#yes i'm doing the same joke as last year. yes i'm going to list them all again.
Being a ginger has plagued me my entire life. People say I smell like copper. I can get a sunburn indoors and night. According to recent legend, I have no soul.
half the EU
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talaok · 2 years
Will you kiss me?
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Pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
Summary: You are a famous actress who Pedro has a crush on, and he finally gets to meet you once you get both invited to The Graham Norton Show
warnings: just fluff
a/n: I had to
"What a pair we have here tonight huh?"Graham spoke enthusiastically, making the audience explode in roaring cheers and applauses.
You just smiled as you tried looking at the crowd, getting overwhelmed by the blinding lights.
"Y/n Y/l/n and Pedro Pascal, just- wow"
Other applauses filled the studio.
"Ok so let's start with you y/n, you have a show coming out next week, two oscar nominated films already out, and one more coming out next month" he took a deep breath, feigning fatigue "You must be tired, I mean, How long has it been since you slept?" he joked, making you laugh.
"well I did work a lot this past year, but it was worth it, I'm happy I got to be part of so many wonderful projects and I'm really proud of all of them, I just can't wait for people to see them"
"well I'm sure we're all gonna love them"
"I hope so, I'm always nervous about it"
"Really?" The man beside you asked, surprise clear in his tone.
Pedro Pascal,
You had heard of him before, of the boom he seemed to have made lately, but had never met him until half an hour ago, when you briefly introduced yourselves to one another.
He looked nervous, awkward even, and you didn't know if it was because of the show he was about to get on, if he just was like that, or if there was something else bothering him.
"of course, when I go to premiers I'm always looking over at how people are reacting, if they're like bored or on their phones or actually interested, it's nervewracking, don't you?"
"well of course I do" he chuckled "but I'm no one compared to you"
He had a beautiful smile, you noticed, sweet, comforting.
"oh stop it" you smacked his shoulder playfully " you're a big deal, Pedro"
He just shook his head, still smiling softly, and Graham took the opportunity to intervene.
"of course you are, I mean, Game of Thrones, Narcos," he listed " and now the Mandalorian and The last of us, I mean you're really killing it"
The crowd cheered some more at the mention of those shows.
"thank you," he said shyly, looking like he almost wanted them to stop.
"so how does it feel?" he asked, "to be on such massive hits at the same time?"
"Well, it feels... scary" he laughed, joined by the audience
"you don't like being the center of attention?" Graham asked
"oh no I do" he corrected, making you laugh "It's just frightening at times, 
but I'm having a good time y'know, it's also comforting seeing everyone I've worked with kind of be in the same position as me" he shrugged.
"People you've worked with?"
"yes, you know like Bella Ramsey, they're also- well they're young so of course, they're new to this- but, y'know, we're not used to all this attention and it feels good to have someone by your side who understands what's going on"
"of course" graham nodded "that's true, Bella is really young" he noticed "that's a thing both your shows have in common, young people," he said, "how did that feel? working with the new generation, I'm not saying you're old, but did you ever feel left out?"
"oh, all time" Pedro laughed
"yeah me too" you agreed "there were times when I was really lost but too ashamed to ask " you laughed in embarrassment
"absolutely," Pedro said, " they have a language of their own"
"right?!" you exclaimed, happy someone finally understood you.
"yes, like, there's one term that I learned recently that's really wonderful- somebody was saying - you swerve - "
You frowned
"do you know what swerving is?"
"I was like oh- get somebody off your scent or something like that- I don't know - confuse somebody, and they were like: no, they come in for a kiss and you swerve" he demonstrated, pretending to be avoiding a kiss on the cheek.
"Isn't that great?"
you nodded, laughing, as an idea came to you
"We should try"
His eyes widened as he turned to you 
"c'mon swerve me"
"no, I cannot swerve you!"
"c'mon it's for science"
"I can't, I can't swerve y/n Y/l/n, that's like - a crime"
"oh stop it, just do it, I wanna try it c'mon," you said, flattered
"ok fine, but just because I can't say no to you" he surrendered
"ok" you cleared your throat, preparing yourself "Oh wow, hi Pedro" you pretended to greet him, going in for a kiss.
He just smiled, as he did, eventually avoid your kiss,
his beard grazed your cheek, and the proximity to him, sparked something inside you, something quick, but likewise persistent.
As you leaned away, you noticed with amusement the flush on his cheeks and had to bite down a smile.
He fanned himself exaggeratedly "I'm blushing," he mumbled, making you chuckle, as you rested a hand on his arm, trying to soothe him.
" So how does swerving feel?" Graham asked
"it's... interesting" you glanced at him.
"It makes me feel rude" he looked at you too now, "I would never do it, it feels- it's mean"
"oh we know you wouldn't" you reassured him.
"I didn't like it" he shook his head
You smiled, tilting your head "would it make you feel better if we did it again without the swerving?"
You noticed how he seemed to have a momentary shutdown.
"yes," he said bluntly
"oh my god yes"
You laughed softly, as his mouth gaped open.
"Will you kiss me?" he almost begged, which was funny considering you had proposed it.
"Alright then, come here" you gestured, and he leaned closer, letting you press a quick kiss to his cheek.
"there" you smiled
"I think I just died"
"oh stop it, you're flattering me," you said, noticing a trace of red on his face "whoops, sorry I left a lipstick print" you went to clean it 
"no no" he stopped you 
"please leave it, I want proof this actually happened"
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rewh0re · 1 year
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-fluff fluff FLUFF, nagi realising he might have a lil crush, just nagi falling for you. REBLOGS + FEEDBACKS ARE APPRECIATED!!
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Nagi was not the resident lover boy. Everyone knew that, he made sure of it. He garnered interest in a few things, video games and football being some examples. The latter, if not for his best friend Reo introducing it to him, maybe wouldn't even have made it in the list. Nagi found most of the things to be a hassle. It was a hassle to get up in the morning, a hassle to brush his teeth, a hassle to get ready and come to school and get through the day. The biggest hassle of all was falling in love and high school relationships. Nagi didn't really get the logic behind all that jazz but he did get confessions in the form of little notes and homemade chocolates. He hated it, all he wanted to do was ignore them and sleep and that's what he did.
But then Nagi met you. Standing under the shelter provided by the bus stop in the pouring rain, a wet umbrella in your hands. He ran there to take shelter from the rain as well and in the process got wet. Swatting away the water from his hair, he felt your eyes on him.
"This is why you should carry an umbrella," you said, nodding your head at him. You were clearly joking as there was a little mischievous smile on your lips.
"It's a hassle to pack an umbrella," he said looking straight, voice as flat as ever.
"It’s a hassle to pack an umbrella?" Your head rolled back in laughter as you repeated his words in a question. Your reaction achieved a pout from Nagi and you thought he looked absolutely adorable in all his puffed out cheek glory.
"My bag becomes too heavy," his explanation was dry, not providing much information.
You smiled in reply, not really understanding this strange boy who found carrying an umbrella during the rainy seasons a hassle. You let it be, deciding that it wasn't really your concern.
"You go to my school?" He looked at the uniform you were wearing and then at his as if to check if they were the same. They were.
"Yes Nagi Seishiro I do go to your school," you chuckled in amusement before continuing "we shared a class last year. I won't blame you for forgetting though. You mostly slept and I never actively socialized with any of my classmates."
"I'm sorry," he rubbed the back of his neck, as embarrassment slowly took over him. A pink hue slowly creeped up his ears. You went to his school, were in the same year as him infact and he didn't even know you existed before this.
You laughed again. You laugh a lot, he noticed.
"No, don't be. I wouldn't have remembered either if you hadn't confidently said the definition of socialism when the question was about the functions of the kidney and still topped the class anyway," you grinned at him and he muttered curses at himself as the probably unwanted memory creeped its way up to the top.
"I'm l/n y/n by the way. You know, a formal introduction since we never really met properly," you stretched your hands towards him.
"Nagi Seishiro but you know that already," he took your hand and shook it gently.
Sitting at a bench provided by the bus stop together, you did not realize when the rain had stopped, the gray clouds slowly drifting by to reveal a clear sky. Nagi told you about his cactus, choki and about how Reo dragged him into football. You learnt that most things were actually a hassle for Nagi and when he said that, you laughed again.
Nagi felt a sense of pride wash over him as he made you laugh. He realized that you actually cracked very lame jokes but he found himself breaking into a small smile when you shared them anyway. It was a jolly scenario. Something in Nagi's heart bloomed when you smiled, beating a bit faster than usual.
Nagi was not your resident lover boy and in all honesty, he never wanted to be but seeing your exuberant personality made something in him glow. He found people to be a hassle, but you, with all your energy, didn't count as one, even if you officially met that day itself. Nagi didn't want to admit it was a crush just yet, he was willing to wait but when your bus came in sight, some sort of dejection took over him.
"Well that's me!" You got up from your seat waving at him as you made your way to the bus.
Just as you were about to get on the vehicle, you turned over your shoulder to look at the white haired male, who's gaze widened at the action.
"Hey Nagi, talk to me in school, yea? I'll be waiting!" You gave him a grin that stretched from ear to ear before getting up on the bus as it soon disappeared out of sight.
Your beaming smile was etched inside Nagi's mind as it sent some kind of fluttering sensation inside him. It wasn't long before he found himself smiling like an idiot while sitting on a bench in the bus stop thinking about you. He got up, his smile still intact, as he began walking towards the metro station.
That was all Nagi Seishiro could think on a rainy July evening after you left, making a mental note to definitely approach you in school.
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As It Was
A/N: Hello! I know I've been MIA for a long time. Life has been crazy and going back to college while having a full time job has taken a lot of my time. But I'm hoping to get back to writing on this blog. I've missed it and I have missed everyone so much. I make no promises but I'm going to try.
Summary: Arthur and Y/n have always been super close; but when the boys get back from the war, things have change.
Characters: Arthur Shelby, Tommy Shelby, Sister!Reader
Warnings: language, mentions Arthur's attempt at suicide
Word Count: 2,698
*gif is not mine*
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The rumor about the men who came back from the war are not the same men that left; It’s true. No one came back the same after the war. Not a single soul.
But it wasn’t just the soldiers who changed. Those who were stuck at home, waiting for their loved ones to return. They changed too.
Y/n couldn’t pinpoint exactly when she changed. She just remembers one day realizing she’s not the little girl who loved to draw rainbows, horses, and flowers anymore. Or the little girl who taught Finn how to aim at a moving rat, even though their Aunt Polly despised them touching guns. Not even the little girl who would take walks with her favorite brother, Arthur.
Y/n would never say she has a favorite brother aloud, but she knows her family sees how close the oldest brother and youngest sister are. There may be eighteen years difference between them, but they would sometimes act like twins.
Y/n enjoys John’s company and loves his jokes. Finn, she will always protect and care for. Ada, well they clash on fashion and boys, but they would kill for one another. And Tommy, well, the two siblings have never been able to get along. Tommy had big dreams that didn’t include his baby sister. Greta wanted to change the world and wanted Tommy to help her. Y/n wanted Tommy to help take care of the family instead of spending all his time at the docks waiting for the young woman to show up.
Even at a young age, Y/n knew it would always be Tommy who would provide for the family; be their leader. She loves Arthur, but he’s more of a follower than a leader. Tommy has always had ideas and Y/n knew those ideas would help them rise in Small Heath.
So with the boys off fighting in the war, Y/n made sure to follow her brother’s orders on how to run the shop.
Polly was the only one Y/n would let stray from Tommy’s list.
“You’re ten years old, Y/n. You are not the boss and know nothing about bets.” Her aunt admonishes.
“I know enough, Polly. I have Tommy’s list and Arthur’s notes.”
“So now you’re an expert at running betting shops?”
“I wasn’t saying that.” The ten year mumbles.
“Then you’ll do your best to remember who is in charge of the business.”
Y/n knows when to stop when it comes to her aunt. “Yes, ma’am.”
Y/n will admit, she learnt a lot from her aunt; not just business, but women’s business.
But now that the war is over, Y/n’s noticed how more involved Tommy is; how he keeps adding to the business.
Arthur is less present when it comes to his baby sister. They don’t go on walks anymore.
The fourteen year old moved into Arthur’s home when they came back. She wanted away from her very controlling brother and closer to the brother she knows best.
Except now, it seems that she understands Tommy more than she does Arthur.
The war may have changed all of her brothers, but something broke in Arthur. His nightmares keep her up at night and the one time she tried to wake him up, he almost choked her to death.
After that, she would either lay in her bed, listening to his screams or she would get John if the screams lasted longer than ten minutes.
“You shouldn’t be at Arthur’s alone.” Tommy tells his sister as he lit a cigarette.
“I’m not alone. Arthur is there.”
“You know what I mean, Y/n. Arthur is struggling and you being around isn’t helping.”
Y/n scoffs. “Actually, I think I help Arthur more than you can ever imagine trying to help him. You just hate that I’m not under your roof and you can’t boss me around.”
Tommy points his lit cigarette at her, his eyebrows raised in warning. “You will do as you're told or I will turn you over my knee.”
Y/n once again scoffs. Tommy has never disciplined her, he wasn’t ever around to take her in hand. That dirty task was left to their aunt. “Not only am I fourteen years old, but you have never raised a hand to me. Why start now?”
“Don’t push me, Y/n.”
Yeah, he’s bluffing, Y/n thinks. She stands to her feet. “Yes sir, Sergeant Major. If that’s all, Sergeant, I would like to finish my studies. Wouldn’t want to show up to school without my work now would we?”
Tommy pinches the bridge of his nose, resisting the urge to keep arguing with his sister. He, instead, waves his hand in a dismissive gesture without even glancing up.
The day Y/n dreaded came. Arthur had tried to commit suicide by hanging himself after he fell for their father’s con. She had found him at their home, raging and destroying the room. She skillfully dodged his swings and shouted at him.
“Arthur! It’s me! It’s Y/n!” She ducks when he throws an ashtray at her head. “It’s Y/n, brother!”
The broken voice has Y/n on the verge of tears. “Yes.” She nods her head. “It’s Y/n. I’m here.” She makes her way to her brother as his knees buckle and he lands on the floor. She holds him close, his chin digging into her shoulder as he sobs.
Y/n doesn’t know how long they stay in this position but she loses feeling in her left shoulder and feet.
When Arthur finally is able to compose himself, he stands to his feet, rubbing a shaking hand through his hair.
“Arthur, what happened to your neck?”
The older man covers the deep bruise around his neck. “Nothing.”
Y/n starts to shake her head, the pieces falling together. “No, no. You wouldn’t. You wouldn’t leave me here.” She stops talking but her head is still moving side to side; not wanting to accept that her brother, her hero, tried to kill himself.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, I-”
“No!” She sharply cuts him off. “Don’t apologize. I just need a moment to process.” She sits in a chair that he hadn’t flipped yet. “I need to figure out what to do. I need- no you need some of Polly’s ointment, and a drink… yeah, yeah.” She stands to her feet, ignoring the concerned look coming from her brother. “Sit down, Arthur. I’ll pour you some whiskey and get some ointment to help with the bruising.
“Y/n, I don’t- fuck.” Arthur curses when she completely ignores him and heads for the kitchen.
Only a few minutes pass until Y/n comes back. She hands the glass of whiskey to him and starts applying the ointment.
Y/n stayed with her brother until he decided to go to bed. She heads up to her room. In the morning, she’ll tell Polly. Fuck knows what Tommy will say if he hears about this. She never knows if he will help Arthur or make it worse.
In the morning. Y/n told her aunt and she should have known her aunt would tell their fearless leader. So she wasn’t surprised to see him walk in as she hands Arthur a cup of tea.
The look Tommy sends her is clear.
She smiles softly at her eldest brother. “I will be up in my room if you need me.” She tells him, her invitation not extending to the other brother.
She heads upstairs but does not go into her room. She sits on the top step, listening as Tommy belittles their brother. She rolls her eyes. She should’ve known Tommy would never express real feelings.
“Just use a fucking gun, man.”
“Are you fucking serious?” Y/n shouts as she storms down the stairs. “That’s all you have? Next time, use a gun?”
“Leave it be, Y/n.”
Y/n glares at Arthur. “No, Arthur, I can’t just leave it be.” She turns her glare back at the brother she is upset with. “I know it’s hard for you to express feelings now, but I would rather you not say anything at all than talk to our brother that way. He deserves better.”
“Y/n, that’s enough.”
“Fuck off, Thomas!” She shouts as she steps in his space. “You only care about having Arthur around so he can beat and kill people who piss you off. That’s all that matters to the all powerful Tommy Shelby.”
The slap echoes throughout the whole house, each sibling frozen in their place.
Y/n holds a hand over her now stinging cheek, staring at the man who has never raised a hand to her. Her and Tommy may not get along but she never thought he would physically harm her. Never.
She turns to Arthur, wondering how he will react. To her surprise he’s staring at her in disappointment.
“You shouldn’t have spoken to Tommy like that, Y/n. You were out of line.”
“I was out of line?” She snaps. “What am I supposed to do, Arthur, eh? Am I supposed to stand at attention and wait for the sergeant to bark orders? Huh?”
“Enough.” He doesn’t shout, but his voice still booms, causing his baby sister to flinch, preparing for another blow.
The guilt had already come, but seeing her flinch made Tommy feel sick to his stomach. “Y/n, I-” He reaches out to comfort her but stops when she steps back.
“Don’t you fucking touch me. I hate you.” She looks at Arthur. “I hate you both.”
“Let her go, Arthur.” Tommy orders when the eldest Shelby stands to follow Y/n who ran out of the house.
For a month, Y/n stays with John and his kids; but as much as she loves her nieces and nephews, she refuses to stay there another night.
Lizzie Stark, who’s been helping her brother with the kids, tells her to go back home, to work it out with Arthur.
“And Tommy?” The fourteen year old asks the older woman.
Lizzie smirks. “Tell him to fuck off.”
Y/n smiles at that. She hopes her brother doesn’t wait too long to give Lizzie the ring he’s been hiding.
Knowing exactly where her brother will be, Y/n heads to the Garrison. Taking a deep breath, she knocks on the locked door.
“We’re closed.” Is the muffled response from the barmaid.
“It’s Y/n Shelby.” She knows that’s all she has to say for the doors to open. Grace has been kind to her since she’s started working at the pub, and Y/n appreciates that, but she doesn’t trust the barmaid. She’s not sure why, but she has a hard time believing this Irish woman just decided to move to Birmingham without a real reason.
When the door opens, she smiles politely at Grace before squeezing past her. She heads straight to the back room, knowing her eldest brother will be attempting to balance the books.
She comes to halt mere centimeters from the entrance, her heart racing. What if he really is on Tommy’s side? What if he thinks she really did deserve to be slapped? What if she’s completely lost the only person to ever love her for her?
“Gracie, is that you? You ready to help me with these numbers yet?”
Y/n laughs quietly through the breath she was holding. Who is she kidding? Arthur is one of the kindest, loving people she knows. How could he hate her… right?
“It’s me, Arthur.” She barely gets that short sentence out above a whisper.
She steps fully into the room, her arms behind her back. “Hi.”
Arthur just stares at his baby sister, the anger, the pain of not seeing her for days, and the guilt… the guilt that has literally eaten him alive, rises to the surface. His loyalty to his brother clouded his love for his sister and he will hate himself for the rest of his life.
Being a Shelby makes it hard for them to express their emotions through words. No matter the emotion, the words usually fail to spit out, but actions, they’ve never been a problem for a Shelby.
So instead of saying the words, “I’m sorry” Arthur jumps to his feet and pulls the young girl into his arms, holding as tight as he can.
And since Y/n is not only a Shelby but also able to read her brother like a book, Y/n returns the hug and her anger disappears.
“You’re coming back home, ain’t ya?”
Y/n smiles, glad she was right. “My bag is already back in my room.”
Arthur squeezes her one more time, dropping a wet kiss on top of her head before releasing her. “Good.”
Y/n goes to ask him about how he’s been but a familiar voice stops her.
“Arthur, Tommy told me to get you. Family meeting in ten.” Finn turns to his sister, hope in his eyes. “Are you back?”
Y/n had kept in touch with Finn, having him fill her in on everything that was happening while she was gone. Finn didn’t know much, but she was able to fill in the gaps on most of what he told her.
“Yes, I’m back.”
Finn smiles. “Good. Arthur’s been too emotional and Tommy’s about to shoot him if he hears him complain one more time about you not being at the family meetings.”
Y/n laughs at Finn’s blunt statement; laughing harder when Arthur spouts profanities as he takes off after the youngest Shelby. She follows the duo, figuring it’s time for her to show her faceto the rest of the family.
Her smile stays in place as they make their way to Watery Lane, listening to her brother banter back and forth about what to tell and what to keep to yourself. So far, Finn’s winning the argument.
She can feel her smile start to get smaller the closer they get to her old home; and the smile completely disappears when Arthur opens the door for her. She comes to a halt at the threshold of the betting shop, her eyes immediately on the Peaky Blinders leader.
She’s thankful he hasn’t noticed her yet, but that little comfort quickly disappears when her aunt tells him to shut up as she makes her way to her niece.
Y/n easily accepts the hug from her aunt, the woman who practically raised her, but winces when she gets a clip to her ear.
“A month is too damn long, girl.”
“I’m sorry.” She whispers as Polly releases her; a small smile appears when her aunt gently caresses her cheek.
Knowing she needs to face the elephant in the room, or more commonly known as Thomas Shelby, Y/n peels her eyes off her aunt and stares straight into her brother’s eyes, hoping he can’t see the fear in them.
Compared to the other family members, Tommy is a mute when it comes to emotions. The only time words and emotions are mixed together is when he’s angry. He doesn’t say “I love you”, “I need you”, or anything that is remotely tied to emotions.
That said, the man is a master at showing his emotions through actions. One look can tell you so much about the gang leader. You just have to know how to read them; and Y/n is a master at this skill. She’s almost as good as their aunt.
So when she sees the barely noticeable nod of approval, and watches as Tommy pulls out a chair; she knows she has been welcomed back by their fearless leader.
And after she sits, he gently kisses her cheek, the same cheek he hurt a month ago, and she knows he’s asking for forgiveness.
She grasps his hand before he can pull away, giving it one good squeeze, so he knows he’s been forgiven.
They will never have a relationship like her and Arthur, or like him and Ada; but they can coexist together in their family; and that’s enough for them both.
Peaky Blinders: @psychkunox @theshelbyclan @lilymurphy03 @findinghisredrighthand
Forevers: @desiredposion @theseakrakence @simonsbluee
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asmutwriter · 4 months
The Gangsta's Wife (Part 9)
DESCRIPTION: During you're time in the safe house you experience an event that'll likely cause your whole life to change.
From Beginning / Previous / Next / Master List  
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WARNINGS: pregnancy, giving birth, swearing, really bad writing to be honest
This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
This story does not follow the timeline of the show
You'd been living in the safe house for a little under 2 months now. Celebrated Christmas and the New Year inside of it. You saw the man who delivered you new food every week on a Sunday. Edward his name was. Asking him to buy some specific things for your sisters so they could still have a somewhat normal Christmas, given the circumstances. It was quite nice being the three of you though. Over the winter you spent the short days reading, the long nights playing cards.
It was mid January, like any other Sunday. You sat in the living room. Reading a book. Only a few days left before February came around. Which you were greatful for. This month always seemed to last ages and summer would always seem so far away. A knock at the door. Elizabeth calls out.
"I'll get it" she says cheerfully. You stand up. A weird pain going through you as you stand. Letting out a small huff of air as you rub your stomach. Paying it no mind before walking over to the door. You see Edward outside. Brown paper bag with various bits in as he talks to Liz. Who keeps playing with her hair. You half smile at the scene before waddling over. He sees you, a smile on his face. Different to the one he gave your sister but you pay it no mind.
"You life saver" you say. Holding your hand out for the bag. He shakes his head.
"I don't think you should be carrying anything unnecessarily in your condition" he motions at your rather huge stomach.
"Is it really obvious that I'm pregnant?" he laughs as you comically push your stomach out. Motioning for him to come in. He goes to the kitchen. He'd been here plenty of times before so knew where to go. Placing the bag down onto the side.
"I even managed to get you-" he reaches into the bag. Pulling out two oranges.
"Oh my god yes" you hold a hand out, him passing it to you as he starts to empty the bag. That's when you feel it. The same sharp pain going through your side. You brace your hands on the counter. Furrowing your brow before the pain stops just as suddenly as it had started. Edward watches you
"You ok Mrs Shelby?" you nod. Standing back up again, rubbing your stomach.
"Yeah just peachy. Or should I say-" you hold the orange up again "Orangey". He rolls his eyes.
"I thought the dad was meant to say the bad jokes?" you laugh, starting to peel the fruit. Going to say something but the pain comes back. Harder this time. Ed stops what hes doing. Coming over to you as he steadies you. You bend forward. Grabbing his hand and clinging onto it as if your life depended on it. "Liz call the midwife" you see her running off.
"No" you call out. A small plea in your voice "please don't.... fuck!" you say. Hearing her speaking on the phone.
"Lets get you sat down" he says. Pulling out a dining chair as Liz runs back in, shortly followed by Mary.
"Midwife is on the way"
"Good. Flo just breath"
"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?" you shut your eyes. Rubbing your stomach as you speak in a low whisper. "Please get them out of this room" you say, almost as a sob. He nods. Motioning for your sisters to leave. SHhtting the door behind them to the kitchen. He comes and sits next to you. You dig your nails into the wood of the table.
"We- We should contact my husband"
"I can't do that" you look at him. Focusing on your breathing as you give him a questioning look. "Mr Shelby was very clear on his instructions. We do not contact him no matter what. To keep you, your child, and your sister safe". You chuckle slightly. A shaky breath out as you look away from him. Another contraction hitting you. You bend over slightly. Hand going to your stomach as your nails scratching the table before balling it into fists. Feeling the pain of your nails into the flesh of your palm.
Letting out a crying laugh as the pain subsides. Shaking your head slightly. "I'm having his baby and hes to fucking busy to come and see me"
"Its for your safety Mrs Shelby" you run a hand over your face. Pushing yourself up from your chair. Starting to pace. Ed stands too, hands outstretched like your a stray dog hes trying to tame. "I think you should remain sat down" you shake your head. Swaying on your feet side to side. Hearing the front door knock. Ed stands up. You shut your eyes as you hear the door open. The familiar voice of your midwife being heard.
She walks into the kitchen. Smiling at you as she places a medical bag onto the dining room table. "Its nice to see you again Mrs Shelby" you nod. Breathing deeply through your nose as she continues to speak. "Why don't we go to the bedroom for a little more privacy, hmm?" you nod.
Letting her take your arm as she leads you to the bedroom. You stay standing as she goes and and moves your pillows around for you.You stand as she does so, swaying softly as you shut your eyes. Ed following with the medical kit. She looks at him, taking the kit from him.
"Thank you" she smiles at him. He stands, hands placed neatly in front of him as he watches. She coughs slightly, causing him to look at her "I'm going to have to ask you to leave sir. There's no men allowed in the delivery room"
"I can't do that. I'm sorry ma'am" she turns to face him fully.
"I understand your concern. But my only aim for this visit is to deliver the baby safely. Your men have already checked my person. I am unarmed. Now I need you to leave so that I can do my job" he looks at her.
"I'll be just outside the door. If I hear anything unusual I will make no hesitation to come in here" she nods. Him turning tail and heading out the door. Shutting it behind him as your midwife faces you. A smile back on her face. "Why don't you come and lie down on the bed Mrs Shelby?"
"I don't want to lie down"
"I'll be able to help you a lot better if you lie down and let me have a look at whats happening".
"Is it to late to not have it?" she half smiles.
"Unfortunately so. Come on" she gently takes your shoulders. Leading you to the bed. Helping you up and lie down. Going between your thighs as she examines you. You shut your eyes as you breath.
"You're 4cm dilated"
"6 to go, right?" she nods. You shake your head. Turning your legs to go back over the bed. Standing up and pacing again. Gripping the end of the bed frame as another contraction hits. Screaming out. Dorothy (the midwife) coming over and comforting you. Rubbing firm yet gentle circles onto your lower back. She continues to rub onto your back. Massaging the pain away as best as she could.
"I want my husband" you say in a choked sob. "Please..."
"I can't do that Mrs Shelby. I'm sorry. What you need to focus on is getting this baby out. Do you think you can do that?" you shake your head.
"No. No I cant do it. I cant do this" you grip the bed frame tighter. Crying out again. "I need my husband... Please..." She waits for this contraction to pass before helping you to lie down onto the bed.. Dorothy checks how dilated you are.
"You're at 10cm my lovely"
"What the fuck does that mean?" you say. Hand coming up and covering your eyes.
"It means that you can start pushing for me. Count to 3 and give a really big push. 1, 2, 3 - that's it. Good girl. Do that one more time for me ok? 1, 2, 3 and push. Well done my lovely. The head is out. Hold it there. You're doing so well. Ok. Now do it one more time. Do you think you can do it? Come on. 1. 2. 3. Push. Keep pushing. Keep going. Well done. You did so well"
You pant. Eyes opening as you look. Dorothy clamping the two ends of the umbilical cord. Cutting it. Your eyes follow her as she holds your baby. Her rubbing its back. Unable to hear its cries a fear washes over you. "Is my baby ok?". As if on cue you start to hear its crying. A sigh of relief as she wraps the small human up in a blanket.
"Congratulations Mrs Shelby. You have a beautiful baby boy". You get handed him. A smile on your face as you look at the child you had made.
"Oh my god" you say in a soft whisper. Gently stroking the babes features. You feel Dorothy help clean everything up. Covering your lower regions before opening the door. You cant see it but Edward, Elizabeth, and Mary all wait outside the door. They come in. Edward checking to make sure everything seems well as Elizabeth and Mary rush to your side. Looking at your baby. A smile on your features as you look at the child.
"Have you thought of any names?"
"Yes. We were going to see if it was a boy or a girl first" you look up at her. "We're going to call him Charles" looking back down at the baby. "Charles Shelby" you whisper the name. Closing your eyes as you kiss his forehead.
5 months had passed. You were still in the safe house. Your midwife had stopped coming regularly around 4 months ago. Although she did tell you that if you had any further questions to contact the doctors. Edward was still coming every Sunday. Delivering you all food as you remained on lock down. Liz and Mary outside in the garden. Happy to be in the summer sun.
You were sat on the living room floor. Holding a toy that Edward had brought you as a gift for Charles. You play with it. Booping it onto the childs nose causing him to giggle. That's when you hear the front door open. Turning to look at the hallway. Edward wasn't meant to come round for another 3 days and the men patrolling your house never came in. You stand up. Picking up your child as you hold him close to you.
Rubbing his back as you make your way to the living room door. Poking your head round you see someone you weren't expecting.
"Thomas..." you whisper his name. Him examining the pictures on the wall. Turning to face you at hearing his name. He smiles at you. His cold stare growing warm as they meet yours. "I- I wasn't expecting you today" he nods.
"I told you I'd come and get you once the threat had been dealt with. So here I am".
"So we're safe to come back home?" he nods. You smile. Hugging the child you were holding close to you. Shutting your eyes as you rest your head against Charlie. "We can go home" you whisper. "We can go home". Kissing the side of his head. You open your eyes. Seeing your husbands eyes on the child your holding.
"Shit" you look between the two of them "shit yes. Tom meet your son. Charles" he comes over fully. The baby staring at him as he gently strokes the babes cheeks. This close proximity you get the scent of whiskey and cigarettes from your husband. The familiarity of it causing you to relax as he smiles at his child. The baby smiling back at him. Mimicking his dads expression.
"I've come to take you, your mum, and your aunties home. What do you say about that, ey?". You kiss your childs cheek before stroking his hair. Turning to Tommy.
"Could you hold him whilst I get the girls and our stuff please?". He nods without hesitation. Hands coming out as he takes your child. A genuine smile on his face as he takes him in his hold. The child looks at you, reaching a hand out. You take it. Kissing the back of his fingers.
"I will be back soon my love" kissing his fingers again. "You stay here with your dad, ok? I'll only be a minute" Stroking his cheek. He looks at his father. The hand you were holding goes to his dads cheek. An unsure but small smile comes over the youngers face. You stroke his hair again. Kissing the top of his head. "I'll be quick".
You're husband drives you all back home. Pulling up outside your house. The back doors open as your sisters get out. You grab the handle to open the car door. Stepping out as you hold your son. Liz and Mary grab your bags as well as their own as the start going into the house. You smile as you look at the familiar building.
Thomas comes over to you. A hand going gently to your upper arm as he looks at you. You turn your head. Meeting his ocean eyes. "I have a present for you". Your brow knits together as you look at him.
"What for?"
"Many reasons. To celebrate our one year anniversary, the birth of our son, Christmas, plus the fact that the threat that separated us is now gone for good" he pauses for a moment. Letting the words hit your ears
"What is it then?"
"That defeats the point of a present if I tell you, ey? All I ask is that you and Charlie get into the car and I'll take you to it" you don't move. Instead just watching him. Trying to read him. It had been a while so you were a little rusty. "Trust me, Florence". You nod slightly.
"I trust you Mr Shelby" he smiles. You move to the side as he reaches behind you. Grabbing the car door, opening it for you as you get in. Shutting it behind you before getting into the drivers seat. Charlie watches your husband as he loosens his tie. Pulling it up and over his head. Turning to face you as he holds it in his palms.
"You still trust me Mrs Shelby?". You look at the tie. Then looking at his eyes. His soft, pulling you in as they scan your features. "Do you?". He repeats. You bite the inside of your lip. Looking at the tie again before nodding. Looking back at his eyes he smiles. You wrap and arm around your son. Holding him close to you as Tommy brings the tie up. Wrapping it around your head and tying it in the back. You reach a hand out. Gently touching his shoulder "Is that comfortable?". You nod. Feeling him shift. The car engine starting. A rumble going through you and the vehicle as you feel it starting to move.
"Where are we going Mr Shelby?"
"You're going to have to wait and see". You feel his hand go to your leg. Squeezing it softly before moving back again. Your hand remaining on his shoulder as a form of security for you.
You're unsure of how much time goes by before the car comes to a stop. He removes your hand from his shoulder. Placing it to join the other one wrapped around Charles. Hearing the door beside you opening. You feel him remove the child from your lap before a hand comes out and takes yours. Helping you step out the car.
"You know, making your blindfolded wife get out of a car whilst she wears heels may not be the best idea you've ever had". A chuckle escapes him. Causing you to smile "Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself at this image"
"Very much so" he says. You can hear the smirk in his voice as you successfully get out the car. He turns you. Bringing your arms up as he places Charlie back into your arms. Not letting him go fully until he knows you have a good hold on him. Feeling him move behind you. You move your head, tilting it so you can hear him better when he speaks. "Are you ready?". You nod. Feeling his hands come up. Untying the tie around your eyes. Taking it and placing the material in his pocket.
You blink a few times. Eyes becoming re-accustomed to the light. Feeling his hands gently rest onto your upper arms. You hold Charlie as you manage to focus on a house standing before you. No. Better described as a mansion. He leans near your ear. Speaking into it. "Welcome to our new home - Arrow House"
"Our- Did you just say our home?" he nods. His hands still resting on your arms. Holding you as you whisper "This is ours...?" Scared if you speak any louder you might break the magical atmosphere. A smile on his face as drops your arms. He comes round to the front of you. Outstretching a hand, to which you take. Holding Charlie still.
Awestruck as he goes up to the front door. Leading you with him. Opening it you go inside the beautiful entrance way. "Your fucking kidding me" you say. Adjusting Charlie on your hip. Looking up at the grand staircase. He watches you. His hands placed comfortably in front of him. "This is a joke right? This is a friends house that you've borrowed or something"
"I had some spare money left over that I needed to spend. Given the circumstances of your pregnancy I thought it only made sense to buy us a house. One that could accommodate for us"
"Fuck me..." you whisper. He takes out a cigarette. Rolling it over his lips. Taking out a lighter and lighting the end. Drawing a drag from it before removing it from his lips. Placing the lighter back into his pocket.
"We have room for a few maids which should be starting at the end of the week. I've got a few cars to come by to deliver your personal items. They should be arriving later today" he places it back in his mouth.
"You've really set a high bar for presents. You realise that Mr Shelby?" he smiles. Watching as you bring a hand up. Feeling joyfully overwhelmed.
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@whorecrux-of-slytherin @kkrenae @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @frozenhuntress67
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schumigrace · 8 months
My life will, quite literally, never be the same.
I moved to the motorsport county for a multitude of reasons, but having Silverstone on my doorstep was at the top of the list.
The mileage counter in my beaten-up racing green Vauxhall has racked up most of it's digits on the A43 through Towcester, I can tell you the exact position of every road sign painted with a brown rectangle, a chequered flag next to the word "Silverstone". I could tell you which direction the track is in from anywhere in the world, as if it's Wing shaped roof hangs like a petrol-laden North Star. All roads lead to Silverstone, you may say (no-one has ever said this)
So, Grace, I hear you asking, how often do you go?
That is, of course, until I received an email from God herself (the Aston Martin F1 Team Marketing Analyst) informing me of my invitation to their AMR24 Launch. An invitation I very obviously accepted, after 24 hours worth of crying, screaming, and stalking said marketing analyst on LinkedIn to make sure this was not in fact some messed up kind of joke
So it's 7 in the morning, I'm doing my usual commute through the god-awful traffic hell that is Northamptonshire, only this time I'm not going straight ahead on the Silverstone Bypass, I am taking the ever elusive right turn into the brand new Aston Martin Technology Centre and being handed a visitor's pass
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The first thing I notice is that they've only gone and put a bloody AMR23 (with the new livery) right in the middle of the lobby, it's covered up at this point, and I'm staring daggers through the cover just daring it to be riddled with carbon fibre underneath. AMR team members are floating around like green angels everywhere I look, shelves are adorned with this past year's trophies (I make a comment to a passing team member - "you'll need more shelves after this year", she chuckles and moves on - I try not to take this is a bad sign)
8 o'clock hits, the official launch video plays, and the cover is removed. jesus fucking christ she's green. thank fuck. I can go home now.
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Oh, hang on, is that Mike Krack?
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Shit it is.
Mike has a shakedown to run of course, so he doesn't hang around for too long. He's confident in this car though, they've been working on it for years, and he's sure we'll be quick out of the gate. Off he goes across the road to the garage. "Don't worry," they say, "you'll be going over to watch the cars on track too."
Sorry, can you repeat that please, I believe you just said we are going to go over to the track to watch the cars.
"Yes of course, but not before we ply you with cake and coffee, naturally, oh and also Pedro De La Rosa is here along with Jessica Hawkins. Do you want to chat to them?"
I ask Pedro where he and Fernando went to dinner last night. Somewhere in Oxford I think, I stopped listening, I was thinking about how much I would be willing to be a thir-
At this point no photos are allowed for the rest of the day, they are literally building the car right in front of you no you cannot put that on social media.
We're heading across the road now, along the Hamilton straight and up around Stowe, we head past the Porsche Experian Centre and I make some vague comment about Webbonso that nobody picks up on. Nevermind. We turn left just before Maggots and Becketts to head towards the pit lane, and into the Aston Martin garage.
The smell of petrol is so overwhelmingly strong and I make sure every single cell of my lungs is scarred from it. A batak machine is being set up and I joke "wouldn't it be funny if someone beat Jenson Button's world record today". Someone did, not even 5 minutes later. A wave of "get Jenson on the phone!" fills the garage.
I turn around, Stoffel Vandoorne and Felipe Drugovich are on a stage talking about how exciting it is to see the car, or at least they're trying to look excited. I'm not sure Drugo knows what that even means.
Lawrence Stroll is talking to a mechanic and I can literally hear the thousands of dollars dropping into his bank account with every heartbeat. Surely his son is nearby? Oh yes, right infront of us. Imagine that. (Lance did of course look gorgeous, his racesuit tied around his waist, laughing with his engineers like the whore he is)
We're heading over to the PU station now and the wonderful AM team member is talking us through the specifics of it, but I haven't heard a single word she has said, because unfortunately for her Fernando has decided to enter the garage at that exact moment. I am stood near a space heater, and he locks eyes on me (nope, the space heater) immediately. He makes his way over and sticks his backside directly towards the heater and my face is about as red as the radiator.
"Good morning! How are you?"
I have so many words to say to you right now, and not a single one of them is in a language that either of us can understand. I think I eventually vomitted up some form of acceptable response, however, because he smiled at me.
"Are you cold?"
"Only a little" I respond. Not anymore, I'm picturing myself under you, I think.
I totally lost a good hour after this because there's not a single memory here for me to put into words, damn you Alonso
The blur fades with the freezing air outside, and we're stood on the pitwall. Sky Sports are here now and have us doing media stuff, I run as far away from them as possible and climb onto the pitwall. FIA, if you're reading this, I promise I kept both feet on the ground at all times.
They tell us the shakedown isn't going to plan, suprise surprise, and you actually cannot see the car on track today. I mentally curl into a ball and sob the whole way back to the AMRTC but all of a sudden we are being led to mission control and the composite engineering stations and they are, literally, building a car infront of us whatthefuckishappening
By this point I have recovered from my minor sulk - Grace this is literally the best day of your life get over yourself - and then we're being told that as an apology they have hired a room in the Hilton Hotel opposite the pitlane, free food and drinks for as long as we want, oh and... cars on track. all. day. long.
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Whilst writing this i received another email from biblically-accurate marketing analyst god asking for feedback. I think a string of letters indicating incessant shrieking will probably do the trick
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athforskz · 1 month
More Random Ult Kpop Group Questions: SKZ Version!
I did something like this a while ago when I first started this blog. So it’s time for another round! Questions below the cut I'm marking as MDNI. Like before, feel free to use this template of questions for your own ult group & tag me (and some friends if ya like). I love to see everyone’s responses 🤗
Dumbest thing you believed as a new fan?
Oof… there’s a few things I fell for as a baby stay, technically I still am a baby stay I think, BUT here’s my uhhh list: 
I thought Hyunjin had an identical twin brother.. 🫣 wait WAIIIT before you come at me, there was a rumor/joke going around at the time and obviously I didn’t know any better, so I believed it. There were even really good edits of Jinnie and his “twin” too. Then when I watched interviews where Hyunjin said he was an only child I was like ???? but eventually I figured it out.
I thought the sunshine twins were legitimately twins (they are) . Like biologically. Wtf is up with me believing twin things??
At first, I could NOT for the life of me tell the difference between Lee Know and Jeongin. No joke thought they were the same person. Which looking back on this one… how could I ever have trouble with them? They literally look nothing alike in facial structure and sound completely different in the way they talk & sing. Only thing they’re the same in is their menace behavior. 
2. Favorite duo/ship?
Usually not a shipper type of person but in regard to favorite friendship dynamic in skz, it’s gotta be SeungChan. Just watch this and there’s my reason why. Jilix is a close second because, again, sunshine twins. Followed by MinChan because watching Lee Know with his only hyung is so precious.
3. Favorite Racha (or other mini group within the whole group)? 
MeanRacha (Minho, Seungmin, & I.N) One of these 3 is literally always up to something. Causing chaos when you least expect it. The phrase “Lee Know is linoing” has become a favorite of mine because it always means he’s doing some menace antics again.
4. Favorite unreleased song?
There was a song that Hyunjin and Chan recorded years ago that Chan supposedly lost. We got a snippet of it and when I heard it I went feral because like Red Lights part 2???! PLEASE I NEED THIS SONG LIKE I NEED AIR! Chan like wtf do you mean you lost the track?! FIND IT. RECORD IT AGAIN. 
Also, all the solo performances they did at the opening concert in Seoul for the DominATE tour. Yeah, I need all those unreleased songs to be RELEASED right tf now. Give us another Replay album! And Chan… ykw let me shut up and be good for once, but I just wanna say THE GRASS AINT WORKING 
5. Favorite old song of theirs? Favorite song from their most recent project?
HEYDAY by 3racha. The whole song is a vibe but Jisung’s lazy rap when he first starts his part just does something to me 😩 
In regard to the whole group, I’d say the song 'YAYAYA' is one of my go-to jams from their older stuff. I love the tempo changes, scratches my brain in a good way.
Now as for the new album “ATE” this may be controversial to say but “I like it” is my favorite. It’s just so catchy!
6. Has your bias/bias line changed?
Since the last time I did this, yes and no? I mean as I’ve grown more as a stay I can confidently say OT8! But if I was forced to choose I say Hyunjin no surprise there and Minho.
7. What about your wreckers?
Chan continues to wreck me every. single. day. Like it’s truly insane, that man KNOWS what he’s doing. I’d also like to add that I.N has been wrecking me left and right the last few months which I blame his hyungs for that. 
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Please skip this portion if it makes you uncomfortable. This is the delulu brain talking. 
8. Which member are you attracted to the most physically? What about emotionally?
Physically I’m going to say OT8! Like have you seen those MEN?! I would be lucky to even get a crumb from them like bffr. Changbin, Hyunjin & Minho
Emotionally probably Changbin & Chan. From the glimpses we get of their true feelings & perspectives on things I relate to them the most. Honorable mention for this one will be Hyunjin because he’s such a romantic and I wanna say Seungmin too. I feel like before we didn’t get to see a lot of Seungmin ‘off camera’ per se, but with his [Song by] series we get to see more of his real personality and thoughts.
9. If you ever actually had the chance, who do you think you’d work out in a long-term relationship with (please remember the first rule of Kpop)? 
Probably, Changbin. Mans is a walking green flag. He’s a good listener, considerate of other’s feelings while still being honest. Always there for you. Funny af too. Overall, considering how I am as a person I think, Changbin would just be a good match for me. Like in my delulu brain me and Binnie would have that friends to lovers trope going for us. Even my dearest honey bun thinks so, she did write about it for me afterall💕 
10. A favorite kink of yours and member to fit that kink?
To keep it somewhat light in the kink department I’m going to go with hands. And a member to fit it the best, aka who I think has the most attractive hands will go to Jeongin. Innie has giant and such well structured hands. Rings sit so pretty on his fingers too which makes me feral. Like AHHDKSISVJKDW please grip my wrists and throat sir! *ahem* I mean, please let’s hold hands 🫶🏽 
Honorable hands mention will go to Minho because the veins on that man’s hands are just so ✨🥴
11. Favorite sluttiest choreography/move they’ve done?
Damn do I have a lot for this one *cracks knuckles*
The choreo for Silent Cry. Need I say more?
Anytime Hyunjin body rolls
Every single hip thrust/roll from Minho
The “POPPIN 🗣️” part in Maniac, especially when Binnie does it.
That one part in Charmer. Y’all know exactly what part I’m talking about.
Red lights. Need I say more, pt 2
The entire choreo for Taste. Bonus points to Minho when he did the special stage where he’s fucking hip thrusting from the side (I hope y’all know which one I’m mentioning here)
12. Most unhinged fic or edit you have enjoyed of them?
There’s a lot for this question too but I’ll keep it short. I’ll start with unhinged fics. I enjoy dark themes because let’s face it. Trauma. Please be warned these fics aren’t for the faint of heart, so if you read them, be warned. Some are lighter than others, but please read warnings!
Game Over feat. Seungmin & I.N by @sanakimohara
Games feat. I.N by @dandelions-143
Chemical Infatuation feat. Han by @hanjisick
ABANB series feat. OT8! by @doitforbangchan
The SKZ House series feat. Chan & Hyunjin by @writeonwhiskey
As for edits, there are even more that I enjoy. But I’ll only choose 1 for the sake of time and it’s only letting me attach one video.
Alright, that’s it! Thanks for reading if you stuck it out this far! I really didn't intend for it to be this long but it was so fun that I got carried away. Now for tags, I’ll go with my typical beautiful babes @doitforbangchan @jehhskz @torialefay + anyone else who wants to join!
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marvelavengerspovs1 · 7 months
Winter Wolf - Chapter 1
Winter Wolf Master List
Warnings: Mentions of violence, use of Y/N
Length: 956
A/N: Hi! Here's Ch. 1 of Winter Wolf, I don't think I'll always put a/n on the chapters because I have most of them already written out. I am going to keep the same schedule that I use on AO3 and only update every 2 weeks!
I do not give consent for my work to be translated, copied, or sold!
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You regret waking up this morning. Don't get it wrong, you love working with the Avengers. But you hate the constant bickering and fighting.
"You were supposed to go left!" Sam yells at Bucky.
"How was I supposed to know that!?"
"Because it is in every single action movie!"
"Boys!" You yell at them.
They look at you. "What!?"
"I'm going to let the yelling at me slide, but we are on a mission! Can the bickering wait until after the mission?" You give them a sharp look.
The boys roll their eyes but they continue to take out the oncoming Hydra operatives.
"It's clear on my end." You voice through the comms.
"I think Bucky could use some help." Sam chimes in.
You look over at Bucky when he suddenly gets knocked into an electrical panel. He tries to move his arm but it looks like it was fried.
"I can handle it, Sam!" Bucky yells.
You ignore Bucky and take out the Hydra worker. First a punch to the head, then you swept your leg under his. He falls to the ground and doesn't get back up.
You offer your hand to Bucky but he doesn't take it. "I told you I could take care of myself, Doll."
"I know, but it was fun." You smile at him while he gets up.
Something hits the back of your head and you fall forward. You roll over and see the same Hydra soldier standing above you with a metal pipe in his hand. He grabs your ankles and starts to drag you out of the building.
Before he could do anything else, Bucky tackles him. He punches him a few times before getting up to help you.
"Are you ok, Doll?"
"I told you I had him." You throw his words back at him.
"I know, but it was fun." He smirks at you. "Seriously, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine!" You touch the back of your head and flinch. "Ok, I may have a concussion or something, but I'm fine."
Bucky smiles at you before he leaves to make sure that the area is secure.
You and the rest of the Avengers finish the mission and head back to the compound in the Quinjet. Once you all get back to your rooms, shower, and get some fresh clothes, Tony calls you all in for a meeting.
"Good job tonight team."
"It would have gone better if Y/N didn't almost get kidnapped." Bucky looks at you.
You snort. "You're one to talk. Your arm short-circuited and I had to go save your ass."
Sam laughs. "She has a point, Buck."
Bucky looks at Sam. "Don't call me that."
"But Steve calls you that." Sam points at Steve who is sitting in the corner of the room.
"I've known him since we were kids." Bucky rolls his eyes at Sam before looking at you. "But all jokes aside, you did really well Y/N. You're even getting better at combat."
"Of course she is." Natasha gets up from her seat to stand next to you. She wraps her arm around your neck with a smile. "I'm training her."
"Alright. We still have some more missions to go on, but for now, we're done for the week." Tony says. You look at your phone and realize that it's Thursday. "We'll have a party tomorrow night and then you guys can take the weekend off. I'm having Friday get some last-minute details for the oncoming missions."
Tony dismisses the team and you all head to your rooms. You get in the elevator with Steve, Bucky, and Sam. They were all going to play a game of pool on the floor above yours.
"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Steve asks you.
"Oh, I think I'm going to go see a movie."
"With your secret boyfriend?" Sam asks.
"Yes, with the secret boyfriend." You laugh.
You have been working with the Avengers for years but you have refused to disclose your romantic relationships with them. They mean well, but they become overprotective to the point that a relationship is impossible without them tagging along. The only time they knew about a boyfriend was when you first joined 5 years ago.
You had already been dating Jackson for a couple of months before you were recruited into the Avengers. Almost instantly they drove him away. Whenever Jackson would come around, the group wouldn't leave you guys alone. Thor would put Mjölnir on Jackson's things, knowing the mortal would not be able to do anything about it. Steve would try to be nice but he would just end up being awkward. Tony would just be... well, Tony. Natasha and Clint would be nice but gossip loud enough for Jackson to hear. Similar to Tony, Sam would just be himself. Bucky would always be in his room but when he wasn’t, he would be brooding in the corner of the room and make Jackson feel uncomfortable. The only people who didn't do anything were Wanda, Vision, and Bruce.
"So what will you guys be seeing?" Steve asks you.
"Probably an action movie," Sam laughs at his own innuendo.
“Ha ha, very funny.” You roll your eyes. “We’ll probably watch a comfort movie because it’s been a long week.”
“Oh, I loved Snow White!” Steve smiles at Bucky. “Do you remember when we first saw it?”
“You mean when we snuck into the movie theater and got kicked out almost immediately?”
“Captain America got kicked out of a movie theater?!” Sam asks excitedly.
You roll your eyes at them and the elevator opens to your floor.
"I'll see you, boys, later." And with that, you walk out of the elevator.
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teeswrites · 4 months
LN- All roads lead to you
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Omg, the next one is the last already! I think you all will want to kill me cause of the end heheheh
No spoilers, tho. Enjoy the current chapter :)
Disclaimer: it contains smut!!
Chapter 7: Suzuka
October, 8th, 2022 (classification day)
Suzuka International Racing Course, Suzuka, Mie, Japan.
She had her eyes on the shots that were taken "It looks so good" "Thanks" she smiled at Louis "I'm in love with these lens" "I see it. You're in love with the model as well" she blushed "I'm not" "Really? Cause he seems to be the star of your photoshoot" she put the camera down "Was it too obvious" "Just if someone watched you from very close" "Good" "Anyway, I can't wait to reveal them" "Yeah, me too!" Louis smiled "I will meet up with Damian, see you in Amsterdam?" "Yeah, will be there in a couple of days" "Great! Good to see you again" he held her hand between his like a sandwich "Lovely to see you too, Lou" he gave her a quick hug "Take care of those babies" she grinned "As my own life" "Oh, dear Lord, I rather you look after the photos as it was the drivers's life" he joked making she laugh "Oh, shut up" he smiled "Bye bye, sweetheart" "Bye, Louis" and he left.
She turned to her camera and decided to give one more look at her photographs. "The model" Louis teased her about was, of course, the papaya team driver: Lando Norris. She smiled at the photos of him, out of the McLaren, wearing his suit and helmet, inside his car waiting for the green light, crossing the black and white flag... "How can someone be so cute?" she asked herself, almost forgetting she was angry with him. She was about to give herself some lecturing when felt a warmth on her back. She knew who it was. The black and orange on the arms of the jack around her shoulders and the smell of male deodorant denounced the species standing behind her. His low, soft voice with the characteristic British accent on her ear confirmed what was already known "Someone is very focused" "It's impossible to concentrate when you're around" "Really?" she felt the smile growing on his face without needing to look at him "Yeah. My heart can't find a normal pace and I blame you only" he chuckled "You have a very good looking model" "Yes, I do" "Thanks, fangirl" he kissed her cheek, she blushed.
"How are you?" "Could be better" "Why?" "Could be away from you" She turned to the side, getting rid of his arms to look at his face, he was not happy with her comment "You're not happy to see me?" "Why would I be?" "Because you lo..." she cut him "Why would I be happy to see a liar?" he frowned "Because he'd like to take you out" She arched an eyebrow "Again with this subject?" "Yes, have dinner in Tokyo with me tonight" She kept silent "Pretty please?" he pouted. She kept her mouth shut "Come on, I'm trying to make things right" "I still don't like what you did to me" "What exactly?" "Do you really want me to list?" "NO! Please don't do that" he took a deep breath "What can I do to you agree with going out with me again?" 'undo the past and not be an asshole in the first place' she thought. "I don't want to have dinner with you" he looked at his feet, he deserved that, maybe he should leave her alone:
'I'm not committing the same mistake again'.
His own words echoed in his head, then looked at her "What do you want to do with me instead?" "Nothing" "Don't be so harsh" she sighed "I want to see the Sakuras" "The cherry blossoms?" "Yes" "I don't know where to find cherry blossoms in Tokyo this time of the year" he thought for a second "But I can solve that" "I don't want to see them with you" "That's not my problem, we're going together" she blinked "You are very cheeky, aren't you" "You only noticed now?" she chuckled. He smiled, he made her express happiness "So?" "Text me where and when" he smiled again, even fully "Okay! Great" "Do you still have my number?" "Guess, so. How about you?" he grabbed his phone to check "No" she lied, she still had. He called her. Damn. "Save it again, then. You're going to need it from now" "I can do it later" "Why?" "Cause I want to" he smiled, cheekily "You still have my number, don't you?" "No, I don't" "So let me see your phone" "What?! No!" "Let me see it" he stepped forward, bodies apart only for her camera hanged on her neck. She froze. He stretched his arm, sliding his hand from her back to her lowback till reached her phone in the back pocket of her jeans maintaining eye contact the whole time. She wanted to pull him away from her. "Who the fuck does he think he's? With witch right he thinks he can do that?" she thought, without being able to move, as he was a hypnosis trick. The phone call had already ended, he looked at the iPhone screen:
'Lando 🧡
Missed call'
"Aww, an orange heart" She took her phone from his hand, aggressively and stepped back "Give me that back!" he giggled "You're so cute" "Stop!" "Will add a heart on yours as well" "No need to" "But I..." "I must go now, Lando" "Wait!" he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his torso, giving her a tight hug. She let them enjoy it for a few moments before pulling away from him and walking away "I text you" but he got no answer "Where the fuck will I find cherry blossoms in Tokyo in freaking autumn?" he unlocked his phone and started to search for it.
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
He was waiting outside her hotel, where he told her he was going to pick up her.
"My hotel?" she asked when he called her 4 hours after their meeting at the circuit "Yes, I'm a gentleman. I'll pick you up at your place... Or at least your temporary place" she giggled "Fine. I text you the address" "Great! Hum... how long do you take to get ready?" "Be here at 6:30" "18:30, right?" "Yes, dork" "Okay"
At that moment it was 6:28 PM and his heart was skipping beat after beat like that was their first date ever. 1 more minute passed and his stomach started to squirm, he felt like the teenage boy he was a few years later, getting excessively nervous only to think about being near to a beautiful girl. He looked at his watch again it was 6:30 PM already, would she be late? He took a deep breath and when he was about to exhale, he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. When he turned, he found a pretty lady wearing light ripped jeans, a white tank top with red hearts on it, slip-on checkered Vans, a twilight green sweatshirt, and a bright coming out from her aura. "Very punctual, lady" "Yes, I am" "How can you look breathtaking even wearing those clothes?" "What's wrong with them?" "Nothing, they just..." he took a second to appreciate the girl in front of him "Are not fancy for a date" She looked at him, wearing the same pieces of clothes she was: jeans, a t-shirt, casual sneakers, and a hoodie. "Hypocrite" he grinned "And this is not a date, we're just going to see the Sakuras" "Well, for me this's a date. A second first date" she raised an eyebrow, then chuckled "Alright. Shall we go?" "Yes, sure. Oh!" he cleaned his throat "This is for you" he took a single red rose from behind his back. She smiled and grabbed it "Thank you" he smiled back and offered his arm to her, but she refused "I still don't trust you, Mr. Norris".
They were at Shinjuku Gyoen, a beautiful park in Tokyo in Shinjuku near Shibuya. As they walked in the park, they talked about twilight "So, you are a twilight fangirl?" "Yes, I am" "Are you a vampire or werewolf girl?" "I like Edward" "Which of them is Edward?" "Robert Pattinson" he looked clueless "Vampire" "Really?" "Yes, I like the pale, emo, mysterious guys" "Do you think I would be a vampire or a werewolf?" she inspected him, surgically "Probably the vampire" "Why are you offending me?" "You asked me! Why? Do you think you could be a werewolf?" "Perfectly!" he said incredulously "Okay" "Okay?" "If you think so" "You're being mean" she closed her eyes to laugh and when she opened them, she almost cried. When she opened her eyes, she saw a corridor of Sakuras, all lighted up. There were Sakura projections on the grass, near the trees themselves. She uncrossed her arms "Wow..." she mumbled "This... this is..." he smiled "This is so damn beautiful!" "How..." she looked at him "How did you find it? I mean, I thought I wouldn't be able to see Sakuras this time of the year but... you freaking made it" "These are winter cherry blossoms" he paused to think "Fuyu..." he struggled with the Japanese word a little "Fuyuzakura. Which means winter Sakura. They have white petals, but the pink lights emulate the original ones" "Amazing" her eyes had a bright that he didn't know if it was from the reflection of the lights or if she was actually emotional about it. "This has been my dream since I was 8, and I saw it in Memoirs of a Geisha with my brother" "Seeing the cherry blossoms?" "Yes" "So I am making your dream come true?" "Apparently, yes" she said nonchalantly while they walked through the park. "Hum... Don't you think is weird that it's so empty here? I mean, it's such a beautiful place" "Well, that might be because I paid them..." "You what!?!" "This is a festival that happens mid-November. It's called, hum... NAKED festival. But it's October and we are here now, so I paid them for doing this" he gestured "Exclusively for tonight..." She was holding the air and she didn't even try to "You... Paid?" "Yes, you wanted to see the cherry blossoms" "How... how much money you have paid? It must have been a lot" she covered her face with her hands "Omg! I wanted to annoy you but now I'm so embarrassed!". He smiled, she was so cute "Hey" he took her hands off her face "It doesn't matter. You wanted to see the cherry blossoms, I made it happen" she looked into his eyes "I don't know what to say" "So don't say anything. Just enjoy" he smiled and she smiled back "Okay".
Shijuku, Tokyo, Japan.
They walked back to Shibuya in silence "Thanks" "Hum?" "For the Sakuras" "It was nothing" she nodded. "So. Heard it's your birthday soon" he started. She smirked, then looked at him "I wonder how you know so much about me. Cause I don't tell you about myself unless you ask, and you don't ask much" he gulped "I have no idea what you are talking about" "You always say Charles told you, but I don't think he actually does it" he looked at her "Don't you trust me?" "Well..." she moved her gaze forward "Trust more on him than on you. That's for sure" he chuckled looking forward as well "So how it's to almost be 25?" she locked her gaze on his and crossed her arms, then made a long pause before she started to talk again, like she was looking for clues in his eyes "Are you googling me?" he laughed "You're googling me!" She accused him while he continued to laugh "He is googling me, everybody!" she said to a group of people passing by them on the street "How did you get to this conclusion?" "No one knows I'm actually 24. When people ask me how old I am I always ask them 'how old do you think I am?' and when they guess, I say 'something in this range' but never really tell the truth. I think not even Lewis knows my real age. Plus I haven't ever told you about it" "Fine. It's a valid hypothesis" "Not a hypothesis, a conclusion" "Hypothesis, cause I'm not admitting anything" "Of course you're not". She kept silent for a few seconds before saying "Coward" "Hey!" she smiled "Yeah, my birthday is next week by the way" "What are you planning?" "Probably going out to dinner with a few friends" "That sounds good" "Yeah, don't want anything too big" "You and your friends only?" she raised an eyebrow "Are you inviting yourself to my birthday dinner?" "I said nothing" she laughed "If you want to be invited be a man and ask, bro" "I'm not going to ask if I can go to your birthday dinner!" "Okay" "Okay, then" silence again "But can I?" she smirked "I'll think about it, Landoboy" "Don't call me Landoboy" "Fine" she looked at her right and saw an ice cream shop "Look!" she pointed "What's it?" "Ice cream" "Wanna have it?" "Yes! But wouldn't that be bad for your diet?" "It can be our secret" she giggled "Alright".
"What flavor do you want?" she hummed "Passion fruit! In the cone, please" she said like a child. He smiled "Passion fruit in the cone it's, then" "What about you?" he thought a bit "Same as yours" she smiled, reminiscing at the night they met when he asked her what she was drinking and picked the same as hers. "There you go, lady" "Thanks". She moaned at the taste of the passion fruit on her tongue "Do you like it" she nodded affirmatively "I really like it" he giggled "Why is it called passion fruit?" she asked "I don't know" "Do you feel passionate when you eat it?" he swallowed the ice cream and hesitantly answered "I... do feel passionate right now" she smiled "Me too" she stepped closer to him and touched his hand "Hey, Lando" "Yes?" "Can you kiss me right now?" he smiled "Yes, I can" then with one hand, held her jaw and approached his lips to hers till they touched. It was a soft kiss, to remind their lips how it was, that small peck in London at her front door wasn't enough. While his lips were busy being happy, his mind wished he could blame a yellow, sour, calming fruit for his feelings. When they parted, she sucked her bottom lip to extract any flavors of him which had been left on it. "Would you like to visit my hotel room?" she asked "You are asking me to..." he cut himself before she changed her mind "Yes, of course, I'm going anywhere with you tonight" "Will you?" "Yeah" "Anywhere?" "Anywhere" "I like that" "I know you do" she smiled "Okay, let's go" she extended her hand to him, he took it and enlaced their fingers while they walked in Shibuya streets.
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Hotel Sulata, Room 304
The night finished with them laying shoulder to shoulder at this hotel bed. Talking. Only talking. "So my father, who basically raised me, said I was too young for that. And then I went to Amsterdam to spend a few days with my mother, I asked her if I could, and she said it was fine so I did it" "Did your father find out?" "Of course he did" "What happened?" "He couldn't do anything. Except grounding me" he chuckled "Seems he wasn't too angry with you. I mean, he just grounded you" "He was angry but mostly disappointed..." she paused "At that time I thought 'f it! I always obeyed my parents, never drank, smoked, tried drugs, dated, and haven't become pregnant..." he laughed "I just wanted a damn butterfly tattoo it wasn't anything satanic, you know? So I just passed through his rules" "Do you regret the tattoo?" "Not the tattoo, but the way I got it. I love my tattoos, all of them, but now I'm older, I hate the fact I disrespected my father to have this one, so..." "Don't feel like that, it's past" "I know" she cleaned her throat "How about you? Any tattoos?" "Nah" "Boring" "Where are your tattoos?" "Ribs, back, right buttcheck, and clavicle" he widened his eyes "And you won't let me see them?" "Not without an exchange" "I grant a wish of yours" "Anything?" "Anything" "Fine" she knelt on the mattress and stripped down her clothes, slowly, teasingly, first the white tank top, then brushing her fingers down the ripped jeans, not touching her underwear. His eyes didn't leave her any second. She showed him 3 butterflies on the clavicle, a dragon on the back, a rose on the ribs, and a 'bite me' on the glute.
"You are so hot. Fuck" he said in a low tone, almost with a heavy, hard breath. She blushed, smiling shyly "Thanks" "What about your wish?". She moved closer, and placed one hand under his t-shirt, feeling the heat of his body warm her to her core down. He shivered with her touch and he could feel his blood flowing to his too. His hands reached hers, caressing her fingers over the fabric. Her gaze found his and he knew already that she wanted the same things he wanted to happen. She whispered in his ear in a sexy tone "Do what my bum says" she was referring to the 'bite me' tattoo which, in her defense, was made when she was drunk. He smirked and soon, his fingers pushed his t-shirt and ripped it away from his body. She swallowed hardly "So handsome" she thought. "Stop eating me with your eyes" she looked at his face "Guess I will start hitting the gym too" he laughed "You have this body without hitting the gym?" "I do pilates" " It works very well" she smiled, directing her attention back to his chest. He brushed his fingertips over the ink "I could bite every centimeter of you" he bit her cheek, softly. She laughed "It's so good to listen to your laugh". They smiled at each other before Lando grabbed her thighs and laid her on the mattress "Especially if it's because of me" then he dipped down to kiss her. They stood there making out for a few minutes before she felt something against her belly, she slid her hand down to confirm her suspect. He moaned with her act getting even harder, then stopped kissing her "Heya! Come back here!" she demanded but he didn't respond, just knelt on the mattress and unzipped his black jeans, ripping them off his body, she could see even better the boner through his white underwear. He hadn't said anything since she caressed his cock, and since then felt like his energy switched to a controlling, possessive, rough man. And she was right, cause he grabbed her by the waist and turned her to face the mattress, he caressed her round bum before biting it as she asked for it, and she giggled. He pushed down to whisper in her ear "You taste delicious, now I'm going to shag you, if that's okay by you" "Shag me?" she giggled, he rolled his eyes "Fuck you, is that better?" "Yes. And please, do it" she pleaded, and as soon as she consented to him he pressed his penis between her legs. She moaned, as much needy as he was. He pushed up and unclipped her bra, she turned to face him, freeing herself of the bra. He dipped down to suck her nipples causing her to moan again, then he stopped and lifted his body to look into her eyes and said in an authoritarian tone "I want you to suck me" She wined "Wasn't you going to shag me?" she said mocking the British slang "I'll but I want to have this image of you craved in my mental drive forever before" she smirked and teased him "Kinky" before she stepped out of bed and knelt on the floor. He stood before her, she looked up and their gaze met. Something was telling her he wasn't going to blink not even once during the blowjob. She placed her hands on his hamstrings and started to run it upward till the hem of his underwear to strip him. She gulped when she was face to face with his penis, she had already seen it before but had not been so close to it, she wrapped one hand around it and slid it up and down a few times, she could feel his body reacting even tho nothing left his lips "Why men can't moan more frequently? It would make things even hotter" she asked "Want me to moan for you?" "It would be nice" he chuckled "Will think about it". Then, she licked the tip, one lick at a time, slowly, teasingly, intending to make him go crazy with that. It was working, cause he grabbed her hair and was about to force into her mouth, but she didn't let him "I'll do it my way" he loosened the grip on her hair, letting things go how she wanted to. She rubbed the tip with her thumb, then put it into her mouth, still slowly, he moaned.
She made some effort to put it all into her mouth, she almost made it. Then she started to move forward and backward at a rhythmic pace, when it hits her throat, she grabbed his ass and squeezed it, he gripped her hair again, clearly suppressing his pleasure sounds.
It came to a point where he couldn't take it anymore, he obligated himself to speak and tell her to stop, she looked up at him and cleaned her mouth with the back of her hand. She could tell he was burning in luxury at that moment "Stand up" he demanded, and she obeyed "You know how much damage it caused on my brain?" "You seem to be enjoying it" "More than that" she smirked. He switched places with her and threw her on the mattress, climbing it till he was on top of her "Are you ready for me, princess?" She nodded, almost in desperation, he was torturing her with the wait and was receiving pleasure, while she was only turning even horny, not fair at all. "Good" he aligned himself and filled her with him. He enlaced their fingers, not allowing her to take much control.
They could feel the electromagnetism between their bodies so strong they could almost literally make sparkles. He started to thrust. First, the tip only, put in and out, making her go crazy like she had done with him before "Lando..." She mumbled "Please" he smirked, sweet revenge. "Hold on, baby" he watched her contort herself of neediness, hearing her sweet moans filling his ears, then thrust deeply, giving her what they both needed. She wrapped her legs around his torso, so he could go even deeper but honestly, if he thrusted even deeper, he would pierce her cervix and end up in her uterus. The feeling of her around him and her moans, made it almost impossible for him to suppress his owns so when it came out, he kissed her. Even so, he moaned during the kiss which made her smile, the effect they had on each other was breathtaking.
Involuntarily, she contracted around his length. Pure bliss to both of them. He felt astonished, it felt like a soft hug from a fluffy thing. She noted and contracted intentionally, causing him to cum not too much after her act. The feeling of him filling her drove her to a third contraction, an involuntary one, blasting into her own orgasm.
When he took himself out of her, he laid on her side and that time had no pillow talk, he just pulled her body close, dried some sweat from her forehead, and pressed her against his chest, holding her tight. How could he ever let her go?
It was a little past 10 PM when he decided to jump off the bed and hit a convenience store he had seen earlier. He needed something to drink, juice was a good call "Which flavor she would like? Maybe she rather iced tea" he remembered of Woking "She drank iced tea that day. But which one is tea?" while he was talking to himself, struggling with the Japanese, and staring at the options in the fridge, he heard a few giggles, it came from two Japanese girls. He looked at them, one had pink locks and tons of glitter on her face, and the other one had green clips on her hair which matched with her skirt. Both were very cute, and they seemed to know who he was, f1 driver privilege.
The girls decided to approach and in bad english, the one with pink hair asked him "Excuse me, are you, Lando Norris?" "Yes, I am" they giggled between each other "Shouldn't you be sleeping for tomorrow's race?" "Maybe, but I am thirsty" "You are so cute" "Hey, you are girls! Tell me something, which of these would you pick?" they looked at where he pointed "Green grape" "Orange". Good. They helped a lot. "Which one someone who likes passionfruit would like?" "Probably something sour" "Like lemon". Godamn, that girl really liked green! Then he had an epiphany "Pink lemonade! Which one is pink lemonade?" he kept struggling with the hiragana "I got you" "Get an apple one too, please" the pink-haired lady reached to the bottles, and when she was giving them to Lando, their fingers touched. He looked at her "You know..." her hand moved to his chest, rubbing it up and down "...We've already heard about your reputation. We also heard you are single now. We are single too. Both of us" he gulped, thinking about what he could do with the duo, at the same time. Then, he remembered the girl he left sleeping in the hotel room. So, he stepped back and cleaned his throat "Sorry ladies, but the only 2 things I'm taking with me from this store are the juice bottles. Thanks for the help, and have a good night. Bye bye" he ran to the cashier "SIGN MY BOOBS!" the girl who was in green shouted, receiving a poke from her friend. The owner of the store looked with a deadly look at the girls, Lando suppressed his laugh and as soon as his card was approved, he left.
During his way back that scene kept replaying in his head. He sighed, he was a single man, and if he wanted to flirt, he could. He entered the room. She was still sleeping while he slipped over the night. He chuckled "Deja vu" then walked toward the bed, leaned forward, and kissed her forehead. She woke up "You are awake" he said "So do you" she rubbed her eyes "What's going on?" "I went out. To buy us juice" she smiled "If you wanted to slip away, I would only notice by the morning" "But I'm here" "Thankfully" he smiled "Is everything okay?" "Yes, why wouldn't it be?" "I don't know, you seem shocked" she sat on the bed and opened her juice "I... when I was in the store, two girls came hit on me" "Really?" "Yes, but I turned them down" "That's good"
"Guess so, but I..." he paused "I just... felt weird" she nodded and leaned to kiss his cheek "I'm proud of you. You'll get used to it" "Yeah, probably yeah" she sipped her juice "I must go back to my hotel, have 5.807 kilometers to go through tomorrow" "Very specific... But, yeah, sure! Go get rest" he leaned to peck her lips "See you tomorrow?" "If my wishes come true" he winked "Good! Bye, Lando" "Bye bye" he grabbed his juice and left room 304, full of doubts in his mind 'What if I don't want to get used to it?'.
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mr-voorhees-husband · 7 months
Hi hi ok I'm not the same anon, just someone else whos slightly too infatuated with Mr. Cobblepot, especially from BTAS. If you're still taking requests, can I get something with him? Dealer's choice, or I'm sure I can come up with a prompt. Thanks so much!
Yelllo! I actually wrote this a while back but I don’t believe I ever published it, so, have this gem!
Warnings: none really, minor alcohol mention, it’s a Christmas party with the rogues
Info: Btas!Oswald Cobblepot x GN(masc leaning)!reader (no gender is explicitly mentioned, but it is slightly implied in like one sentence)
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“So, [Name].”
“So, Edward.” you replied, continuing to pour mugs of warm Apple Cider Moonshine. Glancing up for a fleeting moment, you were surprised to see the two green themed heros leaning on the counter, Ivy with her signature smirk, and Riddler smiling like the Cheshire cat. With a sigh, you lowered the pitcher and raised an eyebrow.
“What do you think about Pengy? Think he’s cute?” Isley purred, fully leaning against the counter and walking her fingers up your chest to boop your nose. For a lesbian, she tended to flirt with men plenty, it just seemed to be in her nature, you suppose (pun not intended).
“You know how I feel, Ivy.” you shook your head, lips unwillingly smiling at the mention of the bird-based villain. “He's sweet, cute, unbelievably polite.” Another sigh, this one an odd mix of listful and discouraged. “And way, way, out of my league.”
“Mhmhm.” Edward hummed, waving his hand dismissively at the idea. “Yes- but would you kiss him?”
“No, Edward, I wouldn't,” you drawled on sarcastically as you started to fill the last two mugs, “of course I would! I’d do it in a heartbeat. But he doesn't like me like that, Eddie.”
They shared a look, before slinking out of the kitchen without another word. You sighed, shaking your head as you poured the last mug. “Bane! Mind leadin’ me a hand in here?”
Once everyone had gotten their drinks, some with alcoholic hot cocoa, others with your Apple Cider Moonshine, and Freeze with his eggnog, the festivities had officially started. Edward had a Christmas based trivia game, Harley and Ivy with karaoke, along with several various board games and movies in the background. It was going.. amazing, surprisingly. Jervis and Jonathan hadn't fought once, Harley didn't do a single prank, and Bane didn't break anything by accident.
The night was going great, and now it was time for presents.
“Mine first!” Harley chirped, jumping up before anyone else could. “Or- Emmett's first, technically, but it's from me!” She downright leaped over Jon and Freeze to reach the tree, grabbing a small black box with a red ribbon keeping it closed. Rushing back to the group, she dropped it on your lap with a beaming smile.
“I’m.. Very worried about this.” you murmured, taking a nervous glance at Oswald who was beside you. After everyone else took their seats before him, he was forced to sit next to you, which you far from minded. “This.. This better not be a glitter bomb Harls, because if it is-”
“Just open it!”
“Okay-! Okay.” you sighed, Harley backing away which made your eyebrows raise. “Ozzie, if I go down, will you go down with me?” your words were joking, but nonetheless the less Oswald took them to heart.
“Of course, my dear owl, if you are coated in glitter, I will be too.” He grinned, scooting closer so the box was between you both. One more glance at Harley, and you tugged off the ribbon.
There was a flash of white, before something leaped from the box like a jack-in-the-box, the ‘jack’ now a couple inches above your head, between you and Oswald. you blinked, a bit bewildered, turning to glare at the clown. “Really?” It wasn't angry, more so just confused and a bit annoyed. “Better than last year's glitter bomb…”
“Look up.” Harley giggled, pointing to the jack. Oswald and you did it at the same time, and your eyes widened at the round, tear shaped leaves, and white berries.
You both looked at eachother, eyes wide and face steadying turning more red.
“Well?” Ed called from the beanbag he was sharing with Harley, grinning, “what are you waiting for?”
“Oh- I- Oswald, you don't-”
“Dear if you don't want to kiss-”
Silence, both of you staring as realization seemed to kick in. You both wanted to kiss each other, but simply just.. thought the other one didn't. That by itself was a revelation, but right now you had seven of your shared friends watching with bated breaths. you knew better than to keep them waiting, too.
In one swift movement, you ducked down and pressed your lips to Oswald’s. He squawked in surprise, but just as your companions started to cheer, he was kissing back with his hands cupping your hips. Oh, both of you were inexperienced, and the kiss was awkward, but you didn't care and neither did Oz.
You pulled away, face red both from everyone’s collective cheering that their plan had worked and from the kiss, and smiled.
“Merry Christmas, Ozzie.”
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iamknicole · 10 months
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A/N: Bare with me the holidays are a busy time for me so it'll most likely be week day uploads when I do start posting chapters! Enjoy! Comment, reblog & share! Updates depend on engagement! 🌻
Warnings: A bit of cursing, 18+, Minors DNI
The sound of kids talking and playing filled Shania's ears as she entered the three year old classroom. A few kids noticed her, running to give her hugs then went back to playing. She watched them for a moment then went to the connected boys restroom, peeking in. 
"Hey, Ms. Martina. You buzzed for me?"
Martina stood from her kneel in front of the middle stall. "Yeah. Jaden has a stomach thing and no clothes."
Shania walked in to check on the child, giving him a soft smile. "Not feeling good, buddy?"
His voice came out weak and sad. "No ma'am."
"I'll get somebody to bring you some ginger ale and extra clothes while I call mommy and daddy. Sound good?" Giving him another pout, she turned to Martina. "If you want when he's cleaned up, you can bring him to the office with me. Tell me the last name again."
Leaving the classroom, Shania power walked through the daycare back to her office and to her desk. After going through her software, she found his profile and dialed the first number. 
"Good morning, Mrs. Fatu. This is Shania Taylor at Busy Bees. Jaden's not feeling well and he's had an accident so you're gonna have to come pick him up. Thank you. See you soon."
Shania left the same message three times with Jaden's mom, dad and uncle. She sighed softly realizing there was only one more number to call. Dialing the number, she put it on speaker so she could pull her curls away from her face. 
The deep voice startled her a bit as she honestly wasn't expecting anyone to answer. 
"Helloooo," the voice sang out, "Somebody there?"
"Sorry, yes." She picked her phone up, moving it closer to her.  "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you. This is Shania Taylor from Busy Bees. Is this Joshua Fatu?"
"Uh, yeah, this Josh. Busy Bees?"
"Yes, Busy Bees. Your nephew, Jaden, is enrolled here."
"Oh shit, my bad," he said quickly, "I don't think I ever knew the name. He aight? He need something?"
She glanced at her office door when she heard a light knock, finding Martina standing in the doorway with Jaden in tow. She waved them in, pointing at the ottoman in front of her window. 
"He's actually not feeling well and had an accident. He didn't have any clothes but I keep extras here so that's taken care of. You are gonna have to get him though."
Josh went silent for a moment, Shania could hear rustling around in his background.
"I don't mind at all but did you call Jon or Trinity first?"
"Yes sir," she said softly as she rolled her chair over to Jaden. She covered him with her throw blanket. "I called them and the other uncle they had listed, no one answered."
"Aight, I'll try to call them. I'm on the way though, Ms. Taylor."
"Thank you, see you soon."
The small monitor on her desk chimed and real time video popped up fifteen minutes later. Easing up from her spot, Shania checked the monitor then went to the front door of the center. She pushed the door open for him, a small smile on her face. 
"Hey, Mr. Fatu." She watched him as he stepped inside. "Thank you for coming."
He looked around the foyer then at her, giving her a small nod. "Josh. Just Josh. I gotta get em from the class?"
"Nope, he's actually been in my office with me. Fell asleep not too long ago. He had me watching toy videos so the nap was a blessing in disguise for us both," she joked. "Since he is asleep, I can go ahead and get a copy of your license."
He frowned a little at that. "Why?"
"I make copies of everyone's licenses when they come to pick up one of my babies. State law. Keeps them safe. You can step into my office."
The two stood in silence while she made her copies. Josh grabbed Jaden's backpack, bag of soiled clothes and the small bottle of ginger ale beside him. He watched Shania move quickly around her office from the printer to the filling cabinet then to her desktop, lingering there for a few minutes. She wrote something down on her post it before peeling it off. Going to Josh, she held it out to him smiling. Slowly, he took it then looked at her. 
"What's this?"
"Your family's code to get into the door so you don't have to wait to be let in whenever you come get him."
"Thank you," he stuffed it into his pocket then carefully picked up his sleeping nephew, "I need to sign em out?"
"I'll take care of it. You just take care of my buddy. When you talk to his parents, let them know he can return when he's been symptom free for 24 hours."
"Gotcha. You the boss lady huh?" He joked adjusting Jaden in his arms. 
Her smile grew a little wider, her cheeks pushing her eyes into small slits. "I wouldn't say boss lady but I am the owner."
"Shit. Forreal?"
"Yes and we don't talk like that in Busy Bees, Josh." She chastised playfully.
He flashed her a quick smile, giving a peek of his gold fronts on his bottom teeth. "My bad, Ms. Taylor. Ima let them know though. Have a good day, don't work too hard."
Walking in front of him to the door, she propped the door open for him to exit. She watched him effortlessly unlock his truck, put Jaden's things in then Jaden into his seat. She called out to him before he could open the driver side. 
"What's up?"
"Call me Shania."
His fronts made another appearance. "Yes ma'am."
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fearecia · 4 months
Putting this in a pinned post to make it easy to find/share. We all know how Tumblr is about things (and to be fair, I'm terrible and inconsistent as hell with tags).
Link to the "shoulder release" document:
Notes about this guide:
This is a WIP, and still very much in the rough draft phase. Please forgive typos/errors. I literally haven't done a single edit yet.
The document focuses on releasing shoulders as a way to treat neck tension and migraines. Seriously, just trust me. It helps.
Carpal tunnel? Tennis elbow? Golfer's elbow? AC (acromioclavicular) joint injury? Rotator cuff problems? Tight upper back? Sporadic numbness in your arm? Seriously, just try the muscles already listed. You'll likely find at least some relief. Like, if it involves the upper body, release your shoulders.
I've done my best to make this able to be understood by people without massage training. So if it seems like it's covering really "obvious" info, that's intentional. Just skip the section if you already know things.
A lot of massage therapists may balk at me telling you to dig around in your own armpit. We're taught in school to avoid the area. Why? Because there's a crap ton of nerves and blood vessels there. *Which is precisely why releasing this area is so powerful.* There's also a ton of muscle (on yes, basically everybody) here that will protect all those structures. It's honestly really safe so long as you stick to "In pain, refrain!" And read the other rules too.
90% of the time, the culprit is one of the four muscles listed (or any combination of them). If you are someone who exercises a lot/does yoga/is otherwise pretty physically active, you are more likely to fall into the 10% of people who will have their issue somewhere else/it will just be really hard to find. So bear that in mind.
Sadly, this sort of thing will probably never be a "one and done" type of deal. Most of the things we do every day steadily build up to cause problems, and you have to constantly work to undo that entropy. So save these notes for future you.
And just in case you want to know what the hell qualifies me to make this sort of document, here are my "quals."
My first career attempt was nursing. While this did not go well (doctors don't really appreciate autistic students willing to question their authority) I learned a shit ton about the body. I became a student teacher for the anatomy and physiology class because I was so good at it (and that professor used to teach the pre-med students). A&P is now literally one of my special interests.
8 years as a licensed massage therapist focused exclusively on injury therapy. I studied Rolfing techniques, and primarily used trigger point therapy, structural integration, and myofascial release as my tools. Clients liked to joke that going to see me was like seeing the physical therapist (they weren't wrong).
Some of the stuff I share is literally self taught through "following the tension" in clients bodies. Like, I developed some of my protocols. And then practiced and refined them over 100s of bodies. The goal was always the most efficient and least painful way to achieve lasting release.
I eventually destroyed my shoulder doing massage (which was injured long before this career due to an AC joint sprain gotten when I was 20). Bonus, this means I'm *very* practiced at releasing my own shoulders.
I'm now a mechanical engineer, which just means I now have the engineering knowledge to understand to the force transferrence patterns I saw in clients all the time. Kinesiology is the same thing as statics and dynamics.
Hopefully that helps put perspective into things. I'll update this post as new versions of the document come out. I have a ton on my plate right now (who am I joking; I always have a ton on my plate), so please be patient waiting for updates.
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Ramblings on Bioshock Infinite
So, I've decided to start writing down how I feel about what I'm playing here rather than wait for my friends to be online so I can infodump at them.
Anyway, Bioshock: Infinite. The original was pretty alright. I didn't get all the way through it because I was getting a bit tired of Rapture and some other little annoyances, but it was a perfectly decent experience. Skipped past 2 because once again, not in the mood for spending a dozen more hours underwater, and went right to the one that people fuss about all the time to see what the fuss is all about.
I shouldn't have gone out of my way to see what all the fuss is about.
Spoilers for an 11-year old game will follow, but I do not recommend going out and checking this out yourself.
To its credit, the game does have a very strong opening. The welcome centre/church you arrive in offers absolutely gorgeous visuals and a strange yet interesting blend of Christian motifs and the weird sort of reverence built up around the founders of America. "Gee," I thought, "maybe this will be a game that finally tackles religion in an interesting and nuanced way that doesn't just feel like it was written by a 14-year old who just discovered Reddit." Unfortunately, it doesn't(if anyone knows a game that does, please let me know.) After a level where you walk around and take in the sights of Columbia(an experience that feels like walking into a veritable wasp nest. Either one, take your pick), you're thrust into your standard action game plot shenanigans. Kill a bunch of guys while someone rants at you over an intercom, go through various setpieces, all that good stuff.
Is the killing actually all that fun? For a certain stretch of the game, yes. You have some okay abilities, a good selection of weapons to choose from, and takedowns are pretty cool as well. The skyrails scattered around some maps are gimmicky, though a welcome addition(the irony of a game like this leaning heavily on what are basically rollercoasters is not lost on me.) But somewhere past the halfway point, it takes a steep nosedive. The weapon list gets bloated to hell and back, and a combination of the carry limit of two plus the tendency to only ever give ammo for everything you don't want to use drags it down. Enemies also seem to get substantially spongier and more numerous, which makes fights incredibly unsatisfying. Bioshock was already firmly in that grey area between immersive sim and combat sandbox, and Infinite is neither of those. Everything feels so much less versatile, there's no thinking outside the box to be done here.
As for the rest of the story, you may have heard about how centrist it gets, and I am sad to report that everything they said was true. What really gets me is how it's already setting up the "both sides are the exact same thing" even before the characters would have any reason to think that. They're literally basing this entire viewpoint off of "oh, the workers are being violent about overthrowing their oppressors, that's super bad, right????" This game also does try to tackle things like racism but I don't exactly have a good eye for whether or not something tackles that matter maturely, so all I'll say is that it feels very surface-level and inconsequential. "Inconsequential" can sum up everything else in this paragraph too because it's all eventually abandoned for !!Dimensional Shenanigans!! This is what the last few levels are taken up by entirely and all it accomplishes is covering over a weak attempt at social themes with an even weaker attempt at sci-fi themes. The ending is certainly a bit more batshit than you'd expect for your standard seventh-generation slop, but it can't salvage this. The fanservice just reminded me of a somewhat better game. I would make a joke about this game only having two characters, but then it goes out of its way to say "yes, there really are only two characters."
I am not playing the fucking DLCs.
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peoples-problem · 5 months
So, I'm in that stage of making everything around me about 9-1-1 and I got my driver's license last week after months and months of getting prepared and seeing the different reactions my family had around it so I thought: What if Chris wants to learn to drive at some point? How are the rest of their family members going to react?
I know he is like 12 now but if the seasons keep on coming we might get a 17 year old Christopher and if they decide to share this kind of experience I would happily cry so here is a list of types of reactions I got from my family and who I think will match it in the show:
- Supportive borderline forcing: This was the first reaction I got from my grandparents when the topic of me learning how to drive came up, they did a lot of research and even paid my classes with some accommodations for me to be as comfortable as I could with this, even when I got to the point of the anxiety getting to much and wanted to quit my grandma sat next to me while driving and gave me tips and never allowed me to stop (it felt a little like forcing me to keep going, she insisting that she is getting old and would like me to drive her places at some point, but it was all a joke and if I really wanted to they would have no problem with me not getting my license, they did the same with my sister and she never sat in a car after the classes they also paid because she didn't like it) and they are basically the reason why I have a driver's license now. They insisted it was for my independence and, worst case scenario, to have it in case of emergencies. They gave me their car to practice and stayed with me all the way.
For this, I'll like to say abuela or Pepa could take this place, if only for the fact that it was my grandparents that did it for me, but I also feel this all screams Buck, so maybe him too.
- Having problems giving up control: Yes, it sounds bad but let me explain. This was my mom. She insisted that she wanted me to learn but almost cried the first time I was living for my first class and made me doubt a little bit if I was ready or not. The first time I drove with my family I made the mistake of having her in the passenger seat and the second the car moved an inch she screamed like if we were about to crash and everyone agreed that she isn't allowed in the passenger seat when she is not driving because she stresses the driver with her stress. This is the kind of person that acts like if you were in a racing car when you are going like 20km/h, graving themselves to the seat and walls of the car, over indicating stuff ("There's a car coming from your right, let them pass", "The light is red, you have to stop", etc) that the driver already knows but it comes from a place of having to trust other people with things you already know how to do, specially if you know they don't have as much experience as they do. It's the most annoying type of people to have next to you while learning but they also have the best tips and would spend hours explaining how to improve some things (she taught me all about priority, like in an intersection who should pass first, some parking tips, to listen to the car)
This is completely Eddie, I'm sorry but I feel like he is the type of doing stuff on his own and won't trust anyone else unless they have more experience than he does, which is why he would trust Buck having in consideration he drove a lot and even then it took him some time to get relaxed with him (this is hc but idk)
- Learning with you and sharing tips: My sister, her boyfriend and I started driving classes at the same time, the same instructor came to our house (they live next to my house so ha basically spent an hour with each of us and picked up the next one in the same place, it was really handy for him too) and took us for a drive but we had 5 classes to learn the basics and then it was all practice on our own until the exam (which, by the way, we got the appointment for 4 fucking months later so we had to do a lot more practice on our own that we would have liked) so we basically experienced the streets together. Because we were learning at the same time, we would notice some stuff that may be normal for experienced drivers but it wasn't for us and we shared with each other to know what to do (like, reference points while parking, how to talk to other drivers with the lights to thank them or indicate to them that they should pass you) and being overall the moral support that understands what you are going through.
This could probably only be Harry or Denny, bc they are around the same age, but it's nice to have at least someone like this at the start so if this does happen in the show at some point I would like Chris to have someone like I did.
- Someone who recently got their license: this is similar to the other one but it's not someone learning with you but teaching you what is going to happen. Most of the time is useful but can also scare you because they talk about the exam they have to pass and you think "There's no way in hell I'm passing that" but it also guides you to what to get better at. They might remember more about the theoretical or practical exam but they have tips that are always welcome.
I feel like this would be May but literally anyone that remembers the type of exam they took is useful and the more povs they provide the more confusing it is because the exams vary depending on where you take them so it's a lot of "prepare of everything" kind of thing but it allows to clear some doubts and can be a "You are going to do great anyway" kind of support although I also got it from people younger than me that was basically like "oh, you haven't got it already? When I did?" And it feels kind of bad but no experience is always 100% good so idk, feels like a need to have
- Being supportive from afar: This goes to family members that kept constantly checking on me and my progress during the first lessons because my closest family love to brag about little things and achievements so there was the usual call with someone I haven't seen in years and them asking how I was doing, depending on my will to share or the kind of relationship I have with them I would have lied saying that I was going fine and sharing something I learned ("I haven't crashed yet so it's good" or "I had to maneuver between parked cars and a patrol car, I think i did a good enough job there") or be honest and say I'm not liking it a lot (this almost never happened but I did the "I want to quit because they want me as a chauffeur" or "I probably won't drive much, I'm just doing this to day I have the knowledge to do so, like learning a language that I won't use because I don't know anyone that talks it")
This would definitely be the Diaz parents or sisters only that they would specifically call to ask about it instead of casually asking on a call that wasn't about the driving in on itself. I feel like Helena and Ramon might ask out of worry and to be sure that this is a good idea because they do not trust Chris specifically but that's because I don't like them a lot so it might not be like that and they are actually supportive.
I also got a few people mansplaining and amazed that I was driving just because I'm a woman, which won't happen to Chris bc of that but might happen bc of the CP and it's annoying but it's life (I had a few males stop me while learning how to park specifically that gave me tips while I clearly had my mom with her 30 years of experience but they probably think they know better and so they explained me how to do it themselves, and I had a neighbor stop my grandma and go "Oh I'm so in favor of women driving" that sounded a little bit too much as clarifying that you are an ally just to get attention and like she owned the street I was parking on and wouldn't allow me to do it if I wasn't a woman fighting against patriarchy only for driving (which I'm not and I have that it's still a novelty that woman drive but that's off the topic)) so he probably would get people minimizing him, very ableist, and faking support just to have a little bit of spotlight. I hope that this kind of people didn't exist but if they are none of the main characters would be them so this is just the negative mention for someone that won't be there for long.
I think I'm rambling too much now so I hope you see my vision, I just was very overwhelmed while learning how to drive and seeing how everyone does so so effortlessly was kind of annoying and triggered a little bit of impostor syndrome bc maybe driving isn't for me if I struggle so much, but it would be nice to have him learning and it not being a perfect "sit down in the driver seat, now you are free to go anywhere" like everyone makes it to be and this show likes to do that kind of stuff a lot so here's my confort hc for now <3
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what is your second most favorite otp from any series?
AAAAAAHHHHH, DON'T DO THIS TO ME! There are some many pairings I love in so many books, movies, series, soap-operas, etc.
*sighs* Okay, gun to my head, there's three, in no particular order that I absolutely ADORE, have made me cry, and that I legitimately don't understand how anyone could watch these shows and not ship them (spoilers for Friends, How I Met Your Mother and The Borgias, respectively)
Monica and Chandler
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Because I was just 4-years-old when Friends final season was aired, I already knew these two were going to be endgame when I watched the show - and it didn't take long for me to see the appeal, even when they were still supposed to be just friends.
They're just so affectionate with each other right from the start, cuddling on the couch, helping each other out - and Chandler just casually says stuff like "If neither of us is married when we're fourty, I'm totally willing to marry and have a kid with you just so you get the family you want" and actively tries PROVE to her he is boyfriend material and they make a game out of it??????? Genius. Perfect. Amazing.
And then it happens, they hook up and right away they're couple goals. Can't keep their hands off each other, are super clingy, all of their friends find them ridiculously adorable, Chandler matures A LOT and Monica is very patient with him because she knows he's used to hiding any emotional turmoil behind a sarcastic joke, and they can joke about and tease each other without either of them being too mean or too sensitive.
Also their conflicts never last more than one or two episodes and they never break up after first getting together, and it was a breath of fresh air coming from the same show that gave us Ross and Rachel.
Barney and Robin
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They have INSANE chemistry, Robin was the only woman Barney was truly willing to change for, and Barney was the one guy Robin was with that ever truly liked her for who she was.
They. Deserved. So. Much. Better.
Seriously, I can't get over how unfair their ending was. There's a reason I tell Zutarians to give this show a watch before they complain about how their ship, that was never even canon, was "robbed of it's happy ending."
We see Barney and Robin being teased as potentially having at least a fling someday as early as season 1, they finally hook up in season 3, season 4 is all about him struggling with being in love with her, seasons 5-7 are all about them dating then breaking up while still being very much in love yet never properly reconciliating because life gets in the way, season 8 is them getting engaged and being adorably happy together, the 9th and final season is THE WEEKEND OF THEIR WEDDING and them working through every last issue they still have to make sure they will a long, happy life together as a married couple...
Then the finale goes and says "Actually, they divorced off-screen because their hotel room had no wi-fi. Sorry." WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT? It's really no wonder the network cancelled the planned spin-off right after the finale aired.
Cesare and Lucrezia
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Ah yes, a Nichya list of great ships includes a pair of siblings, specifically Older Brother X Young Sister, who would have thought? This time a kind of, sort of historical one! (Seriously, The Borgias is the kind of over-dramatic, historically inaccurate period piece I love wasting my time with, and the aesthetic is incredible).
Even as someone who is very into that kind of dynamic and that knew the show was gonna go there, I was still SHOCKED at how unsubtle is right from the start - especially once I found out the writer didn't want to play up the sexual tension originally.
Somehow, the first time we see these two on screen, Lucrezia is spying on her brother as he has sex and once he notices he playfully chases her around the garden, berating her for spying on him AGAIN, and then when they're on the ground together he just casually admits to loving her more than he loves God????????????????????????????? NORMAL SIBLING BEHAVIOR, EVERYBODY! NOTHING WEIRD GOING ON HERE!
I adore how protective (and possessive) Cesare is of her, ready to commit murder at the very thought of a man mistreating her - yet he is still willing to step aside when he thinks she found a good man, because nothing matters to him more than Lucrezia's happiness, not even his own. It just so happens that he always has to step in again because nobody loves her quite to insane degree he does, and thus she only feels truly safe, happy and loved with him, hence her saying "Only a Borgia can truly love a Borgia."
And they, legitimately, are insepareble. They're always close to each other, holding hands, hugging, cuddling, KISSING - all long before they're ready to admit, even to themselves that they're in love.
They are so clueless about what level of physical affection is normal between relatives that they made out in front of her husband and were surprised he found out about their incestuous affair.
And more importantly, thanks to the show being cancelled after season 3 instead of getting the planned fourth season, they never broke up! The show literally ends with them in each other's arms, accepting their love. I couldn't have asked for literally anything else.
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catierambles · 11 months
Feral Instincts Ch.23
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Pairing: The Rogue’s Gallery (Geralt, Syverson, Mike, August Walker, Walter Marshall) x Stephanie Daniels (OFC)
WC 870
Warnings: Nothing, really
Stephanie was quiet as Sy drove her and Mike back to the apartment, August having gone ahead. Walter and Geralt were already heading back to the cabin in Walter's truck.
"Al," Sy said, "Do you want to stay with me and the others? Or Mike and Steph? I have room for you."
"Can I…can I stay with Stephanie?" He asked.
"Of course you can, sweety." Stephanie said, still looking out the window as the world went past.
"Good deal." Sy said, "You've moved around a lot the last few years, want you stable now."
"You sure you don't want to stay with your big brother?" She asked.
"Mike is also my big brother." He said, "But I…there's…"
"Too many Alphas in one place in the cabin." Sy said and saw him nod in the rearview mirror, his eyes on his lap. "I getcha."
"Don't be." He said and Stephanie reached over from her place in the passenger's seat, taking his hand and lacing their fingers. "Doll, August--"
"Not now." She said and he sighed.
"Okay." He said, squeezing her hand. The rest of the trip was made in silence and they pulled up outside of the building, seeing August's SUV out front already in a slanted street parking spot.
"Albert, we'll have to get you clothes of your own and we can go grocery shopping at some point if you want." Stephanie said as they got out of the truck.
"We're about the same size, I can loan you some stuff in the meantime." Mike said and he nodded.
They walked into the building, Sy bringing up the rear, and she paused slightly when she saw August waiting for them outside of the unit, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Didn't want to let myself in." He said when they approached. She didn't say anything, digging her keys out of her pocket and unlocking the door, pushing it open.
"Albert, the spare bedroom will be yours, it's through there." She said pointing.
"I get my own room? With a bed?" He asked.
"Of course you do, sweety." She said and he gave her a smile, heading to the spare bedroom, flopping down onto the bed with his arms spread and making her smile.
"Steph." August said.
"Sweety, make a list of foods you want and we'll get them the next time we go grocery shopping." She said.
"I'm good with just about anything."
"You still have to have some favorite snacks or something. Let me know and I can pick it up."
"Thank you."
"Of course."
"Stephanie." August said but she kept ignoring him.
"Now, I am completely out of spoons, so I need to nap for a couple hours." She said, "Wake me if anything happens." August crossed the room, grabbing her arm as she went to go into the bedroom and turning her around.
"Don't ignore me, Stephanie."
"Read the fucking room, August." She said, glaring up at him.
"Walker…" Sy started.
"No." August said, pointing a finger at him. "I'm not going to apologize or be made to feel ashamed about what I do."
"What you do?" Stephanie asked, "I once made a joke about how you might be a porn star, that you should never apologize for or be ashamed about. But you aren't fucking for a living, August, you kill people. Not like Geralt who only kills Ferals, who need to be put down for everyone's safety, but sane men and women who should be in a damn jail cell, not a grave. The things you've told me that they've done are horrible, yes, but they should be locked up, put through the justice system. But the Pack Council decided they wanted to sweep it under the rug instead."
"They're dangerous."
"I get that. I do." She said, "But they're still US citizens. They're not committing high treason against the government, August, they're breaking the law."
"The Pack Council should be working with the US Government and Law Enforcement. Their mouthpieces say all these grand things about cooperation and coordination and building bridges, but they're taking the law into their own hands to keep their image squeaky clean." She said, "If some of these things they've done carry a death sentence in the states where the laws are broken, then so be it, but the Council became judge and jury, with you as the executioner. All in the name of saving face."
"I was just following orders."
"That didn't work with the Hague, it's not going to work with me." She said, "You could have turned them down, August, when they extended the offer. You could have seen it for the shady shit it is and told them thanks but no thanks, but you didn't." He was quiet. "I need to reconcile what I've learned about you with what I know about you. What you've done, with the man you are. I love you, but I can't be around you right now. Get out.”
“Get. Out.” There was a growl to her voice and it made him pause, looking away from her. He didn’t say anything, just left the apartment, heading up the stairs to his own.
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