#yes i stole these from kay's post
epiphainie · 1 month
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and just when you think you’ve hit rock bottom, you want to fuck a blond guy
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I posted 14,479 times in 2022
20 posts created (0%)
14,459 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 814 of my posts in 2022
#ides of march - 87 posts
#ace attorney - 31 posts
#<< prev tags - 22 posts
#miles edgeworth - 20 posts
#yes - 16 posts
#unreality - 15 posts
#narumitsu - 11 posts
#dgs2 spoilers - 11 posts
#phoenix wright - 10 posts
#wrightworth - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#would you happen to have a script for ‘i’ve said goodbye and used my scripts 10 times now but they keep talking and not getting the hint?’
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Milo loves their job sometimes.
Link to source in the first reblog.
[ID: Milo Belladonna from Monster Camp on a textpost from mintbees date stamped Sep 8 reading, “Grim reaper, seeing their task for today: omg slay queen”]
131 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
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Source in First Reblog.
[ID: a textpost meme featuring Ace Attorney Investigations characters Kay Faraday and Shi-Long Lang, with Miles Edgeworth appearing shocked in the background. The textpost, implied to be Kay talking to Lang, is from jaskierstransmascswag saying, “pretty boy isn’t an insult. even if you sneer it at someone while pointing a gun at them and demanding their wallet, you’re still complimenting them. you’re just doing it with homoerotic hostility. fruit on fruit violence. why don’t you buy them flowers with their money that you just stole.”]
146 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Here’s my Ace Attorney Hot Take: Miles, Phoenix, Gumshoe, Larry, and Lang are all in a relationship. there’s no “he is dating this one but not that one” No. It is all 5 of them, and yes they have all had people try to break the unfortunate news to them that they are being cheated on. (Most amusing was when someone tried to tell Phoenix that Miles was cheating on him with Gumshoe, but Gumshoe interrupted to drop off a file to Phoenix and they kissed before Gumshoe left and the one trying to break the news was like “…what?”). but no they all communicate and love each other, and that is never more evident than when Larry interrupts an investigation because “No, You are taking a break for lunch, no arguments.”
165 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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Link to post in first reblog
[ID: a Tumblr text post from detectivehole saying “i mean this in an entirely platonic, slightly powerhungry way, but i love when people call me the friendly “boss.” like “you got it boss” or “whatever ya say, boss.” it’s so fun. like we’re in the world’s shittiest cartoon mafia” - accompanying the text post are images of characters from Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth, looking smug, and Detective Gumshoe, looking proud. Gumshoe is at a lighter opacity to imply that Miles is saying the text post about Gumshoe.]
453 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Discord and Tumblr right now (morning, Sept 8, 2022)
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784 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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turtle-trash · 6 months
Different anon but essentially, you looked at Black people using aave: African American vernacular english, having fun on a post and decided it was OK to screenshot and imply they were all hostile people, or using "cruel" language. It's racist to assume Black people having fun on a tournament poll(which people have been actually cruel with) are threatening just because you are not familiar with the language. If you can recognize that White women refer each other as bitches and sluts out of familiarity and friendship you need to extend that kind of understanding with other languages(yes aave is a language). If you personally do not feel comfortable using such language, thats fine, but thats how other people talk you cant control that. But it goes to show that you guys need to stop stealing aave just to make yourselves appear more threatening or angry or as an interntet joke. Because nonblack people steal it so much you guys have desensitized yourselves the ability to recognize when actual Black people are just being friendly. Case in point: your "my brother in christ" post? The original phrase that white people stole to turn into a meme was "my n*gga in christ". Hence why we ask you guys to stop using "my brother in christ" memes. But even then the original phrase still means "friend". N*gga is a slur, but Black people can use it to refer as "homie" or "friend". Yall can't. Context matters. And now we are at the point where people are accusing the polls to be botted which hate to tell yall it ain't that important. Someone brought this up but if reylos didn't care to bot these things why would anyone care for two characters hardly anyone knows. But other than that, the constant association of equating Black people to bots on this website is racist and its annoying that keeps on happening. That's not even how bots work. You truly want to work on being a better a person, go learn this stuff: research. I can't even blame the other anon that just sends you a "you're just racist" message. I had the time to send this. But more often than not yall drain us because every day with this stuff. You feel exhausted through this experience alone? Imagine going through this and the racism everyday in every fandom space when you just wanna have fun. You gotta put in the effort yourself sometimes
Ohh Kay give me a sec. I need to process this (i don’t do vry good with long blocks of text with no spacing. Apologies)
When I posted those screenshots I didn’t know that the people who said those things were black, I’d try to defend myself on this but I know that I may say something wrong since I’m really bad with words. All I was trying to do was inform the op that the cruel words could have started again. I think one of my mistakes was making it public, as i didn’t expect me doing that would have spread that much (I don’t exactly have a very big presence on this site)
The reason I assumed the language being used was harmful is likely due to my inability to read tone over text, not an excuse, just an explanation. I will reiterate that my issue was with the fact that people (no matter who says it) were referring to a character who’s a child in that way
Ive already gotten a message about my use of the "my brother in Christ" phrase, I’m already removing it from the phrases I use occasionally. I try to keep posts that I’ve messed up on to not try to erase my mistakes, I think it’s good to be transparent about the mistakes I’ve made and I see I’ve failed in that department [not trying to excuse my actions or anything, I’m just attempting to state what I’ve done wrong]
I didn’t say that botting was happening anywhere, I don’t think there was any botting happening. I’m not quite sure where the statement that people think that black people are bots came from in regards to this situation (since I didn’t even mention the potential of botting anywhere except my post saying I want to try and distance myself from this situation for my mental health iirc. And even then I didn’t say the poll was botted)
I understand if anyone is uncomfortable with how I handled anything these past few days. I know I should see if I can find anything to try and better my understanding of this (which I should probably do before I somehow forget, apologies, my memory isn’t very good sometimes)
Im not sure how to end this in a good way but thanks for letting me know, sorry for making you guys feel uncomfortable
0 notes
thornyrose463 · 9 months
Exposed (Cobra Kai story): Chapter 10
Hawk drove himself and Sarah to Applebee's. Hawk took a photo on his cell phone. When he got home, he posted the photo on Instagram, tagged Sarah, and added a caption. A few minutes later, he got a notification saying that Sarah had liked the photo.
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At the prison, Kreese was talking to Emily. “This is it. End of the line.”
“I never took you for a defeatist.” Emily said.
“No, a realist.” Kreese said.
“I know my time is almost up. And I'm going to spend my last days in here.” Kreese said.
“You don't know that. Not for sure.” Emily said.
“Come on, Doc. A guy like me, in a place like this? I'm just wasting away.” Kreese responded.
“That's a choice, though, isn't it? You can find meaning, purpose, even in here. If you want to.” Emily said.
“I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. But passing that knowledge on to my students so they wouldn't make the same mistakes…That gave me purpose. Everything I ever fought for is lost. Every mark I made, every memory of me, will be erased.” Kreese said.
“Says who?” Emily asked.
“The best student I ever had. He was like a son to me. And now I have lost him for good.” Kreese said.
Tears streamed down Kreese’s face. When Emily moved closer to him and tried to comfort him, he stole her keycard.
“Yes, John, you've made mistakes. But you still have time to try to make up for them. You told me you've been fighting all your life, so keep fighting, but with your heart and soul instead of your fists. Use your remaining time to write yourself an ending that you can be proud of.” Emily told Kreese.
Kreese appeared to take Emily’s words to heart, but as he tried to play peacemaker between two quarreling inmates, one of them produced a shiv and stabbed him repeatedly, leaving him unconscious and bleeding on the floor.
Two police officers wheeled a stretcher into a morgue.
“Crazy bastard tried stopping a fight. He got what he deserved.” The first officer said.
The second officer nodded in agreement.
The doctor examined Kreese. It turned out that Kreese had faked his death. The blood was actually melted Jell-O.
“This is melted Jell-O.” The doctor said.
Kreese got off the stretcher and knocked the officers out.
Kreese moved closer to the doctor.
The doctor whimpered.
“Please. I’m begging you,” the doctor mumbled.
“For what? Mercy?” Kreese asked evilly.
Kreese knocked the doctor out. He put the doctor’s lab coat on. He used Emily’s keycard to move through the prison. He exited the prison, smiling triumphantly as the alarms blared.
The limo came to a screeching halt. Daniel, Johnny, and Chozen got knocked down. Daniel’s champagne spilled everywhere. Some of Johnny’s beer got on Daniel’s shirt. Daniel, Johnny, and Chozen sat up, groaning. When Daniel tried to get out of the limo, he was confronted by a furious Mike, who grabbed the lapels of his jacket and threw him on the ground. 
“You ruined my life, LaRusso!” Mike yelled.
Daniel was shocked. “Mike?”
“Come here,” Mike growled.
Mike grabbed Daniel’s jacket. He pulled Daniel towards him. Daniel looked at Mike in terror. Mike’s eyes were bloodshot, and his pupils were dilated.
“You took everything from me!” Mike yelled.
Chozen got out of the limo. 
“Hey! Not Daniel-san's fault.” Chozen said.
“Then whose fault is it?” Mike asked angrily. 
Two crushed beer cans fell out of the limo.
Johnny stumbled out of the limo and picked up one of the beer cans.
“Hey! Get your damn hands off him!” Johnny yelled.
Johnny threw the beer can in Mike’s direction. Due to Johnny being drunk, the beer can hit Daniel.
Mike let go of Daniel.
Daniel groaned, rubbing his forehead.
“Damn it, Johnny!” Daniel yelled.
Johnny tried to knock Mike down. Mike grabbed Johnny and flipped him. He landed a few feet away from Daniel.
Chozen rushed to Daniel’s side.
“Daniel-san, are you okay?” Chozen asked.
Daniel nodded.
Johnny stood up. He tried to kick Mike, but Mike blocked the kick. Mike reached for Johnny’s shirt, but before he could grab it, Johnny kicked him in the stomach. Mike grunted.
Mike raised his fists. “Come on!”
Johnny raised his fists.
Chozen and Daniel ran towards Johnny and Mike.
“Oi! Yamero!” Chozen yelled, pushing Johnny away from Mike. 
“Yamero” was Japanese for “stop” or “stop it” when addressing a male, while “yamete” was used to address a female.
Daniel stood in between Johnny and Mike, holding his hands out in front of him. “Both of you, stop.”
“Who the hell is this guy?” Johnny asked.
“He used to fight for Silver. His name's Mike Barnes.” Daniel said.
“Bad boy of karate.” Chozen said.
Chozen bowed to Mike, but Mike didn’t notice because he was glaring at Johnny.
Johnny scoffed. “Doesn't look so bad to me.”
“Want to go again, chief? Come on.” Mike raised his fists.
“Mike, Mike! Look, I know you're pissed. You have every right to be.” Daniel said.
Mike lowered his fists and glanced at Daniel.  
There was a cut on Daniel’s forehead.
“You're damn right I do. My-My life was fine before you showed up. Next thing I know, there's a pile of ashes where my store was. That place was leveraged to the hilt, Daniel. I'm broke!” Mike yelled.
Mike looked sad. “My wi...My wife...”
Daniel suspected that Mike’s wife left him. He gave Mike a sympathetic look.
“I understand, all right? Believe me. But Silver is the one who's responsible. He burned down your store. He has made all of our lives a living hell. I never meant for you to end up in his crosshairs. I will do anything I can, I promise, to help make you whole again. Okay?” Daniel asked.
Mike looked angry. “You say you want to make me whole? Then you help me tear him apart.”
“Believe me, he's going to get what's coming to him, sooner or later.” Daniel said.
“I say it's sooner. I say we go beat that ponytailed bastard's ass tonight!” Mike yelled.
Daniel spoke calmly. “Mike, come on.”
“Don't you get it? This guy just destroys peoples' lives bit by bit, and he never faces any consequences. You know what I see? I see four consequences right here!” Mike yelled.
Chozen and Johnny nodded in agreement.
Daniel could tell that Mike was not thinking clearly. He tried to talk some sense into him. “Mike, we can't just show up to his house and assault him.”
“This guy destroyed my world. What do you want me to do? Just sit here and take it like a bitch? I’m going to beat the living shit out of him!” Mike yelled.
“Yes!” Chozen yelled.
“I like the way this guy thinks.” Johnny said.
Daniel looked at Johnny in disapproval. “Johnny!”
“The bad boy's right, man. Silver has been screwing us for too long. He kicked your ass. He kicked my ass. It was a sucker kick in my case, but still, it's way past time for payback.” Johnny said. 
Mike slapped Johnny’s back. “That's what I'm talking about!”
Daniel turned to Chozen. “All right. Chozen…Chozen, help me out. This is crazy.”
“I know Silver's address.” Chozen said.
Mike spoke excitedly. “Yes! I'm driving.”
“What? No, no, no! You guys! You're out of your fսcking minds!” Daniel yelled.
Chozen chuckled. “Four of us. One of him.”
Chozen slid his index finger across his throat. “Tonight, we cut off head of snake.”
Chozen laughed.
Mike and Chozen walked towards the limo.
Daniel looked at Chozen in disbelief. “Chozen!”
Mike and Chozen got in the limo.
Johnny was about to walk towards the limo. Daniel grabbed his shoulder in order to stop him from leaving.
“Johnny!” Daniel yelled. “Johnny, listen!”
Daniel lowered his voice. “We're all drunk. And judging by the size of his pupils, Barnes is on something even stronger. This is a terrible idea.”
Johnny looked eager for a fight. “Yeah, it is, which is why Silver's never going to see it coming. It's happening, LaRusso. Saddle up. It's time to put Pandora back in her box.”
Johnny continued walking towards the limo. When he reached the limo, he bumped into the door. He groaned, rubbing his forehead. He opened the door and got in the limo.
“No! We're not going to ride for justice like some party limo posse!” Daniel yelled.
Mike was sitting in the driver’s seat. “Suit yourself.”
Mike started the engine.
Daniel’s eyes widened. “Shit!”
The limo began driving down the road.
“Mike!” Daniel yelled. 
Daniel started chasing the limo. He stopped what he was doing after realizing there was no way he could keep up with the limo.
Mike was driving erratically. Daniel started to panic.
“Mike!” Daniel yelled.
Daniel realized that Mike had no intention of stopping.
Daniel was frustrated. He waved his arms around and yelled, “Are you kidding me?!”
The limo was nowhere in sight.
“Mike!” Daniel yelled.
Daniel turned around, stumbling slightly. He took in his surroundings and tried to figure out what to do.
At Johnny, Sarah, Robby, and Miguel’s apartment complex, Robby, Miguel, Sarah, Hawk, and Demetri were waiting for Sam.
Demetri had brought a backpack with him. The backpack was full of electronic devices.
“So…Uh, what's the emergency? Why'd you have me bring all my gear?” Demetri asked.
“You know as much as we do. Sam told us to meet here.” Miguel said.
“At least she's talking to you. I can't get a response from...” Robby trailed off.
Sam arrived with Tory.
Hawk looked confused. “Tory?”
Miguel greeted Sam and Tory. “What's…Uh...What's up? Hi.”
Sam and Tory greeted Miguel with a nod. 
Robby looked at Tory’s hand, which was wrapped in a black bandage.
“What happened to your hand?” Robby asked.
“Uh…Training accident. I'm okay.” Tory said.
“We think we have a way to prove Silver assaulted Stingray.” Sam said.
“If the attack happened at the old dojo, Silver installed security cameras.” Tory said.
“So maybe it’s all on tape.” Sarah said.
“But that place was cleaned out.” Robby said.
“That might not matter. The systems that we sell at Tech Town all save the footage to a central server. Silver probably took the whole system.” Demetri said.
“I think he did. There’s a server in his office at the flagship dojo.” Tory said.
“If we access it, we can find that footage. We could post that Stingray clip to their YouTube channel.” Hawk said.
“Get a hold of everyone else. Let them know that we're taking down Cobra Kai...Tonight.” Sam told Hawk.
At Terry’s mansion, Terry and Kim discussed how to handle Daniel and his entourage going forward. Johnny, Chozen, and Mike crashed through the front gate and confronted them in the living room. Terry called Johnny, Chozen, and Mike out for trespassing and told them that any violence inflicted upon them would be justified. Johnny, Chozen, and Mike were not intimidated. Sensei Min-Jun appeared. He and Mike fought. Mike defeated Sensei Min-Jun, but he was ambushed and knocked unconscious by Sensei Bacaria. When the rest of the Cobra Kai senseis entered the room, Johnny and Chozen prepared to defend themselves.
Amanda and Carmen were in the LaRusso family’s living room.
Amanda was wearing a bathrobe over her dress.
Amanda passed Carmen a mug of tea.
Carmen smiled. “Thank you.”
Amanda smiled.
Carmen took a sip of her tea.
“Remember the days when you'd end a night out with a big, fat, greasy two-dollar slice of pizza?” Carmen asked.
“Oh, remember them? I mourn them.” Amanda said.
“It was so nice to go out, though. With all that's going on, I haven't been able to let loose in...” Carmen paused. “I don't know how long.”
“Tell me about it. I can't wait to get back to normal. If there is such a thing.” Amanda said.
Amanda received a call from Daniel. He told her about Mike hijacking the limo and planning to go to Terry’s mansion with Johnny and Chozen. He begged her to come get him, dropping a pin to his location. Amanda saw a car pull into the driveway, which she identified as Cobra Kai. Just before the call dropped, Daniel told his wife to grab the kids and call the police.
Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Demetri, Sam, Tory, and Miguel arrived at Cobra Kai’s flagship dojo.
Robby spoke confidently. “If it's the same alarm system, I should be able to bypass it.”
Demetri looked warily at Robby. “Spoken like a man that has done this before.”
Robby shrugged. Demetri’s words didn’t bother him. “Yeah, well, karate wasn’t my first hobby. I fractured a law or two before we met.”
“Or we could just scan my keycard.” Tory held up her keycard. “So that those of us on probation keep from, you know, violating it.”
Robby and Tory looked at each other and smiled. 
The rest of the Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students arrived.
Hawk greeted Chris. “What's happening?”
Chris shook Hawk’s hand. “What's up, man? Sorry we're late.”
Chris gestured to Mitch. “Someone took forever to get ready.”
Mitch spoke defensively. “It's the middle of the night.”
Nathaniel looked at Tory and asked, “What is she doing here?”
“It's fine. She's with us. For what we're about to do at least.” Sam said.
“So, what are we doing? All your text says is that we're going to take down Cobra Kai. But how exactly?” Mitch asked.
“We’re going to show them who their sensei really is. We think we have proof he's a criminal.” Miguel said.
“We're going upstairs to Silver's office. We need you downstairs as lookout.” Sam said.
Everyone entered the dojo after Tory used her keycard to unlock the door.
Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Demetri, Sam, Tory, and Miguel walked upstairs. Everyone else walked downstairs.  
Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Demetri, Sam, Tory, and Miguel entered Terry’s office.
“Pulling the clip off the server is first day of computer camp shit. Got it?” Hawk asked Demetri.
“Yeah.” Demetri said.
“We upload the clip to the YouTube channel, and Cobra Kai is out of business.” Hawk said.
Hawk and Demetri set up Demetri’s gear.
Demetri started typing. “Okay. Stingray's assault happened the morning after prom.”
Tory noticed a security camera.
“Any idea how to disconnect one of these?” Tory asked Robby.
“Yeah.” Robby said.
Robby grunted as he jumped up and kicked the camera. The camera fell on the floor and broke.
Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Sam, Tory, and Miguel stood behind Demetri.
Tory looked excited. “I can't believe it's happening. We're really going to take Silver down.”
Wanting to keep Tory’s spirits up, Robby did his best not to sound pessimistic. “Yeah. What could go wrong?”
Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Demetri, Sam, Tory, and Miguel failed to notice the security camera hidden within the Cobra Kai mural behind them.
As the battle raged on at Terry’s mansion, Terry and Kim observed Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Demetri, Sam, Tory, and Miguel via the security camera hidden within the Cobra Kai mural. Realizing they were being attacked on two fronts, Terry told Kim to take care of the dojo while he dealt with Chozen and Johnny. Having momentarily subdued Terry’s men, Johnny told Chozen to go after Terry.
After running several miles, Daniel saw a pickup truck. The driver was standing behind the truck and urinating.
Daniel panted as he approached the driver. “Hey.”
The driver turned around.
Daniel was grateful to see another person. “Hey. Thank God. Thank God. Listen. I need your help. I’ve got to get home. It's an emergency. Please. You’ve got to give me a ride.”
“I do, huh?” The driver leaned forward and sniffed Daniel’s blazer and shirt. Daniel’s blazer smelled like champagne, and his shirt smelled like beer.
The driver scowled at Daniel. “Maybe walk it off instead.”
“No, I'm not drunk, all right? I'm not...I mean, I'm not that drunk. The limo stopped short, and the champagne spilled everywhere, and it just...” Daniel trailed off.
The driver had no idea what Daniel was talking about.
The driver spoke sarcastically. “Oh, shit. I hate it when that happens.”
The driver walked to the truck. Daniel followed him.
Daniel pointed at the truck. “Hey! Look, you're the first person I've seen in miles. And I’ve got to get home now. And this truck is going to take me there, one way or the other.”
The driver smirked and pounded on the truck’s back door. Several other men emerged from the truck, glaring at Daniel and crossing their arms. Daniel took off his blazer and prepared to defend himself. A speeding car sent everyone scrambling for cover. The car was revealed to be Johnny's 2009 Dodge Challenger. Stingray was in the driver’s seat. Amanda and Carmen were in the backseat.    
Stingray referenced the film franchise Terminator. “Mr. LaRusso, come with me if you want to live.”
Daniel was shocked. “What?”
“Get in the car. The kids are in trouble.” Amanda said.
“Kids? W-What kind of trouble?” Daniel asked.
“Just get in. We'll tell you on the way.” Stingray said.
Daniel walked to the car and got in the passenger’s seat.
Stingray began driving down the road.
A man threw a beer can at the back of the car and yelled, “Asshole!”
At Cobra Kai’s flagship dojo, Demetri accessed the video of Terry’s attack on Stingray. Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Demetri, Sam, Tory, and Miguel discovered that Terry erased the footage just before the assault took place. Tory revealed that there was another video they could use and inputted the date and time on Demetri's tablet. Robby, Sarah, Hawk, Demetri, Sam, Tory, and Miguel were alerted to a commotion downstairs. Robby, Sarah, Sam, Tory, and Miguel went to investigate. Hawk and Demetri stayed behind to download the footage.
The Cobra Kai students had unexpectedly arrived. Sam was horrified to see that Anthony had been knocked down. Anthony was looking at Kenny with fear in his eyes.
“Aits!” Kenny kicked Anthony.
Sam, Bert, and Nathaniel rushed to Anthony’s side. Kenny snickered as he watched them tend to Anthony.
Devon looked at Tory in shock. “So, you're with them now?”
Kenny glared at Robby. 
Kenny turned to Tory. “You knew what would happen if he and his friends ever stepped into this dojo again.”
Sarah looked at Miguel and asked, “How'd they know we were here?”
“I don't know.” Miguel said.
Kyler and Kenny looked at each other and smiled. 
“Mitch, come on. Get your ass over here where you belong.” Kyler ordered.
The Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students looked at Mitch in surprise. Mitch looked sheepish before walking over to the Cobra Kai students and unzipping his hoodie to reveal a Cobra Kai t-shirt. 
Bert frowned. “Penis Breath, how could you?”
“Gee, I don't know. Maybe 'cause they don't call me Penis Breath.” Mitch said.
The Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students looked puzzled. Until now, Mitch didn’t seem to mind his nickname.
“You guys have been so dead set on taking down Cobra Kai. I didn't even want to leave in the first place. I mean, look around. They’ve got snacks, swag, smoothies. Our dojo doesn't even have a roof. Or, like, any chicks.” Mitch said.
Mitch looked at Sam and Sarah. “No offense.”
Sam and Sarah rolled their eyes.
“All right. Penis Breath, shut up.” Kyler told Mitch.
Mitch narrowed his eyes at Kyler.
“We’ve got a traitor, y'all got a traitor, so that cancels out. Are we going to throw down or what?” Kyler asked.
“I'm not a traitor. I'm just not buying what Silver is selling, and neither should any of you.” Tory said.
“Silver lied to all of us.” Robby said.
Kenny glared at Robby.
Kenny took a step closer to Robby. “Us? What “us”? The only person who lied to me is you!”
Miguel stood in between Kenny and Robby. “Hey. Robby’s right. You don’t want to do this.”
“Yeah, I do.” Kenny said.
Kenny tried to punch Miguel, but Miguel dodged the punch.
The Cobra Kai students started fighting the Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students.
Stingray spoke to Daniel. “I am so, so sorry, Mr. LaRusso. All I wanted was to get back into Cobra Kai. I didn't think anybody was going to get hurt. I mean, besides me. That part of the deal was pretty clear.”
“Now you're doing the right thing. That's what's important.” Daniel said.
Daniel called Sam. She didn’t respond.    
Amanda called Anthony. He didn’t respond.    
Carmen called Miguel, Johnny, and Sarah. Neither of them responded. 
“The moment I got that group text from the Cobra Kais saying they were going to ambush your students, I-I knew I had to warn you. Or, as it happened, Mrs. LaRusso.” Stingray said.
Daniel called Sam again. She didn’t respond.    
Amanda called Anthony again. He didn’t respond.    
Carmen called Miguel, Johnny, and Sarah again. Neither of them responded. 
“Sam's still not responding.” Daniel said.
“It's the same with Anthony.” Amanda said.
“I can't get a hold of Miguel either. Or Johnny. Or Sarah.” Carmen said. 
“I'm sure Johnny will be okay. He can take care of himself. He has Chozen and Barnes. We have to get to the kids before someone gets hurt.” Daniel said.
“Don't you worry, Mr. LaRusso. We will.” Stingray said.
Stingray put sunglasses on.
“What are you doing? It's pitch black.” Daniel said.
“Stingrays see better in the dark.” Stingray said.
Stingray started driving faster. 
Chozen confronted Terry in Terry’s sword display room. After mocking Chozen's vow to make him beg for mercy, Terry started a fight. He quickly got the upper hand, kicking Chozen to the ground before taunting him again. Johnny started to lose the advantage against the other Cobra Kai senseis. Chozen struck Terry’s knee. Sensing that he might be outmatched in unarmed combat, Terry picked up a katana. Chozen pulled out his pair of sai. Chozen told Terry that he was not afraid to kill. Unfazed, Terry said that he was not afraid to die.
Chozen and Terry dueled on Terry’s patio. Chozen initially had the upper hand, but Terry soon gained control. He sliced Chozen’s arm and leg. Terry prepared to finish Chozen off. Chozen regained the advantage and swept Terry’s legs out from under him. Terry claimed that he was meant to die on the battlefield and told Chozen to finish him off. Chozen was about to finish Terry off, but he got distracted by Johnny’s cry of pain. Terry sliced Chozen’s back, causing him to fall into the pool.
At Cobra Kai’s flagship dojo, a male Cobra Kai student had knocked Sam down. Miguel came up behind the Cobra Kai student and swept his legs out from under him.
Miguel grabbed Sam’s hand and pulled her up.
“You good?” Miguel asked.
“Yeah. You?” Sam asked.
“Yeah.” Sam said.
Miguel and Sam ran off. 
A female Cobra Kai student tried to punch Sarah, but Sarah dodged the punch. She swung her right leg sideways in a circular motion and kicked the Cobra Kai student in the face, causing them to fall.
Sarah ran off. 
A male Cobra Kai student ran up to Tory. He tried to punch her, but she dodged the punch and swept his legs out from under him. She looked around. Her eyes landed on Devon.
Tory ran up to Devon and grabbed her arm. “Devon.”
Devon grunted, freeing herself from Tory’s grip.
Tory gave Devon a pleading look. “You don't want to be on their side, trust me.”
Devon scoffed. “Like you trusted me? You've been lying about whose side you were on this whole time.”
“I know. I'm sorry. I tried telling you...” Tory trailed off.
A male Cobra Kai student grabbed Tory’s shoulder from behind. Tory turned around. She kicked the Cobra Kai student in the chest. Tory glanced over her shoulder to check if Devon was still there. She wasn’t.
Tory ran off.
Hawk ran downstairs and saw the Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students fighting the Cobra Kai students.
Hawk ran upstairs.
Hawk entered Tery’s office. 
“Dude, it's madness out there. How much longer?” Hawk asked.
“Almost done. Just a few more minutes. I need to log into their YouTube channel and upload the clip.” Demetri said.
“Yo, check upstairs!” Kyler yelled.
“Oh, shit,” Hawk muttered.
“They're coming. Be ready to go mobile.” Hawk told Demetri.
“Okay. We're going to have to upload and publish via Wi-Fi.” Demetri said.
Kyler and some other male Cobra Kai students entered Terry’s office.
Kyler laughed. “Yo, man. It's just Sarah and Yasmine’s bitches.”
One of the other male Cobra Kai students derisively pointed at Hawk and Demetri. “Bitches.”
Kyler looked at Hawk. “You heard Kenny when he dropped your ass. You’re just a Faux-Hawk now, boy.”
“You know what? That's life. You win some, you lose some, but you’ve got to move on. You never did. You're still pulling the same old bully act as always, even though everyone you've bullied has kicked your ass by now.” Hawk said.
“I haven’t.” Demetri said.
Hawk smirked. “You'll get your turn. Kyler's too stupid to ever learn his lesson.”
Kyler and the other Cobra Kai students attacked. Hawk was able to keep them at bay while Demetri worked to upload and publish the footage via Wi-Fi.
Downstairs, Kenny attacked Robby. Unwilling to harm his former protégé, Robby fought defensively. While Robby was distracted by the other Cobra Kai students, Kenny caught him off guard with the Silver Bullet.
At Terry’s mansion, Johnny took a vicious beating at the hands of the Cobra Kai senseis. When Terry walked into the mansion, he saw that Johnny was bleeding.
Some blood had gotten into Johnny’s mouth. He spat it out. “Well, you look like shit.”
Terry’s hair was slightly messy, his clothes were wet, and blood was trickling down his face.
Terry chuckled.
“Where’s the other one?” Sensei Odell asked Terry.
“Outside.” Terry said.
Terry looked at Johnny.
Terry spoke evilly. “And off the board.”
“I’m going to kill you,” Johnny growled.
Sensei Odell punched Johnny in the face. Johnny groaned. His head drooped.
“That seems unlikely. Kreese always told me you were his best student. I never saw it. You’ve got guts, Lawrence. I'll give you that.” Terry said.
Terry gestured to the side of his head. “But just not much upstairs.”
“Attacking me on my own turf? Come on. You never stood a chance.” Terry said.
Terry grabbed Johnny by the hair and lifted his head.
Johnny glared at Terry.
“But if it's any consolation, at least you won't be around to screw up another kid.” Terry said.
Johnny slapped Terry’s hand away.
Johnny’s head drooped again. Terry watched with disgust.
“I’ve got another mess to clean up at the dojo. Take care of this.” Terry told the Cobra Kai senseis.
Johnny managed to lift his head.
Terry spoke evilly. “Finish him.”
Impaired by the effects of the Silver Bullet, Robby was beaten down by Kenny and the other Cobra Kai students. Miguel and Sarah intervened, giving Robby a chance to recover.
Demetri joined the fight against Kyler. He was able to defeat his former bully.
Demetri smiled. “Man, that felt good!”
Kyler was on the floor.
Demetri looked down at Kyler. “Bitch!”
With the video now uploading to Cobra Kai's YouTube channel, Hawk and Demetri took the tablet and rushed out of the office. Tory was holding her ground in the melee, but she ran into a roadblock in the form of Kim Da-Eun.
Kim and Tory glared at each other.
“You disappoint me, Nichols.” Kim said.
“Yeah? Well, likewise.” Tory responded.
Kim took a step closer to Tory. “I warned Silver you could not be trusted. Let this be my final lesson to you. And a more painful one than the last.”
Hawk and Demetri reached the ground floor. Kyler struck Hawk from behind, sending the tablet sliding across the mat. Anthony picked the tablet up. With the Cobra Kai students determined to take the tablet from Anthony, Miguel told his teammates to protect the egg. They formed a defensive circle around Anthony, who continued to monitor the upload as the others fended off the Cobra Kai students from all sides.
Kim and Tory started fighting. Overmatched by her former sensei, Tory quickly found herself on the mat.
Kim sneered at Tory. “Such a tough façade. All to hide the fragile little girl underneath.”
Kim stepped on Tory’s injured hand. Tory groaned.
Seeing Tory in trouble, Sam came to her aid. Tory and Sam struggled to keep up with Kim. When Devon unexpectedly joined the fight, Kim told her not to throw away her chance to become a champion. Devon insisted that she would become a champion on her own terms and dismissed Sam to help defend Anthony. When Devon rejoined Tory, they picked up where they left off.
Stingray, Daniel, Amanda, and Carmen arrived at the dojo and found their path blocked by several Cobra Kai students. Daniel refused to fight a bunch of teenagers. Stingray had no such qualms. He decimated the Cobra Kai students. He, Daniel, Amanda, and Carmen walked into the dojo. With the video upload nearing completion, the Cobra Kai students redoubled their efforts to stop it. As Daniel attempted to break through the crowd of students to reach Anthony, the footage of Terry telling Tory that he bribed the referee at the All-Valley started to play on the dojo's main monitor. Faced with this new revelation, the Cobra Kai students could only watch in stunned silence.
Terry arrived at the dojo.
“That's it? That was your big plan, LaRusso? Breaking into my dojo to steal some footage that changes nothing?” Terry asked.
“It wasn't his plan. It was ours.” Tory said.
“And it changes everything.” Robby said.
“Our enemies think they can keep attacking us with no repercussions. And what does the enemy deserve?” Terry asked the Cobra Kai students.
Terry waited for the Cobra Kai students to say “no mercy.” They didn’t say anything.
Kyler had an emotionless expression on his face. Kenny was looking at the floor and frowning.
Terry looked angry. He gestured to the Miyagi-Do students and the Eagle Fang students. “You think I'm the only one willing to go to these lengths? Their senseis broke into my home tonight.”
Terry gestured to himself. “My home! Attacked me, unprovoked.”
Terry turned to Daniel.
Terry taunted Daniel. “But here I am. The only one left standing.”
Daniel, Amanda, and Carmen exchanged a worried look.
Terry looked at the Cobra Kai students. “They think they're entitled to victory because their way is right and our way is wrong. But that's not how it works. There are no morals to the story. No happy endings. Life isn't a fairytale. It's a competitive sport. Right and wrong? There's no such thing. There are only winners and losers. Cobra Kai builds winners, because we're willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top.”
At Terry’s mansion, the Cobra Kai senseis were about to finish Johnny off when the photo of the ultrasound fell out of his jacket pocket. Johnny flew into a rage and incapacitated all but two of his enemies, who managed to subdue him. Sensei Odell lost a pinkie to a poorly-aimed katana swipe in Johnny’s direction. Sensei Hyan-Woo prepared to run Johnny through with his katana. Mike came out of nowhere, taking Sensei Odell and Sensei Hyan-Woo down and saving Johnny’s life. 
Mike and Johnny looked at each other. Johnny picked up the photo of the ultrasound and put it back in his jacket pocket.
Breathing heavily, Mike and Johnny looked at the fallen senseis.
“I did most of this.” Johnny said.
“Yeah, you did. Where’s Chozen?” Mike asked.
Terry was standing a few feet away from Daniel.
Kim, the Cobra Kai students, the Miyagi-Do students, the Eagle Fang students, Amanda, Carmen, and Stingray were gathered around Terry and Daniel.
Terry took a step closer to Daniel. “Everything you did to try to stop me amounted to nothing but pain.”
Terry spread his arms and smiled. “You got your ass kicked, Danny Boy.”
Terry pointed at Daniel. “Now, you can either accept that, or I can kick it again right now.”
Amanda looked at Daniel. “We're all with you, Daniel. Do what you have to do.”
Daniel stepped onto the mat and faced a leering Terry. Kim, the Cobra Kai students, the Miyagi-Do students, the Eagle Fang students, Amanda, Carmen, and Stingray took a step back, giving them room to fight.
Kyler appeared to be on the verge of laughter. Kenny was eyeing Terry with a look of betrayal. Anthony appeared to be excited about the fight. Amanda looked worried.
Terry and Daniel circled each other.
Terry spoke evilly. “First, I took care of Chozen. Now you. This is where Miyagi-Do ends.”
Daniel spoke confidently. “Miyagi-Do existed before any of us. It will be around long after we're gone. The roots are strong, so the tree will survive.”
The fight began. Following Chozen's advice to think like a serpent, Daniel turned Terry’s patented “Quick Silver” method against him, striking his knee before delivering a blow to his chest. In desperation, Terry grabbed a trophy from the wall and tried to use it as a weapon. Daniel executed a crane kick perfectly, sending Terry crashing into the glass Cobra Kai mural behind him. Daniel celebrated his victory with the Miyagi-Do students, the Eagle Fang students, Amanda, Carmen, and Stingray. Kenny discarded his Cobra Kai gear and left the dojo. The rest of the Cobra Kai students followed suit.
Outside of the dojo, Kyler was talking to some police officers. “I'm telling you, I'm the one that rescued everyone from this place. This place was becoming cultish. Some might call me a hero, but...”
One of the officers started writing something.
“Oh, it's spelled K-y-l-e-r.”
Stingray was talking to the detective who interviewed him at the hospital following Terry’s attack.  “You know, I’ve got to say, originally, th-that testimony I gave…I was under great duress, as, uh, defined by Magna Carta.”
Big Red, a former Cobra Kai student, walked up to Little Red, a Miyagi-Do student.
Big Red and Little Red were brothers. Big Red was older than Little Red. 
“Need a ride?” Big Red asked.
“Yeah. I told Mom I'd be home hours ago.” Little Red said.
Big Red put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Don't worry. I’ve got your back.”
Big Red and Little Red walked away.
Sarah was standing next to Hawk and Demetri.
“That was intense.” Sarah said.
Hawk and Demetri nodded in agreement.
Tory and Devon were sitting in the back of a fire truck. A police officer was talking to them.
Kenny was standing next to a police car.
Robby walked up to Kenny.
Kenny was upset.
“Hey. Kenny, listen, I…Um...” Robby trailed off.
“No, I just...” Kenny paused. “Just not right now, okay?”
Robby nodded in understanding.
Kenny walked away.
Tory approached Robby.
“Kenny will come around. Eventually.” Tory said.
“Listen, Tory, I-I owe you an apology.” Robby said.
“I know. I probably owe you one too. But I'm not in the mood for all that heartfelt shit, so…For now, maybe just kiss me,” Tory said.
Robby smiled.
Robby and Tory kissed.
Sam was standing next to some cars. A blue blanket was wrapped around her shoulders.
Miguel walked up to Sam. 
Miguel gestured to a car. “Mind if I…Uh…”
Miguel and Sam sat on the hood of a car.
“You okay?” Miguel asked.
“Yeah, more or less. What about you? Any major damage?” Sam asked.
“Uh...Think I've had worse.” Miguel said.
Sam held up the octopus necklace. “Is this yours? I found it at Miyagi-Do.”
“That was…Uh...It was supposed to be yours, but…Uh...” Miguel trailed off.
“But I broke up with you before you could give it to me.” Sam said.
“Something like that.” Miguel said.
“So, you weren't really fine with breaking up?” Sam asked.
“Well, it's not what I wanted, but…You said you weren't okay. You needed some time, and that seemed like it was more important.” Miguel said.
Sam smiled. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”
“Of course. It's what you do when you love someone.” Miguel said.
Sam looked surprised. “You've never said that before.”
“Well…Uh...Well, I do,” Miguel said shyly.
“I love you too.” Sam said.
Miguel and Sam kissed.
The limo arrived.
Johnny got out of the limo.
Carmen approached Johnny.
“Hey.” Johnny greeted.
Johnny and Carmen hugged. A few seconds later, Carmen pulled away.
Carmen looked at Johnny in concern. 
Johnny smiled. “I don't look that bad, do I?”
“You've never looked better. Not literally. We need to get you to a doctor.” Carmen said.
“Yeah, I know. We're on our way there. I wanted to see you first.” Johnny said.
“I thought I'd lost you.” Carmen said.
“You can't get rid of me that easily. The thought of losing you, Miguel, Sarah, Robby, and the baby kicked me into a gear I didn't know I had. I couldn’t stand the thought of missing the rest of our life together.” Johnny said.
Johnny and Carmen kissed.
Daniel and Amanda watched as Mike helped Chozen get out of the limo. 
Mike spoke. “All right. Come on. I’ve got you. Easy, easy, easy.”
Chozen spoke. “Oh, thank you, Mike-san.”
Mike chuckled.
Chozen’s tank top was covered with bloody bandages.
Daniel looked at Chozen in concern. “Jesus, Chozen! We’ve got to get you to a hospital.”
Chozen brushed off Daniel’s concern. “Oh, just a flesh wound.”
“Yeah, but it's like all your flesh!” Daniel exclaimed.
Daniel gently took Chozen’s arm.
A medic was standing near an ambulance.
Daniel got the medic’s attention. “Hey. Help me.”
The medic approached Daniel.
“Yes, sir?” The medic asked.
The medic helped Daniel get Chozen into the back of the ambulance.
“Maybe should have had a Short Island Iced Tea.” Chozen joked.
“Uh, yeah.” Daniel said.
Mike was standing next to the limo. Daniel glanced at the back door and saw a Rembrandt painting.
“Is that a Rembrandt?” Daniel asked.
Mike smirked. “Yeah. It has to be worth at least as much as a furniture store, right?”
Daniel smiled and shook his head.
Terry scowled as he was escorted to a police car.
Daniel spoke to Amanda. “Never thought I'd see the day when Silver was finally in handcuffs.”
The detective who interviewed Stingray in the hospital walked up to Daniel and Amanda.
“Given Raymond Porter's revised statement, Mr. Silver is facing a litany of charges. That man's lawyers are going to be pretty busy.” The detective said.
Johnny approached Daniel.
Daniel and Johnny shook hands.
“All right, LaRusso! You finally took Silver out.” Johnny said.
Daniel and Johnny shared a brotherly hug.
Carmen approached Amanda.
Carmen showed Amanda the ring on her finger. The ring used to belong to Sensei Odell. It was gold and had a blue jewel in the middle.
Amanda suspected that Johnny had proposed to Carmen.
Amanda looked excited.
Terry glared at Daniel and Johnny before turning around and haughtily sticking his nose in the air.
“No more looking over our shoulders at every turn.” Daniel said.
“Here's hoping Silver and Kreese end up being cellmates.” Johnny said.
“You mean John Kreese? You didn't hear what happened?” The detective asked.
Daniel and Johnny exchanged a worried look.
0 notes
iwillkeepfighting · 2 years
questionnaire by @lurkinglurkerwholurks
I cannot resist questionnaires. my goal is for this to be absolutely, horrifically irrelevant by the end of 2023, at which time we shall see whether I remember to fill out a new one.
Name(s): ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don't have a nickname to use here. open to suggestions I guess
Where do you post fic? Ao3
Primary/current fic writing fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Secondary/past/rotating fic writing fandoms: Ninjago, Monkie Kid, Batfam, a variety of others unpublished
Are there fandoms you write for but don’t read, or vice versa? Not intentionally, though I guess I do read Star Wars without writing anything for it
How long have you been writing fics? Three years according to Ao3; ten years counting the Archive of Past Shame
How many have you written? uhhhhhhh Unfathomable Multitudes of Snippets and Tidbits
How many have you posted (complete or incomplete)? Six on Ao3, one on tumblr [hang on I'mma go post the tumblr snippet to a03 actually]
What’s your word count by year? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What was your first posted fic? Something's Wrong in the Never Realm, circa 2019
If you write in more than one fandom, which is your most popular? Ninjago, so far
What is your most popular fic by bookmark? Something's Wrong in the Never Realm
What is your most popular fic by subscription? uh. Is that something you can view? I don't know
What is your longest fic? Unpublished, Donnienoes, at 40k words; published, Something's Wrong in the Never Realm
How long did it take you to write it? Donnienoes twelve days (spread out over one month), Something's Wrong two two-hour sessions
What is your shortest fic? Regarding Ninpo in the Apocalypse
How long did it take you to write it? two hours ish
How many series do you have? One (technically two)
Who’s your most commonly tagged character? Kai Ninjago starring in three out of six [seven] fics
What’s your most commonly tagged relationship (slash or &)? Qi Xiaotian | MK & Sun Wukong | Monkey King (it is my only tagged relationship thus far)
What’s your most commonly used other tag? no editing we die like plastic ninja
Was there a fic or writer who inspired you to start writing your own posted works? lloydskywalkers absolutely, back in 2019. Then audreycritter stoked the embers. Now, a handful of TMNT writers, particularly Taizi. i am leaving out so many people but if i go check my bookmarks/subscriptions i'll never escape rip
What do you remember about writing your first posted fic? Frustration with canon
Is there a fic or fics you’re most proud of, and why? I'm most proud of my unpublished recent stuff xP
Is there a fic you would redo completely if you could? I can redo any of them at any time so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Is there a specific detail (setting, interaction, quirk, dialogue) you stole from your own life to use in a fic? Not that I know of
Is there a line in your fic that makes you smile/snicker/chuckle every time you remember it? Mm not really, I haven't done much humor
Is there a line in your fic that makes you sad every time you remember it? Also not really, my own angst doesn't have the power to make me sad. however: “He… took me in,” Morro begins cautiously. “Gave me a place to stay, food to eat. Trained me.” Loved me. really sticks with me.
Are there any story ideas you’ve considered but are too nervous/intimidated to attempt? What are they? BOY HOWDY YES okay so to start we've got several CECverse Batfam ideas but like no I don't have the nerve to ask Audrey to play in her sandbox. Ninjago Shattered AU (do not have the nerve to ask Speedy). Ninjago Morroverse. so many Batfam AUs; I keep trying to give Tim superpowers but I can never commit to it. TMNT ideas for days. basically anything with a plot is too intimidating, bc I'm not good at plot and I'm too nervous to begin something without knowing how it'll finish
0 notes
fuwushiguro · 3 years
The Enemy & The Bet
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hawks x f!reader x Dabi
Characters: Hawks, Dabi
Side Characters: Overhaul, Shigaraki, All For One (mentioned), Hari Kurono (mentioned)
Genre: Smut
Notes: This is the first thing I’ve written in a looooong while, I hope you all like it! Been nervous to post anything for ages but finally worked up the courage to get back into writing and put myself out there again, I’m hoping I’ll have more confidence to start writing more!
Warnings: 18+, dubcon/noncon, manipulation, possessiveness/jealousy, rough sex, degradation, dumbification, brat taming???, threesome, anal, breeding kink, cheating
Words: 6.2k
☆ ☆ ☆
It was never going to go well. It was always going to end up like this, you were basically asking for it. Kai warned you, he warned you about all of the filthy degenerates he’d made enemies out of. Don’t speak to anyone without his permission. There is scum out there and they are not to be trusted.
☆ ☆ ☆
He was meant to protect you. To check over anyone you interacted with, to protect you from harm. Someone like him was always going to make enemies, he’d made it a rule not to get too close to anyone he’d only end up worrying about in the end. But how could he resist you. Gorgeous, oblivious, naïve little you. He’d overheard a conversation you were having with one of your idiot friends. How you’d never leave the house without two bottles of hand sanitizer, and he knew you were his kind of girl. He knew he had to have you. You were surprised when he approached you, donning a black cotton face mask that looked similar to your black leather mask. That was a giveaway to him. You aren’t like the other struggling students around here, he’d later find out you weren’t a student at all. You were a rich girl. The name gave it away, Shigaraki. The daughter of a mysterious businessman who went by the Alias All For One. Where else had he heard that name? Oh yes. Tomura. They had been on bad terms since Kai stole his girlfriend a few years back. In the beginning, you were a conquest for Kai. Another way to one up Tomura. Fucking his baby sisters brains out and gloating about it was a much too delicious opportunity to pass up. But the way your big doe eyes twinkled innocently in the blue stained room that had been illuminated by moonlight, he couldn’t. He couldn’t do it to you. You were sweet, untarnished, pure. You’d peeled a layer from him he didn’t even know existed. He didn’t think he’d be able to feel love or love another person. But that one encounter became two, and two became four. He gave you your own designated drawer in his bedside cabinet. He made space in his wardrobe for some of your clothes. He gave you a spare key.
Move in with me.
How could you resist? You loved him after all. It was now impossible to keep your relationship a secret from your controlling brother, or your father. But All For One didn’t care, he was rarely home anyway. You were your daddy’s girl and could do as you pleased, you had him wrapped around your finger and you utilised this. He sternly told Tomura to mind his business in regard to your love life. He didn’t, not for a while at least. He liked to spy on his little sister, followed you around wherever you went for a while. He purchased a pair of binoculars just for you. A purchase he’d soon come to regret when he saw Kai drilling his baby sister into the mattress of their shared bed. He squeezed them; he squeezed the binoculars so hard the glass shattered. He couldn’t do this; he couldn’t tolerate this. He needed a plan, he needed outside help.
You begged, you pleaded. Please… Don’t leave me. Not for a whole month. But he had too. Kai had to leave you all by yourself. You weren’t to answer the door for anyone. If you needed anything, you were to call Hari Kurono. His number was stuck to the fridge under a dolphin shaped magnet. Overhaul hated that magnet, but his princess wanted it, and princess gets what she wants. Maybe you should go home… You don’t want to be stuck in the apartment by yourself for a whole month. You’re scared of your own shadow. The deafening silence of the empty apartment would be too much for your weak disposition to bare. Who would kill a spider if one got in? But you knew he’d never allow you to return home. You were his girl, his princess. No other man would be looking after you other than him, so you’d stay here. You’d stay in your scary apartment like a good girl until Kai got home.
☆ ☆ ☆
All was going according to his plan. Tomura was getting his baby sister away from that despicable trash you called a boyfriend whether she liked it or not. Step one: create a fake business opportunity to lure Kai out of the country. Step two. Reinforcements. Tomura didn’t trust many people, he didn’t even really trust these two airheads.
Touya ‘Dabi’ Todoroki. He was more or less his first henchman from his early days. Kai wasn’t the only man in your life with a shady history. Dabi was someone who immediately rubbed Tomura the wrong way, claiming the man had no manners. But his annoyance soon dissipated when he realised his potential. Not only was he strong, but sly and cunning too. He knew how to bide his time, keep secrets. These were qualities your dear brother appreciated and valued in his comrades. The issue of his baby sister was a sensitive one, so there was no one else he’d trust more than Dabi to assist.
Keigo ‘Hawks’ Takami. Admittedly, Keigo was an individual Tomura could probably have valued more time in getting to know. Dabi vouched for him, that was good enough for him. They’d met several times; he’d always get the job done that was asked of him. But was he trustworthy? It was yet to be seen. He was a good worker, but it wasn’t enough to prove himself as loyal. This would be the defining request to find out. Will he succeed in his mission? Tomura’s wrath was not something to take lightly, if Keigo failed, his life wouldn’t be worth living.
The mission was simple, break into the apartment and get you back. Nothing more, nothing less. He made it abundantly clear that violence was to be exercised as a last resort. If you wouldn’t come willingly, use force. If force didn’t work, they could do what they needed to do. They teased him about his desperation. Does the incel want to fuck his own sister you sick fuck? Was the tone of the torment. He shrugged it off seamlessly as he knew this wasn’t the case. It was a matter of pride. Kai Chisaki had something that belonged to him. No, he didn’t want to fuck you. He wanted to own you. You were a pawn in the game of revenge. Kai doesn’t really care about you. This is all a tactic to get to him via you. His pathetically simple sister who couldn’t see she was being used. You’d thank him in time, he knows you will. Why wouldn’t you? Kai, in his eyes, is loathsome scourge on society. No, he isn’t bitter about him stealing his girlfriend. This is for you. This is for your benefit. With that, he dismissed his cronies and told them that although they technically had a month, the sooner they get you back, the better. Tomura shooed them out of the front door and the duo began discussing the trial ahead. Talking about sweet, innocent you. What a pretty little thing you are and how lucky Chisaki is for getting to fuck you whenever he wants.
“You thinking what I’m thinking birdbrain?” Dabi spoke.
“If you are… you’re a real piece of shit, man.”
The scarred accomplice of your brother donned a smarmy grin across his face and let out a humoured sigh.
“$100 says I can fuck her first.”
☆ ☆ ☆
Hari came to your apartment first thing this morning to check up on you at the request of your overly protective boyfriend. He dropped you off a few things, including your favourite chocolate. Hari expressed he didn’t know it was your favourite, Kai told him to get it for you. Kai wasn’t a bad man; he couldn’t be so terrible if you loved him. You fell for him more intensely each day before you’d even recognised what was happening. The way he calls you his princess, the way he dotes on you so lovingly, the way he’d quite honestly kill for you. It had been just over twenty-four hours since he left, and your heart ached for him. You weren’t sure you’d be able to make it the whole month alone without him. You missed his presence, of course. But you had other needs you couldn’t satisfy as well as he could. The evening rolled around, you were curled on the sofa in a fluffy blanket with your bar of chocolate watching a random movie that was playing on the TV. You couldn’t focus. You kept checking your phone, all social media to try and get a crumb of information from the outside world. Praying that you’d get a text from Kai to tell you he was okay. More aimless scrolling proceeded, more bite marks into your bar of chocolate emerged. That’s when your concentration was snapped back to the TV. You heard a loud thud and looked up to see a couple kissing with their hands all over each other. You let out a deep sigh, it was almost like it was tormenting you. It knew you were needy and added this scene in especially. They were ravaging each other, the man had his hands all over the woman’s body, kissing her neck and cupping her breasts. You squeezed your thighs together, hoping the tingling sensation at your core would subside. But if anything, it was worse. You needed to be touched, you needed Kai.
Kai: How’s my Princess doing tonight?
Why were you being tormented like this? Any thought that entered your mind seemed to be coming to fruition. You found yourself actualising that Kai’s trip would be ending early and he text to tell you he was on his way home. Should you tell him how worked up you are? Or lie to set his mind at rest. You’re sure he’s got enough going on. He doesn’t need any additional stress right now.
You: Horny ☹ <3 x
But why should you be stressed alone? It’s his fault you’re like this, so needy and desperate for his touch.
Kai: I should have known. Well, I hope you figure something out princess because I won’t be back for a month. Goodnight x
How dare he? As if he doesn’t even care the state he’s gotten you into. So reliant on his magic fingers, delicious tongue and intoxicating cock. Figure something out? Your toys and your own fingers didn’t come close to comparing into what a stupid little mess he turned you into. It was an insatiable need you wouldn’t even contemplate trying to soothe on your own. Opting instead to see yourself off to bed and hope the burning desire for Kai would subside. You picked up your TV remote and began switching off the electronics and the lights before you retired to your room for the evening. Just as you flicked the final switch that launched your apartment into an overwhelming darkness…
Hari? You wondered. Of course not… At this hour? He would have sent you a text to let you know he’d be coming. Wouldn’t he? You decided to ignore it, it was probably someone knocking at the wrong door. Nobody had any business with you at this time of night. Or was somebody looking for Kai? But surely everyone would know he’s out of town…
“We know you’re in there, princess.”
Oh fuck. You carried on ignoring the perpetrators. How could they know you’re definitely home? They’d have to give up eventually. Maybe you should text Hari, or Kai…
“Your boyfriend sent us!” A softer voice spoke. Kai sent them? You were confused, why wouldn’t Kai have mentioned this when you were texting earlier if that was the case. You did your best to quietly approach your front door, hoping to take a sneak peek through the peep hole. You removed your slippers from your feet and crept along the wooden floor, praying to whoever was listening that a creek wouldn’t expose you. No more knocks had occurred, giving you optimism that maybe they had decided to leave after all. Your left eye honed in on the little peep hole.
“Ah, there you are doll.”
“Shit.” You muttered, instantly pulling away and covering your mouth at your blunder.
“We don’t want to hurt you. Let us in.” One of the men requested. You slid the bolt across the door and opened it a crack to get a better view of the men currently hovering at your apartment. “Don’t you look cute in your little jammies.” The darker haired man taunted.
“Kai never mentioned either of you, so I know you’re lying. Please… Just go.”
“Ouch little bird, way to hurt our feelings.” The other man responded.
“I don’t think she recognises us Hawks.”
Why would you recognise them? Unless they truly were associates of Kai’s. He would be angry if you turned away extra protection, he was going to be gone for an entire month after all, maybe he just wanted to make sure you were as safe as possible. Had the best care around you.
“Did Kai really send you?” You wondered, stupidly. What were you expecting them to say? No, we’re here to kidnap you. Or worse?
“Yeah, he sure did birdie, can you let us in?” The man named Hawks asked inquisitively. You shut the door again and heard a grumble from the unnamed raven haired man. Clearly agitated. But the door remained closed for a mere second whilst you removed the bolt and allowed them to enter your home. You were praying with all of your might that they were sent by your boyfriend to protect you, because the punishment for being so gullible wasn’t even something you could bare to think about.
“So, why are you here?” You wondered.
“Uh… Kai wanted us to pick you up and take you somewhere.” Hawks spoke, a little unsure of himself. Clearly, he was lying.
“Yeah, that’s right doll. He asked us to take you somewhere safer.”
“Remind me of your names… And why should I remember you?” You added, still not quite sure where you know either of these men from.
A crooked smile swept across the darker haired mans face, the stitches that held his scarred and unblemished skin together were stretching to maximum capacity. You wondered what you said could have caused such a reaction, but he didn’t enlighten you. Instead making himself comfortable on your couch, picking up the TV remote and instructing you to pack whatever you needed to. You looked to Hawks but he didn’t give you the pleasure of looking back, instead looming over the darker haired mans form, waiting to see what channel would open when the TV finally booted up.
“What’s this?” He spoke, looking for the play button. You’d paused the film you were watching while you were texting Kai. You froze. Realising what was about to happen when he finally found that play button. The pair burst into a cacophony of laughs, and you’d never felt so embarrassed. “Well now, I never took the little princess for a freak.” He spoke over an uproar of pants and moans from the sex scene that was playing in the background. The lewd sounds causing that knot to tighten in your stomach, you tried to turn around to defend yourself. The pair exchanged smirks as they both noted what was happening before their very eyes.
“Aw, is the slut all riled up from the sexy movie?” Hawks teased, “Dabi… I think this will be easier than we thought.” Why did you recognise the name Dabi? Why were you so humiliated by their taunting…? They didn’t know you.
“You missing your little boyfriend, doll?” Dabi wondered. You couldn’t help the tears that were forming on your lash line. You willed them to stay, but they continued to laugh, and you were embarrassed to admit the demeaning way they were talking to you reminded you of Kai. He was so sensitive with you, but when you fucked it was passionate and rough. You loved it, you loved how he man handled you and talked to you like you were less than nothing. You missed Kai, you were desperate for his touch and these two were only reminding you of it.
☆ ☆ ☆
Well, I hope you figure something out princess.
His text was in bold above the heads of these men who had rocked up to your apartment. You couldn’t, you shouldn’t. You won’t. You shoved the thought down and turned away from them as they continued to laugh at your expense. You slammed the bedroom door behind you and let out a repetition of deep exhales in an attempt to regain your composure. When you finally calmed down and began to move around your room in search of things to pack, the slippery sensation between your thighs was unmistakable. You slid two fingers between your folds and quickly removed them to see an obscene amount of slick collected on your fingers. I can’t do this anymore; I need to get it out of my system. You removed your PJs and quickly got comfortable on your bed, surely it wouldn’t take long to make yourself cum. You just needed the tension gone so you could focus. You caressed the bundle of nerves between your folds with two fingers and used your free hand to toy with your breasts, doing your best to let out quiet soft moans as you worked your way up to your orgasm. It was such hard work. You’d became so accustomed to Kai working his magic on you, you knew you’d lost effect on yourself. You needed this to be over quickly, you couldn’t bare how aroused you were and the way you couldn’t focus on anything else. As you continued to work at your clit, you felt a rising level of pleasure come over you. Come on… Come on… Not much longer. You thought to yourself as you kept on rubbing. Just as you felt yourself demolish another wall of pleasure closer to your orgasm, your bedroom door swung open from the force of a kick from Dabi’s boot.
“Well, isn’t this a sight.” He sighed, sounding disappointed… disgusted even. You did your best to quickly cover yourself up in shame and pray they’d leave out of embarrassment of what they caught you doing.
“We came to check if you tried to make a break for it, but what a treat for us to see you like the huh, Dabi?”
“Do you get off on guys treating you like shit? No self-respect?” Dabi continued.
“Please, please stop this just leave me alone.” You spoke.
“Now why would we do a thing like that doll? You want us to help you with your little problem?”
“No!” You shouted, knowing immediately what he was talking about. He grinned and nudged his friend.
“I think she’s lying to us Dabi.”
“So do I, so I’ll ask you again princess. How badly do you want to cum right now?” Dabi spoke, almost sinisterly. You were desperate to cum. You didn’t want to admit it to them, but they must already know. You have to be pretty desperate to masturbate with two strangers in the next room. Kai would never forgive you for this… but…
Well, I hope you figure something out princess.
He’d technically give you the green light.
“I don’t want to cum.” You replied. Dabi quirked and eyebrow and Hawks looked between the two of you in sheer confusion. How could you tell a bare face lie to the two of them when they’d literally caught you in the act?
“Is that so?” Dabi queried.
“No… I don’t want to cum. I need to.” You added. The pair laughing at your statement, and they were more than happy to oblige.
“Well birdie, next question. Pick one of us.” Hawks requested. You shook your head. He told you the other one would go wait in the car downstairs, but you didn’t want to pick. You wanted them both.
“Fill me… Please fill me up. I need it, please.” You begged meekly, crawling over to them atop the bed, looking up at them like an obedient pet.
“Heh… I didn’t know you were a complete whore.” Dabi mocked, but you didn’t care. You rolled onto your back and looked up at the two men with widening eyes, spreading your legs, and slipping your panties to the side so you could continue playing with your pussy and giving them a show as they watched on in awe. How quickly you had gone from hiding in shame to a porn star before their very eyes. Before you could react, Dabi yanked your panties from your body and took in the vision of your bare cunt like it was the prettiest thing he’d ever laid witness to. He beckoned his friend over to take a look too, you continued playing with your glistening slit as the men watched, but Hawks slapped your hand away so they could get a perfect view of what they had planned to ruin. Hawks grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you closer to the two of them as Dabi stuffed the balled up white lace panties into your open mouth.
“Only two holes left now dove, perfect since there’s two of us. Which one do you want Dabi?” Hawks queried. Dabi huffed as he plunged two fingers into your throbbing cunt, scissoring you open. Your body writhed under his touch from the pleasure.
“Look at her, she already knows this is mine.” Dabi tormented as he continued abusing your fluttering hole.
“Fine with me.” Hawks smirked as he began unbuckling his trousers. Dabi stood to his feet removing the fingers that felt so at home in your desperate hole, he pulled you up by your wrist as he forced you to face him. You didn’t move, you were utterly encased in awe from the sapphire eyes that were looking down at you. His stone-faced glare turned to a quick chuckle, almost of disbelief.
“I know I’m pretty, doll, but if you don’t take my cock out of my pants, you’re gonna be sorry.” He informed you. You couldn’t apologise due to your panties still being forced into your mouth, you did your best to hum in a tone that said sorry and began fiddling with the man’s belt. You felt saliva pooling on your tongue, with no way to get rid of it. You were begging internally that it wouldn’t spill past your lips. A soft laugh slithered past Dabi’s lips when he noticed your eyes bulge at the size of his rock-hard cock springing free. You instinctively backed away from him, you couldn’t do this anymore… could you? Kai would be so mad; he will be so mad because there’s no way he isn’t going to find out. But before you could back away from Dabi anymore, Keigo pushed you forward, trapping you between the pair of them. You couldn’t control the tears that spilled from between your closed lashes. You expected them to both laugh at how pathetic you were, Keigo did, but Dabi scolded him.
“C’mon patchwork, it’s a little funny.” Keigo told him as he pulled you closer to him, your back resting on his chest, twiddling your erect nipples. You were melting under his touch and you hated it, you didn’t want to be acting like this with someone who was making fun of your sorrow.
“Knock it off, she’s being such a good girl for us. And you’re gonna bully her? Shame on you,” He began as he reached his hand forward to run slow, torturous circles over your clit. You couldn’t help but wonder if the two of them had fucked a girl together before. They seemed like the were pros, like they knew exactly how to touch you and when. Every movement was fluid and synchronized, like they’d completely mastered the art of unravelling women around the pair of them. “I don’t think you deserve to fuck her.” Dabi added.
“Fuck you. You’re the most disrespectful person I’ve ever met, don’t start taking the moral high ground now when we have a bitch in heat to fuck.” Hawks commented as he carried on groping your fleshy mounds.
“Do you think this feather head should get the honour of fucking your little asshole after he’s been so rude?” Dabi spoke, his eyes piercing yours. Was he being sincere? Did he really think Hawks didn’t deserve you? Before you could think anymore on the matter, you felt a calloused hand wrap around your throat. Dabi couldn’t help but smile, of course he didn’t really care about what you thought. This is the proof. The squeeze of your oesophagus became tighter and tighter, you struggled in vain to pull the hand away. You could feel Hawks’ hand veins bulging, the grip on your neck was that tight.
“Careful what you say birdie, I don’t handle rejection very well.” He teased. Fervently you nodded your head, you knew you had no choice. The only other option would result in harm, it wasn’t something you wanted. The situation had gotten out of hand. Why were you such a needy slut? Couldn’t you have just gone a month without sex? You’re cheating on Kai… You do love him, you really do. But the opportunity had presented itself. You couldn’t help yourself.
“Give her here.” Dabi grabbed your wrist once more, Hawks letting go of your tits to allow the man to take you away from him. You were close enough to Dabi to smell him, it was almost as if he wore a special cologne that turned anyone close to him into a primal beast. All you wanted to do was feel his throbbing cock bruise your cervix, to make it his. “Leg.” He commanded, holding out his left hand. You hooked your left thigh over it and let your arms wrap around his neck to support yourself in his hold. You bounced yourself on the balls of your free foot allowing him to catch you in his other arm and guided your legs to hook around his waist. “Good girl.” He soothed, and your face flushed from the praise of his husky voice. He freed a hand from your support and began guiding his aching cock to find your needy entrance, you needed it now. All the guilt you began to feel instantly dissipated from your system. You were going to ride Dabi, you were going to feel him pummel your cunt and you were going to love it. He began toying with your entrance and you gave him a look to say fucking give it to me already.
“She’s showing her true colours huh, you being a little brat for Dabi?”
“Are you really going to embarrass me like this after I’ve just been defending you for being such a good girl?” Dabi spoke as he stilled his movements. You shook your head furiously. You were mumbling best you could through your panties. Please no, I’ll be good. Please let me have your cock. With one swift movement, he plunged himself into your core. An almost animalistic noise leaving your system. Keigo used one hand to spit on, mixing his saliva and the precum he’d formed to lube himself up as he palmed himself a little. And he used his free hand to gather the slick from your cunt to ready your puckered asshole for him. You’d done anal a handful of times; you weren’t in love with it and you didn’t hate it. It was fine, but you couldn’t mask your excitement to experience both of your holes being filled by the two attractive, well hung men you’d been blessed with this evening. You felt Hawks’ tip slide around the rim of your ass and the sensation caused you to smile. It was sensitive and you couldn’t mask it. He was a bit gentler than Dabi had been with his entrance, slowly entering and stretching you out around him. You could almost feel each individual vein of his cock tease your insides. Dabi was thrusting into you with the motions of a man who had a lot of experience. You were being sandwiched between the two of them, you leaned your head back against Hawks’ shoulder and he seized the opportunity to toy with your neck. Leaving gentle kisses, soft bites, and playful licks on you. He was way more delicate with you than you’d anticipated. And certainly, in contrast to his partner. His pace was relentless, you were powerless to resist the moans being dragged out of you as he pounded against your sopping core. The saliva that had been pooling dribbled past your soaked panties and out of your mouth, running down your cheek, and over your neck. Hawks noticed immediately and he lapped it up, making a show of how he was tasting your spit, slurping it up like it was the first drink he’d had in months. You couldn’t focus on it for long because of the ferocious attack on your holes. You could almost feel their cocks nudging each other inside of you, the feeling making your head spin.
“Princess… you’re so – fuck – you’re so fucking tight. I wanna cum in you.” Dabi told you. You shook your head, he can’t, he definitely can’t do that. You use protection with Kai, you weren’t on any birth control, it was completely out of the question.
“I don’t think she wants you too Dabi.” Hawks huffed through his moans, they were both clearly close. You were desperate for the deliverance of your own orgasm, but the fear of Dabi cumming in your unprotected cunt scared you.
“I didn’t take the neat freak for a guy who’d – Jesus fucking christ – for a guy who’d pull out and make a mess. Well doll, I’m definitely gonna breed you now. Show that pretentious prick what a slut his little girlfriend is.” Dabi manically laughed through his moans. You were doing your best to protest, to speak, but you couldn’t. You were helpless, maybe he’s joking. It’s definitely a joke, they’re friends after all, right? He does work for Kai, doesn’t he? You had to believe he did, you had to. Otherwise, you’d made a fatal mistake, you’d let yourself get fucked by Kai’s enemies, that is not something you can accept right now, not when they’re both balls deep inside of you.
“I’m not gonna last birdie,” Hawks informed you. It wasn’t long after that he reached his climax. He rested his forehead against yours, holding the base of your neck with his strong hands forcing you to look into his eyes as he moaned through his high. The sounds were delicious. You could listen to him cum all day long. He stuttered inside you slightly and stilled once he had finished. Delivering one last kiss to your neck before removing himself from your ass and slapping your left cheek. You turned to see what he was doing, he tucked himself back into his pants and lit up a cigarette. Kai will hate that. I’ll never get rid of the smell. You were broken from your thoughts when Dabi grabbed your chin and forced you to face him.
“Why are you looking at him princess? I’m not finished with you yet.” He sternly spoke. You nodded and rested your forehead on his shoulder as he pounded into you. “Look at me doll, I wanna see your pretty face.” He commanded. You rested your forehead against his so you could be pierced by those glistening blue beams once again. You didn’t feel so pretty, you were covered in drool, your eyes were glossy, and your cheeks were stained with tears. “That stupid fuck didn’t care about you, did he? Hawks didn’t wanna help you cum because he’s selfish.” Dabi huffed at you.
“Give it a rest.” Hawks chuckled. He didn’t sound like he genuinely cared; it was just habit to respond to Dabi’s remarks.
“I want to make you cum. Will you do that for me?” He wondered. You nodded, you wanted to cum too, so badly. It’s all you’d wanted all evening and he wanted to be the one to tip you over the edge. “You’re too nervous, just let it happen doll.” He moaned. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on your building pleasure. He did you a kindness and removed the saliva drenched panties from your mouth, allowing you to speak. “What do you need?” He demanded to know. But you didn’t want to say. You turned away from him in embarrassment, but he would not allow that. He left a stinging spank to the same ass cheek as Hawks, snapping your attention back to him. “Don’t ignore me again slut, I’ll kill you.” And with that, your cunt betrayed you. He felt you clench around his cock and he smiled. He shoved the panties back in your mouth, he knew, you knew, there was nothing left to discuss. “I need you to be a good little dirty whore and cream around my cock, okay?” You couldn’t believe the way he’d deciphered what you wanted so quickly. You didn’t know why you were getting off on him calling you names so much, but the more profanities he expressed towards you, the closer your orgasm came. You were almost in awe of how much attention he was putting into you, you could feel the pulsating of his cock and knew how badly he must want to cum himself, but he really was trying to help you. “Baby, I need you to do this for me. I wanna make this stupid little cunt my personal cum dump, so hurry up and cum on my cock.” And so, you came. You tried to pull him closer to you, every inch of your body was clenching as the rising knot in your core had finally come undone. You were almost screaming through the pleasure, Dabi laughed at the response, he was proud of himself. Hawks shook his head; he must have thought you were acting. But you couldn’t help it, you couldn’t help the high-pitched hums of pleasure through your makeshift gag. Dabi was soon to follow, he emptied himself inside of you, he dropped you on the bed and carried on pounding himself up into you. He was making sure every single drop of his seed was inside your cunt, he was serious when he said he wanted to breed you. He pulled out, and you couldn’t help but cringe away when you saw his cock glisten with a mixture of his seed and your juices.
“Now that’s over, pack your shit little dove.” Hawks spoke. You cleared your throat, removed your panties from your mouth and quickly stood up to clothe yourself. You couldn’t have been more embarrassed when white dribbling escaped both of your fucked out holes. You did your best to quickly mop up the mess with your ruined panties and try and find something to wear.
“Hurry up, Shigaraki wants you home as soon as possible.” Dabi commented. Your attention snapped to his gaze, and Hawks let out a noise of disapproval. Clearly this news was not something you were supposed to hear.
“You fucking moron.” Hawks whinged.
“What’s she going to do? Not go with us? Who do you think will be more pissed off about you throwing yourself and your slutty cunt as us, your boyfriend or your brother?” He questioned. Your lip instantly began to quiver, you were fucked three ways from Sunday. If you went with these two right now, Hari would tell Kai that you went back to your family home when he specifically told you not too. If you didn’t go, Shigaraki would find out you fucked his friends, and they’d tell Kai you cheated on him. You were frozen, what was the right thing to do? You figured the lesser of two evils was to go with them, at least Kai wouldn’t know you cheated… He had to forgive you for being lonely and staying with your family while he was away, right?
“Who won the bet?” Hawks questioned.
“Me, obviously, I got the pussy.” Dabi replied.
“We both fucked her!” Hawks protested.
“Give me my fucking $100, I was inside of her pussy first, so I win. And I actually made her cum. I fucked her first, you didn’t fuck her she fucked you.” Dabi teased. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Not only had you cheated on your boyfriend for a quick moment of madness, but they only wanted to fuck you for a bet. You sank to the ground and covered your mouth with your hands, deeply inhaling and exhaling as you tried to comprehend the gravity of your situation. The pair looked at you, annoyance clearly sprawled on both of their faces, their game was done. It was time to finish the job they’d been given.
“Get a move on little girl.” Hawks commanded, looming over your crouched form. You nodded, standing slowly trying to gather your thoughts.
“Princess!” Dabi yelled trying to get you to hasten your actions, “Pack. Your. Shit.”
“Okay… I’ll go with you guys.”
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© 2021 fuwushiguro
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I finally made a tag list!! If you wanna be tagged in my work, feel free to fill out this form, thank you hehe 💞
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felikatze · 2 years
hello hi! please ramble about lloyd-harumi roleswap au. how does harumi get along with the other ninja. what about her relationship with wu. my only knowledge of ninjago (aside from watching the first two seasons when they came out and then dropping the show) is through your posts about it so i am very curious to hear how you're constructing this au. it seems fun
yes another opportunity to ramble
gotta admit harumi and the ninja are like less developed than the harumi-lloyd-garmadon shebang but.
so in my previous posts about this AU i stated that harumi spends more time with pythor than lloyd does and the ninja only take her in when pythor ditches her after she finds all the serpentine with him.
as per her canon reaction to bad events she ends up being incredibly silent. she's just generally existing alongside the others without interacting at first and not saying a word. the ninja are frustrated by this for juvenile "cmon we saved you" reasons as they're all goobers but!! they're also concerned about her cuz dang the saw pythor turning on her Live They Were There and that must've stung.
they turn it into a kind of competition to see who can get her to open up first. kai shows her video games. jay shows her comics. cole tries to get her to go mountain climbing with him. zane bakes her a cake.
imagine instead of the episode where lloyd pranks everybody it's just everyone trying to win the friendship of this 11yr old girl pretending they dont exist
the competition doesn't last long until, because oh no, she got kidnapped after kai dropped her off at an arcade. i already said in the first post that curiosity was a big factor in harumi finding the serpentine in the first place, and that hasn't waned. she wants to know what they're up to! and whatever it is, she wants to stop them!
harumi per canon is i think incredibly petty. maybe her disguise and acting skills are better than lloyd's and she doesn't even get found out immediatly. who knows i'm vague on this so far.
the gist of it is that harumi does eventually speak to the ninja but only after kai rescues her from the volcano, because only when she sees kai choose her over the fangblade does she see that these people aren't going to use her.
she's not anyone's relative nor do they know she's the green ninja yet, so that does mean a lot to random orphan girl harumi.
overall i think she actually likes zane the most. zane knows best what it's like to be an outsider and he's really good about respecting her boundaries, and respecting her silence. he waits for her to talk first and she appreciates that!
this means zane's death in s3 hits her Hard. it dredges up the grief she still has for her parents and gives a whole "why does everything bad always happen to me" sort of vibe. she's frustrated she can never keep anything good in her life and everything has a catch. i think in whatever the s4 for this is she's ready to throttle chen flat out.
(chen is the s4 bad guy who kidnapped zane for blackmail reasons when everyone still thought zane was dead so fair tbh)
kai gets to come in second because he's a Bro. and also the whole volcano thing. he's smug that she talked to him first so she likes antagonizing him sometimes. keep him on his toes.
she knows jay means well but he talks too much in her opinion. meanwhile cole stole one of her candy bars once and she's never forgiving him /lh
i know you said you havent't watched past s2 but consider for me harumi morro parallels and how this affects wu.
basic gist for you: morro is a season 5 character and wu's first student. he was a Random Orphan (like harumi!) whom wu took in bcuz he thought morro was the green ninja (he wasnt). morro got upset at not being the green ninja so he ran away and Frickin Died.
and then he came back as a vengeful ghost in season 5 hellbent on destroying the actual green ninja and also wu, which is fun.
so wu is SUPER cautious around harumi, basically. later seasons tend to emphasize guilt in wu's character a lot and here it just shines earlier. he's afraid to let harumi near the golden weapons, he's not telling anybody about the green ninja prophecy, he's afraid of history repeating itself.
he's vry distant to her, so much so that still evil garmadon strikes up more camraderie than wu does.
but things still go according to canon and kai figures she's the green ninja, like actually. wu is. conflicted about this! because he doesn't want this 11yr old girl to have to fight his super evil warlord brother. and maybe die. because he already let one kid die, remember.
i'd imagine that after the cat's out of the bag, he doubles down on training her, hard. harumi, in return, dislikes him to a reasonable degree. wu still refuses to talk abt morro because wu has Problems (thank u s5 and s7 and s11 and literally every season for establishing this). it's not till the AU s5 that harumi finally understands why wu is Like That and that he's acting mainly out of concern
doesn't mean she automatically likes wu though. the girl's petty. wu got a long way to go till he lands in her good graces!
you can probably tell that for the main seasons this AU doesnt change much plot wise except for the specifics of character dynamcis and this is because i love character dynamics and i hate plot.
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frauleinjustice · 2 years
Oumota Day: ★  sugar !
Good evening, everyone!! I wanted to write a prompt for oumotaday on @oumota-events​: sugar!! 🍦 It’s pretty late at the time I’m posting this, but I still wanted to write smth for oumota!! 
Summary: After making a late night trip to the convenience store, Kaito and Kokichi enjoy some ice cream together on a warm summer night on their apartment balcony, admiring the stars together and just being their usual silly, playful selves! 
So something simple, but short and sweet, hehe... where they’re boyfriends here, and maybe a bit older here since they have their own apartment together. But yes, I hope you all enjoy and as always, thank you if you give this a read! I hope you’re all having a wonderful night!! ★彡
A late night trip to the local convivence store to buy some desserts: that’s what Kaito and Kokichi had just got done doing on their bike as they returned back to their apartment. Tonight was a rather warm one, and neither of them felt like sleeping just yet; so, they thought it would be nice to just sit together on the balcony and enjoy the small cartons of ice cream they bought while admiring the clear sky on this quiet night.
"Oi, what flavor did you get again, Kokichi?”
“Mint chocolate chip! You?”
“Rocky road, heh heh heh... Yours looks pretty good, too. Lemme...” Before Kokichi can react, Kaito swoops his head down to eat the spoonful of mint chocolate Kokichi was about to eat. “Yep, that’s pretty damn good! I should get this flavor, sometime!”
“Ah! Kai-chaaan!!” He playfully whines, puffing his cheeks. “Being sneaky and going in for the kill is my job!”
“Yeah, yeah, whateeeeever.” He snickers, amused smile growing on his face. “Sharing is caring, Koki. Here, I’ll even be so generous as to offer you some of mine. You know you want soooome...”
“Mmmph! I do! And you....” Now a big, bright smile is widening on his face. “...gotta feed it to me! Aaah!”
“O-Ohh, geez...” He chortles, giving a fond roll of the eyes before Kaito digs up a scoop of his ice cream, before feeding it to him. “There ya go, nerd. We even, now?”
“Mmm~!” He hums in delight at good the rocky road flavor tastes, before nodding his head. “Yup! So you survive for another night. Nishishi!” He snickers, before leaning up to place a small peck to Kaito’s cheek.
“Heh... gee, I’m so relieved!” The kiss to his cheek makes his smile brighten more, using his free hand to affectionately ruffle Kokichi’s hair. For a moment, the two sat in comfortable silence, leaning even more against each other. Admiring the stars from a nice viewpoint like their balcony, was something Kaito always enjoyed doing, even alone.. but ever since he and Kokichi started dating, he came to love doing this even more, when it was with Kokichi. “Ooooh, Kokichi, look-!” Kaito points to one of the constellations in the sky. “There’s the Ursa Minor.. where the North Star is! And close by it... is the constellation called the Cassiopeia! Due to its shape, some people also call it the ‘W’ constellation. It gets its name, ‘Cassiopeia’, from the queen of the same name in Greek mythology.”
“Mmhm...” Kokichi hums as he silently listens to Kaito explain, sometimes eating more of his ice cream, and sometimes being fed more of Kaito’s if he gestured to him that he wanted some more, and vice-versa. He was genuinely interested to learn about the stars, even moreso when Kaito tells him about them. The way Kaito’s eyes practically shined, how passionate and excited he sounded when he rambled about the different constellations in the sky... it was those things about him, that drew Kokichi to the astronaut. To someone who he used to butt heads with all the time; to someone who stole his heart. He nuzzles his head more against Kaito’s side. Eating a cold treat, against the warmth of his boyfriend: he truly felt relaxed, not having to think too hard or too much about anything for once.
“...But yeah, the North Star, and Cassiopeia... they’re always together.” He glances down at Kokichi. “...Kind of like you and me, huh?” Cheeks turning a light, he beams at him with a bright, warm smile. “Hehehe....”
“....!” That makes his heart thump hard in his chest.. and finds himself burying his face into Kaito’s chest. He was blushing even worse.. uttering: “...You’re so cheesy, Kaito...” But he wasn’t complaining at all, of course; that made him really happy to hear... how Kaito thought of them as two constellations, that will always be together.
“...Ah!” He blinks when Kokichi buried his face in his chest, before laughing at what he muttered. “Aww, you embarrassed? Cute...” He couldn’t help but tease, combing his fingers through his hair. He meant it in a light-hearted way, of course. He always found a genuinely flustered Kokichi so cute and adoring to see.
“Hmph!!” Still having part of his face in his chest, he does move it up enough so that his eyes were visible, “glaring” at Kaito with a still very heated face. “Getting cocky... you suck! Anyway-” He glances towards his cheek, seeing that Kaito got a spot of ice cream on it. “Look at you, being all messy, tsk, tsk, tsk!”
The pride smirk he had on his face now turns into a confused one when he points out the spot of ice cream on his cheek. “Huh? Oh- I didn't even notice...” But before Kaito could reach for one of the mini napkins on the nearby table, Kokichi decides to get a little ‘payback’ for the teasing. Without warning, he shoots his head up towards Kaito’s cheek, so that he could proceed to lap the ice cream off of it. “?!” That made a surprised yelp leave Kaito, instantly cupping his cheek as he stared at Kokichi wide-eyed. “Wh-Wha?!” Now his cheeks were growing redder in embarrassment. “K-Kokichi!! You lil sneak, you were just waiting to do that, w-weren’t you?!”
“Nishishi~!” He is smiling in mass satisfaction. “...Maybe, maybe not. Serves you right for being a meanie and teasing me! Though...” His gaze becomes more alluring. “...The ice cream suddenly tasted better, when I lick it off you...”
“Waaaaaah....” Oh that made Kaito’s face become even redder, stifling a whine through pursed lips. “Y...Y-You little...” Putting his carton and spoon down on the table, and then grabbing Kokichi’s to do the same... he yells out: “Come here, you lil shit-!” Before glomping Kokichi down on the sofa. “Time for the Momota Kaito Retaliation Attack!” A mischievous smile widening on his face, he leans his head down to start attacking Kokichi’s face with kisses, all the while giving his sides ticklish jabs.
“Ah-!!” Kokichi let out a surprised yelp when suddenly finding himself glomped down. “Kai-chan, wha-!” But then when Kaito begins his 'retaliation attack’-”W-Wait, Kaito! H-Hehehe!” He bursts out in a giggling fit, lightly squirming about while playfully trying to ‘push’ him back. “M-Momota Kaito retaliation atta...! What are you even, h-hehehe, talking about, you nerd!! Nishishishi, hahaha!”
“Heh heh heeeh! Suffeeer!” He says in between kisses while laughing with him, especially when he felt Kokichi sneak in his own kisses to his face whenever he had the chance. “Tr-Tryna fight back?! Hehehe, the Luminary of the Stars won’t go down that easily!!”
“Neither will I!!!” And as they continue delivering their little ‘attacks’ to each other, they laughed and laughed, smiling as brightly as the stars they were enjoying just a moment ago.. having the time of their lives... and once they needed a moment to breathe from how much they laughed, they quietly gazed into each other’s eyes. A special kind of warmth, softness, love: the kind of gaze that reflected out of their eyes for each other. How they would only ever look at each other, and no one else.
“Dumbass...” Whispers Kaito. But Kokichi knew that he didn’t mean it as an actual insult; rather, a loving, fond way. Further indicated by that gentle, warm smile he gives him as he caresses his cheek with this thumb... before leaning down to give another kiss; this time, a slow, loving one to his lips, a low hum vibrating through him.
“Kai-chan...” His eyes slowly come to a close once he’s kissed, heart bouncing happily in his chest. He takes no time wrapping his arms around his neck, pulling him down even closer against him to deepen the kiss. He emits the happiest sigh into it... and the moment Kaito needs to move his head up slightly to break away from the kiss, Kokichi brings him right back down to initiate it this time, wanting to savor Kaito’s lips even longer. They gave each other kiss, after kiss, after kiss.... until they needed to break away from each other for real, both softly panting with burning cheeks. “We...we should... make late night trips to the store more often....and do this.”
“Heh heh....yeah...” Kaito softly nuzzles their foreheads together. “Whenever we ain’t tired enough to fall asleep on a hot night... let’s do just that!”
“Good!” Once the two sat back up on the couch, Kokichi nestles into Kaito’s lap this time, before they continued eating their ice cream while chatting away. Now, the two would have something to look for, whenever they have another sleepless night.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
Okay so I was thinking about ToE and had ideas to add for my Not Today Destiny AU(tl:dr, Kai keeps Lloyd’s Green Ninja status secret from everyone and how canon is affected from there)
Also, before we get into it, because there was no Overlord messing with tech, THERE IS NO LOVE TRIANGLE! I am fully subscribed to the theory that the Overlord messed with it in order to split the team up, and it’s stupid that it worked. So no Love Triangle and no Jay Cole Fight. That’s important later.
ANYWAY, with Zane not dead they’d be a bit less desperate to go to the island, and without that incentive of keeping quiet they’d probably immediately go talk to Wu about this weird invite and the fact that other Elemental Masters existed.
Wu would fill them in, explain how Chen was definitely up to something, which has them all go in the first place, and Nya and Wu agree to stay behind to watch Lloyd and defend against Garmadon.
How does this exactly tie into this AU? Well, there were two extra letters sent, one to Kai and Lloyd respectively.
Lloyd’s letter explained how he was also being invited, and if he won he would be awarded some info about his mom. Lloyd knows the ninja would never let him go, so he opts to sneak there and then explain. Better to ask apologies than permission. But don’t worry, he left a note for Nya and Wu
Meanwhile, Kai’s explains how they have found knowledge of who the Green Ninja is, and if he wins he’ll get that info and can do whatever he wants with it.
These two are connected and also important later.
They go to the boat, Nya gets them some hidden trackers to be safe, Kai is secretly freaking out since “How the heck does Chen know???” and then Lloyd sneaks on too. Now, at first everyone just thinks Lloyd is just really short and keeps to himself. It’s not until they land and get to the main room that it finally clicks to Kai that it’s Lloyd when Chen points him out as the Master of Energy.
He of course, is very not happy that Lloyd is here and makes that very well known. The other ninja are equally unhappy while the rest of the EM’s are given a slight Moral Dilemma since yes they want to win, but that means there’s a chance of them fighting a literal child(it’s been….almost a year since they first met Lloyd so he’s about 10 right now).
Lloyd’s room is next to Kai’s, just on the other side so he still shares a balcony space with Skylor. Maybe one of the other EM’s finds Lloyd desperately looking for a Jade Blade and “accidentally” drops it so he can pass.
Later when Karlof is dropped through the floor more than a few cast a glance over to Lloyd, each silently dreading who will have to go against him. Nobody comments when Kai holds Lloyd close and if anyone saw Lloyd sneaking into Kai’s room that night, they didn’t say anything.
It’s that night when Lloyd explains why he came, which makes Kai panic even more. On one hand, he cannot let anyone else find out about Lloyd’s Destiny. But on the other….Lloyd could finally get answers for what happened to his mom unlike Kai who has no idea what happened to his parents
So yeah. Not a fun time.
But it only gets worse from there.
You see, at first each of the ninja let out a silent sigh of relief when they learned they wouldn’t have to fight Lloyd.
Wellllllllll since there’s no Love Triangle and no fighting between Cole and Jay, Chen has no reason to pit them against each other to further split up the ninja.
What he does instead? Changes things so instead it’s Kai vs Lloyd
Now, it’s plainly obvious to everyone that those two are very close, so they’re not looking froward to this next fight at all. Camille honestly isn’t sure if this is better or worse than if she had to go against him
At first, their fight is mostly a verbal one, trying to get the other to take the Jade Blade, with only the occasionally very wide shot to try and herd the other toward the Blade. At some point Kai ends up physically picking up Lloyd and trying to carry him over to the Jade Blade, yelling about how Lloyd has a chance to find his mom and he shouldn’t that up, but Lloyd is fighting him and immediately yells back that he doesn’t want to find her at the cost of his Big Brother and god if that isn’t a knife in the heart of the other EMs.
But Chen, being the bastard he is, decides this is boring because it’s going no where and release the bikes like canon, and then these two fight like a well oiled machine. 
But ofc, we can’t have nice things and the arena starts falling apart.
And Kai….as much as he’s terrified of Lloyd’s Destiny, he even more terrified of loosing Lloyd.
So with a bright smile and a good luck wish, he jumps.
That night when Chen takes away their rooms as punishment, none of them can be mad. They don’t comment either when the remaining ninja drag two of the bunk beds together a curl up around Lloyd. Instead of splitting them apart, it only lets them know that Chen is not their friend. He sees all of this as a game, going as far as to lure a child here with promises of finding his mother and making him fight the family he has left. 
This actually makes their Elemental Alliance work out better this time.
(Also this time Jay fought Ash, then Cole fought Camille(I’m also 99% sure the skating thing was just another attempt to split them up, so again it’s kinda useless here).
Meanwhile Kai does not have a fun time. Clouse is upset since 1) the plan was for Lloyd to be the one to loose, either by Kai winning or making Lloyd fall, since because he’s the green ninja he’s bound to be powerful and 2) because Skylor got attached to this stranger and Chen ordered him to make Kai useful to them. So now he’s trying to keep a very annoying, very loud prisoner while waiting from the Master of Mind to be captured so he can use those powers to make Kai more docile.
Unfortunately, a side affect of Kai being as loud and obnoxious as possible means he spends a lot of his time knocked out, so he has no idea how long he’s been stuck under or if any of his family are stuck under here too. At the very least he shares a wall with Karlof who tries his best to fill him in(when he learns who Kai was made to fight he also gets pretty pissed).
Later when they’re all dropped from the plane, all of them are quick to make sure Lloyd has a parachute. This time the objective is to a “Safe Zone,” but there’s only enough for four of them. However, the Safe Zones are, unsurprisingly, traps and there’s enough for everyone. Once you step in one, it descends, then vengestone cuffs fly out and trap the Master inside.
Skylor ends up finding Lloyd and offers to help him look for one. They end up talking and joking, Lloyd saying how Kai has an enormous crush on her and kept trying to impress her, but Lloyd thought she was good and would like Kai if they didn’t need to fight each other, which accidentally slams her with guilt. 
Some how she ends up slipping, maybe by accidentally revealing how she knows the locations/number of traps and Lloyd realizes she’s the spy which crushes him. He tries to fight her but she just pushed him onto the trap.
Going to the small cult area below, the remaining EMs are brought together. They try their best to keep Lloyd protected but he’s brought to the front anyway. Lloyd asks if they even knew about his mom, to which Chen reminisces about a woman they meet a few years ago who was stealing from them and how they stole some of her things, but they were mostly worthless. They honestly have no idea where she is, which just makes Lloyd mad.
Mad these people tricked him. Mad these people had the audacity to pretend to know his mom. Mad these people made Kai sacrifice himself for him.
However, they weren’t lying About having met Misako. That’s actually how they found out about the whole “Lloyd Being The Green Ninja” thing
But anyway. Chen steals their powers, Skylor is having a moral dilemma, and they start getting ready to Make Trouble in the Noodle Factory
Only this time when they go to steal the staff, they now have to fight Kai.
Only this time for real.
This is the replacement for the Staff Scene. Because of his affect under the Staff Kai…..isn’t really there. Like, he’s just a blank puppet. There’s the tiniest amount of emotion, but his eyes look empty.
At some point the staff goes flying and it turns into a mental tug of war between Clouse commanding Kai and Lloyd and the others trying to get through to him. Lloyd is luckily able to get to Kai enough for him to smash the jewel, releasing the EM powers and the control on him. It gives him the worst headache though.
And from there, canon is mostly the same for a while. The whole time this has been going on Zane has been having dreams/nightmares about an Ice Dragon and finally makes the connection to unlock it. Skylor is still captured, Chen still escapes but now Clouse is still around, Pythor is captured, TIME FOR THE END
This time around, the EMs are able to follow Chen to their base of operations and have the final battle there. They fight, and even though they’re only partially Anacondrai, they’re still hard to fight.
Clouse tries to do the whole “Banish You To the Departed Realm” thing, but accidentally summons the Anacondrai Generals as well, who are very not happy over what these humans are doing.
And yeah. That’s what I got.
I might do more in depth posts for some of the other seasons, not sure. But feel free to ask or submit ideas of your own
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
The AAI Cast Takes On Twitter
Hello! For the release of ace attorney investigations 2 ten years ago, on the official AA twitter account, Capcom posted a bunch of tweets that were made to sound like they came from the characters themselves. You can still find them if you dig far enough, but it’s a bit of a pain to find and especially a pain to understand in English, so I decided to compile them all here and attempt to translate them. (They have also been “localized” in true ace attorney fashion.)
First, a disclaimer: I am absolutely NOT a translator and my understanding of Japanese is abysmal. I put the original tweets through google translate and then went through trying to make them legible, including looking up words and phrases when they didn’t make any sense. As a result, I can’t guarantee that this is completely accurate, and I definitely messed with phrasing a bit to get things to flow better or sound more in character. Hopefully the general gist of things should make sense! I’ll put the original Japanese text below the English one, and if you actually know Japanese and would like to properly translate it, please do so! I just wanted to get this out here as fast as possible.
If you want to view the original tweets, I’ve filtered them (mostly!) here in reverse-chronological order. There are tweets from the game staff at the end that I did not “translate”.
With that said, here are the tweets. (It is long, so most of it is under the cut.) The breaks are things I added that I believe were breaks in time on the actual account, and represent new scenes.
<Edgeworth>: I was told to “tweet” what I usually think about to commemorate the release of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2”... What should I do?
<Kay>: Come on, Mr. Edgeworth! First, you need to introduce yourself!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Miles Edgeworth, a prosecutor at the District Attorney's Office. Kay informed me that this is “Tweeter”. 
<Kay>: No! It’s pronounced "Twitter"!
<Edgeworth>: Is it "Tweeter"? I'm not very good at this kind of thing ...
<Kay>: Okay, moving on. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 is about to be released, and Mr. Edgeworth has a lot to say, right?
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Certainly, there are few opportunities like this, so this should be a valuable experience.
<Kay>: Then this Great Thief, Kay Faraday, will teach Mr. Edgeworth the fun of tweeting!
<Edgeworth>: I’m not very interested in that… but alright. More importantly, Kay, do you want to start working soon?
<Kay>: Yes! Then, we can play later!
<Edgeworth>: (Well, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to tweet.)
<Kay>: Mr. Edgeworth ... Your inner voice is in the tweet! Isn't that neat?
<Edgeworth>: Ah! Tweeter… I shouldn’t underestimate it. 
<Edgeworth>: It's already 12 o'clock ... I wanted to take a break for lunch, but it seems that I won’t get the chance. The detective just reported a new case. I'm heading to the scene right now.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe seems to have been in a hurry. He said he “lost something important”... It’s probably not something to worry about. I should concentrate on the investigation first. It takes a careful investigation to find out the truth hidden in the scene. There are many things that cannot be understood from desk work alone.
<Edgeworth>: I've arrived at the scene. Mm? It seems that some pencils have fallen near the victim.
<Edgeworth>: Search for the connection between information. That is the pursuit of "Logic". Assembling "Logic" is the key to the investigation even in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. “Something lost by Detective Gumshoe” and the “pencil left on the scene” ... There is one answer that can be derived from the two pieces of information.
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe! It seems that we found your lost pencil. ‥‥ Don’t leave extra evidence on the scene!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... Finally, the truth of the scene has come into view. This case will likely be resolved soon.
<Kay>: Good evening! I came to play as promised!
<Gumshoe>: Welcome, Kay!
<Kay>: Huh? Gummy, are you also on Twitter?
<Gumshoe>: It’s popular among my detective friends. As long as my number of followers keeps increasing, I’m happy!
<Edgeworth>: What is a "follower"?
<Gumshoe>: Well, people who read your tweets. To put it simply, it’s like a friend group.
<Kay>: It seems that there are many people who are watching this tweet! Ehehe. That makes me kind of happy!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm. Friend group...? That sounds a little embarrassing, but thank you, followers.
<Kay>: Hmm. I feel that followers and friends are a little different. Well, as long as he’s happy.
<Edgeworth>: Let’s say that tomorrow we’ll spend more time with our followers on Tweeter.
<Gumshoe>: I've been waiting for you, Prosecutor Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: Mm. Good morning Detective Gumshoe. It's rare for you to get to court earlier than me.
<Gumshoe>: That’s because I have to set a good example for my followers! I skipped dinner last night so I wouldn't be late.
<Edgeworth>: What does skipping dinner have to do with getting up early?
<Gumshoe>: Well, it sets a “belly clock”, so you wake up at breakfast time!
<Edgeworth>: (There are too many problems with that, and I don't feel like pointing them all out... I’ll just stay silent.)
<Gumshoe>: Mr. Edgeworth ... We can see the tweets of your inner voice, you know…?
<Edgeworth>: It's about time for the court to open. I'm heading into court without any uncertainty today.
<Kay>: Hello everybody! I'm Kay Faraday, also known as the Great Thief Yatagarasu. Fufufu ... I’m actually in the gallery right now! I wanted to see Mr. Edgeworth and Gummy in court, and keep an eye on the enemy!
<Kay>: Oh! Mr. Edgeworth screamed, “Objection!” This is the 5th time today. The other lawyer is sweating now. The judge’s gavel is getting fierce! Eh -- what? “You can’t tweet in the courtroom…?” Hey!
<Kay>: Uh ... I was kicked out of the courtroom. As expected by the new rival of Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Justine Courtney! She seems like a kind judge, but also very observant.
<Kay>: This is an unexpectedly strong enemy! Mr. Edgeworth, are you okay ...?
<Edgeworth>: Kay. What were you doing in the gallery today?
<Gumshoe>: I was surprised to see Kay being kicked out of court!
<Kay>: I didn't think that tweeting was prohibited. As a Great Thief, this is the ultimate mistake!
<Edgeworth>: If you have time to regret breaking the rules of the court, use it to learn a little more about them.
<Kay>: If I had to leave the court anyways, I wanted to have a cooler exit, befitting of a Great Thief!
<Gumshoe>: … I don’t think she regretted breaking the rules. 
<Kay>: Anyway! You’ve already finished your work today, right?
<Edgeworth>: Yes, I finished my work in the courtroom today. It looks like we can have a nice holiday.
<Kay>: So, why don’t the three of us go play together! Bowling, karaoke, game centers, etc.!
<Edgeworth>: No ... I'm not very good at such things.
<Gumshoe>: Since it’s Friday night, why don’t we play around and recover from working hard! I think watching movies would be fun!
<Kay>: Yeah, you worked so hard this week! Now, let’s go play!
<Edgeworth>: *sigh*. Whatever I say, it’ll be a waste of time… If we must, at least make it a movie.
<Gumshoe>: This Saturday morning is a nice time for a walk! I sometimes take a walk with Missile to build strength and give him training. As the “partner” of Prosecutor Edgeworth, I want to be useful in Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Gumshoe>: When investigating with a metal detector or collaborating with Missile, I will be second to none! Hey, Missile! Hmm? Is a scent bothering you? Aaaaa! Mi-Missile has run away! He must’ve smelled food.
<Gumshoe>: When this happens, I have to rely on the odor to chase after it! This is part of the investigation process! Uh… I lost him right away. When this happens, I have to prepare sweets that Missile likes to lure him in! …  I’m so overwhelmed.
<Kay>: It’s a shame to keep Missile as a police dog. He stole away Samurai Dogs from this Great Thief and ate them…! I was trying to eat with Ema.
<Gumshoe>: Sorry about that, pal. By the way, what were you doing together? Collecting fallen leaves…?
<Ema>: We’re grilling Samurai Dogs on this fire we made from scientific chemicals!
<Gumshoe>: Huh. Scientific chemicals, pal…? Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Missile! Do you feel alright?
<Kay>: It’s fine! He ate it before we started the fire.
<Gumshoe>: Oh. I wish I got to have some...
<Edgeworth>: It’s not good to use chemicals to play with fire, Ema. Scientific research is important, but please use moderation.
<Ema>: Yes! Moderation! By the way, are you going somewhere?
<Edgeworth>: Yes. I have some business. ... I don't have much time, so excuse me.
<Kay>: ... Mr. Edgeworth, where are you going?
<Ema>: Fufufu. In this case, we can follow his footsteps! Using the power of science… in moderation!
<Kay>: Alright! Let's follow him… in moderation!
<Gumshoe>: They both have a strange definition of “moderation”...
<Kay>: That overwhelming scale! I think I’m going to cry! That’s a first for an orchestra concert!
<Ema>: The powerful sound of brass instruments and the splendid melody of woodwind instruments! Scientifically speaking, changing between different sounds is what makes music good.
<Edgeworth>: Umm. While I was looking forward to today, I didn't expect you two to follow me.
<Kay>: I wanted to bring Gummy as well, but he had to walk Missile, so he couldn’t come with us.
<Edgeworth>: The detective can still hear the “Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Orchestra Arrangement Collection” CD. You can pre-order one at E-Capcom.
<Ema>: I already pre-ordered it, of course! I’ll also get the 1:10 figure of Mr. Edgeworth!
<Edgeworth>: A 1:10 figure of myself? I don't remember measuring my height, but ...
<Kay>: That's because I stole Mr. Edgeworth's height perfectly!
<Edgeworth>: I'm a little hesitant to say it in the orchestra hall, but let me just say one word.
<Kay>: "Objection!"
<Edgeworth>: Wha…? How did you --!
<Ema>: This must be the famous technique of the Great Thief, stealing the words right out of his mouth! How informative!
<Edgeworth>: I have no plans today, so I will spend my time reading at a nearby coffee shop. Naturally, I want to relax on Sundays.
<Edgeworth>: I’m drinking high-quality black tea in a comfortable sunny place. Today is going to be a good day off.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, the other day, a follower named “Wendy” greeted me here on Tweeter. I don’t know how to return messages, so I haven’t done so yet. Let me thank you here. Ms. Wendy, thank you for following me.
<Oldbag>: E… Edgey-pooooooo! I finally found youuuuuuu!
<Edgeworth>: Gah! What are you doing in this coffee shop ...!?
<Oldbag>: No way, Edgey-poo! Just now, didn’t you say this on Twitter? Didn’t you just say “Ms. Wendy, thank you”? You made this old lady so happy! I just ran around all the coffee shops and searched for you everywhere, Edgey-poo. The power of lo
<Edgeworth>: Do you talk too much to fit on Tweeter? So, “Wendy” was you! No matter how many coffee shops you visit, there’s no way you found me so easily… Are you hiding something?
<Oldbag>: If you say that without evidence, you’d tarnish the title of “prosecutor!” I have nothing to hide from my dearest Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm… Even without evidence, if I read your reactions and feelings, I can expose the truth while only using my words.
<Oldbag>: Oh, I heard about this, Edgey-poo! Isn’t it called “Logic Chess”? I know everything about you, Edgey-poo!
<Edgeworth>: What do you mean by “I know everything?”
<Oldbag>: You see, it’s because I’m a security guard. Recently, because the whippersnapper who was there before me got fired, I was temporarily guarding the prosecutor’s office. At that time, I just so happened to see your address, Edgey-poo.
<Edgeworth>: …………… I didn’t even need to pull out information, and you’re already telling me the answer!
<Oldbag>: Oh. It was a slip of the tongue. I thought I would get to see Logic chess.
<Edgeworth>: Well, could you see it in Ace Attorney Investigations 2? Please excuse me, I have very important business to attend to.
<Oldbag>: You mentioned that you have no business today! Today, I will never let you go!
<Edgeworth>: Ngh… That was quite the disaster today.
<Edgeworth>: I was too careful just because it was a holiday. I was neglecting my remarks and wasn’t vigilant of those around me ...
<Edgeworth>: Mm? Now “Tweeter” is showing something from “Wendy”. … “Sorry. - Wendy.” … I’m not going to respond to that!
<Gumshoe>: Prosecutor Edgeworth, did you hear? Agent Lang is coming from the Republic of Zheng Fa!
<Edgeworth>: Hm. Is he also involved in an international case? I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to him for long the last time. If I have time, I’ll go greet him.
<Gumshoe>: The last incident was a difficult one. I couldn’t talk much with Agent Lang’s subordinates, either.
<Gumshoe>: There are 100 people who know about it.
<Edgeworth>: If you tried to talk to everyone, the sun would set before you did.
<Gumshoe>: To be honest, I gave up trying to remember my own face and name.
<Edgeworth>: That’s just being lazy!
<Lang>: Yo, Mr. Prosecutor. It's strange to see you in a place like this.
<Edgeworth>: It's been a long time, Agent Lang. I never thought we would meet again at a restaurant like this.
<Lang>: I just happened to see this place while I was looking for somewhere I could go alone.
<Edgeworth>: Alone ...? That’s unusual for you. Aren’t you usually with your subordinates?
<Lang>: Well… Lang Zi says: “To know the feelings of a lone wolf, you should leave the pack.” Sometimes I do things on my own.
<Edgeworth>: Is that so? However, I see a contradiction right there on your table.
<Lang>: Hah! Is that the prosecutor’s famous “deduction”?
<Edgeworth>: For someone eating alone, you ordered a lot of “platters”, which seem to serve over twenty people.
<Lang>: Arooooooo! ‥‥Oops. It seems I have a habit of ordering too much. If you don’t mind, Mr. Prosecutor, would you take a little?
<Edgeworth>: It seems that you’re not very good at acting alone.
<Kay>: Eh? Agent Lang’s coming here again?
<Edgeworth>: Ah, yes. Unlike before, though, it seems like he’s acting alone for some reason.
<Kay>: Isn’t that because it’s difficult to sneak around with too many people? It’s an important rule for a Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: He is an “international investigator”, not a “Great Thief”. … Anyway, he seemed to come to this country for some purpose.
<Kay>: Then, we might meet him again at a crime scene.
<Edgeworth>: Even if we both desire to pursue the truth, our paths often run counter to each other. If I meet him in the field, we may argue.
<Kay>: That’s nice. I also want a rival that will change me as a person! Ahh… I wonder if they’re out there… the rival who wants to hunt down the Great Thief!
<Edgeworth>: If you want to be arrested so badly, ask Detective Gumshoe.
<Kay>: Ugh! You just don’t get it!
<Kay>: It's finally February!
<Edgeworth>: Oh. So it is...
<Gumshoe>: I'm looking forward to February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: At our police station, we will sow beans for the bean-throwing festival! February 3rd is a precious day when you can eat soybeans for free!
<Kay>: Every year, I challenge myself with how many beans I can throw! “Out with the demons, in with the fortune, and in with the Great Thief’s treasure!”
<Edgeworth>: Did you forget the most important thing?
<Kay>: I was just kidding! Of course I remember what’s happening February 3rd!
<Gumshoe>: There is no reason to forget the release date of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Mm ... I hope.
<Edgeworth>: It’s three days before the game goes on sale. I hope the followers look forward to it as well.
<Edgeworth>: Investigating in winter is necessary, even if it’s cold, and you can’t catch a cold before the game goes on sale. Ergo, please take proper measures against the cold.
<Edgeworth>: Speaking of which, Detective Gumshoe wears the same coat all year round. Doesn’t that get cold? Ah… maybe it’s just that his salary is too low to buy anything else.
<Edgeworth>: ……… Should I invite Detective Gumshoe for dinner? What little I know about his eating habits worries me. I don’t think he’d eat instant noodles in winter… 
<Edgeworth>: There is a handmade udon restaurant near the prosecutor's office. The taste is satisfying for a reasonable price. ‥‥‥‥‥‥ Though, when it comes to inviting Detective Gumshoe, I shouldn’t limit myself to just noodles.
<Edgeworth>: Mm. I tweeted that it was only 3 days before the game’s release, but it was 2 days. I worked all night in the office yesterday. It seems my sense of time has gone haywire.
<Edgeworth>: What I tweeted then was contradictory… Pardon me. Thank you, followers who pointed that out.
<Gumshoe>: This pork roast is delicious! This is my first one of the year!
<Edgeworth>: Detective Gumshoe. Stop eating while tweeting!
<Gumshoe>: I've been eating only plain pasta this year. I couldn’t help myself!
<Kay>: I could, but I still tweeted!
<Edgeworth>: It may not be instant ramen, but his eating habits are always in crisis.
<Gumshoe>: Ugh... every time I make a mistake while investigating, the cost of living becomes a crisis.
<Kay>: But the one who is in the most danger right now is Mr. Edgeworth, isn't it? I saw it in a commercial! He’s having his “biggest crisis!”
<Gumshoe>: I heard it too ... What kind of mistake did you make, sir?
<Edgeworth>: Don’t compare me to you! I don’t know what it is, but I’m not afraid of any crisis. No matter what happens, I simply do what I think is right.
<Kay>: As expected of Mr. Edgeworth! Well, you can always count on this Great Thief to help you in an emergency!
<Gumshoe>: Of course, I will help too! If you want to manage your living expenses in a crisis, sir, just leave it to me!
<Edgeworth>: First, could you try helping me as a detective?
<Kay>: By the way, Mr. Edgeworth, what kind of person is your father?
<Edgeworth>: … Why would you suddenly ask such a question?
<Kay>: I just asked Mr. Shields. He said your father was a very good person! I also respect my dad, so I was a little curious about yours.
<Edgeworth>: When I was a child, he was someone I highly respected, and… the kind of man I aspired to be.
<Kay>: Huh? Is it different now?
<Edgeworth>: ……… About that… It’s difficult to explain. If you want to know the answer, please wait until tomorrow.
<Kay>: I see! The answer is hidden in Ace Attorney Investigations 2. I’ll be sure to steal the truth about Mr. Edgeworth!
<Kay>: Gummy! Please decorate it from the right side!
<Gumshoe>: Here it is! Oh no, the decoration fell!
<Edgeworth>: What are you doing in my office in the middle of my workday?
<Gumshoe>: I’m off duty, but since today’s the eve of the release date, I’m preparing a party!
<Kay>: It's almost time to tweet! Mr. Edgeworth, please work and just ignore us!
<Edgeworth>: If you truly want that, then please stop climbing on my desk. … I’ll finish work soon, so please wait until then. 
<Kay>: Eh! Are you going to help us?
<Edgeworth>: I would like to celebrate.
<Gumshoe>: That’s helpful, sir! Then, I’ll be sitting on the sofa and waiting until it’s time!
<Edgeworth>: ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ Just wait in the corridor.
<Gumshoe>: Cheers for the release of Ace Attorney Investigations 2!
<Edgeworth>: Hmm ... This party for the eve of the release is rather nice.
<Kay>: Ehehe. Tomorrow, we’ll give it our all!
<Edgeworth>: Umm. Thank you very much.
<Kay>: This is the last of our tweets ... It's a little regrettable.
<Edgeworth>: But I’m glad I had this opportunity to directly express my gratitude for the week. Those who were watching our tweets… let me thank you again.
<Gumshoe>: I still have something to talk about, but we’re already out of time!
<Kay>: But the eve of the release has only just begun! After this, you can talk to the development staff of “Ace Attorney Investigations 2” directly!
<Gumshoe>: Oh! Is that the plan?
<Kay>: I’m certain, because it’s information I stole from Capcom! It seems like it will start around 18:00!
<Edgeworth>: I do have a lot to ask, but let's leave that to the followers. Well then, excuse us for now.
<Edgeworth>: If you have any questions for the development staff, please quickly send them in!
Translation notes first:
The localized foods are as follows: 
dorayaki -> Samurai Dogs (since Missile also has a habit of eating those, though I don’t believe the original was dorayaki?)
somen -> instant ramen
katsudon -> pork roast
shirataki -> plain pasta
The “bean-throwing festival” is Setsubun, a festival where you toss soybeans and eat some in order to toss out bad luck and bring in good luck (to my understanding, please correct me if I’m wrong). What Kay said (minus the Great Thief part) is one translation of  a phrase you shout while throwing the beans. I obviously gave up on trying to localize this.
Original Japanese (minus breaks):
〈ミツルギ〉:『逆転検事2 発売直前記念』として、私が日頃思っていることを“つぶやく”ように言われたのだが‥‥どうすればいいのだろうか?
〈ミクモ〉:はーい! それじゃ、また後で遊びに来ますね!
〈ミクモ〉:ううう‥‥‥‥法廷内から追い出されちゃいました。さすがは逆転検事2の新ライバル“水鏡 秤”さん!優しそうな裁判官だと思ってユダンしていました。
〈ミクモ〉:それはともかく! 今日はもうお仕事終わりなんですよね?
〈アカネ〉:ヒゾウのカガク薬品でおこした火を利用して、あったか~い “焼きどら焼き”を作ろうかと!
〈ミツルギ〉:刑事には、サウンドトラックCD「オーケストラ・アレンジ楽曲集 〜奏でられし逆転〜」を聞かせるとしよう。いまからでもイーカプコンで予約出来るだろう。
〈ミツルギ〉:ム?また“カオルさん”から私あてに“ついーと”が来ているな。『残念無念 カオル』‥‥と言われても、断じて誘いに乗るつもりはない!
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sunsetcurbed · 3 years
Hi Kay!! (It’s Kate @julie-and-the-himbo-ghosts) For the follower milestone prompts, could you maybe do a post s1 willex reunion + maybe getting together? Thank you and congrats on the follower milestone!!
hi!! thank you so much!!
so, i went ahead and combined this with something that @chickwiththepurpleguitar @williexmercer @willexxmercer @hey-there-juliet and i were talking about on the jatpfs server.
me: *mentions my alex compartmentalization headcanon* them: but what if-
and i went: hm, i can mix that with this prompt.
so i did.
i hope you don't mind!!
Prompt #2
Alex feels Julie’s hand on his back and watches the golden light fade from around them and—holy shit.
“Did that just—“
Luke laughs and looks over at Alex, clapping him on the shoulder. “Yeah, it did.”
“We just almost died. Again.”
“Oh,” he says. “Yeah, but—Julie—“
“And Caleb almost—we almost—guys we—“
“Alex,” Julie frowns, turning her body to face him more fully. She reaches up and puts a hand on his face and he sucks in a breath between his teeth, and—what’s did Willie tell him to do? There was—something with counting? “Alex, are you all right?”
“No,” he says, voice too loud and too shaky. “No, I—no. We—we almost ceased to exist. Caleb almost stole our souls. We almost lost you, twice. No! No, three times. What if we had crossed over?”
“But we didn’t,” Reggie says, popping over Julie’s shoulder. “We’re still here—and Julie can touch us now!”
“Yeah!” Alex says, voice pitching up. “Yeah, that too! Why can Julie touch us now?”
Julie takes her hand off his face but leaves it hovering close by. “Is me touching you making this worse?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “No it’s not—it’s not that I—“
“Dude, we’re safe now,” Luke says, stepping up beside him.
Alex whirls on him. “We almost weren’t!”
“But that’s over now,” Reggie presses and—and—what aren’t they getting? Alex wonders as he squeezes his eyes shut, curling his hands into fists.
“Guys,” Julie says, voice firm, “Alex is allowed to be stressed and upset about what he went through. It’s understandable. He went through a traumatic event.” She presses her fingers back to his cheek and guides his face until he’s looking back at her. “What can I do to help?”
“I don’t—I don’t know,” he admits, and it’s true. He’s always just… let these happen. That’s what happens when you have anxiety in the 90s and your parents would rather not see it. And it’s not that the boys didn’t care, they just didn’t have the knowledge or resources to know how to help. Willie was the first one to ever stop one, and Willie wasn’t here now.
Oh, god.
Willie wasn’t here now.
“Guys,” he breathes, looking to Luke and Reggie. “Guys, what about Willie?”
“Oh,” Reggie breathes.
That’s not a good oh.
“Let’s—Alex, go sit down,” Julie commands, and Alex can’t do anything but obey, even though he’s currently freaking out. Julie follows him over to the couch and sits next to him, pressing her knee to his and it—it’s grounding, but not enough. He needs—he needs the breath thing.
He closes his eyes and feels a hand press against the side of his face, warm and soft and he lets Julie hold him as he falls apart, as the last few hours come crashing over him.
He can’t—
Now that it’s all over and done with his mind is thinking about it, his mind is processing it, and he’s realizing just how much they’ve been through. He couldn’t let himself panic in the moment—there wasn’t time—he had to prioritize, had to compartmentalize. But now? Now he’s safe. He’s safe now and that’s… it’s terrifying him to think back on the fact that he almost wasn’t.
Caleb almost stole their souls. They almost crossed over. They almost jolted out of existence.
He—how does he deal with that? How does he process that? How can he process that? He almost lost everything. Multiple times.
He feels his breathing pick up as he thinks about it all. Thinks about all the horrible possibilities that didn’t come to pass. And—he lets out a sigh of relief, but he’s still panicking, so it comes out as a hiccup, and—
“Alex, hey, breathe,” Willie’s voice instructs and Alex clenches his eyes shut tighter because maybe if he does that voice will stick with him, will stay with him. Maybe he can turn Julie’s hands on his face into Willie’s—
Something firm and comfortable in temperature slips into Alex’s hand. It’s not drastic against his skin like Julie’s warm touch, but it’s not cold like the feel of his drumsticks either. Reflexively, his eyes snap open and fly to his hand and he sees a hand settled in it. It looks familiar—skin colored a few shades darker than Alex’s own littered with the white remnants of scrapes and cuts accumulated over years. He follows the hand up the arm attached to it, all the way to the shoulder, the neck, and he settles on Willie’s face.
He breathes out shakily and—“Willie?”
“Hey, hot dog.”
“Oh, god,” Alex says, and his head falls forward, too heavy to hold up any longer. Willie’s free hand comes up and curls around the side of his face just like Julie’s had been moments before—he’s not sure when hers had disappeared—and Alex leans into the touch.
“Luke? Reggie?” Julie calls. “Come help me talk to Carlos.”
Reggie furrows his eyebrows together. “Wha—? But he can’t—“
Julie tenses her jaw and stares at him. “It will be cool for him, Reg.” It sounds like she’s speaking through her teeth. She turns on her heel and marches towards the door. “Come on.”
“Oh,” Reggie says. “Okay, I—Luke? After you.”
“Uh, yeah,” Luke says, and then jogs after Julie. When he reaches her he stops next to her and slips his hand into hers. Julie stutters in her step and looks up at him, and even though it’s an awkward angle, Alex can see her smiling up at his friend.
Shortly after, the three of them are gone and it’s just Willie and Alex left in the silence of the studio.
Well, not silence, because Alex’s breathing is still coming ridiculously fast and ridiculously loud.
“Hey, Alex,” Willie murmurs, pushing himself off of his knees and sliding onto the couch next to Alex, “I’m gonna count. Can you breathe with my count?” Oh, god, yes—this. This thing. The thing he was trying to remember earlier. He nods, grateful that Willie has brought it up, and sits, waiting for Willie to begin. “Cool. All right. In, two, three four. Hold, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Out, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. In, two, three…”
They repeat this god knows how many times, but it’s enough that Alex can feel his breathing match Willie’s, can feel whatever pseudo-blood it is that he’s got in his body stop rushing through his head, can feel his hands stop shaking. By that point he’s well and truly accepted that this is Willie, Willie is here, Willie is real, so when Willie squeezes his hand and asks “all right, you good?” Alex lunges forward and tackles Willie back against the couch. Willie lets out a huff of air and laughs, but he wiggles his hand free from Alex’s and wraps his arms around Alex’s shoulders. “Yeah,” he says. “I’m relieved to see you too.”
“I didn’t—I thought Caleb—“
“Yeah, me too,” Willie murmurs, tightening his arms around Alex. “How are you still here?”
“I don’t—I don’t know,” Alex admits honestly. “Julie did something. How—how are you—“
“Caleb… He knows I’m on your side. But he still owns my soul. I think he thinks if he lets me see you he’ll get more information than if he doesn’t—but I—I won’t! I only came tonight because I had to… he said you didn’t cross over. I had to make sure it wasn’t a trick. I won’t hang around you guys anymore. I won’t put you in danger again. I won’t—“
“You didn’t put us in danger, Willie,” Alex murmurs, looking down at the boy below him. “You saved us.”
“Pretty sure that was Julie,” he laughs, but there’s no humor.
“It was both of you. We needed both of you. And you were both there for us.” He reaches up and tucks a lock of hair behind Willie’s ear. “Don’t you know that’s all I care about? I don’t care that you made a mistake. I’ve fucked up too. Fuck, I hurt Julie that same night we went to the club. Like, really hurt her. But our mistakes don’t, like, say who we are. How we react to them does. And your reaction makes you a good person.”
Willie blinks up at him. His hands trail down Alex’s back, and then one comes back up to grip at he back of his neck and Alex is being tugged down and Willie is surging up and—
Fuck, this is good.
His lips push against Willie’s and their noses bump together and they’re breathing in sync, and—
It’s so good, it’s good, it’s great, it’s so good.
He likes him so much, he can’t believe he almost lost him, he can’t believe they almost lost each other—
“Oh my god,” Alex says, yanking away.
“What?” Willie asks, breathless.
“We almost—I almost never got to kiss you,” Alex says, panic rising back in his chest. He’s saying so much more—I almost lost you, you could have been hurt, I’m scared I’ll never get to tell you how I feel—and by the glint in Willie’s eye, Willie can hear all of that.
“I know,” he murmurs, running a hand through Alex’s hair. “And that’s terrifying. So—let’s not waste our time now, hm?”
Alex blinks. His eyes flick down to Willie’s lips, swollen and red and then back to his eyes. He nods and—yeah. Yeah. It was terrifying. But what would be more terrifying would be spending more time away from Willie. So he leans in and presses their lips back together and hopes he’s telling him exactly how he feels, even if he can’t quite say it yet.
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mychemicalimagines · 4 years
You’re My Forever-Jasper Hale-Chapter 9
Summary: After the Battle of the Newborns, Bella reveals she’s getting married to Edward. After the wedding, Alexia’s life has been nothing but up. She gets to be with the love of her life forever. One little thing chances that. Will she actually get her forever…or will it end before it begins?
Warnings: Cussing, Angst, Supernatural, Paranormal, Love, Bella-Bashing, Smut, Blood
Words: 3556
Tag List:  @jayrart @elskinner45 @nocturnalherb16 @buckysforeverprincess @diyunho @negans-womam @deepobservationcherryblossom @fangirl1029 @thelostallycat @dreamslove92 @scarletmeii @thecaptainsgingersnap @jai-lynne-unknown @0-r-1-0-n @stephbass28 @magnificentzombiebasement @arseofrivia @vampiregirl1797 @millie-753 @fandom-imagines1 @aylamlc @celyndavies @geekysimmerthings @krazykatkay456 @marvelofwitch @frozenhuntress67 @sooophie19 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @azure23x @luna-thedarkwolf @treestarrrrrrrr @hi-my-name-is-riley @salsameter @jasperschillvibe @mikariell95 @whattheheckisevengoingon @starcatcher-kay @awesomebooklover17 @strangerthanfanfiction713 @nj01 @vxidnik @oi-itsemily @i-love-you-green @bubblyanis @emma-is-a-nerd @amethyst-atf @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived @whyisgmora @kawaiikpoplover268 @booksalwaysandforever @fandomsstolemylife00 @rororo06 @jgtfvhsg @unadulteredscreams @justfangirliing @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @kyky9103 @it-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes @hiisay @aknerdchick @sana-li​
A/N: i have some news! Chapter 10 is probably gonna be the ending to this series! Oh my god, I never thought it would get this far! I love you guys!! (no it’s not a puppy XD!!!!) Comment some things you wanna see in the last chapter!!
Ask box is always open to ask Jasper and Ally some things about their relationship that you have ALWAYS wondered! 
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That night, I’m laying on Charlotte’s bed, reading her a bedtime story. Well it’s not really a bedtime story, but rather it’s a book that’s filled with poems. Edward bought her the book so that she can get into poetry. It’ll give them something in common. He bought it before she got into piano but Charlotte loves it when we read this book to her anyway. This specific poem is called The Lotos-eaters  which is by Alfred-Lord Tennyson.
“There is sweet music that softer falls, than petals from blown roses on the grass.” I read aloud. “Or night-dews on still waters between walls, of shadowy granite, in a gleaming pass. Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies.”
I glance down at Charlotte who’s laying in my arms. Her eyes are closed and I smile. I gently move her and put the book on the side table after marking the spot we managed to get to tonight.
“Mommy?” Her sweet, precious and oh-so-innocent voice whispers.
“Yes, baby?” I look back down at her.
“Did Aunt Alice and Uncle Kevin run away because we’re gonna die?” She opens her eyes. “Because of me?”
“No, sweetie. I think they left to keep us safer.” I admit. “That’s what all these other people are here for too. I’ll never let anybody hurt you.” 
I kiss her head and cover her up more. She snuggles to her stuffed bunny that Emmett bought for her.
“Go to sleep baby.” I whisper before standing up.
I turn off her lights before walking into the living room. I sigh and pick up the note that Alice left with Sam. Why would they just leave? I sit down on the couch while reading the note over and over. I glance up after a few minutes when I hear quiet footsteps. 
“It’s strange. Physically, I feel like I could demolish a tank...Mentally? I just feel drained.” I look away from Jasper as he sits down next to me.
“How about a bath?” He asks, leaning over to me. 
He starts kissing on my shoulder making me bite my lip softly. He reaches over and unbuttons my shirt...technically his shirt because I stole it from his part of the closet. I giggle slightly.
“I do remember how to undress myself, you know?” I smirk at him.
“Yeah, I just do it so much better.” He kisses my shoulder again. “For you, it’s just another mundane task. For me? It’s fun!”
I giggle slightly before looking back at Alice’s note and sigh. 
“Ally, I’ve had a bad habit of underestimating you.” Jasper admits, looking at the note, keeping his chin on my shoulder. “Every obstacle you’ve faced, I’d think you couldn’t overcome it...and you did. You’re the reason I have something to fight for...My family.”
I look up at him and smile before kissing his lips, softly and yet still passionate enough to express all my love for him that I could never express in words alone. He smiles into the kiss before slowly leaning back, breaking the brief skin to skin contact.
“I’m gonna get the water running.” He stands up and kisses my forehead.
He walks into another part of the house and I stare down at the note. I flip it over to read the name of the book she ripped it from for the fifth time. Raising an eyebrow, I glance over to the bookcase that Jasper made sure to put in the house. The book is in the middle of the second row. I quickly stand up and speed over to it. Taking the book into my hands before taking a deep unneeded breath.
I open it before flipping, page by page until I see a familiar handwriting. Right before the first chapter, there’s another note from Alice. 
‘J. Jenks, Seattle - destroy this.’
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I raise an eyebrow once again. Alice made sure only I would get the message. She must have had a vision that I was a shield just like Bella and that my mind would be safe from Aro. I glance up when I hear Jasper’s footsteps again and I quickly throw the book into the fireplace. 
The fire welcomes the book and starts burning it quickly. 
The next day, I call and make an appointment with this J. Jenks. I decide to take Charlotte to my dad’s house to decorate the Christmas tree since Christmas is just around the corner. Seth wants to come with since his mom would be there as well as his imprint.
“You said your dad knows about you?” Seth asks, glancing at me from the passenger seat.
I nod. “Yep. He just doesn’t know about you guys. All he does know is that you and your mom know about me and the Cullens. I also don’t want him to come around the house with the 27 vampires. All of them around one human? That wouldn’t be so great. I don’t think that any of them have as good self control as I do.”
He chuckles before nodding. “I’m glad to get away from them. Their eyes kinda scare me. And their smell makes my wolf super mad.” 
I glance over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“I know they’re the good guys but my wolf wants to attack. You’re different. You’re the mother of my imprint. My wolf likes you.” He chuckles again.
I nod in understanding before parking in front of my dad’s house. My dad and Sue walk out of the house just as Charlotte unbuckles her seat and jumps out. 
“There she is!”
I get out at the same time as Seth. My dad catches Charlotte in his arms and swings her around for a second.
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“Wow! Look at you! You’ve grown half a foot!” Dad says, wrapping an arm around her. “Seriously! Like six inches!”
She laughs and hugs him. 
“Come on inside. Lunch is on the table.” Sue smiles and waves us toward the door.
“We got a tree to decorate, huh?” Dad smiles widely at Charlotte who nods fast.
“I’ve actually got a few errands to run. I’ll be back soon, okay?” I call out.
My dad looks at me and nods. “Is it a...Family thing?”
I get what he means. Is it a Vampire thing?
“Yep. Don’t worry. I’ll be back in time for the star on the top.” I smile widely.
“You see, Charlie, mommy over there ALWAYS puts the star on top.” Dad tells Charlotte.
“Really?” She giggles. 
“Yep! It’s been her job since she was your age!” Dad kisses her head before waving at me. “Maybe even younger!”
I giggle and wave.
“Love you, guys!” I call out before getting into my car.
I hear them yell it back before I pull away from the house. I drive all the way to Seattle with one thing on my mind. ‘Alice’s note gave me a sense of hope. Maybe she had a plan for us after all and maybe J. Jenks was the key.’  I pull into the restaurant that we agreed to meet at this morning and I park my car. I walk inside at a human speed before being directed to his table.
I see an African American man sitting down with a briefcase in his lap. I stop by the table causing him to look up.
“Miss Swan.” He stands up and puts his hand out.
“Hi.” I smile and shake his hand.
“I am so happy you called.” He admits before we both sit down. “I always meet my private clients here, it’s more….comfortable than the office.”
“And it’s more public.” I nod.
He smiles before nodding. “Yes.”
“So what type of work do you do, J?” I ask, putting my hands in my lap.
“You know, this and that. It’s always different which keeps it interesting.” He reveals.
“Have you known Alice and Kevin long?” I ask.
“I’ve been working with them for more than 20 years. And my late partner knew Kevin 15 years before that. He’s...uh...unusually well preserved.” He whispers.
“Yes, he is.” I nod.
“I trust that Mr. Kevin is enjoying his vacation?” J raises an eyebrow.
“He didn’t tell you where he was going, did he?”
“No, no, no. He just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order.” J moves his briefcase.
“I assume his order is ready?” I bite my lip.
“Of course. I’ve never been late with a delivery.”
He opens his briefcase and hands me an envelope. I open it up to find forged passports and documentation for Charlotte and Seth. I bite my lip. Only they will be getting away if something happens. Jasper and I might lose our lives in this battle, but at least our child will be safe. That’s what matters to him and I at this point.
“Is there a problem?” J speaks up.
“No, my fiance and I thought we’d all be traveling together.” I lie easily.
“Kevin said only two were traveling. His instructions were very clear.” J says.
“It’s my mistake. Apparently that’s not going to happen.” I sigh.
J and I quickly end our meeting and I drive back to my dad's house. Alice’s vision was clear. Charlotte would have a future but...Jasper and I wouldn’t be a part of it. That night, I watch as Jasper quickly picks up Charlotte who squeals in delight before hugging him close. I smile and bite my lip, trying to get all the memories in now. If something happens...I want to know that we’ve done everything we could for her.
I walk into her room and quickly pack a bag. Packing in some clothes she’d need and money that I'd stashed away for a while, I make sure to get whatever I think might make her happy for her new life...one without her parents in it, if it comes to it. I grab one of her notebooks and write her a note.
‘My beautiful and wonderful Charlotte, I thought we would have forever together. But Forever isn’t as long as I’d hoped. I know now why Alice left me clues...It’s to keep you safe. Everything you and Seth will need is in this bag. Seth will protect you and he’ll help you learn about the Quileute Legends. Know that your father and I love you more than anything in this world. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Hopefully one day you will be able to have your own children and know exactly what I feel everytime I look at you. 
Love Always and Forever,
Mommy <3’
I jump when I hear a small knock on the door. Alistair is smirking down at me. 
“It’s a romantic notion, isn’t it? That a righteous few can defy a great evil. But I must admit you...uh..even had me believing for a moment. Well, good luck.” He says before walking away. “You’re gonna need it. Cheers.”
I jump out of my seat and grab onto his arm. His head snaps toward me.
“Alistair, it’s a precaution. Alice…” I sigh. “Alice thinks that Charlotte and Seth will be able to get away if the fight does start. I want my child safe. You have to understand that.”
“I do…” He starts.
“Please. Don’t leave.” I whisper. “We need you.”
He sighs and nods. “If a fight starts...I’m out just like your family.”
“I understand that.” I nod. “But please...witness with them as well...”
He nods before I gently remove his arm.
“Thank you.” I whisper again. “I owe you. Anything you need.”
“I’ll hold you to that...forever.” He smirks.
I giggle and nod. “Forever.” 
He quickly speeds out of the room. 
Dad has been asking about Bella. I finally had to reveal the truth...like I have done for everything. I told him that Bella was mad that I had gotten pregnant so she left. She wanted Edward to be angry as well but he was excited. He wanted to get to know his niece so Bella left him. 
Dad was upset. Said, ‘How could she do this? It’s not like it’s the end of the world that you got pregnant.’ I told him how she wanted to be a vampire and because I got pregnant it ruined her plans. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head before I put the star on the tree yesterday. But today is Christmas and we’re, of course, spending it with my dad, Sue, and Leah. 
I sit on the arm of the couch watching Charlotte and Seth play a game on the floor. I giggle as Charlotte wins for the 2nd time in a row.
“How are you doing that?” Seth asks, staring at the board.
She giggles. “Uncle Emmett loves this game!”
“Again!” Seth resets the board.
I shake my head and look up when I feel a hand on my back. Jasper smiles down at me.
“Hi, sweetie.” I whisper softly.
He winks before kissing the top of my head.
“The snow is sticking.” I sigh.
“We still have today, baby.” He rubs my back.
I nod just as my dad walks out of the kitchen.
“Alright! Present time! Leah, stop eating. Seth, you start. Get it going.” Dad sits down in his favorite chair.
Seth hands a small package to Charlotte when I stand up.
“Here, dad. We didn’t have time to wrap yours.” I hold out an envelope.
He raises an eyebrow before taking it. He opens it and his eyes widen.
“A five day fishing trip to Fraser River?” He looks at us.
“It's for you and Sue.” I smile widely.
Jasper wraps an arm around my waist. “You leave tomorrow.”
“Wow, that’s really nice. Thank you!” He starts to read the tickets before his head snaps up. “Tomorrow? I can’t...I can’t leave tomorrow.”
“I made arrangements for you at work.” Sue walks in with two cups. 
He nods. “Sneaky and extravagant.”
“And non-refundable, I’m afraid.” Jasper speaks up with a smile. 
“You two trying to get rid of me?” Dad asks, watching us. Jasper and I glance at each other before looking at him again. “‘Cause it’s working.”
Dad laughs and looks back at the tickets. I relax and smile. He doesn’t know about this meeting we’re going to have. He just knows that the Cullens, Jasper, Seth, Leah, Charlotte and I are going on a small vacation so we won’t be home. 
“Fraser River...that means we’ll be chasing cutthroat.” Dad looks up to Sue who sits on the arm of his chair.
“We might even hook a rainbow or some bulls.” She smiles.
“Woman knows her trout.” Dad smiles at me.
I’m happy he found Sue. Someone he’s known his whole life and knows about my… condition and isn’t gonna ask why his granddaughter was looking 6 years old yesterday and now she’s looking like she’s going to be 12 next week. Charlotte stands up and holds up her present from Seth. I kneel down to her level.
“Hey, sweetie. That’s beautiful. Let me see.” I take the bracelet from her hand.
My eyes light up when I realize what it is. It’s a Quileute Promise Bracelet. It’s their version of a promise ring. I glance at Seth with a smile.
“Seth made this for you?” I ask, causing her to nod fast. “Wanna put it on?”
I put it on her wrist before kissing her head. She giggles.
“It’s so pretty.” She looks up at me.
“It is pretty. Just like you.” I poke her nose which makes her giggle. “Don’t forget to thank Seth.”
She turns to him and hugs him around his neck. I look up at Jasper who is smiling down at me. Best Christmas ever. 
I finish putting up Charlotte’s tent. We only left my dad’s house a few hours ago and now we’re having a small bonfire before we have the…meeting tomorrow. I make sure she’s covered up before I read her a little more of her poem book. Right before she falls asleep, I give her a locket that Jasper got me for our first Christmas together a long time ago. 
She opens it to reveal the photo of Jasper and I from our first date. The one where we’re dating and I’m laughing at him making fun of the instructor. Next to it the words ‘Plus Que Ma Propre Vie’ are engraved.
I kiss her head before whispering. “This means ‘more than my own life’, and that’s how much your father and I love you. Tomorrow I’m going to need you to stay with Seth, no matter what. Even if I tell him that…” I sigh. “That he has to take you somewhere.”
Charlotte looks up at me with a few tears running down her cheeks. 
“I love you, mommy.” 
“I love you, sweetie. Never ever forget that, okay?” I kiss her head again.
She nods against me. It doesn’t take long for her to fall asleep. I quietly slip out from under her when Seth crawls in. I pat his back and crawl out before standing beside Paul who’s hanging out at our bonfire tonight. He smiles and looks back at his small pile of wood. Benjamin walks over with a smile. He holds up one finger and fire appears. 
I shake my head with a giggle. He holds up three more fingers, fire at all the tips. He then throws the fire at the logs creating our bonfire.
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“That’s what I’m talking about. A little pre-battle bonfire, telling war stories.” Paul cheers a little before grabbing my arm, gently.
He pulls me down to the log where he’s now sitting causing me to sit on the edge. I bump my hips into his and he scoots over. Benjamin sits down next to him with a smile. Paul looks up at the rest of our witnesses with a raised eyebrow.
“What are you doing, standing there like a fucking statue?” He scuffs.
I playfully, and gently, smack his leg before pointing toward Charlotte’s tent.
“She’s asleep.” He rolls his eyes before smiling at me.
Garrett speeds over and sits down on a log next to ours. 
“Name any American Battle, I was there.” He smirks.
“Little Big Horn.” Paul immediately says.
“I came this close…” He holds up two fingers. “...to biting Custer but the Indians caught him first.”
Kate speeds over and sits to Garrett.
“Try Oleg’s assault on Constantinople, he didn’t win that one on his own.” She smirks at him.
“If you’re talking about battles, you’re talking about the Eleven Years War. No one does rebellion like the Irish.” Liam speaks up from where his family’s sitting.
“You lost the Eleven Years War.” Garrett points out.
“Aye.” Liam nods. “But it was one hell of a rebellion.”
Everyone laughs and agrees with him. I try to listen to the rest of the battles and war stories but my ears pick up Jasper, Edward and Carlisle’s conversation.
“I can’t help thinking, all these people are putting themselves in danger because we fell in love with humans.” Edward mumbles.
“You guys found your mates. You deserve to be happy.” Carlisle pats his shoulder.
“But at what cost?” Jasper glances at his adoptive, vampire father.
“Everyone here has something to fight for. I certainly do. I have a granddaughter that I never thought I would have. I have a wife...my children. I would fight every day for them if I had too.” Carlisle reveals. 
I feel eyes on the back of my head before someone else speaks.
“I never thanked you for bringing Alice, Kevin and I in. If you never did, I wouldn’t have the life I do now.” Jasper whispers but not low enough.
“Don’t thank me.” Carlisle chuckles. “Thank that wonderful woman you’ve got.”
A few seconds later I feel Jasper speed over to me. I look up just as he kneels and wraps his arms around my neck from behind.
“I love you.” He whispers in my ear.
I put my hands on his forearms and smile widely. “I love you, Mr. Whitlock-Hale.”
He kisses the back of my head before letting me go. I watch him bump into Paul’s back. Paul looks up, briefly, before asking Benjamin to scoot down. He does and Paul scoots down, following him. I scoot down the log as well. Jasper takes his place next to me, gently taking my hand, and weaving our fingers together as looks at everyone. Paul smirks and leans down. 
“Finally found some people older than you, Mr. Steak Sauce.” 
Jasper laughs and nods. “You’re right about that, kid.”
“I’m not a kid!” Paul playfully glares at him.
“Besides Charlotte and Seth, you are literally the youngest!” Jasper laughs.
“Least I’m not hard as a rock.” Paul crosses his arms. 
I snort softly, hiding my face against Jasper’s neck, whispering. “I like it when you’re hard as a rock.”
“At least I’m not hairy.” Jasper retorts, gently squeezing my hand, before whispering, low enough for just me to hear. “I know you do, baby.”
Everyone laughs and Paul grumbles to himself. Garrett smirks before bringing up another battle he was in...but Kate reveals he needed help there as well.
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geralehane · 4 years
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in any world you find me (and i you) 
Lexa groans and struggles to sit up, rapidly blinking as she slowly comes to it. A quick mental check up lets her know nothing is broken – at least, nothing vital. She groans again as she rolls her head back and forth, gingerly, and reaches to unfasten her seatbelt with numb fingers.
Clarke, she thinks and barely stops herself from springing to her feet. She’ll be no use if she hurts herself. Slowly standing up, she makes her way to her co-pilot, and almost collapses with relief when she sees her chest rise up and down. Alive. She’s alive.
or, Lexa and Clarke meet their doppelgängers because multiverse. that's it, that's the fic.
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Lexa groans and struggles to sit up, rapidly blinking as she slowly comes to it. A quick mental check up lets her know nothing is broken – at least, nothing vital. She groans again as she rolls her head back and forth, gingerly, and reaches to unfasten her seatbelt with numb fingers.
Clarke, she thinks and barely stops herself from springing to her feet. She’ll be no use if she hurts herself. Slowly standing up, she makes her way to her co-pilot, and almost collapses with relief when she sees her chest rise up and down. Alive. She’s alive.
She brushes Clarke’s blonde hair away from her face, selfishly allowing herself several precious seconds of quiet adoration before gently shaking her shoulder. She grins when Clarke lets out a groan similar to hers as she wakes up, long lashes fluttering before revealing hazy blue eyes.
“Lexa,” she rasps, confused. Then, her eyes widen as she remembers the crash. “Oh fuck. Are you okay?”
Lexa silently orders her heart to calm down. Of course Clarke would be worried about her friend. “Yes. I’m fine. Are you?”
Clarke nods. “I think so. What the fuck was that?”
“Orion? Orion, are you there?” Raven’s voice crackles through the radio, and Lexa coughs before telling the spacecraft’s system to connect.
“Jester is on,” the depersonalized voice of the ship lets her know, and Lexa coughs again before speaking.
“Hey, Raven,” she croaks out, foregoing formal speak. It’s not like they need it in the first place. They are essentially space pirates, for Christ’s sake. “We’re here.”
“Jesus fuck, Lexa,” her friend breathes out on the other end, sounding half-relieved and half-furious. “What happened to you guys? You went off radar. I was ready to jump after you but--”
“Which would have been a suicide,” Lexa points out. She sighs as she slowly stands up and looks around. The ship didn’t get too banged up on the inside. No visible cracks as far she can see, but she needs a thorough examination before she can come to any conclusion. “We encountered a -- vortex, of sorts. Got sucked in. I don’t know where we are right now. Probably landed on a nearby planet.”
“You’re not hearing me,” Raven says, sounding increasingly irritated. And worried. “You went off radar. As in, I don’t see you anywhere in the Universe. I was ready to jump after you before it happened. Now, even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to find you.”  
“Uh.” Lexa blinks. “What?”
“Rae,” Clarke’s standing up, now, too, and her eyes are as wide as Lexa’s. “Are you trying to tell us we’re – what? In another Universe?”
“I built the map myself,” Raven says, sounding unusually solemn. “You know what it runs on. The Eye doesn’t lie and doesn’t make mistakes.” She lets out a slow, disbelieving breath. “And it doesn’t see you now.”
Lexa and Clarke exchange an alarmed glance. “But that’s impossible,” Lexa says. It’s more to convince herself than to counter Raven’s argument. The Life Crystal that they stole for Raven several years ago that she dubbed The Eye isn’t called that for nothing. It can detect any form of life in any corner of the Universe, cyborgs included. Or, apparently, almost any corner of the Universe.
“Maybe the planet we’re on has some sort of magnetic shield that doesn’t let The Eye see us,” Lexa proposes as her mind quickly works out any possible solution to this.
“Well, it might, but if it does, there’s a high chance it might be poisonous to you guys,” Raven points out. “Wherever you are, though… I’m so fucking happy you’re alive,” her voice cracks with emotion she’s clearly trying to suppress. “For a second, I thought…”
“We’re fine,” Lexa says, softly. “We’re not on your plane of existence, apparently, but we’re fine.” She moved her jaw from side to side, thinking. “I’m surprised you got through. So the signal reaches us, but not The Eye?”
“That’s not even Twilight zone level of fuckery,” Raven confirms. “I have no idea how that’s possible.”
“I propose we explore where we are,” Clarke pipes up. She’s rubbing her forehead, and Lexa tries to ignore the sharp pang of concern in her chest. They’ll deal with this a little later. “Let’s send JD outside to get the air sample.”
“Probably the best thing you can do,” Raven tells them. “I’ll try to figure something out on my end. We’re working on getting you back, guys. Just sit tight.”
“Not much else to do,” Lexa snorts to herself. Still, she appreciates Raven’s enthusiasm and her willingness to help. “We’re gonna get JD ready and survey any possible damages to the ship. Keep you posted.”
“Alright. Talk to you soon.” With that, Raven disconnects, and they are left staring at each other in what promises to soon become very awkward silence.
“Alright, well, I’ll go--”
“I’m sorry I kissed you.” Clarke’s eyes widen after she blurts that out, cutting Lexa off and causing her to splutter with surprised embarrassment. She wasn’t sure they��d ever bring it up. It was – a sour of the moment thing, or so she’s told herself. They were full of adrenaline, being chased by the Feds, fired at left and right. It honestly felt more like an act of desperation. Something to feel even more alive and revved up. Clarke’s bright eyes met hers, and next thing she knew, their mouths crashed together before Clarke pushed her in her chair and jumped into hers, buckling up and flipping the lightspeed switch.  
Lexa frowns. Lightspeed. They travelled at lightspeed without giving the ship clear directions, and it took them to the vortex – and now they are here. That is a vital piece of information that they definitely should have disclosed to Raven.
And they will once she gets her mouth to work and replies to an expectant Clarke. “Uh.” So far, so good. “Why?” Clarke begins to frown, and she hurries to correct herself. “I mean – I’m not sorry you did.”
“Oh.” Clarke’s voice is small, unsure. “But – you’re the Commander. And I’m – me.”
Lexa gives her a muted smile. “Are you worried about violating the Code of Conduct? Because last time I checked we didn’t have any. Since, you know. We’re intergalactic criminals and stuff.”
“I was thinking more of Robin Hood and his Merry Men kind of thing,” Clarke says. A tentative smile blooms on her lips, and Lexa wants nothing more than to kiss it until it grows and spills into laughter. Maybe she’ll actually get to do that. “It’s not about any Code. I just – I kind of ambushed you without checking if you’re okay with it.”
“Tell you what,” she says, grinning. “You can ambush me any time you want. Because truth be told, I’ve wanted to do the same pretty much ever since we’ve met, but I, too, was worried about… ambushing.”
“Oh. Oh-kay,” Clarke nods to herself, like an diligent student. “Ambushing is on the table. Good to know.”
“Yeah. And -- oof!” She’s noticed that sometimes Clarke is too quick to act on things. Right now, however, she doesn’t mind.
When they break apart, it’s slow, with neither willing to let go just yet. “Duty calls,” Clarke whispers, regret coloring her voice. Lexa chuckles.
“That, and I really wanna get out of here so we can do this more.”
Clarke’s beautiful when she blushes, she decides.
JD, their rusty but trusty robot that’s especially beloved by Raven due to being one of her first successful projects, beeps readily when Lexa finishes programming him to get the air and ground sample. He whirs as he turns around himself and wheels into the small hallway. Lexa waits till he gets in there and shuts the door, ensuring the ship’s sealed and foreign air won’t get in. Then, she pulls the lever to open the external hatch. Most of the things around the ship have to be done manually, but that’s what she loves about it. She specifically didn’t let Raven tinker with the system, only allowing her to install the navigation. Everything else, she can manage just fine.
They split up and quickly check the ship for any damages while JD is at work. Aside from a few dents, it’s not too bad. Yet, the attempt to take off fails.
“Must be something outside,” Clarke notes apprehensively. “I hope it’s not the engines.”
“What else could it be?” Lexa states more than asks. Clarke shrugs.
“I don’t know. Maybe we’re just stuck.” She shrugs again when Lexa throws her a look. “What? Just trying to keep the morale up.”
“I appreciate your efforts,” Lexa deadpans, but that doesn’t work, because Clarke only grins and pecks her lips. If that’s how it’s gonna be from now on, well – she’s at peace with that.
JD comes back in twenty minutes and brings a curious discovery with him. Apparently, the atmosphere outside is identical to that of the Earth. Clarke and Lexa glance at each other, bewildered.
“That’s next to impossible,” Lexa voices what they’re both thinking. Her co-pilot hums, thoughtful.
“But not impossible,” she points out. “Congratulations, babe – we might be the living proof of string theory.”
She can’t resist. “Babe?” she asks, quirking an eyebrow. Clarke scoffs, failing to hide her blush.
“Shut up.”
“Make me,” she teases.
“Not the time, but maybe later,” Clarke fires right back, a lopsided grin playing on her lips. “Also I can’t believe you’re flirting with me when we’re standing on the verge of the most important scientific discovery.”
“Do you really think we’re in a parallel universe?”
She watches as Clarke bites her lip, clearly excited. “What else could this be?”
“Well,” she stands taller and straightens her leather jacket, feeling determined. “I suppose there’s only one way to find out.”
They jump out of the ship, blasters ready. Lexa inhales the air, frowning. “Smells like spring,” she says quietly, and Clarke hums in silent, astonished agreement.
She doesn’t know what she expects to see once they climb out, but that’s not it. The scenery is rather dull. It reminds her of those old sci-fi movies from the last century. And of the Grand Canyon from the inside. Sand and rocks and occasional shallow caves.
It’s the caves that have her worried. She immediately recalls everything she knows about space parasites, and shudders at the thought of contacting one. They are definitely not going in there. They’re not going anywhere, period. Lexa decides then and there that they’ll check the ship, fix whatever it is that doesn’t let them take off, and get the hell out of here.
Clarke, however, clearly has other plans. “Lex,” she whispers urgently, nudging her with her surprisingly sharp elbow. “There’s someone in there. Looks human.” And points at one of the caves when Lexa glances at her.
Fantastic. She sghs and comes to stand in front of Clarke, looking her in the eyes. “You’re probably imagining things,” she tells her calmly. “We’re worked up, it makes sense. Let’s fix out ship and go home.”
But, as it often happens, Clarke doesn’t listen. “There!” she quietly exclaims, looking over Lexa’s shoulder. “It’s a girl. A human girl. What if she needs help? What if she’s hurt?”
“We don’t help, Clarke,” Lexa says lowly. She tries her hardest not to sound threatening,, but she’s not sure she succeeds.
Blue eyes meet hers, defiant. “Except you helped each and every one of us,” she says, almost accusingly. “If it weren’t for you, half the crew would be dead in a drug den on the outskirts of the Leo Cluster.” She pauses, gauging Lexa’s reaction, and nods, clearly satisfied with what she sees. “She could be in danger. Maybe she got here the same way we did.”
“Escaping the Feds?” Lexa snorts. “All the more reason to stay away from her.”
“Fine.” Clarke raises her chin, and Lexa groans inwardly, because she knows what’s coming. “Stay here and fix the ship. I’ll go to her.”
“Yeah, I will allow that to happen,” Lexa deadpans, and tightens her grip on her blaster. “Stay close to me and don’t hesitate to shoot. Remember shapeshifters from CG18?”
Clarke shudders involuntary. “Roger that. A kid tries to bite my hand off, I shoot.”
Not only Clarke doesn’t shoot – she doesn’t let Lexa do that, either. Granted, there are no bloodthirsty children involved this time, but this can’t be normal. Lexa’s more than convinced those are closely related to CG18 bastards. Have to be same species. Because how else would she explain meeting their doppelgangers?
“Lexa, wait!” Clarke cries out, grabbing her hand with the blaster just as another Clarke dives at another Lexa, shielding her from them.
“What the fuck,” she sighs, annoyed. “I thought we had a deal.”
“Shooting ourselves wasn’t the deal,” Clarke states indignantly.
“Are you hearing yourse—they are not us!”
“Lexa,” Clarke slowly, loudly breathes out through her nose. She’s more than willing to bet that she’s counting to five in her head. “We’re operating under the assumption that we ended up in a parallel universe. Which, if it’s true, means that there are parallel versions of us.”
“We’re not from here,” Clarke – another Clarke – pipes up, then. She looks as close to fainting as Lexa feels, and her blue eyes, so familiar yet foreign, are wide with astonishment as she looks between them. “We have no idea how we ended up here, or what here even is.” She gulps as her gaze falls down to the blaster in Lexa’s hand. “Look, we’re totally harmless. I’m still in high school, I mean – come on,” she chuckles nervously. Lexa – the other Lexa – blinks at her before glancing at them.
“Yeah,” she says. “Um – could we stand up?”
Her Clarke gives her a look that’s both begging and warning, and she sighs, lowering the blaster. “Fine. Get up. Slowly.” The others nod and hastily scramble to their feet. Now that she has the chance to really look at them, she notes how young they are. They can’t be older than eighteen. Her gaze stays on the other Lexa a bit longer.
She definitely wasn’t this scrawny when she was eighteen.
The other Clarke is probably thinking the same thing, because right now she’s looking between her and the Lexa she came with, and her eyes are sparkling with curiosity and, dare she say, appraisal.
Her Clarke sighs. “Cut it out,” she tells her younger copy. “Focus. How did you get here?”
“We don’t know,” the other Lexa speaks up. She finishes methodically dusting herself off and fixes her buttoned up shirt. Lexa rolls her eyes when she notices her Clarke’s gaze soften. Now who needs to focus? “We were in my room, and then there was this swirly thing--”
“A vortex,” the Other Clarke helpfully supplies, making the Other Lexa sigh.
“Whatever. Point is, we got sucked in and now we’re here.”
“Well, what were you doing before the vortex appeared?”
Both the Other Clarke and the Other Lexa blush, and Lexa thinks she has a hunch. “Pretty sure there were tongues involved,” she murmurs to her Clarke, turning to her and lowering her voice. “Also pretty sure they’re not gonna tell you about it.”
“We were -- studying,” the Other Clarke says meekly. Lexa sighs as she feels a headache approaching.
“I’m still not convinced you’re not some type of space parasites,” she tells them warningly.
“I swear we’re not,” the Other Clarke says. “So, is this like – Mars, or something? Are you guys astronauts?”
Lexa lets out a dark chuckle. “Do I look like astronaut?”
“Not really, no.”
It’s during that awkward lull in the conversation that a blinding flash of light sends them scattering for cover. Lexa grabs the Others and shoves them behind her as she points her blaster forward, discouraged because she can’t exactly see what she should be pointing it at.
Just as quickly as it appeared, however, the light disappears with a loud clap. In its wake, two bodies are left rolling on the floor, familiar groans making Lexa sigh. She’s the first to stand up and slowly approach the newcomers.
“Let me guess,” she says, offering her hand to a new Clarke and helping her up before doing the same with the new Lexa. “You got sucked in a vortex.”
“Yeah,” the New Clarke says, awed. “And I did not expect to end up in Heaven.” Her bright gaze dims somewhat when she looks around and sees the other versions of herself next to different versions of Lexa. “Oh,” she says, sounding mildly disappointed. “Okay. I can work with that.”
“I wish I didn’t know what you’re thinking about,” Lexa tells her sincerely before glancing at the New Lexa. She’s older than the Other, much closer to her own age, and much more confident, too, as she meets her gaze with her own steely one. She takes an extra second to appreciate the dark blue suit. Raven would probably make fun of her for a month if she ever wore something like that, but damn if it didn’t look good.
She doesn’t even flinch when the light flashes again.
All in all, they end up with three pairs of the copies, excluding themselves. Lexa doesn’t quite know what else to call them, but she’s wise enough to keep that to herself. She’s still not convinced this isn’t a parasite playing tricks on their minds.
“This is probably mass psychosis, or something,” Kid Lexa mumbles to Kid Clarke, whose eyes flash with fear. “I don’t think we’re even here, physically. It’s one big hallucination.”
Lexa hates to admit that she’s a little hurt by that. No one’s ever called her a hallucination before.
“I feel pretty real,” Corporate Clarke – Lexa’s not proud of the nickname, but it seems the most fitting considering her and her Lexa’s outfits – says, frowning. “Can’t say the same about all of this.” Her eyes meet Lexa’s, and she hurries to avert her gaze, blushing. Lexa guesses she was still dazed from the vortex experience when she unabashedly flirted with her earlier. She sighs.
“Maybe you know what’s going on?” She addresses Lexa the Scientist, and immediately cringes at the name. Sounds like a cartoon character. But, given the situation they’ve found themselves in, maybe they are all exactly that. This is too surreal to be a part of real life.
Scientist Lexa nervously straightens her glasses, and Lexa barely refrains from grimacing at that. She does not do nervous. “Well -- if we don’t settle for the mass psychosis theory…” Kid Lexa perks up at that, but Lexa shakes her head, and she deflates. “Um, we could be at the intersection of several parallel universes. The vortex is a portal of sorts.”
“Really helpful,” Lexa scoffs.
Clarke places a hand on her arm, giving her a pointed look. “Be nice,” she warns softly.
“I have to remember that,” Corporate Clarke murmurs. Her Lexa shoots her a quick smirk in spite of her tense posture. She clears her throat, then, gathering everyone’s attention.
(Lexa can’t help but be amused by Kid Clarke’s blush whenever she glances Corporate Lexa’s way. She really needs to find herself a suit, if only to test a theory.)
“While I am, no doubt, as interested in the inner workings of the Universe as all of you,” she says, calmly, “I am more interested in getting back to my universe first. Any ideas how we can make that happen?”
Lexa inwardly groans. She can’t believe that in some universe, she’s the type of a person they rob and make fun of on a regular basis. She’s never been more thankful for Reyes’s absence, because that’s not something she would’ve ever lived down.
She quickly considers renaming Corporate Lexa to Rich Jerk Lexa, but ultimately decides against it. That’s the level of self-hatred she hasn’t mastered. “Would we be standing here with you if we had any?” she settles on replying. Corporate Lexa’s green eyes narrow at that. It’s barely noticeable to any outside observer, but she knows herself, and she knows she’s irritated.
“We will employ your services if the answer turns out to be brute force,” she lets her know. Lexa sighs, mildly disappointed. That was way too obvious. Not on the level she’s expected.
“Yeah, I’m the muscle, what a low blow,” she deadpans. “Luckily, we do have the brain.”
Everyone, aside from Corporate Lexa who’s eyeing her now, turns their expectant gazes to Scientist Lexa. She swallows. “Well, uh – I don’t really know how to get back to our respective universes. But I also d-don’t really think we need to do anything in order to go back.”
Lexa quietly implodes when she doesn’t continue. “Oh, my God, can you just tell us why?”
“Hey, chill out,” Kid Clarke demands and she suppresses the urge to throw her hands up in air and walk away. But because it’s Clarke – young, bratty version of her, but still her – she doesn’t.
And because it’s Lexa she’s just snapped at, her Clarke throws her a disapproving look, leaving her feeling both warm and frustrated. She’s ready for all of this to be over.
“She can speak for herself,” Scientist Clarke speaks up, then, giving Kid Clarke a dirty look. “But also – you do need to chill,” she tells Lexa next.
Lexa only shakes her head.” Are you seriously jealous of yourself?”
“Well, aren’t you?” Corporate Lexa chooses this moment to snidely ask, and Lexa thinks about her Clarke trying not to look too much in her direction and grinds her teeth together.
“How do we send your asses back.” She states, trying not to glare at Scientist Lexa, whose adorable fiddling with glasses and the sleeves of her cardigan must’ve awoke the soft side of all Clarkes, because they all collectively frown at her harsh tone.
Maybe she can convince her Clarke this is the space parasite after all, when she’s done killing them.
“Well,” Scientist Lexa starts, increasingly more nervous, “I don’t know if it’s the same in all of the universes, but in ours, there’s been a discovery recently. We proved the string theory.”
“What do you mean we?” Lexa demands. There’s a coiling deep in her stomach that she does not like. At all.
“Um,” Scientist Lexa glances at her Clarke, who hugs herself. “We as in her and I.”
Lexa can practically hear the thoughts flashing through Corporate Lexa’s head. Mainly because she’s having those same ones as well. “Tell me,” she murmurs as she slowly stalks to Scientist Lexa, “that this isn’t a part of your research paper.”
“No, oh, no!” Scientist Lexa shakes her head, eyes wide with fear. “I had nothing to do with this. I just – have a hunch about the reason we’re here. Like I said, we’re at the intersection of the universes. It could be that the universes summon an identical part of themselves here in order to continue functioning. It could be something as trivial as stones, or something as… not trivial as people.”
“Why would they need to do that?” Kid Lexa asks, confused. Lexa can’t blame her.
Scientist Clarke shakes her head. “You don’t want to get into that. Especially since, if we’re right, we will all go back to our own universes any second now.”
“Our memories will probably fade, too,” her Lexa points out. “So write everything down now if you want to remember any of this.”
“I’d rather not,” Lexa quips, making each Clarke chuckle. Well. She’ll miss that, at least.
“If anyone ever wanted to make out with themselves, now’s the time, just saying,” Kid Clarke jokes. Or – Lexa’s not entirely sure she was just joking. Kid Lexa immediately blushes. Lexa only sighs with sympathy. She remembers those teenage hormones all too well.
“Alright,” she says loudly, interrupting the sudden chatter. “This has been bizarre. Nice meeting you. We should go,” she tells Clarke, who gives her a dumbfounded stare.
“We’re not going to see them off?”
“Why can’t they see us off first?” Lexa tries to argue. When Clarke doesn’t budge, she sighs. “Look, I’d rather be on our ship when we get thrown back. What if we end up back where we started, and not on our home planet?”
“Oh,” Scientist Lexa speaks up, concerned. “You will absolutely go back to the point where you got picked up. So if that was somewhere in space, I’d at least consider wearing a spacesuit.” That little shit, Lexa thinks with sudden, adoring amusement. Which feels weird, since it’s essentially herself she’s thinking about, so this is basically emotional masturbation.
She shakes her head. “Right. Thanks.” Clarke’s hesitant gaze meets her own determined one. “We gotta get back to the ship. You heard them. We could get sucked in any second now.”
“Okay,” Clarke relents, then. She throws one last look at the group of their doppelgangers, who watch them with a mix of awe and sadness Lexa’s not ready to admit she’s feeling as well. “Um. Good luck with -- everything. Have great lives, guys.”
“You, too!” Kid Clarke beams, waving. “Can I just say – I love how everyone’s ignoring the fact that we end up together in every universe.”
“Fate is a pretty heavy burden,” she hears Scientist Lexa quietly reply before she ushers Clarke away, and they jog to their ship.
Once they climb inside, no one speaks for several seconds. JD beeps at their arrival, and the system lets them know Raven’s tried to contact them twice – Lexa immediately feels bad, because their friend is probably worried sick. “Oh, damn,” she says, then, disappointed. “We didn’t ask them if they knew Raven.”
“I hope they do,” Clarke says, chuckling. “We didn’t ask a lot of things, you know.”
“I was a little busy trying to make sure we made it out alive,” Lexa points out. She feels a little silly for pouting, but now that they are back to the safety of their ship and their survival isn’t at stake anymore, her curiosity decides to wake up and drive her up the wall. How long have all of them been together? Are any of them married or about to get married? Do they live together? When did they meet? She sighs, shaking her head in defeat. Some questions just aren’t meant to have answers. But those could’ve if it weren’t for her constant worrying and—
“Stop,” Clarke demands, jostling her out of her musings. “I can see you beating yourself up. Stop. You went with your gut and focused on the important thing. Surviving. If it did turn out to be the parasite or a violent shapeshifter, you would’ve been prepared, unlike me. That’s why you’re the Commander. That’s why…” she trails off, then, and Lexa admires the pretty pink dusted across her cheekbones.
She swallows and reaches out, gently brushing Clarke’s hair behind her air. “Fate really is a heavy burden, isn’t it?” she says softly. Clarke’s lips curl in a small smile under her thumb.
“Not when it’s shared,” she whispers. Her lips taste like dust and warmth and spring, and Lexa happily allows herself to disappear in it, if only for a mere moment.
“Lexa,” Raven’s urgent voice makes them break apart, but they do so slowly, savoring each other’s taste. “Please tell me you’re there.”
She doesn’t look away from Clarke’s sparkling eyes as she replies. “Rae. We’re here, we just got back. Will tell you everything once we get out of here.”
“Not to crush your hopes and dreams, but you sound mighty confident that you will get out of there,” Raven jokes darkly. “As in, I have no fucking idea how to reach you. I still don’t know where you are.”
Lexa lifts the blinds up, and sure enough, the vortex is there, right in front of them, and getting closer by the second. She smirks. “Doesn’t matter. See you soon, Reyes.”
“I hope you haven’t gone insane,” Raven says cautiously, and they laugh.
“We’re of sound mind,” Clarke reassures her. “And we’ll leave the same way we ended up here – through a vortex.”
“A vortex? What the fuck?”
“Exactly. Don’t worry, it’s harmless.” Lexa blinks as she realizes that they probably won’t remember any of this once they are back to their universe. She looks up to find Clarke’s eyes, and reads the same thought in them.
“Mute us.” The system complies, and Raven’s line goes dead for the time being. “Should we tell her?”
Clarke shrugs. “I don’t know,” she says honestly. The vortex is almost there. “We could. But what would it change? We’re space pirates. No one actually able to do something with our discovery will believe us.”
“Right.” She squeezes her hand as they stare into the swirling void before them. “If we remember – we tell her. If we don’t…”
“…then we live,” Clarke concludes for her. In her blue eyes, Lexa sees all the universes they’ve lived in. “Then, we live.”
She thinks she can work with that. And then, they disappear.
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bethanysnow · 3 years
Red Empress.
(Inspired by above playlist)
“-And who are you?” 
    “OH HI YOU ARE REAL!?” The ‘hero’ yelled in shock. 
“Yes, I’m real. And what do you want? You interrupted me watching British Bake off…” 
    “..wait, you’re not gonna...shoot me? With like, a freeze ray, or cut my head off. Send dogs after me, none of that?” 
“...Do you want me to hero?” 
    “NO! I uh I mean no. Ma’am-” 
“Then what the fuck do you want…I am busy.” 
The hero looked up to a woman similar to what he had expected. She had black hair, wore gold jewelry, and glasses sat on her nose. But the person in front of him? The Terror of the 9 Hells, Dante’s Apprentice, The Red Empress? Wasn’t there. She had a grey cardigan on, yoga pants. She looked down at the little hero with disdain and an air of condescension. Like he was trying to sell her girl scout cookies and doing a bad job at it. The hero looked at his research. Scribbled into a composition notebook was the address of what he thought was the evil lair to the greatest supervillain of their era.
    “I am a future hero, or I want to be-” She raised a hand, cutting him off. 
“-So you came down to my apartment, which by the way is super creepy. How you got my address I do not know. Then decide to knock on my door. Knowing who I am, you still did so. Did you think this was a good idea?” Slightly amused look fixed onto her face. 
    “No, I don’t think it was a good idea. But I need to know.” He said with all the sincerity in his heart. “My grandma, she loves you. Has some of your newspaper clippings on her wall. She won’t shut up about you. Saying ‘there weren’t any more good heroes today’. Google just showed me all your recent stuff about how bad you are. You disappeared for like...10 years. Then came back a villain.”   
She looked him over. Grabbed his notes out of his hand despite his protests. Flipping through pages she takes a red pen from behind her ear and starts writing in his book. Once she hands it back, it's annotated. Edited. Like how a teacher reviews a paper from a student. Leaning on the doorway she looks into the hall. 
“Kay-” Standing back up on her feet she opens the door all the way pushing him in. “-You get until my episode of Bake off is done. C’mon kid.” Grabbing a fistful of his hoodie she leads him to her living room. 
The apartment looked over all of Manhattan. Marble floors, red plush furniture. Bookshelves dotted with ‘souvenirs’. Some he recognized as heroes' weapons and memorabilia. A stone head looked in fear out into the room. The head was of the previous ‘supervillain’ from the 50s. A silver glove with runes carved into the surface glowed as the hero passed. A gun from the ‘Manhattan Mad Hatter’. A drugged out ultra-rich chemist who made it his mission to destroy and flatten everything from here to Tokyo in the 00’s. 
“You want to talk, kid, or do you wanna look at the knick knacks?” 
    “Right!” He blurted, going to the couch next to her. A small brown dachshund curled into a ball on her lap. “Where did you go for ten years?” 
“Rehab, Therapy for a bit. Um, Austria. Russia for a while. Went to Tasmania. Seattle. Mainly Rehab though-” 
    “-For ten years?” 
She smirked. “You try being a hero for 30 some odd years and not have a drug problem. The 60s and 70s everyone was...disposed. In something. Or someone. There was always a cult to join, doctrine to follow, party to go to. Lots of those Heroes from the glory days died from cocaine, or other drugs. The cops shot the bodies so they could report that they died in the line of fire.” A dark and far away quality clouded her eyes. “-10 years for rehab after seeing your friends, coworkers, freaks of nature you got to call family die? Sounds reasonable to me. I spent the 80s in a fog. God knows what I really did.” 
She scoffed. “Yea- oh! They don’t tell ya that in history class do they?” 
    “No, Ma’am…” 
“Thought as much.” 
    “You were a hero though! Post WWII there were comics, radio stations, songs, all praising you. Some I saw where you punched a Nazi and went for ice cream after. Don’t take this the wrong way please. I would like to get home today, but you look like you’re in your 30s. You should be 90 somethin” 
“That I did do- but ya. And who said I wasn’t 90 somethin? You ever hear that fuckin super solider bullshit? They made Rogers and Bucky do? Where did you think the research was tested? They had to go from somewhere and I dunno...I had the day off.” She shrugged. Her face flickered with rage when mentioning the previous heroes. “And look where it got them, Steve is dead, and Bucky is off with some fuckin retirement bullshit. At least I didn’t retire! I got a job to do, I got taxes to pay.” 
    “...you pay taxes????” The boy looked at her very confused. 
“I am a villain, not an asshole.” 
She started to pet her dog, them nuzzling into her hand. 
    “So you became a villain- came back in 2000. Crashed the Met Gala. Stole the artifacts on display. Crashed a car. Set fire to buildings- why?” 
“Ah- the age old question.-” She looked at him. Took a minute of silence with her. The air slowly left the room he felt. Under the steely gaze of the most deadly woman in the world. 
“I got tired. Of being owned, propped up, posed, told what to say. The Hero's Union, a committee of people ‘sworn to protect the sanctity of Heroes’ and what they represent and fight for’ never was actually there for us. Type casted us into America's sweetheart, Funny side character. Big strong hero to save the day. Every interview I ever did as a ‘hero’ was never my actual words. I would have been a fuckin amazing actress I’ll give ya that. Smile and tell the people watching not to panic. Not to worry. Us ‘Hero’s got it handled. We were let to suffer unbeknownst to the general public. ‘Lady Justice’? She was 5 months pregnant and the Union wouldn’t let her stop the missions. She ended up having a miscarriage due to stress and what they were putting her body through. It's not just her, it's everyone.” 
    “So why not just quit? If it was that bad, go on strike or something.” 
“That's easy for you civilians to say. You can strike when you work a normal 9 to 5. You can quit your job. You can move on. But as I said, little hero. I was out there for 30 somethin years. Punching Nazis, saving people. Being a Hero. When you are made basically immortal and are a freak of nature- there are things you learn you cannot do anymore. I can’t drive a car. I can’t work out without all the machines sparking out on me and breaking. No one wants to hire a freak now do they? There is no ‘pensioners plan’ for elderly heroes.” 
    “I guess not…You don’t seem all that Villainous to me though.” He says with a giant smile on his face. Ever the optimist. 
She rolled her eyes, focusing on her show. 
He looked closer at her face. Grey eyes with blue flecks. Slightly salt and peppering at the sides. She looked strong, obvious defined biceps and calves. Her neck and arms were covered in scars. A long scar ran from her forehead down her face leading in a curve to her jaw on one side. The red pen stuck behind her ear. Big 70s aviator glasses. Before he knew what was happening his hands were bound behind his back and his face was being pressed into the cold floor. She had not changed her position. 
“You keep staring at me kid things will go badly for you.” She spoke not looking away from the TV in front of her. “-I don’t look evil, sure. But I will ask you.” 
“What does ‘Evil’ look like? I was once a hero too.”
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Home (Baekhyun x reader)
The jingling sounds of key and door carefully pushed open resonated through the half lit apartment. Baekhyun locked his door and carefully switched on the light. His foot steps brought him to the living room, which surprisingly was not neat. He flashed an apologizing smile when he saw the scattered books, papers, and highlighters on top of the coffee table and to the girl who fell asleep uncomfortably on the couch. 
A book was covering half of her face; Baekhyun giggled at the sight. He gently placed his gym bag on the other couch, took the book on her face, marked the page with a highlighter and closed it down. He bent to greet her with a kiss and gave a gentle stroke on her shining brown hair. The girl did not move at all, in which Baekhyun deducted she had been too tired this week. He shuffled into the bedroom, took a soft blanket and returned to the sleeping girl. He draped the blanket over her, and left to shower. That girl is Scarlet, the lucky girl who stole Baekhyun's heart and the one he's engaged to.
One of the room that Baekhyun loves other than the bedroom is the bathroom. His marvelous girlfriend amazingly turned this place's dull bathroom into a masterpiece. Baekhyun thanked his hard work which resulted this marble walls and tiles. He thanked his sweats for purchasing him a pulsing bathtub, but mostly, Baekhyun appreciated how his girl did the lights and ambience for this room. The dim relaxing lights and candles never failed in calming his nerves down. The pack of aroma oils she kept on one of the shelves helped Baekhyun breathe even lighter. 
Today he realized, it's not late yet to have a dip. It's only 10 (that's why he knew his girl had been tired, for she usually waited til' morning). Baekhyun opened the faucet, walked to the box of oils and chose his companion for tonight. He decided to go with vanilla and a blue bath bomb. He tossed the bomb when the water's enough and stripped down. In less than a minute, he was groaning from the pulses which hit his tired body and softly moaned from the comfort the oils and bubbles gave him. He closed his eyes for a moment, did some deep breathing, and reopened his eyes.
He scanned the room, his heart warming when he saw the things in this room came in pair. The tooth brush, the towels, and the vanity sets. His eyes traveled one more time to the rack of body wash collections Scarlet owns. He frowned a little when he realized her collections had changed. 
Baekhyun remembered seeing bottles of colorful and super sweet smelling soaps, but now it's replaced with plain bottles. He squinted his eyes and reached for each bottles. Reading off the titles and scents. He frowned when he read "aromatherapy edition". Though he admit the smells are wonderful, he tried to get her message. The bottles were labeled like Sleep, Stress, and Love. He returned them and glanced at the scented candles which Scarlet likes to light when she showers. The fun bakery or fruity smells was replaced too with another Sleep candle. He felt something’s wrong. Quickly he finished his bath, washed, and tugged on his shorts.
He walked out of the steamy shower, bare chested, then tip toed to the dining table. He made himself a glass of warm milk and sat down while looking at his sleeping girlfriend. Scarlet has always been a shining, restless ball of energy, with lots of positivity, just like him. But he was late to realize that she was going through a lot. 
Baekhyun's comeback activities have not allowed him to go home early, except today since two members started to feel sick, nor did it allow him to send texts and sneak calls. He tried to remember when was the last time he checked on Scarlet, and he felt bad when he figured out how much of an uncaring boyfriend he is. He looked at the engagement ring on his left finger and then to Scarlet, played a bit with it, and guilt flooded his body.
When was the last time Baekhyun asked how's she doing? When did he call first or texted first? When did he come home to ask her how her day went? When Baekhyun did accompany her to finish her mountain of home works? When did he really act like her man?
The answer was long time ago. It's always Scarlet who started the conversation, it's always her waiting for him. Scarlet's the one who forced her tired body to stay awake, just to welcome tired Baekhyun home. Scarlet's the one who always asked and listened attentively to how his day happened. She's the one who prepared his bath and bed. 
Every morning they still see each other. Drinking coffees and eating breads, Scarlet usually asked him how his sleep was while packing a lunch for her, and him. Not to forget how she always yawned from staying awake to finish her tasks and woke up early to fetch Baekhyun his breakfast and lunch. 
He felt like a shit, had he ever sit next to Scarlet all night when she typed words into her laptop, while chugging on cups and cups of coffee? Rarely. Yes he tried and failed miserably, but Scarlet never for once put a grudge on this. Baekhyun saw her charged phone on the island. He reached it and opened the lock, swiped until he found the calendar widget. He scanned through it and learned that this month is her final exam weeks; that explains the books and papers. He carefully noted down each day's exam. Baekhyun made a small plan on his mind. A small support which he hoped can help her pass the exams.
After finishing his milk, he walked to Scarlet, picked her up and put her down on their bed. He returned to the living room to pack on her belongings for tomorrow's class and tidied up the couch. After noting the clock, he turned off the lights and joined Scarlet to dream land. Baekhyun counted the hours of sleep, its 23.30, his schedule tomorrow starts at nine, while Scarlet's class starts at eight. He will wake up earlier tomorrow, make her breakfast, and walk her to campus. Baekhyun smiled at himself, then after another kiss he closed his eyes.
The sun rays woke Baekhyun up around 6. He carefully left his bed, washed, and walked to the kitchen. He turned the coffee machine on, heated the water, then prepared two cups. Baekhyun yawned as he checked on their fridge, surprisingly there are eggs, hams, and cheese. He threw his head to the counter and smiled when he saw bread. He noted he has to grab groceries on his way home, this fridge won't refill itself.
Baekhyun finished cooking the second egg, when a fresh showered Scarlet surprised him with a back hug.
"Morning bae, sorry for sleeping deep last night," Scarlet kissed Baekhyun's exposed neck.
"Morning too babe, no problem... I saw your tiring schedules, it's okay to fell asleep. I like it better, for you to stay healthy." Baekhyun said as he plated the egg on top of the bread, then topped it with cheese and ham then bread. He turned the stove off and returned the kiss Scarlet gave.
"Hmm the coffee's ready." Scarlet inhaled the sweet smell of coffee.
Baekhyun grinned, "Just sit down my lady; I'll prepare this for you." Baekhyun poured milk into one coffee. He knew her well!
Scarlet took a snap and updated her Instagram.
"What? I'm just going to post this so your fans can day dream on you."
Baekhyun said nothing to this, he's thankful though that even though some fans hated her in the beginning, by today they shifted to support them and Baekhyun's thankful Scarlet has been strong so far.
"Let's eat. Enjoy your breakfast." Baekhyun smiled.
"Thanks Baekhyun." She smiled and delicately finished her portion.
"How's your sleep?" Baekhyun asked this time, and he did not miss how Scarlet seemed surprised and happy he asked first. Gosh why did he not do this before? Seeing her surprised and happy made him happy too.
"Amazing! I dreamed that a handsome prince came to kiss my nightmares away, oh Baek it feels real," She gazed into the space.
Baekhyun giggled and brought his hand to ruffle her hair.
"How's yours?" Scarlet asked back.
They caught up with one another, exchanged small talks on how the comeback is going, annoyed conversation on Scarlet's never ending tasks, planned about visiting their parents, and many more.
"Come let's get ready. I can walk you to campus today." Baekhyun stood up and collected the dirty plates. He washed them quickly as Scarlet prepared herself.
They're ready. Baekhyun's wearing black and black with a black cap and black masker, on his left shoulder hung Scarlet's school bag, on his right hand the small hand of Scarlet. They walk while enjoying the sun and other couples.
"Baekhyun, I'm sorry if I sound rude.. But can you please return to the pastel and denim looks please? I'm tired of seeing your dark clothes in the laundry." Scarlet spoke.
He did not need to think and nodded, "Sure! I'll dress brighter after this."
Scarlet smiled, "Thanks! It's depressing for me to see your dirty clothes."
Their steps reached the end, Scarlet smiled brightly in front of the campus gate.
"I can take it from here, thanks jagi, good luck with your practice!" Scarlet rose to give a quick peck on his lips and they parted.
That afternoon, practice ended quickly. Baekhyun rushed to the parking lot after changing into a fresh tee.
"Yak, where are you running to?" Chanyeol asked before Baekhyun was gone behind the doors. It is normal for him to rush home, but Chanyeol always asked the details.
"A date probably?" Kyungsoo teased his friend.
"Any special day?" Sehun chimed in too.
"Nah.. I want to go to the market and prepare dinner."
"Wow, did something happen?" Kai asked
"Nothing bad, I just realize I'm not a caring namja..." He blushed
The rest of them laughed it off and just wished him good luck
Baekhyun was thankful today is a Friday and he can leave before 6! Yet he was sure that Scarlet's last class today will end at 6, which gives him enough time to shop and cook.
He rushed to the supermarket nearby the apartment and bought everything needed for dinner and the empty desolate fridge. He restocked the fruits, chocolates, pop corns. He bought home a bouquet of fresh flowers and a letter too.
Once back home, he arranged everything on the refrigerator and began to cook.
Right as he wait for the rice to cook, he arranged the tables and still got time for a quick fresh shower.
Once he he spit the light-blue mouthwash away, the jingles of key made his heart pound.
"Mwoya?" Scarlet gasped in surprise when she was greeted by the dim lit room only from the dining room. She took off her shoes and left her belongings on the sofa. Scarlet stood frozen in front of the dining room.
There stood Baekhyun, all in his boyfriend dreamy look and a bouquet of fresh flowers. Not to mention how perfect his oversized yellow pastel sweater matched his fluffy caramel hair. His eye bags showed naturally how tired he is, no heavy make ups and eye shadows. Just the plain glowing cheeks Scarlet love, to an extend that she will give everything just so his cheeks can glow.
She did not say anything, he was still frozen too, and Scarlet took the moment to melt Baekhyun in her deep meaningful kiss.
"You don't have to do this Baek," she whispered as her lips lingered close to his.
"I wanted to jagiya, here's your flower." He handed her the bouquet.
Scarlet took a deep whiff of the roses and placed it on the vase.
"Wow you cooked dinner!" She giggled as she saw the pile of dirty pans and pots in the sink.
"Don't worry I'll clean them up, before that shall we eat?" He raised his brow.
"One moment!" Scarlet turned to take a quick shower and change her clothes.
She returned only in Baekhyun's oversized baby blue knitted sweater and a messy bun.
"Jja, let's begin" She took her seat and Baekhyun lit the candles.
"I'll bring you to a proper place tomorrow or next week... sorry tonight I rushed.." He shyly said.
"Oh I love this better Baekhyun, anyways your food tastes better than mine! What secrets are you using?" Scarlet ate happily, savoring each spices and sweetness. Baekhyun felt full seeing her this happy. He got it now how mothers felt when their kids finished her meals. It's rewarding.
"Nothing much, I pour my heart into it." He cheekily replied.
Scarlet rolled her eyes on this, "You know what... I owe you something for this perfect surprise. I love you Baekhyun!"
"Well you could thank me with tonight's activity. How long was it again since we did it? Oh damn I've missed your touch." He smirked.
Scarlet's cheeks burned and she finished her glass of water.
"Will you be good for me tonight?" Baekhyun sipped his wine and put on his playful smirk.
Scarlet winked, "We'll see."
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edith-moonshadow · 3 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @withoneheadlight Thank you so much 💜💜💜
1. why did you choose your url?
My favourite old lady name is Edith, I’m not saying only old ladies are called Edith just that it makes me think of a little witchy old lady living in a sweet little cottage in the woods with rose bushes, a little herb garden and a creaky old apple tree out the back with her two black cats Oswald and Liebchen. She wiles away her days doing little crafts, enjoying old films, dancing around the house to music and baking sweet treats for the little tea parties she has. Moonshadow is two things, I love the moon, can’t resist her siren call and my brother loves old computer games especially old FMV ones from the 90′s, in particular and we have played a game called Phantasmagoria (1995) a million times, we quote it as though it were an old movie we’d watched to death and in it there’s a wee old man called Malcolm Wyrmshadow which I thought was a great name so I kinda stole it but combined it with my love of the moon.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I recently started a side blog purely for my writing which I called @ediths-writing-desk
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I’m not too sure many years but I left for a while and this blog has only been going since February when I wanted to do Cross-stitch to accompany the prompts I filled for Harringrove Week Of Love
4. do you have a queue tag?
Not really the only thing I queue occasionally are stories but I don’t tag them as queue 
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
As somewhere for my writing because I was solely on Ao3 and not engaged in fandom at all, originally it was for the cross-stitch plan I had but eventually I wanted to engage in fandom more but I’m kinda shy and I overthink way too much so 😳😳😳
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love the H&M photoshoot and in particular this picture, I love his slightly annoyed expression, his beautiful ringlets, the way he’s standing and Billy in the lifeguard outfit gets my vote.
7. why did you choose your header?
I’ve recently fallen in love with Cobra Kai and the Lawrusso ship and that gif is a moment that I love from early on where Daniel grabs Johnny and he just goes to him. It’s such a small moment that infers so much.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
Apparently it’s the first part of Sugar Baby Omega Steve
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I’ve no idea but everyone seems wonderful 🥰🥰🥰
10. how many followers do you have?
I’m not sure
11. how many people do you follow?
22 🥺🥺🥺  I’m still pretty new
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Way more than I should 😳😳😳 
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
No not a thing I’m interested in doing
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts
I scroll past
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I have no idea
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not on people specifically but their work 😍😍😍
20. tags?
I’m not too sure who to tag, whoever would like to do it 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
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