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kowaindar0u · 10 months ago
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Okay, that hurts.
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kowaindar0u · 11 months ago
Well. There's no getting up now, he thinks. Not until he absolutely has to.
Instead he gets comfortable, leaning back just a little to prop himself up with one hand on the engawa floor and the other resting on Kashuu's shoulder. As much as he likes to pester Kashuu, he knows it's not everyday that he'll just cuddle up like this, especially out in the open, and so he's not going to do anything to disturb that.
So, he just relaxes. Not falling asleep, but simply closing his eyes, enjoying the breeze, and letting Kashuu doze off again if he wants.
Too late, he's way too comfortable now, at least in his own way.
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It's rather a rare thing for him to also get a little chummy with Yasusada, even if they literally share the same room. Once or twice he's feeling it, and today's basically one of those days. He just snuggled up to his partner the best he can (at least trying to just for the heck of it) and started snoring lightly (or pretending to). "Heee...so cozy...hope this pillow doesn't try to go anywhere..."
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erabenai · 5 years ago
[ @autumnxsage - continued from here ]
Yasusada hasn’t been around to see the master in a short while, but today, while grabbing his own lunch, he thought it might be nice to go visit him and bring him a meal while he was at it. 
He was pleasantly suprised to see Akihiko already outside, as he was just barely succeeding in balancing a full tray in each hand. 
“Hi!” he greeted, grin brightening as he crouched a little and held out one of the trays for the saniwa. “No, I just thought I’d bring you some lunch! You deserve it, after all!”
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kowaindar0u · 11 months ago
For some reason... for some strange, unknown reason... the two Yasusada swords have been put on kitchen duty.
Even as soon as they both arrive to the kitchen and share a look, it's clear the feeling of impending disaster is mutual.
Taikyuu goes to the sink and starts washing his hands. That's always the first step. He knows that much. Yamatonokami follows suit.
"The hell is aruji thinking?" he mutters as he dries his hands off.
"I'm not sure," Yamatonokami admits. "But obviously they believe we can do... something..."
A long silence ensues, as they look around the kitchen for something that might give them an idea.
It's not that they can't think of any food. Between the two of them, they could eat the entire kitchen. But neither of them have any idea how to cook, or where to start (they could wash their hands again, but that'd get them nowhere, obviously). This is Taikyuu's first kitchen duty (he was pretty sure that was to be attributed to their master's good sense, but now he's not sure). Yamatonokami normally gets paired with someone who does know what they're doing and just helps them.
But now they are just. Not sure.
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kowaindar0u · 9 months ago
❰❰ EMBRACE ❱❱ sender embraces receiver
(For Yasusada :D)
[ An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme ]
Yasusada knows that he is potentially jeopardizing his mission, and potentially history itself by allowing this to happen. Luckily he's come to terms with what must happen from here on, but still, he feels in the back of his mind that he's in some way violating what should be.
But it had happened too fast: Okita had seen him looking... rather forlorn, having spaced out after seeing the Shinsengumi captain endure a short but harsh coughing fit. He knows what he has to do-- or not do, really-- but the thought, the temptation, of intervening... of providing the medicine he's got in his pack still... it's there, and it's not small.
Okita had noticed his troubled demeanor, and pulled him into a hug, and... How could Yasusada Okizawa refuse? He hugs him back tightly.
Souji doesn't seem to have lost much of his strength yet, judging by the tightness of the embrace, and it's almost enough to make him cry. This could be the best time to interfere, to save him, and the urge to do so still claws at him from the inside.
But he can't say any of that. All that comes out is an embarrassingly-feeble "Okita-kun..."
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kowaindar0u · 10 months ago
Yasusada wants to protest, and for a moment he thinks about calling the man's bluff about "the hard way"...
But then he hears in his mind those words, "favorite son," and while he's pretty certain it was a joke, he can't deny that he doesn't tend to make things easy for his parents, or his brother.
"Fine. I'll--"
His firm pout disappears as he's caught by a coughing fit. He covers his mouth with the crook of his elbow, and it's a few moments before it dies down. Maybe he's a bit stupid for avoiding the medicine, he thinks.
Now, he croaks out a genuine request. "I think I'll take it now-- and some water... Please?"
Cont. for Yasusada @kowaindar0u
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As someone who has had a severe illness in the past, Souji was not having it with his eldest son! He will take his medicine! He will maybe force it down his throat if he really has to. While this simple little cold of Yasusada's was not that huge of a deal, taking some medicine would definitely help him heal up quicker than not taking it.
"You're a grown boy and you still refuse to take your medicine." Whenever the youngest son was sick, he sure as hell wasn't damn stubborn. Of course every medicine is not going to taste good with it being mixed with herbs and some other stuff that Hijikata and Chizuru would know more about. "You can simply take this medicine and then chug down some water, or we can do this the hard way."
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kowaindar0u · 10 months ago
Not Papa Souji aggressively coming through the door. "Yasusada! Take your bloody medicine or I will have you go run laps!" Of course the medicine is not made from actual blood, but Souji just had the need to get a little bit dramatic there.
Yasusada pouts and sniffles, mostly due to his congestion, but he's taking advantage of it in hopes to score some pity points with his dad.
"But... It's so gross...!" he whines. "And the taste sticks around for so long... I'd rather just wait for my cold to go away!"
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erabenai · 5 years ago
[ for @swordsbesword - continued from here ]
Yasusada had been sat on the porch in front of his room, legs dangling, vision crossing a little as he’d zoned out, staring up the hill at the large cherry tree that sat atop it. It was a common sight, as he was usually prone to getting lost in his thoughts, whatever they may be, and forgetting the rest of the world, for the most part.
So, he was a little surprised by the tap to his shoulder, but even more surprising was the the item being held out to him. “Oh--!” 
He, very gingerly, took the garment (at least, he was pretty sure it was some kind of garment...) and looked at it closely. “This is...for me?” It was... a scarf, it seemed, though he was afraid to try it on, worried the motion of wrapping it around his neck might tear it up. “Wow, you guys must’ve worked really hard on this!” Carefully... very carefully, he folded it into one hand, enough so that it wouldn’t flop about too much to dislodge any stitching, and stood up. “Thank you both...!”
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erabenai · 5 years ago
“Sometimes, enemies and allies the Shinsengumi says that “Okita is hard to deal with because she recklessly slays people”. I just follow orders. If they tell me to kill, I kill. If they tell me don’t kill, I don’t kill. Do you think I recklessly slay people, Yasu-san?”
“Do I think so? Of course not! You’re diligent and loyal, and you do your very best every time, right? Don’t worry... Just because you might be hard to handle doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Trust me!”
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erabenai · 5 years ago
“Can we keep him? Pleeeeeeeeease...?”
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erabenai · 5 years ago
i tried to talk to Yasu and be his friend, but that is like trying to be friends with an evil snail.
“Eh? An evil snail? I’ve never heard that before... Well, we aren’t too close, but... if you want to be his friend, it’s more use to show him than to tell him. He hears things with his own twist on them sometimes and... well. Then he likes to argue. And yell.”
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erabenai · 5 years ago
“Can you open this for me?”
[ Platonic/Friendship Sentence Starters ]
Yamatonokami looks at the jar Okita’s holding out to him and puffs out his chest a little. “Of course!” He takes the jar, and with a determined pout, grips the lid and starts turning. Or… trying to, at least. He keeps twisting the lid but it really only serves to give his fingers a bit of a friction burn, so he pulls his hand a ways into his sleeve and uses the cloth of it to get a better grip. After an awkwardly long few minutes, the lid finally actually turns and he’s able to unscrew it. “Aha! Finally! Here you go!” he chirps, handing the jar back with a triumphant look tinged with some blush of embarrassment. 
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erabenai · 5 years ago
❝ Oh my god, why can’t you just take the freakin’ complimEEEENT? ❞
Yasusada couldn’t have been more caught off-guard by hearing that coming from Yagen-- he’d stopped in his verbal tracks and blinked, wide-eyed at the tantou for a few seconds... before his bewildered expression relaxed again into a lopsided grin. “Okay! Thanks, Yagen!” He lowered the wooden sword and put his free hand on his hip. “I have a long way to go, but you’re right, I’ve improved a lot!”
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erabenai · 5 years ago
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“Eh? Hey...!” Yasusada bends down to poke at this tiny Mikazuki. “What’s wrong, buddy?”
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erabenai · 5 years ago
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frostmaiden replied to your post “Can we keep him? Pleeeeeeeeease…?”
big thonk emoji
“I promise I’ll take good care of him! Who better to show him around and keep him out of trouble than me?”
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erabenai · 5 years ago
❝ Hey hey hey, kids, kids! … YAMATONOKAMI!!! … Honey can you be quiet, I’m just trying to do something. ❞
From anyone else’s point of view, this was probably one of the worst convenience store finds that the citadel had been subjected to. Yamatonokami didn’t even know how to use it, and yet, he hadn’t put it down since he’d returned from the store. 
From his point of view, Yamatonokami was having the time of his life. He may have had very little (read: none) musical talent or know-how, but he was having the time of his now-even-more-whimsical life with this... ‘recorder’ as it was called. He was getting better, too, or so he thought-- until Izuminokami’s outburst finally was enough to pull the thing away from his lips. 
“Oh... Sure! Just let me know when you’re done! Do you need help?”
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