#yes i just use tumblr to vent? ig
sleep-x-deprived · 6 months
i am not mentally ready to go back to school tomorrow 🫠 saying this and i did nothing all break. i have friends but i dont rlly interact with them outside of school
anyways some songs i rlly like rn :) my current comfort songs lol
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hazelfoureyes · 24 days
Hate mail?
A very misguided edgelord child, or very damaged and lonely adult, seems to be harassing members of the larger hazbin community (not just our HDC)!
Here’s how to respond to these my dearest GN!Does:
0)Screenshot the inbox (optional, see step .5)
1)Report them
2)Block them
0.5)Send Hazel the screenshot and exactly how you WANTED to reply and we will laugh at them and then pity them together (optional, ig, but Im a messy bitch and I love reading these really dumb messages)
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In all seriousness, seeing people delete blogs or go inactive from hate mail is just… gut wrenching. Tumblr has provided me such a massively needed community and source of acceptance when I’m terribly lonely and isolated so far from home and my native tongue. I can’t imagine any of us losing that over… well, clearly a child. (If these aren’t children then they are very very pathetic adults so desperate for attention yet too unlikeable to muster kindness they have write the most uninspired hate messages. And on anon? A coward at that 😂)
Luckily, I have a terribly thick skin (scarring does that ✨)
But for the days you are vulnerable, or your skin is running thin, or the words happen to hit a chord, you’re welcome to reach out to me.
If *you* are someone who is also a safe person to turn to, feel free to sound off! Let’s circle the wagons and protect each other. 💝
Yes, they can make more accounts. But every time they have to make a new one is time they aren’t able to harass someone else.
꒰১Fallen Guardian Angel’s of the HDC List*໒꒱
People safe to reach out to when these hit you too hard or just to vent and laugh at the sender (let me know if you want to be added, always keep your mental health and peace in mind):
@fraugwinska ✧ @hazelfoureyes ✧ @zzzykiek ✧ @dewdropdinosaur ✧ @afallowedfawn
This post is linked at the top of my pinned master list if you want to see an updated list! Reblogs don’t show changes to the original post
*again, adults only added to this list. Your life is hard enough at under 18 you don’t need to be taking on the stress of adults. Feel free to start a group amongst yourselves if you really want to be someone’s safe place, but I don’t want to send stressed and possibly trauma dumping adults to a minor.
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kandlerzly · 3 months
Hi There Uhhh
Call me Kandler
I'm 14, and Australian. i use they/them pronouns but i dont't really care what you call me. this is just a place where i'm gonna just dump stuff about my life irl and stuff and maybe art sometimes idk (probably not because i Already have a Tumblr and Tiktok acc that i use for Online stuff so yeah) I still haven't gotten the hang of tumblr yet, but i'm learning :) some of my posts might include mentions of suicide and some other Sad stuff like that cuz i MIGHT vent sometimes yk i'm like that i gotta get my emotions out like any normal human being would (and yes i have a therapist i just don't know how to communicate most of my feelings verbally so i'd rather write them down and post them under a fake name)
I'll admit that i'm dumb ig from what i can uhh yknow gather and stuff so if anything i'm saying doesn't make sense?? thats why lol.
Anyways hope yall have a great Day or night :) - Kandler
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Every time I see the word “petite” used in anything x reader or just anything in general, it sparks a rage (or pain, depending on my mood) inside of me.
It feels like, especially in the cod fandoms, petite is the beauty standard. If I’m not 4’11 then I don’t exist, apparently.
Sure, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but I hate when the word petite is used because an author assumes that because whatever character is over 6 foot that everyone will seem “petite” in comparison.
Tw for my dumb ass ranting beyond the cut ig
Maybe I should specify that I see petite more as a term to describe hight than weight. You could be any size and imo, the word petite can still apply if you’re short.
It’s especially bad with König. Like, I get it- we all love imagining him as some 6’10 giant, but just because he’s tall doesn’t mean you should put describe a reader insert as short in comparison unless you’ve warned that your reader is short coded.
It’s like going into a fic and seeing “his hand wraps easily around your forearm” because the writer forgot that not everyone is skinny.
And I completely understand, writers write for themselves, I write for myself- but if you’re posting it somewhere public and other people are reading it, you need to warn them if it’s anything but height/size/gender neutral.
These are wonderful things! Fem!reader is an amazing tag! It helps people find what they want to read and avoid what they don’t, I wish it was more normal to put things like “short-coded!reader”
Because like, Bestie, that’s all we need. If you tell me that whatever reader insert you have is probably coded to be short, then I can just write off all mentions of the word “petite” and ignore them.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame any writer for not. I’m not saying every needs to start tagging their fics like that or anything, it’s just wishful thinking and a rant/vent born from my own insecurities regarding my height.
But when it’s treated like normal to be small, it can hurt, because it feels like the standard. Like I should be smaller than these men.
And fuck, I’m not even that tall. I’m 5’8 and a half, that’s really not that tall- and one of my best friends is like 6ft. I hate how, as someone who is, again, not even that tall, I feel like this. Because how do the rest of y’all feel? I know there are girls shorter than me that probably feel too tall too, and I sincerely hope that girls taller than me don’t feel worse than I do, because no, they’re fucking beautiful.
My 6ft friend? She’s fucking gorgeous (she’s not on tumblr so I can say that safely). Tall women in general are fucking gorgeous, and of course I don’t blame short girls for writing fan fiction that appeals to them. They’re writing it, of course it’s going to appeal to them. If you’re not writing for yourself, who’re you writing for?? If anything, I blame the world for making it the standard that the girl is smaller than the boy.
Short men exist, tall women exist. And I know that short men will be insecure about their hight, so clearly this isn’t just me being (completely) psycho. Somewhere, it was instilled in us that a man should be taller.
And while on some level, I fully admit that I am yes, very jealous of short girls. I fully acknowledge this. I also find short girls hot (tall girls too, let me be clear. As I mentioned, 6ft friend is fucking gorgeous).
Ah fuck women are hot. Shit, this turned me to a “women being hot” rant again. This always happens, what the hell.
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alluralater · 1 year
hi hi, i don’t mean to rant or anything i jus wanted to get this off my chest since it’s been getting at me lately:
i don’t feel like i’m feminine enough. yes, ik there’s no such thing as “fem enough” but i can’t help to compare myself w femmes in general 😭 from tumblr, tiktok, ig, etc. to the ppl i see every day. like i swear i thought i was soooo secure but i see someone who’s like peak feminine and i’m like ??? what am i doing WRONG (and this isn’t even about longing for relationships either just. to MY standard i def feel like that whole “ugly girl cosplaying a pretty girl” thing and it’s so draining OMGGGGG) i need to sleep and somehow be teleported to the middle of nowhere so i don’t even have to worry abt any of this :(
my page is totally a place to vent <3 with the caveat being that i’m gonna respond ;)
for starters, i can tell you as a femme lesbian, that one of my best friends is also lesbian and she’s SUPER feminine. she’s absolutely gorgeous. like- drop dead bombshell gorgeous. our styles are different and our looks are so different, yet we don’t compare ourselves whatsoever as lacking anything. every femme is different. her and i have been best friends for 5 and a half years and people have dropped loads of compliments on us. energy is everything. aesthetics and trends are bullshit. yesterday it’s pinup styles, tomorrow it’s alt goth. the next day it’s barbie pink. people find her attractive because she exudes an addictive aura and doesn’t question if she’s doing her femininity correctly. it feels right to her and that’s all there is.
you have to find intrinsic value in yourself and not compare yourself to others. it’s hard but it can be done. ask yourself who is determining what “peak femininity” actually is. it’s white trending femmes. it’s the majority speaking for the minority. find your style, your sense of self. if you’re always comparing yourself to others, you will never find yourself there. you will not. what is femininity to you? you’ll find yourself in the answer to that.
i’m a hot as hell femme and it’s because i carry the energy that i do what i want with my body and my sense of style. i couldn’t give a flying fuck what someone else is doing with their style or looks. comparing yourself to others is a losing game. do what feels right for you. try different styles, experiment with your expression. femininity is not rigid, there are no guidelines. it is what you make it. so make it yours <3
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auspex · 1 year
brief mini announcement: after reflection. I'll be holding off on posting publicly about WoD - for now temporarily. I will still talk about it in private discords; im not dropping my games or anything... but yeah... just not comfortable posting publicly rn.
personal ponderings and ig reasoning for my choice below.
info for reference: https://www.patreon.com/posts/werewolf-5th-and-86463964
this is a must read if a modern WoD fan imo.
this is not an analysis or specific criticism as it aint my place (im white). i just wanted to vent. and over the course of writing this i decided not to post publicly about WoD for now. if anyone wants to discuss though, i would love to.
i mean in short i dont want to just sit on this info.
so w this werewolf stuff, for context, i only briefly skimmed 1 of its previews and so was holding opinions on it until after i read it fully. and already knew older stuff was anti-indigenous in many respects, (never read it for this reason so dont know details beyond the obvious issues with certain names being used) so now that its fully confirmed the new one is still bad in this way (v v v v disappointed) and the ppl who made it bad and are straight up anti-indigenous are still employed its just. like. ugh. what the fuck. i also didnt know so many of the ppl in old white wolf remained employees when paradox took over???? i fell for the rebranding AUGH.
+ outside of werewolf with outstar still having her position w seemingly no criticism or action or apology given???
theres of course also gonna be a bunch of people way worse than her employed too , that arent as public, so we dont see it, unless wronged former employees speak out about it. (which is very brave and essential. )
in the end i largely believe in the capitalist society we live in corporations are gonna be immoral at their core and that includes paradox. but i dont want to use that belief as an excuse to do nothing. and i feel perhaps i have used that as an excuse before.
sambrano said the following:
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so, we have to hold their feet to the fire. but im not sure if im just misreading or stupid (really, probably just ignorant) but im not sure what exactly is the best thing to do. just express our outrage in someway?
if a boycott was organized i would join. but if one isnt? idk! and idk if a boycott is best. i want and need to hear abt what specifically ingenious and fans of color in general believe is best atm so i suppose my next steps are to just. listen. and see.
idk this is really bad. not sure what 2 do what 2 do.. hhmmhmhmh. just awful all around. my impatience is killing me but i must wait to see what others say.
it seems like when you get down to it the way WoD treats Native Americans specifically in this instance and overall non-white people/non-white culture is abhorrent. both in and out of universe. and i feel if im not careful i could be complicit as a white fan. so i want to proceed very carefully.
if you read, thanks for reading. i hope i can learn what should be done. in the interim...
im not dropping WoD - but something should be done to address this and until then. i dont feel comfortable posting publicly about WoD. ill still discuss OC stuff in personal discords unless others feel this is still inappropriate.
and im still posting on tumblr. just not WoD stuff. this may last a day, might last a week, may last who knows how much longer. but yes. wait and see ig.
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Hey. I saw your post about gftwd wanting revenge, and I feel like I have to say something because this situation is so out of hand. You can read this or you can tell me to fuck off, but I want this off my chest and you should know what’s happening. It’s gonna be long, but sorry. I was a follower of her original account from very early on and one of her ''Discord girls'' who she became tight with. I’m ashamed to say that I went along with the questionable things she said and did because I lowkey felt flattered she was my friend and shared stuff with me she didn’t post on her blog, like Evan’s Amazon profile and his Airbnb profile. This was before he privated them and only a few of us had that info back then and I never saw it talked about on here or anywhere else like Twitter. She is not a mentally stable person, she seriously got consumed with Frances before and now she is consumed with your blog and followers. She never deleted Discord, at least not her own account because we had a private DM chat going that went on even after she archived her other blog.. yes, archived. It’s not deleted. Ever since your blog appeared she has made no secret of absolutely loathing you, mostly because her former followers went over to vent to you and she blames you for anons attacking her over Frances, because you said she slut shamed her. She feels humiliated by the situation and mad that now she only has a handful of followers since you ‘’made’’ her delete. When she remade her blog she made some post about having been in the hospital for treatment and that wasn’t even true. She is hellbent on getting revenge, and she is doing everything she can to dox you. She is always talking about an uncle she has who works in cyber-security and I think she really believes she can track people down and make them pay in some sort of way. For all her talk of IP addresses and legal action, she has told me that the only info she has is based on visits to her page so she doesn’t actually know for certain who is individually sending each ask. But she has said she has your IG profile (IDK if that’s true) and that she feels like you’ve wronged her so severely she is willing to lie in order to ruin your reputation in the way she feels you ruined hers. This includes spoofing IP addresses and doctoring screenshots/photos, which she asked ME to do because she knows I do a bit of photo editing and graphic design (not for bad sh*t, legitimately). I didn’t do it. That was the last straw. I told her I feel like this isn’t necessary and that it’s better to move on and never post about this situation again so people will forget, to just be the bigger person in this situation and take the high road.. but she doesn’t plan to do that. When I told her I feel like this has gone way too far and that I can’t support doing this stuff she just blocked me on Discord. If you post this she’ll see it and obviously know who it is but I don’t give a sh*t anymore. I deleted my own Tumblr a while back due to mental health concerns and the amount of time I was spending here and I think she needs to do the same for her OWN good. I regret ever visiting her page and involving myself in any way. I wasn’t even a huge stan of Evan’s, I was just curious and went down the rabbit hole. I’m deleting this app off my phone so even if she decides to make a post calling me out and threatening to sue me I won’t be here to see it. Peace.
well, here we go :) i really have very little else i can say about this situation, other than... well, you know. this is not anywhere even in the ball park of normal and acceptable behavior. and i already knew that someone on here was stalking my IG page because i received an anonymous ask about it a couple of weeks back (march 7). i guessed it was her, because i don't know who else would care enough to do something creepy like that. you would have to make an effort to connect a cartoony AI generated photo of me i posted on here to an IG profile following people associated with evan. i do not post anything fandom related on my IG profile so it's not like you would just stumble upon it like whoopsie i think that's tweam. i privated my page and got a request right after from a nondescript profile and deleted it. for someone who has spent the last several weeks proclaiming they are not a bully, but rather, the bullied.. this behavior is mighty strange. oh well. the fact remains, you cannot control what other people do. but i sincerely hope that she seeks help and stops posting about my blog, sending me anonymous threats, and now i guess attempting to doxx me! oh what fun it is to be on tumblr in 2023.
i'm going to bed. this shit seems exhausting to me, i can't imagine how much mental energy it takes up to be hyper-focused on being hateful when you can literally just do anything else and be better spending your precious time. i'll resume my regular evan peters gossip tomorrow as time permits. or maybe gftwd will show up at my front door with a chainsaw or some shit lmfao goodnight.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Not siding with enstars-gatekeeper, but I do see the point they're trying to make tbh. Nobody likes ooc stuff in any fandom community really and it is sad that like enstars-gatekeeper said that writers will get spam hate on their work for being ooc (it's more ao3 they were referring to I think as haven't seen it much on tumblr) and that's why fanfic writing is scary for some ig?
Again, I'm not siding with enstars-gatekeeper ofc but I agree with what they said about other communities acting that way towards writers but I certainly don't want Enstars to go down that way (honestly I thought there'd be more like gatekeeper with the likes of ES! not having an official English translation and how most lore apparently is shown in those stories, wouldn't know though as I've never read any).
What I never get though is why readers like that exist? Like isn't fanfiction supposed to be self indulgent and about having fun, not trying to basically extend what there is of canon content? Is it even possible to be 100% true to canon when writing considering fic writers aren't the creators of the source material?
I've been wanting to write fics myself but all the fandoms I'm in are like that and hate ooc fics. My main fixation is Enstars anyway and even tho I've been playing a while now, because I haven't read ES! I'm scared that I don't fully understand the characters now cause with the way some people,like gatekeeper, go on about it I'm under the impression that anything in ES!! isn't as accurate or I mean maybe as informative as ES! stories are and that I'd get a while new character basically if I read ES! (Its probably not that drastic but everyone is acting like it is so yeah)
Sorry if I'm venting by the way, seeing people like gatekeeper just annoy me as I wish no community had those "fans" 😅
Annoyance with OOC is understandable, but. Well. Exit the fic if it annoys you, you know? Out of all the (actually!) gross things that happens with fancreators, sending someone anon hate for writing smth OOC or writing a serial killer AU is just lame imo
That person said they wish more writers got anon hate for writing OOC, which is horrible, btw. Idc, if you wanna send someone abuse because they just misunderstood a character, that's loser behaviour. It's pathetic and it makes you a bully.
But you're right, as a fanfic writer, nothing I write will come close to canon-compliant. I can imitate canon and guesstimate what could be canon, but purely on account of "I don't work at happyele", everything I write today that "makes sense" could be contradicted by a future event. Hell, when this shuffle event comes out, they could reveal smth ab Shu that I never thought ab and that would render all my fics about him "OOC", that's just how it works with writing for ongoing media. It's why I don't like writing for ongoing media, but, alas, enstars is probably gonna outlive me at this point.
And yeah, fanfic is supposed to just be self-indulgent fun. Of course I believe certain topics should not be written about in fanfiction, especially if they're written in a romanticised way or a way meant to make certain immoral behaviour acceptable (as an example: the difference between writing yandere as horror vs as something romantic), but. Writing a character as OOC is just such a mild "misdemeanor". I don't like it, giving new fans and new writers grief over it.
I hope you'll feel comfortable to write in the future, I love seeing new writers and creators in general, especially considering the enstars fandom is small on tumblr. It really is just gatekeeper who's throwing us off tbh. ! is only "better" bc it's larger, it ran, like, 5 years or so? And !! has been running for 2, so it has a lot more content, yes, but I don't think it's that bad. The characters changed and evolved (a joy of enstars), and writing a character based on their ! characterisation would still end up as OOC unless you're writing them in the ! setting. Writing a character in the !! as you know them in !! should be fine, I believe. Like, ! might be good info to have for the subtleties, but most of what I know from ! are things I never explicitly mention, just weave through their characterisation. Making a character like Mika avoid eye contact when nervous isn't a big deal at all - but it's my way of saying, "It's hard to get rid of old habits, especially of ones so ingrained in a person. Even if he's learning to love himself, he still kept the habit of hiding the eyes he grew up hating when he feels threatened".
At the end of the day, fandom drama is childish. Fandom drama that starts because someone hates "OOC fics" (of all the things) is even more childish. It's really not hard to exit a fic you don't like. It's more effort to type up hate for it.
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areislol · 2 years
long time no see, areis !!
;_; i haven't been using tumblr for months cus school is pressuring me lol
but anyways hru ?? i hope you're doing just fine there <3
hellooo!! and yes long time no see :) well how's school for you? i know school can be pressuring at times, it always has been i guess. im always here for small talks, vents or whatever's on your mind, i will always listen. if you're struggling with anything from school or anything you can always ask me. and im doing alright! posted a christmas special that ig im kind of proud of, and im so grateful that one of my fics "blew up" if you can even say that. i also just recently came back to my transformers obsession. oh and work sucks lol, have a great day :)
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
I feel like i've embarrased myself enough around you, but sorry if it feels like a spam in your box I'm really bored and, I just saw what that anon said 😶 being rude to you for no reason like bffr? like yes we get what mel is going through we can feel sorry for her cause their alot going on, but for an anon to blame you and putting you as "rude" for blocking someone because they make you uncomfy and really just rude on there side like Mel acc is more seen a as vent acc (to me) I can get that,but what do y'all (you little ppl) not see venting isnt always comfortable to some people as it may seem, when you think of venting as something everyone will say yes to you rlly need to get back into reality, venting if for people you trust, and someone you feel like will care for and help with a situation you're going through. but just bcus someone blocks a person for making them uncomfy isnt need for you to play the "see what there going through" card like "awaring" sav of what their going through like they dont already know is rlly dumb if you ask me 😳 but you see me personally I wouldnt try to stand a ground when you didnt even try to but like thats just me personally (talking to you anon.) 😂🤘🔥, but anyways hru sav? Hope you're doing good 🥰✨. (LITERALLY SORRY FOR THIS WHOLE ASS FANFIC LIKE PARA 😭) , also you dont have tk reply to it, u can delete or just simply private ask but its up to you. have a greatday/night 😜
MY EYES ARE SWEATING THIS IS SO SWEET ☹️ wdym embarrassed i've been wanting to interact with you for the longest time you're so cool 😭 i always see you on ej's (I'm pretty sure it's ej???💀) blog and you're so funny 😭
i was gonna make a post last night saying the exact same thing because?? i literally could not care less how you think of her, i'm not responsible for her mental state and neither is anyone else. i shouldn't even have to explain why i blocked her cause that's no one's business 💀 some friend of hers sent an ask to my other moot telling her about this whole situation saying melli was crying and everything because of me and i'm just like ???? what did she even have to do with this she hasn't been active on tumblr in a week 💀 the casual guilt-tripping too like it's not my fault melli is going through things and while i give her my condolences i have nothing to do with that 💀 i don't get why people can't understand that,, i never had a problem with melli venting to me but i'm a stranger on the internet you met a week ago, i don't know why you'd trust me with those things and why my presence in your life mattered so much that you'd cry over it but it is what it is ig 💀 and literally??? i know that melli is going through a lot but you don't get to use that as an excuse to call me a shitty person, just like your mental health isn't a bypass to do and say whatever you want 💀
thank you for this ask alayna, it was really sweet 🙁 my cat just peed on my bed so i don't feel the greatest but i'm good! how are you 🫶🫶
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starjxsung · 3 months
HI BABY OH MY GDKJSHFKHSDFIUHKJSDHFKSHFHSDKFH YOURE BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive been checking on your main blog every single day since uve been on hiatus just waiting for the day you come back and somehow i think the past few days i just completely forgot you had a side blog and idk how i missed your comeback the past few days but ig i did... :((
I HOPE YOURE DOING ALRIGHT!!!! summer has been pretty okay w me so far, mostly just hangouts with friends and staying inside to avoid the sun and any uv rays possible like the fucking vampire i am, etc.
im going to kcon la next month!! unfortunately skz isnt part of lineup and i wont be able to go friday so ill only be able to see the saturday+sunday conventions and concerts, but i hope itll be fun nonetheless. my uncle is some kind of manager in the entertainment industry (idk too much abt it but he usually gets me signed albums every year so im not complaining!) and he usually helps out at kcon every year, so he always has at least 2-3 free tickets.. whenever he visits so im usually able to head to kcon if my schedule fits!! 
i think for other life updates on my part theres not tm.. i ended up going on a diet the past month because ive been really wanting to lose weight for a while now but ive never been able to do it in a healthy way because ive had an ed for as long as i could remember.. (growing up with asian beauty standards is pretty tough unfortunately 😞) i used to be 130lbs at 5’1” so i always considered myself overweight because of my height, but i recently lost 10lbs and im hoping i can reach my goal of 110 within the next month asw 🤞
aside from my life update rant though, ive srsly missed you so much star you dont even know !!! im so happy youre back 🥺🥺🥺
as always, ur biggest fan
~ 《 ☘️ 》
I’ll be back on main blog™️ soon !!!! I miss it there too tbh RAHHHH side blog is good too but main blog is where everything started and I miss posting so bad 💔 I also somehow check tumblr less ever since the creation of side blog so I have to physically remind myself to check tumblr and I just. miss when I had more time to post and people wouldn’t get annoyed of me answering asks on main ☹️ BUT FEEL FREEEE TO SPAM SIDE BLOG™️ TOOOOOO she exists for all ur spam/vent/miscellaneous needs and I love checking on you guys even when I’m not on main. I love you !!!!
Also don’t be so hard on yourself my angelllll just make sure you’re staying healthy :( I love you :( and I fully acknowledge that beauty standards are fucking impossible to live by and they can genuinely be so taxing to try to fit. But as long as you’re healthy and happy and doing what you want for yourself only, that’s what matters :’) I’m always a message away if you need me (even though I’m fucking garbage at responding) and I love you no matter what. Take care of yourself precious cargo 🤲💓
I LOVE YOU and I missed you and I promise I will be back on main blog™️ as soon as I physically can be. I am ur biggest fan actually if you were a clover I would pick you and keep you in a little resin necklace and wear you all the time. I love you !!!!!!!!.!.!.!!.!/!:!!,?,!.!.!
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sttoru · 1 year
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DO NOT INTERACT IF: you fit the basic dni criteria \\ support racist or any problematic creators \\ you support israel \\ can’t discuss things (like differing opinions) maturely \\ you are a pro-shipper \\ you are a porn link poster \\ you write smut for minors (aging them up with no canon time skip is also not welcome); for example nezuko, megumi, tanjiro, klee, denji etc etc.
FOR THE MINORS: i don’t care that you’re on my page reading my works. you’re the one taking the risks and the responsibility of what you’re going to read is all yours. don’t make me catch you though; any visible age under 17, gets blocked.
HATE ASKS get either completely ridiculed & clowned or instantly blocked & deleted, no in-between. idc abt what you say (especially on anon; coward activities LOL). you got something to say about me, say it to me directly or keep being obsessed ig..
this blog is mostly jjk-centred. however, i do publish genshin or hsr related fics from time to time.
empty blogs will get blocked. inactive blogs too. use your accounts. spam liking will also get you blocked instantly.
i use the block button how i please. if i block you, i have a reason. if we were mutuals, i hard block most of the time. if you decide to block me & we were mutuals: please hardblock me, not soft block.
this is not an only writing blog. i talk, vent and reblog stuff to my liking. i also talk about my own selfships. if you don’t like it, don’t complain. just block.
english is not my first language. don’t expect perfect english grammar — unasked criticism is not needed.
i do not indulge myself in personal discourse nor do i entertain it, unless i (or a mutual of mine) was offended first. when that happens & you do not want to see it, filter ‘cw discourse’.
!! i may state my own opinion on some topics (also discourse topics) though. they are tagged as tw vent or cw discourse mostly. if you find it so annoying to see someone state their opinion or vent on their own blog, literally just leave and block me.
most works are self-centred / self-indulgent: meaning, they are all female centred. reader is always portrayed as a woman & is shorter than the characters most of the time. though, no further descriptions are added (skin tone, body type etc.) unless i specify so in the tags.
this blog is not spoiler free. i also may forget to put spoiler warnings every now and then. don’t hesitate to politely remind me to add them if that happens.
can i dm you to talk or ask something?
yes! as long as you stay respectful, my dms are always open. mutuals can ask for my discord any time as well.
you’ve blocked me, what did i do?
i use the block button how i like. if you’re blocked, you’re either one of the ppl in my dni or a blank/ageless/empty blog with no posts. or, it’s just that i didn’t feel comfortable with something you posted or said. orrrrr, it’s because of your own do not interact criteria and i went ahead and blocked you to spare you the trouble :)
can i vent to you in your inbox?
depends. if you want advice on a simple situation, sure. if it’s to rant about triggering topics (such as suicidal thoughts, depression, sexual assault) please seek a therapist for that — not just a random writer on the internet.
why do you block inactive and/or empty blogs that interact with you or follow you?
simply because some of you need to learn that tumblr works on reblogs. plus, empty blogs (and especially with the default tumblr layout) look like bots. lurkers are also not welcome. if you want to keep reading the amazing fictional works on this app, then you need to help your creators out by reblogging their content. it shows support, even if you don’t add any tags to it.
you haven’t posted a fic in a while. when are you publishing one?
i’m a slow writer sometimes. do not expect a fic each day or even each week / two weeks. i have a social life outside of this tumblr account i started just for fun — no pressuring me into or asking for a part 2 / fic either or you’re blocked.
Tumblr media
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underskiescomets · 3 years
Ask thingie
i like ask things and since this blog is dead i can do it and nobody is gonna see hehe (except LA PETITE PERSONNE......) @lapetitepersonne
1. why did you choose your url?
I had to create a new blog to bypass the age-restricted content tumblr had a few years back, and i had to think up an url on the spot so I went for an ~aesthetic~ thing... nothing very interesting here
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
YES i have like 4, one is a vent art shit i posted 1 drawing and deleted soon after (so not used), one is a blog where I post pics of my body and outfits (and nudes) and is pretty popular ??? at least for me lol i have like 600+ followers (but barely to none interractions) and the last one is the same but not used ... AND NO i wont tag them they’re my dirty little secret........ ok i post my ass but IN SECRECY
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
woww idk .. maybe 2014 ?
4. do you have a queue tag? 
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i liked aesthetic things lol and for my side blog, i just wanted the attention i guess
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i dont know. THIS BLOG IS DEAD ok
7. why did you choose your header?
i dont even know what my header is
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I had a pic of my stomach (??) that reached over 1000 notes on my sideblog o_o but one day it disappeared. I guess tumblr made it vanish bc too much hubris for my stomach...
9. how many mutuals do you have? 
none ......................
10. how many followers do you have?
about 30 i think
11. how many people do you follow? 
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
NO never here but i like to shitpost on twitter and discord
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
like 1 or 2 times a day, not over 1 or 2 hours
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
its shite
16. do you like tag games?
yes i dooooo i love the attention
17. do you like ask games?
id love for ppl to ask me things but im too afraid of nobody asking joCFIGQcsd
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
me ig.........30 followers
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
n o
20. tags?
u dare think i have ppl to tag...
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floatingbook · 3 years
Goddammit, thank you for that Page post. I've read discussions about it on tumblr, ovarit and even saidit, and EVERYWHERE the so called feminists were shitting on her for... Being short ig?? Having a big forehead?? And like you said calling her a "teenage boy". This honestly made me feel so disgusted, especially since I'm also short (taller than Page tho) and gnc.I guess this whole thing proves how actually difficult it is to unlearn the misogyny we grow up with :(
Anon was referring to this post. And these kind of reactions are draining. They just make me so, so tired. I mean, a lesbian, one in the public eye, who has spoken before about how she’s been abused and harassed, who has spoken about the shame and self-hatred she’s had to face for being a lesbian, who’s always seemed uncomfortable in “feminine” clothing, and decides to wear the clothes she’s comfortable in and cut her hair in a manner that appeals to her — and let’s be honest, none of the women criticising her when the Time article came out were commenting on lesbophobia or how Page’s decision impacts public perception of lesbians and sex stereotypes; all that mattered was her appearance — and every woman with spare time and zero empathy just decide to insult her style choices. Talk about community, talk about sisterhood. I guess I’m a “ugly teenage boy” too if they pass me in the street and women’s liberation is freedom to dunk on lesbians.
It’s misogyny, plain and simple. A woman has different political beliefs, and instead of criticising those beliefs, that woman is reduced to her appearance and her experiences lose all credibility, she is discounted, because she doesn’t have the right appearance. She’s an “ugly teenage boy”, she’s a “hag”, she’s “unhygienic”, she’s “old”, no man is ever going to want her, she’s gonna end up alone. The same old trope, rehashed, and always directed at women. But yes, I guess the women trashing Page’s choice of plain tees, jeans, sneakers and short hair can call themselves “feminists” because they do know how to spot a woman (read here: the appropriate target for a reduction to appearances only). Given that climate, it’s no wonder Page turned to the gender nonsense to get a break. At least no one there is giving her shit for just wanting to exist*. 
Moreover, I thought one of the point of feminism was that no woman owes you beauty? That no woman owes you a performance to have her opinions considered, or to be extended, you know, basic respect? But I kept seeing women acting as if another woman had to fit their own standard of appearance to be afforded that basic respect. And it’s really funny (and by that I mean terribly sad) how feminists normally agree that make-up, high heels, flimsy and short  impractical clothing are part of the tools men use to oppress us daily, but as soon as a woman rejects them she’s dog-piled? Way to encourage the behaviour you want to see in the world.
It’s also lesbophobia unleashed. There’s never this level of vitriol to criticise heterosexually-partnered women in the public eye who perform extreme femininity, even if their behaviour is way more negative for all the women and girls who come across media where they appear. It’s always directed at lesbians who refuse to conform, who refuse to perform femininity, who choose to exist in their natural state. These women don’t seem to be bothered by who will be hit in the cross-fire. They forget that what Page was wearing in these pictures is the kind of clothes any woman might wear to be comfortable. They forget that there are plenty of lesbians out there who feel at home in that kind of clothes and who wear them daily. They forget that the very women they’re always asking solidarity from are also a direct target of this rabid appearance insulting.
I don’t think it proves how difficult it is to unlearn the misogyny we grow up with; I think it highlights how many women don’t care about unlearning that misogyny. They aren’t even trying. There is no remorse, as highlighted by this anon I got, who should have been able to get it. It looks like for many women, at least in the “Western world”, feminism is just a space to vent about how mean men are, before going right back to the status quo. There’s no want for change, no real will for action. And lesbians keep getting called would-be-men, like the old homophobia. The world is still the same.
*Again, I don’t caution her choice, hating your body and the misogyny/lesbophobia you face is never going to be solved by pretending you can identify out of oppression, but that’s not really the subject here. The subject is criticising women for their physical appearance and for choosing practical clothing (which is misogyny).
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hilariouslyedgy · 3 years
ao3 tag thingy
tagged by @imbeccable-writes thanks friendo uwu
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
19 but i only acknowledge like 3 or 4 
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
360,847,,,,,,i dont even know that many words who did this
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
ao3 specifically, 11. no i will not tell you the fandoms. except animaniacs and sonic the hedgehog,,, the rest currently dont matter
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
this god forsaken mess, this idiotic fool (350); this is not a dream (317); everything i wanted (190); i was hoping you’d come home (190); i feel so scattered (110)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
fucking of COURSE I WANT PEANUT BUTTER yes :) they are nice to read :)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
WELL LETS SEE *opens trench coat*
the last time you ever saw me (animaniacs) - it was sort of a,,,, prequel one shot to tgfmtif and its just a pain train all the way thru
i was hoping you’d come home (sonic the hedgehog) - i had one (1) ‘what if’ idea and its lich rally less than 1k words and whatever but i was told it packed the punch
the hand you wanna hold is a weapon (invader zim) - vent fic nuff said
all we do is drive - another vent fic i have mixed feelings about
stone cold - it was part of a series, so it ended kinda sad bc it was just a piece of a bigger story uwu bella i am SO sorry i put u thru that
7. Do you write crossovers?
i did once but its not on ao3. it was fun bc i wrote it with one of my best friends :) ever since then tho, i haven’t done any crossovers but there is one that lives in my head rent free and its dumb as hell
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
yes, on some of my old tumblr fics from a fandom that shall not be named :) i deleted the fics recently tho bc that fandom is a closed chapter in my life :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i have in the past, none as of late. i used to run a smut blog for a past fandom when i was 19 and, that was where i wrote a lot of kinky shit. i would Not run a blog like that again. nowadays im just like ‘these ppl are fuckin n thats it nothin spectacular.’ i just write my spicy lil fics for when my stories call for it ig
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
once a long time ago, it was a fic from the smut blog and i think it is still on wattpad bc the person who stole it just dipped the moment i called them out slfkghlfkhs
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YETH. the one from question 7. it was a body swapping fic and it was beautiful and crackheaded and wonderful and stupid. and who knows i may be co writing right now
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
sonamy. yup. give me that pining, give me that ‘i like you but i will Not say it out loud,’ give me pink and blue. give me unrequited love bc thats all i know
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
sigh,,,,,,sonic i was 11,,,,and then i went back to it when i was 23 LMAO
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
at the moment, this godforsaken series. it’s my most successful fanfic series and i love the connections i have now bc of it and i just love writing about my favorite things.
but also i loved every bit of my crossover fic with my friend :D
HENNY GAYS THAT IS ALL. if u see this and u write then consider urself tagged and do this :)
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bchanslvr · 3 years
hi baby i need help. so i haven’t been on tumblr in awhile so last time i sent a message in i hadn’t started school yet i think? but anyway i started a few weeks ago and it’s been going okay. BUT in my history class theirs this boy who sits next to me we’ll call him steve and his friend sits in front of him we’ll call him john. i found out recently that their both sophomores and i’m a freshman but i don’t think they know that cause they haven’t asked and i look like a sophomore even tho it’s LITERALLY a freshmen history class….anyway their both nice and johns really funny but steve is always looking at me and like staring at me and it just makes me uncomfortable yk. but he asked me for my snap on like the third day of school? i was nice and said yeah because i felt bad and i didn’t know he was a sophomore at this point. me not wanting a relationship or anything to do with it blocked him as SOON as i got home which ik it sounds bad but whatever i was uncomfortable and they kept bothering me to give them my snap so i did. a few days later he had his friend add me and so it didn’t look like i was ghosting him i blocked his friend too. he’s left me alone for awhile after that i assumed he’d taken the hint and forgotten about it especially since the other day he was talking about how he had a girl and blah blah so i was relived at that knowing he would leave me alone. and then today happens. he didn’t bother me in class didn’t say anything that made me uncomfortable but i was getting a vibe that he was gonna do something i could hear steve and john talking and they kept looking at me and i was like hm okay… but ignore it because whatever. but then as i’m walking out of class as the bell rings to go to gym which they both have with me this girl who i recognized from middle school walked up to me and tapped my shoulder and she was like “hi! i don’t know if you know steve but he likes you” and i was like “yes i’ve heard” and then she was like “he might ask for your number so like please don’t reject him” and my face under my mask was like 😐 like what?? and i genuinely don’t remember what i said to her but i was like “oh your really pretty btw!” and she was like “omg thank you!” and then i asked her if she went to my middle school and she said yeah and blah blah blah whatever. so then after that she goes back to walk with them cause their literally not that far behind me and their both like “yo whatd you say to her?!?” and i was walking fast to avoid them cause i wasn’t interested. so a few maybe second later i’m about to walk up the ramp into the girls locker room and steve walks up to me and he’s like “hi” and i was texting my mom and i didn’t even realize it was him until i looked up and i was like”hi..” and then he asked me to write my instagram down on a piece of paper and i was like “uh i have to put my stuff away i can do it tomorrow?” and he was like “okay” and idk i feel bad cause like i don’t find him attractive? and i honestly don’t know what he looks like because of us having to wear masks but yeah. i feel mean to reject him so i think i’m just gonna unblock him on snap and be like oh wow look it worked! also i’m sorry this is so long i have nobody to vent too and yeah! i would love some advice on what to do :) -🐈‍⬛
hi baby! hope you're doing well and although i'm not that great at giving relationship advice i'll try my best and you can vent to me anytime you want to i don't mind in the slightest <3
anyways. i think that if you don't find steve attractive or not attracted him you shouldn't force yourself to like him or give him your instagram and etc. because that would be leading him on, and there'd be confusion and drama and blah blah and you don't want that
and you say that you're not ready for a relationship so i would suggest just keeping it mellow with him. try not to talk/text him too much and just try to friendzone him ig?
but if he keeps bothering you or making you uncomfortable i would say to block him, and ignore him and hopefully he gets the hint and if he doesn't and asks you why just say that he's making you uncomfortable or that you aren't ready for a relationship
or just straight up tell him that you aren't attracted to him.
i'm sorry if this is terrible advice, i've never been in a realtionship so this might not be the most accurate but i hope this does help you and if you need anything or more advice don't feel shy to ask. i hope everything goes well in the end :)
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