kowaindar0u · 6 months
[ continuing from here | @zantedeschia-praesul ]
After the Awataguchi's performance (and some others, which eventually devolved into some very lively karaoke), Yuichi and Kogitsunemaru walked their guests back to their room (complete with "please, don't hesitate to wake me up if you need something" and "join us in the dining hall in the morning!") and then each retreated to their own respective rooms to get some sleep after the long day.
Yuichi slept much easier than he had the few nights before. The antsy excitement and anxiety of meeting and hosting someone new was gone, and in its place the relief and pleasant surprise of indeed a new friend.
He rose early, though, and made sure to join Kasen in the kitchen to prepare a breakfast and tea for himself and Saseki to share-- much to Kasen's delight.
However, through the preparations, the ambient shhhhhhhhhh of the rain outside gradually grew fainter and fainter, until suddenly... It was quiet, save for just a few faint 'tap.....tap.......tap....' every so often.
Yuichi looked up from the broccoli he was chopping, and out the window. The rain seemed to have reduced to just a sprinkling, and the dreary gray that usually cloaked the citadel was brightening, just so.
"Oh," he smiled, then looking to Kasen, Shokudaikiri, and Ookurikara who had come to prepare breakfast together. "I think Saseki-san's gift has been saving its power for today..."
After a quick moment of contemplation, Yuichi set his knife and broccoli down and stood up. "Excuse me, guys. I'll be back shortly."
And indeed, he was back, after a few moments of checking and talking with Konnosuke.
"Once we're done with breakfast, you guys take the day off. I'll let everyone else know too, when it's time to eat-- I think everyone deserves a chance to enjoy the day, hm?"
"Oh? Are you sure, aruji?" Shokudaikiri inquired. "What about lunch and dinner? I don't mind, really--"
Yuichi raised a hand to pause him. "I've just checked our expenses, and we've been doing pretty decently on our spending for the most part. We have some money to play with, including enough to order something delivered... If you like, you can help me sort that out later, but I want you to get out of the kitchen and relax or have fun, okay?"
By the time everyone is in the dining hall, the sun is out in full, with only a few drip-drops scattering about. ("A fox wedding~," Kogitsunemaru remarks fondly.) Yuichi announces to everyone that today shall be a free day-- no chores, no field work, just... a day to enjoy the sun.
With his breakfast, he makes to meet with Saseki.
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nxmelessfighter · 8 days
💤 (Ookurikara, from Izuminokami :'3)
Send 💤 for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep.
".....no more haikus.....I've heard enough....."
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incandescentia · 5 months
“Halt!” As the shrine maiden showed herself from her hiding place, a bow && its arrow were prepared to fire at will. Her gesture wasn't intended to outright attack, but simply as a warning towards the unknown warrior. Their attire appeared entirely as bizarre && outlandish as a kabukimono's to her, with an equally unfamiliar clan mon that adorned their robes. Who was exactly this person? She could only make some guesses for herself — perhaps they were an assailant or spy from another samurai clan? A sword was slung 'pon their hip, so it was clear that she wasn't dealing with some regular passingby peasant.
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“Identify yourself before you pass. Are you an ally or an enemy?”
➥ starter for @zantedeschia-praesul
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citadelofroses · 3 months
(@zantedeschia-praesul) "Your eyes… they're mesmerizing." 💋 (for Mikazuki, but I'll let you pick which muse teehee)
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The moon is full when Izuminokami tells him that his eyes are mesmerizing. Mikazuki's gaze turns to the young man slowly, a warm, but sad smile on his face.
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"Why thank you, Kanesada-kun. Ha ha, would you believe me if I said that the crescent moons in them reflect the phases of the moon ever so slightly?"
Oh, but ... isn't he close? Mikazuki's eyes flicker over his form and he wonders briefly if the younger sword is teasing him, especially when he presses his mouth against his cheek. Mikazuki's sleeve raises to his mouth, and he laughs, soft and sweet as ever.
"You'll get in my good graces if you keep doing that."
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kowaindar0u · 6 months
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul / continuing from here ]
"Hi," Fudou greets as Izuminokami notices him, and moves to walk in step with the uchigatana-- though he doesn't quite keep pace with his longer strides. "I'm alright!" he replies, a little slurred as per usual, but in decent spirits. "Where're you goin'?"
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
This may be the most gutsy thing Yuichi has ever done.
He's been harboring something of a crush on Saseki for... well he's not sure how long now. Any time they go anywhere, even just a walk around one of their citadels, Yuichi just feels like some kind of ditzy lovesick puppy following him around.
He... can't be sure, since feeling like this is a first for him, but... all that said, he does think it's more than a crush. They have a bond, a strong one-- and so, even if his romantic feelings had been one-sided, he would have still loved being by his side.
But Saseki had just confessed, rather suddenly, and Yuichi had leaned over to softly press his lips to his.
And now they're kissing, and Yuichi feels ever-so-slightly like he might pass out, and his heart pounds in his chest, enough that in any other situation he'd be probably trying and failing to do some breathing exercise to calm down...
But... it's... a good anxiety, so instead, he finds Saseki's hand and gives it a small squeeze.
He pulls away just a little at first, remaining just an inch away for a few moments before slowly leaning back. He's not sure where to look now, so his eyes dart from Saseki to various points around the room, and then finally settle on their hands.
"I... hope I understood correctly...?"
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
"I know I did," Yuichi agrees wholeheartedly. He knows Kashuu takes good care of his appearance and the way he presents himself, but he still somehow manages to make it seem so effortless. He admires him, sure, and also almost envies him-- Yuichi could put in the work if he wanted, but he still wouldn't have a good sense of what to do with said work. None of it comes natural to him.
"O-Oh," he smiles, though his cheeks tint a shy pink. "Thank you..."
He's not sure if he should ask what Kashuu has planned or just let him do his thing. If this were a time where Kashuu or another touken danshi (let's be real, it's usually Midare) wanted to just dress him up or make him over for fun, he would honestly be perfectly fine, if not a bit awkward, to let them do what they wished with him. But... he'd come to Kashuu specifically seeking out help this time.
He'd found himself realizing that while this wasn't his first... 'outing' with Nagasone to their private garden area, this upcoming time would be their first planned excursion there together-- essentially their first date, in his mind at least.
And so, contrary to how much he's looking forward to simply being blissfully there with Nagasone, he finds himself a little nervous about preparing for it. So... this is important to him.
"...What did you have in mind?"
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kowaindar0u · 6 months
[ @zantedeschia-praesul ]
Yuichi's first Konnosuke, who has been with him since he first came to even be saniwa, is being reassigned. He's known the whole time that the kudagitsune rotate their posts, but still, he's a bit emotional about the whole ordeal. This Konnosuke has been with him through this all, and he's grown attached... so, he wants to make sure his next saniwa takes good care of him-- not that there's any reason to think otherwise, but still-- and he's put it in a letter to arrive with Konnosuke to his next honmaru:
Hello, Fellow Saniwa,
I hope this letter finds you well.
I would like to express my earnest hope and gratitude, for both you and Konnosuke who is arriving to your honmaru. He has been an immense support for me in the past several months since I have been appointed by the Government of the Time. He is attentive and diligent, and exercised great patience with me. I am almost heartbroken to see him go, however, I know he will continue to serve you well as he did for me, and I am happy to give him the opportunity.
I only ask that you treat him well and take good care of him. It isn't that I anticipate you would do any differently, I just would be remiss if I didn't implore you to do so.
I wish you and Konnosuke well. Rest assured you are in good paws.
P.S. - He especially loves his tofu stuffed with shrimp. Please treat him to it once in a while.
He includes his contact information as well as his honmaru's designation, and sends it with the rotation papers.
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kowaindar0u · 1 month
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Taikyuu's amethyst eyes stay locked on to Yamatonokami, applying a silent pressure that clearly seems to work. They flick away for a brief moment, though as his brother admits he's worried he'd be upset. He feels bad, but... well, he can't blame him.
But he's still, and while his expression is intense, it's more of curiosity and concern. If Yamatonokami, of all people, keeps a secret... he's got his reasons.
He reaches over to pick up one of the ends of the cloth.
"You know not much scares me," Taikyuu insists, though his tone is much less bragging, and more so hoping to be reassuring. "Tell me."
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Oh, man...
As Kashuu leaves them alone, Yuichi doesn't know the last time he's felt this...shy, just standing and looking at someone-- and normally, he'd be averting his eyes, just from being overwhelmed, but well... Nagasone just looks so handsome, he doesn't actually want to look away.
"You... You look really nice," he finally says, slowly snapping out of his slight daze of being almost starstruck. He moves closer and gently takes Nagasone's hand in his, with the umbrella still in his free hand, and lifts the hand to press a soft and almost polite kiss to his knuckles. Though the gesture maybe seems subdued, his eyes are definitely smiling.
He is a bit flustered, and everything he's doing feels like it's in slow motion, but... he doesn't mind.
"Shall we walk?"
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kowaindar0u · 5 months
[ for @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Taikyuu is not having it. He couldn't exactly stop Yamatonokami from charging in like an idiot (he thinks, but the reality is he is prone to do similar things), and while his brother did impressive work in cleaning up, he's taken a lot of damage and they're still far from being in the clear.
"Bullshit," Taikyuu hisses, poised to launch himself at the nearest retrograde soldier that makes a move. "Like I'm going to let you do all the work! Hold them off, I'm gonna start clearing some of them out--" He catches the blade of one soldier on his own, but he's ready. He diverts their sword and strikes through him easily. But that's just one. Hopefully if he takes the brunt of it from here on, they can defeat them quickly enough to avoid any further injury.
"Hey!" he yells, leaping and landing back into the middle of the small clearing between them and Yamatonokami. "Come get me!"
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kowaindar0u · 4 months
[ for @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Sunao smiles, clearly pleased that this little delivery is so welcome.
"Yes," he confirms, using both hands to hold the box out for the uchigatana to take. "It's melonpan. I made a batch yesterday for after dinner, but I know you're a fan of this kind of snack, so... I made sure to set some dough aside to bake once you got back from your sortie." He tilts his head a little, mild but genuine concern reflecting in his expression. "I hope everything went alright on your mission?"
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kowaindar0u · 2 months
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Yuichi winces a little himself at Mutsunokami's scream, but he quickly resumes his work at cleansing the wounds. The sooner he can finish, the closer he'll be to having the uchigatana healing and feeling better.
Still, he hates to put him through this, especially after what he'd just come back from. It's a necessary evil, but that doesn't mean either of them have to enjoy it.
"It's alright," he replies softly, as he presses the sponge to another slash wound as delicately as he can while still being effective. "I'm just glad you made it back safe..."
A few seconds later, delayed by his focus on the task at hand, "...And I'm sorry we have to resort to this. Normally you know I'd prefer using magic, but... I'm a bit spent from getting Yagen stabilized so quickly-- it'd be irresponsible of me to try a spell on you without prepping your wounds first. I couldn't live with myself if something went wrong in the healing process..."
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kowaindar0u · 3 months
[ I somehow deleted the ask while I was trying to type the reply so... New Post lol ]
@zantedeschia-praesul sent [HAIR], for Kashuu & Yuichi
[ 🌙  *  ―     𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒 ]
[ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 ] ― sender strokes receiver’s hair
[taking it back a little if you don't mind!]
Just a few days after Yuichi's thirteenth summon, it became necessary to dispatch his men to a sortie-- so with one team already out, this meant he'd had to send a second unit for the first time.
He sends Kashuu out relatively frequently, of course, as he's the most experienced, but... this time Yuichi had left him off of the unit's lineup.
He's so stressed. He's still a bit drained from the summoning a couple days ago, and this on top of more toudans dispatched, and just the worry about them all...
If Yuichi has to be alone in the citadel with anyone right now, it's Kashuu.
So, after seeing off their second unit, they're sitting on the engawa. The citadel is so, so quiet, even compared to their relatively meager full population.
He hadn't expected Kashuu to stroke his hair like that, but... the soft gesture seemed to break something of a dam within Yuichi, as he lets out a wavering sigh and turns away to try and blink away the tears starting to form in his eyes. Even with Kashuu, he prefers not to cry if he can help it.
"It's... They're gonna be fine, yeah? We don't need to worry..."
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kowaindar0u · 17 days
[ with @zantedeschia-praesul | from here ]
Nocturnal or no, Yuichi has never been a 'morning' person. He sleeps so heavily, and waking up is so hard...
Both of those factors only increase when he's snuggled up with a boyfriend or two (and perhaps even more after certain activities).
His eyes scrunch up a little at the kiss to his cheek, and the arms around Saseki's middle tighten some to pull them closer together.
After an ungraceful moment of half-awake untangling his foot from the blankets, he finally hooks a leg over Saseki's as a further silent protest to him getting out of bed. Saseki is so warm and he's so comfortable and content...
"Don't leeeave meee..."
A pitiful sentence, the sleepy pout evident in his voice as he presses his cheek against Saseki's shoulder.
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kowaindar0u · 1 month
found a good "draw ur ot3" pic so here we are lol
(cc @zantedeschia-praesul )
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(original below the cut hehe)
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