#yes i AM very funny thank u
caleohateclub · 11 days
the epic fandom:
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somniumfaults · 15 days
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My laptop needs to be fixed, so in the meantime! Here's my Tokyo Debunker OC that I've been working on!! Hehe <3 i love her and have both a drawing and fic wip of her waiting to be finished sometime ^^
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NAME: Misha
PRONOUNS: she/her
HOUSE: Sinostra (formerly Dionysia)
YEAR: 2nd
BIRTHDAY: May 17th
LIKES: cherries, pain/masochism
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“Who’s to say there will be tomorrow?”
Sinostra’s much needed second-year healer. Determined to live her life out to its fullest, she won’t take no for an answer, for better or worse. Some of her self-destructive habits worry those around her, but as long as she has no regrets, there’s nothing for her to lose.
Pinterest Outfit References
Taiga/Misha playlist
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Motives: Take advantage of the opportunities you have to make the most of life and never let anyone take them from you. She was placed in Dionysia and transitioned into Sinostra when the house became defunct. Her placement in Sinostra was due to her resolution to be in control of her life no matter what. At the end of the day, she’ll do what she wants to do.
Demon pact: Sick of being chronically ill with an autoimmune disease no one cared enough to look into and the chronic pain, she chose to make a pact with a demon based on her anger at the idea of succumbing to her helplessness and the whims of other people. Her condition was not cured, but it is (almost always) forever at a stalemate as Buer’s ability to heal counteracts the damage done.
Stigma: Uber - can heal ailments* at the expense of an equivalent amount of her own blood
*ailments defined as temporary injuries or conditions. She can’t undo genetic conditions or change your brain chemistry.
Using her stigma allows for her autoimmune condition and chronic pain to reactivate due to the healing properties of her pact being redirected away from her. The more blood it requires, the worse she feels.
Due to the nature of her stigma, she can’t use it on herself because (a) she would be losing blood anyway and (b) accelerating the healing of other injuries would also allow for the acceleration of her autoimmune condition and risk injuring herself further internally.
Artifact: cherry bombs/m-80s
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★ Rui ★
Misha → Rui: close friends 🙂 she visits his bar often for some fun drinks and gossip. They partner up sometimes so they can make homebrew hangover medicine and various other quick pick-me-ups. She prefers to use her stigma when he’s around to help offset her pain. They spent a lot of time together in their first year due to being the only two ghouls in Dionysia and work together well. Hearing his voice helps calm her due to the familiarity that it invokes, and she wishes they could still touch each other like they could prior to the curse. She worries that he may be too lonely.
Rui → Misha: close friends! She's his closest friend on campus and one of the few people he truly trusts to voice his grievances to. He isn’t super enthused about their medicinal drink partnership because he knows the side effects on her, but he won’t lie that he likes experimenting with what can be made. Misha is the one who volunteered and pushed to do it though, so he can’t say no. He wishes she would take better care of herself.
★ Haru ★
Misha → Haru: her drinking buddy!! She thinks he’s adorable, especially when he’s all drunk and pouty. She had a fling with him in their first year but now they’re just close friends. She’ll come help out with the park if he really begs and owes her something, because she knows he’ll coax a mile out of her if she gives an inch. She does worry about him though, so it’s not strange to find her stopping by regardless to do small favors for him. Sometimes she sneaks him healing drinks Rui and her made to help give his body a boost rather than just let him down energy drinks. She admires his hard work a lot.
Haru → Misha: his drinking buddy!! He had a crush on her in his first year, but now they’re just friends. He feels bad taking her drinks when he knows they're using her stigma and usually protests if he realizes, but sometimes it's just easier for him to swallow the guilt and take it… He needs it, sometimes. He's a bit sad they didn't end up in the same house for their second year and wishes they could spend more time together. He dislikes that she ended up in Sinostra and is especially unhappy with her relationship and dynamic with Taiga, but he has to swallow his dissatisfaction and concern most of the time because he wants her to be happy. Even though he thinks Taiga doesn't deserve her.
★ Romeo ★
Misha → Romeo: her drinking buddy!! She finds him funny when she’s not the one having to deal with him, and her preferred setting for chatting to him is when they’re both at the bar with a drink. Their interactions can grow tense due to their respective stubbornness and refusal to back down from doing things their own way, but for the most part their day-to-day interactions only get snippy at most. At the end of the day, she respects him and his capabilities even though she disagrees with his attitude most of the time. If there's anyone who is determined to live his life to the fullest at Darkwick, it's Romeo.
Romeo → Misha: she’s frustrating to deal with but capable and more or less reliable, unless she thinks he’s being stupid and in which case she’s an IRB (incorrigible rogue brat). She has good ideas though, and has more drive than Taiga does nowadays, so he doesn’t actually mind her too much. It helps that while they'd never spent personal time together in their first year, it wasn't as if she hasn't already been engaging with and working with Sinostra due to Taiga and her stigma. He definitely abuses calling her whenever he needs help reeling Taiga in. Not that she's the perfect solution, but two people Taiga tolerates and has affection for in his own way is better than one.
★ Taiga ★
Misha → Taiga: they’re in some sort of committed romantic relationship, although it's complicated nowadays. She misses the way he was in his first year; they had interacted a lot because he needed blood in order to use his stigma and her stigma helped a bit with the brain fog side effects. (Although obviously she was not his entire blood source.) Still, despite his mental state clearly having deteriorated, she continues to like him a lot and loves the thrill he brings into her life. It makes her feel alive and in a way, even more in control of her life because the injuries she sustains with and for him are purely by her own choice. (She doesn’t spill blood just for Darkwick. She doesn’t have to heal anyone when she bleeds unless she wants to.) (Also she’s just kind of into it. Even if her brother despairs over her walking into his office with more than just your average hickey.)
Taiga → Misha: he is usually able to remember her at least after a few moments due to their extensive relationship through their first year until now, from work relations to romantic commitment. He finds her presence and voice to be grounding when he’s feeling poor and sometimes when he needs a break from everything, he makes her just sit with him and keep him company as he rests. Over time due to their blood arrangement, she’s become one of the few, if not only, people in his life he feels comfortable being vulnerable and weak around. He likes the feeling of her fingers in his hair. Her blood tastes good to him and he knows he feels better after having some of it (both with or without her stigma), and it's not unusual for him to spontaneously chomp down on her when he’s feeling peckish. Even if she were to protest, depending on his mood he’ll just smirk and/or grumble and say she shouldn't be leaving such a tempting snack out in the open like that then (showing skin).
★ Professor Nicolas ★
Misha → Nicolas: he's her older brother. She’s somewhat detached from him due to their age gap and him having rarely been home when she was younger (thanks Darkwick). Her initial reaction to him was tense and verging on hostile, because she wasn’t expecting to see him at Darkwick and felt betrayed for various reasons. (A) She was upset to see him knowing that he never called home and thought he didn’t care, which not only hurt her but made her angry because their parents missed him. (B) A part of her wondered if this was all his fault and if he planned for this to happen to her and (C) She was angry because if he had just been more present in her life, maybe he could have known about her situation and prevented all this from happening since he had access to superior medical facilities. After a time, she calmed down and forgave him more or less once she realized what the true dynamic/situation of Darkwick was with its staff and students. Now, she’s grown to appreciate his company and appreciate having someone she knows at the school. They have a comfortable relationship even if she finds his concern to be overly fussy at times
Nicolas → Misha: she's his younger sister. He holds some resentment and guilt in his heart towards himself and towards Darkwick for letting her become a ghoul, because he believes he could have stopped it had he been a more involved sibling and realized she was suffering. He also feels guilt towards hearing the confirmation that his family feels abandoned by him, but that’s soothed somewhat by the knowledge that he’s bound by his duties. Although also slightly detached from Misha by virtue of not having been a large part of her life consistently, he cares deeply for her and worries about the choices she makes and the risk of retribution towards her from Darkwick. Even though she's a ghoul and heals quickly, he wishes her and Taiga would show some restraint in breaking her skin or worse. (He doesn't approve of their relationship and dynamic at all, but he's forced to bite his tongue to keep the peace.)
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technically this is still a work in progress bc she's my baby (oc I project onto) and I love thinking about her role in universe and elaborating on her dynamics w diff characters :3 but this is her "final" profile! Thanks for reading all that if you diddddd <3
shout-out and much thanks to @danieyells for their posts compiling info about the houses, stigmas, and more! They carried me a lot in making Misha, and you should definitely check out their posts <3
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basketobread · 10 months
Has Lunara gotten the Wyll dance scene yet? It just happened to me and she was my first thought. I imagined her coming around the corner with some bread in her mouth or something and stumbling upon his little ballet routine, and hes just like "oh hey" like it wasn't super obviously intentional. But she's so overcome with social anxiety that she just starts staring at ants or something. Meanwhile, Wyll is just like 😑
SIAHAIDSUHDSIDA NOT YET!! she's still in act 1 so we're gonna have to get her to act 2 for that one. BUT YOU'RE SO RIGHT SHE WOULD JUST STARE AT HIM WITH THE BIG OL EYES... fun fact: even though lunara INSISTS on traveling with ONLY WOMEN!!! she likes to keep wyll around cuz she thinks hes just the sweetest dude ever and if i could, i wouldve added him to the team but the party limit is 4 </3
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goldentigerfestival · 4 months
babe wake up new matching yuri and flynn merch just dropped
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what kind of cratures do you think the trigun gang would be?
CREATURES IN GENERAL OR SEA CREATURES. BECAUSE MY FRIEND MONTY N I WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT TRIGUN FURSONAS THE OTHER DAY. but i am the sea creature guy at heart so im gonns give u those i hope that is ok 😌 there are many benefits to being a marine biologist.
Vash: he is... so very shark coded to me. everyone looks at him and sees a dangerous killing machine. frequently covered in scars. do u see the connection here. he is specifically a thresher shark to me because of the whole sharpshooter thing and also the sad sad puppydog eyes 💙
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Wolfwood: i am torn between two different types of eels for him. giant morays are more aesthetically pleasing but personally i have to go with a wolf eel both for the name and because ive worked with these guys before and theyre sooooo cool so im biased
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Meryl: not technically a sea creature because she is just so bird coded to me. White-Tailed Tropicbird
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Milly: is it cheating to have two cephalopods on this list. because i think i really want to say giant pacific octopus for milly. either that or a whale shark 💙 yes those are two completely different animals no i will not be taking criticism at this time
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bonus Knives because i love him and i feel the most strongly about this one:
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... and also a bristle worm . for what i hope are obvious reasons
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#NORMALLY THOUGH meryl is an egyptian plover#shes sooooo so very much an egyptian plover. hold on i made a post about that the other day ill reblog it again for u :] hehe#i worked at an aquarium last year and every time we would pull a bristleworm out of one of our tanks id be like ohhh my god its knives.....#i love every opportunity to push my sea creature knives agenda. hes so sea creature to me. hes so marine biologist to me.#OH MY GOD ALSO LIVIO. LIVIO IS A GOLIATH GROUPER TO ME . <3#side note also . have you ever seen that picture of a hermit crab using a human skull as a shell#(<< the image is fake its photoshopped BUT)#thats legato. to me. except with a blueleg hermit crab. he is a blue leg hermit crab with a human skull for a shell#which is bullshit because i dont think legato deserves something that cool but alas it is unfortunately perfect for him#(<< this is /j i think legato is a cool and interesting character#i just think he has a punchable face and like 2 pretend i hate his guts cause its funny)#HI !!!! THANK U FOR GIVI G ME AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABT SEA CREATURES ILY <3333#asks#madnessmadness#sorry if u meant like... actual land creatures. unfortunately i am the fish guy forever <3#YES I REALIZE VASH AND KNIVES ARE TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT CREATURES AND THAT MAKES NO SENSE BC THEYRE TWINS#BUT LIKE. I FEEL SO STRONGLY ABOUT BOTH OF THOSE THINGS#i could be persuaded to make knives a shark if needed bc there are so many cool shark species i could assign to him#but like. hes just soooo bobtail squid coded to me ive been saying that since i first saw his fuckin. snuggie in tristamp
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anxeious · 17 days
sometimes you reblog from some... "interesting" blogs but I don't really mind bc I block them and bc you're not hypervigilant which is good and part of your easy going nature. yay. anyway I like your blog
i very often go thru my followers blogs & follow some people back as well as like/reblog/queue random posts on random blogs that could be suggested to me. sometimes those blogs look okay/normal and similar to mine whenevrr i look thru it but afterwards they might rb/say some questionable things or you know, not be as similar to my blog as i thought,, which is my bad
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dykexenomorph · 1 year
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the beef between me and this woman is unreal. (it's one sided. why does she hate my guts)
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jrueships · 1 year
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khaotunq · 1 year
#i am always going on about how feedback is lovely but doesn't particularly motivate me#buuuuuuuut#i got a bunch of reblogs tonight on the ayan's instagram edit i made#and i am now back working on kan's#i have his and akk's almost ready to go i just ran out of ideas for posts#i have a few ideas for wat's#i am going to s t r u g g l e with thua's lmao#i may end up doing a second aye one#i'm trying to incorporate their personalities into every element and some are relatively easy#aye am i being a play on words on his name#umakktually being both a sarcastic interjection and a play on um being a common way of transcribing 'yes'#watadirector is pretty self explanatory at the same time as him Doin A Funny#ka555n is just fun to say honestly. but he's the joker of the group so. obviously.#i VERY NEARLY went with etthuabrute for thua but i'd get eaten by thua stans lmao but i think i'm funny#findingnamo was a last minute stroke of exasperation. kid's a cartoon fish or something#i wanna wait for our skyy to incorporate potential uni stuff but i'm#1. not that patient and#2. have absolutely zero impulse control#anyway my period's nearly here and i'm emotional about everything rn so#thanks guys u rly made this old boy's day#about jay#mine: eclipse socials#so it is decreed#but i am putting an absurd amount of thought into other things#kan has more followers than anyone. he also posts constantly. about everything.#akk has the least followers because he barely actually uses the thing and is mainly a lurker on his friends' profiles#like an overbearing parent#wat gets photo credit on half of everybody's posts#which is fun because wat's ig is probably going to be full of photos of everyone else#alksjdfas anyway more coming i promise
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jo-com · 3 months
Oscar but with a very dear-like girlfriend (she's very shy, skittish and very rare to see on social media because she avoids the cameras like the plague)
🩰 ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊ ୨ৎ ➛ Bambi
Oscar Piastri x Fem!reader
Summary: Based of the request☝🏻
Genre: Fluff and a little bit of SMAU
Fc: Kathryn Bernardo
Note: there are some grammar errors and i am sorry if i just answered this request now, i was finishing some of my og works in my draft soo i hope you enjoyed this!!.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ➛ My Masterlist
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The bustling city roared with excitement— the mix of music and chatters filled the lively streets. Within that, two friends were walking amongst the crowd when they suddenly spotted one particular driver that was walking at the side with a girl?
With nerves that fueled both their curiosity and joy, they slowly approached the couple with smiles that stretched across their faces.
One of them lightly tapping Oscar’s shoulder making the couple turn around to completely face the two. “Uhm hi, me and my friend saw you guys and were wondering to get a picture?”she spoke, some of her words came out stuttered.
Before answering, Oscar looked back at you— his eyes curling into questionable ones,”Is that alright with you my love?” He asked, his tone soft and gentle. Like he always have with you.
“Yeah baby it’s fine” you muttered, your voice barely audible, but was loud enough for him to hear.
Oscar knew how anxious and shy you get whenever there are others; it was a habit you developed when you were small that came with you throughout adulthood. Luckily you met a guy who was willingly patient for you to open up.
And you were forever grateful for that.
The two friends looked at awe at their relationship, their eyes shined with adoration, but their minds still processing the new found information.
It was never said or announced that Oscar had a girlfriend— she was also rarely seen in both the media and the paddock. So they were shock to see a girl that nestled close to his embrace.
Oscar coughed, getting the attention of the two, he smiled at them and answered back politely, “yeah sure, we can take a picture.”
The two girls squealed with happiness as they put out their phone and took one or two shots of pictures.
After that, the friends thanked them both and let them to enjoy the lively city.
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Randm_girlie OMFG JS MET THE OSCAR PIASTRI (I still can’t believe it)
Tagged; @M_Bff
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Username2 wth who is she!?!!
Username3 Does @Mclaren know abt this!
Username4 EWWW WTF
Username5 I’ve not seen her in the paddock
Randm_girlie CHILL GUYS, it’s his gf and she’s very pretty in person💕
Username6 ohh gross
Username7 js like u??
Username9 damn that fast?
Username8 It’s @Just.yn but it’s private
Username16 saw them once, they’re perfect
With that single picture— the two of you have been the talk of the social. People from his circle and friend group asked numerous times who you were and whether or not the rumors were true.
They were honestly begging for details.
“My baby is so famous”, Oscar joked, his hand sliding up to caress your cheeks.
You playfully rolled your eyes and pouted, “Not funny osc, you know how i hate attention.”
Oscar let out a few giggle and pinched your cheeks. “Too late baby, you’re just too adorable that people are so interested in you.”
“Should i be jealous?” He added, his face jokingly shifted into a shock.
You happily laughed back at his antics. The two of you sharing a laugh as you guys joked around some more.
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Liked by Mclaren, Just.yn, Charles_leclerc and 4,789,701 others
Oscarpiastri Compilation of me and her (this is the closest you will get to seeing her pictures)
Tagged; @Just.yn
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Oscarpiastri yes she’s mine forever
Username12 CAN SHE BE MINE
Oscarpiastri uhm no.
Username13 Admin come get ur boy
Landonorris No wonder you don’t hangout with me anymore🙁
Oscarpiastri she’s way better ngl
Username14 BRUTAL😭
Oscarpiastri KINDA??? Girl please she’s hella fine
McLaren We need to teach you some selfcontrol☺️
I hope i did it okay?? Idk it felt off🥹🥹
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ham1lton · 3 months
just a normal girl.
pairings: charles leclerc x comedienne!reader.
summary: just a normal girl is a stand-up netflix comedy special performed by actress and comedienne y/n l/n in which she discusses her childhood, her horrible first meeting with her boyfriend and being a twenty something in london.
author’s note: based on that one anon’s dream but i changed it up slightly! also eid mubarak to all my muslim followers celebrating today! this is for you <3 i also have a new taglist so please help me out by filling it if you’d like to be tagged in future works!
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Y/N L/N: so, charles decides to take me shopping. fancy, right? we walk into this chic little boutique and, surprise, the shopkeeper only speaks french. now, i don’t speak french. at all. my entire french vocabulary consists of 'oui' and 'croissant.' meanwhile, charles is chatting away like he’s in a romance film, all suave and shit.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: and there i am, standing there, smiling and nodding like i understand every word. for all i knew, charles could be telling the guy, 'this is my new project. she thinks monaco is in morocco. and i’ve been dared to make her over like that one freddie prinze jr film.' and i’m just like, 'yes, absolutely. très bien.’
[audience laughs harder]
Y/N L/N: so charles is chatting to the guy in french as they go through the boutique and he inevitably finds this gorgeous dress. he hands it to me, all excited, like ‘try it on! you’ll look stunning’ and i look at the price tag. why was this dress more than my rent? for that price the dress needs to fill my fridge, put shelter over my head and fly like a magic carpet.
Y/N L/N: i exit the changing room, because when a cute guy asks me to do something… i can’t say no. i can’t help it! i can’t say no to pretty faces!
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: charles is looking at me in this dress like i’m an angel from above and i’m calculating the amount of ramen noodles i’ll have to buy to smooth over my overdraft. maybe if i wear it every day for the next sixty five years, it’ll work itself out? then charles chats to the shopkeeper and points at me and then at charles and i’m thinking… what the hell are they saying about me. he’s probably telling charles ‘this girl is not for you. she’s very clueless and can’t handle the high life you are accustomed to’.
[audience boos the shopkeeper]
Y/N L/N: oh no, don’t boo him. he was right. i was clueless and unable to handle the high life. charles looks at me smiling like ‘should we get the dress?’. on the inside i’m like, NOOOOOOOOOOOO but on the outside i’m like, oh sure, yeah, why not. but he rings it up and says ‘that’ll be 32,489 euros please’ and i want to die. but then charles just hands over his card and i remember… i’m dating a guy who probably earns my life savings in a day. life goals, am i right ladies?
[the ladies in the audience cheer]
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liked by netflix, charles_leclerc and 483,938 others.
yourusername: tfw your netflix special is number one for two weeks so ur man buys u two flower bouquets. guys get please me to three so i can get another <3
also i have had a recent influx of followers? so hi. i’m y/n, i act and i think i’m funny sometimes. if you’ve watched my netflix special? mwah <- that’s me kissing your forehead.
view all 2,737 comments
charles_leclerc: not you cheating on me in your caption ☹️🙁
-> yourusername: sorry you had to find out this way <3
user1: omg is she muslim?? and a hijabi??
-> user2: finding yn… inshallah they find her.
maxverstappen1: made a netflix account to watch you and it was good! 👍🏻
-> yourusername: thank you user maxverstappen1. always appreciate the support from grassroots fans such as yourself.
arthur_leclerc: wait was the kidnapping story real?
-> yourusername: obviously! i have never lied in a comedy special. exaggerated, perhaps, but never lied! what sort of woman do you take me for?
user6: why can’t we see your face in any of these pics?
-> yourusername: because you can see my face on netflix in hd in my new comedy special - just a normal girl :)
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[spotlight on y/n l/n standing center stage, audience is attentive]
Y/N L/N: the first time charles invited me to a formula 1 race. i know, right? fancy! i mean, i usually spend my weekends binge-watching netflix in my pajamas, and suddenly, i’m in the vip section at a grand prix. talk about a plot twist.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: so, we get there, and i'm already feeling out of place. everyone is dressed to the nines in designer outfits, and i’m wearing the only fancy dress i own, which is basically just a black dress i got on sale at h&m. but i’m trying to fit in, pretending i know what’s going on. spoiler alert: i have no idea what’s going on.
[audience laughs louder]
Y/N L/N: charles is introducing me to all these important people, and they’re all speaking this mix of french, italian, and who-knows-what. and i'm just standing there, smiling and nodding, because that’s my default mode in these situations.
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: then, charles introduces me to his team, and they start explaining all these technical details about the car. and i’m thinking, 'wow, this is fascinating,' but honestly, it sounds like they’re speaking another language. they could be telling me the car runs on unicorn tears, and i’d just nod along, 'ah yes, absolutely. unicorn tears. very efficient. not very sustainable though….’
[audience laughs]
Y/N L/N: alright, so while we’re on the topic of my boyfriend, let me tell you about the time my family found out i was dating a rich formula one driver. you’d think they’d be excited for me, proud even. but no, my family? they just saw dollar signs.
Y/N L/N: so, i’m visiting my family for the holidays, and everything is going well. we’re having dinner, catching up, and then my aunt, bless her heart, leans over and whispers, 'is it true? are you really dating a formula one driver?' and i’m like, 'well yes, aunt sarah, it’s true.'
Y/N L/N: now, my family is not subtle. at all. within minutes, it’s like they’ve formed a council of war. my uncle pulls out his phone and starts googling charles. my mom is like, 'how much money does he make?' and my dad is suddenly very interested in the price of sports cars.
Y/N L/N: i’m sitting there, trying to eat my mashed potatoes, and they’re plotting how to get charles to invest in my cousin’s failed business. my cousin, who once tried to sell homemade kombucha and ended up giving half the neighbourhood food poisoning. that cousin.
[audience laughs heartily]
Y/N L/N: my brother, always the opportunist, chimes in with, 'hey, maybe he can get us a discount on a new ferrari!' like it’s a shein code that you can input on the website and i’m just sinking lower in my chair, wishing i could disappear.
Y/N L/N: so, i finally snap. i stand up and say, 'look, i know i’m broke, but i’m fine. i don’t need to use charles as an atm. he’s not a walking bank account, he’s a person.' and they’re all just staring at me, like i’ve grown two heads.
Y/N L/N: then my grandma, who hasn’t said a word all night, just quietly stands up and says, 'well, if he’s that rich, maybe he could at least buy us a new dishwasher. the old one is on its last legs.' and i’m like, 'seriously, grandma?'
[audience laughs louder]
Y/N L/N: but you know, through all this, charles has been amazing. he’s patient, understanding, and he never makes me feel bad about my financial situation. i’m broke, but i’m fine. and honestly, i think that’s what makes us work. i keep him grounded, and he... well, he reminds me that sometimes, it’s okay to splurge on the extras.
[audience cheers and applauds]
Y/N L/N: but here’s the thing about dating someone like charles. the highs are incredible, but there are lows too. there are moments when you feel like you’re in a fairy tale, and then there are times when reality hits you hard. like, after that amazing day at the race, we got home and charles was still buzzing from the win. and i… i was just exhausted.
[audience quiets down, listening intently]
Y/N L/N: i remember lying in bed that night, charles fast asleep beside me, and i couldn’t help but think about how different our worlds are. he’s out there living his dream, racing cars and traveling the world, and i’m just trying to keep up, trying to fit into a life that sometimes feels so foreign to me.
Y/N L/N: it’s hard, you know? being with someone who’s so extraordinary when you feel so ordinary. there’s this constant fear that one day he’ll wake up and realize he deserves someone who belongs in his world, someone who isn’t just pretending.
[audience is silent, reflective]
Y/N L/N: but then i look at him, and i see how much he loves me, how he looks at me like i’m the only person in the room, and for a moment, all those doubts fade away. because maybe, just maybe, being a normal girl is exactly what he needs in his extraordinary life.
[audience applauds softly]
Y/N L/N: thank you for listening, everyone. you've been amazing! enjoy the rest of your night. i know i will!
[spotlight dims, y/n exits to a heartfelt applause]
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liked by ynwifey, f1wags and 587,828 others.
yourusername: birds of a feather, we should stick together 🎶
tagged: @charles_leclerc
view all 34,937 comments
user9: mashallah sis! you look gorgeous :)
*liked by yourusername.*
user10: a billie fan!!!! omg!!
user89: charlesyn is so cute. funny gf x pretty bf.
-> user12: the way she is also pretty gf but he isn’t funny bf 😔
landonorris: no one wants to see happy couples on the timeline thanks x
-> yourusername: unfollow me x
-> landonorris: but who will make me laugh then 😔
-> yourusername: knock knock 😋
-> landonorris: who’s there 😁
-> yourusername: single 🙀
-> landonorris: single who? 🤨
-> yourusername: single you! still waiting for a punchline and a date 😊
-> landonorris: 😔
-> randomstalkerfan1: i’ll date you lando! :D
-> landonorris: would rather stay single thanks x
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1K notes · View notes
sunrizef1 · 6 months
Proper Scouser
pairing: Max verstappen x alexander-arnold!reader Trent Alexander Arnold x sister!reader
warnings: none, man united
authors note: guys I'm working on whiv I swear 😭 all the other chapters came out during break so I had time. But I already had this mostly finished and after that united loss I had to post it
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liked by trentarnold66 andyrobertson94 and 308,068 others
y/narnold99 7 reasons to smile 😁
load comments…
user1 I love her
user3 up the reds
user5 the caption… Trent’s sisters lowk class
user6 warra top 4 for Liverpool
user7 keep crying mate
trentarnold66 😁
user8 United fans crying in the comments
virgilvandijk was it entertaining? 😂
y/narnold99 🙏 very
user9 7up
user10 ❤️❤️❤️
user11 tell your brother to defend better
darwin_n9 VAMOS!!!
liked by y/narnold99
user12 Trent’s so fit man
user13 the scouser in our team
curtisjr 🔥🔥🔥
liked by y/narnold99
user15 I ❤️ y/n
user16 that’s embarrassing mate
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y/narnold99 has added to their story
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y/narnold99 added to their story
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trentarnold66 replied to your story
we win and you’re out celebrating without me???
fake 😒
you’ll get over it mate
who is it?
none of your business
I’m gonna tell Virgil you’re being mean to me
He’ll be on my side
go back to dating my friends without me knowing
that was one time!
and she sucked so
you really should be thanking me for revealing that she was a terrible person 🤷‍♂️
my dates calling me
bye loser
tell Curtis I said his goal was really good
don’t call me a loser
virgilvandijk replied to your story
Do I get to know about mystery man?
Yeah sure
It’s max
Don’t tell Trent though
I won’t haha
Nice kid though
He’s got the Dutch approval
Thanks virg
Nice win today btw
Thank you 🫡
Have a good date y/n
you told Virgil but not me??!!
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liked by maxverstappen1 judebellingham and 2,008,987 others
yourusername a proper scouser, he is
tagged: maxverstappen1
load comments…
user17 how… romantic?
user19 I am fully convinced that max has not understood a single word that y/n has ever said
virgilvandijk congratulations 🎉
liked by y/narnold99
user20 just imagine 3-time f1 world champion, max verstappen, navigating the city that is Liverpool
user21 they all live in Manchester anyway so he's probably fine
judebellingham a barca fan 🧐
y/narnold99 why do you know that
judebellingham dw about it
landonorris damn how'd he pull you
maxverstappen1 ???
landonorris 👋
maxverstappen1 is the caption a compliment
y/narnold99 yes
user24 the way Trent had no idea is actually so funny
trentarnold66 happy for u ig
liked by y/narnold99
maxverstappen ❤️
y/narnold99 ❤️
Tags: @casperlikej
605 notes · View notes
landoslvr · 6 months
MRS CLARKEY | g. clarke
summary: a scroll through your internet presence as 'mrs clarkey'. [social media AU.]
pairing: fem!reader x george clarke
faceclaim: steph hui
notes: first piece for mrs george out of the wag universe. steph is gonna be the main fc I use for mrs clarkey, hopefully you like it! this is the longest one I've done so far.. definitely want to do a fic for their first meeting and for the useless hotline podcast- maybe even the ski trip!
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liked by user, user and 37,923 others
yourinstagram happy halloween 💋💋
view all 281 comments
user you're literally so hot y/n
user I want to be you so bad
user how can I look like that
user jeez u flexible or something baby?
user the dress? the hair? the makeup??? unreal
yourinstagram thank you!! I did it myself xxx
user shes godly
user have fun tonight!!
user she's the only girl I know to have an impromptu photoshoot and then go out drinking
yourinstagram gotta take the outfit for a spin!!!
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liked by chrismd10, arthurtv and 58,283 others
georgeclarkeey you should've seen the other guy!
view all 198 comments
user george wth
user its the vomit on the cheerleading outfit for me
chrismd10 looking good mate
wroetoshaw nice eyebrow....... eyebrow singular
georgeclarkeey yes I got that thank you
user I KNOW!! I came from her tweets after everyone tagging this guy
chrismd10 you getting referred to as 'this guy' on your own post is so funny to me
georgeclarkeey well, you're huge aren't you?
imallexx loving the new look mate
user waiting for y/n to join the comments 🫣
user me too 😶😶
yourinstagram its great to know what you look like with both of your eyebrows george! a pleasure to have met you, despite the circumstances...
georgeclarkeey my left eyebrow was too intimidated by seeing betty boop in the flesh it ran away!
user my heart 😭
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liked by georgeclarkeey, max_balegde and 37,192 others
yourinstagram went on the useless hotline podcast this week to talk about me saving the george clarke! thank you very much for having me boys 🤍
view all 302 comments
user she's just so pretty
user as if model queen y/n saved youtuber george clarke 😭 not over that at all
georgeclarkeey always a pleasure, you're welcome back anytime you feel like scraping me off of the pavement
yourinstagram anytime you need me, I'll be there to call the ambulance
user LOVE that coat
georgeclarkeey also feeling something.. or someone.. is missing from this post?
yourinstagram idk what you want from me here clarke
max_balegde ahhhhhh!!!!!! such a pleasure to meet the woman that singlehandedly saved my co-host from death <3 thanks so much for coming on, martini besties for life now
yourinstagram call me anytime you need multiple olives!!!
max_balegde three olives, extra dry!!
user stop I hope they all stay friends 😭
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liked by georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 39,219 others
yourinstagram casual 'saved your life/face' dinner post
view all 331 comments
user nahhhhhhhhh because this is a date
user y/n looks so good 😭😭
user lets not ignore George Clarke wearing something other than a t-shirt
chrismd10 impressed you managed to get him in slacks!
georgeclarkeey your mum brought them for me
user I just wanna be you y/n
user George has major cake its not funny
max_balegde literally should be criminal
georgeclarkeey you saved my life I am eternally grateful
yourinstagram 👽👽👽
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liked by georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 40,938 others
yourinstagram visiting the mountain tops with some new friends x
view all 370 comments
user bitch we know that's george clarkey, fess up
max_balegde the love of my life really tbh, you look sooooo good
yourinstagram max I'll cry
user drop the link for the jackets!!
user that is george clarke's watch missy
user so you just so happen to be on a ski trip at the same time at george and his friends?????????? coincidence? I think NOT
user I know george is using ever fibre of his being not to comment on this right now
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liked by yourinstagrm, miniminter and 59,902 others
georgeclarkeey there's 'snow' way it's this cold in the mountains
view all 286 comments
user we literally know it's her
chrismd10 handsome fellas
user literally just tell us you're dating guys
wroetoshaw high altitude my friend
user love these pics of the boys together
arthurtv distinguished skiers and snowboarders
charliehutchens really good ones too
user do you think y/n had to throw her phone out of her hotel room to stop herself from commenting?
user yes, yes I do
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liked by georgeclarkeey, wroetoshaw and 37,981 others
yourinstagram out and about ✈️🗺️
view all 320 comments
user should we tell y/n that she posted a picture of George in the 4th slide and then proceeded to cut his head out of the 6th one????
user let her live in peace I guess
user wow no one is immune to stupidity these days 😭
user can't believe they took her so young
georgeclarkeey you're not getting that poster back
yourinstagram if you dont return my harry styles poster I will sue
georgeclarkeey I live with a lawyer, so good luck with that darling
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liked by yourinstagram, stephentries and 61,192 others
georgeclarkeey chris informed us that you all know we're dating so no more discreet photo dumps I guess?
view all 401 comments
user quick everyone act like we didn't see this shit coming
user the way he tried to do her dirty in the last 3 pics but he literally can't
user she's just so pretty
user I wanna be her
max_balegde mrs clarkey!!!!!!
yourinstagram !!!!!
chrismd10 you're so welcome mate
user she's so gorgeous
user kills me
user george x y/n girlies won today
yourinstagram 🤍🤍🤍 love you big stupid idiot 🤍🤍🤍 once I posted the invisalign it was over..
georgeclarkeey guys gotta eat
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liked by georgeclarkeey, arthurfhill and 43,938 others
yourinstagram casual 'I can finally post my boyfriend' post!!!!
view all 493 comments
user guys I love today
user this makes me so happy
chrismd10 the power of drunken lime bike rides!
yourinstagram thank you lime bikes
user the alien picture kills me
max_balegde can't wait to have you back on the pod as mrs clarkey
yourinstagram a promotion, for me???
user george is so cute, I envy y/n!
arthurtv it's about time tbh
user I've been waiting for this one
georgeclarkeey was worth losing half of an eyebrow I guess
yourinstagram maybe the eyebrows were the friends we made along the way?
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582 notes · View notes
myysaints · 1 year
Hi there! I have this silly idea where yuki is y/n (established - actress,singer etc) biggest fan and when lando and y/n officially confirmed their relationship, yuki on his quest to make sure that max will treat y/n right. Lando (borderline amused and annoyed) still try to prove himself to yuki bcs y/n is very fond of him (and provide great entertainment for her). I know this quite ridiculous and would understand if you declined it :)
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LANDO NORRIS x f!singer!reader
genre — fluff
notes — thank you so much for the request! it was not at all ridiculous, i absolutely love this dynamic between lando and yuki !!! ik your request mentioned max, not sure if that was a typo? hopefully i got it right by going with lando :> hope u enjoy this one !!! xx (edit: LOL just realised i called u anon when your user is there TT so sorry bout that!!!)
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Liked by yourusername, yukitsunoda0511, danielricciardo, and 7,118,249 others
🏷  yourusername
landonorris   the sweetest melody i've ever known ❤️
view all 3,741,822 comments
danielricciardo   congrats lovebirds 🎉🕊
yourusername   miss you already :(
yourusername   don't mind me, just appreciating the sweetest boy ever... ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername   can't wait to see you soon !!!
yourusername   gonna write a whole album about how much i love u
landonorris   I'd love that
mclaren   Can't wait to see you in the paddock, yourusername ;)
Liked by yourusername, landonorris
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If Lando had known this would happen, he’d have never made that Instagram post.
The Japanese driver in front of him whirls around in his seat, eyes wide and mouth hung open in askance.
It’s rare that Yuki speaks to Lando; after all, their language and cultural barrier makes conversation difficult. But this is an entirely different situation altogether.
Lando grins sheepishly, casting a look towards Charles, who stands beside him. The Monegasque merely chuckles, leaning forward in his seat to peer at Yuki.
“So, do you know Y/N?” Charles asks with a cheeky smile.
“Do I know Y/N?!” Yuki is practically leaping out of his seat, his excitement causing the other drivers in the area to glance back at the commotion. “Of course I do! She’s the best singer of all time! I always listen to her songs!”
“Oh, are we talking about Y/N L/N?” Pierre, passing by, cuts in, “Yuki loves her. Has a huge crush on her and everything.”
Lando spreads his palms out, grinning. “Guess I’ll have to keep Yuki away from her when she comes to the paddock, hmm?”
The way Yuki’s eyes light up in glee doesn’t go unnoticed, the Alpha Tauri driver’s face breaking out into an uncontrollable grin.
“You’re bringing her! When? Where?!”
“Calm down, mate,” Lando laughs, leaning back in his seat. His heart flutters at the thought of you in McLaren colours, proudly representing him and his team in the paddock, for the world to see. He clears his throat, trying to stop the furious reddening of his cheeks. “You’ll see her at Suzuka. No rush.. I know my girlfriend's quite the catch - but so am I, right?”
At this, Yuki seemingly goes quiet.
Lando raises an eyebrow. “Yuki…? You okay there?”
A moment of silence passes before Yuki gets up, motioning for Lando to follow him. With a wary look towards an equally-confused Charles and Pierre, who both only shrug in response, Lando follows Yuki towards a quieter corner.
Once they reach a secluded spot, Yuki’s eyes darken, his smile dropping instantly. The shift in atmosphere is undeniable. Lando's never seen Yuki this serious, not even after the Spanish Grand Prix. In all honesty: It scares him.
“Lando,” Yuki says, his voice steeled and brows furrowed. “I like you. I think you’re funny, and you’re a good driver-”
“Hey, thanks man,” he jokes. The attempt at keeping the mood light, however, doesn’t work in the slightest.
“-But, look, listen, if you ever think of hurting her-”
“Sorry, are we talking about Y/N?” Lando’s head tilts in confusion.
“Yes, Y/N. If you ever hurt her,” Yuki continues, ignoring the shocked look on Lando’s face. “If you ever try to hurt her, just know that I will never forgive you. Ever. Do you understand?”
“I-” Lando shakes his head, his cheeks going pink. How do you even respond to that? “-Well, yeah, mate, of course. I only want the best for her. Really, I do.”
“Okay, good. 'Cause I’ll be watching you.” Yuki straightens up, a satisfied smile on his face. “Well, I’ll see you around, then! I will look forward to Suzuka.”
And, with a playful punch to the arm, Yuki is off, leaving Lando stunned at what just happened.
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So, when Suzuka rolls around, true to his word, Lando shows up to the paddock with you on his arm.
The sight has Yuki running over instantly, a large bashful smile on his face as he greets you enthusiastically.
“Hi! You must be Yuki,” you smile softly, quietly amused at his enthusiasm. “Lando’s told me all about you.”
That was true - Immediately after Lando’s little… altercation, as one might call it, with Yuki, he’d texted you in a frantic hurry. It was, in all honesty, endearing, and incredibly funny. You’d teased Lando about it relentlessly in the days after. Plus, you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t used the Alpha Tauri driver’s words as leverage; referencing Yuki’s threat to get Lando to pick up some cupcakes, to let you pick the movie for date nights, and so on.
Lando hums in response, watching with an amused smile as Yuki almost trips over his feet trying to shake your hand. “Y/N, this is Yuki. And Yuki, this is… Well, you already know who she is.”
Yuki’s eyes are blown wide in amazement as he shakes your hand, his grip firm and his smile bright. “Wow, it’s so cool that you’re here! I love your new song, it’s already one of my favourites!”
You share a smile with Lando, who squeezes your side in a playful ‘I-told-you-so’ motion.
“Thank you so much, Yuki, that’s so sweet of you! Tell you what - If you let Lando past in the race, I’ll send you a signed copy of my new album, free of charge, before it even drops. How 'bout that?”
Yuki lets out a loud laugh, shaking his head. "No way! Maybe if Lando lets me through in quali today."
You exchange a grin with your boyfriend, who shakes his head in amusement.
"Alright, it was great seeing you, Yuki. Good luck out there," Lando fist bumps the smaller driver, who waves at you before departing with a pep in his step.
Lando's hand finds yours as you walk back to the McLaren motorhome.
"So, that was Yuki..."
"Yep," he nods in response, popping the 'p'. "What'd you think of him?"
You smile cheekily. "You sure it was him who threatened you that time? He seems so sweet!"
Lando scoffs, shaking his head despite the amused smirk that sneaks up on his face. "You haven't seen him when he's angry. He's a menace on the track, I'll tell you that."
The bright laugh that leaves your lips makes Lando's heart skip a beat, heat rising to his face at the look of joy you send his way. You never cease to make his heart flutter.
"Well, finish in the points, and maybe I'll put in a good word to Yuki then, hmm?"
"Alright, muppet. You can count on that."
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You're lying on the bed in Lando's hotel room, his trophy sitting tall and proud on the dresser in front of you.
It's been a crazy past 24 hours. In just this one day, you've witnessed perhaps one of the greatest drives of Lando's career, and at your first ever race, on top of that.
Lando wraps you in his arms, flipping the both of you around so that you lie atop his chest.
You smile he gazes up at you, his chest rising and falling to the steady beating of his heart. You feel so at home in these moments, the in-between spaces of time where you have him all to yourself; no races to win, no cameras to look out for. Just you and him, and the spaces in between your fingers.
You laugh softly as he nudges his face into your neck. "Well, what?"
"Well, you still gotta thank Yuki," he replies, his voice muffled in the crook of your neck. "He let me by on the second last lap. Probably would've lost out on P3 if not for that."
You chuckle, instinctively reaching a hand up to play with his curls. Lando hums lowly, leaning into your touch.
"Thought you were scared of him?" you tease, a playful smile toying on your lips.
"Well, yeah," he mutters out, his tone of voice cheeky, a smile pressed against your skin. "Gotta stay on his good side."
That elicits a giggle from you, and he pulls away from your touch to look up at your smiling face. He cups a hand around your face and pulls you down into a kiss, the two of you breathless when you resurface for air.
"I'll send him a signed CD later," you mumble, leaning back down for another searing kiss. "But I don't wanna think 'bout him right now."
An appreciative hum leaves Lando's lips. "Why not?" he teases, pulling away with a knowing twinkle in his eye.
Your reply has his breath caught in his throat.
"'Cause all I wanna think about is you."
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yukitsunoda0511 added to their story!
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Seen by landonorris, yourusername, and 2,138,445 others
landonorris, yourusername reacted with ❤️
2K notes · View notes
renjunderthesun · 6 months
bro i love everything u make ong 😭😭😭
jeno texts mayb??? pls 🙏
HI YES OF COURSE I AM SO VERY SORRY TO BEING SOO LATE TO THIS but i finally made enough to feel okay ab giving to u! Jeno is so fun to do my god i cant even😭 also idk how (i am just…. this way….) but 90% of them r suggestive. sorry ab that. hopefully that is ok. haha. my bad again erm what can i say jeno makes me horny! ok im gonna stop talking now THANK YOU FOR READING MY STUFF LOL I LOVE YOU AND MY APOLOGIES FOR BEING SO LATE TO DIS AGAIN
NCT DREAM TEXTS: Jeno randoms! :3
💌[jeno] x [afab!reader]
[warnings/context]: so suggestive it’s not even funny anymore, actually throw the word suggestive out the window at this point, i just cannot stop myself from making a sex joke ., mention of temple run (who knows), stupid memes again, also the weather channel my love, idk i just feel like jeno’s a weather channel dude you know, ok enjoy
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🥸— blue!
440 notes · View notes
faeriichaii · 8 months
hii, how are you? It’s me again. Could I request a Legolas x reader again? something funny and very fluff with a Legolas a little bit jealous because the hobbits stole all the reader’s attention, would be fun if she made them braids (feeling like a old sister taking care of them, not other intention i swear🙏), hope not to bother you and wish you a lovely dayy, thank u💗
Braiding Together ~ Legolas x Reader
A/N: Heyyy :) I'm fine and you?? I love it omg I really am a big fan of the little hobbits and I just want to hug them close and never let go 😔😔 I hope you have a nice day as well and enjoy the story <3 (I'm so sorry that it is like a lil short and that it kinda is bad djsifeh)
⇢ ˗ˏˋWarnings: fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋWords: 910 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋRequest: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋMeleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: You have always received compliments for your cute braids, so you decided to offer the hobbits to braid their hair. However, Legolas really doesn't understand, why you would do that.
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You laughed softly at one of Pippins jokes, as he sat in front of you. Fingers nimbly combing through his wild hair. The hobbits have complimented your braids so so many times, so you decided to offer to braid each of their hair. All of them nodding in agreement and sitting down around you, almost building a wall, and waiting for their turn patiently. “Say (Y/N), do you redo your hair every day? Or do you keep some braids in more than just a day?” Pippin asked you, while his gaze was focused on the fire in front of him. “It depends. Sometimes my braids open up a little during the day, so I redo them the next morning. The only braids I never redo myself, are the ones Legolas does.” You said, while weaving the small strands of Pippins hair into a braid.
“Are they important to you?” Sam asked, as he intently watched your fingers. A small blush dusted your cheeks, as you thought about the night Legolas first braided your hair. You sat at a bonfire, much like this one, as he suddenly turned towards you and asked you if it would be okay to braid your hair. You remember being very surprised and overwhelmed, but in the end, you gave him your approval. Since then, it has been an almost daily occurrence for the both of you, to sit down somewhere secluded and start braiding each other’s hair. “Yes, they are very important to me.” You answer Sam with a gentle smile. Finishing the braid, you give Pippin your small pocket mirror, so he can take a look at the neat braid you have done. He turned around with a bright smile, until his eyes focused onto the something behind you. He quickly stood up, thanked you for the braid and left you alone with the others. Turning around confused, you raised an eyebrow as you spotted the elven prince. A scowl was present on his face.
“Meleth Nin, what are you doing?” He asked while looking at the three remaining hobbits around you. “I am braiding their hair.” Gesturing Sam to take the space in front of you, Legolas decided to join you on the log. “But… why are you braiding their hair?” Your eyebrows scrunched together at his question. “Well, they always compliment my braids and I thought I could braid their hair too. Plus, they look so adorable with their new hairstyles.” A hum left his lips, as he watched you brush through Sams hair gently. You felt the elven princes gaze on your fingers, as you parted the hair into the sections you needed. Taking a quick glance into his direction, you notice a confused expression on his face.
“My love, are you alright?” You asked, stopping your task at hand and turning a little towards him. He let out a little sigh. “I just am confused as to why you are braiding their hair. Elves tend to only braid their own hair or the hair of the person they court.” A gentle smile adored your lips, as you let go of Sams hair. “I apologize my love, I didn’t know. I just wanted to do it because they always look at me so sweetly when I do mine and so I wanted to offer them to braid their hair.” Legolas nodded understandingly, moving a little closer towards you. “You did this row wrong.” He pointed at the mistake you have made. “And this one just looks like a mess.” He pointed at another strand you have just finished. Rolling your eyes at him, you opened the braid again.
“Well, Mr. I-Can-Do-It-Better, how should I braid his hair?” A chuckle left Legolas’ lips, as he took your hands in his. “First off, you will start with this hand.” He shakes your right hand softly. “And with that hand you will grab a good amount of hair. Not too much though.” Guiding your right hand back to Sams head, you take a chunk of his hair. Apparently though, you had a little bit too much between your fingers, hence Legolas began to shake your hand once more. “Now you will part it into two sections and use your left hand...” He began to now shake your other hand. “…to pull a small strand from the right strand and pull it over it and under the left strand.” Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, trying to understand what he meant. He guided your hand around with his, until you finished a few rows together. A soft ‘ahh’ escaped your lips, as you finally understood the braid you were working on together with the elven prince. The both of you quickly finished the hairstyle and handed Sam your small mirror.
“Thank you so much (Y/N) and Legolas.” He said, before leaving you with Frodo and Merry. The struggle of brushing and braiding passed quickly, as you both finished off the last remaining two hobbits. A smile formed on your lips, as you watched each of them flaunter their new hairstyles. Legolas put his arm around your waist, pulling you to his side. Leaning towards him, you gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for helping me my love.” “Of course, anything for you Meleth Nin.” Laying your head onto his shoulder, you both continued to watch the hobbits like proud parents, as they still sauntered around with cute little braids in their hair.
636 notes · View notes