#Anyways going to sleep and stop beating myself up about this
ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: March 18
"Break Down Here" by Julie Roberts
2 notes · View notes
ahgasegotarmy116 · 26 days
Faking It | Jeon Jungkook | Chapter Two
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Summary: Seeing him again happened sooner than you thought it would but absolutely no one is complaining. Pairing: f!reader (30) x Single Dad Jungkook (33) (Arranged Marriage Slow Burn?) Word Count: 9.8k Warnings: Talking about Jungkook's wife who passed away in childbirth (Doesn't talk about her death but yeah) a/n: Took me three months but we're finally here 😭 And if any of you saw me post this and delete it...no you didn't. I posted it on my reblogs account on accident so sorry if that teased you a bit 😅 Anyways I hope this was worth the wait 😭 p.s. I only read through this once when I completed it so have mercy on me if there are typos
I wake up naturally this morning and it's honestly one of the best feelings in my opinion. Not having to worry about being woken up out of a sound sleep shows me that it's going to be a good day.
As I yawn and rub the sleep out of my eyes I hear my phone vibrate on my nightstand, telling me I have a new message. I roll over and reach for it lazily to check and when I read the sender's name I immediately shoot up, causing Salem to dart off the bed. "Sorry Salem" I call after him but then when I go back to read the message my heart is already beating out of my chest.
'Good morning y/n I hope you slept well. How are you?' a simple yet inviting message from the man I just met last night. Who knew waking up to good morning texts would still feel this good at the ripe age of thirty?
'Good morning Jungkook! I slept like a baby, best sleep I've gotten in a while actually. I just woke up so, so far so good. How are you? How's Juni? Did you guys sleep alright?' I send and at a second glance I can see how completely whipped I am for this man already. Why am I rambling on and on about sleep? I could've just said 'I slept well, I hope you did as well' or something like that.
'That's good, I'm glad to hear! Juni and I slept alright. She actually only woke up an hour ago which is unheard of since she's usually knocking on my door at six am. She's been talking about you since she woke up' he sends back and my heart flutters, loving that I've made that big of an impression on her already.
I check the time and see that it's already nine am which is a record time for me to sleep as well since I'm usually up by seven most days. Then again it's not everyday that you get to spend the night with a man like him...
Wait! That's not what I meant!
'She can't stop talking about going shopping for butterflies so I wanted to see if we could set up a time soon. Maybe this weekend if you're free?' he suggests and I have to restrain myself from kicking my feet, just thinking about this man asking to see me again, disguised by his daughter wanting to get butterfly decorations for her room.
'This weekend sounds perfect! I'm free tomorrow as well so either day is fine' I offer up and face palm, scolding myself for being too eager. 'Tomorrow sounds great! Should we meet around eleven? Juni and I would love to take you out to lunch if you'd like. You know, to thank you for the help' he sends and I can't help but think that maybe he's a little nervous too.
'Eleven it is! Should I meet you guys there? There's a shop that I'm sure Juni will love and it'll definitely have what we're looking for!' I send and I can see the bubbles popping up to show that he's typing but they go up and down a couple more times. He'll type for a little and then stop and type again and I can only hope that I didn't say something wrong in suggesting where to go.
When a few minutes go by I decide it's best to get out of bed and get a cup of coffee. That'll wake up my brain a little more and help me hopefully not make as much of a fool of myself while texting him.
I find Salem perched on top of his cat tree, still a little jumpy from me having scared him but I think it's made him playful more than anything as I watch his tail flick back and forth while he watches me walk up to him.
"I'm sorry for scaring you" I apologize again, scratching his between his ears but when I feel my phone vibrating over and over in my hand I jump again making him climb down off his cat tree and scurry under the couch. I sigh and scold myself as a result before taking a look at my phone, seeing an incoming call from Jungkook.
I almost drop it after reading his name but catch and answer before I end up dropping it.
"Hello?" I ask, slightly out of breath from the scare but try to hide it as best as I can. "Hi pretty lady!" I hear Juni call out in the distance, the phone no doubt on speaker phone. "Good morning Juni! How are you little one?" I ask, feeling more at ease talking to her first and my question awards me with a little giggle before she continues.
"I'm good! Daddy says we're going to a special store to pick out the butterflies for my room! Is that right?" she asks, clear excitement laced all throughout her tone. "Yes that's right Juni we are! Does that sound alright to you?" I ask and I can clearly hear how she's jumping from excitement from how punctuated her voice sounds now as she chants "Yes" over and over again.
"I wish we could go right now!" she says, her excitement too difficult to contain at the moment which makes me smile knowing that she wants to go right away. 
"Patience Juni, tomorrow isn't too far away" I hear Jungkook's voice coming through now and it makes my breath hitch, forgetting the fact that he had been there all along. He wasn't kidding when he said that Juni grabs everyone's attention right away. Given the chance I'm sure she would've talked to me for hours if her dad hadn't reminded her.
"That's right Juni, only one more sleep until tomorrow" I say and I can hear a little gasp from the other side. "Does that mean I can go to sleep right now and then we can go?" she asks, not understanding the concept entirely.
"Not unless you want to sleep for twenty four hours silly" he says and I hear a fit of giggles that could only mean that he might've tickled her but after a few seconds it's calmed down.
"How long is twenty four hours?" she asks, a constant roulette of questions gearing up if he doesn't answer this question correctly.
"You know how you woke up yesterday, went to school, came home, played with your toys, got ready, went to meet Ms. y/n, came back home, went to bed and woke up this morning?" he lists off and I can tell she's probably nodded her head all throughout his explanation.
"Yes?" she responds in a questioning tone, waiting for him to get to the point. "Well that's how long twenty four hours is" he responds and I hear jumping again once he's finished before an excited Juni calls out. "Does that mean we get to go see Ms. y/n again when I get home from school?" she asks and my heart melts at her excitement.
"Juni, we're seeing her tomorrow remember. I'm sure Ms. y/n is very busy tonight" he says and I hear a sad "Oh" from her and I contemplate my next words carefully before going for it. "Juni, would it be okay if I talked to your Daddy for a second?" I ask and I can hear her let out a disheartened 'Okay' before Jungkook takes the phone off speaker.
"Hey y/n, sorry she's a little hyper this morning" he says and I smile at his efforts to apologize for Juni's adorable disposition. "No that's okay, I love talking to her! She's a cutie" I say and he hums, "Try living with her" he counters and I smile, knowing that her excitable attitude might get a little tiring sometimes.
"I wanted to ask you if you would like to do something today after Juni gets home from school? Maybe meet you at the park? I forgot to give you Juni's dress last night after I washed it. I have to go back to my parent's house to pick it up anyway and theres a park around the corner. It's your call though. I don't want to go against what you told her" I say, rambling off nervously again but this time over the phone instead of texting and I regret ever offering it in the first place.
Why am I so freaking awkward?
"You sure you don't mind? I could always just get it from you tomorrow? I don't want to inconvenience you or anything" he says, giving me a chance to back out but not saying no to me, giving me a vote of confidence. "I wouldn't have offered if I minded" I say with a smile in my tone and he takes another second to think before giving me his response.
"She gets off at three, does that work for you or should we meet up later?" he asks and my heart skips a beat, knowing that I'll get to see him again so soon. "That sounds great, you can meet me at my parent's house if you'd like? The park isn't too far away so we can leave our cars and walk there" I offer and he takes a couple of seconds to think again before saying anything else.
"Juni, do you wanna go see Ms. y/n after school?" he asks and I can hear her little feet running around this time and repeating her response of ceaseless Yes's again. "Well I guess we'll see you later then. I can bring some food for us to take to the park if you'd like?" he offers and I shake my head before remembering that thankfully he can't see me in my sleepy state.
"No that's okay I got it covered. You already said you guys are taking me to lunch tomorrow so the least I could do is bring us food to share at the park today. Plus, I'm the one who suggested it in the first place" I explain and he chuckles before agreeing.
"Alright, thank you y/n. Should we show up around four then?" he asks, giving them time to make their way over after picking her up from school. "Four sounds perfect, I'll see you then!" I say and he calls Juni over to say goodbye. "Bye Pretty Lady! See you after school!" she giggles. 
I swear I'm never going to tire of her excitable disposition.
"Goodbye Juni! Have a good day and listen to your teachers okay?" and I can hear a faint 'I will' in the background, no doubt from her running off to do something. "Thanks again y/n, I know she's going to be so excited to see you today...we both are" he adds at the end and my heart skips at his confession. "Me too" I say quietly and we finish up our goodbye's before quickly hanging up.
I slowly walk over to the couch as to not scare Salem this time, grab the pillow next to me, put it over my face and scream into it. Although I tried to muffle it I still end up scaring him making him run off to my room, no doubt planning to be wary of me for the rest of the day but that's okay.
I get to see them again, I get to see him again.
I really hope I'm not wrong about thinking that there might actually be something between us already, something about this just feels right. I don't want to rush into this too quickly though since we don't really know much about each other. I want to take things slow and hopefully he does too.
Well...I hope he'll want to take things further but you never know, a man like him is sure to have a lot of options, right? I just don't want to set myself up for heartbreak. Gotta keep it together and not get too vulnerable with him, even if it feels like I should. 
I've already let him in a little, and he's definetly let me in a lot with letting me spend so much time with his daughter but I don't know, I guess only time will tell what's going to happen between us.
If there's going to be an 'us'.
The day drags on as I unconsciously count down the hours until I get to see them again but it seems as though time is standing still.
I've spent most of my day editing the pictures I took for a family friend's wedding since that's usually how I get my clients these days. I know someone who knows someone who needs a photographer and my rates are pretty fairly priced so they tend to hire me.
Going through picture after picture and seeing how happy they look together makes me wonder what it would be like to be truly happy with someone like this. Be so openly and obviously in love that no one can say otherwise.
As time ticks by though my mind wanders off until I realize I only have about an hour to get ready before I have to meet them.
"Shit!" I say aloud and get up to hopefully make myself look presentable enough, luckily I took a shower this morning so we're all set on that front. I still need to figure out something for us to eat while at the park though and if I had paid attention to the time it would've been a brilliant idea.
The only option I have left is to phone a friend.
"Y/n? Is something wrong?" my mom asks, the call on speakerphone while I try to fix my hair. "Well depends on if you can help me or not" I say and I hear her sigh. "Please tell me you didn't end up in jail" she says and I scoff at her obviously sarcastic remarks.
"Very funny mom, but for your information no I did not end up in jail. This is seriously something I need help with though. Are you busy right now?" I ask, hoping and praying her answer is no. "No I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day, why?" she responds and I let out a huge sigh before responding.
"Good! Can you do me a favor and throw together a picnic lunch for three? Well...two and a half" I ask, not wanting to give up who it's for but by her gasp I can tell she already knows. "Are you and Jungkook seeing each other again already?" she asks, and I can tell her eyes are as wide as saucers with her hand over her mouth, her reactions being the same since I was a child.
"Yes" I say, giving a one worded response leaving me turning down the volume on my phone when I hear her squealing. "This is incredible! See I knew you two would hit it off! I can hear the church bells ringing already" she says, jumping to conclusions as she always does.
"Mom can you please get the food ready for me?" I plead, going back to the topic at hand while putting some makeup on, nothing too crazy but not wanting to over or under compensate. "Yes yes of course. Leave it to me!" and before I can say another word she's hanging up the phone. "Well that was easy" I say to myself before going to my closet to pick out what to wear.
As I'm flipping through my options I see Salem come out of the darkness, scaring me half to death leaving me scoffing seconds later, realizing he's given me a taste of my own medicine "Okay I guess I deserved that one huh?" I say to him and he meows in response.
"Okay Salem this one, or this one" I say, placing my options in front of him and he sniffs both before swatting at the one he's chosen. "You don't think a sun dress is too much?" I ask and he meows almost as if he was telling me to trust him and so I laugh and give in.
"I hope Juni likes it" I mumble to myself, quickly throwing it on and rushing to finish getting ready. A few minutes later I'm giving Salem a couple tummy rubs like I always do and rushing out the door, praying that I'll get there on time.
The drive to my parent's house seems like it's taking ten times longer than usual and I'm constantly glancing at the clock, making sure that I won't be late but thankfully I get there with plenty of time to spare.
"Hurry up they'll be here any minute!" my mom says, practically having babysat the door to make sure I arrive first. "Nice to see you too" I mumble, never getting a proper hello from her anymore. "The basket is on the table and I put a blanket in there as well" she says rushing me over to where she's put it and it's at that moment she finally notices my appearance.
"You really like him don't you?" she ask, smugness laced in her tone as her efforts of matchmaking are slowly succeeding. "No! Yes...I don't know" I deny but I backtrack immediately since I really do like him. "I haven't been interested in anyone in years and so I don't want to try too hard but I don't know" I somewhat admit to myself, as well my mom that I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of being with someone again.
"It's okay love, he hasn't been with anyone in a really long time either" she says and I furrow my brow, "How do you know that?".
"Well Mrs. Jeon and I were talking about it last night and it seems like ever since his wife died he's been really closed off to love or the idea of dating again. He's tried a few times but they never went beyond a second or third date" she relays and I nod my head, distracting myself with looking through all of the things she had placed in the basket. 
I try not to let any expression spread across my face since I don't know how to feel. I don't want to say I'm happy that things didn't work out between him and another woman but it's also sad to think about how Jungkook might've felt when his wife passed in such a traumatic way.
"Thank you for telling me but I think I should start learning more about him when he feels comfortable talking to me about it. It's only fair right? I'm sure he hasn't asked too much about me and my past so I guess shouldn't either" I say and walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
"But he has" she says when my mouth is full making me spit it into the sink that was thankfully right in front of me. "He what?" I cough, trying to compose myself as I learn this tidbit of information. "He has asked about you. In fact I was on the phone with her right before you got here" I grab a paper towel to dab off whatever water I have left on me but before I'm able to respond we hear the doorbell ringing.
"I'll get it" she say knowingly, giving me another second to calm down before I have to face him. I take a few deep breaths, fix my hair and check my reflection as best as I can in the smudged steel finish on the fridge while listening to my mother greet them at the door.
While Jungkook and my mother exchange a few words I peek around the corner and notice Juni slightly tugging on my mom's pant leg. "Excuse me but where's the pretty lady?" she asks and I have to hold back the coos I want to let out so badly, my heart already a puddle at the sight of her pleading eyes wanting to see me.
"Why don't you go look for her?" she says and when Jungkook looks up his eyes meet mine immediately for just a second but long enough to know my cover is blown. I duck back into the kitchen to hide, convincing myself that he didn't see me when he clearly did. 
"Go on" he says softly when Juni no doubt looks up at him for approval and my mother follows behind her as Juni walks in the completely opposite direction from where I am, my mom trailing behind her, giving no hints and letting her explore on her own.
I assume that Jungkook follows them but when I hear what sound like his footsteps get closer and not further away I tiptoe my way into the pantry, completely mortified that I know now for a fact that he caught me staring at them.
I close the door almost all the way and ten seconds later I watch as his form passes by the little crack in the doorway and I hold my breath as if that might help but there's only one way in and one way out of this kitchen and both him and I know that.
Why did I even hide? What was I thinking? Way to start things off on the right foot.
While I'm busy scolding myself I forget to pay attention and stumble back when he opens the door. "Got ya" he chuckles and I clear my throat, "Yeah I uh, I guess you did" I say, trying to lean back against one of the shelves, stumbling over a box instead but quickly recovering.
"Why are you hiding?" he chuckles, leaning up against the door frame and crossing his arms making me look down and notice how one of them is completely covered in tattoos. I had never specifically been attracted to tattoos before but on him...
I lose track of what he had said and only realize I had left a lull in the conversation when he clears his throat. "Oh I-" I start off but when I hear my mother and Juni's voices in the other room I grab his shirt and pull him in, making him stumble inside, closing the door right away.
It's only when he hits the switch to turn the light on that I realize what I had done.
"I-" I try to apologize but when I look up at him I notice that there's something in the way he's looking at me that I have never seen before, making my words die in my throat. We stand there for what feels like hours but had only been mere moments just observing each other, watching those small changes of expressions and I start to feel dizzy under his gaze. 
The tension between us clear and building but it's only when he opens his mouth to say something that the door is thrown open and we're met with a squeal from Juni. She runs into the closet and grabs onto Jungkook's leg making him stumble forward and as a result pins me against the shelf, his hands resting on either side of me.
It's like the universe is playing some sort of sick and twisted joke on us, constantly putting us in situations like these and yet we had only just become reacquainted with each other last night. 
"I found you!" Juni squeals again, giggles as her cries of victory and she soon pulls on Jungkook's leg to try and separate us. 
"Daddy I wanna play with the pretty lady" Juni pouts and in her efforts of trying to pull him off of me he actually loses his footing and stumbles, our bodies fully flush against each other now, his face just inches away from mine. 
I blink up at him and he does the same to me, both of us frozen and not really knowing what to do. It's only when my mother chimes in and asks Juni to come with her to get a snack that that little bubble that had formed around us had been popped.
"I...sorry... I uh, tripped...you know...with Juni and everything" he says, fumbling his words like a school boy, taking a few steps back to be at a respectful distance again. "Yeah no it's fine. I um, I shouldn't have pulled you in here in the first place" I admit and he smirks, remembering the point that lead us up to the little predicament we're in. 
"Why did you pull me in here?" he smiles, glancing over at where my mom has Juni plopped down on the kitchen counter with a popsicle in her hand. "I take hide and seek very seriously" I explain, me being the one crossing my arms now and he chuckles at my lame excuse for my actions but accepts it anyways. 
"Right" he says and offers me a hand to lead me out which I reluctantly accept.
"Mom she'll spoil her dinner" I say, scolding her with Juni just lost in the flavor and sheer size of it. To be fair it looks adorable in her little hands. "It's alright, a little sugar won't hurt her. Plus we're still going to the park right?" he asks and I look at him and nod. "Right" I agree and lift Juni off the counter to set her on her feet. 
"Hi Miss y/n" she says with a bright smile with her lips and tongue stained a bright shade of red from the cherry flavor. "Hi Juni" I say and fix her little sun dress that she's wearing, it's almost as if we had planned to match and when she notices me straightening out her dress she look at mine and also notices the similarity right away. 
"Look Daddy! Miss y/n and I are matching!" she says with the toothiest grin I've ever seen, her front two teeth standing out just a little bit more making it another cute little trait she shares with her father. Although who knows if she'll keep that once she starts losing her teeth I think to myself and quickly fix her hair as well since it's gotten a bit ruffled in the excitement of it all. 
"That's right baby, you both look so beautiful" he says making my heart skip a beat. When I look over at him he's giving me a similar adoring look he gave Juni just moments ago making it even harder for me to not melt into a puddle. 
I'm beginning to notice that these two really know how to tug on a person's heartstrings, it's almost as if it were as easy as breathing and that's something that's gonna take a while to get used to. 
"Can we go to the park now, please?" Juni asks, her eyes going back and forth between the two of us and when I look over at Jungkook he nods. "Sure, are you ready?" I ask, turning back to Juni and she jumps up and down and chants 'Yes' over and over again like she had done this morning on the phone. 
"Alright let's go" I say and with one hand clutching her popsicle for dear life she uses the other one to grab mine and drag me towards the front door. 
"Juni be careful" Jungkook scolds but I turn back towards him and assure him not to worry and I can see how he relaxes at that. She's a little bouncing ball of sunshine, emphasis on the bouncing since she can hardly sit still most of the time unless she's eating, and even then she's dancing around and smiling happily. I swear if this girl gets any sweeter I'm gonna start getting a toothache.
I let go of Juni's hand while my mother entertains her so we can make sure we have everything before we head out and when I try to turn around to grab my cardigan Jungkooks already grabbing it and holding it out to help me put it on. "Oh! I can-" "I know" he cuts me off but doesn't make any moves to give it to me so I turn my back to him and let him do as he pleases, sliding it up my arms and over my shoulders.
He runs his hands down my arms, no doubt as an excuse to smooth it all out but it causes a slight shiver to run through my system and he let's go, surprised at the reaction. 
"You sure you're gonna be warm enough?" he asks, a hint of amusement laced in his tone making my cheeks heat up but I nod my head and quickly rush over to the table where the basket is so I don't have to face him but he takes it from me as soon as my fingers brush the handle, making our hands touch. 
"I can carry that" I counter and he shakes his head, "No I'll carry it, someone's gotta hold Juni's hand while we walk there" he says, clearly delegating our respective duties and I smile and nod again. "Deal" and at that we're out the door. 
"Higher Daddy higher!" Juni squeals while Jungkook pushes her on the swing, his arms no doubt getting a little tired since she's been on it for the past ten minutes now and I can see he's losing momentum with every push. 
"Daddy's tired Juni. Can you swing on your own now? You know, just like I taught you" he suggests and she thinks about it for a second before saying a quick 'Okay' and clumsily moving her legs back and forth to keep the momentum going.
I smile as I watch Jungkook stumble over towards where I've been sitting on the blanket and watching them, adoring their father daughter relationship. "You're so good with her" I praise when he sits down and hand him a cold water bottle which he accepts right away and downs half of it. 
"You think so?" he asks, always unsure of himself but I couldn't think of a more perfect father than him. "I know so. She's lucky to have a loving devoted father like you" I say and he smiles softly, grabing one of the strawberries that my mother had packed for us. 
"You flatter me" he says, a slight blush blooming on his cheeks making me feel almost smitten with him. "It's the truth" I reenforcing what I've said and he shakes his head, finishing off the fruit in his mouth.
"Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough, you know? Like there's only so much I could give her" he says and I can tell from how his body language has changed that he's really thinking about how he wishes her mother could be here for her too.
"What was her name?" I ask and he looks at me curiously, not knowing that I'm on the same page as him yet. "Your wife, what was her name?" I say tentatively but when he registers it I quickly backtrack. "I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me that. I just figured that you might've been well..." I trail off and we sit there in silence watching Juni swing back and forth, back and forth until he decides to speak up. 
"Julie" he says softly, as if it had been years since he had spoken it. "Her name was Julie" he says softly and when I look over at him I can see the melancholy expression he's trying to hide. "That's a beautiful name, did you want Juni's name to sound similar to her's?" I ask, not wanting to make this conversation go dark but knowing that talking about her might cheer him up.
"Well, kinda. We wanted something that combined both of our names. It's silly, I know" he mumbles getting bashful about it. "It's not silly, it's wonderful to see in a way that both you and Juni are still carrying her with you everyday. It's a beautiful way to pay tribute to her" I reassure him and he smiles at me, mouthing a silent thank you. 
"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have pried" I apologize again, seeing that it still has him feeling down. "No it's okay, it's nice to talk about her every once in a while. Thank you, for that" him now reassuring me and I nod, both of us left in silence for a while before Juni runs up to us. 
"Daddy what's wrong?" she asks, seeing the clearly deflated Jungkook as she gets closer and it's good to see that instead of brushing it off like it's nothing he doesn't hesitate to tell her how he's feeling. "I'm just a little sad, Ms. y/n and I were just talking about Mommy" he explains and she gets almost a look of understanding which is surprising for someone of her age. 
"Please don't be sad Daddy, remember you said Mommy is always watching over us right?" she say, giving him the talk that he's clearly had with her a time or two. "Right" he say, brightening up just a bit. "And she wouldn't want to see us sad when we think about her right?" she continues, an slightly stern tone creeping up which makes both Jungkook and I smile. "Right" he echos again and she nods her head in agreement. 
"You always tell me to look in the mirror and touch my nose, and my ears and my lips and everything else that you say reminds you of her and you tell me that she'll always be right here with me. So that means when I'm here with you she's here too right?" she asks again and he chuckles. 
"When did you get so smart?" he says, grabbing her and starts tickling her, making her squirm all over the place and when he finally has mercy on her and she catches her breath she answers, "Well I am turning five soon" she says matter-o-factly and I can't help but chuckle at that. "Oh right, how could I forget" he over exaggerates  and she giggles, grabbing his shoulder before leaning in to whisper something. 
"Daddy can we show the pretty lady a picture of Mommy?" she says almost at full volume leaving him flinching back. It's adorable how she still hasn't figured out this whole whispering thing. "Sure baby" he obliges and pulls out his phone, picking out one and handing it to her so she can show it to me. 
She surprises me by plopping down in my lap and putting the phone way too close to my face. "This is my Mommy, her name is Julie" she says proudly and my heart can't help but ache thinking this is the only way she's known her mother. "She's beautiful Juni" I say, putting my hand on top of her hand that's holding the phone and pulling it back so I can see the picture properly. 
"You really do have your mom's nose" I chuckle when I notice the same curved button nose they share leaving me booping her's and making her smile. She scrolls through a couple more photos giving me little bits of commentary that no doubt Jungkook has told her as she grew up and it's when I hear the soft click of a camera that I look back up at him. 
"Sorry, it was too perfect not to" he says, seemly enjoying watching the two of us and I can't help the way my heart skips a beat making me shy all over again. "Can we take some more pictures?" Juni asks, wrapping her little arms around my neck and squishing my face against her's leaving me laughing at how adorable this all is. 
Jungkook obliges and we take picture after picture after picture together until Juni is satisfied and has run off to play again. 
"I didn't even know that you brought that" I say, watching as he fiddles around with the camera, flipping through the photos he just took. "It was on the table right behind the basket" he explains and now that I think about it I do remember seeing the corner of a camera bag sitting next to it. 
He smiles as he looks at the pictures and I lean over to catch a glance at them but he pulls it back out of my reach. "Hey!" I chuckle and she shakes his head. "Not until they're edited" he refuses and I scoff. 
"You're not actually going to edit them are you?" I say, nervous at the thought of him spending hours looking at those pictures. "Why wouldn't I?" he asks as if I had said something confusing. "Well I mean, aren't you busy with work? I doubt you would want to take extra time out of your day to play around with them" I explain and he smiles. 
"Let me take a few more and then I'll let you see them" he says, angling his body so he's facing me. "Did you want me to call Juni back?" I ask but when I try he stops me with another click and I look back at him confused. "I meant of just you" he says simply but I can tell he feels a bit bashful from the way he's started to hide behind the camera. 
"I'm not used to being the one in front of the camera" I say, trying to figure out exactly how to pose but he chuckles and puts the camera down a little to take a good look at me. "I don't see why not, you're beautiful" he says casually as if those words hadn't sent my heart into overdrive. "I-" I start but the words just don't come out, especially when he places the camera down and leans in closer. 
He takes my hand and places it on the blanket so I can lean on it, places the other in my lap, angles my shoulders slightly away from him and takes my chin and softly tilts my head up, making the sunlight peer down on my face through the leaves of the tree we're under. 
"Just relax" he says, acting as if I could possibly relax after he had his hands all over me, posing me just how he wanted. 
I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to clear my head and once I start to get that sense of serenity I hear a few soft clicks from his camera, taking picture after picture, him adjusting my pose by hand every time. 
"Daddy!" is the next thing we hear after who knows how long with the sight of Juni running over to us all covered in mud. "Is this your daughter?" a woman who is clearly out of breath says while trailing after Juni. 
"Juni what happened?" I chuckle, seeing that she's as happy as can be with a few smudges of dirt on her face and her dress all muddy. "Her and my son were playing over there and I guess he convinced her to jump in the mud and well..." she says, motioning towards Juni where I'm trying to clean her off as best as I can. 
"I hope she didn't cause you any trouble" Jungkook says, now feeling a bit guilty about the situation since he had taken his eye off her for a second. 
"No, not at all. If anything I should be apologizing for my son. I swear we look away for one second and he's as dirty as can be" she chuckles, finally close to catching her breath. 
"Can you tell the nice lady thank you for bringing you back?" Jungkook tells Juni and she does as she's told and I can see that she has just about as much of an affect on this mom as she does with me. If Jungkook's not careful she can use her cuteness for mass destruction if left unchecked. 
We hear a boy calling out for his mom that looks just like the woman in front of us now with no doubt her husband trailing after him. "Mom, Dad says it's time to go home" he says, his state twice as bad as Juni's. What is it with kids these days and mud? I chuckle to myself and when the boy notices Jungkook and I with Juni he gets a little shy. 
"Oh, hello" he says before he goes and hides behind his mother's leg, "Oh so now you wanna be shy?" his dad teases and snatches him out from his hiding space and whispers no doubt an encouragement for him to apologize. 
"I'm sorry for getting her all dirty. She was just really nice and I wanted to have fun with her" he mumbles and I can see hints of pink peeking through the streaks of dirt on his cheeks just like Juni. 
What did I say? Weapon of mass destruction.
"It's okay sweetie, I'm just glad you had fun" I say, brushing off his apology and when he looks up at me now I can see that his blush deepens and opts to hide behind his Dad's leg this time. "Alright well say goodbye" his mom says and he mumbles a quiet goodbye and gives Juni a shy wave compared to hers being one to match her outgoing and bubbly self.
"Can we play again tomorrow?" Juni asks him and he looks up at his parents for approval. "We usually come here around this time everyday after school so you just have to ask your Mommy and Daddy if you can come again" she says and when I try to deny her claims Jungkook jumps in before I can get a word out. "We'll be here" he says and Juni smiles so wide. 
"See you tomorrow!" she calls out to them and the trio waves goodbye one last time before heading to their car. 
"Mommy and Daddy?" I turn to Jungkook while Juni is busy doing a little happy dance before taking a drink of her juice box. "Well I um, I guess they couldn't help but think we're her parents so it felt best to not correct them" he says while rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink just like the little boy's were when he was looking at Juni. 
"Right, and when they say something tomorrow?" I tease and he clears his throat, no doubt not thinking this whole thing through. "Well I guess there's no harm in faking it?" he says and now I'm the one that's nervous.
"Faking it? You mean you want me to pretend to be Juni's mom? Why?" I ask, flustered by the thought of it. "I'm sorry I guess I didn't think about how you might feel about it. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" he apologizes but I rush to explain myself.
"I'm not uncomfortable I'm just shocked that you would want to go along with something like that to keep up appearances for people that we hardly know" I say, trying to figure out where his head is at. "Sorry that was a stupid suggestion we don't have to do it if you don't want to" he says and I shake my head.
"I mean I want to, but do you? I mean what about Juni? What's she gonna think?" I ask and watch as she chases a butterfly that has caught her eye. "We can just tell her we're playing pretend" he says and I raise a brow at him. 
"That's the best you got?" I ask and he chuckles nervously. It's funny to see that a tall, strong, handsome man like him is getting so shy about this but I'll play along, I just don't want to confuse Juni. 
"Juni can you come here for a second?" Jungkook calls and she turns and runs over to us right away, looking between the two of us since we're both looking at her with no doubt some very strange expressions. "You like to play pretend right?" he asks and she brightens up at the thought, "It's my favorite thing to do!" she says, twirling around in her very adorable muddy dress. 
"How would you feel if we started playing pretend with Ms. y/n?" he asks and she gets even more excited and does her little chanting of 'Yes' over and over again, a very adorable habit of hers. 
"So this is what we're gonna do, whenever we're out and about with Ms. y/n we're going to pretend like we're a family. You'll be the Baby, I'll be the Daddy and Ms. y/n will be the Mommy, does that sound alright to you?" he asks and she giggles and looks between the two of us, clearly loving the idea. 
"Yes let's do it!" she says, fully confident in her playing pretend skillset. "Alright Juni but there's one little rule" he says and she come in close, knowing that this part is probably a secret. "You can't call her Mommy in front of her parents or grandma and grandpa, got it?" he says and I fully agree with him, we don't need to get their hopes up when we still don't know exactly what we are. 
"Got it! Mommy?" she asks, getting my attention and trying on the name for size and I answer to it right away, somehow feeling almost natural already. "Yes Juni?" I ask, and she looks over at the playground for a second before looking back over at me. "Can I go play for just a little while  longer?" she asks, holding her hands together and giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. 
"Go ahead" I say and she giggles and rushes off to run around just for a little while longer just like she said. "It suits you" Jungkook says and I look over at him curiously, "What does?" I ask with a tilt of my head. "You being a mom" he says and the words die in my throat. I've always been told I'd be a good mother when the time came but hearing it from him after what we just agreed to do just...
"Thank you" I say, my heart squeezing in a painful but also grateful way and he gives me a smile before he places his hand on my waist for a second to solidify his sincerity before walking a bit closer to the playground to watch Juni. 
I decide to start packing up the stuff we had brought and by the time Juni is dragging her feet back over to me and completely out of breath I've got everything ready to go. "You tired?" I ask and she nods her head, her blinks getting lazy as a clear sign that it's time for bed. 
"Why don't I carry her home...I mean back to my mom's house" I correct myself quickly but I can tell he liked the sound of what I had said, my implication being completely different from what he had imagined. "It's alright, I can carry her, we've got one pretty dress all muddy so I don't think we need another one" he chuckles. 
I pause for a second and pull out the picnic blanket we brought and hold it against myself before picking her up. "Problem solved" I say and he can't help but smile at my solution and quickly takes Juni's shoes off and wipes her feet clean as best as he can before taking the end of the blanket and  tucking it all up so she's practically wrapped up like a burrito. 
"You sure you can cary her? She can get a bit heavy when she's sleepy like this, especially since we've gotta walk for a little bit" he offers and I assure him I'm fine. "What kind of mother would I be if I couldn't carry my child home?" I tease and his eyes widen, clearly having forgotten the little game we're playing.
"How dare I doubt your capabilities as a mother" he chuckles and picks up our stuff, motioning for me to lead the way.
A few minutes go by and we're left in a comfortable silence on our way back to my parent's house and when I decide to speak up he does the same. "I-" "Tha-", "Sorry you go first" "No that's okay you go first" and we toss it back and forth a few more times before he hits me with the age old "Ladies first".
"Thank you for coming tonight and letting me spend some more time with Juni...well and you of course" I say sheepishly and he smiles. "I would hope you like spending time with me since you are my wife after all" he teases and now we've switched personalities. "You know, I think you're getting a little too comfortable with this already" I say and he smiles, playing with his lip piercing that I somehow only noticed right now, the silver glistening from the street lights.
There's so many things I haven't noticed about him yet, or even know about him but somehow everything seems so easy. 
"I mean can you blame me? You fit right in with Juni and I. Honestly better than I thought you would" he mumbles the last part to himself and I have to try my absolute hardest not to literally fall for him. I'm holding his daughter so I would one thousand percent say that now is not the time. 
"What?" I ask, needing clarification but he doesn't give. "Oh nothing" he smiles and picks up the pace, leaving me trailing behind him and right when I go to say something else Juni flinches leaving me slowing down and soothing her back to sleep. "Your Daddy is crazy, you know that?" I whisper to her as if she could hear me but the need to say something was too great. 
A minute or two later we're walking up to my mom's house and I twist my body to give him access to the small purse I brought with us and let him fish out the keys to open the door. 
When my mom hears us come in she goes to give us a no doubt overly exaggerated welcome home but as soon as she sees a very sleepy Juni in my arms she cuts herself off and switches to a hushed tone. 
"Looks like you all had fun" she chuckles and caresses Juni's head for a second, checking to see if she's really asleep and she very much is. "Maybe a little too much fun" Jungkook chuckles, seeing my mother slowly realize how dirty Juni had gotten. 
"She's a cheeky one isn't she?" my mom smiles lovingly and I can't help but wish this whole mom thing with Juni was real. "She is indeed" Jungkook agrees, and hands my mother the picnic basket. 
"Thank you so much for letting me steal your daughter today" Jungkook teases and I can tell that she absolutely loves this. "Honestly you can keep her. I hardly see her anyways" she says, giving Jungkook permission as well as sending a jab my way. 
"Mom" I groan and the both of them smile as if they delighted in my embarrassment. "I just might" he says softly while looking over at me and I can see my mom picking out the wedding venue as we speak, meanwhile I'm wrestling with myself to stay calm. 
We agreed to fake this relationship which means that everything he says is fake...right? I need to separate the real from the delusion but he unfortunately isn't making this any easier.
We say our final goodbyes to my mom and she watches until we walk up to Jungkook's car, no doubt still watching behind the curtain of one of our front windows, spying on us as if her life depended on it. I try to ignore it though because how we end tonight is really important to me. 
"Can I ask you something?" I say after he finishes putting Juni in the car, him closing his car door and walking me over to my car just a few feet away. "Anything" he says while ushering me toward it with a hand on my waist, a slight sign of protection since it's gotten a lot darker than we both realized. 
"When you said I fit in better than you thought I would...and that you might keep me, was that a part of this whole faking it thing we have going?" I ask, wanting to have an open line of communication with him. We're not shy teenagers anymore so as adults I feel like this is something really important to establish. 
"Do you want it to be?" he asks, standing in front of me while I lean against my car door. It still very much being locked as a very clear sign that I don't want this to end. "I mean we just met and..." I say, trailing off because I don't really know what I want. All I know is I like him. I really really like him and his daughter has got me wrapped around her cute little finger. 
"I know, we can take this slow. If this whole husband/wife thing is too much for you we don't have to do it" he offers and I shake my head, "No, no I want to. I just don't want the lines to get too blurry" I explain and he nods his head and leans his hand against the car right next to where I'm standing. 
"Blurry lines aren't a problem for me when it comes to you, it's your call though" he says and if my heart wasn't already racing it surely would've been now. I look up at him and hold my breath when he gets closer my eyes not leaving his and when he lean down I close my eyes, giving into whatever he wants to do to me. 
"Goodnight" he whispers, his warm breath fanning my neck making me lose my sense of reality for a second, wanting to lose myself in him without abandon. I can hardly breathe let alone think straight and he chuckles at that, standing up straight and ghosting his fingers along my jaw before stepping aside, a clear sign for me to get into my car and when I fumble with my keys he takes them and unlocks it and opens the door for me.
I sit down inside and look up at him, indulging myself for a few more seconds. When he hands me my keys he makes our hands touch only for a moment before saying a soft 'Drive safe'. 
When he closes the door for me I finally let out that breath I had desperately been holding back, watching as he walks back to his car with his little Juni still sound asleep.
I watch him pull out of the driveway and decide that even the way he drives is irresistible, giving me a small wave before he goes and while I'm lost in thought I almost jump out of my skin when I hear my phone ringing and my mom's name pops up.
"Mom I really can't talk right now" I say, putting her on speakerphone and starting to car. "Do not give me that y/n I am your mother and set you up with this man so tell me what is going on" she says and I sigh, checking all my mirrors and heading out as well just seconds later. 
"To be honest mom I don't even know. He's showing me very very clear signs that he's interested in me but I can't really say much of anything else at this point" I admit, the realization that the state of our relationship is anything but normal. 
"We just met last night and things are progressing fast, like really fast" I sigh, stopping at a red light, thankfully giving me a second to think. "Well I'd say this is all a good sign. I mean you're both in your thirties honey so adult relationships can progress a lot faster than when you're younger. He's a man that clearly knows what he wants and he wants you. So go for it" she encourages and I take it all in. 
"You're biased because you're my mother and would love to have his parents as your in-laws" I say and she scoffs. "Yes but that's not the point. You would be a fool if you let a man like him walk out of your life" she scolds and I know she's right. 
"I'll do my best to keep an open mind. But please don't talk to his mom yet, or at least not tonight. I don't need both of you losing sleep over this" I warn her but I know she'll do as she pleases no matter what. "You know I can't do that, but I'll do my best" she says and that is the biggest lie she's ever told but I'm not surprised since we dangled this whole thing right in front of her face. 
"You called her already didn't you?" I sigh and she chuckles. "As soon as I closed the door" she admits and I sigh, not the slightest bit surprised. "Alright mom well I gotta go but we'll talk again soon" I say, pulling into my parking spot and turning off the car. 
"Okay well keep me updated" she says and I can't help but roll my eyes. "Between you and Mrs. Jeon I'm sure you can keep each other in the loop" I say, putting my keys in the lock and closing the door behind me when I step into my apartment. "But I gotta go alright, I'll talk to you later" I say once again and hang up as soon as she says goodbye.
"Hi Salem" I sigh, watching as he jumps down from his cat tree and stretches before walking up to me, rubbing against my leg before walking over to his food bowl, clearly requesting the very late dinner I'm giving him. "I'm sorry boy, I guess I gotta get you one of those timed feeders now from the looks of it" I apologize and give him his food right away. 
I put a couple treats into his bowl as well as an apology and make my way back to my room to jump in the shower and think about everything that happened today. 
Jungkook basically admitted that he wants to get to know me better because he clearly feels like he can see a future between us and to be honest I pretty much feel the same way. It could be that we've caught a severe case of puppy love but I think we both know that this could potentially go somewhere. 
I love spending time with him and Juni, granted this is only the second time we've spent time together but still I can't get over the fact of how natural it all felt. Then he goes and pulls this whole pretend to be married business and now he's telling me he doesn't mind if the lines are blurred between us. 
This is all way too much for one day but I can't deny that I'm not enjoying the journey. This is progressing a whole lot faster than I thought it would but that doesn't necessarily mean that's a bad thing. I guess we've both got a whole lot of learning to do. 
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rainylana · 5 months
“Don’t cry.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: a spa session with your new boyfriend turns out to be both of your breaking points.
requested by anonymous! i hope you like it and that I did it justice! i kind of took it and ran. i made it much more deep than i initially planned, so i hope you like it!
warnings: talk of sexual abuse and rape, with both eddie and reader, angst and tears, language, mentions of drug dealing and absent parents. reader is struggling to connect with eddie and he doesn’t know why, kinda leaves in a cliffhanger??
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Sometimes Eddie wondered if you liked him, because half the time it didn’t seem like you did. You’d become stand-offish, quiet, shrink in on yourself. His “Are you okay?” was always met with an “I’m fine.” and nothing more. It always seemed like you were protecting yourself. Not just from him, but from everyone. You loved his friends, but sometimes they scared you. You never knew who to trust. Would one of them hurt you, given the chance?
One thing was for sure though, you loved Wayne. He was like the father you never had growing up. From the way he talked, looked, his personality, it reminded you of a father. Eddie was extremely lucky to grow up with him while he did.
Eddie wasn’t stupid, however, he knew some of your behavior had to do with your upbringing. You’d shared some of it with him before, time and time again, here and there. You’d grown up pretty similarly to him. Dead beat parents that abused you, surrounded by their friends who eyed you like a piece of meat for them to chew on. When you grow up like that, you’re bound to be a little messed up. Eddie understood that. He was the same way.
But with you, it was different. He didn’t want you to feel that way around him. The relationship hadn’t been going on for that long and was still fairly fresh, but he wanted you to trust him. And even dating might have been a stretch, you were just very good friends who weren’t very good friends with anyone else.
You liked Eddie, maybe even loved him, but there was no lying when it came to the fact you were struggling to connect with him. Could you really trust him? Was he just like the men from your childhood? Would he fuck you and ultimately leave once he got his full satisfaction? You’d cried yourself to sleep many of times during the night at the thought.
Sometimes you didn’t feel safe. Not with him, not with his friends. You only ever felt truly safe with Wayne. You didn’t know why. You hated the way you felt. Eddie was a good man. He was good to you. He had yet to do anything that proved otherwise. But the dark corners of your mind lingered closer and closer to the edge, reminding you of what once was your reality on the daily. You hoped this time it was different.
“I like this color on you.” Eddie’s tongue was stuck out in concentration, one hand holding your foot, the other holding the brush of the pink nail polish bottle. “It’s cute.”
“Pink?” You smirked. “You like pink?”
“On you.” His lashes fluttered up to you briefly.
The gesture was cute, but anytime he did something sweet like this you couldn’t help but think if he was luring you into a trap. Your stomach was littered with jitters and nerves. Day by day your anxiety was staring to become more out of control. You thought about ending things with him. It wasn’t fair to him to not give the relationship your all, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You’d miss him dearly.
“Well, thanks.” You smiled softly. “I don’t like painting them by myself. The angle is too hard.”
He muttered a Mhm with his tongue out, blowing on your little toe so the pain would dry. “I used to paint my nails black when I was a teenager.” He said.
“Really?” You said amusedly. “Why’d you stop?”
“Got out of the habit, I guess.” He dipped the brush back in the bottle. “Plus, not that I cared, but kids at school were givin’ me shit about it.”
You knew Eddie had the same childhood you did, in some sense anyways. Eddie wouldn’t talk about it much, especially never about his mother. But his dad was something you knew struck a nerve. You should share your traumas together, that’s what you always told yourself. You knew you both could relate to one another, but the relationship was still too fresh. Maybe neither was ready for that.
“Want me to do your fingers?” Eddie asked, blowing on your last toe as he finished up his fine work. “I gotta say, babe, I did pretty good.”
You flexed your freshly painted toes and grinned at his work. “You did! Thank you.”
He put the bottle on the table and plopped down beside you on the couch, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “So what now? What’s next on the spa list?” He smirked and you did the same, laughing breathily.
“I won’t make you succumb to all my girly stuff.” You laughed. “Anything I can do for you? Your hair looks like it needs brushed a little.”
“What?” He gave you an incredulous look. “I keep my hair very much maintained, thank you.”
“I didn’t say you didn’t, Eddie.” You rolled your eyes. “All I said was it needed brushed a little.”
You hopped up and got your plastic hairbrush from the bathroom, pointing at him with it when you returned. “Your turn to be pampered. Sit on the floor.”
He shook his head amusedly and sat down where you had, your legs falling at the sides of his shoulders as you gently began combing out his curls. He didn’t mean to, but he sighed in content.
“Feel good?” You gave a shit eating grin.
“You’re a-lot gentler than Wayne used to be.” He relaxed under your touch. “He always pulled at my hair and got it more ratted up than it already was. This feels good.”
You smiled at the mention of Wayne. “Well, I’ve got a woman’s touch, honey.”
“Yes, you do.”
It was quiet and peaceful for a while as you brushed his hair, the both of you content in the silence. When he touched your ankle, caressing it, your heart began to pound. You hadn’t had sex with him yet. You were too scared to. You knew it was time, it had been almost two months and you knew Eddie had long since been ready to sleep with you.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. You did. You fantasized about him just as much as he did you, but you were terrified of him leaving once you finally crossed that line. Out of instinct, you brought your legs up to you, sitting criss-cross like he was.
You heard him sigh and your stomach ached with guilt. You should give him what he wants.
“I’m sorry.” You say guiltily.
“You never let me touch you.” Eddie said flatly, staring at the ground as you continued to brush his hair. “And you won’t tell me why.”
Your eyes teared up and you stopped brushing, bringing it down to your lap. “I’m sorry.”
“That’s all you say.” He shook his head. “You don’t need to be sorry. You just need to tell me why I scare you so bad.”
“You don’t.” You denied, trying your hardest to convince him. When he said things like this, you felt foolish for thinking the way that you did. “It’s just- it’s- it’s just me.”
Eddie turned around, looking up at you to find you with tears in your face. “If it wasn’t true you wouldn’t be crying. Don’t I deserve the truth, Y/n? Have I don’t anything at all to make you scared of me?”
“No.” You sniffled, getting off the couch to go into the kitchen of his trailer. “You haven’t.”
Eddie watched you, becoming more and more anxious by the second. He sat there, waiting for his answer, anything but no. “Do you want to break up?”
“No!” You cried, shaking your head wildly. “No, that’s not what I want.”
“You don’t even like me, Y/n.” He scoffed to himself, closing in, becoming cold and shutting down. Something he hadn’t done in a long time. “You won’t open up to me. I can barely touch you. You look like you’re disgusted to be around me.”
“That’s not true!” You snapped, taking a step toward him. “Stop saying shit like that!”
“Then you say something for a change!” He argued back, not moving from his spot on the floor.
“But it’s so stupid!” You shook your head. “It’s ridiculous!”
He gave you a look. He was waiting and he wouldn’t back out this time. Either that, or he was going to break up with you. The thought made you want to vomit. Maybe you did care more deeply for him than you were letting on.
“We don’t talk about what happened when we were kids,” You sighed through tears, voice breaking. “We’re..both the same, but we don’t talk about it.”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed as you began, wondering after all, if he wanted to hear where you were going with this.
“Mom wasn’t around, so that left dad and his friends.” You stared at him, being as open and honest as you could now. There was no beating around the bush with this. “I��Jesus,” You shook your head, running a hand through your hair. “I didn’t know that it wasn’t normal at the time, but they’d…they’d use me.” You took a deep breath after the last word. No stopping now.
“They would play poker, touch me, rape me.” You weren’t crying anymore, talking mostly to yourself now at this point. “And I know you would never do that to me, Eddie, but sometimes I’m so afraid of it happening again and I just shut down.” You closed your eyes. “You touch me and I’m so afraid you’ll abandon me once we sleep together. That’s all anyone has ever done in my life.”
“Fuck me, then leave.” You sniffled. “That’s all they ever do.”
Eddie’s eyes were drooping, slightly narrowed and brows furrowed. He shook his head softly, you almost missed it, and you knew you’d made him at a loss for words.
He looked up to you briefly, licking his lips before he spoke. “There was this one guy my dad would deal for,” He began. “He was a big dude, almost seven foot. I was only thirteen. But dad would bring him into the house and he…would look at me. Just watch me wherever I went.” He stared at his hands, not daring to look at you.
“I think he payed dad.” His voice broke, but he refused to let any tears fall. “Because I screamed and screamed and he wouldn’t come.”
You let out an audibly gasp and covered your mask, your heart falling to the floor with a splat.
“Oh, god, Eddie,” You crawled to the floor and knelt beside him.
“It’s okay.” He stopped your apologies. “I didn’t tell you for you to be sorry for me. I told you because you need to know you’re not alone, and not everyone is out to get you. You’re safe with me. I want you to believe that.”
You let out a wet sob, tears rolling down your red face. “How do I stop being scared? I want to be with you.”
He smiled softly, a finger swiping at a tear. “We have all the time in the world for that, angel.”
You grabbed his arm and laid your head against his shoulder, sobbing like a broken child.
“Oh, baby,” He kissed your forehead. “Don’t cry.”
It would be a long road to recovery, but you could both do it together. Slowly, every day you would both open up to each other about what you went through, and day by day, it would get easier.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Johnny being allowed to fuck but not cum all week because he pissed simon off, he tries bargaining with reader at one point to just - ease the cockring off , simon won't notice it'll be fine. Reader doesn't even have a chance to consider it before Johnny ripped out of her and is muzzled because bad dogs need to keep quiet
hm. you shot me dead with this one. like. what am i supposed to do with myself now?
1.4k of smut below the cut. cw: rough puppy play, itty bitty tiny second of cbt, edging/denial, simon is real real mean to johnny
something about johnny being in trouble and not being allowed to cum in you but trying anyway.... oh he's horrible
maybe this is after he was a little too rough with you (like that ask where he fucked up your wrist, or something similar) and he's in deep shit with simon. not only is he allowed to fuck you, simon makes him fuck you at least once a day. lines up behind johnny and moves his hips for him, doesn't even let him thrust on his own, guides every tiny little twitch. tugs him out right at the last second, makes johnny watch as he comes inside you. spends the whole time calling him bad, says if he could just learn to fucking listen for once he could mount you properly
johnny spends the whole week in misery. guy can barely sit down, he just wants to hump fucking everything. simon tells him he can't sit on the furniture when he's so drippy :( makes him sit on the floor instead - or he can let you clean johnny up, but no coming. does he want to be edged again or kneel between his legs like the mutt he is?
jacks him off in the shower in the morning, stopping right before he comes. leaves him crying and makes johnny wash his hair. has you cockwarm him for a bit, to make sure he stays completely hard. makes johnny eat you out til you're nearly knocked out, jacks him off slowly and stops every time you come.
he's nearly done with his punishment when he fucking breaks. it's a night simon isn't meant to be home until after midnight. you'd gone to bed earlier than johnny, wake up to him at you back, nose nudging your cheekbone and hard cock thrusting against your back.
"just gonna- just gonna fuck you, bonnie, 'k?"
"johnny?" you murmur, still half asleep. "but... simon said-"
"simon isn't fucking here," he snarls back, and you feel his bared teeth press against his shoulder. "he won't know. i'll be quick, ok, lass? just gotta... gotta cum, then you go back to sleep, yeah?"
"johnny," you'd whine again, getting a little squirmy in your spot as you feel his hands work at his own dick, then feel him start to slide in without any prep. "john- ow..."
"hush," he breathes heavily in your ear, hips already starting to work. you can feel how quickly his heart beats against you back. "i'll eat you out after, just let me... just..."
he doesn't speak after that, and neither do you. he's fast, needy, you can tell he's only gonna last a few minutes. you're still half-asleep, lost in the comforting warmth of your blankets and pillows, can't do anything but lay limp like a doll for him and relish in the pleasure.
you don't hear simon come in. one minute johnny is thrusting away inside of you, the next he's being ripped off, a sharp yelp coming from his lips followed by a long drawn out whine.
"bad fucking boy," you hear simon snarl over your shoulder, the sound of a slap echoing through the air. "you that fucking lost in your instincts, dog? can't think with nothin' but your dick - you see a pussy and fuck it, that's it huh? can't even listen to a simple command from your master. useless mutt."
you turn your head to the side, sleep clearing from your head at the sight of johnny crumpled to his knees, simon tall and proud above him. you can see the shine of tears on johnny's cheeks with the little light from the doorway.
"simon- simon-"
"no," simon's tone is merciless, his boot coming to rest on johnny's rock-hard dick and pushing down. "that's not what bad boys get to call me."
another whine, a plaintive "master..."
you see johnny's hips work a little, tiny thrusts against the sole of the boot. simon's scowl grows, backhanding johnny with bruising force and sending him sprawling to the floor. "why are you speaking? dogs don't fucking talk."
he stares down at johnny for another moment, both of them taking great heaving breaths. finally, he sighs loud and angry. "fine. i was going easy on you, mutt, was tryin' to be nice. but clearly you don't deserve nice."
he stalks over to their closet, yanking open a drawer you know holds the mean toys - the ones you don't like nearly as much as the others. he grabs something silver and shiny, storm back over to johnny and hauls him up by the hair.
johnny scrambles to follow, but simon doesn't give him a chance to stand. just drags his weight to the bed, throws him onto his back nearly on top of your legs.
you squeak a little, simon's aggressive energy something you're not entirely comfortable being so close to. you curl your legs up, folding into a little ball against the pillows as you stare at the two of them with wide eyes.
simon glances over to you at the sound, eyes softening behind his mask immediately. "oh, love, you're not in trouble. you couldn't stop the mutt from fucking you, huh? don't worry. we'll get him punished and i'll take care of you."
johnny whines again and starts wiggling around, eyes squeezed shut as his hips desperately thrust, looking for any sort of sensation. simon's attention slams back to him, a growl rumbling from his throat as he cups johnny's dick in one hand.
"gotta get you soft, dog," he growls, and you see his hand moving around a bit until he's got johnny's balls in a vice-grip. "the ring wasn't enough for a horny bitch like you, we'll see how you like the cage."
johnny's past words, can only writhe on the bed with little animal noises slipping past his lips. simon doesn't give him any leeway, doesn't give him comfort when he starts to sob a little, just keeps squeezing.
once he's apparently soft enough, simon is quick and methodical about locking johnny's cock up. almost impersonal.
"there," he grunts when he stands up to stare down at johnny. he lands a slap to johnny's dick, gets the smaller man jolting and crying out. "in your cage now. you're not sleeping in bed with us people until you prove you can handle it."
johnny hardly struggles as simon forces him to his knees, kicking at his side to guide him to the crate looming in the corner of the room.
just moments later simon's at the bed with you. he tugs the mask off now (knows you like it sometimes, but also knows it scares you a little - rarely wears it outside of punishments) and crawls on top of you, hands soft and slow as he coaxes you to stretch out back on the bed.
"hey, baby," he murmurs, voice low and just for you. "you're a good girl. can't help what the mutt does, huh? i know, i know. i'll take care of you now, fuck you right."
there are whines from the corner as simon flips you onto your stomach. he lifts you up to your knees, everything soft as he rubs your pussy a few times before slipping his cock into you.
he's always so heavy. you sink further into the bed when he gives you his weight, little moan slipping past your lips as your eyes roll back in your head. johnny gets louder.
"yeah, there you go. good girl, baby, so good for me, huh?"
simon fucks you deep and slow. no rush whatsoever, just nice and languid. you'd probably fall asleep if not for johnny's increasingly desperate noises, the sound of his crate rocking against the wall as he does something in there.
at one point simon sighs all annoyed into your ear, pulls out without warning. you whine and he pets a hand over your hair, whisps "just give me a second, doll, gotta shut the dog up and then i'll finish you off" before walking away.
you don't open your eyes, but you hear simon moving around the room. hear him spit, "makin' me fucking muzzle you because you can't shut up. nothing but a goddamn animal, are you?"
when simon fucks you again, johnny is silent.
he brings you to a slow and easy orgasm, fingers stroking at your achy clit. finishes inside you at nearly the same time.
he tucks you into his arms after, curls you into him and sighs, the sound all satisfied man. you fall asleep like that, johnny's predicament the furthest thing from your mind.
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
possession (yandere bi-han/sub-zero x reader)
warnings: mentions of blood and murder, bi-han is possessive
summary: yandere bi-han takes care of your shitty ex boyfriend. reader is gender neutral.
a/n: i haven’t written a yandere character in sooo long. i chose bi-han just bc he’s easy to write as a yandere :3 anyways next one i write will be a yandere smoke x reader so stay tuned
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bi-han was always possessive over you. the moment he laid eyes on you, he knew you were his. he carefully pretended to be your friend and then court you like a normal person, hiding his true colors.
he knew he would most likely scare you away if he showed his true colors too soon. he had to wait until he knew you’d never leave him. he had to be patient. but he couldn’t hold back anymore after he saw you crying.
“love.. why are you crying?” bi-han asked, gently holding you in his arms.
“it’s just..” you hesitated to tell him, knowing that he doesn’t know about your ex-boyfriend. you haven’t told him yet.
your boyfriend held you, waiting patiently for your answer, and getting ready to comfort you. if someone said something to make you cry, bi-han would rip out their spine and bring it to you. if it was anything else, he would just hold you for hours and not let go.
“my ex. i can’t stop thinking about all the shit he did to me.” you admitted, wiping your tears.
bi-han’s gaze turned cold. “your ex? who is he? what did he do to you?”
his grip on you tightened. he needed to know who it was. so he can teach the bastard a lesson.
he was also jealous of your ex. he got to hold you first, he got to kiss you first, and he got to call you his. but he fucked up by hurting you. bi-han will not let him live with those sins.
you told him all about your ex and what he did to you. you opened up to bi-han about all the trauma you endured because of your ex. and how he was the reason you were hesitant to get in another relationship.
bi-han struggled to stay calm. how dare he hurt you...
he had the audacity to hurt you? you’re so precious. so delicate, like a flower. you were so lucky to have bi-han as a boyfriend. he can protect you. he can hold you and keep you safe from harm.
“where is he?” bi-han asked, but it sounded more like a demand.
“i don’t know? he’s most likely at his house right now. why?” you questioned.
“give me his home location.” bi-han commanded.
you looked up at him in confusion. “huh?”
“don’t make me repeat myself.” bi-han sneered.
startled by his sudden anger, you blurted out your ex’s location. bi-han immediately got up and left to find the bastard and make him pay for what he did.
you couldn't sleep that night. bi-han left and still hadn't came back yet. did something happen to him?
you were worried sick, until you heard rustling and grunting outside. that had to be him, right? nobody else is awake at this time.
you walked outside, barely being able to see anything, but you saw your boyfriend slowly dragging something behind him.
"bi-han? what is that?" you whispered. your boyfriend stopped in his tracks when he heard your voice.
you took a closer look at what he was dragging. it was a dead body... but it was unrecognizable, almost as if it was beat to death. you assumed it was just some random guy the lin kuei killed, until you noticed the clothes. that dead body had your ex-boyfriend's clothes.
"by the gods.. did you kill-"
"he cannot hurt you anymore. he was a fool to put you through pain. i simply taught him a lesson. and now, you can live in peace. with me." bi-han interrupted, as he dropped the body and held you in his bloody arms.
you looked up at him, and he had a terrifying look in his eyes. this man enjoyed beating your ex to death.
"you know i will do anything for you," bi-han continued. "if i must get my hands dirty in your honor, then so be it. you need me, don’t you? without me, more people will target you and damage you. you're welcome, my flower."
he was trying to convince you not to leave him. how could you leave, when he just demonstrated what he is capable of when he is angry?
"i don't know about this, bi-han..." you whispered.
his eyebrows furrowed. "what do you mean? you know i can protect you, so why can't you trust me? if anything were to happen to you... i would tear the world apart. if you dare defy me, then i must teach you a lesson."
you panicked. you didn't want to end up like your ex. "no! i'm not defying you, love."
"good. it pleases me that you and i can live happily together now. nobody can hurt you while i am around. i will not let that happen." bi-han mumbled.
he meant every word he said. he will keep you safe from harm. he would never hurt you, so you must stay with him.
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idkwhatever580 · 5 months
More than you’ll ever know
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[{pairings: Natasha romanoff x reader}]
{prompt- Natasha comes home from a long mission to find y/n curled up in her hoodie.}
(she/her pronouns I might use they/them in the mix as well. Just whatever I write lol)
[|warnings~ cursing probably. Tad bit of angst not a lot but lots of fluff|]
An; I actually hope this turns out good bc idk what to do if y’all hate it. It’s probably gonna be cringey but I live for that anyways sooo hope y’all enjoy!
Nobody’s pov?
Natasha walks into her room and sets her duffel bag down on the floor with a sigh. She immediately looks around for her girlfriend and frowns.
“What the fuck?” She mumbles tiredly.
She takes a good look at her room and sees everything a mess. Trash and clothes everywhere. The sheets are a stray and the floor is covered in dirty laundry. Natasha huffs.
All she wanted was to come home from her week long mission to her girlfriend and the least she expected was a clean room.
She quickly realizes that y/n isn’t in their room and she decides to leave the cleaning for later and switches over to the task of finding her beloved.
She steps into the hallway and says “Friday? Where is y/n/n”
“Mrs. Y/n is in the third floor lounge room ma’am.” The ai quickly replies.
She mumbles a quick thank you and starts her trek to find her girlfriend.
Natasha steps in the elevator and Friday already knows where she wants to go so it starts moving. Natasha stretches her aching muscles a bit and the bell dings.
She steps out to find the lounge in a similar state as their room except for there is a mound of blankets on the couch. She smiles knowing that the amount of blankets y/n uses is unreasonable but cute.
She silently walks to y/n’s pile and slowly uncovers her one layer at a time.
Y/n’s Pov
I am sleeping in the lounge and I feel my blankets being torn away from me.
Okay maybe torn is a bit dramatic but hey I am the girl I’ve always been.
I quickly grab the hand that is above my face to stop them from touching me. Although my eyes are closed I grip their wrist tightly and say,
“If you so dare say one word I’ll have Natasha beat your ass when she gets home”
I hear a familiar chuckle and my eyes open widely and I see my girlfriend. I immediately jump over the edge of the couch into her arms and she says,
“Are you gonna make me beat myself up?”
I glare at her as I pull away from the embrace and then I look around and finally realize how bad it’s gotten.
Usually whenever Natasha leaves I can handle myself but sometimes my mental health gets worse and I find myself unable to get out of bed. So that’s where this has gotten me.
I look at Natasha and she has a concerned look on her face and she says,
“Детка, what’s all this?”
I suddenly break and tears start welling up. I feel awful for having her come home to a depressed mess like me. I quickly try to give her an explanation.
“I don’t know! I- I just stopped picking things up and then next thing I know it’s a whole depression room”
I hide myself in her neck and a few tears fall, but she comforts me and says,
“Oh, Детка, you always know you can ask anybody in the compound for help. Don’t just lock yourself up. Come on. Let’s go to our room and get you in a bath.”
I look down and nod my head. Instead of making me walk she carries me like a koala and I hang onto her tightly.
She gets a bath running and helps me in and then I say,
“You’re not getting in with me?”
She smiles and looks down at me and says,
“I’m gonna do something really quickly okay? I’ll be right back just relax.”
I pout but nod my head nevertheless knowing she probably has to go give some paperwork to Nick or something like that.
After about 10 minutes she comes back in and I smile at her.
“You’re such a cutie”
I say to her. She sits down on the toilet next to me and smiles and says,
“I’m the cutie?”
I nod my head and explain further,
“You’re so baby girl. Like. Just cutie pie.”
Natasha chuckles a bit. Oh god. How her laugh makes me blush. Even after two years of dating she never fails to give me butterflies.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been called cute before… most people would say that I’m quite the opposite.”
I pout at her words and quickly quip,
“Well then, I guess most people don’t know you and that’s literally so tragic because if I never met you I don’t know what I’d do.”
She smiles at me and says,
“Why don’t we get you out and let’s watch some movies?”
I hum and get out. She helps me dry off even though I protest she doesn’t let me do it myself, so I just let her do her own thing.
She gets me my favorite pjs and we go to the room and I freeze.
Everything is gone and cleaned. All the trash. All the clothes. I look to Natasha and say,
“Did you do this?”
She shrugs her shoulders and says,
“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t.”
I roll my eyes and give her a kiss on the cheek. We get into the bed with fresh sheets on them and I immediately cuddle into her side. She goes for the remote and I shake my head and say,
“I just wanna lay here with you. No tv. No nothing. Just us”
She smiles and nods her head and says,
“I like that idea. I love you.”
I smile and kiss her softly. Deliberately avoiding saying ‘I love you’ back to her knowing it’s a pet peeve.
She pouts and I find it so cute and she says,
“Say I love you back.”
I look at her and say,
She fake gasps and says,
“You have to if you love me! Do you not love me?”
I shrug my shoulders and say,
“Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t.”
She pouts at me using her words against her and she says,
“You’re mean.”
I look at her and decide to be nice again so I say,
“And you’re the smartest, kindest, most loving, cutest, person on this earth. I love you so so much more than you’ll ever know.”
She blushes and smiles at me. I look at her and say,
“I’m sleepy”
Then as if on queue, a big yawn comes out from me, and Natasha giggles a bit. She snuggles closer to me if that’s even possible and says,
“Sleep baby. You’ll need your energy for tomorrow”
I groan when I remember that Natasha and I are training together. I’ve gotten out of training with everyone else this past week knowing they’d never make me do anything since Natasha romanoff is my girlfriend, but she won’t let it slide.
I decide to worry about it tomorrow and just focus on the fact that my baby is home and all is well in the world. Even if it isn’t.
An: I hope y’all like it! It’s a bit long but I couldn’t find a good place to finish it. And I wanted to add more lol. Please please please leave some constructive criticism for me lol. I need to work on my writing I’m sure. And feel free to leave requests anywhere :)))
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honeylations · 1 year
Prompt: Still not being over your ex boyfriend (Choi Yeonjun), you thought it was a good idea to fake a relationship with Kazuha, aka a complete stranger, to make him jealous.
Warnings/Notes: reader is a med student, Kazuha is a mechanical engineering student, mentions of other idols
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“Y/n?” A voice softly calls from outside your room that you chose to ignore.
There was a short silence before the knocking continued and your dorm mate spoke again. “Y/n, I know you’re awake”
“Go away, Chaeryeong” You groaned and hugged your thick blanket closer to your body.
The said girl opened the door anyways and gagged at the sudden stench of your room.
And also the horrid looks of it. Dirty clothes were scattered all around, unfinished ramen cups sitting on your study desk, and Chaeryeong could’ve sworn she just saw a cockroach run past despite the darkness.
“I said go away” You muttered tiredly into your pillow that was wet from your whole week of tears.
Chaeryeong hopped to your window and drew the curtains, blinding you with the bright sun. Actually, you didn’t even know it was morning from the longing you spent in your dark room, busy listening to Taylor Swift songs.
“Y/n, I know you’re heart broken but I can’t stand to see you skip lectures AND live like a pig” Chaeryeong said with a hand on the hip.
“You don’t understand it at all, Chaer…I just wanna stay here forever and die”
“Well if you’re gonna continue gluing yourself to the bed and only eat 2 minute noodles, you’re definitely not gonna wake up the next time you sleep”
“I don’t think I’ve slept at all this past week”
“I don’t think so either. Come on hun, this is not how I want you to be. Yeji and the other girls have been asking about you too. Don’t leave them worried sick” Chaeryeong sat next your laying body.
“If I go back on campus, I’ll see Yeonjun again and I’ll probably end up crying when I do” You hid under the covers.
“Look, I’m sorry Yeonjun broke up with you. Believe me, I’ve been holding myself back from running him over but you’re gonna make yourself look pathetic by not making the effort to move on”
You closed your eyes as the same scene of the breakup kept replaying in your head.
It was a Monday morning when you and Yeonjun were sitting at the cafeteria, waiting for the rest of your friends to arrive. You pulled out a big lunchbox since you cooked and packed food for the both of you.
“I cooked your favourite today, babe” You smiled and continued placing the utensils on the table.
Yeonjun sighed and rubbed his thighs to ease the anxiety eating him alive. “Y/n, can we talk? Just before the others get here”
“Yeah of course. What’s up?” You said calmly, unprepared for your boyfriend’s next words.
“Please don’t hate me for this, Y/n I’m really sorry…”
You stopped in your tracks and gave him your undivided attention. “What do you mean?”
“I want to break up…”
It was like the world stopped moving and all of a sudden you couldn’t hear the voices of the students around you. You could hear your heart beat and the palms of your hands started to sweat.
“I wanted to talk about this another time where we were alone but you’re always caught up with so many lectures, it made it difficult. I’m really sorry Y/n, please believe me when I say that”
“Why? Was I a bad girlfriend? I can do better, I swear!” You started to tear up.
Yeonjun scratched the back of his neck and sighed. “No, it’s not that. Honestly, I just feel like my feelings for you aren’t as strong as they were before. I didn’t wanna lead you on nor force myself to continue the relationship when my feelings are unclear”
“Unclear? You can’t just lose feelings like that without a reason Yeonjun!”
“Y/n, I don’t have a proper explanation okay?”
“Heyyyy what’s up party people!” Yeji appears with her girlfriend, Chaeryeong. Food trays in their hands.
Their smile fell when they saw you rush to pack up your lunchbox in tears, sobbing your way out of the cafeteria. Yeji clenched her jaw and slammed her tray on the table, staring down at Yeonjun.
“What the hell did you do, Choi?”
“Y/n?” Chaeryeong’s voice broke you out of the flashback.
“I’m here”
“What do you say? If you come back to Uni, we’ll help you get over that stupid boy”
“Yeah, I’ll treat you bingsu!” Yuna’s voice made you scream and sit up from the bed.
“What the hell, since when did you come in?!”
The tall girl grabbed an empty laundry basket and started throwing your used clothes in it. “A few minutes ago but you seemed too lost in thought to hear me”
“Oh sorry” you thread your fingers through your unwashed hair.
“Don’t be. I missed you, hun. The others do too. Especially Minji, Sakura, and Yeji. They said the group projects feel empty without you”
“You gonna take up our offer, Y/n-ie?” Chaeryeong smiled sweetly.
Sighing into your palms, you have a small nod. “Fine.”
The two girls squealed and Chaeryeong hugged you but she quickly moved back from your stench. “Oh my god you need a shower”
Frowning, you lifted your armpit to your face and gagged. “Fuck you’re right”
“Go shower while we tidy your room. It’s time a for a fresh start” Yuna ordered, reassuring you with a thumbs up.
“I love you guys”
“Yeah yeah we know. Shoo shoo stinky!”
After a healthy breakfast and long hot shower, Chaeryeong and Yuna prepared you an outfit for the day. Yuna even offered to do your makeup for you.
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Arriving at the University, you were happy to see the rest of your group patiently waiting by the engineering building. Yeji, Sakura, Minji, and Hanni all ran to you, pulling you in for a group hug. Yuna and Chaeryeong laughed before joining in.
“I’m so happy to see you, Y/n” Yeji said as the hug circle separated.
“Me too, Yeji. Feels good getting some fresh air”
“Should’ve seen her room” Yuna mumbled.
“I’ll start getting better guys, I promise” You smiled warmly at everyone, receiving a big smile back.
“Y/n?” A masculine voice called behind you.
Instantly turning around, you regretted to see your ex boyfriend with his friends Beomgyu, Soobin, Taehyun, and Huening Kai.
“Hold me back before I rip his teeth out” Chaeryeong whispered to Yeji who immediately held her waist.
“Yeonjun…hi” You breathed out.
“How have you been? Haven’t really seen you around”
“Been good, totally good. Was just busy with…stuff” You cursed at yourself for not thinking of better responses.
“Ah I see. Have you’ve been seeing anyone lately?” He suddenly asked, surprising you and your group.
“Why are you asking?”
Yeonjun timidly shrugged and buried his hands into his pockets. “No reason”
“Well I’m not—“
“Yeah she’s been seeing a hot girl” Yuna blurted out, all the attention going to her.
Your eyes were as wide as saucers.
Yuna clung onto Chaeryeong’s shoulder tightly, realising she fucked up big time.
“You’re bi?” Yeonjun asked.
“She’s swung both ways since junior year” Yuna spoke again and you really wished a rock fell on her head right now even though she wasn’t lying.
You’ve liked both genders for a while but you tried focusing on men more because you were getting too delusional with your crushes on straight girls. You wanted to save yourself from the heart break but looking at your situation with Yeonjun, the plan didn’t work out anyways.
“Oh…Who’s the lucky girl?”
“Hey Kkura-Chan there you are” A female student appeared with a stack of papers in one hand.
Out of panic, you hastily grabbed her wrist and pulled her to your side, sending Yeonjun an awkward smile. “This is her”
Yeonjun frowned. “Nakamura Kazuha…You’re dating Kazuha?”
Looking up at the taller (and extremely pretty) girl, she didn’t look back at you but instead wrapped an arm around your waist. “Mhm, that’s right. Sorry, is there an issue Yeonjun?” Kazuha asked.
“No, no problem at all. See you in class” He shook his head and walked off with his group.
Kazuha released her hold and finally looked at you. “You alright?”
All you could think of was: Goddamn this girl was hella fine. How come you haven’t seen her before? She was so much taller than you, had wavy black hair, glasses, wore baggy denim jeans, and black shirt.
“Y-Yeah. Sorry about putting you on the spot like that because SOMEONE wanted to LIE” you targeted your words at Yuna who hid behind Yeji and Chaeryeong.
“It’s okay, I thought he was bothering you”
“Thank you again, Kazuha was it?”
“Yep! Nakamura Kazuha, first year mechanical engineering student. Also mutual friend of Sakura”
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Kwon Y/n, first year med student”
“Sorry Ha-Chan, did you have something for me?” Sakura asked, now standing in front of the other girl.
“Oh yeah, your review papers that you texted me to get from our dorm. You left it”
“Thank you!! Would’ve died without them”
“Dramatic as always” Kazuha rolled her eyes with a handsome smile.
You were melting.
“I gotta get going. Yunjin’s waiting for me. I’ll see you at lunch, Kkura Unnie” Kazuha announced, starting to take her leave but not before she flashed you a short smile.
“See you around, Y/n”
Once she disappeared into the building, all your friends crashed into you with squeals.
“You totally like her!” Minji added.
You were being slapped left and right. “I do not! I just met her!”
“Just letting you know Y/n, Kazuha is single and also likes girls” Sakura winked.
You groaned before pointing a finger at Yuna. “This is all your fault!”
“I’m sorry, I freaked out!!”
“What do I do now? Yeonjun thinks I’m dating Kazuha when I’m not but we basically see each other everyday in this stupid campus!” You paced back and forth, starting to feel the incoming headache.
“Why don’t you two just continue faking it?” Chaeryeong suggested.
“You’re kidding” You deadpanned but your dorm mate shook her head.
“Hear me out. Yeonjun looked totally jealous and that brings me satisfaction because if you all have forgotten, he was the reason Y/n was living like a hobo this past week!”
“Damn was I that bad?” You muttered.
Chaeryeong continued. “Look at it as a way of revenge, Y/n. Yeonjun might still have feelings for you and since he broke your heart, just break his back”
You scratched your chin. “Doesn’t sound like a bad idea”
“Right? Kazuha also seems so chill about it so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you to talk it out with her. Also Y/n, I swear to God, if you take Yeonjun back, I’m running you BOTH over”
“Wasn’t planning on it anyways” You rolled your eyes.
“Come on let’s go to class. You got a week worth of revision to do miss Kwon” Yeji playfully scolded before Chaeryeong kissed her cheek.
“See you later baby” Hanni pecked Minji’s lips.
“Ugh, lovebirds. Bye Y/n-ie” Yuna waved, walking off with Chaeryeong and Hanni to the business department.
You walked alongside Yeji, Sakura, and Minji to the medical building, already dreading it.
“KIMCHI JIGAE KIMCHI JIGAE KIMCHI JIGAEEEEE!!!” Sakura hopped around impatiently while you, Yeji, and Minji were returning your laptops and notebooks inside your bags but the Japanese girl would not stop clawing at your arm.
“OW! Can you not be feral for one second?!” You raised your voice, seeing the scratch marks.
“But you know how packed the cafeteria can get! I don’t wanna miss out!”
“We’re going we’re going!” You chuckled and allowed yourself to get dragged out the room like a doll with the others tailing not too far behind.
You all finally reunited with Yuna, Hanni, and Chaeryeong at a big table in the cafeteria, noticing a few more familiar faces joined who you recognised as Lia, Ryujin, Haerin, Hyein, and Danielle.
Sakura had already disappeared into the line, fighting her way for Kimchi jigae.
“Y/N!!!” The 5 screamed and squished you in another group hug.
“Oh em ghee I’m so popular” you giggled, the girls groaning and pushing you away.
“Nevermind, don’t miss you anymore” Lia pretended to yawn.
You laughed and sat down just in time for Sakura to return with two food trays. “As an apology for scratching you, I got you food”
“That was fast” Danielle commented.
“It’s called pushing and shoving, my dear Australian friend”
“Thanks Kkura, I forgive you” You made a kissy face, about to pick up your chopsticks when the same annoying masculine voice called you.
“Hey Y/n” Yeonjun smiled, leaning onto the table.
Chaeryeong scratched her head and hissed. “Why are you always here when we don’t want you to!”
“Sorry, is it ok for me to talk with Y/n privately?”
Chaeryeong arched a brow. “What am I? Y/n’s mom?”
“No, but I am and I say no you cannot” Sakura replied with crossed arms.
“Y/n, it won’t take long” Yeonjun whispered and you tried hard not to fall again.
Another food tray suddenly squeezed past Yeonjun’s hand and placed next your tray. “Excuse me, wanna sit next to my girlfriend” Kazuha muttered and sat down, holding your waist like she did that morning.
“Ha-Chan!” Sakura cheered, waving enthusiastically.
“Since when was Kazuha part of our group?” Haerin mumbled to Danielle who could only shrug but watch intently.
“Also, girlfriend??” Hyein added to Danielle’s other ear.
“Y/n please?” Yeonjun pleaded.
You looked at Kazuha and the other girls. Giving a deep sigh, you slowly stood up, Kazuha’s hand never leaving your waist. “Alright”
“Y/n seriously?” Chaeryeong scoffed but you reassured her you’ll be fine.
“Don’t take too long, baby” your fake girlfriend pouted that you weirdly wanted to kiss.
“I won’t” You pinched her cheek and walked off with Yeonjun.
Finally in a private area of the uni, you crossed your arms and glared at the taller boy. “What is it this time?”
“Just wanted to say I miss you…” He muttered, looking down at his feet.
“Sorry, I just wanted to remind you that YOU broke up with ME”
“I know and I’m sorry for that, Y/n how many times do you want me to apologise? I fell out of love!”
His raised voice was starting to get on your nerves. “Okay? If you fell out of love then why did you ask me if I was seeing anyone? Let alone wanting to talk to me right now?!”
“Listen, this past week of not seeing each other made me realise that I probably made a mistake”
“Probably? This is some bullshit” You ran your fingers through your hair out of frustration. “You broke me Yeonjun! You were the reason I locked myself up in my dorm for the whole week, acting like a hobo!” You added, copying the description from Chaeryeong earlier.
“Ok but I thought you’d give yourself more time but here you are suddenly dating Kazuha?”
You made a face. “Is this what it’s all about? You’re jealous of me and Kazuha’s relationship?”
He scoffed. “Im not jealous. Im just saying I’m surprised to see you move on so quickly, it’s like you never loved me at all”
“YOU fell out of love, what the fuck Yeonjun?! Stop trying to make me sound like some whore. Kazuha was there for me when the entire break up started” you managed to create some sort of love story between you and Kazuha.
“Since when did you and Kazuha talk anyways? That bitch only stuck with her loser friends most of the time!”
Hearing him insult your (fake) girlfriend got you clenching your fists. “Don’t call her that”
“There’s no way you’re dating. You’re doing it to mess with me huh? Trying to make me crawl back to you”
The more he spoke, the more confused you got. “Let’s rewind a little bit because didn’t you just say you missed me? PICK ONE GODDAMN EMOTION YEONJUN!”
“Don’t fucking yell at me—“
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to, Choi?” Kazuha spoke through gritted teeth, standing in front of you.
“This conversation is only between me and Y/n, Nakamura. Back off”
“Well hearing you yell at my girlfriend like that, there’s no way I’m gonna ignore it”
“Zu, let’s go back inside” You held her arm.
Kazuha looked at you with a puppy smile. “Okay”
The more you looked at the taller girl, the more you realised she looked like an adorable Samoyed.
“We’re not done talking, Y/n” Yeonjun growled.
You shook your head. “No, we are done talking, thanks” You scrunched your nose at him before walking off with Kazuha.
Yeonjun punched the wall before taking his leave.
Seeing that he was gone, you pulled your hand away from Kazuha. (Much to her dismay)
“Thanks for saving me again, you’re a hero”
“I don’t mind being a hero as long as I’m only saving you” She winked.
“Hey Kazuha, I hope you don’t mind me asking you a favour” You fiddled with your fingers.
“I already know what it is and I’m totally fine with it if it’s the only way to keep that weirdo away from you” She smiled.
You looked up with wide eyes. “What?”
“Sakura texted me during class”
“I’m gonna kill her” You looked away but the taller girl held your chin.
“If we’re gonna make this believable, we need to get to know each other properly”
“What’s on your mind?” You tilted your head.
Kazuha pulled out her phone and opened Instagram. “Socials and number please? So we can organise hang outs”
Shyly grabbing the device, you put in both your username and phone number before returning it. “Sounds good. How should we start?”
“Why don’t we join the others as we talk?” She put her hand out for you to hold which you happily accepted.
“Alright, let’s go”
As Kazuha talked about her plan, all you could do was stare at her and study every inch of her pretty face. Her smooth clear skin, her silky hair, her heart jumping smile, her jawline…
The way she would hold your waist, hold your hand, it made your body react more than when you were with Yeonjun. Although you had basically just met the Japanese girl, there was something special about her that you wanted to see more of, but you couldn’t specify what it was.
Maybe being dumped by Yeonjun wasn’t so bad after all.
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angelkhi · 1 year
neighbour!abby headcanons
a little note: hi. my brain is a little fuzzy and i’m trying to figure some stuff out (about myself and life in general) but yeah sorry for going awol, i can’t promise anything consistent for the time being. anyway, here’s some neigbour abby for ya. i love her. goodnight 🩷 (tl;dr mental health is in the bin and i’m pretty sure i’m very gay)
very briefly nsfw towards the end!!
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neighbour abby who is kinda closed off when she first moves in. you get the sense that she’s not so much rude as she is quiet and reserved, a woman who likes her own company yet is unsure how to approach others.
neighbour abby who gives you half smiles in the lobby, but she always holds the door for you, or offers to help with any bags.
neighbour abby who you mostly see when you walk by the gym, lifting stacked weights and beating a punch bag to shit it’s definitely not that hot and you’re definitely absolutely not sweating the AC must be broken
neighbour abby who helps you back into your apartment after you get a little too drunk on your birthday, wiping off your smeared makeup and (respectfully) helping you into your pyjamas.
neighbour abby who slowly warms up to you after that night, spending evenings watching shitty movies and drinking even shittier beer with you.
neighbour abby who gets a little too jealous when you talk about how great your new coworker is.
neighbour abby who becomes slightly more reserved when you come home with a hickey on your neck from a random girl at a club.
neighbour abby who watches you getting ready for a date knowing full well she doesn't want you to go.
neigbour abby who storms off before your date (that goes completely horribly) for absolutely no reason whatsoever, there’s no way she has feelings for you… right?
neighbour abby who despite her conflicting feelings comforts you after your shitty date, who won't have you talking down on yourself and shit talks a girl she’s never met just because she’s making you sad. neighbour abby who just ends up blurting out that she's not mad at you, but the thought of you going out with someone else and letting them touch you made her so insanely mad.
abby who kisses you, doesn't care about your pretty red lipstick smearing all over her lips she just needs to taste you. abby who pulls you onto her lap, making out with you sloppily, hating that she's going so fast but not wanting to stop.
abby who can't believe she gets to be the one who takes your dress off after all.
abby who eats you out like a woman starved, practically making out with your pussy as you lay back on her sofa.
abby who kisses you so sweetly afterwards and promises she'll take you on the best date imaginable.
abby who helps you wipe off your makeup and get into your pyjamas only this time, she gets to sleep next to you.
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 1 year
i need to get fucked by tom when he realizes how turned on i get from him humping his guitar 💀
live every second | Tom Kaulitz
you stood behind the scenes, your arms folded against your chest as you smiled brightly watching tom run around the stage and jump.
he kept inciting the fans to scream as a grin spread across his face. they were all rocking it.
the show had been amazing, everything was impeccable, and the crowd was CRAZY. i had never seen such a turned up crowd.
they were singing “live every second” now and of course, the fans knew every word. i found myself singing too as i danced with my best friend, jessica, she was gustav’s girl.
finally, the part that i think everyone was waiting for arrived. tom and georg stopped playing as gustav’s drums accompanied bill’s singing as he said “live every second”.
your heart began to beat faster knowing what tom was about to do.
“he’s doing it. he’s doing it.” you repeated to jessica as she laughed, grabbing you arm.
tom took his guitar and as usual, he began humping it, his hips going back and forth. the crowd screamed even louder than before and you just wanted to join them, even though he was your boyfriend.
“oh girl, that’s what he will do to you tonight.” your friend said while she kept giggling at your expression.
your jaw was literally about to touch the ground. why did this turn you on so much? you saw him do it at every show but it never failed to make you want him right there.
it didn’t help that tom turned to look at you and winked with a smirk on his stupid but handsome face.
you shook your head at him while pressing your lips together. he knew what he had done.
right after the song ended, the band took a break. they came behind the stage, trying to get some fresh drinks.
tom walked towards you, kissing you as soon as he got closer, his hands on your waist, stroking the skin with his thumbs. he found his way to your core, rubbing over my panties and you gasped, looking around to see if anyone was watching.
“tom, you’re crazy.” you stopped his hand movement and intertwined your fingers together.
“i saw how you looked at me.” he whispered with a cocky smirk on his face, “we’re not done. just wait until we’re over, i’m gonna make you cry.”
was all he said before going back on stage. you stood there, speechless.
“what a good fucking show!” bill exclaimed as they all came back. the concert had finished and they were all sweaty and tired, but happy.
all the staff and of course you and jessica clapped your hands and hyped them up.
tom took a bottle of water and drank it fully. you watched as his adam’s apple went up and down.
“i messed up a bit.” he said right after he finished the bottle, throwing it away.
you could see he wasn’t that satisfied with himself and it made your heart ache. “what? you were amazing.”
“yes tom, you know i would make fun of you if you messed up.” bill said laughing.
you went up to him ready to hug him but he stepped back, “baby, i’m all sweaty. i look fucking disgusting.”
you rolled your eyes and hugged him anyway, resting your face against his chest, not caring of what he was saying. he wrapped his arms around you.
“why don’t we finish what we started earlier?” he whispered in your ear. you looked up at him with a sly smile and nodded.
“guys, we’re going to sleep a bit.” tom said taking your hand in his.
“yeah…sleep.” jessica held back a laugh while side eyeing you two.
he took you to his changing room, slamming the door behind him before pushing you against it making you yelp.
his lips kissed yours hungrily, his hands traveled roughly across your body, removing quickly your top, leaving only in your bra. he squeezed your breasts as he watched them in his hands, biting his lower lip.
“fuck. so hot.” he continued to squeeze them and massaging them gently, making you let out small moans. your hands went inside his big shirt, he understood you wanted it off and he quickly threw it away.
you observed his toned chest, stroking it and feeling his muscles beneath your hands meanwhile he took off your jeans.
his big hands cupped your ass and he kissed your neck, leaving marks on your skin.
“p-please tom.” you just wanted him, feel him inside you.
“what? use your words.” he teased as he took off his belt and baggy jeans, remaining in his underwear that clearly showed how hard he was.
“i want you in me.” you took your time, stroking every part of his upper chest and arms, giving attention to his biceps, abs, back muscles, everything.
tom revealed his length, taking it in his hand and stroking it a bit. “take off your panties.”
you did as he said, showing him your most private part. you always got shy as if it was the first time.
his hands went under your thighs, picking you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. he could feel the heat coming from you against his skin.
his teased you sliding up and down his tip, making you squirm against him. “c’mon tom! please just fuck me.”
“was it so hard to say?” he smirked and put him himself inside you quickly, making you arch your back against the door.
“shit! you always feel so good around me.” tom groaned beginning to plump in and out of you.
“mmh, i’m so wet for you daddy.” you moaned kissing his neck, making him hiss when you found his spot right beneath his ear.
“fuck fuck fuck. i know you are. shit keep doing it.” his pace became fast as his fingers were deep inside your skin.
you continued leaving wet kisses on his neck, loving hearing him groan in pleasure. you moaned on his skin when he hit your sensitive spot.
“mmh, you were wet even before. you’re such a slut for me even seeing me with my guitar turns you on.” his hand wrapped around your neck, plying with your ability to breath.
“you know i-i am, just for you daddy.” you loved making him feel like the only man in the world, because he was at least for you.
“i know baby, you belong to me, say it.” you could hear the door creaking and slamming as he kept pushing you against it with his pace.
“i-i’m yours! oh my god!” you almost screamed, tears forming in your eyes for the pleasure you were feeling and he had to cup your mouth so that no one heard you.
“shh. look how deep i am inside you.” he watched as his dico went in and out of you, seeing a little bump in your lower belly. he pressed on it, making you roll your eyes back and moan against his palm.
he kept pushing, rotating his hips causing more friction before starting with his previous pace.
you clenched around him as your nails scratched his back, letting him know you were so close and you felt him twitch inside you. you were both ready.
“fuck! i’m coming inside you!” tom groaned and you nodded frantically, not being able to say something coherent.
you came before him, pushing your hips forward against him as your mouth hanged open, only moans coming out of it.
his juices coaxed your walls and he kept pushing, riding out his high.
“fuck-king. slut.” he said with the last pushes before stopping, his head falling between your neck.
he let you down, your arms still wrapped around his neck for balance because of your trembling legs.
neither of you said anything, you just tried to catch your breath as you guys gave each other small pecks.
“i love you.” tom said after awhile, placing a lock of your hair behind your ear.
“i love you too.”
little did you guys know that everyone else heard you.
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gvnvks · 1 year
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zb1 giving you partner privileges … !
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> pairings: non-idol!zb1 x fem!reader
> warnings: lowercase intended, not proofread
> song recommendation: mori by dawid podsiadlo (its in polish but u gotta listen to it fr)
> note: i started my exams today … two more to go !!
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김 jiwoong.
im being so fr 😭
when literally anyone tries to take something from him, JUST BORROW FOR A SEC he immediately turns D:
except when its you
you could take (over) this mans whole life (you already did) and he wouldn’t even complain
hes THAT whipped
girl TRUST ☠️
“hey jiwoong, i wondered if i could borrow your charger for a sec, mine just stopped wor-“ rickys sentence got cut short by jiwoongs whine
“jiwoong, my sweet !! i thought i could use your laptop. i need to get some work done real quick”
jiwoong immediately gives u the laptop no hesitations
trust me if he could give you his all time life savings along with that laptop HE WOULD
(pls do i kinda need money 💯)
“can i use ur cologne jiwoong pls” “no”
“hey jiwoong!! i thought your cologne smelt really nice and wondered if i could spray a little on myself too!!”
shows u all colognes he has ever bought
“u can choose. the one i used today is this one :D”
later gives u like 2-3 of his STILL FULL colognes that you liked the smell of cause “i dont need that many anyways”
장 hao.
he’s serious about his sleeping
trust me.
he gets so mad when someone disturbs him in his slumber
and he’s also very difficult to wake up 😭
“hao u really should wake up…”
“hao pls we have a schedule in 30 minutes”
jiwoong you should just give up atp 🧍🏻‍♀️
“literally wake up what the fuck”
and let me tell y’all
when someone other than you miraculously manages to wake his ass up
he’ll just straight up yell at them
“SHUT UP” yes throw that pillow hao ‼️
but you
your voice has something that immediately wakes him up in his best mood
rainbows around his head and allat yk yk
every time when it’s you waking him up TRUST ME you’ll never see a morning pout on his face
you could literally beat his ass awake and he’d have nothing against it ☠️
he gets all soft and allat … yeah cute babe hao
his members r fucking confused cause what he so whipped for
can u see the what the fuck expression on jiwoongs face ??
he’s in love like that
giving you privileges LIKE THAT …
also his morning i love yous … hi I need a bf quick
he’s a 10/10 boyfriend btw 💋
성 hanbin.
the amount of privilege you get as hanbins partner …
he literally pays for your every single thing
u saw that new pretty skirt while window shopping ??
“honey, want me to buy it for you?”
no matter your answer he in fact always does buy it
ur on a date in that cute new caffe ??
“hey, choose what you want. ill pay.”
“hanbin !! this necklace is pretty, isn’t it ??”
“yeah, pretty neat” and the necklace is at your door 2 days later
basically your human wallet
of course its not like u demand from him to pay for you, he just does
and hanbin really enjoys buying you things and making you happy btw ‼️
but when it’s his members 😭
oh hell naw he ain’t having it
“hanbin could you pls pay for me I forgot my wallet”
and sometimes SOMETIMES he does pay for his members but it’s like
once in a blue moon literally
“hanbin do you maybe want to buy me that new, cool game (whatever games he fucking plays) ??” GYUVIN BABE YOU KNOW THE ANSWER
“no” LMAOO
“oh no !! i ran out of money on apple pay …” you just wanted to buy keys on subway surfers 😕
hanbin IMMEDIATELY charges your apple pay with … a lot of money. you can buy a lot of keys now. are you happy.
석 matthew.
i get a feeling that as long as matthew enjoys physical affection, he’s not that big on hair touching ?? like yk
he probably won’t let his members touch his hair very often
i dont know i just feel like he wouldn’t like it
“matthew, u got something on your hair” gunwook tries to pick whatever shit landed on his head
“i can do it myself” okay mr serious ?? gunwook literally didn’t ask
its not that serious, it was never that serious 💯
you really like touching his hair
it’s so soft and allat
and sometimes you just randomly place ur hand on his head
he tenses up FOR A LITTLE SECOND and then softens up cause he realizes it’s you
lets you touch it for however long you want
matthew just doesn’t mind
when you kiss his hair while ur hand is on his head he gets all shy and covered in blush 😭
kisses u back …
can u imagine what he’d do if instead of you it was one of the boys
honestly i dont see matthew as an aggressive (?) type of guy but when it comes to his hair ☠️
김 taerae.
we all know taeraes fashion sense is a bit … yeah.
basically it’s kinda bad
but that boy doesn’t let ANYONE literally anyone style him
“taerae i dont think these red pants fit well with that shirt …” hao just tried to give him some advice
and taerae just ignores his words 😭
“no taerae, don’t but these shoes, they won’t go with anything”
“stfu” BYE
but you ………
of course you love your precious bf but
sometimes you just can’t stand how off his outfits look 💔
”hm taerae… i dont think this shirt fits these cargos! maybe you could wear this white one?”
changes in the blink of an eye ‼️
“do i look better, sweetheart ??”
he’s so cute pls
he’s ready to change his whole outfit if you ask him to
“taerae i don’t think this outfit suits a date night…”
it’s not like you demand him to change, you just simply share your opinion
maybe even a little too much 😭
so whipped
guess who has head over heels for you
definitely not taerae
“taerae, my sweet !! these pants have too many bright colors, don’t you think they won’t suit anything you have ??”
“oh! maybe you’re right. thank you, sweetheart”
리키 ricky.
he’s so in love that the amount of privileges he gives you is fucking enormous, im fr
but we’ll focus on one
ricky never lets ANYONE go through his phone 🙏🏼
he doesn’t hide anything or sth
he just doesn’t like when people go through his things, especially without his permission
“what the fuck are you doing with my phone, yujin” in a matter of 0.5 seconds rickys phone is not in yujins hands anymore
poor boy just wanted to check the weather 💔
“hey ricky, can i check something in your phone ?? mine just died”
“no” as simple as that 😭
“oh ricky … i also wanted to check my gmail real quick but its o-“
he doesn’t let you finish and just hands you his phone
HANBIN IS OFFENDED (who wouldn’t 😭 this looks like some kind of prejudice)
oh my god how things change when it comes to you …
basically you have more access to his phone than ricky himself
sometimes it even comes to you literally using his phone all day. literally whole 24 hours 💯
like literally no complaints whatsoever. zero. none. 0. FUXKING NULL.
his members r like what the fuck because like
yall sometimes also like to switch phones for a day
the amount of pictures you take on his phone 😭
so whipped that he deletes NONE of them ‼️🙏🏼
김 gyuvin.
yes i do know i use this theme a lot while writing for gyuvin but i just cant help leave me alone pls
okay we all know gyuvin likes gaming
but he’s real serious about that …
if you’re not (y/n) don’t even think of disturbing him while he’s gaming 😭
“gyuvin do you want som-“ taerae can’t even finish because gyuvin starts fucking throwing hands at him
“im kinda busy yk.” yes. yes we know.
oh such a discord mod he is (im joking btw..)
but if it’s you …
oh girl i envy you this kind of boyfie 😕‼️
when you’re near him while he’s gaming he’d literally play with his headset only half on
yk in case you need something from him
so cute and so hot at the same time 🧍🏻‍♀️
he’d abandon his game for you
and ..
he lets you sit on his lap too ??
oh lawd have mercy 🙏🏼
when u sit on his lap he would literally play with one hand just to rub soothing circles on your back …
pls i need a therapist 💋
박 gunwook.
gunwook really doesn’t like when someone disturbs him while he’s focused on something
i mean its kinda obvious ??
probably no one does lmao 😭
he’s ready to throw hands even if it’s something way more important than the thing he’s focused on
“gunwook, can you stop what you’re doing for a while?” jiwoong asks with a pretty serious tone
not good … 💔
jiwoong im so sorry you’re probably so done by now
but if it’s you … !!!!!
“gunwook…” you whine, feeling kinda bored and alone today
god, teenager in love ‼️
he doesn’t really want to abandon what he’s doing rn as gyuvin does so he just
divides the attention 💯
sits you on his lap
holds you by ur waist and just simply
plants kisses all over your cheeks
do I need to say his members r kinda disappointed ?? ☠️
hi i need a cute boyfie rn 💔
한 yujin.
okay so
there’s a lot of things yujin would let you do without you noticing it’s a “privilege”
because he wouldn’t complain if others did those things too ??
i mean like … its yujin so
but when YOU do these …
he encourages u so much 😭
im so serious … ‼️
“yujin can i try your food ?? it looks so good” ricky asked waving his chopsticks at yujins face
“oh… yeah go for it, i guess” WITH THE BLANKEST STARE EVER LMAOO
“yujin! can i see your necklaces? it’s so cute!”
“oh… well… yeah”
now imagine you doing it 😭
“can i try some of your food, yujin ??”
“yes! this here is rice with chicken and sour sauce and these ones there are some fried vegetables! eat as much as you want, cutie!”
okay yujin… 😭 not THAT serious babe
“yujin, my sweet! can i see your necklace?”
“of course! i can help you put it on if you want to! you’d look so good in it!”
bae is so cute
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gvnvks © 2023
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byechristopher · 10 months
loveeed your fwb chris headcanons can you do a confession fic ab it that is all angsty and shit where he’s high and confesses or where reader confesses? whatever you want
I Want More.
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Author's note: thank you so much for the request! I hope you all like it, cuties.🤍 Mwuah. Do not copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol, nothing too much!
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"No strings attached, okay? You can hook up with other people if you want, it's none of my business."
"I wouldn't actually mind being with you, you know?"
"Well, yes, I'm just.. relationships are not for me. Sorry."
The words that he said to me when we first started appear in my head every single time he is in my sight. It could be because it hurt so much that I cannot forget, it could also be for the better – because to get hurt is the only way to move on, apparently. Whichever it was, it hurt.
His hand wakes me up from my thoughts when it goes up to my hair, stroking it, "wanna meet tonight?" Chris whispers in my ear, our whole friend group is next to us but he doesn't really seem to care anyway.
"Yes. My house." I nod and he smiles, his hand rubbing up and down my thigh.
And tonight comes. He's all over me, inside me, I kiss him everywhere, he's rough and I love it, I pull his hair, he squeezes me, I scratch his skin, it's messy. One of those nights, that we both need to let it out. Once we're done, he pulls me into a big hug, his hand bringing mine close to his mouth so that he can kiss it.
"You're beautiful." he says and my heart beats a little faster at that. It's amazing; that power that he has on me.
"So are you." I whisper.
He leaves. My hearts shatters.
Another day, we're hanging out again. He's stealing kisses with every chance that he gets, my cheek, my neck, my shoulder. He caresses my thighs under the blanket, he plays with my fingers.
I tell him I want him. I whisper.
"My house, 8PM." he says.
And again, 8PM comes, I'm at his house, he's alone. He takes me by the hand and makes me follow him to his room – he's got candles all over the room, flowers. Is this a dream?
I can't wait, I can't keep my hands to myself. I slowly hug him from behind, kissing from the nape of his neck, all the way down to his lower back, undressing him very slowly. He does the same thing to me too. The night goes on, he's so slow, so gentle, he's filling me with his love and its so overwhelming that I want to cry, he seems overwhelmed too. He whispers sweet nothings in my ear and touches me with ways no one has ever done before. He tells me he loves me. I hold on to him and we both look desperate and filled with love for each other as he makes love to me.
When we're done, the dream is over. He's still holding me, he's still whispering his usual i love you's in my ears but there's something inside me that weighs me down, something that can utterly destroy me, "Chris. I think we need to stop this thing between us." he freezes.
"What? Why?" he whispers.
"I don't feel like doing it anymore, sorry. It's for the better." I try to be as cold as possible, because if I actually say all the things I want to say, I feel like I will scream and cry till my voice is lost.
It's been quite a few days since we last spoke and every time I think about it, the image of him covering himself with his blanket, looking devastated when I left, always comes to mind. I feel bad but I need to be selfish this time.
A call rudely interrupts my thoughts and I sigh – a call? It's 3AM. I check the screen and I see his name. My hearts races.
"Come outside. I want to see you." he almost slurs. He's either drunk, or high. Or both.
"Go back home, Chris. I wanna sleep."
"I'm not leaving. Please." he sniffles.
I sigh and hang up. I walk towards the door and I stand there for a few seconds, taking a deep breath before opening it.
There he is. With his hoodie and his jeans. His eyes are red and his hair is a mess.
"You'll get cold. Go home." I whisper and he comes closer.
"I don't care. I wanted to be with you." his voice is hoarse.
"Why?" I look at him, hugging myself because shit, it actually is very cold.
"We need to talk." he nods to himself.
"We have nothing to talk about, Chris. You made it very clear that you wanted nothing but sex. I did, too. But I knew I felt something deeper." I say and he comes closer but I stop him, "no. I am talking. You kept messing with my head, making love to me, getting all romantic and shit, bringing flowers everywhere – that's not how friends with benefits are, Chris." I sigh.
He chews on his bottom lip nervously, "I don't know how to do this. I thought you liked how things were." he says.
"I did! But it got too much for me, Chris. I want more. And until you grow a pair and admit to yourself that you are able to fall in love too, that you want this as much as I do, I want nothing to do with you." I clear my throat.
He clenches his jaw and I notice that his eyes are glistening, like he is about to cry, "so is this the end?"
"I suppose so. Yes." I desperately try to gold back my own tears. He nods and turns around. He's not moving just yet but I can't watch him leave again, so I close the door behind him and I feel my world crumbling.
What was I thinking? That I would change him? That he would finally admit that he loves me too? That we would live the dream together? That he would just give me a kiss and tell me that he wants to be with me? How embarrassing.
That's it.
The next day, my heart hurts like a bitch, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest for once. Maybe it's because I finally told him how I felt. And maybe because I got an answer, too – he doesn't want to be with me. It hurts, but it's an answer.
A knock on the door wakes me up again and I walk towards it, only to see an envelope. Someone must've pushed it inside. I get a little scared to open the door right away and I don't have a peephole so I just decide to open the envelope.
"I decided that since I have never been able to talk about my feelings, because I'm too much of a fucking coward, I will just write everything down and I will have to find the courage to give it to you.
I don't know why I've got such a problem expressing my feelings like a fucking adult should, but I can't stand the thought of losing you, let alone losing you because of me being a coward. So this letter is for you (I know how much you like all this sappy shit and worst part is, you made me like them too).
I've been in love with you since the day we started "officially" being friends with benefits. You know I couldn't keep my hands off of you, or my eyes. I would get jealous and possessive because you know I never want anyone else to touch you like I do. Or see you like I do. I made love to you because this was the only way to express my love for you – your heart would beat so fast and I would want to cry from how much you filled me with love and passion. Is that normal? I honestly don't know.
Anyways, for an asshole who doesn't know how to speak properly, I think I've written enough. If you think that this letter is me finally growing a pair, then please open the door because it's really fucking cold.
PS – this time my i love you's are changed."
I am ugly crying by the time I finish the letter, but I don't care because I open the door and Chris is outside, crying as well.
"I can't lose you. I promise, I will try for you. I will do anything for you." he whispers.
I quickly throw my arms around him, burying my face in his chest, hugging him so tightly that if I was stronger, he would stop breathing for sure, "I love you, Chris."
"I am in love with you too."
"Your handwriting still sucks."
"Fuck off."
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 months
here’s a compilation of all the times katniss talked about her body.
“I’ll be all right, Katniss,” says Prim, clasping my face in her hands. “But you have to take care, too. You’re so fast and brave. Maybe you can win.”
I can’t win. Prim must know that in her heart. The competition will be far beyond my abilities. Kids from wealthier districts, where winning is a huge honor, who’ve been trained their whole lives for this. Boys who are two to three times my size. Girls who know twenty different ways to kill you with a knife. Oh, there’ll be people like me, too. People to weed out before the real fun begins.
And then he gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me.
A warning bell goes off in my head. Don’t be so stupid. Peeta is planning how to kill you, I remind myself. He is luring you in to make you easy prey. The more likable he is, the more deadly he is.
But because two can play at this game, I stand on tiptoe and kiss his cheek. Right on his bruise.
It’s the first time we’ve been assembled, on level ground, in simple clothes. My heart sinks. Almost all of the boys and at least half of the girls are bigger than I am, even though many of the tributes have never been fed properly. You can see it in their bones, their skin, the hollow look in their eyes. I may be smaller naturally, but overall my family’s resourcefulness has given me an edge in that area. I stand straight, and while I’m thin, I’m strong. The meat and plants from the woods combined with the exertion it took to get them have given me a healthier body than most of those I see around me.
The slight advantage I held coming into the Training Center, my fiery entrance last night, seems to vanish in the presence of my competition. The other tributes were jealous of us, but not because we were amazing, because our stylists were. Now I see nothing but contempt in the glances of the Career Tributes. Each must have fifty to a hundred pounds on me. They project arrogance and brutality. When Atala releases us, they head straight for the deadliest-looking weapons in the gym and handle them with ease.
Still, I won’t be the only target. I’m betting many of the other tributes would pass up a smaller girl, even one who scored an eleven in training, to take out their more fierce adversaries.
As a precaution, I remove my belt, loop it all the way around the branch and my sleeping bag, and refasten it at my waist. Now if I roll over in my sleep, I won’t go crashing to the ground. I’m small enough to tuck the top of the bag over my head, but I put on my hood as well.
This could be it, I think. What chance do I have against them? All six are there, the five Careers and Peeta, and my only consolation is they’re pretty beat-up, too. Even so, look at their weapons. Look at their faces, grinning and snarling at me, a sure kill above them. It seems pretty hopeless. But then something else registers. They’re bigger and stronger than I am, no doubt, but they’re also heavier. There’s a reason it’s me and not Gale who ventures up to pluck the highest fruit, or rob the most remote bird nests. I must weigh at least fifty or sixty pounds less than the smallest Career.
I give Cato time to hoist himself into the tree before I begin to climb again. Gale always says I remind him of a squirrel the way I can scurry up even the slenderest limb. Part of it’s my weight, but part of it’s practice. You have to know where to place your hands and feet. I’m another thirty feet in the air when I hear the crack and look down to see Cato flailing as he and a branch go down.
The girl with the arrows, Glimmer I hear someone call her — ugh, the names the people in District 1 give their children are so ridiculous — anyway Glimmer scales the tree until the branches begin to crack under her feet and then has the good sense to stop. I’m at least eighty feet high now.
“Where do you sleep?” I ask her. “In the trees?” She nods. “In just your jacket?”
Rue holds up her extra pair of socks. “I have these for my hands.”
I think of how cold the nights have been. “You can share my sleeping bag if you want. We’ll both easily fit.” Her face lights up. I can tell this more than she dared hope for.
We pick a fork high in a tree and settle in for the night just as the anthem begins to play.
I climb dangerously high into a tree, not for safety but to get as far away from today as I can.
Then there’s Thresh. All right, he’s a distinct threat. But I haven’t seen him, not once, since the Games began. I think about how Foxface grew alarmed when she heard a sound at the site of the explosion. But she didn’t turn to the Woods, she turned to whatever lies across from it. To that area of the arena that drops off into I don’t know what. I feel almost certain that the person she ran from was Thresh and that is his domain. He’d never have heard me from there and, even if he did, I’m up too high for someone his size to reach.
But when I look at my naked body in the mirror, all I can see is how skinny I am. I mean, I’m sure I was worse when I came out of the arena, but I can easily count my ribs.
Cinna comes in with what appears to be an unassuming yellow dress across his arms.
“Have you given up the whole ‘girl on fire’ thing?” I ask.
“You tell me,” he says, and slips it over my head. I immediately notice the padding over my breasts, adding curves that hunger has stolen from my body. My hands go to my chest and I frown.
“I know,” says Cinna before I can object. “But the Gamemakers wanted to alter you surgically. Haymitch had a huge fight with them over it. This was the compromise.”
When I manage to pull my eyes away from the flickering fabric, I’m in for something of a shock. My hair’s loose, held back by a simple hairband. The makeup rounds and fills out the sharp angles of my face. A clear polish coats my nails. The sleeveless dress is gathered at my ribs, not my waist, largely eliminating any help the padding would have given my figure. The hem falls just to my knees. Without heels, you can see my true stature. I look, very simply, like a girl. A young one. Fourteen at the most. Innocent. Harmless. Yes, it is shocking that Cinna has pulled this off when you remember I’ve just won the Games.
I start out by leaning on his shoulder, but I’m so wobbly he just scoops me up and carries me upstairs.
Peeta walks me down to my room in silence, but before he can say good night, I wrap my arms around him and rest my head against his chest. His hands slide up my back and his cheek leans against my hair.
Looking at Prim's face, it's hard to imagine she's the same frail little girl I left behind on reaping day nine months ago. The combination of that ordeal and all that has followed—the cruelty in the district, the parade of sick and wounded that she often treats by herself now if my mother's hands are too full — these things have aged her years. She's grown quite a bit, too; we're practically the same height now, but that isn't what makes her seem so much older.
I feel him lurch forward and realize Finnick has come back for us and is hauling Peeta along. I wedge my shoulder, which still seems under my control, under Peeta's arm and do my best to keep up with Finnick’s rapid pace. We put about ten yards between us and the fog when Finnick stops.
“It’s no good. I'll have to carry him. Can you take Mags?” he asks me.
“Yes,” I say stoutly, although my heart sinks. It's true that Mags can't weigh more than about seventy pounds, but I'm not very big myself. Still, I'm sure I've carried heavier loads. If only my arms would stop jumping around. I squat down and she positions herself over my shoulder, the way she rides on Finnick. I slowly straighten my legs and, with my knees locked, I can manage her. Finnick has Peeta slung across his back now and we move forward, Finnick leading, me following in the trail he breaks through the vines.
It's not Mags's fault when I begin falling. She's doing everything she can to be an easy passenger, but the fact is, there is only so much weight I can handle. Especially now that my right leg seems to be going stiff. The first two times I crash to the ground, I manage to make it back on my feet, but the third time, I cannot get my leg to cooperate. As I struggle to get up, it gives out and Mags rolls off onto the ground before me. I flail around, trying to use vines and trunks to right myself.
I know it's stopped when I feel Peeta's hands on me, feel myself lifted from the ground and out of the jungle. But I stay eyes squeezed shut, hands over my ears, muscles too rigid to release. Peeta holds me on his lap, speaking soothing words, rocking me gently. It takes a long time before I begin to relax the iron grip on my body. And when I do, the trembling begins.
“Haymitch said you wanted to talk to me,” I say.
“Look at you, for starters.” It’s like he’s waiting for me to transform into a hybrid drooling wolf right before his eyes. He stares so long I find myself casting furtive glances at the one-way glass, hoping for some direction from Haymitch, but my earpiece stays silent. “You’re not very big, are you? Or particularly pretty?”
Boggs quickly examines my face, then scoops me up and jogs for the runway. Halfway there, I puke on his bulletproof vest.
Suddenly, I see myself through his eyes. A smallish seventeen-year-old girl who can’t quite catch her breath since her ribs haven’t fully healed. Disheveled. Undisciplined. Recuperating. Not a soldier, but someone who needs to be looked after.
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first-edition · 9 months
Fox and the Hound
Chapter 11
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- talk of previous forced marriage, mention of death, description of blood and gore, description of prostitution, mention or beating, 18+ words and themes overall. Slight angst.
Slightly prof read sorry for any errors
Read previous chapter here
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You sit your back against Sandors chest as  he steers the horse you both sit on. You're wrapped in his cloak keeping you warm, the sun peeking up over the mountains, the first light of day breaking as you see the smoke from the burning ships in Kings landing behind you. 
Sandor keeps a firm arm around your waist holding the horse's reins with the other. 
“I know where we can go.” you say. 
“Mm.” he grunts. 
“Home..my home.” you say 
“Volantis? You want to go east.” he says. You nod. 
“Hm” he responds lightly, turning the horse. 
“Where are you going?” you ask. 
“South…There's a merchant ship yard where you'll be able to get on a boat and then take a carriage. The next merchant ship yard is miles off so we'll be riding for a while but we should get there before dark.” he says.
“You're coming with me sandor.” you speak it as more of a demand than a request. 
“I'm not.” he replies. 
“You are.” you fight back. 
“Yes.” “No.”
“Sandor clegane as your wife, mother of your child, and princess of the very place WE are headed for, I'm ordering you to join me.” you snap. He stops the horse and looks down to you. Before looking back up and continuing the horse forward. A small victorious smile hits your face. 
“Volantis it is.. I guess.” he says you rest your head against his chest in peace, his arm around your waist tightens a bit pulling you closer to him. 
“What do you think will happen to king's landing?” You ask. He scoffs at your question giving no fucks to whats to happen to the place. 
“If Stannis has taken it he’ll be putting a bounty on everyone who flead, me, you servant, commoners. And if not there will still be bounty and the lannisters will still be a bag of cunts.” he says gruffly. 
“When they killed my brother…they sent his head to my family with a note that I was to be married to you or the fate my brother withstood would soon be mine…” you trial off. Sandor can feel a slight pain in his heart as you speak about the forced marriage you two had shared how much he felt like he didn't want you, how he thought you were another stuck up useless little princess how badly he treated you and yet you still stood at that alter and kissed him and even invited him into your bed…but it was out of fear..isn't it?” 
“Do you remember when we wed?” you ask placing your hand over his that rests on your stomach. 
“Yes.” he says coldly, mostly afraid of the awful things you are going to say about it. 
“I remember how nice you looked. That the armory had made you the golden armor and seamstress had sewn a new cloak, were you comfortable?” you ask. Sandor knits his eyebrows together in confusion. 
“No.” he answers anyway. 
“Me either the dress cersi chose for me was corseted to hell, and itchy but…looking back on it i don't think i was scared…I want to tell myself that only married you so my head wouldn't be sent to my mother and father but i can't. I know now that I married you because the gods willed me to love you, I was never afraid of you like everyone else and  becoming yours was the best thing that has happened to me in a while.” you say looking up at him.
He leans down to you pressing a kiss to your lips before you sit back against him and continue the ride twords the merchant shipyard. You hum the song your mother would always sing to you to help you sleep and eventually you find yourself drifting to sleep as the swaying of the horse and the steady sound of Sandors beating heart lulls you to drift, it helps that you'd been awake all night fearing for you life. 
You wake up to hear the same humming you fell asleep to, too sandors humming the song now having got it stuck in his head after hearing it three times before you fell under the sandman's curse. 
The sun is high in the sky now most likely around 1 pm but it's slightly cast out but the snowing clouds. 
“How far are we?” you ask, looking around tiredly rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand. 
“We'll be passing the harvest hall in a moment.” he says as the forest path opens to a clearing, seeing the small town full of people and sellers. 
“We have to pass through prince’s pass and get on the ships at sun spear if we want to arrive in volantis by the day after tomorrow.” he says 
“Sun spear? Dornish country.” you say. Sandor nods. 
A crowd of people passing to the square of the town stops the horse. They all yell about some foreign scum throwing someone into the frozen mud. 
“What's going on?” you ask.
“Does Not concern us.'' Sandor grunts as he heels the horse to move but it doesn't as there's too many people blocking the way out. 
“A SQUIRE FROM KINGS LANDING WAS FOUND IN MY BARN!” a man yells at you frowning in confusion. A break in the crowd allows you to see the accused. Joss. 
“S-sandor, that's joss.” you speak out. 
“So..” he says. 
“Let me down," you say, pulling away from him. 
“y/n no. the villagers will have their way with him.” he speaks. 
“He’s just a boy!” you exclaim. Holding onto the horse as you try to get down off the large clydesdale. 
“Fuck me…wait.” he says and easily hops off the horse before holding onto you lifting you up and off steadying you on the ground. You pick up your dress before running through the crowd. 
“Damn! Y/N!” Sandor yells running after you shoving people out of the way to get to you. 
“S-Stop! Stop!” you yell out as a man kicks joss. 
“Oh looky here a little lady has come to play.” He says. 
“Please stop, that's my husband's squire.” you say. 
“This little shit was hiding in my barn bringing his shame with him when the Lannister found him here they’ll have all our heads!” the farmer yells. 
“Th-the lannisters?” you ask. 
“Yeah pretty girl they won, tywin took them out!” he yells and everyone cheers. 
“Please just.. Let him go. I have money and as long as he's safe.” you plead. 
“You a Lannister bitch?!” he asks. 
“No..i-” you're about to clarify. 
“Y/n!” Sandor calls you entering the middle clearing. 
The man turns to sandor giving you a chance to hurry to joss wrapping your cape around him keeping him as warm as you can. 
“You're sandor clegane.” the man speaks then turns his attention to you helping joss to his feet. 
“Give us the quire and we’ll be on our way.” Sandor speaks with his hand resting on the handle of his sword. 
“The queen wants your head clegane the money I’d get for that is worth more than a scrawny squire.” the man speaks. 
“What do they call you?” Sandor asks. 
“Byran.” the man answers. 
“You're not getting my head bryan but ill be getting yours if you don't step aside.” Sandor huffs. Bryan chuckles, putting his hands on his hips puffing out his chest. 
“You can have your squire, for a price.” he speaks again, glaring at your husband. Sandor grumbles in annoyance. 
“Her, your traveling wench. Just a night with that pretty little thing.” Bryan speaks pointing towards you.
Sandor looks at you as you stand with joss as he fetched the horse and is now holding onto the reins for you. 
“She’s not for sale.” Sandor speaks gruffly as he turns back to face the man who just chuckles and shakes his head.
“20 minutes then. I’ll easily go through you to get that tight little cunt wrapped around my cock.” Bryan asks stupidly speaking once more.
Sandor sighs and steps up closer to the man would just hold his ground standing straight regardless of your large intimidating husband towering over him.
“You touch her and I’ll hang you from that tavern overhang with a noose made out of your own guts.” Sandor speaks sternly. The man just laughs, turning his head away before he opens his mouth to speak again but is cut off by sandor.
“You think I’m joking?” Sandor replies but before he gives the man a chance to speak he punches him square in the jaw, his armored glove cutting into the man’s jaw slicing gashes into the man’s skin. The man falls into the mud gasping and coughing in pain as his broken, bloody jaw hangs loosely. Bryan writhes in pain on the ground. 
“Come on.” Sandor says to you as he walks twords you. 
“Get on I'll walk.” he speaks to joss who nods and lifts himself up onto the horse. Sandor  lifts you up and onto the horse before taking the reins to lead you both. 
“Sandor.” you speak looking down to him as you pass through the dissipating crowd. 
“Thank you.” you say. He only grunts compliance making you smile.
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: The reader has a nightmare and Dean is there to wake her. After, he questions what caused the nightmare.
Trigger Warning: Mention of abuse, death and implied assault.
Word Count: 2,331
A/N: I wrote this for myself, I have been in my feelings a lot recently and needed an outlet. I hope you find comfort in it as well. Requests are open x.
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Fear does not even get close to describing how I feel at this very moment. The face leering above me, should be impossible. He couldn’t be here, it’s just not possible. He died. Not at my hands, but I watched it happen. 
“Miss me?” He whispers, the s, whistling when he speaks. His hands come up to grab my face, his touch burning my skin, although no marks appear. “‘Cuz I missed you,” He grins now, pulling me closer to him. Rage fills my every nerve, I try to strike him, bite him anything. But I can’t, my body seems paralyzed. He laughs, the shrill, evil sound bringing back all sorts of cruel memories. I scream, and suddenly it's all ripped away. 
“Hey, wake up. It’s okay, you’re okay.” I sit straight up, pulling away from the hands that are shaking my body. Falling straight onto the floor, completely disoriented and unable to distinguish where I am. 
“Get the fuck away from me!” I yell, scurrying backwards across the floor until my back hits the wall. Panicking, I reach around to find something, anything that I could use as a weapon. Nothing. My hands are empty. My breathing is shallow, my chest tight and my throat burning from the screams that had left my mouth moments before. The room is pitch black, but I know he’s still there. The light clicks on and I immediately focus on the other person in the room. His hands raised, to show they were empty. His head cocked slightly to the side, a look of avid concern engraved into every inch of his face.
“Hey, it’s just me, Y/N.” He says, his voice low and calm. Recognition sweeps across my body, my eyes lock onto his and I relax. Dean. It’s just Dean. He must see me relax, because he drops his hands back to his side and approaches me. He reaches down, extending both his hands, offering them to me silently. I thank him quietly, and take them. Letting him pull me to my feet and then into his embrace. I willingly sink into his arms, allowing his scent to overwhelm me. The sound of his heart beat a comforting constant rhythm, causing my own to slow. I tuck my head under his chin, resting it fully against his bare chest. He doesn’t question it, just brings a hand to the back of my neck, weaving it into my hair and scrunching his fingers. Playing with my hair in the way that he knows calms me.  His other hand is on the small of my back, tracing circles and holding me pressed against him. 
“I’m sorry.” I whisper, not daring to pull away or even attempt to move. I am positive that if I tried to stand on my own, my legs would give out from beneath me. 
“Don’t be, I was awake anyways.” A lie and we both know it. However, neither of us choose to debate it. “You wanna talk about it?” He asks, pulling back slightly so he can look down at me. I glance back up at him, sleep still heavy throughout all his features. I shake my head, not trusting my voice to speak. He nods in understanding, not pushing me any further. 
He loosens his grip on me, his hand hand from my neck dropping, but leaves the one on my back. He guides me back towards my bed, I sit on the edge, my knee bouncing. 
“You can go back to bed, De. I’m okay now.” I glance up at him, his face clearly showing that he knows I am lying. He doesn’t argue, nods his head and presses a kiss to my forehead. Something he does often, even though we aren’t together. 
“I’m not far if you need something.” He says, before turning and closing my bedroom door behind him. 
I wrap my arms around my core, trying to calm myself. Something I have done since I was a small child, but nothing seems to stop it now. I lay down, wrapping myself up in every blanket I can find, in hopes of warming my chilled body. Even though I know, the chill is internal, not something the warmest fire or blanket could resolve. According to the clock on my bedside table, I lay there for thirty minutes, restless and sleep evading my grasp. I sigh and toss my blankets to the side, clamoring out of my bed and over to the door leading to the hallway of the bunker. 
The lights are still on, someone is still up. I hear noise coming from the library and decide to head that way. I make a pit stop in the kitchen, grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge, I figure whichever brother is still awake will appreciate a cold beer if they’re still awake this late. My feet are cold, the tile floor sending a chill through my body. I should have brought one of the blankets from my bed with me, but I am not going back to get one now. I round the corner into the library and see Dean, slouched in the corner of the couch, one leg outstretched, the other planted firmly on the floor. On the couch that the boys had dragged in there specifically for me to curl up on, while I read up on whatever lore necessary for the next hunt. The TV is turned on, some old movie playing quietly on the screen. He sees me coming and chuckles, I am a sight, I’m sure. My hair pulled up in a messy bun, sleep shorts hugging my hips and one of Dean’s well worn shirts adorning my body. I offer him a sheepish smile, handing him one of the beers. He shifts his body, so I can sit comfortably next to him. He pops the cap off his beer, taking a sip before turning to face me, slinging an arm over the back of the couch. I settle into the corner, leaning back and crossing my legs under me. I look down at the beer in my hand and debate on whether I want to struggle with the lid or just ask him for help. I choose the latter, I hold it out to him and shake it back and forth, gently. “Help, please?” I say, a small smile forming on my lips. He laughs again, reaching over and popping the bottle top off easily. Handing it back to me, but not before giving me crap about not being old enough to drink if I can’t get the lid off. I roll my eyes at him, but thank him all the same. We sit in silence for awhile, watching the movie play out before us. I have no idea what was happening, but I was thankful for his company nonetheless. I feel his eyes on me every so often, glancing at me before focusing back on the television. 
“Y/N,” He breaks the silence, I look over at him and he is focused on me now. His beer mostly gone, I can tell he has questions. Things he wants me to clarify and it makes anxiety bubble up within me. 
“You want another beer? I’ll go get it.” I say, standing quickly and moving to take his almost empty bottle. “What? No, sit down.” He sighs, grabbing my arm as I go to take his beer. I comply, knowing that I owe him an explanation. I sit back on the couch, returning to my prior position. I grab the blanket from the back of the couch and pull it over me, a barrier between myself and the outside world. 
“You were talking in your sleep before you screamed, something about how he should be dead? You watched him die yourself? And then you screamed and, god, I have never heard that sound come from you before. What was that one about, sweetheart? Did something happen to you? Something you haven’t told me?” He poses the questions gently, his eyes watching me for any reaction or glimmer of an explanation. I stare at my lap, my hands coming up to rub my arm, a method of self soothing that I had adopted long ago. 
“De, I, I don’t know where to start.” I mumble, stuttering over my words in the beginning. My throat feels closed off and it is difficult to speak. My eyes flutter closed as a flash of memory floods my brain. The hard floor pressed against my back, the metal digging into my wrists, his face hovering above me. The things he had done, mostly unknown by myself at that moment in time. My consciousness fleeting in and out, thanks to the concussion he had given me in the process of breaking my will. 
“Hey,” Dean rests his hand on my knee, snapping me back to reality with a jolt. “you’re not there, wherever your thoughts are. You’re here, with me and you’re completely safe.” He says, his thumb moving back and forth over my skin. I nod, clearing my throat. 
“Dean, do you remember when your dad called you and told you that he needed you to come get me and keep me with you for awhile?” I ask and Dean nods, his lips curving up in a slight smile. 
“A call, I will forever be thankful for.” He states and I smile back, momentarily distracted and reminded of the day when Sam and Dean showed up outside of the motel room John had left me in.
“What he didn’t tell you was why. Your dad found me, he was hunting a demon. That demon happened to be possessing my boyfriend at the time. What I didn’t realize is that the entire time I was with him, he was possessed. I fell for all of his tricks, all of his advances, sweet nothings and every promise he made me. He had an easy time of it, he promised me an escape from my family. I was desperate to get out, so when an attractive, seemingly kind man offered me that, I jumped at the opportunity. It didn’t take long after I moved in with him for everything to change. He became cruel, snapping at me over the smallest things. Controlling what I did, who I could see.” I pause, taking a shaky breath. Dean squeezes my knee giving me the courage to continue. “If I didn’t do what he wanted or if I talked back, he would beat me…” Over the next few minutes I go into more detail of the things that he would do to me, the way he treated me and the closed brushes with death that I experienced. I don’t even realize that tears have started to fall from my eyes, until Dean brushes one away with his thumb. His face unreadable, but his body tense. 
“The night your dad found me, was the closest I ever came to death. I watched your dad kill him. He used one of the bullets from the colt to kill him, in the process killing the body that the demon possessed. I don’t know who he was, or anything about him but his face haunts me, almost every night. I wouldn’t be here, if it wasn’t for your dad. If you hadn’t come to get me when he asked, I don’t know what would have happened to me or where I would be now. I think he knew that, which is why he had you two come get me. Take me in.” I exhale, my breathing accelerated now, a small sob escaping my lips. The feeling of getting everything off my chest and out into the open a relief, one that I never thought I would get. I drop my head into my hands my tears flowing freely now, sobs emanating from deep within me. 
“C’mere.” Dean mutters, his hands gripping my ankles and pulling me across the couch towards him. He pulls me into his arms, his hand pulling my head into his chest and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Ive always known there was a reason for what dad did, but I never expected it to be that. The demon is lucky that he’s already dead, otherwise he would have absolute hell to pay.” He murmurs, his lips moving against my forehead, his words soft but the anger showing through them. 
“I didn’t want you to think less of me, Dean. I thought that if you knew then you would look at me differently, think of me as weak. That you wouldn’t let me come with you and Sammy on hunts.” I say, pulling my body closer to his, the need for comfort overwhelming any other thought in my head. 
“I could never think any less of you, Y/N. You are one of the most amazing people I know and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Please never doubt that, baby.” His words shock me, especially the use of baby. He has called me sweetheart many times, out of comfort or teasing. But never anything else. 
“Dean?” I ask, my voice timid and quiet. He hums in response, looking down at me. “Thank you, for listening. For waking me up from my nightmare and comforting me. I couldn’t have gotten through tonight without you.” I look up at him, our eyes locking. I rest one of my hands on his cheek, angling his face towards me. I inhale, steeling my nerves and lean up, closing the distance between our lips. I hesitate, close enough to almost taste him, close enough I can feel his breath against my lips. He leans down, closing the distance and kisses me. It is unlike any kiss I have had in the past, its slow, meaningful and there is no hint of an ulterior motive. Just this, just a kiss. Just me and him. It’s enough, I’m enough. 
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rainycloud444 · 18 days
‼️Season 5 spoilers btw‼️
For this idea, the two had only established feelings for one another recently and haven’t discussed a relationship (considering they are in the middle of a world ending mission so they decided to have smth to look forward to after all of this mess and wait)
Also Mk was forced to stay with Nüwa for the sake of the plot. OR chose to stay idk you can decide. 🫶🏻
Red is there when Mk has to jump through the portal and stuff to save the world, he is completely heart broken. He isn’t able to reach out to Mk in time to stop him. He is on the ground screaming sobbing Mk’s name, fire is just fuming all around him (I like to personally head cannon that if he is upset enough/in major distress his fire color varies from blue to white as it gets very hot.) out of impulse he decides to open a portal to the celestial realm and leave with no explanation. Just gone.
And I was thinking at the end he just arrives back to Flower Fruit Mountain where everyone met up in ‘memorial’ for Mk and Red just tiredly (incredibly beat up) walks up the mountain with a sleeping Mk in his arms. Everyone is just gobsmacked by this, and of course are in tears and stuff. Red collapses from exhaustion FINALLY (cause he knows Mk will be safe and he can rest *cries profusely*)
Later on Mk wakes up and all of that fun stuff. His friends all greet him and blah blah blah and he is all like “You guys are so amazing for doing this” and they are all like “Um- we did NOT do that, Red did” and he is all like “Pardon 🤠” utterly flabbergasted LMAO. (I was thinking the reason they didn’t try to do the same was because they thought yk, Mk was dead dead as in fully gone disappeared into the earth gone, and Red was just in utter denial and knew it was some sneaky ass celestial realm shit. Sooo that was his motive!) Obviously not because he doesn’t think Redson couldn’t do it but because Red loved Mk so much he ripped through the celestial realm, almost fucking died MULTIPLE times, AND LITERALLY HAD TO GO AGAINST THE CREATOR OF LIFE HERSELF (You can decide on how that would happen. I personally imagine it as a bargain of some sort) just to save him. And bring him back home with no scratches (on Mk)
Of course they see each other Red all bandaged up and Mk is sobbing like “Omg you dumbass why did you do that for me” and Red is all like “Your the dumbass who jumped into the portal to sacrifice yourself. And you are plenty of worth destroying the world and celestial realm for, I wouldn’t want them anyways if you weren’t there.” And Mk is just internally melting and sobbing. And and then Red son makes a stupid joke about not getting a goodbye kiss which makes Mk laugh and then they kiss.
A little bonus: Redson goes down in history for being a force to reckon with when it came to his lover (insert cool historic sounding love story title) and his parents are super proud of him all that fun stuff 💪💪
(This song gives me this story energy 😫)
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l6ndrys · 1 year
heyyy, i was hoping you could do an ethan imagine where he dates the hottest girl on the uni, and he discovers that she's really insecure about her boobs being too big, like sidney sweeney (im so insecure abt mine lol) and she gets so embarrassed when someone sexualizes her, specially jock guys etc, so ethan ends up punching one of them 😭😭 thank you <3
a/n : hi!! thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoy <33
this fic contains : cursing
don't blame me
ethan landry x fem!reader
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to say you were surprised when you got the text would be a lie. you knew about people's comments when you'd pass by and think you couldn't hear them. ethan knew too. you had to hold him back once when someone said something about you and your.. appearance. however, this time you weren't there to hold him back.
you walked into the main office, looking around for your boyfriend. spotting him on a bench outside one of the administrators' office, you walk over to him, "you're a dumbass, you know that? you could've gotten seriously hurt! that guy is twice your size!!" which was saying a lot, considering your boyfriend was definitely not on the scrawny side.
"he said some stupid shit about you and i couldn't just sit there and listen!" you rolled your eyes, gesturing to the bag of ice on his hand, "so you punched him? ethan, you can't just go and knock the shit out of people when they say stuff like that." it was his turn to roll his eyes.
you sigh, taking a seat next to him, "thank you, eth. even if you got in trouble and i'm definitely not happy with you right now, it means a lot." he knew that you had a hard time with your self image, especially because of what people said about you.
you eventually decided to head back to his dorm, greeting chad when you both walked in. "whoa what happened?" chad asked, motioning to the now almost-melted bag of ice on ethan's hand. "he punched the shit out of a guy who said some shit about me." you said, passing him to go towards the kitchen for fresh ice.
"damn, never thought you'd have that kind of anger in you landry. anyways i'm headin' to bed, don't do anything i wouldn't do" he said, leaving the kitchen/living room to the both of you. rolling your eyes at his comment, you took the bag from ethan, pouring out the rest of the melting ice. you walk over to the fridge, picking up a couple pieces of ice and putting them in the bag.
you turn, zipping it up and handing it to ethan. "you know i could've done that myself" he says, jokingly, "look, it's the only way of paying you back for basically protecting me. plus i'm your girlfriend, i'm kind of obligated to take care of you" you say, walking over to where he was leaning against the kitchen counter.
"you could always pay me back another way" he said, smiling. "oh is that so?" you say, returning the smile. he pulled you closer, leaning in. you lean in, connecting your lips. you pull away, "it's getting late, i should go"
"orrr you could spend the night?" you thought it over, considering your options. either you spend the night, and probably get the best nights sleep in your boyfriends' arms, or go home alone and in the dark. you didn't have class or any plans for tomorrow, "yeah i guess i could" he smiles at this, grabbing your hand with his non-bruised one, and pulling you towards his room.
you stop, making him stop and turn around to ask what was wrong, "thank you again for earlier. you didn't have to defend me like that" he huffs, "well then people shouldn't say shit about your boobs, then i wouldn't have to beat the shit out of them." you laugh, letting him pull you in for another kiss. you were glad you had someone who protected you like he did.
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