#yes glit the transformer
cleverthylacine · 2 years
It doesn’t get more Glitcore than this.  The bar hostess seen in the very beginning of this video reminds me a lot of Glit’s lost human wife (Naoko Mori) in Voice of Stanix, who was a bar hostess, because of course she was, and a close friend of Melissa (not Marissa) Faireborn-Convoy and Xiaoxiao Li. 
In conclusion if Glit is ever in a new TF audio/video production I would like this man, Jero, to be his voice actor.
Jero is pretty awesome all on his own.  First black enka singer in the world, and he is so freaking sexy.  I always knew Glit would be an enka fan but I would never have imagined myself getting into enka before I heard Jero.
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ultimatefartwizard · 4 months
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Been a while, BOOM RAVAGE PAGE
I love this fuckass cat, her like 17 siblings, and her weird dad
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Oh no. Sad thought.
Part of why TFP Soundwave stays hooked into the Nemesis so often is to carefully partion off data to avoid just that. He only has Lazerbeak left and doesn't want to risk creating with the state their species is in. He couldn’t handle another loss.
Then to directly counteract this: the creation of twins Glit and Howlback Post-War due to finally watching a.) All those hospital procedurals that he'd denied himself and b.) Finally being able to joyfully dive into human music. Tiny cassettes that act fussy because they keep having to be docked when their power drains because they are still being built. Like toddlers who don't want to nap.
Glit stalking the Medbay to learn medical procedures and then Howlback following around Starscream and Arcee because she likes how they walk "on tip toes" and tries to imitate them.
ohhh oh tfp sounders, now that there is a story YESSS
That's amazing, nature is healing Soundwave can finally listen to earth music and there's more cassettes around which in general is great like.
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rinovarka · 2 years
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Im going to table at TFConLA in March, so decided to learn some New Skills. So, a new kind of art form I've been working on: polymer clay, here being designs for clay pins and mini magnets! All such based on G1 Transformers characters and BotBots! 
Pin Characters are as follows: Tricitrustops, Jazz, Waddlepop, Laserbeak, Cosmos, Glit, Ravage, Soundwave, Spud Muffin, Blaster, Crickets, Bumblebee, Ulf, and Burgertron. 
Magnets: Burgertron, Frostfetti Frostface, Duderoni, Sprinkleberry Duhnut, and Crumbly Yummly!
These are just base models, and generally have the colors and lineart Id want. Not the official line up, as I’ll probably add in some new ideas and take out others, but ye! Open to critique or suggestions, or pick up coms even LOL
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doctor-glitterbomb · 1 year
Yes. I'm that Glit.
Glitterbomb of Stanix Chief Medical Officer of Sanctuary Station Chair of the Sanctuary Station Truth and Reconciliation Committee.
Find me on OnlyFans at https://onlyfans.com/DocGlitterbomb !!!
Yes, I was a member of the Kiss Players. Yes, I was a medical officer at Grindcore (it was not my choice). Yes, I stole and published the Grindcore files. Yes, that was probably me in whatever it was that you downloaded.
No, I am not Rosanna's boyfriend. (She's a lesbian.)
Minors DNI.
That is a fake OnlyFans link. It will NOT work.
This is an indie RP blog for Transformers IDW/KP Glit.
Glit does pr0n but this is not actually a pr0n blog.
However, many mature topics like sex, sex work, addiction, war crimes and terrible karaoke are discussed on this blog so beware.
Thanks to @bitegore for the header <3 <3 <3
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ashanimus · 1 year
Ash Liveblogs MTME #28
IM SORRY I have notes for some of the others but I wanted to read and get caught up but dear gOD that weird crossover hurt my already waterlogged brain where is my war criminal sitcom---OH my fuck WHAT
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This was not on Rung's bingo card asdlf;sdiajg
Oh dear GOD
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This is the funniest thing I've ever seen a "heroic" character yell at someone in anger, I'm going to remember this until I die. The way work is going, possibly even by face palm! Thanks Rod!
Yes yes blah blah, I know youre going to pardon Megatron, Optimus where are my ships and what have they been doing for the last six months
Why is Swerve "let me be the one to tell Tailgate he's been displaced out of time"the one in charge of this panel
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Also, Swerve, bring to the party!? Excuse me!!? The only thing the people on this god damn boat have brought to the party are DISORDERS
Oh okay this makes more sense
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Optimus, Rod...y'all. I know part of the joy of this comic is how messy it all is but there's something real weird to me about Optimus sitting in judgment of Megatron of all people. Like it makes sense that Rod's all, well, this:
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But surely, SURELY Guys, there is a difference between symbolic and cruel? ALthough perhaps to a political, end, there can't be.
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They're all doing their best and their best is a goddamn disaster---ASDLAKSJG WHIRL NO
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Whirl, there's no way you come out on top on this one in any way
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Back to that symbolic/cruel thing I see. But also, Megatron more than anyone has the perspective to understand what Whirl was at the time (where I don't really see the same kind of wisdom in Whirl, who is better at perceiving other people's fears in what feels like an attempt to distract from his own) -- someone also at the end of a social rope with few options doing what he was told. Doesn't change it but, it is interesting. I'm very tired. I need to be more awake for this.
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year
sleep meme
NAME: Ravage Stanixa (Ravage of Stanix)
RESIDENCE: Sanctuary Station (or) the Nemesis (or) Kaon (or) the Lost Light
TYPE OF BED: If she is by herself then she will curl up and sleep in a small, dark space most mechs couldn't get into if they tried. A hidey-hole, really. It's comforting and makes her feel secure if she sleeps in a space she barely fits in. And use as many blankets and pillows as she can get her paws on. She likes to have a box or basket to make her nest in. If she is with a lover or close friend, she will sleep in their bed. Sometimes she curls up next to them, sometimes she's a little spoon and sometimes she sleeps on top of people. On Sanctuary she has been known to sleep curled up between Soundwave (her conjunx) and Jazz (their adjunx).
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: How many can she get? On the Lost Light, before she moved in with Megatron, she had a space in the vents that was basically a blanket fort with a basket full of pillows and weighted mesh blankets for her to curl up in. She almost always has a scented blanket or scarf to fill her nasal/vomeronasal sensors with a comforting scent because she is so sensitive to smells.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: As many as she can get. She likes soft surfaces and may sleep on the pillows themselves. Fill up a basket or box halfway with pillows, she's good to go.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Uh...none? Clothing and jewellery are for parties and special occasions. They get caught on things and ripped up if you have to transform between girl mode and cat mode in a hurry. She keeps her special things in subspace when asleep.
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY? Whenever possible, if her lover/s or closest friends are around. She is extremely fond of sleeping on Soundwave. On the Nemesis she was known to take naps in Megatron's lap on the bridge.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY? The purring would seem to suggest that she does. When they were first built, Ravage, Howlback, and Glit (and Pounce and Stripes and Nightstalker) would sleep in a big purring pile. She slept with Drift when they were young in Rodion until she met Soundwave, she's slept with Soundwave most of her life, she sleeps with Megatron on the LL
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP? If Ravage must sleep alone, she wants to sleep in a small space where anyone who might want to harm her can't reach her, and the location is preferably not known to anyone else.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP? Write, unless having sex is an option, because that usually helps.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: When she isn't with Soundwave, often; when she is, he guards her dreams with his own. She also tends not to have too many terrible dreams if she is wrapped up in a Megatron.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: Yes. She sleeps/recharges more than most mechs do. Dare I say cat naps?
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: Often when her partner sleeps.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: Unless she's asleep in a nest in a hideyhole that she has traps around, or safely on top of/embraced by someone she loves? Anything.
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sparrowshrike · 3 years
Transformers: The Ties That Bind: Family Matters
Ties that bind by @artsy-hobbitses @tiesthatbind-tf​
808 hours, Glit's Infirmary, four years after the great war
Simon opened his eyes to see a bright light blaring down at his face, he tried to raise his right hand to block out the light, but it was stuck on something. Simon looked over to see what his hand was stuck in. Naomi’s hand, Their fingers were interlocked.  Simon remembered how they got here, Simon fought Nightbird as Soundblaster when she was controlled by M.E.C.H., after bringing her back to her senses, they swore to take it down toghether. They had to fight the other “Extra-liers” that M.E.C.H. had made(Extraliers are outliers that have been tortured and enhanced until their bodies make a second power, both Simon and Naomi are Extraliers), Goldbug, Armorhide, and a clone of Simon called Echoblast. Then they had to face Silas, the man behind MECH, in a mech suit with a giant hammer and a shoulder cannon. Silas had a lot to share while he fought them, Like the fact that Simon was a cold construct of Suraya Widodo and Dylan Proteus. And that Naomi was no longer biologically herself, her DNA was Altered, Destroyed, and Replaced with the DNA to best counter Soundblaster’s. For Simon’s Soundwave side, who better than one of the best female fighters on the autobots, Wariko Baisho, Windblade. And for the father’s side why not the man who successfully Murdered him, Stefan Scavarro, Starscream. These revelations were meant to cause the Duo to falter, so that either Silas could kill them or reclaim his “best soldiers”. What Silas didn’t realize is that the two were aiming to imprison Silas, not kill. So he shook them alright, but they didn’t falter, they started aiming to kill. Soundblaster dealt the death blow, with his sword and Echoblast’s. Silas said he was proud of him, and then set the place to self destruct. Nightbird and Soundblaster were to weak to leave before the countdown reached zero. So they limped to the courtyard, where they first met and sat against the wall where they first talked. they Interlocked their hands, Nightbird rested her head on Soundblaster’s chest, and he rested to his head on hers, as they listened to the timer tick down.
Simon was brought back to the present by hearing the familiar tapping of cane.
“Simon!” Suraya practically yelled, then rushed to see him. The blind NB-woman was like a mother to Simon, even before he knew. They sat in the chair next to his bed
Simon tried to speak before he realized he wasn’t wearing his voice box. ‘Hey, Suraya, I’m okay, But... I have something to tell you.’ Simon had a bit of hesitation on that last part, how could he tell them that?
His thoughts were interrupted when Naomi woke up.
‘Good Morning, Beautiful’ Simon thought, he smirked, until Suraya snorted ‘Suraya! out of my head!’
“Good morning to you too, handsome” Naomi said right before opening her eyes and noticing two things, Suraya was in the room, and Simon wasn’t wearing a vocal apparatus. “Um, Hi, Mx. Widodo, um, did you do that?”
Suraya gave a concerned “No” then Go-eun entered the room.
“Ah, I see you two are awake, Suraya, if you could give us the room?”
“Yes, I understand, call me when your done”
The pair finally looked at their interlocked robotic hands and then looked to each other, and then finally at Go-eun .
“Rumble and Frenzy found you under the rubble and dirt, Ravage and I helped dig you out. You two wouldn’t let go of each other, Ultimately it was Lara that convinced me to keep you two toghether.” Go-eun explained “Your gear is with Shockwave, currently under repairs, and modification. I presume that you’ll be keeping that second blade we found you with.”
Simon Nodded, that blade was a red energon version of his, which made it’s parry’s explosive.
“Either way, you two are free to go, but I expect you two have some things to... say” Go-eun looked at Simon “Right.” She grabbed a mask from her bag “Been carrying this since you arrived.”
Simon placed it on his face, hearing the click-whirr of it locking on. “Thanks Glit, how long have we been out?”
“A month.”
“Jeez, How bad were we?” Naomi asked
“Pretty banged up, Simon’s lucky to still have his legs”
“Good to know...” Simon said “But getting back to the whole lending an ear, um... how do we say his...”
Simon told Glit everything, In Korean, just in case, Suraya or the rest of the family was nearby.
“Well,” Glit paused, Her brain needing to reset, before she could fully understand it all “That certainly is a conundrum, I mean Suraya can probably handle it, but I’m not so sure about Stefan or Wariko, especially with Stefan’s issues and the Fatherly resemblance, that now I know, is most certainly there.”
“Whose fatherly resemblance?” Simon asked, wondering how worried he should be about Stefan being triggered by him.
“Um, Both, So... you both better avoid Stefan for the time being.” Glit said “I don’t want to see you back here, unless it’s a social call.”
Suraya, Lara, and Ramiro were waiting for them outside, they were their ride home. When they got inside, Simon asked to speak with Suraya privately.
“Alright what did you want to talk about?” Suraya asked, feeling uneasy at the tone Simon used when asking her, He was scared.
‘I’m not sure I should, I learned something at the facility, about myself, about who my parents are.’
“Oh, that’s great news, Simon!”
‘Glad you think so... Mom.’ Simon winced when he thought that.
“I’m your- you were made from-?”
‘It’s a lot, I know, I’m sorry, I should have jus-’
“No, No, it wouldn’t have been healthy. I understand, and I guess, I’m relieved, My Son” Suraya said 
‘But Suraya, Should we tell the others? Naomi and Glit are the only others who know.’
“I see no reason to hide it, you are My Son, and I’m your Bibi” Suraya smiled
‘Okay Bibi’
This was extremely fun to write, but it’s way longer then I thought it was going to be, so I’ll have to save the Windscream stuff for next time.
TTB Naomi/Nightbird:
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(Echoblast is basically Nemesis Soundblaster, while Silas’s mech was basically a less humanoid TFP Breakdown)
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epochryphal · 6 years
me & gender overview
*gives out my info to some rad intersex &/or non-binary folks; immediate urge to do a Hi This Me post*
[this will still probably be nowhere near as comprehensive as my post on fetlife, so, links that too.  and my transition blog]
...god what do i even wanna say uh.  i found the word genderqueer in september 2009 and everything changed.  i’m as out as possible and trying to figure out more ways, though correcting in-person of clients/employers is echh spoons and day variable.  i’ve fully transitioned socially, legally, medically - and that does include top & bottom surgery & for a while hormone blockers but not what i’d call HRT.
i was the edge case that pushed uc davis to cover top surgery without requiring T first; i’m one of like half a dozen people i know of that doesn’t have nipples (#nipplefree) (nobody uses that) (i think); i was one of apparently Very Few folks to pursue vaginectomy without metoidioplasty, and had it fully covered by Medi-Cal; i’m one of the first dozen in the nation to get a court order for a non-binary legal gender marker, thanks IGRP
i’m bracing to call Medi-Cal yet Again but this time armed with X birth cert & driver’s license and ask when they’re gonna update their system and who do i fucking talk to, because it makes zero sense to list me otherwise even in yeah a medical setting because i don’t have any F or M parts yo
(alright i have a single gonad left floating that produces enough “sex” hormone that i won’t get osteoporosis, not that that’s been researched to be a true concern actually, but like.  i don’t wanna have to take any hormone, ever, and this way i don’t have to.)
i considered low-dose T for a while but it was pretty much entirely about how people read my voice and fat distribution and facial structure, and i don’t actually want any of the other effects which are mostly permanent, and i’m pretty physically non-dysphoric now it’s just Fuckin Social, and i had a highkey panic attack right before i was supposed to start low-dose T to ~qualify~ for top surgery so nope.  am currently considering facial electrolysis, optionally
today reflected on titles and maybe Mq. which idek how to pronounce but It’s Queer and it’s not pronounced “mix” which bugs me and my gender isn’t a “mystery” as Mre. might be interpreted and hmmm.
main pronoun set is co/co/cos/cos/coself which are just perfect, have been really digging xe/xem/xeir/xeirs/xemself especially in the kink scene because Fuck they/them as the Only acceptable set, play around with gli/glit/glits/glits/glitself because glitch things and highlighting how fucky pronouns can be
and yeah.  exobinary is a great word, and being an exoplanet, and neon orange, and femme but not of gender, and not androgynous or Spectrum (grrr spectra) or neutral but Other, and.  not gender non-conforming.  yes transgender and transexual and trans.  not transmasculine fuck you.  and i much prefer the phrasing of “doesn’t experience transmisogyny” but if doing assigned-at-birth it’s with a Coercively at the beginning thanks, CASAB, and certainly not the softness of “designated.”  and my sex is itself X and non-binary and genderqueer.
uh was briefly involved with a queer trans feminist research cluster graduate group, for a while led a gender group, wrote and presented a Paper on judith butler performativity and non-binary existence, went to 2011 creating change and have been looking to recreate the all-clothes-optional trans&nb swim night, am making a lot of noise in my kink scene to make Visible and Enforced rules around misgendering, am writing a Trans&NB Allyship Basics booklet to publish and distribute with an eye to the kink scene, am heavy into transformative justice and developing consent policies that are functional, do live captioning and am slowly building a website and updated business cards with my certifications/licenses, try to stay kinda low profile but am constantly advocating for my existence and am pretty cool actually.
i will fistfight “fe/male-bodied” language in any parking lot at any time.  i will get up in the face of “women and femmes”-type events/groups until they make clear whether femme trans men are welcome as men and whether they have any competency around people who aren’t cis women.  i mostly steer far away from “women and non-binary” groups that started as women’s groups and pretty much all still shorthand to such.  am starting to pick fights with “pan” groups that are de facto cishet (Hi Kink Scene).
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harmonicatabs · 6 years
Autumn In New York
New Post has been published on https://harmonicatabs.net/lyrics/autumn-in-new-york/
Autumn In New York
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5    -5b   6  4  4   -4  5  4   4  4 It痴 time to end my lone-ly hol-i-day
4    4   4   4   4   4  -4 -4  -4   6 And bid the coun-try a has-ty fare-well
5  -5b  5   4    4  -4  5   4   4  4 So on this gray and mel-an-chol-y day
4     4   4  4   4  -4 -4  -4  4 I値l move to a Man-hat-tan ho-tel
4     5   -6   6  5  4    4  -4    -5b  -5b I値l dis-pose of my rose col-oured cha-tels
5  6     7   5   6  -6   -4  -5b -6  -6 And pre-pare for my share of ad-ven-tures
-6   6   6 And bat-tles
6    5   4    4   4   4  4   -4 Here on the twen-ty sev-enth floor
4    4    4   4   4  -4  4 Look-ing down on the cit-y
4  5    4   4  4 I hate and a-dore
5   -4   4   4  4 Au-tumn in New York
4    4  -5b  -6b -6b 6  -6b 5 Why does it seem so in-vit-ing
5   -4   4  4   4 Au-tumn in New York
4    4    -5b   -6b  -6b  6   -6b   5 It spells the thrill of first-night-ing
6    6   5    -4     4   5   5    4    4 Glit-ter-ing crowds and shim-mer-ing clouds
4   4   4    4   4 In can-yons of steel
4       -4  4   4   -4     -5b  -4 They’re mak-ing me feel – I’m home
-4    5 -4   4   4   4 It’s Au-tumn in New York
4      4    -5b  -6b -6b  6  -6b 5 That brings the pro-mise of new love
-5b 6   -5b -4   4 Au-tumn in New York
-4 -5b 6  -6b  -6    6   -6b Is of-ten min-gled with pain
6    5   6    -6 -6  6 Dream-ers with emp-ty hands
-5b  5    4  5   6 6   5 May sigh for ex-o-tic lands
5     5  -4   4  4   4 It’s au-tumn in New York
4     4   4    5  -5b -4 4 It’s good to live it a-gain
Au-tumn in New York The gleam-ing roof-tops at sun-down Au-tumn in New York It lifts you up when you run down Yes, jaded rouT and gay divorcFs Who lunch at the Ritz Will tell you that it’s divine This autumn in New York Transforms the slums into Mayfair Autumn in New York You’ll need no castles in Spain Yes, Lovers that bless the dark On the benches in Central Park Greet autumn in New York It’s good to live it again
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