#yes i call him Pietro
wilkkio · 1 month
I love fic where Erik is a single father of 3 kids, Pietro and Wanda being kids and Lorna a toddler, and then Charles is like "oh what cute children you have let be me the stepfather".
But I need fics where Erik is a single father of 3 teenagers. The twins being 17 and Lorna 13 (something like that).
Wanda is the older sister who carries the whole family on her shoulders. She makes a cup of tea for Erik when he's having a mental breakdown, she helps Lorna (and sometimes Pietro) with her homework, she makes dinner when Erik comes home late. She's the one noticing that her dad might like the professor Charles Xavier, and she knows how alone and single her dad is so she makes plans to have Charles around.
Pietro is the teenager who wakes up at 3pm during the weekend and eats the whole fridge in one night. Sometimes Erik wants to shake him and yell "PLEASE FIND A PURPOSE IN YOUR LIFE" but he's too tired to do that. But Pietro is also the cool older brother that comes to pick up Lorna at school and tells her things about "adult life" sometimes he even takes her with him to hang out with his friends (Lorna loves that). He has a very conflicted relationship with his dad... Wanda and him are very close even if they have very different personalities.
Lorna is... A REBELLIOUS TEENAGER (yes I have an obsession with that). She's 13 and has cool older siblings who are 17 and they can go out late, go party, drive a car. So she's a bit jealous of that and tries everything to show her dad she's old enough to do everything like her siblings. She's in her phase "I'm my own person and I'm gonna show it to you by disagreeing with everything you're gonna say." Sometimes she teams up with Pietro to annoy Erik. But the thing is, Lorna loves her father, she wants to be like him and make him proud, so when she annoys him too much she feels guilty and asks Wanda to help her make an "I'm sorry" card. Some of Lorna's friends have a crush on Pietro, and she's annoyed by that. She's very possessive, protective of her family, and doesn't want to "share" them, so when she hears Wanda talk about a potential boyfriend for their dad she makes plans to make Charles go away.
Erik is tired, exhausted even. He tries to be a good father, but he feels like failing even more everyday. Wanda is the daughter every parent which for, she's kind, helpful and patient. But Erik feels like she grew up too fast because he was failing at being a single father, he really feels guilty of that. He also feels bad that he didn't succeed in giving Pietro a purpose in his life, or any kind of project, he's really hard on Pietro because he wants him to do great things and be a better man than him. He sees Lorna a bit like his second chance, a second chance to not fail at being a father, so he forgives her way faster than he forgives Pietro when they go into trouble.
[I might actually write a fic based on that]
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lowkeyerror · 6 months
The Family Business Ch.4
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Chapter Notes: Brief mention of the red room nothing crazy
Summary: Natasha is nervous about finally having some personal time with Wanda’s family. You help her fight through those nerves. Meanwhile Wanda struggles to come to terms with how much of your growth she missed.
An: Posting consistently again got me feeling in my prime. No promises, but might post chapter 5 later this week instead of next monday.
Series Masterlist| Masterlist
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Once you were done with work, and had your flowers for Flora, you were ready to go to the Maximoff’s house. You’d sent a quick text to Dragos telling him that you’d bring Natasha with you, to save them an extra unnecessary trip.
You pack your things quickly and head to the car, Natasha follows behind you. When you get in the car, you finally notice the subtle nervousness of Natasha.
“Are you scared to meet Wanda’s mom?”
Natasha nods a little, “It’s more than that. You guys are the most important people in her life. She told me so herself. Dragos doesn’t like me yet, Pietro and I really just looked at each other, and I heard Flora’s got high standards when it comes to partners.”
“Well, they are the kindest people you could ever meet. All they'll care about is that you keep Wanda happy,” you insist.
“I think the kindness goes out of the window, when you find out your daughter got married to a Russian spy that tried to kill her,” Natasha mumbles.
 You try to offer her some comfort, “I’m not going to argue with that but, you’ll get a little break, when I tell them I like you.”
“If Wanda told you all about me, then you should know they've got a soft spot for me,” you’re a little embarrassed when you say it, but it’s the truth.
If Natasha notices your embarrassment, she doesn't bring it up, “Wanda says you’re basically a Maximoff every time she tells a story about you.”
You smile, “I like to think of them as my family too. There’s been plenty of times where I want to call Dragos, papa. That means there’s even more times when I want call Flora Mama.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“I don’t want to take the chance and ruin our dynamic.”
The Russian sighs as the house comes into view. “I think they’d both love it. The way Wanda tells it, they feel as though you're one of their kids.”
You park the car before answering Natasha, “Maybe one day.”
With the hydrangeas in hand, you head to the front door. Natasha tries to walk behind you, but you pull her forward so she’s next to you.
“This is a family you have to face head on. Those uncertainties you have, keep them close to you. Don’t let them see your nerves because they’ll pounce. Just remember that you love Wanda, and she loves you too,” your attempt at a pep talk seems to calm her nerves a bit.
“You said they were nice people. Nice people don’t have warnings.”
You roll your eyes, “Natasha you secretly married the daughter of a crime lord without ever meeting the family, there’s a shitload of warnings.”
The door swings open before you have the chance to knock. You find yourself being pulled into a warm hug. It’s only a moment before Flora’s hands land on your face. She turns your head a couple times checking that you are fine, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Y/n, where have you been sweetheart? Too old to come see me anymore, huh? You’ve got bags under your eyes Malysh, have you been sleeping ok?”
You smile warmly at her antics, “I’ll never be too old to come visit my Flora. As a sorry, for being away I brought you these.”
Flora takes the flowers from you. “Always knowing how to get into my good graces, these are beautiful Y/n.” Her eyes dart to Natasha and you watch as her features go neutral.
 “You must be Natasha.”
The red head extends her hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Maximoff.”
Flora shakes her hand, “Yes, if only we could've done this sooner. “
Natasha doesn’t shift at the words, but you can feel her nerves from besides you. Flora beckons you both into the house and you follow her into the kitchen. She grabs a vase for the flowers and begins to fill it with water.
“So, why Natasha?” She says as she places the flowers in the vase.
“I’m sorry?” Natasha is confused by the question.
Flora keeps her eyes on the flowers, “Why’d you pick the name Natasha? Natalia is a fairly pretty name, why not keep it?”
You weren't surprised that Flora had done some research on the woman. However, Natasha was taken aback by the question. She wasn’t expecting it, so it took her a moment to respond.
“As a spy, I have many aliases. However, Natasha never felt like an alias, she just felt like me. My parents and sister call me Natalia often just to tease me, but even they seem to like Natasha better.”
You decide to help the Russian out, “Are you close with your family, Natasha?”
She nods, “Very close. My parents took Yelena and I when we were very little. They saved us from some terrible people, I owe then everything. Though they'd never let me repay them.”
“Reminds me of us,” you say to Flora, who has now softened her gaze on the redhead.
Flora had a soft spot for children in tough places. You knew that's why she originally gravitated towards you, when Pietro first brought you around. This was the perfect topic to get Natasha on Flora’s good side.
“If we found you any younger you would've had our last name,” Flora places the vase the table. She eyes Natasha for a moment before asking about her childhood, “Foster care?”
Natasha stiffens a little, “Worse. Young girls all taken and trained to be weapons for whatever they needed.”
Flora’s eyes become glossy, “The red room.”
Natasha’s gaze was locked on the floor, “Yeah.”
It is a quick turn of events when Flora wraps her arms around Natasha. She holds the woman firm as she begins to speak in Russian. You don't understand all of it, but it seems that Flora was intimately familiar with the place.
“You two go and make yourselves comfortable while I start dinner,” she says finally releasing Natasha.
“You don’t want help?”
Flora shakes her head, “Go, relax malysh. I’ve got it covered in here.”
Instead of leading Natasha to the living room, you take her to the backyard. There is a beautiful large grass area, with a nice garden space in the corner. The patio has the perfect view of the sunset. You sit on one of the patio chairs and Natasha sits beside you.
“I think that went well,” you say to her.
“Thanks to you, it went really well,” Natasha looks at you gratefully.
You shake your head, “I didn’t do much.”
Natasha argues back, “I see why they call you the glue. If you hadn’t made your comment, she would’ve slighted me all night.”
“Don’t give me too much credit, you would've had her the moment you asked how many people she killed,” you joke, and Natasha gets a bit embarrassed.
“Sorry, I guess I just- “
You stop her, “It’s fine, Nat. I’ve been underestimated all my life. My first kill is symbolic to me, even in that pitiful state, I was able to snap someone’s neck. I remember all of them, though it’s not a lot, I also remember each one getting easier.”
She looks at you, “The longer it gets, the less you remember, and then one day you’re left with the memory of how you used to feel about it. Maybe it fills you with pride in the beginning, but eventually killing just leaves you feeling empty.”
Wanda comes into the backyard before you could answer the Russian.
“She’s not giving you too much trouble is she, Y/n?”
Natasha sends her wife a pointed look. You laugh at the interaction.
“She’s a pleasure to have around. I can see why you married her, regardless of the assassination attempt.”
Wanda tilts her head but keeps a smile on her face, “Telling our love story without me, my love?”
“It just came up. How was the meeting?”
Wanda plops down next to you before leaning back, “Apparently Kingpin is looking to expand his control. At least that’s what Hammerhead said.”
You clench your jaw at the mention of the large man, “He’s such a greedy bastard. He has the second largest market besides us. Which means he thinks he can take over us. I couldn’t imagine being a guy that big with no fucking brains.”
Wanda shakes her head and chuckles slightly, “You sound just like Papa. He was pissed when he heard.”
“How is he now?” You ask knowing he could get a little reckless when he was angry.
“For now, he’s alright. I told him we could use Kingpin’s greed as an example. We can crush him and in turn teach the others not to try to cross us.”
Your hands reach to rub your temples, “You make it sound so easy.”
“It will be,” you can hear the determination in her voice.
Natasha interjects, “I think Y/n has a point. It’s definitely easier said than done.”
You keep your composure, “Kingpin selling is a problem in itself, but the people should know better than to buy from him. Whoever is making purchases with him is not being loyal to us. That means he’s making allies, or rather he is taking our allies away from us. It strengthens his numbers while diminishing ours. He’s trying to start a revolution.”
Before it could be discussed any further Dragos appears, “We can discuss it more tomorrow. Tonight, we celebrate Wanda’s homecoming… and marriage. Dinner is ready.”
You’re the first out of your chair and into the house. It leaves Dragos some time with the couple.
“Remember we only talk business outside of the office, if it is absolutely necessary,” he reminds his daughter.
“She still gets that way?” Wanda asks referring to you.
He shakes his head, “She’s just started brainstorming and it’s hard for her to put it aside. She’s not that timid little girl anymore.”
Wanda lets out an irritated sigh, “Why does everyone keep saying that? I know her just like everyone else, papa. I’ve cared for her, I’ve trained her, and- “
“You missed 5 years of her life; you missed her graduation, you missed her putting all of her training to practical use, you missed her joining the family business. No one is saying that you didn't know her well, but you can’t act like you witnessed her growth.”
“It’s not my fault that I wasn’t there,” she speaks through gritted teeth.
“No one is saying it was, malysh.”
Natasha grabs her wife’s hand, “We’re celebrating you tonight like your father said. Let’s just enjoy this and eat. You never stopped talking about your mother’s cooking and the longer we spend out here, the colder the food gets in there.”
Wanda gets up from her seat, “You’re right. I’m sorry Papa, I’m just not used to being home yet.”
“It’s alright, her growth is startling. I still remember how I felt when Pietro told me she killed a boy. It was a shock; I didn’t want to believe it. She was so delicate that I couldn't picture her doing it.”
“Y/n killed somebody?”
Natasha nods, “She told me about it. Y/n actually has a little ledger, 8 people.”
Wanda’s eyes widen, “She told you about it?”
The conversation stops there, when you come back, “Flora said if you guys don’t come to dinner now that Piet and I can have your plates.”
“You’d eat Wanda’s welcome home meal, that’s pretty criminal even by our standards,” Natasha says pulling her wife along into the house.
“Oh 100%, you would too if you had Flora’s cooking.”
The playful banter continues, even once everyone is sat at the dinner table. Conversation flows freely, but Wanda doesn't contribute much. All that circles her mind is you.
Her father’s words echo in her head. She had missed some of the most important moments of your life. Wanda was scared to admit that she hardly recognized the woman you’ve grown into.
It bothered her. She was jealous that everyone got to see you blossom, but her. Even Wanda’s wife seemed to know things about you that she didn’t. It was a pill that she didn’t want to swallow.
Her little Krolik wasn’t so little anymore.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick
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mydearesthrry · 1 year
sweet nothing - h.s.
a/n: TOTALLY LOST THE PLOT WHILE WRITING THIS. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BASED OFF OF THE PICTURE BELOW BUT I GOT DISTRACTED. pls listen to sweet nothing by taylor swift for the full experience!!!
🎀 warnings/cw: none, most tooth rotting fluff ever.
🐇 pairing: fem!reader x harry styles
💐 wc: 1.6k
summary: taking care of a very sleepy harry in an ice bath, and in the car.
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“H, the bath is ready, bub.” Harry heard his girlfriend call quietly to him. He was slumped on the couch, this show particularly draining. He was quieter than usual, and instead of being glued to Y/N’s side like he usually was, he let one kiss to her full lips suffice before he decided to rest. 
“Mm, thank you, lovie. I’ll… I’ll be there in a second, jus’ don’t have the energy to go there right now.” His limbs were sore, almost every part of his body completely lost of energy, and he found it hard to even entertain the thought of getting up. 
“Okay… y’know what, just let me help you, H. The faster we get you into this bath, the faster we can go back to the hotel so you can sleep.” He knew she was right, and because he knew she was right, he allowed her to help (though not really at all since he already had felt bad that she ran the ice bath for him) him get to the bathroom. They walked slowly to the connected bathroom, Harry walking zombie-like in her arms. 
“Ready, sweet boy?” She tried to be as quiet as possible, the fact that Harry probably had a headache in the front of her mind. He nodded softly, stripping down to his boxers before letting her help him balance as he stepped into the bath. 
A wince immediately left him, Y/N whispering out ‘I’m sorry’s, knowing how shocking the bath was at first. She lowered herself with him, and sat on the floor next to the bucket when he sat down, submersing himself fully. 
“Okay bubs, y’know we’ve gotta do this so you don’t fall asleep on me. You ready?” Y/N says, pulling out her phone to pull up the trivia questions she’d pre written for the late night ice bath trivia that had become a tradition for them. Harry hums, and she flips to her notes to start. 
“Pick the category, my love. We’ve got pop culture, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe.” She asked, looking up at him, heart breaking a little at the exhausted expression that was obvious on his face. 
“Marvel.” He mumbles, sinking himself lower until his neck up was the only part of his body above water. 
“Okay… Timer officially starts now. Who played the character Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver?” Her tone was soft, almost at a whisper. 
“Umm… Aaron Taylor Johnson?” Harry questioned, racking his brain to try his hardest to stay awake. His body had now gotten used to the stark cold that he’d slowly started to get used to over the times he’s done this on tour. 
“Good job, baby. What was the name of Peter Parker’s love interest in Spider-Man: Homecoming? This one should be easy, it’s one of my favorite movies.” She giggled, a serene sense of peace overcoming her at the domesticity of it all. 
“It is easy, she’s called Liz, right? Liz Allan, or something.” His eyes were now closed, feeling the tension in his body slowly disintegrate from the cold of the water. 
“Perfect! Though the both of us know that Peter and MJ were the better couple, they were entirely more in love and cuter.” She smiled. 
“Oh, really? Like us then, hm?” Harry hummed. 
“Yes, H, exactly like us.” A few more questions had passed, and Lloyd had now come to join them in the bathroom, his camera hung around his neck. They’d anticipated him coming anyway, knowing that he would come to snap some behind the scenes pictures. Before they’d even left to go to his dressing room, they’d told Lloyd when to come in so that he could come talk to them. 
“Hey guys, sorry for intruding, but I need one of you to pick a few pictures for tonight so I can get them edited by tomorrow.” Lloyd tried to keep his voice quiet too, knowing the kind of atmosphere he was entering before he even came to meet the two in the bathroom. 
“Oh yeah, of course, did you want some pictures too?” Harry smiled, a tired but polite look on his face. Harry had built a great relationship with Lloyd over the months that they’ve been on tour, and they’d gotten more comfortable with each other than they’d anticipated. 
“Only if you’re comfortable, H.” Lloyd smiled. Y/N and Lloyd talked for a second, scrolling through pictures and picking out a few for him to edit. The time they took allowed Harry to rest in the cold for a little, before pushing himself up and folding over, dipping his head into the ice cold water. He could faintly hear Lloyd’s footsteps move to the front of the tub, along with the flicking of the camera shutter going off as he lifted his head out of the tub, ringing out his hair from the nape of his neck to the front of his scalp. 
A couple more flutters from the camera shutters were heard when Harry was rubbing his eyes with the pruny tips of his fingers, and he failed to see the smile on Lloyd’s face. 
Lloyd pulled the camera from his eyes, looking at the digital screen that held a preview of the picture. In the corner, slightly blurred because of the harsh focus that was set on Harry in the center, say Y/N with a soft smile playing on her lips, a moony gaze in her eyes. He made a mental note to send it to them later, and to also crop her out in the final edit in an attempt to salvage their private relationship. 
“Perfect. I’ll let you two rest now, think I’m gonna head to the hotel now myself. Sleep well, you guys, I’ll send you the pictures in the morning.” Lloyd smiles at them, sharing goodnights before closing the door behind him as he walked out. 
Harry’s now damp hair was combed back by his fingers and rested on the top of his head, save for the rogue curl that shriveled in a tiny curl on his forehead. Y/N rested her arms on the side of the tub, a gleam in her eyes as she watched Harry’s relaxed expression. Her timer, however, had different plans for the relaxed couple, and went off with shrill screams, notifying them that it was now time for Harry to leave the bath. 
“Alright sweet boy, time to go.” She tapped on her screen to stop the ringing, standing up to grab his black and white striped towel. She met him in the middle, her boyfriend already standing on the towel that laid outside of the tub, water droplets falling from his body in a soft cascade, small shivers shaking his shoulders slightly. Wrapping the towel around his shoulders, she pushes herself up onto her tiptoes to meet the level of his face, pecking soft kisses onto his cold lips. They stayed in that position for a bit, waiting for Harry’s skin to absorb the rest of the small water droplets. 
She led him with a soft tug to the main space in the dressing room, taking the outfit she’d gotten ready for him while he was on stage from the makeup chair and placed it onto the couch. Leaning down a bit, she took the towel to let him remove his now soaked briefs, before passing him a pair of boxers, tossing his towel onto the back of the couch. She passed him his clothes as he dressed himself slowly, humming at the words of love and admiration he sleepily spewed out. Once he got his last article of clothing on, she took his hoodie strings into her hands and tugged it down softly, making him lean down a bit to meet her lips. 
Their lips connected in a soft caress, his bottom lip wedges in between her two lips, a sweet hum emitting from his throat from the taste of her coconut flavored chapstick, one that was his favorite. Something that could only be described as love seemed to fill the room whenever they had these kinds of moments. Moments that was completely and purely their own. 
They broke away from the kiss, and when Harry went to say something, a yawn cut him off, mouth opening wide making him resemble something of a lion, making a giggle fall from her slightly swollen lips. “Let’s get you into a bed, sleepy boy.” 
“M’kay.” Harry didn’t put up a fight, wanting to get into bed with her to snuggle more than anything. 
They walked through the halls of the venue, pushing through the back door where their driver was already waiting for them, engine started and purring softly. Y/N opens the back car door, stepping in and moving to the side since she knew Harry would follow her. The driver muttered that it would take them about 5 to 10 minutes to get to the hotel before taking off without another word. 
Y/N snapped her seatbelt on, a confused twinge on her face when she didn’t see Harry do the same. Instead, he scooted over to the middle seat, laying into her sleepily. “H, you gotta put on your seatbelt.” 
“Noooo, s’not even that far, and I jus’ wan’ y’to hold me right now.” He mumbled, slightly muffled from the way he burrowed his face into her neck. She sighed in slight exasperation, saying nothing and just letting him completely collapse and rest into her. He was almost laying completely in her lap, her hand in his hair, a soft smile playing on her lips as she looked out the window and into the city. 
She let out a tiny giggle when she felt the slight tickle of stubble on her neck, followed by sweet kisses on the expanse of it. “I love you, love y’so much, it hurts.” 
“I love you, H.” She intertwined their fingers together, bringing up his hand to her mouth and pressing featherlight kisses onto his knuckles. 
“I love you,” Harry whined, making the smallest of smiles cover her face since knew how clingy and lovey Harry got when he was tired. She tried to relish in these moments as much as possible. 
“I love you, sweet boy, the Peter Parker to my Michelle Jones.” A sweet giggle sounded from Harry as he remembered the conversation from earlier. 
“Entirely in love and cute. I agree.” 
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seduzist · 1 month
young and beautiful
chapter one.
pairing: natasha romanoff x reader
cw: age gap, smut, forbidden love, underage kissing and touching,underage drinking, just the first chapter so don’t expect much.
masterlist. chapter two.
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you didn´t even fully unpacked your bags before wanda calls you, asking you to come to her house as soon as humanly possible, which you happily did, running as fast as you could, seeing her by the garden waiting for you with open arms, you huggged her tightly and you both talked about how you missed each other.
when pietro comes out of her house, smiling, you hugged him too, only then realizing how the boy had grown since the last time you saw him, he looked taller and very much stronger, like he had worked out every day for a whole year, about to debut on a new teen superhero movie.
''damn, pietro...'' you touched his arms out of surprise and he smiled shyly with his cheeks red, after all he was still just a boy.
when you entered the house, following the siblings, you found it just as you remembered, wanda took your hand, leading you to the kitchen to see her mother, who smiles brightly and told you to take a sit, that lunch was almost ready.
''hi, y/n.'' her aunt, natasha, caught your attention with her sultry voice.
natasha had been your first platonic love, you didn’t even knew what you felt, but her presence intrigued and intimidated you, when you realized that what you felt was a crush, on a woman, many things changed, but you presumed that was on the past, you weren’t a little girl anymore, blushing when your best friend’s aunt gave you any sort of attention, no, you were almost an adult and knew that she was way too old and out of reach to you.
but knowing those things didn’t stop your cheeks for reddening up and your voice of becoming shy, noticing her hair grew a few inches longer and now she had some locks died white, she looked even prettier that you remembered, using her characteristic braids.
“hi, n-nat…” oh god i really had to stutter? you thought, but that was unnoticed by everyone and natasha just gave you a warm smile.
you spend the rest of your day telling wanda about the news in your life and listening about hers, by night, you watched “the notebook” in her laptop just like the old times.
when the movie ended and you wiped your tears, you noticed wanda was already dead asleep, so you adjusted her body better on the bed and closed her laptop, getting ready to leave and go to your grandma’s. you could spend the night there but pietro always snores in the next room and interrupts your sleep, you’ve learned this a lot of summers ago. you smile at the thought of being so intimate with them, feeling lucky for having this kind of relationship in your life, they’re like family to you.
when you were passing through her garden, you saw natasha on a sun lounger, glass of wine in her hand while she notices you, you heart beats faster with her look, maybe you were still a kid after all.
“hey, y/n/n, you’re going?” you approached her, giving slow steps, unsure if you should gave her the explanation or just wave goodbye.
“yes, i would stay but… pietro snores.” you said nervously and she laughed, shaking her head yes.
“he does… you wanna join me?” she offers the glass to you, and you smell the fine wine.
“i’m seventeen…”
“oh, it’s fine, you’re not a small town girl, i bet you drink with your friends in your city all of the time, right? i won’t tell if you don’t.” you pondered for a second, that wasn’t a lie, you’ve drunk a lot of times before, and you had to be out of your mind to deny some alone time with the woman of your dreams, so you sat next to her, accepting the wine and taking a sip.
after that, you didn’t even could remember what did you guys talked about, maybe it was about how pretty the moon was that night, maybe it was about the fine wine you were drinking that tasted just like every other wine but natasha insisted that was better, maybe it was your friendship with wanda and pietro but, you spent the next 40minutes drinking and talking with her, and adult talk, no bullshits like how’s school going came out of her mouth, and you felt for a second or two that you had a chance with her.
when natasha drove you home - which she insisted - you were drunk and messy, but she was still sober and talking to you the whole time.
“you know pietro likes you, right?” she asked, just a few seconds after parking.
you looked at her like she was crazy, pietro was like your little brother.
“what? no! no way, he’s like a brother to me.” your voice was a little altered but you didn’t even notice, the alcohol in your brain couldn’t let you.
“he does, he worked out the entire year just to impress you…” this caught you completely off guard and you needed a moment to process this, which must have lasted a few minutes because natasha cuts off the silence. “do you like him? or… you have a boyfriend in your city?” there was something different in her voice, a different type of interest.
“i don’t have anyone.” you answered, looking into her eyes and watching a smile form into her lips, suddenly, a wave of courage came into you. “i.. i like someone, actually.”
“yeah? who?”
“uhm… it’s dumb, they’re older and probably thinks i’m just a stupid kiddo.” you were still with your eyes locked in hers, and by the time you both knew what’s the subject.
“maybe you have to tell them, so you’ll know how they feel about you.” natasha was having way too much fun at this flirt little game with her niece’s friend, it made her feel like a teenager again, and god, she missed this.
at this point you weren’t thinking about your perfect friendship with wanda or about natasha’s age, you couldn’t even mind if you looked stupid and pathetic for her, you were just too focused and involved to even care.
“how do you feel about me, natasha?” her name rolled off your tongue so softly, and in seconds she was mesmerized, the confident drunk girl that was in front of her, with your glassy eyes looking up and your dress - that was already short - hiked up your thighs, barely covering anything, couldn’t be the little girl she saw playing with her niece in the lake a few years ago, no, you weren’t a girl anymore, you were a woman - she told herself.
“i feel like i really want to kiss you… but i won’t, unless you ask me to.” her lowly voice sounded like angels sound to you, and without a second thought you took impulse with your body, getting up in the car and then passing your leg through her thighs, suddenly straddling her lap with your faces so close that you could feel her breath heavy on your cheek. “god…”
that’s all natasha managed to say before you lock your lips in hers, sharing the taste of the wine, letting your tongue explore her mouth, too focused on the feeling to even realize that this moment was really happening.
her warm hands caressed your thighs, going up to your waist, and when she bit your lip you almost rode her thigh involuntarily, but you didn’t, instead, you just touched every part of her that your hands could reach, her hands, her arms, her shoulders, her neck, her hair, it was like you just needed to touch her, and you felt she thought the same about you, when her hand reached under your dress.
“natasha…” you pulled out of the kiss, breathless and nervous, but not regretful. “i’ve never done that.” you smiled, thinking she would be happy to be your first.
“with a woman? or… with anyone?” when you confirmed to her you were a virgin, suddenly she sounded guilty and her hand got back at your thigh. “i can’t do it… you’re drunk… i’m sorry.”
she kept saying about how this was wrong and how she could never make a special girl like you losing your virginity like this, it made you sad because you wanted to, but you also thought about how gentle and respectful she was.
but you begged her to do something, anything, to relieve your feeling down there, needing her, anything more than just a kiss, just to keep touching you. your pleads sounded so needy, your doe eyes, impossible to resist, you innocence and yet your desperation made you look so cute to her eyes, and in a second her hand found the hem of your dress, pulling it down, revealing your breasts.
that was the moment you saw her eyes brightened as she stares at your chest hungrily, whispering how beautiful you were before closing her mouth around of your nipples. you tugged her hair, surprised by how sensitive you were, your hips rolled on her thigh, creating a friction at your clit, wasn’t the ideal, but felt good.
“you taste so good, i can’t believe i’m doing this with you.” she said, muffled by your skin. she couldn’t believe it? you couldn’t believe it! that was the most impossible thing you could think of, that was like imagining your life if everything was different, this was like daydreaming at a boring class, that wasn’t the type of thing that happens in reality, but it did.
you entered home with your panties dripping that night, with your sandals in your left hand and with your mind on what happened, knowing that your whole life would change forever the next day, because something that doesn’t happen, happened to you.
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @obeydontstray
warnings: swearing, fighting (training)
AN: I think this is my first Logan fic. No Deadpool and Wolverine spoilers but I need to write for this man. Feels were felt and yeeeaaahh.
Dirt flew as the explosion shook the room. Logan passed me on the right, looking at me over his shoulder. I nodded as colossus and storm cleared a path through sentinels.
“on your left.” Pietro called as he sped past. I rolled my eyes and pushed on.
“Watch your right speedy!” I called back as a sentinel popped up. Kitty phased through the sentinel and it came crashing down. “Good work kitty! Colossus! Logan! Fastball special!” Logan nodded and cut across jeans path.
“how many more of these are there?” She panted, hand pressed against her forehead.
“professor said there would be about ten. And they can respawn depending on how fast we move so…” I shrugged. “Give or take I say we have five minutes before the last five come back from behind.” Jean nodded before Scott grabbed her arm and tugged her out of the way of the falling sentinel.
“watch!” Kitty yelled. She grabbed my arm and I felt a chill go through me as she phased. A sentinel went down around us and kitty led me out of the carnage.
“dammit!” I turned at the sound of pietros voice. All ten sentinels were standing.
“dammit!” I hung my head and Logan wrapped his arm around my shoulders. The danger room deprogrammed and Charles came in.
“good work everyone.” He said, looking at me. “Not bad for a first run (Y/N). Remember to keep your eyes on all the possible threats.” I nodded.
“yes professor.” I said. He nodded to me and waited as Logan directed me out of the room.
“everyone survived (Y/N).” Charles said, making me turn back. “Count that as a win. Not everyone comes out of the first run with a full team. Ask Logan.” I looked over at the man next to me and he nodded.
“my first run, rogue was the target.” Logan admitted. “It’s programmed to deprogram when a kill shot is taken. I didn’t even know it had happened until the danger room fell apart around us.” Charles nodded.
“ask rogue if you don’t believe him.” Charles added before leaving the two of us alone.
“it’s just a little hard to believe you didn’t know.” I said. Logan laughed.
“fastball special.” He said. “I couldn’t hear anything against the wind. It’s why I won’t do the fucking thing when I’m in the lead.”
“that’s understandable Logan.” I squeezed his arm as we started walking again. “And honestly commendable.” Logan leaned his head against mine and smiled at me. “It does make me a little disappointed that you will do it for me though. Or when I’m running right next to you.” Logan laughed.
“You can take care of yourself.” Logan teased. “And I know that. I’ve been working on that.” He said softly.
“I know.” I leaned against him more. “And I appreciate that.” Logan turned and kissed my head. “So next time…” I trailed off, running my hand down my face. “Fuck. I have no idea what to do to prepare better.” I mumbled. Logan squeezed my shoulder.
“you’ll figure it out.” Logan assured me. “I know you will.”
“at least one of us thinks that.” I laughed as we stopped by his room.
“now…” Logan jokingly threw me over his shoulder. “You smell like shit. Let’s clean you up.”
“Logan!” I cried as he opened his bedroom door and headed straight for the bathroom.
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imnotasuperhero · 2 months
To follow the compass (that beats in our chests)
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader.
A/N: Hello buddies. I honestly don't know how to define this, so let's say it's just an idea I developed in different chunks of free time I had and I decided to just put it out in the open and see if it was good enough considering the astronomical hiatus I've took. This was not proofread.
Let me know your thoughts!
Sipping on the hot, bitter coffee, you relaxed on the park bench enjoying the calmness of the Saturday morning, forcing your mind to stop thinking about the stressful streak you’ve been having for the last few weeks.
And the smile on your lips grew at the realization the cutest puppy came barking and wagging its tail, sitting at your feet as if it was your own.
“Hi, buddy!” You giggled as you scratched on its fur. “Yeah, you’re a good puppy, aren’t you?” 
“Sparky!” A nervous voice called and you couldn’t help the chilling wave running down your spine.
Looking up, you saw the most beautiful woman ever, walking rapidly to you, “Come here, boy,” she kept calling unsuccessfully.
“It’s okay,” you kept on your smile when she was in hearing range while you kept on petting her dog, as if trying to calm her.
“I’m so sorry, he never sprints at strangers. I don’t know what-”
“Hey,” you stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, really.” You guided her to sit on the bench, worried about her state.
Inhaling deeply, her green eyes stared at you with some spark you couldn’t decipher. “I’m sorry.”
“No need to be,” you smiled kindly, sitting by her side. “I’m Y/N,”
“Wanda,” she nodded curtly, her attention on the dog sitting between you two, looking back with curiosity. But before you could comment on some random thing to say, her grunt called your attention.
“Are you okay?” Your attention focused on the woman beside you.
“I'm fine… it's just a small kick,” she rubbed her protruding belly.
“Oh,” you realized just now she was pregnant. “How far are you?” 
“It's pretty early. About to enter the sixth month,” she smiled softly and you could feel her beautiful smile being tattooed on your soul.
“Do you have a name, yet?” You asked curiously.
“I just found out it's a boy on Wednesday, so I still have to decide on a few,”
“There you two are!” a familiar voice made your words die on your lips.
“Pietro?” You stood up with your smile growing its size.
“Hey, Y/N!” The blonde man smiled equally excited as he hugged you tightly.
“Now I know why he seemed so familiar,” you looked at the dog at Pietro’s feet requesting to be petted.
“Now I know why he ran to you out of nowhere,” Wanda chimed in, taking one of the two cups Pietro had. “Thank you,”
Winking at the brunette, Pietro turned his attention to you. “Glad to see you’re feeling better,” his smile never left his face. “I miss you at work,”
“Oh, I bet it’s torture,” you giggled, rolling your eyes.
“It’s true! George is just… too much.”
“Poor Pietro, he can’t manage a teenager,” you mocked him. “I’ll be back on Monday.” You assured.
“But what he can manage is finding a new place for his sister to move into.” The blonde stated with a cheeky smile.
“Wait, what?” Wanda frowned at her brother as if had grown two heads.
“Well, it’s simple math! You’re still looking for a roommate, right?” Pietro looked at you expectantly, waiting for your confirmation. “And you can’t handle living with me anymore. Ouch, by the way,” he turned to his sister. “That means you can move in with-”
“Does she even want me to move in?” Wanda interrupted her brother’s rant, and you felt the pressure as two pairs of eyes set on you.
“As long as you don’t smoke and keep at least the common areas tidy-”
“YES! She accepts the deal.” Pietro grabbed your hand and shook it as if it was a deal.
“There’s a problem, though.” Wanda looked down to where her hand was placed on her belly bump.
“I’m not new to babies. It’s okay by me,” you shrugged and couldn’t help the heat on your face as those green eyes shone with something warm.
That’s how the very next night, you’ve found yourself sliding in bed after a well deserved hot shower, for all the hard work you’ve done helping Wanda move into the empty spare room in your apartment.
But just as you were about to drift into sleep, a chocked scream washed away every bit of sleep you’ve collected through the day.
“Wands?” You entered her dark room, setting your eyes on the sitting form on the bed. Her soft features illuminated by the moonlight.
“I’m sorry I woke you,” she sighed.
“No need to,” you sat beside her on the bed. “Can I help you with something?”
At the tension levitating in the air, you insisted.
“I know I’m a grown up mother-to-be. But can you stay?” 
Getting under the covers, you opened your arms waiting.
“What happens in this room stays in this room,” the brunette joked as she settled half on top of you, and you couldn’t help the soft smile as you felt the extra weight on your side.
“Deal,” you refrained from kissing her head, wrapping your arm around her shoulders instead, allowing sleep to take over you once and for all.
Days and weeks passed, you’ve found yourself enjoying Wanda’s presence around you when neither of you were at work. Even more so when she took over dinner claiming she needed to destress from whatever case she had that day.
But for the last 4 days, Wanda had been assigned the night shift as she had to cover for a colleague and you sank deeper on the couch at the realization that hit you like a train.
So after a few minutes of wallowing in the newfound feeling, you stood up and walked to the kitchen, checking  on the food cooking on the stove.
Inhaling the warm smell you felt your chest inflate with joy. “Yummy,” you smiled as you grabbed the wooden spoon and stirred before tasting the stew. “Double yum.”
Moving to the cupboard you took a plate and stared at it for a second too long, deciding to grab two small containers instead.
As the floor-to-ceiling doors closed behind you, you granted yourself a few seconds to calm down, unbelieving the impulse that brought you here.
“Hi,” you greeted the first nurse you’ve found after the receptionist indicated where the pediatric floor was.
“Hello darling,” the nice old lady smiled at you. “How may I help you?”
“I’m looking for Dr. Maximoff, please.”
After checking on the screen, the big brown eyes looked back at you with a compassionate look. “She’s in surgery right now, but should be done in any minute.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll wait for her,” you faked your best smile, not being a fan of hospitals.
But before you could end up walking away from the stress the place provided you, a tap on your shoulder called your attention.
“Hi,” you smiled brightly as you took off your earphones.
“Hello yourself,” the brunette matched your smile. “What are you doing here?”
“I brought us dinner.”
“Oh, my. You’re the best,” Wanda’s arms wrapped around you and you felt the familiar warmth you’ve got used to. “I definitely need something after that O.R.”
“Was it an emergency?” You asked, following her to what you assumed was the common room.
“Sadly, yes.” Wanda took two water bottles before sitting down at the table. “Remember the girl I told you about yesterday?”
“The one with heart failure?” You took the containers and opened them, filling the room with the warm tasty smell.
“Oh, lord. Looks so good,” Wanda took a bite and smiled. “It is good,” she nodded to herself and you couldn’t help the giggles. “But yes, that one. Turns out she had a clog on her aorta so we had to operate.”
“Poor thing,” you pouted, it was sad to hear some of Wanda’s patients’ medical records. “So now her heart surgery has to wait.”
“At least another day, yes.” She took a mouthful. “What brought you here? And with food?”
“The apartment felt empty and I was bored,” you shrugged nonchalantly.
“You sure it's not the fact you miss me?” Wanda raised her eyebrow.
“Ehh, that’s just details.” You waved it off.
“And here I thought I was special,” the brunette pouted, making you purse your lips to avoid you from smiling.
The next few minutes were spent in a comfortable silence, which wasn’t strange to you both since you easily found quite the comfort in the other’s company. But that bubble popped when Wanda’s pager rang with a nine-eleven call.
“I’m so sorry, Detka.”
“No, don’t worry, duty calls.” You eased her as you took her hands from the picked up forks. “I’ve got it. You go save lives and I’ll see you at home,”
“I’ll make it up to you,” she pecked your lips and stormed off the room, leaving you frozen.
Caressing your lips, you tried to process the day’s unfolding. Where did that come from? Was it just a reflex or was it something she’s wanted to do willingly?
All these questions ran through your mind, slowly indulging the feeling that was hidden in a box, burning madly like a flame that could consume the restraints in any minute. And to be honest, it didn’t scare you, because if anything, all the pent up tension meant there was more in store for you and Wanda than just be friends.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 3 months
Moi Devochki: Chapter 10
Authors note: This is the last chapter of this series! Thank you for reading and enjoying it, and I hope the ending is satisfactory! 💖
Word count: 2320
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Moi Devochki Masterlist
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Five Years Later:
    Natashas back lays in the cool grass that's shaded by a large oak tree, and her eyes light up as she laughs at the sight before her. The pup straddling her chest bounces slightly because of this, but he doesn’t seem to mind the action. In fact he starts to giggle along with his Mama, oblivious to the fact that he was the one being laughed at.
   “Look at you, you're a mess!” she exclaims as her hand comes to soothe his wild head of hair full of small twigs, leaves and some mulch, “What did you go down the slide head first or something?”
   “Uh huh, was fun!” he admits with a wide smile
   She glances beside her to the backyard playground where the other two toddlers are playing. Sure enough at the end of the slide is a patch of messed up mulch and his stuffed tiger lays beside it.
   “You are crazy, Pietro. It’s a good thing you came to Mama to help sort you out instead of your Mom or Mommy”
  “Why?” he asks as his head tilts adorably, letting a small leaf fall onto the Alphas abdomen
   “Because they would have worried. Especially your Mommy.”
   “Oh, m’kay” he states, likely filing that information away for future mishaps.
   She chuckles at him and continues to work on cleaning him up. He behaves and sits there, letting her make him look presentable while he watches his siblings continue to play. His sister, Sasha, is working on a sandcastle in the sandbox that was recently put in after a trip to the beach. And his half sister, Lena, is swinging on her swing with her stuffed bear.
   “There we go my handsome little man, all fixed up” 
   “Thank you Mama!” he exclaims, glancing down at her briefly before darting back off to the playground
   She watches him fondly as he picks up his tiger and brushes off the debris from it as he makes his way to one of the swings next to Lena. He sticks the plush between his legs so it can swing with him and he pushes his little legs off the ground to get his momentum going. The pups all laugh and smile, and Natasha knows without a doubt that retiring and having a domestic life was absolutely what she needed to truly feel whole.
   “Alpha! Pups! Lunch is ready!” Wanda suddenly calls out the back door to them
   Ever the hungry one, Lena jumps up and sprints towards the house, “Did chu make macs with cheese, Mommy?”
   “Lena, baby, change out of your sandy clothes and wash your hands first! Then ask Mommy questions!” the Alpha shouts out as she stops the swings for the other two, “Go wash your hands too, please.”
   “Yes Mama!” they both reply before darting into the house as well
    Wanda smiles as they all rush by her to do as their told, and she greets her Alpha with a kiss, “Hi love, you all looked like you were having fun”
   “Hi dorogoy(sweetheart)” she replies, holding her close for a moment, “We were, them more so but I do love watching them just get to be pups”
   The brunette nods in understanding, “Me too. So happy and carefree, as they should be”
   The patter of small feet gains their attention and Lena bursts into the room in a mismatched outfit, “Macs with cheese Mommy?”
  Wanda giggles at the small girl, “Yes honey, I made some”
   “Yay!! Tank you!” she says, hugging Wanda's leg briefly before scrambling into her seat
   The other two pups file into the kitchen next, and Pietros shirt clearly shows evidence of a mishap with the sink but neither of them mention it. He smiles a gap toothed grin, waiting to be given his plate as little Sasha struggles to get her chair out far enough for her to climb up on it
   “Careful baby, let me help” Wanda says as she moves to do just that
   “I'll go get Y/n and the little twins” Nat tells her mate before heading upstairs. She makes her way down the hall and into the large master bedroom, “Hi medovyy(honey)”
   “Hi Tasha” you greet, shifting slightly in your nest
   She comes over and joins you in the nest and gently cups your face, her eyes scanning the small pups by your side, “You and the pups doing ok?”
   You smile at her, “We’re fine Alpha, I finished feeding them a little while ago”
   “Well, Wandas just made lunch and I think it's your turn to eat now”
   “Yes please” you agree, moving to pick up one of the two month old pups, “Mind carrying Scarlett downstairs?”
   “Of course not” she replies, getting out of the nest and carefully taking the small pup in her arms, cradling her
   You get out of the nest too, and pick up Rico cradling him similarly as you follow your mate back downstairs and into the kitchen. It warms your heart to see all the toddlers sitting at the table with their plates of mac n cheese and dino nuggets.
   “Hi detka(baby)” Wanda greets, kissing your cheek while caressing the pups head, “Did they eat well?”
   You nod, “Very well, they passed out almost as soon as they had enough milk”
   “Good” she exclaims, taking the small pup from you, “Now you sit and start eating, Tasha and I will get them settled”
   You do as you're told and sit, watching on fondly as your mates help get your littlest ones into their highchairs beside you and Wanda. Your Alpha places a gentle but loving kiss on each of their heads before grabbing your plate and Wandas. She sets them down in front of you both before grabbing her own and taking her seat.
   “Thanks for making lunch baby, it looks delicious”
   “No need to thank me, you were both busy with our pups, lunch was the least I could do” she replies before taking in a forkful of macaroni 
   After a few bites of your meal you turn towards your pup Lena, “Did you have fun outside baby?”
   She nods and swallows the bite of her chicken, “Mhm, I was swingin’ the whole time”
  “Tell Mom how high you were going” your Alpha encourages
  “So high up! And without Mama's help!”
   You smile, “Good job baby!”
   Wanda looks over to her twins, “And what did you two get up to?”
   “I played in the sands” Sasha tells her with an excited smile, “Made a castle”
   “I didn’t go down the slide headfirst, so no worries. Just did the swings” Pietro says, winking at his Mama
    You giggle as the Alpha hides her face in her hands and Wanda does her best not to smile, “Oh, well, ok then. I won’t worry.”
   Nat sheepishly looks up at the Omega, “Sorry dorogoy(sweetheart)”
   “Its ok Alpha, pups are a bit wild at that age. He's not hurt and that's what's important.” she smiles and looks back at the boy while he tries to shove an entire nugget into his mouth, “Besides, he's just living up to his namesake”
   After lunch you, Natasha and your twins head into the living room while Wanda makes her way upstairs to put the other pups down for their afternoon nap. Your Alpha snuggles up to you on the couch as you both hold the twins, she still remembers when the other three were this small. And it seems like only yesterday she was running around like crazy trying to supply both her Omegas with their every craving, keep them sexually satisfied, take care of them and keep them safe.  
   You glance over at your mate and notice her pondering gaze, “What are you thinking about?”
   “Just how much I love our family” she admits, “And how glad I am Wanda chose to carry more pups at a later date, because you two were a handful”
   She chuckles at your fake expression of hurt, “I was not. Wanda definitely was though”
   “Wanda was what?” she asks, walking through the threshold
   “Y/n said you were- ”
   The Alpha is cut off by your free hand cupping over her mouth, “The most beautiful Omega in all of Sokovia”
   She quirks her brow at the two of you, “Now, why don’t I believe that's what was said?”
   You give her your best innocent smile while Nat playfully glares at you. Wanda only shakes her head with a smile before she joins you both on the couch, snuggling into your other side. 
   Nat huffs and you remember your hands position and quickly move it away, “Sorry babe, couldn’t risk it”
   “I’ll get you back for it later” she teases, leaning in for a gentle kiss. As soon as she pulls away Wanda's lips are taking her place, and the three of you settle down to snuggle and watch tv.
    About an hour later the thudding of small footsteps down the stairs alerts you all that the pups have awoken from their short lived nap. The three scuttle into the room, trying their best to remain quiet in case the younger ones are still asleep. Once they see them sitting up in their playpen and hear them softly cooing they know they don’t have to remain silent
   “Mama! Mama!” little Sasha squeals as she reaches out for your Alpha
   “What's wrong baby?” She asks, picking up the girl
   A large grin spreads across the pups face, “Nothins wrong, I’s excited!”
   “Oh?” the Alpha says, casting both you and Wanda a look, “And why is that?” 
   “I did what Mommy does!” she answers, making the three of you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion
   “What do you mean honey?” Wanda asks 
   She excitedly looks over at the Omega, “The wisps you do with your fingers!”
   Wanda may not be an active Avenger anymore, but that didn’t mean she stopped using her powers. In fact she used them on quite frequently to help her with household activities, calming one of her mates down from a ptsd induced nightmare, and helping lul the pups to sleep when they needed it just to name a few things. So the pups have definitely seen her use it, and since they weren’t really old enough to fully understand they story about them and she didn’t want them confusing her magic with that of fairytale story magic the three of you decided to refer to it simply as wisps for now.
   Your Omegas eyes widen slightly, “You did this?”
   The three pups watch as scarlet tendrils leave her fingertips and sore into the air before they dissipate. She nods, “Mhm! Only not so big”
  Natasha had anticipated the possibility of the pups inheriting powers, but she hadn’t expected it so soon. And based on Wanda's wide eyed expression, she hadn’t either.
   “Well, guess that means you’ll have to start teaching her about everything so she doesn’t accidentally do anything she shouldn't” 
   Wanda nods in agreement with you, “And that means we need to keep an eye on Pietro too”
   You move your gaze from your mate to your pups only to see that in the last few seconds the boy in question had wandered off. It doesn’t take you long to spot him though. He's next to Natasha, reaching up onto the end table to try to sneakily grab her currently unattended coffee cup. You weren’t sure why he's been so fascinated by the dark liquid lately, but a certain feline is usually pretty good at deterring his interests.
   As if your thoughts had summoned her, Liho hops up on the table, making Nat turn in that direction at the sound. Before she can scold the boy Liho does it for her, slapping his hand repeatedly with her paw. He quickly withdraws in who;e pouting at the cat
   “That’ll teach you.” Nat giggles, ruffling his hair, “Mamas coffee isn't for you, and I don’t know how many times you have to be told that”
   “Natasha Romanoff” Wanda scolds, “I swear, if that cat of yours ever ends up using her claws on one of my precious pup hands, you and she both will become acquainted with the doghouse”
   “But Mommy, we don’t haves a dog” Lena tells her with a perplexed face
   “It's just an expression baby” you explain, “It means Mama and Liho will be in lots of trouble”
   “And they’ll be sleeping on the old couch too” Wanda adds with a huff
   Nats complexion pales, “But dorogoy(sweetheart)”
   “No now, there's no need to worry Tasha” you tell her, “Liho has never used her claws, except on the cat scratch post. You have nothing to worry about. She just likes putting the pups in their place, printsessa(princess).”
   Wanda melts a bit at your affectionate nickname, though you've been using it since you started sleeping with her all those years ago it never fails to make her knees weak  
   “I know.” she sighs,  “I just don’t want them to catch her on a bad day and end up getting hurt”
   “I’ll make sure to keep her claws trimmed” Nat says, before turning to her beloved cat “And you’ll behave, only smack them if they get into something they shouldn’t. And no claws. We don’t want the couch. Bad for our backs”
   You smile at the one sided conversation and though things are sure to get a bit hectic with your pups having powers, you know this is where you're meant to be. A home, with your mates and pups, away from everything hectic in New York. Being a hero was fun and it gave you your mates, but being here with your family meant more than words to describe. Looking over at Wanda as she holds Sasha, you know she feels the same. 
   Nat seems to sense this too as she turns to look at you both, “I love you, moi devochki”
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm @zoomdeathknight @aeroae @sashawalker2 @maggieromanov @doveromanoff @mommyluvu @404-almostdone @tarathia @ayoungexwife @loki-laufeyson68 @elle161989
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anandrettisimp · 4 months
Yes, it’s that time again.
Ladies, Gentleman and Friends outside the binary, I give you the 2024 Indy 500 Milk choice
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Source: [x]
For those who are wanting to do a comparison, here are the 2023 choices and the 2022 choices. Also from the 2022 list here’s a reblog with some further information that I did.
Of note for this year:
The Danes called Christian really are a hive mind as being the only two to select skimmed. Lungaard has actually swapped to this from whole milk
Grosjean and Legge meanwhile have gone from skimmed to 2% and whole milk respectively.
Marcus Armstrong joins Scott Dixon in the vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian that select whole milk look it’s fine Marcus, you’re not expected to drink it, just provide a money shot and whole milk is the best for that.
Pietro Fittipaldi apparently has no clue why people has been asking him about drinking orange juice. Time we’ll tell if grampa drinking orange juice will curse him.
Will was not happy that there was no chocolate milk. A reminder that this man is lactose intolerant and colourblind and I have no idea how he functions but I love him and he is precious.
If you have any other questions then let me know~
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randomshyperson · 1 year
Enchanted - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: The new Avengers welcome party takes an unexpected turn. Wanda is delighted and tries to make a friend. | Based on “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift.
Warnings: mutual pining, really fluffy, emo wanda being a shy mess with a crush, they are both teenagers in this btw, hints of social anxiety. | Words: 4.913k
A/N-> Yes, I’m writing about worthy!Reader again, sue me. It has a certain resemblance to an abandoned one that I posted here a while ago, but this time they are strangers to friends. This is also totally influenced by the new version of this song.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad | Song-Based Collection
The party setting was not one that Wanda would choose as a favorite, and frankly, she had little desire to be there.
But Steve and Natasha insisted she joins, after all, there were reasons to celebrate besides the almost obligatory socializing and marketing for Earth's most famous team of heroes; their latest villain, Ultron, had been successfully exterminated. And in addition to the conflicts, there were new members on the team. Given the circumstances, and the recent destruction of her home country, neither reason would be enough to get her out of her room, but it was Natasha who convinced her to celebrate what truly mattered: Pietro was alive.  
Somehow, the twin managed to make the broken leg an extra charm to his character, and the crouched figure dressed in an expensive suit courtesy of Stark Industries - an image that would make the teenage version of Pietro Maximoff have a fit of outrage - turned into the soul of the party. Unlike her brother who seemed overjoyed by the spotlight, Wanda hurried to find a corner as soon as she entered the tower hall packed with guests, her heart racing for every glance and flash of photographers interested in the newest Avengers.
The evening wore on with polite celebrations and a battle of egos conversations; it all seemed very political to Wanda, but not in the same way as it had on her rebellious afternoons in Sokovia, with all the ink and posters and protests, and more about fake smiles and passive-aggressive accusations, people in suits reminding themselves of the cost of the Avengers' existence, and an almost drunken Tony Stark bragging that money was no problem.
It was exhausting in its entirety, but Wanda managed to find a decent and entertaining distraction which was watching Pietro and Sam bicker for the attention of the guests. At the same time, Natasha kept her company at the bar. 
The widow's voice calling her attention made her take her eyes from her twin supported on crutches to her newest teammate. Wanda was still a bit uneasy around Natasha - Her own guilt about the confrontation in which she invaded the other's memories, in addition to the moment of being scolded for a borrowed jacket made her feel embarrassed, even though Natasha had been very kind around her since then and had even been the person to lend her the red dress she wore tonight.
"You were tense all night, Maximoff." Commented Natasha not teasing her, but as a friendly remark that made Wanda sigh. The redhead glanced at Pietro before turning her attention back to the younger girl, her gaze softer. "It was just a scare, Wanda. He'll recover, and before you can miss him, your brother will be causing trouble again."
The joke drew a smile from her, weak but still true. Wanda tried to take Natasha's words to heart, hoping that the reaffirmation would push away all the nightmares she'd had with the memories of her brother bleeding in a destroyed Sokovia, dreams created by her fears that her brother's masked savior wouldn't have arrived in time.
Natasha cursed suddenly, and Wanda stared at her curiously, only to discover the widow staring at something behind them, at the entrance to a party that was emptying as the night wore on.
“"What the hell is this little shit doing here?" Grumbled the widow and Wanda frowned, surprised that although it was a swear word, the anger didn't carry over into Natasha's gaze. She looked more worried than anything else.
Looking back, Wanda saw a singular figure. The band T-shirt, even if hidden under a pallet, brought a faded, confident tone to the figure who greeted with polite smiles and made their way to the bar with such familiarity that Wanda immediately understood that whoever the person was, they had been to the Tower many times before.
But Natasha came out from behind the bar at a hard step and met you halfway, close enough for Wanda to see how Nat grabbed your wrist and hear the words whispered in a scolding tone.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?"
Your posture was not intimidated one bit - You freed yourself from the tug effortlessly, smiling and adjusting your jacket.
"I was invited, of course."
Natasha narrowed her eyes, assessing your response during the seconds you looked around, smiling and waving to a few people. "I'm going to kill Tony."
You sighed impatiently. "Come on, Mom, it's just a party-" 
The term made Wanda's eyes widen, almost unable to resist the urge to raise her head and fully expose her spying on the conversation. Natasha didn't let you finish, walking off at a harsh pace toward the iron man on the other side of the room.
With a roll of your eyes, you ignored that and made your way to the bar. 
Wanda noticed a few things quickly as you reached out beside her to grab a bottle of booze from behind the counter. The first was that you were certainly not the legal American age to be drinking and this explained the checking glances you threw around before stealing the drink, and the second was that your complicit smile toward her made her heart forget how to beat properly.
"Sorry about that, Natasha is quite the doting type of mom." That was the first thing you said to her, as you moved close enough for Wanda to swallow dryly at the intrusion of your perfume into her senses, intoxicatingly attractive. You smiled again, propping your elbow on the counter beside you to extend your hand to her. "I am Y/N, by the way. And you're Wanda Maximoff, right?"
Jesus, keep it together. She thought, feeling her face heat up at the attention.
If Pietro saw the disaster, he would be laughing at her face, and knowing that her brother was just a few feet away ready to mock her, made Wanda suddenly gain a little confidence.
She confirmed who she was and as she shook your hand, she added, "I didn't know Natasha had any children."
You chuckled relaxedly. "It's complicated." You replied, releasing her hand to grab the beer bottle you left resting on the bar. "She's not my birth mother, I'm more like a souvenir"
Wanda frowned at your rather vague answer, ready to inquire when before you could take a sip of your drink, someone took it from you from behind your shoulder - It was Clint Barton, also wearing a suit and with a smug expression of repression.
"I'll take this." He chuckled, ignoring your sigh of protest and approaching to greet Wanda quickly before turning his attention back to you. "And may I ask what you're doing here, kiddo?"
You snorted impatiently, putting your hands in your pockets. "What do people do at parties, Barton?" You returned naughtily, but Clint grinned, shaking his head.
"You know Natasha is going to give you a hard time for this... in addiction to drinking-"
"What drinking? You didn't even let me taste it." You interrupt grumpily and roll your eyes when to further irritate you, Clint takes a long gulp. With a sigh, you lift your chin toward Wanda. "I'm just getting to know the new Avengers, it's not a crime to make friends." You commented, offering Wanda a wink that made her swallow dryly. 
Great, of all the people she could meet in a new country, she was going to have a crush on the Black Widow's daughter. Her luck always improving.
"Kiddo, you know the rules-" Clint tried to reason, but you huffed impatiently again.
"God, you guys are such hypocrites!" Despite the clear irritation, your tone remained controlled. "The Maximoffs are what, months older than me? Yeah, Barton, I read Fury's files. Honestly, this is ridiculous! Stark is also trying to recruit that fourteen-year-old vigilante, but suddenly if I want to join the team it's the most dangerous thing in the world! I only came for the party, but I'd be happy to get a thank you for the last mess you put yourselves in! I don't know, like a "thanks Y/N for saving my life" instead of a "you're too young to be here", Uncle." Your venting made the man lower his head, sighing in agreement. 
The archer tried to call you over to ease things, but you had already left the scene, annoyance stamped on your expression. With another sigh, this time in defeat, Clint returned the bottle to the bar and touched Wanda gently on the elbow.
"It wasn't the best way to meet her, but I hope you don't get a bad impression." He tried to joke, but Wanda only needed five seconds to reflect on your words to understand exactly who you were.
"Clint, she's helped us in Sokovia, didn’t she?" Inquired the girl with a certain desperation. "She’s the one that saved Pietro?" 
Barton smiled proudly. " Yeah, that's her." He confirmed to which Wanda sighed softly. So many days wondering how she could find and thank the mysterious person who ensured her brother's safety and the closest thing to a father figure she had at the moment, only to have you stand in front of her and get tongue-tied.
You disappeared in the midst of so many guests, and Wanda gave up searching with her gaze when Clint called her back to get her attention.
"You'll have time to say thanks." He commented realizing the whole thing and smiling softly. "If Y/N gets what she's been pushing at for years, you two should be roommates. And well, whenever she's not at school, she's around."
Wanda absorbed the words attentively, feeling her curiosity rise. "Oh, really? And how old is she again?"
"She wasn't exaggerating, Maximoff, she really is only a few months younger than you and your brother." Clint replied casually. Although he was looking around, old habits of an agent, he seemed willing to talk to Wanda. "The only reason she's not the youngest Avenger is because Natasha doesn't want her to be on the team."
The information makes Wanda frown. "Why is that?"
Clint smiles, shrugging. "Safety, of course." He gently rebuts. "Aliens and bio-nuclear warfare isn't exactly the right place for a teenager."
"Still here I am.'" Wanda retorted without sounding really annoyed. Clint hesitated before sighing. 
"It's different, Wanda."
"Of course, Clint." She retorted with a fresh bitterness on the edge of her stomach. "She matters."
Barton grimaced, moving a little closer and staring her in the eye. "Don't jump to conclusions without knowing the full story." He began. "These are different situations. You and Pietro are enhanced young people without a country to go back to. And of course your safety matters to me. But we've had this conversation before, Maximoff. When you faced that army, you chose to be an Avenger, even though you can resign from this position whenever you want, you are a very strong girl who I would trust on a battlefield. But Y/N is 17 years old and the most action she's seen in her life was at the drive-in of The Future Terminator ." Clint commented but Wanda looked away, catching your figure again, this time greeting Pietro who recognized you far more easily than she did. The hug he gave you made her look at Clint seriously.
"I think you give her little credence." She retorted, impressed with her confidence in defending someone she didn't even know. "She made a difference in the last fight."
Clint laughed dryly. "She's already won you over, hasn't she? She's a born talent." He teased, smiling at the pink tint to her cheeks. "And speaking of talent, I have to admit, that kid has plenty of it. Natasha trained her of course, but never let her go into real action. And well, she's always been very observant. Tony has a sweet spot for her, taught her everything he knows, and if you ask me, he spoils her a little. But I can't blame him, she gives us those puppy dog eyes and it seems like no time has passed. We're all old and she gets what she wants from those soft adults."
The warmth and nostalgia of the veteran's words made Wanda smile as well. She let a moment pass before commenting:
"Earlier, Y/N said something about being... souvenir." And the phrase drew a hearty laugh from Clint.
He shook his head in disbelief before retorting, "It's a long story..."
"It's not like I have anywhere else to go." Wanda jokes it's kind of dry humor, but it makes Clint chuckle weakly. He settles into the chair next to her and assumes a thoughtful expression.
"Well, I guess it all started in Budapest..."
It's not like she needed any more reasons to like you, but nonetheless, Clint gave all of them and more. The story was brief but much appreciated; Natasha found you by chance, the joke about being Souvenir now made sense and Wanda wanted to laugh at your dry sense of humor so similar to hers. A professional Russian spy is given a second chance and while she is trying to gain the trust of the people around her, she encounters an angry child during an infiltration and elimination operation. Unlike everyone on the team of military and guilty billionaires, you were just a civilian with no options. Born into a family made up of people who made all the wrong choices and compromised your safety. Enter the Shield, with two agents who were determined to bring the only survivor home. 
Wanda immediately understood Natasha's responsibilities and desperate desire for your safety. 
Clint's narrative grew vaguer, and he got quieter as he drank more. Wanda didn't need telepathy to know that the archer was thinking about his own kids, and with a tired smile, he took a last sip of his beer and offered her a pat on the shoulder.
"Time for me to go home, Wanda." He commented, looking around at the practically empty party room now. They had been so wrapped up in stories about the past that he had barely seen the party ending. "Whatever you need, give me a call, okay?"
Clint's goodbyes were always like this, and Wanda just returned the smile. 
Alone at the bar, she decided to make her way to her twin brother who was now sitting on one of the couches. The whole way there, she tried to keep her racing heart in check on account of the person in the opposite seat.
"[...] And all that for her to kick me out of bed the next day!" The end of Sam's story drew laughter from the group, and Wanda tried to go unnoticed and find a corner, but once you were close enough, you adjusted yourself on the couch.
"Hey, there's space here." You offered gently, tapping the free spot next to you and with all the attention on her, Wanda could only accept the invitation quickly, squeezing in next to you on the couch. 
Sam, who didn't mind the momentary attention stolen, continued to tell stories of failed date nights, tales funny and embarrassing enough to keep the group entertained. Wanda was too busy trying not to look like a complete mess and hiding her own expression from her curious brother to pay attention to them.
Before she could realize it, she had stood beside you in complete silence for half an hour, just listening and forcing smiles whenever Pietro tried to include her in the conversation at the mention of some memory they shared. The party officially ended as the night wore on until only those who were part of the team were left in the room. And well, you.
"Hey kiddo, come on, I'll drive you home." It was Natasha already with a jacket over her dress and keys in hand. The information that there was a home beyond the tower stuck in Wanda's mind, and she had to force herself to stop imagining what the black widow's ordinary life as a single mother would be like. 
Instead of getting up, you sank further into the sofa, stretching both arms out on the support of the furniture. Wanda was sure her face was the color of Natasha's hair, but she didn't dare look above her own lap, being sure that Pietro would notice if she did.
"Thanks, Mom, but I'm going to stay a little longer."
Natasha sighed wearily. "Kid, please." She insisted but you didn't lose your slouched posture.
Instead, you let your arm fall over Wanda and Sam, each on your side. "I just made new friends, come on!" You justified, squeezing them both for a moment. Wanda bit the inside of her cheek hard, "And tomorrow is the weekend!"
The widow didn't look persuaded at all, but a certain iron man mimicked the gesture you made with the other two, hugging Natasha sideways as his free hand brought out a little cocktail.
"Don't be so grumpy, Romanoff." Tony teased. "It's not like Y/N is twelve. In fact, I already bought her an eighteen birthday present."
The information made you get excited, and get up to try to get more information out of your uncle about that surprise gift. 
Wanda let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding when she no longer had your arm around her, and as she raised her eyes and met her twin's curious gaze, she knew the color of her cheeks had worsened.
When Thor was drunk enough to keep talking about Asgard, and Natasha's keys were hanging over the hammer on the table, you yawned in the middle of a joke.
Steve chuckled, shaking out his hair and exchanging a quick glance with the widow talking to Agent Hill across the room.
"It's late, let's call it a night, Avengers." Announced the captain, receiving a chorus in protest but far too tired to counter more willingly. 
Wanda herself was missing her heels, practically asleep against the shoulder of her twin brother, who was in one last round of improvised poker with the Falcon.
"Party killer." Tony teased with his eyes closed - He had been woken from his nap by the voice of the captain, who laughed at the comment before offering his hand to encourage you to get up from the couch.
The next few minutes were a blur in Wanda's mind until everything came back into focus at once. She was holding the crutches with her magic and helping her brother to stand when she heard you mutter something about sleeping in the tower. Suddenly, your sleepy figure tripped over the table leg, and instead of a tragic accident with the hammer static in the center, everything crashed to the floor.
The Mjolnir rolled a few inches away from your body, and you laughed embarrassedly, half of Tony Stark's punch in your jacket. 
"Damn, let's hope she didn't scratch your toy." Joked Sam, but Thor was half pale looking at you in shock.
It was Rogers who lifted you like a knight to the rescue, but when he tried to duck to retrieve the hammer, the item didn't care to flinch. 
Suddenly the whole group understood what had happened while you were distracted by the punch damage to your new suit.
"Sorry, Uncle Tony, I think it's going to stain..." You muttered upset, raising your eyes to the room of adults staring at you and breaking into a confused laugh. "What?"
Thor swallowed dryly. "Hm, kid, can you... pick up the hammer for me?"
You shrugged, ducking down at the same moment. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to knock it over." And you lifted it without any difficulty, extending it to Thor who looked about to pass out and didn't make a move. You made a confused face. Opening your mouth to question, you had no chance to do so as Thor was already looking at Natasha.
"We have to talk." He pointed at you next. "The three of us."
Nat sighed and grabbed the hammer from your hand, tossing it into Thor's lap who caught it just in time to avoid hitting him in his most sensitive parts, grimacing at the redhead.
"See? It's no big deal. I can lift it too, so don't even try to give me that look."
"No. She's a kid, Thor! Don't even start, we're leaving!"
"Romanoff!" Insisted the god, but he had to get up to follow the figure of Nat, who had grabbed your hand and was practicing running away down the tower.
The rest of the team stood in an embarrassing silence, being able to hear the heated discussion in the hallway of the other three for the next few minutes until Steve cleared his throat.
"I think it's best if we each go to bed..." 
"Shush, popsicle." Cut Tony impatiently. "We just found new rulers of Asgard."
"Yeah, let us hear it." Insisted Sam and Steve got no support from anyone else, everyone too curious to give privacy to the discussion that seemed close to ending.
A moment later, Thor returned with a smile on his face, and next to him, a widow with her arms crossed. "We have a proposition to make." Announced the blond man, giving the smaller one a gentle nudge. 
Natasha sighed stubbornly. "It's against all my wishes-"
Thor snorted good-naturedly, nudging Natasha's face like an older brother and ignoring the other's protest to excitedly tell the room: "Everyone has seen that little Romanoff can lift the hammer, and well, this is the greatest proof of honor, strength, and dignity a warrior can have and I think it's more than enough to give that girl a chance to be part of the team like she's always wanted since she was a rude little brat-
"Thank you, Uncle." You cut in with a laugh as you came into the scene again. Wanda saw that you were now out of your wet suit, the t-shirt gave way to what looked like one of the social shirts of the party waiters and was clearly an improvised outfit by the way half the buttons were still being buttoned.
Thor suddenly wrapped you in a corner hug, looking very proud and the gesture made you chuckle. "They grow up so fast, don't they?" He commented tearfully, to which you shook your head.
"I would still finish school, and there's college too, but Thor thinks he could train me like the Asgardians. That is of course, if you guys would accept me into the team. What do you say?"
The group grinned affectionately, and as Steve Rogers sniffled softly, Tony opened his arms excitedly.
"Of course, you can be an Avenger! Come here!"
As the adults moved to hug you tight, the new members stood watching politely, smiling at the scene. Pietro, now standing next to his sister, leaned in to whisper:
"I saw the way you look at her.” He said, and Wanda bit the inside of her cheek, trying to hide any reaction. "You totally have a crush."
"Shut up." She snapped sullenly, ignoring her brother's chuckle.
Your inclusion in the team gave energy for one last round of drinks - non-alcoholic for the underage trio - in celebration. And around three in the morning now, Wanda could barely keep her eyes open.
She walked Pietro back to his room, worried that he would stumble on the way and ignoring her brother's jokes that he would speed up before he could hit the floor, and only after he was comfortable under the sheets did she leave the room towards her own.
She eventually found out that Clint didn't lie. In fact, you were her roommate, and well, she felt a little embarrassed to interrupt a moment of reconciliation between you and your mother, who was kissing your forehead before letting you go to rest. The widow also offered a smile to Wanda who nodded absently, and thus, the two of you were left alone in the hallway.
"Hey, Maximoff."
The brunette smiled, scratching her eyes softly. "Hey, new Avenger." She managed to joke, eliciting a shy giggle from you. It was clear that you were pleased and excited, and Wanda wished she could say that she wasn't affected one bit by the gleam in your eyes, but that would be a lie.
"I'm still sort of digesting that one. It seems surreal." You comment, scratching behind the back of your neck. Steve's act of ruffling your hair left earlier that evening gave you an air of domesticity that made Wanda's breathing catch. Damn it, Pietro was right. She was a goner. "I know the situation is quite different, but I guess you must be nervous too, right? Your brother at least, acknowledged that he is."
Wanda blinks in surprise, stealing a glance at Pietro's door. He hadn't confessed this to her, but it made sense that despite everything, he was nervous about becoming a real superhero.
"Yeah, I guess." She retorts, crossing her arms. "I think it feels more real when we're fighting together."
You chuckled softly, hiding your hands in your pockets. "Don't let my mother hear you. She's still processing that part." You joked, getting a soft laugh from the other, the sound bringing a soft color to your cheeks that Wanda doesn't notice, too busy hiding her own. "Hey, total change of subject but do you go to school?"
She blinks in confusion, "What...?"
"It's just that it would be cool to go with you!" You quickly clarify. "Since we're similar ages, I figured we could be classmates..."
Wanda shifts the weight of her foot awkwardly, clearing her throat. "Hm, I fell behind." She interrupts, frowning slightly. "You know, the schools stop with the conflicts and the bombings. And then Hydra came and the tests and it didn't make sense for either me or Pietro to keep studying anymore..."
"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Sorry." You mutter clearly embarrassed that you brought up the subject. Wanda uncrosses her arms, not knowing what to do with her hands. "God, I'm so stupid."
"It's okay, you were just curious." She tries to reassure you, receiving a nod and a forced smile.
It was your turn to switch the weight of your feet and to take your hands out of your pockets to cross your arms. "Sorry, sometimes I speak without thinking. And I think too much, so often the lines slip out before I finish thinking about them... Anyway, I read your file, and I know the basics of history so of course it was inappropriate to ask such a stupid question and-"
"Y/N." Wanda interrupted you with a somewhat impressed laugh. She had just realized that you were as clumsy with social interactions as she was. What a great pair you would make. "It's no problem, really. It's... sweet that you care about my education. I think Stark is taking care of it, with the whole paperwork thing, you know? We'll probably have a tutor, me and Pietro, I say."
"Sure, that makes sense." You comment with a sigh. "And tutors give homework, right? I'll be around, we'll be able to help each other and everything."
Wanda chuckles tenderly, nodding. She's exhausted, but she doesn't want this night to ever end. "That's a great idea, detka." She lets the nickname slip, begging the gods that you let it go. But of course, you choke and turn pink, consequently bringing warmth to the other's face.
There is a timid pause between you before you mutter.
"My mother taught me a bunch of foreign languages growing up." You recount quietly, staring at your feet as Wanda stares at a dot in the hallway. "But I wanted to learn Sokovian to meet the new Avengers. It's cool if you want to call me that...I like it."
With her face very flushed and her heart racing in her throat, Wanda could only nod and hum in agreement, her shyness drawing a small laugh from you.
"Risking a second inappropriate question tonight but you wouldn't have a phone, would you?" you quibble, to which Wanda quickly denies. You nod. "I figured not yet. I'll get one for you, and for Pietro too. That way we can keep in touch, you know? I can send you memes, or homework cheats. Or movie recommendations. We can even create a superhero Instagram page for you."
Wanda giggled shortly, nodding clumsily at the tenderness of your gaze and the concern for her entertainment. "You are so silly..."
You narrowed your eyes in amusement, pointing at her. "Let's see if you'll say that when I turn you into a social influencer." You joked getting another hearty laugh from her. 
During the next pause, filled with complicit giggles, Wanda knows you are staring and you are doing the same and before it gets awkward, you clear your throat and break the charm, returning some of the space you broke by instinct during the conversation.
"It's late, we should get to bed before the captain comes to do it." You remark and Wanda nods in agreement, even though she wishes she stayed. 
"We'll see each other tomorrow. Right?" 
You agree so quickly that your neck snaps. "Of course, t-tomorrow. Yeah, 'can't wait." Wanda smiles tenderly, nodding before walking away to her own door.
She enters first, biting back a silly smile that struggles to fill her own face.
Alone in the hallway, you have the same problem.
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Yay, requests open! Thank you so much! 😃 What would you think about the reader waking up in the Avengers medical wing after protecting Pietro from Ultron, and Pietro is right there beside her? He not only thanks her for saving his life but he apologizes for misjudging her like he did with the Avengers. She forgives him and it’s basically the start of a new friendship/relationship between them. (Do you think the reader should be Tony’s daughter or not? 🤔 Whatever you think works best)
hii!! love love love it!! thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
pietro maximoff x fem!reader — fluff
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word count. 462
Your eyes flutter open - slowly taking everything in around you.
"Oh, thank god," a person next to you sighs. "You're awake," he sounds relieved, tone light and airy as he reaches for the call button on the control.
You had no idea how you got here - what had happened for you to end up in the medical wing at the compound. All you can remember are glimpses, little flashes of Sokivia. Nothing big, just small memories of travelling there, fighting some of Ultron's bots - then it all turns hazy. 
You look down to see all the cables and wires attached to you, distress evident on your face.
"No, keep them in," the same voice speaks, stopping you from removing them. "It's okay. Someone is coming," the voice was new to you. It was Pietro. 
Your eyes close at the thought of him, and more memories start to roll back - he was one of the last things you saw.
"Where is everyone? Do they know you're here?" you ask, confused. 
"Yes. Me and my sister came back with you. They're in the other room," he softly smiles, hand resting beside yours on the bed. "I'm so sorry. You're hurt, and it's all my fault."
Helen Cho walks into the room, putting a hold on your conversation. Her clipboard in hand, ready to run some final tests - making sure you're okay. Pietro stayed in the room with you while it happened, sitting in the armchair beside you, elbows resting on his knees, chin placed in his fists - legs bobbing anxiously. He looked guilty, as if something was weighing heavy on him.
Once it was just the two of you again, you turn to look at him. "You okay?"
"I should be asking you that," he weakly chuckles. "I uh— I want to thank you... for what you did. You saved me. You saved a lot of us."
You smile softly at him, adjusting the blanket - pulling it higher. 
He could see you were struggling. So he stands from his chair and walks to the edge of the bed - helping you with the blanket and tucking you in comfortably. "I had all of you wrong. I had you all wrong."
"It was a misunderstanding. It happens," you shrug, smiling faintly up at Pietro from above. "You were doing what you thought was right. They were doing what they thought was right," you nod to the door, gesturing to the rest of the team.
His lips form a straight line as he steps back. "You should get some rest. Do you want me to get someone else to watch you?"
"You can... can you? Can you stay?" 
He settles back into the armchair, getting comfortable. "Of course."
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dumbawesomev69 · 7 months
Why the Arc's are the breeders of remnants
Jaune was sitting in Ozpin office with team rwby parents along with pyrrha mother all staring at him while on the other side we're team rwby and Pyrrha all with pregnant stomachs.
Ozpin: now Mr arc you know what I called you here.
Jaune: uh to make sure I take responsibility?
Ghira: *try lunging* IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!! *Kail and qrow hold him back* let me go! Let me go!
Kail: No honey I won't let our grand kittens be fatherless!
Ozpin clear his throat as he looks at jaune. "Mr arc please tell me it's just team rwby and miss nikos."
Jaune: well.... I can't lie because...
*door opened*
Glynda (pregnant): sir miss Neon, team ndgo, Reese, may, arslan, Velvet, coco are parents have arrived to talk also I may need paternal leave
Everyone: *slowly to face jaune*
Jaune: well their you go that's everyone.
Glynda: oh I forgot I received a message from Raven, ironwood, Roman and the white fang something about Mr arc take responsibility
Jaune: alright maybe their more.
Willow scrolls rings and she answers. "Yes oh winter I'm just talking to- your what! And Whitley too.
Everyone's eyes widen as jaune gulp as Weiss looks at jaune. "you fuck and impregnate my brother!"
Jaune: I though it was you!
*door slams opened*
Bleiss (pregnant): Guess who's back Bitches!
Jacques: Oh shit not her!
Willow: bleiss! You return! *Hugs her* and your pregnant as well.
Jaune was sweating. "Alright so I think that's everyone."
*Door slams opened again*
Pietro: I just want to talk to him
Penny (pregnant): why do you have a shotgun?
Pietro: I just want to talk to him.
Penny: Dad this is ridiculous.
Pietro: I just want to talk to him.
Penny: put that gun away.
Pietro: I just want to talk to him.
Penny: it's not his fault.
Pietro: I just want to talk to shoot him.
Pietro makes it close to jaune and points his gun. "ALRIGHT SAY YOUR PRAYERS!!"
*Portal opened*
Jessica, vixen and wonder woman walk through each pregnant. "Hey jaune remember that time in the closet well and the training room."
Jaune: alright so I'm pretty thier more to come so let's wait.
*another portal opened*
Salem (pregnant): Hello arc it seems our time together have reunited my old life as a mother which both cinder and Emerald are exited to be a mothers as well.
Jaune: uh so that what dad meant that we Arc's are the breeders of remnants.
Everyone who's pregnant: you think!
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wilkkio · 1 month
Reasons why my dad regrets showing me the X-Men (list of things I did the past 10 years, no chronologically order):
-Spend all my money in comics books
-Said Magneto was my dad (I think he's jealous)
-Named myself Charles for a year
-Dyed my hair like Rogue
-Being obsessed with Cherik
-Talk about Gambit 24 hours a day (yes even in my sleep)
-Called Wolverine "my kitty mweow mweow"
-Made friends with other kids in a camping and told them my name was Lorna
-Dyed my hair green and dressed all in black to be like Lorna
-Read and write fanfictions
-Lied to him and told him Charles and Erik kissed
-Woke him up in the night because I was sad about the Cherik fanfictions I read
-Asked him to correct my grammar in the love letter I wrote for Storm
-Begged him to cosplay Magneto while I cosplayed Wanda (he didn't do it)
-Asked him again to correct my grammar in another letter for Storm where I confessed I was scared of thunder so I didn't think we could be together
-Asked him if we could sue Marvel for not having a movie with Erik, Wanda, Pietro and Lorna being a family
-Wrote the X-Men names on the wall of my bedroom
-Shaved my head and made jokes about becoming irl Professor Xavier
-Wrote Cherik on the wall of my bedroom
-Called my pet fish Rogue and Gambit
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gingiesworld · 9 months
Baby It’s Cold Outside
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings : Slight smut. Angst. Fluff. Afab! Reader
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff
The snow was starting to come down, growing heavier by the minute that passed. Wanda was a panting mess beneath Y/N as they thrust the silicone toy into her aching core.
“I’m gonna…” Wanda screamed as she came down from her high. What only started as a movie marathon turned into something much more.
“Are you ok?” Y/N asked once she had calmed down, all Wanda could do was nod before she looked over at the clock.
“Shit.” She pushed Y/N away from her, scrambling to get her clothes on as Y/N threw on their own. “He is going to be pissed.”
“Come on Wanda, he’ll understand.” They told her as Wanda fixed her hair with her fingers.
“He doesn’t know. No one knows about this.” She told them. “Pietro is cooking dinner and my parents are going to be there.” She looked at her phone, seeing multiple missed calls from her twin. “Fuck.”
“Hey, you can’t leave.” They told her, moving closer as she tried to make sure she had everything.
“This was never meant to happen.” Wanda whispered. “I never meant for this to happen.”
“Hey. It’s ok, just give him a call.” They told her as she looked out of the window.
“I won’t be able to get a cab, not in that.” Wanda told them as they gave her a gentle smile, although their heart broke piece by piece everytime she left.
“Stay here.” They tried as Wanda shook her head.
“You know why I can’t.” She whispered as she squeezed her eyes closed. “I’m sorry.” She started for the door as Y/N remained in their spot, frozen and nervous about what they were going to do.
“I am in love with you Wanda.” They told her, causing Wanda to stop. “I have been for a while now and since then, everytime you walk out through that door breaks my heart, little by little.” She took a shaky breath before she turned to face them. “Please stay here, it’s too cold and dangerous out there.”
“But my family?” She whispered as a tear fell.
“They will understand, your safety will be their first priority.” They stood before her, wiping her tears away before Wanda gazed into their eyes.
“I am in love with you too.” She whispered before Y/N placed a tender kiss on her lips. Y/N led her to their room, urging her to get out of her jeans and into something comfier as they prepared dinner.
“My god Wanda! I have been so worried!!” Her twin exclaimed as he answered the phone.
“I’m ok. I am stuck at Y/N’s.” She informed them. “There’s no cab available and well, it’s not going to be a nice walk.”
“As long as you’re safe. I honestly thought about calling around the local hospitals just in case.” He told her.
“You’re such a mom.” She teased him as he chuckled.
“Well, mama and papa will be here until New Year, so maybe you might be able to make it before they leave.” He suggested as she hummed a yes. “Maybe you can bring Y/N too.” He teased her as she swore at him before the two bid their goodbyes.
“My Gran’s famous sloppy soup.” Y/N exclaimed as Wanda smiled as they brought the bowls in on a tray.
“I’ve missed her soup.” Wanda told them.
“I’ve been meaning to cook it but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, until now.” They told her as the two sat side by side, an old christmas movie playing on the TV as they both conversed about the simple things. Both finally happy to have everything out in the open and honest with each other.
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Caught up.
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Wanda Maximoff x Romanoff fem!reader.
A/N: Hey guys, it’s been a while, thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy this new piece and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Translations: “Solnyshka.” Sunshine.
“Milaya.” Darling.
“Detka.” Baby.
“Sestra.” Sister.
Word count: 2,452.
You were lounging in your bed texting your girlfriend when a knock on your door stops you from replying.
“Y/N?” Your mother Melina calls out from the other side of the door.
“Come in,” you say, sitting up in bed as you set your phone to the side, your mom walking into your room.
“Solnyshka, I’m going to step out real quick to get some groceries, it’ll take an hour at the most, did you need anything?” Melina asks.
“No, mama, I’m good,” you smile, “did you want some company?” You ask, wishing to every deity that your mother says no, beaming internally when she shakes her head.
“No, it’s fine milaya, you stay here, I’ll see you in a bit,” Melina says as she turns to walk out of your room.
“Okay mama, be safe!” You exclaim as she shuts your door.
Grabbing your phone immediately, you send a text to Wanda.
“How fast can you make it to my house?” You ask, receiving a response mere seconds later.
“I think in about 25 minutes.”
“I’m home alone.” You text back.
“Be there in 15.”
Is the response you get and you beam giddily.
Getting up from your bed, you go to your bathroom to freshen up, pacing around your room once you’re done as you wait for Wanda, checking the time constantly.
It’s about 20 minutes later when you hear a knock on your door that you descend the stairs hurriedly.
Opening the door to reveal a stunning Wanda, dressed in a simple white shirt and blue jeans.
“That was longer than 15 minutes, love,” you say as you pull Wanda into your house by the hand, locking the door behind her.
“I know, I know, it’s just Pietro was being an idiot and not letting me leave, I had to bribe him so he could let me go,” your girlfriend says as you pull her in by the waist.
“What’d he do now?” You ask with a chuckle and Wanda shakes her head.
“I’ll tell you later,” she says, as she wraps her arms around your neck, leaning up slightly to connect her lips with yours in a passionate kiss.
As you stand in the foyer of your house making out, you push Wanda up against the wall and slot your leg between hers, causing a moan to slip past her lips.
“Oh god, detka,” she moans against your ear, rolling her hips slightly to increase the friction as you kiss her neck, “let’s take this up to your room,” she breathes as you nod, pulling away and leading her up the stairs.
When you make it to your room you and Wanda immediately seek each other out, your hands groping at Wanda’s breasts from outside her shirt.
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you whisper as you take the fabric into your hands and pull with desperation, the shirt ripping almost instantly.
“Oh come on, was it absolutely necessary to rip my shirt, detka?” Wanda asks in frustration as she stares at the garment in her hands.
“To get you into bed faster? Yes and I’m sorry if you liked that shirt, but it’s done, now come on, get over here,” you groan in exasperation as you sit on your bed.
“Okay, hold your horses, I’m coming,” Wanda sighs, as she walks towards your dresser to set her shirt down.
“Oh baby, you will be,” you smirk and the brunette rolls her eyes albeit with a smile.
As you watch your girlfriend take a little too long for your liking, you stand up from your bed clad in some shorts and a bra and grab her from behind, turning her around to face you to kiss her passionately.
“God, I missed you,” you whisper against her lips.
“Mmm, I missed you too baby,” Wanda mutters against your lips too, as your hands make their way down to unbutton her jeans. Trying to take them off but pulling away in frustration when you notice they’re a bit tighter than you thought.
“Okay, new rule, when you come over, wear some sweats or something that’s easy to take off, alright? These things are so tight it’s impossible to get them past your hips,” you say with a groan as you finally slide them off Wanda, “don’t get me wrong they do wonders for your ass, but right now we’re limited on time, my mom said she was just getting groceries,” you say as Wanda nods.
“Sure, yeah, okay baby, whatever you say,” the brunette says as she quickly attaches her lips to yours. Slowly guiding you towards your bed.
Once near your bed, Wanda pushes you down softly and you both climb in, your girlfriend straddling you as your hands are placed on Wanda’s ass. Things getting heated rather quickly, when suddenly your door bursts open.
“Hey Y/N! We’re back from- holy shit, I- oh my god, I’m so sorry,” a voice says, causing you and Wanda to pull apart immediately, as you grab a blanket to cover your semi-naked girlfriend.
“Yelena!” You exclaim in surprise, watching as your sister turns around and covers her eyes, “oh god,” you groan in embarrassment, “hey Yel, fuck. Could you uh, give us a second? We’ll be right down,” you rush out as your sister nods her head and walks out of your room, door slamming behind her.
“I’m sorry, did I just hear you say Yelena?” Wanda begins, “as in your sister Yelena?” Wanda states rather than questions.
You wince slightly, “yeah, my sister Yelena,” you say cautiously.
“Damn it, Y/N! This was so not how I wanted to meet one of your siblings! I-I can’t show my face here ever again,” Wanda says as she gets off your bed and begins putting her jeans on, “I’m not even walking out the front door, no, nope. Your room isn't too far off the ground, I’ll just jump out the window,” your girlfriend rambles as she opens your window, “Pietro’s an idiot, if he can do it so can I, I’m definitely more coordinated than he is,” she mumbles to herself.
“Wanda, hey,” you begin, chuckling as you see your girlfriend mumble to herself, debating if she should go out the window, the sight much more humorous as you realize she’s in just her bra and jeans. “Max!” You exclaim, as you approach the brunette and lift her off the ground, pulling her to the middle of your room, “you’re not going out the window. It’s okay,” you say as your girlfriend puts her face in her hands.
“No, it’s not,” Wanda begins, “what if she tells your parents?” The brunette says, paling slightly.
“Babe,” you begin, pulling at her hands and holding them, “babe, relax. If anything she’ll probably tell Nat just to tease me, but they won’t tell my parents, I promise. Plus, I have dirt on them too, so we can get dirty and make it even or we just drop it,” you say, shrugging as if it’s not a big deal.
“But detka, how am I supposed to meet them after this? I mean you literally ripped my shirt, and your sister, she saw me half naked, it’s so embarrassing!” Wanda exclaims in nervousness.
“I’ll lend you a hoodie and I promise, it won’t be that bad,” you say in an effort to comfort your girlfriend.
“You’re so lucky that I like you Romanoff,” your girlfriend grumbles as you hand her a hoodie.
“I like you too,” you beam, smiling widely, pulling Wanda in by the waist as you see her standing in your sweater. “Also, seeing you in my clothes is so hot and if Yelena hadn’t interrupted we’d totally be finishing what we started,” you say, peppering kisses on Wanda’s jaw and neck.
“Baby, stop,” the brunette begins, groaning softly. “What if Yelena comes back to look for us? Or worse what if it’s your parents,” Wanda questions, placing her hands on your shoulders, but making no real effort to push you off.
“I already told Yelena I’m going down so they won’t come up here, we’re good,” you say as you connect your lips to Wanda’s.
As you’re standing in the middle of your room making out with your girlfriend, your hands begin to wander and as your hands firmly squeeze Wanda’s ass the brunette pulls away abruptly as she remembers what happened mere minutes ago, “okay, we really need to stop,” she says, breathing affectedly, “let’s just get down there and get this over with,” Wanda says nervously.
Smiling slightly at your girlfriend’s nervousness you say, “Max, relax, nothing bad is going to happen. We’ve got this,” and Wanda nods, running a hand through her hair to tame it.
Grabbing the brunette’s hand, you give it a light squeeze before descending the stairs and making it to the living room where your family is at.
“Dad!” You exclaim once you’re in front of your father, letting go of Wanda’s hand as you embrace him, your girlfriend standing awkwardly to the side watching the small family reunion. “Yelena,” you smile, walking towards the blonde and hugging her as well. “Natty,” you smirk, embracing your older sister, the redhead whispering something in your ear that has you pulling back immediately, cheeks bright red. “Really Yel, you couldn’t give me five minutes to explain?” You groan, embarrassed by your sister's antics. “Whatever, anyway, guys, this is Wanda Maximoff, my girlfriend. Max, this is my dad Alexei, and my sisters Natasha and Yelena,” you say introducing Wanda with a cheesy smile, hand outstretched towards the brunette to pull her in.
Once near your family Wanda shyly waves introducing herself, “hi, Mr. Romanoff, I’m Wanda, pleasure to finally meet you,” she says, shaking your father’s hand.
“Oh wonderful,” the tall man booms, hands clapping loudly in front of him, “finally a face to the name, my Melina here has told me a lot about you. About the wonderful girl that has stolen my precious baby girl’s heart,” he says and you groan in embarrassment, blush deepening as Wanda looks at you with a beaming smile. “Pleasure to meet you too and please call me Alexei,” your father smiles, Wanda nodding before she moves on to Natasha.
“Hello Natasha, your sister has told me a lot about you, nice to finally meet you,” Wanda smiles, extending her hand once again to shake your sister’s.
“I can see why, the kid idolizes me, I’m the better Romanoff, of course she’s going to brag on my behalf,” the redhead smirks and you roll your eyes as Wanda laughs.
“Dream on red,” you say and Natasha laughs.
“Anyway, nice to meet you Wanda also you can call me Nat,” your older sister smiles as your girlfriend nods, moving down to greet your other sister, “uh, hi Yelena,” Wanda greets, coughing in embarrassment as she sticks her hand out, eyes glancing around in nervousness.
“Wanda,” Yelena responds with a smirk, shaking your girlfriend’s hand.
“So how long have you girls been together? Tell me everything, how did you two meet, have you said I love you, come on, give me all the details, spill,” your father says as he sits on the couch, elbows on his knees as his chin rests on his palms, the sight quite comical causing you to let out a chuckle.
“Well we met at school, we sat next to each other and things started progressing from there, we’ve been dating for 4 months, just a bit before you guys left for Russia,” you say before you are cut off by Yelena whispering.
“Damn, you guys move fast,” causing you to clamp your hand over her mouth as Natasha laughs.
“Uh, you know what dad, I’ll tell you all the details later, us girls are going to catch up real quick,” you say, giving your father no time to actually answer before you’re pulling your sister away.
As you make it to your backyard you pull your hand off Yelena’s mouth and say, “you guys are little shits you know that right?” Your sisters laughing at your exasperated expression.
“I’m sorry sestra, but it’s just so funny seeing you all flustered,” Yelena laughs, “you’re usually so calm and collected, it’s fun to tease you and finally have something against you,” the blonde smirks.
“What? What do you mean calm and collected, what are you even talking about?” You ask, confusion written all over your features.
“Well you know. Remember how we used to pick up girls, you'd get them every time with your game because you’d be so cool about it,” Yelena shrugs and your eyes go wide as your mouth goes agape as you turn to face your slightly angry girlfriend.
“W-what? What, no, I never picked up any girls, Yelena what the hell. Babe I promise, I didn’t pick up any girls,” you tell Wanda as she tilts her head and raises an eyebrow causing your sister to let out a loud laugh.
“No she didn’t, she really didn’t,” Yelena laughs, doubling over slightly, “but oh my god, this is so great, look at her get all weird.”
“Yeah, this is definitely going to be great,” Natasha finally joins in.
“Hey! Start shit Natty and I’ll get you when you’re with Maria and you won’t even know what hit you!” You warn as Wanda looks at all three of you.
“Hey, leave Maria out of this! It’s not my fault you brought your girlfriend here to do the nasty and got caught half naked, do better next time,” Natasha says and Yelena laughs.
“Oh yeah, keep laughing over there Giggles McGee, but when I embarrass you in front of Kate you won’t be thinking this is so funny,” you say, before a full blown argument ensues between you and your sisters.
Causing Wanda to stare at the three of you in shock.
“Okay, hey. Hey! Baby, that’s enough,” Wanda exclaims, causing you and your sisters to stop fighting immediately, “why don’t we get to know each other a bit more, yeah?” The brunette proposes as she sees you chokehold Yelena, while Natasha is on your back doing the same to you, “let’s get to know each other before you kill one another.”
You nod your head, “yeah, okay, I like the sound of that,” you say, letting go of Yelena as Nat jumps off your back, “let’s take a seat and talk,” you say and the women all nod.
“Yeah, yeah that sounds great,” Wanda nods, grabbing your hand.
As you make it to a small seating area in your backyard Yelena turns to look at Wanda with a smirk and says, “oh Wanda, welcome to the family.”
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dorabledewdroop · 7 months
The White Healer Chapter 3
Summary: Reader is introduced to the avengers and is in for a delightful surprise.
Warnings: Slight Smut. Anxiety.
Series Masterlist
You weren’t entirely certain who was fussing over you more, Natasha or Wanda. Both seemed to have a difference in opinion when it came to what you should wear. Natasha suggested some fitting jeans and a crop top while Wanda was suggesting some denim shorts and an off-shoulder cardigan. To be honest, neither appealed to you much seeing as you’d be leaving shortly.. The thought saddened you for some reason. You had only spent maybe half an hour with everyone (half of which was with the two in front of you. Not that you were complaining), yet you knew you wanted to spend more time with them. Sighing you stood up from the bed. Both stopped arguing and looked at you inquisitively.
“So, which one do you like more?” Wanda asked eagerly.
“Yeah, whose style is better?” Natasha challenged.
Rolling your eyes you walked past both of them and picked out a simple T-shirt and sweatpants and walked into the bathroom to change. Opting to look in the opposite direction of the mirror, you changed and folded the scrubs neatly. Deciding to put them in the laundry basket. You stepped out and faltered when you saw both of them glaring at you.
Why is that so fucking hot- No. NO. y/n control yourself. You are not going down that road. You-
“I have to say, you could’ve done better” Natasha said.
“It’s the comfiest option. Besides, I’ll be mail these back to you the moment I get home” you said placatingly.
The two glanced at each other, then looked back at you.
“Y/N I-“
A loud knock interrupted whatever Wanda was going to say.
“Are you girls done playing dress up? The food is here already” You heard Pietro yell from outside the room.
Huffing and calling her brother some colourful names in Sokovian, Wanda started towards the door, you and Natasha just behind her.
The conversation seemed to stop abruptly the moment you entered the room. All eyes on you once again. You were considering apologising for existing and leave when you felt a soft hand on your lower back. You instinctively knew it was Wanda’s and you resisted the urge to lean into her hand. Seriously, what was wrong with you? You’ve never acted that way with anyone.
Taking a deep breath, you steeled your nerves and sat at one end of the table. It seemed a little odd as everyone was more on the opposite side but you didn’t know whom to sit next to. The next thing you new Wanda and Natasha had sit down on either side of you. Something you were extremely grateful for.
“Right. So.. um.. Let’s eat?” Steve suggested. 
Immediately everyone opened up the tower of pizza boxes and grabbed a slice. You prayed they had a vegetarian option because all you could see was pepperoni other meaty options. Without hesitation, Wanda passed you a plate with a slice of plain cheese pizza.
“Thank you. It’s like you read my mind” You said off-handedly as you took the plate.
Pietro choked on his bite and Nat patted his back with a smirk on her face.
Thor looked at you in question as he shoved two slices into his mouth simultaneously.
You simply shrugged and stated by how you were vegetarian. Tony froze and immediately spoke out loud “FRIDAY please remember that y/n is a vegetarian”
You looked at him quizzically. Why would it matter-
“Understood boss.” Came a female voice from somewhere.
You stopped mid bite and looked up at the ceiling.
“God?” You wondered out loud.
“Yes?” Thor replied immediately.
Everyone burst out into laughter as you chuckled, completely embarrassed.
“That’s Tony’s AI, ‘Friday’. Anything you need, it can help you do” Bruce stated.
Your eyes widened.
“AI? Like Artificial Intelligence? Like genuine artificial intelligence” You asked.
Confused, Bruce nodded.
You gasped, turned to Tony who was just as confused as Bruce was.
“Oh my god that’s amazing. You could use the AI’s interface as an introductory step to the analysis of anything and everything?? Or you could connect it to modern appliances and provide a level of comfort for those with disabilities?? Or you could use it to efficiently calculate the resources required to provide food to the population? Or- um.. Never mind. Sorry” You shrank in your seat. 
Once again, all eyes were on you as you had finished your rant.
“That.. um.. Yeah. We could use it for that.” Tony said, looking a little sheepish. “But at the moment we’re.. um.. using it-“
“we’re using it to order dinner” Bruce finished, looking equally sheepish.
You just stared at them. Of all the possible ways a successful AI could help this world.. They used it to.. order takeout?
Steve cleared his throat.
“Anyway” he started “Clint told us that during the fight in Sokovia, you had healed the injured?”
You shifted your gaze from Tony to Steve and nodded, confused.
“Would it be okay if we ask you a little about it? Just the extent of your abilities?” He inquired
Nodding once again, you prepared yourself for the upcoming conversation.
“Could you tell us a little about your abilities?” Natasha asked gently.
Clearing your throat, you began “So my abilities are essentially healing. I can heal anything and everything. Short of death? I think? I’m not sure. I’ve never tried. It feels a little disrespectful to go against the natural order of things. It’s not limited to humans, I can heal animals, plants (kind of?). It doesn’t matter how severe the injury is. If you lose an arm, I can heal you so it grows back. If you’re shot, I’ll heal you and the bullets just.. pop out of your body. And um, I can heal myself too? No matter what injury it is, I can heal it. Anything with a soul, I can heal.”
Everyone looked at you impressed, Clint and Pietro merely nodded along already having witnessed it first hand.
“What about gods? Could you heal us?” Thor inquired.
You nodded.
“I’ve never tried to heal a god, but I can heal anything with a soul” you said
“That settles it” Tony said, standing up and walking towards you. “Welcome to the Avengers.”
Your eyes widened.
“Um what? No. I can’t- join the avengers?? I- I have work to do? I’m a- a bartender?” You stammered.
Tony looked at you unimpressed. “We’ll pay you. Your starting salary can be $300k per yea-“
“I’m in” you said determined, causing everyone to burst into laughter. You smiled sheepishly.
Everyone started get up as soon as they realised the matter was settled. Some said they were heading to the game room, while other’s said they’d workout. Everyone made sure to welcome you to the avengers and patted your shoulder as they filed out.
Pietro’s eyes lit up as he had an idea.
“Let me show you to your room, y/n” He said
Wanda and Natasha shot up. Wanda put her hand on your shoulder.
“That’s alright Piet.” She said. “We’ll show her to her new room”
Smirking, Pietro raised his hands in surrender and disappeared.
Your stood up startled.
“Did he just? Teleport? I remember seeing him vanish in Sokovia too” you asked as you followed Wanda and Natasha towards the living quarters.
Natasha chuckled “No, he has an increased metabolism and an improved thermal homeostasis”
You squealed excitedly, “So he’s fast as fuck then. Wow, I wonder what it would feel like to move around while time almost stands still”
Wanda looked at you in surprise.
Your gaze shifted from Natasha to her and you asked whether Wanda had any abilities.
Natasha briefly looked at Wanda and looked away. Wanda on the other hand looked almost guilty or afraid. Seeing her hesitation you quickly assured her that she didn’t have to tell you if she wasn’t comfortable.
“No it’s not that. I just.. don’t want you to by scared of me” She said, not meeting your eye.
By now the three of you had entered your new room but you weren’t paying any attention to that. Your attention was solely on the gorgeous brunette in front of you.
“I highly doubt anything about you would scare me, Wands” you said softly. 
Her head shot up at you and blushed slightly at the nickname. You took her hands in yours and encouraged her. She took a deep breath and started. 
“I can move t.hings with my mind. I can also read minds and control them if I want.” She said. She waited for the rejection that never came. All you did was rub her knuckles gently. 
She looked at you confused. Were you not upset? Weren’t you scared of her?
“I don’t want to ruin the moment but that’s incredibly fucking cool” you said softly. Your tone not matching what you said.
Natasha huffed out a laugh. Wanda, however, was not convinced.
“I- I did things. I hurt the team. I wanted to hurt them.” She started.
You just smiled.
“You’ve more than made up for it, I think” you said.
Natasha smiled at the interaction, nodding in agreement.
“And hey, you’re more than welcome in my mind anytime” You said, bumping shoulders with her.
Wanda frowned. “Are you sure? Aren’t you scared that I’ll read your mind? That I’ll control it or make you see things” she asked.
You shook your head.
“I know I’ve only known both of you for half a day but I already trust you with my life” You said simply.
“Thank you” Wanda whispered. “That means a lot to me”
You brought her in for a hug. She immediately relaxed. She smelled like vanilla. It was incredibly comforting. Eventually, you turned to Natasha, motioning her to join the hug. She rolled her eyes but joined the hug.
“You’re aware I was raised as an assasssin, right?” She said pointedly.
You just hugged the both of them tighter.
“Y’all are so fucking cool” You mumbled to yourself.
A while later, much to your disappointment, they bid farewell as they wanted to get ready for some team building exercises. Something you were apparently invited to. Nodding said bye.
As soon as the two of them stepped out they held hands.
“That woman sure is something” Natasha said with a content sigh.
Wanda giggled and nodded her head. Natasha raised her eyebrow.
“Got something to say Wands” she teased
Wanda in turn shoved her rolling her eyes.
“Nothing to say, princess” Wanda retorted.
Narrowing her eyes, Natasha grabbed Wanda’s arm and shoved her into the wall. Wanda’s breath hitched at the action. Causing Natasha to smirk and step closer until their noses were touching.
“Careful what you say, detka. Don’t forget whose in charge” Natasha husked out, slotting her leg between Wanda’s thighs.
Wanda whimpered and crashed her lips into Natasha’s. Natasha, in turn, bit Wanda’s lower lip causing wanda to gasp. Allowing Natasha to put her tongue in Wanda’s mouth. A soft moan left Wanda’s throat as she fisted Natasha’s t-shirt. Heat starting to pool in Wanda’s belly.
“Shhh kotenok. We don’t want y/n to hear how much of a slut you are, do you” Natasha whispered right next to Wanda’s ear, biting the lobe gently. Wanda shivered in return. Not realising that she had already started to rub her core against Natasha’s thigh, pleasure slowly made it’s way up Wanda’s body. Before they could go any further, your door opened.
“Oh by the way could someone show me where the team building activity is-“ You stopped in your tracks as you looked at what was going on. Wanda was breathing heavy, looking absolutely delicious. Your eyes widened and you backed up into your room and slammed your door shut after letting out an apology.
Wanda came to her senses and shoved her hand onto her face. Natasha on the other hand just chuckled.
“Guess the cat’s out of the bad” She said. “Come on, lets go somewhere where I can take care of you”
Wanda gulped and nodded. While she was embarrassed, she was also extremely turned on at the thought of you watching what happened. Grabbing Nat’s hand she dragged her to her room to finish what Nat had started.
In your room you were absolutely flustered. Your arousal at an all time high. Seeing those two in that position was exactly what worked for you. You fell into your bed. Unable to help yourself, your hands roamed your body, Touching yourself in places that felt oh so good.
These two were going to be the death of you
@marvelwomen-simp @nothanksbye07 @jono723 @luadyjcmd @alexawynters
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howi99 · 4 days
Project ARC remake 17
Jaune: *waking up, feeling bad* Urgh, my head... *Looking around, seeing nobody* Where... Am i? *Get up from the medical bed he was in* Was i sick? *The headache intensifies* Jackalope! Why is my head killing me!? *See a scroll on a table* I should call big sis, she probably knows what's going on. *Take the scroll* ... They really make scrolls smaller and smaller. *He opens it* Uh, Jaune Arc? Funny, he looks just like me, but older. *He goes to enter Glynda's number, but see that it is already registered* Ah, she probably gave him her information. Make sense.
Glynda: *sleeping as peacefully as a 27yo overworked woman can*
Scroll: *begin to vibrate*
Glynda: ...
Scroll: *continue vibrating*
Glynda: ... *Sigh* I swear, if it's Qrow asking me to bail him out AGAIN, i'm going to murder him. *Take the scroll, angry* What!?
Scroll: *startled* B-big sis? Do you know where i am? I just woke up in a hospital bed. The last thing i remember was you going for your first mission in solo. How did it goes?
Glynda: *not feeling well* Whu?
Scroll: Hello? Are you there?
Glynda: *croaking her answer* Y-yes, i'm here.
Scroll: *worriedly* Gee sis, you sound horrible. Have you drank enough water? *Sounds of a smack* i'm an idiot, it's the middle of the night! Anyway, i just want to know where i was and-
Glynda: *already dressing herself up* D-don't move! I'll b-be there in 5 minutes!
Scroll: Ok, but could you bring something for my head? I got a terrible headache.
Glynda: *taking her own Tylenol and putting the entire box in her purse* Of course! Just stay right there!
Watts: *looking at Jaune monitor* His aura meter....
Pietro: *also looking at the monitor* he regained 15 percent of it in a flash, he's now at 85. Do you know what might have caused that?
Watts: ... His old memories might have been unlocked.
Pietro: You mean...?
Watts: *sigh* During the extraction process, the memory of their past life is blocked from interfering with the new identity.
Pietro: If i may ask why?
Watts: Pietro, the reason i seal their memories isn't because i want to. Memories are bound to the body, and if that body changes? Well, they might become unstable.
Pietro: Is this why you preferred putting them in a body reassembling what they should look like? And making them "age"?
Watts: In a sense, yes. It's a "in case". Because when they do remember their own death, their's a high probability for their mind to break.
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