#was tempted to convert that to webp before uploading
webp doesn't even feel like a file format. it feels like im just saving the link to an image and that fucking sucks. innovative doesn't mean good
Did you even read the tags?
"feels like"
Okay and why does it feel like that? Because when you send it to someone over discord it posts as a link/download instead of an embed? Because Discord doesn't offer native webp support?
Which is THE EXACT THING I MENTIONED that you are now complaining about?
I never said it was good but also its JUST ANOTHER FILE FORMAT. You don't actually give a shit about the file format. You just care how its used by the programs you want to repost your images to. Everyone who complains about webp DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT about it as a format, they just care that it isn't supported, and you all are misplacing your rage and making fools of yourself when doing so.
The fight against webp is LITERALLY a reactionary movement (as in the response, not the pseudonym for the alt right) because something new isn't 100% supported everywhere you want it simultaneously.
Is it frustrating when you download a webp to share it with someone only to find that the service you are sharing it over doesn't support webp? Yes. Absolutely. Does webp have technically problems that can make it frustrating to use for developers in some cases? Yes. Absolutely.
But when you hop on a hate bandwagon because you went "Oh yeah I have experienced a minor inconvenience from that thing, it IS bad" with no idea what the fuck you are talking about, the ONLY thing you are accomplishing is proving your own lack of critical thinking about your own actions.
In short:
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