#yes i got an old plushie down from my shelf just for a tumblr ask about food
ceaselessbasher · 1 year
🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
So I had this thing with ground meat cooked with tomato sauce and like raisins and peas and stuff (we call it "picadillo", don't know how to translate it) where it wasn't really about the taste. I just looked at it. And it made me uncomfortable. Also, in the same vein of ground meat, spaghetti bolognese, I tolerated the meat there but it HAD to be separated from the spaghetti.
Anyways, I am grown now and I like picadillo and also I'm self-diagnosed autistic which obviously has nothing to do with all that (extremely sarcastic).
Also fun fact back then I had a bear plushie that I did like very much and it's important to me that you know that I did like him before I tell you that I named him "Picadillo" because of how he looks. Go figure.
Attaching a picture of the dish and the bear.
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🍂Autumnal asks🍂
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
How about Henry interacting with Helpy and the “annoying” Ultimate Custom Night characters! Maybe throw in Funtime Freddy!! Helpy could be his son or maybe Bon Bon reincarnated! Just sheer silliness and stupidity :p
Animatronics: Bonnie, BB, JJ, Phantom BB, Phantom Mangle, Phantom Freddy, Old Man Consequences, Trash and the Gang, Helpy, El Chip, Funtime Chica and Phone Guy! (Sorry, no Funtime Freddy here, wasn’t an option- though I don’t mind adding characters that aren’t an option, I would just had to write around that a little more, so I didn’t want to go all in. Events and surroundings all randomly generated like this in-game! Just with slight adjustments for a bit of writing flow). (Special note: This is an experiment. This is a whole ass chapter. Tumblr might not be the right place for it, but I have no better place to put it. If you have an idea on what would work better, I’d love to hear it, but for now this is just it. If you don’t want to read a long chapter, you should probably not press “read more” Honestly, this might not be as much fun as I imagined it to be, I’m terrible at making fun events, heh. If it is, take solace in the fact that it might be the only chapter of this kind on this blog.)
Henry groaned, his bones sending agony through his nerves. It felt like his insides had splintered and were now stuck in his flesh. His throat was burning, but he managed to open his eyes. He was- somewhere. At least it was a place. That was actually news, good news, last time he hadn’t been that lucky after all. Having a couch below him and a room surrounding him was actually a deep relief- it was a room he didn’t have to create himself. Sitting up, he looked around. It seemed to be some sort of employee lounge, a coffee machine, a tv and a couch, with lockers against the walls. A few posters painted the walls. -CELEBRATE!- They said, over and over again. Henry showed his teeth, a grin with no hint of amusement. “… that is what you would like to do, huh?” Standing up he stumbled a little, but the pain only served to keep him awake and grow his confidence. It HURT. And it was GOOD. It hurt, his body hurt, HIS BODY was REAL and in PAIN. When he left to the outside, he was surprised to see that he was inside of one of the oldest locations- at least in form. He was standing beside where the stage was supposed to be, coming from where the saferoom used to be, but to his surprise instead of a stage it was a giant price corner, filled with all sort of plushies and other goodies. Sweets and candies, candles, little gadgets… … and a silver coin among them. It shined and felt oddly… powerful. Ten Faztokens. The other things didn’t even have a price tag, so he decided that he would check back on that later. All items were hidden behind a thin glass wall and he wasn’t sure if he could break through it. Maybe he should try later. Moving further down, he realized a few more things were different- There were TWO pirate coves in the main area and- ‘Pssssst… hey… I have something to tell you…’ Abruptly Henry turned around. Where had that voice come from?! ‘Hey… hey, down here…’ It seemed to come from one of the hallways, leading down to the office. As quick as he possible could, he followed the source of the noise, the mysterious whispers slowly growing louder. ‘It is really… really… important…!’ Finally, he was near the supply closet, looking around. “Hello? Where are you? Who are you? What is this place?” The questions broke out of him more erratically than he wanted them too, the desperation and quiet panic bubbling under the thin veil of cold control- it was almost cracking out of him. ‘Pssssst…’ He spotted a little crate with eyes, and leaned down to investigate- Suddenly a loud noise! The thing was all up in his face, making a low noise, pure bass, causing his head to HURT, but not enough that he would have to hold his ears- Just enough that it shook his skin uncomfortably, from the inside out. Stumbling backwards, he shook his head, the crate had disappeared, leaving him with a headache and burning aggression, so potent that his throat felt sore, as though he had screamed from the top of his lungs… despite not a single noise having come out of him. Moving inside of the office, he was somewhat stunned. It looked like a bedroom. With closet and everything. The wallpaper and whole atmosphere felt… old. A child’s bedroom… except there was an office desk, with a fan, a microphone and a weird little action figure of Bonnie on top of it. Some air ducts were hanging into the room and there were- multiple vents, two doors- A flashlight. Quickly he grabbed it. Great- now all he needed was a taser and maybe he would feel like- “… Henry Miller…” A raspy voice sounded to the side of him, causing him to make a few steps back. In front of him, a creature was forming, a Freddy, burned and see through- It grinned. “… long time… no see…” “I have never met you.” “… your memory is failing you, Mr. Miller…” At this point it seemed to become more and more corporeal, reaching out to the table, its paws scraping over and only slightly moving through the material. Turning to the Pink Guy, he opened his maw a little, nothing visible inside. It was getting ready… “… that’s on you however-“ A squeaky voice sounded. “Maybe you should shine your light at him, Mr. Miller!” Instantly, the flash of his light ripped through the ghostly Freddy, who was quite disgruntled to say the least. “… Helpy… you are supposed to help US.” With that he vanished, giving Henry the chance to turn to around and see who’s mysterious helper was. His eyes fell on a little walking bear standing on the blue shelf, trying to hide between the purple fan. “Whoops…” “… who are you? Can you EXPLAIN this place to me?!” “I’m Helpy! Don’t you remember me, Henry?” Fully irritated the Pink Guy stepped back. “No. No, I did not make you. I THOUGHT about making you, but I never did!” “Oh my, Henry, you must have fallen on your head!” Helpy laughed. “But- I can’t help you actually. Everyone else will be mad! So I won’t tell you how the other people here work!” “Can you at least tell me who exactly these ‘others’ are?!” “Uhm… no. I don’t think so.” Slowly he was reaching behind him for something- But Henry couldn’t worry about it, as a phone suddenly started ringing. Shoving off the bear off the shelf (resulting in a little squeak), he tried to find the source of the noise, his head throbbing. He thought he shortly saw a “mute call” button pop up, but as soon as he saw it, it was already gone. Instead a receiver just- fell from the ceiling, randomly. How? Who KNEW- “Uh- hello? Hello, hello?” “… Phone Guy?” “Scott. Uh- anyways- uh, anyways, I wanted to record a message for you, to help you get settled in on your first-“ “This is not a recording. You just interrupted me. And why would there be a phone RINGING if you were to play a recording!?” For a moment it was quiet, then Scott started laughing. “You never changed, did you?” Irritated Henry skipped past that question, having more urgent matters to talk about. “Scott. Good old Scott. Listen, I think I am in some level of hell.” Dumbfounded there was silence on the other end, while the ghostly Freddy tried to reform, being instantly shooed away by the light. Until finally- “… yes of course. Of COURSE you’re in hell, Henry. Uh. What did you expect?” “I-“ “No, no, no, let’s uh- let’s talk about this. Where did you THINK you are? Because, uhm- not sure how to say this, but- uh- I DIED and I’m in HEAVEN right now and you DIED, sooo… uh- yeah.” “I am glad we talked about this. I cannot recall how I GOT here, however. And everyone seems to know me.” Displeased he shined the light at the grinning grimace of the phantom, before he could even fully form. “Yeah… uh… can’t help you. Actually, I have to go. You don’t have a noise activated animatronic around, do you?” “A- what?” “Hm. Too bad. Talk to you later!” “Wait-“ But before he could say anything else, the connection was cut, and his camera system was blinking up red. ‘Catch a fish!’ the title said, his head becoming dizzy as he watched the little red thing move from one side to the other. Wait, that wasn’t just- the noise and the flashing, the air was getting harder and harder to breathe! … smells like brimstone. He managed to catch the fish, albeit just barely, then opened the camera feed, where a warning sign was blinking. The camera itself was completely covered by another phantomlike animatronic, the Mangle this time. Shortly he blinked at it, shaking his head, then clicking the button that said ‘RESET VENTILATION’. A gust of fresh air instantly blew through the location, allowing him to finally breathe again properly. The fan itself seemed useless- he deactivated it. Having climbed back up, Helpy was back on the shelf, looking at him happily. “Are you having fun?” For a moment Henry looked at him, shining away the Freddy once more. “… no.” Out of the corner of his eyes he spotted Balloon Boy, staring at him with his terrible grin. Instantly he hit the button to shut the door, a dull thud coming from it right away. At least that one gave him a hint of satisfaction, pleased with the mental image that the obnoxious plastic abomination ran face-first into the metal wall. “But you look like you have fun!” Helpy reached behind him, before Henry shoved him over again, still not interested in what he was hiding. “You are TERRIBLE at reading emotions then. A useless AI.” Pouting Helpy sat beside the shelf, not answering this time around. Looking around, Henry got comfortable in his chair, slowly growing… a little bit hot. Huh. Seemed like the fan wasn’t entirely useless after all. Maybe it kept the heat from the hell around them away. … what an image… a Freddy’s in the middle of a fire-y pit. He hoped it wasn’t the case. That would make getting out a lot more complicated. “Is this all I have to deal with?” Henry asked Phantom Freddy, who chose not to answer, but only smile grimly. “… I can live with that.” Leaning back, he quickly flipped up the screen once more resetting the ventilation and shutting the vent to the side one more time for good measure. Again, a bonk. Hopefully Balloon Boy. He relaxed. A routine would form easily. Shine your light, reset the vent, keep the generator going, close the side vent for a while. At least for now the place seemed empty- Suddenly something DROPPED from the ceiling. Lights flashed a heap of shadow-y humanoid figures entered with what sounded like cameras, flashing and shining, making Henry’s head spin. On the top of his table stood Funtime Chica posing elegantly. “Don’t get distracted~!” She spun around showing herself off, then blew a kiss down at him. Then she turned to Helpy. “Helpy!!! Why didn’t you tell me our guest was already here!!!” She whined, upset. Her paparazzi had vanished again, she however stuck around. “My first impression was TERRIBLE! Because of YOU!” “I’m sorry Miss Funtime Chica!” Helpy didn’t seem bothered by the accusation. “He was just suddenly here!” “Aw- well- at least he’s a total cutie!” “Why thank you.” Henry rose an eyebrow, but tried to continue focusing on the plastic children trying to enter the office, as well as the Phantom trying to materialize behind her. “I appreciate the compliments, especially from someone who seems to have an eye for it.” “Oooooh, look at him~ so adorable~ I wanna pinch his cheeks!” Sitting down on the desk, the bird smiled widely, watching him. “How’s the night going~?” “Rather fast. I think I have a grip on it though.” “Hm? Are you sure~?” Before Henry could answer his tablet acted up. For a few seconds he saw the little 8-bit fishing game- but before he could catch it, the screen changed showing an add. “COME TO EL CHIP’S FIESTA BUFFET, WE HAVE-“ Instantly clicking on skip, Henry managed to get another glimpse at the game- And then it was gone, a red GAME OVER stuck on his screen. His breath was getting shorter as the smell of brimstone slowly started filling the room again, the red alarms blinking, but the screen constantly flashing error when he tried to access it. More and more his head hurt, the room seemed to become darker and darker- was this smoke?! Was smoke entering the room? Would he be poisoned by the gasses!? Desperately he rattled the screen, while Chica only giggled and left, Helpy watching intensely from the shelf. “You know, if you just wait a few minutes, it’s gonna-“ Frustrated Henry shoved him down once more, his mouth filling with a disgusting taste as the room began spinning- It all come together, once Freddy formed, the Balloon Boy loomed in the vent, a second after, the telephone was ringing- Suddenly the screen flashed back up and he instantly grabbed it, trying to get his bearing as he hit the button to reset, being stuck for a second too long on the grinning grimaces of both a phantom Balloon Boy and Mangle- the latter of which suddenly crawled out of the screen and while he managed to hit the button, his office had descended into chaos. Helpy was holding a horn, the phantom Freddy had almost formed, the phantom Mangle was slowly extending its neck towards him, screaming and gargling in insane glee and to top if all off, the screen flashed red AGAIN, forcing him to focus on that instead of the other two things- Balloon Boy was snickering as he tried to make his way inside, Henry barely being able to shut the vent on him before discovering the stupid crate from the start looking at him from under the table. “Uh- hello? Hello, Hello?” “Scott. Bad timing.” “That is my job!” Cheerfully the Phone Guy said. “To be as much of a nuisance to you as possible. Uh- glad to hear the high praise. How are you? Bad? Good. Uh- anyways, I will now read to you the company greeting, but only the imperfect, first draft so you feel bad about what bullshit you wrote!” “I can crush this phone.” “No, uh- you actually can’t! The afterlife is neat, huh?” “I can mute you.” “If you are fast enough. Which you obviously weren’t. You really grew old, uh- up there…” “MY REFLEXES ARE GREAT AS EVER.” “If it were the case you wouldn’t, uh- y’know. Fighting with me over this.” “I am not fighting with you, I am merely correcting you. As I always did while we were alive.” Stopping the petty crap, seeing as he wasn’t even sure if this WAS actually the real Scott, he turned his attention to more important things. “What is this place? Who made it?!” “Uh- Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza! A magical place for kids and grown-ups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damage to property or person-“ Instantly Henry tuned out. “Good riddance, Scotty.” He mumbled to himself, taking solace in the memory that no matter what, this obnoxious Phone-head had been dead for much longer than he himself. While the words kept going in the background, he kept working, pausing as a bright green mechanical parrot flew through his office. But- it didn’t really do anything, so he decided to ignore it for now. A good amount of time passed with his voice in the background, until it was abruptly cut off- seemingly by the ad for El Chip’s. Once that was skipped, the office was quiet, aside from the fan. Finally! The silence lingered. For a second Henry felt a bit lonely. Not even the little bear was there anymore. There was enough to do though, as the air kept needing to be reseted, Freddy kept popping up, the parrot came through once more, the minigame, the annoying balloon children wanted in- At last… … it was five AM. One last time the call sounded. Henry allowed it to come through, despite eyeing the ‘mute call’ button. “Hello? Hello, hello!?” It sounded on the other side. “Hey! You’re doing GREAT. I, uh- didn’t expect you to last this long! I mean-“ He broke off. “Y’know. Usually I expected you to move on to other things by now… disappearing into the void like you should, seeing as there’s no out.” “I will not disappear.” “Huh. Guess I owe the person who made this place an apology. I was wrong-“ “Who?! Who was it?! Who are you TALKING about?!” But before anything could be said, the bell chimed. Six AM His screen changed once more, a high-score board showing, then loud music started blasting from the speakers, hyper and fast paced, the numbers blinking and colorful, rapidly climbing higher and higher as fireworks were set up on the screen and around Henry, raining down confetti as they exploded- GREAT JOB! FANTASTIC! The fireworks stopped and the jingle ended with a congratulatory little up and down. Then the office was dark. Slowly he stood up, leaving to the outside, checking for danger- “Hey! You won. Here, take this for your trouble.” Suddenly ANOTHER Freddy was there, a golden star on his chest- he dropped a battery into Henry’s hands that he had grabbed, then he walked off. “Wait- wait a moment! I need an explanation! I need-“ The bear was gone. After a while of searching around the place and not finding an exit, Henry finally sighed and made his way back into the saferoom- or employees only lounge, or- whatever. Inside it was just like before. Safe. Except this time the TV was on. And there was a Fredbear suit on the sofa. How? Who knew. Why? Hopefully not to kill him. Slowly he moved next to it, inspecting it. At this moment it seemed completely lifeless, yet somehow he felt watched. “Am I… interrupting…?” No reaction. Walking past the suit, he put away the battery. Still no reaction, but he could swear the creature was looking at him. Unsure he approached it once more, sitting down besides him. “… looking at… fuzzystatic. I see. I think I will… join.” Suddenly, a loud noise of came from the tv, then it flashed. INTERMISSION. A little bit later, Henry was done watching a samurai Freddy fighting an ULTRA edgy Foxy, he put his face into his hands. “… send me back out. Please. I actually prefer it.”
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terrasilvershade · 6 years
Here’s the fic
Sorry bout the formatting, not entirely used to Tumblr’s stuff yet.
I hope y’all like it, sorry it's a bit short.
I’m not good at titles.
Tony sat up abruptly in his bed, feeling the cold sweat run down his back as his chest heaved. He desperately tried to remember how to breathe, going in and out deeply, and slowly pulled himself out of the panic attack. His hands tightly gripped the sheets and he was glad for the feeling of the smooth silk as it helped ground him when his brain was on overdrive. Usually, Steve was here to help calm him down, to rub his back and tell him it was ok, but Steve was out on a mission, leaving Tony to silently suffer on his own. He never told Steve about these times, the protective super soldier always told him that Tony was more important than any mission but he still couldn’t bring himself to ‘bother’ his partner. Even when tears were streaming down his face and his body was shaking like a leaf. Feeling the panic slowly bubble out of his system, Tony ran a hand through his matted hair and sighed, resting his head on his knees and trying to ignore the nauseous feeling in his stomach. He wasn’t sure his legs would be able to carry him to the toilet if his last meal, which was probably longer ago than it should've been, decided to resurface.  He closed his tired eyes and took some deep breaths, ignoring how much his hands were still shaking, and blocked the memories of his most recent nightmare with happy thoughts of Steve and their son Peter. After a few minutes in his ‘happy place’, Tony regained enough strength to stand up and begin walking to the kitchen to get some coffee, accepting that he wasn't going to get any more sleep that night. As he turned down the hallway he saw that the kitchen light was on. Nobody else was in the compound but he and Peter; Steve was out on the mission with Nat and Clint, Rhodey was busy overseas with PR bs, and Thor was up in Asgard doing who knows what, so there was only one possibility. Peter was sitting at the kitchen counter with a half-eaten bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream in front of him. He didn't seem to notice Tony come in, just continued staring into his ice cream with bloodshot eyes and hugged his arms close to his chest. It wasn't until Tony tapped him on the shoulder that the 7-year-old realized he wasn't alone. Unfortunately, he wasn't really focusing on his surroundings and kinda went into ninja fighting mode as soon as Tony’s hand touched him. He leaped over the counter with incredible speed and landed on the wall, ready to shoot webs at his attacker if he needed to. He was tense for a few moments and then he looked into his father's eyes and sheepishly climbed back onto the floor, trying to ignore the mess of ice cream and broken bowl on the floor. “Sorry Dad, I uh, I thought-” Tony didn't let him finish before wrapping his son in his arms, holding him tight until the boy began to cry again.  He grabbed Tony’s shirt and buried his face in it, sobbing so hard that his entire body shook with every breath. Tony just held him. He had hoped Peter would be spared from the nightmares but unfortunately, it was impossible given their line of work. They never told him all the details but he was a smart boy, he knew what it meant for them to walk out that door. That’s why Captain America and Iron Man no longer went on missions together: if something went wrong they didn't want Peter to be alone. Both Tony and Steve had lost their parents and neither of them wanted Peter to experience that. They stayed like that, kneeling on the kitchen floor in each others embrace, for what seemed like hours until Peter pulled away and rubbed his eyes on the sleeve of his dinosaur pajamas. “Wh-when is Papa coming home?”  He asked with a quivering voice. “Soon buddy, very soon.” Tony kissed him on the forehead, gently running his hands through Peter’s hair.  He whimpered in response and then pressed his face back into Tony’s shoulder. “Do you want to talk about what happened?” “It was so scary,” Peter mumbled through his tears. He was trying to control his breathing as Tony had done earlier but his voice was still coming out in short squeaky bursts.    “Papa was ambushed. He started fighting all the bad guys but then-then he-and-” Another torrent of tears came and he clung to Tony like a lifeline. “I was there but I couldn’t help him and then he got shot and he screamed and there was so much blood and he stopped moving and-and-”    “Shh. Petey its ok.” Tony whispered soothingly. “Your Papa is just fine. He’s Captain America remember? Nothing can beat Captain America.” Peter whined and buried his face deeper in Tony’s shoulder. The little boy still hasn't stopped shaking. Poor thing. At this rate, he’d be crying all night long.    Just then, Tony had an idea.    “JARVIS?”    “Yes, sir?”    “Call Steve and put it on speaker.” Tony may have felt guilty calling Steve to calm him down but this was for Peter, and who better to say that Captain America was alive and well then the man himself?    Peter was silent and still while the phone rang. He counted one ring, two rings, three rings. By five rings Peter’s heart sank. Maybe his Papa was too busy or maybe his dream was real and he actually was in-    “Hello? Tony?” Before Tony could say anything, Peter climbed over his shoulder, which he was a bit too big to do so, and sat right next to the projected video call, almost touching it.    “Papa?” Peter didn't take his eyes off Steve for even a millisecond. After looking at Peter’s bloodshot eyes, puffy face, and overall weary appearance, Steve pieced together what had happened and spoke in his signature soothing tone,    “I’m ok buddy, see?” He gestured to himself, showing off his dirty but blood-free uniform and that he still had all four limbs. “Those guys were no match for Captain America.” He struck a pose and that got a laugh out of Peter, who seemed to be more at ease.    “Did the mission go ok Cap?”    “Nobody got injured if that’s what you’re asking. Some old buildings got damaged and Ross is making a big deal out of it, otherwise, we’d be home already.” Tony grumbled under his breath at the mention of the infamous Secretary of State who, for some reason, had made it his mission to paint the Avengers in the worst light possible. He was glad Steve was dealing with him; Ross hated Tony the most and tended to push his buttons whenever they crossed paths and that usually ended with someone getting punched.    “Good luck with that.”    “If this keeps up much longer, I’m not the one who’ll be needing luck. An angry Natasha’s worse than the Hulk.”  Peter laughed and Tony cracked a smile; hell hath no fury like a pissed off Russian.    “Is Auntie Nat gonna punch somebody?”    “I don’t know anyone who can stop her from doing what she wants, but I don’t think she’s at that point yet. Yet.” There was a murmur offscreen from Nat herself and Steve added, “She says she’s got thirty more minutes of patience, so we’ll be done by then one way or another.” Tony was already counting down the seconds until he had his Steve back in his arms again.    Now that he knew that Steve wasn't in danger and he’d be home soon, Peter was infinitely calmer and his body slowly began to remember just how late it was. He gave one big yawn and then crawled back into Tony’s arms.    “You ready to go back to bed bud?” Peter nodded sleepily.    “You’ll come to say hi when you get back, right Papa?”    “Of course Peter. Goodnight and I hope you have sweet dreams.” Steve smiled sweetly as Tony picked up their tired son.    “Night-night Papa,” Peter mumbled as he desperately tried to keep his eyes open. Tony ended the call before heading back upstairs to Peter’s bedroom. He was pretty much asleep by the time that Tony had put him into bed. He tucked his boy in and kissed him goodnight but before he left a tiny voice asked,    “Dad? Can you hand me my Captain America plushie?” Smiling, he went to the shelf and grabbed the toy in question, an old Captain America plush doll that Peter had gotten for his third birthday. He handed Peter the doll and he hugged it tightly before laying back down under the covers. No more nightmares tonight.
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