#yes he's good at his job but his lineage doesn't hurt
agentark · 1 year
stream of consciousness talk about the hunger games prequel below
I find it really interesting that people don't like how certain last names (that we already know from the trilogy) show up in the prequel book (e.g Lucky Flickerman is the host/commentator and we can presume that he's Caesar's relative - father? idk if it's stated)
I've seen people say they wish there were other people involved, that they didn't like recognizing so many names, but that's the whole point.
Like, there is very little upward mobility in Panem, whether you're district or capitol. Every single citizen is entrenched in their role from the birth. Not only that, but legacy? tradition? those are cornerstones of this whole system - so Heavensbee Hall/Hilaria/Plutarch? Arachne/Seneca Crane? Lucky/Caesar Flickerman? There's a reason Plinth and Highbottom are not names we see again if I'm remembering correctly.
Anyway, to me it just screams, "This is how it is, was, and will always be." The people with power and influence, the people who made it out of the rebellion with their wealth intact, they're going to be the first players in this larger game and they are never going to stop playing.
Not to mention, the man that Snow becomes? He's keeping people who can play their part close, and people he can manipulate closer.
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eternadreeblissa · 1 year
Ok but the potential for Silent Prince Link. In that roleswap or so AU in BOTW
Listen, imagine him, the descendant of Hylia, trying to achieve his sealing powers but his prayers keep falling on deaf ears. The suffering he has to endure with a strict parent who doesnt give him much freedom, failing expectations so exceptionally well he beats himself up silently and secretly resents Hylia. We all know that but imagine inserting darling for a sec: he meets this person, who's been nothing but kind to him. They don't berate him or scold him, they don't expect much from him and wants nothing more but for him to be happy and given relief from his duties. His heart has never been touched and caressed so gently like soul, so he just, follows darling around, maybe roping them in strolls somewhere outside the kingdom. He takes every excuse to spend time with you, including skipping his training, or, maybe he has you with him instead of Zelda guarding him.
Now, his relationship with Zelda, isn't the greatest. One of the people who speaks their minds aloud to him (AKA near outright berating). I imagine this Zelda thinks he has it easy, or that maybe he's so privileged that he can do whatever he wants. Whatever it is she just got the wrong idea abt him. She doesn't like the fact she has to babysit him or smth guarding him; the guy avoids her like a plague anyway! (Asides from escorting him to the shrines and all. But on Link's side, he just didn't want to handle Zelda's criticism on him on top of his own parent's disappointment) she was living her best life being herself bonding with her mom, but she had to be taken away bcs she had the whole knight lineage thing under her name.
Anyway meeting darling was a breath of fresh air to him. I imagine he thinks of them as an escape: similar to how people escape reality. He spends nearly every waking moment with them, or at least as much as time and duties can allow. He never met someone who saw him for himself: as Link. Not the prince, not the descendant of Hylia. Just... Link. And she loved and cared for him like a real person.
Zelda, didn't exactly like this. Mostly bcs asides from already getting in trouble for not having Link in her vision as part of her job, if she lets you go on you might as well steal the prince away from Hyrule the more he skips duties and she might even be replaced. And while that would be awesome she'll be in even more trouble with the king or queen, AKA: Link's parent. She couldnt go back to the life she once had, not when it was taken from her and robbed of her childhood and all...
Yes, you and Link have to avoid Zelda a lot. He's actually pretty good at hiding. While he gets heavily lectured by his own personal guard its all worth it spending time with you.
But then... Hylia happened.
Why now, of all times, did his powers awaken and why of all people, did it have to be you? You were the real light of his life, in a world of darkness and oppression. The only one who gave him hope and more to live for than just his duties. Why now, when he was about to confess and run away with you, and he had you in his arms, did suddenly his own voice betray him? He wasn't himself— no, it wasn't him speaking AT ALL. THIS IS A DIFFERENT PERSON TALKING THROUGH HIM PLEASE STOP.
But he was helpless, helpless as his words were twisted to hurt you: no you weren't useless to him, you weren't in the way! You were everything he needed in life— no you were his life! He needed you! He truly loved you please! But your tears fell from his eyes, and just as he thought it was over, his hands glowed gold, he panicked, not understanding what's going on, but his hands were raised towards you, and his voice chanted; and in a bright flash, you were gone.
No. No... NO!
He fell to the ground. His life just came crashing down. Any light and joy and hope, all the good things he had in life, were taken with you as you were sealed— no, vanquished by his own hands. (he couldn't bear the thought he truly did seal you away from Hyrule forever)
It... It wasn't him. No it wasn't...
That light. That golden light. The one that his hands were forcibly used against you. There's only one person who he knows could do that to you: Hylia.
If he only disliked Hylia for putting him all through this not answering his call before, then he certainly hates her with every fibre of his being for making him lose you.
(Under the cut if yall are interested in how my OC Ava handles this! And it has some more details on how things happened—)
When she met silent prince link, he was out hiding from Zelda again and escaping from his well, life, while Ava stumbled into his world separated from the chain.
I imagine, she started off being all nice and everything to him. While Link is confused cuz this gal thinks he's the hero? Anyway, they started off a bit smooth at least and this first meeting alone had him enjoy her company, and wishes to see her more.
So they meet up more and more. Link clarified he wasn't the hero, or heroine in this matter, but didn't reveal he was the prince either. All he said to her was that, he was just Link, a nobody. And he wants to know more about her. Ava respected that, and they talked and all, but at some point Zelda found out abt her and shooed her off. (Link has never disliked Zelda more than he has now, astonishing really, currently nearly up with his resentment for Hylia)
Thank goodness he found her in some of the usual spots she visited. It was a good thing she told him about it too (if she hadn't he'd scour the entirety of Hyrule just to find her—) he tells her not to be discouraged to continue meeting up with him. He truly did enjoy his time together with her, and he doesnt like Zelda or pretty much all of Hyrule kingdom in general, sometimes including his own parent, and especially Hylia. He then spills his past to her, leaving his whole heart bare to her being.
Ava, in processing this, is then a little conflicted: His story is just like Wild's except... he's in flora's position? Wherever she is, she's somewhere very, very far. History can't be turned upside its head and forget everything and have... This. But how did it happen? Asides her thoughts, Ava understood, and would be more than happy to be there for him. Link couldn't be any more happier.
...There's just one problem: Hylia. She isn't sure how... They could continue on for long. She tells his she wants to stay a bit and help him out but, Hylia, as far as shes known that goddess, meddled a lot with her life. Often using Zelda to seal her away every time (sometimes she beats the Zeldas to it, by going back home on her own. Either the Zeldas sealed her away willingly, or forcibly, as there are some who didn't actually mean to do anything. Regardless, she was often in all sorts of troubles of messes because of her. All of this lore bit abt her can be explained for another day jsufbfhhb). She tells him Hylia doesn't like her, and if he's a descendant as he actually says he is, then she might.. use him against her.
Hearing all this, Link was furious. His resentment for that white goddess just increased a ton. He told her he won't let it happen. No matter what. He promises. Ava could only hope that promise can still hold true even with Hylia looming...
So they spent more time together, and they bonded a lot. But the King/Queen heard Link hasn't been doing his duty, (as if he hasn't already been slacking off in their eyes) so Ava didn't see Link for a few days and worried about him. The next time Ava saw a glimpse of him, he was out with Zelda, who seemed more of a hawk than she was before, heading out for training and everything.
It was quite horrid for Link :'(( so when he got back to her, he was latching onto her like a koala, wanting her attention on him and only him. If anyone tried to take her eyes away from him he glares and it's the most chilliest thing anyone has ever seen, nor did they even know Link was capable with that kind of expression! (Considering his lack thereof, in the public eye). Ava had to distract him and tell him to stop or at least, lessen that just a bit, as she takes him away somewhere more isolated where nobody will, hopefully get hurt. (He looks like he's just one breath away from hurling a book at someone's face—)
Anyway, Link wanted to catch back on lost time spent being away from her. And they did that! But again... Hylia happened.
After coming back to train once again or so, Link felt different. A bad different. He feels like he wanted to wash himself off from this feeling all over his body. He probs bathed like 3 times but, it didn't get rid of it. Probably bcs he despises Hylia a lot now and being around her mere statues or stuff just sickens him. He hopes all of that will be forgotten or washed away around Ava's presence but haha it couldn't be any more worse :'))) just like time and time again, Hylia used Link, awakening his powers and sealed her away.
...In the end, she didn't learn her lesson did she? Try as she might, leaving before she was sealed off from any of Hylia's vessels but, here she is. She stayed too long. She got attached again. She got both of them attached again and now, they're both going to be hurt, wounded from this. It's her fault she let this happen. She could only hug him in tears, trying to be there for him and comfort even though he spoke piercing words and trying to get her off from him. But deep down, this wasn't him. It was Hylia. Link always told her he loved her company and wanted nothing more but for her to stay. But just like before, with every link she met, no matter what she gets separated every. Single. Time.
So before she completely vanishes into the light and she burns in pain from its power, she could only tell Link, through her tears, she'll come back again. Just like before, as well. Because even though despite the fact she will always end up leaving or not staying for as long as she wanted, even though both her world and his wanted them apart, they'll just meet each other, again and again. In another time, or a different era, maybe a whole other world even. It cannot be helped, they were both connected. Maybe in his case, the hero's spirit didnt call her like it did with the others, simply because he doesn't have it, being Hylia's descendant. But somehow, even without it, she was here, met Link again, and similar scenarios were played. It's almost like... They truly were soulmates weren't they?
Because of that, she assures him: she'll come back, as a goddess. She'll train more, work harder, learn, just so she can stand against the selfish divine who kept meddling with their lives. She'll be there for him, and he won't have to suffer for so long in silence, but for now... It's farewell, until they meet again.
It was the one hope Link clung onto for dear life, as everything else in his world faded from mind.
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derekscorner · 2 months
Fated Rantings: Clocktowers & Business Hours
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Alright! After getting the Waver praise out of my system let's ramble about other aspects of the anime that I loved.
I'll link part one here if you're curious. (<- click)
Now then where do I even begin?
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The world building
Why with the Clocktower of course! That is easily my favorite thing about what I watched. El Melloi shows me the broader mage world that I've only seen referenced till now.
Sure, I've seen vids on how the society works or the Clocktowers role but it's another thing actually seeing it as Waver navigates the setting. Whether he's solving cases or teaching his class I enjoy seeing Type-Moon's reality in motion.
I also generally like the atmosphere this place has. Not sure if it's due to the London setting or the older aesthetic of the places Waver visits but I find them homey. I'd like to be there in a sense.
...well in spirit. The mage world is ruthless so actually being there may get you killed.
It is also fun to just see the small details. Any Fate fan knows that most mages avoid modern technology so they have magical items doing things our tech would or just not bother at all.
For example, you often see golems cleaning the halls or how the phones are older models. Even the internet café Waver goes to for grading papers is set in an old building within walking distance of the tower.
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It does a good job of giving it a fantasy feel despite it being the modern day.
You also see the slow bleeding of modernity into this world. Waver's whole class is in a department that focus' on modern magecraft and how to adapt to the technological world.
This doesn't mean they use computers but the class does reinterpret much of old magecraft into newer simpler forms. Given how magecraft is rooted in mystery and tradition (it literally only works for those reasons) the mages look down upon it yet they let it exist because they can't deny the changing of time.
Some mages even use modern technology. Caules and Flat have a expensive PC in their dorm room and Waver himself plays japanese video games due to his time with Iskandar.
The modern world is bleeding in but it still hasn't lost that fantasy charm.
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The Classroom I'd actually like to visit
Although the anime used them sparingly I do find the class Waver teaches endearing. I wish the characters had gotten more time to shine in the anime.
I want to know why Svin boarders on being a Gray stalker or why Flat idolizes Waver. Hell, I'm fascinated as to why someone from an old mage lineage like Luvia would want him to be her tutor.
Yes, I gushed about Waver's talents in the part one but I know that as an outside observer. I want to know why SHE desires his tutelage. Luvia is by no means hurting in skill or intelligence.
Heck, I'd even like to learn more about Yvette as cracked as that girl is in the head. Is she really a spy? Why does she want to be Wavers mistress? I am genuinely intrigued by these chaotic misfits that Waver has to deal with.
I may begin the manga adaption just to see more of them no joke.
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Reines motherf**ck Melloi
Then there was this chaotic lil shit. I was glad she got as much time in the anime as she did and even then I wanted to see her more. Part of that is because I am mischievous by nature and this child is a troll. I enjoy her antics.
She's also just a good example of how even the more calm mages in their society are just fuckin crazy. She kidnapped Waver when she was only like 11 or 12 years old.
It wasn't even for nefarious reasons, she just wanted to meet the man that put the Mellois in a bind. She didn't expect him to actually meet her demands or be her proxy until she can be the proper Lord El Melloi.
She wasn't even scared when they used new magecraft to launch her and Caules at Mach 1 during one of the cases. She found it fun...to be shot across Europe at mach 1.
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She's genuinely entertaining to me and her fondness for Waver is fun to watch. Even if her entire reason to visit him for a day is to torment him.
She's also not above just pure human decency which is more rare among mages than you'd think. She is friends with Gray and talks to her often and even reaches out to Olga Marie.
Not for entirely selfless reasons to be sure but that's still more than most mages do. Given the childhood she had amongst assassinations and politics it's a miracle she's not more ruthless.
She's also apparently a genius or at least highly skilled since she remodeled Kayneth's mercury magecraft into her maid. That maid you see following her? That's Kayneth's mercury orb from Fate Zero.
She gave it a pseudo-personality and human shape. A child did that.
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Olga Marie
I was surprised to see her in the story tbh. I began this with lore videos and FGO so I had an odd history with the character in a way.
I'm fully aware of Fate's multiverse nature but it's still neat to see characters you know living different lives. In particular, I found it fascinating that Olga's father is still a piece of sh*t that disappeared.
It makes me wonder how many worlds this tragedy repeats itself due to her father being obsessed with the Holy Grail only to learn that in most timelines it's corrupted and useless for wish granting.
Olga herself is tragic both in FGO and here albeit she's younger in this story.
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She's definitely annoying but that's her childish nature processing her life. I actually felt bad in FGO for being a smartass once I learned of it. I was saddened again here in El Melloi because this Olga seemed to have a caretaker that actually cared about her only to lose that one as well.
It made me happy to see her get some level of friendship tbh. From what I hear she appears more in the novels and manga so I hope her life continues to be more positive than FGO.
I can't really say more than that on her personality because she's mostly the same but younger and with a brighter future.
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Even Yggdmillennia appeared
It's a small mention but the first anime I sat through was Apocrypha so seeing Caules or hearing Yggdmillennia mentioned is a neat nod for me.
I didn't realize he usually ends up in the Clocktower in multiple timelines. I also wonder what drove his sister to live a normal life in this world.
I know how he got there in the Apocrypha world but I do not know what pushed his sister to abandon her role in this world.
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Not Seiba
An aspect of the show I expected to have more to say on was Gray. I have many Fate posts now but many of them are two parters or about one show, the rest are about Saber.
I am a Saber (Artoria) shill and I will not deny as such so Gray is easily the one I know the most about lore wise. Sadly, the anime did not delve into her much.
I mean, I KNOW why she looks like that or what village she's referring to. I know why she admires Waver and sees him as a savior but that's me.
It's like with Fate 2006, I could appreciate it because I have context. Most people who just see this will not have that context. They will not know why Gray has Saber's face or her holy lance Rhongomyniad.
As as result I'm not sure I can do a whole post on her. I can easily ramble about her backstory but that's all. I'd want to see her story in motion, see how her past affects her, or see for myself the flashback.
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What I can tell you is that Gray is tragic in her own way. Many Sabers are but Gray is unique in the sense that she is not actually Artoria Pendragon.
She hides her face, the whole reason she likes that Waver hates her face, is because it is not her own. She's the victim of a ritual hoping to revive king arthur.
Waver dislikes her face because Saber traumatized him during the 4th Grail War but he mostly just says so because it makes this poor young girl happy.
If you ever watch this anime before you read the novels, it's manga adaption, or even a lore video know this;
Gray was some poor british girl that's had her face stolen from her. Thanks to that lance she, like arthur, will not age and as El Melloi's story gets closer to the 5th Grail War (aka Fate Stay Night) Gray begins to adopt more of Sabers' features.
She's slowly losing herself, that is her tragedy.
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It's a fun story
I'll wrap this up by saying that I loved this story. I love the setting, I love exploring the Type-Moon world. Although I could tell the anime cut bits of story I still enjoyed each case as well.
Such as seeing the fairy case early on. Not only did I get to see Kairi Sisigou from Fate Apocrypha again but I got to see more on faeries. A fascination of mine due to my childhood fondness of king Arthur and Celtic mythology.
The fae are fare more dangerous than one would think and within Fates world they are magical beings born of the earth. Many of them have magic that rivals the gods men once worshipped.
They are not to be meddled with which made that early case so neat to me. You see faeries charm men often but rarely do you see a faery charmed by love for a man.
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Then there was the Rail Zeppelin a magical train. A MAGICAL TRAIN! Do you even realize the neurons that activates in a mans head?! Many a lad grow up loving trains in their youth.
AND THIS ONE IS MAGICAL! IT FOLLOWS THE LEYLINES! It's full of magic beings, vampires, they auction magic eyes, IT HAS A FUCKIN MAGIC CANNON!
They could've did a whole mini series set on this train and I would've watched it. I loved the train.
It's unfortunate that the Dr. Heartless plot is left hanging but by hell I got to see a magic train. I even got to see a dead apostle, a real one, through that Inash forest thing.
I think it comes from a Dead Apostle that's actually not of the earth like the whole True Ancestor-Dead Apostle lineage works but still. Blood sucking forest of death.
A true eldritch horror that one was!
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Alas I am burnt out now. Been writing for a few hours and I'm unsure how satisfied I feel about part one. I'm not sure this was as solid as my Fate Zero or Mordred posts but oh well.
It's a fun show, it's a fun series, and I hope there's more because I've seen gifs I don't recognize the whole time I've typed this.
If you ever wondered if El Melloi is worth your time it is. It's a fun detective series set in a well fleshed out magical setting. Give it a go.
Bye now~
For my other experiences with Fate click here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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roeza · 1 year
A.T.2 0.0
yes, take two lets go.
okay I put in a few rules this time around kinda
the mechanics are loose rules l follow at my whims.
okay here's our updated cast. oWo
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Xhaiden Genisis
he's the leader of the bunch. he decided to do this after his father told him he'd never amount to anything and his mother agreed so daddy and mommy issues.
note: his parents are right he can't do shit he's a stuck up entitled asshole who's lived off of mommy and daddy's money his whole life.
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Self-Assured, Hot-Headed
Aspiration: Leader Of The Pack
Mecannic: he doesn't do shit to make money. he there to be pretty and that's about it, but if he does do something to make money on his own and likes said this we can work him to the bone in that.
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Ariel Obadia
Xhaiden's Best Friend sense Thay where kids . he also grew up very rich and spoiled but he understands the world doesn't revolve around him and unlike Xhaiden has IQ above two, he was originally going to get a job in politics with his family's good name but then he heard about Xhaiden's wonderful idea and recognizing that it was infact not a wonderful idea he joined his best friend on his adventure not wanting him to get killed.
note: him and Uriela use to be lovers but then Uriela's Parents married her off to Xhaiden and not wanting to screw up his best friends marriage or Uriela's life. him and Uriela come to the aggreged to brake up.
Traits: Ambitious, Self-assured, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Successful lineage
Mecannic: can do anything.
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Uriela Genisis
Xhaiden's wife it was arranged marriage set up by their parents. Uriela's parents wanted her to get married to Xhaiden cause his parents are rich and they wanted in on that green , Xhaiden's parents wanted him to Marrie Uriela because they thought having a wife might make him a less horrible person. it did not because not to long after Thay got married Xhaiden decided go Christopher Columbus on everyone and search for new land or what ever he did . Uriela's parents made her go with him (cause they want that green) much to her and her little brother's dismay.
Traits: Family-Oriented, Proper, Good
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Mecannic: she can paint. and if she wants to do anything else she can.
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Neirin Day
Uriela's Littel Brother. sense he was a little boy he's always been protecting his sister. which is why he was not happy when their parents put Uriela in arranged marriage. and was even less happy when her parents made her go on Xhaiden's fools earned or Thady disown her. not wanting to leave his sister alone with Xhaiden in the Middel of nowhere he goes with them to their unknown destination.
note: he hates Xhaiden.
note 2: Xhaiden does not realize Neirin hates him and in fact he thinks Nerin likes him not because Neirin has done anything to make Xhaiden think he likes him but because Xhaiden can't fathom the fact that anyone could not love him . Xhaiden is vary full of himself.
Traits: Squamish, Romantic, Good
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Mecannic, anything he's a helper
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Roxana Snowdawn
The Town Loner the only thing she's known for living out in the forest and hating people not much else is known about her but the towns people suspect her of being violent and practicing black magic. one day Xhaiden walks up to her (much to the shock of the town ), and asks her to go on his fools earn which totally is not a bad idea and not going to blow up in his face , for some reason she agrees.
Traits: Gloomy, Loner, Good
Aspiration: Soulmate
Mecannic: she can do anything as long no one else is doing the same thing.
she can do the same thing as someone else as long as she does it on her own.
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Orli White
everyone thinks she's a little weird but overall nice and help full and kind- she has a monster boyfriend a monster boyfriend who is going to kill everyone if someone hurts her.
note: she left with Xhaiden because she wanted to be with said monster boyfriend and the Middel of nowhere is a place where conservative villagers don't live.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Romantic, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Soulmate
Mecannic: works in the garden and only the garden. if anyone dislikes her monster Boyfriend let loos on them and the rest of the Village ?
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Leor Blanca
Xhaiden's bodyguard he was "forced" to come by Xhaiden's parents to come ( cause even if Thay think he'll never Amont to anything they still don't want to see him get himself killed in the wilderness ) he brought his little brother with him on Xhaiden's little trip.
note: he has a huge crush on Xhaiden he didn't need much convincing to come along on the trip
Traits: Self-assured, Genius, perfectionist
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Mecannic: can do anything, but also is the only one who can do dangerous stuff like put out fires ect.
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Lucian Blanca
the Littel Brother of Leor. he's never been held down a job once in his life.at first he'd get jobs but get fired the same day for being Strang, erratic and speaking in riddles after a while jobs wouldn't even give him a chance cause of this Leor takes care of him. knowing he can't take care of himself Leor takes Lucian with him the journey.
Note: he even speaks to Leor in riddles
Traits: Erratic, Loner, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Inner peace
Mecannic: he just does his own thing sometimes he helps, or he won't.
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Leilani Akana
a young soon to be mother. when she got Pregnant the town shunned her for being unmarried and not knowing who the father was . she was struggling and homeless so when Xhaiden came to her with the his idea of going Cristopher colobuses she joined him knowing it may be the only chance for her and her baby.
Traits: Jealous, Childish, Bookworm
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Mecannic: keep her kid alive. and help where she can
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Faven Winter
a young Baroness who inherited her parents fortune . After hearing about Xhaiden's plans, she stepped out onto her balcony and threw all and I mean all her money to the towns people then she joind Xhaiden's party
note: she gave her estate to a young, widowed mother and her four children
note 2: Leilani wish that was her who got the estate but she was already on the Xhaiden train at that point sooooooooooooooooo sucks to be her I guess!
Traits: snob, creative, self-absorbed
Aspiration: World famous celebrity
Mecannic: can do anything.
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Gracelyn Silva
showed up the day they were leaving and said she wanted to join them. they are all entranced by her blue eyes saying they have nver seen eyes that color
Traits: good, music lover, neat
Aspiration: musical genius
Mecannic: she can do anything
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Talia Callaway
Ran up to the group in a panic a week into their trip. at first seemed confused and disoriented but then Roxanna to her she liked her dress she told Roxanna it was one of her favorites and Thay quickly hit it off. later that night the told her Xhaiden's ... plan and she join them saying she has nowhere else to go.
everyone likes her and thinks nice for the most part but Thay find it weird that she never tacks off her gloves.
Traits: Paranoid, clumsy, loner
Aspiration: Friend of the world
Mecannic: she can't do anything where she might take off her gloves.
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Engel Haven
one day everyone noticed there was a 10th person in the group, and it was Engel no one knows when it happened or where it happened, he just showed up.
Traits: Outgoing, Self-Assured, Cheerful
Aspiration: Friend to the world
Mecannic: ???
okay and that's everyone
let the show? begin ... Again!
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liyuesbian · 3 years
AAAA kokomi quest time :>
same here I thought it was a pretty solid quest overall!! agree that the first half was kinda eh because she just felt too Nice about everything, a little too willing to help people instead of saying "i have some stuff to prepare and am not available rn" (when the Watatsumi citizens were crowding around Traveler and her, I had flashbacks to Barbara's hangout event rip). but the second half got better thankfully. I think even though there's no morally gray kokomi, they still gave her character some flair that's different from before? like you said, the thing where she's forced by heritage to be the divine priestess but doesn't actually want to; i quite liked that, since although she's emotionally drained from her job, she's not like Jean or other characters that sacrifice themselves because they truly like their job and want to help people in that way. kokomi helps people out of obligation and would much rather be doing military strategizing and i love that for her. I want her to be a bit more selfish too, even if it's not in a villainous kind of way; perhaps a scenario where she pulls a xingqiu and just becomes a military strategist/general instead of the job she inherited (actually her and xq would be really interesting together, even if xingqiu doesn't reveal that he's the legend of sword author lol). somehow she gives me only child vibes hahsdjfs
agree!! when she said "it would be so nice if all my work could do itself" I Felt that :') her moments of childishness are very endearing 😌
YEAH the war was finally addressed in some capacity and the Not All Is Well mood, especially the mixed opinions in Watatsumi among both civilians and the soldiers. also agree that the npc opinions were very good and it's nice that some of them are dissatisfied for different reasons, like that old woman you mentioned talking about Watatsumi's god vs the soldier's grievances against the Tenryou Commission! It's not just quietly resolved and that's way better than how the ei quest went hsdfjs. I also loved kokomi's and sara's scene hsdjfsd I was surprised but thankful they actually showed them negotiating the treaty terms instead of just doing a cutscene and illustrating that kokomi (and sara) are good diplomats and know their stuff. they need to put their brains on display more. the quest is also warming me up to kokosara lol
it's fine villain kokomi lives on in our hearts (or in aus lmao)
also expand on kokomi and hu tao? o-o they sound interesting
OH YEAH i forgot about barbara's hangout event !
mhm my thoughts exactly. omg i never thought about that.. her and xingqiu would make such great friends! the indirect interaction through his book ties everything together well too :O i'm thinking the whole author-book lover dynamic ajiodfsfiadjn kokomi gushing over her favourite author, [xingqiu's pseudonym]. OR maybe a modern au where kkm is xq's editor?! OR her as a super fan and beta reader?! honestly, kkm and xq are one of my favourite characters so far and it'd rly make me happy to see them interacting 😭 OH did u happen to see this fanart of the hydro gang in a book club? (while i was trying to find the link to the post, i also found this gem! AHHH they're both so cute!)
they rly are!
yep yep haha O I FORGOT 2 TALK ABT THAT KOKOSARA MOMENT !!! i agree, that scene showed us all that kkm is very much capable in doing her job despite it not being her first choice in career.
yes (!!! hmm this is giving me ideas for kokosara angst hc.. after the negotiations are over and peace has somewhat returned between both sides, kkm stabs them in the back, sara hurt by the betrayal and kkm seemingly cold-hearted and stern-faced, unaffected by the situation saying it was all necessary as the divine priestess, the current heiress of sanganomiya, to carry out the will of her ancestors and to sustain the protection of her people in watatsumi but deep down she knows she doesn't want to do this (the same canon wanting to stray away from her lineage). either way, it is too late now. the destruction of the shogun's govt and her vision of eternity was always meant to happen in due time.)
as for kokotao, i think what initially attracted me to their ship is similar to what first drew me to kokosara...
right off the bat, their clashing visuals/aesthetics HAHAHA
hu tao would totally be down to read kkm books as she falls asleep, kkm would do the same too! (if she can get ht to sleep that is lol)
their clashing personalities and way of thinking, ht's chaotic mindset and kkm's well-planned and tactician-like abilities... even their food preferences differ too! (god, reading their voice lines for kkm's least/ht's fave food srsly makes me think they were made for each other)
i think in a modern au (and in genshin too i guess), they'd be great "business" partners. as in, they kind of make up for what the other lacks (in both a domestic and working way) - kkm's strategic skills could be used to bring more customers in for hu tao and hu tao would be able to deal with the social side of kkm's job (just thinking about it makes me swoon, they'd be so in love)
let's be real here, i think kkm would be p easy to tease and ht would have tons of fun pranking her and telling her jokes etc.
in a gameplay perspective, ht loses hp and kkm is a healer !! (aww only true gfs fight alongside each other)
in the same way hydro puts out pyro, kkm can reign ht in when it get's a little too much (but not in a way where she's stopping ht from being who she is if ygm) and vice versa for ht being able to "give" kkm a bit of her own energy
there's probably a lot more but those are my reasons for now haha
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owlsbride · 4 years
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Icha Icha and Prejudice: The Book Club
Chapter V: A Suitable Marriage
"So…" Sakura answered, arriving at an obvious conclusion observing her cup of sake "now you have to go all way to Suna to solve Naruto's mess."
"Yes," Kakashi nodded, looking at the empty space behind her "I'm not exactly thrilled about it, but it's my job after all." He concluded finally directing his gaze to Sakura to look at her big furious green eyes. He suppressed an inner smile.
"But why? Why don't you send Naruto back again? He was the one that asked the Kazekage an extra train program to be a better Hokage" Sakura started annoyed "And Gaara accepted. What was he thinking? Besides, they both made this mess together."
It was infuriating. Gaara, the most collect man she has ever known, all so stoic, silently analyzing everything around him with his sharp mind. Separated from the world, absorbed in his thoughts with his celestial eyes always directed to the horizon, protecting his village. She couldn't understand it.
"Maa, Sa Ku Ra, calm down" Kakashi spoke with his soft tone, guessing what was going on inside her mind "Gaara may be the Kazekage, and a great one, by the way, a fine young man, but inside he's still a child. I think he's still trying to figure out what human relationships are all about, and when being too friendly or solicitous is too much. I guess he couldn't say no to a friend." There was so much tenderness in his words that Sakura sighed leaning back in her chair a little less angry.
"God, he's worst than Sai." Sakura agreed finally most to herself than to Kakashi thinking about the problems that the young man with black hair suffered and caused due to his lack of social empathy.
"Trust me Sakura, if I were to choose between them both..." Kakashi left the phrase hanging. He was not mad at the Kazekage nor Naruto, he was just tired and resigned with the last one. Naruto would never really change.
"Still..." Sakura began again "I don't know why you can not solve this problem from here. Was it that bad?
"You couldn't just start to imagine."
"But this weather..." She was less angry but pushier now.
"If I didn't know you better, I would think you don't want to let me go, Sakura" he spoke in such a suggestive way that Sakura trembled under his gaze "but I'm sure is not the case, right?"
"Of course not Hokage Sama" she was blushing, a lot "I'm just worried about the security of our leader." Sakura finally answered, wrinkling her nose. Kakashi laughed at her face.
"Relax Sakura, I'm not just an old useless politician".
"I guess you are right... you are not a politician" Sakura said, sticking out her tone.
"Careful Sa Ku Ra, the cat may eat your tongue someday" Kakashi answered her with a deep dark tone licking his own lips, or at least that's what she believed. Again the warm feeling forming in her low stomach, now she was sure, it was not her chakra.
"Yeah... anyway..." she tried to hide her excitement and shame at once adopting a much more professional stance, "I think I should go with you." She finished crossing her arms on the table.
"And that could be because...?" Kakashi leaned back on his chair taking distance from Sakura, eyeing her suspiciously, he had seen this coming. He knew that Sakura was going to ask her to go with him.
"I think it's pretty obvious Sensei." He hated the honorifics, but he just stopped fighting it a long ago with Sakura. It was just a mannerism, a way of speaking, not particularly a sign of respect or distance. It was merely their ways, and it was ok, strange and alluring at times, but ok.
"Go on..."
"I believe that the company of a nin doctor in this weird mission of yours, trying to recover Suna from the Tsunami named Naruto, could be of much help." She finished matter of factly.
"For what? a heatstroke?" Kakashi wasn't going to fall in her charms.
"Stop mocking me, Sensei" Sakura pouted. Now she was feeling hurt.
"I'm not mocking you." He smiled. She was cute sometimes. "I'm just saying that there are no risks in my short journey to Suna. It's a safe trip. Only three days and I'll be back; besides, you forget something."
"What?" Sakura asked in confusion
"You are on vacations."
"Yes, a vacation I didn't request for." It was evident that she still felt horrible about that decision.
"And yet, here we are. Having dinner in your second night of" Kakashi said raising his cup, even if he was not going to drink it with Sakura watching straight to his face.
"I guess..." Sakura did drink her sake and started again with all the Suna issue "So, you are going alone? Who is going to be encharged during these days?"
"I asked an old friend to help me here. Luckily she said yes. Having you not accepting the recess and Naruto trying to put his last training in practice is too much of a danger to leave the village alone. And no, I'm not travelling by myself" Kakashi gave her a wink.
"Hey! I'm not that bad. I'm not going to break the rules Hokage Sama". Sakura was starting to feel offended. She was not a girl anymore. He had to stop seeing her like one "I'm not a gir..."
"A girl. You are not a girl anymore." Kakashi finished for her "I'm well aware of that". Eyes darker.
"So, Who is this friend of yours and with who are you travelling with?" Sakura asked incredulously. She didn't know Kakashi had friends except for Guy Sensei and Genma, (who were definitely not suitable for cover him in these three days) less a woman. Why was she a bit jealous, and why was Kakashi noticing it? He laughed a true-hearted laugh.
"Easy Sakura, Lady Tsunade is going to take my place these days, I think she is more than capable, don't you agree? He was genuinely asking her opinion.
"Wow!" Sakura said in surprise "She must really love you like to say yes."
"Doesn't everyone love me? He was such a Drama Queen. "And about the travelling arrangements, I'm going with Shikamaru."
"Well..." Sakura pondered "Shikamaru is really capable, and he is your advisor. I think he is the most suitable for the job." Sakura concluded.
"Yes," Kakashi stated. "though, I think he has his personal agenda on this journey."
"Oh... You mean..." Sakura didn't want to talk more words than necessary. She didn't know how much information Kakashi had about Temari and Shikamaru's relationship.
"Of course Sakura," Kakashi spoke as it was the most obvious thing in the world "The princess."
"So you know..." It was not a question.
"Sakura, I'm not the Hokage for nothing, you know?" There was fun in his voice. "I've seen how they look at each other, I've listened when they talk at the phone. I've been there when they fight together side by side at the Fourth War. It was just a matter of time." He finished almost with longing.
"Like us" Sakura whispered to herself not expecting Kakashi to listen.
"Like us, what? His eyes were gleaming. Sakura felt nervous.
"Just..." she had to think quickly. "Just like the rest of us, you noted the romance coming back then too." That was closed. Kakashi shifted his mouth uncomfortably under his mask, wrinkling his nose. He wasn't buying it.
"Yes." Disappointment in his words. "Anyway... I think a wedding is coming soon and it will become most profitable for both villages. Suna and Konoha united forever. Shikamaru and princess Temari, we couldn't ask for more." Kakashi spoked low.
A cold chill ran down Sakura's spine upon hearing Kakashi's words. It was the Hokage who spoke: cold, distant, calculating. She wasn't sure if she liked this version of Kakashi. Yes, she has witnessed terrible decisions that he had to make as the village leader, she had seen the horrors of the war and what makes people do. But why this bothered her so much? Was it because she had lost sight of the fact that he was the Hokage after all and not just his partner, friend, and secret fantasy? Was she so in love that, now, only one sentence about the convenience of marriage was enough to make all the bandages fall off?
Kakashi hadn't actually said anything about fixing a marriage, but that's what it sounded like, and inside her, it seemed painful.
"What's wrong, Sakura?" Kakashi asked full of worry. He had just realized after his lazy conversation that something had bothered Sakura.
"Is that how you see us?" Sakura began without looking at him "only as exchange goods, potential political deals or war unions thanks to a good marriage and the lineage that can come out of it?"
"I'm sorry, Sakura, but I can't see the problem there" Kakashi answered in all honesty.
"Sure..." Sakura said dryly in a mocking tone "then maybe I can go for the Kazekage. What do you think? I'm sure that is highly beneficial".
Kakashi was confused, but he was not going to recoil.
"Well, Sakura, good luck with that, cause I don't think Gaara is into girls..." He started doubting "Actually, I think he is into nothing at all, but that's your choice." Why was he getting angry? "Now, if instead, you would like to set your eyes on the brother, Kankuro, that could be something entirely different."
"You can start making the arrangements then, and as Hokage, you can walk me down the aisle." Sakura suppressed a tear.
"That would be your father´s job. I may be old, but that´s not my place" Kakashi retorted angrily, but without racing his voice.
"My parents lost faith in me long ago, I don´t think they are interested in my wedding, they think I´m already too old for that" She was sad, resigned. They have stopped talking to her when she refused to marry Sasuke, another suitable arrangement.
"What the hell are you talking about? I'm not one of those characters of that stupid book of yours, Lizzie."
Sakura looked down, suddenly she was feeling a bit ashamed. She avoided his eyes at all cost, and she was safe by the waitress announcing that the restaurant was closing. Kakashi paid the bill without saying anything, and they both started walking home, strangely taking the same path.
Sakura was the first in breaking the silence.
"You are reading the book, eh?"
"Hmmm" Kakashi hummed as the only answer.
"Already bored?" She was watching at the stars.
"Actually no" Kakashi began "Even if I don't know yet what to think about it, debating my self between if it is a good manner manual or a statement of the women position in the society, I have to recognize it's quite interesting."
"You haven't read enough yet" Sakura was acting childish. How was it possible that he still didn't realize that the book was actually an ode to true love.
"I supposed." He closed the conversation.
They continue walking a few more blocks before arriving at Sakura's door. Finally, they face each other.
"Sakura, listen" Kakashi needed to clear some things before parting to Suna "What I meant earlier" he swallowed hard "I would never jeopardize the happiness of any of you for the good of the village. You are my priority. The marriage between Shikamaru and Temari is indeed a benefit to Konoha, but that does not mean that I'm directing your lives from a desk. All of you already risk enough every day out there. I would not take love out of your hands."
Sakura nodded with her mouth dry, she needed a drink, a strong one. She finally locked eyes with him and smile much more relaxed.
"Are you going to send me a text as soon as you arrived Suna?" Sakura asked in a happy tone.
"Of course" he simply answered, hands in his pocket.
"And are you going to send my regards to the Kazekage and his brother?" Now she was teasing.
"If that's what you wish..." Kakashi left the phrase got lost in the air. The storm menacing again once more the Konoha's sky.
Sakura laughed heartedly.
"Good night Kakashi Sensei, have a good trip." Sakura said, turning her back to him.
She suddenly stood frozen with her keys trembling in her hands.
Warm breath sifted through the mask ran down her neck and the lobe of her ear. Kakashi hadn't gotten to touch a single hair of her, but all of it rose on her body. Her breath stopped for an instant that seemed like hours, his words tickling as he spoke.
"Have a good night you too, Lizzie." And just like that Kakashi disappeared.
Inner Sakura was going to be happy.
So many things to say
1- It´s getting really really late here but I wanted to post it anyway
2- A little bit of tension is not that bad
3- Next chapter we may know, or not, what Naruto has done at Suna. Also, I´m pretty sure that the virtual chat is coming back.
4-Kakashi is making his homework after all.
5- I like the idea that Gaara may be a bit of asexual, though the story shows us different.
6- You Know what to do.
7- If there is anything else you would like to know, please write to me
8- Can somebody be so lovely and helpful and explain me how to link the chapters for making it easy to read? I'm almost as stupid as Kakashi with tech
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fangsfics · 6 years
Die a hero?...No thanks Chapter 7
Trigger warning: self depreciating thoughts/ thoughts of disappearing
If someone asked Flug to describe dementia in one word, he'd slap them and repeat the word chaotic ten times. Why ten times, they may ask. That's because once doesn't even begin to encompass the chaotic nature of her. Thinking back, he was glad to have dropped 505 back at his apartment.
Thirty minutes into “Dementia style fun” and they were running from an angry mob of pissed off mall shoppers. No, she didn't try to steal anything. Stealing something would have been an easier feat compared to this. No, what she did was much worse. Within those thirty minutes, not only had she managed to fill every single elevator and escalator with bubble gum and cotton candy (pulled out from nowhere!!), but also positioned every single mannequin into extremely explicit positions in front of children shops and made it rain energy drinks from the sprinkler system. Flug was somehow roped into achieving the last one all on his own.
The worst part of it all was that Flug was having the time of his life! The adrenaline, feeling of exhilaration, the burn of lungs, it was all so great!
It was also horrible. He was a hero, a person of the upper moral echelon. He should be the one stopping people from committing these actions, not actively participating in it. But yet, he couldn't find it in himself to feel bad. Logically, he knew he should but the feelings weren't bubbling up like he thought they would.
No, he felt euphoric, like he was on top of the world! Nothing could stop him now!
Right now they were running from a mob of angry mall goers. He could hear the angry slaps of their feet and the loud cursing from right behind them. The mob was right on their heels and it was so damn exciting!
“Hey Fluggy buggy, what'd I tell ya? It's fun isn't it?!” Dementia screamed over the roar of the crowd.
Panting heavily, he threw her a large grin and a thumbs up.
“Eeeeee! I knew you'd love it! It's my favorite pass time on the weekends! Although I can't do it too often cause then the people recognize me and I get chased out before I can even do anything. Boring!” She threw her hands up, emphasising her last word.
He snorted loudly and looked back at the crowd to flip them off. Cries of indignation rang out and he snorted harder. Hah, what a riot! Dementia began to laugh wildly as well and screamed cuss words back at the crowd, causing them to rile up even more.
God, when was the last time he had this much fun? Honestly, he's never. Not in his childhood, teenagehood, current hood, never…Disappointing, he needed to have this more often.
Looking over at Dementia with her wide crazed smile, hair going crazy in the wind, he also realized he's never felt this comfortable with someone before either. He felt that they clicked in a way that no one could even begin to understand. A loud, chaotic earthquake and a calm ocean combining to create a devastating tsunami, ripping and terrorizing the local populace.
It was powerful, crazy, destructive! It was...was...pure fucking fun!!
He cackled madly and grabbed Dementia, pulling her into a side alley. She yelped at the sudden handling of her and glared at him.
“What are you doing?! Let me go! No one, but bon-bon touches me without permission!”
She gnawed at his arm in anger, seething at his audacity to touch her. She growled when he ignored her. They skid to a stop when they hit the end of the alley. The mob crowded in and blocked off the entrance.
“We have you now!”
“You can't run from us anymore!”
“You're gonna pay for ruining my clothes!”
“Uh, hey nerd? What's the plan now that you've trapped us?” Dementia whispered as she spit out a square of his lab coat. She stared anxiously at the crowd behind them. Flug turned around and scoured through his pockets, throwing small bits of paper away angrily. As his hand touched cold metal, he grinned and pulled out a small green and black disk.
“My plan is...this!” He yelled manically, slapping the disk onto his chest. The green glowed brightly as both Flug and Dementia began to float upward. Dementia's eyes widened as she felt herself become weightless. He cackled madly as the angry mob screamed in anger at their escape.
“Woah!! Fucking sweet dude! I'm flying!”
“We're flying, Dementia!”
Flug smirked at her and chuckled. He decided that he liked her, she was fun, interesting, kind of annoying. She could be the first friend he's ever had, 505 didn't count cause he was kinda like a son rather than a friend.
They rose about an inch above the building, bobbing up and down like a buoy. Flug gently placed her down on the roof and reached up to take off the disk. With a sudden small pop, the little disk exploded into several pieces causing Flug to fall face first onto the rooftop. He groaned in pain as he pushed himself up onto his knees, rubbing the irritated areas.
“Hahahahaha Seems like the nerd's also a clumsy dunce! Better watch out or you'll trip on air!”
Ok, she'd be an irritating friend. Still better than what he's had.
“Dementia! Shut up! I'm not clumsy, my device simply malfunctioned!”
“Oh Oh, that's even better” she giggled, “That means you're not a nerd anymore, no more smarts! Hahaha welcome to the brawn club, Population, Dementia~”
Flug rolled his eyes at her.
“You do realize smart people can make mistakes right?”
He looked over what was left of the disk. Most of the protective plastic had melted off and the wires had fused together. It was hard to tell what went wrong, but with his tools at home he could determine the cause in no time. It worked pretty well for a prototype.
“Does that mean I'm smart, Fluggy buggy?! Cause I've been told I'm dumber than rocks. Though I bet they wish they didn't say anything at all considering they died by said rocks a few moments later. That was pretty fun actually! Anyway I'm smart now!” Dementia gasped dramatically. “Maybe I can be Black Hat's nerd!”
“What? Dementia no. Yeah, you're smart in your own way, but you can't be Black Hat's “nerd”. It takes years of learning and mechanical knowledge. Plus who would take care of your job now?Also, you can't be smarter than me...Wait, I don't even want to be Black Hat's nerd. Fuck, scientist! Look at what you're making me say now!”
“Omg, you're so right!” Dementia squealed, ignoring his last statement, “Blacky would be without his body guard if I wasn't there! Look at your arms, there's no way you could take that place. They're practically sticks! Alright, you be the nerd and I'll be the brute! I'll even come and grace you with my magnificent prowess by smashing things!!”
“What n-”
“FEDOR ALYOSHA FLUG! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” A thick Russian voice cut Flug off.
On the roof right behind them was Flug's dad, Strong Man, absolutely red in the face with anger. There was a large cracked crater under his feet, showcasing the strength of his landing. Dementia, deciding to take a strategic retreat, camouflaged and scurried away.
“D-dad, hold on! Please, it's not what it...looks like?”
Strong man glared sharply at his son.
“Don't. Even. Try. I know what happened and I  beyond angry. Causing a scene at the mall, vandalizing property, constructing lewd scenes?! I taught you better than this. We're leaving now and you better have a good excuse or you might end up back at the academy!”
Strong man grabbed Flug's arm and dragged him away.
Dementia watched as Flug and the large hero vanished from view. She hadn't completely left Flug to the hero's mercy. She hid behind a large vent, waiting for an opportunity to rescue him or that was what she expected to happen. What she didn't expect was for the hero to claim to be Flug's dad.
Flug's dad, a hero… digusting! She scrunched over, gagging at the thought. Ugh, she had to do something about this. Poor Fluggy trapped under a hero's lineage, stopped from causing mayhem at his heart's desire. He needed to be rescue as fast as possible.
First things first, Black hat needed to know. She stared at the spot they disappeared from, then scurried away toward the hat mansion.
Flug slammed against the soft cushions of his couch. It didn't hurt, but his vision spun from the force of his impact. His dad stood before him, hand still outstretched from having shoved Flug down. Looking at the intimidating stature of his father, Flug’s body trembled in fear as he pushed himself up, his arms barely having enough strength to accomplish this. Strong man roughly shoved him down again, this time leaning his face inches away from Flug's own.
“You can't even begin to imagine the depth of anger right now. How could you do something like that?!” He choked, his voice tight with barely restrained rage, “I understood when you acted out as a teenager, that's normal, but now? Now you have no excuse. Where is your medicine?! I know you haven't been taking it!”
“Dad wai-”
“No! I don't want your excuses! You don't get any excuses anymore! You are a hero now! You have expectations that you must fulfill. Do you know how hard it was for me to make sure no one recognized you and that you didn't get arrested?!”
“If I could just expla-”
“You don't! You were too busy fraternizing with your new ‘friend’, causing trouble, ignoring any thought of the consequences! I have more than half a mind to get rid of this apartment and force you back to the academy, you obviously can't handle your freedom!”
“What! You can't do that! I paid for this and I am-”
“My son, I can do whatever I want with you! I raised you from childhood to adulthood, you are mine! Watch your tongue or I will go through with it! Do you understand?”
“I said. Do. You. Understand?”
“...yes отец.”
“Good. From now on, you will come visit me every morning at 8 am so I can watch you take your meds. I will be the one giving them to you, so that way you can't switch them with sugar pills. And don't even say that you won't switch them, you can't be trusted with your medicine on your own anymore. I expect you tomorrow at 8 on the dot. If you are late even once from now on, it's the academy for you.”
With the last word, he stomped out of the apartment, slamming the door with finality.
Flug stared at the door and watched the wall splinter with cracks from the strength of slam. He didn't know when he started crying. The tears simply began to roll lightly down his face. He reached up to wipe at them, but they didn't stop no matter how many he wiped away. He didn't even know why he was crying, he felt completely numb.  
Well he did at first. After a moment, pure sorrow cut through him like a sharp knife, crying turned to sobbing. His wails echoed through the apartment. He felt alone, pathetic, worthless. Nothing about him was worth a damn in the world. Maybe everyone would be happier if he just dis-
Warmth enveloped him in a hug and soft coos were purred next to his ear. 505, the gentle and loving bear that he had saved without a second thought. The bear that he had made a difference to, that he mattered to. He might not matter to anyone else in the world, but he knew that he mattered to 505.
He turned around and hugged 505 tightly around the middle as he bawled. He didn't think, he just let himself feel and get all the horrible sad emotions inside of him out.
He sat there, cuddled up to 505 until his tears ran dry and he felt numb again. His head hurt and his eyes burned. If he closed his eyes would everything disappear, would his pain stop? He pushed his face deeper into the soft blue fur and drifted off to a deep sleep.
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