#yes I am back on my rebel princess bullshit
lurkingshan · 2 years
The problem with finding the perfect drama hero is every other male lead is going to leave you unsatisfied for the rest of time
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Chapter 5
The Black Brothers
Josephine Fawley or as her brother liked to call her the tomboy Princess had a striking romance with Hogwarts very own Pureblood rebel Sirius Black.
Sadly her parents deemed his Brother the so called Slytherin Prince as a better fit and arranged a marriage with the younger Black.
Tw: Arranged marriage, possible smut, swear words, lots of fluff, angst, mentions of abuse and depression,
Part 1
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The Newts went by in the blink of an eye and before any of them knew they were back at the platform 9 3/4.
“I will miss you so bad,” Isa said and Joey’s insides felt warm. Isa wasn’t one for sentimentalities usually and having her openly talk about missing her made her happier than she would ever admit.
“I’ll miss you too, Isa.” She said, pulling the girl in a quick hug.
“Hey Isa, don’t steal away my girl,” Sirius’ voice said from behind, earning him a playful shove from Joey.
Isa waved a last time before going to look for her parents, leaving the couple to bid their goodbyes.
“Farewell Princess.”
“We’ll see each other at the next boring pureblood ball.”
“I’ll still miss you like crazy.” His hand cupped her cheek, making a blush creep up on her. How could he make her feel this way, even after all these years?
And then kissed her. He kissed her like it was the last kiss they ever shared.
After pulling back, both teens were slightly panting.
“I’ll miss you too, Black”
“Write to me, love.”
“Every day.”
And with a last playful wink the boy disappeared between the people, going to find his parents - or hiding from them.
Just seconds later, Quentin appeared next to the girl.
“Let’s go, mum and dad will be waiting.” He said, nudging her.
It only took the twins minutes to find their parents chatting with the Malfoys, and even though Quentin’s expression remained rather neutral, Joey could practically feel her brother’s blood boil at the sight of Lucius.
Their Mother was the first one to see the twins hugging them both and mumbling something about having missed them. Their father just nodded at the scene, bidding his goodbyes to the Malfoys.
“We have something to tell you when we come home.” Cordelia whispered to her children before grabbing Joey’s hand.
Joey and Quentin exchanged a look.
With a plop the family landed back at the Fawley residence and Joey inhaled the familiar scent of Lavender and Moth balls that always seemed to linger in the old house and didn’t pay much attention to her mother asking for a teatime with the family to discuss ‘important matters’. At least until Quentin took her hand, and she felt just how clammy and sweaty his hand was.
“It will be alright Quen.”
He shook his head. And Joey prayed they weren’t going to tell her that his depression got worse.
With a weird feeling in her stomach, she made her way to the sitting corner in which the Fawley family always drunk their tea, carefully pulling Quentin behind, who seemed almost frozen into place.
Their parents sat opposite to them, both seeming suspiciously smiley.
“What’s up?” Joey asked, not able to take the tension anymore.
Her mother inhaled sharply before letting her catlike green eyes meet her daughters. “We arranged a marriage for you, Josephine.”
“You what?” The siblings asked simultaneously.
“We arranged for you to marry a respectable pure blood gentleman.” Her father explained, not looking his children in the eyes.
“Absolutely not.”
Her mother pursed her lips. “I fear you don’t have a choice, Darling.”
“You were always against that bullshit,” her brother spat, his voice being louder than ever.
“Things change, circumstances change.” Their father said, just earning a scoff from his son.
“It is the best for all of us.”
“Not for me.”
Her mother looked at her sadly, “You don’t have a choice.”
“Oh hell, yes I do.” Joey screamed, standing up, running into her room, still faintly hearing her brother argue with her parents.
In her room she pulled out her trunk, chaotically throwing clothes, pictures and other prized possessions in it. She didn’t know where she was going to go, but she knew she needed to go. Hot tears streamed down her face, she always thought her parents were different, sure most pure blood families had some weird beliefs about keeping their blood pure therefore arranged marriage looked like the best thing to do, but her parents always seemed to accept that their children would go their own way.
A faint knock on the door alerted the girl of her mother’s presence.
“Can I come in?”
“In your words, I don’t have a choice, do I?”
“We made a deal with the family years ago,” her mother sighed suddenly looking decades older, “we promised them you would marry their son in exchange for safety from the dark Lord.”
“What has Voldemort to do with all this?” her Mother flinched by the mention of his name.
“The family is very close to him. They inform him about blood traitors, eventual followers and all that.”
“So I don’t have a choice?”
“Not if you want your loved ones to live.” Her Mother said simply giving her daughter a reassuring squeeze before going out of the room leaving Joey at a complete loss.
After the initial shock, there was only one thing on her mind: Sirius.
She fidgeted with the silver ring on her left hand, knowing that she always wanted to marry him, spend her life with the boy she loved above everything else, and now she would have to face a relationship like Narcissa had with Lucius.
The lump in her throat grew bigger and bigger, and she barely noticed the tears streaming down her face mercilessly.
Perhaps the worst heartbreak isn’t getting broken up with, perhaps the worst heartbreak is knowing you have to break up with someone who you still love with every fiber of your body.
Two days had gone by, but Joey didn’t even seem to notice. Everything went on in a blur and no words from Isabella, who she wrote to immediately nor her brother, could pull her out of her misery.
“You know you need to break up with him, don’t you?” Her brother just asked, while soothingly drawing circles on her back.
“Isabella said I should break his heart really bad to make it easier for him,” Joey scoffed, tears still rolling down her cheeks.
“That’s a terrible idea, even for Isabella.”
“You just say that because you hate her. She said, I should just tell him I am in love with someone else.”
“Josephine, don’t do it, please. People will know about the arranged marriage just like they know about Lucius and Narcissa.”
“I could still love him though.”
“Sirius isn’t stupid - not that stupid at least.”
“If I tell him the truth he would try to fight the bloke in some deathly duel or something,” she laughed humorlessly, “he’d do anything for me.”
“You don’t need to tell him a reason to break up with him.”
“Don’t you think I owe him one?”
Her brother stayed silent, engulfing her in a hug, while her tears left a wet patch on his shirt. Quentin knew better than to argue with his sister. She already made up her mind.
Joey had asked Sirius to meet her at the park bench he once gave her the promise ring at. Her face was stoic, almost unreadable. She knew she couldn’t show weakness in front of him. She couldn’t make him question her decision. She needed to be confident and cold.
She already saw him from afar, his long hair hanging in his eyes while he comfortably sat in the grass even though a perfectly intact bench was right next to him.
As soon as the boy saw her his eyes lit up and he stood up to hug her, but she took a step back making his eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“We need to talk.” She said instead of a greeting slowly making her way to the bench.
“What’s wrong, love?”
She forced herself to look into his concerned eyes that were so full of love for her and she knew Isabella was right. She would have to break him so he could let her go.
“I am breaking up with you.”
Sirius’ eyes widened in disbelief, his hands fidgeting with each other like they always did when he got overwhelmed, and Joey had to resist the urge to hold them.
“Why? Joey we can fix this I-“
“I made my decision.”
He swallowed hard, and she saw tears starting to pool in his eyes.
“Why?” He asked again, his voice cracking.
“I found somebody else.” She said simply, not daring to look into the stormy grey eyes she was still very much in love with, “and I am in love with him.”
“I love you.” Sirius said, his voice barely above a whisper and it took everything in Joey not to say it back.
“I should go.” She said, not waiting for an answer before standing up and taking fast steps towards the point she knew she could Apparate away in safety. A small part of her hoped he would run after her, tell her he saw through her act, tell her he knew how to get out of it but he didn’t so she let the tears that she was holding in since the moment she saw him sitting next to the bench fall but to her surprise she didn’t feel the hurt anymore. Instead, her heart felt cold, as if it was made of ice or as if someone had just burst through her rib cage and taken it out, leaving only an empty space.
Sirius Black felt like he was having a heart attack, and for a short second he thought about admitting himself into St mangos hospital but he came to the conclusion that maybe having a heart attack right now wouldn’t be too bad because the one person he trusted and treasured over anyone else made his worst fears come true. He knew he was always jealous, but that was just because he knew deep inside that a guy like him could never keep a girl like her. That a girl like Josephine didn’t settle for family disappointments with lots of baggage, but he still tried and for a brief moment he thought he could be happy. Now he knew that some people just aren’t meant to be happy.
For the first time since the couple started dating, Sirius lit up a cigarette, inhaling the deathly smoke deeply, hoping that it would kill the sadness in him.
Sirius Black’s world became dull that day.
Unbeknownst to both they had the same essential question running through their head, ‘who is this other guy’ but while Sirius would have to wait some time till his question got answered, Joey had the option to confront her parents.
Of course she could have done this earlier, but she had to admit she was scared of the answer. She knew most pureblood families and couldn’t say she particularly liked them. Additionally a family that was close to the Dark Lord was bound to be involved in the dark arts and at least to some extent evil.
She shuddered at that thought; she heard all the stories about arranged marriages - the regular rape, the abuse and the fear and she wasn’t keen on joining that club. So when she saw her Mother that day ready to confront her - she couldn’t.
She couldn’t bring herself to ask.
Actually, she couldn’t bring herself to do anything besides lay in bed and sleep, she didn’t even have it in her to cry anymore. Even after her Mother informed her she was going to meet her future husband for dinner, she didn’t have it in herself to react.
In the end it was her brother who brought back the girl’s spirits on the day of the dinner.
“Oh no, you are not meeting your future husband looking like that.”
“Why? He has to marry me, anyway.” Joey said, rolling over.
“Go shower. Now. You smell, and if you don’t shower, I will conjure a bucket of ice water and shower you myself.” He said while rummaging through her closet.
Joey frowned, not being used to her brother being so authoritarian, but she did as he said, too tired to argue with him.
Even though she would never admit it, the shower did make her feel better, and the dress her brother chose made her feel like a real life princess.
“You have to do your clown paint on your own, I have no idea what that stuff is.” He said gesturing to her makeup and for the first time in eleven days Joey chuckled.
She was just doing her eye makeup as her mother came in, a sad smile decorating her face. “You never asked who.”
“Does it matter?” Joey asked, applying mascara.
“It’s Regulus Black.”
Joey almost poked her eye out as she heard that. Her heart hammered desperately against her chest.
“Why not Sirius?” Quentin asked the question Joey wanted to ask so desperately. “Isn’t he the oldest?”
Her mother made a sound with her mouth, “We discussed this matter but Sirius and his family have a complicated relationship, they want regulus to make the proud.”
And Joey felt like her heart broke all over again. She was so close to getting what she wanted, yet destiny had ripped it away from her again. If this was a story, the Author had to be downright cruel to put her through this.
At the Black Mansion Sirius - for the first time in his life felt completely and utterly broken. Hot tears ran down his face, and he couldn’t contain the sobs coming out of his mouth.
He almost didn’t notice his Mother coming in hitting him with the stupid Black family ring she was so proud of turning it outward so it would leave deep cuts on his cheeks.
“Crying is something for muggles and weaklings. Not for Blacks.” She screeched, but he didn’t care, he never cared for anything his parents wanted or said, he only cared for her and his friends and maybe Regulus even though his loyalty to their parents could be infuriating sometimes.
“We have guests this evening. If you aren’t on your best behavior, I will crucio you right in front of them.” His mother sneered, and Sirius knew from experience that she meant what she said.
“Yes, what?” His Mother grabbed her wand and Sirius bit his lip till it started bleeding.
“Yes, ma’am.” he grumbled quietly, just hoping that she would disappear soon so he could be sad in peace.
Walburga strutted out of the room, locking the door behind her, making Sirius sigh.
He looked around his room trying to ground himself, the red gryffindor flags, the muggle band posters from bands he didn’t know just to spite his mother, the pictures of the Marauders and of course the pictures of Joey that he didn’t yet have the heart to take down, her smile illuminating the whole room even through a picture. Tears filled his eyes again, yet he didn’t dare to cry. Instead, he got out his wand, muttering some spells to heal the wounds.
A few hours later Sirius was well aware of how horrible he looked, skin pale, deep rings under the eyes and his usually shiny hair hanging matted over his eyes, this look being further enhanced while standing next to his brother who looked more and more like Sirius every day, sharing his aristocratic features. But other than Sirius;, Regulus looked amazing, his tie in place, his hair combed and his shoes cleaned.
Sirius saw the disgusted face his mother gave him before gushing about Regulus and he couldn’t help but feel accomplished at his disheveled appearance that hopefully would disgust any weird poor blood family her mother invited for today.
“Adrian, Cordelia! How nice to see you.” Walburga greeted, making Sirius’ blood run cold at the mention of Joey’s parents’ names; and really just behind the two middle-aged wizards and next to Quentin, the girl of his dreams, stood. Her usually wavy hair was curled and neatly pinned up, leaving just a few strands to frame her beautiful face.
Sirius stood there frozen as the other people greeted each other. Joey stiffly shook his hand. Her eyes looking cold and disinterested, just like the first time Sirius saw her at the pureblood ball.
Joey, on the other hand, felt immensely grateful for her brother standing beside her, as she didn’t know where she should look. She was scared to look in Regulus eyes seeing the familiar cold and steely gaze of her future husband and even though she wanted to, she knew looking in Sirius’ eyes would just open up a Pandora’s box of feelings.
The dinner went over like a blur, Walburga asking lots of questions that were being answered politely, mostly by Cordelia.
As dessert came - crème brûlée, finally the point of the entire dinner was made clear.
“Josephine, Regulus, as you both know we arranged a marriage between you two, binding two of the most pureblood families together by law.” Orion said, his voice cold and calculated just like Regulus’ voice was. Sirius started coughing uncontrollably, choking on the water he just tried to drink, earning himself dirty looks from the pureblood parents, Orion especially looking at Sirius like Walburga looked at discounter clothes. “Don’t mind my son, he doesn’t take news like a gentleman, another reason why we chose regulus over him.”
Joey looked up from her plate - the first time this evening and her mask broke for a short second and Sirius saw how deeply horrified she looked before she went back to smiling politely with the same cold disinterested eyes every pureblood kid learned to have at a young age.
“We expect you to be a pleasant couple till you marry, no drama or other nonsense.” Orion continued.
“Josephine, darling, I suspect your parents already informed you about the risks of acting out?” Walburga asked, and Joey’s stomach turned at her sickly sweet voice. Her eyes automatically found Sirius’ for comfort, but his eyes were clouded with shock and something Joey could only interpret as realization.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Very well, how about you two go up to Regulus’ room to get to know each other better, while we discuss the details of the engagement party?”
Regulus nodded wordlessly, taking his future fiancée’s hand leading her up the stairs so familiar of the noble house of black, into his room.
It was the first time that Joey saw a room except the ball room and Sirius’ room and she was impressed at how unimpressive the room looked. The walls were empty except a Slytherin flag over his bed; the room was almost hauntingly neat, and she didn’t see even one personal item.
“I apologize for all of this.” Regulus said, looking at the stoic girl in front of him.
“No need to apologize.” She whispered, her voice sounding hoarse as she took in the room, looking anywhere but into the boys’ eyes.
“I’m sure no girl wants to have that kind of proposal.”
She chuckled at the absurdity of his words, sitting down on his bed, surprised at the softness of the mattress, yet shuddering at the thought of her having to have sex with him on that mattress - or anywhere, for that matter.
“We are practically engaged and you don’t even know my favorite color.” She said, looking into his eyes for the first time this evening.
There was a deep breath, and then Regulus sat beside her.
“Why are you marrying me?”
He looked shocked at the question and Joey wished she could take the words back, knowing that she crossed a line and being basically the property of Regulus now, she should maybe at least try to keep the comments to herself.
“Josephine, it’s what our parents want from us.”
“Nobody calls me Josephine, except my parents.” Joey whispered, her voice restrained from the fear pulsing through her body.
“I know, but I didn’t know if you wanted me to call you that.”
Joey looked into his steely eyes, and they looked surprisingly soft and understanding. And a small glimmer of hope tugged at her heartstrings.
“Why do you care what I want? Am I now not your property?” The words came out harder than she intended, and Regulus flinched slightly.
“I’m not a monster.”
Joey stayed silent.
She was glad, as Walburga called them downstairs, looking at them as if she just won the lottery.
“Splendid news, we will hold the engagement party in one week.”, Joey forced a smile but by the falling face of Walburga she could already tell that it came out more like a grimace, “and the even better news is that you will spend all summer with us so you and Regulus can bond and have some appearances as a couple before you marry.”
Joey’s stomach turned. Spending all summer with the guy they forced her to marry, her ex boyfriend who still gave her butterflies and their psychopathic parents sounded like a nightmare.
“We will have a guest room ready.” Orion added coldly, and from the corner of her eye she saw Sirius exhaling in something that looked like relief.
“Oh no, we aren’t in the eighties anymore. She can sleep in Regulus room, they can practice for their wedding night.” Walburga grinned wolfishly, and Joey felt so sick she was sure she would throw up all over the carpet.
Part 6
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Close Friends - pt. 9
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A/N: I think I just complicated things. At first I was like, I’ll just make it simple and then I realized Remus deserved better and now... I don’t know what I did but the more I want to make it a sirius x reader, the more I don’t want to do it. So... somebody help my conflicted mind. I think you should prepare for angst that’s coming because this fic hasn’t started yet. 
It didn’t hit you until you could think twice about the arms that were pulling you close to someone, or the legs that were intertwined with yours, your feet bare. 
First the realization was gentle, up until the memories started coming fast as a train and causing you to sit up in a light second. You put your hands on your stomach and legs, finding fabric underneat and relieving yourself of the worries that clouded your better judgement. 
“We didn’t do it...” you heard him mumble beside you. 
You looked to the side to find him fully clothed and completely messed up. He hugged the pillow under and burried his face in it. 
“Wait.” he mumbled into the pillow, groaning and continuing to mumble and whine. “I don’t want to think just yet- it’s too early.”
You stared, pulling your knees to your chest and hugging them nervously. All you could think about was last night. It felt so right- with the hot kisses and the dancing, the alcohol but now all it feels is... guilty. 
You don’t even know Remus that well to like him even the slightest in the way last night had shown. Yet when you thought of his touch, the chemistry, the kisses and the way he hugged you when the two of you slept it felt more home than with anybody you had experianced, even with Sirius, who was supposed to be the one you’re in love with...
And now you don’t have only two boys on your mind, you have three who are all a friend group. 
“Oh god...” you heard yourself mumble. “I’m a whore.” you said and heard him chuckle next to you. You shoved him with your elbow and he turned around, still letting out long, gentle laughs. “Shut up! Oh my God! Peter. I need to stay away from Peter.” you ordered yourself, staring at the empty beds of your roomates. 
He picked himself up, still smiling at you with that stupid smug grin of his as he stretched and sat opposite of you. “You’re funny.” 
“Hilarious.” you snapped back sarcastically, narrowing your eyes in a glare. 
“Don’t sweat it, (y/n). I’ll uncomplicate this for you.” he offered you a smile and you continued to stare, waiting for him to explain further. “I’m a simple man. I don’t need drama like the other two.” 
“Your point?”
“My point is that we’re tell them the truth.”
“The truth?” 
“We were drunk, we danced, I kissed you.” he leaned back. “It’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” you furrowed your eyebrows. 
“Yeah.” he got up and stretched his arms. 
You were completely baffeled- you haven’t expected that. You haven’t expected that in the slightest. He’s pretending as if nothing between the two of you ever happened, as it was as simple as just two friends kissing. 
There was so much more than kissing. There was your body and his body, you felt things you haven’t felt with anybody and you dragged him to your room where everything was supposed to get intimate but you weren’t ready and as gentleman as he was, he only wrapped his arms around you and both of you slept. You slept like a princess, knowing just how safe and warm you felt in his embrace and now you woke up for him to say it’s nothing. How was last night nothing?
You felt your heart crack from the boy that since yesterday you haven’t thought what you thought today. 
“So last night-”
“We have to tell Sirius.” he cut you off and you looked up. 
“Why do we need to tell him?” you started to get defensive, furious actually and you couldn’t figure out why you were so angry but you were.
“It’s better he hears it from us then anybody else.”
“Why should he care? It’s not like I am a healthy, young and single girl, who he has done nothing but ignore for the past year! I can kiss whoever I bloody want! I can-”
“Whoah, whoah- why are you angry?”
“I’m not!” you snapped. “I’m not angry and even if I am, why should you care?!”
“What?!” he started to raise his voice as well.
“Like you said. It’s nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing.”
“That’s what you want, isn’t it?! You’re in love with Sirius-”
“STOP WITH THE SIRIUS!!! GOD!!” you ran your hands up and down your face, trying to think. “I want you to leave.”
“Not until you tell me what you’re so pissed about?! You could have easily invited them but you invited me!”
“I SAID LEAVE REMUS!!” you started crying, punching his chest and pushing him towards the door. “Leave!” you started to lose your energy but as soon as he was through the door he wrapped his arms around you, locking your arms with his and pressing you against him. “Le- leave Remus-” you started to sob, unknowingly aware of any emotion you were feeling. 
“You’re confused.” he whispered in your ear, pressing you close as you started to calm down due to his energy. “Hell, I’m confused but let’s stop this before we start to overthink it- before it gets more complicated than it should. Whatever thoughts about you an me you have right now, they are not real. They are not. It’s all fresh- fresh and new, you don’t know how to react.” he continued as he let go of his grip, letting your arms fall around his neck. 
“I don’t want to lose you too.” your mouth spoke before your brain could process but you knew you were speaking from the heart, so you just let it play out without any thoughts reeling in. “I mess up everything. I messed my my friendships with Sirius and James and if you tell them- if you tell them Remus, they’ll both hate me. Sirius will hate me.”
“Sirius? Our Sirius?” he put on a smile, pulling away. “He can’t stay mad forever. He may be prideful but he’s the forgiving type. Trust me.” he let his hands fall down to your hips and you could have sworn his eyes turned the same as they did last night. That hungry look in their eyes, dark but worth admiring for.
“And you really didn’t feel anything last night?” you asked, wanting to know the truth.
“It doesn’t matter what I felt.” he started to back away and you furrowed your eyebrows at him. 
“Yes it does.” 
“Trust me, it’s better if we’re friends.”
“Why?” you started to get suspicious as he grew nervous. 
“I’ll just-”
“Remus!” you grabbed his hand as the look before turned into a chaotic panic.”What’s really wrong?”
“I- I can’t do this right now.” he started to stutter, feeling the hangover could his straight thinking. He could feel just as a mix of emotions as you felt before- he wasn’t feeling the right emotions. It was the alcohol. 
“Just answer me.”
“With intimite actions like kissing, of course there are feelings involved but your feelings towards Sirius and his feelings towards you are stronger than mine and yours for one another-”
“Sirius and I haven’t had what you and I had. We haven’t kissed and we are not toge-”
“Exactly. The two of you haven’t kissed and when you do kiss him it’s going to be better than I and James-”
“Why are you so stuck on me and Sirius?”
“Because EVERYBODY FALLS FOR SIRIUS!” he exploded and you took a step back. “Don’t you get it? Sirius and James are the pranksters, the popular Gryffindors, the pride and joy for McGonagall. I’m just someone who appears to hang out with them- They chose to be my friends and we are friends- best friends but if any girl would be stuck between choosing me or any of them- then let’s be honest here, (y/n) becasue every girl would chose the handsome, rebel Gryffindor or his attractive, sporty best friend. Not the shabby looking bookworm.” it felt like something so heavy was lifted off his chest. He was finally able to breathe more air into his lungs after saying what he said. “We all have a thing for you, (y/n). Each of us has because we’re guys and we can’t help but fall in love with the first girl who hangs out with us for years. And you’re Sirius’ girl. Your his girl and you’ve been his girl for years, which makes us know that we can’t have a chance with you-”
“Why should you decide that Sirius-”
“Don’t, (y/n). Just don’t. “ he cut you off, lifting his hand up. “Don’t give me hope for something that will never happen. You’ll choose him and than God you will because you could never be with someone like me.” 
“I told you don’t give me hope.” he started backing away.
“Is it becaue you’re a werewolf?” you spat out and he stopped at the door, turning around with wide eyes. 
“Sirius told me a long time ago and he made me promise not to tell you he told me. He wanted you to tell me.”
“He said- and you still kissed me?” he started to get confused for a moment, trying to wrap his head around it.
“Tell me why wouldn’t I?”
“You were drunk.”
“So were you.”
“It’s different.”
“No, it’s really not.” you started approaching him again, crossing your arms over your chest as you were chest to chest. 
He kept looking at you carefully- what if you tell somebody? But you wouldn’t do that, would you? 
“I’m not with Sirius, Remus. I was never with Sirius and just because we hung out does not mean I belonged to him or that everybody should expect me and him to end up together. It’s bullshit.”
“And you’re giving me hope?” 
“I can’t give you hope, Remus. I don’t know if I want to be with any of you anymore. It’s too complicated.”
“But you’re in love-”
“I swear to God if you say I’m in love with Sirius again, I chop your werewolf head off.” you smiled and started walking away from him. “Tell him. Tell him what happened.”
“Who? Sirius?” he asked and you turned around, simpering and nodding. “And what about us?”
“I thought there wasn’t an us.” you smiled and he rolled his eyes, walking to your side. 
“You know what I meant.” 
You sighed, looking down at your feet and trying to think as clear as possible. “You said I shouldn’t give you hope and I won’t. Friends?” 
He started to look at your eyes, same as before, same as last night- something worth admiring for. He smirked and took your hand. “Friends.” he said, shaking it lightly before showing you the mischivious glint in his eyes. He left smiling, something you haven’t expected and before he left the room, he turned around and sent you a wink. “See you later.” 
Perplexed by his sudden change of reaction, you tried to rewind the last few minutes with him. Did he really mean friends or did you just give him hope for something more? 
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babyspiderling · 5 years
Kylo x Princess! Reader
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So these two beautiful people requested, and this is what I came up with! @onlyhopebensolo and @obsessedwkyloren , I hope you really enjoy this!  This takes place before and slightly after TFA, so that TLJ and ROS can miss me with that Bullshit
My earliest memories consist of days playing with a boy with ears he had yet to grow into, and dark raven hair. My mother was queen on Naboo, she helped the rebellion during the war, and became friends with Princess -now general- Leia Organa of Alderan. When we were 6, the Solos traveled to Naboo. I had “borrowed” one of my mothers dresses and stood in a field with the tiny “prince”. He had bashfully given me a bundle of wildflowers, roots still clutching the soil they were growing in. He cleared his throat and stepped closer to me. “I pinky promise to love you as much as I love Macaroni and Cheese. Even when you have cooties and when girls are gross.” Swinging the flowers, I say back to him, “I promise to love you more than I love my dollys. Even when you’ve gone back home and I don’t see you anymore.” I kissed his cheek and giggled. That night I had my mother teach me how to press flowers. I slept with that book of pressed petals under my pillow for weeks. 
Ben and I spent the summer before his departure to train with his uncle Luke together. We were now 10 years old. He had grown into his ears a bit since the last time I had seen him, and his hair had since started to grow over the tips of his ears. We sat in the meadow and talked, or just stared at the sky. I wove a crown of flowers, adding purple and blue flowers into the sea of yellow. We talked and laughed until it is time for Ben to leave. Tears blurred my eyes as I ran towards him one last time. We held each other tight and bled tears into each others clothes. As he boarded the ship, he smiled at me until the door closed. I stood there with my mother, waving and waving until I could no longer see their ship, and then waved for just a bit longer to be sure. 
Years have since passed since the day Ben started his training with the great Jedi Luke Skywalker. Years have passed since Luke Skywalker's temples were destroyed by Kylo Ren. I cried for weeks and weeks until I had no tears left to cry. I could not believe that my Ben, the boy that I had pledged to love more than the thing most important to me at the time, had killed younglings, had turned to the dark side and created a new Empire. I remembered his mother coming herself to share the news. I did my best to remain put together for not only myself but for the grieving general, I had almost succeeded until she began to break and I joined her. I am now queen of Naboo, like my mother before me, following in her footsteps and becoming elected by the people. I wake up from my flashbacks on a First Order couch, the alliance meetings taking place on the intimidatingly named “Starkiller Base”. One of my ladies in waiting gently reminds me: “Your Highness, we have a meeting with General Hux. He is here to talk about the alliance between the First Order and Naboo.” I fix my make-up and headpiece before marching out to meet the ginger general. I enter the conference room from my door, and make myself comfortable and regal as General Hux and his troopers come in to join me. The meeting is tense with anticipation. “General, my people and I are not ones to just roll over and take whatever is dealt our way. I am willing to come to an agreement, but I will not allow you to threaten my people with extinction if we do not automatically agree to your terms. There is room for negotiation here for both of us.” Finally we reach an agreement, and we start to work out and sign paperwork. As I leave the conference room to go back to my room, I feel a presence that lurked in the background all trip, but also felt familiar, like a long forgotten scent. It was stronger now, like whatever it was that caused the feeling was drawing closer to me. I subtly look over my shoulder, and find nothing. 
I enter my room and immediately relax, ditching the headpiece and wiping my face of the dramatic traditional makeup of the queens before me. I hear the door open and call out to my handmaid, “I think that went well, it was a bit tense but our people are safe.” I get no response, which is strange, since my handmaid Ari and I have been friends for a very long time. I leave the fresher room to see what is the matter and instead of Ari, a large black mask is staring me directly in the face. It hurts too much to see him, to remember the betrayal and pain he caused those who loved him. He stalks closer and closer until my back is pressed up against the wall. His helmet is lifted off and I see the boy I had fallen in love with, some 15 years older. He has grown into his ears, and his hair has grown to brush his shoulders. “I agree your Highness, it did go well. Your people are safe.” His voice, deeper and rougher than before. “Thank you, Commander Ren. If you will allow me, I am not feeling too well right now, and I would like to rest.” Nodding, he leaves the room. Some strange part of myself wonders if he remembers me and the vows we made all those years ago, but the logic of my brain shakes the idea away, reminding me of the atrocities that he has committed. The trip goes well, and soon I am back on Naboo. A couple years pass, and I step down as queen, working instead as an ambassador, and secret benefactor for the rebels. I allow those in need to dock, refuel and swap information. When I find little things of Queen Amidalas, I always send a rebel back to Leia with it. 
I watch from my window, a rebel ship arrive nearby and I walk out to greet them. “Welcome to Naboo, traveler. What can I get for you? Fuel, food, lodging?” The woman who exited the ship shakes her head, but then changes her mind. “We are running low on fuel, and the ship has suffered damage. You are Princess Y/N L/N, yes? The General sent me.” Nodding my head I simply say “You must be Rey, Leia has told me lots about her recently found niece. Greetings.” As I turn to escort her into my home and to call those who assist the rebels, I hear grumbling and the whirring of a droid. “No, I am not going out there. She doesn’t want to see me.” I calmly turn to the newest “Skywalker”, and raise my eyebrows. “I was unaware that there were other travelers with you. Are they alright?” Sighing she calls back to the ship. “Alright you two, come on out. You can’t stay in the ship anymore.” Turning as well, I see a round little BB unit race down the ramp. I kneel down to inspect it. “Oh, aren’t you the cutest little thing. We’ll get you cleaned up in no time.” I straighten and find myself face to face once again with the boy I spent my childhood with. 
I study his face with scrutiny, and finally address him. “Greetings, Commander Ren.” He winces and sheepishly mutters, “It’s… It’s Ben. Ben Solo.” I snap myself into focus at his eyes, searching for deception and I can not seem to find any. “Alright, Ben. Come inside. Let’s get you something to eat.” It took a long time before I truly trusted Ben, but sooner than later, we both were standing in that same field from all those years ago. This time saying our real vows.
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mygalfriday · 4 years
and the piano’s this melancholy soundtrack to her smile (haymitch/effie)
It’s been five years since the end of the Games and being in the Capitol still makes Haymitch itch for a drink. He stays clear of the bar, just in case. Aside from the occasional glass, he’s remained mostly sober since the very painful drying out process in Thirteen. He hadn’t wanted to disappoint the kids. Right now, it’s hard to remember why. He curls his trembling hands into fists and tries not to breathe whenever someone walks by with a glass of liquor.
The booze is the only thing this damned anniversary celebration has going for it and he can’t even enjoy it. Capitol parties have never been his thing and if Plutarch hadn’t guilted him into attending to keep the spotlight off Katniss and Peeta, he wouldn’t be here. It brings back far too many memories — drinking in some corner with Chaff, hiding from his Escort. His friend is dead and Haymitch hasn’t seen Effie Trinket in five years.
He still thinks about that kiss more than he should.
At the time, it had seemed like a good idea. He’d always wondered what it would be like and he’d figured what the hell, right? Probably never see her again. And she’d been beautiful, standing there in the snow and blinking her feathered lashes at him. Now he knows what a mistake it had been. Her lipstick had tasted like raspberries. He still can’t eat them all these years later.
Haymitch has been wandering the party for a couple of hours, making sure he’s seen by anyone who might matter so Plutarch won’t have anything to bitch about later. He’s in the middle of holding his breath as he walks past a group of elderly men nursing glasses of scotch and contemplating the best way to slip out and catch a damn train when he senses it. It’s been years but he has never forgotten what the room feels like when she walks into it — the ripple in the air, like a pebble dropped into a pond. The room shifts focus, however briefly, to stare at her.
He swallows, turning slowly on his heel. His eyes are drawn to her instantly, just like everyone else. Fashion in the Capitol isn’t what it used to be but Effie still knows how to turn heads. The short, simple black cocktail dress is sequined and sparkling, catching the light every time she moves and showing off endless legs. She isn’t wearing a wig and it’s the first time he’s ever seen her real hair. It’s blonde and shiny, curling around her face in soft waves and resting against her pale shoulders. Her wide smile is nervous but he’s pretty sure he’s the only one who knows her well enough to see it.
Without really thinking about it, Haymitch steps forward. He wants to see her, wants to talk to her, wants to hear that ridiculous Capitol accent grow thicker when he irritates the holy hell out of her. He makes it two steps before he finally notices she isn't alone. She’s hanging off the arm of some tall brunette peacock in a three piece suit. Haymitch freezes, letting people maneuver around him as something cold and unpleasant floods his stomach.
She keeps smiling, leaning into her date and greeting people who come up to chat with her. She still knows how to command attention and it isn't long before she’s surrounded, her expression more at ease as she charms her audience. A possessive hand rests at the small of her back and the man looking down at her wears a fond smile, like he can’t quite believe his luck.
Haymitch swallows back bile.
Across the room, Effie laughs that soft, tinkling laugh he remembers. The sound takes him back to another time, when it was his arm she held and her laugh in his ear as she tried to charm sponsors into giving them money. He’d been too soaked in liquor to appreciate it back then but now — Haymitch forces himself to stop staring at her and move. He turns and walks away blindly, searching for an exit.
The first door he comes across leads out onto the balcony and it isn’t quite the permanent exit he’d been hoping for but some fresh air will have to do. He gulps in the city air greedily, lungs burning. He wants a drink. He really wants a damn drink. He curls shaking hands tightly around the iron railing until his knuckles turn white, bowing his head and shutting his eyes.
She’s with someone. Of fucking course she’s with someone.
“Your vocabulary hasn’t improved, I see.”
He starts, eyes snapping open. Though he doesn’t dare turn around, he straightens from his defeated slouch against the railing and stares out at the skyline, twinkling lights and skyscrapers as far as the eye can see. His hands ache but he can’t bring himself to let go of the railing. “Hello sweetheart.”
“Hello Haymitch.” He listens to the click of her heels as she moves closer. “I wasn’t sure you were ever going to come to me so I thought I’d come to you instead.”
He snorts bitterly. “Saw me, did you?”
She hums and out of the corner of his eye, he sees her lean against the railing beside him. Her dress glitters resplendently under the neon city lights. “You’re hard to miss.”
“You’re one to talk, Princess.” He hesitates, still refusing to look at her. “You look…good.”
“Thank you.”
He can hear the smile in her voice and keeps watching out of the corner of his eye, drinking in her every move like a starving man before a feast. She lifts a hand to brush her hair behind her ear and the sparkle of the ring on her finger almost blinds him. It feels strangely similar to being punched in the stomach. He must make some strangled noise in response because Effie seems to realize her mistake a moment too late. She drops her hand hastily, looking away.
After a moment of tense silence, she sighs. “How are you, Haymitch?”
If she’s looking for a change of subject, he isn’t in the mood to be indulgent. “Not as well as you, apparently.”
“You love him?”
She hesitates. “I…admire him.”
“Not what I asked.”
Another sigh, this one full of resignation. “And yet it’s my answer.”
“He good to you?”
“Yes,” she admits. “Far better than I deserve.”
He scoffs, his breath clouding in the night air. “Bullshit.”
“I was an Escort,” she says, as though he needs reminding. “And then a rebel. I am an enemy to both sides of the war. I don’t truly belong anywhere and it was quite lucky anyone at all would be seen with me-”
“Is that why you’re with him?” He asks, incredulous enough to finally turn and look at her. Arguing with Effie feels familiar, feels more like home than even Twelve does. It puts him at ease for the first time since he set foot inside the Capitol. “Because he tolerates you? Kind of a low bar isn’t it, sweetheart?”
Effie frowns. “It’s hardly a fairytale but one does what one must.”
He stares at her. This close, he can see the cute little lines around her eyes and the way her mouth trembles like she doesn’t even believe her own lies. “That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard you say,” he declares, looming over her. “And I’ve heard you say some dumb shit, Princess.”
She huffs, turning away to glower at the street down below. “I don’t expect you to understand, of course. You have the children and an entire district that adores you. You belong somewhere.”
“And you don’t?” He scowls, leaning further into her space. It always made her pay attention to him before but now she won’t even look at him. “You have me, Eff. Katniss. Peeta. I told you-”
Effie whirls suddenly, blonde hair bouncing against her shoulders and blue eyes fierce. “You kissed me goodbye and said don’t be a stranger. Don’t be a stranger, Haymitch. That is what you say to a casual acquaintance upon parting when you don’t care if you ever see them again. It is not an open invitation to show up and insert myself into your lives when you’re all trying to move on-”
“I wanted you there,” he snarls. “Fuck, Effie. I waited for you to show up with your fucking pink suitcases and -”
He stops abruptly, alarmed by the tears filling her eyes. Effie crying has always been more than enough to make him stop in his tracks, no matter how drunk he might have been at the time. He’d always grimace and panic and slur apologies, pet her wig until she swatted him away and dabbed at her eyes. He can’t handle Effie crying. He just fucking can’t.
“Eff,” he begins, voice significantly softer. “Don’t-”
“I didn’t know,” she whispers, blinking rapidly. “I wanted to come but… I thought you were just being polite.”
“Effie,” he says again, searching her face intently. “When the fuck have I ever cared about being polite?”
She chokes out a laugh, delicate fingers covering her mouth. Her damp eyelashes flutter and the lines around her eyes crinkle and that tinkling laugh fills the air between them. Warmth fills him like sunlight at the sound and before he knows it, Haymitch is laughing too. He doesn’t know who reaches for who but suddenly she’s in his arms again, wrapped up tight in his embrace. She’s so tiny but she fits perfectly against him, her head tucked just beneath his chin.
Haymitch buries his face in her hair and breathes her in. Beneath his hands, Effie trembles with suppressed laughter and something else, something soft and tender that makes him ache between his ribs. “I’ve missed you,” she whispers.
He tightens his grip, suddenly terrified she might slip through his fingers. Gruffly, he says, “Then come home.”
Effie hesitates. Her fingers grip his coat in her little fists and her damp lashes flutter against his throat. Her engagement ring digs into his chest even through his coat and he indulges in fantasies of slipping it off her finger and throwing it from the balcony until she finally breathes out, “All right.”
He smiles into her hair and doesn’t let go.
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rufousnmacska · 4 years
Secrets and Confessions Part 5
A Crescent City Ruhn-Hypaxia fic
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Ruhn was in the process of sorting through a pile of probably useless tech when the knock came at his door. Expecting Bryce, he yelled, “No one’s here.”
The door opened to reveal Tharion Ketos, wearing a tailored suit and a smug grin.
“Fuck,” Ruhn grumbled. “What the fuck do you want?”
Ketos walked in as if he owned the place, pulling out a chair and taking in the room with curious eyes. The books on the seat were moved to the desk, atop a precarious stack of papers. “Hello to you too. Do you always swear so much?”
“All the fucking time,” Ruhn said, not bothering to return the greeting. He left the junk and turned to face Ketos. “Who let you in?”
“Your band mates.”
Ketos wrinkled his brow. “Aren’t you three in a band or something? The way you all dress made me think-“
Ruhn growled. “What. Do. You. Want.”
The mer held up his hands in a peace offering and leaned back in the chair. “I’m here to discuss some things.”
“This better be Aux related because if it isn’t, I’m throwing your ass out.”
“Well I’m in luck because it is about your Aux unit.”
He hoped Tharion couldn’t see the disappointment on his face. He’d heard nothing from Hypaxia in the last few days. And he was too much of a coward to contact her, even though his control was eroding. He was embarrassingly close to calling her. Signaling for Tharion to go on, he sat on his bed, willing himself to concentrate.
“How many of your Aux unit would follow you?” the mer asked. “Hypothetically. Rough numbers.”
“To overthrow the asteri? Or to overthrow my father?”
Ruhn barked a laugh as Ketos was apparently done with the bullshit. He held the male’s sharp gaze as he thought about it. Just a few weeks ago he’d wanted to be involved with the rebels. Had even considered this very question, on many occasions. His Aux unit was comprised of the best of the Valbaran Fae. The strongest and smartest. All of them would follow him against the asteri.
Against his father though …
“Are they mutually exclusive?” He didn’t give a shit about his father. But he wasn’t sure if he was ready to lead a coup either.
“Not necessarily. If you can suggest a way to do one without your father becoming an equally bad replacement, I’m all ears.”
“Shit.” He really didn’t need to say anything else. The rebels might not know the extent of his father’s plans, but they had to have a good idea. They’d be idiots to not have a plan for the power vacuum if they were successful against the asteri.
Tharion stood and straightened out his suit jacket. “You can think about it. Let me know.” He headed for the door, and just as Ruhn was about to break and ask about her, Tharion said, “She wanted to tell you. Since the Summit. I know you understand why she couldn’t.” He made a vague gesture in reference to the ever-present cameras and recordings throughout the city. “And I know you understand that it was for your safety as well as for ours. Now, I can’t speak to anything personal between you two. But Hypaxia is the last person in the world to manipulate someone. Even for this cause. She’s the moral compass of the operation. And if you can’t get over whatever bullshit betrayal you’ve concocted in that pierced head of yours … Well, I guess it’ll be your loss.”
Ruhn said nothing as Tharion opened the door and started out. But the mer wasn’t done. With a wink, he said, “Your loss might be my gain.” And before Ruhn could throw something at him, he shut the door, yelling back, “Call her you fucking idiot!”
He laughed. He couldn’t help it. “What the fuck just happened?”
A buzz came from his phone and he rolled his eyes. The evening check in.
Did you clean your room yet?
For fuck’s sake Bryce. What’s with this obsession about cleaning?
It’s a good distraction when you feel like shit. Believe me. I know.
The truth in that made his annoyance fade. And made him feel bad for wallowing in self pity for so long. She’d survived much worse than a break-up. Considering where they’d been less than a year ago, barely speaking, fighting when they did … He smiled, glad that she was hounding him.
He sent her a photo of the progress he’d made, which he thought was pretty good. She disagreed and told him to get back to work.
As you wish your highness.
Don’t fucking call me that.
Ok your highness.
If you keep it up I’m coming over to supervise.
He sent a princess symbol with a heart. The heart always worked to end her tirades.
Laying back on his bed, he stared at his phone, wondering if he should take Tharion’s advice.
Tomorrow, he thought. After I straighten some shit out.
In the meantime, he went out into the hallway and shouted for Flynn and Dec. They came up after getting rid of the drunk fae and shifters they’d had over. Luckily, Dec was stone cold sober, and Flynn was close enough.
“How many from the unit can we trust?” He didn’t need to go into more detail. They knew everything he did about his father. Hel, they knew everything about him.
Everything except the truth about the Oracle’s prophecy. Which now seemed like it might be a good thing. If ending the bloodline meant ending the threat posed by his father, then Ruhn had no problem with his destiny. He’d proudly sacrifice his title if it led to a meaningful peace for Midgard.
His fingers itched to call Hypaxia and tell her exactly that.
But just then, Dec began rattling off names. Tristan nodded along, a far off look in his eyes that meant he was planning. And so Ruhn began planning too.
The room was much emptier than Hypaxia had been expecting. Instead of a table surrounded by all the upper echelon rebels and their seconds, a lone figure sat at the far end. There wasn’t a single ashy blonde hair out of place on Jesiba Roga’s head, and her eyes were as unforgiving as the sharp edged nails she tapped on the table.
“You’re early,” she said by way of greeting. Hypaxia almost let out a breath of relief, thinking that meant there would be more coming. But the witch had seen, or sensed, her reaction and said, “It’s just us today.”
Sitting a fair distance away, she said, “I was told the full group would be meeting. Did I receive incorrect information?”
Jesiba didn’t answer, just took a drink from a glass that held a golden brown liquid. It looked like scotch, but Hypaxia didn’t know for sure. And she wouldn’t, as the witch didn’t offer her anything, alcohol or otherwise.
Hypaxia was tired. Already tired of the political bullshit required not just in her role with the rebellion, but as queen. Technically, regardless of what she’d renounced and who she now claimed to serve, Jesiba was one of her subjects. Hypaxia wasn’t stupid enough to order her to do anything. But for Cthona’s sake the witch could show a little respect. If not to her queen, at least to another person.
The grin that twisted Jesiba’s mouth made her remember where she was. Remember her place. Queen or not, she wasn’t in charge here. But she’d be damned if she played the good little witch to this sorceress.
She suddenly thought of Ruhn, realizing his fondness for cursing had rubbed off on her. Ignoring the pang in her heart, she returned Jesiba’s smile.
“I assume you are aware of the various prophecies at play here,” Jesiba said, the unspoken “girl” successfully conveyed in her condescending tone.
Refusing to be baited, Hypaxia simply said, “I am the Witch Queen.”
“I’ll take that as a yes. Which means you’re aware of what role your lover is to take. Or, is it former lover? I’m afraid I haven’t kept up on the state of your affairs.”
Wanting to roll her eyes at the stupid double entendre, she let it and the insult go. “Of course I am aware. That is why I want him recruited.”
Jesiba ran her finger around the lip of her glass as she studied her. It made a wavering, melodic sound that left Hypaxia thinking of Ruhn again, and his sensitive hearing. She’d never considered herself a good singer, but he adored her voice. Whether she was speaking or singing, humming or moaning, he would sometimes close his eyes in appreciation.
“The union of the sword and blade is not something to be left in the hands of the fae. The Autumn King is a fool if he thinks otherwise.” Jesiba’s brusqueness tugged her out of the soft memories.
“The Prince is not a fool. And he is not a minion of his father.”
Those cold gray eyes were like shards of ice and Hypaxia felt her skin prickle. She knew Jesiba was skilled in all kinds of power. Witch magic as well as whatever ghastly practices she’d learned from the Under King. But Hypaxia had been taught by her mother, by the wise, old witch elders, and by the other ancient beings hidden in their mountains. Jesiba’s attempt to enter her mind would not work.
“I have nothing to hide Ms. Roga. Why don’t you just ask me your questions and we can both return to our work.”
The witch smiled that knife-like grin again, giving off a fleeting look that Hypaxia thought might be admiration. At her ability to keep Jesiba from shuffling through her thoughts or her bluntness, she wasn’t sure.
After another drink, Jesiba said, “Danaan is necessary. I don’t like it, but he’s necessary. As critical to our goal as his sister.”
At the mention of Bryce, Hypaxia caught another quick expression on the witch’s face, like that of a parent worried for her child. She’d seen it often enough on her own mother’s face to recognize it.
Jesiba continued. “Mirrors of the starborn siblings begot by Theia. Both of Theia’s daughters inherited their mother’s power, but not equally.”
Hypaxia wanted to argue that Ruhn had more to him than met the eye, perhaps even his own eye. But she didn’t. Those powers were his to wield. His to understand and develop. He’d kept them hidden for a reason and it was not her place to reveal them.
“Bryce is the horn,” Hypaxia said, knowing the prophecies as she’d already stated and hoping to shorten Jesiba’s lesson. “She will open the rift so we may dispose of the asteri and then seal it.”
“It’s not quite that simple.”
The previous disdain in Jesiba’s tone had returned. Her own annoyance bubbled close to the surface. Hypaxia knew damn well that it wasn’t that simple. The asteri were ancient, immensely powerful beings. “So why is the prince necessary? Beyond the sword?”
“The sword isn’t his.”
That stopped Hypaxia and she couldn’t help the shock that settled on her face. “What do you mean? He pulled it from the stone in Avallen.”
“It calls more strongly for Bryce. For her starlight.”
She held Jesiba’s icy stare, thinking, remembering the prophecies and the visions she’d just claimed to know. Running through all the arcane knowledge passed on from her mother. When it hit her, she felt her eyes widen. And saw another brief look of approval cross the witch’s face.
“He is the blade,” she whispered.
The approval disappeared as fast as it had come. Sorrow, genuine and unexpected, met Hypaxia’s gaze now.
Despite all her training, this had been a detail left unexplained. Either unknown by her witches, or unspoken.
The blade did not truly exist. Not literally. It was a metaphor. And like Helena’s sister, Theia’s lesser known daughter, the blade was to be the sacrifice.
Prince Pelias had killed the younger sister himself with the Starsword, joining her fractional amounts of starlight to his own to ensure the rift was sealed.  
Jesiba had known.
“I am sorry to be the bearer of such news,” Jesiba said, having the grace to continue looking sorry.
Hypaxia sat, silent and unmoving. Ruhn was to die for this rebellion to succeed.
She’d been under no illusions that most of them, or even any of them, would survive this. She wasn’t foolish. And yet, she’d allowed herself to fall in love with him. Let him become such a huge and necessary part of her life, that she didn’t want to imagine her life without him.
“He knows,” she croaked. “About the rebellion. He caught me meeting with Tharion and he overheard …” She trailed off. Jesiba wasn’t reacting. Which meant she’d already heard about it from Tharion. “Why are you telling me this? Why now?”
“Against my better judgment, I like you. I will never recognize you as my queen, but … I am pleased that you are leading the witches.”
Hypaxia didn’t reply, not sure if the admission was a veiled slight against her mother.
“Hel,” Jesiba went on with a harsh laugh, “I even like Danaan. You two are a good match.”
“Then why? Why refuse me every time I asked to bring him in?”
“I should think that is clear. Though, maybe my reputation has outgrown itself. I may be a coldhearted bitch, but I’m not entirely heartless.” After a pause, she said, “I knew you were growing close to him. Even if his role in this won’t be borne out for several years, making you live with that knowledge was not my first choice. With the loss of your mother still fresh, I didn’t think you should have to deal with another death.”
Another death.
Unbidden, a memory of her mother consumed Hypaxia. It was from shortly after she’d been diagnosed with her illness. Queen Hecuba didn’t look sick, which made the news harder to bear. And she didn’t seem concerned about the death sentence she’d just been given. Instead, she was calm and cool, like always, smiling at her daughter.
You will get through this, her mother had said, insisting on comforting others instead of seeking it. There will be worse to come. More battles to fight. But you will prevail. And at the end, you will not be alone.
At the time, she hadn’t considered that what her mother was saying might be prophetic. But now, she knew. It had been a vision. And while the words seemed vague, to a witch’s ears, they were anything but. From a mother to a daughter, the deeper meanings were obvious.
She blinked to find Jesiba still staring at her. Still examining her. There was no attempt to probe her mind again, just genuine curiosity. And anticipation.
“That’s not going to happen,” Hypaxia said forcefully, expecting some sort of dismissal. But Jesiba just smiled. What Hypaxia had once seen as contempt on the witch’s face, she now saw as respect. It was still that of an elder towards a student, a superior to an inferior. But it was there, genuine and appreciated. And it made her sit a little straighter.
“Good. That’s what I wanted to hear,” Jesiba said. “Bring him in. And do whatever the Hel it takes to get around that damn blade prophecy and make sure he lives. I’ll get you access to all of my resources.” Seemingly without thinking, Jesiba added, “You’re not the only one who would be devastated by his death.”
Bryce, Hypaxia realized, feeling stupid for not making the connection sooner. The only person Jesiba seemed to care about, despite her ridiculous threats to turn the woman into whatever low creature struck her fancy.
Jesiba rose to leave and reached the door as Hypaxia said, “Wait. If he agrees to become involved, I’m not hiding anything from him. He will be told everything.”
The witch shrugged. “That’s your call.” But her eyes narrowed and the air seemed to crackle around them in warning. “Telling Bryce is mine.” And with that, she was gone.
Under her breath, Hypaxia said, “You could have at least given me an idea of how to tell him.” Then, with a deep sigh, “Fuck.”
To be continued...
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The Loyalty of a Bandit ~ Chapter 2.
I wasn’t happy with the first chapter so I went back into it after writing this and edited/ made it a little longer. So please go read Chapter One before this. Thank you <3 
Character pairing: Poe Dameron/OC character. 
Warnings: probably mild language. If you would like to be tagged let me know. 
Tag list:  @jingyuhearteu​
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I stirred to the sound of two people arguing.
“You can’t just kidnap someone Poe!” A women shouted.
“We needed a thief! Yes it wasn’t the one we met with. But she just happened to steal from me and honestly I was impressed.”  I knew that voice, but my head was so fuzzy that I couldn’t picture his face.
“It would have been nice if you would have talked to her first! Explain the situation and maybe she would have come willingly!”
“There was no time Leia, she would have put up a fight either way.”
“Let’s hope your right about this, if she causes trouble.”
“Yeah. My head I know.”
There was a lot of shuffling, some banging and then a door closing. I relaxed a little but decided to wait until I was sure both people had left the room before I moved. I needed to know where I was and who I was up against. My thoughts were interrupted when a deep voice sounded from the middle of the room. 
“I know you’re awake.”
I kept my eyes closed but sighed deeply. My mind a lot clearer now I knew it was the guy from the Cantena, the one I’d stolen from. This was going to be bad. 
“Where am I?” I opened my eyes to see him, he had his back to me while he was fiddling with some objects on the table in front of him.
“Resistance base.” He turned to look at me, leaning on the table.
“You’re with the resistance.” 
Well at least this was a better situation than being at the First Order base, but I still felt unnerved.  They were still directly linked to war and conflict, something I was trying to keep my distance from. But in a world full of violence and hate I guess it was only a matter of time before I witnessed it first hand.
“You sound surprised?” He crossed his arms over his chest, he looked at me with a snug expression. 
I got the vibe that he thought he was the best, he was charming I’ll give him that. He was also very handsome which was going to make hating him hard, but his cocky attitude was making it very easy right now. However I couldn’t help but notice the flex of his muscles against his tight beige shirt that drew my eyes away from his face. 
“Well yeah, I didn’t know the resistance kidnapped people, isn’t that more first order behaviour.” My eyes shifted back to his face but it was too late he’d caught me staring.
He gave me that smirk, that knowing look that said I caught you and you can’t deny that you’re attracted to me. “I did what I had to.” He shrugged.
“Why I’m I here?” 
“You’re honestly taking this better than I thought.” He pushed himself off of the table and walked his way towards me. I pushed back in the bed surprised that he was coming closer, I couldn’t stop my heart from beating erratically. 
“Can we please just cut the bullshit and tell me why I’ve been taken by force to the rebel base?” He sat down in the chair next to the bed, he leaned his elbow’s on his knee’s. He was way too close for comfort. 
“Your name.” 
“Are you even listening to me?” I raised my voice sitting up on my elbows, I didn’t care about the closeness anymore. He was pissing me off.
“Give me your name and I’ll tell you.” He raised his eyebrows. “Information for information.”
I just scoffed and rolled my eyes, god this man is insufferable. “Solar.” 
He motioned for me to continue. “Solar Bandit.” I rolled my eyes.
“That wasn’t so hard was it.” He smirked at me and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms over his chest again. 
“Now can you please tell me why I’ve been ripped from my home planet. You’re starting to piss me off.” 
He just stared at me, clicking his tongue. “The man I was meeting at the cantena, he is a master thief. I was meeting him because we need a skilled thief for a mission, the item you stole was payment for him. But when I found the item gone when I was trying to make the deal I knew it had to be you. No one else was close enough, I mean I’d find out sooner or later when I caught up with you. When I found it on you, I was impressed.” 
“Wow, is that a complement?” I smiled at him for the first time, he just glared at me. 
“I made a rash decision and decided to employ you.” 
“Employ me, YOU KIDNAPPED ME!” I sat up and pointed angrily at him, my finger dangerously close to prodding him in the chest. Which I had no doubt would be firm under my finger tips.
“I know I should have probably talked to you about the mission, but there was no time and you were being all feisty.” He gestured to me.
I just stared at him in disbelief. “Yeah, I wonder why.” It was my turn to cross my arms over my chest and look at him all displeasing.
“You seem to be forgetting that you robbed me.” 
He leaned forward again but this time, with me now sitting up in the bed he was even closer to me. I could feel his warm breath on my lips, It took all the strength I had not to gasp. 
I fell back into the bed, the closeness becoming too much. I’d only known this guy less than twenty-four hours, why was he having this much of an effect on me. Not to mention that he was also holding me hostage.
Who was I kidding! I knew exactly why. He was a sarcastic, cocky, Charming, handsome rebel pilot that had literally sweep me off my feet. “Yeah well I robbed you, you Kidnapped me so I guess we’re even.” 
There was a moment of silence while I just laid there, staring at the ceiling.
“You never told me your name.” I didn’t look at him, continuing to stare at nothing.  
“It’s Poe, Poe Dameron.” He stood up from the seat abruptly, startling me a little my eyes immediately shifted to him. “Rest, and then someone will come get you for the briefing.” 
Before I even had time to argue he had paced the length of the room and disappeared through the door. 
Great! Guess I’m stuck here, I hope Ryder isn’t too worried about me. I was defenitly going to get an earful from him when I returned, If I returned.
I groaned closing my eyes again, quickly slipping back into darkness.
I woke up to a small tapping on the metal hatch.
I called out sleepily. “Come in.”
I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around to find I was still in the what I assumed was the medical room at the rebel base. Not going to lie, I’d always wondered what being apart of the resistance would be like. The mission against the dark side.  But this is definitely not how I wanted it to go.
“Beep beep.” I looked over to find a white and orange round droid looking at me from the door. He was adorable, I’d always wanted a droid companion.
“Hey buddy.” I walked over to him and bent down touching his head. “Their ready for me huh. Thank you, let’s go shall we?.”
He just nodded his little head, making a whirling noise I had to laugh at how cute he was.
“Lead the way.” I patted his head as he spun around, we both finally left the warm room.
The hallway was dark and cold, I couldn’t tell if that was because we where underground or because it was night. It was so quiet as well, I wondered if the whole base would be in this meeting or if people were just asleep or busy planning missions. As we reached the door, the droid punched the code in the keypad with his little metal hand. The metal door swooped open, everyone inside turned to look, I was taken back for a moment the lights weren’t as bright as I thought they would be. It was a little dingy. 
I stared into the room looking at everyone as they got bored and turned back to work. I noticed Poe at the round table in the middle, he was conversing with a elegant older women.
Finally catching on that the mood in the room had shifted to the new arrival, Poe lifted his head catching my eye. He looking at me and smiling but then turned his attention to the droid who was still beside me.
“BB-8!” He beamed.
I looked down at the droid who in turn looked up at me.
“That’s your master?” I pointed to Poe with a disbelieving look on my face.
He just squeaked. Zooming over to Poe who gave the droid loving scratches on his metal belly. I couldn’t deny, that was super cute. 
I stared ahead dumbfounded.
I started walking forward down the steps towards the round table In the middle of the room, Poe stood up, making his way back to stand next to the elderly women.
“Ah here’s our theif.” Poe smiled as we got to the table at the same time.
“Like I had a choice.” I stood across from them, giving Poe a face.
The women looked at me sympathetically but Poe was just smirking, god how I wish I could just lean over and smack him.
“I’d like to know why I’m here.” I looked at the women. “Why I’m truly here.” I turned raising my eyebrows at Poe.
“My name is Leia.” I gasped, my eyes snapped to her.
“Call me General.” She sweetly smiled at me. “Well we were prepared for another accomplice.” She quickly glanced at Poe.
I wonder how often this man when against orders and got in deep trouble. She sighed. “But if Poe says you’re good at what you do then I guess I trust his judgement.”
Poe shifted and leaned against the table. “You’ll be going to a high class party, the host is a wealthy arms dealer and he has some information that would be very useful to us. He carries a drive with him that holds the blueprints for a new TIE fighter. This information will help us bring down the fighters easier.” 
I thought for a moment, I was good at what I do. But I’d never done something on this level before. Helping the resistance and possibly saving countless lives sounded rewarding though. “I’m use to tricking intoxicated bar patron’s, I don’t think I’m skilled enough to go after a wealthy, intelligent arms dealer.”
“Their all the same, It’s a party their will be alcohol. He will no doubt be intoxicated. He’ll be in no state to deny a beautiful women flirting with him. He’ll be in the palm of your hands, You’ll just have to be mindful of the guards. Buts that’s where I’ll come in.” He leaned on his forearms, staring at my confused expression.   
It was a lot to take in, in such a small space of time.  I decided to let go that he’d basically just called me beautiful, but I’d definitely remember it for later.
“You’ll be coming with me?” He stood up smirking.
I turned to Leia. “Is there no one else who can escort me?” 
She just chuckled as Poe noticeably slumped at my words.
“He’s our best pilot.” She patted him on the arm. “He’ll keep you safe.” 
I just groaned and hung my head low. “Looks like you’re stuck with me sweetheart.” I looked up to find the smuggest smile on his face.
I looked to Leia, not wanting him to indulge in my annoyance. “If I do this, will I get to go back home.” I put both my palms on the table and leaned forward.
Leia and Poe just looked at each other. “That’s completely up to you, you might decided to stay and fight with us.” She looked at me hopefully.
I gave her a sad smile. “I need to get home.”
I had no family to go back to, but I had Ryder. He’d no doubt be worried about me by now. I needed to get back to him as soon as possible.
“You got someone waiting for you.” I turned to Poe giving him my best bitchy look.
“Maybe, though I don’t see why it’s any of your business.”
“Oh I like her! She knows how to keep you in your place commander Dameron.” Leia moved round the table to grab my arm, she then looked at me and said softly. “Not many people talk back to him, Come with me.”
I looked at Poe who looked annoyed and almost jealous. I just laughed to myself.
“Is he always that much of an ass?”
“Oh sweetie, you’ve not seen the half of it yet.” Leia patted me on the arm as she lead me down the corridor.
I don’t know if I wanted to find out what she meant. 
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mostthingskenobi · 6 years
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SUMMARY: After 5 days of torture, Luke's strength gives out and his life begins to fade. Vader has no choice but to turn to Leia for help.
We're almost there, friends! Maybe one more chapter after this one.
As the galaxy coiled past in a distorted, nebulous swirl, Vader locked the hyperdrive coordinates into the shuttle’s computer and double-checked the journey’s estimated length. He wasn’t certain where exactly to take Luke; finding the Rebels had often proven a difficult task even when he wasn’t planning to entreat them for help. Time was against him and he had little margin for error.
Vader stood and moved out of the cockpit, heading into the larger aft compartment where Luke lay unconscious on the floor. After retrieving a med kit and blanket, the Sith knelt next to his son and began inspecting the young man’s wounds. Skywalker’s face was bruised, his right eye bright and swollen, his lip torn. Several wounds wrapped around his neck and disappeared under his collar so Vader pulled Luke’s tunic open to see the extent of the damage. The Sith’s blood ran cold when he saw what his son had endured. He bit back his anger and slowly began applying bacta and bandages. The Emperor deserved to die for this, he thought as he worked.
Luke’s eyes slowly opened and dully blinked at the dark form hovering above him. As recognition finally settled in, the young Jedi gasped and tried to pull away, fearing the T0-D interrogation droid and Vader had captured him again. “No!” he mumbled. “Don’t…”
The Sith quickly understood Skywalker’s confusion. “Luke,” he tried to sooth, pulling back and giving the young man more space. “You are safe here.”
Skywalker worked himself into a panic; he tried to drag his body away but realized he was not even strong enough to lift his arms. How would he escape? It hurt to breathe, hurt to think; his entire body felt like it had been run over by a speeder. He began to wheeze as he fought to protect himself, his lungs becoming tight and heavy.
Vader knew he had to calm Luke before the boy hurt himself so the Sith placed his hand in the middle of Skywalker’s chest and sent a calming wave through the Force. “Son,” he said more firmly, “search your feelings. Quiet your mind and let the Force speak to you, let it show you that you are safe.”
Luke froze and stared up at Vader. He did as he was told and let his mind turn inward listening to the subtle messages all around him. The energy surrounding the Sith was unlike the energy Luke had experienced during his interrogation. When the T0-D droid tortured him, the room had been filled with a crushing, dark, glittering energy--the Emperor’s energy. Vader’s presence was entirely different, cold yet oddly familiar, as though deep down Luke could feel their shared bloodline. He calmed as he began to remember what had happened in the throne room on the Death Star. “The Emperor?”
“Dead,” Vader replied flatly.
“Yes,” Luke whispered as a vision of Sidious, limp and headless, appeared in his mind. He and Vader had killed the Emperor; together they had destroyed the infamous Dark Lord of the Sith. Did this mean everything had changed? Had the tide of the war turned or had they destroyed one evil only to make way for another?
Skywalker became aware of his father’s hand resting on his chest. He focused on the sensation before shifting his gaze to Vader’s unfathomable black mask characterized by large expressionless eyes, a molded breathing apparatus, and a sloping helmet--a personalized prison perfectly designed for Anakin Skywalker. “Father,” the young man said quietly. Vader’s head tilted toward Luke but the mask obscured every expression, every blink, every emotion. “What will you do?” Now that the Emperor was dead, he worried what would become of his father. Was Vader now a slave without a master, or a tyrant waiting to take his throne?
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“Don’t concern yourself with that now.”
Luke wrapped his mechanical hand around his father’s as it rested on his chest. “Don’t turn back to the darkness.”
Vader was still for a long time, neither speaking nor moving. Finally he flipped his hand over and wrapped his fingers around his son’s. “Luke…”
“Promise me,” Skywalker cut him off, reading his father’s reluctance in the Force. “Promise you will find another way.”
The Sith could sense that Luke was beginning to fade again. Skywalker’s body was awash with exhausting pain and the young man was struggling to breathe. “All that matters right now is you, my son,” Vader said quietly. “You need medical care. We must find your comrades or I fear I will not be able to save you.”
Skywalker smiled weakly. “You’ve already saved me.” His words slurred as he fought to stay conscious, his eyes rolling back in his head.
Vader scooped the boy into his strong arms. “Son, you must help me. How do I find your friends?” He shook Skywalker gently, trying to keep him awake. “Luke…”
The young Jedi could barely keep his eyes open as he spoke. “The Alliance assigned me an emergency comm link channel,” he mumbled. “Echo375. You’ll need to provide my clearance code. That will get you directly through to Leia…”
Skywalker grew heavy in Vader’s arms as he began to slip away. The Sith shook him again. “What is your clearance code?” Vader reached out through the Force, pulling Luke’s consciousness away from its desperately needed sleep. “Son,” he implored, “tell me the code.”
Luke’s eyes did not open and he could barely make his mouth move. “Five-five-whiskey-two,” he whispered languidly.
Vader wrapped the young man in a blanket then laid him back down on the floor to rest. He quickly scrounged up a comm unit and entered the frequency Skywalker had given him. There was a high-pitched tone followed by a long pause, then a male voice came out of the comm link with no accompanying hologram. “Please identify.” The Sith Lord typed in Skywalker’s code and waited. “Verified,” the voice replied.
The comm unit suddenly bloomed to life and a blue hologram appeared in Vader’s palm; a lovely young woman with piercing eyes and a long braid coiled around the crown of her head smiled at him. “Luke, I’ve been so worried…” Her words cut off as her eyes grew wide with fear and recognition.
The Sith gave a slight nod. “Greetings, your highness.”
Leia Organa and Han Solo huddled together over holomaps in the Alliance communications center. They had spent days pouring over intel and debriefing squadrons that were reconnoitering potential planetary base locations. The room was abuzz with communication officers, pilots, and navigators when the chief relay screen suddenly lit up with a red alert.
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“What is it?” Leia asked, leaning toward the relay officer sitting at the consul across from her.
“It appears to be one of our emergency comm channels, Ma’am,” the soldier replied.
“Bring the number up on the screen,” Organa instructed.
The relay blinked and Echo375 flashed across the board.
Han stepped forward, his hands on his hips. “That’s Luke’s number,” he said as his brows pulled together with worry.
“Have you verified his clearance code?” Leia asked, concern plain on her face.
“I was just about to, Ma’am.”
“Go ahead,” Organa said with a nod. She turned to Han. “Luke’s been gone for days. He wouldn’t tell me where he was going and he hasn’t checked in since he left. I have a bad feeling about this.”
“Hey, I’m sure he’s all right. Knowing him, he’s probably just blown out his x-wing’s hyperdrive pulling some stupid stunt and needs us to come rescue him.” Han took a step closer to Leia and gently squeezed her elbow. “Try not to worry.”
“Excuse me, Princess, but the clearance code matches. It’s definitely Commander Skywalker.”
Leia took a step toward the comm consul. “Please put it through.” The officer flipped a few switches and a giant blue hologram began to flicker to life. “Luke, I’ve been so worried…” Her voice suddenly froze as her throat went dry. Her entire body went rigid with fear as she gazed at Darth Vader.
“Greetings, your highness,” the Sith said with a slight bow.
Han jumped forward. “Shut it down,” he hissed at the communications officer. “He could use this signal to track us.”
Leia thrust out her arm to stop them just as the officer reached for the cutoff switch. “No, wait!” she shouted. “What about Luke?” Han froze, staring at her with wide conflicted eyes. “There’s no other way Vader could have gotten this emergency frequency.” She turned back to the hologram where Vader waited patiently. “Where is Luke?” She squared her shoulders, taking on a more regal posture. “What have you done with him?”
“Skywalker is here with me,” the Sith said, his tone even and calm. “As improbably as this may seem, I am contacting you in good faith on his behalf.”
Solo stepped to Leia’s side. “You’re right. That’s pretty damn improbable.”
“I don’t understand,” Leia said, her voice tight with worry. “What do you want?”
“I ask that you put aside our past differences as I beg your assistance.”
“Past differences?” Han snorted indignantly. “Like when you tortured me and then froze me into a carbonite wall decoration? Or when you tried to kill Leia? Or when you cut off my friend’s hand? You mean those differences?”
“I assure you,” Vader continued, his tone growing considerably less patient, “if you do not assist me, Skywalker will die. The boy fell into the Emperor’s clutches five days ago and has suffered greatly. He is in desperate need of a proper medical facility.”
Solo threw up his hands. “How stupid do you think we are?”
“Princess,” Vader said, his voice becoming more urgent. “I appeal to you directly. I swear on the Force, I mean you no harm. Skywalker needs you now more than ever. Please help him.”
Leia could feel the truth in his words.
“You’re not actually buying this bullshit, are you?” Han asked her. “It’s obviously a trap. Another one of the Emperor’s vindictive plots.”
“The Emperor is dead,” Vader cut in. “Skywalker and I killed him before we made our escape.”
Leia stared at the Sith Lord in disbelief. There is still good in him, I’ve felt it. I can turn him back to the good side. I have to try. Had Luke been right all along? Had he finally turned Vader away from the Dark Side? “Show me Luke,” she commanded.
Vader hesitated for a moment.
“You said he was with you. Prove it. Show him to me.”
“As you wish.”
The hologram spun around revealing Skywalker wrapped in a blanket on the floor.
Leia felt Han tense beside her. Luke’s face was black and blue; blood was smeared across his cheek and neck. Solo clenched his teeth, fighting back a mixture of horror and rage.
“Let me speak to him,” Organa carried on, swallowing a surge of emotion that threatened her self-control.
“He is in no condition to speak,” the Sith replied.
“You’re asking me to take a considerable risk in trusting you. I’m sorry, Vader, but you have to give me more than just your word. Prove to me that Luke is alive.”
The Sith was silent for a moment before finally answering. “Very well.” He knelt by Skywalker’s side and gently shook him. The young man stirred but didn’t open his eyes. Vader place a hand on the Jedi’s cheek and rolled his face toward the hologram. “Luke,” he said gently, “your sister is here.”
Very slowly Skywalker’s eyelids pulled up and his gaze blurrily shifted side to side. He focused on the blue hologram in Vader’s palm and he instantly reacted. “Leia,” he croaked.
She could feel Luke’s relief and desperation fighting for dominance; it broke her heart to see him in such pain. She wanted to speak but no words would come to her.
“Help me,” Luke managed to mumble. “Trust him, Leia. Trust him.” His eyes rolled back and he went limp again.
Vader rested the Jedi on the floor and turned the hologram back on himself. “Well, Princess?”
Organa bit her lip. “All right,” she said reluctantly, her brow furrowing. “Where am I meeting you?”
“I’ll leave that to your discretion. Select anywhere you like, preferably somewhere neutral.”
Leia searched her mind for a location that was remote but with an atmosphere friendly to humans, somewhere that wasn’t largely inhabited, where a quick exchange wouldn’t put the locals at risk. “Maridun,” she finally decided.
Vader hesitated but eventually agreed. “I will arrive before you,” he said. “I’ll broadcast this emergency frequency once we land. You’ll be able to find us easily enough.”
The Sith signed off and the hologram disappeared.
Leia took a deep breath and turned to Han. “We have to hurry. There’s a lot to prepare before we leave.”
“Hold on just one second,” Solo said, his face twisted in confusion. “I want something cleared up right this instant.”
“And what exactly is bothering you so much?” She couldn’t help rolling her eyes, in no mood for an ill-conceived lecture.
“Luke is your brother!?”
NEXT CHAPTER: This story is winding down, maybe one more chapter... More Dad Vader and loving son ahead... and I'm sure I'll climb on my soap box and scream about what a pure heart Luke Skywalker has (this story has been my silent protest against Last Jedi Luke). No matter what, Luke Skywalker always finds the good in people and he is never cruel, bitter, or unforgiving.
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Much love!
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This is a short 2 section High School AU for the bonus day of @freezerburn-week. I took a couple of the prompts from this great tumblr post that immediately made me think of Freezerburn:
Warnings: Violence and a couple of swear words.
Pairing: Freezerburn.
1562 words.
It was a series of odd coincidences that bought Weiss closer to Beacon High’s resident troublemaker Yang Xiao Long, or at least that was what she told herself.
They had made it to their senior year, the year they both turned eighteen, before Weiss was forced to speak to Yang for what she was almost certain was the first time in the four years Weiss had been at Beacon.
“Now, you are with your assigned partners for this task.” Goodwitch looked over her glasses at the collection of students in after school detention. “I expect a paper from the two of you, a collective effort, about the reasons for you being here and how you will avoid repeating your behaviour in future.”
Weiss looked at her partner out of the corner of her eye when she huffed.
Goodwitch continued. “You have an hour. Begin.” At that she sat at her desk and began work of her own.
The room was silent for a few more seconds before the group began to mutter to each other.
“Well. I never thought I’d see the day.” Yang stretched her arms out and leaned back in her chair. “Princess Schnee joining us peasants in detention.”
“Believe me, I shouldn’t be here,” Weiss snapped as she took up a pen and paper.
“Hmm.” Yang tapped a finger against her chin. “I’m not sure I believe your innocence but that doesn’t really matter to me. What would you say if I told you I have a way of getting us out of here early- fancy skipping with me, rebel?”
Weiss’ eyes widened as she looked over at Yang. “I might take you up on that offer once I’ve finished this paper.”
Yang let out a loud guffaw that drew most of the room’s attention. She lowered her voice so the others could only hear her laugh. “You’re actually going to do this bullshit? You know they don’t even care, right? I’m pretty sure they shred anything you write in detention.”
“Once I have completed the paper I will feel no guilt at leaving early. Will you wait for me to finish it?”
Yang’s lilac eyes caught Weiss’ attention as they considered her for a moment. “Alright, princess. You have a deal, but only this once.”
Weiss nodded and scribbled some words across the paper about how remorseful she was for arguing with a teacher who was clearly wrong but this time she kept that point to herself.
“I need to know why you’re in detention if I’m going to write your part,” Weiss informed Yang, who was watching with her head rested on her desk.
“Sure. I broke into the boys’ locker room and set fire to Cardin’s clothes whilst he was at gym,” Yang said flippantly. “Oh, and I set fire to Jaune’s underwear. Whilst I was there I thought I’d better make the most of it.”
Weiss couldn’t stop a short giggle from escaping her at that last addition to the tale. “I don’t like that guy.”
“Which one?”
“Both,” Weiss answered. “You could have set fire to the school though.”
“No way. I did it in the showers then turned them on after. I’m not stupid.”
Weiss shrugged and turned her attention back to the essay. “I can work with that.”
It only took her twenty minutes before she nodded to Yang.
“You’re ready?” Yang swung forward in her chair.
“Yes. How are we going to get out?”
“You’ll see.” Yang smirked at her then looked down at her phone, which she had hidden under the desk.
Weiss sighed.
A couple of minutes later the fire alarm went off.
Yang gave her a wink and grabbed her hand.
“Everyone stay calm and make your way to the fire exit please,” Goodwitch ordered from the front of the classroom.
The students promptly ignored her and ran for the door. Yang led the group as she pushed the others out of her way, moving at such a speed that Weiss swore her feet were lifted off the ground as she was yanked out of the classroom.
“This way,” Yang ordered as she called someone on her phone. “Hey. I’m out. Meet me by the bottom of the football field.”
They ran through school and Weiss felt a rush at the rebellion of it all.
“Right. I think we’re in the clear.” Yang heaved in a few breaths as they reached the grass behind the school. She let go of Weiss’ hand. “How are you getting home?”
“My car’s in the parking lot.” Weiss nodded towards the front of the school.
“We can’t go back that way. They’ll see us.”
“Alright.” Yang sighed. “I’ll give you a lift. Blake’s waiting down this way.”
They reached a dark, beat up car and Yang opened the back door for her. “Please take a seat.” She directed her next words to the driver. “Blake, we’re giving this one a lift.”
“Weiss Schnee?” The driver, a darker-skinned girl with captivating amber eyes looked Weiss over.
“Nice to meet you,” Weiss replied. “And you are?”
“Blake. I’m in your literature class,” was the short reply.
“Yes. I remember. Thank you,” Weiss coughed, “for this.”
“Play nice, girls.” Yang beamed at them both from the passenger seat. “Thanks for playing getaway driver, Blake. I owe ya one.”
“I think you owe me more than one by now.” She gave Yang a smirk and sped them away from school. Driving towards the Northern, more affluent part of town. “Am I going the right way?” Calculating, amber eyes flashed in the drivers mirror to Weiss in the back.
“Yes. Take the next right then follow the road.”
“Aw man, I wish I could’ve seen Goodwitch’s face when she notices I’m gone. She won’t realise you’re missing, Weiss. She’ll be too mad about me getting away.” Yang twisted around in her seat to give her a grin.
“No need to worry at all.” Yang waved a hand around until she saw the house, or mansion, they were approaching. “Whoa. This is your house?”
“Yes. I can get out here.” Weiss felt her mouth go dry as the usual embarrassment began to flush her cheeks. People never treated her the same after they saw physical proof of her family legacy.
“Are you sure?” Blake’s eyes were innocent but Weiss was sure there was a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“Yes. Thank you again for the lift.” She got out of the car and began to walk up the road, towards the large silver gates.
Yang leaned out of the window and waved. “I’ll see you at school, Weiss.” She gave her a smile. “Oh, and tell your dad I said ‘hey’ alright?”
Weiss’ brows furrowed until she figured Yang must have met her father at the police station before. “Good bye.”
They drove off and Weiss rolled her eyes as she approached the gate and buzzed to be let in by Klein, the family butler.
Her encounter with Yang had been an interesting one and until then Weiss had been certain Yang was just a dumb class clown who always wanted to cause unnecessary trouble. Maybe some of that was true but Weiss had to admit that getting on Yang’s good side had its perks.
“There you are, Xiao Long!” Cardin Winchester spotted her from the other end of the hall and pointed a meaty finger at her.
“Shit. Not now.” Yang spun her head left and right to look for someone to help. She spotted her. She was rooting through her locker for something. “Weiss! Yo, Weiss!”
Weiss looked up from her clean and organised locker to frown at Yang. “Yang? What is it?”
“Can you look after something for me?”
Blue eyes narrowed. “What is it?”
“Just this.” Yang held up her newest pet kitten with fluffy jet-black fur. “Her name is Mei.” Yang jumped when a high pithed cooing sound came from Weiss’ mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes then.” She smirked and passed the kitten into Weiss’ eager hands.
The moment she turned away from Weiss her cheek connected with a fist and Yang was sent reeling.
There were gasps from the students around them which was soon accompanied by loud chanting of ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!”
Yang straightened up and put her fists in front of her. “Oh, I see. You wanna dance.” She hit him in the stomach, taking delight from his doubling over, and kicked at his legs.
“Stupid bitch,” Cardin spat out. He swung at her with his left arm but this time she was ready.
Yang dodged Cardin’s fist and stepped closer so she could hit him with an uppercut followed by an elbow to his ribs. “What was that?” she asked as he fell backwards, tripping on one of the other students’ feet.
Cardin coughed and spluttered in reply from his position on the floor, clearly winded.
“Anyone else?” She scanned her eyes across the crowd, focusing on Cardin’s cronies, who avoided eye contact. “Thought so.”
“What is going on here folks?” A gruff voice carried over the crowd.
“Aw shit. Old man Port.” Yang knew a hasty retreat was necessary. “Thanks, Princess.” Weiss’ mouth was agape as Yang took Mei and cradled her in her hands. She sent Weiss a wink and a smile before bolting out of the hall.
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brienneofthrace · 7 years
Let’s take a moment to appreciate how much fucking LOVE there is in Star Wars and how fast it happens but how REAL it feels, how PRECIOUS it is
So I’m a very, very shippy person, and I ship a lot of stuff in Star Wars hard but I want to take a moment to appreciate how friendships form in these amazing movies. 
Let’s start with a New Hope. 
Here is Han Solo. 
All he wants is to be a grumpy smuggler with one trustworthy, hairy friend and no debts and no worries. 
Is that so much to ask?
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Hahaha, yes, sir. Yes it is.
Because here is this goddamn FARM kid who is naive and idealistic and believes SO HARD in doing the right thing and is so disappointed in how jaded Han is
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and also this sassy, rude, intelligent BRAT of a princess who has lost everything but still believe so much in their pointless rebellion and she’s also so very disappointed in how jaded he is
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and he wants so much to just walk away, but he CAN’T because even though he’s known them for A DAY they are in his head and they’re in his heart, and fuck it, he comes back and helps them save the day (and so many days after) and they are SO HAPPY
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Then there’s FORCE AWAKENS. 
Where we have this guy who about to get executed, but at the last minute he’s saved by a guy who desperately wants to escape, because he doesn’t want to be a weapon. He’s dressed like the enemy, but he says it’s a rescue.
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And even though Poe has suffered so much torture at the hands of these people he’s just like OKAY I TRUST YOU LET’S FUCKING DO THIS
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and then they’re escaping he realizes those bastards never even gave his savior a NAME and he’s like:
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And Finn is like YES, YES IT IS. 
But then it’s NOT cool because things go wrong and he tries really hard to save Poe but there IS no Poe and all there is a jacket, but he takes it, because even though it was so brief, they had this CONNECTION , and he wants to remember this brave man who gave him a name and got him OUT of hell
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But then, OMG.
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HAVE MY JACKET AND MY HEART (oh fuck I did a shipping thing sorry I’ll stop now)
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Let’s go back to that grumpy smuggler. 
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Sadly because of reasons he has become a grumpy smuggler once again. 
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And last but not least (THERE IS NO LEAST, EVERYTHING IS AMAZING) we’ve got Finn and Rey
They start off a little rocky because of misunderstandings 
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And also, explosions
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but 20 minutes later…
they are BFFs and SO FUCKING DELIGHTED with each other
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And they kinda get pulled in different directions for a second because they’ve both got SOME SHIT going on, but the SECOND he realizes she’s in danger, it’s NOPE. I WILL GO TO THE LAST PLACE IN THE GALAXY I WANT TO BE FOR YOU. I WILL RISK EVERYTHING. 
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I just love them all so much. I’m so happy they found each other. MY HEART. 
@tori-ayne pointed out that there should be an update to include Rose and I wholly agree so here it is: 
It drives me crazy to see people angry about the Finn and Rose story line because as illustrated by the above impassioned post I made at probably a ridiculous hour of the night:
The RELATIONSHIPS FORGED UNDER FIRE, during crazy escapes and captures and escapes again are what this entire series is about and has been since 1977!
I do kind of wish the kiss thing didn’t happen, but to me their journey together was a far cry from a waste of time and ROSE TICO IS AN ABSOLUTE GEM of a person and embodies the spirit of what Star Wars is about entirely.
Just look at this beautiful human. LOOK AT HER.
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So fierce. So idealistic. Such a strong believer in the cause, ready to fight and keep fighting despite the devastating loss she’s just faced!
This angel is as wide-eyed and idealistic as Luke and as sassy and tough as Leia Organa. I will fight you on this.
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Are you trying to tell me that Finn- a courageous person who is super loyal to those he holds dear, but not ready to commit to a resistance movement he doesn’t yet know much about- does not TOTALLY parallel Han Solo?
This whole arc PERFECTLY parallels the way a chance meeting with Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa moved Han Solo to actually believe in a cause bigger than himself, made him willing to risk his life for it.
Finn ran from the First Order because he didn’t want to kill. A perfectly 100% valid choice.
But Rose’s passion and idealism and righteous anger opened his eyes to WHY people fight, why they have to stand up against tyranny, even when the odds are stacked against you and the losses are devastating.
She made him realize he was ready to throw in with the rest of the Rebel scum and fight, not just for his loved ones, but for a better world.
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And Rose risking it all to save Finn, even as he tried to make a sacrifice for what she believed in?
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Remind you of anyone?
Who else, at the end of the day, puts his love for the people in his life above all else, even the cause he’s wanted to be a part of for his whole life?
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That’s right. LUKE FUCKING SKYWALKER. An 900 year old Jedi master told him not to do it, and he said ‘lol no my friends > everything else in this world.’
If anyone wants to claim that the feelings in the Finn/Rose story happened too fast, I will kindly direct your attention to the fact that Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Finn, Rey and Poe Dameron all LOVED EACH OTHER ON THE FIRST DAY THEY MET AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL.
( also I fell in love with Finn the moment I set eyes on him so yeah, girl, I feel you)
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dknc3 · 7 years
if you're still taking propts--“I'm tired of being your secret.”--any pairing you like, but ideally something I like :D
And . . . as part of my renewed effort to honestly clear my inbox, here’s a prompt fic for the lovely Celia from FIVE MONTHS AGO!! (I really am terrible at getting things written!)
It’s Arya x Gendry, modern AU, btw.
“I’m tired of being your secret.”
“What?” Arya was still breathing hard, staring at Gendry as if he’d lost his mind which he probably had. After all, no sane man would stop making out with the most amazing girl in the world to talk about something he knew she didn’t want to hear.
Sighing deeply, he sat up, disentangling himself from her arms and trying very hard not to look at her perfect breasts. She worried they were too small, but they were perfect--they fit just right beneath his hands and . . . “I can’t keep doing this, Arya!” he said, shaking his head somewhat violently in an effort to clear it of thoughts about his hands on her breasts.
She made no move to cover them, of course. Instead, she just lay there on the sofa with her shirt undone and her bra pushed up nearly to her neck smirking at him. “Yes, you can. I have reason to know that you can do this . . . and other things . . . much, much longer.”
“Dammit, Arya, that’s not what I mean and you know it!” He stood up and walked across the room. “God, I knew better than to bring it up,” he mumbled, not looking at her.
“Bring what up? Gendry, what are you talking about? We were having such a good time!”
She wasn’t teasing him anymore. She sounded honestly confused, which he supposed shouldn’t hurt him but it did. He turned around to find her sitting up on the sofa with her shirt still gaping open, but at least her bra was back in place. She stared up at him with those big grey eyes he so easily got lost in. “A good time,” he repeated. “Is that what we are to each other? I mean, is that all we are?”
At that, she was off the couch and standing before him with her hands on his chest in scarcely more than an instant. “Of course not! You know that, Gendry. You have to know that!”
“Do I?” he asked her, pushing her away gently. “How do I know that?”
“Oh, come on,” she drawled, nearly purring as she moved right back up against him. “Don’t I show you how I feel every time we’re together?” She smiled up at him and reached one small graceful hand up toward his face.
“No, Arya. No, you don’t,” he said simply, catching her hand in his. “You show me you like to fuck me. I mean you really like to fuck me. I know that well enough. Gods know I like to fuck you, too, but if that’s all this is, I need you to tell me now, because I care about you. I want . . . I want . . . the whole thing, Arya, and if you’re just here for a fuck buddy, I need to know so I can figure out what the hell I’m supposed to do.”
She looked hurt, and he hated that. But as much as he wanted to simply put his arms around her and tell her to please be happy, he knew he’d put this conversation off long enough.
“I can’t believe you’re even saying this to me,” she said. Her lower lip trembled causing her to look, for once, as much younger than him as she actually was. “Gendry, I’ve never been with anyone but you. You know that! I don’t want this with . . . with anybody! I just want . . . Gendry, why are you acting like this?”
“I’m tired of being your secret,” he said again, and he could see by her face that this time she’d heard him clearly.
“Gendry, that’s not fair. It’s just that . . .”
“It’s just that your family expects you to be with someone like you--as in private school scholar, not grease monkey. They’ll have a problem with the age difference. They won’t let you see me anymore. They’ll be awful to me.” He rattled through some of the things she’d told him over the years of their friendship--a friendship which had slowly become so much more.
“Yes!” she said emphatically. “Yes! That’s exactly it!”
“But it’s all bullshit,” he said. “And I think you know it.”
“What?” she asked, dumbfounded.
“Arya, I know your family now. Have you forgotten that?”
“They don’t know that you and I . . .”
“No, they don’t. Because you refuse to tell them. Gods, I was scared to death of your family forever because of the things you said about them, but when Robb brought his car to the garage, he was just a normal guy. A better than average guy, actually. He had no qualms about striking up a friendship with a mechanic, Arya”
“Well, that’s Robb,” she protested. “And he . . .”
“Doesn’t know we’re together. Yeah. And he’s probably gonna be pissed about that. I would be. If I had a little sister and she was dating one of my friends without either of them telling me. But he’ll get over being pissed off eventually. He KNOWS both of us. Once he forgives us for sneaking around, he’ll be okay with us.”
“Robb is hardly my entire family,” she said darkly. “And don’t you dare throw Jon at me because we both know I’m not talking about him.”
“You’re talking about your parents.”
She bit her lip in that adorable way of hers, and he softened his voice. He knew she was legitimately afraid that Ned and Catelyn Stark would disapprove. For a self-professed rebel, Arya cared a great deal about her parents’ opinion of her, even if she wouldn’t admit that even under torture.
“They like me, Arya. Neither one of them has ever been anything but nice to me.” He held up his hand to silence her protest before she could make it. “I know. I know. It’s one thing to accept a bastard who wrenches cars to pay for food and rent as Robb’s friend and another entirely to accept that guy as your boyfriend. I get that. But look at Sansa!”
“Sansa is a perfect princess who can do no wrong!” Arya exclaimed in the simultaneously contemptuous and envious voice reserved for complaints about her sister.
Sometimes Gendry was glad he didn’t have any siblings--well, none that knew he existed anyway. Arya’s relationship with her sister was one of the most confusing and complicated things he’d ever encountered. “Sansa is dating an ex-con, Arya,” he said very slowly. “And no, Lord and Lady Stark are NOT happy about that.” She snorted the way she always did when he gave her family titles. “But your father hasn’t hit him and your mother hasn’t poisoned his food. No doubt they’re hoping Sansa will get over this Clegane fellow sooner rather than later, but in the mean time they haven’t disowned her. And while their obvious disapproval is probably no fun for him, he’s holding up okay as far as I can see.”
“She’s not gonna get over him,” Arya said softly. “He treats her a hell of a lot better than any of her rich boyfriends ever did.”
“And your parents see that!” Gendry said with satisfied expression, pleased that she had walked right into it. “That, my sweet girl, is the reason he isn’t dead yet. And if they can give him the benefit of the doubt, they’ll do the same for me. I mean, they at least know me!”
Arya looked unconvinced. 
“And they love you,” he added. “Anybody can see that both of them completely adore all of you precious Stark babies. It’s kind of sickening, really.” Actually, it was wonderful. Gendry hadn’t believed such families existed until he’d met the Starks, but he loved teasing Arya about her family.
“Doesn’t mean they’ll be happy about this,” she mumbled.
“No, it doesn’t. And they probably won’t be. Not until we prove to them that they should be.” He grinned at her. “I’m as tough as Clegane, my lady. I can take as much parental disapproval as the royal couple wish to dish out.”
“Don’t call me that,” she pouted. “Or them.” She sighed. “You really want to tell them about us?”
“I do.”
“And you really think they’ll be okay about it?”
“Not at first. But I’m reasonably sure they won’t kill me, and they definitely won’t kill you. And I intend to always make you happy, Arya. Once they see that, they’ll come around. That’s all they really want, you know. For you to be happy. And safe. And to have a good life.” He put his hands on her arms and looked directly into those grey eyes. She wasn’t even twenty yet, but she was most definitely not a child. “That’s what I intend to give you, if you let me.”
“No,” she said. “That’s what we’re going to give to each other, you big bull.”
He smiled at her. “I like that idea very much.”
This time, he didn’t stop her when she reached up to pull his face down toward hers for a kiss. After a long moment, she pulled her lips from his just far enough to whisper, “Okay. We’ll tell my parents about us.”
“Wonderful.” He reached down and squeezed her firm bottom. “We can wait until tomorrow if you like. I mean, no need to call them right this minute or anything.” 
She giggled and kissed him again, and he began slowly moving her toward the bedroom of his apartment, tugging at the bra once more, this time seeking to remove it rather than simply push it up out of the way.
She reached behind her and unclasped the bra herself. Then she grabbed wickedly. “So . . . you want to come clean with my parents, right?”
“Indeed, my lady. I want to officially be your boyfriend, Arya.”
“So . . .” she said, drawing the word out as she deftly undid the belt of his jeans. “What do you think they’ll say when we tell them we’ve been doing this since I was seventeen, good sir?”
Gendry’s jaw dropped. “We are not telling them that!”
“But you said . . .”
“I said I didn’t want to be your secret. I never said I had a death wish!”
Arya’s laughter filled the little bedroom, and he allowed her to fill up all of his senses then. She’d never be one for dramatic professions of love, but he knew her as well as he loved her. And her willingness to stand up in front of her parents and call him hers would be the strongest declaration of love he could ask for.
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theysentushope-blog · 8 years
But For The Fall (Cassian x Reader) [Part Two]
Part One
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By the time Y/N had wrapped up her dealings on Vostriq, Jyn and Cassian were long gone. She punched in the coordinates for Yavin and set the ship on autopilot once she left realspace. Checking her supplies as a way to keep busy, she tried not to think about why she had let herself be so easily convinced to join in the Alliance’s problems once again. This time, she wasn’t even getting paid.
As the ship alerted her that she was nearing the Yavin system, she found that it was too late to change her mind. Once she left hyperspace, she was almost immediately greeted by one of the stern voices of the rebel’s communications team.
“This is the Alpha Dawn requesting permission to land. Transmitting clearance codes now.” Y/N replied to the harsh request for passcodes. A few tense moments passed - her codes were older, and she wasn’t sure if they would give her time to contact Jyn or Cassian before trying to blow her out of the sky.
“You’re cleared to land on landing pad eight. Welcome home, Alpha Dawn.”
Y/N raised her brow at their standard greeting, but guided her ship into Yavin IV’s orbit and finally to the assigned landing pad. She was surprised to find Cassian waiting alone for her, watching her as she hopped down off of the exit hatch.
“Where’s your better half, Andor?” Y/N asked, swinging her bag over her shoulder as she stepped up to him. She watched as Cassian rolled his eyes before cocking his head back toward the entrance to the base.
“She’s in a conference with the rest of the Council, assigning scouting missions to the remaining pilots.”
“You’re not a member of the Council?” Y/N asked curiously, and Cassian shook his head.
“I committed treason by going on the mission to retrieve the Death Star plans. They couldn’t exactly honor that action by promoting me.”
“Jyn went on the mission too, though.”
“Jyn wasn’t a member of the rebellion until after the Battle of Scarif.”
“Seems like Imperial-level bureaucratic bullshit to me.” Y/N replied, and was surprised that Cassian actually chuckled at that as they moved down the busy halls of the base.
“I am happy not to be a member of the Council.” Cassian replied, opening the door to one of the many small rec rooms that dotted the base. “I am more useful where I am.”
“Y/N!” Another familiar voice greeted, and Y/N saw Han sitting at a small table with Chewie and Luke Skywalker.
“So, you’re still here, huh?” Y/N asked as she took the empty seat next to Han. Chewie growled a greeting and Y/N sent the Wookie a wide smile.
“They haven’t kicked me out yet.” Han replied smugly. “You’ve met Luke, right?” He added, gesturing to the blonde man sitting next to Cassian.
“Not officially, he was too occupied with welcoming Jyn home at the time.” Y/N replied, smiling as she saw Jyn’s boyfriend’s cheeks grow red. “Y/N Y/L/N” She said, extending her hand to Luke.
“Luke Skywalker.”
���Of course, everyone knows you. The Savior of the Rebellion and all that.” Y/N watched as Luke shook his head and shrugged off the title, and she decided immediately that she liked the kid.
“Hey, I was there too, ya know?” Han responded.
“Yes, and you have the shiny medal to prove it.” Jyn interjected, forcing herself into the small space between Luke and Cassian.
“How was your meeting?” Luke asked, and Jyn nodded enthusiastically.
“It went well, we should be ready to leave the base in about a week or two.” Jyn replied. “We’ll be ready to send the scout ships out first thing in the morning.”
Y/N perked up at that, ready to finish her favor to the rebels and get back on her way.
“Any idea where I’m going?”
“Sorry, need to know.” Jyn replied, shaking her head. “You and Cassian will be getting the coordinates once you’re in the air.”
“Wait, me and Cassian?” Y/N asked, giving Jyn and Cassian a confused stare. “Isn’t Cassian a pilot? Why isn’t he going on a scouting mission? One that isn’t mine?”
“I...may have had an incident during our last mission.” Jyn replied.
“She crashed Cass’ U-Wing into the swamps of Anthea after he was injured and couldn’t fly it himself.” A new voice interjected, and Y/N looked up to see a tall, skinny young man with long, scraggly dark hair and large, expressive eyes. He took the empty seat on the other side of Han and extended his hand. “Bodhi Rook.” He introduced, and Y/N shook his hand.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” She responded. “You’re one of the Rogues, right?”
“I’m the pilot.” Bodhi responded with a smile that Y/N returned.
“Where are the others?” Y/N asked.
“Baze and Chirrut are on a mission, they should be back in time to help with the evacuation.” Jyn responded.
“So that only leaves…” Y/N trailed off, just in time for the rebels to stand at attention. Y/N looked over shoulder and found herself looking at a young woman who could only be.
“Your Royalness.” Han greeted, and Y/N watched as Leia playfully rolled her eyes.
“Hi Leia.” Luke greeted, pulling the woman into a quick hug before giving her a seat next to him.
“You must be the smuggler we’ve heard so much about.” Leia greeted.
“That’s me.” Y/N responded. She didn’t miss the completely unsubtle shift as Han draped an arm along the back of her seat, nor the sudden fire in the princess’ eyes at the move.
“My condolences on the loss of your planet, Your Highness.” Y/N said, hoping to distract the royal from whatever game Han had decided to start playing. “I traveled to Alderaan once, it was one of the loveliest planets I’ve ever visited.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” Leia replied, giving her a small smile. “And thank you for agreeing to this mission.”
Y/N nodded her head at the princess, and from there the conversation descended into something decidedly more jovial, the rebels clearly basking in the rare chance to simply relax and enjoy their time together. Y/N sat back in silence for the most part, struck by the clear bond they all shared - particularly, Han, Leia, and Luke, which was something she was going to have to ask her old friend about at some point. They were clearly a good influence on Han, a steadying one in fact. Even Chewie seemed at ease with them, having apparently adopted the two as belonging to him in the same way that Han was the Wookie’s responsibility.
By the time the evening meal rolled around, Y/N found herself growing weary of being surrounded by so many people. She typically worked alone, and spent much of her time in solitude. To suddenly be surrounded by so many people - even people she admitted to liking - was proving exhausting. Gathering up her things, she said her goodbyes, Cassian hot on her heels as the one who volunteered to show her to her temporary quarters.
“I can just sleep on my ship, Andor.” Y/N argued as he led her down the halls toward the barracks. “I do it every night.”
“The princess ordered that rooms be set aside for you and the other scouts, even on a temporary basis.” Cassian replied before his face grew grim. “And...we have the room.”
“Okay.” Y/N replied softly, realizing that this was something important to Cassian and Leia, and probably the others.She followed him in silence, until they reached a nondescript door in the middle of a nondescript hallway.
“I’ll never find my way back.” Y/N joked, and Cassian turned and pointed to the door directly across the hall.
“That’s mine.” He replied. “When you’re ready in the morning, just knock and we can go down to the mess hall together.”
Y/N nodded and turned back to her own door, entering the access code Cassian had given her. The door opened with a quick ‘swoosh’ and Y/N turned back to Cassian.
“So, I’ll see you in the morning, I guess.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Cassian replied. “And thank you.”
“You all really need to stop with the thanking every five minutes, you’re going to give me a complex.” Y/N said, earning another chuckle from Cassian.
“I’m fairly sure you already have one.” Cassian teased, and Y/N leaned against her doorway with a fake-offended look of shock on her face.
“Why, Cassian Andor, I am positively wounded!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Something tells me you’ll get over it quickly enough.” Cassian replied, moving toward his own quarters. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight.” Y/N said quietly before moving into her temporary rooms and shutting the door behind her.
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cre0n · 5 years
"DWAL SSAAY ELIHC LRUG WEHW" (My Pet Unpopulars Reversed)
"Time to be quiet"
Creon: First off rest in peace to this decade that got owned. From the phony fake feedback "they" have been reading this for the past several years and I can see people being bothered by it. It's nothing to do with a check or any type of fake fame from "them". I don't get paid for this or even have followers but guess who's reading it. Just think of it as a free schooling or in some cases pure sportsmanship. Where yall think all of that Rebel talk came from? Now all of a sudden a decade later everybody is Rebel this, going against the system that. Folks got Rebel Clothing lines, Rebel mentalities, and Rebellious attitudes. That's the pavement that was laid for you and you and every colored negroe that it meant something to. When your as powerful as this entity inside of my physical body the other side tends to tip their hand occasionally. I don't think "they" try to give it away it's just fear that drives them to surrender unwillingly. Ain't it amazing how some of the most powerful *people* in this Matrix will never make it to your TV screen or trendy news cast that entices humans so much. Could you be able to comprehend or fathom a supreme being that induces so much fear into the hearts of the most evil entities that dwell in this realm? That may be to much for a human to understand. That may even be hilarious to most simpletons but it's meant to draw the mind closer and it's working. The point of this is Top 50, Top 25, Top 5 whatever nobody is bringing the same substance, content, subject matters and skill all in one sitting. Where would your favorites be without the help? Would they even exist to you anymore? They need to piggyback the fame and media to be a dope somebody. You have a fresh start and don't have to do that. I myself don't even know what help is anymore and you should feel the same way. It's in the people to have that power and they should take it. Dumbasses, we don't live in the physical realm you wake up to everyday. The REAL is lived out in your mind. If you reincarnate on this planet after dying, YOU LOST THE GAME. Yes, some of us come here for a sole purpose with the intent of light bearing revelations....Then I think about things again and say maybe I shouldn't complain. Maybe I should just be flattered to say the least. Naw not this time fuck that. It's like one of the homies said, You Can Do All Things Through Christ Except Play With Me. What I'm doing and have been doing and already did is sculpting and designing a coded landscape typical to a highway for all of my "peers" in this so called "community" as grounds for their pitiful souls to maybe one day be spared. Even the jealous and cowardly ones that are the purest of maggots, the ones who try to block your very existence, or just flat out ain't shit know the end game. They even have to bend the knee.
1. Eye don't respect you and at the same time must protect you They swear this state that their mind is in equals revenue How you call it blessed when frequency filters through mess What is it n*gger you can't see or the fame is humanity's stress The North Pole with machine elves the holy grail My tree of life cannon ball into eternal wells Drink from our chalice the fountain  conception Stone Mountain His Russian time machine dream simply will not allow it A treasure chest no jewels to drop it's not for sale Forgot to reload my CERN account black Queens dwell in Hell Now you understand why EYE can't get signed Or go on tour for decades behind the black man's mind Let's overstand this sovereign case them people scared Came back to the planet ONE last time yall still unprepared
2. Wool robe eyes like the burning bush sandals bronze Magnetic field and aura like a lunar groupon Infinte is 8 we ate never ending planes Cut off by a cracked firmament our Summer's Gate reign Sea monsters like a Cripp by the Island of Thoth It's still moving yall still with me right?.... Cough Young brothas my Saturn Matrix black can't date no Iggy's They tryna turn Gibbs and Benny into new Pac's and Biggie Pay attention these folks is evil Dedication to easels.... draw
"Model Duck Waddle"
Hella yaass young mamas got a story to tell CreezyBae from Souf Kak and keep that A-T-L A heartless reinforcer, socery is an order Magic shows blow some smoke up ya butt with this quarter Nada no nothing so don't be posing & stuntin' Curriculum spins this axis so wtf is you askin'? Babe it can't be love, 'cause love  don't love a soul And all the likes and comments in the world gets old Now all you got in ya life that air mattress with the plastic cups That cash app still working don't it? Hit em up You selling selfies and an advantage time still passing Several years later recommended by the garbage tragic Been underground for decades it made me an animal That orange box cutter didn't come with no manual Annual, pussy makes the world go flat And plus we fuckin', don't do no homegurl chillin' jack (BIG FACTS)
.....(Shuckin' x Jivin')........
"The Roth"
Eye swear to White God Eye love wasting humans time 7 summers later that dumb bitch God is a *crime* Pinot Noir and your whole outlook The way you teach the children, straight from a crackas book Yall slaves kill me with this top 5 bullshit The whole industry revolving door pulpits Talking bout they positive movements with negative fads Well tell the folks the whole truth you hypocrite scabs Let's pull the strings and the puppets out I don't even need the sticks Wasting time on the couch flickin' this BIC (5th bedroom) Eye love my brothers to death even wished them death (huh?) Now feel the release, illuminastic reps Get BIG nigga 500k nothing less Yes the FEDS watching 2012 InkTober droppin' Yeah yall wasting time repeat the Matrix get the grind? My peers once again 3D chasing bags Eye'm at the North Pole Holy Grail Tree of EVERLAST (punching bag) "Til this day" Creon built lanes even for trash Walking on the highway then loiter off the exit stashed
............ "that part cost" -Coach
Before you learn to win you need dimensional Facts Rule 1: The 5th plane is Universal crack Rule 2: The time machines run everything back Now the whole community is back on his sack Bar none with more bars and stars than an Admiral match it Enough lower back blows she need a flak jacket We know a Propain who got special stanzas trapmatic Lost tapes, still buried outlandish Ridiculous approaches got my yella ass banned (Red) Or am Eye, he too heavy banned to a skid crammed Jammed up at some port with no support scammed Seems like the customer got another custom plan With even more bars than an empty Fort Knox Pen carries weight like the sky blue Ox Or maybe it's a Bull, bullish trending up sell now The purgatory princess gets raped by their cash cow Sodomite Gentiles flag for jumping on the pile (my fault) The Kings circle of life Creon is Royalty Blacker than the thought of the roots of a Sequoia tree...
"You don't just Like"
Can't leave out the conscious folks on his way to 7 Creon stay jammin' harder than a Mac-11 Boppin' with that NoTep confidence From the old moon to Hapis stop your nonsense Masterful the pen glides prolific spill aesthetics   More Hennessy for Carolina Cardi twerk sessions Got crackas seeing red they hate the message Don't message me just tag it yellow trend your own blessings cave pathetics The rose bloomed solid gold it's stems were magnetic Thorns crystallized easter eggs they found a Holy relic Breaking Matrix codes exposing Lyor's racist ass said it Donate a dollar and help the black channel out reverend You love this world so much well try not to get me pissed From now on Eye'm coming after souls next level shit...
Slangin' yarn in the yard lets get back to positive "The left field neighbor is the hardest kid" Was the agrument convincing me to slaughter this & still ended up lonely cause' the targets split The youngins say "lit" the crop a Megan Markel wrist 50 niggas deep somebody wrist game dope Bruh Eye give the soldout hope Make a famous fucka have to cope With the bullshit around them straight smoke May the Lord Jacob guide Baphomet in his prime As the Sirius Avyon one Universal mind Co-exist on a platform without porn shine Los Santos musik "Shittin while we Flyin" Etheric values nigga, the fallen and the risen In God mode the affirmations of metaphysics.....
"Dreams Don't Exist"
Can we just accept the stars at night & how the vibration sound waves replicate light Is the speed of bright faster than a black idea Are my peers slow or simple just backed up fears Been droppin' content on 9/11's, 23's, and the 13's With more New Jack swings for gangsta leans She clappin' it with no jumping he blowing gangsta green Choreograph a whole dance routine Be on some happy shit hoes wanna say Eye'm mean Just don't wake me up walking dead heroin fiends Moving around the room fly girls and crush grooves Been a shadow all summer pullin' J-moves Eye'm smoking bomb ass weed feelin' crucial They made sidewalks for black frats the feelings mutual Eye'm getting stalked by some bomb ass coochie & some of them rich legit never been a groupie......
...... & if yall can't relate then sue me (500k)
"Normalize the knob...tf"
For the new 16 Creon charging 2 properties And this was just a temporary situation now pardon me That's just some little money, the prophecy They saying buddy there's no chance you son of a slut You son of a bastard, you son of a bitch, you son of a mutt Eye got an angel now Eye'm summing it up You son of that cut, you son of that step, you son of that raw We Suns of the 7 summers son of a pause.... .....Moving Islands of Thoth A moving violation will get your team caught The Summer's gate will get a sea monster for da free Lifetimes of limitless mastery Education,  the soul is sold separately They ran out of Isotol to stretch the peace The whole album ended ran out of doggystyle to stretch the grease Dumb lil boy this ain't no NBA Envy great, pay your fares then Camelot shares Run the highway like a state chair (votes) State of Emergency Profoundly unearthining The blackest clout to create words surfing on the nearest curb Lickin' souls like them lizards whether Eye'm slizzard or sober From Langford to the Boulder-crest up to Panola Teach my Sun don't be a slave, certified owners Initially lobbied for peace Mishaps happen summoning beast Iron throne let the Ice wall melt in the streets...
0 notes