#yes im hopping on that bandwagon
dumyhead · 7 months
pov: u stink
alternate pov: you're dvorah
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(alt/unblurred under the cut + og pic :3)
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bleubell-cheesecake · 2 months
IMMEDIATELY a day late to Dracula Daily but nonetheless excited to see how our good friend Johnathan gets on with his business trip! I really hope nothing goes terribly wrong and that there aren't any very homosexual undertones (lies)
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italiantnea · 1 year
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book 2!
a few notes on the character names:
Otogiri- Otogiri is composed of the characters "younger brother" (弟) and "cut" (切). There's a species of plant with this name (Otogirisou / Hypericum erectum). The legend behind the name has a few variations, the gist of which says that this plant was used by a falconer as an herb to cure his falcon's wounds. When the falconer's younger brother leaked this secret, the older brother cut him down and killed him in a fit of rage. This plant has symbolic meanings of resentment, grudges, and superstition. I also find it to be a pretty on the nose name because. You know. Tobi's literally a younger brother who's been cut off from his older brother.
Tobi- Tobi is written with the character for 'fly' (飛). It's also a homophone for 'kite' (a bird of prey) (鳶). Possible allusion to the falconry in the legend? Who knows.
Seki- Seki is written with the character meaning 'lagoon' (潟) t/n: a fun fact is that a lot of people mistake this kanji with 瀉, meaning (bowel) evacuation, used in words like 'diarrhea' and 'laxative'. this is completely irrelevant, i just think it's funny because seki's a piece of shit
Shiratama Ryuuko- Shiratama = "white jewel" (/jade/bead/ball etc), Ryuuko = "dragon's child". A pretty mystical sounding name
edit: shiratama is also a kind of white dango made with rice flour ←Shiratama's double bun hairstyle is also called 'o-dango'
Haizaki Itsuya- Haizaki = "ash/grey" + "cape/peninsula", Itsuya = "evade/idleness"+"to be" (archaic) idk it's a pretty normal name ig
Asahi Monika- Asahi = "shallow" + "crimson", Monika = "sprout" + "sun" + "flower"
Shizukudani Rukana- Shizukudani = "water drop" + "valley", and Rukana is written in katakana
next: 0-1
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bew-berry · 1 year
I'm catching up to Breaking Bad because my attention span just could not commit for a while, and I left off at Season 4 episode 8. Gus's partner in the flashback made me gasp out loud.
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brainrotgoverner · 4 months
Imma hop into the bandwagon—
Who’s heavier? Buddy or Chase?
Buddy might be a bit taller and yes they are both on the 'slim' side but Buddy is a ✨skinny bitch✨ im pretty sure even Chase can easily haul him up XD
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I'm hopping onto the su au bandwagon now so i just drew this (i am falling asleep) :D
((Also im new to tumblr so ye))
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untitled-gem · 1 year
okay im gonna say it, i actually feel annoyed asf whenever people complain about the fionna and cake series that's not even out yet. it mostly happens on the at subreddit, people dismissing the show because they hate fionna and cake as characters and saying they'd rather have a shermy and beth spinoff. i mean yes! a shermy and beth spinoff would be awesome and perhaps it will even happen in the future, but i just hate (lmao ironic sort of) all of this needless negativity whenever the series is brought up. bonus points if someone who hasn't been on the train at all has only JUST found out abt it being a thing and hops on the negativity bandwagon for it. because like i said, it's not even out yet!! and the negative reception isn't gonna change that it will still be a thing
look, i get that the fionna and cake episodes aren't your thing. i find the storylines to them are often kinda offputting as well, but i sincerely doubt they're going to indulge in that version of them any more. it's a young adult series (which makes me think it's going to be far more mature — like distant lands), ice king is no longer around to put them in weird situations (i feel like people forget that just because the characters exist and are beamed to his head doesn't mean he doesn't twist some of the stories to fit his fantasies a lot of the time), and i don't know, i just feel like people are judging it too fast. for the third time, it isn't even out. we barely have any concrete details about it, and we may not for months now.
another thing i dislike is people instantly assuming the characters are going to return because simon, not ice king, is still writing about them. there couldn't be a less simon thing to do. the entire point of ice king's character was that he was a lonely man who lacked morals and because of that he struggled to connect with anyone in a regular way. it would make sense for a character like this to be completely obsessed with a fictional universe, because he's lonely. i can literally vouch for this. i have no friends and it's 4am and i'm sitting here ranting about a children's cartoon.
i feel like people just need to give it a chance. i have the feeling that they really want to take this opportunity to make the real existing versions of fionna, cake, and all the genderbent characters into their own people rather than reflecting off of their counterparts. i already think of fionna and cake as different people to be honest. and with distant lands, as well as the general growth the original series had with its writing, i don't think that they're going to disappoint us with this. and i'll be really surprised if they go down a route that's just completely awful after making amazing episodes like obsidian & together again.
but hey that's just me
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
okay im hopping on the bandwagon, ron is definitely reagans secret sibling. rand is definitely enough of a bastard to go out and have another kid in secret. it makes sense too, if he wanted to have a kid that would take over cognito one day he'd probably think of having a backup plan just in case reagan didnt turn out. also the two of them do look pretty similar, they have the same eyebrows and general face shape, ron just looks more like rand with the hair and the nose. also the way they act, they both do that little arm crossy thing and have a similar attitude. also the whole 'ronald reagan' pun is completed with both their names and that's too good to pass up. ive connected the dots (i didnt connect shit)
YES!!! YES!!! God I’m so obsessed w/ the idea of them being siblings. Idk if they’re gonna pull a bait-and-switch on us but GOD!!!! THE POSSIBLE LORE WE COULD GET FROM THAT!!! How many more possible siblings could Reagan have running around?? What’s the specific history of his falling-out with Rand?? How many people, in general, has Rand completely wiped the minds of? Is Ron gonna end up switching to Rand’s side??
I could also 100% see them doing a slightly more,, sci-fi variant. Clone/Alt-Universe Double, maybe even made by the Illuminati to spy on her + Cognito? IN ANY CASE IM,, SO EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THEY GO WITH THIS NEW GUY
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slaasherslut · 1 year
What my OC's smell like
yes im hopping on this bandwagon and thats okay
Avana Walker
Cigarettes - This girl smokes like half a pack a day and is fully surrounded by other smokers. At this point the scent has permanently sunk into her clothes.
Weed - She isn't a total pothead but she tends to have some on her at all times. She usually has a bag in her purse or a joint tucked into her cigarette pack.
Vanilla scented body mist - Vanilla is one of her favourite scents to wear. She uses it almost every day to try to make the cigarette and weed smells a little less overpowering, but she doesn't go completely overboard with it.
Milo Vess
Coffee - If you see him right in the morning, the first thing you'll smell on him is cigarettes and coffee. The smell when he makes his morning coffee practically sticks to his skin and his morning cigarette and coffee on the back porch permeates into his jacket.
Cigarettes - He doesn't smell too strongly of cigarettes most days, mostly just after hes had one. He keeps his smoking to a minimum. He'll have roughly 4 smoke a day, more if hes stressed. Hes a man of habit and has them almost the same time every day.
Earthy scent - He tends to have a natural earthy scent when he comes home from work, like pine and dirt. Working outdoors in the cemetery all day, the scents of the pine trees surrounding the cemetery and the dirt he works in tends to stick to him.
@rottent33th @damien-mlm @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons @devil-doll13
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sweaterrat · 1 year
Part 2?
Okay so. In some of your posts you draw niyah (Self insert/you irl, if im gathering correctly) but in others there's a something-eared little fellow, like in the asking for hugs post. Is that a sona? If so, is there a ref or something? I want to hop on the hug bandwagon!!!
I have a lot of ideas for my own au and Self insert / oc, and I guess what I wanted to say is if you would like to hear them? If not, it's okay. I'll just talk my mom's ear off xd. Was going to take about them here, but I think it's more appropriate
Also... just so I know about rules and boundaries. How do you feel about other people shipping with Donnie? Is that something that makes you uncomfortable? Are are you neutral on it? Or do you like to gush with fellow fans (like I do)?
If you are uncomfortable 'sharing' it's fine, I won't ever bring it up again. Just need to know to avoid making you feel bad, I dont want to do that ever!
-A shy Moon 🌙 ✨️
Oh yes yes! My sona! I don’t have a very good ref of her but I do have this!
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Her name is Toast! (Another name I like to go by, but I didn’t wanna confuse you dorks lol) Toast is a shapeshifter (so she has a rat form (cough cough sweater rat)) The lol things on top of her head or actually horns! I see a lot of people draw em as little ears or something and honestly it’s cute as hell 💛💛💛 I love when people draw Toast IT MAKES ME SO HAPPYYY
And ofc I’d love to hear about your self insert AU!! You’re such a sweetheart so it’s the least I can do :]]!!
How I feel about other people shipping OC’s or themselves with Donnie? While I’m the jealous type (I’m trying to get better I swear 💀💀💀🕊️), who am I to stop anyone lol. I do actually enjoy seeing other peoples art and stuff! It makes me happy that I’m not the only weirdo (/lh) around 💀. The SECOND someone mentions Donnie, I’m pulling up with the whole plot of Portals!Au and all my ship art. ( thanks to my loud ass friends, I’m known as the girl who likes Donnie. Somehow my therapist found out too, good lawrd 😭)
GUSH TO ME I WANNA HEAR!!! ITS SO FUN INTERACTING WITH YOU GUYS!! I’m so happy I popped in on tumblr again, I would’ve never gotten to meet you gorgeous people 💛💛💛 YOU GUYS ARE JUST SO SWEET AND MAKE MY DAY EVERY DAY!!!
Holy garbage cans, sorry for the huge rant lmao
Have a wonderful day, Moon!! Thank you so much for the art, it was absolutely lovely ^^🫶🫶🫶🫶
— Your Pal, Niyah 💛
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donutdisturblivball · 2 years
im so sorry for doing this so late lol!!! ty @midnightmoon27 for tagging me :DD
nicknames: donut (online)
real name: i don't feel very comfy sharing outright, but i mean literally look at my user man
zodiac sign: aquarius
fave musicians: conan gray, queen, mxmtoon, cavetown, david bowie, the smiths, the cure
fave sports team: dont got one
sports watched: ice skating!!! gymnastics!!!! i think skiing is cool as shit too
other blogs: i can barely handle one yall r asking too much from me
do I get asks: occasionally? i've gotten a bit mroe as of late but nto really
following: SO many byler blogs i cant even begin to NAME--
tumblr crushes: thats like-- people that when they like or reblog my shit im like "!!!! omg they noticed me" right?? bc in that case hard yes
lucky number: i dont think i have a specific one? i've never really thought about it
what I'm wearing: pjs B]
dream vacation: france and canada await.
dream car: i should probably stop relying on public transportation and actually get a license before i even begin thinking of dream cars
fave foods: RICE!!!!! rice and pasta and potatoes. feed me any of these things and i will literally propose within the hour (after i finish eating obviously)
fave drink: water lol
instruments: i've been playing violin since i was around 6 or 7! at this point ive devoted so much time to it that i literally cannot quit even if i wanted to. i really wanna learn how to play piano and guitar tho
languages: just english! im shit at learning other languages RIP
celebrity crush: i have this weird thing where i cannot for the love of god consider people that i dont have a crush on attractive. like i can agree if you ask me if certain celebrities r conventionally and objectively attractive, but i just cant bring myself to actively think that theyre hot in my own opinion. idk its like theres this weird roadblock that just stops my mind from thinking different people that i dont know personally irl are attractive. like i play genshin impact and i have such a problem with making "mommy" jokes myself but idgaf when my friends do it. idk its weird lol
wow that was such an unnecessary rant about the inner workigns of my brain. anyway TYSM FOR TAGGING ME AGAIN!! THIS WAS VERY FUN :))
non pressure tags!! @celestialstars7 @swashbuckling-chicken @l0v3c0r3e @slytherin-crow101 @tntozier @cosmicbrowniefan @quinnick ++ anyone else who'd like to hop on the bandwagon :D
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samglyph · 2 years
First off - thanks so much for the live blogging! Didn't even know there was a new horror podcast from Rusty Quill and ive hopped on the bandwagon SO fast! Im on ep 5 right now and im convinced Arthur is suicidal with all the bad decisions he's making. He's literally the embodiment of 'that white girl who checks on the Sounds in the basement' of every horror movie and the only thing stopping him from dying is his emotional support seeing eye demon who's doing an awful job at both responsibilities.
I also headcannon that anytime Arthur is talking and not looking at someone directly his left hand slowly moves up to grab his chin and points his face in the right direction. Doubly so for any angry yelling.
Arthur: I was just trying to be polite! And you're being a total prick!-
John moving his head to look 3 inches up: YeS. GET hIM.
Oh absolutely this is a good head canon. Also I’m so glad my out of context goofs and rambling got you to listen! My secondary goal on this blog is always to get people into the newest hyperfixation so glad I’m succeeding there.
Also episode five is such a good episode I remember it like it was yesterday* (*six days ago)
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shuchu · 2 years
mysta is my BIGGEST OSHI just because i see myself in him in so many ways but the fact that shu does not curse like curse curse is just so attractive?his seisoness sends tingles in my heart and makes me wanna go back when to the oldge days when i didn't know how to curse. ALSO MAN HIS INTELLIGENCE IS ALSO ATTRACTIVE!!! Shu flirting with you but it's him whispering in your ears, reciting pi haha >///< def weird but im weird so it works
honestly i see him as some kind of role model <3 — 🍌
okay it may seem like i'm hopping on the bandwagon and trying to be relatable but me too?? mysta talked about not being able to accept compliments and being insecure sometimes. i'm literally the same which is why even though shu is my oshi, i have such a BIG soft spot for mysta. he deserves to be cherished and loved, i love that sussy fox (´ ω `♡)
& yes the fact that shu doesn't curse just makes him so adorable and endearing, i mean mans rice purity is literally 95 (i believe?). + same, i love myself an intelligent man, if he recited pi into my ears, i would kneel down and go TSKR 🧎🏻‍♀️
he is definitely a great role model for everyone, we stan our adorable seiso sorcerer ♡
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🌻🇨🇭✨️likes, shares, shares to stories, saves and comments are highly appreciated!✨️🇨🇭🌻 Congrats on 3k @star_mochii1b 👁👅👁 💗💗💗 Finally decided to hop onto a dtiys bandwagon aaaaaaaaaaa this one took quite a while but i love it 👹👹👹👹👹 if i spot a mistake afterwards i will implode (Coloured some parts of it in a train 💀) (HOW DOES ONE DRAW THIS BEAUTIFUL ON IBISPAINT?????????tysm for getring me out of a semi-art block btw 👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️) Second half of slides onwards is cityhumans (what do u expect from me anyway /lh), kept it long enough to finally see the light of day 😈 (yes it's meant to be crooked af, i love metaphors) 🪳🪳🪳 If you guys are expecting me to draw smth abt the world cup oh boy do i have news for yall🧍‍♀️ Rendered drawings will never be promised but i do have a few doodles in preparation ig... HOW DO PEOPLE DRAW THAT QUICKLY?????????like bro ive seen them and im not gonna speak of a certain portion of them HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA My interest on this event is more of an inside joke with my twin🗿🗿🗿we're being super cringe but super free LOL the nostalgia is real Anyways besides this i plan to change my schedule to a 'post whenever i want to' kind of thing eeeeeeeeeeee (either that or still saturdays 😭😭😭), idk if i could tho man (SOMEBODY REMIND ME TO DO UR REQUESTS TYSM) 🦟🦟🦟 That's probaly all for today- tysm for passing by!!! Have a great day/morning/afternoon/evening/night ahead! >:))) Tags: #countryhumans #countryhuman #countryhumansswitzerland #countryhumanswitzerland #switzerlandcountryhumans #countryhumanssuiza #countryhumansdtiys #dtiys #drawthisinyourstyle #cityhumansvienna #countryhumansvienna (???) #cityhumansberlin #countryhumansberlin #cityhumansbudapest #countryhumansbudapest #cityhumans #countryhumansaustria #countryhumansgermany #countryhumanshungary #countryhumansart #countryhumansfanart #countryhumansdrawing #art #digitalart #drawing #fanart #artwork #medibang #medibangpaint #artistsoninstagram ⚰️... (at Felling Happy and Wonderful) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClaAMG1J0G6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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webp doesn't even feel like a file format. it feels like im just saving the link to an image and that fucking sucks. innovative doesn't mean good
Did you even read the tags?
"feels like"
Okay and why does it feel like that? Because when you send it to someone over discord it posts as a link/download instead of an embed? Because Discord doesn't offer native webp support?
Which is THE EXACT THING I MENTIONED that you are now complaining about?
I never said it was good but also its JUST ANOTHER FILE FORMAT. You don't actually give a shit about the file format. You just care how its used by the programs you want to repost your images to. Everyone who complains about webp DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT about it as a format, they just care that it isn't supported, and you all are misplacing your rage and making fools of yourself when doing so.
The fight against webp is LITERALLY a reactionary movement (as in the response, not the pseudonym for the alt right) because something new isn't 100% supported everywhere you want it simultaneously.
Is it frustrating when you download a webp to share it with someone only to find that the service you are sharing it over doesn't support webp? Yes. Absolutely. Does webp have technically problems that can make it frustrating to use for developers in some cases? Yes. Absolutely.
But when you hop on a hate bandwagon because you went "Oh yeah I have experienced a minor inconvenience from that thing, it IS bad" with no idea what the fuck you are talking about, the ONLY thing you are accomplishing is proving your own lack of critical thinking about your own actions.
In short:
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Minimalism and Morality (ft. prosperity gospel)
speaking of every mormon house in utah having the same bleak minimalism aesthetic and some combination of the same 7 basic religious paintings from deseret:
i've also seen this look in alberta, canada, where I grew up. (yes alberta is the utah of canada, no i was not in southern alberta aka the utah of alberta)
Big mcmansion-esk house, beige and grey colour schemes, the smell of new shag carpet and nearly empty rooms with a few pieces of basic furniture and maybe a pop of colour. Nearly all the decor fits into at least one of three categories: religious, family pictures, or live laugh love. There is a piano. Everything is clean and spotless, no clutter to be seen.
The people who live there are an older couple, the husband is a bishop or something. The wife is all smiles and offers you a drink or a snack, and will be the first to bring up a story about one of their many, now adult and moved out children. She will run off to the kitchen before the end of the conversation, to prep dinner or finish cleaning, isn't she such a good homemaker?
I noticed the size of the house, the new furniture, the name-brand snacks in the perfectly organized pantry. Different than what I was used to at home. Different than the homes of the other young member families back in our branch. Our houses were small and messy. I didn't yet know about prosperity gospel, but I was buying into it.
I sensed the energy of the empty space inherent to minimalism in houses with vaulted callings and called it the spirit. I assigned it the moral value of 'good', which meant that anything that wasn't the same was bad.
For a long time that was my idea of what the most spiritual and righteous life looked like.
Big house. No clutter. Only church pictures on the wall. The perfect people who got up at 6am every morning and never missed a prayer or scripture study. (morning prayer and study, prayer for all the meals, family study, family prayer, then evening prayer: if you were super good then family study would be in the morning and you would have another personal study at night)
On some level I really did think that if my family just prayed more, and made sure to read the scriptures every night, then we would get that perfect life. That our sub-par family study was the thing holding us back from being wealthy. That if we just prayed more, all the clutter would magically disappear.
That i didn't deserve this life I saw because I didn't have a daily scripture study habit.
Being in these houses now, the space i once called spirit just feels cold and lifeless. If feels fake to me, and devoid of personality.
I prefer cozy, warmer, maximalist styles. I know not everyone agrees, and that's good! Taste is subjective and we should all be able to like what we like, and cultivate our own styles. If you like minimalism, go for it! No aesthetic or style is superior to another, and none has intrinsic moral value. (unless its something based entirely and completely inseparable from racism or bigotry or something... im not saying aesthetics are completely neutral or that they can't be used to communicate in not-so-great ways {for one example see tradwives with cottagecore} but you can't accurately judge the full moral character of a person solely based on how many trinkets they put on a shelf)
My problem is the conformity: I'd have the same concern even if it was a interior design trend I loved instead of minimalism.
in the case of minimalism, it isn't just a trendy thing people are hopping on the bandwagon and choosing just to fit in. No.
it has become synonymous with being morally good, smart, and even environmentally friendly (but thats not really a motivator for conservative lds in utah, they don't even recycle bottles).
Because minimalism has for so long been put on a pedestal as THE way while disparaging everything else, it is very hard for me to believe that everyone who lives in or aspires to live in this sort of home is actually really in love with it. To me it just feels like one of those things you pursue because once you get it, then you will be happy. And thats some bs right there
The amount of internalized shame about clutter and mess ect compounded with the special cocktail of perfection pressure from lds culture is a lot. And it took me a long time to stop being ashamed of not being a minimalist. I'm allowed to have things, that doesn't make me a bad person. Its okay if my entire wardrobe doesn't fit in one suitcase, why am i even trying to do that? So what if that youtuber does that, she likes to travel all over the place, has a white and beige minimalist style, and gets the most joy out of experiences. All that is great, but I'M not like that!!
She is happy because she has found a way to live that works for HER goals, happiness, and style. It is not because minimalism makes people happy.
I like lots of variety in my clothing, I don't want to travel all over the world or move to a new place every three months, and I almost always choose any other colour over white. So why do I think that if i can just make myself like minimalism, I'll be happy???
I no longer try to be a minimalist. But i still get feelings of guilt about my things, my home, my stuff.
And yeah, there are problems with being materialistic and there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but feeling guilty about bringing home the wicker chest i found in the alley because 'i have too much stuff!' even though i love the look of it and its literally more storage space is really annoying.
I'm tired of one-size-fits-all ideals pushed by society and the church. Because usually they actually only fit few-to-none, and pretending that it does actually fit us is killing us all faster.
Decorate your home the way YOU like, because you like it. Not because you hope it will magically make you happy or more spiritual. Wanting to fit in isn't bad either, just don't sacrifice your personality for it.
I'm sure Utah is a perfectly fine place for many people, and for some people the exact right place for them to be and thrive, but it's not for me. I kinda hate utah.
And it is really upsetting that so many people think the fix to the "problems" they see in me (questioning, deconstructing, critically examining the beliefs and practices of this religion I've been raised in) is for me to go to BYU.
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