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Jennika Bio
Name: Artemisia Tang
Nicknames: Jennika, Jenny, Jenn, NniNni, Artsy, Misia, MiMi, Yellowmask
Species: Mexican musk turtle
Eye color: Black
Mask color: Yellow (Hex code: FFEC0D)
Age: 14
Height: 5'9"
Birthday: 1/31
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Weapons: Tekkō-kagi
Role: Wildcard
Personality: Snarky and kind of rough, this turtle is a bit of a troublemaker. She can get into prank wars with her sisters and later step-brothers. She can and will make sure enemies go down with a proper fight.
Note: She's a metal genre enthusiast, is the best chef out of her sisters, will sometimes get into arguments over petty things
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WolfsfootClan moons 402 until the end!
- QuietHare is expecting kits
- WebIce dies of old age
- Fallenstripe haybird QuietHare are expecting kits
- SnapDrafonBerry and QuietHare have RainKit
- PlanktonPearl is expecting kits
- YellowcressHollow, BuckEyeHeart,PloverTuft, ThunderHorse, ErminePelt, WolfFern earn their names
- TunaSplash and HayBird have two kits, ThrushKit, MartenKit
- FallenStripe had three kits, NectarKit, BeaverKit, BadgerKit
- HopeWarer is found dead
- TawnyPatch, LarkspurClaw, PetalPelt, Driftsneedle, SiltHawk
- WolfFern is glaring at someone with a strange look in his eyes
- WolfFern, despite being so young, is made deputy
- PlanktonPearl have three kits, TumbleKit, PoolKit, EmeraldKit
- PineStripe announces she’s expecting kits
- CicadaStar is regretting being leader
- ChiveShell is found dead
- SheepFang is expecting kits
- FalconBeam, BasilDust are both expecting kits
- ThymeTail and WishMinnow die of yellowcough
- CicadaWing is expecting kits
- SheepFanf had one kit,
- PoppyHeart and ThrushKit die of yellowcough
- MoonTuft, MistleBee, AnemoneDapple are made warriors
- FalconBeam has one kit,
- BasilDust had five kits,
- IcyStripe and bouncesifht die of whitecough
- GorseFox, CarpBrook, Mossyaster are made warriors
- CicadaWing had two kits, ChasingKit, TalonKit
- Triscuit was killed by a fox
- BarleyPatch is expecting kits
- CoconutTooth is expecting kits
- BarleyPatch has two kits, WhistleKit and FisgetKit
- SerpentWing is expecting kits
- CoocnutTooth has four kits, BroomKit, StumpyKit, ArchKit, SmokeyKit
- LarkSpurClaw died of burns!
- SerpentWing has shrewkit and KestrelKit
- TumblePelt, EmeraldBack, PoolPelt are made warriors
- Speckle is found dead
- WhistleFeather died from a snake bite
- FlyBlink had three kits, ChaffinchKit DappledKit HeronKit
- ErminePelt and EmeraldBack die
- BarelyPatch is expecting kits
- BuckEyeHeart is expiring kits
- Lotussnout is expecting kits
- BarleyPatch had one kit, LaurelKit
- PatchHeart died from a snake bite
- PoolPelt, BayouLilac, NeedlePuddle, PineStep, Beaver, DoePelt, CarpBrook, NectarWater, TallHeather, DriftNeedle, YellowMask, SilverFur, TulipShadow, MoonGoose, JayAsh, PineGrass, DawnWing, ElmCall, FallenStripe, CondorPounce all die
- BuckEyeHeart hopes their litter of four kits don’t look like tawnypatch, otherwise questions might follow. PoolKit, VixenKit, HerringKit
- PetalPelt died
Burrleaves is expecting kits
WhistleBee, Fidgetwater are made warriors
BroomDust, StumpySpirit, ArchLeaf, SmokeyClaw, are made warriors
SkyPaw, ChaffinchPaw, HeronPaw are made apprentices
DappledHeart died in their sleep
burrleaves has four kits, SnailKit, RaccoonKit, SmallKit, PranceKit
LightDust is expecting kits
WolfFade is found dead
QuietHare was found dead
VixenKit died of kittencough
LotusSnout was killed by a badger
Wateracoen died of a bite wound
Heavy feather had two kits, BoughKit and RunningKit
CicadaStar loses his last life
Burrleaves died of whitecough
WolfFern is made leader!
LightDust has one kit, WildKit
SerpentWing and BrindleLily is found dead
LightDust is killed by a fox
BayBlaze died
TalonRun brought home three kits, YellowKit, RyeKit, GarlicKit
SkyPaw isn’t paying attention anx WolfStsr has to repeat their name a few times to get their attention. They’re named SkyMouse
SnapDragonBerry died
WolfStar has been washing his paws a lot lately
YellowKit is killed by a snake in her sleep
SmallBeam joins the clan
SiltHawk and TalonRun drown
ShrewHeart and CoconutTooth are killed by rogues
FalconBeam was killed by a fox
SnailTail, RaccoonFur, SmallBlossom are made warriors
TumblePelt and HayBird are both expecting kits
StumpySpirit has two kits, BoulderKit and BiteKit
DuskCatcher is expecting kits
PloverTuft I’d expecting kits
TumblePelt has four kits, WingKit, CressKit, MorningKit, BurdockKit
HayBird and TunaSplash had two kits, CicadaKit and FlowerKit
DuskCatcher had one kit, RobinKit
KestrelFur had four kits, ClearKit, bluffKit, ParchKit, LilacKit
MoonTuft and FallingDrift are killed
GarlicDrift and RyeThistle earn their names
PantherKit joins the clan
PranceLeap has SquirrelKit
PloverTuft has MilkWeedKit, LynxKit, MallowKir, MossyKit
GoldFishFur is made deputy!
CicadaWing is expecting kits!
BuckEyeHeart is expecting kits
RobinKit, MorningKit, PatchKit, BoulderKit, RunningHare, RaccoonFur are murdered!
CicadaWing has one kit, PatchKit
HazelNight and BarleyPatch are both expecting kits
DappledPelt has three kits, CrestedKit, BadgerKit, SnookKit
BuckEyeHeart has own kit, AspenKit
PranceBlossom is burnt alive
PheasantJaw was having a peaceful stroll and was killed by a fox
WolfStar thinks about retiring?
TawnyPatch and MudStream are expecting kits
BarleyPatch has one kit, LilyKit
PantherEye brought two kits home, BrackenKit, GorseKit
BlackBloom has four kits, IceKit, SongKit, MudKit, BeetleKit
HazelNight, RidgeKit
TawnyPatch has three kits with WolfStar, RainKit, MistleKit, BristleKit
SleetMark was killed by a badger
GoldPelt and BadgerRiver are supposedly killed by rogues, but wolfstar is acting guilty
MudStream had three kits, ShadowKit, CinderKit, DancingKit
HopeBee is expecting kits
MallowLightning is expecting kits
BroomDust had four kits, WeedKit, CicadaKit, MumbleKit, MiteKit
HopeBee has two kits, HeavyKit, BrightKit
NewtThroat died
BuckEyeHeart is expecting kits
TumblePelt is expecting kits
MallowLightning and DuskCatcher has three kits, FireKit, HollowKit, MoonKit
CinderKit and PebbleWhisker die of greencough
LarchFlower is expecting kits
ArchLeaf has four kits, StrikeKit, BuzzardKit, MossKit, WormKit
ThunderHorse is expecting kits
MiteKit, WeedKit, BrightKit, MudStream, QuailFoot, LarkCreek, MossyPelt, CicadaHeart, WingClaw, DappledPelt, PranceLeap SmallBlossom, KestrelFur, SkyMouse, FidgetWater, HeronFace, ClearBounce, HazelNight, BushFeather, RainFall, GorseFox, MossyAster, MartenHare, BadgerFreckle, TumblePelt, SongPool, RiverFlower, ivyFlight, WhirlAster, BarleyPelt, IceHeart, LightningStripe, PantherEye, LilacMark, SnailTail, SmokeyClaw, BluffDust, CressHail, WildAsh, LynxPelt, MallowSlip, PatchPaw, SnookPaw, IcePaw, JumpKite, FlyBlink, FallowBush, DogShadow, HeavyFeather, BuzzardKit, HeavyKit, RainKit, ShadowKit are killed in a fire
BuckEyeHeart has two kits, MidnightKit, CricketKit
LarchFlower dies in childbirth and has TallKit
ThunderRose and CatFishCrown had one kit, GrassHopperKit
AspenLight, CrestedStep, BadgerSplash are made warriors!
MumblePaw and CicadaPaw are made apprentices
Literally everyone is apprentices
TawnyPatch is expecting kits
lilyFlood, songFur, Mudwhisker, BeetleShade, BrackenTooth, GorseFur, RidgeTuft are made warriors
TawnyPatch and SheepFang are killed by rogues
MistleStreak and BristleFur are made warriors
WhistleBee and HayBird are expecting kits
PinkFoot is found dead
WhistleBee had three kits, SnailKit, OrangeKit, BubblingKit,
HayBird has three kits, TumbleKit, DayKit, WhistleKit
SleetPeak has JumpKit, ShiningKit, DampKit, SageKit
CicadaWing is killed by a badger
WolfFeather is found dead
DuskCatcher is expectingkits
FlowerFur has JumpKit
LocustWhisker is killed by a snake
FirePoppy, HollowStrike, StrikeHare, MossSwoop, WormPool, MidnightTail, CricketDrop, have been made warriors in the past few moons
DuskCatcher had three kits, WingKit, BerryKit, ThunderKit
BarleyPatch is expecting kits
TallLotus and GrasshopperTail is made warriors
BarleyPatch has BlackKit, StoatKit, JayKit
DancingWhisker is expecting kits
BeetleShade fights off a giant dog
Hubert joins the clan
SquirrelWhisper spins a story, vivid and engaging, telling the tale of a massive war their ancestors fought over the border the patrols is headed to mark. Not only does it keep every cat entertained, it really empathizes the importance of the patrol and motivated everyone
Bapohmet joins the clan
HayBird is expecting kits
BlackKit was found dead in the snow
DancingWhisker had four kits, PigeonKit BoneKit HatchKit
FreckleKit died of kittencough
HayBird and TunaSplash have one kit, MoorKit, who died in birth
ShineHeart, PlumPounce, MidnightTail, DampLeap, SnailTail2 are killed while on patrol with Wolfstar and goldfishFur.
DayFur and CrestedSlip are killed by rogues
TunaSplash is found dead
FirePoppy and laurelnight are killed by a gang of rogues
HollowStripe has two kits, LongKit and GrassKit a
SongFur is expecting kits
BerrySkip, ThunderTail, wingtooth are made warriors
CrookedStone had five kits, sageKit, StoatKit, ShardKit, TroutKit, DarkKit
OrangeRoar has five kits, LavenderKit, SlipKit, PondKit, PiperKit, AspenKit
AGrasshopperTsil has two kits, AmberKit and OddKit
SongFur has three kits, BearKit, HalfKit, SpikeKit,
GrassKit dies of a claw wound?
HayBird was found dead
GoldfishFur must speak with the leader about something they found on patrol
SlipKit and SpikeKit die
BrackenTooth is expecting kits
SquirrelWhisker and WhistleFox has three kits, EgretKit, BlotchKit, YewKit
DarkKit died of kittencough
GoldfishFur retires, his chronic joint pain in his one front leg catching up to him and causing him to almost lose a fight while on patrol.
LavenderKit died of kittencough
ChasingShade died from GoldfishFur’s mistake
StrikeHare had four kits, BlueKit RattleKit DryKit PartridgeKit
wormPool died of greencough
BrackenTooth has three kits, ForestKit, TornKit, FawnKit
MoonNettle died of green cough
StumpySpirit died of yellowcough
PondPaw and DryKit die of kittencough
SmallBeam is expecting kits
TumbleRunner is killed by a snake
SmallBeam has two kits, LoudKit and BlackKit
BearPaw died in a training accident with GoldfishFur
TallLotus has one kit, BeaverKit
ThunderHorse is expecting kits
WhistleBee died of heatstroke
ThunderHorse and CatFishCrown have four kits, WolfKit, DownyKit, GanderKit, SlopeKit
PineStripe dies from a snake
ThornThistle is found dead in their nests from old age
BristleFur is murdered
DuskCatcher finds an abandoned kit, RushKit
FlowerFur had two kits,
StrikeHare and BrackenTooth run away together!
BlotchPaw stares at WolfStar while they speak. WolfStar isn’t sure it means anything, but BlotchPaws lack of enthusiasm worries them. Brushing past it, WolfStar gives them the name BlotchPad for their composure
EgretNoise is found dead by a fox den
SlopeKit died of kittencough
WaspSky joins the clan
HopeBee was killed by a dog!
BlackBloom wandered out into the territory and is found dead.
RaccoonKit died of kittencough
DuskCatcher and HatchNose are killed by rogues
Wolfstar wails when they see the body of their parent, Puppynit lying still and cold. WolfStar wonders if, maybe, if they’re lucky puppy nut might visit them in a vision from starclan
StoatLeaf is killed by a badger
HalfSpeckle is expecting kits
HalfSpeckle had four kits, LaurelKit, JumpKit, OliveKit, RainKit
Goldfishfur is caught breaking the warrior code
CatFishCrown is found dead from old age
GoldfishFur has one kit, GuppyKit
BlackSpeckle is expecting kits
Baphomet has one kit, CherryKit
SageShine has three kits, ChasingKit, BogKit, GorgeKit
WolfPaw is made WolfLilac
BurdockCry has four kits, HeronKit, FlailKit, BraveKit, CurlyKit
Baphomet died of an infected wound
GorgeKit was taken by a hawk
BlackSpeckle has four kits, FleetKit, RainKit, SpottedKit, CreatureKit
RainKit and FleetKit are taken by a fox
BlotchPad has two kits, RiverKit and HollyKit
FlailKit died of kittencough
PlanktonPearl went missing and is found dead. Goldfishfur mourns deeply.
TallLotus is found dead by a fox den
MoleHeart is killed by greencough
PrickleFur had one kit, StreamKit
Biteflower was killed by a snake
LilyFlood is murdered
OlivePaw died of frostbite
SageShine died of greencough
BasilDust is expecting kits
yellowcresshollow died of whitecough
RidgeTuft is expecting kits
jumpwhisker is expecting kits
Fennelstem died of greencough
GoldfishFur bickered with FallingNight, his brother
WolfStar lost a life to a flood!
RidgeTuft died giving birth to FalconKit
GrasshopperTail and jumpwhisker have one kit, FlameKit
GuppyShadow is made a warrior
StoatTail had three kits, TuftKit, HawkKit, QuickKit
WolfStar killed QuickKit
SongFur had one kit, RippleKit
wolfStar attacks ThunderHorse, BreezeSplash, BriarNose, HollyPaw, SmallBeam, MallowLightening, HeronStorm, SleekDrift, LongRump, JumpLotus are killed by WolfStar in front of the clan.
WolfStar collects the bones of prey
wolfstar calls a meeting proudly to honour spiderwhsikers service to the clan as they retire, and rips out their throat
PrickleFur dies from a heart attack
pantherDusk, FlowerFur, MumbleEar, Mossswoop are swept away in a flood
BroomDust, the deputy, is killed by GoldfishFur for insulting Wolfstar
HollowStripe is made deputy
GoldfishFur has three kits, TallyKit, KoiKit, MilkKit
FallingNight was killed by a dog
ChasingFrodt is killed by a snake
PiperNoise has LarchKit, SpireKit, WhorlKit
Bramblejump dies of sickness
A large fight breaks out, and wolfstar and a group of rogues attack the clan with the help of GoldfishFur. During the battle, Goldfishfur is thrown into a pit of starving cats and he’s bitten by a snake. He doesn’t have time to succumb to the venom before hes torn apart.
Wolfstar eventually dies.
NeedlePelt, BitternFur, LarchKit, CrookedStone, PloverTuft, BogEar, BraveSkip, RainFur, FawnSnow, RushWish, FawnLeaf, LoudPelt, BlackSpeckle, ShardSpeck, JayHorse, BubblingSky, OrangeRoar, HalfSpeckle, TroutPeak, PiperNoise, BeetleShade, DancingWhisker are all killed in the battle
HollowStar is made leader
GrasshopperTail is expecting kits
GrasshopperTail has four kits, BarkKit, LongKit, HopeKit, SedgeKit
BerryKit is adopted into the clan
BuckeyeHeart is expecting kits
HollowStar has a kit, ShardKit
BasilDust died in their sleep
FeatherPelt has five kits, FrogKit, SiltKit, PantherKit, DogKit, BrushKit
WolfLilac is expecting kits
MudWhisker and OddPelt drowned
BuckeyeHeart has three kits, NettleKit, YewKit, MinkKit
ArchLeaf retires
WolfLilac is murdered
the clan is wiped out in a masacare, see HollowStar’s character profile for details.
A few stragglers escape, possibly to create new clans…
And that’s the end of QuickStar’s Legacy! Now I’m following a few small clans who will be posted about when they hit 100 moons each.
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20% OFF ALL FACE MASKS TODAY in my @society6 art shop!!!
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Neon mask =Yellow=
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Puraheal: N95 Masks with 5 Layer Protection
Choose Puraheal N95 P-9120 Yellow, the best face mask with valve protection. It offers you 5 layered protection shields: virus-resistant top layer, anti microbial, hot-air cotton composition, low breathing resistance, and reusable. ISO, CLI, ISI, DRDO, SITRA and CE Mark Certification have certified Puraheal masks and are considered the best. You can explore its exquisite range of O-6400 N95 White, P-4900 N95 Grey and P-9120 N95 Yellow masks for complete protection from coronavirus.
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Happy Independence Day 🇲🇾 Happy holidays all of us Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka! #yellowmoon #31august #merdeka #skincare #yellowmask #artistry_msb @youdeservetohave @jing.mei10 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTOKVb0PyHdY64XzOCy4ndSh6KFqmaevCmz0pM0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh Thank you to my niece @trisha_dabon_8 for this amazing shot. #bambooforest #Medellin #bambooforestmedellin #umbrella #prideumbrella #rainbowumbrella #pride #pridemonth #yellowmask #bluemaxidress #redshawl #sharewithpride #francheskadora #binibinisugbu (at Bamboo Forest, Medellin, Cebu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQs1KdsAwo-_phGezbF5HJIJgBWxq8q_Jb8WvM0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#newfacemasks #yellowmask https://www.instagram.com/p/CKVXZelnQeC/?igshid=1e8wcx98f51wi
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Just in time for your fall wardrobe: fall leaf masks. Beautiful red and yellow leaves 🍁 grace these gorgeous masks. Available for a short time on my Etsy.com/shop/ChattergokdStudios page. #fall #fallfashion #fallfashiintrends #masks #etsysellersofinstagram #fallleaves #redmask #yellowmask #yellowleaves https://www.instagram.com/p/CFcu9V_gA3Q/?igshid=w3jbfc5geeji
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What’s my favourite colour? . . Pixar Ball masks are back in stock!! . . #pine39 #pine39original #facemask #wearamask #weareinthistogether #facecovering #facecoverings #facemasks #facemasksforsale #disney #disneyfacemasks #disneyfacemask #disneypixar #pixar #pixarball #luxoball #yellow #yellowmask #yellowfacemask #allaboutyellow #yellowismyfavoritecolor #yellowisthebest #💛 #toystory #toystory2 #toystory3 #toystory4 #pixareastereggs #pixarmovies #pixarfilms (at Daventry, Northamptonshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDdwbvrDOAy/?igshid=169cawfkmrpnl
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Let your imagination go wild and make the best out of this trendy stripe print to show off your yellow love!! Go Yellow coz YOLO...... The best quality print suitable for #kurti #plazzo #shirt #blouse #pants #lower #patialasuit #croptop #hankerchief #homefurnishings #cottonshirting #yellowkurti #mask #cottonmask #yellowmask any many more Visit ctcjaipur.in to buy now Get flat 25% off on first order use.. Coupon code : 25OFFCTCJAIPUR #yellow #stripeprint #stripes #Jaipur #jaipurifabric #yellowstripes #artisans #bohemian #bohostyle #bedsheets #fabric #yellowfabric #yellowlabsofinstagram #yellowcottonkurti #cottonfabric https://www.instagram.com/p/CCqL2ZnDKzp/?igshid=1kwkpbzaeus25
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Made another mask with some (too) old fake leather but I made it a tight too big. Oh well, still better than nothing during cold/allergies ^^ the inside is so soft ~ . . . #mask #diy #diymask #yellow #yellowmask #handsewn #handsewing #couture #stayhome #staysafe #coronatime #allergies #coldweather #confinement #confinment #confinementcreatif #confinmentmood #quick #quickhandsewingchallange #quickhandsewing #quickdiy #hairelastic https://www.instagram.com/p/B-BQMq6n-jc/?igshid=70qz8azlly6c
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Yesterday I got link with some of my og “smokehouse” squad members @beanzjungle and @dirtysinatra!!! We missing a GANG of the squad but these are my yahwehs for eternity. Music brought us together. We definitely felt the spirit of #Projeck!!! WE LOVE YOU FOREVER BRUH!!!!! Shouts to @jjaer, @oliverthe2nd, @cliff_cloudz, @tthegawd, @neverdoubtin and the rest of the squad we missin’!!!! . . . #Yellowmask #GetRightMusic #BlackJungleSquad #CXLLECTIVE . . . 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾 (at South Side, Chicago) https://www.instagram.com/p/B165HbcHNOb/?igshid=112hfjzsvuk4e
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Esta foto é dedicada a @patysubocz Ela perguntou do Bogart alguns post atrás e resolvi levá-lo pra passear. Foi pra bolsa junto com o #colincoelin (nesta foto, ambos estão na janela do metrô. Eu tive coragem de colocar os 2 na janela 🙃) Como ele está bonitinho, sossegado, sem inventar coisas, agora ele está de Bogart. Na hora que pensa em aprontar alguma é Monsieur Bogart. Meio #doctorjekyllandmrhyde ##duplapersonalidade #quemresisteaumcoelhodemáscara #mask #yellowmask https://www.instagram.com/p/BslEWxRlanO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1on6bdy76rsd9
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