#yes i am tagging some ppl already tagged for the numbers
marinsawakening · 7 months
[Timmy Turner voice] I wish every Links Meet AU that uses Marin as a phantom to haunt and traumatize Link goes to hell no matter what
#No I am not vaguing any specific links meet au bc ive already seen four different ones that do this#Fun Fact! You can give ALTTP!Link different character conflict!#That doesn't butcher the themes and ending of one of the games!#And reduce a female character and arguably LOZ's first complex character to a flat source for man angst#Marin would murder Link if she found out he was remembering her and Koholint in trauma and tragedy#Rather than treasuring its memory and celebrating its existence#GENUINELY framing Link as wildly traumatized by the events of Link's Awakening the way so many ppl do#Completely destroys all thematic coherence in the game's ending and makes it wildly unsatisfying#Yes Koholint disappearing was sad. No Link did not kill an island no it would not haunt him like a ghost#It's a treasured memory and a net positive experience! I have OPINIONS on this and I'm CORRECT#And I'm calling out Links Meet AUs specifically bc those are the biggest offenders#Of stripping everyone else of depth and focus for the sake of white boy Link#If ur lucky then Zelda still has character depth but everyone else* is shit out of luck basically#*Exceptions apply ofc#Lots of stuff that's not links meet aus also interprets Marin in ways I don't personally like#I am picky#Some of which I'd argue are just. Bad.#But at least they often make an effort with her character#Links Meet AUs are the Link Only Show tho and I'm ANNOYED bc I WANT TO LIKE THEM#I AM A SUCKER FOR MULTIVERSE SHIT. U DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH THIS PAINS ME#Anyway. L + ratio + you did not consider the thematic implications of ur fanproject and it annoys me :(#My posts#Loz#Link's awakening#update when i first made this post i was genuinely not intending to single out any specific links meet aus#however i have since crunched the numbers and two thirds of the marin tag on ao3 is linked universe#and i would like to make it clear. i have no real issue with the actual comic or its portrayal of marin#mostly bc marin has not actually appeared or been addressed in the actual comic at all#however i do hope the linked universe FANDOM goes to hell no matter what
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gravesung · 19 days
*  ANSWER  TWENTY - ONE  QUESTIONS  ! some questions may be ‘ ??? ‘ instead of answered.
01.    NICKNAME  :  raine 02.    REAL  NAME  : emma 03.    ZODIAC  : gemini 04.    HEIGHT  : 5′9′’ 05.    WHAT  TIME  IS  IT  ?  : 10:54 am. 06.    FAVOURITE  MUSICIANS  /  GROUPS  :  lately it's been hoz.ier, air traffic controller, hal.sey (thanks hol), brick + mortar, the neighbourhood, zack hemsey (underrated, listen to him), and then just 100000 other artists that i only know 1-2 songs by because of character playlists 07.    FAVOURITE  SPORTS  TEAM  : uhh hh h (sweats) the sportsball sportsballers (nodding. i'm so cool and know a single thing about sp 08.    OTHER  BLOGS  :  @/huntershowl, my main blog! beloved oc, writing whom has changed my life in so many ways! also elizabeth bioshock at @/cewyll but the activity there is super low rn. she sleebin. once dragon age comes out she'll wake back up 09.    DO  I  GET  ASKS  ?  : HAHA. (TAKES A LOGN DRAG OF A CIGARETTE) bOY DO I MISS GETTING NICE ONES 10.    HOW  MANY  BLOGS  DO  I  FOLLOW  ?  : 133 (wow? goddamn) 11.    ANY  TUMBLR  CRUSHES  :  oo. i haven't been here super long (since The Resurgence at least) & pre-anime boy takeover this blog was more just a friends-only sandbox zone, so i don't do a lot of outreach still. —but also, who are we kidding, yes 100%: @vzmky's geto portrayal & art has me in shambles. same goes for @brazenlystrong, ur art and portrayal is so [chef kiss]??? (& lbr you two are a package deal SDHSKJDH) —@sasouken we've only written together a little bit so far, but i'm already like !!! EEE whenever i see a message or reply from u. such an honor honestly. —also silly but needs to be said, despite literally being mains @chaoslulled is STILL fuckin awe inspiring in every way. i still get a little thrill when i see ur replies AND I DO STILL READ EVERY ONE THREE TIMES 12.    LUCKY  NUMBER  : 4 (thanks artemis fowl) 13.    WHAT  AM  I  WEARING  RIGHT  NOW  : pjs... though im about to change into some kinda cuteass fall outfit for a walk outside & the gym 14.    DREAM  VACATION  : prollyyyyyy italy to visit mine papá... although tokyo & amsterdam sound very fun too i just love cities 15.    DREAM  CAR  : a solid public transport system 16.    FAVOURITE  FOOD  :  curry. any kind of curry 17.    DRINK  OF  CHOICE  : coffee (flat cappuccino or just drip w/ cream), spicy black teas (dont get me started ill talk forever), or if we're talking alcohol, i always gravitate toward floral gin drinks 18.    LANGUAGES  :  english but i am learning welsh for fun. at some point i GOTTA start learning italian but i'm putting it off because i'm lazy 19.    INSTRUMENTS  :  cello & piano, a ttteeeeeeeny bit of guitar, took vocal lessons for a while, but honestly cello is my main bitch forever and ever 20.    CELEBRITY  CRUSHES  :  c.ate blanchett, d.aniel henney, k.eanu reeves, j.anelle monae, k.ing princess, uhhh kaoru kobayashi has real hot scarred dad vibes in midnight diner (this answer has not changed since 2019 when i last did it) 21.    RANDOM  FACT  : i just started an art mentorship!! gonna be commissioned a custom mural (themed on isolation, there will be hellhound & lighthouse themes involved most likely lbr) & later this fall, doing some inking for a mecha comic under guidance of a local artist i admire so much. it's gonna take an entire year but i'm so excited about it, especially because i want to eventually make my own webcomic/GN about mx houndcreature eventually (soonish) 
TAGGED   BY  :  thiefed it.
TAGGING  :  y'all know by now that i barely have enough confidence to tag the earlier ppl. THIEF IT. TAG ME SO I CAN SEE. but also @tewwor because you tagged me in this 5 yrs ago
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ashsostrange · 1 year
hey y'all so i wasn't initially planning on talking about what rashad posted earlier today bc it's literally all bullshit, but i might as well! i’m not actually tripping over anything that’s going on. if anything, i’ve been laughing my ass off all day at this foolishness.
this is gna be long as hell, so don't even grab popcorn, i suggest a five course meal.
for some background, rashad became mutuals w this girl. right off bat, he’s making hella race jokes ab this girl being white. i b doing the same, but with my FRIENDS. people i am CLOSE WITH. and i don’t over do it because that’s lame and annoying. anyway, she eventually stated that she was uncomfortable and rashad blamed his behavior on the fact that he was on pain meds. she eventually blocked him and told one of her mutuals, and to rashad, that’s her “spreading rumors” about him. he did the most on his page and in ppls inboxes crying and complaining, saying he was gna eat glass and shit.
so now let’s look at his fuckass post:
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number one, how can a rumor be started about you if nobody.. knows you? like, you are not a celebrity. nobody talks about you. and nobody was talking about you “being on drugs” other than the girl you made uncomfortable and her two mutuals. i know you send yourself anons too. you make it seems like anyone actually cares about your “hot takes” for some strange reason. don’t even try to deny it, bc there’s no way you’re getting more anon msgs than my friends with larger platforms than yours.
you’re also messier than a mf, sending your own mutuals anon msgs. me and lia know you were the one sending her anon msgs bc she blocked you, and you know it too! talking ab how her username is “corny” then reblogging the posts of her clocking your ass??? acting like it wasn’t YOU.
you tried to turn two writers who were already arguing against each other even more. we sat there and defended your ass even though you were the anon the entireeee time. you made a post saying “war has begun” to try and get us to attack bree’s friend. your weird ass stayed in that girl’s inbox after i told you to block her instead of doing the most. you’re lame and you’re bored.
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it doesn't matter if you tagged her or not, you still said it. sliding into sb's inbox and telling 'em you're going to eat glass bc you made someone else uncomfortable is ABSURD. it doesn't matter if it isn't my drama, if i see bs ima say something, and there isn't a thing in the world you can do about it. your "rants" are a form of guilt tripping/manipulation. you're trying to victimize yourself and make us feel bad for you. well, we do not! i checked you once on discord. you said thank you. you said you were going to make an apology, but in that same “apology”, tried to justify your actions. i clocked that and unmutualed you. you then went to lia talking ab some "tell ash i said thanks for checking me" nd now you switched up. your thanks was revoked. all of a sudden, you're the victim again. all of a sudden, i’m ableist?? okayyyy niggaaaaaa 👎 boooo
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you say you're "blocking me for your safety" when i wasn't even planning on talking ab your lame ass again. i won't baby you about your behavior because you're not a goddamn baby! and yes, you CANNOT be the victim every time. you bitch and whine on your page when you get into it with somebody, and unless we're defending you, you don't want us getting involved! it doesn't work like that. nobody else was calling you out, so me n my girls did.
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idk why my name stays steady coming out of your mouth. my "daily activities" that i "broadcast" are what i ate for lunch/dinner and complaining about school. you run your mouth about all sorts of mess. you put every aspect of your life on your blog. we are not the same, so don't even try to make it seem that way. the people on my blog that i don't talk to outside of tumblr don't know everything about me. you cry in people's inboxes unwarranted and say explicit shit with tw's in your TAGS. i'll say what we're all thinking, NOBODY IS TRYNA SEE ALL THAT!!! coming from someone who struggles with mental health, venting on tumblr will not do anything for you. these people are not licensed professionals. invest in a diary, don't you have a boyfriend to vent to?
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you are quite literally the only one looking for drama. we never defended that girl bc we don't know her.. we know you though. and you were venting about catty, but i never said ALWAYS, so don't lie in my face like i'm stupid bc i'm not. ion know what you thought you were doing with the last part, but god bless.
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i am a good person my nigga, i don't need confirmation! i know who i am. if you're debating suicide because you're confused about something, you just need to get off the mf internet bro. it’s never that serious. you're not gna sit here and tell me you were debating suicide bc me n my girls put you in your place. you made your own mental worse by refusing to take accountability.
he also made an edit saying he has nowhere else to go… if you have nowhere else to go, then i'd be happy to buy you a damn journal so you can write in there and leave the rest of us the hell alone. and there isn't shit to be sorry about bc you're not putting jack shit on me, all of it is on you. you wna be everything but wrong. 🚶‍♀️should’ve just kept it cute and kept it quiet.
allat being said, good riddance, r*shad. leave me and everybody else alone! and if you fw him, then there’s the door 👉🚪 good riddance to you too.
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
got tagged by @albonoooo !! thank u <3
what colour are your eyes?: i have (very mild) heterochromia!! they’re mostly green but my left eye has a little brown stripe :) i guess u could call them hazel (or at least the left one) my mom certainly did for ages idk picture below u decide
(cont under the cut)
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tell me about your pets/your dream pet: i (well. my family) have an orange cat and a porgi (pitbull corgi mix [he’s really just a mutt but we’re like 95% sure he’s got corgi in him somehow]). they are the lights of my life and also the goofiest lookin mfs. i’ve posted pics of my cat before but my dog is like. really distinct looking (see: porgi) but i love him so much … ask me for photos of him n u shall receive…
my apartment is pet free unfortunately. but also taking care of another whole ass being is A Lot so. i’m very chill w not having my own rn
share some interesting fact about yourself: i went to a spanish speaking daycare when i was really young (like toddler aged) and then when i was like 7 i invented my own language (as one does) and half the words were just. spanish. my parents spent ages trying to convince me that i did not just come up w the word espagnol . i swear to god. and i was a stubborn know it all kid and i wasn’t gonna believe them on anything without irrefutable proof (and how do u prove that??) so their efforts were largely fruitless LOL
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: for SURE harry potter. 9 year old me had unsupervised internet access and went craaazy
do you have any phobias?: hm. i Really Really Really don’t like things going near my eyes. it was wayyy worse before i started wearing contacts. like someone waving their hands around within three feet of me would freak me out. i do still get like. inescapable visions of pencils being waved around and accidentally put in my eye when i think abt it/when ppl wave pencils around that i have to physically shake out of
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: YES! texture issues my beloathed… i DESPISE melted cheese. blergh. bad bad vibes. and other funky textured cheeses… i literally just physically shuddered.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: i consciously choose to eat burger first to get protein in. and THEN fries. if burger too hot then i get to eat two (must be even number) fries at a time until it cools enough to eat
winter or summer: summer <3 i love the beach i love the sun i love 6am runs where it’s already 75° i love swimming i love fun festivals. but also summer is a mindset . if it’s 65° in march im walking around in shorts and a tank top and sitting in the sun the entire day
favourite fanfiction tropes: oh gosh… best friends to lovers… idk i read it all baby. also gonna be honest the f1 interpretations of a/b/o are FASCINATING!!! and have really increased the draw by Far for me
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: working! i am a silly little analyst
what is the last country you visited: canada in june to get drunk by the lake for a week <3
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: france… maybe not. but also maybe yeah. idk i don’t have any other strong connections to places, u kno? and i’d like to travel (fingers crossed i Can retire at an age where i can still travel easily lol)
who was your first crush?: gene kelly in singin in the rain and on the town… formative movies for 3y/o me
how did you get into f1 fandom?: web weavings on tumblr + like three random instagram reels (the mclaren wavelength video being the only one i remember lol) + the empty hole unemployment left me with inside = instant obsession
no pressure tag…. @oscarpiastriwdc @ocontraire @crimsonicarus @lafaerie @mecachrome
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macrotiis · 8 months
- 29 y/o aries ♈️
- gender-neutral testosterone beast, I'm trans 💉(2016) & post-op (2023) TME & perisex.
- xe/xem/xyrs, he/him or she/her.
- @rainbowmancer-gwen is my fox gf 💙
- Aus/NZ Pakeha (white)
- 18 +, no minors pls, this is not a NSFW heavy blog tho.
- #noid is for images without descriptions or functional alt text.
No DNI, I just block. I usually block bigots, rude ppl, pointless discourse, harry potter fans, proshippers (some "antis" too, idk this whole thing is dumb to me), & sometimes ppl who just annoy me. I'm here for a good time, I'm not here to argue & I don't appriciate ppl trying to start shit. (Letting me know of I'm rbing someone shitty is appriciated.)
Please HARD BLOCK me if you don't want me to follow you. I'll assume tumblr is fucking up & re-follow if I'm softblocked coz that happens a lot, please just properly block me.
I'm Blitz, I'm a commie anarchist furry from down-under & my tagging system is a mess. (More info under the cut)
I love animals, hairless cats & australian wildlife are my faves. Blue & purple are my fave colors. I like loud electronic & alt music; Punk, Metal, Nu-Metal, New-Wave, Ska, Drum n Bass, Industrial, Breakcore, ect.
I draw a lot, it's like my number 1 thing, art blog is @staticblitz.
I'm not a huge fandom person, but I have a Crash Bandicoot blog @n-trance, Crash Bandicoot is my number 2 thing.
I love science fiction, fantasy & horror, stuff like; Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Star Trek, Invader Zim, Doctor Who, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Dorohedoro, Berserk, Digimon Furries & table top role-playing games.
I'm a weird kind of aroace bisexual queer, I'm a transsexual in the sense that I'm trans, I take hormones (testosterone) & am post-op (hysterectomy); I believe being trans is different for everyone & hate truscum/transmeds. I also don't like transandrophobia/transmisandry truthers, listen to trans women & learn about transmisogyny without getting defensive. I promise you, there is space for us in the framework of discussions about transmisogyny already. PLEASE don't take posts I make about *MY* experiences as someone transmasc adjacent & get mad thinking I'm generalizing the whole trans man/transmasc community. I am one guy (system) & cannot speak for the entire community & I don't try to!
I am kink & sex positive, I sometimes do sexwork & I talk about it sometimes. That said I do have boundaries & I do think you ought to be responsible for what you post & where (ie; tag that shit & keep it away from kids). I cant prevent it, but would prefer DDLG or ABDL blogs not follow or interact with me (it's fine if you use a non-kink related blog instead. I don't judge you, I just have trauma surrounding this). Thanks 💖
Proshippers are weird, not keen on antis either but equating finding your pedo/incest fanfic a bit gross to police violence is actually nonsensical, end of discussion.
I think Marxism is pretty pog, I'm by no means an expert but I am very politically active where I live. I grew up poor with my 2 siblings & my single disabled mum, we are ex-Jehovahs Witnesses (yes thats important). This has shaped a lot of my world view, I align myself with the marginalised & working class people of the world. I am heavily critical of capitalism, liberalism, nationalism & imperialism. If you have a problem with commies or anarchists, you probably won't like me. I hate fascists & I hate cops. I love my community tho & working together with anyone who wants to work toward a better world.
I am moderately able-bodied, but have mental disabilities. I don't wanna share all but I have autism, C-PTSD & chronic fatigue among many other things. I am a system, I hate syscourse, endo systems are welcome here, ableists demanding medical history are not.
I will tag for any trigger if you ask me, I already tag a large amount of things for both categorization & moderation.
Do not send me donation posts, thanks.
This is my fursona, draw xem if you want I would love that :3
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nikadd · 2 years
a few explanations for some things that have come up!!
why a 1v1 pvp?
tumblr polls don’t have either a ranked or a multiple choice options, so this is the best next thing. if i had more than 2 in each, i wouldn’t know what is ppl’s 2nd choice unless it is the second most frequent 1st choice, so to speak. having 1v1 polls would allow me to compare more data.
also, making ppl choose between two is less choice anxiety-inducing in my opinion. yes, a bit more work for me, but choosing between two is a little less work for y’all :)
why in order?
a few reasons.
first, i think a lot of ppl have a strong association between their opinion on the season and their opinion on the episode, so i didn’t want ppl implicitly comparing the seasons themselves instead of comparing episodes. ofc besides the finale-premiere pairings but i think the fact that they are supposed to be direct cause-effect episodes neutralizes that.
second, due to the fact that the show has a weird balance of episodic and serialized storylines, the general quality of the sequences of episodes is kind of inconsistent. this led me to thinking of this quality of the show as my own kind of randomizer. there are some pairings that are rather unfair, i admit, but that’s just how it turned out to be. i do have some failsafes installed in the calculation of the future rounds, so don’t worry abt that too much.
third, i think it’s a lot easier to compare the quality of the episodes when in context with each other. it’s just easier to remember how you felt going between one episode to another, so it would allow for a more informed opinion.
tumblr fandom is not a representative sample and is very cliquey.
you’re right! but it sure is fun to see two ppl who i know for a fact are mutuals reblog the same post and tag it with “SWEEP” for opposite choices.
on a serious note, yes, there are definitely going to be polls that were heavily influenced by where they got reblogged to, but even within the same circles, opinions range far and wide.
if it makes you feel any better, i can already tell that the polls have traveled across a variety of character-girlism association - and there’s still about a week to go for a good chunk of these polls.
what’s next?
well, we’ll see. once all polls are done, i am going to analyze how each episode did in both of its contests and how each of its opponents did in their own contests as well (and, if necessary to specify even further, how THEIR opponents did, too.)
additionally, i’ll put into consideration just how wide the winning margin is. a 51% victory is obviously different from a 90% victory.
also, even though i do hope for an approximately similar voter turnout for all polls, it would obviously not be guaranteed, as some episodes are simply much more popular or people have stronger opinions about them than about others. i would then also put into consideration just how many people were very active about promoting and voting for it…. even though i do hope i get a lot of votes in all of the polls <3
the exact plan for the future rounds is not exactly clear to me right now as i have a few different options. all would be dependent on the variety and frequency of similar results. there is a chance i would just be using the first round as a preliminary round to figure out how to sort the episodes into better fitting brackets for an actual bracketed march madness type selection. or maybe i’d try to find a way to make it a very specific ranked poll, specifically using the relative results from the first round. + other ideas i have that will become a lot more clear once i have the first batch of official results.
the best thing everybody can do now is just continue voting! all of the polls are tagged with the season number (e.g. #s4 or #s10) for the ease of navigation, so i encourage everybody to vote. the earlier seasons will finish their polls sooner than the later ones, so make sure we’re voting consistently. i would also appreciate any and all promotion for any polls that have less than average number of votes.
finally, i just wanna thank all of you for indulging me in this :) means a whole lot!
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applejee · 2 years
WIP Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!) I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
new post because the reblog chain was getting a bit long, thanks to @writergeek for the tag!!
y’all i have so many wips god help me. listed in order of most recently edited
put your money on me
tim is jason’s foster kid
untitled art/mb
trapped with jay and tim
bio brother sucks au
yatoyota jealousy
trans girl tim au
catfish for college au
tgt companion fic
oops, all girls!
multimedia monstrosity
graphic horror fic
and these ones i have started but are on hiatus:
timkon wedding night
deku & kacchan
jay looks after tim
baby tim & big bro damian
timdami same age au
lastly here are the ones i have planned and have a few words for but really barely started:
juwon and chief nam whump
magic wolf
double oh alfie
maccas fic
narcolepsy au
tim expects a hs bulge
…..honestly that’s possibly all. for now. 24 wips. i am NOT tagging 24 people however <3
and since it is not just writing, i will (no pressure) tag: @mindshelter @lemontongues @batfam-chaos @starlikeknight @mockturdle @celeryw @solspurv @fanfictiongreenirises @selkienight60 and if you see this and would like a go consider urself tagged
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trashbins-stuff · 2 years
some info abt me:
PART ONE THIS IS PART ONE (just summary):
Haiii!! ^^ :3 we M.A.C constellation program (collective) (M.A.C is for Morbid Antisocial Cosmonaut) (p-did!!)
name: bin !!!!
! also goes by crt, roxy, ve, vinnie, danny, catatonia, caroline, brownie/cosmoes
! also sunshine, ellie/ellen, jenny, loverock is cool too!!
! friends/moots feel free to use candycane, ell, badger, đèn dầu/đd/dd, cosmic sunshine, vincent or any silly nicknames <3
! also goes by kin names, code name r jsut for the funsie that is all :3
-collectively identify as arospec queer agirlboy (agender/genderless but want 2 be perceive as girlboy) (full girl half boy) + ghostgender + system-fluid + autospec, altho headmates have their own orientation yeah
-ocdtism adhd dysgraphia and is kleptomaniac w mild ptsd(+)
-language we can speak: Vietnamese + English
-local manic pixie dream robot >:)
-public enemy number one
-doodle request r closed
-art tag:
current #trashbins-art
old: #i know it look uggo but i was drawing with a mouse okay??? (it is very unique ik/j)
boundaries (dni and thin ice):
-neutral/agaisnt Palestine dont int ill block you
-Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, Misogynistic, Racist, Sexist, Ableist, Discrimination, Truscum.. ILL BLOCK!!
-ppl that like to start drama, i might avoid you
-dont call my headmates siblings
-if were not supa dupa close and jsut mootie that int sometime then ill be happy if we have toher shared fandom but uhm when u get jsut a lil close enough and i see u reblog my fandom post that u arent in i get super uncomfy, huge pet peeve, big no no
before you follow, were:
-pro mspec les and mspec gay, anti harassment, other opinions we havent thought about much, neutral or dont care, note that our opinions is not who we are, some of you do not know this
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PART THE POWER OF TWOOOOOO (social, plz check carrd and pronoun page to know more):
-my pinterest
-discord: trashbin2587
-my spotify
-pronouns page (there are english, norwegian and vietnamese ver)
-pronouns.cc (go more in deep)
-carrd for overall
-carrd for headmate intro
PART THIRD TIME THE CHARM!! (other stuff):
-sona info sheet (bins the objectsona also has 2 pairs of wings like humanoid form, im jsut too lazy to redraw lole):
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Items desp:
-bin's personal trusty shovel, bin like to refer to it as "Shovel Phoenix Thoradotte!! WARRIOR OF BURIED TREASURE, DESTROYER OF DIRT AND MY BESTIE!!1!" (if the string snapped or get removed form the shovel, bin shut down and go to a stage kinda like parallelogram (obs) when jerard died and stuck in a dream-loop until the string (u can get a new one) is tied back. the string being there is kinda of holding everything bin want to forget in) bin's is hesitant to telling ppl about the shovel in fear of them hurting it
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i hope you have a great day :)
tags for moots (wip):
-carpybara (circuitcarp)
-blairy (blairdrawzstuff)
-moony hazel (moonmxple)
-winters ice trail (winterwrxter)
-messages from the stars (salachy-part-two)
-theres a frog in my boot and now were best bros (snoot-in-yo-boot)
-a harp-mony (harpjsutexsists)
-cola with no coca (devycola)
-tinted tunes (haiamkai)
-gooooobz (gooberdrawz)
-lovely shoelace (mausuwinasa)
-cuperooooo <3 (mochablogger)
synpath list below"
notes: red means theyre my fickin and im not always fine with doubles (especially if were very very close friends, am fine with double that i just met, already know theyre that before, or friends who arent that close, ask if u want), blue means high-mid synpath/other-hearted?, green means mid-low synpath (yes i know some of these characters r pieces of shits yes i still relate to them </3)
sasha waybright (amphibia)
tord (ew)
cabby (ii)
ruby (bfdi)
remote (bfdi)
airy (hfjone)
charlottle/moldy (hfjone)
blue rectangle (voo)
buzzery (obs)
pinkie pie (mlp)
bmo (adventure time)
roxy lalonde (homestuck)
sollux captor (homestuck)
danny fenton (danny phantom)
the second coming (ava)
anne boonchuy (amphibia)
marcy wu (amphibia)
blueberry (ii)
clover (ii)
four (bfdi/xfohv)
gold ingot (ppt2)
treasure chest (ppt)
slipper (ppt2)
journal (ppt2)
fireball (aib)
pill (aib)
pitchfork (aib)
comet (objectified)
bee (bee&puppycat)
fionna (fionna&cake)
chloe garcia (dork diaries)
yuki sakasima (pretty girl neko show)
spinel (su)
horrid henry (horrid henry)
gus porter (toh)
luz noceda (toh)
mephone4 (ii)
bot (ii)
oodle (aib)
bone (aib)
moonstone (ee)
pool (object invasion)
thanks for reading! :] im probably gonna update these as time goes on
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
hae interrogationes multae respondeant quia demens .
if you read this entire ask post you deserve a gold star and financial recompensation
Um, Obviously because when you’re adopted by a white guy you automatically become white duhhh
this is about this post lmao and yeah youre absolutely right, you have to hand your poc card in when you get adopted by a white guy.
Do you think Cass would listen to Yanni, the YouTube channel epic symphonic rock, or some other stuff? There's some cool mashups but idk if that's up your alley, I kinda feel like I'm pushing it with my weird taste of music by recommending an orchestra cover of metal, but i just love that sort of thing and mashups :P @harvestyourcherries 
i haven’t heard of that? but in my personal (correct) opinion steph listens to classical music, and then both modern and older, and then also stuff like black sabbath, iron maiden, but also hardrock and hardcore. i like the idea of cass just liking the most extreme screaming songs full of noise and then also listen to pachelbel’s 370th sonata yanno? THANK YOU for the rec tho
speaking of ur cass playlist hc...reminds of the time (yesterday) i found 2 playlists randomly on spotify from the same user. one was abt 3 hours of instrumental/classical "dark" & "nostalgic" music. the other almost 11 hours of nothing but hardcore bass/synth/electronic music. just an incredible tightrope act to put on in public. the synth one was also called like "psalms for synth sluts" which is Also incredible
tbh i LOVE synth SO MUCH like for no reason at all but then also cannot handle a poppy electronic beat lmao. but this seems like the kinda thing i’d do but just in one (1) playlist bc i just sort songs by vibe instead of genre? that’s how i end up with britney spears and billy ray cyrus in the same playlist. 
Oh, I want Kate Kane playlist next! It would be amazing if you could do one when you have time and will 🙏
how rude would it be of me to just say no? like sorry kate but idk you and also you seem way too keen on the us military for an institution that homophobically targeted you? (and also commits war crimes) but let’s unpack the fact that the institution that caused the death of your mom and sister and also got you blacklisted for being gay is still one you align with???
'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' 'yes i am' 'no you're not' --- when i tell you i fucking screamed LOL!!!!!!! i can imagine the cameraman not knowing if he should cut to commercial or keep it on these two weirdos fighting on stage (bruce definitely ruffled dick's hair/noogied him right?? 
about this post but yeah lmao. this cameraman just turns to like the audience to get a reaction and it’s just multiple moments of CLEAR shock.
you are the only funny person on this hellsite
how egotistical is it for me to say that i get this ask multiple times a month? bc it literally happens so often it’s hilarious to me.
Wish there was more john/Bruce content 😔😔😔 was so hungry I actually looked at canon media 😔😔😔 (Justice League Dark babeeeyyyyyy)
check out batman: damned for some mediocre content but at least it’s john/bruce (also very interesting story and stuff, just got very >:( over this weird part where harley quinn tried to r*pe bruce or something? it’s not for everyone)
dick grayson but he's nicki minaj
his anaconda don’t want none,,, unless...... 
Dick Grayson was never a cop, he played Marshall on Paw Patrol
you are SO right. also paw patrol is a fucking good show idc. that shit could’ve been the new steven universe on this hellsite.
why do people keep reposting my CONTENT. if you are not funny yourself don’t just grab shit off of tumblr and post it on insta,,, get a life. sidenote: should i start an insta and get all these ppl to take my content down that would be funny as hell.
Might I suggest for a Gotham City Meme: something about the true crime fandom thirsting for the rogues gallery
ok can i just say something slightly controversial?? no? i don’t find true crime ppl who are into criminals funny, that shits disturbing irl im not gonna bring that into my very chill universe.
i may have never seen a 'jason cleaning guns in sink' fic but i do know he WOULD
bestie im sorry to say this to you but while you can, and people do wash their guns in the sink, that is a lot of lead in a very vital part of the kitchen.
people tend to do it in the bathtub.
WHY???? like damn why do you even have guns
i dont think i read many gun sink fics exactly but i have read lots of fics where jason cleanes his guns in the living room. usualy dissembles them and cleans them with a rag i think
lmao fair enough, like i think that’s a large part of what i remember as well.
if you say you've seen/read gun sink fics I believe you. I think those of us who didn't see them are lucky or maybe didn't search for fics by tags or something idk
i mean ive never sought them out but i HAVE seen them,, like definitely i know almost for certain.
saw your tags and I'm interested in Steph/Kara now. They would be the most chaotic couple <3
literally thoooo, i have a wip where they get together in a zombie apocalypse and like UGGGHhhh i am so in love with them.
I am the Breece anon. Thanks for the recommendation; am reading now. I’ve always been a hardcore Superman fan because I love my pure himbo farm boy. My logic is, if one Bruce is a Broose, then multiple Broose are a herd of Breece. And this is a hill upon which I will perish.
fair enough,,,, like moose, meese, goose, geese, bruce, breece. i get your logic and i stand by it as well. (glad you enjoyed the comic recs!!!!)
It's a beautiful day in Gotham, and you are a group of horrible Breece
OH my god dude lmao
there only being 42 fics on ao3 for tim and bernard is honestly so sad i need more
it’s like twice that now!!! we did it lads. (tho very sad that my fic isnt number one but like number 4 :((((  )
i'm too late you already did the poll lol but may i suggest bethy (bernard + timothy)
shit dude that wouldve been so fucking funnyyyyy. think ppl have just stuck to timber tho, tim/bernard kinda died down recently and i think it’s too bad, they’re a great couple and i love them.
Wait, hear me out
Bernothy @redlightofdawn
great recommendation (lmao this ask is from like a month ago) but very sorry to announce that NARDTH is the superior shipname
Wait, we know that bernard likes milfs (Tim's step-mom) but what about dilfs? gilfs?
Wait no, I regret sending that ask
these were two seperate asks and they’re HILARIOUS. in my personal opinion tho,,, milfs, gilfs, dilfs are just about vibes and bernard is just attracted to sexy ppl who may sometimes be milfs, dilfs, or EVEN gilfs.
crime in bludhaven would drop to half if nightwing had a boob window. in this essay i will-
Wait if Barbra and Tim r at opposite ends at all times what happened to Barbra once everyone’s Tim’s ever love before started dying lol
she won a lottery ticket and spent 2 weeks on a resort in the bahamas before returning home and finding out that the joker was arrested for tax evasion and then spent a month staying at her big tiddie goth girlfriend’s house before conner came back to life and she broke her pinkie playing table hockey.
Why is the opposite end thing so funny and compelling to me. Tim comes back from his depression quest for Bruce and Babs is now a literal god
lmao when tim loses his spleen barbara reaches nirvana.
Are you still taking music recs because I have three songs that remind me of Jason that I think you'd like
send to me or lose a toe
��� ⭐ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity! ⭐🌸😋
thanks, i wont tho on account of i wont.
This is the whole of Blüdhaven and everyone anywhere.
Nightwings ass alone saves more people in a calendar year and does more for so society than most heroes do their whole career.Also u are one of the funniest tumblr pages out there. The vibes are unmatched and the memes and tags ✨send me✨.Thank u and goodnight @julia-flow 
fanksss also lmao.
That's going to be a little bit difficult to explain, but
There's some music that you listen to and you think, "oh my gosh, I can perfectly imagine Dick Grayson singing this song, with the same voice as the singer because that voice matches with Dick Grayson"?
oh yeah totally lmao. i have a lot of songs that i think are just entirely dick grayson yanno? kind of all of my playlists have that vibe, but i really find bleachers to fit with dick? idk.
"Lois lane/Superman" fics this, "Lois lane/Clark Kent" fics that, (/lh) let's get into the real good stuff. Some people ship Lois, Clark, and Superman as a throuple. Most popular fic tag for sure
yes totally, i think they’d be absolutely killer on ao3 and clark gets so fucking embarassed about it.
I miss your post, hope you’re doing okay!!
haha this was like 2 months ago, but i was doing fine then too! just didn’t have a lot of inspiration in terms of content.
Doot doot!
noot noot
I’m confused. What did DC do now? Like with nightwing? And another sibling? Please spoil everything for me
lmao they gave him a secret sister plotline where they had his dad cheat on his mom with tony zucco’s wife, bc dick’s life wasn’t traumatic enough yet.
sorry but it's so funny that batman is called "the dark knight" when the gotham city baseball team is called the gotham knights. it'd be like if a vigilante was running around new york called like "the scary yankee"
lmaooo no. but like yankee comes from dutch names or something so wouldnt it be HILARIOUS if gotham knights came from like german names and bruce would be running around called the dark KLAUS UND NIEK @graysonnightwing 
(not a batcest shipper) it’s so funny to me that the responses are “i’m a batcest shipper because i can differentiate fiction from reality and and it doesn’t bother me personally, but i understand why you oils think it’s weird” to “i wish all batcest shippers a very fucking die”
yeah lmaoo. i personally basically flipped my entire stance around to ‘i dont care please leave me and everybody else alone’ bc i think there’s really no point in starting a moral dillema over some fucking fandom bullshit. Please just,,, go home,,, log off, find a nice forest to have a little walk in and remember that somewhere in history, somebody probably died in the place you’re standing. and you will also die someday, and somebody will have to look at your internet usage and see you fighting multiple people anonymously while being named ‘nightwingsbuttchin200186′ like... calm down, we’re all gonna die this is not the thing to worry about.
so since like "wards" don't really exist in modern society almost all the batkids are foster kids, right? i used to work in the system and imagine: monthly visits from social workers and guardian ad litems, bruce having to get permission to take the boys anywhere out of state, calling their social worker at like 8 a.m. like "yeah dick broke his arm again... a gymnastics accident this time...." their poor social worker. bruce send her a huge bouquet and box of chocolates every month to stay on her good side
i imagine the social worker just getting into the case like ‘yeah let’s get this kid a good guardian’ and then ending up having to work with 22 y/o bruce wayne and his 50 y/o dad. and so this social worker is like ‘okay we can work with this, this is the best home i can find’ and then like it ends up landing on its feet and then the kid gets adopted and then they get a call a year later like ‘uhm so hi, this kid tried to steal my tyres can i adopt him?’ and like 3 years later. ‘okay so basically, my neighbours’ kid imprinted on me and now they’re dead, can i keep him?’ two years later it’s like ‘okay so this assassin child-’
ever since I saw that one post of yours, the meme that's something like "I know that abba's backup dancer got me" with a picture of discowing, I've been haunted. Every once in a while I'll be minding my own business then the image of abba's backup dancer dick grayson aka nightwing aka discowing will flash in my mind and I'll be frozen in place. Today at work I was in the middle of folding clothes and suddenly once again discowing entered my mind and I suddenly lost the ability to see anything except He. Thank you.
wow. the IMPACT.
Braver than any US marine man props to you🤝
this shit is about the time i wrote an article on batcest, like man,,, the fact that i didn’t get cancelled is MIRACULOUS. also like,,, uh if anybody on here did gossip on me,, send screenshots i’d love to see it.
Hello, just wanted to say your article was great. Thank you for taking the time to provide an unbaised answer. It should provide people with nuances they couldn't possibly conjure on their own.
May I ask where your username originates from?
yes you may (also thanks!!!) i thought it up when i was trying to find an original username bc i didnt want to be called like ‘timdrakes something something’ or ‘jason todd something smoething’ or ‘dick grayson something something’ yanno? so i thought batarangs, they sound so dumb and that’s my username story... now it’s my whole entire brand lmao.
yno that bit in kick ass where red mist asks kick ass if he wants a hit of his blunt, was that the inspo for stoner tim
no? it’s bc i think stoners are hilarious and drugs are great. (dont do drugs tho) 
How would u feel if someone actually wore one of those bruce or ollie pride shirts u edited
fenomenal next question.
Dick as lil huddy and Jason as James gave me radiation poisoning and now I’m screaming crying throwing up so thx for that
(Rico suave as Tim is perfect tho literally no changes needed)
i was so funny for that shit wasn’t i??? lmao i loved those weird ass fancasts
You're doing the Lord's work by providing us with all these Gotham/Metropolis citizens memes, thank you for being so relentlessly funny @nellethiel-aranel
you’re welcome!! i really enjoy making memes, but getting validation for my content and my memes is REALLY nice.
Bruce is such a slut in your memes and honestly i love that for him @rhodey-rhudert-rhodes-main 
he’s that much of a slut irl too dw.
Bruce and Alfred have an emergency pride flag for the batkids. Oliver Queen printed an emergency "I love my gay son" t-shirt and as soon as Roy told him he was dating Jason, Oliver started wearing that shirt everyday and Roy always cringes when he sees it. Oliver also has an emergency "I love my lesbian daughter" shirt just in case for Cissie.
lmao YES i had a post like this bc like all of their kids/family members are so gayy
stop bringing back batfam fancasts it is not real it is not real it is not- 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
oh yes it is my darling.
did discowing burn down the notredam because he hates the bees? @allulily
no he did it bc fuck the french.
im gonna beg for 1 thing and 1 thing only. please please please put physical by olivia newton john on dick's playlist
okay then beg. bc i wont. physical reminds me too much of glee and that hurts me mentally.
your playlist is sorely missing some Madonna. Specifically Into the Groove, Like a Prayer, and Vogue
i’m scared of madonna that’s why she’s not on there. she haunts me in my dreams.
suggestion: son of batman by aaron dews for dick’s playlist🤩
sorry, i listened to it and the vibe didn’t agree with me.
Hear me out, metropolis citizens sending rare pair fics of Clark Kent x Superman fics to Lois to edit
yes, absolutely hilarious. even more funny if they send like physical copies, no address attached and lois sends it back marked with red ink, SOMEHOW
Imagine all the smut Clark must of read editing the fics
clark reads smut confirmeeed
hc that alfred is a meta that boosts healing factor of the people around him. if the bats are injured as much as they seem to be they would be doing bat stuff MAYBE half the year. no one including alfred knows about this. whenever the kids move out they inexplicably dont recover from injuries as fast and feel better whenever they visit the manor they just chalk it up to homesickness. bruce just thinks he heals really fast. alfred thinks everyone doesnt take care of themselves properly @finchcollector
that’s actually such a great idea, but i think that alfred would find out and learn how to concentrate it better so he can help more people, bc he’s great and i love him.
One of your dickfast posts reminded me of that tweet that goes: 'so you've had sex how many times? Yeah technically that's not a bromance' lol that's dickwally or dickroy
literally tho. like that’s all of dick’s friendships. once it gets past a certain time dick is like ‘wow i wonder what it would be like to make out with wally, wally come make out with me’ and wally’s like ‘we’ve done this like 40 times, dick, you know what it’s like’ and dick is like ‘sorry are you complaining?’ and they just make out.
superfam and batfam associations??
-batman and superman
-dick/barabara and supergirl?
-conner and tim
-jon and damian
pls enlighten me I am confused
nope,,, uhm batman and superman, but dick and superman as well, and then conner and tim, jon and damian and steph + babs with supergirl
I came across a fic in which Wonder Woman calls Batman "Stella" (like Stellaluna, the children's book) and I can imagine the batkids hop on the trend and maybe copies of the book appear at random places (aka, everywhere Bruce frequents)
sorry can’t reciprocate that was the name of my high school chemistry teacher and it gives me nightmares to think about.
good human what are your pronouns?
wouldn’t you like to know?
I need me some gothamites preferring harley over joker memes
everyone prefers harley over joker youre just very fucked up if you dont
don't understand why people try to add like veteran policy to the batfamily
dick pulling out his veteran batfam member card so he can eat first: step aside, peasants
Do you know the song Simmer by Haley Williams? It (the first verse anyways) reminds me of Jason? It's about rage.
damn yeah i LOVE HAYLEY!!!! youre right thoo
Okay so I like listen to your stoner Tim Drake playlist 24/7 but would he listen to skegss? Also I keep adding songs mentally it’s killing me 😩✋🏼 Anyways,, I literally love and worship your playlist 😃🤞🏼 And uh yeah have a good day ✨
stoner tim drake playlist is lyfeeee. also dont know who skeggs is? i’m stupid? have a good day!!
All the Robins (and Batgirl) decide to trade costumes for one night just to fuck with Batman and all the villains in Gotham. @subspacecadet 
batman knows it’s them youknow but like,,, what does he call them? he’s like ‘red hood?’ and 3 people answer and he’s not about to compromise some identities so he’s just Pissed.
I aspire to treat cops the way my dad treats them. This man is a 45 year old Asian immigrant to the US and the treats them like his pets. He talks about them like unruly children. Sometimes he pays off local cops to shut up and stop acting racist. And usually it works. I don’t know why but I can see Oliver Queen doing this
vibes... and also yes? oliver queen handing a local cop a donut to shut the fuck up lmao. but yanno i commit enough crimes to not really want to ever see a cop ever, so they kinda scare the everloving fuck out of me.
seeing as tim hasn't aged in years, that means he was 17 at peak emo tumblr era. im back on my emo tim bullshit and im not letting it go
emo tim had a wattpad account send tweet
People seem to think that batman is so dark and serious when the rainbow batsuit is right there. He wore it with no shame.
dude the 60s were a DIFFERENT TIME
dick grew up in a circus, jason grew up on the streets, and tim was probably raised by the internet
all of them cuss every other word and you cannot tell me otherwise
bitch i KNOW but dc has to change to an 18+ rating if they want to sell comix with swear words in them so we gotta deal with imagining the swear words in ourselves
thoughts on teen titans and young justice
haven’t seen teen titans on account of havent seen it and young justice was LITERALLY my favourite thing ever, tho i do gotta admit it’s not at all similar to the young justice comics unfortunately. i really wouldve liked to see timmy bart kon cassie and cissie animated on tv!!
ew ew ew how to delete batcest shippers I genuinely digust them
log off tumblr?
Okay as poc who was called racist for calling an Italian pastabrain: in the batfam are Italians bit Damian just yells various insults about the others being Italian. Just him yelling “What are you doing you moronic spaghettihead!” At steph etc
huh? i meant real italians. homeboy is telling steph he hopes she chokes on her fucking garlic.
I think it's dumb as hell to pull the batman is the best fighter in the batfam argument because like it's just irresponsible of Bruce to let his kids fight when they couldn't possibly be on his league or something
fair enough, but also like who cares they could all kill you just sit down and take a beating.
lady shiva, thalia al ghul and Selina Kyle are all milfs @notanothertimburtonenthusiastugh 
unfortunately, i have to admit,,, you’re right
why tf didn't someone give joker a death sentence already? like he's a mass murderer...give him the electric chair treatment wtf
idk i think plenty of people would have tried to murder him already (boring answer is: he is a popular character so they can’t kill him off bc he brings in lots of money)
There’s no such thing as “ copaganda”.
all american media is propaganda. happy to clear this up for you
is it bad that I find lady shiva owa owa
no. find her as owa owa as you want.
aight I'm guessing the order of your favs in batfam:
1. tim
2. Steph
3. dick
4. Duke
5. the rest
you’re wrong but it’s cute that you tried, i generally don’t have favourites, but i have a special place in my heart for steph, tim, dick and cass. bc they were like my introduction to batfam. but damian, jason, duke, bruce, babs and alfred are NOT FORGOTTEN OR UNLOVED
oh my god i was literally just readily willing to believe that italians werent white ty for clarifying it was a joke im so dumb sdkvjskdfs
i mean some italians aren’t white? italian is a nationality as well as an ethnicity, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
since I saw so many people doing headcanons about the nationalities of batboys, I see Dick as an Italian.
dont know if youre serious or not, but sure.
super random but
jason 🤝 damian
old english
lmao fair enough.
tim absolutely has 1 gay uncle and his parents shit talk said uncle all the time so after bruce adopts him he specifically reaches out to this uncle to be like "heyyyy just so you know you majorly influenced my life yes i know i havent seen you since i was 5 and at the family reunion yes i know you dont remember my name idc thank you im gay too" and then they never talk again.
yuppp lmao that’s definitely something that could happen. i can also consider tim having no family members, like none. until he does like a dna test and he realises he has like an aunt living barely 2 miles away from him who’s like some illegitimate child of his grandpa.
I dare you one of them sends clark superman/clark fic and clark corrects the shit out of it and then goes like ps his dick is not that big, just telling as someone who has seen it. internet either explodes or goes who tf did he not fuck at this point.
i think everybody would call clark a buzzkill and try to cancel him over that.
so you're telling me Tim Drake wouldn't buy Starbucks?
no. dunkin donuts all the way
One of my favorite things is imagining people finding out jason came back from the dead and being like "oh no does he have magic powers now?!?!?" and he just pulls out a gun and tries to shoot joker
now he doesn’t even have the gun :) lmao
my favorite batfamily fanfictions are the ones where they use their shitty codenames, unironically, in any context
bruce gets codename ‘ugh’ everytime. he hates it.
crazy that tim being a 17 y/o ceo and a stoner who does brand deals are all actual canon things written in detective comics comics and not made up for shits and giggles by you, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb @rowdeyclown
batman au where everything is the same but his utility belt is bright pink
absolutely, but i raise you, his boots light up like sketchers when he kicks people.
unbeknownst to the superhero fandom writers in the dcuniverse, clark and BRUCE are one of the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag on ao3. clark writes the best lois x superman angst, full of unhappy endings and scenes that are a so detailed you'd think you were in the middle of a superhero beatdown. bruce made an ao3 account to fuel "the do the butts match" thing, and makes batman/bruce fics from time to time. he wrote a superbat fic as a joke but ended up making it REAL porny. @concrastinator
dude they’re WAY too busy for that. Oliver Queen and Hal Jordan on the other hand are the most prolific fanfic writers in the superhero rpf tag writing what is Mostly porn.
When the dining table topic gets to politics, Steph says "eat the rich" as the solution
bruce just silently takes away her fork and knife while she’s talking.
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springtidesnowfall · 2 years
no bc my family (aunts and uncles etc) get on my nerves so much . yes i know the guys r chilling in the basement . they literally told us to come sit w them . its sooo fucking annoying idk why they think we (the younger kids) shouldnt be around them . this is why i love my parents (let me hang out w my brothers friends without commenting on it)
for some stupid reason tags r not working properly so im typing it here instead
like hello. first of all ur son my older cousin said its cool second i am 18 anyways 3 its just stupid to assume i dont know what im doing? and like . what even is your problem with it at this point. what do u think theyre talking about that i havent already heard. why do you think trying to shelter us is going to work. also do u think they are incapable of monitoring what they say when my younger cousins r around?? bc like . they arent lmao ik you werent paying attention to much in the last few weeks but we were all crammed together anyways. also unrelated but i fucking miss my brothers friends like . havent seen them for obvious reasons but i miss hanging out w them :( its so so fun like . when we all pile into my brothers room to play smash or when theyre in our living room getting drunk and im sitting w them n we r just talking about whatever, or when we end up at one of his friends house by coincidence so we r all just sitting around kane (my baby), idk just like . i rlly do love those guys . they dont have to include me in their shit from time to time but thwy do anyways, like one of em got me to help pick out my brothers secret santa gift, anothers birthday was a week or two ago so i dmed him on ig (which again . i have a bunch of them on ig or just their numbers), n like . idk. its nice to have ppl who have no obligation to care but do anyways . im significantly less pissed now actually thinking ab them helped . this sounds insane but some of my best memories of the last 2 years are bc of them, okay thats all i think
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wri0thesley · 3 years
many many anons under the cut bc i didn’t want anyone to feel like i was ignoring them and i wanted to respond to u all! warning for small text too, it was so long i wanted to make it look smaller fgbnjkgkjn
Anonymous asked: NAT... you can write WHATEVER you want! It's your blog, and I hope that rude anons can learn to respect that. I used to be on your blog just for jjba content too, so when you started getting into jjk I was indifferent but eventually you dragged me into jjk so hard!! I already like bnha, so seeing you write for it only made me happier! I hope that you continue to write whatever make YOU happy:) ❤and yes, longer fics certainly doesnt mean it's better, quality over quantity
ahh i’m happy that you are here for all three!! i always feel so accomplished when someone is like ‘your constant screaming made me think about jjk <3′. all three of the fandoms are fairly popular and i tag everything v carefully so i hope people who do use the filtering find that useful!!! 
Anonymous asked: Goodness gracious. People really be out there thinking they're entitled to dictating what kind of content you should be making
i think part of it might be that i do take requests so people feel like they have like . . . a certain right to certain kinds of my content? i take requests mostly bc they keep me motivated, i like making content for ppl who cant find what they want bc i’ve Been There, but maybe people think i am a pushover? idk i am just trying to have a good time!!!
Anonymous asked: Hi. I only started following you a few days ago but please ignore that rude anon. People are so fucking entitled towards writers it's insane. I recently had someone throw a fit for "spoiling" something in my fanfic, even though the fic was about a manga-exclusive character, so what did they expect?? Overall I've really enjoyed your writing so random assholes coming to guilt you is just a shitty thing that happens. Keep going with what you wanna do.
ah gosh anon i’m sorry about that :(. i’m always super careful tagging spoilers and stuff but like, if someone clicks on a fic about say, naoya or the steel ball run boys and is mad that i spoil something they havent found out yet . . . yeah thats on them fgbnkjgfkjn
Anonymous asked: That...that anon had the nerve to say "we". The fuck?! No no no anon, YOU'RE the only one talking and you're just talking for yourself, don't you dare try and lump us other anons/followers up with you to make yourself look like you're right. We love you nat and we appreciate you. It's your blog, you're allowed to write about whoever and whatever. This brain dead anon just needs to either go read someone else if they're that salty or write their own stuff if they're that impatient.
gosh i WISH some of my mad anons would just write their own stuff honestly. idk if this anon thought they were talking for everybody but i guess they expected anons to agree with them and not be mad at them. i appreciate u anon ;_;
Anonymous asked: Just want to say that ily and you’re one of the best jojo fanfic writers in my opinion 💗 I don’t think you’re half assing jojo fics and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you being multi fandom. A lot of jojo blogs have started posting about jjk so it’s not as if you’re the only one. I’m not sure why you get hate like this but I think it’s just because you’re one of the popular writers and that makes people bitter for whatever reason. Keep being you and posting about the things that make you happy 💕
honestly after so long writing for jojo - i’ve written well over 200 jojo reader insert fics - sometimes it feels like i’m retreading stuff, and that’s when i take a break bc i dont wanna half-ass stuff!!! i love all of my fellow jojo friends who are posting about jjk too, i appreciate them <3. 
Anonymous asked: Hey my dude, ur writing has really grown since the jojo days and its better and awesome seeing u become happier to branch off and write in different fandoms 🤌🤌 those stupid anons are just boring farts that couldnt be bothered making their own content 😤😤 is it possible to block them to ease ur mind?
hello anon!! i run a statcounter for IPs but it doesnt always work for ppl who access through the tumblr app, i don’t think; a lot of the anon hate i get i just use the ‘block’ option, but last night got to me because i’ve been getting that kind of writer a lot which is . . . a bad look for the jojo fandom who are, as a whole from the ones i’ve interacted with, lovely!!! <3
Anonymous asked: People often forget, the person behind art or writing, is just another regular fan. You deserve to be happy with what you create and we should be thankful you share your talent with us. You also have right to change your main interests, and it's very normal thing. Jojo is one of the MANY things that you write for and all you get from that is a like or share. Its not your job. It's your fun thing to do, in spare time. You haven't betrayed anybody. That person was just rude, selfish and bored.
i am just a person doing my best!!! anime fanfic is one of many interests i have and i already devote a lot of time to it honestly, i love when people tell me they’ve enjoyed something i made bc it makes it feel worthwhile but equally it gets to me a lot when people are rude because i am usually trying my hardest. 
Anonymous asked: Bro that jjba anon... the entitlement🤮 Fam, you write whatever you want to write😤 -Saturday
dfnjbkjnkgf i find most fic readers are NOT entitled at all and are just grateful but when they are . . . oof. 
Anonymous asked: It's funny how people throw "we got you popular" and they think you start apologize and cry. Your writing and passion made you gain few numbers on a follow counter, nothing more. I think I'm too old for stuff like this, we are nothing more, but +1 on a number scale. You ow us nothing, we ow you nothing. Popular... Funny word. You just write for fun of it, fake scenarios about someone's manga characters. It's not that deep. Have fun and don't listen to people like this. I knew it's not that easy, but they are really not that important as they think they are.
extremely fun fact for people who think ‘popularity’ is important to me: i would 100% rather have 10 people who regularly comment, reblog my fics with tags and interact with me than 100 people who read my fic and either leave a like or simply move on. i think this is true for the VAST MAJORITY of writers tbh. i’m glad that people think i am a ‘popular’ blog (i am not in the grand scheme of things, one of my ex-best friends used to run a kpop reader insert blog with like 30,000 followers) bc it gives me an ego boost lmao, but i really just want people to read and enjoy the stuff i write!!! 
Anonymous asked: I followed you a while ago for jojo and when my friends started getting into jjk i was like...eh sounds like work...but now that I see you writing for it I feel really motivated to get into it!!! I really enjoy your writing and I want to be able to read the new stuff too!
ah anon i really hope you like it!!! it’s only one season rn if u wanna watch the anime and there isn’t too much of the manga to catch up on either but it is a lot of fun and it’s nice to be in a fandom that’s like, excited about a new chapter and new plot developments every week!
Anonymous asked: Pls dont reply if u dont want to! <3 I'm not sure if this will be of any help to you or not but this is the kind of thing that often helps me and is the only way I know to try comfort others so I wanted to give it a go~
Now im not gonna say 'dont feel bad pls' bc I know that's not really useful but what I do think is useful is just discussing why that anon and many others feel the need to respond that way. As someone who follows a lot of writing blogs myself and have done for a long time, i've seen my handful of favourite writers come and go for different reasons, lose motivation for a while, gain motivation for a while, go from multi to single fandom, or single fandom to multi. Often times as a reader it can be upsetting when things change but it's also important as a reader to understand that some things aren't in anyone's control, I can't control what my favourite writers become a fan of or lose interest of, I can't control things in their personal lives that may motivate or demotivate them to write, but what I can do is support them as long as they're active, and if they move on to do things i'm no longer interested in or i'm the one that changed interests, rather than being upset that they're evolving to do other things or that they're not evolving with me, I think it's important that I still feel thankful for the works that I enjoyed while we were still on the same page and this is how I personally deal with those negative feelings. I think the anons that lash out at you probably just dont know what to do with themselves, maybe they got attached to your works while you were still only a jjba blog and now that you're evolving they're upset, while I understand how they feel, they're going the completely wrong way about it. I've learned to take these things and turn them into something positive for myself or at least something bittersweet that I can move on from but the anons that lash out at you for whatever reason probably haven't learned this yet. Maybe it's because i've moved on and changed interests a lot myself that I know how these things go for both writers and readers but those anons maybe haven't experienced this as much so they dont know what to do with themselves other than complain that you've changed and throw insults at you in an attempt to get you to revert back. None of this is because of the quality of your writing like they want you to believe, it's literally just because you've evolved and while some of your old followers might not like the new content for no reason other than it not being their cup of tea, it's definitely not regressed at all. You are pumping out a lot of content right now but every single thing i've read has just been better than the last. Things that really stand out to me is how well you get characterisation down to a T and all of your dialogue is just on point and from the pov of a reader I think those things seem the hardest to get right so I am such a huge fan of your stuff at the moment and I can tell you're really putting so much thought and care into each and every fic no matter how fast you're producing it, I think the fact that you're also proud of what you're writing at the moment really shines through as well and I just adore the passion that radiates from every completed request as well as in the responses for the subsequent thirsts resulting from these works that appear in your ask box later (I know i've sent quite a few by now~)
Just to be clear i'm not defending those anons in any way, while I can understand what they might be feeling/why they're reacting in the way they are I still believe it's just so immature to be hateful online point blank. Even during a time where I still got upset with writers if they started doing something else I still never targeted that negativity directly to the writer and sending rude or hateful comments whether on anon or not never something i'd stooped low enough to do even when I still had an immature way of thinking, however, I hope that it might make it a little easier to brush them off if we try and understand what they're really upset about, and that they're just putting the blame for their negative feelings onto the wrong thing rather than coming to terms with change themselves.
hello anon!! i appreciate the long message. i do feel bad for people who have no interest in what i’m currently producing and i get that they feel upset about it; i’ve watched a lot of fellow jojo writers move on completely or just stop posting, honestly. this kind of thing is why i was so intense about asking people if it would be better if i made a separate blog but the resounding answer seemed to be ‘i’m just vibing with whatever happens and i’ll block tags as needed’. 
i often return to works by my favourite reader-insert writers who no longer write for the fandoms i like (and i read stuff bc it sounds interesting or i trust the person who writes it), but change can be difficult and i guess at this point i’ve - whether u like me or not lmao - been a fixture in jojo reader-insert tumblr for a While so it’s probably kind of jarring. 
anyway i really appreciate you and the nice words! <3 
Anonymous asked: hi nat! I just wanted to pop in and say that regardless of what fandom you write for, the love and care you pour into your writing and into interacting with followers who care about your work as well is really obvious. you're doing this for FREE and people should appreciate what you've given us so far, since ultimately this blog should be for you, whatever that means to you at any point in time. it's ok to jump fandoms! the important thing is that you feel good about what you're producing and that it makes you happy. everyone else is just a bonus - but, seeing you on my dash certainly makes me happy : ) I hope you feel better soon!
thank you anon! i’m feeling much better and happier today. birthdays are very difficult for me (i did not think i’d be alive at eighteen, much less 25!) so this event is definitely kind of a way for me to concentrate on something else, and i’m a little bit extra sensitive atm. i appreciate you so much, thank you for the kind words!!! <3
Anonymous asked: Hello! I just wanted to say, write what YOU want and make YOUR writings as long as you'd like. 💖 To the anon who is like "We mAdE yOu FaMoUs dOnt HalF asS iT" stfu, let people do what they wanna do. If you think they half do it, write something better and longer you asshat.
this is an open invitiation to that anon to send me a link to their writing blog and i’ll hype them up i promise <3 
Anonymous asked: nat i'm so so sorry about that ask please know that your older followers don't share the same opinion :( sometimes people forget about the living, breathing person behind the screen smh. you are not a machine. you absolutely should not restrict yourself to posting about one fandom forever. yes, we're first pulled in by your amazing content, but we stay for your wonderful personality and work ethic. please just keep being you, taking up projects you feel comfy with! <333 bless u
ahh thank u anon! unfortunately i actually am a writing robot, i’m sorry u had to find out this way. my jojo chip has been removed, please send it back so i can continue to not half-ass my jojo work. fgnjkbgjkfn thank you so much angel!!! i appreciate you ;_;.
Anonymous asked: i don’t think it’s fair for other people to say shit about what you choose to write about because on tumblr and other writing platforms, writers are constantly developing how they write and the fandoms that they write for. it’s not fair for someone to criticize that “you don’t care about jjba blah blah blah” because you can enjoy new shows/manga. and like you said you’ve grown so much!! proud of you nat and im glad that ive been able to read your works (sincerely other nat)
i am STILL waiting for you to come and fight me other nat fgnjkbnf. it’s nice to be enjoying different things! i am constantly learning new things and reading new works and making new friends and improving and i think that’s important. i do care about jjba - a lot! but i can care about other things too! <3 
Anonymous asked: I may not be one of your oldest followers, but i've been here for almost 3 years. Yes, i started following u for ur jojo content, but let me tell u, ur newfound motivation and enthusiam for other fandoms was honestly contagiuos for me. And i say this as a person who finds very difficult to move from one interest to another. Jojo is great, but so are other fandoms. Please don't let some faceless scum rob u that motivation. This is ur blog and u r always free to write whatever u want.
honestly, i have been there! i am autistic and i have special interests and watching other people move on to stuff i’m not vibing with has made me sad in the past, but i want people to be happy more than anything and sometimes that means new things and change! <3 
Anonymous asked: Hi Nat! I saw that rude anon message & I just wanted to pop in & say that they're wrong. You're not betraying anyone & you should write whatever it is you want to write. I followed you for jojo & I'm not familiar with the other fandoms that you write for, but personally it makes me SO happy to see you enjoying new things! It's always good to find joy wherever you can, so keep writing what you're interested in. There a lot of ppl who want to see you happy and healthy <3
honestly the idea of it being a GRAND BETRAYAL is so funny, i am just writing anime fanfic here and thriving!!! tysm anon! <3
Anonymous asked: Those anons can piss off! They have no right to judge how long or how short your writing is. If they want longer content write it their damn selves. I think your writing has improved wonderfully and I originally followed for Jojo and I'm enjoying all the content period. I don't even watch jujutsu ( not my cup of tea personally) but I love seeing the creativity and the interactions. You write what makes you happy Nat and that's on that! You don't owe anybody anything! I know how hard writing is and when your consuming new content it's hard to make content for something else. That doesn't mean you don't like it any more your just doing something different for a while. Love you and your content and I'm enjoying the love your putting into your content whether long or short. ♥♥💕 Sending love your way!
honestly my idea of ‘short content’ is still over 1k words, i’m not good at reeling myself in! i guess it’s bc they see like, 1.5k jojo fic versus 5k jjk fic but it’s not that i didn’t enjoy the first fic, just that the point and the story came a lot quicker and so did the natural end! thank you anon, i appreciate you ;_; 
Anonymous asked: Hello! Just wanted to let your know that I think your writing is awesome, and that you should write for whoever and for whatever you want to! You dont have to stay loyal to one fandom or anything, and your followers shouldn't expect that from you! It's not like they are paying you to write, you are doing this for free, and because you enjoy it and it makes you happy! If they dont like your stuff, they dont have to follow you, they can go to other blogs that cater to their taste, and they definitely don't need to be sending you such hurtful comments, and they dont get to make you feel sad about your writing! Just because they followed you during your earlier stages of writing, doesn't mean you owe them some type of loyalty or compensation! You can write literally whatever you want as long as it makes you happy! That's what your hobby and your blog are for! I hope you know that alot of your followers love your work and think that you are an amazing writer and are down to support the work that makes you happiest! 💖💖
ahh thank you so much anon!!! i am always so bowled over by how many people are nice to me when something like this happens, i am sending you my love <3
Anonymous asked: don’t listen to them!! we love you as a writer no matter what you write, because you’re a good person and a talented writer!! you shouldn’t have to change what you write to please a bitter person, and if they only want jjba, they can go to another blog instead of bringing you down. you’re doing amazing and they should be thankful you grace us with your talents!!
to be totally honest, if i was half-assing or not vibing with content i was making i just. wouldn’t post it. like you’d be able to TELL when i was half-assing stuff just to get words out (source: i have re-read my own nanowrimo works). there are lots of great jjba blogs who could do with more followers n interaction!!! i hope they do find them and i hope they’re nice to them :(. 
Anonymous asked: Please don’t pay attention to that anon. People only have that confidence when they have anon turned on. Them looking through your blog despite feeling that way is peak fan behavior and speaks to how addicting your writing is. Naturally, you can’t please everyone and there will be people who are irrational and feel entitled to tell you what to do or what to write no matter what. Trust me when I say they’re a small minority and are more likely probably passing viewers rather than regulars. I check your blog about three or more times a day because I love reading not just your fics but also your takes, banter with other anons, or even random updates. Brainrot posts? LOVE TO SEE IT!!! Desk update? AMAZING!!! With that being said, don’t feel pressured to continue pushing out content for others. Write what makes you happy! You’ve been writing for JJBA for 4 years and it’s completely normal + healthy to get into new media. I’m not sure if it would mean much, but your love for JJK has gotten me excited to start it too!!
anon i really hope you enjoy it!!! sometimes these anons remember stuff i’ve posted and said better than i do tbh, i am living in their heads rent free i guess! 
Anonymous asked: I've been following you for a couple of years and honestly it would always be a joy to see when you posted. Your writing has improved and I'm very happy you're enjoying yourself ! I know it hurts hearing and seeing stuff like that but I'm happy you're here. I'm honestly blessed everytime you post. Your writing is phenomenal. I love reading it even if its characters that I dont care for. You capture their essences so well and weave an amazing tale within the prompts and whatnot. You're amazing nat!
wehh thank you so much!!! re: the improvement, i really don’t feel like it has and then i re-read something i wrote when i first started and i’m like oh my god maybe it has. did i really write about jotaro acting like that. 
Anonymous asked: Hi Nat. I recently became a follower of yours and I'm really saddened to see you get hate. You seem like a genuinely sweet person with amazing talent! I'm a writer myself and, unfortunately, get the same kind of comments. And when you get those comments, it doesn't leave you feeling motivated. People need to understand that people can and will, at times, grow out of fandoms. (1 Not just that but you're doing all of this for free. Again, I'm sorry you got such a comment. But please know that I'm proud of how far you've come. I'm proud that you're living a life that makes you happy. And no matter what fandom you may find yourself in next, I will always enjoy your writing. Take care of yourself. (2 end
HELLO NEW FOLLOWER I LOVE YOU (i get a lot more a day now than i used to and i feel guilty about not being able to look through so many blogs but i do try and follow back other writers for my fandoms!! ;_;). i’m sorry you get the same kind of comments! i’m always just happy to see people i like enjoying new things, even if i have no interest in it (hello to all of my mutuals who write for hunter x hunter and haikyuu, not interested but i’m sure you’re having a great time and i support you!!!). 
Anonymous asked: I'm sure you're getting a barrage of supportive messages now (at least I hope so) but I figured I'd add my voice, because I'm a longtime follower. Your writing is, and always has been, wonderful. I've been so happy to see you and Haz get to a place that works for you both. Idk if it's obvious for everyone, but you seem like you're emotionally in a pretty good place most of the time these days, and it makes me really happy to see that. I followed years ago for JJBA content, but I stayed because regardless of what content you put out, I find your wit delightful. And I'll stick around even if you move fandoms entirely, because whatever content or editorializing you produce is going to be worth reading, regardless of what it's for.
ahh, anon!! thank you for sticking around so long, sorry if you’re old enough to have been around the vore and jorts and spider rohan fiascos! <3 i am definitely a lot more stable than i have been and - barring the Pandemic Related Mental Health Issues - happier! i’m glad that it’s noticeable! <3
Anonymous asked: It actually makes me mad how entitled some people are. Nat, you're not a content creating machine and those who expect you to be are not worth wasting a thought on. Your love for something is not measured in word counts and for you to write every day without getting burned out in the slightest you really must have a burning passion and huge dedication to your craft. If others decide to send hate then allow me to send admiration because I can feel your love and hard work in each post you make!
i try and write every day bc it’s super good for my little ocd/autistic brain to have routines and distract itself, so i’m glad other people can enjoy them because that makes me motivated to carry on! like, i write for myself mostly bc the content i want i sometimes get find, but filling requests and writing for other people also leaves me with happy warm fuzzies too! i appreciate you!! <3 
Anonymous asked: If people only care about your writing for the jojo porn that’s on THEM, not you. Your writing was amazing when I followed about a year ago, and it’s only gotten better and will continue to get better! I think it really comes through when you enjoy what you’re writing and it adds a whole other layer of worth to it, because not only are you making free content but you LIKE that content and we can all gush about it together!!! More than just fans, I think you’ve created a community here and we don’t just stick around to read smut, I promise you that. -Reronon
i do miss having a discord community bc it was nice to talk to everyone in real time but it was hard work, i am glad that people feel like they can just come into my askbox and gush! i’m not very friendly in real life and people tend to think i am cold and stuck up so i work very hard to try and seem friendly and approachable online, which is much easier for me because i get to think and re-draft before i type! <3 
Anonymous asked: Hi Nat! I’m sure you’re getting a lot of messages like this right now but I just wanted to say for what it’s worth that, as a person who originally followed you for jjba content and hasn’t watched/read any of the other series you’re currently writing for, I’m honestly still along for the ride. This is your blog and you’re allowed to do what you want with it and put out what content you feel like writing. Sometimes??? People acquire new interests??????? Shocking! I know absolutely nothing about jjk or bnha but out of curiosity still read some of your posts about them and even though I might not Get It, I still enjoy them because I think you’re a very talented writer! Honestly, as long as you’re still writing, I’m still down to clown, and whenever you take breaks (which are important!) I’ll still be waiting for your return or supporting and respecting your decision to stay away longer. Don’t let the entitled assholes get you down. Utilize YOUR blog and YOUR space however YOU choose. Your talent and kindness speak for themselves. Love you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
anon i care about you and i am so appreciative of you and everyone for sending me such nice messages! i am running out of ways to say it but it’s true, it really does mean a lot to me ;_; <3
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jack-antonoff · 3 years
get to know me tag
tagged by @njaems
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
What day is your birthday? July 20th
What is your favorite color? Mint green, and pastel pink as a close second
What’s your lucky number? 24. Vietnamese students get assigned a number each year and mine typically was 24
Do you have any pets? A mixed hound pup named Ginny 
How tall are you? 158cm / 5′2 :(
How many pairs of shoes do you own? ~ 9-10 I think
Favorite song? I have too many but Such Great Heights by The Postal Service always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside so maybe that song?
Favorite movie? Clueless. Emma is my favorite Austen book and both Clueless & Emma (2009) are my go-to comfort movie/ show (my url when I first became active on tumblr was knightley-woodhouse haha)
Who would be your ideal partner? Someone who I can banter well with 
Do you want children? I think I would like to adopt one someday? Pregnancy/ giving birth scares the shit out of me but I think I might wanna have children
Have you ever got into trouble with the law? Nope
Baths or showers? Showers. I just don’t have enough patient for a bath though ngl those bubble bath/ bath bombs do seem alluring
What color socks are you wearing? None
What type of music do you like? Well the 4 playlist that are divided by genres on my Spotify are: bubblegum bops, infectious indie, alternative anthems, and grungy gems. I also have a playlist called ethereal for dreampop/ shoegazey songs. I do have an rnb playlist but I’m still organizing that one so it’s not public yet
How many pillows do you sleep with? 2. One to lay my head on and one to hug
What position do you usually sleep in? On the side, hugging my pillow like a shrimp
What you don’t like when you’re sleeping? When sleeping with others it’s the sound of snoring. When sleeping alone it’s the sound of mosquitoes/ flies/ bees zooming around. So I guess just noise in general
What do you typically have for breakfast? When I stay with my mom she cooks traditional Vietnamese breakfast like noodles or rice. When I’m on my own during the school year it’s typically just toast/ cereal/ granola bar
Have you ever tried archery? Nope, it looks cool tho!
Favorite fruit? Vietnam has this fruit called sapodilla that is super delicious but I can’t find it here. I also like dragonfruits, watermelons, mangoes, cherries (Basically sweet fruits) 
Favorite swear word? Can’t go wrong with fuck. A classic. Fuck off and Get fucked are my go-to
Do you have any scars? Not anymore. I got run over by a motorbike in elementary school and got 3 scars on my stomach but they all faded now
Are you a good liar? Not really. But since I’m a bad liar I typically tell the truth, which ends up making ppl trust me during the rare times I lie :p
What is your personality type? Well I got a different ones everytime I do the quiz so I just ended up google what each letter stands for and sorted myself lol. I align myself with ISFJ the most
What is your favorite type of girls? Fictional? Emma Woodhouse/ Cher Horowitz along with Ai Haibara from Detective Conan are my favorite heroines of all time (Snarky bitches with heats of gold). Irl? Girls with great sense of humor
Are you an innie or an outie? Innie
Left or right handed? Right
Favorite food? Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean food
Favorite foreign food? Sushi/ poke, Korean bbq and fried chicken (In fact I just had a Korean cheese fried chicken earlier lol), tacos (esp fish tacos)
Are you a clean or messy person? Messy in terms of organization but I can’t stand actual dirt/ sticky substance
Most used phrase? “Well I guess...” or “Yeah...”
How long does it take for you to get ready? 15 mins normally, 45 mins when I wanna be more dressed up
Do you talk to yourself? Yeah. She makes a lot of good points!
Do you sing to yourself? Yes
Are you a good singer? Nope, I can’t hold a tune to save my life
Biggest fear? I have severe flight anxiety and always imagine what if the plane crashes when I get on a flight. Otherwise just typical stuff like ghosts or getting murdered
Are you a gossip? Not really irl but I do enjoy lurking online drama from time to time. Highly recommend the subreddit r/hobbydrama I have wasted a lot of times reading things on there haha
Do you like long or short hair? I typically cut my hair to chin length, let it grow to around my boobs & then cut again
Favorite school subject? From K-12: English (as a foreign language when I was in VN), French (when I move here, but I already forgot most of my french by now rip), History, Literature. So typical social studies stuff. I also enjoy math from time to time
Extrovert or Introvert? Mostly introvert but going to concerts is one my favorite activities ever and I do enjoy being in the crowd during those times. Also HCMC/ Saigon population is like 9 million so even though I cherish my own space I am kinda used to crowded places in general
What makes you nervous? Flights as mentioned above, public speaking, confrontations
Who was your first real crush? That one kid in elementary school who I can’t remember the name of but was really good at drawing
How many piercings do you have? Just 2, one on each ear. I haven’t worn earrings in a while tho I hope they haven’t closed yet...
How fast can you run? I’m terribly out of shape so not very fast lol
What color is your hair? Black. Had I been able to fly back to VN this summer I think I would have dyed it to a brown-pink color (think Jisung during Boom, but maybe more brown)
What color are your eyes? Black (although I read that black irises technically don’t exist, it’s actually a very deep brown color instead)
What makes you angry? Lots of things but unfairness & hypocrisy in general
Do you like your own name? Yeah. I like that it’s unisex, short, and easy to spell/ pronounce for people of all backgrounds (although some still misspell it as Ming...). It also means bright/ light which I think is cool. I also like my full name as a whole, kinda long but pretty unique
Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I think a girl but I’m open to both
What are your strengths? Straightforwardness and I’m pretty self-aware
What are your weaknesses? My lack of patience and my tendency to procrastinate lol
Color of your bedspread? Mint
Color of your room? White
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wwonder-landd · 4 years
Talks on TikTok
Pairing: Jordan Fisher x Female Reader
Warnings: Some bad words, my bad this whole thing is one bog self insert!
Request? Yes! Tagged @johnlaurensbitch​ and anon request!! this is probably a very late request,, considering i’m never on tumblr.
Tumblr media
Preview: kinda self explanatory?? but basically reader duets jordan’s tiktok and he sees it and messages her!!
Y/F/N is Your Friend’s Name!!
TikTok was a relatively new app in your life. You had done a few POV’s and also sang along to the Sofia The First song to “broadway attractive men: sing-a-long edition” specifically to sing along for Thayne Jasperson and Jordan Fisher. It had become a new obsession, as you replied to comments and liked funny ones that made you laugh when you couldn’t sleep.
As you swiped through your For You page and liked a few, you received a comment notification. @username: @yourusername please duet this!!! 
Upon reading the comment, you first checked the username to make sure it wasn’t a weird bot account, and you realized it was not. After that, you clicked the video and it took you to Jordan Fisher’s account. 
The video was a 60 second clip of Jordan singing the Orpheus part of “All I’ve Ever Known” from Hadestown. You already knew the song and you had seen Reeve in the Original Broadway Cast, alongside Eva Noblezada, prior to Coronavirus putting every inch of Broadway in the dark.
Below the video, the caption said “Duet this as Eurydice! Let me hear your voices! :) #fyp #hadestown #duet.”
Maybe you could duet it? Of course you could, it was just a simple sixty second video, it wouldn’t change or affect your life in any way shape or form. At least that’s what you initially thought.
Clicking the small swishy arrow, then clicking duet, you sang your part and finalized the video, with the caption ‘The Orpheus to my Eurydice! Cast Jordan as Orpheus or you’re cowards!!! #fyp #bway #duet #hadestown’ Granted the duet itself wasn’t anything professional and was merely for fun, as you assumed Jordan would never see it, let alone anyone from Broadway that would see your poke at the Hadestown casting directors.
You went to text your friend about your recent Glee binge while pressing play on the next episode, though Netflix should know you by now. Of course you’re ‘still watching,’ that shouldn’t even be a question. You decide to grab the bag of chips off of the coffee table before plopping yourself on the couch and settling into the plot that was the storm of Glee.
Two episodes in and your phone vibrates beside you. 
Y/F/N Calling...
You accept the call and raise the phone to your ear.
“Oh my God! You saw it right? Tell me you saw it?” they shrill into your ear.
“What is ‘it?” What are you talking about?”
“Come on Y/N... Jordan commented on your post!”
“No way.. What the fuck!? Let me go see.” you respond before adding, “hold on, I’ll call you back.”
Sure enough, you opened TikTok and there was the notification, or the many notifications...
@jordan_fisher: YOU KILLED THIS! 😍
Another notification popped up, this time a little paper airplane depicting a dm.
Jordan Fisher: 
Hey! You did so good on that duet!! 
Does he do that to everyone who duets? What was going on...
You take a screenshot and send it to Y/F/N with ‘tell me i’m reading this wrong... this is fake...’ undernearth the screenshot.
You go back to TikTok and reply, or try to, as Y/F/N floods you with texts. ‘OMG DATE’ ‘WTF NO WAY’ ‘OMG SIS U HAVE TO’ ‘MESSAFE HIM’ ‘FLIRT FLIRT PLS OMH DO IT NOW FOT ME’
Y/N L/N:
Thank you! That means so much coming from you! Yours was phenomenal
He responded almost instantaneously.
Jordan Fisher: 
Well I kinda do the singing thing for a living. Seriously though, do you sing? I’ve seen some of your videos, you’re really good!
Now he wants to actually know you? Not only that, but he’s creeped on your TikTok? He doesn’t do this with everyone... right?
Y/N L/N:
Well I knew that much. I sing in the shower! Not professionally, but I’ve written some stuff.. I wish I had the guts to get out there!
You were actually shaking, and didn’t know what to even say to him. This was all so surreal to you.
Then you got an Instagram notification. 
@jordan_fisher has followed you!
Followed by a TikTok notification that Jordan had duetted you back. The duet was Jordan staring at the screen with a smile on his face while you sang the Eurydice part, then adding “OH MY GOD SHE’S LITERALLY SO GOOD!” to the end. 
Comments flooded in left and right, follows on Instagram.. It seemed endless. You decide to mess with him and message him on Instagram. 
You stalking me or something? 🤔
Maybe it’s something like that. Or maybe you just caught my eye.
Is that so?
Yeah, you really blew me away!
Okay Philip Hamilton blow us all away tease! Btw you did so good in that show! 
You saw it?
Yeah I saw you as Philip and John, but couldn’t stagedoor :( but here I am talking to you so!
Well I’m glad the universe worked out that way!
Literally how many people can say they’re talking to their childhood crush on Instagram? Not many!
Childhood crush huh?
Let’s just say my younger sibling had a thing for Liv&Maddie😂
That’s cute though! Gotta start somehow. This is totally random, and you can say no, but what would you say to coffee sometime?
I’d say that I’ll need your number to let your know when your order is ready, just like Starbucks!
Oh right, like Starbucks...😂 xxx-xxx-xxxx
I’ll text you the plan yeah?
Can’t wait!
yikes, when this is some really bad writing and a weird ending???? it’ll probably be a part two or something idk i didn’t have an idea for the next bit?? so if anyone has any ideas pls hit the ask box up.. but beware i really forget that thing exists ajdakkjf IM GETTING BETTER AT TUMBLR I SWEAR IM RELEARNING THE WRITING THING AND THE TUMBLR THING.. trust the process pls bc i miss writing and i want ppl to like the stuff i write!! also sorry for the weird title,,, again, still getting used to this stuff again :/
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puppy-phum · 4 years
ah thank you @yibobibo for tagging me ^^ these are always so much fun! also am avoiding going to sleep lol so here I go
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? umm this dark berry red? idk it’s a very old one and i should probably get a new one :’D
2. Name a food you never eat. hmm, am really not that picky with food. but i had an disagreement with meat loaf for a long time bc once as a kid i got sick while eating it and well. let’s say it came back up :) so i was a bit traumatized lol 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold! definitely ;; that’s why i hate living here when summer is like maybe two weeks and otherwise am freezing 24/7
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? umm watching ultimate note i think lol it has taken over my weekends
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? wow hmm. i think fazer’s dark choco + chili bar is amazing? otherwise maybe kinder’s bueno 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yeah, a couple of times :’D to watch ice hockey lol bc it’s probably the only sport i enjoy... oh, and karate once too! that was cool somehow :o 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “how are you like this” to heihua in ultimate note bc i dunno why but they keep. flirting with each other while bullying other ppl???  
8. What is your favourite ice cream? chocolate! (or if it’s available, i absolutely adore sorbets or some very nice and sour berry flavors!) 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? peppermint tea ^^
10. Do you like your wallet? oh yeah :o i love the flower pattern on it and several ppl have complimented it a lot too? i can’t remember where i bought it but it’s nice and i always feel so fancy when i flip it out haha 
11. What is the last thing you ate? some chocolate :’D why does every other answer seem to be somehow related to chocolate... (ah yes, bc i love it) 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? hmm no. but am actually waiting to go shopping after christmas so that i can get new stuff ^^ 
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? ummmm does street dance of china count? 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? uh, the normal? is that butter then??? i don’t even know any other flavors
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? i’d say @i-am-just-a-kiddo who always has to suffer from my continuous screaming over. everything, basically (i am a very hyper person when it comes to things i love) 
16. Ever been camping? not specifically but i’ve slept in a tent a couple of times and done some hiking lol also i think i would love to try?
17. Do you take vitamins? nope, not really? should i?? maybe i should, at least some d vitamin... i miss seeing the sun, where is it ;o 
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope, not really religious 
19. Do you have a tan? umm no our summers are short as mentioned and i usually try to avoid getting tanned ^^’ 
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? chinese bc i get tired of pizza very fast
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? yeah! i love the feeling of using a straw :’) also love it when they are funny colored or fancy or just very silly looking? 
22. What color socks do you usually wear? very basic gray/white/black but then i have these random colorful socks too? and something like,,, deep turquoise. and dark wine red. and socks with flowers??? 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? no i am a very law abiding citizen jfghjf (tho i drive very rarely bc i don’t own a car)
24. What terrifies you? ummmmm. let’s say randomly that i would absolutely freak out if one day i was closing my curtains and someone was looking at me through my window (which is highly unlikely bc i live in the third floor but my brain insists on this one on a daily basis) 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my empty tea cup, waiting to be taken away. so that i could sleep. sigh
26. What chore do you hate most? umm. vacuuming? it just feels like such a waste of time 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i feel like the first two things that just pop into my head when someone mentions australia are troye sivan and @ashenwren ♥ 
28. What’s your favorite soda? coke or pommac (it’s this fruity soda? i used to call it as kid’s beer when i was young lol) 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? would usually go to the place but i guess for now it would be safer to go to the drive thru? idk 
30. What’s your favorite number? i have no idea what i’ve answered previously to similar questions but let’s go with eight 
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? physically talked to? my parents probably
32. Favorite meat? chicken but i could also say shrimp or any fish tbh 
33. Last song you listened to? dpr ian - so beautiful x (this song is so addictive somehow??? and the mv is amazing!) 
34. Last book you read? uhhh this book related to men’s studies where the author talked about his own experiences and views on being a man in this society that really much supports toxic masculinity and those toxic ways to show it (i cried) 
35. Favorite day of the week? probably thursday currently bc ultimate note :’) 
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? uuuhh not right now probably but if you give me a moment i promise i can
37. How do you like your coffee? just like i like my men so,,, no. (lol that was an opportunity too perfect not to use) 
38. Favorite pair of shoes? my pair of combat boots! or whatever you can call my black boots that make me feel badass but also fancy and comfortable 
39. Time you normally get up? i try to make it around 10am but i just laze around in bed and i might actually get up at 11am-12pm 
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? both tbh, sunrise has its own vibe that’s completely different from sunset and both are just breathtaking! (no wonder my xicheng fic is very much full of/based on this day cycle symbolism smh) 
41. How many blankets on your bed? one, i surprisingly enough get very hot during night (and not in the sexy way) 
42. Describe your kitchen plates. light blueish gray? square. the smaller ones have these blue shapes on a white background, circle. 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. clean too! i cleaned it yesterday :’D
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i’d say long drinks. or just,,, i dunno, vodka with orange juice? always works 
45. Do you play cards? oh i did nothing else during the summer but play cards with my mom jfhgfghk it’s very relaxing somehow (also i love to teach ppl new games even if i know like,,, maybe five) 
46. What color is your car? don’t own one 
47. Can you change a tire? absolutely! i used to join my dad as a kid when he changed his tires :’D so i know the process and would be able to handle one i suppose
48. Your favorite state or province? i. don’t really have one? maybe the one on our west coast, i like the dialect over there 
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i’ve only had like two? maybe? and i didn’t really enjoy either but does doing theater stuff as a hobby count? bc i’ve enjoyed that and it felt like a job at certain points :’) 
wow this got so long wth ;o i didn’t even realize it was 40 questions jdhgkfg but it was fun! i hope this tells you something about me :’D and i’ll tag the two ppl who i’ve already tagged into these answers :’D so go for it you two! and then i want to tag some of the ppl i always bother aka @kholran @stebeee @manhasetardis @aheartfullofjolllly @leonzhng @lzswy (i know some of you have been tagged already but i hope it’s fine. also no need to if this feels like too much!)
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salsakiyoomi · 3 years
HELLO FAR 💕 eep iirc youre starting school tomorrow? (or is it today??? i have no idea) sobsob thats so tragic askdjsk😭 aaa school and having to make new friends is not easy but having trouble with that doesnt make you dumb okay!!! im honestly an introvert so up till now ive kind of just,, relied on the more extroverted ppl to bother coming to talk to me HAHAHAHH hopefully if they have their own friend groups already theyll be more open to talking to you too!! ive been the new girl a few times too and ive gotten really lucky that ppl just absorbed me ?? into their friend groups so hope that happens for you too(? idk it turned out well for me but it could also go wrong in many other ways 😣)
in other news i keep seeing you post about pjo and bsd askfjs hELLO i love both too 😩 havent read pjo in a long long time, and i keep trying to start trials of apollo but like apollo's a v annoying narrator so i havent gotten past the first book askjds hELP i miss percy's narration;; aND BSD!!! maybe its cuz i dont really read fics for them but i do feel its pretty underrated
hope you have a great first day! let me know how it goes!!! ~ ann :>
and yes hello let me be your number 1 fan
hello bae omg im so sorry for replying to this so late
yep, i went to school yesterday, it was pretty hectic 😭 had an anxiety attack and a full on breakdown in the middle of the hallway, good first impression, am i right?
pls, im an introvert too, but like yeah, i made a couple friends? they were people i knew from my lesson so we kinda talked and what not
and like omgg, you like pjo and bsd too?? i'm starting to write for bsd now, wrote an aktugawa drabble 😫
as for toa, pls, okay i like apollo's narration, it's so swag and sassy pls, tho sometimes his over the top ego pisses me off DJDJEIDJ but like, that makes the character development way more obvious, and i love that, also like apollo's narration is close to percy's in terms of being a sarcastic piece of shit.
and bsd, its true, it is underrated to some extent, but trust me there are lots of fics and drabbles for it, just search the tag, but as for now the fandom kinda died bc of the recent arc (just talk i heard bc apparently the recent arc is taking so long? i havent caught up to the manga yet sobsob)
ann, you sweet sweet soul, ilysm bae <33
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juhaksworld · 3 years
— fanfic writers tag game <3!!
tagged by @fluttering-tbz
tagging ( i don’t know many ppl yet sorry ;-; i hope you weren’t already tagged ) @tbzhours @moonieric  @treasuretaeil
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
I started a short story with a few BTS members in it a long time ago. i didn’t really count it as a fanfic tho bc they were just based after the members,, not actually them lol if that makes sense.
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
just The Boyz,,,, although I’m strongly considering writing an EXO reaction someday soon 
3. how long have you been writing?
fanfic: only for a few weeks now?? i’ve been writing for quite a while now though ( my dream is to be a writer someday lmao ) 
4. on which platforms do you post your stories
just here on tumblr for now hehe. one of my friends strongly recommended publishing my longer stories on wattpad too but I haven’t gotten there yet lol
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
fluffy fluff haha. something super sweet and somewhat realistic <3
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
pantser lol. I try to plan but I’m a very feeling inspired writer...so I only write when i’m in the mood ( which isn’t exactly recommended as an aspiring writer.. i know T___T )
7. one-shot or multi-chapter?
for now I’ve only published one-shots,, but I’m working on a longer story with chapters. I’m hoping to post it soon!
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
i don’t really feel like there is a “perfect” length. it really all depends on what is happening in the chapter and everything.
9. what is your longest published story?
“you surprised me!” my first published story actually. it’s only about 600 some words lol ;-;
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
hmmm probably “tbz reactions to dating someone super shy”  i could relate to it well bc I’m really shy too,,, and i started it a while ago just for fun so i felt no pressure writing it <3
11. favorite request you’ve written and why?
“i”m here” bc it was requested by my bestie!! i also felt a new sense of writing style with this one and i loved it!!
12 are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
hmmm i feel like I haven’t written enough to see a reoccurring theme yet,,, but I can say in the future probably you’ll just see lots of sugar sweet fluff that makes you feel warm and hopefully kinda cozy inside too??? 
13. current number of wips?
a lot T__T   it would take a while to find and count them all but I can think of about 5 different ones right now on the top of my head.
14. three things you have noticed about your writing?
I liked things to seem natural?? kinda slow moving like everyday life. haknyeon lol.
15. a quote you like from a published story?
“  You felt his gaze and started blushing. Even though you had been dating Hak for months, his gaze never failed to make you flustered. How long would you stay like this? Forever?  “  --- “you surprised me!”
16. a quote from an unpublished story?
“I saw your texts” she chuckled, “He is a rather good looking individual I must say.”
“Isn’t he though” you responded.
“I wanted to tell you in better circumstances, but I guess I’ll tell you now. I feel like I have to tell you now that I realized it myself…..” Kiki paused.
“Yes? What is it? You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“Well, it’s awkward to say out loud, but I think….no, I know, I have feelings for Chanhee.”
HAHAHAHA I’m teasing y’all with this one hehe <333
17. space for you to say something to your readers~~
I am overwhelmed with the love I’ve received!! I haven’t even published that many fics on here yet but I feel like I was welcomed into the writing community so warmly and that means so much! also I’m super grateful to each and every follower I have and for everyone of you who reblogged, liked, and gave feedback on my stories!!! that means the world to me and i love you all so much *mwah mwah* <3
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