#yes i had facebook as a kid shush
AITA for correcting my niblings without my brother's input?
I had a massive falling out with my family when I was a teenager. I was into goth/edgy/horror culture and true crime before it was accepted by the mainstream, plus my parents were older when they had us and we lived on a farm. They needed my brother and me to keep the farm going, and I decided to pursue college instead. At some point after this they sold/lost their farm, but I do not know when, which fueled their resentment. At their request I did not speak to them until 2021, when my brother found me on Facebook to tell me my parents both died of covid and we held a Zoom funeral. After that he moved several states over to be closer to me so we could work on reconciliation and forgiving me for the farm incident.
So now I (45f) babysit his (44m) two youngest children (10m, 8f) for free, and have been since 2021. Initially he had full custody as his ex wife did not have a job or any job experience when they divorced (before we reconciled) but she now has a full time job so they share custody currently, although she is in our home state, so they decided the kids should go to school there still and spend holidays and summers with him. I am currently an art professor at a local university and for summer semester I only have morning classes and he works afternoons, so it works out.
Last week, his youngest asked me; "OP, how come you lie so much?" Her brother tried to shush her but I asked for clarification. Her brother told her she wasn't supposed to tell me, but she did anyway, and then he also chimed in to confirm. Turns out, whenever I told his kids about any vacations to other countries I took, he said I was making it up to sound important. When I told them I went to medical school, he said I was lying and was a glorified art teacher and only went to community college. I have a serious boyfriend who I have mentioned, although I do not spend time with him while babysitting per the mother's request not to have any adult with her children before meeting them and giving the okay, and so my brother insists I made him up.
I was very hurt, and so I showed them pictures, diplomas, videos, etc proving I was not lying. It is true I got into a community college near our home town on an art scholarship and an FHA grant, but I was able to skip generals due to advanced courses I was taking in high school. I quickly got interested in the medical field and was able to transfer to a medical school on several scholarships and obviously loans. I became a pediatric oncologist and was happy with that until my later thirties. I had kept art as a hobby but eventually realized I wanted to do more with it. I retired from pediatric oncology and then became an art professor five years ago. When I was a doctor, I met my current boyfriend (46m) who is a trauma surgeon. Starting in my late twenties, until covid, I was able to travel throughout the US and even to many foreign countries, sometimes for work, sometimes for vacation. There was no way for him to know this as we were not in contact, but I was very hurt that instead of believing me, he has been telling his kids I'm a liar for the past two years. So yes I did show them the photos and videos specifically because I was hurt.
The following day my brother called me and shouted at me, angry I had deliberately contradicted him. He was angry enough he was shouting at me. He has been dragging this on through text for the past few days. His ex wife also contacted me, asking for my version of events, as apparently their children called her crying about the situation. I told her exactly what I said here. He called me not an hour later screaming. Unbeknownst to me, she has been trying to get full custody of the children and he's convinced that this situation will get his kids taken from him, something he has a fear of due to the fact he has two adult children from a previous marriage who went no contact when they both turned 18. He insists that his ex wife turned them against him, and now he is terrified it will happen again. I was not aware of this until recently, nor did I think this would cause an issue with his custody. It has been very awkward babysitting his kids, as they have been very quiet since this whole thing happened. I don't have kids myself, nor have I been divorced, so I don't understand parenting or divorce etiquette, but I am still very hurt and even angry with him for calling me a liar to his children. Before I make any further decisions regarding an apology, I wanted to get advice as to whether I am the asshole for not bringing it up with him before showing his kids evidence that I did, in fact, do those things, and if so, how I can rectify this appropriately.
What are these acronyms?
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spinosauridae · 2 years
Anyone else remember the game "jurassic farm"? I used to play the hell out of that as a kid, and it seems like nobody can play it anymore.
Anyone have any idea why that is? /gen
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notoriously yours | jay park
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✰ summary: jay park is a rich kid. it’s safe to say he has everything every broke college student on his campus could dream of and more. but the one thing he doesn’t have, which money definitely can’t buy, is a girlfriend. and his friends won’t see of it. literally.
so what happens when his friends bet him to date someone for more than three months? what happens when jay decides that fake-dating someone would be easier than actual dating (because god forbid Jay–the campus’ notoriously known fuckboy–decides to commit to something once in his life)?
and what happens when that someone is you, his childhood best friend he hasn’t spoken to in years..who has absolutely no interest in being in his life anymore?
✰ pairing: jay park x y/n [ft. members of enha]
✰ genre: fluff, comedy, angst | fakedating!au, college!au, childhoodbestfriends!au, (kinda) e2l!au
✰ warnings: cursing, nothing suggestive but jay's a fuckboy so slightly suggestive themes, mentions of parental neglect/leaving, it's hella long (and i thought my last fic was long)
✰ wc: 14.7k (how did i get it this long oh lord)
✰ author's note: picture creds go to original owners/editors! peep that edit of jay that lowkey inspired this entire fic 👀also this took me so, so long bc i lost motivation half way thru and bc college is a thing,,,so i honestly don't know how to feel abt it so pls bare with me :')))) ALSO the dividers are weird bc idk how to add more than 10 pics for the dividers so pls excuse those ٩(× ×)۶i hope u guys enjoy!! <333
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Jay Park is a rich kid.
Jay Park has enough to buy every textbook he needs for his courses without having to look up the free versions online. Jay Park has enough to bribe his professors to let him pass every class with a perfect 4.0 GPA (but because the boy has morals, he doesn't). Jay Park has enough to afford a car to drive to his furthest class from his dorm building instead of walk or bike like every other college student, meaning he also has enough to afford a parking spot on campus (those things aren't cheap!).
Jay Park walks around your school's campus like he owns the place (and considering the amount of money his family has donated to the school, he practically does), looking like he just walked out of your local coffee shop's newest fashion magazine. His blonde hair is never seen untouched, his attire usually consisting of an undoubtedly high-end all-black fit, accessorized with multiple earrings and rings that probably cost more than all the overpriced textbooks you had to rent out this semester. It's safe to say that everyone knows Jay Park.
Bottom line is, Jay Park has everything.
Well, his friends beg to differ.
In their eyes, Jay Park has everything but a simple factor in the equation of love (or whatever love is to the minds of a couple of 19 year olds): commitment.
So yes, it's safe to say that everyone knows Jay Park. Because everyone knows he's the campus' rich fuckboy. (What's a college fanfic campus without one anyways?)
Jay doesn't go unreminded of this by his friends, to the boy's annoyance.
Jay is aware of this on a Sunday afternoon, in his dorm building's first floor lounge, where he and his said friends are having a study session.
They're doing anything but studying.
In fact, no one has any books out or anything. Not a single laptop in site.
"You don't think it's the slightly bit concerning?" Jake's words are muffled as he continues munching on the fried chicken that he spent majority of this study session debating if he should have it delivered through UberEats or not.
"I really don't, no," Jay shrugs as he continues mindlessly scrolling through his Instagram feed. They're having the same argument conversation that they've revisited multiple times over the course of their friendship, one that Jay has been lectured on too many times for his own good. He thinks his friends could become his new parents if they really tried.
"Look at it this way, okay. You're about to graduate college in a couple of years, into the big world. Like the actual, adult world. And that means you'll have to settle down. Which you can't do when you. have. no. commitment!" Jake punctuates each word with a single clap of his hands, desperate to get his point across.
Jay simply rolls his eyes. He looks over to Sunghoon, who's minding his own business, not bothered by the same topic he's heard over and over again. His eyes tell Jay you're on your own, in response to his blonde-haired friend's look of despair.
Jay thinks that maybe he should get new friends. Yes, that's the only solution here.
"My love life," Jay reaches across the table for a drumstick from the greasy tub seated in Jake's lap until Jake swats his hand away, "is none of your business. Also, ouch."
"Uh, it kinda is. Because of you and your reputation around campus, it kinda affects us, your best friends. How do you think we look, hanging out with the guy who's known to ghost every girl in existence after one night with them? No offense to you," Jake deadpans to him. Jay mentally reconsiders the term best friends.
Tough love. Jay tells himself it's tough love.
"Yes, because every girl totally hates Jake Sim, the teacher assistant of a physics class who volunteers at the pet shelter every Sunday and brings their pet golden retriever to campus every two weeks," Jay rolls his eyes at his Australian friend.
Jake sighs. "Okay, then I'm coming from a place of worry for you."
Jay groans. "Again, none of your business!" This doesn't stop Jake. He comes from good intentions, really, but Jay wants nothing more than to stuff the kid's mouth with some of that chicken to shut him up.
"What are you gonna do if one day you meet someone you like, genuinely like, and you screw yourself over because you've never been in an actual relationship before? A real, committed one. Like one that lasts at least three months."
"You don't think I can last three months in a relationship?" Jay questions the boy currently taunting him.
"Honestly? No. What's the longest relationship you've been in?" Jake cocks an eyebrow at his friend across from him.
One month and two weeks. But Jay's smart enough to not say that out loud.
"I can so last over three months," Jay mutters more to himself than Jake.
Jake laughs at that, pausing to take another bite of the drumstick in his hand. "Jay, I am willing to actually bet you. Bet that you wouldn't be able to." He leans back on the couch, the ball now in Jay's court.
Jay freezes, looking up from his phone, narrowing his eyes at Jake.
"Forget it, Jake. He's not gonna agree even if you offered him money," Sunghoon finally perches from beside him. Well he's not wrong. It's not like Jay is exactly in need of more money, per say.
"What kind of bet are we talking here?"
Sunghoon's right. Jay doesn't need the money, but he does hate being wrong. Even if it's over something as stupid as this matter.
Caught off guard by the blonde's answer, Jake blinks blankly at him and takes a second to think.
"Hmm..what about...what about if you can date someone for at least three months, and I mean an actual, committed relationship, then I'll do all of your physics homework next semester."
Jay's eyes sparkle at that. If there's anything he despises more than commitment, it's physics.
"And if I win, you have to buy all of my textbooks," Jake sits back from the edge of his seat with a smirk lying on his face.
Jay pauses to think about it. I mean, what does he have to lose? A couple hundred dollars over college textbooks? No. Because he just simply won't lose.
And maybe he'll learn what it'll be like to actually be in a committed relationship for once. Maybe he'll finally learn what it's like to actually devote yourself to someone, open up to them. He shivers at the thought. Never mind. He'll warm up to it. Baby steps.
Nonetheless, what could go wrong? Even if he does lose, at least his money would be going somewhere productive––towards his friend's education. Jay was probably gonna use that money on something useless like a blanket that resembles a tortilla (a burrito blanket, he calls it)––something he doesn't necessarily need, but must have, he would argue.
"Fine. Whatever, okay. Deal," he grabs Jake's extended hand in front of him and shakes on it.
Jake's impressively smiling at the boy as Sunghoon lets out a sigh, in disbelief with the two guys he calls his best friends.
Jay concludes that this will be easier than his Introduction to Photography 101 course he took his freshman year. How hard is it to find someone to date the Jay Park? Surely, everyone will be lining up once Jay switches his FaceBook relationship status from "it's complicated" to "single".
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Turns out, it's not as easy as his class where all Jay had to do was take pictures of a pretty sunset, slap a VSCO filter on, and call it a day.
He comes to this realization on a Wednesday evening, as he's seated at one of the many study tables lined in the middle of the campus' library, staring down at his phone's dry iMessage app, with his laptop and blank sheets of scratch paper scrambled across the entire table, as an attempt to look half as studious as the other students studying in the facility.
Turns out, being known as the campus' fuckboy who ghosts every girl on campus isn't a good thing when it comes to wanting to find a real relationship.
He comes to this realization after failing to receive a single text back to the many ones he sent out throughout the first half of his day. The ghoster gets ghosted. Oh how the turn tables.
Jay groans dramatically as he tosses his phone on the hard surface of the table, earning himself a harsh shush from the librarian filing books in the aisle beside him.
He sheepishly smiles back as an apology, directing his attention back to his open laptop screen, where his untouched calculus homework stares back at him––his mind preoccupied with the looming threat of Jake's bet. Not that it was threatening in any way, per say, but Jay just hates losing. And from the looks of things, it's safe to say that Jay won't be celebrating any victories anytime soon.
Jay thinks he should just change his identity and just transfer to some boarding school in Switzerland. Yes, that's a much better solution than admitting defeat to Jake.
Jay sighs as he lies his head on the table, figuring he might as well just write the check for Jake's textbooks now. He wonders how he got here in the first place. Not how he got into the bet, and definitely not how he's sitting in the middle of the library, having yet to start his calculus homework due at 11:59PM tonight (he should really start that).
But no, he wonders how he gained the reputation as the campus' playboy. To be fair, his friends (mainly Jake), are constantly reminding him of his notorious habits. But how did they come a habit in the first place?
The idea of being in a relationship is nice, sure, but the commitment that comes with it? The idea of being dependent on someone? It's scary, vulnerable, and one that Jay can't picture for himself.
Maybe some people just aren't meant to be paired. Maybe some people, like Jay, like being independent and are meant to stay that way.
But Jay also likes affection. He likes the fleeting, warm feeling he gets every time he finds himself under someone's sheets. He likes the short-lived comfort he receives from someone else's touch, even though he knows it's going to cease to exist the second he steps out of those bedroom's doors. He just likes affection, simple as that.
That and he's a 19 year old teenage boy with needs, what did you expect?
And so what if he likes the idea of affection minus commitment? Is that so bad? Apparently it is, to people like his friends and the entirety of his school's campus, at least.
At this rate, he might as well pay someone to date him.
Wait. Jay lifts his head off the table's surface in realization.
He might as well pay someone to date him.
There's no harm in that, is there?
He wouldn't have to endure through an endless amount of dates to find someone he clicks with, then continue going on dates with said clicked person, all while trying to develop an actual, serious relationship.
He'll win the bet, get his physics homework done for an entire semester, and some lucky girl out there will be making profit for the small price of hanging out with Jay Park for three months.
And lucky for him, Jay knows the perfect candidate for this scheme.
Simple as that.
Just as long as said perfect candidate says yes.
And as long as Jake and Sunghoon don't find out. Or else Jay might really have to move to Switzerland after all.
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You love your friends, you do.
Hana and Heeseung have been there for you when others haven't––they were by your side when you knew no one entering high school, and they were still by your side when you were all graduating said high school. Needless to say, you're eternally grateful for friends like them.
But right now, in this moment––with you seated in the middle of the campus' library, trying to write your essay, as your two friends blabber on and on about the most recent gossip across from you––your two friends could be your villain origin story.
But again, you love your friends, you do. So you don't have the heart to tell them to leave. You've managed to naturally tune out most of the conversation, anyways, for this––your friends coming to hang out while you're trying to study––is no rare occurrence by any means.
"Oh yeah, Jay Park texted me last night."
You hate how your brain's filter suddenly turns off at Hana's words.
You hate how your ears catch the sudden mention of Jay Park's name.
You hate how the thought of Jay Park gets to even occupy a single brain cell of yours.
You hate how you even know who Jay Park is. Well, knew.
Past tense. Because up until eighth grade––when Jay decided to just suddenly pretend you didn't exist––he was attached to you like a koala to a eucalyptus tree.
And if you had asked past Y/N, ideally, Jay would've never left your side. Ideally, he would've never left you to fend for yourself when entering high school. Ideally, he would've stayed your best friend through out all four years of high school and ideally, you would've eventually told him how you really felt about him after growing up with him all your life. And maybe it would've lead to a completely different story. But for the sake of this fic, we don't live in an ideal world.
So yes, if it wasn't for his attendance at the very same university as you, you would've forgotten about the boy who brought you the painful memories of your childhood.
And since the universe clearly doesn't work in your favor, avoiding Jay Park's existence like he's the plague would have to suffice. And it works.
For the most part.
Until some people, bring him up uninvited into your conversation. Like now, for example.
"When was the last time you guys talked anyways?" Heeseung mindlessly asks as he reaches across the table to grab one of the many snacks you usually bring to your study sessions.
"Uh..like a few weeks ago. Give or take. Whenever you threw your house party. Can't say there was much talking involved however," she teasingly says with a giggle and wiggle of her brows.
Heeseung's rolling his eyes as you scoff and chuck a nearby crumpled piece of paper that was once one of your many essay drafts at her.
She bats it away right as it's about to hit her face as she laughs. "Doesn't matter anyways. He ghosted me the next morning, as he does with everyone else. Telling you this now," she extends a finger right at you, "stay away from Jay Park. That kid's just bad news."
You nod in response, mentally telling her she has nothing to worry about.
Been there, done that.
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College. Ah yes, the very concept of spending four years of your life imprisoned on a campus where you'll be tearing your hair out from stress and spending all your life's savings just for a laminated sheet of paper with a golden stamp at the end of it all. We live in a society.
Because of said college, and all the weight that comes along with it, you had adapted a strict daily schedule in order to not completely lose your mind. It's a simple schedule really, one of a typical college student who's just trying to get by everyday with as little mental breakdowns as possible.
Wake up, get ready, go to class, go to the library to do your homework, walk all the way across campus to get back to your dorm, shower, then sleep. Oh and eat, of course. And maybe if time permits, be an actual social being and socialize.
It's gotten you this far into the college life without dropping out so, you conclude, you must be doing something right.
Sometimes, if you're feeling nice to yourself, you'll tweak the schedule a bit to fit in some exceptions. Maybe squeeze in a little trip to the bubble tea shop that's on the other side of campus, or maybe get dinner at that one dining hall that you don't usually go to because of the unncessarily long lines (but because they serve ice cream, you go anyways). It doesn't matter what the exception is, you still plan it out to fit into your schedule somehow. Everything is planned out.
Sometimes, however, the universe disagrees with your schedule, to your demise. Such as today, for example.
Because what you didn't expect for today was for a particular blonde-haired boy who you haven't spoken to in almost six years (but who's counting?) to approach your table in the library––a table you were sure no one could find you at, as it was quietly tucked away in the back corner, right next to the Astrophysics shelves. Because who browses the Astrophysics aisle for fun? Actually, maybe Jake Sim would. Anyways.
You definitely didn't anticipate a visit from the boy you've been actively avoiding, so you definitely didn't expect the first words coming out of his mouth when he sees you for the first time in six years to be:
"Fake date me."
You blink up at him.
Yeah, definitely not expected.
But you only let it phase you for a split second, until you feel a slight annoyance beginning to bubble up deep inside of you.
"Wow, hello to you too Jay! It's been what––half a decade? Yeah I've been pretty good, thanks for asking!" The sarcasm is practically dripping off your tongue.
You don't know what runs through Jay's mind, but apparently it isn't common sense––or the ability to read the room. Because next thing you know, he's sliding the chair across from you out from underneath the table and making himself at home.
And he's smiling right at you.
Curse him and his smile.
But no, you're not giving into it.
Not yet, at least.
"What do you want?" You deadpan at him when he makes no sign of making the next move.
"A girlfriend," he deadpans right back at you, as if he was casually telling you what he wanted for dinner. As if you two were close-knit friends that could approach one another without any proper greeting. As if you two had kept your friendship all these years. As if you two even had a role in each other's lives.
"Can't help you there," you scoff, deciding to not even question his lack of manners on top of his uninvited presence.
"Aren't you gonna ask me why?"
"Well gee, seeing that the first few words you decided to say to my face for the first time in forever were a demand, a demand to date you no less, then....no," your monotone voice says as you keep your eyes focused on your laptop screen, not daring to look at the boy across from you.
In the Introduction to Sociology course you took your freshmen year, you had learned of one important term: interactional vandalism. Textbook definition being: "ignoring signals of disinterest in a conversation, leading it to an offense."
Your definition being: "are you oblivious or just plan dumb, read the room!"
This was interactional vandalism, alright. Whether Jay's truly oblivious or just trying to annoy you until your head explodes (it's really the former, but you're convinced it's the latter), he takes your signals of disinterest and tosses it right out of his head to continue the conversation.
"I'm stuck in this stupid bet with Jake--do you remember him? He bet me that I couldn't date someone for more than three months and I figured having someone fake date me would be easier than actually dating someone, right? That's where you come into the equation," he proposes as he leans back in his chair, as if he had just finished a sales pitch to a prospective customer looking to buy a car.
You couldn't believe this. You're 98% sure this has got to be a prank. You're mentally preparing for a camera crew to jump out from in-between the library's aisles any moment now and scream into your ears that you've just been punk'd!
The remaining 2% of you, however, wouldn't put it past the two boys to get themselves in such a situation. The last memory you had of Jay and his friends were pretty much their childish selves back in middle school. And by looking at the current scene unfolding in front of you...it's needless to say they haven't changed much.
"Again, can't help you there. Ask one of the many girlfriends I thought you had." Ouch.
"But Y/N, you've known me all your life--"
"Up until you dropped me a few years ago but sure, let's call it that."
"--and convincing other people is gonna make me look--"
"--desperate? Yeah."
"C'mon, Y/N. What do you have to lose anyways?"
"Uh..my dignity? Pride? Self-respect? Sorry Jay, not happening," you turn your attention back to your unwritten essay in front of you, mentally checking out of this conversation. This would be a good time for that camera crew to jump out now.
"Look, no one else is gonna do it, Y/N." Jay has always been stubborn, you suppose. But so are you.
"Yeah, because you've managed to push every being of the opposite gender away from you. You gave yourself this reputation in the first place," you give it to him straight. It's not like you had a relationship with him to uphold anyways––Jay himself broke that friendship years ago.
Jay hates that you're right.
You're always right. He remembers how he used to always go to you for advice and clarity on the world's biggest problems. Granted, the world's biggest problems to him at the time equated to what he should dress up as for the fifth grade Halloween party, but still. A tough decision, for the mind of a ten-year-old.
You abruptly stop typing and begin putting your laptop and textbooks away as you huff in frustration. There's no point in trying to get your work done now. The longer you stay arguing with Jay, the bigger your headache gets. The longer he continues to occupy any part of your brain, the bigger your headache gets.
Getting up from your seat, packed and ready to slam your head into your pillow, you turn to the blonde one last time.
"Look Jay. We went on our separate ways years ago. If you weren't so notoriously known around campus and my friends would stop talking about you, I would've long forgotten you. I'm sorry you're in this situation, really. If I were you, I'd just tell Jake I can't do it. Or don't, I can't tell you what to do. Just don't get some innocent girl involved in whatever stunt of yours this is."
Jay stares at you, mouth agape, as you find your way out of the library and through the main doors. By the time he comes back to his senses, he realizes how he looks plain stupid––standing in the middle of the library, the look on his face screaming befuddlement, to say the least. Jay quickly makes his way out of the building, in hopes of convincing you one last time.
Jay catches sight of your figure already half-way down the walkway that connects the library to the main quad of your school's campus. Geez, you walk fast.
Not fast enough to outrun Jay's legs, however. If Jay running after you through the middle of campus in order to convince you to fake date him doesn't show how desperate he is to win this bet, I don't know what will.
"Wait, Y/N!"
You groan to yourself before turning to face the boy who can't seem to take a hint and leave you alone. You stare at his out-of-breath state as he heaves up and down from the slight jog he had to endure to get to where you are. If you're humored by him chasing after you, you do a good job of hiding it.
He meets your unimpressed state before stating his final proposition: "I'll pay you. Five hundred dollars."
You nearly stop breathing.
Now this catches your attention––after all, you're but a broke college student who's just trying to survive. And preferably not by feeding yourself instant ramen cups every night.
And so, naturally, you begin rethinking about the opportunity presented in front of you. You narrow your eyes at the boy as you weigh your options.
The first problem being, it's Jay Park––the bane of your very existence. You spent the last few years of your life pretending he didn't exist...for good reason. Not only did he do you dirty when you were merely a couple of 13-year-olds, but you just didn't want to be involved with someone like him. Someone known for his nature, someone who left your own current best friend ghosted. And not that Hana herself would care, for she has called herself the "female Jay Park", but you're sure this would be breaking some rule in the girl code handbook. Plus, if you agree to this, you'd be betraying 13-year-old Y/N, the one who decided to never speak to nor think of Jay Park again––which by now you've failed, but you get the gist.
Second problem being, three months is a long time. Three months is practically the rest of this semester, and did you really want to spend the rest of the semester tied down to the label of being Jay Park's girlfriend? There would have to be some negative connotations that came along with that title, right? No offense to Jay, but being his first girlfriend since, what, high school could make you come off as..naive, for lack of a better term. As if the only person you could settle for was Jay Park. As if you barely had any standards for yourself. Again, no offense to Jay.
Needless to say, if your school's debate club had to argue on why you shouldn't be doing this, you're sure the negating side could win with these two reasons alone.
But before you're rejecting the boy currently standing in front of you one last time, you find yourself mentally listing rebuttals.
First of all, you'd be getting paid. And again, you're merely but a college student living the stereotypical broke college student life––burdened by the costs of tuition, textbooks, and midnight McDonalds runs for when you're out of aforementioned instant ramen cups. Five hundred dollars could provide you with more than enough chicken McNuggets to last you the semester, and maybe some more to treat yourself to an online shopping spree.
Second of all, it's not like you were going to do anything better with your next three months anyways. It's safe to say you were too busy being a diligent student to actually look for anyone to date, per say. And if anything, having a fake boyfriend might actually be helpful in your case. Your mom would be off your ass about how you're still single, for one. And two, your friends (though it's really just Heeseung) would stop trying to hook you up on blind dates with guys that you would choose Jay Park over any day (and that really says something).
Third of all, it's Jay Park. As much as you despise the kid, you still know him. He's not a complete stranger to you, no matter how much you try to deny it. It could be worse, it could be a complete rando asking you to date him. At least you two have some sort of history, which would take care of the typical small talk and getting to know each other bit of this equation. And truth be told, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you weren't a tad bit satisfied by the fact that Jay chose you, of all people, to pull off this stunt with him. You don't know if it's the nostalgia of your childhood memories rushing back to you, but it reminds you of the endless schemes you two used to plan behind your parents' backs all the time. Granted, your childhood schemes––such as the both of you faking sickness so you could skip school together––don't even fall close to being in a fake relationship with one another, but still. It's the thought that counts.
All of those reasons plus, Jay isn't the worst to look at. He may have a spoiled reputation, but at least he has his looks going for him, you'll give him that (you're still secretly wondering when and how did he get his glow up, but don't tell him that).
And so by the guidelines of a college student's logic that states the pros outweigh the cons, you come to the overarching conclusion that maybe, this won't be so awful after all.
"Five hundred?" You ask, just for clarification. Jay's immediately nodding at your words. You continue to ponder on your thoughts as he stares at you hopefully.
The silent atmosphere of your campus heightens the tension so much, you swear you're in one of those overdramatic pausing scenes that occur too many times in k-dramas.
You sigh, then nod.
"Okay," you're internally praying that you won't regret this decision. "I'm in."
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The next time you see Jay is at 12:17PM on a Friday afternoon, as you're exiting the doors of the lecture building that's home to your awfully long Capitalism in the Western World class.
You're going down the steps of the building, mentally deciding where and what you're going to treat yourself to for lunch––as the three hour lecture you had just attended drained all the life and energy out of you––when you hear the slight call of your name.
Turning to the source, you're met with a waving Jay, leaning against the passenger's side of his car, parked in front of the lecture hall building you were currently leaving.
You walk over to where he's casually waiting––he's unaware of all the stares he's attracted from fellow students leaving the same lecture as you. Can you blame them? It's not everyday you see a sleek, black BMW that probably cost more than your tuition pull up in front of your Friday afternoon lecture. It's not everyday you see Jay Park waiting for anyone outside of his said sleek, black BMW that probably cost more than your tuition.
"Hi," you simply let out as you plant yourself in front of him, not sure whether or not to question him why are you here? Surely, he wasn't waiting for you?
"Hi," he smiles down at you. There's a beat of silence. "I was waiting for you."
"Oh. What are you, my chauffeur?" You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed.
"Maybe. I am your boyfriend, after all," he says into the air, loud and clear, as if he wanted people to hear. Well that is the point, you suppose.
But still, all you want to do is smack the smirk right off his face.
Before you have time to put your next question into words, he answers it for you.
"I'm taking you out for lunch," he declares as if you have nothing else planned for the day. Well, to be fair, you didn't have anything else planned for the day. Except for your usual library run. But you figure the library could wait.
"Oh, like on a date?" You raise your eyebrows teasingly at him as you get into the car, Jay holding the door wide open for you. "Is Jay Park treating me to lunch as a date?"
Jay fights the scowl (or is that a smile?) growing on his face as he bends down to meet your eye level from inside the car. "Don't flatter yourself, princess. We've got fake lives to live."
"Call me princess one more time and you won't have a real life to live," you flash him a sarcastic smile and slam the door in his face.
Jay meets his own shocked reflection on the passenger's side window.
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"When you said you were taking me out to lunch, I expected like...I don't know...the diner on campus. Not whatever this is," you mutter to Jay as the two of you are brought to your table by a waitress at an upscale sushi restaurant, one that is undoubtedly out of your usual budget, but for sure an upgrade from your dining hall's pizza you were planning to have. You should've figured as much, the drive here was a little more than out of the way from campus, and who are you kidding, it's Jay Park you're eating with.
You stare down at your current outfit, which consisted of a hoodie you've owned since your junior year of high school and leggings that you threw on without second thought this morning––because you didn't exactly wake up and decide I'm going to go to a fancy sushi bar for lunch today!
"Why are we here anyways?" You ask him when you're both settled in your seats and the waitress walks away after listing the chef's specials for the day.
"Oh, they have killer dragon rolls here, you have to try it," Jay tells you nonchalantly as his eyes rake the menu in front of him, blocking your view of him.
How dense can one be? Your hand snatches his menu as you stare into his unamused eyes.
"No, Jay. I mean, why are we here? It's not like anyone's around to see us put on a show anyways."
"Oh. I figured," Jay's quick to grab the menu back from out of your hands as he continues, "that we should sit down and establish how exactly we're going to deliver this performance. After all, you're stuck with me for the next three months."
Again, smacking the smirk currently resting on his face would satisfy you beyond relief. Just once.
"If I drop out halfway through, do I still get $250?" You tease, leaning back.
"Ha ha. Funny. No," he narrows his eyes at you from across the table. "It's all or nothing."
You dramatically huff to make a show just for his annoyance.
"Worth a try. But sure, let's solidify this. What's the game plan?" You sit up in your seat, leaning over the table as if the two of you were hosting a secret meeting.
"It's simple really," Jay mirrors your actions, face leaning in close to where yours is hovering over the table. "Just pretend to be deeply in love with me for three months, and try not to actually be charmed by my cunning looks."
If someone gave you five dollars for every time you've already rolled your eyes at him today, you wouldn't even need to be in this deal for the five hundred dollars.
"Wow, smooth. Can I just remind you you're the one paying a girl to be in a fake relationship with you because you're just not competent enough to find an actual girlfriend?" You lean back, arms crossing over your figure.
Jay, unfazed, laughs, tongue briefly hitting the inside of his cheek. "Touché."
Your eyes go back to the menu in front of you as a silence falls over the table. Because you're not a loaded trust fund baby who comes to fancy five-star sushi restaurants for lunch on a daily, you don't recognize half of the entree names on the menu. You spot the dragon roll Jay suggested, but seeing that a basic California roll is less expensive, your natural broke-college-student-instincts figure the California roll shall do.
"Okay, in all seriousness," Jay begins as he puts his menu down. "It's simple really. We'll just go on weekly dates and post cute pictures of each other once in a while and a little after three months, I'll just say it didn't work out. I'll give you the five hundo and boom, we move on with our lives."
It's clear Jay's put some thought into this. Safe to say he's put more effort planning this out than the amount of work he's been putting into his classes. Someone's got their priorities straight.
You're impressed to say the least––you figured Jay would just be the kind to go with the flow and wait for the situation to unfold on its own and maybe blow up into flames. But seeing as he was just as serious about winning this bet as you were with making five hundred dollars, your doubts about this entire situation were slowly withering away.
Don't get it wrong, though, you still despise him. To an extent, at least.
"And don't worry about the dates. I'll pay on your behalf, as the loving, doting boyfriend I am," Jay finishes with a wide, cheesy smile you can't help but return a growing smile back at.
"Well then, as the loving, doting girlfriend I am, I shall gift you coffee, breakfast, all that fun couple stuff, whenever you please. Or maybe unannounced, if I'm feeling nice," you figure you should pitch in as much if he's paying for all your dates. And deep down, you find the idea kinda cute. But don't tell anyone that.
"Wow, look at us. We should become Dispatch's couple of the year already!" Jay exclaims, earning himself a small giggle from you, which pleases him to say the least. He thinks that maybe when this is all over, he'll hopefully make a good friend (well, for the second time) out of it.
And you're thinking that maybe the next three months won't be as bad as you initially had thought.
As the two of you delve deep into a debate about who would be the better significant other to each other, the waitress comes over to take your orders.
And because you're laughing and Jay's brightly smiling at you from across the table, you order the dragon roll.
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The second time Jay takes you out––this time he gives you a heads up to get ready––it's at a, once again, high-class steakhouse.
The third time, you insist on the on-campus diner that's popular amongst the student population. Partially because you feel bad for the amount of money he's spent on you (even though he couldn't care less), but mostly because if you have to put on another fancy dress to just eat an overpriced meal that doesn't even fully satisfy your hunger, you might lose your mind.
And by this third time, Jake is aware of this newly blossomed relationship.
"Three dates! I didn't know you had it in you, going on three dates with the same girl!" Jake excitedly exclaims as he jumps into the empty spot on Jay's dorm bed and shoves his phone's screen into Jay's face.
The smaller screen displays Jay's most recent Instagram post: an image of you sitting behind your too-small-to-be-this-expensive-steak and smiling right into Jay's camera––a memory that brings a smile to his face:
~ ~ ~
"C'mon! We said Instagram posts would be a part of the deal! How else can we convince people we're dating?" A pout rests on Jay's face as he stares at you from across the table in the middle of the extravagantly decorated restaurant he picked out for your second date. You remember your eyes bulging out of their own sockets when you saw the "$$$$$" rating Yelp gave the place when you searched it up earlier.
"Okay, okay! One picture," you give in, already slightly annoyed that you were here instead of the comfort of your own bed, where you could be rewatching your favorite Netflix show for the third time. But because you made a deal and because you're desperate for money, you had to follow through––so here you were.
You flash an unconvincing smile to Jay's camera, which doesn't satisfy him, to say the least. "At least pretend you're somewhat enjoying this date," he frowns at you.
You sigh, until a thought crosses your mind and a smile grows on your face. "Only if you get me boba afterwards."
He narrows his eyes at you, but then meets your smile. "Sure, whatever you want. But only because I've been craving some mango milk tea lately."
"You're a fruit milk tea kind of guy? Sorry, but I might have to fake break-up with you," you tease as you take a sip of your overpriced drink to go with your overpriced meal.
Jay scoffs, feigning hurt by placing his hand over his heart. "Ouch. But before you break up with me, let me get this Instagram post in."
"Wow. Your priorities are so straight," you roll your eyes at him, eliciting a cheeky smile from him as he watches you through his held up phone screen.
"Hey, I wasn't ready! That was like mid-laugh!" You reach over the table to grab the phone, but not quick enough for him to put his phone back into his pants' pocket.
"Nope, nuh uh," he laughs as you quickly sit back down into your seat, not wanting to cause a scene in an establishment as proper as this one.
"It's fine. It's a good picture, you look cute," he casually lets out, unaware of the blush rising to the surface of your cheeks, thanks to the fact that you were suddenly interested in playing with the left-over food on your plate.
"Jay! Delete it, I'll let you take another one," you whine from your seat, imagining just how bad a candid picture of you could be.
"Ugh, fine. Ever so picky." He playfully rolls his eyes at you as he takes his phone out and opens the camera app as you prepare yourself.
"Okay, how's this?" Jay turns the phone screen to you after he takes a few snaps on his phone.
"I approve," you grin at him as he goes through the pictures himself, unaware of the smile growing on his face.
"Okay now delete the first one," you point your finger at him, narrowing your eyes at him.
"Okay, okay! Bossy," he laughs as he raises in hands in surrender.
When Jay gets home that night, he recovers the image from his Recently Deleted folder, telling himself it's for the sake of the memory.
~ ~ ~
"It's not that big of a deal," Jay mutters from his spot as his eyes go from the Instagram post to his Exile and Belonging in Modern Literature reading that's due tomorrow, bright yellow highlighter in hand. Typically, you'd find the reading buried deep at the bottom of his school backpack. But because Jay ran into you this morning and because he complained to you about the amount of work he's fallen behind on and because you had threatened him to do his work or else you're not going on another date––a fake date that is––with him, he figured he should at least get one reading done and annotated, despite his strong dislike for highlighters (they hurt his eyes, okay?)
What he doesn't know, however, is how your threat was completely full of bluff––but don't tell him that.
"It is so a big deal, for you at least!" Jake hops off the bed and lands on the wooden floors of Jay's dorm room so hard, Jay winces and sends a mental apology to the poor person who lives below him.
Jake suddenly gasps. "I have to meet her, Jay! As your best friend, it's practically mandatory that I meet her."
Jay opens his mouth to protest, but not before Jake interrupts him once again. "Oh! We can bring Sunghoon too, it'll be so fun! The best friends meet the girlfriend."
Jay can't think of anything worst. Jay imagines that bringing you to meet his best friends would just intimidate you out of dating him––fake dating him, that is. Obviously.
He stares at his friend in agony then back at the reading in front of him––the one Jake said he'd come over to help annotate, but the intention completely left Jake's head the second he heard about Jay's recent dating life.
"You don't have to meet her," Jay says pointedly. "Plus, you already know her."
Jake frowns at his friend's excuse. "Yeah, but that was in middle school! This is different."
Jay's hands shuffle through the reading's pages in front of him as he realizes there's no way the two of them are going to finish the assignment at this point. He supposes he'll have to save death by blindness from highlighters for another day and hope you still agree to go out with him.
Jake suddenly gasps in realization.
"Oh my gosh! Childhood best friends turned college sweethearts," Jake says so dreamily, he might as well plaster heart eyes on. Hopeless romantic, this one.
Before Jay can argue, the piercing sound of three loud knocks echo through the small room, followed with a:
"Jay, are you in? It's me!"
Jay stills at the sound of your sweet voice. He whips his head to Jake, who is also frozen in place.
But the widened-eye boy is quick to come to his senses––unfortunately quicker than Jay himself––because the next thing Jay knows, Jake's eyes are lighting up and he's running to the door, ignoring Jay's screaming whispers through this seething teeth that were somewhere along the lines of Jake––stop, I swear to god if you open that door I'm gonna fucking--
"Y/N!" Jake swings the door wide open, revealing an overly excited him and a frozen Jay half-way to the door, as if he was about to grab the very boy welcoming you in. It's as if we're living in a Sims game and the player clicked pause on this very moment.
Jake's eyes are wildly going back and forth between you and your supposed boyfriend, as if he was waiting for Jay to run over and smother you in hugs and kisses...or something couple-y like that. Jay wouldn't know.
"Uh––hi," you're awkwardly standing inside the room now, a relatively large paper brown bag resting in your palms as you look around for a surface to place it on. Jay makes his way to you without a second thought, quickly taking the bag out of your hold.
"You seemed stressed out earlier, so I figured I could bring you some food as a little pick me up. I didn't know what you liked, so I kinda just got a little of everything from the dining hall. Nothing fancy," you're rambling, but smiling so excitedly at him, Jay doesn't know what to say.
Instead, his mouth slightly drops open as he stares at you in awe, mostly because he's not used to being on the receiving end of such spontaneously generous actions––all while Jake's still excitedly looking back and forth between the two of you, as if he was expecting a marriage proposal to come next.
"Oh wow. Thank you. Really," Jay, still touched by your simple act of kindness, softly says as he places the bag on the limited amount of empty space on his desk surface––the rest of it is covered with his untouched textbooks and unfinished assignments. He wonders if you did this out of playing your role or just because you wanted to. He internally hopes it's the latter. "Seriously, you didn't have to do."
"Nah, don't worry. I wanted to," you shrug with such a genuine smile that Jay realizes he actually missed your smile.
Despite having seen you during your brief run-in this morning when you were fetching your morning coffee, Jay realizes he missed you. The two of you haven't been seeing each other recently because of your busy schedule and if Jay didn't realize it before, he's now sure he missed your company and presence around.
"Well, you two have fun! Sunghoon needs me for something," Jake suddenly chirps from his place near the front door, halfway through with putting his shoes on already, breaking the comforting silence that fell between the two of you.
Jay frowns. "But you said you were free all da––"
"SUNGHOON IS CALLING BYE!" And before Jay can even register what's happening, Jake's out the door without another word.
"Er..sorry about him, he's...weird," Jay scratches the back of his neck as he returns to his spot on his bed, mentally setting a reminder to yell at Jake later for leaving the two of you alone. Jay doesn't know exactly why, but he's nervous at the fact that you're here in his room. It's not like you two are complete strangers––or whatever you guys were before––anymore. "Good job on your part, though. How'd you know Jake was here?"
"Oh uh, I didn't"," you let out an awkward laugh. "I just felt like doing it."
Heat rushes to Jay's cheeks and he's not sure 1) what this newfound feeling is and 2) how to respond, yet again.
Having expecting you to leave after dropping the food off, Jay's taken by surprise when you take your shoes off and come over to his bed to look at the pile of work he's spread out.
"Is this everything you have to do?" You question the stressed-out boy as you flip through the various assignments, readings, and essays he put off in the past week.
"More or less," he groans. This is no rare occurrence by any means––Jay being behind in his work––but this time, Jay realizes he may actually be in deep shit, considering he has no idea where to begin.
Right as Jay's expecting a scolding from you, he looks up to meet a look of sympathy on your face. "Well, I mean, I'm pretty much done with my day. I can try to help, I recognize some of these readings from last semester."
Jay thinks to himself that the universe has sent him an angel through the form of you.
"Really? Wow, you were't kidding when you said you'd be a good girlfriend," he sends you a surprised look.
"I'm just being nice, Jay. A concept I'm sure you're not familiar with," you remark back at him, causing his forming smile to grow into a laugh.
"I can too be nice! Need I remind you of who's paying you $500, covering all of our dates AND giving you rides to class everyday?" He remarks pointedly at you, a teasing look resting in his eyes as you're reminded of the first of many times he's come to pick you up before class:
~ ~ ~
You're late.
This never happens.
But then again, your life's been a series of unexpected occurrences lately. Such as the fact that you're currently known as Jay Park's girlfriend, for one.
You're scrambling out of bed once you take one look at your phone and realize shit, you're already late for class. Throwing on whatever articles of clothing your eyes land on first, you're already mentally groaning at the fact that you'll have to skip breakfast and run across your campus to get to said class.
Curse your professor for hosting her lecture at the furthest possible building away from your dorm. Curse the architect who decided to make your campus so large.
You're running down the steps outside of your dorm building's doors when you're abruptly stopped by a familiar sounding cough. You look up from trying to gather all your belongings together at once to meet the gaze of the source of the sound––Jay.
"Wow, you're a mess," he smirks as he gets up from the spot on his car he was leaning against to make his way over to you.
"Gee, thanks! Good morning to you too," you flash him a sarcastic smile before your default frown quickly makes it way back onto your face.
"Aren't you gonna ask me why I'm here?" He grins as he grabs hold of your backpack to sling it across his own back as the two of you walk towards his car.
"Why are you here, Jay?" you sigh, your sarcastic tone hard to miss.
"To give you a ride to class, of course!" He's beaming at you, as if he's a pre-pubescent teen who just won their first girlfriend a prize from the arcade's claw machine.
Oh. That explains the car, you figure. Deep down inside, you're relieved that you'll no longer be bursting through the lecture hall's doors as a sweaty mess––a result of having to run across campus to get to class.
Determined to not let your satisfaction completely show, you resort with a little smile directed towards Jay as he opens the passenger door for you.
The second your enter Jay's car, the strong scent of coffee hits you, and your attention is targeted at the two small cups of coffee sitting in the cupholders of the car.
"Breakfast?" Jay asks as he enters through the driver's side and reaches into the backseat to whip out a small pastry bag. A small, deliciously smelling, pastry bag.
Okay, well. You suppose you could drop the annoyed act now.
Your eyes widen with joy as you grab the bag from him and open it to reveal your favorite breakfast sandwich. He's been taking notes, you'll give him that point.
"Okay, you win. Thank you," you grace him with a soft smile before taking a bite into the glorious gift in your hands.
"Of course, I was just feeling nice," he grins at you as he starts his car. "But don't get used to it." His tone is serious, but his smile directed towards you says differently.
And the fact that he still showed up to drive you to class the next morning.
And the next.
~ ~ ~
"And need I remind you who has to date your dumb ass for the $500 in question?" Your eyes narrow at the boy who can't seem to get that damn smile off his face.
Jay sticks his tongue out at you, ending the conversation. Really Jay? What are you, five? Well, mentally––probably.
You're looking around his minuscule dorm room for a place to sit down, and Jay can't help but feel embarrassed now that you're here, in his messy single studio room that pretty much reflects how Jay treats every other responsibility of his oh so hard life: neglected.
"Uh...here, you can sit on my bed," Jay immediately offers as he moves to the side to make room for your presence––and it isn't much, considering the university only provided him a twin XL bed which is definitely not built for two grown college-aged kids.
If you told yourself a few weeks ago that you'd be shoulder to shoulder on a bed belonging to the guy you cringed at the very thought of, you wouldn't have believed yourself. You wouldn't have believed yourself if you said you were actually glad Jay let you stay instead of kicking you out after delivering the food. Huh.
"You know, this kinda reminds me of when we were kids. I always carried us through those horrible multiplication tests in the fifth grade," you wink at him as you settle in the spot next to him, hands grabbing hold of the papers in his lap.
Jay let out a laugh, nudging your shoulder with his. "Hey! The twelve times table is hard, okay?"
You roll your eyes at him––a habit of yours he's noticed whenever the two of you are together, but more recently, he thinks it's been more out of fun than annoyance.
He wonders why.
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When Jay had first brought up the idea of bringing you as his date to his father's company dinner, you had expected a fairly fancy five-star restaurant with a formal dress code––for you've become accustomed to Jay's lifestyle. Turns out, your expectations can continue to be exceeded. Because what you had expected to be a simple dinner with a few other business men and women turned out to be an entire party, hosted in a hotel whose interior resembled something close to a castle (Or what you assume a castle looks like, as you've never personally been into a castle yourself, but this hotel is close enough).
Your eyes sparkle at the extravagant columns and diamond chandeliers hanging high above you, and Jay smiles at the expression on your face; like a little girl being brought to the amusement park for the first time ever.
"Wow, this is...wow," you mutter as you drink in the scene in front of you: people dressed in formal attire likewise to yours and Jay's, mingling and drinking what you imagine to be beverages that cost more than your entire life's worth.
Jay laughs from behind you, "Yeah the company goes a little...extra when it comes to these company dinners."
You scoff as you look up at him. "Oh really, you don't say?" You look around and you're suddenly aware of the many people surrounding the two of you and the attention you've acquired ever since entering the building.
"Jay, people are staring." You shuffle closer to him, your voice lowering down to a whisper.
"Well, it's not everyday the son of the company's CEO brings his girlfriend with him, so...looks like we'll be the talk of the party tonight. Smiles on," he winks at you, and you just know he's loving the attention the two of you are receiving right now.
"Jay Park? Is that you?" You hear a warm voice call out from behind the two of you.
The two of you turn around to meet the owner of the voice, a middle-aged woman dressed in an evening gown that matches the pattern of high-end brands you've been recognizing ever since arriving.
"Mrs. Lee! It's so nice seeing you again," Jay cheerily addresses the woman as the two of you bow in greeting.
You internally giggle at the thought of your Jay being so picture-perfect in the eyes of his father's co-workers.
"This is Y/N," he continues, his hand finding its way to your back, protectively resting it there as you go to introduce yourself. "My girlfriend."
You swear you feel goosebumps rise from where he's lightly touching you, and more so when he introduces you as his girlfriend.
You tell yourself it's just your nerves. Yes, that's it, you're just nervous. I mean, you're in a room filled with people who could easily pay off all your college loans with just a snap of their fingers, who wouldn't be nervous? Right? Right.
"Y/N! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you!" Mrs. Lee excitedly exclaims as you turn to Jay with a slightly confused look plastered on your face. He mirrors your expression as he shrugs, moving to stand behind you completely, bringing his hands to rest lowly at your hips.
His hands feel like feathers on the thin fabric of your evening gown, so light, so delicate, as if he's unsure if he's crossing a line. It leaves you wanting more, wanting to naturally lean against him and his warmth. You quick to shake the thought of your head as Mrs. Lee chirps up again.
"Jay's father is always talking about how you've been keeping Jay pleasantly busy nowadays! Good thing too, about time this poor boy settle down for someone as beautiful as you," the woman rambles on as you feel a blush creep up on your cheeks at the thought of Jay talking about you to his dad. If only they knew.
"We should probably go find our seats, I think the dinner is beginning soon," Jay says from behind you, saving the two of you from having to listen to Mrs. Lee's story of how she's known Jay ever since he was five years old and seeing him grow into this mature, loving, young man is so amazing. Oh look! I have baby pictures.
Yeah, he was more so saving himself from embarrassment.
The two of you bid your goodbyes before Jay gently uses the hand on your back to maneuver you through the crowd of socializing business moguls.
"She's not wrong, you know," you feel Jay dip his head so he's speaking near your ear, his warm breath tickling your earlobe, as the two of you make your way through the large foyer room.
"Hm?" You hum in question, turning your head up just enough to be able to make eye contact with him as he responds to your look of confusion.
"You look beautiful tonight," he says, eye contact not breaking once. You freeze in your steps.
You stare back at him in silence. Oh.
Your mind is panicking as it flips through your mental book of responses, unsure of what to say back. But because your mind is cloudy from staring at a put-together Jay in a dark navy suit to match your dress (mixed with the nervous butterflies in your stomach––have they always been there?), the only sound that's able to leave your lips is the small stutter of a:
Wow Y/N, you had one job. A simple "thank you" could've sufficed! And you went with "Huh"?
You felt like a fifth grader who just learned from a friend of a friend of a friend that their crush likes them back.
"U-um. Mrs. Lee. What she said about you. You look good, really," somehow your nervousness made its way over to Jay now––his eyes flickering from yours to anywhere, anything, else in the room––the awkward tension growing tenfold each second.
Goddamnit Y/N, this is just Jay you're talking to, get a grip.
You're knocked back into reality when he slightly nudges your back to continue making your way to the main ball room, where the dinner is being held.
"Is that a compliment from the Jay Park?" Your smirk can't be seen by Jay, since he's still trailing behind you, but he can definitely hear it through your tone.
"Don't make me take it back," he chuckles, his words felt against your neck, leaving behind a tingly sensation you're not sure why you're feeling. You're glad he's behind you, so he isn't able to see the blush creeping onto your face for the second time tonight.
Jay gives a small nod to the people behind the check-in desk stationed at the entrance as the two of you waltz right into a large ball room lined with countless circular dining tables. So much for a small business dinner.
As the two of you approach one of the tables placed at the front of the room, you notice a familiar figure seated next to the seats reserved for you and Jay.
"Y/N!" Jake exclaims as he gets up from his seat to greet the both of you. "I'm so glad you made it, Jay was so excited to bring you tonight. Deadass would not stop talking about it."
Jay lets out a noise that falls somewhere between a cough and a goose being strangled, his widened eyes warning his talkative friend to just shut up. He's silently cursing the company for always seating his and Jake's family at the same table for these events.
"Aw, is that so? He's lucky he's cute or else I wouldn't have agreed," you grin, winking at your assumed boyfriend sitting next to you.
"Hey, YOU were the one excited to come! I recall a certain someone's face lighting up when I suggested we go shopping for tonight," Jay immediately retorts.
"Only because you were buying," you giggle, causing Jake to laugh as well.
"Damn, Jay. Tough," Jake jokingly adds as you laugh alongside him. The scowl sitting on Jay's face expresses the opposite of what he's feeling right now: warmth filling him up from the sound of your laughter and the image of you getting along so well with his best friend.
"I'm gonna get us some drinks, you two have fun making fun of me," Jay narrows his eyes at the two of you as he gets up from his seat. You bid him off with a smile before turning back to Jake.
"No but really though, this boy would not stop talking about you coming tonight. Then again, he doesn't really ever stop talking about you," Jake nonchalantly says, not knowing how much he was exposing his friend to you right now.
You raise an eyebrow up in response, "Oh really?"
"Seriously! I don't know what you did to him, Y/N, but this Jay I've been seeing recently is new. He complains a lot less about life nowadays, especially on the days he sees you," he leans back in his chair as his comment brings a smile to your face. Little does he know.
You stretch your neck up to find the boy in question and spot him right as he's returning to your shared table, two drinks in hand. You lock eyes with him from across the room and without a second thought, you're giving him a genuine smile that he's immediately returning.
Your heart beats faster at the view.
You wonder why.
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It's 3:07AM when you hear the first ding.
You're not 100% sure as of why you're awake at this hour on a Tuesday night––perhaps a combination of your restless thoughts and feelings not letting you sleep plus the typical stress that comes hand-in-hand with the life of a college student.
It's 3:09AM when you hear the second ding, and you brush it off, assuming it was just Heeseung spamming you with memes again––something he does often when he also can't sleep (you found this out the hard way).
It's still 3:09AM when you hear the third ding, and at 3:10AM , you finally reach over and decide to acknowledge the being who's bothering you at this godforsaken hour.
Jay [3:07AM]: Y/N
Jay [3:09AM]: hi
Jay [3:09AM]: r u awake rn
Y/N [3:10AM]: unfortunately so
Y/N [3:11AM]: why are you up
Jay [3:11AM]: come outside
Y/N [3:13AM: jay it's 3am
Jay [3:13AM]: ye and? don't tell me ur a college student with a curfew
Jay [3:14AM]: plus im alrdy waiting for u outside so u have no choice
Jay [3:15AM]: :)
You groan at your bright phone screen currently illuminating your dark dorm room.
You ponder the consequences you may have to suffer tomorrow if you stay up any later than you already have. But considering the fact that you're probably just going to stay awake lying in bed for god knows how long anyways, why not?
(And you would like to point out that this decision has nothing to do with the fact that you haven't seen Jay in a few days and that maybe a tiny, tiny, tiny, part of you may have missed his presence. Nothing.)
And since that logic is obviously valid (you really gotta work on justifying your life choices), you're suddenly grabbing a hoodie from your closet and hoping it'll be enough to keep you, who's merely in an old band t-shirt from high-school and pajama shorts, warm.
The breeze hits your skin the second you open the doors to your dorm's building, and you're met with the view of Jay's sleek, black BMW that probably costs more than your tuition. He waves at you from the driver's seat, motioning for you to get in.
"To what do I owe you the pleasure at this hour," you deadpan at him with a stone-cold voice as you enter through the passenger's side door, hoping your tone was enough to hide the fact that you're giddy at the fact he invited you out at 3AM in the morning. Like a high-school girl sneaking out of her house to meet up with her bad-boy boyfriend that her parents dislike.
The second you enter his car, you're instantly comforted by the warm air blasting through his vents and his playlist softly playing in the background. Jay's pajama pants and messy hair give you more than enough information to know that he probably just rolled out of his own bed as well. You don't know why, but your view: Jay in his oversized hoodie with his unkept hair in front of your dorm building at 3AM on a Tuesday night, gives you comfort in weird ways you can't explain even if you tried.
But it's obviously just your cloudy, 3AM mind not thinking straight. Obviously.
"When I can't sleep, I go on drives around campus. It helps clear my mind," he says, looking over at you to give you a quick smile before starting his car. "Plus, SnapMap said you were still awake, so...figured you'd wanna join."
"Oh so what, you're my stalker now? You're not driving to the woods to kill me now, are you?" You tease, an eyebrow brought up. Jay lets out a laugh from beside you as he begins to drive further into your campus.
"Guess you'll just have to wait and see," he throws you a wink before reverting his gaze back to the road, mindlessly driving to wherever the road decides to take him.
A comfortable silence falls in between the two of you as Jay continues to drive endless routes around your campus. You look over to the boy driving next to you and take in his features––you don't know what changed, but you no longer feel the same anger or annoyance bubbling within you when you're around him. You're not sure when this changed, but you figure it's just the effect of desensitization. After all, you've been spending so much time with him, you're bound to get used to it. Right?
"Why were you up?" Jay finally asks after a few minutes of just the two of you silently basking in each other's presences.
"Ah, you know. The usual. Endless thoughts running through my mind, stress from school, nothing new," you sign, giving him a soft smile followed with a shrug.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
You answer him with silence as you search your head for the answer.
"I don't know. This is kinda weird, isn't it?" You don't know why you get a sudden surge of confidence, but before you can stop yourself, you find yourself rambling on. "If you had told me a month ago that I'd be here driving around with you when it's nearly 4AM, I would've laughed in your face."
Jay doesn't know whether to laugh or scoff. "Is the idea of hanging out with me that unappealing to you?"
You give him a serious look back. "I mean, up until a month ago when you needed me for whatever this game is, you literally pretended I didn't exist."
Oh. Awkward.
You freeze at your own words, mentally screaming at yourself for letting the words leave your mouth. Why, why, why.
"Y/N..." Jay says after clearing his throat after a few seconds of silence.
"No it's fine, it was a joke," you awkwardly cough and direct your attention to anything else around you right now. The view of your campus' buildings zooming by. The clicking of Jay's blinker when he switches lanes. The quiet roaring of his car's engine. The nervous tapping of his fingers against the steering wheel.
The rest of the ride is excruciatingly silent as he exits the main road and into an empty parking lot of some administration building made out of glass that has too many floors for you to count.
You don't know why you feel your heart beating in your throat as Jay puts the car into park––why you feel uneasy. You slightly turn towards him in your seat, hoping to pick up any sign of well...anything from him.
You don't know why you feel a twinge of guilt––it's not like what you said was necessarily wrong. If you were being honest, you were slightly bothered by how the two of you seemed to silently agree not to mention your past all this time. You were always one to seek answers, to seek closure. You couldn't help but bring it up––Jay was your best friend during those years. For him to just wake up one day and pretend you were nothing to him hurt you, and you couldn't help but still wonder what in the world you did to initiate his actions.
"I'm sor–" You're interrupted with his timid voice, as if he was almost afraid to speak.
"I'm not good with people." He's nibbling on his bottom lip, fingers nervously picking at a spot on the steering wheel.
You're opening and closing your mouth, unsure how to respond. You're 100% positive you look like a fish right now. Good for you.
"I don't know why. Jake calls it commitment issues but in order to have commitment, people have to stay in my life. And people just...don't. They're all bound to leave at some point. So what's the point of putting in effort into relationships if they're just going to leave you at the end?"
You're stunned by his sudden confession, not having been prepared for such a heavy topic to arise between the two of you. Up until tonight, your interactions had always been light-hearted and easy––you guys got along well. You didn't know this is how he felt all along.
But you knew where he was coming from.
You knew what Jay had gone through as a child––his mother having left him and his dad when he was young. You remember when your parents had told you the news at the young age of 13, and you remember the pain and sorrow you felt for your then friend. All you wanted to do was go to him and comfort him, but he had already cut you out from his life by then.
"Or maybe I'm the problem. My dad barely acknowledges my existence because he thinks giving me an allowance is all the parenting I need, my friends probably only stick around because they feel bad for me, you wouldn't even be here if it weren't for the bet, and, fuck, I'm literally known as the campus' fuckboy," Jay continues, falling deeper and deeper into the hole he dug himself.
He hates this, he hates opening up and feeling vulnerable, so he doesn't know why he's doing it now. He doesn't know why he feels comfortable voicing out his fears and worries when he's around you. But he does know it's a new feeling––one he doesn't know how to deal with.
"Jay," you lace your voice with as much comfort as you can provide. None of this is his fault, you want to tell him. "I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything," he says with a hint of bitterness and you can't tell if it's directed towards you or the topic at hand.
You're completely turned in your seat now to face him––despite the fact that he refuses to meet your gaze, afraid that looking at you is gonna bring out the most vulnerable in him. "You can talk to me. Talking about it makes it a lot easier. I'll always be here for you, as a friend."
Jay doesn't know what it is or why, but something in him snaps at the sound of a certain word falling out of your lips. Friend. Friend.
Friends don't make his heart beat nervously whenever he's around them. Friends don't keep him up at 3AM in the morning, pondering about his feelings for them. Friends don't provide him with this new, warm comfort he's become accustomed to whenever he's around you.
Deep down, Jay knows you didn't mean to add fuel to the fire. But because he's strong-headed, stubborn, and hates how vulnerable he feels next to you, he unleashes his emotions without thinking about the destruction coming along.
"It's none of your business, Y/N. Forget I said anything. You're just a toy for this stupid game and when it's all over we can go back to our own lives and forget this ever happened."
His sudden words cut deep, but they hurt him more than you. The second the words tumble out of his mouth, he's hit with the feeling of instant regret washing over him, and the lump forming in his throat restricts him from finding the right words to take them back.
The silence that falls between the two of you this time is different. It's a cold silence. A loud silence.
Jay feels his walls coming back up around him––the ones you managed to get through––and all he wants to do is apologize but he's terrified. Terrified of seeing your reaction, terrified of losing you again. For the second time.
You tell yourself he doesn't mean it. You tell yourself that he's just enduring more pain that one should ever receive.
But you also tell yourself that this wouldn't be the first time Jay leaves you in the dust.
You tell yourself that you're foolish for ever believing a friendship, or more, could come out of this act at the end. That you're so naive for feeling those stupid, stupid butterflies you've started to notice in your stomach whenever you see, or even think of, him.
"Okay," you begin with a firm tone. You're hurt, but you refuse to show it. You won't let him hurt you for a second time. Not again.
"Just...find me when you need me. As your fake girlfriend or just...me. I'm still here for you," is the last thing you say before un-clicking your seatbelt and leaving his car, beginning your walk back to your dorm hall.
Jay is unsure about many things in life. He's unsure about what he wants to do in the future, he's unsure of where he's going to settle in life, heck, he's unsure about what to have for lunch tomorrow. But he's sure about one thing.
That he's wearing his heart on his sleeve right now, and it's all because of you.
That you've become this new lifeline and he has to choose between holding onto you or drowning.
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When Jay wakes up the next morning, his first gut instinct is to get ready to pick you up for class. But today's different. Jay doesn't know where the two of you stand now, especially after last night.
Jay doesn't know how to deal with this combination of unknown emotions he's been feeling lately. They didn't come out of no where, by any means, he realizes. They've been slowly growing over the past month of seeing you so often––like a plant he's been watering overtime, not expecting it to bloom into a flower so suddenly––but he figured it was nothing more than just enjoying the company of a friend.
Until he realizes that the term friend just doesn't suite you anymore––not to him, at least. And that scares him. It scares him that you've made him genuinely smile more in this past month than he ever has in his 19 years of living. It scares him that when he's around you he can't comprehend his own thoughts, his feelings. It scares him that you make him vulnerable, that you've changed him. That you've managed to make the walls that he's spent so long building and polishing to crumble with a simple tap of your finger.
In a perfect world, Jay would have already told you all this––he would be unafraid of how you would react, unafraid of your rejection, unafraid of losing this growing relationship with you. But alas, we don't live in a perfect world. And so when Jay drives to class that day, he drives right past your dorm building.
"Where's Y/N?" is the first thing Jake questions when he enters Jay's car that morning, confused by your absence, having been used to you being in the front seat every morning when Jay goes to give Jake rides to class as well.
"I don't know," Jay mutters, unemotional eyes focused on the road in front of him, not interested in continuing a conversation that involves thinking about you.
Jake hesitates as curiosity gets the best of him. "Did you guys get into a fight or something?"
Jay's hands tighten around the steering wheel of his car. "Or something. Let's just leave it at that."
There are a few beats of silence before Jake speaks up again.
"Well, I guess this works out because I wanted to talk to you about something."
Jay continues to stare straight ahead of him, focusing on just trying to get by without mentally beating himself up at the simple thought of you.
The simple thought of you and your smile. Your witty remarks. Your stupid eye rolls. Your laughter. Your kindness. So much for not thinking about you.
"I'm calling it off," Jake's words catch Jay off guard.
"Huh? Calling what off?"
"The bet. I'm calling it off. I don't care about the textbook fees I'll have to pay next semester. Look, fight or not, you and Y/N are good for each other, everyone can see it. And I really don't want this to end up being one of those messed up teen TV shows where the girlfriend finds out the entire relationship was based off of a stupid game and then they break up and the boyfriend falls into eternal sadness and regret. And I don't wanna see you sad, dude. So yeah! Congrats," although he's admitting defeat, Jake's beaming widely, just content with the fact that his best friend has finally found happiness through the form of you. "You win."
But Jay feels like the opposite of a winner. Because even though his only intention coming into this was simply winning the bet, his life isn't as simple as it was a month ago. Because he discovered something much more valuable than some stupid textbook fees or five hundred dollars or getting his physics homework done for an entire semester.
Something he's scared he's already lost.
⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺
The next time you see Jay is at the same time and place as when he first ever appeared to pick you up––at 12:17PM on a Friday afternoon, as you're exiting the doors of the lecture building home to your awfully long Capitalism in World History class. This time, however it's different.
Because this time, it's one month later, and Jay Park is no longer a forgotten side character in the story of your life. This time, you're frustrated because it's been three days since you've last heard from Jay. And because it's been three days since you've last heard from him, you can't focus on anything else, and because you can't focus on anything else, you're falling behind on every other aspect in your life. Jay's somehow managed to become the center of your life without even having to be present.
Well, up until now. Up until you go down the steps of your lecture hall's entrance and look up to be met with a figure leaning on a car you're far too familiar with. You freeze in your steps as you make eye contact with the boy you've been thinking about non-stop for the past month three days.
Your mind tells you to walk away, to just follow your flight instinct instead of fight, to just go back to your normal life. But here's the thing. Ever since Jay's made his way back to your life, it's been far from normal.
And if you're being honest, you had no interest in going back to your normal life. Normal's overrated anyways. You find your legs bringing yourself over to him, your heart leading the way.
"Hi," you simply say, planting yourself right in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" You already know the answer, but you want to hear him say it.
"Waiting for you," Jay doesn't hesitate in answering you. This time will be different, he tells himself.
"I can walk myself home, thanks," you state, but your actions tell differently, as you make no sign of moving from your spot in front of him.
Jay's mind contemplates telling you everything. About how he regrets that friendship-breaking decision he made that one fateful day in the eighth grade, about his true feelings, about how he first suspected these feelings when he was 11 years old and saw you in your fancy get-up for the sixth grade dance but put it off as a little crush, and about how the same feelings grew into something so, so much more in the present. But seeing that putting all these thoughts into words would involve more than one functioning brain cell (which is all he's convinced he has in the moment, for the view of you staring up at him, looking like that, has his brain short-circuiting), he settles with:
"He called it off. It's over. The bet."
Okay, Jay. This is your chance. Say it.
"Is that it?" You lift an eyebrow, awaiting for more explanation. When it doesn't come, you slightly nod and start backing away. "I'll see you around then."
Is that it? Do the two of you just go back to your respective lives now? How can Jay do that, when he doesn't even recall what his life was like before you entered it––and especially when he has absolutely no interest in going back to that life?
Fuck it.
"Y/N!" He stands up straight, a newfound confidence taking over. This time will be different, he tells himself. Because now, he knows what he wants. For sure.
You turn towards him, to see him already making his way towards you, stopping in his steps when he finds himself close enough to you that he can't concentrate anymore.
"I'm sorry for ditching you in the eighth grade. I'm sorry for ignoring you since then. I'm sorry for dragging you into this stupid mess and for pushing you away and I'm sorry for calling you a toy. Because it's far from truth. I like you. A lot. And––and I'm scared. I'm scared of what this means for us, because I just keep messing things up and all I know is that I don't wanna wake up tomorrow and realize you're not in my life anymore and––"
"Woah, woah, Jay. Slow down," you look up at him, the corners of your lips threatening to curve up into a smile. "You're an idiot, you know."
Jay's never really confessed his feelings to anyone before, per say, so he doesn't really know what to expect. But he's watched enough Netflix rom-coms in this lifetime (which is still not that many) to know that hearing the words "you're an idiot" isn't what you're supposed to hear after pouring your heart and soul out. Surely not, right?
"I––I'm not sure how to respond to that," he quietly says, searching your eyes for a sign, for anything. You giggle at his sudden shyness as you grab both his arms and look at him right in the eyes.
"It's okay. I get it, if anything, I'm also scared. But you somehow got me wrapped around your stupid finger, and I hate it," you smirk at him, your hands slowly making their way up his arms to circle around his neck.
Jay's hands naturally fall at your waist as he lets out a breathe he didn't even know he was holding as he returns your smirk. "Well, I could say the same about you. And I also hate it, for your information."
"Hmm, is that so? I guess it cancels out then, right?" You smile at him as he's pulling you in so close, your head turns cloudy.
Jay grins at you, his eyes holding so much joy and endearment as they quickly flicker down to your lips before returning to your own eyes. "I guess this only means one thing then."
"Mm, and what's that?"
And before Jay can answer––and because your life's been anything but normal lately––you make the first move this time, moving your head up to close the small gap between the two of you.
His arms instinctively tighten around you as you capture his lips with your very own, and Jay swears he's about to lift off into space right now. He's on cloud nine, and he makes no plans to touch the ground ever again.
The kiss quickly becomes fervent, all the pent-up tension that the two of you had for one another finally finding its way out, all the words that were previously left unsaid finally expressing themselves. You don't even care if you're being judged by the conservative faculty members of your school right now, or by the looks of fellow students walking past the two of you.
You try your best to keep yourself from smiling as he continues to press his lips against yours, his hand moving to hold your chin, guiding your mouth with his.
Before you find yourself getting carried away, you step back to take a breath, resting your forehead against his chest as his hands rest against your back. He smiles at the sound of you giggling against him.
Jay takes a step back to take one look at you and realizes, in this moment, that change can be good. And he's willing to undergo this change. As long as it's with you.
⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺
The next morning, you bounce down the steps of your dorm building's entrance to meet the wide, bright smile of your ex-childhood-bestfriend-turned-fake-boyfriend-turned-real-boyfriend waiting for you in front of his car, small pastry bag in hand. You smile back at him.
Jay drives you to class that day.
And everyday after that.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ :
✰ let me know what you think! if u made it til the end, mwah :') <3
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galaxyedging · 3 years
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Dieter Bravo x female reader
Smut 🔞
Aging Disgracefully
Part of Wardrobe.
"Is it even still warm in there?"
"No. It doesn't matter."
"Just leave me here to dissolve."
"Baby...." He cocked his head at that, 'Di' is usually your go to term of endearment. "Don't be so dramatic."
"I'm an actor. It's my job." He muttered.
"You're not working now, so quit it. How do feel?"
"I mean, how is your back?"
"Same as my pride, hurt."
"When you're ready to get out I got some of those cookies you like. Some warming gel, I can rub it on for you."
"Thank you but I'll do it myself."
No remark about you offering to rub him? His pride really must have been wounded. Earlier, you had been scrolling through Facebook, while Dieter did some interviews. Buzzfeed posted about some sexual positions, when he was done you'd shown him. Of course, he immediately saw this a challenge. Picking the most difficult one to do, he talked you into it. "It'll be so hot babe, trust me."
He was right, it was hot. Right up until he put his back out. With some maneuvering, you managed to get him laying on his back until he was able to move a bit more. Once he could you had run a hot bath to help soothe his aching back. That's where he was currently pouting. Deciding to wait until he was ready to talk, you got ready for bed. Snuggled in bed you had began to drift off when he finally emerged from the bathroom.
"You okay?" you asked as he slowly made his way to the bed.
"Yeah, just feeling stupid and old."
"You're neither of those things."
"I put my back out during sex! I have greys everywhere, I need glasses, I put the radio on and don't know half of the music!"
"None of that makes you old. People go grey young, need glasses young and music started to decline after the 80's."
He didn't respond, he just pouted and wrapped himself in the comforter.
"Get some rest and I am sure you'll feel better in the morning."
"Goodnight." you kissed him on the head.
He sunk further into his blanket pit. His head barely poking out. "Goodnight."
The next day Dieter seemed much better physically but the way he studied his beard in the mirror told you he was still upset. His thumb traced the greys on his jaw.
"Hey, get out of that head. Come back to me." You chased his thumb away with your lips, pressing kisses to the patches where his beard, being even more stubborn that him, refused to grow.
"Sorry, this whole thing has just got me a little reflective. Am not exactly were a man my age is supposed to be in his life."
Now that made you angry, the man you love, feeling bad about himself because of some stupid expectations put on him.
"Suposed to be?! Am 'supposed' to be married at my age. Was I supposed to stay in a broken marriage? Am supposed to have kids too. That wasn't on the cards for me. I used to have the awkward questions about why I didn't have kids. Now, people just assume am too old or I've been left on the shelf. Especially since the divorce. Would I like to married? Sure. But am not going to let their stupid opinions make me feel bad. No one should measure themselves against other people's expectations. As for aging, I consider myself luck to be getting older, so many people are robbed of the opportunity. Especially now."
He thought about that for a moment. "You're right."
"Yes, usually."
"I know you are. I just got in my own head about it."
"How about I distract you for a little while?"
"As long as you take it easy, I'm an old man." As you shush him he adds. "Lucky to be one though."
Smiling you drag him to the bedroom. "Strip." Even with the sore back he instantly complied, clothes flying everywhere.
"Lay on the bed, face down." He climbed on, giving you a delightful view of his ass as he went. When you stripped down to your underwear and climbed on the bed with him, that was the first place you touched. Digging your fingers into the meat of it, as you loved to do when he was deep inside you. Carefully, you straddled his lower back. Reaching over to the bedside draw you pulled out the lube you kept there. Dieter moaned as the cold liquid hit his skin. Gently, you spread it over the area that was troubling him. Remembering what you'd learnt from YouTube, while he was sulking in the bath, you set to work kneading the hard muscle. It didn't take Dieter long to relax into it. Making similar noises to when his masseuse worked on him on set, almost a year ago.
"Does that feel good?"
"God, yes. Don't stop."
"I won't until you're ready for another type of massage."
"What type of massage?"
"Roll over."
He did. Exposing his penis, that had no business being as pretty as it was. He was already half hard as you took him in your hand, the other reaching for the lube bottle to apply a generous amount all over him. It didn't take long using a practiced motion to turn him into a panting, moaning mess underneath you.
"Fuck. So good. Am gonna..." he didn't get to finish his sentence or his orgasm as you gripped the bottom of his shaft and squeezed firmly.
"Not yet." You tutted.
Once his orgasm subsided you began to work him again up and down in firm strokes adding your other hand to circle the head. It wasn't long before he was ready to come again.
"No." You squeezed him again.
"Baby! We just talked about getting older. I'll die of old age by the time you let me come!"
"Like I said you're not old. I could do this at least 10 more times before we have to worry about that."
"But your not going to. Right? Right?"
A wry smile graced your lips as you began to move your hands again. This time you sandwiched his cock between your hand and his stomach, the lube and precome allowing your hand to glide up and down while still giving him friction. Dieter was a mess at this point. His waves stuck to his head with sweat, it beaded on his strained neck. His breathing was erratic. "Please let me come this time. Please. Ple...". The word died in his throat as his orgasm hit. It travel his spine, his balls tingled, it was more subdued than he was expecting but it was definitely an orgasm. He was confused to find that he was still rock hard in your hand.
"What the...?"
You just grinned before jerking hard and fast, just like he had many time over you. He groaned your name before shooting his load so hard that it reached all the way to his neck. Moving up his body you cleaned him with you tongue before kissing him deeply.
"How are you feeling now?"
"Like the luckiest son of a bitch alive."
"Am the lucky one. Thank you for sticking around while I sorted my head out."
"Always." He threaded his fingers with yours, his grip was loose with sleep. He yawned, his eyes closed, his body heavy, arms like lead as they pinned you to his chest.
"If you're really worried about not being married...we can do that any time you want..." he mumbled as he fell asleep.....leaving you wide awake.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy
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[House of Chaos] Part 1 - A college kid from Queens
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House of Chaos Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: After inheriting a huge villa from her grandfather and simultaneously getting disinherited, Y/n feels lonely. She decides to post a Facebook ad to rent out one of the rooms. A nervous student from Queens responds and from that moment, people just keep coming in until all the rooms are filled.
Word count: 966
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“Hi miss Y/n, my name is Peter Parker. I saw your ad on Facebook and I actually go to school close to your house. I’d really appreciate it if you could get back to me. Ehm, thank you. Goodbye.”
What insane person calls at five in the morning? You roll out of bed and put on your overalls. With another long day of home improvement ahead of you there’s no reason to dress in cute clothes. As you wander into the, now clean, kitchen you press the call button on the number of the voicemail.
It rings a few times and then you hear someone pick up. “Hello?” ‘Hi, is this Peter Parker?’ The person on the other side of the call seems to shush some people before responding again. “Yes, it is. Who is this?” ‘It’s Y/n Y/l/n from the Facebook ad.’
You quickly learned that Peter had to be up at 5 to get to school in time. That’s why he’s looking at a new place to stay but he seemed hesitant on the phone. Why you do not know. That afternoon you have Peter Parker sitting at the kitchen table while you lay out a summary of the home and all that comes with living here. ‘Any questions?’
Peter hesitates for a second but eventually does ask: ‘Why is it so cheap? I mean, I can deal with a broken shower or something like that but… Yeah.’ You swallow the lump in your throat. Are you really going to lay all your problems down on this kid? Yes you are. If this kid is going to live with you, you’re going to have to be honest.
‘Well, I guess I got lonely,’ you explain to Peter, ‘I inherited this house but I’m on my own and it’s a big house. And don’t think I’m going to force you to be around all the time but it’d be nice to have coffee together sometimes you know.’ He nods looking as teary-eyed as you feel. ‘Hey, you alright?’ He sniffles and nods.
‘Yeah, it’s just-’ He hesitates for a second and looks at his hands on the table. ‘I’ve lost my aunt a month or so ago and now it’s just me. It’s just… It’s been rough to go on on my own.’ You move your hand across the table and put your pointer finger on his thumb. He looks up at you with tears streaming down his face.
You recognize that look in his eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who thinks they are fully alone.
‘Now we’re in this together.’ . . . . ‘Y/n, I’m home!’ You almost fall down your ladder at the sound of Peter’s voice and the slam of the door. ‘Take your shoes off, I’ve just mopped the floor!’ ‘Yes ma’am!’ Giggles follow his words but not just giggles. It’s not just Peter at the door. You get off the ladder and head downstairs.
As you walk through the hallway, you appreciate the work you’ve done. The ground floor looks presentable but lacks decoration. At least the walls are painted and the hardwood floors are oiled.
You head towards the front door and see Peter with two other people around his age. A tall, slender girl and a bigger, bald kid. ‘Who are your friends?’
‘Oh, there you are,’ Peter says with a big smile on his face, ‘this is Ned and that’s MJ. They’re my friends. Ned, MJ, this is Y/n Y/l/n, my landlady.’
Ned approaches you first and shakes your hand. ‘Nice to meet you, miss Y/l/n.’ You nod to him with a friendly smile.
‘Please. Call me Y/n. You guys are friends from his school?’
‘No, we used to go to high school together but we kinda lost each other when we went to university,’ Ned explains.
Peter buts in: ‘We do a movie marathon once a year. I forgot to tell you, sorry.’
‘Oh, that’s alright. I have to finish some painting so you can take the living room,’ You tell him, ‘also, there’s beer in the shed if you need it and there’s wine downstairs. I’m heading upstairs.’ The three watch you leave in your overalls.
‘That woman is awesome,’ Ned exclaims.
Peter smiles to himself: ‘She’s great. It’s nice living with someone again.’
MJ scoffs and walks into the living room: ‘She looks very young to own a house like this. She rich?’ Peter follows behind her like he doesn’t live there himself.
‘I don’t know. She inherited the place for as far as I know.’ MJ nods and looks around the room.
‘Looks like old money,’ she agrees. Peter steps in front of her looking a little bit pissed off.
‘Stop acting like that. She’s very nice.’
MJ laughs and puts her hands up in defence: ‘Jeez Peter, don’t get your panties in a twist.’
Ned chimes in: ‘No, you’re being a bitch MJ. What’s up with you?’ Her face falls and she retreats into herself a little bit.
‘I just miss having Peter around, alright. You’re so far away now.’ Peter puts his hand on her shoulder and she looks at him.
‘I’ll always be in your corner but we both knew I’d have to move. I couldn’t keep getting 4 hours of sleep.’ She sighs loudly.
‘I know.’ . . . It’s nice that Peter finally brought some friends along but truth be told you’re tired.
While Peter says goodbye to his friends, you fix yourself a glass of wine and sit down on the couch waiting to put on a movie or something for Peter and you. But when Peter walks back in, you can tell something’s off. He looks like he’s seen a ghost.
‘Ehm, Y/n, there’s someone on the porch.’
Taglist: @buckylokisimp @katherinemaximoff @gloryekaterina
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neptunesnow · 2 years
Hi Stalkers
mermaids and mermen, welcome back to Mako
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Mako Mermaids was a great show ( and still is ), it marked a lot of people's childhood and stayed in memory: maybe with a coherent name, or sometimes just as unclear images. And you're lucky if you've picked the first one. Any how you managed to pop up here, today even after all those years, it's seriously good to have you. I'll be direct, I need your help. I don't know for you, but to me Nixie was the best one. She was funny, cute and so herself. Ivy Latimer seemed truly into the character. It was a shame when she just disappeared after the first season, yet no big deal. Don't get me wrong, I knew whatever Ivy was gonna do later I would love as much as I did with mm. Too bad for me, she never came back.. or at least I thought so.
swim with me 🌊
it all started a long long time ago.. may 2022, as I said long time ago.
I had a crush (hm.. still have). we had that show in common, and we both fell in love with Nixie when we decided to watch it again. as a good boy, I searched for her gram or whatever I could find to see what she was up to. I found that old BBC show, but it wasn't really for me nor for my N crush. But none official social medias, and we didn't look for the rest of the cast's @. might be strange, yet 2013 is far away in the past, sure thing a lot of them don't have those apps, right? it didn't sound stupid back then, now this hypothesis is so dull
august 9, still 2022
I started everything again, I need to find something. and this time, all by myself. unfortunately? yes, probably
1st information (a bit suspicious?): Ivy Latimer was a transman!
link: fandom Married Biography KIDDLE FactBoyz
august 2020, a highlighted story labeled Very Trans on her Instagram, ok. which Instagram? they never put the @. then I didn't really know if I could trust those pages. the fandom seemed pretty reliable tho, but I didn't have any screenshots or nothing to prove actually
2nd: his new name
link: reddit reddit2 facebook
Wyatt J. Ivy on facebook, Ivy Joy on reddit. Wasn't Joy his birth name too? according to IMDb it is. and for Wyatt, there's an IG account but the person doesn't match (nor the dates), and 5 facebook accounts (can't enter, don't have facebook). but, the post on facebook was from august 30 2020, the date is so close! yet, not lucky for us.. kidding, reddit is AWESOME!
3rd: other works
link: Saturday Night Fireworks 
I put Ivy Latimer on youtube, found her: she was on a video clip 3 years ago (december 2018, gram post). then the reddit3 comment (bellow) gave me another video clip, 1 year ago. it's because of that one I'm not using he/him here, because she sounded very feminine to me with that alter ego Ivy Bernier. but yes, maybe she has a woman alter ego, Idk.
4th: IG profile
link: reddit3 + the reddit's links above
nixieswasaboy or blue31101994, and how if both of them were accurate? nixie one no longer exists, but she was tagged in this post (firework singer) with that account. yet, blue follows them and is followed back. blue also follows/is followed Zack and Evie, plus Bridie Connell and Edan B Lacey (saturday's singer and director)
5th: nixiewasaboy
how to see a deleted account? Idk, but I searched the profile in the Wayback Machine, pretty sure that no-one would have saved her profile there. I was wrong, and I've never been so glad about being wrong in my whole life (maybe I'm overdoing, shush). 2 snapshots in June 17, 2021 (the date matches!) yet everytime I tried to access the link, I got a "http 302 response at crawl time". check it. I've been redirected to the same day login IG page, every single time.
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6th: blue
could be a fan. yes could, but why? there's a lot of fake accounts, the person behind blue could have done that too. and why the hell so many people she might have spoken to and still speaks with follow blue back? so I requested to follow. I'm not sure she'll let me in, and anyways the account doesn't have any posts. thing is, 28 thousand people follow it, maybe there's a reason to that.
that's it!
thanks to all the sea creatures who stayed until the end, actually.. I hope it won't be the end, I do hope we find lot more infos about Nixie, Ivy or whatever. don't hesitate to contact me!
stay hydrated, and see ya soon
— taylor c.
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haddonfieldproject · 3 years
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1.3.4 November 1st ‪8:26 am‬
Haddonfield, Illinois
Misty opened the door and Reya gasped.
“Fuck babe, you look like shit!” She said.
Misty rolled her eyes. “Thanks, bitch.”
Reya laughed.
She wasn't lying. When Misty had come out of the shower she had quickly tossed her wet hair in a bun without brushing it. Without make-up she was beginning to show her age. The light of the morning couldn't conceal the facial lines like the red soft lights of the club. She wore an extra large white t-shirt that read: GIMME MY COFFEE BITCH! that was so thin you could make our her nipples. She also wore a pair of yoga shorts so short they were concealed by the shirt so it looked as if she was wearing no pants at all.
Reya pushed passed her and stepped into the house.
“You see all the shit that went down last night?” Reya asked and then saw the uniformed police officer standing in the living room and lowered her voice. “What the hell is going on?”
Misty shut the door. “You know Chelsea, used to work at the club?”
Reya scrunched her nose up. “The one that had some kids and got all fat and works in the office now?”
Misty shushed her. “Yes, don't say that!”
“Sorry.” Reya said and then popped the pink wad of bubble gum in her mouth.
“How did you manage to get off last night anyway?” Misty asked.
Reya smiled. “I put in my time like eight months ago.”
“And Lou approved it?”
“Had too. You know my brother in law is in the military right? Well, he's on deployment and my sister is disabled...”
“What?” Misty asked.
Reya shot a glance at the police officer. She recognized his face. She watched where his eyes were looking.
“You know I can totally see your tits through your shirt right?”
Misty waved at her. “I don't give a fuck. What about your sister? She's disabled?”
Reya waved back. “Oh yeah..since birth..she's been in a wheelchair her whole life.”
“That sucks.” Misty replied.
“She does fine. Anyways. We had it all planned out that I'd go over to Tuckersville..that's where she lives...and take the kids trick or treating and all that shit...so that's what I was doing...and I'm glad I did with everything that happened!”
“Oh, so you know.” Misty said, nodding her head to the cops.
“About Michael Myers and those two guys from Mississippi..hell yeah I know. Oh shit..did one of them come here? Did they kill Chelsea?”
Misty frowned and shook her head. “What the hell? No. What the hell are you talking about?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Chelsea's kid..Maddie...the little one...”
“Yeah, she's cute. I see her on Facebook.” Reya popped her gum again.
“She's missing.”
Reya's eyes went wide.
“Chelsea was babysitting Dylan last night and Maddie was over here and we can't find her.”
“Since when?” Reya asked.
“Since like 11 last night.”
“Fuck.” Reya breathed. “So what do you need?”
“I was wondering, if I paid you like 50 bucks, would you hang out here and watch Dylan for a few hours? Probably only two or three. Chelsea's sleeping,” Misty dropped into a whisper, “I gave her some Xanies but she'll probably be up in a little bit and then she can take over but girl...I aint been to sleep yet and you know I worked a ten hour shift last night at Lou's Halloween party.”
Reya waved her hand. “Yeah yeah..man..me and that little fucker will chill out and watch TV.”
Misty sighed. “Thank you.”
Reya hugged her neck. “Sure thing. Always.”
“But hey,” Reya asked whispering. “Why's that here cop standing in your living room staring at us?”
Misty stifled a laugh. “They've had an officer stationed here all night awaiting any information. They've asked all of us so many questions, I'm telling you, my brain is fucking fried.”
“Where do they think she is?” Reya asked.
Misty shrugged.
“Fuck.” Reya breathed again.
“Come on.” Misty said, and took her by the arm.
The Officer watched them approach, his eyes fixated on their chests. Misty's nipples easily visible, and Reya showing ample cleavage in her low cut black top.
Misty cleared her throat. “This is my friend Freya...what's your last name again?”
Reya laughed. “My real one?”
“Yes, use your real one.”
Reya pushed her hand out. “I'm Freya Carlenetti, Misty's...”
“You're Reya Starlight..I know you.” The officer said, taking her hand.
“Oh...that's sweet.” Reya smiled.
“I'm Officer Chris Stanton...You're my favorite on the Rabbit-Hole site.” the Officer blushed.
Reya straighted her back and lifted her chin. “You don't say?”
“Anyway!” Misty interjected. “Reya's gonna hang out and watch Dylan for awhile so I can get some sleep.”
She motioned to Dylan who sat on the couch, his eyes glued to the television as Iron Man lifted a bus and threw it in the direction of some diabolical villian. The sounds of the spectacular explosion boomed throughout the living room on Misty's state of the art surround sound.
“Hey Dylan.”
Dylan didn't look over from the TV. “Hey.” He said simply.
“How about we go watch that in the theater?”
Dylan shook his head. “I'm comfortable right here.”
Reya leaned over the couch and tousled the boy's hair. “Come on little dude, I haven't seen anything in the theater yet, only heard about it.” Misty caught a glimpse of Officer Stanton admiring Reya's ass in the tight blue jeans she was wearing.
“Dylan.” Misty said simply.
“Okay.” Dylan sighed.
Dylan clicked off the movie with the remote and stood up. Misty started for the stairs, then she turned.
“Wait...what the hell were you talking about earlier? About...Michael Myers? What about Michael Myers?”
“You don't know?” Reya looked shocked. So did Officer Stanton.
“Know what?”
“Turn on the news!” Reya replied.
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Winter Solstice Gift for sweetlittlevampire
Happy exchange to @sweetlittlevampire! You have no idea how much pressure I felt when I realized I was tasked with putting together your gift - your art is always so beautiful and detailed! I hope this checks the boxes for you: I aimed at driving home 'non-sexual intimacy' and 'found family', with lots of heavy fluff tones. Enjoy!
A quick note: because I have next to no familiarity with Chinese culture, either modern or ancient, I have set this story in modern North America. This means the wedding planning and cultural references adhere to North American styles.
Read on AO3
The Award for Best Man
It’s an unusual time of day to be this exhausted, even by Lan Wangji’s supposedly early sleep schedule. The sun hasn’t finished climbing the sky yet and Lan Wangji can’t think of a single thing he’d rather be doing with a rare day off than this:
He and Wei Ying are together, lumped in the vertex of their L-shaped couch which sits directly in the morning sun. They have the apartment to themselves today, until this evening, when A-Yuan and Wen-popo will return their rabbits from babysitting. Wei Ying was still convinced that Bichen and Suibian would have been absolutely fine with them gone all yesterday to tour wedding venues; Lan Wangji had insisted they not be lonely.
Now he wonders if he subconsciously had the foresight to rid himself of anything that could have distracted him from an exhausted Wei Ying. He becomes so sweet and pliable when he’s tired, needy only for Lan Wangji’s affection and attention. It’s one of the only times Wei Ying lies still.
Out of nowhere, Wei Ying springs out of his lap to sit upright on the couch. He must not be as tired as Lan Wangji thought.
“I just realized –” he says, turning back to Lan Wangji with a striking look of alarm on his face. “I can’t ask you to be my best man. Lan Zhan! You’ve ruined my wedding plans!”
Lan Wangji blinks, a little surprised. ‘Ruined’ seems a touch dramatic – if anything, he thinks recasting his role as ‘bridegroom’ is an upgrade over ‘best man’.
But because he’s tired too, his only response is: “Me?”
“Yes, you! Silly. What did you think I was gonna do? Get married at an altar where you weren’t there beside me and, wow, oh my god, that seems too revealing now that I say it out loud.”
Lan Wangji’s heart glows and he tucks a loose hair from Wei Ying’s face. The gesture makes them both smile. “I pictured you, too.”
“Aawww!! You did??” Wei Ying’s cheeks are flushing and his eyes are tearing up, but Lan Wangji is 85% sure it’s for dramatic effect. “Wait, like, always or...?”
Lan Wangji boops his nose, a private joke between them for every time he deems Wei Ying to be ‘nosy’. He knows it used to be a gesture exclusive to Jiang Yanli, his future sister, and every time Wei Ying lets him get away with it, bubbles simmer in his chest.
“Since Gusu,” he admits.
“Gusu Elementary?! Lan Zhan, you flirt! We were twelve! I waited until at least Qishan High to fall madly in love with you.” Assured, as he always is after successfully fishing for flattery, Wei Ying starts settling back into his sprawl inside Lan Wangji’s arms. “Ugh, remember Wen Chao, the principal’s kid? He’s a dad now. Facebook told me earlier.”
He isn’t pleased to have the memory of such a vile personality sour their cuddle time. He shifts, gathers Wei Ying closer, and switches the topic. “What about Jiang Wanyin?”
Wei Ying startles up again, though not all the way out of his arms, eyes wide with anxiety. “What about Jiang Cheng. Lan Zhan. Do you know something I don’t? When did Jiang Cheng get a kid – where did Jiang Cheng get a kid?! I KNOW Wen Qing has an IUD!”
Ah. He sees the problem now. “For your best man,” he explains, coaxing his fiancé back down. It marvels him how much one can struggle to relax.
“Oh, thank god,” Wei Ying says, slumping back into the pillow that is his betrothed before smacking a sweatered pec. “You worried me! We’ve both seen how A-Cheng is with Jin Ling, I shudder to think how he’ll be with his own.” He really does shudder, from his head down the base of his spine. Then he fidgets, rolling up his hands in the folds of Lan Wangji’s minty blue sweater. “But yeah, I suppose he’ll do for a best man. I’ll never hear the end of it if I ask Wen Ning over him.”
He sends a grin up at Lan Wangji, happily sharing the mental image of Jiang Cheng blowing a fuse. It’s a thought that never fails to tickle him.
“What about you?” Wei Ying asks. “I assume you’ll ask your brother but isn’t he still in the arctic?”
He was. Three weeks ago, a Waterborne Abyss had somehow broken loose from the ocean floor and wound up on the surface of the Pacific Ocean. When Xichen had first gone to cleanse it, it escaped the pre-set array and fled. Xichen had been tasked to pursue and had chased the demon around the north pole for nearly eight days now with scarcely a word of update.  
Lan Wangji doesn’t like worrying about his brother. Luckily, it’s an even rarer occurrence than a truly exhausted Wei Ying.
Wei Ying cuddles closer. “Ahhh, don’t worry too much, Lan Zhan, he’ll be back before you know it. He certainly won’t let some puny abyssal keep him from his didi’s wedding! I can’t wait to see him cry actual tears, I’m going to bribe Mianmian to take so many pictures.”
Lan Wangji flushes a little. He loves his brother and he knows Xichen loves him, but they never make a show of it in public. He suspects Wei Ying is correct in thinking their wedding will be an exception. Xichen has requested time to make a toast, after all.
“Hey, not to jinx it or anything, but who would you have as a best man if Lan Xichen couldn’t be? Not for a sad reason! Like, uhhh, say his wedding was on the same day, at the same time as ours. Yeah, that works.”
Lan Wangji raises an eyebrow. “Who is he marrying?”
Wei Ying’s smile goes crooked to match his brow, bemused as he is every time Lan Wangji indulges in these kinds of playful hypotheticals. “Does it matter?”
Wei Ying laughs so hard he snorts. He is so exquisitely beautiful. “Well, if my future husband insists, I’ll paint you the whole picture. Um. Let’s say he marries... Jin Guangyao.”
Lan Wangji hums, a little put-off by the idea. It’s nothing against Jin Guangyao as a person, but he’s always been singularly difficult for Lan Wangji to read. All his favourite people – Xichen, Mingjue, Jiang Yanli, and of course Wei Ying – don’t make their thoughts or feelings hidden the way Jin Guangyao does. It leaves Lan Wangji with a very unstable opinion of the man – more than once he has badly misread a situation and felt insecure about the cues he must have missed.
Not to mention the history the man has with Wei Ying. They never talk about it, and Lan Wangji has never pried, but he knows the two were close friends as children before something fell apart between them. Wei Ying still sends a birthday wish to Jin Guangyao every year, in part because he always receives a card on his own. The card always includes a sheet of red stickers – anything red: anatomic hearts, parrots, chilli peppers, firetrucks, Santa hats, and ladybugs. Lan Wangji has never asked why he sends them or what Wei Ying does with them. It’s enough of an intrusion to watch that wistful smile play out.
“Mingjue,” he answers, refocusing on their game. “To spare the heartache.”
Wei Ying nods appreciatively at his wisdom. “Yes, yes, I agree. He’d cry, get sappy drunk, and trash the cake just to be a torturous mess at a Xiyao wedding, wouldn’t he? Best have him at ours, where he’ll cry, get sappy drunk, and sing all the worst love songs at karaoke with Nie Huaisang.”
“‘Come What May’,” Lan Wangji suggests, to Wei Ying’s delight.
“Justin Bieber’s ‘Baby’!”
“‘Your Song’.”
Wei Ying’s smile turns sweet. He nuzzles into Lan Wangji’s chest and mutters quietly, “I already have one of those.”
They fall into peaceful near-quiet for a minute, Wei Ying softly humming out the score Lan Wangji composed for him years ago when it was the only way he knew to publicly dedicate his heart. During the last measure, Wei Ying’s stomach growls and he loses himself giggling. Lan Wangji smiles, rubs his stomach for him and lightly shushes it, which makes Wei Ying laugh harder.
“Alright, alright,” he says, whipping out his phone from between the seat cushions. “Time for lunch! Sushi okay with you?”
Lan Wangji nods, sneaks in a quick peck to his forehead, and says, “Whatever you want.”
“Sweet-talker,” he chides, but a flash of teeth betrays his happiness. “What rolls do you want?”
He can’t help himself. “Volcano roll, seared salmon roll, and spicy tuna bowl, extra wasabi and spicy mayo.”
Wei Ying gives him the sweetest side-eye and Lan Wangji swears the next words past his lips will be ‘I love you’: “Then I’m ordering yam rolls, cucumber rolls, low sodium miso soup, and tamago nigiri with no wasabi whatsoever.”
He knew it.
He pulls his fiancé up into a kiss, chasing down that ‘I love you’ with his tongue, certain it must taste as good as it had sounded, maybe even better than it feels, right now, against his lips and zinging down his body like welding sparks.
Wei Ying looks absolutely dazed when he releases him. “Happy with that?” Wei Ying asks, referring to the rolls.
“Besotted,” Lan Wangji confesses, absolutely lost in this man.
“Damn right,” Wei Ying whispers, voice breathy with reciprocation. It’s another fifteen minutes of playing kiss tag before their stomachs overrule them and get their lunch order placed.
With nothing to do but wait the thirty-five minutes it will take for their delivery to be made, Wei Ying brings them back to their earlier game, before the kissing.
“So what if Lan Xichen was marrying Nie Mingjue? Who would be your best man, then?”
It’s a slightly harder question than the last. Since he can remember, Nie Mingjue has been a brother by proxy, which means Lan Wangji must consider best men that aren’t brothers. Surprisingly, a person comes to mind rather quickly.
“Jin Zixuan.”
Wei Ying may have fallen to the floor if Lan Wangji’s arms weren’t such a secure tether to the couch. “WHAT?! WHY? Don’t tell me you’ve become friends with that Peacock behind my back! Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan, how could you betray me like this!?”
Lan Wangji frowns. “We were already friends.”
Wei Ying scoffs, “You were not.”
“We had coffee last week.”
“YOU HAD COFFEE?!” Distressed, Wei Ying drops his head into Lan Wangji’s sweater, whining about the slew of injustice. “Unacceptable... already friends... didn’t even rub off on the peacock at all, stupid... without telling me , Lan Zhan... such betrayal, much scandal, wow...”
Despite the energetic upset, Lan Wangji feels a yawn against his chest. Wei Ying’s exhaustion is finally catching up to him. “There, there,” he comforts, patting his head.
“Mmmm...” mutters the mess of hair. “Feels good, keep doing that. It eases my betrayed and deceived heart.”
Wei Ying’s requests are never difficult to fulfill – this one, especially so. Lan Wangji lets his posture relax further, content to sit in the sleepy energy of Sunday. Wei Ying keeps purring against him, breaths slowing and lengthening. They’ll both sleep through the food delivery at this rate.
Lan Wangji adds a light scratch to his pets and says, “Take a nap, Wei Ying. I’ll wait for lunch.”
Wei Ying hums in disagreement. “You’ll get bored, Lan Zhan. Here...” He rouses himself enough to stretch for the coffee table and grabs Lan Wangji’s reading glasses and latest novel. “Read. I can prop it up for you, like an actual supportive fiancé.”
Lan Wangji chuckles under his breath as he unfolds his glasses. “You are undoubtedly the best fiancé.”
Wei Ying bats blindly at the hand that pets him. “Shush, you! I’m sleeping now.”
Later, when their stomachs are stuffed full of too much rice, Lan Wangji thinks he’ll request they return to the couch. This is a day full of rarities and he’s determined to savour every minute of this sleeply, perfect man that it will gift him.
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konako · 4 years
First off, blame facebook for showing a certain video in my feed that inspired this fluffy and cracky prompt .
Helena bought it. She finally bought the ring and it only cost her well, twice the worth of her bike but it was worth it, Dinah was worth it. Now the next step was, how to propose. Helena was contemplating her just whipping out the ring to Dinah after their weekly dates when a voice brought her out of her musings.
“What’s this?” asked a bemused Cass beside her, looking to her left Helena sees the familiar glint of the ring and immediately searches for her pockets, not finding it she reddens when she saw Cass continue to look at the ring. Cass takes a look at Helena’s face and squeals, correctly assuming what it was for.
“ You and Dinah are getting married?!” shouted Cass causing Helena to try to shush the teen as passerbys were now looking at them. Upon seeing Helena’s blank face when asked how she was going to propose, Cass restrained herself from making fun of the other woman as their day out might get cut short and she was looking forward to their ice cream snacks. Reassuring the assassin that she’ll think of something.
Looking up Cass sees a promotional ad for Taylor Swift’s next concert and gets an idea. Suggesting to an Italian socially akward assassin that she should propose to her lounge singer, vigilante and metahuman girlfriend at a Tayloe Swift concert caused a lot of questions so she dragged Helena to their go to ice cream shop to lessen the headache she was gonna get.
After gettint a few bites from her cone, Cass showed Helena a video clip of couples proposing to each other during the song Love Story. Helena started searching for tickets for the nearest venue from Gotham City.
They were seated at the front, she brought VIP tickets as that area had the most space for her to kneel down. Helena bought Cass to record everything and as an alibi that they were watching the concert because of her.
All night long her sensories were in override, too much noise, too much yelling, too much people, but Dinah’s hand on hers kept her grounded. She didn’t know Dinah was a fan which she wasn’t just knew some of the songs hence her humming along to the tune of the music. What Helena would give for Dinah to be on stage singing instead of this Swift girl as her voice was more beautiful compared to the artist. At the same time she didn’t want that as she the number of fan boys and fan girls also watching the artist and no she wasn’t jealous if Dinah suddenly had fans that profess their undying love amfor her and how they would die for her. Kids, Helena can’t imagine any of them taking a bullet for Dinah, she already had, she was reprimanded after as she didn’t need to be a human body shield but she still got a kiss for her trouble that night.
The song started, she could feel Cass moving away from them to start the recording, Helena feels herself sweating, the song was going too fast.
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
This was it. Helena fumbled with the ring box but was able to grasp it with sweaty hands and she faced Dinah. She could’t help but be mesmerized, even in the bright pink headlights she looked gorgeous. Swallowing hard, she emptied her mind to listen to the lyrics.
Romeo, save me, I’ve been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head? I don’t know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring~~~
Helena was starting to kneel down when intense screaming and loud gasps were heard, Dinah craned her neck to her left and also clapped when she saw a rather tall shaggy blonde woman kneel down a petite Latin woman. Even though the blonde was kneeling down she was almost eye level with the other woman. People were screaming as they saw a proposal appearing in their midst, nevermind that most of them didn’t even knew the couple. With tears in her eyes the brunette said yes and ran into the blonde’s arms, causing another uproar of yelling and cheers from the crowd.
Cass had to shake Helena as she was still frozen mid-kneeling position, Dinah’s attention onto the newly engaged couple. Seeing that the moment was gone Helena stood up again and walked to Dinah’s side. Dinah even without looking automatically grasped Helena’s hand, muttering how aside from it must be fate for the newly engaged couple to be together as she could see how sickeningly in loved they were.
Helena looked at the couple again, and though she was angry that ther proposal was spoiled, she wished happined for the other couple. An hour later the trio were headed back to Dinah’s car, Cass holding to some merchandise and Dinah humming to another song from the concert.
They dropped Cass off at Harley’s, politely refusing a nightcap as Dinah was too tired. They got home and readied themselves for bed, Helena got into their bed room and she could hear Dinah faintly humming Love Story. Helena saw an opportunity and rushed to get the ring; she sat on the bed, looked at Dinah and saw that the other woman was failing to fight off her tiredness. Sighing loudly Helena placed the ring back on her side table and got on her side of the bed, immediately cuddling up to Dinah as the women reciprocated the hug and fell asleep. Helena waited until she could hear the faint snores from Dinah and also succumbed to sleep.
1st proposal, failure.
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
Crazy, Rich, and They Hate Me — Epilouge
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Jaehyun’s head is pounding. He can’t remember how many texts he had sent to your phone, and he doesn’t care. You may have not wanted to hear him or see him, but he still needed you. Even if it sounded stupid, he was willing to look like a complete idiot.
He eventually began to have a stare down with the bottle of vodka that taunted him from the counter. He doesn’t even know how that got in here—maybe it was from his angels? Or demons. Just as he was about to rise to make himself feel as close to nothing as possible, someone was knocking on his door.
He’s silent. It’s obvious he’s in here, as this is his room, but he doesn’t care about respect anymore. He was tired of thinking about others feelings before his own.
They knock again.
“Son, it’s me.”
His father’s raspy voice that sounds so close to his own is on the other side, and like a light switch does he feel like a child. He wants to be held, shushed. He needs someone that’s not his mother to tell him everything will be okay, even if it’s not the truth.
Minjun is careful as he creaks the door open, stepping inside the large space. It’s clear that memories from Jaehyun’s childhood are popping into his head—unfortunately ones he wasn’t there for. He just remembers the stories. Jaehyun’s first steps. His first time uttering a clear word. He heard that over the phone, but it didn’t make it any better.
“Dad.” Jaehyun says in a shaky breath.
“You don’t have to speak.” He utters, approaching the bed quickly as his sons tears were rare. They were so alike in so many aspects, but he knew his son wasn’t aware. How could he be? The only thing he knew about his father was that he was a hard worker. At least he taught him that much.
“I lost her.” He sobs loudly. Jaehyun wanted his mother to hear it all. He hasn’t felt his father hold in forever. And even then the last time that took place was when he was too young to remember it happening. It was all so unfamiliar. Regardless, it was everything he needed. The grip on his body is tight and it makes him feel like he didn’t make a mistake trusting his father. He wasn’t here to criticize him.
“Let it out, son. I’m not going anywhere.”
Those words, minus a few sounded so alike to yours. Whenever Jaehyun needed advice, or guidance for anything big or small, you would always say this to him as he enraged. He didn’t realize until now how much he took that for granted. Living in a fairy tail where words held power seemed so perfect for him and his perfect life. Now look at him, alone.
“What—what do I do? Huh dad?” He hits his chest gently. He had never hyperventilated so much in his life. He didn’t know what to do with himself. All he knew was that his chest burned and so did his skin. He felt like hell. A life without you is hell. “She’s gone. She’s going back home. I heard her when she came to the house.”
“I know you don’t want to hear anything about your mother...”
“No!” Jaehyun shoots up. “I don’t want to see her, hear her, be near her. It’s bad enough I’m in this house right now.”
“Jaehyun.” His father sterns, and the intense glare that he’s rubbing into the already sharpened wounds of his son is enough for him to listen. His eyes are raging and wet, but his mouth is shut. “Just listen to me.”
“Your grandma hated your mother with a passion I had never seen before. I didn’t understand it. I didn’t know how one could possibly despise someone for something so stupid. Class? And although it wouldn’t have mattered, it blew my mind that even while your mother was still loaded rich, beautiful, and smart, she still didn’t get the approval.”
“I thought with time, everything would change. Me and your mother would go to the states, mom would miss me and realize she’s pushing me away, she realizes how idiotic she sounds, and then boom—life is perfect again. I’m the destined son, I run the buisness, and me and your mother have kids running around half naked while we chase after them filling the mansion with laughter.”
“But that didn’t work. We went to the states, and that only made mom more angry, so we came back. I thought that maybe their first meeting wasn’t personal enough. Maybe I needed to move out of the way and let them bond.”
“That didn’t go well either I assume.” Jaehyun adds in.
“Of course it didn’t. Mom didn’t speak the entire trip, so your mother ended up calling me to save her. I won’t go on, but do you get what the moral of this story is? Hm?”
“That grandma isn’t as amazing as I thought she was.”
“No, son.” Minjun rises. His arm extends to place on his shoulder, and Jaehyun can see the light strain it’s causing him. He moves up to fill the space. “The moral of this story is that you will never be able to please these fucking people. Excuse my french.”
“I know your feelings of your mother have drastically changed in these past couple of days, but pretend you’re me. I’m extremely disappointed in her right now too. Disgusted, actually. But your mother is the love of my life. She’s difficult, but I love her. And I married her. And I got the best gift I could ever recieve because of her—you. My son. I’m sorry I was never around. I’m sorry if you ever felt like work was all I cared about, but it was all for you. So you could live life how you wanted.”
It was all coming back. The heavy emotions Jaehyun had finally let in. His father was right. There were nights, especially when he was younger, where he felt his father was avoiding him. That he really just didn’t want to play cars or hide and seek. But as he grew up, he knew that wasn’t true. His body is moving on its own as it deeply embraces his father—his dad.
“I know dad...I know. I love you.”
“I love you too, son.” Minjun had never felt Jaehyun like this, but it felt all too rewarding. He was always haunted with nightmares of his son resenting him. He doesn’t want to let go, but he has one more thing to show.
“One more thing.” He sniffles. He places his hand in his left coat pocket, digging unnecessary.
“What’s that?”
“Something that you better use.”
In his hand is a wooden box, clearly antique. The engraving reads letters, but Jaehyun can’t read them. His head is still pounding and maybe that’s why he can’t realize what’s in front of him right now. He definitely understands when he father snatches it open, though.
“You want to marry this girl, right?”
All he can do is nod frantically. He never thought he would see the day where this ring would be on a finger other than his grandmothers.
“Is this real?!”
“The real thing. Not a remake. It took so much convincing, but me and mom had a talk. A very important one.”
As Jaehyun takes the box into his hand, his heart sinks into his stomach. “I—how do I do this? Do I get doves? Do I—
“You go to her, no matter where she is, and you propose son.”
“Okay.” Jaehyun is running around the room grabbing all of his belongings. He doesn’t have a suitcase—he’s just grabbing the essentials. Now Minjun is getting a headache, although he finds this all to be too cute.
“Don’t go too fast.”
Jaehyun is about to run out of the room before he stops.
“Son, wait.”
From the right pocket, his father takes out a piece of paper. “You’re going to need this, arent you? Unless you’re going to swim or something.” He smirks.
“Right...” He trials, walking quickly to grab the plane ticket, but not before embracing his father one last time. “Thank you so much, dad. I don’t know what I would do without you, but I’m going to bring her back to you. I promise. You’ll love her. If she says yes.”
“I know I will.” He smiles. “I know I will. Now go. I want some grandkids sooner than later.”
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“Everything okay?”
It’s you, and it’s home. In the aftermath of your honeymoon love making, Jaehyun took a step outside to the wooden patio, and his gaze on the waves—the way his eyes were soft, but also spoke rememberence told you a memory was running through.
His bare chest moves up and down as he takes in the scent of Aruba. The golden sunset is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you. He couldn’t believe everything that had to happen for the two of you to get here.
“I don’t know if this is a good stare into nothing, or a bad stare into nothing, but if it makes you feel better your dad made the picture of me and him his Facebook profile picture.”
Jaehyun can’t hold a chuckle in. He never could around you. He feels you on his right side, and unconsciously he opens up his side for you to seep into. His lips connect to the side of your head like always.
“Did he now?”
“Yes he did. You better treat me right, or I’ll go be with him.”
“You wouldn’t.” His eyes dissapear as he puts on an Oscar performance of looking angry, but he couldn’t hold it for long. He has to kiss you.
“You’re right...I wouldn’t.” You smile. He’s still staring at you, but now you’re trying to lock eyes with whatever has him out here instead of in bed with you. Your left hand is on his right, and the ring is prominent on your skin. You always wore it like it was made for you, but the band that laid above it was the icing on the cake.
The two of you were married. He always knew he would be able to say that, but even so, it feels like a dream. His mom came to the wedding. She didn’t look happy by any means, but she came. She also hugged you and said congratulations. Maybe that was his fathers doing, but he didn’t care. He knew it gave you peace of mind.
Rosé’s baby bump was starting to show big time, but she was rocking it like a pro. It’s always said in Seoul that although couples who were “put together” may last forever, they hate eachother, but that would never be the case with Johnny and Rosé. At the reception, the way they looked at eachother was more fire than they had at their wedding night, and that was beautiful.
Haechan, Taeyong, Lucas, and Yuta, along with Johnny were Jaehyun’s best men. Rosé, Jasmine, and Heechul were by your side. It may sound weird, but you made it work.
“I’m okay.” Jaehyun begins, rubbing your shoulder softly. “I’m better than okay. I just thought about how my dad saved me more times than I ever knew. I love that man.”
“He loves you too, baby. You wanna know who else loves you?”
“Who?” He plays innocent, but he already knows the answer. “Is she cute?”
“You better hope so.” You chuckle sweetly. “Well, you better hope one of them is. The other is destined to be cute.”
“I love you.” You kiss his nose gently. “And they love you.” You take your ringed hand and place it on your belly. Obviously it’s nothing there, but it will be soon. Sooner than you think.
You immediately catch him in your arms as you know he’s going to practically faint from the news. “Mhm.”
“You’re pre—pregnant? Are you serious?”
“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life other than you.”
“We’re having a baby?”
“We’re having a baby.”
Quicker than lighting is he picking you up in his strong arms and swinging the patio door open. He doesn’t throw you on the bed, but instead gently places you as he hovers over.
His lips are on yours and it’s passionate, but slow.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“For having your baby?”
It makes him laugh.
“For all of it. For being you. Words cannot explain how much I love you. Never forget that okay?”
“I love you more, Jung Jaehyun. More and more everyday.”
Happy endings really do exist.
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merci-bitch · 5 years
Rose The Hat x Fem!Reader
Warning (s): smut, angst, fluff
Words: 2,4K 
A/N: This was actually very emotional to write, in the beginning at least. I wrote this for a very good friend @shart-xing. Hope you like it Kat! Despite it being some what semi emotional to write it was actually quite fun. It really was. I took time to explore what I was comfortable with in the process of writing it all. I’m not an expert in writing smut so sorry if it wasn’t completely full on. 
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“And I want her...I want her” Rose said as she looked up at Crow Daddy. He slowly reached out for her hand before she slapped it away. “I fucking want her” Rose’s face expression was deeply serious. She’s never felt like this before. She’s never wanted anyone like she wanted her.
I was walking down the street after a day of school. Despite being 23 that didn’t stop me from studying. I didn’t just wanna be some lazy kid that just sat at home and complained about everything. I wanted to become something, not caring if I would make it into anything. I had promised my grandmother before she died I would make something up with music. That’s promise has been with me ever since. 10 years is a long time. I wanted to build my life off of music. Not caring if I became famous or not, just wanted to share the gift I had. The pleasure I found in making music. I didn’t wanna make music for eyes, nor rather for ears. I couldn’t care less about what people would think about me. Sure we all have had our ups and downs but in the end? I’m sure we all get what we want at some point, we just have to work hard for it. As my mother always said, if you wanna enjoy the pleasure, you better do something to earn it.
I had made a few songs. One in particular had gotten recognized. It was called ‘Life’. It was about how our every day is, how we all actually feel deep down inside. How we all are too scared to ask for help. But despite all this, I’ve never felt more alone in the world. Ever since I was a child I had always been told I was special, different then the others. That I didn’t only have the gift in singing but the gift of them shining’. I could read people’s thoughts, make people do stuff by just thinking about it. I’ve been called many names. Some like freak, monster. I’ve never really understood why I had been born this way. All I really wanted was a normal life, without any of this. But I guess we all can’t have a normal life, right?
I sat on a park bench as the sunset was beginning to form. The air slightly cold, not enough to freeze though. It was nice. A nice day in the end of July. A few weeks after my birthday. I hadn’t really celebrated it. It wasn’t really a day that meant anything to me anymore. When I turned 15 my parents abounded me and my big brother. I woke up one day and they were gone. No note, no phone call. No nothing. After it all I began to shut people out. I started balling myself for my parents disappearance. I felt as if it was my fault they left. Me and my brother still have contact despite not seeing him in person for 5 years. Since I lived in New York and he lived in London with his girlfriend it wasn’t really easy to just jump on a plane and meet up. I did miss him. I texted him good morning and goodnight everyday and told him if anything would happen. Like when my song ‘Life’ blew up. He would always say he was proud of me, that mom and that would have been proud too. As much as our grandmother would. We agreed on that the first star that would shine up in the sky was her. That she was watching over us, protecting us from any harm.
“Isn’t it to late for a young stud like you to be out here?” I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw a mystical looking woman starring back at me. She was wearing what looked like a magicians hat. Her eyes looked like they were hiding so much. Like she knew everything that was happening in the world. Her facial reconstructions softened as she saw my tears stained cheeks. She walked around the bench and sat down next to me. “Dry those pretty eyes of you my love” She reaches out for me but I managed to pull away. Feeling awfully uncomfortable around this woman. I felt as if she was reading my every thought. As she knew my whole story by just looking at me.
I stood up and turned to walk away when I felt a grip on my arm. “What a rude way to greet someone. Haven’t mommy and daddy told you to be nice to everyone you meet?” I felt myself tense up. “Oh that’s right. Mommy and daddy left” Her lips forming a wicked smile as she tilted her head to the side. I pulled my arm to myself and took a few steps away from her. “I-you know nothing about me. Stay away from me please” I turned around and started to walk away. Feeling her eyes on me.
(What’s wrong my sweet. Scared of old Rosie?)
I felt myself tense up once again. Her laugh echoed inside my head as I felt her presence next to me once more. “That’s right baby. I’m just like you.” I felt a light sting on the inside of my neck before everything went black.
I woke up by hearing two people talking behind me. I was lying rather comfortably on what I think was a bed while lying on my side. My head against the wall as my back was against the people who were talking.
“We’ve been over this Rosie. Just because you see someone you like doesn’t mean you can just take them with you everywhere you go!” I heard a manly voice say. “I told you she’s different. She’s steamy, and she’s mine.” That female voice I recognized. The woman at the park. “I fucking want her and now she’s here. Lying right over there. If you ever touch her I swear to god, I will kill you with my bare hands and feed you to the others Crow” Feed you to the others?! What was this? Some kind of cannibalistic cult?! I need to get the fuck out of here, that’s for sure. And why did she keep saying I was hers? I was my own property thank you very much. I heard a door open and close. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep as I heard footsteps coming closer towards me. I soon felt someone lie behind me. That person was placing light kisses on the inside of my neck. “Can’t wait you show you so many things my love. Can’t wait to make you mine.” She turned me around as she grabbed my jaw and placed a kiss on my lips before getting off the bed. I heard the door open and close again. I opened my eyes as touched my lips with my fingers. Wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.
I had been quite some time since this woman had been here. I guessed her name was Rosie since that’s what I’ve heard. Apparently she was living in an RV? A rather big one, and a very homey one to. It looked so much like the pictures you would see on Pinterest or FaceBook. Hell, there was even a bathtub. As I looked at the selections of books lying on the small table next to the bed I heard the door open and close once more. I was meet with that very woman. Her lips forming a big smile. “Well, hi there sleepyhead. Had a good nap?” She moved towards me and stood behind me. Running her hands up my arms, squeezing my shoulders lightly.
“Where-who are you?!” I turned around to face her. She took a piece of my hair and placed it behind my ear. “I would have figured you would have known that by now. I’m Rose, Rose The Hat as my friends call me. You much be Y/N.” I didn’t say anything but just nodded my head. “I did give you a chance though. I tried as much as I could not to go inside that pretty little head of yours” My eyes went wide as she spoke. She let out a chuckle as she took ahold of my hand and lead me towards the bed. Patting the space next to me.
“Where am I actually.” I asked as I sat down. “You’re home, my sweet” I let out a snort. Apparently surprising her. “I don’t even know who you are and you’re calling this my home?” I stood up again as I threw my hands in the air. “Don’t you wanna know what happened to your mommy and daddy?” She asked incidently. I turned around to face her and looked her dead in the eye. The silence making her grin that was planted on her face grow. Did she have anything to do with my parents disappearance? “Oh yes. Of course I did.” She answered as if it were nothing. My first thought was, she killed them. I knew she was reading my mind as she let out various of laughs. I couldn’t help myself but launch at her and grab her throat to choke her while straggling her. I felt my vision being blurred by the tears forming.
“How-how could you! You killed my parents! I-I was 15!” She grabbed my hands that were wrapped around her throat and pulled them away from her. She then embraced me in a tight hug as she started to rock me back and forth. “I didn’t kill your parents. Yes they were steamy despite their age and we were gonna eat them-“ “oh real cute Rose. Real cute” She shushed me up. “But then I saw you. So young and so vulnerable. So much pain and fear after your parents. It hurt me to be honest. I didn’t kill your parents, however I watched as they drow off a cliff” I felt my world shatter. My parents would never do that, they would never just leave me and my brother without a reason. I started fighting against Rose’s grip around me. Started hitting her. Trying to get away, but nothing worked. She was too strong.
After what seemed like ages I finally calmed down. Feeling slightly comfortable in the strangers arms. “Really? You’re gonna call me a stranger?” Rose said as we broke apart, me still sitting on her lap. “Could you stop reading my fucking mind for a moment please?!” I dried my eyes in the sleeves on my shirt. “Only because you said please.” I mouthed thank you. She handed me some tissue to dry my nose. After I was done I threw out the tissue I had used and found Rose looking at me. “What” “You’re extremely cute” Despite not wanting to, I felt my cheeks grow hot. I hit my face in my hands as I rested my head against her shoulder. “Oh no sweetie. Let me see that pretty face of yours” She took ahold of my wrists and made me look up at her again. She rested her forehead against mine. “You’re safe with me Y/N. I’ll never leave you. I promise” Despite only know this woman for maybe 4 hours? I felt safe, not rather said, loved. I raised my pinky finger. “Pinky promise” She smiled as she nodded and raised her pinky finger as well. “Pinky promise.”
Just as I pasted the doorway into Rose’s RV I was slammed up against the wall. My arms being held up above my head. “What the actual fuck Rose?!” She shut me up with a kiss. The kiss wasn’t just full of love but full of pure lust. Her knee moving in between my thighs, pressing up against my core. She started trailing her kisses down my jaw, down my neck. Letting her hands move down and stopping at my chest. I forced back a moan in the back of my throat. Wasn’t gonna let her have all the joy that easily. I used all the strength and flipped us over, slamming Rose into the wall. I meet her surprised eyes.
“What’s gotten into you? Damn.” She leant forward and bit my jaw. Making me let out a low groan. “I want you...I want you so bad. Let me have you” Rose answered as I felt her hands on my ass. Her hands moving further down as she lifted me up in her arms. Caring me towards the bed and dropping me before getting on top of me, attacking my neck. Trailing sloppy, wet kisses down my neck as her hands moved up to my chest. Squeezing my bra threw my shirt. I let out the first of many moans. I saw her rip open my shirt and trail the kisses further down. My breathing became more shallow and harsher as she continued. Her fingers hooked under my pants and pulled them down, taking my panties with. Leaving me in only a black bra. She threw my pants and panties on the floor as she got in between my legs after spreading them wide. Locking her hands under my thighs as she started placing light feather kisses on the insides of my thighs.
“Rose. God dammit-just please!” I had been begging for god knows how long. She had gotten me so close, so many times. “I don’t know Y/N. Do you really deserve to come?” Her fingers teasing my clit further. “I-yes! I’ll do anything! Just please! I need to come!” She let out a deep laugh as she lowered her head and let her tongue touch my clit. Doing kitten licks, up and down before taking my clit in between her lips and starting to suck. “Fuck! Yes-thank god!”
Rose was lying next to her. She was hers now, and Rose was going to make sure that it stayed that way too. No way in hell she was letting go of her sweetheart. Not now, not ever
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
The Stranger the Better
From: @hockeydyke
To: @bitty-smol
Summary: Kent’s had a bad day and he figures date night with Bitty will improve his mood. But when Bitty watches a hot stranger get stood up, he decides to invite the man over to join him and Kent for the night. The only problem? Kent knows the guy.
Rating: T
Tags: Alternate universe- no one plays hockey, Established Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Kent “Parse” Parson, Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Kent “Parse” Parson/Jack Zimmermann, Misunderstandings
Kent hadn’t had the best day so far.
All things considered, though, he was doing a pretty good job of holding it together. In fact, he was actually proud that he hadn’t snapped at his boyfriend at all despite his bad mood, because he was still feeling rational enough to know that he didn’t actually want to push Bitty away or do anything to make things worse. Instead, he was trying to ignore it and go about his daily routine as usual.
And sure, maybe it wasn’t the best thing in the world for Kent to push down all his feelings and frustrations, but Bitty had a tendency to pick up the moods of the people around him, and Kent didn’t want to make Bitty grumpy just because he had the misfortune of being both physically and emotionally close to a particularly pissy Kent Parson on what could otherwise be an entirely pleasant Friday night.
So Kent had texted Bitty during work and suggested a low-key dinner date, because enchiladas and a couple happy hour drinks from Cactus Cantina across the street from their apartment certainly couldn’t make things worse. All Kent knew was that the place was casual, the dessert menu was up to Bitty’s standards, and the drink selection rotated often enough to keep him happy, so it was a win for both of them, and they usually ended up there at least once a week.
And that’s what brought Kent to where he was currently, sipping a half-priced strawberry swirl margarita and pouting because his boyfriend wasn’t paying attention to him. This was particularly offensive to Kent since Bitty was busy looking over Kent’s shoulder at some hot guy who’d sat down on the other side of the room around when they’d arrived. The nerve of it all. Sure, Kent and Bitty had an open relationship, but that didn’t mean that Kent never got jealous-- especially when he was two margs in and in need of attention as he tried to tell an entertaining story about Jenna from Marketing.
Bitty rested his chin on his hands and made heart eyes in the hot guy’s direction again, and Kent finally gave up and sighed as loudly as he could get away with in public. “Come on,” he said, sounding only slightly whinier than he’d intended. “Is this guy really that hot? You’ve been staring at him for ten minutes.”
He began to turn, but Bitty darted his hands out and grabbed the collar of Kent’s shirt to keep him from doing it. “I swear to god, Kent. Do not look at him right now. It’d be so obvious that we’re staring.”
Kent threw his hands in the air. “Alright, alright! I’m not looking, okay? You can describe him to me.” He stared in front of himself instead, at the turquoise accent wall and exposed brick and generic cactus-themed decor. “See, not looking, so paint me a damn picture. But make it a sexy picture, at least.”
Bitty leveled Kent with a stare. “You’re ridiculous,” he said, but he did take another good look over Kent’s shoulder. “He’s got gorgeous blue eyes and cheekbones that could cut glass. Honestly, he looks familiar. I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before.”
“What kind of familiar?”
“Like, B-list reality TV star famous. Or maybe some kind of modeling? He has the bone structure for it. He’s easily the hottest person here, other than us, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Kent repeated. “And he’s seriously been alone this whole time?”
“Yes! The waitress has checked up on him, like, five times. Poor thing,” Bitty said, frowning. “Someone definitely stood him up. We should go see if he wants to come sit with us to take his mind off of it.”
“Are you kidding me? I bet he got stood up because he’s an asshole.”
“What if he’s a serial killer?” Kent said, then sat up straighter and poked at Bitty’s forearm. “Even worse-- what if he’s the kind of guy who golfs on weekends?”
“Oh, shush. You’ve been such a grump today,” Bitty said, which, ouch, but true. Maybe Kent wasn’t as good at hiding his feelings as he thought, which was possibly something that he should talk to his therapist about. “We’re going to do something nice and we’re going to feel good about it.”
Feel good. A Freudian slip, or maybe a complete coincidence, but it was enough for Kent to jump to a conclusion that he felt pretty good about. He grinned.
“You just want us to have a threesome with him, don’t you?”
They stared each other down for a few moments. Bitty had a decent poker face, but Kent had known him for long enough to recognize the faint pink blush on his cheeks as a dead giveaway that he was right.
Finally, Bitty gave in. “Okay, fine, I think we should invite him home with us. But once you see him, you’re gonna agree with me. He’s exactly your type.” And before Kent could speak, he added, “Your other type, sweetheart. Not like me at all.”
“Big guy?”
“Mm,” Bitty hummed, gazing over Kent’s shoulder and nodding, chin resting in his hands again. “Thighs for days. Dark hair, very mysterious. Could definitely play a vampire in a movie, but like, a vampire who works out.”
“Fuck, okay. Invite him over,” Kent said, just as their waitress passed by again. While Bitty stood and headed out of Kent’s view, Kent waved her over so she could get him another margarita. She brought the drink out immediately. Kent was just lifting it up to his mouth for a sip when Bitty returned, smiling and bouncing on his toes as he sat back down across the table from Kent.
And then next to him, because Kent Parson’s life was a nightmare or at least a mildly uncomfortable stress dream, Jack Zimmermann sat down, looking stunningly handsome but also sheepish and shy right up to the moment when he met Kent’s eyes. Immediately, Jack’s annoyingly perfect face collapsed into a frown, looking for all the world like he’d seen a ghost.
At least, that’s what Kent felt like, because here was the same Jack Zimmermann who Kent had been moping about all day, after seeing on Facebook that morning that he’d moved back to town after more than five years away. Kent hadn’t seen him in person for nearly as long, since the last time he’d made a pitiful attempt to win Jack back at the Zimmermann family holiday party was just a month before he’d met Bitty. This was that Jack Zimmermann, back in his life without any warning.
It was all Kent could do not to spit out his entire mouthful of tequila and sugar, and the only reason he didn’t was because his shirt was white and he didn’t feel like spending his evening trying to remove a pink stain from it, but God, he wanted the drama of it.
Bitty dove right into introductions, seemingly unaware of Kent’s hopefully well-disguised mental and emotional crisis. “Jack, hon, this is my boyfriend, Kent. Kent, this is Jack. He just moved in across the street from here.”
Kent swallowed. His drink felt like it had gone stale in his mouth. “We’ve met,” he said, dry.
“Oh, really?” Bitty asked, looking up at Jack again, narrowing his eyes.
Jack didn’t say anything at all. Instead, while he sat there slack-jawed and wide-eyed, Kent had to explain what was going on. “This is Jack Zimmermann,” Kent said, trying to use his eyes to convey his sheer panic to Bitty. “I played hockey with him in high school,” he said, because that was easier than saying that Jack was the one who broke his heart, and anyway, Bitty knew the entire story and would be able to infer.
Bitty continued to force a smile. “Goodness! Well, I really walked right into that one, huh? No wonder you looked so familiar,” he said, patting Jack’s arm in a way that Kent knew was meant to be both comforting, but actually made Jack look like he was about to implode.
“Eugh,” Jack started, helpful as ever, and something about his rich tenor made Kent’s blood feel warm. It was also possible that the tequila had just hit. “I can go. I don’t want to, um, upset anyone. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to! We’d still be glad to have you join us,” Bitty said. “I know that Kent has so much he’d love to talk to you about, and I’m sure it’s the same on your end of things!”
“Bits,” Kent hissed. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever been betrayed this badly. Bitty was definitely sleeping on the couch tonight, but he couldn’t say that right now, because that would probably look bad in front of Jack.
Kent didn’t want that, probably. In fact, he wasn’t at all sure what exactly he did want from Jack now, at this point in his life, at age 25 and happy with his boyfriend, job, cat, apartment, and basically every other aspect of life that showed that he had proudly moved on from Jack Zimmermann.
And yet Kent couldn’t help but let his mind drift to how happy he was that he hadn’t had time to change after work, because he looked pretty damn good in his slacks and button-down. He wasn’t wearing a hat, but he had spent a very long time in front of the restroom mirror touching up his hair after his lunch break, so he felt pretty confident that it looked good right now. Comparatively, this was a much better way of running into Jack than, say, running into him during a late-night grocery run when Kent was wearing ratty sweatpants and a shirt with a picture of his cat on it.
Kent thought he looked okay. And he did want Jack to know that he was okay.
Jack was still frowning, and the worry lines in his forehead and around his eyes were deeper than they used to be. His eyes were also, somehow, so much more blue than Kent remembered, as if time had somehow erased their intensity. After a moment, Jack cleared his throat, stilted and awkward, and said the one thing that could convince Kent to give this a shot: “I’ve missed you.”
It was too much.
“Yup,” Kent said, standing up fast enough to knock into the table and jostle it, loudly shifting the plates and glasses and fake cactus on top of it. “I gotta hit the bathroom. Bitty?”
Bitty stood, much more graceful, and slid out of the booth. “It seems like I also have to use the restroom. Stay here and we’ll be right back,” he said, and something in his tone was commanding enough that Jack obediently remained seated and didn’t argue.
Kent pushed through the main room of the restaurant and back to the hallway where the restrooms were located and closed the door once he and Bitty were both in the one-stall men’s bathroom. He took stock of the situation: shockingly he wasn’t having a panic attack, but he was still feeling thrown off and almost dazed.
“I think I’m in shock. Could I literally be in medical shock right now? Am I crying?” he said to his own reflection in the mirror, eyes wet and hair wild. His hair had cowlicks, it seemed, remained tamed. Over his shoulder, he could see mirror-Bitty facepalm, then move closer so he could pat Kent’s shoulder.
“Kent, honey,” Bitty started, then paused as Kent leaned over the sink and splashed water in his face, hoping to refresh himself. “I love you, but you really have zero common sense. You’re getting your shirt all wet.”
“Good!” Kent said. “Does it look like I’m crying? Because I’m totally not crying.”
“You don’t look like you’ve been crying because you’ve basically trained yourself not to cry properly, which is absolutely not healthy, but I’m not going to lecture you about it right now,” Bitty said. “But even if you were, it’d be fine! I’m sure he’s freaking out just as much as you are right now!”
“Is this a pep talk, or are you trying to make me feel guilty?” Kent asked. “Because I don’t feel guilty. He ignored me for years, Bits. It never meant anything to him.”
“Kenny.” Bitty grabbed Kent by the shoulders. Kent could feel them flex and press into his shirt as Bitty raised up slightly onto his toes. It was a habit he’d developed from years of trying to close their three-inch height difference, and the familiarity of it lulled Kent’s pulse to a more reasonable pace. “You’ve been wanting closure with him for as long as I’ve known you. I know he broke your heart. But you’re both adults now and I think you’re finally mature enough to talk about it, so why don’t we give it a try?”
Kent leaned forward until Bitty understood what he wanted and wrapped his arms around him in a proper hug. He sighed. “Yeah, okay. Even though I hate it when you’re right.”
“I’m always right,” Bitty said, giving Kent’s back one final pat and then gently pushing him back out of the restroom and into the main floor of the restaurant.
For the first time, Jack smiled. “Did you spill a glass of water on your shirt?” he asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Kent said. “What really matters is that my boyfriend thinks you’re hot. Can you buy him a drink and also explain why the fuck you’re back in town?”
“Oh,” Jack started, then faltered. “I guess, I-- well. I got a new job.” He took a deep breath, then turned to Bitty. “Sorry, what would you like to drink?”
“Just a regular margarita, thank you,” Bitty said, sliding into the booth next to Jack. “So, Mr. Zimmermann. Please tell us all about this new job of yours.”
And so Jack did. Kent was quiet during their first round of drinks, listening and watching and learning about this new, older Jack Zimmermann. He was still reserved and still a little bit slow on the uptake when it came to the jokes and slang that Kent and Bitty easily tossed around, but he also cracked a few jokes of his own, which was something he never used to do when they were teenagers. He was more relaxed, too: although Kent spent several minutes watching Jack’s hands, he didn’t see them shake at all.
Their conversation flowed easily enough that two hours passed without Kent noticing. He only realized that it was close to ten-- closing time-- that their waitress had started to hover around the table, pacing at the edge of Kent’s line of vision. At ten, she shuffled up to the table, but didn’t say anything yet. The girl was young, probably in high school, and Kent felt bad for her. He’d hated waiting tables, too, back when he’d done it in college. He looked at Bitty, then at the waitress, trying to subtly let him know that it was time to go.
Bitty nodded, and then, under the table, kicked Kent. It was all Kent could do to keep from yelping, but he somehow managed it and shot a glare in Bitty’s direction, thankful that Jack was oblivious and rambling happily about his photography. Bitty kicked Kent again. Clearly, it was up to him to decide how they were going to end the night.
“Alright,” Kent said, before his leg had to sustain any more damage. He waved the waitress closer and motioned for the check. “How about we move this to our place? You can meet my cat, Zimms.”
Jack looked up. “Really?”
“Yeah, really,” he said, accepting the check and sliding his card into the holder before either of them could stop him. It was a convenient way for him to avoid eye contact.  “I don’t know if you want anything like that, and if you want to just ignore me so we go back to pretending each other doesn’t exist, I could get over that too.”
“But,” Bitty prompted, kicking Kent again.
“But I’d like it if you’d come home with us,” Kent said, finally looking up from where he’d been fidgeting with his debit card.
It was dim in the restaurant this late at night, the colorful string lights and candles doing little against the dark outside, but Jack’s eyes were shining. He nodded, thoughtful. “This was nice. I’d like that too.”
“Thank God,” Bitty said. “Okay, let’s get out of here. I’m dying to get out of my work clothes,” he said, giving Jack a wink that made him choke on his last sip of the single pint of beer he’d been nursing all night.
As they left the restaurant, Jack and Kent walked on either side of Bitty, who looked as pleased as the cat who’d gotten the cream. “Told you we’d feel good about this,” he said, knocking his hips against Kent’s own and smiling, and that’s when Kent realized what should have occurred to him the moment that Bitty invited Jack over to their table.
That little shit knew who Jack was all along.
“Oh, man,” he said, throwing his arm around Bitty’s shoulder. He nuzzled his nose against Bitty’s ear before blowing in it and laughing when Bitty squealed. “You’re lucky I love you.”
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chasml · 5 years
Post marriage ishimondo birthday surprise party with old friends and maybe kids and pets
Oh, I had a blast writing this one! Thanks to you and also @derpyflowergarden​ for giving me another idea that I incorporated into this!
Fic is 5500 words long. It’s a non-despair sequel to Surprise for Ishimaru set around Kiyotaka’s 30th birthday (with him and Mondo having two adopted children who I have admittedly just based off of my own niece and nephew). Probably a teen rating due to some mild innuendo.(Also @dailysmilingishimaru this might be something for the birthday appreciation day?)
Another Surprise For Ishimaru
Kiyotaka groaned a little as he ran through his stretchingroutine in front of the computer. He’d been sitting here too long, and didn’thave much to show for it right at this moment, as he couldn’t seem to find thewords he wanted to use to explain why he was starting an appeal to raise moneyfor the local homeless shelter…
At least, not ones that were professional enough to go onhis official Facebook page. Mondo’s suggestion of ‘Homeless people need helpand our shitty government ain’t doing anything about it!’, as tempting as itwas, probably wouldn’t help convincepeople he was responsible enough to be handling the money on their behalf…
Maybe it was time he took a proper break to clear his mind…Especially as the kids had suddenly started yelling loudly downstairs, and thatmeant at least one of the dogs was barking along with them. Honestly, itworried him sometimes how quickly the two of them would go from playingperfectly with each other to snapping and fighting with each other. Even if Mondo said that was normal forsiblings…
“What’s going on down here!?” Kiyotaka tried not to soundtoo aggravated with them as he entered the lounge and found them both shoutingup at the highest shelf in the room, where he kept his old photo albums andbookends safe from the children and the dogs… But not the new cat!
“Ah!” Kiyotakaexclaimed as he noticed the white cat was sat on top of the row of albums,looking startled at the noise being aimed at him, but making no move to getdown! “How’d Snowball get up there!?”
“She jumped across from the bookshelf!” His son Daiya (Who’dasked to change his name to that sometime after they’d adopted him and Mondohad accidentally let it slip that he’d have liked to name a boy after hisbrother) explained as he pointed across in a panic.
“Bad kitty! That’sFather’s special shelf!” Meanwhilehis daughter Chiharu (who’d got jealous of her brother getting a new name andasked them to think of one for her as well) was just fruitlessly screaming atthe poor cat.
“I see… but it’s alright! He’s not damaging anything upthere…” At least, Kiyotaka hoped thatwas true! “And getting in a panic and yelling won’t help get her down! Shemight have got herself stuck and be too scaredto come back down, especially with all the noise! So, you two calm down thedogs…” Kiyotaka pointed to the two white pomeranians, Charlie and Chuck II, whowere both still barking away now they’d been started off… “While I go get astep-stool and coax her down, okay?”
“Okay!” The kids both agreed and started trying to shush thedogs, although they’d switched to just outright playing with them by the time Kiyotaka got back and set up thestool.
“Alright, now… let’s get you down from here.” Kiyotaka toldthe cat, as he held out his arms patiently and waited until the cat had brushedher face against his hands and let him stroke her back a few times beforescooping her up and close to his chest so he could safely climb back down anddrop her on the floor.
And then he immediately climbed back up to check that albumswere alright, and the cat hadn’t scratched the bookends or anything like that…
Thankfully, everything was fine… there were just a few whitehairs mixed in with the dust that had built up here… and there was a lot of dust up here, now he looked…
“Are they okay?” Chiharu asked from down on the floor.
“Yes! Everything’s fine! Just very dusty!” Kiyotaka toldher, “Can one of you get me a duster and help me take these down, while I’m uphere…?”
“I’ll do it!” Both of them said, and then ran off attemptingto beat the other to the cleaning cupboard, because everything had to be a competition between them, didn’t it?
…Well, he could hardly talk. They’d probably picked up thatkind of behaviour from him and Mondo…
In the end Chiharu came back with a duster, but Daiya broughthe can of polish, so Kiyotaka declared it was a draw and then started passingthem down the photo albums once he’d dusted them. And made sure he passed themboth an equal number of books, so that didn’t start an argument either,until only the two bookends were left…
“Now, please be very careful with these…” He told themboth, slowly handing each of them one of the bookends, so he could dust overthe empty shelf.
“Why…?” Chiharu piped up.
“Yeah, who are these guys?” Daiya asked.
“What!? That’s me and Daddy!” Wasn’t that obvious? Alright,Mondo’s carving wasn’t as good back then as it was now, but it was still pretty recognisable, wasn’t it?
“Huh? But you’re not wearing a tie!”, “…Why’s Dad’s head such a weird shape…?” Ah. Right… it wasrecognisable as them… as they were almost thirteenyears ago. Meanwhile they’d adopted the children six years ago, after he’d started wearing a normal suit and tie,and Mondo had switched the pompadour a much more health-and-safety compliantponytail.
“Ahahaha… That’s what we looked like back in High School…those were the first thing your Daddy ever made me… and the first birthdaypresent I got from him, as well…! At my first birthday party…” …What a nice daythat had been. Going out for a jog and all his friends being there in the park,when he hadn’t been expecting them at all… 
“…Daddy made this when you were one?” A confused question from Chiharu brought him out of hisreverie.
“Ahh… no. Itwasn’t my first birthday, just thefirst party I had. We were bothSeventeen.” Kiyotaka explained gently, shooting Daiya a warning look as helooked like he was about to start mocking her for the misunderstanding. “Ididn’t really have enough friends before then to have a proper party! But thatjust made it all the better when they all turned up and surprised me!”
The kids were staring at him curiously… had he really nevertold them about this? Well… he had justtaken all the photo albums down off of the shelf…
“…You know what? Why don’t I show you?” Kiyotaka wiped thelast of the dust off the shelf and picked up the right album, then sat in themiddle of the sofa and waited for the kids to join him, one on either side…
And then they were joined by the two dogs, sitting on thekids’ laps, and then Snowball, who curled up around his feet as he opened thealbum to the first page.
“This is them all setting up the party in the park… theypicked that spot because they knew I planned to go jogging in the morning…”
“Just like you do now!” Daiya pointed out.
“Yes!” Some thingsdidn’t change, did they…? He flicked quickly through the set-up photos, pausingto let them crack up with laughter at the sight of Mondo’s old hairstyle andcompare the younger versions of his friends to how they looked nowadays. “Andthere’s here’s me jogging past… I was so busy looking ahead of me that I didn’teven notice they were all there until Makoto shouted at me! I would have runright past my own party…!”
The kids had a laugh at that, and snuggled a bit closer ashe carried on telling the story… even Daiya,who seemed to have decided that twelvewas old enough for him not to want to be hugged all the time. This scenewould probably make a good photograph by itself, if anyone was there to takeit… What a shame Mondo hadn’t come up from the workshop to see what all the noisehad been about…
Of course, if he was therewith a camera, then Chiharu probably wouldn’t let him take it, because she’dstarted hating having her picture taken, for some reason he was still trying tomake sure wasn’t because someone hadmade fun of her or something…
“…And then that’s when I ended up telling your Daddy that Iloved him, for the first time…” Kiyotaka eventually finished, having glossedover the whole business about how badly his father had reacted, and everything to do with Enoshima. “And now it’s almost thirteenyears later… I’ll be thirty thisyear!”
“Are you gonna have a party like this, again?” Daiya asked.
“Hmm…” A big party, for his thirtieth birthday? Mondo hadjust had one last month, a ‘boy’s night out’ with a whole bunch of his oldgang, and some old friends from school as well… but Kiyotaka hadn’t reallythought about what he’d do, yet…“Well… I suppose this would be a goodtime for me to see… most of my oldclass again!” If they weren’t all too busy, that was… “But I suppose if it’sgoing to be exactly like this party was, It’d have to be a surprise, and I wouldn’t know about it,would I…?”
“…OooooOO!” Chiharu’seyes lit up as she gasped, and then tried to hide her wide grin behind herhand.
“Oh, yeah, goodpoint, Dad…” And on his other side, Daiya was doing a better job of looking casual, but stillhad a grin on his face as he sidled off of the couch. “Aaanyway, do you needany more help? ‘Cause if not I’ll go see if Dad needs any…”
“Oh! Me too! I’m gonna help Daddy first!” Chiharu bouncedoff of the sofa and started heading towards the door…
“No you’re not, I am!”Daiya rose to the challenge, and that was all it took for both kids to leavehim alone in the lounge, with a pile of old memories that had to be put back onthe shelf.
Still, at least he’d had a nice time with them, and they’dcared enough to want to try and surprise them. Time would tell if they actuallywent ahead with the surprise party, or if Mondo would have other ideas on whatto do…
(One month later)
Oh! That’d be a nice card for Sakura! Alright, her birthday was almost a whole month away, but it didn’t hurt to beprepared, and as he was here in the card shop anyway…
That should be everything he needed, now he just had to makehis way to the counter to pay for things and they’d all be free to go to the McDonaldslike they’d he’d promised (Mondo and) the kids…
“Uhh… Hey, Hot stuff!”Which made it all the more surprising when Mondo, of all people, suddenly blocked his way to the counter. “Youcome here often?”
“Mondo, what are you doing?” Honestly, from the look on hisface, Kiyotaka wasn’t even sure Mondo knewwhat he was going on about right now… “We’ve been married for nine years! Youknow how often I come to the card shop!”
“Ah, come on! I was flirting!”Mondo snapped, before blocking his attempt to dodge past him with a dashinggrin, “Can’t a guy flirt with his cute husband?”
Kiyotaka could help blushing as he considered how torespond… Of course he didn’t mindMondo flirting with him, but therewas a time and a place for such things, and ina random shop when the kids were hungry was not it!
And speaking of the kids,where were they…? Oh! There theywere, behind Mondo, paying for something up at the counter…
Ah! Was that why Mondo had suddenly startedflirting with him… they wanted to buy something for his birthday, without him noticing! They were going ahead with the surprise party! And it’d be pretty meannot to go along with the charade, even though he’d seen right through it, so hemight as well enjoy it…
“Well… I suppose a littleflirting never did anyone any harm…” Kiyotaka smiled back at him.
“Uhh…!?” Mondofroze for a moment, perhaps surprised that Kiyotaka had gone along with it soreadily, but then tried to carry on as before. “O-of course not! I mean… I wouldn’t hurt ya, at least! Right? Imean… unless you, err… you… maybe you wanted…?”
“Mondo, we’re inPUBLIC!” Kiyotaka hissed, before Mondo implied what Kiyotaka thought he was about to imply, “And youcan’t say things like that in frontof the children!”
“Ah sh… sugar! I’msorry!” Mondo stopped himself fromswearing, “I ain’t flirted in public in years!I forgot how crap I am at it…”
“Ahahaha…!” He couldn’t help but laugh for a momet, beforegiving Mondo a consolatory kiss on the cheek. “Well, maybe you can start doingit more often, then! For practise…”
“Uhh, yeah sure…” Now it was Mondo’s turn to blush and lookaway from him. “Aaanyway, how’s about you pay for those, before the kids getbored of messing about with the toys and start moaning again…”
“Hmm?” Ah… they’d finished paying now! And from the looks ofit they’d ‘hidden’ whatever they’d just purchased by shoving it inside Daiya’scoat… “Alright, I’ll go pay, now! As if youaren’t as eager to go to McDonalds as theyare…!”
(One week later)
“Let’s see… those attending today’s meeting are myself and… Ishimaru! Good, we’re all present! Firstitem on the agenda… general… greetings?”
“…It’s good to hear from you, Togami.” Of all his oldfriends, Togami was the one he heard from least of all, so it had been a bit ofa surprise when the heir had suddenly added this phone call between them onGoogle Calendar… “Though I must admit, I’m a little concerned that you’ve apparently drafted an agenda for this ‘casual catch-up’ ofours!”
“…I have a lot ofmeetings.” Togami told him, matter-of-factly. “I find agendas help make sure Idon’t forget to touch upon vital points during discussions! For example, point two on the agenda is an update on theplans for your birthday celebration.”
“…If you’re asking me what I’m planning to do on the dayitself, I…” Hang on, was anyone else in the house within earshot? Yes! The kidswere right in the next room doing their summer projects! “I have no idea! Because Mondo’s not discussed it withme!”
“Heeheeheehee…”,“Shhhh! He’ll hear you!” Thechildren’s voices filtered through from the dining room. A good thing he’d keptpretending not to know what they’d been planning this whole time… Togami wasone of the last few in the class to call him and ask what the plan for hisbirthday was this year, and he’d been telling everyone that he didn’t have anyidea whatsoever…
“What!? But it’sin two weeks!” Togami snapped,“Didn’t you think to bring it up with him!?”
“Well, I meant to,but he keeps… distracting me!”Kiyotaka half-lied… Mondo’s attempts at flirting with him whenever he needed to‘hide’ what the kids were up to, or ‘secretly’ borrow Kiyotaka’s address bookhad indeed been distracting, although probably not in the way Mondo had beenhoping they would… “You’d probably be better off checking what the plan is withhim… if there is a plan, that is!”
“Really? Verywell… I see how it is!” Togami got the hint that Mondo was probably organisinga surprise party pretty quickly, “Alright then… onto point three of the agenda…”
(Two weeks later)
Ah… What a nice looking day to end the summer off…
And to celebratehis 30th birthday party, outside in the park, of course! That wassure to be a lot of fun, even if not many of his friends were able to make it,judging from the preparations Mondo and the kids had been up to last night…
Honestly, they hadn’t even tried to be subtle about it, yesterday! Daiya had ‘randomly’decided to bake a chocolate cake… which to be fair to him, was something he did do… whenever he really wanted to eat cake. But he usually asked Kiyotaka to buy himmilk chocolate and about twice as much icing sugar. Chiharu hadsounded like she was having a fantasticallyfun time hiding in her room and blowing up balloons with the hand-heldpump… and giggling maniacally whenever one of them got away from her and flewaround the room. And Mondo had been checking his phone for messages allevening… when he wasn’t flirting with Kiyotaka to hide the fact that he waschecking his phone for messages, that was.
…Honestly, the last week, Mondo’s flirting was starting toget pretty good, actually… Goodenough that he was starting to think he should try to get the kids to‘surprise’ him more often…
But if he wanted that towork, he’d have to let them think they’d managed to surprise him today! Which meant he should go aboutthe morning as he would have on any otherday, without looking too excitedabout going out for his morning jog while he got out of bed and ate breakfast.So he started to sit up in bed and do his usual morning stretches…
Which was when he realised Mondo had already got up and leftthe bed.
A few minutes of searching around the house revealed thatMondo had got up, made him breakfast, written a note claiming that Mondothought he could do with a peaceful morning and had taken the children and all the pets out to his father’s house (as if Father would allow the dogs in his house!) and would be backhome in time to meet him after hismorning jog…
Well… at least now he didn’t need to hide his ownexcitement… and he could think about how he was going to ‘react’ to thesurprise… He should probably try to pretend that he didn’t even notice everyonewas there until they yelled his name, right…? Like he’d done at the firstparty…
One aggravatingly long-feeling hour later, Kiyotaka was forcinghimself to jog, rather than run, through the local park, keeping hiseyes fixed dead ahead at all times until he heard someone yelling his name.Which at least had the advantage of letting him ignore the group of people whohad turned up and were all yelling angrily at each other in the main part ofthe park at this time in the morning!What could they possibly be arguingabout on a lovely day like today?
Well… whatever it was, at least Mondo had set the party upwell away from them! He’d stop beingable to hear that lot about five minutes ago, and still hadn’t heard any of his friends or family calling him!
But… now he wasstarting to approach the edge of the whole park itself! Where were they!? Mondo knew what route he always took, didn’t he? Surely he’d have set theparty up somewhere Kiyotaka would jog past! Had they just… missed him goingpast? Maybe if they’d not finished setting up, yet…
Alright… this timehe’d actually look around him as hejogged back through the park…
He still didn’t see them, and he was starting to be able tohear the group of people from before, all shouting still at each other!Honestly, he might just take a break from jogging to tell them all off forbringing such a negative atmosphere to a publicpark! If none of them looked dangerous, anyway…
Hmm… on closer inspection, there were a couple of members ofthe group who looked rather tall and strong… one was even as muscular as Sakura, although that person wasn’tjoining in the shouting. They… or she, wasjust stood calmly, watching as the other two potentially dangerous… men argued with some of the others, likeSakura would normally…
Hold on…
…That was Sakura!She was stood right next to Hina, watchingMondo and his father yelling at Togami, Makoto and Leon! And meanwhile Chihiro,Hifumi and Sayaka looked like they were trying to distract not only his children, but everyone else’s as well, while Kyoko, Toko and Celestiaattempted to organise about… nine differentcakes onto one small table, which wassmothered with several differentdesigns of decoration, Mukuro was stopping his pets from harassing the group ofcaged animals off to the side of the area and Hiro seemed to be wanderingaround looking for something…
“I’ve been trying ta call every damn one of you for a month andthe only people who even called me back wereChi and Hiro!” Mondo’s shouting caught his attention. “And you lot think I’d forget his birthday!?”
“He told us you’dforgot…”
“No, Togami, he toldyou that I hadn’t said anything to himabout it!” Mondo snapped, “And that was‘cause this was supposed to be africken surprise party!”
“To be fair to us, dude, you did forget to…”
“ONCE! I forgothis about organising his birthday ONCE!” Andeven then, Mondo’d remembered aboutit before the birthday itself… “When I was a freaking angsty TEENAGER,LEON!”
“And besides, that’s no excuse for not returning his calls!”His father added.
“I don’t have time forthat!”, “Yeah, but him and I never havefree time at the same time and I get hundreds of answer phone messages!”, “Ahahaha…yeeeah… that’s my fault, I forgot to tell Taka my new number…” It seemed likeall his friends had some reason that they’d not responded to Mondo’sinvitation…
But then why were they here!?And all yelling at each other!? And why were there five different sets of decorations, nine cakes and twodifferent petting zoos…!?
“What are you allDOING here…!?”
Every voice fell silent at his question, and they allquickly turned to face him with looks of shocked embarrassment on their faces…
“SURPRISE! HAPPYBIRTHDAY, FATHER!” …Except his children, who quickly leapt up and yelled athim, quickly followed by the other childrenand then, somewhat less enthusiastically, by his adult friends…
“Err…” Aaahhh… Thiswhole thing made so little sense he couldn’t remember what he’d planned to sayin response to the surprise…!
“Do you like it!?” His daughter ran up to him and starteddragging him towards the rest of the group. “Were you surprised!?”
“Err… yes!” Headmitted, thought not quite for thereason she was probably hoping for… “Verysurprised!”
“Hah! See, Daiya,I told you he didn’t hear me doingthe balloons!” She stuck her tongue at her brother, who rolled his eyes inresponse.
“Dad said no arguing on Father’s birthday!”
“I wasn’t arguing! I was just saying…!”
“Both of you cut itout now!” Mondo cut the two kids off before they started really squabbling, “Or I ain’t lettingyou have any of the cakes!”
“Sorry, Dad…” They both apologised immediately.
“Alright… now how’s about all you kids go help Mukuro calmall the animals down…”
“Okay!” The kids nodded at him and took the excuse to goplay with the animals…
“Err… speaking of the cakes…”Kiyotaka looked over to the table, “Why are there nine of them?”
“Ten of them!”Hina corrected him cheerfully.
“Err, sorry, Hina…” He apologised, only just noticing that she was alsocarry a plate with a cake that looked like it was covered with real fruit…“Why are there ten…”
“That is not acake!” Now Celestia was cutting him off, “There’s nothing but fruit in there!”
“Well, duh! Takalikes fruit!” Hina shrugged. “So I made a fruitcake!”
“For the LAST time,that’s NOT what a fruit cake…!”
“Why are thereMULTIPLE cakes here!?” Kiyotaka shouted above the pair of them before they started squabbling as well. “Andwhile I’m at it, why are there two setsof animals to play with and so many different decorations!? It’s looks like half of you all decided to organise aparty for me independently of one another…!”
No one answered his question. They all just looked around ateach other sheepishly, as if he’d just told them off instead of merely askingthem what they’d done…
“…Hold on… You mean… you didall decide to come visit me and surprise me in the park… without any of you organising it witheach other!?” That… that couldn’t be true… that would be ridiculous!
“I tried toorganise it!” Mondo pointed out, “But noneof these idiots can answer a damn phone!”
“Well, would you pickup for some random number you’d neverseen before!” Toko asked him.
“Yeah, ‘causeotherwise I’d never get any new customers!”
“That is less of a concern for us… we have agents.” Sakura explained apologetically, as Hina,Sayaka and Hifumi nodded along with her. “And as it’s usually Kiyotaka whoinitiates calls for the pair of you, I’ve never had cause to ask what your phone number is and allow it in myscreening program…”
“I… guess thatmakes sense…” Mondo admitted, “I just can’t believe you all thought I’d forget… even you!”He pointed at Kyoko…
“Oh… no, I was pretty sure you were organising a surprise…”Kyoko smirked, “And I realised everyone elsewould try to do the same the minute Makoto suggested we come out here today and organise something…”
“WHAT!?” Makotoshrieked at her, “If you knew thiswas gonna happen, then why’d you let me doit…?”
“I thought Kiyotaka would appreciate it.” She shrugged, thenlooked over at him. “Was I right?”
Did he appreciate it!?The fact that his old friends were so busy and scattered about the place thathardly any of them had managed to getin contact with each other to ask what their plans were for his birthday, butthey’d all cared enough to make sure theyorganised something…?
“…Ahahaha… AHAHAHA…YES! Yes, of course I appreciatethis!” He couldn’t help laughing as he looked at ridiculous sight of the tablewith ten times more cake than they could eat, but no proper food. “You all wentout of your way to make my thirtieth birthday something to remember! It’swonderful! Even if the end result is completely ridiculous!”
“Well… all’s well that end’s well, I guess?” Chihiro laughed,nervously.
“Hang on! I got one morething I wanna ask you and Hiro!” Mondosnapped at him. “I get why everyone else broughtcakes, but I told you two Daiya wasgonna bake something, so why’d you bothturn up with ‘em!?”
“Umm… Honestly, Mondo? I thought you were joking about thatwhole thing…” Chihiro admitted, “It’s kinda hard to believe the son of anex-gangster just willingly… bakes cakes for no reason…”
“Urrgh…” Mondo sighed, then turned to Hiro. “So, is that whyyou’ve got something, to?”
“Huh? Oh… Nah. That wasn’t supposed to be for Taka at all!”Hiro laughed, “I brought it to give to the bake sale!”
“Bake sale…?” Kiyotaka hadn’t heard anything about any bakesales here today…
“Yeah! I was really surethere was gonna be one happening today…” Hiro sighed, looking around the parkone more time, “But, duff prediction, I guess!”
“Hmm…” Kiyotaka frowned, as he looked over at the excessiveamount of cake they had, and the curious stares a few of the otherearly-morning joggers were giving them all as they passed by… “Or, perhaps itjust needs to be a self-fulling prophecy… Did anyone bring a pen and paper?Or maybe even cardboard and a marker…?
“It’s good of you to use your birthday to help raise fundsfor the homeless!” Someone who was close to being the hundredth person to shake his hand today told him, as he droppedsome money into the collection box and took the final piece of Hiro’s cake,effectively ending his impromptu bake sale. “We need more guys like you runningfor office!”
“Well… you can help me out by remembering to vote in twomonths! And making sure your friends are registered to vote and do the same!” Kiyotaka reminded him, wishing yet againthat he’d known to bring along some pamphlets… or at least wear his suit to go jogging so he’d have looked morerespectable during what had turned out to be one of his most productivecanvassing attempts yet…
“Sure thing… See ya!” The man headed off, taking a big biteout of the cake as he left.
“Whew…” Kiyotakasighed as he slumped down onto a nearby seat. Between talking to random membersof the public, catching up with all of his friends and playing with thechildren and animals, he was exhausted!
“Heh… so much for that whole ‘peaceful morning’ idea, huh…?”Mondo came to sit down next to him. “I hope you enjoyed it…”
“Of course I did!I… can tell how much work you and the kids put into it…” Kiyotaka gave him anappreciative kiss.
“Alright… but be honest with me…” Mondo looked at him sceptically.“Were ya really surprised that me andthe kids…”
“No, of course not!Chiharu couldn’t keep a secret if her lifedepended on it! And you and Daia aren’t much better!” Kiyotaka whispered, oncehe’d checked that none of the children were around to overhear him. “But I did appreciate your attempts to hide itfrom me…”
“Oh, really…?” Mondo quirked an eyebrow at him sidled incloser to him, “Well… in that case, I’ve got something else ya might appreciate…”
“Oh…?” Now, this sounded promising…! “And what wouldthat be…?”
“This!” Contrary towhat he’d been expecting, Mondo moved awayfrom him and ducked under the table, pulled out a large box and placed it onKiyotaka’s lap triumphantly.
“Ah… oh!” With allthe presents he’d opened today, he hadn’t realised that he’d not had one fromMondo himself…
“Hah! I knew you hadn’t noticed this one!” Mondo laughed. “Go on… seewhat it is! You’re gonna love it!”
“Ah… alright, alright…” Kiyotaka shushed him as he started carefullyopening the box up, took out some layers of shaped Styrofoam and lifted one ofthe two wooden blocks inside out of the box…
It was a bookend, with a model of him sat on the couch witha book on his lap, the two children and dogs either side of him, a cat satcurled up on his feet… and Mondo stood behind them all, smiling down on them asthey looked through the photos together…
“How… how did you…?” He hadn’t mentioned that to Mondo atall… he hadn’t wanted to make it obvious he knew the children were planning theparty because of it…
“I got worried ‘cause the kids had gone super quiet, so Iwent up to the lounge to see what was going on…” Mondo admitted, “You were allso into it, none of noticed me sneaking in front of you and putting the cameraon timer… I’ll email you the pic when we get back home.”
“Hahah! Thank you! That’llbe wonderful! These are wonderful!” Kiyotaka laughed, carefully puttingthe bookend back in the box and to the side before pulling Mondo in for a tighthug and longer kiss. “These are… hmm…”
“What is it?”
“…I honestly can’t decide if these are the best… or just the second bestbookends I’ve ever had.” Kiyotaka admitted, thinking of the two he had up onthe high shelf back at home, and how happy he’d been to receive them all thattime ago…
“What!? What are talking about!? These are way better than those other ones!” Mondolaughed, “Or are you saying I’ve been working for thirteen years and I’ve only got worse!?”
“You know I don’tmean that!” Kiyotaka snapped playfully, “I just mean… I was so happy when you gave me those, back then…”
“Yeah, I know…” Mondo ruffled his hair. “Gotta admit though,I’m surprised you can’t decide…”
“Well… I figured you’d go straight for the new ones, just cause they got the kids on ‘em…”
“Ah…” He hadn’t thought about it like that… Being young andin love had been… intense and crazy at the time, but wonderful to look back onnow! But the pair of them being able to share their love with a family, andknowing the work he spent his life doing to redeem the name ‘Ishimaru’ wouldbenefit the two smiling children they’d been lucky to adopt…?
He wouldn’t trade that for anything…
“You’re right… Of coursethe new ones are better…” Kiyotaka admitted. “I suppose this whole surpriseparty has just been making me feel nostalgic for the times when you and I hadmore time to just be… alone together!”
“Yeah… I know what you mean…” Mondo kissed his cheekquickly, and leant in to whisper in his ear. “…That’s why I convinced your oldman to take the kids back to his house,for the night…”
Kiyotaka’s eyes lit up at that… there was one more thingMondo had managed to surprise him with… and it definitely sounded promising…
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dolcenco · 6 years
Boyfriend for The Weekend
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Christopher Velez x Reader
Warning: a mini semi-smut in the beginning
Prompt #73 - “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
Prompt #74 - “You’re a dork, just like your father”
S/n: okay this wasn't as emotional as I expected but hi anon I'm sooooo sorry for the late delivery of request :( it hope you liked it tho, it’s a lengthy imagine! 
04/15/2019 - Edited any grammatical errors.
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“You’re so hot”
“I know.”
“Confident much?”
Christopher moaned a deep, throaty groan when you pressed yourself firmly onto him. He bit his lip, his eyes darting from yours to where your crotch is rocking against his growing hard-on.
“I need you.” Christopher rasped through the kiss and squeezed your ass with his desperate large hands.
“You always need me.” You giggled against his cheeks as you trailed kisses down his jawline to his neck.
It all started when Christopher had this fantastic idea and wondered if you wanted to be fuck buddies. After realizing that he was risking of infections from the many fucks and one night stands, why not have sex with one person? And that could be his hot best friend?
You, on the other hand, were tired of pleasuring yourself with just your fingers and toys so when Christopher asked you, you did not hesitate to say yes.
When you were just about to slide his shorts down, your phone suddenly rang, interrupting your seshie. Christopher grabbed your phone from the side table, his eyes widened when he read the caller ID, “It’s your mom.”
With a sigh, you took your phone, rolled off of Chris, and answered the phone, “Hey mom,”
“(Y/n)! Are you home?” Her voice boomed through the speaker, making you hold your phone at arm’s length before pressing it to your ear again to reply.
“Yup.” You responded absently. Christopher was distracting you by squeezing your breast. With a cheeky smirk, he leaned towards your nipple and gave it a small delicate lick.
Before he could do anything else, you pushed Christophers’ head away from your boob, not wanting your mom to hear what you were doing on the other end.
“Did you pack for this weekend? Do you want any food for us to prepare?” She asked through the phone. Your family had this huge gathering this weekend, and your mom won’t stop calling you about it because they missed you and wanted to see you so badly.  
You hopped off the bed, shrugged your bathrobe on, and walked out of your bedroom, but not without flipping Christopher off first.
“Yeah, I packed everything and you know I’ll eat anything.” You sighed and leaned against the wall outside of your room.
“Good and mija…”
“Do you have a boyfriend already?”
You groaned audibly and rubbed your face in annoyance.
“Mooom,” You whined.
“What? It’s just that you’ve been single for so long. I could set you up with my friends’ son…”
The question always came up every damn phone call. But that whole “do you have a boyfriend” card did not stop there, it overflowed during family gatherings. Every member of the family asked you this even your baby cousins! One even asked when you were getting married. It was outrageous. They can’t take “I am single and happy” for an answer. The pestering and the constant blind date your family set you up for grew annoying and you know it will happen again in the family gathering this weekend.
As your mom continued to ramble, you turned and leaned on the door frame of your bedroom to face Christopher, who was waited for you expectantly on your bed. You just wanted to have a peaceful family gathering so you said something you will definitely regret.
“-Ay, mija. He’s so gorgeous, so guapo, I think…”
“I have a boyfriend.”  
The moment your words slipped, you knew there was no going back.
You sighed heavily then pinched the bridge of your nose. You know you were going to regret it but you repeated yourself anyway, “I have a boyfriend.”
There was silence on the other line but before you could speak, a high-pitched squeal screeched through the phone followed by a chorus of voices booming through the speakers causing you to hold it at arm's’ length. Not long before you hear your mom shushing the noise before responding.
“Are you bringing him this weekend?” She beamed like a schoolgirl.
“Why not?”
“Because..” You sighed, scrambling for an excuse. “-he’s busy.”
She scoffs, “Bring him or we’ll go over to your place and meet him.”
You groaned through the phone, defeated. After what took like forever negotiating with your mom, you finally surrendered and agreed to bring ‘boyfriend’ over the weekend. When the phone call ended, you slapped your forehead and slid it down your face.
Where the hell is you going to look for a boyfriend in a day ?!
You slid against the wall, your face in your hands. You were so frustrated with your own stupidity that you didn’t notice Christopher crouched next to you.
“Okay, Amor?” He asked, and you shook your head against your hands.
“I did the stupidest thing.” You mumbled. He grabbed your wrist and pulled your hands to see your face.
“You always do stupid things.” He chuckled, and you frowned at him. When he realize you were being serious, he coughed and scratched the back of his head.
“Okay sorry, what is this stupidest thing you’ve done?”
You sighed and told him about the whole conversation with your mom, and all Christopher did was laugh at your face.
You feel your face heat-up and smacked his arm, “Stop laughing!”
“I can’t! That is the stupidest thing you’ve done. How do you expect to find a boyfriend by tomorrow?” He cackled as he held his side from laughing too hard.
You stood up, entered your bedroom, and plopped on your bed to calm yourself. “I should probably post on Facebook ‘Wanted: Boyfriend For Hire. Paid with Unlimited Food.”
Christopher joined you and sat on the edge of the bed. “You know if anyone posted that for unlimited food, I’d be their boyfriend for a lifetime.”
You shot up with the most brilliant idea in mind and turned to face Christopher.
He looked at you back confused “What?”
“Chris, baby.” You cooed. With that tone, he immediately picked up what you were about to ask.
He shook his head almost immediately, “Don’t even..”
“Please, Chris?” You begged and hugged his arms, getting up all on his face with your best puppy eyes.  
He looked down at you, shaking his head as you tightened your grip on his arm, “Nope.”
“Free food?”
“How long?”
“A week.”
“A month.”
After negotiating, Christopher finally agreed to become your ‘fake’ boyfriend for the weekend.
You hugged him triumphantly, “Yay! Thank you!”
“Ugh, you’re lucky I think you’re hot.” He scoffed and shooked his head.
You crawled on his lap and straddled his hips once again. When you dove for a kiss, he suddenly stopped you mid-way.
“I’m still getting unlimited food, right?” He asked.
You rolled your eyes but nodded your head. He grins and grabs the back of your neck, pulling your lips against his to finish what you guys started.
The weekend finally rolled in. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, it looked like it will be a beautiful weekend. As soon as you and Christopher pulled up at your parents’ driveway, your family swarmed out of the house to greet you both. The day hasn’t even begun yet but things are starting to get crazy.
You held Chris’ hand the whole time, introducing him to the whole family.
When your mom finally met him she was head over heels for this boy. With his natural lovable charms? Who wouldn’t be?
Your dad, on the other hand, was iffy at first. When he first saw Christophers’ tattoos, he had a disapproving frown because he was quite traditional. But when Christopher started talking about cars, you knew Chris won him over because he gave you a thumbs up and an approving smirk. Oh god.
Everyone loved Christopher. The kids loved playing with him, your tias were swooning, your tios thought he was the best and surprisingly, your parents thought he was good for you. Oh, how it would break their hearts when they find out none of it was real.
As night set in, everyone is off to bed. Your parents suggested that you shared your old room with your ‘boyfriend’. On the same bed. Usually, they won’t allow it, but a few rules can bend if your parents loved him so much.
You just finished taking a bath and entered your room with nothing but your bathrobe on. When you went to dig your pajamas from the duffle bag, you noticed Christopher on your bed, messing with his phone.
Your eyes went wide, throwing him a t-shirt and it lands over his head, “hey!”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
He grabbed the shirt off his head and shrugged.
“To tempt you.” He teased.
“We can’t have a sense here, babe. My parents are next door.” You chuckled and sat next to him on the bed.
“Put a shirt on. It’ll be the families’ scandal if they find you naked.”
“But they love me!” He protested and your eyes rolled at his confidence. But he’s right. Your family loved him.
“You’re such a dork, I don’t get why they love you.” He scowled at you and scoffed. “You’re a dork, just like your father.”
When you finished putting on your pajamas, you crawled to bed and joined Chris under the covers. After a moment of silence, Christopher spoke.
“Your family is nice. Reminds me of mine back in Ecuador.” He looked at you with a smile. His tone was nostalgic.
“Maybe we could visit them,” You suggested.
He chuckled, “Why not? Maybe I could introduce you as my girlfriend.”
A warm feeling fluttered in your stomach at the thought of Christopher introducing you to his family as his girlfriend. The idea of dating Chris made you warm and giddy but nope.  You can’t fall for him. You entered this beneficial relationship and firmly vowed not to fall for Christopher. He doesn’t feel the same way, you knew it. If he found out that you started to get feelings, it will blow the whole thing off and ruin your relationship.
“I’ll miss your family when this is all over.” He sighs a hint of sadness to his tone.
You bit your lip. You wanted to tell him how much you’ll miss him. It will never be the same when you head back home.
You coughed awkwardly, “I think I’ll sleep now, hun.”
“Good night, (Y/n)”
As you both drifted to sleep, your fingers were intertwined with Chris’.
The fresh morning air was delightful. The cold air rustling through the trees as you were sitting in the yard with your tias as they fill in each other with the morning gossip.
“He’s so great with kids,” One swooned, and you knew they were talking about Christopher.
He was playing with your little cousins at the backyard, giving them piggyback rides and playing with their hot wheels.
You smiled softly at the sight. It was adorable and made him looked boyish and attractive.
Your tia snapped you out of your trance and asked you, “(y/n), how long have you guys been dating?”
You stiffened and lied, “Uhm, 6 months.”
“That’s pretty long” One beamed, your tia’s getting all excited.
You nodded, giggling with them as you continued to watch Chris and the kids.
“Okay, let’s get to the fun stuff, we won’t tell your mom and dad but tell us, is he good?”
Confused, your eyebrows stitched together “Yeah, he’s a good boyfriend” You replied, sipping your morning tea. She rolled her eyes.
“I mean, is he good in bed?”
You spat your tea and coughed out, pumping your chest. That was a hell of a forward question. How scandalous.
Of course, Chris was good in bed, you wouldn’t be fuck buddies if he wasn’t!
“Uh, yeah I guess?” You responded awkwardly and they giggled like school girls.
“He seems to like it.” They all watched Chris, who was playing hot wheels with your baby cousins, with a laugh so bright and contagious that you can't help but smile.
“I bet he’s hubby material too.” One commented.
“Oh, (Y/n), you’re so lucky to have him.”
You smiled at your tia before looking back at Chris. He looks up and gives you a bright grin before playing with your cousins again. As you watched with your baby cousins, it occurred to you that he did fit well with your family.
“Yes, I am,” you say softly, a fuzzy feeling in your stomach erupting again.
At that point, you finally realized you were falling for Chris.
It was time to head back home, and as much as you don’t want to admit it, you wished that the weekend didn’t have to end because it meant that this whole charade with Chris is off and your back to being fuck buddies.
“Keep him, baby. He’s good for you.” Your mom said and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Oh, how I wish I could, Mom.
You smiled, gave her one last hug. “I’ll do my best.”
You heard your dad talked to Chris, telling the boy, “Take care of my daughter.”
After bidding goodbye to the whole family, you both pulled out of the driveway and drove back home. The car ride was silent. It wasn’t awkward but rather comfortable.
Christopher grabbed your hand, and a jolt of electricity crept on your arm when he intertwined your fingers together.
“I really enjoyed this weekend,” He whispered, biting his lip.
“I didn’t want it to end.” You admitted, feeling his thumb caressed your hand soothingly.
The dreaded feeling started to form when the building of your apartment came into view. You let out a sigh and faced Christopher. You pressed your hand against his cheek, caressing with your thumb. “Thank you, Chris. For everything” you learned in a gave him a swift peck on the cheeks before exiting the car and grabbing your luggage.
Christopher watched you enter your apartment. He lets out a sigh, wishing that you guys didn’t have to pretend because he already loved you ever since.
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
thenightetc 09:43 PM I see you! thenightetc 09:43 PM No video/audio, though highglossfinish 09:43 PM There you are! highglossfinish 09:43 PM Aaand of *course* Kast has ads now. Of course it does. thenightetc 09:44 PM I swear, I must have hit half the red lights between here and work. thenightetc 09:44 PM There are ads? thenightetc 09:44 PM Do I need to.... *dramatic shudder*... unblock something? thenightetc 09:45 PM Oh, there it is!
thenightetc 09:45 PM Video, but no audio. thenightetc has joined the party. highglossfinish 09:48 PM Yes, no? highglossfinish 09:48 PM Audio? thenightetc 09:48 PM Audio's working!  I think. thenightetc 09:48 PM It's just thumping and scraping thenightetc 09:48 PM Like someone messing with a mic highglossfinish 09:48 PM Ugh. thenightetc 09:49 PM There we go! thenightetc 09:49 PM Gasp! highglossfinish 09:49 PM No thumping? thenightetc 09:49 PM Wait, now it's completely muted thenightetc 09:49 PM There was music from the video playing for a little while but that's gone thenightetc 09:50 PM There we go! thenightetc 09:50 PM Ehhh, I wasn't trying to make a smart remark about the mic; I just wasn't sure what the audio for that video was supposed to be. thenightetc 09:51 PM Hooooo boy. thenightetc 09:51 PM Wait, it just went black thenightetc 09:51 PM Audio's still working thenightetc 09:51 PM There we go thenightetc 09:52 PM Wow, normally the problem is that facebook WON'T delete your account! thenightetc 09:52 PM I don't believe that man has a medical license... highglossfinish 09:53 PM Todd Clorox did nothing to deserve this. thenightetc 09:53 PM Wow, it's almost like it's... bleached highglossfinish 09:53 PM That one was on my end. thenightetc 09:54 PM It's still paused :U highglossfinish 09:55 PM The emulator wants to update and I'm hoping it will stop it from having an apoplexy. thenightetc 09:55 PM Ahhhhhh. Thebes has joined the party. Thebes 09:56 PM hello! highglossfinish 09:56 PM Thebes human, hello! thenightetc 09:56 PM Hello! highglossfinish 09:56 PM Just working out a few technical difficulties. highglossfinish 09:56 PM Inevitable, inevitable technical difficulties. Thebes 09:57 PM I hear audio thenightetc 09:57 PM Here we go! Thebes 09:57 PM I see video with the audio! thenightetc 09:57 PM Video and audio working thenightetc 09:58 PM He sounds like his vocal cords are damaged thenightetc 10:02 PM I would have some uncharitable comments to make, but some of these people are feeding it to their kids, too. thenightetc 10:12 PM Balto? highglossfinish 10:12 PM Balto. thenightetc 10:12 PM I've never seen this! Thebes 10:12 PM time for snow doge! highglossfinish 10:12 PM You're in for a treat, it's a good one! thenightetc 10:12 PM That dog had better survive the ENTIRE MOVIE highglossfinish 10:13 PM Let me try something. highglossfinish 10:15 PM Oh, would you look at that! thenightetc 10:16 PM Ooooooo thenightetc 10:16 PM doggos! highglossfinish 10:16 PM As movies meant for human children go, this is among my favorites. Thebes 10:17 PM the world of snow dogs seems quite cutthroat by this movie's depiction. thenightetc 10:17 PM Oof tuki has joined the party. tuki has left the party. thenightetc 10:19 PM Awwwww thenightetc 10:21 PM Oh no! Thebes 10:21 PM NOT THE HAT highglossfinish 10:21 PM Anything but the hat! thenightetc 10:22 PM Yes! thenightetc 10:22 PM The hat is safe highglossfinish 10:22 PM We would have had to shut it off if anything had happened to the hat. highglossfinish 10:22 PM This stream has limits. thenightetc 10:23 PM awwwww :< highglossfinish 10:26 PM Yap at him! thenightetc 10:26 PM Ah, dog racism. thenightetc 10:27 PM awwwww highglossfinish 10:27 PM Go with the wolves, at least they're polite to you. Thebes 10:28 PM too bad his dog side is screaming about how he has to be a Good Boy thenightetc 10:28 PM He's the BEST boy!  He saved the hat! Thebes 10:29 PM and they were clearly blind to ignore it, but the fact remains he lacks the reassurances of being a good boy! highglossfinish 10:32 PM How dare you not provide me perfect streams for free, datanet? thenightetc 10:33 PM Right! Thebes 10:33 PM kimcartoon might be an option highglossfinish 10:34 PM Some of them chop off the bottom of the screen for some reason. highglossfinish 10:35 PM And this one doesn't, but it has a hideous watermark. highglossfinish 10:37 PM Beautiful! thenightetc 10:37 PM Hooray! Thebes 10:38 PM wonderful! Thebes 10:38 PM awww, poor sad doggo highglossfinish 10:39 PM That would be the Phil Collins human. highglossfinish 10:39 PM Playing both of them. highglossfinish 10:39 PM For some reason. thenightetc 10:40 PM pfffff thenightetc 10:41 PM oh nooooo thenightetc 10:42 PM They ust leave the dog outside? highglossfinish 10:42 PM "No time for you, dog." Thebes 10:42 PM huskies. THey're miserable in the warm. Thebes 10:43 PM some breeders have even started recommending special a/c units for the times they're inside highglossfinish 10:44 PM Interesting! thenightetc 10:44 PM Huh. thenightetc 10:44 PM Ooooooo highglossfinish 10:45 PM Didn't you bring her down here to show her what her child's dying of? highglossfinish 10:45 PM "Oh right, that." highglossfinish 10:45 PM Fascinating illness, really. thenightetc 10:46 PM Yeeeech thenightetc 10:46 PM PFFFFF thenightetc 10:47 PM GASP thenightetc 10:48 PM How about... BY DOG highglossfinish 10:49 PM "We've selected our fattest dogs, what's what you meant, right?" thenightetc 10:51 PM Awwwww thenightetc 10:51 PM 100 Acrobatics thenightetc 10:53 PM Jeez highglossfinish 10:53 PM He has teeth, you know, like your other dogs don't. thenightetc 10:55 PM Wait, how did they find that out? thenightetc 10:56 PM auuuuugh thenightetc 10:57 PM I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying thenightetc 11:01 PM *wince* thenightetc 11:01 PM That can't be good for that fragile package. highglossfinish 11:02 PM Not at all. thenightetc 11:03 PM You can FLY. highglossfinish 11:03 PM I can't shake the feeling he could have moved faster without the bears and goose. highglossfinish 11:04 PM And maybe this wouldn't have happened. thenightetc 11:04 PM Just maybe. thenightetc 11:04 PM !!! thenightetc 11:06 PM nooooooooo thenightetc 11:07 PM *phew* thenightetc 11:07 PM God, he must be freezing, though highglossfinish 11:07 PM There it is. thenightetc 11:08 PM <3 thenightetc 11:09 PM awwwwww highglossfinish 11:09 PM Got to respect a movie that understands when it's time to shoo out the bears and goose. thenightetc 11:10 PM Yes. thenightetc 11:11 PM Ohhhh, getting back up that's going to be bad. Thebes 11:12 PM less dog than ego thenightetc 11:13 PM Very true thenightetc 11:13 PM Oh shit highglossfinish 11:13 PM Especially now that Steele just broke the last of the ribs the bear didn't already crush to powder. monika64 has joined the party. thenightetc 11:14 PM He survived that? thenightetc 11:14 PM Wow monika64 has left the party. thenightetc 11:15 PM How'd he get ahead of them? thenightetc 11:16 PM OH NO highglossfinish 11:16 PM He's not lucky when it comes to ice. thenightetc 11:16 PM He isn't. Thebes 11:18 PM Behold: ACTING thenightetc 11:18 PM Ewwwwwwwwww highglossfinish 11:19 PM Was that necessary, lantern man? highglossfinish 11:19 PM Right in front of the hospital window? thenightetc 11:20 PM Oh!! thenightetc 11:21 PM was that Death Thebes 11:21 PM It's entirely possible highglossfinish 11:22 PM That's what you're focusing on, his foot size? thenightetc 11:23 PM And off they go! highglossfinish 11:24 PM Again with the ice. highglossfinish 11:24 PM I like how he presses it back again. thenightetc 11:24 PM Again with the cliffs! thenightetc 11:25 PM Ohhh man. highglossfinish 11:25 PM Lots of ice, this will go well. thenightetc 11:26 PM I hate those ice levels highglossfinish 11:27 PM And everything is an ice level here. thenightetc 11:27 PM I feel like they could have packed those vials more securely thenightetc 11:27 PM Bubble wrap or osmething highglossfinish 11:27 PM Or some paper. Anything but nothing. highglossfinish 11:28 PM Is diptheria antitoxin really such a glorious golden color? highglossfinish 11:28 PM If it isn't it should be. highglossfinish 11:28 PM He has a way of saying her name like it's the most important thing in the world. It's very cute. thenightetc 11:28 PM It is! highglossfinish 11:29 PM "I broke the surface with my absolutely massive genitalia." thenightetc 11:29 PM Damn. thenightetc 11:29 PM Hahha. Tkay has joined the party. thenightetc 11:30 PM awwwwww thenightetc 11:30 PM He deserves it thenightetc 11:31 PM Nobody's alarmed at the polar bears. highglossfinish 11:31 PM "Get the gun." Tkay has left the party. thenightetc 11:31 PM Shush. thenightetc 11:32 PM So cute. thenightetc 11:33 PM <3 thenightetc 11:34 PM !! Thebes 11:34 PM awwwww~ thenightetc 11:34 PM What a good movie! highglossfinish 11:34 PM Isn't it though? highglossfinish 11:35 PM The direct-to-dvd sequel is almost not bad. Thebes 11:38 PM ALMOST. highglossfinish 11:38 PM I think I'm just biased because Impact. thenightetc 11:39 PM Heh. Thebes 11:40 PM basically imagine if the budget for the movie was divided by 10 and they went around the studio for whatever voice actors weren't busy. It's not awful, it's just.. you get what you pay for highglossfinish 11:40 PM Breakdown may or may not tell you that I get choked up at it but he sits on a throne of lies. thenightetc 11:41 PM Of course, of course. thenightetc 11:41 PM We won't judge. Thebes 11:41 PM we believe you thenightetc 11:41 PM You know, I THOUGHT Steele sounded familiar. thenightetc 11:42 PM He has the voice of.... Darkwing Duck. highglossfinish 11:42 PM He does. He really does. highglossfinish 11:43 PM Suggestions to close out on? thenightetc 11:44 PM Hmmmm... thenightetc 11:44 PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV0PAyP0laA ? thenightetc 11:44 PM Oh, the question mark wasn't supposed to be part of the link.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV0PAyP0laA highglossfinish 11:45 PM Ooooh, this ought to be good! thenightetc 11:46 PM I bet so! thenightetc 11:46 PM God it's like a clown car thenightetc 11:47 PM I love it highglossfinish 11:47 PM And we haven't even gotten to the planes yet. thenightetc 11:48 PM It's an orgy. thenightetc 11:48 PM How could that have happened! highglossfinish 11:48 PM Dear Unicron. thenightetc 11:49 PM God, they just explode out Thebes 11:50 PM oh wow, TSA compliant?! That is some DETAIL thenightetc 11:52 PM Ha! thenightetc 11:53 PM This can only end well! highglossfinish 11:53 PM This will end with passengers who are alive! thenightetc 11:53 PM All of them, very alive! thenightetc 11:54 PM Ha! Thebes 11:55 PM oh my god it's like curling. but with planes thenightetc 11:56 PM Oh my god thenightetc 11:56 PM He should let them load the baggage on first. highglossfinish 11:56 PM Genius! thenightetc 11:57 PM OR DO I thenightetc 11:58 PM Hey, at least they're not bored! thenightetc 12:00 AM Amazing. highglossfinish 12:01 AM I hope we get a Grace appearance. thenightetc 12:01 AM Grace? thenightetc 12:02 AM High trust, though!  Somehow. highglossfinish 12:02 AM The character that appears across his videos. thenightetc 12:02 AM Ohhhh Thebes 12:03 AM SEAL THEM IN THE TOMB OF AIR TRAVEL thenightetc 12:05 AM Pfff, it's perfectly safe. thenightetc 12:05 AM They'll be fine. highglossfinish 12:05 AM See, they're thriving. thenightetc 12:07 AM Just like in the Sims! highglossfinish 12:07 AM Rusty would have wanted it this way. thenightetc 12:08 AM God. thenightetc 12:10 AM gah! thenightetc 12:11 AM Welp. highglossfinish 12:11 AM And that's all I've got! thenightetc 12:11 AM And what an all it was! thenightetc 12:12 AM Thanks for hosting, as always.  Balto was a real treat. :) highglossfinish 12:12 AM Glad you liked! Thebes 12:12 AM it was lovely seeing it again, thank you~ highglossfinish 12:12 AM Thank you for coming! highglossfinish 12:12 AM Good night! thenightetc 12:12 AM Good night! Thebes has left the party. thenightetc has left the party.
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Stella and the Wolf - Chapter 11
You can read it here on AO3, or check out the Tumblr Chapter Index here. 
Stiles knows one thing for certain. He knows that if he and Stella get into the SUV, they’re not getting out again. He also knows that you don’t argue with a person with a gun, however much she’s smiling.
“Okay,” he says, hating the way his voice cracks on that simple word. “Okay, we’re getting in.”
Stella makes a small frightened sound beside him.
He steps forward and opens the back door of the SUV. There’s nobody in the backseat. Good.
The open door gives them a few seconds maybe, where the woman thinks he’s obeying her. And a few seconds where it obscures her vision of them. A few seconds, but he has to use them.
“Run,” he mouths to Stella, and shoves her. And says, aloud, “Okay, we’re getting in.”
A few seconds, and then he’s turning, and running, keeping himself between Stella and the woman. Keeping himself in her line of fire.
“Back up!” the woman yells at the driver. “Back up!”
And the tires of the SUV screech, and the open back door wobbles back and forth like a loose tooth as the SUV spins around in a speedy three-point turn to face them.
“Help!” Stella screams as she runs, and how does she have any breath left in the lungs at all? “Help! Help us!”
Her shoes slap on the pavement as they bolt back toward Deaton’s.
Stella hammers on the glass front door, and Stiles hems her in as the SUV closes on them.
Oh God. They’re sitting ducks now, aren’t they? Stiles shields Stella—tells himself to fall forward to cover her when he’s hit—and then he is falling, but if he’s hurt he can’t feel it, and there’s a strange popping sound, and the SUV is speeding off back into the night.
It takes Stiles a moment to figure out what happened.
It helps that he’s lying on the floor on top of Stella, and Deaton is staring down at them, eyebrows raised.
He opened the door, Stiles figures, and they both tumbled through like skittles.
Deaton isn’t their only audience though.
A man wearing coveralls with the name of the tire place across the street is hurrying toward them too.
“What the hell’s going on?” he asks. “Shit. Is that a bullet hole in your window, Alan?” And he holds up his cell phone. “I called the cops.”
Stiles should panic about that, he thinks, but at the moment he’s way too relieved to actually be alive.
Dad turns up, lights and sirens heralding his approach. Well, first Tara turns up, but the second she sees who’s involved, she calls Dad, and Stiles knows there’s no use telling her that it’s not necessary. It’s a lie anyway, because the moment Dad turns up, Stiles goes weak at the knees, and can barely hold himself up long enough for Stella to get her hug before he’s stumbling into Dad’s embrace as well. He’s shaking, and he can’t stop, and Dad rubs his back and makes angry, growling kind of shushing noises that fall somewhere between ‘You’re okay, son’ and ‘I’m gonna kill a motherfucker.’ Stiles finds both sentiments equally comforting, to be honest.
“Heard the little girl yellin’ as she ran down the street,” the guy from the tire place is telling Tara. “By the time I got over here, Alan had already got them inside.”
Stiles inhales heavily. Dad smells of coffee and aftershave.
Dad peels Stiles off him gently. “Talk me through it, kid.”
Stiles sucks in a breath. “We were, we were leaving the clinic, and the black SUV pulled in behind us. I didn’t get the license plate. And the woman in the passenger seat asked if we wanted a ride. I said no, and…” He shudders.
“She pointed a gun at us!” Stella exclaims, sounding more outraged than upset. “So Stiles pretended we were getting in the car, and we ran back here instead.”
“You ever seen this woman before?”
“No,” Stiles says, but he’s got a pretty good idea who it was. “She was blonde. Maybe in her thirties? White. Slim build, I guess. She was wearing a dark jacket, and I didn’t get a look at the driver. I think it was a guy.”
It’s paltry, really, the language used to describe suspects. The woman’s face is burned onto his retinas, but his ability to translate it into words is almost non-existent.
“She had a necklace,” Stella says, and Stiles doesn’t even remember a necklace. “It was silver. It had a dog on it.”
Not a dog, Stiles is suddenly sure. A wolf.
There’s no doubt in his mind the woman was Kate Argent, and he’s going to trawl Allison’s Facebook later to made certain.
“And the license plate started with a six,” Stella adds. “I didn’t see the other numbers or letters through.”
Dad looks to Deaton.
“I’m sorry,” Deaton says. “By the time I got the door open, I only saw their tail lights.”
Stiles watches as Dad’s gaze is drawn to the bullet hole in Deaton’s window.  
Attempted abductions are rare, Stiles knows. And so are attempted abductions that end in attempted murder. Sooner or later Dad’s going to have to give voice to what must be a growing suspicion that Stiles and Stella are mixed up in something weird, and that they both know more than they’re telling him.
Stiles hopes it’s later.
“But what were you kids even doing here?” Dad asks, shaking his head helplessly. “I thought you were at home.”
“We, um…” And Stiles has no idea where to go with that.  
“They brought me a stray kitten,” Deaton says, rescuing him unexpectedly.
“You found a kitten?” Dad asks, his forehead creasing.
Stiles nods.
“It was lost and sad,” Stella says, making her eyes go big. “We couldn’t just let it go hungry, Dad! I’m calling it Matilda, and can we keep it, please?”
Matilda, thank god, is not an imaginary kitten, and Deaton is able to produce it from out the back. It is, however, a boy kitten. A little orange tabby boy. Stella sits on the floor and pets him and coos over him while Dad and Tara go over everything with Stiles and Deaton and the guy from the tire place again.
Despite Stella’s insistence on immediately adopting Matilda, Deaton tells her he’s not quite big enough to go home with anyone yet, but that if Dad is okay with it then they can come and collect him in a week or two.
Dad, Stiles thinks, would agree to absolutely anything at this point. Stiles can tell he’s shaken at how close his kids came to being seriously hurt—or worse—tonight.
He drives them home in the back of his cruiser, and Tara drives Stiles’s Jeep.
“If there’s anything you need to tell me,” Dad begins, and then shakes his head and stops, like he can’t quite bring himself to ask. Like he can’t accuse his kids of lying, even though it’s got to be at least starting to point to that for him now.
Stiles swallows down his guilt, and plays dumb.
Dad heads back to work, because one thing about being the Sheriff, Stiles knows, is that it never stops. His kids were almost abducted tonight, but Peter Hale and his nurse are also missing, so Dad doesn’t get to stay home. There’s always something. And lately, in Beacon Hills, all those little somethings have been snowballing into bigger somethings. It’ll be an avalanche in a minute, Stiles thinks wildly as he locks the door behind Dad. An avalanche, and Stiles only hopes that the people he cares about aren’t caught in its path.
Who is he kidding though, really?
The avalanche has already begun, and theres’s no escaping it now.
Derek doesn’t answer any of his texts of phone calls. Not even when Stiles tells him that Kate Argent (thanks, Allison’s Facebook!) threatened him and Stella with a gun. Stiles tries not to feel the sting of betrayal.
Maybe Derek’s lost his phone.
Maybe Derek’s dead.
Okay, so Stiles would definitely prefer the first option to the second one, but he can’t deny the fact that the second option would also fully explain why Derek hasn’t answered. And Derek’s not exactly the guy with the best luck in the universe, is he? Who would be surprised if he was dead?
Stiles ignores the jab of pain in his gut that comes with even entertaining that possibility.
But it’s there.
He doesn’t sleep much that night.
Dad works through the night, and stops in for breakfast before heading out to work again.
“You go to school,” he says firmly. “You pick Stella up, and come straight back here afterwards. No going out for takeout, or trips to the mall, or kitten rescues, or anything.” He sighs, and rubs a hand over his forehead. “You’re not grounded, kiddo. This isn’t a punishment, okay? I’d just feel a hell of a lot better if I knew you kids were home, instead of gallivanting off around town.”
“That’s us,” Stiles says. “Pair of gallivanters.”
Stella snorts.
“We’ll come straight home,” Stiles says, and means it too. “No more running around town, I promise.”
“Well, except tonight,” Dad says.
Stiles goes completely blank.
“The dance, kiddo,” Dad reminds him. “You’re dropping Stella off with Melissa, remember? And you and Scott are going to the dance.”
Right, somewhere out there teenagers are having normal werewolf-less lives. Stiles used to be one of them, not that long ago. He even entertained ideas of asking Lydia to the dance—and constructed vivid fantasies where she actually said yes—and somehow he’d completely forgotten it was tonight.
“Oh,” he says, because he is not at all prepared. “Oh, shit.”
“I got your suit cleaned last week,” Dad tells him. “Also, language.”
“Mrs. McCall is going to show me how to make a blanket out of scrap material,” Stella says. “We were going to make it for my bear, but now we can get a basket and put it in it, so we’re ready for when we can bring Matilda home.”
“It’s a boy cat,” Dad says.
Stella looks at him expectantly.
Dad raises his eyebrows. “Matilda is a girl’s name.”
“Well, he doesn’t know that,” Stella points out. “He’s a cat.”
Dad considers that for a moment. “You know what? That’s a fair call, kiddo.”
Stella looks pleased.
“Be good at school,” Dad says to both of them. “Stay safe.”
He says that a lot, but there’s usually not such weight behind the words.
Stiles and Stella both stay in Dad’s hugs for a little longer than usual, and Stiles locks the door after he leaves.  
“Are you really going to the dance tonight?” Stella asks once the coast is clear.
“I guess,” Stiles says. “Like, we’ll act normal, right? And sooner or later everything will all blow over?”
Stella’s eight, and the look she gives him tells him that even she thinks that’s bullshit.
“We act normal,” Stiles says, as though repeating it will make it true. “And we just hope that Derek’s okay.”
“And Peter,” Stella says.
“We hope that Peter’s okay too.”
“Peter has a body count, Stella.”
She shrugs. “But we’re not on it.”
Like that makes any difference.
Except maybe… maybe it does? Because Peter Hale could have killed them both back in that hospital room, but he didn’t, because they didn’t fit the pattern.
Neither did Laura Hale though, right?
Or maybe Stiles has just been looking at the wrong pattern this whole time.
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