
The first, and biggest, detriment to the film is the Justin Lin-shaped hole in the director's chair. Longtime Fast & Furious director Justin Lin (who directed Tokyo Drift, 4, 5, 6, and 9) takes a backseat in this one, opting to just be a co-writer on the film, and the style of the film suffers greatly as a result. This film just looks strange. Obvious and poorly constructed green screen backgrounds are used in places they have no business being in, lines of dialogue have been noticeably dubbed in during post-production, and the entire vibe of the visual style feels very non-Fast & Furious. It just doesn't mesh visually with any of the previous films. Also, and this is a problem I had with the eighth film, too, they never really give a good reason as to why Brian (Paul Walker's character) isn't there. Yes, I understand that Paul Walker is dead in real life, but Brian is 100% still very much alive in-universe, and everything the fans know about who he is as a character knows that he wouldn't be sitting by and allowing this to happen to the people that he loves. In F9, the story of the film allowed a pathway for a very reasonable and believable excuse for his absence, and this film just didn't have it. Fast X also continues the time-honored tradition of this franchise having next to no clue about how to use Mia (Jordana Brewster's character) effectively. She's almost always a part of the top-billed cast, and she's almost always relegated to a glorified cameo appearance. Outside of the first film, 4, 5, and 9 are the only ones that have been able to use Mia effectively (I would like to point out that those are all Lin-directed entries). She's an interesting character, and I'm tired of seeing her get sidelined. All of this on top of the fact the the story of this movie feels a lot like setup for the actual endgame that will happen in the next two films and not like an actual film story in its own right.
However, even with all of that, the movie is still insanely fun, and a lot of this is due to Jason Momoa. The villains in this franchise haven't ever been the strong points of each installment. Most of the time, they're are a template of a stereotypical, hyperbolic bad guy archetype with little personality and next to no motive. Momoa's character, on the other hand, has a motive and more personality than this movie even knows what to do with. He's Marvel's Kingpin mixed with Heath Ledger's Joker à la Fast & Furious and it's a pretty marvelous sight to behold. He injects so much fun and humor into the film that we might have lost otherwise as a result of the central family being split up for the entire film. We get Tyrese's Roman Pierce bringing the comedic relief to his sequences, and in the scenes that focus more on what Vin Diesel's Dominic Toretto is up to, Momoa steps in to pick up the slack (not to mention the pieces of the film following John Cena's Jakob Toretto, who fits like a glove into this franchise). On that note, the segmented nature of this film is handled way better than any time this kind of thing has happened in previous installments. We're following three or four storylines at any given moment in the film, and, for me, it never once felt disjointed. We also get some classic Fast & Furious car-action setpieces (including one truly inspired sequence involving a gigantic bomb rolling its way towards the Vatican) that fully deliver on the promise these movies have set up for the fans. It's not without some heavy issues, but I gotta say, there's something about these movies that is just infectious, and even the worst installments have redeeming qualities that keep me coming back for more.
Score: 7/10
Only in theaters.
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weerd1 · 1 year
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
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Let me preface this please by saying: I am just an idiot on the internet. But when I want to gush, I like to gush.  I want to talk about why SNW works so well for me. There will be spoilers for S1 and mention of things seen in trailers and promos for season 2. 
This show pulls off something that the Abrams films did well, and perhaps this show does better: It engages nostalgia without wallowing in it. The nostalgia invoked here isn’t a game of “how many Easter Eggs can we fit in an hour of television” or a contest to see if the most call backs to other series can be made. It is its own identity that leverages nostalgia to remind you the universe this is in, while still going, well, boldly in its own direction. 
It’s not just aping previous incarnations of Trek with it’s soundtrack-though there are places where it appropriately drops a motif, and for me that works. Yes, we get the ‘Amok Time’ fight music, but we get it in a scene which falls completely in line with this younger Spock’s character, dreaming as he is wrestling with his duty to his Vulcanity and his Humanity. 
When Sam Kirk shows up, it’s not because “hey look everyone it’s SAM KIRK!” He’s not only an interesting member of the crew we get to explore in ways we haven’t before (who knew he was basically Guy Fleegman?), but also setting up the eventual and inevitable introduction of Jim Kirk. 
Are there maybe places where the show goes a little too far with those callbacks?  Sure- I’m still not sure where they are going with the Sybok thing. And despite how much I adore the character, and see some interesting internal conflict based on it, I’m not sure really if La’An really needed to be a descendant of Khan Noonien Singh. 
What I don’t see is storytelling being shortcut BECAUSE of nostalgia or callbacks. This show feels like and is obviously rooted in TOS, but it’s willing to stretch the shared characters without them going OUT of character, and it’s willing to show you the Star Trek perhaps we would have had if Gene Roddenberry and Gene Coon had a lot more money and tech at their disposal...but those are just trappings. 
The Human stories here are what makes it Star Trek. So even in places where I might have preferred something a little different, I never get the feeling the writers are just playing Trek madlibs to sketch out their story. We see things that from the chronological perspective make sense to be present, and we see plenty of new we haven’t seen before.  
Yet it feels fresh, contemporary ALL WITHOUT HAVING TO RESORT TO GRITTY. It’s an unabashedly upbeat drama, proud of its heritage without being utterly reliant on it, and carving a space on TV counter to so much GRIMDARK around it. 
And so far what I see in the previews of S2 look to want to do the same. From straight comedy with Boimler and Mariner showing up, to a solid courtroom episode that I would assume ends with an acquitted Una as she appears throughout the trailer. I hope they keep it up. Like the Kelvin movies, there’s a love here for the source material as a foundation. But this show reigns in the willingness to roam a bit and stays firmly in the Classic Trek mode. Here’s hoping Season 2 keeps it up.
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maroonghoul · 1 year
Horror Movies I Just Watched: Mar 2023
Another short list this month:
Planet Terror: If these aren’t the grossest zombies I have ever seen, they’re the grossest I’ve seen in a long while. 
Once again, the fictional end of the world is caused by the US military dabbling in something without any proper precaution. Didn’t really care for the running gag with the mad scientist being castration obsessed. Not sure if that’s bro-humor or homophobia. Bruce Willis’s cameo as technically the main villain was kinda funny. if only for how they enjoyed making it obvious how detached he was from the rest of the cast. And of course, Tarantino shows up just to die, but not before deserving every nasty bit of it. Really surreal they’re part of a stolen plot point from 28 Days Later of all things. If you’ve seen it, you probably know the one.
 The rest of the cast work well enough. Marley Shelton’s doctor remains likable even as she goes off the deep end and her eye shadow runs (wait, did I say even? I meant especially), while Josh Brolin seems to channel his Thanos performance ten years earlier and even creepier. And what happens to their kid; child death in horror movies can be a stand out moment whenever it shows up if not handled recklessly. This isn’t reckless, but it certainly seals the deal on what kind of movie this is with it’s dose of dark comedy.
I know Rose McGowan’s gun leg is THE image of the movie, but I’ve been used to seeing it even before watching the movie, I was more affected by everything else. 
I should’ve know just how bloody all this was really going to get the second Tom Savini showed up. Then again, with him here and Rodriguez directing, calling this movie From Dusk Til Dawn’s grimier dumber brother seems appropriate. That reminds me, I need to rewatch that in the near future.
Scream VI: *SPOILERS!*
I felt like the previous one took a few more risks than this one, but I actually enjoyed this one more.
A part of me DID watch to relish the New York setting here, but Ghostface was always the type to be in costume when he’s in your house rather then around any sort of landmark. He would’ve been caught almost immediately.
Yes, the opening is a great first for the franchise. In hindsight, paired with the reveal of our actual killers, it felt like a callback to Mrs. Loomis betraying Mickey back in Scream II. Personal revenge taking priority over insipid fame-seeking meta commentary. 
Speaking of our actual main killers, Is this the first one since III where the motives are actually personal? And the first since II it’s someone taking revenge for family? It helps that there being THREE of them and they’re family kinda gives it a Texas Chainsaw vibe for me. And pretty cool that the climax is a literal blood feud between two families. (Though I’m confused, are the Villains the Bailey’s or the Kirsh’s?) 
Although that ends up being part of what I mean about there being less risks. With three killers, that means even less victims that aren’t just essentially extras which was about half the deaths this time (The bodega people plus Gale’s new companion), so the only new person who was expendable ‘til then was Anika. As for the core four, they’re actually less expendable now then the previous four have been (Randy died in only his second appearance and Dewey...) . Chad couldn’t really die no matter how many stabs because he’s new final boy Himbo. It wouldn’t been way too mean to kill Mindy, the black queer member, especially right after killing her girlfriend right in front of her. We literally just got Kirby back. The internet might’ve explode if it was definitive this time. Sam’s the new main character, who also makes a more compelling case of sticking around this time, (and hoping Scream vii doesn’t spin it’s wheels on her). Tara might be the strongest case, especially with how Jenna Ortega’s fame is skyrocketing so she could get too busy for more of these. But yeah, combining that with her sub plot of pseudo self destruction might not have paired well. I almost felt Gale was saved in reshoots, people repeating she was in a coma. I get it, but man, she would’ve went out strong. 
I guess, pay disputes with Neve Campbell aside, maybe it is time for some legacy characters to step back for now. Just do something to have less characters with plot armor.
Okay, Let me end this section on a positive note. One of my favorite bits was actually in the opening. Tony Revolori’s character becoming a killer AND getting killed because he doesn’t understand Giallo films was rather amusing to me, but I guess only because I know enough about horror movies to at least know what a Giallo is. Up to that, can we just say that was the actual big intentional gag of this whole franchise, am I right? All the characters talk about scary movies and most of the villains are trying to create a real life scary movie. Though the movies they’re referencing and trying to copy are Slashers films, the plots of the Scream movies always felt like they had more in common with Giallos, like the ones made by Bava and Argento decades before slashers. Slashers don’t have human, vulnerable schemers all that often, but Giallo do. The invincible killer that gets away with everything until the next killing spree were around in 70s horror movies (Michael, Billy, Leatherface, etc.), but they didn’t start being considered cool until Jason showed up a movie late in 1981. The eighties. A decade where psychopathic straight men seem to run everything. But we’re not in the eighties anymore, and as much as we can learn from it, we also need to leave it behind. Even though too many people prove to not get the memo, the joke is still on them at the end. Six times now in this case.
It’s crazy how the first and second time Ghostface was actually cheer worthy are in this movie, at the very beginning and the very end (Unless III had some moments, it’s been a while). While the end is gratifying with Sam weaponizing her own horrific family legacy against those who’s chickens have come home to roost, a slight evolution on Richie’s fate from the previous movie. I’ll still remember this entitled, pretentious asswipe getting done in by someone actually trained and experienced in killing (either the cop father of one of the kids he’s trained) beating him at his own game before he even got started, with a pre mortem one liner that would seem contradictory, but fits in how when you’re on the receiving end of the knife “Who give a f--- about movies?!”
Inferno (1980) Speaking of NYC-set horror films and Argento. This is a loose sequel to the original Suspiria. While it’s been a long time since I saw that one, I think I liked it more then this one. Suzy came into the plot because of a personal pursuit then got curious about the weird and horrific events around her. Mark in this movie, cared the least about who the Mother of Shadows is, yet he’s the sole survivor. Was that commentary about leaving well enough alone on such things? Usually you don’t punish any characters for trying to be smart in a horror movie unless movie is made before 1960. 
At least the kills were up to snuff. Failed decapitation by window and getting chewed on by rats before getting stabbed by a possessed(?) food cart vendor were highlights. Really hated how the guy drowns some cats before doing it. What was even the point of that? Not like Tenebrarum had any pet cats.
Skeleton costume at the end was cute though. Not even going to bother with the third trilogy in this sorta Trilogy. I heard it was even worse.
I’m likely going to have a longer list of movies to talk about next month. Until then...
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
glass 🧅 (but not only that) inspired thoughts but sometimes i feel like some people treat References (callbacks, easter eggs, winks at the audience, etc, etc) as something Good, when often they’re just... neutral? for example: i haven’t seen the movie myself but i remember a lot of people excitedly talking about how endgame had a lot of callbacks/references to previous marvel movies, and how nice it felt. and like... okay, but what exactly was the point of those references? i’m not saying there always has to be a point, but if there are referenceS plural i think it would be nice if discovering, being able to read them would come with a bonus other than just satisfaction at having understood them. for example, now that you know that X is a reference to Y, this gives you a new little lens through which you can look at the dialogue/scene/movie/something. but if there’s no such bonus, and the references/callbacks/whatever plural are really there just to make the audience feel nice, then... ehhhh, what’s this, a special club for special little kids? what are we doing there, exactly, and why? for the aesthetic?
thinking abt that because the onion is a Very pandemic movie, and i mean. yes. it says so at the very beginning, but also there are some things -- like the among us scene -- that some people just... wouldn’t understand, i think? or even if they understood it, it’s like, mhm, and? were we supposed to laugh at it, was it just a reference for the sake of the audience going
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? i am not sure*. but i’m pretty sure my mother didn’t really get that, and for her it was just a scene about daniel craig playing some game in the bathtub. why are they talking about it so much.
* while i was aware that it’s a thing, i never played the game and don’t really know why it’s funny aside from “it’s funny”. ah well
but then i was like well maybe the movie didn’t try to be universal. maybe it was supposed to be so deeply entwined with the early pandemic memes/jokes (the woman with the mesh mask!).
and then i started wondering about movies from like, the 80s, or 70s or 60s. the “PRL movies”. would i, a 90s kid, understand all references to the reality of life back when the movie was made/released? probably not, but would it ruin the pleasure of watching a movie? i mean technically if you take a random movie from the 70s and compare it to this one, they’re already very different because a random movie from the 70s wouldn’t necessarily be about that specific period and satirizing that specific person. unless it was, but. still.
BUT THEN i needed daniel craig to spell it out for me that “you gathered all those people who have reasons to fuck you up and planted the idea of murder in their heads” because it didn’t occur to me before he said it. so. a barrel of salt.
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TUA4 Ep3: The Squid and the Girl aka All of This Feels Like A Terrible Idea
I do not like where any of this is going, but at least we're back in the old patterns of splitting up in twos and threes for terrible plans.
Immediately suspicious of the super-squid...is there a Ben in the squid instead of the other way around?
Oh no, it's baby Jennifer...
I mean, Diego's probably right, them being a sex cult
I get it Klaus, but oof. We were doing so well...
Nothing like a family screaming match in the middle of the street
Seriously? All of that in S3 for Ray to walk out between seasons and Claire to be left for superhero times. Love that
Diego. Buddy. What are you even talking about? And why are you still acting like it's an affair. Good lord
I don't know if I'm more sad or annoyed
Gaslighting with a side of farmcore American Girl Doll nightmare fuel, love it
She's going to fall for the adventure/mystery and mistake it for Five isn't she?
Oh. Claire's got wisdom, ok. And is trying so hard, poor angel
Yes Diego, you're very clever. Yet you didn't recognize her as the girl he died to save?
If this is a weird soulmates but they're the death of you thing, I'm out
So baby Bentacles was a portal into a giant squid in another timeline?
He lives in Buckingham Palace now instead of his mighty tower?
Luther, don't read too into it. I'm sure it's nothing
No trust. She's too friendly and knows them too well...
This isn't going to end well...
The black and white dichotomy...don't like it
She's Reginald's biological full-blooded daughter isn't she?
And Allison rumored them into having the same exact memory about how Ben died? Or Reginald did it himself, sure. Because nothing is a callback and the previous seasons didn't matter.
Nope. Terrible idea. 0/10. Do not get in Mr. Monocles Magnificent Memory Machine
Is the horror movie-esque tentacle walk necessary?
That was cruel Lila
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getmemymicroscope · 2 months
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God, this is going to be hard without spoilers.
Essentially, though - what a fucking blast! It's fun right from go, it's absolutely hilarious with a ton of fun jokes and wordplay and action sequences and callbacks to the MCU and the X-Men films and call-outs and ... holy hell the awesome cameos. Is it a lot of fan service? Sure, to some extent. But you know what? I'm all here for it! Much like No Way Home, they know what the fans want - and they 100% give it to us. And they make it a hell of a lot of fun in the process.
The movie starts of with a Deadpool-level action sequence, complete with stylistic action, gore, cursing, and great music - and things don't really let up until the end. In the process, we get some great heart-to-hearts between Deadpool & Wolverine - interspersed with them constantly stabbing each other - and a few more such conversations between either of our leads and another character.
The No Way Home comparison is easy to make, at the end of the day, but unlike the recent previous MCU films that really bring everyone together (Infinity War; Endgame; No Way Home), this one ends with probably the most uplifting bit. You know - Infinity War ended with the dust'ification of 50% of the word; Endgame had the death of Tony Stark and added impact of the earlier death of Black Widow; No Way Home ends with Spider-Man completely on his own and forgotten by his friends and family. So, in that sense, this one - while still not exactly 100% happy, is probably the least such 'down' ending. Or, at least, the most hope that things for all of our characters may not end so bleakly.
The cameos - all of them - are fucking amazing. There was a couple I was expecting because I'd heard/read stuff, but I'd done a pretty good job avoiding things for the last few weeks/months, so a lot of them caught me off guard. And I loved them all (even if the movies that some of them came from weren't exactly 'best movie ever' quality).
Absolutely a blast, a perfect example of 'fan service done right,' something the MCU needed (though, to be honest, I've greatly enjoyed essentially every MCU movie - because, honestly, it isn't hard to be entertained, and the whiny babies complaining about everything clearly don't know how to have fun), and the best movie of the year thus far.
Also - the multiverse jokes were great, because, yes, it probably has been a bit overdone at this point. The MCU has started biting off too much and making things too large, so it'd be nice to see some smaller, close-to-home films (funny to say that when, all-in-all, this movie most definitely was not that).
Complete hearts, and will be watching this again.
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