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ceaselessbasher · 1 year ago
🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂cider - a food that you disliked as a child but now enjoy?
So I had this thing with ground meat cooked with tomato sauce and like raisins and peas and stuff (we call it "picadillo", don't know how to translate it) where it wasn't really about the taste. I just looked at it. And it made me uncomfortable. Also, in the same vein of ground meat, spaghetti bolognese, I tolerated the meat there but it HAD to be separated from the spaghetti.
Anyways, I am grown now and I like picadillo and also I'm self-diagnosed autistic which obviously has nothing to do with all that (extremely sarcastic).
Also fun fact back then I had a bear plushie that I did like very much and it's important to me that you know that I did like him before I tell you that I named him "Picadillo" because of how he looks. Go figure.
Attaching a picture of the dish and the bear.
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🍂Autumnal asks🍂
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ao3feed-madwife · 1 year ago
Ain't Got No Body
by KirkyPet
Laura comes back as a ghost. How does that pan out? Let's see, shall we?
Words: 622, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: American Gods (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Laura Moon, Shadow Moon (American Gods)
Relationships: Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
Additional Tags: Ghost!Laura
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waking--hell · 10 months ago
5 songs I've been enjoying lately; tagged by @godblessyoublackemperor
1) beautiful things - Benson Boone
2) lose control - teddy swims
3) stick season - noah Kahan
4) Texas hold 'em - Beyonce
5) Austin - dasha
Tagging: @kirkypet @coolcoolsthing @chiusadentrose @pitchburgh @maxipaddy
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kirkypet · 2 years ago
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bengalaas · 2 years ago
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@kirkypet Local cheese with sweet clover (melilot?) seeds :)
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sausagesquirrel · 2 years ago
Get to know the blogger
Hey! I got tagged by @serial-chillr​ and @bengalaas​ and this was fun, so I’m tagging @inkmein97​​  @kirkypet​ and anyone else who wants to, if you want to :D
Share your wallpaper: Oh it’s my kids so I’m not gonna
Last song you listened to: once in a lifetime by talking heads
Currently reading: re-reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman on holiday
Last movie: think it was one of the Pirates of the Caribbean with my kids XD
Last show:  the last of us (really good!)
Craving:   salty snacks
What are you wearing right now:   Indigo jeans, stinky moon climbing t-shirt I’ve been travelling in, merino thermal (likewise) purple t-shirt over everything (like wise), wild eyed expression.
How tall are you:   167 cm
Piercings: did my ears when i was about 13 then let them heal up almost instantly (mainly because at school we had to take them right out for sports)
Tattoos:  Nope (prob generational divide - showing my age)
Glasses? Contacts?  not yet (but probably in denial)
Last drink: lipton peach ice tea
Last thing you ate:  veggie burger
Favorite color: teal
Current obsession:  learning the riff for stone roses “she’s a waterfall” on the guitar
Any pets:   a lurcher (this in her youth - she’s a lot greyer now)
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kirkypet · 2 years ago
Fic update!
Chapter 12 of American Kids is up. I’m off to make a new cast list poster since Audrey gets a her speaking role in this one
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sigmastolen · 5 years ago
@major-trouble replied to your photo “did i mention that i baked fig newtons from scratch?”
HOLY SHIT. Those look amazing. I am Extremely Impressed. Please mail me some <3
@evilasiangenius replied to your photo “did i mention that i baked fig newtons from scratch?”
omg how? this looks beautiful. are you sure you don't secretly have a factory in your kitchen? @_@
thank you!  the secret is the angle -- end-on, it’s harder to see how lopsided they are ;)  they’re pretty good, although in the future i want to adjust the cookie-to-filling ratio in favor of the filling, which might mean rolling the dough thinner and then having scraps left over?  i also used dried mission figs as the recipe suggested for this round, but i’d like to try it with fresh green figs when they’re in season (we get them from a neighbor’s tree), because i prefer the flavor.  not sure what i’d have to do to get the correct texture from those, though...
@kirkypet replied to your post “no blocking no lining we die like men knitted with more enthusiasm...”
@hedwig-dordt reblogged your post and added:
WOW! Good job!
thank youuuu!  it was a fool’s errand to be sure but i like how it came out, and it has definitely improved my chair.
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 6 years ago
Witness: KirkyPet
Creator name (AO3): KirkyPet 
Creator name (Tumblr): kirkypet 
Link to creator works: https://archiveofourown.org/users/KirkyPet/works
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: I was actually quite fixated on Fury Road after watching it on DVD. I didn’t expect to particularly like it - I’d never seen the previous Mad Max movies (I finally have!) - but I was transfixed. And I didn’t particularly ship Furiosa and Max until the haemothorax/transfusion scene (although then I very much did). There were just so many layers of detail and backstory there waiting to be explored, because so little was actually said or explained. It’s like a neutron star of fic-fodder. And I didn’t discover ao3 til summer 2016 so I spent a full year wandering around like a lost soul. So, yeah. Quite a huge deal for me really.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: Music. Minor characters looking on and commenting on the protagonists (big fan of Thomas Hardy’s more comedic efforts, where this happens a lot). Reasonably happy endings.
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: Maybe the small town modern AU (Ordinary People), because it was a nice change from the Wasteland setting. I’m not very Wasteland-minded at all. But the Bladerunner AU (Do Androids Dream etc) and the new Firefly AU are lots of fun because the two sets of movie worlds mesh together way better than I’d expected. 
The most difficult? - My Wasteland headcanon stuff. It’s too fluffy and not remotely violent which doesn’t really ring true. I’m very aware that my Furiosa is hardly ever violent, or my Max particularly mad. But that’s the great thing about fanfiction - the infinite versions of characters and scenarios. Surprisingly the Blues Brothers AU is quite tricky. I can’t quite make Jake Blues and Furiosa the same person. But it’s an excuse to listen to great tunes. And Jessie will make a comeback in that one though (she’s not dead, I should make that clear). 
On the old kudos-to-hits ratio, the Firefly AU is taking off surprisingly well, but it’s quite smut-focused so that might well account for it ;) early days yet. Bladerunner AU is doing well for a multi-chapter. Up Around The Bend (an oldie, the escape from the Citadel) is hanging in there. 
Most successful? I’m happy enough with all of them, except maybe I Kissed A Girl. Please don’t read that. Favourite overall - It’s a toss-up between Ordinary People (a chance to explore my headcanon in a modern small town setting) and the Bladerunner AU (it makes me weep). 
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: Hopeful and silly and everyone has access to a record player somehow. This is why I stick to writing AUs these days. But I’ll happily read all of the above!!! And entirely intend to!
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: Watch a film, browse tumblr, listen to music, get an idea. Have a good think about it, think about it some more, find a starting point, write it down, go from there. Maybe stick a draft on tumblr if I’m not sure if it’s going to fly. Write it anyway. 
For OCs, figure out what someone looks like. That’s weirdly essential for me. Zal (Furiosa’s Dad) is Ed Harris, Young Val (Furiosa and Max’s grownup daughter) is Alicia Vikander and Toots (rescued-kid-turned-Wasteland-son-in-law) is Didier Drogba (bit of a blast from the past but hey). I was getting nowhere with Blues Mothers Jessie until I recast her as Sofia Boutella (because if Max is getting a generational update, she needs one too). And Firefly AU’s Mister Jobassa is Jakob Oftebro. All very pretty people, but what are you gonna do? But they’re only these people in MY head - they can be whoever the reader wants them to be. Oh, and Pin from Ordinary People was 100% an actual real tour guide I met on holiday once. 
Preferred environment? Usually while half asleep in bed, or walking, or In the gym, or watching tv - world building seems to be something that happens away from the keyboard. Writing itself is exclusively on my phone so can and does happen anywhere at all. Rough patches are usually caused by guilt that I’m not spending enough time on the day job :P
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: I listen to music all the time anyway, mainly upbeat pre-90s tunes. Disco, funk, ska, motown, anything like that. And it always find its way into the writing. Sometimes artificially (where I’m on a song-lyrics-as-title theme - it took ages for some of the Wasteland fics) but most times it can help shape the story in a BIG way. I can’t listen to certain songs now without reliving a chapter or a whole fic - Dionne Warwick’s Do You Know The Way To San José is Bladerunner!Furiosa’s Green Place song, and Ash’s Angel Interceptor is StarTrek!Max’s flying music - it’s noisy enough but also speaks to me about a longing to not be alone in the universe. Concrete and Clay is smalltown!Max’s bittersweet lament for Jessie and Twistin’ The Night Away is the final party scene in Cheedo’s update of The Rivals. Some fics wouldn’t have been written at all if it wasn’t for a particular song. The Black Keys’ Heavy Soul was my original Wasteland Furiosa/Max ship theme back in 2015, before I’d even heard of ao3 - that’s the closest I’ve come to a song fic. Caleb was only Caleb because of a line in Symarip’s Skinhead Moonstomp, and I was so desperate to write a fic with Leo Sayer’s You Make Me Feel Like Dancing In it that it was the final excuse for a whole modern mirrorverse to my Wasteland headcanon series. Bet you’re sorry you asked now. But I’ll have to go and put together a Kirkyverse OST list.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: To put the damn thing down and walk away. To not assume it’s awful if I don’t get a kudos in the first thirty hits. Thumb cramp from phone-typing.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I didn’t write at all before the Mad Max fandom. Apart from a ghost story when I was about seven (it did win a prize tbh) and a truly god awful Stephen King rip-off when I was fourteen (which makes me nauseous from embarrassment when I think of it). So a fair bit, it’d probably be fair to say. It would be impossible not to, you know, from zero :) My work has changed from spinoffs of inspirational fics (thanks Squid!) to ‘well, I suppose I’ve got a head canon, let’s see if I can make this work’ to ‘goddammit I’ll finish this if it kills me’. Then I missed my exit on the Roundabout of Fic Endings and had to go round again in a modern AU mirror verse. Now it’s all movie mashups, which is lots of fun and probably never-ending. During which time I have learned that crossovers are my favourite to write. And that writing fanfic is probably not a temporary fad :)
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I don’t really have a favourite tbh. They’re all their own people and do their own thing. Writing them is very dependent on their environment, and it’s often surprising how they behave and where they end up. It feels a bit like they’re on Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: Hah yes. The first one was Zephyr the annoying visitor in Witches and Ogres. Young Val’s social awkwardness in As was very much on loan from me. 
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?Furiosa and Max are pretty much always there - sometimes it’s probably platonic, and sometimes there’s a third person involved (nothing posted yet but but but). It depends on the fic.
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: One big long chronology for the headcanon series (childhood to old age), then a whole bunch of little universes for everything else.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: Not to break, as much as I can. But it depends.
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: Furiosa was never actually a wife - she was captured but dodged the whole Vault experience. Max is the original Max, of Jessie and Sprog fame. Toecutter was Joe’s younger self - he scooted around on motorbikes and raised hell before deciding to settle down and take the Citadel. AU Toast and Dag are twins (from a shady mob family). Furiosa’s Dad is a friendly Wasteland bandit. 
Q: If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: They’re supplementary characters who make the plots fit together, and sources of conflict or humour (usually both). I think I like Ordinary People’s Alexa and Mallory best. Although the Irish War Boy crew in Beyond the Pale were fun to write. Ace’s trio of love interests (Brick, Big Dave and Caleb/Pin) are a consistent theme. Sometimes I steal characters from other sources (stand up Christopher Brookmyre) when it’s convenient.
Q: What sparks your many wonderful AUs?
A: Movies, tv, gifs, tumblr prompts and general chitchat (thankyou btw!!!)
Q: A lot of your fics are light-hearted and hopeful, which is great to see for the apocalyptic Mad Max world. Your thoughts on that? What is it about the characters that inspires you to reframe them?
A: I just really like comedy and am committed to winkling it into every fictional scenario whether it’s appropriate or not. Glad people don’t hate it!
Q: Who are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: Well, it was Squid’s ( @sacrificethemtothesquid )Length and Breadth of Fury Road that got me out of the starting blocks! Christopher Brookmyre’s The Sacred Art of Stealing was a big influence on my headcanon series, as was a particular Coronation Street storyline from some years back :) 
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: Blues Brothers AU series (Sweet Home Chicago) -Wasteland Star Trek First Contact AU (Angel Interceptor) -Firefly AU (Our Mister Jobassa) -His Dark Materials AU (unnamed as yet, just brewing in my head, hope it just stays there for the meantime) -Will combine all the headcanon works into one long fic sometime. That’s everything from Witches and Ogres through to Ordinary People. Probably be called ‘All the Things that I’ve Done’ (basically the two lives of Furiosa: Wasteland and mirrorverse).
Thank you @kirkypet
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almostdefinitelydying · 6 years ago
kirkypet replied to your post “kirkypet: lurkinghistoric: thebyrchentwigges: hrodvitnon: Done...”
Ahhh fifth element! I forgot that one!
is a good one <3 “chicken! good!” (I have so many echolalia responses from that film it’s ridiculous xD) 
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big-cool-corn · 6 years ago
29. What is your favorite expletive?
(sorry for the late reply) 
If I understood the term correctly, I have plenty of non-english expletives but the one that stays through all languages is the um
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lurkinghistoric · 7 years ago
Chapters: 27/27 Fandom: Mad Max: Fury Road, Mad Max Series (Movies), Christopher Brookmyre Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Furiosa/Max Rockatansky Characters: Max Rockatansky, Furiosa (Mad Max), Sid (OC), Big Dave (OC), Keeper of the Seeds (Mad Max), The Valkyrie (Mad Max), The Vuvalini, The Ace (Mad Max), Capable (Mad Max), Mary Jo Bassa, Katie Concannon, Miss Giddy (Mad Max), The Dag (Mad Max), Toast the Knowing, Cheedo the Fragile, Alexa (OC), Mallory the barista (OC), Dianne (OC), Dag’s baby, Capable’s baby, Toots (OC), Pin (OC), Jenny Dalziell, Zal Innez, Angelique de Xavia, Sarah Slaughter, Jack Parlabane, Australian Harry (OC kinda), Nux (deceased), Angharad (deceased) Additional Tags: Homelessness, physiotherapy written badly, Inspired by Music, Modern AU, Fluff, vaguely farcical, Sad bits, bereavement, Death of a Parent, Cop Max, Reunion, More sad bits, max’s story, Some silliness thank god, Borderline stalkerishness?, I can’t decide, Disco Ace, Mutual therapy, more bereavement, Just good friends, general waffle, Ace’s thoughts on the matter, assumptions make an ass out of u and me, bluesy Max, Boo villain booo, Teenage Fury, Zal Innez is Furiosa’s dad, Fury is not okay, drunken frolics, still slow burn though, Obscure film references, Coping Mechanisms, Max meets the parents, hangovers, Embarrassment, Disclosure, Nightmares, Why Fury is not okay, Max meets the Wives, this is becoming angst tennis, How Toast got the name, How Nux (Nicks) comes into it, Many many crossed wires, Gossip, People mean well, Love Hurts, STILL slow burn, even i’m getting impatient here, finally shenanigans!, slightly embarrassing, but yay, Music has the power, Max moves in, Kinda, more shenanigans, More from the Wives, gift-giving, the morning after, lots and lots of fluff, Rape allusion, sex trafficking allusion, Developing Relationship, Ace gets lucky, How it all happened, Emotional Manipulation, plot theft by me, happy ever after Summary:
Modern AU, small town physiotherapist clinic. Fury’s the physio, Max is a drifter with a gammy leg. Silly fluffy shippy nonsense with some sad bits and a pretty solid soundtrack. No car chases or shoot ‘em ups (all drama of that nature occurs off-stage).
Kind of a follow on from The Shipping Forecast, but no prior reading necessary.
Fic rec! Now completed, this is a delightful small town AU, sweet and funny and shippy. 
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sausagesquirrel · 2 years ago
Society - Eddie Vedder
All I want - Kodaline
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Somebody to love - Queen
Angel of small death - Hozier
Graceland - Paul Simon
Ex’s and Oh’s - Elle King
Sweet Caroline - Niel Diamond
Quantum Sonata - FormantX
Unknown Legend - Niel Young
I wanna dance with somebody- Whitney
Running up that hill - kate bush
Riptide - Vance Joy
Everybody’s talking - Harry Nilsen
Love me tender - Elvis
@kirkypet @bengalaas @extrapanties
URL song tag game
thank youuu @yesireadbooks
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters.
*dramatically removes the cloth from the board*
F- family line by conan gray
I- idontwannabeyouanymore by billie eilish
R-run and hide by sabrina carpenter
E-exile by Taylor swift
B-boys will be bugs by cavetown
U-until i found you by stephen sanchez and em beihold
T-tennis court by lorde
A-almost is never enough by ariana grande
S- strawberry blond by mitski
H-habits by tove lo
E-easier than lying by halsey
S- seventeen by ryan mccartan and barrett wilbert weed (from heathers the musical) -
T-this december by ricky montgomery
O-o my heart by mother mother
O-overwhelmed by royal and the serpent
oh my god 15 letters that was long.
@holdmyteaplease @spicymochi @guessillcallitart @escapetheinevitable @cabbojage @maewrites13 @macabremoons @briannaswords @tea-and-mercury @ashwithapen @blackcrxwking @lycaens @iannicellis @anonymousfoz @fioreshere
(did i choose specifically people with relatively long urls? yes.)
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ceaselessbasher · 3 years ago
12. How are you?
Honestly? Extremely stressed. This has been a very tough semester. Technically, classes end tomorrow, but I still have projects and two exams left, some of which stretch this suffering out until January. On top of that, thanks to a bad teacher, I am absolutely lost in one of my classes with no time to catch up.
I'm also hungry. So I'm going to go cook myself something and watch FMA while I eat. Peace out, besties.
Choose an ask from this list to get to know me and if you're lucky you won't get me venting so much
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kirkypet · 2 years ago
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sausagesquirrel · 9 months ago
Wow it’s a while since I wrote anything. Here’s a bit of Mad Sweeney/Laura Moon from American Gods:
You know,” he laughed a little as she knelt back onto the bed, resumed her position at his thighs, “for the holding down”.
@kirkypet @extrapanties @more-magpiie @waywardwizzard
Last line challenge
Tagged by @battlekilt
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
“You’ve done enough. And now you deserve some rest.”
@ylvisruinedmylife @starsofatlantis @crazycriter @majorsoapfan @tumblingghosts @hannahhook7744 @cleverqueencommander I have no idea who else to tag because I’m not sure whether they do or don’t write/draw or how much :p
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