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wrilo · 11 months ago
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Quick Gummi Goo icon
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fairybin · 1 year ago
Fellow Texan, yeehaw 🫡
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jokezon-u · 2 months ago
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The cowboy ever!!!
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liathgray · 4 years ago
🌹 :))
A little bit from next chap...
🌹- “Okay so… ideas?”
“Beats me.”
“Very helpful, thanks.”
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grandschemed · 5 years ago
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@warpaved​ asked: talk about striker.
“ah, striker is … well, he’s my boyfriend,” marco laughs, suddenly shy, and it’s stupid, really, considering they’ve been together for … how long now?  a year and two, three months?  
god, before he knows it, it’ll be two entire years.  but for some reason, it feels longer than that.  maybe it’s because striker’s always been at his side for as long as he can remember.  
maybe he’s always thought of them together without him even realizing it.  striker who used to bring him breakfast every morning and now brings him breakfast in bed.  striker who massages his knee fifteen minutes a day twice a day like it’s a sacred ritual he never gets tired of, striker who always takes such good care of him.  striker who’s been there on every bad day and every good one too.  
ah, it was so fun to ring in the new year together this year, wasn’t it?  marco smiles at the memory.  from now on, he wants to welcome every new year together.  “i love him.”  he loves him.  it feels good to admit it.  to say it out loud even though it’s not the first time he’s said it.  he loves him, he loves him, he loves him.
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“i want to spend the rest of my life with him.”
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worstaid · 5 years ago
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name:    Dr. Ludwig ██████ 
nickname:   Medic ( Occupational title ), Lu, Lud, Luddy, Doc(tor), Doktor, Mad man, Quack,
gender:   Cis Male ( he/him )
romantic orientation:   Grayromantic, no explicit sexual preference / pansexual
preferred pet names:   While he won’t complain, Ludwig’s not particularly fond of pet names, but does enjoy being called variations of doctor.
relationship status:   Single, but interested in someone or involved depending on the verse. ( Tbh...... I default to him having a soft spot for Heavy but I’m THAT bitch )
favorite canon/fandom ship:   OGHOGOHOGHO HEAVY/MEDIC........... Though medic/engineer and sniper/medic are very close to my heart too
favorite crossover ship:   No one look at me but I feel like Olivia Octavius from Spider-verse and Lud would just....... work horribly
opinion on true love:   No, honey....... Scientifically impossible........ 
opinion on love at first sight:   What could be perceived as ‘love at first sight’ is simply monkey brain thinking that their genes are pretty epic and some epic offspring could occur, in Ludwig’s pessimistic and boring opinion
how ‘romantic’ are they?:   It varies from either a tad distant ( out of respect ) to DISGUSTINGLY SO. 
ideal physical traits:   ...........Durab—— No uh. He’s rather fond of unique looks? If presented with standard beauty it would take a bit more to get him interested. In general dark eyes, short hair, tall, likes to dress smartly ( does that count??? )
ideal personality traits:  Passionate, intelligent, curious
unattractive physical traits:   Like I said, those associated with traditional beauty. Artificial, young, 
unattractive personality traits:   So serious as to not humor ANY of his antics, boring, lacking any sort of curiosity or wonder, not willing to take care of themselves ( it’s one thing if they don’t know how, but if he’s giving them advice they don’t take he gets really angry ), I don’t wanna say stupid but.................
ideal date:  Surgery Time spent in a library looking at a potential book (perhaps one for each) then, after checking out the finds, sitting somewhere quiet with food or beverage and discussing what they’ve gotten. Kinda like......... An impromptu book club. OR, SIMPLY BIRD FEEDING.
do they have a type?:   Stoic men that are secretly sweethearts
average relationship length:   Verse-dependent, but he had been married for a little under a decade.
preferred non-sexual intimacy:   Surgery Kisses ( anywhere really, giving shoulders kisses are a favorite of his ), resting foreheads together while softly talking about whatever, holding hands ( he likes to brush his thumb across his partner’s hand )
commitment level:    Listen if you’ve managed to get him comfortable and genuine enough to where he’d actively consider himself in a relationship with you, it’s already til death do us part
opinion of public affection:   He’s kinda weird about it? On one hand he likes flustering his partners and watching their face heat up when he dotes on them, on the other hand he doesn’t like prying eyes. I suppose it depends on how public it is??
past relationships?:   Verse-dependent. In one I have in the works where he’s A LOT older than he appears to be ( by several hundred years ) and at one point he was married. They were both young and passionate, but Ludwig has a hard time with the concept of... letting go. He’s very damaged and will never let that on, but this partially feeds into his obsession with immortality and creating gods.
TAGGED BY:  @redheav​ ( love for paint is stored in the tommy )
TAGGING: @lil-miss-romano, @fraulinekritzkrieg​, @violetviolxnce​, and literally anyone else who wanna do this ( pls tag me i wanna see!! )
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all-of-your-mercy · 5 years ago
Me, having my occasional(tm) doubts: I probably don’t have ADHD, It’s just some sort of placebo effect My autistic / adhd friends: Go through the same dysfunction as me, perfectly understand the doubts and show similar traits of their disorders as I do Me: It’s placeb--
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blockeds-blog1 · 6 years ago
“KUROOOOOO-SAN!” his cheer is loud and clear as he speeds over to his captain. “Kenma-san’s got a whole thing that’s from the whole team but! From me!” waves around a little black cat plushie, plus a hastily put together little book of a bunch of the team photos (they all have kuroo in them, whenever it’s Nekoma being Nekoma n taking random photos or a selfie). And finally... lev takes a step back, bows. “THANK YOU FOR WORKING WITH ME!”
birthday 2018. / still accepting !
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for once helets him be as loud as he wants, he does not have the strength to tell him tobe quiet. probably what he should’ve done all this while, he is ready to take agood look at the album, expecting the worst from it but he only has time tospot one picture : all his team together during that one training camp withfukurodani and karasuno.
he thenjumps, surprised by what he last said, yet there is a smile on his face rightafter.
“thank youfor being such a good underclassman, Lev, even if I didn’t say it as often as Ishould’ve and not giving up on volleyball.” there's a chuckle.
“you’ll bea great ace someday.”
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caderecomic · 3 years ago
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The planets have aligned ... Cadere ad Astra is LIVE!!!゚+。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ
What happens when a prince from the heavens crash lands into a den of pirates? Read the first 7 (!!) pages here and find out! (+・`ω・)9
💫COMICFURY: https://cadereadastra.cfw.me/comics/first/#content-start
💫TAPAS: https://tapas.io/series/Cadere-Ad-Astra/info
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lem0n-t33th · 2 years ago
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i hate gay people
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ploppymeep · 3 years ago
I finally dyed my hair like Yugi !! Feeling very gender.
Seeing your hair inspired me <3
YEEHAWWWWWWWWW twinning!!!!!!!!!!! i bet u look awesome :oD
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the way that you have the most amazing songs on these playlists that i can scream to if i want to and then there are a sprinkle of the saddest songs i've ever heard that literally make me sob. you're sick for this
YEEHAWWWWWWWWW Icon For Hire has fabulous songs to scream to, truly
And yeah 😌😌😌 I love sad songs love the pain thank you
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lemonykleonella · 4 years ago
I have fleets on twitter nowwwwww yeehawwwwwwwww
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in-her-wildest-dreams · 6 years ago
omfg blank space just came on the radio!!!!!!! never hear it on radio anymore YEEHAWWWWWWWWW
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erabenai · 5 years ago
"get a load of this guy."
Looking around for the source of the strangely-familiar voice, Yasusada comes to see an... even more familiar face, almost. A face he’s only ever really seen in the photos and videos that Mutsunokami and his master take. He’s heard a little bit that... clones? copies? this kind of thing exist-- but has had yet to encounter one. And, certainly, not one of his own. 
“Hey! Who are you calling ‘this guy’?!” he puffs up his chest a bit and scrunches his face up, but it loses any effect it might have as his chin tucks a bit into his scarf. “I could say the same thing to you. I mean, literally!”
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hoechlin · 5 years ago
Who the hell isOrville Peck, sounds like a name John Wayne wishes was his
john wayne WISHES! Orville Peck HAS what ms.wayne WANTS! 
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